Python for Coaches Part 3: An intro to getting data from API's & the web -

Mining Cam Wurf's long term data with Strava

In my last 2 posts, I introduced coaches to the wonderful world of coding by looking at how we can pull data programatically from individual Garmin files. While this data is interesting, we Coaches tend to operate more from a "forest" level than a "tree" level, i.e. we want to use BIG (long term) data to better understand our athletes.

When it comes to Big Data, one of the biggest repositories of data for endurance athletes has to be the website Strava. I have a love-hate relationship with Strava. I hate that it encourages athletes to race in training, but a lot of athletes love it & publically post their data so, as a coach who loves data, I love that!

Another thing that I love about Strava is that they have a great public API to access this data. I'm going to dive into Strava's API and API's in general in this post.

You can consider the last 2 posts as a bit of a warm up. This one is definitely a "main set". It might hurt a bit but stick with it & take it one 'rep' at a time & you'll be a stronger coder on the other side! So, let's get into it...

But, before we do that, I've prepared an interactive Colab workbook for this (as I did for the previous posts) so you can save a copy and code along with me. This will be particularly useful if you go through the process of signing up for Strava API access yourself. A quick reminder that, in order for the code to run in Colab, each cell must be 'played' sequentially. And, for this tutorial, you'll need to replace various API parameters in the code (client id, client secret etc) with your own parameters that Strava provides when you sign up. OK, now that's out of the way, on to the fun stuff....


One of those athletes who loves Strava enough to post quite regularly is Cam Wurf (pictured in red above). I'm a fan of Cam's. He's an Aussie, so he has that going for him :-) And I like the humble attitude that he's brought to Ironman - not necessarily to his competitors but to the race itself, the beginners mindset of really focusing on learning as much as possible despite a long history in endurance sports. Anyhow, when I'm a fan of an athlete, I like to keep tabs on their progress maybe a bit different to how most do: I like to do it programatically :-) So that's what we're going to do in this post, we're going to look at how we can pull data on our favorite athletes (or a whole bunch of non-favorite athletes for that matter) from the web.

First a quick review of how the web works...

The web is basically one big telephone call. I call a server from a company & make a request that they send me something. They respond by sending that thing back my way, generally as a page of html, css and javascript that my browser knows how to interpret and render.

The 2 most common types of requests that my browser makes are GET and POST. GET predictably asks to get something from the server - generally a page of html. POST requests that you give me back something after I give you some info e.g. I POST a login and then you send me back info after I prove that I'm authenticated to receive it.

However, these requests don't have to come from a browser. These requests can come from your Python program - appropriately, by using a library called requests e.g.

In [1]:
import requests

response = requests.get('')
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In the above, I make a request to the triathlon website Slowtwitch with Python and they send me back all of the html, css & javascript of the homepage in exactly the same way that they would send it back to my browser if it made the same request.

The 3 types of "code" that the server generally sends back are CSS, Javascript & HTML...

  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheets, deals with the styling of the page, e.g. body {color:blue} will turn all of the text in the body of the page blue.
  • Javascript is a powerful scripting language. However, in the context of web pages it is generally used to provide user initiated responses on the page. E.g. when you hover over a chart and a tooltip pops up, it's javascript code that enables that to happen
  • HTML (hypertext markup language) is the "code" that tells the browser how to render pages that are sent to it. It is primarily a 'layout' language e.g. <p> simply mean start a new paragraph & </p> means close paragraph <div> for division, <img> for 'insert an image here' etc. Importantly, though, in addition to all of these layout tags, the html also contains all of the content, the text, of the page. This content can be programatically pulled into data repositories - databases, spreadsheets etc.

If you go to in your browser and right click on the page & click "view page source", you'll see that it matches the html returned by the request above. This is the code that is sent to the browser before it is displayed. As I said above, Python has no problem pulling any data straight from html, therefore, it's definitely worthwhile to become familiar with html in general &, especially the html of some of your favorite sites.

However, requests don't always return html. Sometimes they return data, generally in JSON format or XML. (See this page from W3 Schools to see what each of these formats looks like When a company sets up request 'endpoints', i.e specific url's, that allow a public user to return data directly, rather than through html, we call that an API - application programming interface. In other words, they are giving you a direct programatic interface to their application.

Importantly, whether a company offers an API or not, any data that you see & have access to can be pulled with Python (and even some that you don't have access to, but you'll have to stay tuned to my next series - 'Computer hacking for Coaches' for that ;-) This amounts to a CRAP TON of potential data that is available to mine and feed to models. I'll outline some of the ways that you can pull data from html in this post. However, it is nice when a company offers up an API. It saves you from having to dig around in html and hidden urls and provides the data directly and in a consistent, predictable format.

For example - coindesk offers a simple open API that returns the current price of bitcoin in json format...

In [3]:
response = requests.get('')
{"time":{"updated":"Nov 27, 2020 14:49:00 UTC","updatedISO":"2020-11-27T14:49:00+00:00","updateduk":"Nov 27, 2020 at 14:49 GMT"},"disclaimer":"This data was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (USD). Non-USD currency data converted using hourly conversion rate from","chartName":"Bitcoin","bpi":{"USD":{"code":"USD","symbol":"&#36;","rate":"16,931.6828","description":"United States Dollar","rate_float":16931.6828},"GBP":{"code":"GBP","symbol":"&pound;","rate":"12,685.2337","description":"British Pound Sterling","rate_float":12685.2337},"EUR":{"code":"EUR","symbol":"&euro;","rate":"14,184.5004","description":"Euro","rate_float":14184.5004}}}

Strava has a similar API that will return data directly to you, the Coach! However, like many API's, in order to give you this data, it first requires authentication so that you are only able to pull data from athletes who have approved you to do so. For this, they implement Oauth2 authentication, where an athlete gives permission to your app to access their data and you receive a token back that proves that they have given you that permission.

This is a common pattern in API's (you'll go through the same steps if you implement Garmin's API) so it's worth diving into in a bit of depth. In Strava's case, the sequence is as follows...

1. Sign up for access to their API at...


When you've done this, you'll get registered and get a client id.

2. Once you have that, go to...[REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost/exchange_token&approval_prompt=force&scope=profile:read_all,activity:read_all

And you will get an authorization screen giving your app permission to access your strava data.


Once you've clicked "authorize" Strava will take you (or whoever is authorizing to use your app back to the redirect page that you provided in your app submission (in our case, our local computer - localhost) with an authorization "code" in the url.

3. Make a note of this "code" in your url, as it is what you will need to make API calls e.g.


In that bit that I've blacked out after code, you'll find your own code. Take note of this. This code says "John Smith is giving you access to his account".

4. We'll pass (POST) this info back to strava in order to get a token back that will allow our specific app to get data from John Smith's account...

In [ ]:
import json

response =
    url = '',
    data = {'client_id':YOUR_CLIENT_ID,

If you replace the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET etc with your own data from your app & run the cell, you'll see that Strava responds to our request to get data from John Smith's account with an access token that tells Strava who you are, what app you're referencing and what athlete gave you permission to access their data.

5. Once we have this access token, we're good to go! We can pass it to any of Strava's API requests as follows...

In [31]:
response = requests.get("")
[{"resource_state":2,"athlete":{"id":342595,"resource_state":1},"name":"Afternoon Ride","distance":24528.8,"moving_time":3725,"elapsed_time":3725,"total_elevation_gain":0.0,"type":"Ride","workout_type":null,"id":4399065961,"external_id":"","upload_id":4701755239,"start_date":"2020-11-21T23:53:08Z","start_date_local":"2020-11-21T16:53:08Z","timezone":"(GMT-07:00) America/Denver","utc_offset":-25200.0,"start_latlng":null,"end_latlng":null,"location_city":null,"location_state":null,"location_country":"United States","start_latitude":null,"start_longitude":null,"achievement_count":0,"kudos_count":0,"comment_count":0,"athlete_count":1,"photo_count":0,"map":{"id":"a4399065961","summary_polyline":null,"resource_state":2},"trainer":false,"commute":false,"manual":false,"private":true,"visibility":"only_me","flagged":false,"gear_id":null,"from_accepted_tag":false,"upload_id_str":"4701755239","average_speed":6.585,"max_speed":8.2,"average_cadence":57.8,"average_temp":24,"average_watts":152.0,"weighted_average_watts":167,"kilojoules":566.1,"device_watts":true,"has_heartrate":true,"average_heartrate":117.0,"max_heartrate":140.0,"heartrate_opt_out":false,"display_hide_heartrate_option":true,"max_watts":269,"pr_count":0,"total_photo_count":0,"has_kudoed":false}]

As you can see, this particular call (GET /activities) retrieves all activities from that athlete in a nice json formatted list. This is just one of the available API calls. You can read about the others in Strava's API documentation (

One final note, if dealing with the above in a production setting, you won't want the user to have to authorize your app every time! :-) To avoid this, we make use of the 'refresh_token' that is also returned to you. If the old token has expired, we make the same POST to that we made above, only this time under 'grant_type' we put 'refresh_token' and instead of code, we pass 'refresh_token':value of refresh token.

While the above is a super useful way to pull data from other athletes, for accessing your own data, a simple login will do. You could, of course, log in manually but where's the fun in that? :-)

We can use our simple requests library to do it programatically. You'll remember that I said above that, at its core, a login is a simple POST request. We POST a server data about us - generally a username or email & a password and they send us back the information that we request after determining that we are authenticated to receive it. However, in addition to email and password, it is common practice that we will also send an authentication code to show who we are and that we are coming from the login page so let's start by finiding that code on the login page.

Whenever we want to navigate through multiple pages on a site, it's best to instantiate a session. This simply passes all of the information from previous pages to future pages in the same session, e.g. if we log in and then view an authenticated page, we don't want to have to login again to see another authenticated page. Session takes care of that by passing your data between pages in the same session. So, let's do that & start by getting the login page so that we can find the authentication code & then POST our email, password & the code to Strava to authenticate...

In [2]:
session = requests.Session()

login_response = session.get('')
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As I said above, in addition to our email and password, most sites will require a token to login so let's see if we can find it in the html response that we got when we requested the login page (above). For this, we'll introduce a new library called Beautiful Soup that parses html (like we got in the request above) to find stuff...

In [3]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(login_response.text)
token = soup.find('input', {'name': 'authenticity_token'}).get('value')
print(f"Token {token}")
Token rVKtLeeFL+B/eL5/RU/5/BjCZLY79Yk+8f0egTdtf7VZ41pguJqAL2uJvUKPcmkk+tTRwtS4LFAzZ+V9bqZ6FQ==

So, the code above is pretty straight forward, we pass our login html to the BeautifulSoup class then we ask it to 'find' html with an 'input' tag & with the name 'authenticity_token'. In html this will look like

<input name='authenticity_token'> Token value </input>

It does this and prints the token that it finds between these tags back to us. To confirm that beautiful soup is doing its job, if you're viewing this in the Colab workbook, you can ctrl-f "authenticity_token" on the html above and you'll be able to find something that looks like the token above in the text.

Cool, so now we have our authentication token. Next step is just POSTing that along with our email and password to Strava to login...

In [4]:
response ='', data={'email':'YOUR_EMAIL', 'password':'YOUR_PASSWORD', 'authenticity_token': token})
<Response [200]>

We got back a "200" response from Strava, which in http-speak means "all clear". Excellent. As an aside, some other common responses that you'll want to be familiar with..

  • 301 - the page you're requesting has moved
  • 400 - can't process the request due to the way it's formatted
  • 401 - not authorized to view that page
  • 404 - not found. Can't find the page you're referencing
  • 500 - server error preventing it from processing request

Now let's grab some data....

Now that we're authenticated, if you know the activity number of any public activity, you can easily get the data e.g. let's take a look at Cam's ride from November 24th (id number 4385737177) You can find the id number for any activity if you click on it as the last bit of the url e.g. activity/1234567...

To get a summary of the power_data from the ride, we just call the end point activities/power_data e.g.

In [5]:
response = session.get('')
power_data = response.text
{"weighted_power":263,"training_load":150,"max_watts":876,"relative_intensity":65,"cp_data":[[1335,1335,876],[1338,1339,832],[1338,1340,815],[1335,1338,817],[1335,1339,814],[1335,1340,809],[1335,1341,807],[1335,1342,806],[1335,1343,806],[1334,1343,798],[1334,1344,791],[1334,1345,783],[1335,1347,783],[1335,1348,783],[1335,1349,780],[1335,1350,778],[1334,1350,775],[1334,1351,773],[1334,1352,768],[1334,1353,763],[1334,1354,758],[1334,1355,754],[1334,1356,747],[1333,1356,737],[1334,1358,732],[1334,1359,729],[1334,1360,726],[1334,1361,723],[1334,1362,719],[1334,1363,716],[1334,1364,714],[1334,1365,712],[1334,1366,711],[1334,1367,706],[1333,1367,700],[1334,1369,698],[1334,1370,697],[1334,1371,696],[1334,1372,695],[1334,1373,694],[1334,1374,692],[1334,1375,691],[1334,1376,690],[1334,1377,688],[1334,1378,687],[1334,1379,687],[1335,1381,688],[1335,1382,689],[1334,1382,690],[1334,1383,690],[1334,1384,689],[1334,1385,688],[1334,1386,686],[1334,1387,683],[1333,1387,680],[1332,1387,676],[1334,1390,673],[1334,1391,674],[1334,1392,674],[1334,1393,672],[1333,1393,669],[1332,1393,666],[1334,1396,662],[1334,1397,662],[1333,1397,660],[1332,1397,657],[1331,1397,653],[1330,1397,649],[1330,1398,644],[1329,1398,638],[1328,1398,631],[1328,1399,624],[1328,1400,617],[1328,1401,609],[1324,1398,602],[1324,1399,596],[1323,1399,590],[1323,1400,583],[1330,1408,576],[1329,1408,572],[1329,1409,568],[1329,1410,564],[1329,1411,560],[1330,1413,556],[1330,1414,553],[1330,1415,550],[1330,1416,547],[1330,1417,544],[1330,1418,541],[1330,1419,538],[1330,1420,535],[1330,1421,533],[1330,1422,530],[1329,1422,527],[1330,1424,525],[1330,1425,523],[1330,1426,520],[1330,1427,518],[1330,1428,517],[1330,1429,514],[1330,1430,511],[1330,1431,509],[1330,1432,506],[1330,1433,504],[1330,1434,502],[1330,1435,500],[1330,1436,498],[1330,1437,497],[1330,1438,495],[1330,1439,493],[1330,1440,491],[1330,1441,489],[1330,1442,487],[1330,1443,486],[1330,1444,484],[1330,1445,482],[1330,1446,480],[1330,1447,479],[1329,1447,477],[1330,1449,475],[1329,1449,473],[1330,1451,471],[1329,1451,469],[1329,1452,467],[1328,1452,464],[1330,1455,462],[1330,1456,461],[1330,1457,459],[1329,1457,457],[1328,1457,455],[1328,1458,453],[1329,1460,451],[1329,1461,449],[1329,1462,447],[1328,1462,445],[1328,1463,442],[1329,1465,440],[1329,1466,438],[1328,1466,436],[1328,1467,434],[1329,1469,432],[1328,1469,430],[1328,1470,427],[1328,1471,425],[1330,1474,424],[1329,1474,423],[1328,1474,421],[1328,1475,419],[1328,1476,417],[1328,1477,415],[1329,1479,413],[1329,1480,412],[1328,1480,410],[1329,1482,409],[1329,1483,407],[1329,1484,406],[1329,1485,405],[1330,1487,403],[1330,1488,402],[1330,1489,401],[1330,1490,401],[1330,1491,400],[1329,1491,399],[1329,1492,397],[1328,1492,396],[1329,1494,394],[1329,1495,393],[1329,1496,392],[1330,1498,391],[1330,1499,391],[1330,1500,390],[1329,1500,389],[1330,1502,388],[1330,1503,387],[1330,1504,387],[1329,1504,386],[1330,1506,385],[1330,1507,385],[1330,1508,384],[1330,1509,384],[1330,1510,383],[1330,1511,383],[1330,1512,382],[1330,1513,382],[1330,1514,381],[1330,1515,381],[1330,1516,381],[1330,1517,380],[1330,1518,380],[1329,1518,379],[4217,4407,378],[4217,4408,378],[4217,4409,378],[4217,4410,378],[4217,4411,378],[4219,4414,378],[4219,4415,378],[4219,4416,378],[4218,4416,378],[4217,4416,378],[4217,4417,378],[4217,4418,378],[4217,4419,378],[4217,4420,378],[4217,4421,378],[4217,4422,377],[4219,4425,377],[4219,4426,377],[4218,4426,377],[4217,4426,377],[4217,4427,377],[4217,4428,377],[4215,4427,377],[4215,4428,377],[4215,4429,377],[4215,4430,376],[4215,4431,376],[4215,4432,376],[4215,4433,375],[4215,4434,375],[4215,4435,375],[4214,4435,374],[4214,4436,373],[4213,4436,373],[4213,4437,372],[4213,4438,371],[4214,4440,370],[4214,4441,370],[4207,4435,369],[4206,4435,369],[4215,4445,368],[4215,4446,368],[4215,4447,368],[4215,4448,368],[4215,4449,368],[4217,4452,368],[4217,4453,368],[4215,4452,368],[4215,4453,368],[4215,4454,367],[4215,4455,367],[4215,4456,367],[4215,4457,367],[4215,4458,367],[4215,4459,366],[4215,4460,366],[4215,4461,366],[4215,4462,366],[4215,4463,365],[4215,4464,365],[4215,4465,365],[4215,4466,365],[4215,4467,365],[4215,4468,365],[4215,4469,365],[4215,4470,364],[4215,4471,364],[4215,4472,364],[4215,4473,363],[4215,4474,363],[4215,4475,363],[4215,4476,363],[4215,4477,363],[4215,4478,363],[4215,4479,362],[4215,4480,362],[4215,4481,362],[4215,4482,362],[4215,4483,362],[4215,4484,361],[4278,4548,361],[4277,4548,361],[4277,4549,361],[4276,4549,361],[4275,4549,361],[4217,4492,361],[4216,4492,361],[4215,4492,361],[4215,4493,361],[4270,4549,361],[4269,4549,360],[4267,4548,360],[4266,4548,360],[4265,4548,360],[4264,4548,360],[4264,4549,360],[4263,4549,360],[4262,4549,360],[4260,4548,360],[4260,4549,360],[4259,4549,360],[4258,4549,360],[4217,4509,360],[4216,4509,359],[4215,4509,359],[4215,4510,359],[4215,4511,359],[4216,4513,359],[4215,4513,359],[4215,4514,359],[4215,4519,359],[4217,4526,359],[4217,4531,359],[4220,4539,360],[4219,4543,360],[4219,4548,361],[4215,4549,361],[4214,4553,359],[4206,4550,357],[4204,4553,355],[4203,4557,353],[4215,4574,352],[4219,4583,353],[4217,4586,353],[4215,4589,353],[4215,4594,353],[4215,4599,352],[4215,4604,352],[4215,4609,351],[4213,4612,349],[4205,4609,348],[4203,4612,346],[4215,4629,346],[4215,4634,345],[4215,4639,345],[4215,4644,344],[4215,4649,343],[4215,4654,343],[4215,4659,343],[4215,4664,343],[4215,4669,343],[4215,4674,343],[4215,4679,343],[4215,4684,343],[4215,4689,343],[4215,4694,342],[4214,4698,342],[5638,6127,341],[5636,6130,341],[5634,6133,340],[5634,6138,340],[5634,6143,340],[5638,6152,339],[5635,6154,339],[5639,6163,339],[5639,6168,339],[5639,6173,339],[5638,6177,339],[5634,6178,339],[5634,6183,339],[5630,6184,338],[5629,6188,338],[5626,6190,337],[5617,6186,337],[5615,6189,336],[5615,6194,335],[5607,6191,335],[5606,6195,334],[5604,6198,333],[5590,6189,332],[5590,6194,332],[5581,6190,331],[5581,6195,331],[5569,6188,330],[5569,6193,329],[5569,6198,329],[5564,6198,328],[5537,6176,328],[5533,6177,328],[5533,6182,328],[5533,6187,327],[5531,6190,327],[5531,6195,326],[5529,6198,326],[5524,6198,325],[5519,6198,324],[5515,6199,323],[5505,6194,322],[5501,6195,321],[5499,6198,321],[5492,6196,320],[5488,6197,319],[5481,6195,319],[5475,6194,318],[5473,6197,317],[5469,6198,316],[5464,6198,315],[5438,6177,315],[5705,6449,315],[5705,6454,315],[5688,6442,315],[5683,6442,316],[5678,6442,316],[5677,6446,316],[5675,6449,317],[5667,6446,317],[5667,6451,317],[5666,6455,317],[5658,6452,317],[5656,6455,318],[5640,6444,318],[5639,6448,318],[5639,6453,318],[5638,6457,318],[5634,6458,318],[5639,6468,318],[5640,6474,319],[5639,6478,319],[5636,6480,319],[5634,6483,319],[5629,6483,319],[5626,6485,318],[5617,6481,318],[5614,6483,318],[5608,6482,317],[5606,6485,317],[5605,6489,316],[5594,6483,316],[5589,6483,316],[5586,6485,316],[5581,6485,315],[5574,6483,315],[5569,6483,315],[5567,6486,314],[5562,6486,314],[5556,6485,313],[5539,6473,313],[5538,6477,313],[5534,6478,313],[5533,6482,313],[5531,6485,313],[5524,6483,313],[5521,6485,312],[5625,6594,312],[5618,6592,312],[5615,6594,311],[5608,6592,311],[5606,6595,311],[5605,6599,310],[5595,6594,310],[5590,6594,310],[5585,6594,309],[5581,6595,309],[5575,6594,309],[5569,6593,309],[5569,6598,308],[5565,6599,308],[5524,6563,307],[5539,6583,307],[5539,6588,307],[5534,6588,308],[5533,6592,308],[5530,6594,308],[5530,6599,307],[5524,6598,307],[5520,6599,306],[5516,6600,306],[5505,6594,305],[5500,6594,305],[5381,6480,305],[5377,6481,305],[5375,6484,305],[5371,6485,305],[5366,6485,304],[5359,6483,304],[5357,6486,303],[5357,6491,303],[5357,6496,302],[5371,6515,302],[5375,6524,302],[5375,6529,302],[5375,6534,302],[5371,6535,301],[5376,6545,301],[5376,6550,301],[5415,6594,301],[5408,6592,301],[5404,6593,301],[5398,6592,301],[5395,6594,301],[5388,6592,301],[5385,6594,301],[5377,6591,301],[5375,6594,301],[5370,6594,301],[5366,6595,300],[5365,6599,300],[5358,6597,300],[5357,6601,299],[5358,6607,299],[5357,6611,298],[5357,6616,297],[5357,6621,297],[5357,6626,296],[5357,6631,296],[5357,6636,295],[5367,6651,295],[5375,6664,295],[5375,6669,295],[5371,6670,294],[5366,6670,294],[5359,6668,294],[5357,6671,294],[5355,6674,293],[5357,6681,292],[5358,6687,291],[5336,6670,291],[5332,6671,290],[5357,6701,290],[5353,6702,289],[5336,6690,288],[5336,6695,287],[5336,6700,287],[5332,6701,287],[5328,6702,286],[5323,6702,285],[5317,6701,284],[5312,6701,283],[5308,6702,282],[5294,6693,282],[5296,6700,281],[5292,6701,281],[5288,6702,280],[5283,6702,279],[5283,6702,278],[5283,6702,277],[5283,6702,276],[5283,6702,275],[5501,6914,275],[5501,6919,275],[5493,6916,275],[5491,6919,274],[5481,6914,274],[5481,6919,274],[5473,6916,274],[5471,6919,274],[5466,6919,273],[5457,6915,273],[5447,6910,273],[5441,6909,273],[5436,6909,273],[5431,6909,273],[5428,6911,273],[5423,6911,273],[5416,6909,274],[5415,6913,274],[5407,6910,274],[5403,6911,274],[5398,6911,274],[5396,6914,274],[5387,6910,274],[5379,6907,274],[5377,6910,274],[5375,6913,274],[5371,6914,274],[5368,6916,274],[5366,6919,274],[5358,6916,273],[5357,6920,273],[5357,6925,273],[5357,6930,272],[5354,6932,271],[5336,6919,271],[5336,6924,271],[5332,6925,270],[5332,6930,270],[5329,6932,269],[5323,6931,268],[5314,6927,268],[5312,6930,267],[5296,6919,267],[5291,6919,266],[5289,6922,266],[5021,6593,266],[5017,6594,266],[5012,6594,266],[5012,6599,266],[5008,6600,265],[5002,6599,265],[4997,6599,265],[4993,6600,265],[4996,6608,264],[4991,6608,264],[4979,6601,264],[4981,6608,263],[4214,5846,263],[4214,5851,263],[4214,5856,263],[4214,5861,263],[4215,5867,263],[4214,5871,263],[4214,5876,263],[4215,5882,263],[4213,5885,263],[4208,5885,263],[4203,5885,263],[4214,5901,263],[4215,5907,263],[4215,5912,263],[4215,5917,263],[4278,6010,264],[4217,5979,266],[4219,6011,267],[4277,6099,269],[4271,6123,270],[4217,6099,272],[4215,6127,273],[4215,6157,273],[4215,6187,274],[4200,6202,273],[4156,6188,271],[4129,6191,271],[4103,6195,271],[4215,6337,271],[4278,6430,271],[4272,6454,272],[4219,6431,274],[4215,6457,275],[4214,6486,275],[4213,6515,274],[4215,6547,274],[4215,6577,274],[4203,6595,274],[4200,6622,273],[4215,6667,272],[4112,6594,272],[4082,6594,271],[4056,6598,271],[4012,6584,270],[3992,6594,270],[3960,6592,270],[3937,6599,269],[3907,6599,269],[3886,6608,268],[3917,6669,267],[3889,6671,266],[3889,6701,265],[3766,6608,264],[3689,6561,264],[3691,6593,264],[3667,6599,264],[3633,6595,263],[3602,6594,263],[3577,6599,263],[3555,6607,262],[3516,6598,262],[3487,6599,261],[3452,6594,261],[3422,6594,260],[3394,6596,260],[3391,6623,259],[3327,6589,259],[3303,6595,259],[3277,6599,259],[3240,6592,258],[3237,6619,257],[3259,6671,257],[3230,6672,256],[3230,6702,255],[3171,6673,254],[3067,6599,254],[3036,6598,253],[3005,6597,253],[2972,6594,253],[2947,6599,253],[2926,6608,253],[2882,6594,252],[2860,6602,252],[2822,6594,251],[2862,6664,251],[2839,6671,251],[2729,6591,250],[2728,6620,250],[2728,6650,249],[2721,6673,249],[2720,6702,248],[2938,6919,247],[2904,6915,246],[2878,6919,246],[2848,6919,246],[2813,6914,245],[2788,6919,245],[2755,6916,244],[2728,6919,245],[2721,6942,243],[7989,12303,243],[7959,12303,243],[7929,12303,242],[7900,12304,242],[7869,12303,242],[7839,12303,241],[7819,12313,241],[7779,12303,241],[7760,12314,241],[7719,12303,240],[7689,12303,240],[7659,12303,240],[7630,12304,240],[7599,12303,239],[7536,12270,239],[7539,12303,239],[7520,12314,239],[7479,12303,239],[7449,12303,238],[7429,12313,238],[5526,10409,238],[5530,10443,238],[5518,10461,238],[5416,10389,238],[5386,10389,238],[5376,10409,238],[4221,9252,239],[4218,9279,240],[4215,9306,240],[4215,9336,240],[4215,9366,241],[4215,9396,241],[4214,9425,241],[4220,9461,242],[4220,9491,242],[4215,9516,243],[4215,9546,243],[4200,9561,243],[4169,9560,242],[4138,9559,242],[4109,9560,242],[4078,9559,242],[4048,9559,242],[4009,9550,242],[3991,9562,242],[3960,9561,242],[3928,9559,242],[3900,9561,242],[3871,9562,241],[3826,9547,241],[3810,9561,241],[3778,9559,241],[3748,9559,240],[3696,9537,240],[3688,9559,241],[3658,9559,240],[3628,9559,240],[3598,9559,240],[3568,9559,240],[3538,9559,240],[3510,9561,240],[3478,9559,240],[3448,9559,240],[3418,9559,240],[3391,9562,240],[4215,10351,240],[4217,10383,240],[4213,10409,241],[4215,10441,241],[4204,10460,241],[4215,10501,240],[4126,10442,240],[4220,10566,240],[4213,10589,241],[4207,10613,241],[4203,10639,240],[4219,10685,240],[4200,10696,240],[4200,10726,240],[4057,10613,240],[4009,10595,240],[3997,10613,240],[3960,10606,240],[3937,10613,240],[3907,10613,240],[3960,10696,240],[3956,10722,240],[3926,10722,240],[3897,10723,240],[4211,11067,240],[4208,11094,240],[4215,11131,240],[4204,11150,240],[4215,11191,240],[4208,11214,240],[4217,11253,240],[4200,11266,240],[4204,11300,240],[4200,11326,240],[4213,11369,240],[4215,11401,240],[4200,11416,239],[4011,11257,239],[3990,11266,239],[3960,11266,239],[3926,11262,239],[3950,11316,239],[4006,11402,239],[3977,11403,239],[3947,11403,239],[3917,11403,239],[3887,11403,239],[4069,11615,238],[4002,11578,238],[4004,11610,239],[3971,11607,238],[3940,11606,238],[3911,11607,238],[3889,11615,238],[4215,11971,238],[4202,11988,238],[4214,12030,238],[4216,12062,238],[4203,12079,238],[4208,12114,238],[4213,12149,238],[4217,12183,238],[4217,12213,238],[4206,12232,238],[4214,12270,238],[4215,12301,238],[4200,12316,238],[4077,12223,238],[4094,12270,238],[4008,12214,238],[3987,12223,238],[4004,12270,238],[4007,12303,238],[3944,12270,238],[3947,12303,238],[3917,12303,238],[3888,12304,238],[3890,12336,237],[3826,12302,237],[3797,12303,237],[3687,12223,237],[3676,12242,237],[3622,12218,237],[3597,12223,237],[3558,12214,237],[3583,12269,237],[3587,12303,237],[3557,12303,237],[3537,12313,237],[3463,12269,237],[3468,12304,237],[3447,12313,236],[3407,12303,236],[3297,12223,236],[3313,12269,236],[3318,12304,236],[3287,12303,236],[3261,12307,236],[3237,12313,236],[3208,12314,236],[3178,12314,235],[3137,12303,235],[3107,12303,235],[3077,12303,235],[2968,12224,235],[2937,12223,235],[2953,12269,235],[2957,12303,235],[2927,12303,235],[2863,12269,235],[2865,12301,234],[2848,12314,234],[2808,12304,234],[2788,12314,234],[2728,12284,234],[2728,12314,234],[2725,12341,233],[2667,12313,233],[2665,12341,233],[2635,12341,232],[2581,12317,232],[2575,12341,231],[887,10595,231],[875,10613,231],[873,10641,231],[895,10693,231],[895,10723,231],[873,10731,231],[879,10767,231],[875,10793,231],[1330,11278,231],[1330,11308,231],[882,10890,231],[1029,11067,231],[999,11067,231],[1044,11142,231],[1022,11150,231],[993,11151,231],[945,11133,231],[942,11160,231],[894,11142,231],[881,11159,231],[884,11192,231],[876,11214,231],[893,11261,231],[873,11271,231],[887,11315,231],[945,11403,231],[881,11369,231],[884,11402,231],[931,11749,230],[955,12073,231],[885,12303,231],[690,12270,227],[423,12303,227],[123,12303,227]],"time_in_bucket":[471,22,16,17,18,69,23,15,4,7,10,5,14,8,5,5,10,5,8,5,3,0,3,2,4,4,4,4,3,3,8,6,5,7,2,13,6,7,4,7,9,7,4,1,3,12,10,5,5,9,5,3,5,9,8,6,6,10,6,7,12,11,14,6,6,8,5,7,6,8,9,7,16,10,13,5,12,16,10,19,9,15,10,16,15,16,24,12,13,14,18,11,15,18,15,16,20,11,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3982, 2210, 771, 142, 57, 56],"athlete_ftp":404,"athlete_weight":72.5}

You'll see it returns a whole bunch of power data from that ride in json format.

If Cam was wearing a heart rate monitor for the ride, we could also pass /heartrate_zones to get heart rate summary data etc.

We can also get the individual second-by-second date stream from any ride! All of the second by second power data, speed data etc. We, predictably just pass our request to the 'streams' endpoint e.g. the cadence stream for the ride...

In [6]:
response = session.get('')

Now would be a good time to introduce another Python data structure. In parts 1 & 2 we covered strings, f-strings, lists, loops, functions & list comprehensions. You'll remember a list is simply a series of items denoted by []. Another way to reference a bunch of items is with a dictionary. A dictionary is similar to a list except it is denoted by {} and each item has both a name (or 'key') and a value, e.g. 'first_name':'Alan'

This structure is really handy when dealing with data because if we have a list say of my firstname, lastname and age..

my_list = ['Alan','Couzens','45'] we can get my first name by calling my_list[0] (as lists start at index 0). We could get my age by typing my_list[2] etc.

However, with a similar dictionary... my_dictionary = {'first_name':'Alan', 'last_name':'Couzens', 'age':45}

i.e. rather than identifying an item by number, we can instead reference it by name e.g. my_dictionary['first_name'] would return 'Alan'. When data gets really big, this is VERY handy. Believe me, counting through items in lists can get really old!

You'll probably notice the similarity between dictionaries and json format. In fact, they're almost identical, except for one key difference: JSON is just a string of text. In other words, I can't call response['weighted_power'] above and get 263...

In [7]:
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-0c95d4405df6> in <module>()
----> 1 print(power_data['weighted_power'])

TypeError: string indices must be integers

See, it trips an error saying that we can't use 'weighted_power' as an index in our string. We need to convert it to a dictionary first. Fortunately, it's very easy as there is a package for working with json data called json...

In [12]:
import json

power_data_dictionary = json.loads(power_data)

Very cool! By simply converting the returned json response to a dictionary we can easily pull any power stat from any activity just by passing the name of the stat!

We still have a problem though. If we want to get long term data, we need all of the activity numbers for a given athlete. If athletes have given us explicit permission to access their data via the method that I outlined above, we could do this with the /activities API call but Cam hasn't given me explicit permission to access all his data so what can we do?

Fortunately, when you know how to code, there's always a work around :-) In this case, we can pull the activity identification numbers directly from the html...

In [13]:
response = session.get('')
<!-- Application Layout -->
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layout application
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<h1 class='text-title1 athlete-name' title='Subscriber Since: Apr 29, 2012'>Cameron Wurf</h1>
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<div class='spans10 offset1'><section class='activity-summary-v2'>
<div class='activity-count'>
<h3 class='text-footnote'>Last 4 Weeks</h3>
<div class='count-total'>
<div class='count text-display5'>26</div>
<div class='count-label'>Total Activities</div>
<div class='activity-calendar'>
<h3 class='vh'>Calendar</h3>
<caption class='vh'>Last four weeks of activity</caption>
<th scope='col'>
<div class='weekday'>M</div>
<th scope='col'>
<div class='weekday'>T</div>
<th scope='col'>
<div class='weekday'>W</div>
<th scope='col'>
<div class='weekday'>T</div>
<th scope='col'>
<div class='weekday'>F</div>
<th scope='col'>
<div class='weekday'>S</div>
<th scope='col'>
<div class='weekday'>S</div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>2</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 13px; width: 13px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 22<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>3</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 12px; width: 12px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 57<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>4</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 25px; width: 25px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>5<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 12<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>5</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 28px; width: 28px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>6<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 43<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>6</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 23px; width: 23px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>4<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 32<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>7</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 26px; width: 26px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>5<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 36<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>8</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 20px; width: 20px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>3<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 36<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper'>
<span class='day'>9</span>
<span class='activity-indicator'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper'>
<span class='day'>10</span>
<span class='activity-indicator'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>11</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 10px; width: 10px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 35<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper'>
<span class='day'>12</span>
<span class='activity-indicator'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>13</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 10px; width: 10px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 30<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>14</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 21px; width: 21px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>3<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 51<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>15</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 25px; width: 25px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>5<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 13<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper'>
<span class='day'>16</span>
<span class='activity-indicator'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>17</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 14px; width: 14px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 50<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>18</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 11px; width: 11px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 44<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>19</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 10px; width: 10px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 33<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper'>
<span class='day'>20</span>
<span class='activity-indicator'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>21</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 10px; width: 10px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 28<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper'>
<span class='day'>22</span>
<span class='activity-indicator'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper'>
<span class='day'>23</span>
<span class='activity-indicator'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>24</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 19px; width: 19px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>3<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 25<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>25</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 16px; width: 16px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>2<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 17<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>26</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 10px; width: 10px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 34<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>27</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 10px; width: 10px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 33<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>28</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 22px; width: 22px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>4<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 9<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<td class='day-wrapper highlighted'>
<span class='day'>29</span>
<span class='activity-indicator' style='height: 10px; width: 10px;'></span>
<div class='vh'>0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 35<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></div>
<div class='activity-breakdown'>
<h3 class='vh'>Hourly breakdown per week</h3>
<dl class='legend'>
<dt class='label-ride'></dt>
<div class='app-icon icon-dark icon-ride-v3 icon-sm' title='Cycling'>
<div class='vh'>Cycling</div>
<dt class='label-run'></dt>
<div class='app-icon icon-dark icon-run-v3 icon-sm' title='Running'>
<div class='vh'>Running</div>
<dt class='label-swim'></dt>
<div class='app-icon icon-dark icon-sm icon-swim-v3' title='Swimming'>
<div class='vh'>Swimming</div>
<dt class='label-other'></dt>
<div class='app-icon icon-dark icon-other-v3 icon-sm' title='Other Activities'>
<div class='vh'>Other Activities</div>
<dl class='week-breakdown'>
<dt class='week vh'>
Week 1
<dd class='hours'>
<ul class='hour-breakdown' style='width:65.0%'>
<li class='cycling sport' style='width:99%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Cycling</div>
27<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 40<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<li class='running sport' style='width:1%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Running</div>
0<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 22<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<div class='hour-total'>
<span class="vh">Total</span> 28<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 2<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<dt class='week vh'>
Week 2
<dd class='hours'>
<ul class='hour-breakdown' style='width:23.400000000000002%'>
<li class='cycling sport' style='width:79%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Cycling</div>
8<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 1<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<li class='running sport' style='width:10%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Running</div>
1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<li class='sport swimming' style='width:11%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Swimming</div>
1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 9<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<div class='hour-total'>
<span class="vh">Total</span> 10<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 10<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<dt class='week vh'>
Week 3
<dd class='hours'>
<ul class='hour-breakdown' style='width:8.450000000000001%'>
<li class='running sport' style='width:64%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Running</div>
2<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 18<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<li class='sport swimming' style='width:36%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Swimming</div>
1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 17<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<div class='hour-total'>
<span class="vh">Total</span> 3<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 36<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<dt class='week vh'>
Week 4
<dd class='hours'>
<ul class='hour-breakdown' style='width:26.650000000000002%'>
<li class='cycling sport' style='width:74%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Cycling</div>
8<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 36<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<li class='running sport' style='width:15%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Running</div>
1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 41<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<li class='sport swimming' style='width:11%' tabindex='0'>
<div class='sport-breakdown'>
<div class='vh'>Swimming</div>
1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 18<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>
<div class='hour-total'>
<span class="vh">Total</span> 11<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 36<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>

<div class='row no-margins'>
<div class='spans10 main'>

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<time class='timestamp'>
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<time class='timestamp'>
Oct 2020
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<div class='section athlete-achievements'>
<div class='app-icon icon-at-pr-1 icon-sm'></div>
PR on <a href="/activities/4404163137#2767879808838639970">Mc Andrews Hill Rd Climb</a> (4:05)
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-28T17:49:59Z">November 28, 2020</time>
<div class='app-icon icon-at-pr-1 icon-sm'></div>
PR on <a href="/activities/4404163137#2767879808841311586">Mc Andrews Hill Rd Climb</a> (16:44)
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-28T17:49:59Z">November 28, 2020</time>
<div class='app-icon icon-at-pr-2 icon-sm'></div>
2nd fastest time on <a href="/activities/4404163137#2767879808834272610">Rock Lodge (from 219)</a> (7:10)
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-28T17:49:59Z">November 28, 2020</time>
<div class='app-icon icon-at-pr-3 icon-sm'></div>
3rd fastest time on <a href="/activities/4404163137#2767879808840106338">New Germany Rd Climb</a> (5:50)
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-28T17:49:59Z">November 28, 2020</time>
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    var photosJson = [{"photo_id":"377C22C4-5D67-4D18-839D-983CB30B554E","media_type":null,"activity_id":4404163137,"post_id":null,"activity_name_escaped":"Suns Out😎👌","caption_escaped":"","thumbnail":"","large":"","video":null,"lat":null,"lng":null,"native":true,"owner_id":430673,"viewing_athlete_id":342595,"editable":false,"activity":{"id":4404163137,"athlete_id":430673,"name":"Suns Out😎👌","description":"","elapsed_time":12916,"moving_time":12262,"elev_gain":1834.0,"distance":97037.9,"type":"Ride","private":0,"start_date":"2020-11-28T17:49:59Z"},"dimensions":{"large":{"height":1536,"width":2048},"thumbnail":{"height":96,"width":128}},"is_sponsored_photo":false,"enhanced_photo":null},{"photo_id":"3D93D1FE-7827-4CC7-8CF9-1514CFE1CAD1","media_type":null,"activity_id":4393160435,"post_id":null,"activity_name_escaped":"Thankful for my Training 🐩Buddy🐩....              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<div class='section' id='activity-log'>
<div class='section' id='interval-graph'><h2 class='text-callout left' id='interval-value'>Activities for Nov 23, 2020 - Nov 29, 2020
<div class='right' id='interval-date-range'><div class='drop-down-menu drop-down-sm'>
<div class='selection'>Nov 25, 2019 - Nov 23, 2020</div>
<ul class='options'>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201948&amp;year_offset=1">Nov 26, 2018 - Nov 25, 2019</a></li>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201848&amp;year_offset=2">Nov 27, 2017 - Nov 26, 2018</a></li>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201748&amp;year_offset=3">Nov 28, 2016 - Nov 27, 2017</a></li>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201648&amp;year_offset=4">Nov 23, 2015 - Nov 28, 2016</a></li>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201548&amp;year_offset=5">Nov 24, 2014 - Nov 23, 2015</a></li>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201448&amp;year_offset=6">Nov 25, 2013 - Nov 24, 2014</a></li>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201348&amp;year_offset=7">Nov 26, 2012 - Nov 25, 2013</a></li>
<li><a class="" href="/athletes/430673#graph_date_range?chart_type=miles&amp;interval_type=week&amp;interval=201248&amp;year_offset=8">Nov 28, 2011 - Nov 26, 2012</a></li>
<div class='clear'></div>
<ul id='totals'><li>
<strong>283.1<abbr class='unit' title='kilometers'>km</abbr></strong>
<strong>11<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 37<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></strong>
<strong>4,878<abbr class='unit' title='meters'>m</abbr></strong>
<div id='interval-graph-columns'><div class='athlete-graph' style='height: 130px;'>
<ul class='y-axis'>
<li class='label' style='bottom: 12px'>0 km</li>
<li class='label' style='bottom: 32px'>230</li>
<li class='label' style='bottom: 52px'>460</li>
<li class='label' style='bottom: 72px'>690</li>
<li class='label' style='bottom: 92px'>920</li>
<li class='label' style='bottom: 112px'>1150</li>
<ul class='intervals' style='height: 113px;'>
<li class='interval selectable w-201948' id='interval-201948' style='left: 0.0%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-201949' id='interval-201949' style='left: 1.8113207547169812%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-201950' id='interval-201950' style='left: 3.6226415094339623%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-201951' id='interval-201951' style='left: 5.433962264150944%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-201952' id='interval-201952' style='left: 7.245283018867925%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
<div class='bar'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202001' id='interval-202001' style='left: 9.056603773584905%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
<div class='bar'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202002' id='interval-202002' style='left: 10.867924528301888%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
<div class='bar'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202003' id='interval-202003' style='left: 12.679245283018869%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202004' id='interval-202004' style='left: 14.49056603773585%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202005' id='interval-202005' style='left: 16.30188679245283%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
<div class='bar'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202006' id='interval-202006' style='left: 18.11320754716981%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202007' id='interval-202007' style='left: 19.92452830188679%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202008' id='interval-202008' style='left: 21.735849056603776%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202009' id='interval-202009' style='left: 23.547169811320757%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202010' id='interval-202010' style='left: 25.358490566037737%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202011' id='interval-202011' style='left: 27.169811320754718%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202012' id='interval-202012' style='left: 28.9811320754717%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval w-202013' id='interval-202013' style='left: 30.79245283018868%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval w-202014' id='interval-202014' style='left: 32.60377358490566%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval w-202015' id='interval-202015' style='left: 34.41509433962264%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval w-202016' id='interval-202016' style='left: 36.22641509433962%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval w-202017' id='interval-202017' style='left: 38.0377358490566%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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<li class='interval selectable w-202023' id='interval-202023' style='left: 48.905660377358494%; width: 1.8113207547169812%;'>
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Dec 2019
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Jan 2020
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<div class='activity entity-details feed-entry' data-updated-at='1606658504' id='Activity-4407563011' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCIOm2LUQGAEwNTgAQABIARIECgIIAQ=='>
<div class='avatar avatar-athlete avatar-md'>
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Cameron Wurf
<span class="app-icon-wrapper  "><span title="Subscriber" class="app-icon icon-badge-premium icon-sm">Subscriber</span></span>
<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-29 13:25:26 UTC'>
Today at 8:25 AM

<div class='entry-body'>
<h3 class='entry-title activity-title' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCIOm2LUQGAEwNTgAQABIARIECgIIAQ==' str-type='self'>
<div class='entry-type-icon'><span class="app-icon-wrapper  "><span class="app-icon icon-run icon-dark icon-lg"></span></span></div>
<a href="/activities/4407563011">Morning Run</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>8.19<abbr class='unit' title='kilometers'> km</abbr></li>
<li title='Elev Gain'>252<abbr class='unit' title='meters'> m</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>35<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr> 42<abbr class='unit' title='second'>s</abbr></li>

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<span class='count count-kudos' data-kudo-count='4'>4</span>
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<div class='challenge feed-entry' data-updated-at='1606598783' id='Challenge-2115' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOnBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAg=='>
<div class='avatar avatar-athlete avatar-md'>
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<img alt='Cameron Wurf' class='avatar-img' src=''>
<div class='entry-image challenge-image'>
<a href='/challenges/fizik-ride-now-shop-later' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOnBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAg==' str-type='self'>
<img alt="fizik ride now, shop later" src="" />
<div class='entry-container entity-details' id='AthleteFeedEntry-432480489'>
<div class='entry-head'>
<a class='entry-athlete' href='/athletes/430673'>
Cameron Wurf
<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-28 21:26:23 UTC'>

<div class='entry-body'>
<h3 class='entry-title'>
<a href='/challenges/fizik-ride-now-shop-later' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOnBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAg==' str-type='self'>
fizik ride now, shop later
<p str-click-type='name' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOnBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAg==' str-type='anchor_container'>
<a class="minimal" href="/athletes/430673">Cameron Wurf</a> has completed 2<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>.
<div class='social feed-entry-actions'>
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<span class='count count-comments'>0</span>


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<div class='challenge feed-entry' data-updated-at='1606598783' id='Challenge-2115' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOrBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAw=='>
<div class='avatar avatar-athlete avatar-md'>
<a class='avatar-content' href='/athletes/430673' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOrBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAw==' str-type='avatar'>
<img alt='Cameron Wurf' class='avatar-img' src=''>
<div class='entry-image challenge-image'>
<a href='/challenges/fizik-ride-now-shop-later' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOrBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAw==' str-type='self'>
<img alt="fizik ride now, shop later" src="" />
<div class='entry-container entity-details' id='AthleteFeedEntry-432480490'>
<div class='entry-head'>
<a class='entry-athlete' href='/athletes/430673'>
Cameron Wurf
<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-28 21:26:23 UTC'>

<div class='entry-body'>
<h3 class='entry-title'>
<a href='/challenges/fizik-ride-now-shop-later' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOrBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAw==' str-type='self'>
fizik ride now, shop later
<p str-click-type='name' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOrBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAw==' str-type='anchor_container'>
<a class="minimal" href="/athletes/430673">Cameron Wurf</a> has completed 1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 0<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr>.
<div class='social feed-entry-actions'>
<div class='btn-group'>
<button class='btn btn-default btn-kudo btn-xs empty js-add-kudo' data-entry='[&quot;AthleteFeedEntry&quot;,432480490]' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCOrBnM4BENGkGhIECgIIAw==' str-type='kudos' title='Give Kudos'>
<span class='app-icon icon-dark icon-kudo icon-sm'>kudos</span>
<span class='count count-kudos' data-kudo-count='0'>0</span>
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<span class='icon-comment app-icon icon-sm icon-dark'>Comments</span>
<span class='count count-comments'>0</span>


  jQuery.Strava.execute(function() {
    var data = {
      title: "fizik ride now, shop later",
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<div class='activity entity-details feed-entry' data-updated-at='1606598715' id='Activity-4404163137' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCMHkiLQQGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIIBA=='>
<div class='avatar avatar-athlete avatar-md'>
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<img alt='' src='' srcset=' 1x, 2x'>
<div class='entry-container'>
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<a class='entry-athlete' href='/athletes/430673' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCMHkiLQQGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIIBA==' str-type='name'>
Cameron Wurf
<span class="app-icon-wrapper  "><span title="Subscriber" class="app-icon icon-badge-premium icon-sm">Subscriber</span></span>
<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-28 17:49:59 UTC'>
Yesterday at 12:49 PM

<div class='entry-body'>
<h3 class='entry-title activity-title' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCMHkiLQQGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIIBA==' str-type='self'>
<div class='entry-type-icon'><span class="app-icon-wrapper  "><span class="app-icon icon-ride icon-dark icon-lg"></span></span></div>
<a href="/activities/4404163137">Suns Out😎👌</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>97.03<abbr class='unit' title='kilometers'> km</abbr></li>
<li title='Elev Gain'>1,834<abbr class='unit' title='meters'> m</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>3<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 24<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></li>
<li class='clickable count-achievements' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCMHkiLQQGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIIBA==' str-type='self' title='Achievements'>
<span class='app-icon-wrapper'>
<span class='icon-achievement app-icon icon-dark icon-sm'>
<span class='count'>13</span>

<ul class='featured-achievements'>
<a class='minimal' href='/activities/4404163137/segments/2767879808838639970' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCMHkiLQQGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIIBA==' str-type='self'>Mc Andrews Hill Rd Climb</a>
<a class='minimal' href='/activities/4404163137/segments/2767879808839986530' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCMHkiLQQGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIIBA==' str-type='self'>SavageMan Tri 70.0 first decent</a>

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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/1590615">Safehands Groo (3PCC 🇳🇷)</a>
<span class='comment-text'><a href='/athletes/430673'>Cameron Wurf</a>
 if the sun&#39;s out, something else is usually out 👙</span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-28T23:01:50Z">November 28, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/9715389">Michelle Lawrence</a>
<span class='comment-text'>I find it so cool that you are in my state- I wondered if you would be trying the Savageman course. It is on my radar for racing at SOME point. Welcome and enjoy Maryland! </span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T02:05:51Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/33680676">Ken C</a>
<span class='comment-text'>Bro you look 10 years older after joining Team Ineos what happened 😂</span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T02:11:16Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/430673">Cameron Wurf</a>
<span class='comment-text'><a href='/athletes/33680676'>Ken C</a>
 try 20 since to arrival of our first kid 🙄</span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T02:29:47Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/7334183">Cameron Roper</a>
<span class='comment-text'>All the best in Daytona Mr Wurf, say hi to L Sanders as you give him a lesson in riding , may have been blowing his trumpet too much lately . Stick it to him !!!</span>
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<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T02:39:48Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/430673">Cameron Wurf</a>
<span class='comment-text'><a href='/athletes/7334183'>Cameron Roper</a>
 I won’t be there, I’ll get back into IM next year... The “bubble” system at the races hasn’t allowed me to swim very much for quite a few months, I need to swim a lot to be average, if I don’t swim at all i sink!</span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T03:01:09Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/33680676">Ken C</a>
<span class='comment-text'><a href='/athletes/430673'>Cameron Wurf</a>
 kids only make you Faster 👊🏻 so they say 🤣</span>
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<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T03:28:32Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/4987883">Jason Brooks</a>
<span class='comment-text'>🥶 cold part of the states this time of season</span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T03:30:06Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/7317997">Rod Ascui</a>
<span class='comment-text'>Hi Cameron, had a couple of great days with Tony in Hobart. Caught up with Lindy as well. </span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T05:48:30Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/2127797">Jase B</a>
<span class='comment-text'><a href='/athletes/430673'>Cameron Wurf</a>
  why aren&#39;t you racing Daytona?! Ps we need more banter back! </span>
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<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-29T09:16:44Z">November 29, 2020</time>
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Cameron Wurf
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<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-28 14:06:29 UTC'>
Yesterday at 3:06 PM

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<div class='entry-type-icon'><span class="app-icon-wrapper  "><span class="app-icon icon-swim icon-dark icon-lg"></span></span></div>
<a href="/activities/4402510493">Afternoon Swim</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>2,743<abbr class='unit' title='meters'> m</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>45<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr> 22<abbr class='unit' title='second'>s</abbr></li>
<li title='Pace'>1:39<abbr class='unit' title='per 100 Meters'> /100m</abbr></li>

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<span class='count count-kudos' data-kudo-count='686'>686</span>
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<div class='activity entity-details feed-entry min-view' data-updated-at='1606486231' id='Activity-4397478335' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCL/j8LAQGAEwNTgAQABIARIECgIIBg=='>
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Cameron Wurf
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<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-27 13:37:12 UTC'>
November 27, 2020 at 2:37 PM

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<a href="/activities/4397478335">Afternoon Swim</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>2,012<abbr class='unit' title='meters'> m</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>33<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr> 11<abbr class='unit' title='second'>s</abbr></li>
<li title='Pace'>1:38<abbr class='unit' title='per 100 Meters'> /100m</abbr></li>

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<span class='app-icon icon-dark icon-kudo icon-sm'>kudos</span>
<span class='count count-kudos' data-kudo-count='671'>671</span>
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<div class='activity entity-details feed-entry' data-updated-at='1606400029' id='Activity-4393160435' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCPOd6a4QGAEwNTgAQABIARIECgIIBw=='>
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Cameron Wurf
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<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-26 13:39:02 UTC'>
November 26, 2020 at 8:39 AM

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<a href="/activities/4393160435">Thankful for my Training 🐩Buddy🐩....              Happy Thanksgiving USA🇺🇸✌️</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>7.78<abbr class='unit' title='kilometers'> km</abbr></li>
<li title='Pace'>4:27<abbr class='unit' title='minutes per kilometer'> /km</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>34<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr> 41<abbr class='unit' title='second'>s</abbr></li>

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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/21431119">Christian Newbold</a>
<span class='comment-text'>He’s loving it! Hope you’re well mate. Top job in the Vuelta 👍</span>
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<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-26T18:52:07Z">November 26, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/5318176">°Dennis Ilao°</a>
<span class='comment-text'>Happy Thanksgiving <a href='/athletes/430673'>Cameron Wurf</a>
! 🇵🇭 fan here.</span>
<div class='comment-actionable'>
<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-26T21:48:10Z">November 26, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/153162">The  Fox</a>
<span class='comment-text'>She’s got a better stride length than you </span>
<div class='comment-actionable'>
<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-28T02:50:15Z">November 28, 2020</time>
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      title: "Thankful for my Training 🐩Buddy🐩....              Happy Thanksgiving USA🇺🇸✌️",
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<a class="minimal athlete-name" href="/athletes/430673">Cameron Wurf</a> joined <a class="minimal" href="">fi&#39;zi:k</a>
<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-26 02:27:45 UTC'>
November 25, 2020

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<div class='entry-container entity-details' id='AthleteFeedEntry-429080942'>
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Cameron Wurf
<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-26 02:26:42 UTC'>
November 26, 2020

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<h3 class='entry-title'>
<a href='/challenges/fizik-ride-now-shop-later' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCO6CzcwBENGkGhIECgIICQ==' str-type='self'>
fizik ride now, shop later
<p str-click-type='name' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='Cg4IARIKCO6CzcwBENGkGhIECgIICQ==' str-type='anchor_container'>
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      title: "fizik ride now, shop later",
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<div class='activity entity-details feed-entry' data-updated-at='1606336604' id='Activity-4390495788' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCKzMxq0QGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIICg=='>
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Cameron Wurf
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<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-25 18:50:09 UTC'>
November 25, 2020 at 1:50 PM

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<div class='entry-type-icon'><span class="app-icon-wrapper  "><span class="app-icon icon-ride icon-dark icon-lg"></span></span></div>
<a href="/activities/4390495788">Afternoon Ride</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>55.51<abbr class='unit' title='kilometers'> km</abbr></li>
<li title='Elev Gain'>751<abbr class='unit' title='meters'> m</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>1<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 46<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></li>
<li class='clickable count-achievements' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCKzMxq0QGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIICg==' str-type='self' title='Achievements'>
<span class='app-icon-wrapper'>
<span class='icon-achievement app-icon icon-dark icon-sm'>
<span class='count'>10</span>

<ul class='featured-achievements'>
<a class='minimal' href='/activities/4390495788/segments/2766780685678328882' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCKzMxq0QGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIICg==' str-type='self'>Magic Mike &quot;Kennedy Hill&quot;</a>
(27<abbr class='unit' title='second'>s</abbr>)
<a class='minimal' href='/activities/4390495788/segments/2766780685682039858' str-on='click' str-trackable-id='ChQIBTIQCKzMxq0QGAEwdjgAQABIARIECgIICg==' str-type='self'>Haley Farm/219 From Spring Glade to Top</a>

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<span class='app-icon icon-dark icon-kudo icon-sm'>kudos</span>
<span class='count count-kudos' data-kudo-count='951'>951</span>
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<img alt='Ella Galbraith' class='avatar-img' src=''>

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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/33240564">Ella Galbraith</a>
<span class='comment-text'>deep creek fun!! 🤟🏼</span>
<div class='comment-actionable'>
<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-25T21:13:55Z">November 25, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/774489">jimmy railey</a>
<span class='comment-text'>That looks really familiar to me🤔</span>
<div class='comment-actionable'>
<span class='timestamp'>
<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-25T23:26:40Z">November 25, 2020</time>
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  jQuery.Strava.execute(function() {
    var data = {
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Cameron Wurf
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<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-25 12:46:45 UTC'>
November 25, 2020 at 7:46 AM

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<div class='entry-type-icon'><span class="app-icon-wrapper  "><span class="app-icon icon-run icon-dark icon-lg"></span></span></div>
<a href="/activities/4388512490">Morning Run</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>7.36<abbr class='unit' title='kilometers'> km</abbr></li>
<li title='Elev Gain'>212<abbr class='unit' title='meters'> m</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>31<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr> 9<abbr class='unit' title='second'>s</abbr></li>

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<span class='app-icon icon-dark icon-kudo icon-sm'>kudos</span>
<span class='count count-kudos' data-kudo-count='785'>785</span>
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Cameron Wurf
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<time class='timestamp' datetime='2020-11-24 16:12:27 UTC'>
November 24, 2020 at 11:12 AM

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<a href="/activities/4385737177">Lunch Ride</a>
<ul class='inline-stats list-stats'>
<li title='Distance'>102.51<abbr class='unit' title='kilometers'> km</abbr></li>
<li title='Elev Gain'>1,734<abbr class='unit' title='meters'> m</abbr></li>
<li title='Time'>3<abbr class='unit' title='hour'>h</abbr> 25<abbr class='unit' title='minute'>m</abbr></li>
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<strong>3rd overall</strong>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/11722746">mark henrickson</a>
<span class='comment-text'>savageman-esque!</span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-24T21:38:48Z">November 24, 2020</time>
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<a class="athlete-name" href="/athletes/7688617">Massimo Callegari</a>
<span class='comment-text'>What are you doing up there?!</span>
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<time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-24T21:54:15Z">November 24, 2020</time>
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<script id='glossary-definition-segment-intensity-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Segment Intensity</h4>
<p>Intensity on Segments gives you a simple visual indication of how hard you went on a given segment by comparing the effort with your best power for the duration of that segment over the last 6 weeks.</p>
<p>For example, if you maintained 300<abbr title='Watts'>W</abbr> for a 10-minute segment and your best 10-minute power over the past 6 weeks was 330W, your segment intensity will be 90%.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-ftp-template' type='text/template'>
<h4><abbr title='Functional Threshold Power'>FTP</abbr></h4>
<p>Your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the maximum average power that you can hold for one continuous hour. For example, if you were to ride a 40k time trial in 60 minutes at an average power of 275<abbr title='Watts'>W</abbr>, your FTP would be 275W.</p>
<p>FTP is the keystone to training with power. It allows Strava to determine how hard a ride is for you. You doing 300W might feel much different than someone less trained doing 300W and FTP allows us to gauge just how hard segments, rides, and even weeks or months of training were for you!</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-calculating-ftp-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Calculating Your FTP</h4>
<p>We recommend you test for your FTP at least every few weeks to a month while you&#39;re training. Here are some tips to get the most out of your FTP testing:</p>
<p>It&#39;s extremely taxing on your body (and your training program) to continuously push out 60-minute max efforts. It&#39;s also difficult to find a stretch of road where you can ride for 60 minutes uninterrupted and maintain a steady wattage. Thus, the easiest way to calculate your FTP is to test your best average power for 20 minutes. We believe 20 minutes is enough time to stress the same physiological systems as a 60-minute effort would and it is easier to consistently do within your season.</p>
<li>Try to reproduce the same conditions each test – this means use the same stretch of road or always use the same trainer/rollers</li>
<li>Make sure you are fresh (the previous few days should be light in terms of training load)</li>
<li>Properly warm up</li>
<script id='glossary-definition-weighted-average-power-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Weighted Average Power</h4>
<p>When you ride with a power meter, you&#39;ll notice how your power jumps all over the place based on the terrain, grade, wind, and other factors. Weighted Average Power looks at all of this variation and provides an average power for your ride that is a better indicator of your effort than simply taking your average power. It is our best guess at your average power if you rode at the exact same wattage the entire ride.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-total-work-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Total Work</h4>
<p>Total Work, expressed in kilojoules (kJ), is simply the sum of the watts generated during your ride. There is a close 1–to–1 ratio with Total Work and Calories expended during a ride.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-intensity-template' type='text/template'>
<p>Intensity is our way of showing how difficult a ride was as compared to your <abbr title ='Functional Threshold Power'>FTP</abbr>. We look at your Weighted Average Power for the ride and compare it to your FTP. If your Weighted Average Power was 250<abbr title='Watts'>W</abbr> and your FTP 300<abbr title='Watts'>W</abbr>, the Intensity would be 83%. It's very possible to have an Intensity of over 100% if the ride was shorter than an hour.</p>
<li>Endurance / Recovery Ride – 65% and lower</li>
<li>Moderate Ride – 65-80%</li>
<li>Tempo Ride – 80-95%</li>
<li>Time Trial or Race – 95-105%</li>
<li>Short Time Trial or Race – 105% and higher</li>
<script id='glossary-definition-training-load-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Training Load</h4>
<p>We calculate Training Load by comparing your power during your ride to your <abbr title='Functional Threshold Power'>FTP</abbr> and determining how much load you put on your body during the workout. Training Load is a great way to determine how much rest you need after your workouts. The guide below will tell you how long after a workout it will take you to fully recover:</p>
<li>About 24 hours – 125 and lower</li>
<li>36-48 hours – 125-250</li>
<li>At least 3 days – 250-400</li>
<li>At least 5 days – 400+</li>
<script id='glossary-definition-power-curve-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Power Curve</h4>
<p>The Power Curve shows your best average power for time periods of 1 second up to the length of your ride. We search your entire ride and find these best efforts and you can compare them with your best efforts for your last 6 weeks, the current year, years in the past, or all-time!</p>
<p>The Power Curve can be displayed in Watts (W) or Watts per Kilogram (W/kg.)</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-power-zones-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Power Zones</h4>
<p>While the Power Curve shows your best efforts for given periods of time, Power Zone charts take each 1 second of power of your ride and put it into a bucket. The buckets are based on your <abbr title='Functional Threshold Power'>FTP</abbr> and are as follows:</p>
<li>Active Recovery – Social pace with very little physiological effect on your body. Can be used in between intervals and for recovery rides.</li>
<li>Endurance – Easy pace that you could ride “all day long” Conversation is still possible with little concentration required.</li>
<li>Tempo – Brisk pace that can be maintained for a few hours that requires concentration when riding alone. Breathing in tempo is rhythmic and may become strained at the upper end of this zone.</li>
<li>Threshold – Moderate to hard effort and leg fatigue that can be maintained for up to 1 hour. Conversation is difficult and concentration is required.</li>
<li>VO2Max – Power that is primarily taxing your VO2Max system. Leg fatigue is high and conversation is not possible. VO2Max can be maintained for 3-8 minutes.</li>
<li>Anaerobic – Extremely hard efforts with severe leg fatigue that can be maintained for 30 seconds to 3 minutes.</li>
<li>Neuromuscular – Sprinting power that is taxing your neuromuscular system and can be maintained for 1-20 seconds.</li>
<script id='glossary-definition-suffer-score-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Relative Effort</h4>
<p>Relative Effort is an analysis of your heart rate data. By tracking your heart rate through your workout and its level relative to your maximum heart rate, we attach a value to show exactly how hard you worked. The more time you spend going full gas and the longer your activity, the higher the score. Compare your Relative Effort with friends and pros, see if you can do a truly epic workout and motivate yourself to push that extra bit harder! Relative Effort was inspired by the concept of TRIMP (TRaining IMPulse) coined by Dr. Eric Bannister.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-perceived-exertion-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Perceived Exertion</h4>
<p>Perceived Exertion lets you manually record how intense your efforts feel on a 1-10 scale ranging from “Easy” to “Max Effort.” When tracking how difficult a workout feels overall, Perceived Exertion can stand in for an athlete’s heart rate data. That means Perceived Exertion can power features that otherwise require heart rate data, like Relative Effort and Fitness. Add Perceived Exertion to activities for a layer of qualitative data, or when you happen to forget your heart rate monitor.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-energy-output-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Energy Output</h4>
<p>Energy Output measures the amount of work you&#39;ve done during a ride, expressed in kilojoules (KJ). It is a factor of how much you&#39;re pedaling, how fast you&#39;re pedaling and how much force you&#39;re exerting on the pedals (measured in W). Power output is most accurately taken from a power meter, but if you don&#39;t have a power meter we give a rough approximation through our power estimator.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-average-power-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Average Power</h4>
<p>Average power reflects your average power value during a ride, expressed in Watts (a measure of how much energy you are exerting onto the pedals). This is inclusive of the entire ride, and takes coasting into account as well. Average power is most accurately measured with a power meter, though if you don&#39;t have a power meter we give a rough approximation through our power estimator.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-vam-template' type='text/template'>
<h4><abbr title='Vertical ascent in meters/hour'>VAM</abbr></h4>
<p>VAM measures your Vertical Ascent in Meters/hour – it measures how quickly you are traveling upward. VAM is useful for comparing your effort on different hills and segments, and is used by both cyclists and runners. To get a high VAM score, grades between 6-10% generally present the best opportunity to ascend quickly, as they are steep enough to avoid wind, and gradual enough to allow unrestricted motion.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-intensity-template' type='text/template'>
<p>Intensity is a measure that describes running activities on a 10-point scale, with race pace set to 10. The pace used to calculate the intensity takes into account the distance of the run and elevation gained and lost over the run. Now you can instantly gauge how tough your pace is for a run, and see if you&#39;re slowing down enough on your recovery runs.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-segment-template' type='text/template'>
<p>A segment is Strava&#39;s term for a specific section of a road, climb or trail. Strava athletes can create segments from their uploaded activities. Strava tracks your performance on each segment every time you run or ride so you can see how you&#39;re progressing over time, and compare your results with other athletes on Strava: your friends, local athletes and even the pros. Start creating segments and see where you land on the leaderboards.</p>
<script id='glossary-definition-best-efforts-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>Estimated Best Efforts</h4>
<p>Estimated Best Efforts are calculated using your GPS-based running activity. Strava will look at the running activity and identify the fastest rolling-time for benchmark distances. They are considered estimates, because they are subject to normal discrepancies in GPS accuracy.</p>
How are All-time Personal Records different from Estimated Best Efforts?
<li>All-time Personal Records = a runner&#39;s fastest time ever run over a distance in an official race, or over a verified, known distance</li>
<li>Estimated Best Efforts = training level insight into GPS based activities</li>
<script id='glossary-definition-all-time-prs-template' type='text/template'>
<h4>All-time Personal Records</h4>
<p>All-time Personal Records (PRs) represent a runner&#39;s fastest time ever run for benchmark distances. PRs are manually entered, and can be linked to official race results and Strava activities.</p>
<p>Whether the PR is from a track, road, or trail race, the PR is often verified by a known time over the race distance. We know that PRs matter down to the second, and we know that GPS data isn&#39;t quite as accurate as a time over a verified race course.</p>
<p>How are All-time Personal Records different from Estimated Best Efforts?</p>
<li>All-time Personal Records = a runner&#39;s fastest time ever run over a distance in an official race, or over a verified, known distance</li>
<li>Estimated Best Efforts = training level insight into GPS based activities</li>

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    commentsController.setHash({"Activity-4407563011":[],"AthleteFeedEntry-432480489":[],"AthleteFeedEntry-432480490":[],"Activity-4404163137":[{"comment_id":876293304,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"Welcome back to the US.  Going down to Daytona next week?"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-28T21:55:42Z\"\u003eNovember 28, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":10774705,"url":"/athletes/10774705","name":"Micah Cohen","firstname":"Micah","athlete_name":"Micah Cohen","short_name":"Micah C.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":876333552,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"mention_token","text":"Cameron Wurf","path":"/athletes/430673","athlete_id":430673},{"type":"raw_token","text":" if the sun's out, something else is usually out 👙"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-28T23:01:50Z\"\u003eNovember 28, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":1590615,"url":"/athletes/1590615","name":"Safehands Groo (3PCC 🇳🇷)","firstname":"Safehands","athlete_name":"Safehands Groo (3PCC 🇳🇷)","short_name":"Safehands G.","avatar_url":"","member_type":""}},{"comment_id":876412825,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"I find it so cool that you are in my state- I wondered if you would be trying the Savageman course. It is on my radar for racing at SOME point. Welcome and enjoy Maryland! "}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T02:05:51Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":9715389,"url":"/athletes/9715389","name":"Michelle Lawrence","firstname":"Michelle","athlete_name":"Michelle Lawrence","short_name":"Michelle L.","avatar_url":"","member_type":""}},{"comment_id":876414815,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"Bro you look 10 years older after joining Team Ineos what happened 😂"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T02:11:16Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":33680676,"url":"/athletes/33680676","name":"Ken C","firstname":"Ken","athlete_name":"Ken C","short_name":"Ken C.","avatar_url":"","member_type":""}},{"comment_id":876421464,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"mention_token","text":"Ken C","path":"/athletes/33680676","athlete_id":33680676},{"type":"raw_token","text":" try 20 since to arrival of our first kid 🙄"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T02:29:47Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":430673,"url":"/athletes/430673","name":"Cameron Wurf","firstname":"Cameron","athlete_name":"Cameron Wurf","short_name":"Cameron W.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":876424873,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"All the best in Daytona Mr Wurf, say hi to L Sanders as you give him a lesson in riding , may have been blowing his trumpet too much lately . Stick it to him !!!"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T02:39:48Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":7334183,"url":"/athletes/7334183","name":"Cameron Roper","firstname":"Cameron","athlete_name":"Cameron Roper","short_name":"Cameron R.","avatar_url":"","member_type":""}},{"comment_id":876431928,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"mention_token","text":"Cameron Roper","path":"/athletes/7334183","athlete_id":7334183},{"type":"raw_token","text":" I won’t be there, I’ll get back into IM next year... The “bubble” system at the races hasn’t allowed me to swim very much for quite a few months, I need to swim a lot to be average, if I don’t swim at all i sink!"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T03:01:09Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":430673,"url":"/athletes/430673","name":"Cameron Wurf","firstname":"Cameron","athlete_name":"Cameron Wurf","short_name":"Cameron W.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":876440619,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"mention_token","text":"Cameron Wurf","path":"/athletes/430673","athlete_id":430673},{"type":"raw_token","text":" kids only make you Faster 👊🏻 so they say 🤣"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T03:28:32Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":33680676,"url":"/athletes/33680676","name":"Ken C","firstname":"Ken","athlete_name":"Ken C","short_name":"Ken C.","avatar_url":"","member_type":""}},{"comment_id":876441084,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"🥶 cold part of the states this time of season"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T03:30:06Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":4987883,"url":"/athletes/4987883","name":"Jason Brooks","firstname":"Jason","athlete_name":"Jason Brooks","short_name":"Jason B.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":876477966,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"Hi Cameron, had a couple of great days with Tony in Hobart. Caught up with Lindy as well. "}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T05:48:30Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":7317997,"url":"/athletes/7317997","name":"Rod Ascui","firstname":"Rod","athlete_name":"Rod Ascui","short_name":"Rod A.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":876547933,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"mention_token","text":"Cameron Wurf","path":"/athletes/430673","athlete_id":430673},{"type":"raw_token","text":"  why aren't you racing Daytona?! Ps we need more banter back! "}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-29T09:16:44Z\"\u003eNovember 29, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":2127797,"url":"/athletes/2127797","name":"Jase B","firstname":"Jase","athlete_name":"Jase B","short_name":"Jase B.","avatar_url":"","member_type":""}}],"Activity-4402510493":[],"Activity-4397478335":[],"Activity-4393160435":[{"comment_id":874691882,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"He’s loving it! Hope you’re well mate. Top job in the Vuelta 👍"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-26T18:52:07Z\"\u003eNovember 26, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":21431119,"url":"/athletes/21431119","name":"Christian Newbold","firstname":"Christian","athlete_name":"Christian Newbold","short_name":"Christian N.","avatar_url":"\u0026width=256","member_type":""}},{"comment_id":874839889,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"Happy Thanksgiving "},{"type":"mention_token","text":"Cameron Wurf","path":"/athletes/430673","athlete_id":430673},{"type":"raw_token","text":"! 🇵🇭 fan here."}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-26T21:48:10Z\"\u003eNovember 26, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":5318176,"url":"/athletes/5318176","name":"°Dennis Ilao°","firstname":"°Dennis","athlete_name":"°Dennis Ilao°","short_name":"°Dennis I.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":875510091,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"She’s got a better stride length than you "}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-28T02:50:15Z\"\u003eNovember 28, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":153162,"url":"/athletes/153162","name":"The  Fox","firstname":"The ","athlete_name":"The  Fox","short_name":"The  F.","avatar_url":"","member_type":""}}],"AthleteFeedEntry-429080942":[],"Activity-4390495788":[{"comment_id":874223166,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"deep creek fun!! 🤟🏼"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-25T21:13:55Z\"\u003eNovember 25, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":33240564,"url":"/athletes/33240564","name":"Ella Galbraith","firstname":"Ella","athlete_name":"Ella Galbraith","short_name":"Ella G.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":874285027,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"That looks really familiar to me🤔"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-25T23:26:40Z\"\u003eNovember 25, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":774489,"url":"/athletes/774489","name":"jimmy railey","firstname":"jimmy","athlete_name":"jimmy railey","short_name":"Jimmy R.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}}],"Activity-4388512490":[],"Activity-4385737177":[{"comment_id":873634912,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"savageman-esque!"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-24T21:38:48Z\"\u003eNovember 24, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":11722746,"url":"/athletes/11722746","name":"mark henrickson","firstname":"mark","athlete_name":"mark henrickson","short_name":"Mark H.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}},{"comment_id":873644394,"deletable":false,"reportable":true,"quarantinable":false,"comment":[{"type":"raw_token","text":"What are you doing up there?!"}],"timestamp":"\u003ctime class=\"timeago\" datetime=\"2020-11-24T21:54:15Z\"\u003eNovember 24, 2020\u003c/time\u003e","athlete":{"id":7688617,"url":"/athletes/7688617","name":"Massimo Callegari","firstname":"Massimo","athlete_name":"Massimo Callegari","short_name":"Massimo C.","avatar_url":"","member_type":"premium"}}]});
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Glendale","sprite":"icon-at-pr-3","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"4:47","description":"3rd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193666608812,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"The start of something special","sprite":"icon-at-pr-2","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"4:20","description":"2nd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193666517676,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Glendale Rd. 495 to Toothpick","sprite":"icon-at-pr-3","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"9:14","description":"3rd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193664997036,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Glendale Rd -495 to 219","sprite":"icon-at-pr-2","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"14:18","description":"2nd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193665346220,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Savage River Rd to Big Run camp area TT (public version)","sprite":"icon-at-pr-2","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"16:33","description":"2nd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193666494124,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"State Park Rd Bend to Boat Ramp Climb","sprite":"icon-at-pr-3","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"1:58","description":"3rd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193664890540,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Deep Creek Drive Bump","sprite":"icon-at-pr-1","featured":true,"elapsed_time":"51\u003cabbr class='unit' title='second'\u003es\u003c/abbr\u003e","description":"PR","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193665191596,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Rock Lodge to SP TAG","sprite":"icon-at-pr-3","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"2:39","description":"3rd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193664901804,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Glendale West TAG","sprite":"icon-at-pr-2","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"2:08","description":"2nd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193667447468,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"GlenDale to Lake Shore TAG","sprite":"icon-at-pr-2","featured":false,"elapsed_time":"5:28","description":"2nd fastest time","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193666212524,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Big Run Rd Climb","sprite":"icon-at-kom-5","featured":true,"elapsed_time":"12:09","description":"5th overall","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false},{"id":2766406193665627820,"activity_id":4385737177,"name":"Big Run full climb","sprite":"icon-at-kom-4","featured":true,"elapsed_time":"22:07","description":"4th overall","distance_based_best_effort":false,"hidden":false}]});
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Here we've used a GET request to again access the athlete data, only this time we added some parameters, specifically "interval?interval=201922&interval_type=week&chart_type=miles&year_offset=0". This will pull each week of training from the last 365 days ("offset = 0").

We can then roll through the html that this gives us and search for any text that starts with "activity_id" (assuming that an activity id number will follow). If you do a ctrl-f for 'activity_id' in the response above, you'll find it occurs ~170 times in the html - one for each activity during that time period.

I have a funny feeling that we might use this code again in the future ;-), so let's wrap it in a function...

A word of warning, if you're running the below cell, it might take a while as it is looping through every single letter in the html to see if that letter and the preceding letters match our target text ('activity_id'). There are more efficient ways to do it but in the interests of simplicity, it will get the job done...eventually :-)

In [9]:
def get_location_of_string_in_response_text(string, response):
  activity_indices = [i for i in range(len(response.text)) if response.text.startswith(string, i)]
  return activity_indices

activity_indices = get_location_of_string_in_response_text('activity_id', response)
[54955, 55812, 56798, 57663, 58528, 59393, 60250, 61113, 61957, 62813, 63691, 64543, 65420, 66271, 67209, 68057, 68997, 69852, 70718, 71570, 72432, 73288, 74142, 75012, 75868, 76725, 77601, 78499, 79356, 80216, 81104, 82001, 82901, 83801, 84661, 85563, 86434, 87285, 88164, 89033, 89930, 90820, 91725, 92603, 93488, 94365, 95258, 96134, 97044, 97926, 98822, 99709, 100577, 101483, 102385, 103290, 104172, 105038, 105921, 106828, 107759, 108681, 109574, 110470, 111378, 112295, 113166, 114027, 114908, 115807, 116715, 117647, 118519, 119385, 120331, 121288, 122130, 123008, 123896, 124751, 125616, 126476, 127347, 128216, 129114, 130000, 130876, 131770, 132641, 133558, 134486, 135413, 136330, 137201, 138112, 138983, 139923, 140827, 141722, 142630, 183006, 207341, 267647, 268504, 269490, 270355, 271220, 272085, 313400, 313628, 313845, 314074, 314328, 314561, 314789, 315014, 315242, 315480, 315708, 315966, 316190, 316565, 316794, 317074, 317306, 317555, 317804, 318051, 318340, 318568, 318785, 319062, 319278, 319484, 319713, 319967, 320199, 320449, 320687, 320924, 321156, 321421, 321666, 321940, 322168, 322393, 322627, 322847]

So, in the above we used the list comprehension that I introduced in the last blog to build a function that will roll through each character in response.text and it looks for any combination of characters that starts with 'activity_id'. The .startswith function takes (the value of the string we're searching for, the start point in the big string) When it finds a spot in the text that starts with activity id, it adds the location of that spot to a list (e.g. 54955 means we will find the words 'activity_id' at character number 54955 in the html response. We'll find another at character number 55812 etc...) Then it returns this list so that we can go to each spot in the list and look for the actual activity id number in the next function...

In [10]:
def get_activity_ids(response, activity_indices):
  activity_ids = []
  for activity in activity_indices:
    if response.text[activity+13:activity+23] not in activity_ids:
  return activity_ids

activity_ids = get_activity_ids(response, activity_indices)
['4404163137', '4393160435', '4350568178', '4194465500', '4193564883', '4186371565', '4181970551', '4180954755', '4177448740', '4170759432', '4166767502', '4150875276', '4144446577', '4132840040', '4123442691', '4119317007', '4115890464', '4104914453', '4102670218', '4101555805', '4096538318', '4092793988', '4083707689', '4082380387', '4076333734', '4068311669', '4062556172', '4055835490', '4054185481', '4050017892', '4030837539', '4030056003', '4025084801', '4015317499', '4010036557', '4005389588', '4000666729', '3996108842', '3982381924', '3963500751', '3950250721', '3931313082', '3926624535', '3911225898', '3911661750', '3898342356', '3887955019', '3887212496', '3881847180', '3878319028', '3873210360', '3868916510', '3863389652', '3854546790', '3853436776', '3842501262', '3838021893', '3833612627', '3831365317', '3816601210', '3815358277', '3811095415', '3808498026', '3808518901', '3796001560', '3787323368', '3786133046', '3784298992', '3775355687', '3769711860', '3767167410', '3752792722', '3751703615', '3747415156', '3740265486', '3737645237', '3736117332', '3730313479', '3726172650', '3718651386', '3716923663', '3712144706', '3708402893', '3706518797', '4390495788', '4385737177']

In this function we pass the function the html response along with a list of the position of all of the 'athlete_id' instances above. It then goes to each of those spots that we identified in the last function and we look for a 10 digit number going from 13 characters ahead of the start of 'activity_id' to 23 characters (since all activity id numbers are 10 digits). We add each of these 10 digit identifiers to a list that we can then pass to our good old /activity endpoint to get the workout specifics in the next function..

In [14]:
def get_power_stats_from_each_activity(activity_ids):
  power_stats = []
  activities_with_power = []
  for i in range(len(activity_ids)):
    url = f"{activity_ids[i]}/power_data"
    response = session.get(url)
    if (response.text not in power_stats) and (len(response.text)>1):
      stats_dictionary = json.loads(response.text)
      stats_dictionary['activity_id'] = activity_ids[i]
  return power_stats

power_stats = get_power_stats_from_each_activity(activity_ids)
for stat in power_stats:
{'weighted_power': 256, 'training_load': 141, 'max_watts': 969, 'relative_intensity': 63, 'cp_data': [[1238, 1238, 969], [1237, 1238, 937], [1238, 1240, 934], [1237, 1240, 927], [1235, 1239, 911], [1235, 1240, 915], [1235, 1241, 899], [1237, 1244, 890], [1238, 1246, 890], [1237, 1246, 892], [1237, 1247, 892], [1235, 1246, 891], [1235, 1247, 892], [1235, 1248, 887], [1234, 1248, 879], [1235, 1250, 871], [1235, 1251, 869], [1235, 1252, 868], [1235, 1253, 864], [1234, 1253, 859], [1234, 1254, 854], [1234, 1255, 847], [1235, 1257, 842], [1234, 1257, 839], [1235, 1259, 837], [1234, 1259, 834], [1234, 1260, 830], [1234, 1261, 823], [1234, 1262, 818], [1234, 1263, 816], [1235, 1265, 814], [1234, 1265, 813], [1235, 1267, 810], [1234, 1267, 809], [1234, 1268, 807], [1235, 1270, 805], [1235, 1271, 804], [1234, 1271, 803], [1234, 1272, 802], [1234, 1273, 801], [1234, 1274, 797], [1234, 1275, 796], [1235, 1277, 795], [1235, 1278, 795], [1235, 1279, 794], [1234, 1279, 794], [1234, 1280, 792], [1234, 1281, 790], [1234, 1282, 789], [1234, 1283, 786], [1233, 1283, 783], [1234, 1285, 782], [1234, 1286, 782], [1234, 1287, 779], [1234, 1288, 776], [1234, 1289, 776], [1234, 1290, 776], [1234, 1291, 773], [1233, 1291, 771], [1232, 1291, 767], [1231, 1291, 762], [1231, 1292, 758], [1230, 1292, 750], [1230, 1293, 742], [1228, 1292, 734], [1227, 1292, 729], [1226, 1292, 723], [1226, 1293, 716], [1226, 1294, 707], [1223, 1292, 698], [1222, 1292, 692], [1222, 1293, 685], [1221, 1293, 678], [1219, 1292, 671], [1218, 1292, 665], [1217, 1292, 660], [1216, 1292, 656], [1215, 1292, 651], [1214, 1292, 647], [1214, 1293, 642], [1213, 1293, 636], [1212, 1293, 631], [1211, 1293, 625], [1210, 1293, 619], [1209, 1293, 614], [1208, 1293, 608], [1207, 1293, 603], [1206, 1293, 597], [1205, 1293, 591], [1204, 1293, 586], [1203, 1293, 581], [1202, 1293, 576], [1200, 1292, 572], [1199, 1292, 569], [1199, 1293, 565], [1198, 1293, 561], [1197, 1293, 557], [1196, 1293, 553], [1195, 1293, 548], [1194, 1293, 545], [1193, 1293, 541], [1226, 1327, 537], [1226, 1328, 534], [1226, 1329, 531], [1226, 1330, 528], [1226, 1331, 526], [1226, 1332, 523], [1226, 1333, 521], [1226, 1334, 518], [1226, 1335, 516], [1226, 1336, 514], [1226, 1337, 511], [1226, 1338, 509], [1226, 1339, 507], [1226, 1340, 505], [1226, 1341, 503], [1226, 1342, 501], [1226, 1343, 498], [1226, 1344, 496], [1226, 1345, 493], [1226, 1346, 491], [1226, 1347, 489], [1226, 1348, 487], [1226, 1349, 485], [1226, 1350, 483], [1226, 1351, 480], [1214, 1340, 478], [1214, 1341, 477], [1214, 1342, 475], [1213, 1342, 473], [1213, 1343, 471], [1214, 1345, 468], [1213, 1345, 466], [1213, 1346, 465], [1214, 1348, 463], [1214, 1349, 461], [1214, 1350, 459], [1213, 1350, 458], [1213, 1351, 456], [1213, 1352, 454], [1213, 1353, 452], [1213, 1354, 450], [1213, 1355, 448], [1213, 1356, 446], [1213, 1357, 445], [1213, 1358, 443], [1212, 1358, 441], [1211, 1358, 439], [1210, 1358, 437], [1209, 1358, 435], [1208, 1358, 433], [1207, 1358, 431], [1206, 1358, 429], [1206, 1359, 427], [1198, 1352, 425], [1198, 1353, 424], [1198, 1354, 422], [1198, 1355, 421], [1198, 1356, 419], [1198, 1357, 418], [1198, 1358, 416], [1197, 1358, 415], [1196, 1358, 413], [1195, 1358, 411], [1194, 1358, 410], [1193, 1358, 408], [1192, 1358, 406], [1191, 1358, 405], [1190, 1358, 403], [1189, 1358, 402], [1188, 1358, 400], [1188, 1359, 398], [1187, 1359, 397], [1185, 1358, 395], [1185, 1359, 393], [1183, 1358, 392], [1116, 1292, 390], [1115, 1292, 389], [1114, 1292, 389], [1113, 1292, 388], [1113, 1293, 387], [1112, 1293, 386], [1111, 1293, 385], [1110, 1293, 383], [1108, 1292, 382], [1107, 1292, 382], [1106, 1292, 382], [1105, 1292, 381], [1104, 1292, 380], [1104, 1293, 379], [1103, 1293, 378], [1102, 1293, 377], [1101, 1293, 376], [1100, 1293, 374], [1099, 1293, 373], [1097, 1292, 372], [1096, 1292, 372], [1095, 1292, 372], [1094, 1292, 371], [1093, 1292, 370], [1093, 1293, 370], [1092, 1293, 369], [1091, 1293, 368], [1090, 1293, 367], [1089, 1293, 366], [1088, 1293, 365], [1087, 1293, 364], [1086, 1293, 362], [1086, 1294, 361], [1085, 1294, 360], [1084, 1294, 358], [1082, 1293, 357], [1081, 1293, 356], [1128, 1341, 355], [1127, 1341, 355], [1126, 1341, 354], [1125, 1341, 354], [1125, 1342, 353], [1124, 1342, 353], [1123, 1342, 352], [1123, 1343, 351], [1114, 1335, 351], [1114, 1336, 350], [1115, 1338, 350], [1114, 1338, 350], [1114, 1339, 349], [1114, 1340, 349], [1114, 1341, 349], [1114, 1342, 348], [1113, 1342, 348], [1112, 1342, 347], [1112, 1343, 346], [1113, 1345, 346], [1113, 1346, 345], [1106, 1340, 345], [1106, 1341, 344], [1105, 1341, 344], [1105, 1342, 344], [1104, 1342, 343], [1104, 1343, 342], [1104, 1344, 342], [1104, 1345, 341], [1104, 1346, 341], [1105, 1348, 340], [1105, 1349, 340], [1104, 1349, 339], [1104, 1350, 339], [1104, 1351, 338], [1103, 1351, 338], [1104, 1353, 337], [1104, 1354, 336], [1104, 1355, 336], [1104, 1356, 335], [1039, 1292, 335], [1038, 1292, 336], [1037, 1292, 336], [1036, 1292, 336], [1035, 1292, 336], [1034, 1292, 336], [1033, 1292, 337], [1032, 1292, 337], [1031, 1292, 337], [1030, 1292, 337], [1029, 1292, 338], [1028, 1292, 338], [1027, 1292, 338], [1026, 1292, 339], [1025, 1292, 339], [1024, 1292, 339], [1023, 1292, 339], [1022, 1292, 340], [1021, 1292, 340], [1020, 1292, 340], [1019, 1292, 340], [1018, 1292, 340], [1017, 1292, 340], [1016, 1292, 340], [1016, 1293, 340], [1014, 1292, 339], [1013, 1292, 339], [1012, 1292, 339], [1011, 1292, 339], [1010, 1292, 339], [1009, 1292, 339], [1009, 1293, 338], [1008, 1293, 338], [1007, 1293, 337], [1006, 1293, 336], [1004, 1292, 336], [1003, 1292, 336], [1002, 1292, 336], [1001, 1292, 335], [1001, 1293, 335], [1000, 1293, 334], [998, 1292, 334], [998, 1293, 334], [997, 1293, 333], [996, 1293, 333], [996, 1294, 332], [994, 1293, 331], [989, 1293, 329], [983, 1292, 327], [978, 1292, 328], [973, 1292, 329], [968, 1292, 329], [964, 1293, 327], [959, 1293, 324], [953, 1292, 323], [949, 1293, 323], [943, 1292, 322], [939, 1293, 319], [933, 1292, 319], [929, 1293, 317], [5837, 6206, 315], [5832, 6206, 315], [5828, 6207, 315], [5827, 6211, 315], [5827, 6216, 315], [5828, 6222, 315], [5770, 6169, 316], [5765, 6169, 316], [5761, 6170, 316], [5761, 6175, 316], [5761, 6180, 316], [5741, 6165, 316], [5741, 6170, 316], [5741, 6175, 316], [5740, 6179, 316], [5740, 6184, 316], [5738, 6187, 316], [5761, 6215, 315], [5741, 6200, 315], [5742, 6206, 315], [5740, 6209, 315], [5741, 6215, 315], [5741, 6220, 315], [5740, 6224, 315], [5740, 6229, 315], [5740, 6234, 315], [5739, 6238, 314], [5738, 6242, 314], [5738, 6247, 312], [5704, 6206, 311], [5699, 6206, 311], [5699, 6211, 311], [5699, 6216, 311], [5700, 6222, 311], [5699, 6226, 311], [5699, 6231, 311], [5698, 6235, 311], [5698, 6240, 310], [5658, 6205, 310], [5654, 6206, 310], [5650, 6207, 310], [5595, 6157, 311], [5595, 6162, 311], [5594, 6166, 312], [5594, 6171, 312], [5594, 6176, 312], [5594, 6181, 312], [5594, 6186, 312], [5594, 6191, 311], [5594, 6196, 311], [5594, 6201, 311], [5594, 6206, 311], [5594, 6211, 311], [5594, 6216, 311], [5595, 6222, 311], [5594, 6226, 311], [5594, 6231, 311], [5594, 6236, 311], [5594, 6241, 311], [5594, 6246, 309], [5593, 6249, 307], [5594, 6256, 305], [5594, 6261, 303], [5594, 6266, 302], [5594, 6271, 302], [5594, 6276, 301], [5594, 6281, 300], [5594, 6286, 300], [5594, 6291, 299], [5594, 6296, 298], [5594, 6301, 297], [5594, 6306, 296], [5594, 6311, 296], [5594, 6316, 295], [5892, 6631, 294], [5887, 6631, 294], [5886, 6635, 294], [5877, 6631, 293], [5877, 6636, 293], [5828, 6592, 293], [5850, 6619, 293], [5845, 6619, 293], [5838, 6617, 294], [5836, 6620, 294], [5828, 6617, 294], [5830, 6624, 294], [5826, 6625, 294], [5826, 6630, 294], [5758, 6567, 294], [5758, 6572, 294], [5740, 6559, 295], [5742, 6566, 295], [5742, 6571, 295], [5739, 6573, 295], [5740, 6579, 295], [5740, 6584, 295], [5761, 6610, 295], [5765, 6619, 295], [5761, 6620, 296], [5761, 6625, 296], [5761, 6630, 296], [5742, 6616, 296], [5741, 6620, 296], [5740, 6624, 296], [5741, 6630, 296], [5739, 6633, 296], [5738, 6637, 296], [5738, 6642, 295], [5700, 6597, 294], [5702, 6604, 294], [5704, 6611, 295], [5707, 6619, 295], [5702, 6619, 295], [5702, 6624, 295], [5698, 6625, 295], [5698, 6630, 295], [5697, 6634, 295], [5697, 6639, 295], [5594, 6541, 295], [5594, 6546, 295], [5594, 6551, 295], [5595, 6557, 295], [5594, 6561, 295], [5594, 6566, 296], [5595, 6572, 296], [5594, 6576, 296], [5594, 6581, 296], [5594, 6586, 296], [5594, 6591, 296], [5594, 6596, 296], [5594, 6601, 296], [5594, 6606, 296], [5594, 6611, 296], [5595, 6617, 297], [5594, 6621, 297], [5594, 6626, 297], [5594, 6631, 297], [5594, 6636, 297], [5594, 6641, 296], [5594, 6646, 295], [5594, 6651, 294], [5594, 6656, 293], [5826, 6905, 292], [5837, 6921, 292], [5829, 6918, 293], [5828, 6922, 293], [5826, 6925, 293], [5820, 6924, 293], [5819, 6928, 292], [5808, 6922, 292], [5772, 6891, 293], [5770, 6894, 293], [5766, 6895, 293], [5765, 6899, 293], [5761, 6900, 293], [5761, 6905, 294], [5756, 6905, 294], [5768, 6922, 294], [5761, 6920, 294], [5759, 6923, 294], [5754, 6923, 294], [5741, 6915, 294], [5741, 6920, 294], [5740, 6924, 294], [5739, 6928, 294], [5738, 6932, 294], [5738, 6937, 293], [5738, 6942, 293], [5702, 6899, 293], [5702, 6904, 293], [5698, 6905, 293], [5707, 6919, 293], [5705, 6922, 293], [5700, 6922, 294], [5697, 6924, 294], [5697, 6929, 294], [5693, 6930, 293], [5657, 6899, 293], [5657, 6904, 293], [5652, 6904, 293], [5657, 6914, 293], [5658, 6920, 294], [5656, 6923, 294], [5651, 6923, 294], [5646, 6923, 294], [5643, 6925, 294], [5637, 6924, 294], [5595, 6887, 294], [5594, 6891, 294], [5594, 6896, 294], [5594, 6901, 295], [5594, 6906, 295], [5594, 6911, 295], [5594, 6916, 295], [5594, 6921, 295], [5594, 6926, 295], [5594, 6931, 295], [5594, 6936, 294], [5594, 6941, 294], [5594, 6946, 293], [5594, 6951, 293], [5594, 6956, 293], [5594, 6961, 293], [5594, 6966, 293], [5594, 6971, 293], [5594, 6976, 293], [5594, 6981, 293], [5594, 6986, 293], [5594, 6991, 293], [5594, 6996, 293], [5594, 7001, 293], [5594, 7006, 293], [5594, 7011, 292], [5594, 7016, 292], [5594, 7021, 292], [5595, 7027, 293], [5595, 7032, 293], [5594, 7036, 293], [5594, 7041, 293], [5594, 7046, 292], [5594, 7051, 292], [5594, 7056, 291], [5594, 7061, 291], [5594, 7066, 290], [5594, 7071, 290], [5594, 7076, 289], [5594, 7081, 289], [5594, 7086, 289], [5594, 7091, 289], [5594, 7096, 288], [5594, 7101, 288], [5594, 7106, 288], [5594, 7111, 288], [5594, 7116, 288], [5594, 7121, 287], [5594, 7126, 287], [5594, 7131, 286], [5594, 7136, 286], [5594, 7141, 286], [5594, 7146, 286], [5594, 7151, 285], [5407, 6921, 285], [5403, 6922, 285], [5399, 6923, 285], [5395, 6924, 285], [5395, 6929, 285], [5384, 6923, 285], [5384, 6928, 285], [5378, 6927, 285], [5375, 6929, 285], [5373, 6932, 285], [5365, 6929, 284], [5361, 6930, 284], [5354, 6928, 284], [5337, 6916, 284], [5337, 6921, 284], [5334, 6923, 284], [5329, 6923, 284], [5324, 6923, 285], [5319, 6923, 284], [5314, 6923, 285], [5313, 6927, 284], [5305, 6924, 284], [5305, 6929, 284], [5300, 6929, 284], [5403, 7037, 284], [5396, 7035, 284], [5394, 7038, 284], [5386, 7035, 284], [5384, 7038, 284], [5378, 7037, 284], [5374, 7038, 284], [5367, 7036, 284], [5364, 7038, 284], [5360, 7039, 283], [5240, 6924, 283], [5240, 6929, 283], [5339, 7033, 283], [5335, 7034, 283], [5332, 7036, 284], [5326, 7035, 284], [5324, 7038, 284], [5317, 7036, 284], [5313, 7037, 284], [5307, 7036, 284], [5304, 7038, 283], [5299, 7038, 283], [5153, 6922, 283], [5124, 6923, 282], [5095, 6924, 283], [5064, 6923, 282], [5150, 7039, 282], [5117, 7036, 282], [5088, 7037, 282], [5059, 7038, 281], [5029, 7038, 281], [5015, 7054, 280], [5019, 7088, 278], [5015, 7114, 277], [5017, 7146, 276], [4958, 7117, 274], [5151, 7340, 274], [5121, 7340, 273], [5095, 7344, 274], [5064, 7343, 273], [5035, 7344, 273], [5013, 7352, 272], [4975, 7344, 270], [4948, 7347, 270], [4917, 7346, 268], [4893, 7352, 267], [4858, 7347, 266], [4855, 7353, 263], [4534, 7042, 261], [4454, 6992, 260], [4465, 7033, 260], [4440, 7038, 261], [4410, 7038, 260], [4380, 7038, 260], [4348, 7036, 260], [4319, 7037, 260], [4290, 7038, 259], [4259, 7037, 259], [4230, 7038, 259], [4201, 7039, 259], [4170, 7038, 259], [4140, 7038, 259], [4108, 7036, 259], [4080, 7038, 259], [4052, 7040, 258], [4036, 7054, 258], [4045, 7093, 257], [4036, 7114, 257], [4036, 7144, 256], [4204, 7342, 255], [4172, 7340, 255], [4142, 7340, 255], [4112, 7340, 255], [4087, 7345, 255], [4054, 7342, 255], [4035, 7353, 254], [3996, 7344, 253], [3966, 7344, 253], [3937, 7345, 253], [3911, 7349, 252], [3881, 7349, 251], [3846, 7344, 251], [3816, 7344, 250], [3790, 7348, 250], [3760, 7348, 250], [3731, 7349, 248], [5052, 8651, 247], [5022, 8651, 247], [3636, 7344, 246], [4966, 8655, 246], [4944, 8663, 245], [3542, 7340, 245], [3520, 7348, 245], [5405, 9214, 244], [5395, 9234, 245], [5384, 9253, 245], [5324, 9223, 245], [5313, 9242, 245], [5304, 9263, 245], [5248, 9237, 245], [5203, 9222, 246], [5197, 9246, 246], [5143, 9222, 246], [5151, 9260, 246], [5087, 9226, 246], [5087, 9256, 247], [5063, 9262, 247], [5033, 9262, 247], [5013, 9272, 246], [4973, 9262, 246], [4948, 9267, 245], [4917, 9266, 245], [4895, 9274, 244], [4858, 9267, 244], [4857, 9296, 242], [4855, 9296, 241], [4806, 9264, 240], [4734, 9222, 240], [4734, 9252, 241], [4719, 9267, 241], [4690, 9268, 240], [4654, 9262, 240], [4625, 9263, 240], [4594, 9262, 240], [4562, 9260, 240], [4535, 9263, 240], [4463, 9221, 240], [4445, 9233, 240], [4444, 9262, 240], [4413, 9261, 240], [4384, 9262, 240], [4347, 9255, 240], [4319, 9257, 240], [4291, 9259, 240], [4259, 9257, 240], [4237, 9265, 240], [4204, 9262, 240], [4171, 9259, 240], [4141, 9259, 240], [4108, 9256, 240], [4087, 9265, 240], [4054, 9262, 240], [4036, 9274, 240], [3995, 9263, 239], [3966, 9264, 239], [3937, 9265, 239], [3911, 9269, 239], [3884, 9272, 238], [3846, 9264, 238], [3816, 9264, 238], [3790, 9268, 238], [3760, 9268, 237], [3743, 9281, 237], [3720, 9288, 236], [3667, 9265, 236], [3635, 9263, 236], [3622, 9280, 235], [3545, 9233, 235], [3542, 9260, 235], [3521, 9269, 235], [3485, 9263, 234], [3466, 9274, 234], [3427, 9265, 233], [3402, 9270, 233], [3381, 9279, 233], [3345, 9273, 232], [3310, 9268, 232], [3277, 9265, 231], [3255, 9273, 231], [3220, 9268, 231], [3218, 9296, 230], [3154, 9262, 230], [3123, 9261, 230], [3101, 9269, 229], [3069, 9267, 229], [3066, 9294, 228], [3026, 9284, 228], [2985, 9273, 227], [2947, 9265, 227], [2923, 9271, 227], [2893, 9271, 226], [2859, 9267, 226], [2826, 9264, 226], [4095, 10263, 226], [4065, 10263, 226], [4036, 10264, 226], [4032, 10290, 226], [3976, 10264, 225], [3946, 10264, 225], [3916, 10264, 225], [4094, 10472, 225], [4045, 10453, 225], [4036, 10474, 225], [4035, 10503, 225], [4044, 10542, 225], [4074, 10602, 225], [4044, 10602, 225], [4044, 10632, 225], [4036, 10654, 225], [3954, 10602, 224], [3964, 10642, 224], [3935, 10643, 224], [3911, 10649, 224], [3851, 10619, 224], [3845, 10643, 224], [3804, 10632, 224], [3790, 10648, 223], [3756, 10644, 223], [3744, 10662, 223], [3745, 10693, 223], [3744, 10722, 222], [3632, 10640, 222], [3629, 10667, 222], [3542, 10610, 222], [3542, 10640, 222], [3520, 10648, 222], [3483, 10641, 221], [3524, 10712, 221], [3424, 10642, 221], [3394, 10642, 221], [3381, 10659, 220], [3406, 10714, 220], [4036, 11288, 220], [4036, 11318, 220], [4055, 11367, 220], [4099, 11441, 220], [4098, 11470, 220], [4043, 11445, 220], [4038, 11470, 220], [4046, 11508, 220], [4101, 11593, 219], [4127, 11649, 219], [4105, 11657, 219], [4088, 11670, 219], [4045, 11657, 220], [4037, 11679, 220], [4036, 11708, 219], [4074, 11776, 219], [4044, 11776, 219], [4035, 11797, 219], [3984, 11776, 219], [3966, 11788, 219], [3936, 11788, 219], [3914, 11796, 219], [3852, 11764, 219], [3846, 11788, 219], [3804, 11776, 219], [3791, 11793, 218], [3756, 11788, 218], [4036, 12098, 218], [3947, 12039, 218], [3967, 12089, 218], [3937, 12089, 218], [3913, 12095, 218], [3853, 12065, 217], [3847, 12089, 217], [3817, 12089, 217], [3791, 12093, 217], [3760, 12092, 217], [3744, 12106, 217], [3744, 12136, 217], [3668, 12090, 216], [3636, 12088, 216], [3629, 12111, 216], [3540, 12052, 216], [3542, 12084, 216], [3523, 12095, 216], [3509, 12111, 216], [3474, 12106, 215], [3427, 12089, 215], [3406, 12098, 215], [3383, 12105, 215], [3383, 12135, 215], [3310, 12092, 214], [126, 9265, 214], [93, 9262, 214], [67, 9266, 214], [16, 9245, 214], [13, 9272, 214], [7, 9296, 214], [3108, 12100, 213], [3077, 12099, 213], [3068, 12120, 213], [3062, 12144, 212], [3085, 12197, 212], [3068, 12210, 212], [3087, 12259, 212], [3065, 12267, 211], [2799, 12031, 211], [2827, 12089, 211], [2798, 12090, 211], [2775, 12097, 211], [2754, 12106, 211], [2726, 12108, 211], [2699, 12111, 211], [2660, 12102, 210], [2660, 12132, 210], [2721, 12223, 210], [2732, 12264, 210], [2705, 12267, 209], [2666, 12258, 209], [2645, 12267, 209], [2571, 12223, 208], [548, 10264, 208], [544, 10290, 208], [433, 10209, 208], [454, 10260, 208], [428, 10264, 209], [397, 10263, 209], [375, 10271, 209], [333, 10259, 209], [328, 10284, 209], [280, 10259, 209], [252, 10261, 209], [241, 10280, 209], [195, 10264, 209], [165, 10264, 209], [135, 10264, 209], [103, 10262, 209], [74, 10263, 209], [244, 10463, 209], [14, 10263, 209], [90, 10639, 208], [0, 10788, 206], [400, 11470, 206], [331, 11701, 206], [16, 11679, 206], [126, 12089, 206], [4, 12267, 205]], 'time_in_bucket': [655, 25, 33, 27, 10, 43, 26, 19, 14, 11, 12, 8, 11, 14, 15, 10, 9, 10, 18, 4, 16, 10, 11, 8, 12, 9, 7, 11, 13, 13, 8, 11, 11, 12, 13, 15, 10, 11, 9, 10, 5, 7, 11, 8, 10, 6, 8, 5, 8, 16, 14, 10, 8, 22, 14, 14, 11, 16, 14, 7, 12, 14, 11, 7, 18, 14, 13, 15, 22, 14, 10, 5, 17, 24, 24, 20, 22, 18, 22, 19, 17, 21, 15, 31, 16, 16, 20, 26, 12, 24, 23, 27, 28, 30, 32, 22, 28, 18, 18, 29, 21, 23, 29, 23, 32, 18, 28, 19, 24, 34, 22, 20, 29, 27, 17, 23, 26, 31, 31, 39, 30, 25, 30, 35, 16, 34, 30, 23, 33, 20, 18, 24, 21, 21, 33, 26, 31, 23, 24, 37, 34, 33, 30, 39, 24, 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{'weighted_power': 287, 'training_load': 198, 'max_watts': 648, 'relative_intensity': 71, 'cp_data': [[620, 620, 648], [620, 621, 628], [619, 621, 611], [619, 622, 590], [618, 622, 546], [5024, 5029, 518], [5024, 5030, 519], [5024, 5031, 518], [5023, 5031, 517], [5023, 5032, 516], [5023, 5033, 511], [5023, 5034, 510], [5023, 5035, 508], [5023, 5036, 508], [5023, 5037, 507], [5023, 5038, 504], [5023, 5039, 504], [5023, 5040, 504], [5023, 5041, 502], [5023, 5042, 499], [5024, 5044, 498], [5023, 5044, 498], [5023, 5045, 498], [5023, 5046, 498], [5023, 5047, 498], [5023, 5048, 496], [5023, 5049, 496], [5023, 5050, 495], [5023, 5051, 495], [5023, 5052, 495], [5023, 5053, 495], [5023, 5054, 494], [5023, 5055, 493], [5023, 5056, 492], [5023, 5057, 491], [5023, 5058, 488], [5023, 5059, 486], [5024, 5061, 486], [5024, 5062, 487], [5023, 5062, 488], [5023, 5063, 486], [5022, 5063, 482], [5023, 5065, 478], [5023, 5066, 477], [5023, 5067, 476], [5024, 5069, 476], [5023, 5069, 477], [5023, 5070, 477], [5023, 5071, 475], [5022, 5071, 473], [5024, 5074, 469], [5024, 5075, 470], [5023, 5075, 471], [5023, 5076, 470], [5023, 5077, 469], [5023, 5078, 467], [5023, 5079, 467], [5024, 5081, 468], [5024, 5082, 470], [5023, 5082, 470], [5023, 5083, 470], [5022, 5083, 468], [5022, 5084, 464], [5023, 5086, 462], [5023, 5087, 463], [5023, 5088, 462], [5022, 5088, 460], [5022, 5089, 457], [5023, 5091, 455], [5023, 5092, 455], [5023, 5093, 454], [5022, 5093, 453], [5022, 5094, 450], [5023, 5096, 448], [5023, 5097, 448], [5023, 5098, 448], [5022, 5098, 447], [5022, 5099, 445], [5022, 5100, 443], [5023, 5102, 442], [5023, 5103, 441], [5023, 5104, 441], [5023, 5105, 441], [5023, 5106, 441], [5022, 5106, 440], [5022, 5107, 438], [5023, 5109, 435], [5023, 5110, 434], [5023, 5111, 434], [5023, 5112, 433], [5023, 5113, 432], [5022, 5113, 432], [5272, 5364, 430], [5271, 5364, 430], [5271, 5365, 430], [5270, 5365, 430], [5269, 5365, 429], [5022, 5119, 427], [5266, 5364, 426], [5265, 5364, 427], [5265, 5365, 427], [5264, 5365, 426], [5263, 5365, 424], [5256, 5359, 423], [5256, 5360, 423], [5259, 5364, 423], [5258, 5364, 423], [5257, 5364, 424], [5257, 5365, 424], [5256, 5365, 424], [5255, 5365, 423], [5253, 5364, 423], [5252, 5364, 423], [5252, 5365, 423], [5251, 5365, 423], [5245, 5360, 422], [5243, 5359, 423], [5242, 5359, 423], [5241, 5359, 423], [5241, 5360, 423], [5240, 5360, 423], [5243, 5364, 423], [5242, 5364, 423], [5241, 5364, 423], [5241, 5365, 423], [5240, 5365, 423], [5239, 5365, 423], [5238, 5365, 422], [5237, 5365, 422], [5235, 5364, 421], [5234, 5364, 421], [5234, 5365, 421], [5233, 5365, 421], [5232, 5365, 420], [5233, 5367, 418], [5229, 5364, 418], [5228, 5364, 419], [5228, 5365, 419], [5227, 5365, 418], [5226, 5365, 418], [5225, 5365, 417], [5224, 5365, 416], [5223, 5365, 416], [5222, 5365, 416], [5221, 5365, 416], [5220, 5365, 416], [5219, 5365, 415], [5217, 5364, 415], [5216, 5364, 415], [5216, 5365, 415], [5215, 5365, 415], [5214, 5365, 414], [4408, 4560, 414], [4408, 4561, 414], [5210, 5364, 414], [5210, 5365, 414], [4408, 4564, 413], [4408, 4565, 413], [4408, 4566, 413], [4408, 4567, 413], [4408, 4568, 414], [4408, 4569, 414], [4408, 4570, 413], [4408, 4571, 413], [4408, 4572, 413], [4408, 4573, 413], [4408, 4574, 413], [4408, 4575, 413], [4408, 4576, 413], [4408, 4577, 413], [4408, 4578, 413], [4408, 4579, 413], [4408, 4580, 413], [4408, 4581, 413], [4407, 4581, 413], [4405, 4580, 412], [4408, 4584, 412], [4408, 4585, 412], [4407, 4585, 412], [4406, 4585, 412], [4405, 4585, 412], [4408, 4589, 412], [4408, 4590, 412], [4408, 4591, 412], [4407, 4591, 411], [4406, 4591, 411], [4405, 4591, 411], [4408, 4595, 410], [4408, 4596, 410], [4408, 4597, 410], [4407, 4597, 410], [4405, 4596, 410], [4405, 4597, 409], [4404, 4597, 409], [4403, 4597, 408], [4407, 4602, 408], [4405, 4601, 408], [4405, 4602, 407], [5167, 5365, 407], [5166, 5365, 407], [5165, 5365, 407], [5164, 5365, 406], [5163, 5365, 406], [5162, 5365, 406], [5161, 5365, 406], [5160, 5365, 406], [5159, 5365, 406], [5157, 5364, 406], [5157, 5365, 406], [5156, 5365, 406], [5155, 5365, 406], [5154, 5365, 405], [5153, 5365, 405], [5152, 5365, 405], [5151, 5365, 405], [5150, 5365, 405], [4408, 4624, 405], [4408, 4625, 405], [4408, 4626, 405], [4408, 4627, 405], [4408, 4628, 405], [4408, 4629, 405], [4408, 4630, 405], [4408, 4631, 405], [4408, 4632, 405], [4408, 4633, 406], [4408, 4634, 406], [4408, 4635, 406], [4408, 4636, 406], [4408, 4637, 406], [4408, 4638, 406], [4408, 4639, 406], [4407, 4639, 405], [4408, 4641, 405], [4405, 4639, 405], [4406, 4641, 405], [4405, 4641, 405], [4407, 4644, 404], [4406, 4644, 404], [4405, 4644, 404], [4405, 4645, 404], [4403, 4644, 403], [4403, 4645, 403], [4409, 4652, 402], [4408, 4652, 403], [4408, 4653, 403], [4408, 4654, 403], [4407, 4654, 403], [4408, 4656, 403], [4408, 4657, 403], [4408, 4658, 403], [4408, 4659, 403], [4408, 4660, 403], [4408, 4661, 403], [4408, 4662, 403], [4408, 4663, 403], [4408, 4664, 403], [4408, 4665, 404], [4408, 4666, 404], [4408, 4667, 404], [4408, 4668, 404], [4408, 4669, 404], [4408, 4670, 404], [4408, 4671, 404], [4408, 4672, 404], [4408, 4673, 404], [4408, 4674, 404], [4408, 4675, 404], [4407, 4675, 404], [4408, 4677, 404], [4408, 4678, 404], [4408, 4679, 404], [4408, 4680, 404], [4408, 4681, 404], [4408, 4682, 404], [4407, 4682, 404], [4405, 4681, 404], [4405, 4682, 404], [4408, 4686, 404], [4408, 4687, 404], [4407, 4687, 404], [4406, 4687, 404], [4405, 4687, 404], [4404, 4687, 403], [4403, 4687, 403], [4408, 4693, 403], [4407, 4693, 402], [4406, 4693, 402], [4405, 4693, 402], [4405, 4694, 402], [4408, 4698, 402], [4408, 4699, 402], [4408, 4700, 401], [4408, 4701, 402], [4407, 4701, 401], [4406, 4701, 401], [4408, 4704, 401], [4408, 4705, 401], [5024, 5322, 401], [5023, 5322, 402], [5024, 5328, 403], [5024, 5333, 404], [5023, 5337, 404], [5023, 5342, 404], [5023, 5347, 405], [5023, 5352, 406], [5024, 5358, 407], [5024, 5363, 408], [5022, 5366, 408], [5022, 5371, 406], [5022, 5376, 405], [5022, 5381, 404], [5022, 5386, 404], [5023, 5392, 403], [5023, 5397, 402], [5023, 5402, 402], [5022, 5406, 401], [5022, 5411, 401], [5022, 5416, 401], [4408, 4807, 401], [4408, 4812, 401], [4409, 4818, 400], [4409, 4823, 401], [4408, 4827, 401], [4405, 4829, 401], [4404, 4833, 400], [4405, 4839, 399], [4405, 4844, 399], [4406, 4850, 399], [4407, 4856, 398], [4408, 4862, 398], [4406, 4865, 398], [4408, 4872, 398], [4403, 4872, 397], [4408, 4882, 397], [4408, 4887, 397], [4408, 4892, 396], [5023, 5512, 396], [5023, 5517, 396], [4408, 4907, 396], [4408, 4912, 397], [4408, 4917, 397], [4407, 4921, 397], [4408, 4927, 397], [4405, 4929, 397], [4406, 4935, 396], [4408, 4942, 396], [4408, 4947, 397], [4408, 4952, 397], [4408, 4957, 397], [4404, 4958, 396], [4405, 4964, 396], [4405, 4969, 395], [4407, 4976, 395], [4408, 4982, 394], [4404, 4983, 394], [4775, 5359, 394], [4770, 5359, 395], [4765, 5359, 396], [4765, 5364, 396], [4761, 5365, 396], [4756, 5365, 396], [4751, 5365, 395], [4746, 5365, 395], [4741, 5365, 395], [5022, 5651, 395], [5022, 5656, 394], [5023, 5662, 395], [5023, 5667, 396], [5023, 5672, 396], [5023, 5677, 395], [5022, 5681, 395], [5023, 5687, 395], [4408, 5077, 395], [4408, 5082, 396], [4408, 5087, 396], [4404, 5088, 395], [4404, 5093, 395], [4405, 5099, 395], [4407, 5106, 395], [4408, 5112, 394], [4404, 5113, 394], [4405, 5119, 394], [4405, 5124, 393], [4405, 5129, 393], [4408, 5137, 393], [4408, 5142, 393], [4620, 5359, 393], [4620, 5364, 393], [4616, 5365, 393], [4611, 5365, 393], [4606, 5365, 393], [4408, 5172, 393], [4408, 5177, 393], [4405, 5179, 393], [4408, 5187, 393], [4405, 5189, 393], [4408, 5197, 392], [4405, 5199, 392], [4408, 5207, 392], [4408, 5212, 392], [4556, 5365, 392], [4551, 5365, 393], [4546, 5365, 393], [4541, 5365, 393], [4536, 5365, 392], [4531, 5365, 392], [4526, 5365, 392], [4521, 5365, 392], [4516, 5365, 392], [4511, 5365, 393], [4506, 5365, 392], [4501, 5365, 392], [4496, 5365, 392], [4491, 5365, 392], [4486, 5365, 392], [4481, 5365, 392], [4476, 5365, 392], [4471, 5365, 392], [4465, 5364, 392], [4460, 5364, 392], [4455, 5364, 392], [4408, 5322, 393], [4409, 5328, 393], [4409, 5333, 394], [4405, 5334, 394], [4425, 5359, 394], [4420, 5359, 394], [4409, 5353, 395], [4410, 5359, 395], [4410, 5364, 395], [4406, 5365, 396], [4405, 5369, 395], [4405, 5374, 395], [4406, 5380, 394], [4407, 5386, 394], [4408, 5392, 394], [4403, 5392, 394], [4408, 5402, 394], [4406, 5405, 394], [4406, 5410, 393], [4407, 5416, 393], [4408, 5422, 393], [4405, 5424, 393], [4405, 5429, 393], [4406, 5435, 393], [4407, 5441, 393], [4408, 5447, 393], [4408, 5452, 393], [4408, 5457, 393], [4405, 5459, 393], [4406, 5465, 392], [4406, 5470, 392], [4406, 5475, 392], [4407, 5481, 392], [4408, 5487, 392], [4406, 5490, 392], [4408, 5497, 392], [4408, 5502, 392], [4408, 5507, 392], [4405, 5509, 392], [4408, 5517, 392], [4408, 5522, 392], [4408, 5527, 392], [4407, 5531, 392], [4403, 5532, 391], [4398, 5532, 391], [4408, 5547, 391], [4406, 5550, 391], [4407, 5556, 391], [4406, 5560, 391], [4406, 5565, 391], [4407, 5571, 391], [4406, 5575, 391], [4408, 5582, 390], [4408, 5587, 390], [4405, 5589, 390], [4407, 5596, 390], [4407, 5601, 390], [4408, 5607, 390], [4408, 5612, 390], [4409, 5618, 390], [4410, 5624, 391], [4406, 5625, 391], [4406, 5630, 391], [4407, 5636, 391], [4407, 5641, 391], [4407, 5646, 392], [4407, 5651, 392], [4407, 5656, 391], [4408, 5662, 392], [4408, 5667, 392], [4405, 5669, 392], [4404, 5673, 392], [4407, 5681, 392], [4408, 5687, 392], [4408, 5692, 392], [4408, 5697, 392], [4403, 5697, 391], [4398, 5697, 391], [4398, 5702, 391], [4408, 5717, 390], [4405, 5719, 391], [4406, 5725, 390], [4406, 5730, 390], [4408, 5737, 390], [4408, 5742, 390], [4405, 5744, 390], [4404, 5748, 390], [4399, 5748, 390], [4399, 5753, 389], [4389, 5748, 389], [4406, 5770, 389], [4405, 5774, 388], [4405, 5779, 388], [4406, 5785, 388], [4406, 5790, 388], [4407, 5796, 388], [4407, 5801, 388], [4407, 5806, 388], [4403, 5807, 388], [4407, 5816, 387], [4408, 5822, 388], [4408, 5827, 387], [4408, 5832, 387], [4408, 5837, 387], [4408, 5842, 387], [4405, 5844, 387], [4406, 5850, 387], [4407, 5856, 387], [4407, 5861, 387], [4407, 5866, 387], [4408, 5872, 387], [4408, 5877, 387], [4408, 5882, 387], [4408, 5887, 387], [4408, 5892, 387], [4407, 5896, 387], [4408, 5902, 387], [4405, 5904, 387], [4405, 5909, 387], [4405, 5914, 387], [4405, 5919, 387], [4404, 5923, 386], [4405, 5929, 386], [4408, 5937, 386], [4407, 5941, 386], [4406, 5945, 386], [4408, 5952, 386], [4408, 5957, 386], [4407, 5961, 386], [4407, 5966, 386], [4407, 5971, 386], [4408, 5977, 386], [4407, 5981, 386], [4407, 5986, 386], [4408, 5992, 386], [4408, 5997, 386], [4403, 5997, 386], [4405, 6004, 386], [4408, 6012, 385], [4408, 6017, 386], [4408, 6022, 385], [4405, 6024, 385], [4405, 6029, 385], [4407, 6036, 385], [4407, 6041, 385], [4408, 6047, 385], [4407, 6051, 385], [4409, 6058, 386], [4408, 6062, 386], [4408, 6067, 386], [4408, 6072, 386], [4410, 6079, 386], [4408, 6082, 386], [4408, 6087, 387], [4408, 6092, 387], [4407, 6096, 387], [4408, 6102, 387], [4405, 6104, 387], [4406, 6110, 386], [4406, 6115, 386], [4407, 6121, 386], [4403, 6122, 386], [4407, 6131, 386], [4406, 6135, 386], [4405, 6139, 386], [4401, 6140, 386], [4407, 6151, 385], [4408, 6157, 385], [4406, 6160, 385], [4408, 6167, 385], [4408, 6172, 385], [4408, 6177, 385], [4404, 6178, 385], [4406, 6185, 385], [4406, 6190, 385], [4406, 6195, 385], [4407, 6201, 385], [4408, 6207, 385], [4407, 6236, 384], [4408, 6267, 384], [4405, 6294, 384], [4376, 6295, 383], [4352, 6301, 379], [4358, 6337, 374], [4334, 6343, 370], [4328, 6367, 364], [4356, 6425, 360], [4352, 6451, 357], [4327, 6456, 352], [4297, 6456, 347], [4266, 6455, 343], [4231, 6450, 338], [4207, 6456, 334], [4174, 6453, 330], [4147, 6456, 326], [4117, 6456, 322], [4087, 6456, 318], [4057, 6456, 314], [4027, 6456, 310], [3997, 6456, 307], [3967, 6456, 303], [3935, 6454, 300], [3907, 6456, 296], [3877, 6456, 293], [3847, 6456, 290], [3817, 6456, 287], [3787, 6456, 284], [3757, 6456, 281], [3724, 6453, 278], [3703, 6456, 275], [3703, 6456, 272], [3703, 6456, 269], [3703, 6456, 266], [3703, 6456, 263], [3703, 6456, 261], [2694, 5365, 260], [2663, 5364, 261], [2634, 5365, 262], [2604, 5365, 263], [2574, 5365, 264], [2544, 5365, 266], [2514, 5365, 267], [2484, 5365, 268], [2454, 5365, 269], [2424, 5365, 270], [2697, 5668, 271], [2672, 5673, 272], [2637, 5668, 273], [2607, 5668, 274], [2577, 5668, 275], [2547, 5668, 276], [2517, 5668, 277], [2506, 5687, 278], [2458, 5669, 278], [2432, 5673, 279], [2402, 5673, 280], [2386, 5687, 281], [2337, 5668, 282], [2307, 5668, 282], [2277, 5668, 283], [2276, 5697, 284], [2278, 5729, 284], [2277, 5758, 285], [2585, 6096, 286], [2555, 6096, 286], [2524, 6095, 287], [2503, 6104, 288], [2460, 6091, 288], [2431, 6092, 289], [2404, 6095, 290], [2375, 6096, 290], [2340, 6091, 291], [2306, 6087, 292], [2280, 6091, 292], [2275, 6116, 293], [2280, 6151, 293], [2277, 6178, 294], [2276, 6207, 294], [2276, 6237, 295], [2289, 6280, 295], [2274, 6295, 296], [2244, 6295, 295], [2230, 6311, 294], [2227, 6338, 292], [2226, 6367, 290], [2219, 6367, 288], [2231, 6432, 287], [2225, 6456, 286], [2219, 6456, 284], [2219, 6456, 282], [2219, 6456, 280], [2219, 6456, 279], [2219, 6456, 277], [2219, 6456, 275], [2219, 6456, 273], [2063, 6302, 273], [2063, 6332, 272], [2006, 6305, 271], [1966, 6295, 270], [1936, 6295, 269], [1906, 6295, 268], [1889, 6308, 267], [1846, 6295, 266], [1816, 6295, 266], [1785, 6294, 265], [1752, 6291, 265], [1751, 6320, 264], [1704, 6303, 263], [1704, 6333, 262], [1643, 6302, 261], [1645, 6334, 260], [1577, 6296, 259], [1546, 6295, 258], [1523, 6302, 257], [1526, 6335, 256], [1457, 6296, 256], [1452, 6321, 255], [1442, 6341, 254], [1410, 6339, 253], [1336, 6295, 252], [1321, 6310, 251], [1276, 6295, 250], [1246, 6295, 249], [1216, 6295, 249], [1228, 6337, 248], [1199, 6338, 247], [1137, 6306, 246], [1138, 6337, 245], [1110, 6339, 244], [1078, 6337, 243], [1017, 6306, 243], [1019, 6338, 242], [947, 6296, 241], [949, 6328, 240], [932, 6341, 240], [931, 6367, 238], [950, 6419, 237], [949, 6448, 237], [931, 6456, 236], [931, 6456, 235], [931, 6456, 234], [931, 6456, 233], [931, 6456, 231], [931, 6456, 230], [931, 6456, 229], [931, 6456, 228], [931, 6456, 227], [931, 6456, 226], [931, 6456, 225], [931, 6456, 224], [931, 6456, 223], [931, 6456, 222], [931, 6456, 221], [931, 6456, 220], [931, 6456, 219], [931, 6456, 218], [931, 6456, 217], [931, 6456, 216], [931, 6490, 215], [931, 6516, 214], [931, 6544, 213], [931, 6580, 212], [931, 6580, 211], [932, 6647, 210], [944, 6689, 209], [944, 6719, 209], [932, 6737, 208], [931, 6758, 208], [948, 6813, 207], [932, 6827, 206], [931, 6847, 205], [947, 6902, 204], [931, 6904, 204], [931, 6934, 203], [931, 6975, 202], [932, 7007, 201], [1163, 7268, 201], [1134, 7269, 201], [1110, 7275, 200], [1073, 7268, 199], [1039, 7264, 199], [1014, 7269, 199], [935, 7220, 198], [950, 7265, 198], [932, 7277, 197], [947, 7322, 197], [932, 7337, 196], [331, 6311, 196], [299, 6309, 196], [255, 6295, 195], [233, 6303, 195], [208, 6308, 195], [208, 6338, 194], [179, 6339, 194], [154, 6344, 193], [233, 6453, 193], [206, 6456, 192], [176, 6456, 192], [146, 6456, 191], [116, 6456, 191], [86, 6456, 190], [56, 6456, 189], [26, 6456, 189], [0, 6458, 188], [0, 6458, 188], [0, 6458, 187], [0, 6458, 186], [0, 6458, 185], [0, 6458, 185], [0, 6458, 184], [2277, 8389, 184], [2276, 8418, 184], [2277, 8449, 185], [2277, 8479, 185], [2277, 8509, 186], [2276, 8538, 186], [2276, 8568, 186], [2273, 8595, 186], [2240, 8592, 186], [2228, 8610, 186], [2219, 8611, 186], [2219, 8611, 185], [2219, 8611, 184], [2219, 8611, 184], [2219, 8611, 183], [2576, 8936, 182], [2586, 8976, 183], [2589, 9009, 184], [2559, 9009, 184], [2530, 9010, 185], [2503, 9013, 186], [2470, 9010, 186], [2440, 9010, 187], [2410, 9010, 188], [2381, 9011, 188], [2276, 8936, 189], [2278, 8968, 190], [2290, 9010, 190], [2272, 9022, 191], [2240, 9020, 191], [2224, 9034, 190], [2219, 9047, 190], [2219, 9063, 189], [2226, 9104, 188], [2219, 9120, 188], [2223, 9161, 187], [2231, 9199, 187], [2225, 9223, 186], [2227, 9255, 186], [2219, 9267, 185], [2219, 9267, 185], [2113, 9021, 184], [2082, 9020, 184], [2060, 9028, 184], [2275, 9483, 184], [2276, 9514, 184], [2255, 9523, 184], [2230, 9528, 184], [2275, 9603, 184], [2276, 9634, 185], [2277, 9665, 185], [2275, 9693, 185], [2276, 9724, 185], [2277, 9755, 185], [2274, 9782, 185], [2275, 9813, 186], [2276, 9844, 186], [2255, 9853, 186], [2231, 9859, 186], [2274, 9932, 186], [2240, 9928, 186], [2257, 9975, 186], [2231, 9979, 186], [2275, 10053, 186], [2275, 10083, 186], [2275, 10113, 186], [2243, 10111, 186], [2231, 10129, 186], [4405, 12493, 186], [4399, 12517, 186], [4376, 12524, 186], [4378, 12556, 187], [4405, 12613, 187], [4378, 12616, 187], [4374, 12642, 188], [4351, 12649, 188], [4378, 12706, 187], [4363, 12721, 187], [4334, 12722, 187], [4337, 12738, 187], [4334, 12765, 186], [4252, 12730, 186], [4222, 12730, 185], [4190, 12728, 185], [2277, 10611, 184], [2252, 10616, 184], [2230, 10624, 184], [2226, 10650, 184], [2275, 10965, 184], [2276, 11266, 187], [2226, 11516, 188], [2276, 11866, 189], [2276, 12166, 191], [2277, 12467, 193], [2231, 12721, 194], [2219, 12879, 190], [1781, 12639, 189], [1563, 12721, 187], [1268, 12726, 185], [951, 12709, 183], [931, 12879, 180], [931, 12879, 176], [931, 12879, 173], [785, 12724, 170], [403, 12642, 168], [187, 12726, 168], [28, 12850, 165]], 'time_in_bucket': [2093, 10, 26, 20, 20, 45, 41, 34, 37, 27, 22, 19, 23, 22, 27, 26, 23, 14, 12, 12, 19, 13, 23, 22, 16, 20, 13, 18, 22, 15, 16, 10, 17, 16, 13, 15, 21, 15, 10, 26, 13, 16, 13, 13, 12, 16, 19, 16, 18, 24, 23, 22, 10, 8, 11, 14, 21, 16, 20, 23, 22, 17, 16, 11, 14, 15, 18, 15, 12, 15, 18, 10, 15, 10, 15, 16, 19, 23, 23, 18, 22, 14, 18, 21, 19, 17, 10, 22, 25, 27, 12, 25, 10, 25, 17, 23, 25, 14, 15, 15, 27, 19, 17, 16, 11, 22, 15, 22, 27, 13, 21, 23, 24, 16, 15, 16, 16, 24, 18, 21, 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'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '4193564883'}
{'weighted_power': 253, 'training_load': 193, 'max_watts': 736, 'relative_intensity': 63, 'cp_data': [[6033, 6033, 736], [6033, 6034, 731], [6033, 6035, 715], [6032, 6035, 687], [6032, 6036, 661], [6031, 6036, 626], [6030, 6036, 575], [6031, 6038, 550], [6031, 6039, 531], [6030, 6039, 505], [6030, 6040, 482], [14332, 14343, 475], [14332, 14344, 473], [14334, 14347, 476], [14333, 14347, 479], [14332, 14347, 479], [14332, 14348, 479], [14331, 14348, 475], [14331, 14349, 468], [14330, 14349, 462], [14328, 14348, 460], [14327, 14348, 460], [14326, 14348, 459], [14332, 14355, 456], [14332, 14356, 457], [14331, 14356, 455], [14331, 14357, 452], [14332, 14359, 450], [14332, 14360, 451], [14331, 14360, 449], [14333, 14363, 450], [14332, 14363, 451], [14332, 14364, 450], [14331, 14364, 449], [14330, 14364, 446], [14328, 14363, 443], [14327, 14363, 443], [14326, 14363, 443], [14326, 14364, 442], [14325, 14364, 441], [14324, 14364, 438], [14323, 14364, 435], [14322, 14364, 434], [14321, 14364, 432], [14321, 14365, 428], [14326, 14371, 426], [14325, 14371, 425], [14324, 14371, 423], [14323, 14371, 420], [14322, 14371, 420], [14321, 14371, 418], [14320, 14371, 415], [8998, 9050, 412], [8999, 9052, 411], [8998, 9052, 411], [9003, 9058, 410], [9002, 9058, 410], [9000, 9057, 410], [9000, 9058, 410], [8999, 9058, 410], [8998, 9058, 410], [8997, 9058, 409], [8996, 9058, 407], [8995, 9058, 407], [8994, 9058, 407], [8993, 9058, 407], [8992, 9058, 407], [8992, 9059, 406], [9003, 9071, 404], [9002, 9071, 404], [9000, 9070, 404], [9000, 9071, 404], [8999, 9071, 404], [8998, 9071, 404], [9001, 9075, 404], [9000, 9075, 404], [8999, 9075, 404], [8999, 9076, 404], [8998, 9076, 404], [8998, 9077, 403], [8998, 9078, 403], [8998, 9079, 402], [8994, 9076, 402], [8993, 9076, 402], [8992, 9076, 402], [8992, 9077, 402], [8992, 9078, 401], [9004, 9091, 401], [9000, 9088, 401], [8999, 9088, 401], [8998, 9088, 401], [9000, 9091, 401], [8999, 9091, 401], [8998, 9091, 401], [8997, 9091, 400], [8996, 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[8943, 9091, 383], [8942, 9091, 383], [8941, 9091, 382], [8940, 9091, 382], [8939, 9091, 382], [8938, 9091, 382], [8937, 9091, 382], [8936, 9091, 382], [8935, 9091, 382], [8934, 9091, 382], [8933, 9091, 382], [8932, 9091, 382], [8931, 9091, 382], [8930, 9091, 382], [8929, 9091, 381], [8928, 9091, 381], [8927, 9091, 381], [8926, 9091, 381], [8930, 9096, 380], [8897, 9064, 380], [8896, 9064, 380], [8896, 9065, 380], [8898, 9068, 380], [8898, 9069, 381], [8898, 9070, 381], [8898, 9071, 381], [8897, 9071, 381], [8896, 9071, 381], [8898, 9074, 381], [8898, 9075, 381], [8897, 9075, 381], [8897, 9076, 382], [8897, 9077, 382], [8896, 9077, 381], [8896, 9078, 381], [8897, 9080, 381], [8896, 9080, 381], [8897, 9082, 381], [8896, 9082, 381], [8896, 9083, 381], [8898, 9086, 381], [8898, 9087, 381], [8898, 9088, 381], [8897, 9088, 382], [8898, 9090, 382], [8898, 9091, 382], [8897, 9091, 382], [8896, 9091, 382], [8895, 9091, 381], [8897, 9094, 381], [8897, 9095, 381], [8897, 9096, 381], [8896, 9096, 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[8309, 8643, 373], [8318, 8657, 372], [8313, 8657, 373], [8308, 8657, 373], [8294, 8648, 373], [8294, 8653, 373], [8293, 8657, 373], [8289, 8658, 372], [8284, 8658, 372], [8279, 8658, 371], [8374, 8758, 371], [8374, 8763, 371], [8374, 8768, 371], [8372, 8771, 371], [8254, 8658, 371], [8372, 8781, 371], [8373, 8787, 371], [8372, 8791, 370], [8372, 8796, 370], [8293, 8722, 370], [8293, 8727, 369], [8293, 8732, 369], [8293, 8737, 369], [8313, 8762, 369], [8313, 8767, 369], [8309, 8768, 369], [8294, 8758, 369], [8294, 8763, 369], [8293, 8767, 369], [8292, 8771, 369], [8294, 8778, 369], [8293, 8782, 369], [8293, 8787, 369], [8293, 8792, 369], [8293, 8797, 368], [8258, 8767, 368], [8254, 8768, 368], [8249, 8768, 368], [8257, 8781, 368], [8253, 8782, 368], [8248, 8782, 367], [8242, 8781, 367], [8243, 8787, 367], [8243, 8792, 367], [8533, 9087, 367], [8532, 9091, 368], [8527, 9091, 367], [8527, 9096, 367], [8484, 9058, 367], [8479, 9058, 367], [8487, 9071, 367], [8487, 9076, 368], [8483, 9077, 368], [8478, 9077, 368], [8487, 9091, 368], [8482, 9091, 368], [8477, 9091, 368], [8477, 9096, 368], [8467, 9091, 368], [8462, 9091, 368], [8453, 9087, 368], [8452, 9091, 368], [8447, 9091, 368], [8447, 9096, 368], [8434, 9088, 368], [8396, 9055, 368], [8395, 9059, 368], [8396, 9065, 368], [8396, 9070, 369], [8396, 9075, 369], [8396, 9080, 369], [8396, 9085, 369], [8396, 9090, 369], [8396, 9095, 369], [8372, 9076, 369], [8371, 9080, 369], [8374, 9088, 369], [8372, 9091, 369], [8372, 9096, 369], [8372, 9101, 369], [8371, 9105, 368], [8372, 9111, 368], [8371, 9115, 368], [8372, 9121, 367], [8334, 9088, 367], [8331, 9090, 367], [8313, 9077, 368], [8308, 9077, 368], [8313, 9087, 368], [8312, 9091, 368], [8307, 9091, 368], [8293, 9082, 368], [8294, 9088, 368], [8292, 9091, 368], [8292, 9096, 368], [8293, 9102, 368], [8283, 9097, 367], [8283, 9102, 367], [8267, 9091, 367], [8262, 9091, 367], [8257, 9091, 367], [8257, 9096, 367], [8247, 9091, 367], [8242, 9091, 367], [8242, 9096, 367], [8243, 9102, 367], [8241, 9105, 366], [8242, 9111, 366], [8258, 9132, 366], [8255, 9134, 366], [8207, 9091, 366], [8207, 9096, 366], [8202, 9096, 365], [8190, 9089, 366], [8187, 9091, 366], [8182, 9091, 366], [8162, 9076, 366], [8161, 9080, 366], [8167, 9091, 366], [8162, 9091, 366], [8161, 9095, 366], [8157, 9096, 366], [8157, 9101, 366], [8142, 9091, 365], [8117, 9071, 365], [8117, 9076, 366], [8117, 9081, 366], [8117, 9086, 366], [8117, 9091, 366], [8117, 9096, 366], [8117, 9101, 366], [8117, 9106, 365], [8117, 9111, 365], [8117, 9116, 365], [8117, 9121, 365], [8117, 9126, 364], [8117, 9131, 365], [8117, 9136, 364], [8117, 9141, 364], [8117, 9146, 364], [8117, 9151, 364], [8117, 9156, 363], [8117, 9161, 363], [8117, 9166, 363], [8117, 9171, 363], [8117, 9176, 363], [8117, 9181, 362], [8117, 9186, 362], [8117, 9191, 362], [8117, 9196, 362], [8004, 9088, 362], [8002, 9091, 362], [8002, 9096, 362], [7997, 9096, 362], [7987, 9091, 362], [7982, 9091, 362], [7977, 9091, 362], [7972, 9091, 362], [7972, 9096, 362], [7962, 9091, 362], [7957, 9091, 362], [7956, 9095, 362], [7947, 9091, 362], [7947, 9096, 362], [7947, 9101, 362], [7932, 9091, 362], [7932, 9096, 362], [7932, 9101, 362], [7910, 9084, 362], [7912, 9091, 362], [7907, 9091, 362], [7907, 9096, 362], [7908, 9102, 362], [7889, 9088, 362], [7887, 9091, 362], [7882, 9091, 362], [7882, 9096, 362], [7872, 9091, 362], [7867, 9091, 362], [7862, 9091, 362], [7857, 9091, 361], [7857, 9096, 361], [7857, 9101, 361], [7853, 9102, 361], [7857, 9111, 361], [7856, 9115, 361], [7870, 9134, 361], [7863, 9132, 361], [7860, 9134, 361], [7856, 9135, 361], [7850, 9134, 360], [7861, 9150, 360], [7856, 9150, 360], [7851, 9150, 360], [7851, 9155, 360], [7860, 9169, 359], [7859, 9173, 359], [7855, 9174, 359], [7849, 9173, 359], [7858, 9187, 359], [7853, 9187, 359], [7862, 9201, 359], [7860, 9204, 359], [7860, 9209, 359], [7855, 9209, 359], [7850, 9209, 358], [7857, 9221, 358], [7856, 9225, 358], [7883, 9257, 358], [7882, 9261, 358], [7872, 9256, 358], [7869, 9258, 358], [7862, 9256, 358], [7861, 9260, 358], [7856, 9260, 358], [7858, 9267, 358], [7855, 9269, 358], [7854, 9273, 358], [7861, 9285, 358], [7856, 9285, 358], [7856, 9290, 358], [7851, 9290, 357], [7849, 9293, 357], [7869, 9318, 357], [7864, 9318, 357], [7861, 9320, 357], [7860, 9324, 357], [7855, 9324, 357], [7862, 9336, 357], [7857, 9336, 357], [7854, 9338, 357], [7849, 9338, 357], [7850, 9344, 357], [7847, 9346, 356], [7826, 9330, 356], [7826, 9335, 356], [7825, 9339, 356], [7825, 9344, 356], [7822, 9346, 355], [7816, 9345, 355], [7811, 9345, 354], [7806, 9345, 354], [7802, 9346, 353], [7826, 9375, 353], [7826, 9380, 353], [7824, 9383, 353], [7823, 9387, 353], [7814, 9383, 352], [7812, 9386, 352], [7808, 9387, 351], [7803, 9387, 351], [7824, 9413, 350], [7825, 9419, 350], [7824, 9423, 350], [7782, 9386, 349], [7772, 9381, 349], [7772, 9386, 349], [7768, 9387, 348], [7763, 9387, 348], [7758, 9387, 348], [7752, 9386, 347], [7747, 9386, 347], [7739, 9383, 347], [7738, 9387, 347], [7734, 9388, 346], [7763, 9422, 345], [7756, 9420, 345], [7751, 9420, 345], [7739, 9413, 345], [7740, 9419, 344], [7738, 9422, 344], [7734, 9423, 344], [7734, 9428, 343], [7734, 9433, 342], [7733, 9435, 341], [7733, 9435, 340], [7733, 9435, 339], [7733, 9435, 338], [7733, 9435, 337], [7733, 9435, 336], [7734, 9438, 335], [7734, 9443, 335], [7734, 9448, 334], [7733, 9448, 333], [7733, 9448, 332], [7733, 9448, 331], [7733, 9448, 330], [7733, 9448, 329], [7733, 9448, 329], [7733, 9448, 328], [7733, 9448, 327], [7733, 9448, 326], [7733, 9448, 325], [7733, 9448, 324], [7733, 9448, 319], [7733, 9448, 313], [7733, 9448, 308], [7733, 9448, 304], [7728, 9448, 299], [3969, 5948, 295], [3950, 5959, 292], [3888, 5927, 290], [3839, 5908, 289], [3824, 5923, 289], [3796, 5925, 288], [3767, 5926, 287], [3726, 5915, 286], [3702, 5921, 287], [3674, 5923, 287], [3636, 5915, 286], [3620, 5929, 286], [3586, 5925, 284], [3557, 5926, 284], [3526, 5925, 283], [3499, 5928, 282], [3413, 5872, 282], [3414, 5903, 282], [3406, 5925, 282], [3372, 5921, 282], [3349, 5928, 281], [3342, 5951, 280], [3287, 5926, 278], [3246, 5915, 278], [3224, 5923, 277], [3198, 5927, 276], [3168, 5927, 276], [3113, 5902, 275], [3101, 5920, 275], [3077, 5926, 275], [3046, 5925, 274], [3020, 5929, 273], [2988, 5927, 272], [2940, 5909, 272], [2900, 5899, 272], [2897, 5926, 272], [2897, 5956, 271], [2891, 5959, 268], [2886, 5959, 266], [2877, 5959, 263], [2901, 6036, 262], [2891, 6040, 260], [2892, 6087, 258], [2813, 5929, 255], [2781, 5927, 255], [2752, 5928, 254], [2718, 5924, 254], [11348, 14737, 253], [11313, 14732, 253], [11235, 14684, 253], [11235, 14714, 253], [11228, 14737, 253], [11200, 14739, 252], [11164, 14733, 252], [11138, 14737, 252], [11104, 14733, 251], [11078, 14737, 251], [11051, 14740, 250], [11013, 14732, 249], [10973, 14722, 249], [10967, 14746, 249], [10840, 14649, 249], [10844, 14683, 249], [10829, 14698, 249], [10829, 14728, 249], [10808, 14737, 249], [10781, 14740, 249], [10751, 14740, 247], [10720, 14739, 246], [10690, 14739, 246], [10658, 14737, 245], [10811, 14920, 244], [10794, 14933, 244], [10775, 14944, 243], [10745, 14944, 242], [10708, 14937, 241], [10685, 14944, 241], [10656, 14945, 240], [10626, 14945, 239], [10594, 14943, 238], [10566, 14945, 238], [11251, 15660, 238], [11225, 15664, 238], [11208, 15677, 237], [11166, 15665, 237], [11134, 15663, 237], [11106, 15665, 237], [11076, 15665, 237], [11058, 15677, 236], [11058, 15707, 235], [10982, 15661, 235], [10968, 15677, 235], [10829, 15568, 235], [10829, 15598, 235], [10825, 15624, 236], [10833, 15662, 236], [10811, 15670, 236], [10784, 15673, 236], [10784, 15703, 235], [10757, 15706, 234], [10695, 15674, 234], [10696, 15705, 233], [10667, 15706, 232], [10637, 15706, 232], [10566, 15665, 231], [10577, 15706, 231], [10521, 15680, 230], [10519, 15708, 230], [10488, 15707, 229], [4510, 9346, 228], [4521, 9387, 229], [4523, 9419, 228], [4482, 9408, 228], [4479, 9435, 228], [4482, 9438, 227], [4075, 9091, 226], [4045, 9091, 227], [4020, 9096, 228], [4230, 9336, 228], [3999, 9135, 229], [4007, 9173, 229], [4012, 9208, 230], [4041, 9267, 230], [4011, 9267, 231], [4049, 9335, 231], [4008, 9324, 232], [3999, 9345, 232], [3970, 9346, 233], [3981, 9387, 233], [3970, 9406, 233], [3968, 9434, 233], [3939, 9435, 231], [3820, 9346, 231], [3830, 9386, 231], [3800, 9386, 231], [3800, 9416, 231], [3699, 9345, 232], [3669, 9345, 232], [3638, 9344, 232], [3639, 9375, 232], [3621, 9387, 232], [3626, 9422, 232], [3561, 9387, 232], [3526, 9382, 232], [3526, 9412, 232], [3414, 9330, 232], [3399, 9345, 233], [3411, 9387, 233], [3380, 9386, 233], [3351, 9387, 233], [3357, 9423, 233], [3336, 9432, 232], [3257, 9383, 232], [3231, 9387, 232], [3236, 9422, 232], [3205, 9421, 232], [3099, 9345, 232], [3110, 9386, 232], [3081, 9387, 232], [3083, 9419, 232], [3057, 9423, 232], [3029, 9425, 232], [2900, 9326, 232], [2898, 9354, 232], [2900, 9386, 232], [2899, 9415, 232], [2891, 9435, 231], [2897, 9443, 231], [2891, 9448, 230], [2886, 9448, 229], [2879, 9448, 228], [2877, 9448, 227], [2847, 9420, 226], [2823, 9426, 226], [2789, 9422, 225], [2760, 9423, 225], [2719, 9412, 225], [2699, 9422, 225], [2672, 9425, 225], [2652, 9435, 224], [2580, 9393, 224], [2581, 9424, 224], [2557, 9430, 223], [2517, 9420, 223], [2492, 9425, 223], [2467, 9430, 223], [2437, 9430, 222], [2364, 9387, 222], [2369, 9422, 222], [2349, 9432, 221], [2320, 9433, 221], [2276, 9419, 221], [2258, 9431, 221], [2227, 9430, 220], [2193, 9426, 220], [2168, 9431, 220], [2137, 9430, 219], [2107, 9430, 219], [2077, 9430, 218], [2052, 9435, 218], [2019, 9432, 217], [1992, 9435, 217], [1948, 9421, 216], [1924, 9427, 216], [1890, 9423, 216], [1867, 9430, 215], [1840, 9433, 215], [1773, 9396, 214], [1773, 9426, 214], [1742, 9425, 214], [1721, 9434, 214], [1677, 9420, 213], [1657, 9430, 213], [1628, 9431, 213], [1589, 9422, 212], [1566, 9429, 212], [1534, 9427, 212], [1507, 9430, 212], [1481, 9434, 211], [1446, 9429, 211], [1422, 9435, 210], [1391, 9434, 210], [1358, 9431, 210], [1331, 9434, 209], [1298, 9431, 209], [1270, 9433, 208], [1241, 9434, 208], [1210, 9433, 207], [1182, 9435, 207], [1147, 9430, 206], [1134, 9435, 206], [1135, 9448, 205], [1134, 9448, 205], [1134, 9448, 204], [1134, 9448, 203], [1134, 9448, 203], [1134, 9448, 202], [1134, 9448, 201], [1134, 9448, 201], [1203, 9527, 200], [1175, 9529, 200], [1136, 9520, 199], [1134, 9546, 199], [1134, 9576, 198], [1135, 9609, 198], [1135, 9639, 197], [1134, 9667, 197], [1134, 9694, 196], [1000, 9431, 196], [964, 9425, 196], [932, 9423, 196], [902, 9423, 196], [878, 9429, 196], [831, 9412, 196], [824, 9435, 196], [781, 9422, 195], [754, 9425, 195], [729, 9430, 195], [694, 9425, 195], [674, 9435, 194], [685, 9446, 194], [657, 9448, 193], [581, 9432, 193], [545, 9426, 193], [515, 9426, 193], [494, 9435, 192], [507, 9448, 192], [476, 9447, 191], [395, 9426, 191], [364, 9425, 191], [329, 9420, 191], [305, 9426, 191], [262, 9413, 191], [252, 9433, 191], [7824, 16474, 190], [7825, 16505, 190], [7825, 16535, 191], [7824, 16564, 191], [7804, 16574, 191], [7751, 16551, 191], [7738, 16568, 191], [7733, 16576, 191], [7733, 16576, 190], [7733, 16576, 190], [7733, 16576, 189], [7733, 16576, 189], [7733, 16576, 188], [7728, 16576, 188], [7728, 16576, 187], [7728, 16576, 187], [7728, 16576, 186], [7728, 16576, 186], [7728, 16576, 185], [7662, 16513, 185], [7662, 16543, 185], [3969, 13310, 186], [3630, 13271, 187], [3357, 13298, 188], [4483, 14724, 190], [3970, 14511, 192], [3893, 14734, 193], [3592, 14733, 194], [3294, 14735, 195], [2992, 14733, 195], [2897, 14938, 195], [3339, 15680, 194], [3030, 15671, 194], [2897, 15831, 193], [2581, 15669, 192], [3237, 16574, 192], [2900, 16537, 193], [2790, 16574, 191], [2491, 16575, 190], [2190, 16574, 189], [1890, 16574, 188], [1590, 16574, 187], [1289, 16573, 185], [1134, 16576, 183], [1114, 16576, 180], [814, 16576, 179], [514, 16576, 178], [212, 16574, 177]], 'time_in_bucket': [2350, 11, 12, 16, 21, 15, 18, 30, 26, 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{'weighted_power': 301, 'training_load': 388, 'max_watts': 1065, 'relative_intensity': 75, 'cp_data': [[1612, 1612, 1065], [1611, 1612, 1054], [1927, 1929, 1033], [1927, 1930, 1018], [2567, 2571, 984], [2567, 2572, 973], [2566, 2572, 953], [2566, 2573, 931], [1813, 1821, 921], [1812, 1821, 910], [1812, 1822, 900], [1812, 1823, 881], [1812, 1824, 864], [1812, 1825, 854], [1812, 1826, 839], [1812, 1827, 825], [1812, 1828, 811], [1812, 1829, 792], [1811, 1829, 773], [1812, 1831, 744], [1811, 1831, 729], [2054, 2075, 706], [2054, 2076, 692], [1812, 1835, 687], [1812, 1836, 679], [1811, 1836, 670], [1811, 1837, 655], [1810, 1837, 635], [1809, 1837, 617], [1808, 1837, 600], [2059, 2089, 595], [2058, 2089, 593], [2057, 2089, 591], [2056, 2089, 587], [2056, 2090, 583], [2055, 2090, 578], [16496, 16532, 576], [16495, 16532, 573], [2059, 2097, 568], [2058, 2097, 568], [2058, 2098, 567], [2057, 2098, 566], [2057, 2099, 564], [2058, 2101, 563], [2057, 2101, 562], [2056, 2101, 560], [2060, 2106, 560], [2059, 2106, 560], [2058, 2106, 560], [2057, 2106, 559], [2057, 2107, 557], [2056, 2107, 555], [2055, 2107, 552], [2057, 2110, 551], [2057, 2111, 549], [2056, 2111, 548], [2055, 2111, 545], [2054, 2111, 543], [2054, 2112, 541], [2053, 2112, 537], [2052, 2112, 533], [2051, 2112, 528], [2050, 2112, 523], [2049, 2112, 519], [2048, 2112, 517], [2047, 2112, 515], [2046, 2112, 513], [12485, 12552, 512], [12484, 12552, 512], [12484, 12553, 511], [12484, 12554, 510], [12484, 12555, 508], [12485, 12557, 509], [12484, 12557, 509], [12484, 12558, 508], [12484, 12559, 507], [12484, 12560, 505], [12484, 12561, 503], [12484, 12562, 502], [12484, 12563, 501], [12484, 12564, 500], [12484, 12565, 500], [12484, 12566, 499], [12484, 12567, 499], [12484, 12568, 498], [12484, 12569, 497], [12484, 12570, 496], [12484, 12571, 495], [12484, 12572, 494], [12484, 12573, 493], [12484, 12574, 492], [12484, 12575, 491], [12484, 12576, 491], [12484, 12577, 491], [12484, 12578, 490], [12484, 12579, 489], 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12677, 458], [12484, 12678, 458], [12484, 12679, 458], [12484, 12680, 457], [12484, 12681, 457], [12484, 12682, 456], [12484, 12683, 456], [12484, 12684, 456], [12484, 12685, 455], [12484, 12686, 454], [12484, 12687, 454], [12484, 12688, 454], [12484, 12689, 454], [12484, 12690, 454], [12484, 12691, 454], [12484, 12692, 453], [12484, 12693, 453], [12484, 12694, 453], [12484, 12695, 453], [12484, 12696, 452], [12484, 12697, 452], [12484, 12698, 452], [12484, 12699, 451], [12484, 12700, 451], [12484, 12701, 450], [12484, 12702, 450], [12485, 12704, 451], [12485, 12705, 451], [12484, 12705, 452], [12485, 12707, 452], [12484, 12707, 452], [12484, 12708, 452], [12484, 12709, 451], [12484, 12710, 451], [12484, 12711, 451], [12484, 12712, 451], [12483, 12712, 451], [12483, 12713, 449], [12484, 12715, 449], [12483, 12715, 448], [12483, 12716, 447], [12484, 12718, 446], [12483, 12718, 446], [12483, 12719, 445], [12483, 12720, 444], [12482, 12720, 442], [12482, 12721, 441], [12481, 12721, 439], [12481, 12722, 437], [12481, 12723, 435], [12481, 12724, 433], [12481, 12725, 432], [12481, 12726, 430], [860, 1106, 428], [859, 1106, 429], [858, 1106, 429], [858, 1107, 429], [858, 1108, 429], [858, 1109, 428], [858, 1110, 428], [858, 1111, 428], [858, 1112, 428], [857, 1112, 427], [857, 1113, 426], [857, 1114, 425], [17267, 17525, 424], [851, 1110, 423], [851, 1111, 424], [851, 1112, 423], [850, 1112, 423], [849, 1112, 422], [847, 1111, 422], [847, 1112, 421], [846, 1112, 421], [886, 1153, 421], [886, 1154, 422], [886, 1155, 423], [885, 1155, 423], [884, 1155, 423], [884, 1156, 423], [885, 1158, 423], [885, 1159, 423], [886, 1161, 424], [885, 1161, 424], [884, 1161, 424], [884, 1162, 424], [883, 1162, 424], [884, 1164, 424], [883, 1164, 424], [883, 1165, 423], [883, 1166, 423], [883, 1167, 422], [883, 1168, 422], [883, 1169, 422], [883, 1170, 421], [882, 1170, 421], [872, 1161, 421], [872, 1162, 421], [872, 1163, 420], [872, 1164, 420], [869, 1162, 420], [868, 1162, 420], [869, 1164, 420], [868, 1164, 420], [868, 1165, 419], [864, 1162, 419], [1927, 2226, 420], [1924, 2228, 422], [1920, 2229, 420], [1923, 2237, 418], [1926, 2245, 418], [1922, 2246, 418], [1917, 2246, 417], [16496, 16830, 414], [16493, 16832, 414], [16494, 16838, 414], [16495, 16844, 414], [16492, 16846, 413], [16486, 16845, 412], [858, 1222, 411], [858, 1227, 410], [858, 1232, 410], [859, 1238, 410], [857, 1241, 409], [858, 1247, 408], [987, 1381, 407], [987, 1386, 407], [884, 1288, 409], [886, 1295, 410], [884, 1298, 411], [884, 1303, 410], [883, 1307, 409], [884, 1313, 410], [883, 1317, 410], [884, 1323, 410], [883, 1327, 410], [883, 1332, 409], [883, 1337, 408], [883, 1342, 408], [883, 1347, 408], [858, 1327, 408], [937, 1411, 408], [932, 1411, 408], [888, 1372, 409], [885, 1374, 411], [884, 1378, 411], [884, 1383, 411], [884, 1388, 411], [884, 1393, 411], [883, 1397, 411], [885, 1404, 411], [886, 1410, 412], [883, 1412, 412], [878, 1412, 410], [872, 1411, 410], [868, 1412, 410], [861, 1410, 409], [858, 1412, 410], [852, 1411, 408], [848, 1412, 408], [842, 1411, 406], [836, 1410, 406], [835, 1414, 405], [858, 1442, 404], [858, 1447, 402], [858, 1452, 401], [836, 1435, 401], [836, 1440, 400], [886, 1495, 400], [883, 1497, 401], [883, 1502, 401], [881, 1505, 400], [886, 1515, 401], [885, 1519, 402], [884, 1523, 401], [875, 1519, 401], [870, 1519, 401], [865, 1519, 400], [859, 1518, 401], [859, 1523, 400], [857, 1526, 400], [846, 1520, 399], [846, 1525, 398], [836, 1520, 398], [836, 1525, 397], [884, 1578, 396], [884, 1583, 396], [884, 1588, 396], [883, 1592, 396], [874, 1588, 395], [869, 1588, 395], [858, 1582, 395], [859, 1588, 396], [858, 1592, 395], [883, 1622, 395], [883, 1627, 395], [867, 1616, 394], [861, 1615, 394], [857, 1616, 394], [858, 1622, 394], [858, 1627, 394], [858, 1632, 393], [836, 1615, 392], [858, 1642, 392], [836, 1625, 391], [836, 1630, 391], [836, 1635, 390], [836, 1640, 390], [836, 1645, 389], [835, 1649, 388], [836, 1655, 388], [836, 1660, 387], [835, 1664, 386], [836, 1670, 385], [836, 1675, 385], [917, 1761, 384], [911, 1760, 384], [906, 1760, 385], [900, 1759, 385], [896, 1760, 385], [887, 1756, 386], [886, 1760, 387], [883, 1762, 387], [884, 1768, 387], [885, 1774, 387], [884, 1778, 387], [881, 1780, 387], [858, 1762, 387], [858, 1767, 387], [859, 1773, 387], [858, 1777, 387], [858, 1782, 386], [851, 1780, 386], [894, 1828, 386], [886, 1825, 386], [885, 1829, 387], [886, 1835, 387], [883, 1837, 387], [870, 1829, 387], [872, 1836, 387], [859, 1828, 387], [858, 1832, 387], [858, 1837, 387], [852, 1836, 386], [847, 1836, 386], [842, 1836, 385], [837, 1836, 385], [834, 1838, 384], [827, 1836, 383], [823, 1837, 382], [835, 1854, 382], [830, 1854, 380], [825, 1854, 380], [821, 1855, 379], [815, 1854, 378], [810, 1854, 377], [805, 1854, 376], [801, 1855, 374], [795, 1854, 373], [770, 1834, 373], [886, 1955, 372], [884, 1958, 373], [883, 1962, 373], [874, 1958, 373], [869, 1958, 373], [864, 1958, 373], [859, 1958, 373], [858, 1962, 373], [858, 1967, 373], [857, 1971, 372], [851, 1970, 372], [836, 1960, 372], [836, 1965, 371], [836, 1970, 371], [1088, 2227, 372], [1083, 2227, 373], [1078, 2227, 374], [1074, 2228, 374], [1069, 2228, 374], [1063, 2227, 374], [1059, 2228, 374], [988, 2162, 374], [988, 2167, 375], [984, 2168, 374], [979, 2168, 374], [883, 2077, 374], [987, 2186, 374], [885, 2089, 374], [952, 2161, 374], [952, 2166, 375], [886, 2105, 375], [885, 2109, 376], [883, 2112, 376], [934, 2168, 376], [989, 2228, 376], [985, 2229, 376], [919, 2168, 377], [914, 2168, 376], [909, 2168, 377], [904, 2168, 377], [898, 2167, 377], [886, 2160, 378], [886, 2165, 378], [884, 2168, 379], [879, 2168, 378], [874, 2168, 378], [869, 2168, 378], [864, 2168, 378], [858, 2167, 379], [914, 2228, 378], [909, 2228, 378], [905, 2229, 378], [899, 2228, 379], [894, 2228, 379], [888, 2227, 380], [884, 2228, 380], [881, 2230, 380], [874, 2228, 380], [869, 2228, 380], [882, 2246, 380], [859, 2228, 380], [872, 2246, 380], [858, 2237, 380], [862, 2246, 380], [857, 2246, 380], [852, 2246, 379], [847, 2246, 379], [884, 2288, 379], [837, 2246, 379], [874, 2288, 378], [869, 2288, 378], [864, 2288, 378], [858, 2287, 379], [858, 2292, 378], [849, 2288, 378], [846, 2290, 378], [839, 2288, 377], [835, 2289, 377], [835, 2294, 377], [836, 2300, 377], [835, 2304, 376], [836, 2310, 376], [835, 2314, 375], [835, 2319, 374], [835, 2324, 374], [836, 2330, 374], [834, 2333, 373], [825, 2329, 372], [886, 2395, 372], [884, 2398, 373], [879, 2398, 372], [874, 2398, 372], [869, 2398, 372], [864, 2398, 372], [858, 2397, 373], [854, 2398, 372], [849, 2398, 372], [844, 2398, 372], [836, 2395, 372], [834, 2398, 372], [829, 2398, 371], [824, 2398, 370], [835, 2414, 370], [814, 2398, 369], [824, 2413, 369], [836, 2430, 368], [836, 2435, 368], [836, 2440, 368], [836, 2445, 368], [836, 2450, 367], [835, 2454, 367], [836, 2460, 366], [835, 2464, 366], [835, 2469, 365], [824, 2463, 365], [835, 2479, 364], [823, 2472, 364], [825, 2479, 363], [823, 2482, 363], [815, 2479, 362], [810, 2479, 361], [804, 2478, 361], [770, 2449, 360], [770, 2454, 360], [770, 2459, 360], [770, 2464, 359], [770, 2469, 359], [769, 2473, 358], [770, 2479, 358], [868, 2582, 358], [868, 2587, 358], [858, 2582, 358], [858, 2587, 358], [858, 2592, 358], [857, 2596, 358], [858, 2602, 357], [837, 2586, 357], [836, 2590, 357], [836, 2595, 357], [836, 2600, 357], [834, 2603, 357], [836, 2610, 356], [834, 2613, 356], [869, 2653, 356], [864, 2653, 356], [859, 2653, 356], [858, 2657, 356], [835, 2664, 355], [834, 2693, 354], [815, 2704, 351], [823, 2742, 349], [12948, 14897, 347], [12484, 14463, 346], [12484, 14493, 347], [12484, 14523, 347], [12481, 14550, 346], [12484, 14583, 346], [12484, 14613, 348], [12484, 14643, 348], [12484, 14673, 347], [12484, 14703, 348], [12484, 14733, 348], [12484, 14763, 347], [12483, 14792, 346], [12484, 14823, 346], [12483, 14852, 346], [12483, 14882, 345], [12483, 14912, 344], [13371, 15830, 344], [12999, 15488, 344], [12999, 15518, 344], [13492, 16041, 345], [13471, 16050, 345], [13438, 16047, 345], [13406, 16045, 346], [13378, 16047, 346], [13351, 16050, 347], [13326, 16055, 347], [13289, 16048, 346], [13272, 16061, 345], [13227, 16046, 345], [12981, 15830, 345], [12951, 15830, 344], [13013, 15922, 345], [13010, 15949, 346], [13010, 15979, 346], [13047, 16046, 346], [13012, 16041, 347], [12991, 16050, 347], [12966, 16055, 347], [12943, 16062, 346], [12957, 16106, 345], [12860, 16039, 345], [12857, 16066, 345], [12859, 16098, 344], [12859, 16128, 342], [12484, 15783, 343], [12484, 15813, 343], [12482, 15841, 343], [12485, 15874, 342], [12491, 15910, 342], [12484, 15933, 343], [12484, 15963, 344], [12484, 15993, 344], [12484, 16023, 345], [12484, 16053, 345], [12484, 16083, 344], [12483, 16112, 344], [12395, 16054, 343], [12352, 16041, 342], [12339, 16058, 341], [12353, 16102, 341], [12306, 16085, 340], [12306, 16115, 339], [12264, 16103, 337], [12183, 16052, 336], [12148, 16047, 336], [12127, 16056, 336], [12095, 16054, 335], [12061, 16050, 335], [12039, 16058, 335], [11998, 16047, 335], [11981, 16060, 335], [11951, 16060, 335], [11953, 16092, 334], [11948, 16117, 333], [12484, 16683, 333], [12484, 16713, 333], [12484, 16743, 334], [12484, 16773, 334], [12484, 16803, 334], [12484, 16833, 335], [12483, 16862, 335], [12484, 16893, 334], [12417, 16856, 333], [12417, 16886, 333], [12352, 16851, 333], [12353, 16882, 332], [12340, 16899, 332], [12306, 16895, 331], [12284, 16903, 330], [12860, 17509, 329], [12859, 17538, 329], [12481, 17190, 328], [12109, 16848, 328], [12076, 16845, 328], [13010, 17809, 327], [13011, 17840, 328], [13011, 17870, 328], [12484, 17373, 328], [12484, 17403, 328], [12484, 17433, 329], [12484, 17463, 330], [12484, 17493, 330], [12484, 17523, 330], [12477, 17546, 330], [12435, 17534, 329], [12416, 17545, 329], [12966, 18125, 329], [12978, 18167, 329], [12966, 18185, 329], [12968, 18217, 328], [12989, 18268, 328], [12969, 18278, 328], [12484, 17823, 328], [12484, 17853, 328], [12484, 17883, 328], [12484, 17913, 329], [12483, 17942, 329], [12483, 17972, 329], [12484, 18003, 329], [12484, 18033, 329], [12484, 18063, 329], [12483, 18092, 329], [12484, 18123, 329], [12484, 18153, 329], [12484, 18183, 329], [12484, 18213, 329], [12484, 18243, 328], [12484, 18273, 328], [12483, 18302, 328], [12435, 18284, 327], [12395, 18274, 327], [12353, 18262, 327], [12352, 18291, 327], [12306, 18275, 326], [12306, 18305, 326], [12353, 18382, 325], [12352, 18411, 325], [12306, 18395, 324], [12352, 18471, 324], [12352, 18501, 324], [11951, 18130, 324], [11951, 18160, 324], [11951, 18190, 324], [11951, 18220, 323], [11981, 18280, 323], [11951, 18280, 323], [11951, 18310, 322], [11951, 18340, 322], [11951, 18370, 322], [11951, 18400, 321], [11951, 18430, 321], [11951, 18460, 321], [11951, 18490, 320], [11951, 18520, 320], [11949, 18548, 319], [11943, 18572, 318], [11860, 18519, 318], [11822, 18511, 317], [11464, 18183, 317], [11441, 18190, 317], [11441, 18220, 317], [11464, 18273, 316], [11441, 18280, 316], [11419, 18288, 316], [11368, 18267, 316], [11358, 18287, 316], [11320, 18279, 315], [11085, 18074, 315], [11086, 18105, 315], [11086, 18135, 315], [11084, 18163, 315], [11011, 18120, 315], [10981, 18120, 315], [11011, 18180, 315], [10981, 18180, 315], [10981, 18210, 315], [11011, 18270, 315], [10979, 18268, 315], [10853, 18172, 315], [10852, 18201, 315], [10852, 18231, 315], [10857, 18266, 315], [10847, 18286, 315], [10829, 18298, 314], [10844, 18343, 314], [10854, 18383, 314], [10852, 18411, 313], [10852, 18441, 313], [10852, 18471, 313], [10568, 18217, 313], [10588, 18267, 313], [10569, 18278, 313], [10561, 18300, 312], [10523, 18292, 312], [10567, 18366, 311], [10565, 18394, 311], [10561, 18420, 311], [10579, 18468, 311], [10565, 18484, 311], [10564, 18513, 311], [10524, 18503, 310], [10524, 18533, 309], [10312, 18351, 309], [10315, 18384, 309], [10311, 18410, 309], [10311, 18440, 308], [10312, 18471, 308], [10312, 18501, 308], [9969, 18188, 308], [9969, 18218, 308], [9897, 18176, 308], [9969, 18278, 308], [9897, 18236, 307], [9898, 18267, 307], [9897, 18296, 307], [9784, 18213, 307], [9770, 18229, 307], [9780, 18269, 307], [9769, 18288, 307], [9742, 18291, 306], [9392, 17971, 306], [9362, 17971, 306], [9392, 18031, 306], [9392, 18061, 306], [9391, 18090, 307], [9391, 18120, 307], [9361, 18120, 307], [9392, 18181, 307], [9363, 18182, 307], [9363, 18212, 307], [9340, 18219, 307], [9224, 18133, 307], [9224, 18163, 307], [9224, 18193, 307], [9224, 18223, 307], [9224, 18253, 307], [9224, 18283, 307], [9208, 18297, 306], [9165, 18284, 306], [9004, 18153, 306], [9004, 18183, 306], [9004, 18213, 306], [9004, 18243, 306], [9004, 18273, 306], [9003, 18302, 306], [9004, 18333, 305], [9004, 18363, 305], [9003, 18392, 305], [9003, 18422, 305], [9003, 18452, 304], [9004, 18483, 304], [9003, 18512, 304], [8033, 17534, 304], [8015, 17546, 304], [8559, 18120, 303], [8334, 17925, 303], [8350, 17971, 303], [8333, 17984, 304], [8347, 18028, 304], [8331, 18042, 304], [8332, 18073, 304], [8348, 18119, 304], [8331, 18132, 304], [8288, 18119, 304], [8259, 18120, 304], [8033, 17924, 304], [8033, 17954, 304], [8033, 17984, 305], [8033, 18014, 305], [8033, 18044, 305], [8033, 18074, 305], [8033, 18104, 305], [8033, 18134, 305], [8033, 18164, 305], [8033, 18194, 305], [8033, 18224, 305], [8033, 18254, 305], [8033, 18284, 305], [8033, 18314, 304], [8033, 18344, 304], [8033, 18374, 304], [8033, 18404, 304], [8033, 18434, 304], [8033, 18464, 304], [8033, 18494, 304], [8032, 18523, 303], [8033, 18554, 303], [7919, 18470, 303], [7919, 18500, 302], [7898, 18509, 302], [7872, 18513, 302], [7848, 18519, 301], [8033, 18734, 301], [8027, 18758, 301], [7755, 18516, 300], [8033, 19094, 298], [8033, 19394, 297], [8033, 19694, 296], [7917, 19878, 294], [7719, 19980, 291], [6035, 18572, 289], [6040, 18877, 287], [6064, 19201, 286], [4948, 18385, 285], [6064, 19801, 284], [4743, 18738, 282], [4948, 19285, 281], [4948, 19585, 281], [4948, 19885, 280], [858, 16052, 280], [612, 16106, 278], [884, 16678, 279], [807, 16901, 280], [826, 17220, 279], [836, 17530, 281], [858, 17852, 282], [836, 18130, 283], [836, 18430, 282], [836, 18730, 281], [858, 19052, 279], [836, 19330, 279], [836, 19630, 279], [836, 19930, 278], [556, 19950, 276], [286, 19980, 274], [364, 20358, 272], [858, 21152, 270], [835, 21429, 269], [835, 21729, 269], [769, 21963, 268], [770, 22264, 266], [559, 22353, 265], [338, 22432, 263], [373, 22767, 261], [388, 23082, 259], [230, 23224, 257], [372, 23665, 255], [373, 23966, 254], [559, 24452, 252], [381, 24574, 251], [211, 24704, 249], [4, 24797, 247]], 'time_in_bucket': [1711, 75, 75, 96, 73, 181, 126, 98, 106, 78, 79, 65, 66, 58, 44, 31, 39, 44, 30, 31, 21, 37, 18, 21, 36, 22, 31, 18, 31, 38, 33, 25, 21, 31, 23, 24, 14, 24, 20, 21, 28, 15, 26, 26, 27, 20, 25, 31, 24, 24, 31, 24, 32, 28, 27, 20, 20, 18, 24, 31, 26, 27, 37, 20, 25, 23, 33, 29, 29, 22, 32, 36, 29, 29, 24, 30, 28, 26, 26, 27, 37, 27, 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{'weighted_power': 191, 'training_load': 22, 'max_watts': 612, 'relative_intensity': 47, 'cp_data': [[3530, 3530, 612], [3529, 3530, 553], [3529, 3531, 460], [3528, 3531, 403], [3527, 3531, 376], [3526, 3531, 355], [3525, 3531, 335], [3524, 3531, 321], [3523, 3531, 305], [3522, 3531, 294], [3521, 3531, 288], [3520, 3531, 284], [3519, 3531, 280], [3518, 3531, 275], [3517, 3531, 270], [3516, 3531, 267], [3515, 3531, 265], [3514, 3531, 262], [3513, 3531, 257], [3512, 3531, 253], [3511, 3531, 250], [3510, 3531, 249], [3509, 3531, 248], [3508, 3531, 246], [3507, 3531, 243], [3506, 3531, 239], [3505, 3531, 238], [3504, 3531, 237], [3503, 3531, 237], [3502, 3531, 236], [3501, 3531, 234], [3517, 3548, 232], [3516, 3548, 232], [3515, 3548, 232], [3514, 3548, 232], [3514, 3549, 230], [3512, 3548, 228], [3515, 3552, 228], [3515, 3553, 227], [3509, 3548, 227], [3508, 3548, 227], [3508, 3549, 225], [3519, 3561, 224], [3519, 3562, 225], [3519, 3563, 225], [3518, 3563, 224], [3517, 3563, 224], [3515, 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202], [3238, 3597, 202], [3233, 3597, 202], [3228, 3597, 202], [3226, 3600, 202], [3218, 3597, 202], [3210, 3594, 201], [3208, 3597, 201], [3206, 3600, 201], [3199, 3598, 201], [3193, 3597, 201], [3184, 3593, 201], [3184, 3598, 201], [3178, 3597, 201], [3173, 3597, 201], [3168, 3597, 201], [3160, 3594, 201], [3158, 3597, 201], [3153, 3597, 201], [3148, 3597, 201], [3143, 3597, 201], [3135, 3594, 201], [3133, 3597, 201], [3128, 3597, 200], [3124, 3598, 200], [3118, 3597, 200], [3113, 3597, 200], [3111, 3600, 200], [3106, 3600, 200], [3094, 3593, 200], [3093, 3597, 200], [3088, 3597, 200], [3083, 3597, 200], [3075, 3594, 200], [3075, 3599, 200], [3068, 3597, 200], [3063, 3597, 200], [3055, 3594, 200], [3053, 3597, 200], [3048, 3597, 200], [3043, 3597, 200], [3038, 3597, 200], [3033, 3597, 200], [3025, 3594, 200], [3020, 3594, 200], [3015, 3594, 200], [3009, 3593, 200], [3008, 3597, 200], [3003, 3597, 200], [2995, 3594, 200], [2993, 3597, 200], [2984, 3593, 200], [2983, 3597, 200], [2978, 3597, 200], [2973, 3597, 200], [2968, 3597, 200], [2963, 3597, 200], [2958, 3597, 200], [2953, 3597, 200], [2948, 3597, 200], [2943, 3597, 200], [2938, 3597, 200], [2933, 3597, 200], [2927, 3596, 200], [2920, 3594, 200], [2918, 3597, 200], [2913, 3597, 200], [2908, 3597, 200], [2903, 3597, 200], [2898, 3597, 200], [2893, 3597, 199], [2888, 3597, 199], [2883, 3597, 199], [2878, 3597, 199], [2873, 3597, 199], [2868, 3597, 199], [2863, 3597, 199], [2858, 3597, 199], [2853, 3597, 199], [2848, 3597, 199], [2843, 3597, 199], [2838, 3597, 199], [2833, 3597, 199], [2825, 3594, 199], [2819, 3593, 199], [2818, 3597, 199], [2813, 3597, 199], [2805, 3594, 199], [2800, 3594, 199], [2798, 3597, 199], [2793, 3597, 199], [2788, 3597, 199], [2783, 3597, 199], [2778, 3597, 199], [2774, 3598, 199], [2769, 3598, 199], [2760, 3594, 199], [2758, 3597, 199], [2753, 3597, 199], [2748, 3597, 199], [2743, 3597, 199], [2738, 3597, 199], [2733, 3597, 199], [2728, 3597, 199], [2723, 3597, 199], [2652, 3531, 199], [2713, 3597, 199], [2708, 3597, 199], [2703, 3597, 199], [2632, 3531, 199], [2690, 3594, 199], [2688, 3597, 199], [2683, 3597, 199], [2678, 3597, 199], [2673, 3597, 199], [2668, 3597, 199], [2663, 3597, 199], [2658, 3597, 199], [2653, 3597, 200], [2648, 3597, 200], [2640, 3594, 200], [2635, 3594, 200], [2633, 3597, 200], [2628, 3597, 200], [2620, 3594, 200], [2615, 3594, 200], [2613, 3597, 200], [2608, 3597, 200], [2600, 3594, 200], [2601, 3600, 200], [2593, 3597, 200], [2588, 3597, 200], [2583, 3597, 200], [2578, 3597, 200], [2569, 3593, 200], [2568, 3597, 200], [2563, 3597, 200], [2555, 3594, 200], [2550, 3594, 200], [2548, 3597, 200], [2540, 3594, 200], [2539, 3598, 200], [2533, 3597, 200], [2525, 3594, 200], [2524, 3598, 200], [2518, 3597, 200], [2513, 3597, 200], [2508, 3597, 199], [2503, 3597, 199], [2498, 3597, 199], [2493, 3597, 199], [2488, 3597, 199], [2483, 3597, 199], [2478, 3597, 199], [2473, 3597, 199], [2468, 3597, 199], [2463, 3597, 199], [2458, 3597, 199], [2453, 3597, 199], [2448, 3597, 199], [2443, 3597, 199], [2438, 3597, 199], [2433, 3597, 199], [2428, 3597, 199], [2423, 3597, 199], [2418, 3597, 199], [2413, 3597, 199], [2408, 3597, 199], [2403, 3597, 199], [2398, 3597, 199], [2393, 3597, 199], [2388, 3597, 199], [2383, 3597, 199], [2374, 3593, 199], [2373, 3597, 199], [2368, 3597, 199], [2363, 3597, 199], [2358, 3597, 199], [2356, 3600, 199], [2348, 3597, 199], [2343, 3597, 198], [2338, 3597, 198], [2333, 3597, 198], [2328, 3597, 198], [2323, 3597, 198], [2318, 3597, 198], [2313, 3597, 198], [2308, 3597, 198], [2303, 3597, 198], [2298, 3597, 198], [2296, 3600, 198], [2288, 3597, 198], [2283, 3597, 198], [2281, 3600, 198], [2276, 3600, 198], [2269, 3598, 198], [2263, 3597, 198], [2258, 3597, 198], [2253, 3597, 198], [2248, 3597, 198], [2243, 3597, 198], [2238, 3597, 198], [2233, 3597, 198], [2228, 3597, 198], [2223, 3597, 198], [2218, 3597, 198], [2213, 3597, 198], [2208, 3597, 198], [2203, 3597, 198], [2201, 3600, 198], [2194, 3598, 198], [2188, 3597, 198], [2183, 3597, 198], [2178, 3597, 198], [2173, 3597, 198], [2168, 3597, 198], [2163, 3597, 198], [2161, 3600, 198], [2153, 3597, 198], [2151, 3600, 198], [2143, 3597, 198], [2138, 3597, 198], [2136, 3600, 198], [2130, 3599, 198], [2123, 3597, 198], [2118, 3597, 198], [2110, 3594, 198], [2109, 3598, 198], [2104, 3598, 198], [2098, 3597, 198], [2093, 3597, 198], [2088, 3597, 198], [2083, 3597, 197], [2078, 3597, 197], [2073, 3597, 197], [2068, 3597, 197], [2066, 3600, 197], [2058, 3597, 197], [2053, 3597, 197], [2048, 3597, 197], [2043, 3597, 197], [2038, 3597, 197], [2033, 3597, 197], [2028, 3597, 197], [2023, 3597, 197], [2018, 3597, 197], [2010, 3594, 197], [2008, 3597, 197], [1999, 3593, 197], [1998, 3597, 197], [1993, 3597, 197], [1988, 3597, 197], [1985, 3599, 197], [1979, 3598, 197], [1973, 3597, 197], [1968, 3597, 197], [1963, 3597, 197], [1958, 3597, 197], [1953, 3597, 197], [1948, 3597, 197], [1943, 3597, 197], [1938, 3597, 197], [1933, 3597, 197], [1928, 3597, 197], [1926, 3600, 197], [1919, 3598, 197], [1913, 3597, 197], [1909, 3598, 197], [1903, 3597, 197], [1898, 3597, 197], [1893, 3597, 197], [1891, 3600, 197], [1885, 3599, 197], [1878, 3597, 197], [1876, 3600, 197], [1868, 3597, 197], [1863, 3597, 197], [1858, 3597, 197], [1856, 3600, 197], [1848, 3597, 197], [1843, 3597, 197], [1839, 3598, 197], [1834, 3598, 197], [1829, 3598, 197], [1824, 3598, 197], [1818, 3597, 197], [1816, 3600, 196], [1805, 3594, 196], [1806, 3600, 196], [1801, 3600, 196], [1771, 3600, 196], [1738, 3597, 196], [1708, 3597, 196], [1678, 3597, 195], [1648, 3597, 195], [1615, 3594, 195], [1592, 3601, 195], [1558, 3597, 195], [1529, 3598, 195], [1498, 3597, 195], [1468, 3597, 195], [1438, 3597, 195], [1408, 3597, 195], [1378, 3597, 195], [1348, 3597, 195], [1318, 3597, 195], [1288, 3597, 195], [1258, 3597, 195], [1228, 3597, 194], [1198, 3597, 194], [1169, 3598, 194], [1138, 3597, 194], [1108, 3597, 194], [1078, 3597, 194], [1048, 3597, 194], [1021, 3600, 194], [988, 3597, 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{'weighted_power': 325, 'training_load': 279, 'max_watts': 1125, 'relative_intensity': 80, 'cp_data': [[1408, 1408, 1125], [1408, 1409, 1097], [1408, 1410, 1084], [1407, 1410, 1070], [1407, 1411, 1021], [1407, 1412, 951], [1525, 1531, 915], [1525, 1532, 895], [1525, 1533, 877], [1525, 1534, 858], [1524, 1534, 831], [1525, 1536, 808], [1525, 1537, 805], [1525, 1538, 799], [1524, 1538, 784], [1005, 1020, 768], [1004, 1020, 754], [1684, 1701, 740], [1684, 1702, 735], [1684, 1703, 732], [1684, 1704, 729], [1684, 1705, 724], [1684, 1706, 720], [1684, 1707, 718], [1684, 1708, 714], [1684, 1709, 710], [1684, 1710, 706], [1684, 1711, 704], [1684, 1712, 702], [1684, 1713, 698], [1684, 1714, 695], [1684, 1715, 693], [1684, 1716, 691], [1684, 1717, 687], [1684, 1718, 684], [1684, 1719, 680], [1684, 1720, 676], [1684, 1721, 674], [1684, 1722, 673], [1684, 1723, 671], [1684, 1724, 667], [1684, 1725, 662], [1684, 1726, 659], [1684, 1727, 658], [1684, 1728, 656], [1684, 1729, 653], [1684, 1730, 652], [1684, 1731, 651], [1684, 1732, 651], [1684, 1733, 651], [1684, 1734, 651], [1684, 1735, 651], [1684, 1736, 650], [1684, 1737, 647], [1684, 1738, 645], [1683, 1738, 641], [1682, 1738, 637], [1681, 1738, 633], [1684, 1742, 629], [1683, 1742, 626], [1683, 1743, 623], [1682, 1743, 619], [1684, 1746, 617], [1684, 1747, 616], [1684, 1748, 614], [1684, 1749, 613], [1683, 1749, 611], [1682, 1749, 608], [1684, 1752, 607], [1684, 1753, 606], [1684, 1754, 604], [1684, 1755, 603], [1684, 1756, 601], [1683, 1756, 599], [1682, 1756, 596], [1684, 1759, 594], [1684, 1760, 593], [1683, 1760, 591], [1683, 1761, 589], [1682, 1761, 587], [1681, 1761, 584], [1680, 1761, 581], [1684, 1766, 580], [969, 1052, 579], [969, 1053, 577], [1683, 1768, 575], [1683, 1769, 573], [1682, 1769, 571], [1681, 1769, 569], [1681, 1770, 566], [1680, 1770, 563], [1679, 1770, 559], [1679, 1771, 556], [969, 1062, 554], [969, 1063, 552], [969, 1064, 549], [1669, 1765, 548], [1669, 1766, 548], [1669, 1767, 546], [1669, 1768, 545], [1669, 1769, 544], [1669, 1770, 541], [1669, 1771, 538], [1668, 1771, 534], [1655, 1759, 533], [1655, 1760, 533], [1655, 1761, 532], [1655, 1762, 529], [969, 1077, 529], [969, 1078, 527], [1655, 1765, 526], [1655, 1766, 526], [969, 1081, 527], [969, 1082, 527], [969, 1083, 526], [969, 1084, 524], [968, 1084, 521], [967, 1084, 517], [969, 1087, 514], [969, 1088, 512], [969, 1089, 513], [969, 1090, 512], [969, 1091, 511], [969, 1092, 510], [969, 1093, 510], [969, 1094, 510], [969, 1095, 507], [969, 1096, 506], [1684, 1812, 506], [1684, 1813, 507], [1684, 1814, 508], [1684, 1815, 508], [1683, 1815, 507], [1683, 1816, 507], [1683, 1817, 506], [1682, 1817, 506], [1682, 1818, 505], [1681, 1818, 504], [1681, 1819, 502], [1681, 1820, 501], [1681, 1821, 500], [1683, 1824, 499], [1683, 1825, 498], [1683, 1826, 498], [1682, 1826, 497], [1682, 1827, 497], [1683, 1829, 496], [1682, 1829, 495], [1681, 1829, 495], [1681, 1830, 494], [1680, 1830, 492], [1680, 1831, 491], [1679, 1831, 489], [1669, 1822, 488], [1669, 1823, 487], [1669, 1824, 487], [1669, 1825, 486], [1669, 1826, 486], [1669, 1827, 485], [1669, 1828, 485], [1669, 1829, 484], [1669, 1830, 483], [1655, 1817, 483], [1655, 1818, 482], [1655, 1819, 481], [1655, 1820, 480], [969, 1135, 479], [969, 1136, 479], [969, 1137, 479], [969, 1138, 478], [1655, 1825, 477], [1655, 1826, 477], [1655, 1827, 476], [969, 1142, 476], [969, 1143, 476], [969, 1144, 475], [1655, 1831, 474], [969, 1146, 473], [969, 1147, 471], [969, 1148, 470], [969, 1149, 469], [969, 1150, 467], [969, 1151, 466], [969, 1152, 465], [969, 1153, 464], [969, 1154, 463], [958, 1144, 461], [958, 1145, 460], [958, 1146, 460], [958, 1147, 458], [958, 1148, 457], [958, 1149, 456], [958, 1150, 455], [958, 1151, 453], [969, 1163, 453], [969, 1164, 454], [969, 1165, 454], [969, 1166, 454], [969, 1167, 454], [969, 1168, 453], [969, 1169, 452], [969, 1170, 452], [12253, 12455, 451], [12253, 12456, 450], [12253, 12457, 450], [12253, 12458, 450], [12253, 12459, 449], [12253, 12460, 449], [12253, 12461, 449], [12253, 12462, 449], [974, 1184, 450], [974, 1185, 450], [973, 1185, 449], [969, 1182, 450], [969, 1183, 451], [969, 1184, 453], [969, 1185, 453], [969, 1186, 452], [969, 1187, 452], [969, 1188, 452], [969, 1189, 452], [969, 1190, 451], [969, 1191, 451], [969, 1192, 451], [969, 1193, 450], [969, 1194, 450], [969, 1195, 450], [969, 1196, 449], [968, 1196, 448], [969, 1198, 447], [969, 1199, 446], [969, 1200, 446], [969, 1201, 446], [969, 1202, 446], [969, 1203, 445], [969, 1204, 445], [969, 1205, 444], [969, 1206, 443], [969, 1207, 443], [969, 1208, 442], [969, 1209, 442], [969, 1210, 441], [969, 1211, 441], [982, 1225, 441], [982, 1226, 442], [980, 1225, 442], [980, 1226, 442], [980, 1227, 442], [974, 1222, 442], [974, 1223, 444], [974, 1224, 446], [974, 1225, 447], [974, 1226, 448], [974, 1227, 448], [974, 1228, 447], [970, 1225, 448], [969, 1225, 450], [969, 1226, 450], [969, 1227, 450], [969, 1228, 450], [969, 1229, 450], [969, 1230, 448], [969, 1231, 447], [969, 1232, 446], [968, 1232, 445], [967, 1232, 444], [966, 1232, 443], [959, 1226, 442], [959, 1227, 442], [959, 1228, 442], [958, 1228, 442], [958, 1229, 441], [958, 1230, 440], [958, 1231, 439], [958, 1232, 438], [958, 1233, 437], [969, 1245, 436], [969, 1246, 436], [974, 1252, 436], [974, 1253, 436], [974, 1254, 437], [974, 1255, 436], [969, 1251, 437], [969, 1252, 438], [969, 1253, 439], [969, 1254, 439], [969, 1255, 439], [969, 1256, 439], [969, 1257, 440], [969, 1258, 440], [969, 1259, 440], [969, 1260, 439], [969, 1261, 438], [969, 1262, 437], [969, 1263, 437], [969, 1264, 436], [968, 1264, 435], [967, 1264, 434], [959, 1257, 433], [959, 1258, 433], [958, 1262, 430], [950, 1259, 426], [944, 1258, 427], [943, 1262, 424], [929, 1253, 423], [929, 1258, 424], [925, 1259, 422], [6068, 6407, 421], [6070, 6414, 420], [6069, 6418, 420], [6067, 6421, 420], [6067, 6426, 421], [6068, 6432, 421], [6068, 6437, 420], [6067, 6441, 421], [6069, 6448, 421], [6070, 6454, 421], [6069, 6458, 421], [6067, 6461, 421], [6068, 6467, 421], [6070, 6474, 421], [6067, 6476, 421], [6069, 6483, 422], [6069, 6488, 421], [6069, 6493, 422], [6069, 6498, 421], [6066, 6500, 420], [6066, 6505, 418], [6066, 6510, 417], [6066, 6515, 415], [6066, 6520, 413], [6039, 6498, 411], [6035, 6499, 410], [6030, 6499, 410], [780, 1254, 409], [780, 1259, 410], [744, 1228, 408], [6067, 6556, 407], [6066, 6560, 405], [6067, 6566, 404], [5994, 6498, 403], [744, 1253, 404], [744, 1258, 405], [744, 1263, 403], [705, 1229, 403], [699, 1228, 402], [6068, 6602, 402], [6068, 6607, 402], [6068, 6612, 402], [6067, 6616, 402], [705, 1259, 400], [700, 1259, 400], [699, 1263, 398], [6046, 6615, 396], [6041, 6615, 395], [6036, 6615, 395], [6031, 6615, 395], [6026, 6615, 394], [6021, 6615, 393], [6016, 6615, 393], [6011, 6615, 392], [6006, 6615, 392], [6002, 6616, 391], [5996, 6615, 390], [5991, 6615, 389], [5986, 6615, 388], [5981, 6615, 388], [5977, 6616, 387], [5972, 6616, 387], [5966, 6615, 386], [5961, 6615, 386], [5956, 6615, 385], [5951, 6615, 385], [5947, 6616, 384], [5941, 6615, 384], [5936, 6615, 383], [5931, 6615, 382], [5927, 6616, 382], [5921, 6615, 382], [5916, 6615, 382], [5911, 6615, 381], [5906, 6615, 381], [5902, 6616, 380], [5897, 6616, 380], [5891, 6615, 379], [5887, 6616, 378], [5882, 6616, 378], [5877, 6616, 377], [5872, 6616, 376], [5866, 6615, 376], [5861, 6615, 376], [5857, 6616, 375], [5852, 6616, 374], [5846, 6615, 374], [5842, 6616, 373], [5836, 6615, 373], [969, 1753, 373], [969, 1758, 374], [969, 1763, 374], [969, 1768, 375], [969, 1773, 374], [969, 1778, 373], [969, 1783, 372], [969, 1788, 372], [969, 1793, 374], [969, 1798, 373], [969, 1803, 373], [969, 1808, 374], [969, 1813, 375], [969, 1818, 375], [969, 1823, 375], [969, 1828, 375], [968, 1832, 375], [958, 1827, 374], [958, 1832, 373], [944, 1823, 372], [944, 1828, 372], [929, 1818, 372], [929, 1823, 372], [929, 1828, 372], [928, 1832, 372], [922, 1831, 371], [5584, 6498, 371], [5580, 6499, 370], [5574, 6498, 370], [5569, 6498, 370], [5564, 6498, 370], [5554, 6493, 370], [5554, 6498, 371], [804, 1753, 371], [803, 1757, 371], [803, 1762, 372], [803, 1767, 372], [792, 1761, 372], [792, 1766, 372], [780, 1759, 372], [780, 1764, 372], [780, 1769, 373], [780, 1774, 372], [780, 1779, 371], [813, 1817, 372], [804, 1813, 372], [803, 1817, 373], [803, 1822, 373], [803, 1827, 373], [792, 1821, 373], [780, 1814, 373], [780, 1819, 373], [780, 1824, 373], [780, 1829, 373], [779, 1833, 372], [775, 1834, 371], [744, 1808, 371], [744, 1813, 372], [744, 1818, 372], [744, 1823, 372], [744, 1828, 372], [743, 1832, 372], [740, 1834, 370], [705, 1804, 369], [705, 1809, 370], [705, 1814, 371], [705, 1819, 371], [705, 1824, 371], [705, 1829, 371], [700, 1829, 371], [699, 1833, 370], [694, 1833, 369], [690, 1834, 367], [705, 1854, 367], [699, 1853, 367], [699, 1858, 366], [694, 1858, 365], [699, 1868, 364], [699, 1873, 364], [699, 1878, 363], [699, 1883, 362], [5427, 6616, 361], [5418, 6612, 361], [5413, 6612, 361], [5411, 6615, 361], [5406, 6615, 361], [5401, 6615, 361], [5396, 6615, 361], [5391, 6615, 361], [5387, 6616, 360], [5382, 6616, 360], [5377, 6616, 360], [5372, 6616, 360], [5366, 6615, 360], [5362, 6616, 359], [5357, 6616, 359], [5351, 6615, 359], [5347, 6616, 358], [5341, 6615, 358], [5337, 6616, 357], [5428, 6712, 357], [5423, 6712, 357], [5418, 6712, 357], [5413, 6712, 357], [5408, 6712, 356], [5400, 6709, 356], [5400, 6714, 356], [5393, 6712, 356], [5389, 6713, 356], [5383, 6712, 356], [5378, 6712, 356], [5372, 6711, 356], [5369, 6713, 356], [5365, 6714, 355], [5369, 6723, 355], [5364, 6723, 355], [5360, 6724, 354], [5355, 6724, 354], [5350, 6724, 354], [5344, 6723, 353], [5338, 6722, 353], [5334, 6723, 352], [5330, 6724, 352], [5325, 6724, 352], [5318, 6722, 351], [5315, 6724, 351], [5297, 6711, 350], [5296, 6715, 350], [5297, 6721, 350], [5296, 6725, 350], [5300, 6734, 349], [5296, 6735, 349], [5296, 6740, 349], [5296, 6745, 348], [5296, 6750, 348], [5296, 6755, 347], [5294, 6758, 346], [5254, 6723, 345], [5238, 6712, 345], [5230, 6709, 345], [5225, 6709, 345], [5225, 6714, 345], [5220, 6714, 345], [5224, 6723, 345], [5220, 6724, 345], [5225, 6734, 344], [5220, 6734, 344], [5215, 6734, 343], [5199, 6723, 343], [5194, 6723, 343], [5190, 6724, 342], [5195, 6734, 342], [5190, 6734, 342], [5186, 6735, 341], [5190, 6744, 341], [5190, 6749, 340], [5185, 6749, 340], [5186, 6755, 339], [5181, 6755, 339], [5129, 6708, 339], [5128, 6712, 340], [5126, 6715, 339], [5119, 6713, 339], [5113, 6712, 339], [5119, 6723, 339], [5105, 6714, 339], [5108, 6722, 339], [5105, 6724, 339], [5100, 6724, 338], [5094, 6723, 338], [4865, 6499, 338], [5073, 6712, 338], [5080, 6724, 338], [5074, 6723, 338], [5069, 6723, 337], [5065, 6724, 337], [5049, 6713, 337], [4824, 6493, 337], [4824, 6498, 337], [4822, 6501, 337], [4822, 6506, 337], [4923, 6612, 337], [4922, 6616, 337], [4800, 6499, 337], [4908, 6612, 337], [4906, 6615, 337], [4774, 6488, 337], [4774, 6493, 337], [4774, 6498, 337], [4772, 6501, 337], [4880, 6614, 337], [4868, 6607, 337], [4868, 6612, 338], [4866, 6615, 338], [4862, 6616, 337], [4857, 6616, 337], [4841, 6605, 336], [4843, 6612, 337], [4841, 6615, 337], [4714, 6493, 337], [4714, 6498, 337], [4823, 6612, 337], [4822, 6616, 337], [4817, 6616, 337], [4774, 6603, 336], [4757, 6616, 336], [4714, 6603, 336], [4702, 6621, 335], [4773, 6722, 335], [4714, 6693, 334], [4713, 6722, 335], [4705, 6744, 333], [4672, 6741, 332], [4635, 6734, 331], [4605, 6734, 330], [4317, 6476, 331], [4317, 6506, 331], [4317, 6536, 331], [4317, 6566, 331], [4319, 6598, 331], [4316, 6625, 331], [4315, 6654, 330], [4317, 6686, 330], [4316, 6715, 330], [4315, 6744, 329], [4315, 6774, 326], [4315, 6804, 324], [4317, 6836, 324], [4315, 6864, 322], [4218, 6753, 319], [4184, 6749, 318], [4139, 6734, 317], [7891, 10560, 317], [7898, 10597, 318], [7898, 10627, 320], [7899, 10658, 320], [7870, 10659, 321], [7898, 10717, 321], [7869, 10718, 321], [7839, 10718, 321], [7834, 10743, 321], [7792, 10731, 321], [7774, 10743, 320], [7718, 10717, 320], [7703, 10732, 320], [7746, 10805, 318], [7710, 10799, 318], [7856, 10975, 318], [7827, 10976, 318], [7792, 10971, 318], [7766, 10975, 317], [7737, 10976, 317], [7703, 10972, 317], [7679, 10978, 316], [7650, 10979, 315], [7650, 11009, 313], [7703, 11092, 311], [7684, 11103, 310], [5327, 8776, 309], [7895, 11374, 309], [7118, 10627, 310], [7120, 10659, 311], [7085, 10654, 311], [7118, 10717, 311], [7085, 10714, 312], [7861, 11520, 312], [7898, 11587, 312], [7871, 11590, 313], [7841, 11590, 313], [7812, 11591, 312], [7781, 11590, 312], [7752, 11591, 312], [7718, 11587, 312], [7703, 11602, 311], [7703, 11632, 311], [7703, 11662, 310], [4317, 8306, 309], [5480, 9499, 309], [5442, 9491, 309], [5412, 9491, 309], [5391, 9500, 309], [5361, 9500, 309], [5338, 9507, 309], [5296, 9495, 309], [5296, 9525, 308], [5226, 9485, 307], [5218, 9507, 307], [4317, 8636, 307], [4315, 8664, 308], [4315, 8694, 307], [4316, 8725, 307], [4317, 8756, 307], [4315, 8784, 307], [7086, 11585, 306], [6071, 10600, 307], [6068, 10627, 307], [6069, 10658, 308], [6040, 10659, 308], [6068, 10717, 308], [6065, 10744, 308], [6009, 10718, 308], [5979, 10718, 308], [5950, 10719, 308], [5918, 10717, 308], [5889, 10718, 308], [5859, 10718, 308], [5854, 10743, 308], [5799, 10718, 308], [5769, 10718, 308], [5681, 10660, 308], [5634, 10643, 309], [5619, 10658, 309], [5590, 10659, 309], [5546, 10645, 310], [5530, 10659, 310], [5554, 10713, 310], [5529, 10718, 311], [5499, 10718, 311], [5469, 10718, 311], [5439, 10718, 311], [5408, 10717, 311], [5379, 10718, 311], [5363, 10732, 311], [5344, 10743, 310], [5370, 10799, 310], [5346, 10805, 310], [5316, 10805, 310], [5453, 10972, 309], [5418, 10967, 310], [5389, 10968, 310], [5366, 10975, 310], [5338, 10977, 309], [5296, 10965, 309], [5296, 10995, 308], [5236, 10965, 308], [5218, 10977, 308], [4869, 10658, 308], [4906, 10725, 308], [4868, 10717, 308], [4864, 10743, 308], [4822, 10731, 308], [4774, 10713, 309], [4774, 10743, 309], [4714, 10713, 309], [4714, 10743, 309], [4672, 10731, 308], [4710, 10799, 308], [4686, 10805, 308], [4823, 10972, 307], [4774, 10953, 308], [4763, 10972, 308], [4714, 10953, 308], [4708, 10977, 308], [4319, 10618, 308], [4317, 10646, 308], [4315, 10674, 308], [4317, 10706, 309], [4316, 10735, 309], [4315, 10764, 308], [4317, 10796, 308], [4314, 10807, 307], [4316, 10855, 307], [4386, 10955, 307], [4319, 10918, 307], [4319, 10948, 308], [4316, 10975, 308], [4317, 11006, 307], [4314, 11032, 306], [4823, 11572, 305], [4811, 11590, 305], [4774, 11583, 305], [4748, 11587, 305], [4716, 11585, 306], [4705, 11604, 305], [4673, 11602, 305], [4635, 11594, 305], [4605, 11594, 305], [4571, 11590, 304], [4317, 11366, 304], [4317, 11396, 304], [4316, 11425, 304], [4317, 11456, 305], [4317, 11486, 305], [4318, 11517, 305], [4317, 11546, 305], [4315, 11574, 306], [4315, 11604, 306], [4315, 11634, 305], [4316, 11665, 305], [4315, 11694, 304], [4314, 11720, 303], [4314, 11750, 303], [4314, 11781, 303], [4136, 11591, 302], [5489, 13018, 302], [5456, 13015, 302], [5427, 13016, 302], [5396, 13015, 302], [5369, 13018, 302], [5354, 13033, 302], [5315, 13024, 302], [5296, 13035, 302], [4923, 12692, 301], [4905, 12704, 301], [4868, 12697, 302], [4865, 12724, 302], [4823, 12712, 302], [4773, 12692, 302], [4772, 12721, 302], [4713, 12692, 302], [4712, 12721, 302], [4708, 12747, 302], [4638, 12707, 302], [4622, 12721, 301], [4601, 12730, 301], [4317, 12476, 301], [4317, 12506, 301], [4316, 12535, 301], [4317, 12566, 301], [4316, 12595, 301], [4317, 12626, 302], [4318, 12657, 302], [4317, 12686, 302], [4317, 12716, 302], [4317, 12746, 302], [4315, 12774, 302], [4316, 12805, 301], [4315, 12834, 301], [4317, 12866, 300], [4317, 12896, 301], [4317, 12926, 301], [4317, 12956, 301], [4316, 12985, 301], [4317, 13016, 302], [4315, 13044, 301], [4317, 13076, 301], [4316, 13105, 300], [4315, 13134, 300], [4316, 13165, 299], [4711, 13590, 299], [4702, 13611, 299], [5479, 14418, 299], [4711, 13680, 299], [5419, 14418, 299], [5389, 14418, 299], [5363, 14422, 299], [5365, 14454, 299], [5413, 14532, 299], [5378, 14527, 299], [5356, 14535, 299], [4318, 13527, 299], [4317, 13556, 300], [4318, 13587, 300], [4316, 13615, 300], [4315, 13644, 299], [4321, 13680, 300], [4318, 13707, 299], [4316, 13735, 299], [4388, 13837, 299], [4319, 13798, 299], [4317, 13826, 299], [4316, 13855, 299], [4316, 13885, 299], [4823, 14422, 298], [4774, 14403, 299], [4772, 14431, 299], [4714, 14403, 299], [4711, 14430, 299], [4705, 14454, 299], [4748, 14527, 299], [4714, 14523, 299], [4701, 14540, 299], [4708, 14577, 299], [4674, 14573, 299], [4606, 14535, 298], [4614, 14573, 298], [4317, 14306, 298], [4317, 14336, 298], [4317, 14366, 299], [4317, 14396, 299], [4317, 14426, 299], [4316, 14455, 299], [4316, 14485, 299], [4318, 14517, 299], [4315, 14544, 299], [4317, 14576, 299], [4317, 14606, 299], [4316, 14635, 299], [4314, 14663, 298], [4315, 14694, 298], [4314, 14720, 297], [4314, 14753, 297], [4712, 15181, 297], [4712, 15211, 297], [4713, 15242, 297], [4712, 15271, 297], [4711, 15300, 297], [4672, 15291, 297], [4713, 15362, 297], [4317, 14996, 297], [4317, 15026, 297], [4317, 15056, 297], [4317, 15086, 297], [4317, 15116, 297], [4315, 15414, 296], [4100, 15455, 293], [3664, 15319, 288], [3557, 15512, 285], [3107, 15362, 284], [2745, 15300, 284], [2570, 15378, 281], [743, 13851, 281], [969, 14377, 279], [705, 14413, 281], [693, 14701, 280], [744, 15052, 280], [699, 15307, 281], [453, 15361, 279], [302, 15510, 276], [0, 15508, 273]], 'time_in_bucket': [1536, 39, 48, 38, 26, 48, 42, 30, 24, 27, 34, 24, 25, 22, 29, 18, 21, 12, 22, 14, 18, 14, 16, 10, 25, 18, 27, 21, 17, 21, 22, 17, 14, 11, 13, 17, 22, 19, 15, 18, 19, 16, 18, 17, 18, 16, 18, 23, 17, 12, 16, 13, 16, 15, 30, 16, 12, 17, 27, 12, 18, 13, 14, 15, 7, 14, 9, 9, 15, 21, 15, 15, 9, 16, 18, 15, 13, 11, 13, 11, 16, 17, 11, 22, 10, 17, 10, 13, 20, 12, 12, 13, 20, 12, 24, 13, 14, 18, 19, 13, 13, 9, 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{'weighted_power': 243, 'training_load': 113, 'max_watts': 1076, 'relative_intensity': 60, 'cp_data': [[7488, 7488, 1076], [7487, 7488, 1056], [7486, 7488, 1031], [7486, 7489, 1012], [5281, 5285, 930], [7485, 7490, 863], [7484, 7490, 795], [7483, 7490, 735], [5277, 5285, 687], [5276, 5285, 642], [5276, 5286, 594], [1399, 1410, 565], [1398, 1410, 561], [1398, 1411, 547], [1397, 1411, 532], [1395, 1410, 525], [1394, 1410, 526], [1393, 1410, 521], [1755, 1773, 520], [1754, 1773, 519], [1753, 1773, 518], [1752, 1773, 517], [1751, 1773, 516], [1750, 1773, 515], [1749, 1773, 512], [1748, 1773, 508], [1746, 1772, 507], [1746, 1773, 507], [1745, 1773, 507], [1744, 1773, 506], [1744, 1774, 502], [1743, 1774, 498], [1743, 1775, 493], [1743, 1776, 488], [1741, 1775, 482], [1740, 1775, 477], [1743, 1779, 473], [1744, 1781, 470], [1744, 1782, 468], [1743, 1782, 466], [1743, 1783, 464], [1743, 1784, 460], [1742, 1784, 456], [1741, 1784, 453], [1740, 1784, 449], [1739, 1784, 446], [1728, 1774, 444], 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293], [659, 1823, 292], [654, 1823, 291], [645, 1819, 290], [633, 1812, 289], [630, 1814, 289], [628, 1817, 288], [626, 1820, 287], [622, 1821, 286], [612, 1816, 285], [590, 1799, 285], [590, 1804, 285], [592, 1811, 285], [590, 1814, 285], [590, 1819, 285], [585, 1819, 284], [575, 1814, 284], [574, 1818, 283], [563, 1812, 283], [561, 1815, 283], [561, 1820, 282], [553, 1817, 281], [551, 1820, 280], [549, 1823, 279], [544, 1823, 278], [2828, 4112, 277], [2896, 4185, 277], [3383, 4677, 277], [3380, 4679, 277], [3380, 4684, 277], [2875, 4184, 277], [2871, 4185, 277], [2828, 4147, 277], [2861, 4185, 277], [2856, 4185, 277], [2829, 4163, 277], [2828, 4167, 278], [2828, 4172, 278], [2828, 4177, 278], [2828, 4182, 278], [2828, 4187, 278], [2828, 4192, 278], [2828, 4197, 278], [2828, 4202, 278], [2828, 4207, 278], [2828, 4212, 278], [2828, 4217, 278], [2828, 4222, 278], [2831, 4230, 278], [2828, 4232, 278], [2828, 4237, 278], [2828, 4242, 278], [2828, 4247, 277], [2828, 4252, 277], [2828, 4257, 277], [2829, 4263, 278], [2828, 4267, 278], [2828, 4272, 278], [2828, 4277, 278], [2828, 4282, 278], [2828, 4287, 278], [2828, 4292, 277], [2828, 4297, 277], [2828, 4302, 278], [2828, 4307, 278], [2828, 4312, 277], [2828, 4317, 277], [2828, 4322, 277], [2828, 4327, 277], [2828, 4332, 277], [2828, 4337, 277], [2828, 4342, 277], [2828, 4347, 277], [2828, 4352, 277], [2828, 4357, 276], [2828, 4362, 276], [2828, 4367, 275], [2828, 4372, 275], [2828, 4377, 275], [2828, 4382, 275], [2828, 4387, 275], [2828, 4392, 275], [2828, 4397, 274], [2829, 4403, 275], [2828, 4407, 274], [2828, 4412, 274], [2828, 4417, 274], [2828, 4422, 274], [2828, 4427, 274], [2828, 4432, 274], [2828, 4437, 274], [2828, 4442, 274], [2828, 4447, 274], [2828, 4452, 274], [2828, 4457, 274], [2828, 4462, 274], [2828, 4467, 273], [2828, 4472, 273], [2862, 4511, 273], [2831, 4485, 273], [2828, 4487, 273], [2828, 4492, 273], [2828, 4497, 273], [2828, 4502, 274], [2828, 4507, 274], [2828, 4512, 274], [2828, 4517, 274], [2828, 4522, 274], [2828, 4527, 273], [2828, 4532, 273], [2830, 4539, 273], [2828, 4542, 273], [2828, 4547, 273], [2828, 4552, 273], [2828, 4557, 273], [2828, 4562, 273], [2829, 4568, 273], [2828, 4572, 273], [2828, 4577, 273], [2862, 4616, 273], [2862, 4621, 273], [2861, 4625, 273], [2847, 4616, 273], [2841, 4615, 273], [2836, 4615, 273], [2831, 4615, 274], [2828, 4617, 274], [2828, 4622, 274], [2828, 4627, 274], [2828, 4657, 274], [2828, 4687, 274], [2828, 4717, 273], [2827, 4728, 269], [2827, 4728, 265], [2827, 4728, 261], [2827, 4728, 257], [2795, 4711, 256], [2764, 4710, 255], [2735, 4711, 256], [2709, 4715, 255], [2675, 4711, 254], [2647, 4713, 254], [2632, 4728, 252], [2591, 4717, 250], [2559, 4715, 247], [2531, 4717, 245], [2510, 4726, 244], [2470, 4716, 241], [2439, 4715, 241], [2410, 4716, 239], [2376, 4712, 238], [2349, 4715, 237], [2320, 4716, 236], [2301, 4727, 234], [2255, 4711, 233], [2242, 4728, 231], [2212, 4728, 229], [2182, 4728, 226], [2142, 4718, 224], [2122, 4728, 222], [2092, 4728, 219], [2062, 4728, 217], [868, 3564, 215], [873, 3599, 216], [867, 3623, 217], [858, 3644, 218], [858, 3674, 219], [861, 3707, 219], [861, 3737, 220], [856, 3762, 220], [864, 3800, 221], [862, 3828, 222], [862, 3858, 222], [860, 3886, 223], [861, 3917, 223], [863, 3949, 224], [874, 3990, 224], [863, 4009, 225], [880, 4056, 226], [866, 4072, 226], [863, 4099, 227], [863, 4129, 227], [868, 4164, 228], [859, 4185, 228], [874, 4230, 229], [857, 4243, 229], [862, 4278, 230], [861, 4307, 230], [864, 4340, 230], [846, 4352, 230], [867, 4403, 230], [857, 4423, 230], [857, 4453, 230], [864, 4490, 230], [860, 4516, 231], [857, 4543, 231], [862, 4578, 231], [869, 4615, 232], [864, 4640, 232], [865, 4671, 232], [867, 4703, 233], [846, 4712, 233], [817, 4713, 233], [767, 4693, 232], [757, 4713, 232], [729, 4715, 231], [712, 4728, 230], [682, 4728, 228], [652, 4728, 226], [590, 4696, 226], [575, 4711, 226], [551, 4717, 225], [532, 4728, 224], [502, 4728, 222], [460, 4716, 221], [429, 4715, 221], [397, 4713, 220], [365, 4711, 220], [341, 4717, 219], [310, 4716, 218], [281, 4717, 218], [235, 4701, 217], [221, 4717, 217], [190, 4716, 216], [161, 4717, 215], [142, 4728, 214], [112, 4728, 212], [80, 4726, 211], [42, 4718, 210], [21, 4727, 209], [0, 4732, 208], [2671, 7294, 208], [2646, 7299, 207], [2629, 7312, 207], [2591, 7304, 206], [2559, 7302, 205], [2539, 7312, 205], [2509, 7312, 204], [2479, 7312, 203], [2434, 7297, 203], [2410, 7303, 203], [2376, 7299, 203], [2349, 7302, 202], [2320, 7303, 202], [2299, 7312, 201], [2255, 7298, 201], [2239, 7312, 200], [2209, 7312, 199], [5485, 10592, 198], [2353, 7490, 198], [2323, 7490, 197], [2296, 7493, 197], [2342, 7569, 196], [2313, 7570, 196], [863, 6176, 197], [863, 6206, 197], [863, 6236, 198], [861, 6264, 198], [838, 6271, 198], [862, 6325, 198], [861, 6354, 199], [864, 6387, 199], [863, 6416, 199], [857, 6440, 200], [860, 6473, 200], [857, 6500, 200], [860, 6533, 200], [862, 6565, 201], [863, 6596, 201], [864, 6627, 201], [865, 6658, 201], [861, 6684, 202], [861, 6714, 202], [862, 6745, 202], [863, 6776, 203], [863, 6806, 203], [863, 6836, 203], [863, 6866, 204], [857, 6890, 204], [860, 6923, 204], [863, 6956, 204], [863, 6986, 205], [860, 7013, 205], [857, 7040, 205], [860, 7073, 205], [864, 7107, 205], [856, 7129, 206], [877, 7180, 206], [864, 7197, 207], [864, 7227, 207], [861, 7254, 207], [864, 7287, 207], [841, 7294, 208], [812, 7295, 207], [766, 7279, 207], [757, 7300, 207], [739, 7312, 207], [709, 7312, 206], [679, 7312, 205], [649, 7312, 204], [590, 7283, 204], [575, 7298, 204], [559, 7312, 204], [529, 7312, 203], [746, 7533, 203], [746, 7563, 202], [727, 7574, 202], [397, 7300, 201], [364, 7297, 201], [341, 7304, 201], [319, 7312, 200], [281, 7304, 200], [234, 7287, 200], [221, 7304, 200], [190, 7303, 199], [161, 7304, 198], [139, 7312, 198], [316, 7493, 197], [351, 7558, 197], [337, 7574, 197], [223, 7490, 196], [277, 7574, 196], [231, 7558, 196], [856, 8162, 196], [828, 8164, 196], [857, 8223, 196], [862, 8258, 196], [856, 8282, 196], [856, 8312, 196], [828, 8314, 196], [810, 8326, 196], [757, 8303, 196], [749, 8325, 196], [721, 8327, 195], [761, 8397, 195], [731, 8397, 195], [2828, 10432, 195], [2828, 10462, 195], [2828, 10492, 196], [2828, 10522, 196], [2835, 10559, 196], [2828, 10582, 196], [2827, 10595, 196], [2828, 10642, 195], [2827, 10668, 195], [2827, 10679, 194], [2809, 10590, 193], [2780, 10591, 193], [2753, 10594, 194], [2723, 10594, 194], [2690, 10591, 194], [2663, 10594, 194], [2634, 10595, 194], [2604, 10595, 193], [2574, 10595, 193], [2544, 10595, 193], [2514, 10595, 192], [2484, 10595, 192], [2453, 10594, 192], [2423, 10594, 192], [2394, 10595, 191], [2364, 10595, 191], [2333, 10594, 191], [2303, 10594, 191], [2273, 10594, 190], [2244, 10595, 190], [2214, 10595, 190], [2184, 10595, 189], [857, 9298, 189], [856, 9327, 189], [856, 9357, 189], [827, 9358, 189], [856, 9417, 189], [856, 9447, 189], [856, 9477, 189], [857, 9508, 189], [856, 9537, 189], [856, 9567, 190], [856, 9597, 190], [856, 9627, 190], [856, 9657, 190], [828, 9659, 190], [861, 9722, 190], [860, 9751, 190], [873, 9794, 190], [860, 9811, 191], [857, 9838, 191], [864, 9875, 191], [861, 9902, 191], [857, 9928, 192], [857, 9958, 192], [863, 9994, 192], [864, 10025, 192], [863, 10054, 192], [864, 10085, 193], [869, 10120, 193], [856, 10137, 193], [858, 10169, 193], [864, 10205, 194], [861, 10232, 194], [864, 10265, 194], [861, 10292, 194], [857, 10318, 195], [860, 10351, 195], [857, 10378, 195], [863, 10414, 195], [864, 10445, 195], [864, 10475, 196], [861, 10502, 196], [832, 10503, 196], [866, 10567, 196], [860, 10591, 196], [832, 10593, 196], [804, 10595, 196], [769, 10590, 196], [744, 10595, 196], [714, 10595, 196], [684, 10595, 195], [654, 10595, 195], [624, 10595, 194], [590, 10591, 194], [562, 10593, 194], [534, 10595, 194], [504, 10595, 193], [547, 10668, 193], [443, 10594, 193], [413, 10594, 193], [383, 10594, 193], [353, 10594, 193], [54, 10595, 189]], 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{'weighted_power': 236, 'training_load': 57, 'max_watts': 882, 'relative_intensity': 58, 'cp_data': [[3689, 3689, 882], [3689, 3690, 874], [3689, 3691, 860], [3689, 3692, 855], [3688, 3692, 847], [3689, 3694, 839], [3688, 3694, 835], [3688, 3695, 830], [3688, 3696, 824], [3688, 3697, 821], [3688, 3698, 817], [3688, 3699, 811], [3684, 3696, 807], [3684, 3697, 806], [3684, 3698, 804], [3684, 3699, 801], [3684, 3700, 796], [3683, 3700, 784], [3682, 3700, 771], [3682, 3701, 760], [3681, 3701, 747], [3680, 3701, 733], [3679, 3701, 721], [3678, 3701, 707], [3677, 3701, 698], [3676, 3701, 690], [3675, 3701, 681], [3674, 3701, 670], [3673, 3701, 663], [3672, 3701, 655], [3671, 3701, 646], [3789, 3820, 639], [3788, 3820, 637], [3787, 3820, 636], [3788, 3822, 634], [3788, 3823, 633], [3789, 3825, 632], [3789, 3826, 633], [3789, 3827, 632], [3788, 3827, 631], [3787, 3827, 630], [3787, 3828, 628], [3786, 3828, 625], [3788, 3831, 622], [3787, 3831, 621], [3787, 3832, 619], [3789, 3835, 618], [3788, 3835, 618], [3787, 3835, 617], [3787, 3836, 615], [3786, 3836, 613], [3785, 3836, 610], [3784, 3836, 605], [3783, 3836, 601], [3783, 3837, 595], [3782, 3837, 588], [3783, 3839, 582], [3783, 3840, 577], [3785, 3843, 572], [3785, 3844, 569], [3784, 3844, 566], [3783, 3844, 562], [3783, 3845, 557], [3783, 3846, 553], [3785, 3849, 549], [3785, 3850, 547], [3785, 3851, 545], [3784, 3851, 542], [3783, 3851, 539], [3783, 3852, 536], [3783, 3853, 531], [3785, 3856, 529], [3785, 3857, 527], [3785, 3858, 526], [3785, 3859, 524], [3784, 3859, 522], [3783, 3859, 519], [3787, 3864, 518], [3787, 3865, 518], [3786, 3865, 517], [3785, 3865, 516], [3784, 3865, 515], [3783, 3865, 513], [3783, 3866, 510], [3782, 3866, 506], [3782, 3867, 502], [3783, 3869, 499], [3783, 3870, 496], [3782, 3870, 493], [3782, 3871, 489], [3782, 3872, 485], [3782, 3873, 480], [3782, 3874, 476], [3782, 3875, 471], [3782, 3876, 467], [3782, 3877, 462], [3782, 3878, 458], [3782, 3879, 454], [3782, 3880, 450], [3782, 3881, 446], [3782, 3882, 442], [3782, 3883, 438], [3782, 3884, 434], [3782, 3885, 430], [3782, 3886, 426], [3782, 3887, 422], [3782, 3888, 418], [3781, 3888, 414], [3780, 3888, 410], [3779, 3888, 407], [3782, 3892, 403], [3782, 3893, 400], [3782, 3894, 396], [3765, 3878, 393], [3764, 3878, 390], [3765, 3880, 387], [3765, 3881, 384], [3765, 3882, 381], [3764, 3882, 378], [3765, 3884, 375], [3761, 3881, 372], [3761, 3882, 370], [3761, 3883, 367], [3761, 3884, 364], [3761, 3885, 361], [3761, 3886, 359], [3761, 3887, 356], [3757, 3884, 353], [3757, 3885, 351], [3756, 3885, 348], [3756, 3886, 346], [3756, 3887, 343], [3756, 3888, 341], [3755, 3888, 338], [3754, 3888, 336], [3753, 3888, 333], [3756, 3892, 331], [3756, 3893, 329], [3756, 3894, 326], [3756, 3895, 324], [3756, 3896, 322], [3756, 3897, 319], [3756, 3898, 317], [3755, 3898, 315], [3754, 3898, 313], [3753, 3898, 311], [3752, 3898, 309], [3681, 3828, 306], [3683, 3831, 308], [3683, 3832, 310], [3684, 3834, 311], [3684, 3835, 313], [3683, 3835, 315], [3682, 3835, 316], [3682, 3836, 318], [3681, 3836, 319], [3680, 3836, 320], [3679, 3836, 321], [3678, 3836, 321], [3677, 3836, 322], [3676, 3836, 323], [3675, 3836, 324], [3674, 3836, 324], [3673, 3836, 325], [3672, 3836, 326], [3671, 3836, 326], [3671, 3837, 326], [3669, 3836, 326], [3668, 3836, 326], [3667, 3836, 326], [3666, 3836, 326], [3665, 3836, 327], [3664, 3836, 327], [3664, 3837, 327], [3664, 3838, 326], [3664, 3839, 325], [3664, 3840, 325], [3664, 3841, 325], [3665, 3843, 325], [3665, 3844, 326], [3656, 3836, 326], [3655, 3836, 326], [3654, 3836, 326], [3654, 3837, 326], [3666, 3850, 325], [3665, 3850, 326], [3665, 3851, 326], [3664, 3851, 326], [3671, 3859, 326], [3676, 3865, 327], [3675, 3865, 328], [3674, 3865, 328], [3673, 3865, 328], [3672, 3865, 329], [3671, 3865, 329], [3671, 3866, 329], [3669, 3865, 329], [3668, 3865, 329], [3667, 3865, 329], [3666, 3865, 330], [3665, 3865, 330], [3664, 3865, 330], [3664, 3866, 330], [3663, 3866, 329], [3661, 3865, 328], [3660, 3865, 328], [3660, 3866, 328], [3658, 3865, 328], [3657, 3865, 329], [3656, 3865, 329], [3655, 3865, 329], [3654, 3865, 329], [3654, 3866, 329], [3653, 3866, 328], [3652, 3866, 328], [3651, 3866, 327], [3650, 3866, 327], [3648, 3865, 327], [3647, 3865, 327], [3646, 3865, 327], [3645, 3865, 327], [3645, 3866, 327], [3644, 3866, 326], [3643, 3866, 326], [3643, 3867, 325], [3644, 3869, 325], [3644, 3870, 324], [3643, 3870, 324], [3643, 3871, 323], [3643, 3872, 322], [3636, 3866, 321], [3635, 3866, 320], [3635, 3867, 320], [3636, 3869, 319], [3636, 3870, 319], [3635, 3870, 318], [3635, 3871, 318], [3635, 3872, 317], [3629, 3867, 316], [3630, 3869, 315], [3629, 3869, 315], [3629, 3870, 315], [3629, 3871, 314], [3628, 3871, 313], [3628, 3872, 312], [3621, 3866, 312], [3620, 3866, 311], [3620, 3867, 311], [3621, 3869, 310], [3620, 3869, 310], [3620, 3870, 310], [3620, 3871, 309], [3619, 3871, 308], [3619, 3872, 308], [3619, 3873, 307], [3615, 3870, 306], [3614, 3870, 306], [3609, 3866, 305], [3608, 3866, 305], [3607, 3866, 305], [3607, 3867, 304], [3608, 3869, 304], [3607, 3869, 303], [3607, 3870, 303], [3602, 3866, 303], [3601, 3866, 302], [3600, 3866, 302], [3602, 3869, 302], [3602, 3870, 301], [3601, 3870, 301], [3600, 3870, 300], [3600, 3871, 300], [3595, 3867, 299], [3596, 3869, 299], [3595, 3869, 299], [3595, 3870, 298], [3595, 3871, 298], [3594, 3871, 297], [3594, 3872, 296], [3594, 3873, 296], [3594, 3874, 295], [3594, 3875, 294], [3594, 3876, 293], [3594, 3877, 292], [3594, 3878, 291], [3594, 3879, 291], [3594, 3880, 290], [3594, 3881, 289], [4378, 4666, 289], [4378, 4667, 288], [4378, 4668, 288], [4378, 4669, 288], [4378, 4670, 288], [4378, 4671, 288], [4378, 4672, 288], [4378, 4673, 288], [4378, 4674, 288], [4378, 4675, 288], [4378, 4676, 288], [4378, 4677, 287], [4378, 4682, 287], [4378, 4687, 287], [4378, 4692, 286], [4378, 4697, 285], [4393, 4717, 286], [4378, 4707, 286], [4378, 4712, 286], [4378, 4717, 286], [4394, 4738, 286], [4392, 4741, 286], [4387, 4741, 286], [4378, 4737, 287], [4378, 4742, 287], [4378, 4747, 287], [4378, 4752, 286], [4378, 4757, 286], [4377, 4761, 285], [4377, 4766, 283], [4377, 4771, 281], [4348, 4747, 280], [4354, 4758, 280], [4348, 4757, 280], [4345, 4759, 279], [4338, 4757, 278], [4338, 4762, 277], [4338, 4767, 276], [4338, 4772, 274], [4337, 4776, 271], [4332, 4776, 268], [4346, 4795, 266], [4348, 4802, 266], [4344, 4803, 265], [4338, 4802, 264], [4338, 4807, 262], [4334, 4808, 260], [4328, 4807, 257], [5215, 5699, 255], [5210, 5699, 255], [5206, 5700, 254], [5200, 5699, 253], [5177, 5681, 253], [5178, 5687, 253], [5177, 5691, 253], [5160, 5679, 253], [5158, 5682, 253], [5158, 5687, 253], [5159, 5693, 253], [5159, 5698, 253], [5155, 5699, 252], [5151, 5700, 251], [5145, 5699, 251], [5139, 5698, 251], [5135, 5699, 250], [5131, 5700, 250], [5125, 5699, 250], [5121, 5700, 249], [5116, 5700, 248], [5111, 5700, 248], [5106, 5700, 247], [5101, 5700, 247], [5096, 5700, 246], [5091, 5700, 245], [2408, 3022, 245], [2402, 3021, 245], [2400, 3024, 245], [2401, 3030, 245], [2400, 3034, 244], [2400, 3039, 244], [2407, 3051, 244], [2400, 3049, 244], [2408, 3062, 244], [2408, 3067, 244], [2401, 3065, 244], [2400, 3069, 244], [2401, 3075, 244], [2400, 3079, 244], [2400, 3084, 244], [2399, 3088, 244], [2394, 3088, 244], [2370, 3069, 243], [2366, 3070, 243], [2370, 3079, 243], [2370, 3084, 243], [2368, 3087, 243], [2364, 3088, 243], [2359, 3088, 242], [2354, 3088, 242], [2331, 3070, 242], [2332, 3076, 242], [2321, 3070, 242], [2323, 3077, 242], [2319, 3078, 241], [2321, 3085, 241], [2319, 3088, 241], [2304, 3078, 241], [2305, 3084, 241], [2293, 3077, 241], [2293, 3082, 241], [2293, 3087, 241], [2289, 3088, 240], [2266, 3070, 240], [2270, 3079, 240], [2270, 3084, 240], [2266, 3085, 240], [2263, 3087, 240], [2257, 3086, 240], [2254, 3088, 239], [2169, 3008, 239], [2169, 3013, 239], [2168, 3017, 240], [2168, 3022, 240], [2163, 3022, 240], [2158, 3022, 240], [2155, 3024, 240], [2158, 3032, 240], [2135, 3014, 240], [2131, 3015, 240], [2132, 3021, 240], [2112, 3006, 240], [2111, 3010, 241], [2111, 3015, 241], [2111, 3020, 241], [2109, 3023, 241], [2111, 3030, 241], [2109, 3033, 241], [2110, 3039, 241], [2111, 3045, 241], [2111, 3050, 241], [2106, 3050, 241], [2111, 3060, 241], [2111, 3065, 241], [2111, 3070, 241], [2106, 3070, 241], [2109, 3078, 241], [2110, 3084, 241], [2106, 3085, 241], [2104, 3088, 240], [2099, 3088, 240], [2094, 3088, 240], [2091, 3090, 239], [2084, 3088, 239], [2078, 3087, 239], [2074, 3088, 239], [2069, 3088, 239], [2065, 3089, 238], [2058, 3087, 238], [2054, 3088, 238], [2047, 3086, 238], [2044, 3088, 238], [2040, 3089, 237], [1949, 3003, 237], [1949, 3008, 237], [1949, 3013, 237], [1946, 3015, 238], [1947, 3021, 238], [1945, 3024, 238], [1946, 3030, 238], [1946, 3035, 238], [1946, 3040, 238], [1946, 3045, 238], [1946, 3050, 238], [1946, 3055, 238], [1947, 3061, 238], [1946, 3065, 238], [1946, 3070, 238], [1946, 3075, 238], [1945, 3079, 238], [1945, 3084, 238], [1944, 3088, 238], [1938, 3087, 237], [1935, 3089, 237], [1929, 3088, 237], [1925, 3089, 237], [1919, 3088, 236], [1904, 3078, 236], [1905, 3084, 236], [1893, 3077, 236], [1895, 3084, 236], [1884, 3078, 236], [1885, 3084, 236], [1884, 3088, 236], [1879, 3088, 236], [1874, 3088, 235], [1850, 3069, 235], [1846, 3070, 235], [1848, 3077, 235], [1846, 3080, 235], [1846, 3085, 235], [1844, 3088, 235], [1839, 3088, 235], [1834, 3088, 235], [1830, 3089, 235], [1824, 3088, 235], [1819, 3088, 234], [1790, 3064, 234], [1786, 3065, 234], [1786, 3070, 234], [1782, 3071, 234], [1783, 3077, 234], [1785, 3084, 234], [1783, 3087, 234], [1770, 3079, 234], [1770, 3084, 234], [1765, 3084, 234], [1763, 3087, 234], [1759, 3088, 234], [1754, 3088, 234], [1747, 3086, 234], [1743, 3087, 234], [1739, 3088, 233], [1733, 3087, 233], [1730, 3089, 233], [1728, 3092, 233], [1728, 3097, 232], [1721, 3095, 232], [1718, 3097, 231], [1637, 3021, 231], [1632, 3021, 231], [1628, 3022, 231], [1622, 3021, 231], [1618, 3022, 231], [1612, 3021, 231], [1611, 3025, 231], [1630, 3049, 231], [1626, 3050, 231], [1635, 3064, 231], [1630, 3064, 232], [1630, 3069, 232], [1626, 3070, 232], [1620, 3069, 232], [1615, 3069, 232], [1611, 3070, 232], [1612, 3076, 232], [1611, 3080, 232], [1611, 3085, 232], [1589, 3068, 232], [1585, 3069, 232], [1580, 3069, 232], [1584, 3078, 232], [1579, 3078, 232], [1580, 3084, 232], [1555, 3064, 232], [1555, 3069, 232], [1543, 3062, 232], [1543, 3067, 232], [1541, 3070, 232], [1536, 3070, 232], [1538, 3077, 232], [1534, 3078, 232], [1535, 3084, 232], [1534, 3088, 232], [1529, 3088, 232], [1522, 3086, 231], [1515, 3084, 231], [1514, 3088, 231], [1512, 3091, 231], [1512, 3096, 231], [1508, 3097, 230], [1503, 3097, 229], [1498, 3097, 229], [1493, 3097, 228], [1488, 3097, 227], [1483, 3097, 227], [1478, 3097, 226], [1473, 3097, 225], [1468, 3097, 225], [1378, 3012, 225], [1375, 3014, 225], [1377, 3021, 225], [1373, 3022, 225], [1375, 3029, 225], [1374, 3033, 225], [1375, 3039, 225], [1377, 3046, 225], [1375, 3049, 225], [1375, 3054, 225], [1378, 3062, 225], [1375, 3064, 225], [1375, 3069, 225], [1373, 3072, 225], [1374, 3078, 225], [1375, 3084, 225], [1373, 3087, 225], [1370, 3089, 225], [1365, 3089, 225], [1365, 3094, 225], [1363, 3097, 224], [1358, 3097, 224], [1353, 3097, 223], [1347, 3096, 223], [1343, 3097, 222], [1338, 3097, 222], [1337, 3097, 221], [1337, 3097, 221], [1337, 3097, 220], [1337, 3097, 219], [1337, 3097, 219], [1337, 3097, 218], [1337, 3097, 217], [1337, 3097, 217], [1365, 3145, 215], [1341, 3151, 212], [782, 2618, 212], [756, 2622, 211], [1126, 3022, 211], [1098, 3024, 212], [1108, 3064, 212], [1098, 3084, 212], [1054, 3070, 213], [1024, 3070, 213], [1012, 3088, 213], [903, 3009, 213], [886, 3022, 214], [856, 3022, 214], [818, 3014, 214], [789, 3015, 215], [779, 3035, 216], [781, 3067, 216], [772, 3088, 216], [751, 3097, 216], [714, 3090, 214], [691, 3097, 212], [661, 3097, 210], [716, 3133, 208], [704, 3151, 206], [483, 3009, 205], [250, 2806, 206], [247, 2833, 206], [472, 3088, 206], [368, 3014, 207], [247, 2923, 207], [250, 2956, 207], [250, 2986, 208], [250, 3016, 209], [250, 3046, 210], [250, 3076, 210], [232, 3088, 209], [211, 3097, 208], [172, 3088, 207], [150, 3096, 206], [121, 3097, 205], [91, 3097, 203], [59, 3095, 202], [128, 3145, 200], [250, 3297, 200], [797, 3865, 200], [772, 3870, 200], [750, 3878, 200], [714, 3872, 199], [694, 3882, 198], [751, 3969, 197], [1528, 4759, 197], [1511, 4772, 197], [1512, 4803, 196], [1486, 4807, 195], [1386, 4737, 195], [1377, 4758, 195], [1365, 4776, 195], [1365, 4806, 195], [377, 3865, 195], [352, 3870, 195], [317, 3865, 196], [287, 3865, 196], [257, 3865, 197], [233, 3871, 197], [217, 3885, 196], [172, 3870, 196], [149, 3877, 195], [124, 3882, 194], [182, 3970, 193], [150, 3968, 192], [980, 4758, 192], [950, 4758, 192], [903, 4741, 193], [889, 4757, 193], [860, 4758, 194], [819, 4747, 194], [789, 4747, 195], [770, 4758, 195], [751, 4769, 195], [755, 4803, 194], [724, 4802, 193], [696, 4804, 193], [670, 4808, 192], [640, 4808, 190], [772, 4970, 189], [769, 4997, 190], [483, 4741, 190], [471, 4759, 190], [441, 4759, 190], [368, 4716, 191], [368, 4746, 191], [250, 4658, 192], [250, 4688, 192], [250, 4718, 193], [249, 4747, 193], [246, 4774, 193], [246, 4804, 193], [217, 4805, 192], [150, 4768, 192], [157, 4805, 191], [125, 4803, 191], [96, 4804, 189], [250, 4988, 189], [234, 5002, 188], [222, 5020, 188], [170, 4998, 187], [150, 5008, 187], [122, 5010, 186], [940, 5687, 186], [893, 5670, 187], [873, 5680, 187], [860, 5697, 188], [787, 5654, 188], [783, 5680, 188], [772, 5699, 189], [745, 5702, 188], [714, 5701, 188], [685, 5702, 187], [655, 5702, 186], [625, 5702, 185], [592, 5699, 184], [533, 5670, 184], [483, 5650, 185], [483, 5680, 185], [473, 5700, 185], [441, 5698, 185], [367, 5654, 186], [363, 5680, 186], [250, 5597, 187], [250, 5627, 187], [250, 5657, 188], [250, 5687, 188], [234, 5701, 188], [205, 5702, 187], [172, 5699, 187], [145, 5702, 186], [115, 5702, 186], [85, 5702, 185], [55, 5702, 185], [25, 5702, 184]], 'time_in_bucket': [711, 13, 12, 15, 7, 12, 16, 12, 10, 9, 9, 11, 8, 6, 12, 8, 7, 7, 14, 13, 6, 8, 6, 5, 7, 8, 4, 6, 7, 4, 6, 9, 4, 6, 4, 8, 5, 12, 6, 5, 7, 7, 7, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 4, 7, 9, 5, 4, 7, 6, 10, 1, 2, 4, 9, 9, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6, 7, 4, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 4, 3, 3, 3, 8, 5, 6, 8, 4, 3, 3, 11, 9, 3, 4, 7, 8, 2, 12, 5, 8, 6, 2, 6, 9, 1, 4, 5, 3, 7, 8, 10, 8, 7, 5, 3, 3, 7, 5, 6, 5, 3, 4, 7, 4, 3, 4, 1, 6, 3, 6, 8, 3, 8, 2, 2, 4, 6, 2, 10, 7, 11, 7, 7, 7, 6, 8, 15, 7, 12, 4, 10, 12, 6, 8, 7, 7, 8, 11, 7, 14, 8, 12, 5, 9, 7, 11, 12, 7, 13, 8, 15, 7, 10, 9, 23, 7, 14, 17, 13, 13, 14, 19, 10, 19, 6, 15, 15, 22, 14, 19, 21, 13, 22, 13, 13, 17, 19, 20, 15, 23, 17, 15, 25, 15, 28, 22, 14, 26, 22, 28, 23, 21, 13, 22, 24, 27, 32, 29, 21, 30, 32, 22, 27, 22, 22, 22, 14, 24, 24, 24, 21, 25, 28, 19, 28, 28, 31, 26, 24, 22, 19, 28, 25, 25, 27, 36, 35, 30, 30, 28, 32, 34, 17, 29, 31, 33, 29, 27, 24, 29, 33, 23, 28, 21, 33, 31, 20, 31, 35, 22, 26, 26, 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72.5, 'activity_id': '4119317007'}
{'weighted_power': 296, 'training_load': 295, 'max_watts': 814, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[6818, 6818, 814], [6817, 6818, 806], [6816, 6818, 803], [6815, 6818, 801], [6814, 6818, 782], [6813, 6818, 780], [6812, 6818, 781], [6812, 6819, 771], [6811, 6819, 761], [6812, 6821, 745], [6812, 6822, 747], [6812, 6823, 747], [6812, 6824, 747], [6812, 6825, 747], [6811, 6825, 743], [6811, 6826, 736], [6810, 6826, 725], [6809, 6826, 711], [6808, 6826, 695], [6810, 6829, 686], [6810, 6830, 678], [3726, 3747, 672], [3725, 3747, 672], [3724, 3747, 672], [6812, 6836, 674], [6812, 6837, 677], [6812, 6838, 679], [6812, 6839, 681], [6812, 6840, 682], [6811, 6840, 682], [6810, 6840, 678], [6810, 6841, 672], [3720, 3752, 670], [3720, 3753, 670], [3713, 3747, 670], [3724, 3759, 670], [3724, 3760, 668], [3721, 3758, 669], [3720, 3758, 669], [3713, 3752, 669], [3713, 3753, 669], [3712, 3753, 669], [3720, 3762, 667], [3713, 3756, 667], [3713, 3757, 668], [3713, 3758, 669], [3713, 3759, 669], [3712, 3759, 668], [3712, 3760, 667], [3713, 3762, 667], [3713, 3763, 667], [3713, 3764, 667], [3713, 3765, 667], [3712, 3765, 666], [3713, 3767, 666], [3712, 3767, 666], [3709, 3765, 664], [3710, 3767, 664], [3709, 3767, 663], [3709, 3768, 659], [3708, 3768, 654], [3707, 3768, 648], [3706, 3768, 642], [3705, 3768, 637], [3704, 3768, 631], [3703, 3768, 626], [3702, 3768, 622], [3701, 3768, 618], [3700, 3768, 614], [3699, 3768, 610], [3698, 3768, 606], [3697, 3768, 601], [3696, 3768, 595], [3695, 3768, 589], [3694, 3768, 584], [3693, 3768, 580], [3692, 3768, 576], [3691, 3768, 572], [3690, 3768, 568], [3689, 3768, 564], [3688, 3768, 560], [3687, 3768, 556], [3686, 3768, 552], [3685, 3768, 549], [3684, 3768, 545], [3683, 3768, 542], [3682, 3768, 538], [3681, 3768, 535], [3680, 3768, 532], [3679, 3768, 529], [3678, 3768, 526], [3677, 3768, 523], [3676, 3768, 519], [3675, 3768, 517], [3674, 3768, 514], [3673, 3768, 511], [3672, 3768, 508], [3671, 3768, 506], [3670, 3768, 503], [3669, 3768, 501], [3709, 3809, 499], [3708, 3809, 498], [3708, 3810, 497], [3708, 3811, 495], [3706, 3810, 492], [3708, 3813, 491], [3709, 3815, 490], [3708, 3815, 489], [3708, 3816, 488], [3708, 3817, 486], [3709, 3819, 485], [3709, 3820, 485], [3709, 3821, 484], [3708, 3821, 483], [3708, 3822, 482], [3708, 3823, 481], [3709, 3825, 479], [3709, 3826, 478], [3709, 3827, 478], [3709, 3828, 477], [3709, 3829, 477], [3708, 3829, 476], [3708, 3830, 475], [3706, 3829, 473], [3709, 3833, 472], [3709, 3834, 472], [3709, 3835, 471], [3709, 3836, 471], [3708, 3836, 470], [3708, 3837, 469], [3708, 3838, 468], [3709, 3840, 467], [3708, 3840, 466], [3709, 3842, 466], [3709, 3843, 465], [3708, 3843, 465], [3708, 3844, 464], [3708, 3845, 463], [3709, 3847, 462], [3709, 3848, 462], [3709, 3849, 461], [3709, 3850, 461], [3709, 3851, 460], [3708, 3851, 460], [3708, 3852, 459], [3708, 3853, 457], [3708, 3854, 457], [3709, 3856, 456], [3709, 3857, 456], [3709, 3858, 456], [3708, 3858, 455], [3708, 3859, 454], [3709, 3861, 453], [3709, 3862, 453], [3709, 3863, 452], [3709, 3864, 452], [3708, 3864, 452], [3708, 3865, 451], [3708, 3866, 450], [3708, 3867, 449], [3709, 3869, 448], [3709, 3870, 448], [3708, 3870, 448], [3708, 3871, 447], [3708, 3872, 446], [3708, 3873, 445], [3709, 3875, 445], [3709, 3876, 445], [3709, 3877, 445], [3708, 3877, 445], [3708, 3878, 444], [3708, 3879, 443], [3709, 3881, 443], [3708, 3881, 442], [3708, 3882, 442], [3708, 3883, 441], [3706, 3882, 440], [3709, 3886, 440], [3709, 3887, 439], [3708, 3887, 439], [3708, 3888, 439], [3708, 3889, 438], [3709, 3891, 438], [3708, 3891, 438], [3708, 3892, 437], [3708, 3893, 436], [3709, 3895, 436], [3709, 3896, 436], [3709, 3897, 436], [3708, 3897, 436], [3708, 3898, 435], [3708, 3899, 434], [3709, 3901, 434], [3709, 3902, 434], [11507, 11701, 434], [11507, 11702, 434], [11507, 11703, 434], [11506, 11703, 434], [11507, 11705, 434], [11507, 11706, 434], [11507, 11707, 434], [11507, 11708, 434], [11507, 11709, 434], [11506, 11709, 434], [11507, 11711, 434], [11507, 11712, 434], [11507, 11713, 434], [11507, 11714, 434], [11506, 11714, 434], [11506, 11715, 434], [11505, 11715, 433], [11507, 11718, 433], [11507, 11719, 433], [11507, 11720, 433], [11507, 11721, 433], [11507, 11722, 433], [11507, 11723, 434], [11506, 11723, 433], [11505, 11723, 433], [11507, 11726, 432], [11507, 11727, 433], [11507, 11728, 433], [11507, 11729, 433], [11506, 11729, 432], [11507, 11731, 432], [11507, 11732, 432], [11507, 11733, 432], [11507, 11734, 432], [11506, 11734, 432], [11505, 11734, 432], [11507, 11737, 432], [11507, 11738, 432], [11507, 11739, 432], [11506, 11739, 432], [11505, 11739, 431], [11507, 11742, 431], [11507, 11743, 432], [11507, 11744, 432], [11506, 11744, 432], [11506, 11745, 431], [11506, 11746, 431], [11507, 11748, 431], [11507, 11749, 431], [11507, 11750, 431], [11506, 11750, 431], [11505, 11750, 430], [11505, 11751, 430], [11503, 11750, 430], [11502, 11750, 430], [11507, 11756, 430], [11506, 11756, 430], [11499, 11750, 429], [11499, 11751, 429], [11491, 11744, 429], [11490, 11744, 429], [11489, 11744, 429], [11489, 11745, 428], [11499, 11756, 428], [11486, 11744, 428], [11485, 11744, 428], [11484, 11744, 428], [11483, 11744, 428], [11482, 11744, 428], [11481, 11744, 428], [11480, 11744, 428], [11479, 11744, 428], [11479, 11745, 427], [11483, 11750, 427], [11476, 11744, 427], [11475, 11744, 427], [11480, 11750, 427], [11479, 11750, 427], [11479, 11751, 426], [11477, 11750, 426], [11470, 11744, 426], [11469, 11744, 426], [11468, 11744, 426], [11468, 11745, 426], [11469, 11747, 425], [11470, 11749, 425], [11470, 11750, 426], [11469, 11750, 426], [11462, 11744, 425], [11461, 11744, 425], [11460, 11744, 425], [11459, 11744, 425], [11458, 11744, 425], [11463, 11750, 425], [11462, 11750, 425], [11461, 11750, 424], [11460, 11750, 424], [11459, 11750, 424], [11452, 11744, 424], [11451, 11744, 424], [11450, 11744, 424], [11449, 11744, 424], [11449, 11745, 424], [11449, 11746, 424], [11452, 11750, 424], [11451, 11750, 424], [11452, 11756, 423], [11442, 11751, 422], [11442, 11756, 422], [11450, 11769, 421], [11451, 11775, 420], [11449, 11778, 420], [11449, 11783, 420], [11443, 11782, 419], [11443, 11787, 418], [11438, 11787, 417], [11433, 11787, 417], [11441, 11800, 416], [11380, 11744, 416], [11381, 11750, 415], [11382, 11756, 415], [11372, 11751, 414], [11450, 11834, 414], [11444, 11833, 413], [11393, 11787, 413], [11380, 11779, 413], [11379, 11783, 412], [11263, 11672, 413], [11263, 11677, 413], [11263, 11682, 413], [11263, 11687, 413], [3711, 4140, 414], [3707, 4141, 415], [11263, 11702, 414], [11263, 11707, 414], [11263, 11712, 414], [11263, 11717, 414], [11263, 11722, 414], [11263, 11727, 414], [11263, 11732, 414], [11263, 11737, 414], [11263, 11742, 414], [11263, 11747, 414], [11263, 11752, 414], [11263, 11757, 413], [11263, 11762, 413], [11263, 11767, 413], [11263, 11772, 412], [11263, 11777, 412], [11263, 11782, 412], [11263, 11787, 412], [11263, 11792, 411], [11263, 11797, 411], [11263, 11802, 410], [11263, 11807, 410], [11505, 12054, 410], [11506, 12060, 410], [11506, 12065, 410], [11506, 12070, 410], [11501, 12070, 410], [11490, 12064, 409], [11490, 12069, 409], [11507, 12091, 409], [11507, 12096, 409], [11507, 12101, 410], [11506, 12105, 410], [11507, 12111, 410], [11506, 12115, 410], [11507, 12121, 410], [11520, 12139, 410], [11507, 12131, 411], [11507, 12136, 411], [11507, 12141, 411], [11507, 12146, 411], [11507, 12151, 411], [11506, 12155, 411], [11507, 12161, 411], [11507, 12166, 411], [11503, 12167, 411], [11505, 12174, 411], [11507, 12181, 412], [11507, 12186, 412], [11507, 12191, 412], [11507, 12196, 412], [11506, 12200, 412], [11507, 12206, 413], [11507, 12211, 412], [11507, 12216, 412], [11507, 12221, 412], [11507, 12226, 412], [11507, 12231, 413], [11507, 12236, 412], [11503, 12237, 412], [11498, 12237, 412], [11500, 12244, 412], [11482, 12231, 412], [11483, 12237, 412], [11478, 12237, 412], [11468, 12232, 411], [11468, 12237, 411], [11463, 12237, 411], [11458, 12237, 411], [11453, 12237, 411], [11449, 12238, 411], [11443, 12237, 411], [11449, 12248, 411], [11451, 12255, 410], [11450, 12259, 410], [11442, 12256, 410], [11452, 12271, 410], [11449, 12273, 410], [11443, 12272, 410], [11450, 12284, 409], [11444, 12283, 409], [11449, 12293, 409], [11449, 12298, 409], [11449, 12303, 409], [11449, 12308, 409], [11444, 12308, 408], [11455, 12324, 408], [11450, 12324, 408], [11445, 12324, 408], [11451, 12335, 408], [11452, 12341, 408], [11442, 12336, 408], [11442, 12341, 408], [11263, 12167, 408], [11263, 12172, 408], [11263, 12177, 408], [11263, 12182, 408], [11263, 12187, 408], [11263, 12192, 408], [11263, 12197, 408], [11263, 12202, 408], [11263, 12207, 409], [11263, 12212, 409], [11263, 12217, 409], [11263, 12222, 409], [11263, 12227, 409], [11263, 12232, 409], [11263, 12237, 409], [11263, 12242, 408], [11263, 12247, 408], [11263, 12252, 408], [11263, 12257, 408], [11263, 12262, 408], [11263, 12267, 408], [11263, 12272, 408], [11263, 12277, 407], [11263, 12282, 407], [11263, 12287, 407], [11263, 12292, 407], [11263, 12297, 407], [11263, 12302, 407], [11263, 12307, 407], [11263, 12312, 407], [11263, 12317, 406], [11263, 12322, 407], [11263, 12327, 406], [11263, 12332, 406], [11262, 12336, 406], [11263, 12342, 406], [11263, 12347, 406], [11263, 12352, 406], [11442, 12536, 406], [11437, 12536, 406], [11432, 12536, 406], [11427, 12536, 405], [11263, 12377, 405], [11263, 12382, 405], [11263, 12387, 405], [11263, 12392, 405], [11263, 12397, 405], [11263, 12402, 405], [11263, 12407, 405], [11263, 12412, 405], [11263, 12417, 405], [11263, 12422, 405], [11263, 12427, 405], [11263, 12432, 405], [11263, 12437, 404], [11263, 12442, 404], [11263, 12447, 404], [11264, 12453, 404], [11263, 12457, 404], [11263, 12462, 404], [11262, 12466, 404], [11263, 12472, 404], [11263, 12477, 404], [11263, 12482, 404], [11263, 12487, 403], [11307, 12536, 403], [11302, 12536, 403], [11291, 12530, 403], [11266, 12510, 404], [11263, 12512, 404], [11263, 12517, 404], [11263, 12522, 404], [11263, 12527, 405], [11263, 12532, 405], [11263, 12537, 405], [11262, 12541, 404], [11253, 12537, 403], [11248, 12537, 402], [11243, 12537, 402], [11239, 12538, 401], [11233, 12537, 400], [11228, 12537, 399], [11222, 12536, 399], [11219, 12538, 398], [11214, 12538, 397], [11212, 12541, 396], [11203, 12537, 395], [11199, 12538, 394], [11197, 12541, 393], [11192, 12541, 392], [11198, 12552, 390], [11192, 12551, 389], [11192, 12556, 387], [11192, 12561, 386], [11192, 12566, 385], [11198, 12577, 383], [11154, 12538, 382], [11148, 12537, 381], [11147, 12541, 380], [11142, 12541, 379], [11147, 12551, 378], [11143, 12552, 376], [11143, 12557, 375], [11146, 12565, 374], [11143, 12567, 373], [11146, 12575, 371], [11146, 12580, 370], [11146, 12585, 369], [6561, 8005, 368], [6556, 8005, 368], [6551, 8005, 367], [6546, 8005, 367], [6541, 8005, 367], [6537, 8006, 366], [6532, 8006, 366], [6527, 8006, 365], [6522, 8006, 365], [6517, 8006, 364], [6511, 8005, 364], [6507, 8006, 364], [6502, 8006, 363], [15362, 16871, 363], [15362, 16876, 363], [15362, 16881, 363], [15363, 16887, 363], [15363, 16892, 363], [15363, 16897, 362], [15363, 16902, 362], [15362, 16906, 362], [15362, 16911, 362], [15362, 16916, 362], [15363, 16922, 362], [15362, 16926, 361], [15363, 16932, 361], [15363, 16937, 361], [15362, 16941, 361], [15363, 16947, 361], [15363, 16952, 361], [15363, 16957, 361], [15363, 16962, 361], [15362, 16966, 361], [15363, 16972, 361], [15363, 16977, 361], [15363, 16982, 361], [15362, 16986, 361], [15362, 16991, 361], [15362, 16996, 361], [15362, 17001, 361], [15362, 17006, 360], [15362, 17011, 360], [15362, 17016, 360], [15363, 17022, 360], [15363, 17027, 360], [15363, 17032, 360], [15362, 17036, 360], [15362, 17041, 360], [15363, 17047, 360], [15363, 17052, 360], [15363, 17057, 360], [15363, 17062, 360], [15363, 17067, 360], [15363, 17072, 360], [15363, 17077, 360], [15363, 17082, 360], [15363, 17087, 360], [15363, 17092, 360], [15362, 17096, 360], [15363, 17102, 360], [15362, 17106, 360], [15363, 17112, 360], [15363, 17117, 359], [15363, 17122, 359], [15363, 17127, 360], [15363, 17132, 360], [15363, 17137, 360], [15362, 17141, 359], [15363, 17147, 360], [15363, 17152, 360], [15363, 17157, 360], [15363, 17162, 359], [15398, 17227, 360], [15368, 17227, 362], [15352, 17241, 358], [15310, 17229, 356], [15279, 17228, 355], [15249, 17228, 354], [15219, 17228, 354], [15190, 17229, 353], [15162, 17231, 352], [15130, 17229, 350], [15102, 17231, 349], [15070, 17229, 348], [15040, 17229, 347], [15012, 17231, 346], [14980, 17229, 345], [14952, 17231, 343], [14922, 17231, 341], [14893, 17232, 339], [14862, 17231, 336], [14833, 17232, 334], [14802, 17231, 332], [14772, 17231, 330], [14742, 17231, 328], [14712, 17231, 326], [14683, 17232, 325], [14652, 17231, 323], [14622, 17231, 321], [14592, 17231, 320], [14562, 17231, 319], [14531, 17230, 317], [14502, 17231, 316], [14472, 17231, 315], [14442, 17231, 315], [14412, 17231, 314], [14380, 17229, 312], [14352, 17231, 311], [14321, 17230, 310], [14292, 17231, 309], [14265, 17234, 307], [14264, 17241, 304], [14264, 17241, 301], [14265, 17317, 298], [14264, 17317, 295], [14232, 17231, 293], [14200, 17229, 291], [14172, 17231, 291], [14142, 17231, 290], [14109, 17228, 289], [14082, 17231, 289], [14052, 17231, 287], [14022, 17231, 286], [13992, 17231, 285], [13960, 17229, 284], [13932, 17231, 283], [13902, 17231, 282], [13873, 17232, 281], [13842, 17231, 280], [13832, 17241, 278], [13792, 17231, 277], [13760, 17229, 276], [13732, 17231, 276], [13702, 17231, 275], [13672, 17231, 275], [13642, 17231, 274], [13612, 17231, 273], [13580, 17229, 273], [13552, 17231, 273], [13522, 17231, 272], [13492, 17231, 271], [13462, 17231, 270], [13432, 17231, 269], [13399, 17228, 269], [13372, 17231, 269], [13342, 17231, 268], [13310, 17229, 268], [13282, 17231, 267], [13252, 17231, 266], [13224, 17233, 265], [13202, 17241, 263], [13172, 17241, 261], [13142, 17241, 259], [13195, 17317, 258], [13082, 17241, 256], [13052, 17241, 254], [13105, 17317, 252], [13075, 17317, 251], [13045, 17317, 249], [13084, 17386, 247], [951, 5164, 247], [908, 5151, 247], [835, 5108, 248], [836, 5139, 248], [809, 5142, 248], [748, 5111, 248], [748, 5141, 249], [728, 5151, 249], [716, 5169, 249], [724, 5207, 249], [713, 5226, 248], [682, 5225, 248], [650, 5223, 247], [3642, 8005, 246], [3613, 8006, 245], [3612, 8035, 244], [458, 5151, 243], [261, 4984, 243], [372, 5125, 244], [368, 5151, 244], [261, 5074, 244], [261, 5104, 245], [261, 5134, 245], [260, 5163, 245], [261, 5194, 245], [259, 5222, 245], [233, 5226, 244], [200, 5223, 243], [170, 5223, 243], [11263, 16334, 242], [11263, 16364, 243], [11263, 16394, 243], [11263, 16424, 244], [11267, 16458, 246], [11263, 16484, 246], [11263, 16514, 247], [11263, 16544, 247], [11262, 16573, 248], [11263, 16604, 248], [11263, 16634, 249], [11263, 16664, 249], [11263, 16694, 250], [11263, 16724, 250], [11263, 16754, 251], [11262, 16783, 251], [11263, 16814, 252], [11263, 16844, 253], [11263, 16874, 253], [11263, 16904, 254], [11263, 16934, 254], [11263, 16964, 254], [11263, 16994, 255], [11263, 17024, 255], [11263, 17054, 256], [11263, 17084, 256], [11263, 17114, 257], [11263, 17144, 257], [11263, 17174, 258], [11263, 17204, 258], [11261, 17232, 259], [11230, 17231, 259], [11200, 17231, 258], [11180, 17241, 257], [11143, 17234, 256], [11111, 17232, 255], [11090, 17241, 254], [11050, 17231, 253], [11019, 17230, 253], [10988, 17229, 253], [10957, 17228, 253], [10930, 17231, 253], [10900, 17231, 253], [10870, 17231, 253], [10840, 17231, 253], [10807, 17228, 252], [10778, 17229, 252], [10750, 17231, 252], [10720, 17231, 252], [10700, 17241, 251], [10698, 17241, 250], [10698, 17241, 249], [10698, 17317, 248], [10698, 17317, 247], [10700, 17384, 246], [10698, 17388, 245], [10698, 17441, 244], [10698, 17471, 243], [10698, 17471, 242], [10699, 17533, 241], [10701, 17565, 240], [10698, 17584, 239], [10698, 17600, 238], [10698, 17633, 237], [10698, 17678, 236], [10700, 17714, 235], [10698, 17715, 234], [10698, 17764, 233], [10698, 17798, 232], [10740, 17874, 232], [10707, 17871, 231], [10759, 17953, 230], [10752, 17976, 230], [10742, 17996, 230], [11262, 18546, 230], [11262, 18576, 230], [11263, 18607, 230], [11263, 18637, 230], [11262, 18666, 230], [11263, 18697, 230], [11262, 18726, 231], [11263, 18757, 231], [11262, 18786, 231], [11263, 18817, 231], [11263, 18847, 231], [11262, 18876, 231], [11249, 18893, 231], [11220, 18894, 231], [11197, 18901, 231], [11167, 18901, 230], [11137, 18901, 229], [11107, 18901, 229], [11077, 18901, 228], [10953, 18807, 227], [10944, 18828, 228], [10941, 18855, 228], [10932, 18876, 228], [10925, 18899, 228], [10882, 18886, 228], [10865, 18899, 228], [10835, 18899, 228], [10759, 18853, 228], [10750, 18874, 228], [10744, 18898, 228], [10715, 18899, 227], [10698, 18901, 227], [10698, 18901, 226], [10698, 18901, 225], [10698, 18901, 224], [150, 8007, 223], [121, 8008, 223], [94, 8011, 222], [60, 8007, 222], [58, 8035, 221], [157, 8164, 221], [123, 8160, 220], [97, 8164, 220], [61, 8158, 219], [37, 8164, 218], [4, 8161, 218], [0, 8180, 217], [0, 8180, 216], [0, 8180, 216], [0, 8180, 215], [0, 8180, 214], [0, 8180, 213], [0, 8180, 213], [0, 8180, 212], [0, 8180, 211], [0, 8180, 211], [0, 8180, 210], [0, 8180, 209], [0, 8180, 209], [0, 8180, 208], [0, 8180, 207], [0, 8180, 207], [10416, 18899, 206], [10386, 18899, 206], [10357, 18900, 205], [10328, 18901, 205], [10295, 18898, 204], [10266, 18899, 204], [10237, 18900, 204], [10206, 18899, 203], [10177, 18900, 203], [10148, 18901, 203], [10118, 18901, 202], [10088, 18901, 202], [10058, 18901, 201], [10026, 18899, 201], [9996, 18899, 201], [9968, 18901, 200], [9938, 18901, 200], [9908, 18901, 199], [9870, 18893, 199], [9848, 18901, 199], [9818, 18901, 198], [9788, 18901, 197], [9757, 18900, 197], [9728, 18901, 197], [9696, 18899, 197], [9668, 18901, 196], [9638, 18901, 196], [9606, 18899, 195], [9577, 18900, 195], [9547, 18900, 195], [9518, 18901, 194], [9488, 18901, 194], [9456, 18899, 194], [9426, 18899, 193], [9396, 18899, 193], [9368, 18901, 193], [9338, 18901, 192], [9308, 18901, 192], [9278, 18901, 191], [9180, 18833, 191], [9180, 18863, 191], [9180, 18893, 191], [9158, 18901, 191], [9126, 18899, 190], [9096, 18899, 190], [9065, 18898, 190], [9036, 18899, 190], [8736, 18899, 186], [8438, 18901, 181], [8181, 18901, 177], [8181, 18901, 172], [6808, 16491, 168], [6810, 16793, 172], [6807, 17090, 176], [6648, 17231, 180], [6345, 17228, 181], [6049, 17232, 179], [5749, 17232, 176], [5536, 17312, 173], [6807, 18883, 173], [6509, 18885, 174], [6223, 18899, 175], [5923, 18899, 173], [3709, 16496, 175], [3708, 16795, 178], [3708, 17095, 181], [3611, 17241, 182], [3460, 17231, 181], [3160, 17231, 182], [2953, 17317, 179], [2560, 17231, 177], [2260, 17231, 178], [1959, 17230, 181], [1658, 17229, 183], [1360, 17231, 184], [1098, 17229, 183], [800, 17231, 185], [497, 17228, 184], [200, 17231, 185], [0, 17324, 183], [0, 17624, 181], [722, 18646, 180], [677, 18901, 181], [260, 18784, 181], [77, 18901, 180]], 'time_in_bucket': [3743, 39, 39, 40, 34, 72, 65, 34, 50, 36, 32, 36, 42, 39, 33, 39, 33, 23, 38, 23, 40, 24, 32, 19, 22, 25, 14, 30, 23, 31, 20, 28, 21, 14, 18, 19, 20, 16, 23, 17, 15, 13, 16, 22, 26, 22, 18, 19, 18, 19, 21, 15, 25, 17, 19, 22, 20, 16, 16, 13, 13, 12, 18, 16, 18, 15, 15, 12, 18, 15, 16, 15, 13, 17, 17, 17, 15, 19, 16, 12, 22, 18, 12, 20, 20, 13, 17, 16, 16, 13, 12, 18, 20, 23, 7, 15, 20, 23, 13, 25, 20, 30, 20, 25, 17, 20, 20, 22, 18, 20, 23, 18, 17, 25, 17, 23, 22, 26, 17, 23, 16, 20, 19, 26, 19, 30, 23, 18, 20, 31, 18, 22, 23, 17, 22, 17, 15, 16, 26, 17, 20, 21, 21, 14, 17, 28, 29, 19, 13, 24, 24, 27, 27, 15, 18, 31, 15, 21, 16, 22, 23, 25, 18, 31, 30, 18, 17, 27, 28, 22, 28, 27, 23, 30, 22, 21, 22, 23, 19, 24, 31, 31, 20, 18, 22, 27, 16, 28, 28, 19, 19, 17, 28, 26, 29, 31, 26, 26, 32, 30, 32, 17, 28, 21, 27, 26, 30, 36, 32, 30, 39, 23, 31, 42, 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{'weighted_power': 243, 'training_load': 172, 'max_watts': 549, 'relative_intensity': 60, 'cp_data': [[12644, 12644, 549], [399, 400, 523], [12643, 12645, 500], [12651, 12654, 490], [12644, 12648, 490], [12643, 12648, 486], [12648, 12654, 479], [12647, 12654, 477], [12644, 12652, 480], [12644, 12653, 481], [12644, 12654, 480], [12643, 12654, 478], [12643, 12655, 474], [12642, 12655, 464], [12642, 12656, 454], [12643, 12658, 451], [12642, 12658, 444], [12641, 12658, 432], [12640, 12658, 421], [12639, 12658, 410], [12639, 12659, 399], [12638, 12659, 389], [12637, 12659, 381], [3533, 3556, 377], [3533, 3557, 376], [3533, 3558, 375], [3533, 3559, 374], [3522, 3549, 373], [3522, 3550, 372], [3522, 3551, 371], [3519, 3549, 371], [3518, 3549, 371], [3517, 3549, 371], [3516, 3549, 370], [3515, 3549, 370], [3515, 3550, 370], [3518, 3554, 369], [3517, 3554, 369], [3518, 3556, 369], [3517, 3556, 369], [3516, 3556, 368], [3515, 3556, 368], [3515, 3557, 368], [3515, 3558, 367], [3515, 3559, 367], [3509, 3554, 367], [3508, 3554, 366], [3509, 3556, 366], [3508, 3556, 366], [3508, 3557, 366], [3508, 3558, 366], [3507, 3558, 365], [3506, 3558, 365], [3503, 3556, 365], [3502, 3556, 365], [3502, 3557, 364], [3502, 3558, 364], [3502, 3559, 364], [3502, 3560, 363], [3497, 3556, 362], [3502, 3562, 362], [3497, 3558, 362], [3497, 3559, 362], [3496, 3559, 361], [3496, 3560, 361], [3497, 3562, 360], [3496, 3562, 360], [3496, 3563, 359], [3496, 3564, 359], [3497, 3566, 359], [3496, 3566, 359], [3496, 3567, 358], [3495, 3567, 357], [3494, 3567, 357], [3492, 3566, 356], [3492, 3567, 356], [3490, 3566, 355], [3489, 3566, 355], [3489, 3567, 354], [3488, 3567, 354], [3488, 3568, 353], [3488, 3569, 352], [3476, 3558, 352], [3476, 3559, 352], [3475, 3559, 351], [3475, 3560, 351], [3476, 3562, 351], [3476, 3563, 351], [3478, 3566, 350], [3477, 3566, 350], [3476, 3566, 350], [3475, 3566, 350], [3475, 3567, 350], [3474, 3567, 349], [3475, 3569, 348], [3475, 3570, 348], [4116, 4212, 348], [4115, 4212, 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4238, 337], [3889, 4238, 337], [3894, 4248, 336], [3901, 4260, 337], [3896, 4260, 337], [3895, 4264, 336], [3890, 4264, 336], [3893, 4272, 336], [3893, 4277, 336], [3839, 4228, 335], [3834, 4228, 335], [3839, 4238, 335], [3834, 4238, 335], [3946, 4355, 335], [3945, 4359, 335], [3940, 4359, 335], [3944, 4368, 335], [3944, 4373, 335], [3940, 4374, 335], [3900, 4339, 335], [3900, 4344, 335], [3895, 4344, 335], [3905, 4359, 335], [3900, 4359, 335], [3894, 4358, 335], [3894, 4363, 335], [3894, 4368, 335], [3894, 4373, 335], [3893, 4377, 335], [3890, 4379, 334], [3893, 4387, 334], [3891, 4390, 334], [3901, 4405, 333], [3897, 4406, 334], [3892, 4406, 334], [3840, 4359, 334], [3840, 4364, 333], [3840, 4369, 334], [3840, 4374, 334], [3834, 4373, 333], [3834, 4378, 333], [3893, 4442, 333], [3893, 4447, 333], [3894, 4453, 333], [3893, 4457, 333], [3893, 4462, 333], [3897, 4471, 333], [3893, 4472, 333], [3898, 4482, 333], [3894, 4483, 333], [3893, 4487, 333], [3892, 4491, 333], [3890, 4494, 333], [3892, 4501, 332], [3840, 4454, 332], [3841, 4460, 332], [3840, 4464, 332], [3840, 4469, 332], [3840, 4474, 332], [3842, 4481, 332], [3840, 4484, 332], [3841, 4490, 332], [3837, 4491, 332], [3833, 4492, 332], [3897, 4561, 332], [3894, 4563, 332], [3893, 4567, 332], [3890, 4569, 332], [3893, 4577, 332], [3893, 4582, 331], [3893, 4587, 331], [3893, 4592, 331], [3893, 4597, 331], [3893, 4602, 331], [3893, 4607, 331], [3893, 4612, 331], [3896, 4620, 331], [3894, 4623, 331], [3902, 4636, 331], [3899, 4638, 331], [3894, 4638, 331], [3893, 4642, 331], [3892, 4646, 331], [4011, 4770, 331], [4010, 4774, 331], [4010, 4779, 331], [4016, 4790, 331], [4012, 4791, 331], [4011, 4795, 332], [4010, 4799, 332], [4006, 4800, 331], [4007, 4806, 331], [4002, 4806, 331], [3990, 4799, 331], [3988, 4802, 331], [3987, 4806, 331], [3905, 4729, 331], [3900, 4729, 331], [3896, 4730, 331], [3897, 4736, 331], [3946, 4790, 331], [3946, 4795, 331], [3941, 4795, 331], [3940, 4799, 331], [3939, 4803, 331], [3926, 4795, 331], [3899, 4773, 331], [3894, 4773, 331], [3907, 4791, 331], [3902, 4791, 331], [3897, 4791, 331], [3896, 4795, 331], [3893, 4797, 331], [3893, 4802, 331], [3892, 4806, 331], [3889, 4808, 331], [3884, 4808, 331], [3842, 4771, 330], [3839, 4773, 331], [3839, 4778, 331], [3847, 4791, 331], [3842, 4791, 331], [3841, 4795, 331], [3839, 4798, 331], [3834, 4798, 331], [3833, 4802, 331], [3832, 4806, 331], [3829, 4808, 330], [3811, 4795, 330], [3811, 4800, 330], [3811, 4805, 330], [3809, 4808, 330], [3791, 4795, 330], [3786, 4795, 330], [3785, 4799, 330], [3776, 4795, 330], [3773, 4797, 330], [3766, 4795, 330], [3761, 4795, 329], [3756, 4795, 329], [3751, 4795, 329], [3746, 4795, 330], [3741, 4795, 330], [3741, 4800, 330], [3742, 4806, 329], [3737, 4806, 329], [3731, 4805, 329], [3729, 4808, 329], [3717, 4801, 329], [3717, 4806, 329], [3475, 4569, 329], [3497, 4596, 329], [3496, 4600, 329], [3496, 4605, 329], [3475, 4589, 329], [3478, 4597, 328], [3496, 4620, 329], [3508, 4637, 328], [3503, 4637, 329], [3502, 4641, 329], [3496, 4640, 329], [3493, 4642, 329], [3488, 4642, 329], [3479, 4638, 329], [3476, 4640, 329], [3476, 4645, 328], [3506, 4680, 328], [3502, 4681, 328], [3503, 4687, 329], [3497, 4686, 329], [3495, 4689, 329], [3490, 4689, 329], [3496, 4700, 328], [3478, 4687, 328], [3475, 4689, 328], [3508, 4727, 328], [3502, 4726, 329], [3502, 4731, 329], [3502, 4736, 329], [3497, 4736, 329], [3495, 4739, 329], [3490, 4739, 329], [3497, 4751, 329], [3506, 4765, 329], [3502, 4766, 329], [3502, 4771, 329], [3497, 4771, 329], [3497, 4776, 329], [3507, 4791, 329], [3502, 4791, 329], [3502, 4796, 329], [3496, 4795, 329], [3495, 4799, 329], [3489, 4798, 329], [3488, 4802, 329], [3476, 4795, 329], [3475, 4799, 329], [3475, 4804, 329], [3474, 4808, 329], [3473, 4812, 328], [3473, 4817, 328], [3489, 4838, 328], [3475, 4829, 328], [3475, 4834, 328], [3475, 4839, 328], [3475, 4844, 328], [3502, 4876, 328], [3509, 4888, 328], [3507, 4891, 328], [3502, 4891, 328], [3497, 4891, 328], [3496, 4895, 328], [3495, 4899, 328], [3495, 4904, 328], [3490, 4904, 328], [3475, 4894, 328], [3475, 4899, 328], [3475, 4904, 328], [3475, 4909, 328], [3475, 4914, 328], [3475, 4919, 328], [3475, 4924, 327], [3473, 4927, 327], [3475, 4934, 327], [3472, 4936, 327], [3474, 4943, 326], [3475, 4949, 326], [3475, 4954, 326], [3475, 4959, 326], [3473, 4962, 326], [3474, 4968, 325], [3473, 4972, 325], [3472, 4976, 325], [3473, 4982, 324], [3472, 4986, 324], [3473, 4992, 323], [3474, 4998, 323], [3474, 5003, 323], [3474, 5008, 322], [3475, 5014, 322], [3474, 5018, 322], [3475, 5024, 322], [3475, 5029, 322], [3475, 5034, 322], [3476, 5040, 322], [3475, 5044, 322], [3475, 5049, 322], [3470, 5049, 321], [3488, 5072, 321], [3479, 5068, 321], [3475, 5069, 321], [3475, 5074, 321], [3475, 5079, 321], [3476, 5085, 321], [3475, 5089, 321], [3475, 5094, 321], [3475, 5099, 321], [3474, 5103, 321], [3496, 5130, 321], [3496, 5135, 321], [3497, 5141, 321], [3493, 5142, 321], [3488, 5142, 321], [3476, 5135, 321], [3475, 5139, 321], [3475, 5144, 321], [3473, 5147, 320], [3471, 5150, 320], [3474, 5158, 320], [3472, 5161, 320], [3472, 5166, 319], [3474, 5173, 319], [3474, 5178, 319], [3473, 5182, 319], [3474, 5188, 319], [3475, 5194, 318], [3472, 5196, 318], [3473, 5202, 318], [3472, 5206, 318], [3473, 5212, 317], [3472, 5216, 317], [3474, 5223, 317], [3473, 5227, 316], [3474, 5233, 316], [3475, 5239, 316], [3476, 5245, 316], [3473, 5247, 316], [3474, 5253, 316], [3472, 5256, 316], [3490, 5279, 316], [3497, 5291, 316], [3496, 5295, 316], [3492, 5321, 316], [3475, 5334, 316], [3475, 5364, 315], [3475, 5394, 315], [3473, 5422, 315], [3475, 5454, 314], [3473, 5482, 314], [3467, 5506, 311], [3472, 5541, 308], [3475, 5574, 307], [3472, 5601, 306], [3472, 5631, 305], [3509, 5698, 304], [3497, 5716, 305], [3475, 5724, 305], [3475, 5754, 305], [3475, 5784, 305], [3502, 5841, 305], [3492, 5861, 305], [3475, 5874, 305], [3479, 5908, 305], [3467, 5920, 303], [3467, 5953, 300], [3492, 6011, 299], [3475, 6024, 299], [3475, 6054, 299], [3496, 6105, 299], [3476, 6115, 299], [3475, 6144, 300], [3475, 6174, 300], [3475, 6204, 300], [3475, 6234, 300], [3475, 6264, 300], [3497, 6316, 300], [3475, 6324, 300], [3503, 6382, 300], [3496, 6405, 301], [3502, 6441, 301], [3496, 6465, 301], [3475, 6474, 301], [3475, 6504, 302], [3475, 6534, 302], [3475, 6564, 302], [3475, 6594, 302], [3475, 6624, 302], [3478, 6657, 302], [3475, 6684, 302], [3475, 6714, 302], [3478, 6747, 302], [3475, 6774, 303], [3475, 6804, 303], [3472, 6831, 302], [3472, 6861, 301], [3472, 6891, 300], [3473, 6922, 299], [3473, 6952, 299], [3473, 6982, 298], [3474, 7013, 298], [3473, 7042, 297], [3475, 7074, 297], [3474, 7103, 297], [3475, 7134, 297], [3474, 7163, 296], [3475, 7194, 296], [3475, 7224, 296], [3489, 7268, 296], [3496, 7305, 297], [3475, 7314, 297], [3496, 7365, 297], [3475, 7374, 297], [3490, 7419, 297], [3475, 7434, 298], [3476, 7465, 298], [3475, 7494, 298], [3475, 7524, 298], [3476, 7555, 298], [3475, 7584, 298], [3475, 7614, 298], [3473, 7642, 298], [3467, 7665, 297], [3467, 7665, 295], [3467, 7665, 293], [3467, 7665, 291], [3467, 7665, 289], [3467, 7665, 287], [3461, 7665, 285], [3461, 7665, 283], [3429, 7659, 282], [3396, 7656, 281], [3373, 7663, 280], [3344, 7664, 278], [3309, 7659, 277], [3279, 7659, 276], [3249, 7659, 275], [3220, 7660, 275], [3189, 7659, 274], [3160, 7660, 273], [3129, 7659, 272], [3099, 7659, 271], [3070, 7660, 270], [3039, 7659, 270], [3009, 7659, 269], [2979, 7659, 268], [2954, 7664, 267], [2898, 7638, 267], [2845, 7615, 267], [2844, 7644, 267], [2835, 7665, 266], [2805, 7665, 265], [2775, 7665, 263], [2739, 7659, 263], [2714, 7664, 262], [2680, 7660, 261], [2651, 7661, 260], [2614, 7654, 260], [2595, 7665, 259], [2559, 7659, 258], [2535, 7665, 257], [2504, 7664, 256], [2469, 7659, 255], [2443, 7663, 254], [2415, 7665, 253], [2380, 7660, 252], [2355, 7665, 251], [2320, 7660, 250], [2294, 7664, 248], [2263, 7663, 248], [2235, 7665, 246], [2199, 7659, 245], [2172, 7662, 245], [2144, 7664, 244], [2109, 7659, 243], [2083, 7663, 243], [2049, 7659, 241], [2020, 7660, 240], [1969, 7639, 239], [1964, 7664, 239], [1930, 7660, 238], [1905, 7665, 238], [1875, 7665, 237], [1845, 7665, 236], [1808, 7658, 235], [1779, 7659, 235], [1754, 7664, 234], [1725, 7665, 233], [1689, 7659, 232], [1660, 7660, 231], [1634, 7664, 231], [1600, 7660, 230], [1575, 7665, 229], [1543, 7663, 228], [1510, 7660, 228], [1485, 7665, 227], [1452, 7662, 226], [1419, 7659, 226], [1393, 7663, 225], [1359, 7659, 224], [1330, 7660, 224], [1303, 7663, 223], [9789, 16388, 223], [9759, 16388, 222], [9729, 16388, 222], [9700, 16389, 221], [9670, 16389, 220], [9640, 16389, 219], [9687, 16435, 218], [9704, 16482, 218], [9674, 16482, 217], [9690, 16528, 216], [9660, 16528, 215], [9630, 16528, 214], [9554, 16482, 213], [9400, 16389, 212], [9370, 16389, 211], [9340, 16389, 210], [9387, 16435, 210], [9280, 16389, 209], [9374, 16482, 208], [9220, 16389, 207], [9189, 16388, 207], [9160, 16389, 206], [9130, 16389, 206], [9099, 16388, 205], [9069, 16388, 204], [9039, 16388, 204], [9010, 16389, 203], [8980, 16389, 203], [8949, 16388, 202], [8920, 16389, 201], [8877, 16376, 201], [8859, 16388, 202], [8829, 16388, 202], [8797, 16386, 201], [8769, 16388, 201], [8740, 16389, 201], [8710, 16389, 200], [8680, 16389, 199], [8649, 16388, 198], [8517, 16286, 199], [8515, 16314, 199], [8526, 16355, 199], [8526, 16385, 199], [8499, 16388, 199], [8470, 16389, 199], [8440, 16389, 198], [8410, 16389, 197], [8380, 16389, 197], [8350, 16389, 196], [8320, 16389, 195], [8290, 16389, 195], [8348, 16446, 194], [8229, 16388, 193], [8199, 16388, 194], [8169, 16388, 194], [8139, 16388, 193], [8109, 16388, 193], [8079, 16388, 193], [8049, 16388, 193], [8019, 16388, 193], [7990, 16389, 193], [7960, 16389, 192], [7929, 16388, 192], [7899, 16388, 191], [7870, 16389, 191], [7839, 16388, 190], [7810, 16389, 190], [7780, 16389, 190], [7750, 16389, 189], [7720, 16389, 189], [7691, 16389, 188], [7684, 16389, 188], [7691, 16419, 187], [7691, 16446, 186], [7694, 16482, 186], [7684, 16482, 185], [7691, 16528, 185], [3479, 10987, 185], [3475, 11013, 185], [3473, 11041, 185], [3473, 11071, 185], [3471, 11099, 185], [3475, 11133, 186], [3472, 11160, 186], [3474, 11192, 186], [3474, 11222, 186], [3473, 11251, 186], [3475, 11283, 186], [3474, 11312, 187], [3473, 11341, 187], [3472, 11370, 187], [3474, 11402, 187], [3474, 11432, 187], [3473, 11461, 187], [3475, 11493, 188], [3474, 11522, 188], [3473, 11551, 188], [3473, 11581, 188], [3472, 11610, 189], [3475, 11643, 189], [3472, 11670, 189], [3472, 11700, 189], [3475, 11733, 189], [3474, 11762, 189], [3472, 11790, 189], [3469, 11817, 189], [3473, 11851, 189], [3473, 11881, 190], [3474, 11912, 190], [3473, 11941, 190], [3478, 11976, 190], [3470, 11998, 190], [3473, 12031, 190], [3472, 12060, 190], [3472, 12090, 190], [3490, 12138, 190], [3472, 12150, 190], [3472, 12180, 190], [3474, 12212, 190], [3472, 12240, 190], [3474, 12272, 190], [3473, 12301, 191], [3469, 12327, 191], [3472, 12360, 191], [3471, 12389, 191], [3472, 12420, 190], [3471, 12449, 190], [3473, 12481, 190], [3475, 12513, 190], [3468, 12536, 190], [3475, 12573, 190], [3473, 12601, 191], [3497, 12655, 191], [3471, 12659, 191], [3473, 12691, 191], [3472, 12720, 191], [3473, 12751, 191], [3473, 12781, 191], [3473, 12811, 191], [3473, 12841, 191], [3476, 12874, 192], [3474, 13172, 193], [3468, 13466, 192], [3471, 13769, 193], [3475, 14073, 194], [3490, 14388, 195], [3475, 14673, 197], [3470, 14968, 195], [3472, 15270, 195], [3475, 15573, 197], [3473, 15871, 199], [3474, 16172, 201], [3468, 16435, 200], [3299, 16388, 197], [2999, 16388, 196], [2699, 16388, 195], [2399, 16388, 193], [2099, 16388, 191], [1799, 16388, 189], [1499, 16388, 187], [1282, 16440, 185], [1280, 16528, 182], [1228, 16388, 179], [929, 16389, 178], [655, 16389, 176], [355, 16389, 174], [55, 16389, 173], [0, 16568, 170]], 'time_in_bucket': [2065, 33, 23, 28, 47, 51, 43, 33, 46, 23, 37, 24, 30, 32, 18, 34, 32, 22, 34, 24, 21, 24, 18, 29, 22, 26, 22, 15, 21, 24, 20, 20, 23, 18, 12, 18, 17, 26, 17, 10, 22, 26, 22, 23, 21, 19, 21, 17, 31, 27, 20, 20, 19, 18, 17, 11, 17, 17, 20, 15, 11, 13, 14, 28, 19, 18, 18, 21, 18, 22, 22, 15, 16, 19, 24, 16, 18, 25, 16, 11, 18, 28, 17, 33, 27, 18, 27, 16, 22, 22, 23, 28, 27, 20, 20, 18, 25, 19, 18, 26, 24, 25, 18, 23, 21, 34, 18, 27, 20, 27, 16, 19, 24, 29, 25, 32, 31, 19, 24, 33, 25, 22, 33, 27, 31, 27, 19, 23, 23, 23, 29, 22, 31, 18, 29, 25, 23, 27, 28, 28, 28, 23, 22, 24, 20, 30, 31, 31, 29, 23, 35, 25, 36, 28, 29, 36, 31, 28, 37, 37, 47, 32, 29, 29, 41, 31, 31, 26, 27, 36, 40, 34, 47, 30, 42, 38, 32, 24, 29, 33, 27, 36, 36, 32, 38, 36, 40, 31, 32, 38, 49, 45, 49, 39, 50, 39, 36, 34, 37, 47, 47, 47, 30, 49, 41, 41, 44, 49, 29, 34, 42, 46, 48, 41, 42, 42, 51, 56, 31, 51, 46, 46, 36, 57, 33, 36, 51, 54, 39, 56, 48, 65, 61, 47, 47, 52, 52, 64, 55, 57, 59, 51, 48, 57, 61, 38, 44, 55, 51, 59, 57, 39, 52, 49, 54, 53, 60, 48, 46, 51, 56, 51, 56, 61, 63, 56, 62, 57, 59, 58, 66, 64, 55, 63, 54, 81, 59, 72, 62, 56, 57, 70, 69, 75, 72, 74, 84, 66, 58, 75, 65, 56, 72, 67, 68, 69, 74, 74, 73, 55, 64, 76, 67, 71, 62, 67, 71, 90, 72, 70, 83, 83, 72, 70, 75, 67, 73, 77, 57, 78, 52, 62, 78, 69, 62, 65, 64, 67, 73, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 41, 48, 49, 58, 50, 55, 37, 34, 36, 53, 49, 39, 39, 37, 32, 34, 25, 25, 24, 32, 18, 27, 28, 23, 27, 25, 27, 20, 22, 22, 21, 28, 22, 15, 19, 10, 12, 8, 10, 13, 17, 14, 16, 8, 9, 7, 9, 9, 5, 8, 9, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [8324, 4768, 3106, 369, 35, 11, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '4096538318'}
{'weighted_power': 293, 'training_load': 217, 'max_watts': 651, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[6207, 6207, 651], [6206, 6207, 601], [6205, 6207, 580], [3217, 3220, 569], [3215, 3219, 567], [3214, 3219, 574], [3214, 3220, 571], [3213, 3220, 566], [3211, 3219, 562], [3211, 3220, 562], [3214, 3224, 560], [3214, 3225, 559], [3213, 3225, 556], [3211, 3224, 556], [3211, 3225, 555], [3214, 3229, 555], [3214, 3230, 556], [3213, 3230, 555], [3212, 3230, 553], [3211, 3230, 554], [3210, 3230, 553], [3210, 3231, 551], [3209, 3231, 549], [3207, 3230, 547], [3206, 3230, 548], [3206, 3231, 546], [3205, 3231, 544], [3205, 3232, 538], [3205, 3233, 529], [3205, 3234, 524], [3205, 3235, 521], [3205, 3236, 516], [3204, 3236, 508], [3204, 3237, 500], [3205, 3239, 497], [7609, 7644, 495], [7608, 7644, 495], [7608, 7645, 494], [6103, 6141, 493], [7611, 7650, 493], [7611, 7651, 493], [7610, 7651, 493], [7609, 7651, 492], [7608, 7651, 492], [7607, 7651, 491], [7605, 7650, 489], [7605, 7651, 489], [7604, 7651, 489], [7603, 7651, 488], [7602, 7651, 487], [7602, 7652, 485], [7601, 7652, 483], [7601, 7653, 480], [7601, 7654, 479], [7601, 7655, 475], [7604, 7659, 473], [7603, 7659, 473], [7602, 7659, 472], [9960, 10018, 471], [9959, 10018, 469], [9957, 10017, 470], [9957, 10018, 470], [9956, 10018, 469], [9955, 10018, 469], [9954, 10018, 468], [9957, 10022, 467], [9952, 10018, 467], [9951, 10018, 467], [9954, 10022, 465], [9952, 10021, 465], [9952, 10022, 465], [9951, 10022, 465], [9950, 10022, 463], [9950, 10023, 462], [9949, 10023, 460], [9948, 10023, 457], [9952, 10028, 458], [9951, 10028, 457], [9951, 10029, 457], [9950, 10029, 455], [9949, 10029, 454], [9948, 10029, 452], [9951, 10033, 451], [9950, 10033, 450], [9950, 10034, 448], [9949, 10034, 447], [9943, 10029, 446], [9935, 10022, 444], [9935, 10023, 443], [9950, 10039, 442], [9932, 10022, 442], [9931, 10022, 441], [9936, 10028, 441], [9936, 10029, 440], [9935, 10029, 439], [9934, 10029, 437], [9932, 10028, 437], [9931, 10028, 437], [9931, 10029, 436], [9930, 10029, 435], [9929, 10029, 433], [9932, 10033, 433], [9931, 10033, 432], [9926, 10029, 432], [9925, 10029, 431], [9924, 10029, 430], [9923, 10029, 429], [9922, 10029, 428], [9914, 10022, 428], [9913, 10022, 427], [9918, 10028, 427], [9918, 10029, 426], [9916, 10028, 426], [9916, 10029, 426], [9915, 10029, 425], [9914, 10029, 424], [9913, 10029, 424], [9912, 10029, 423], [9915, 10033, 422], [9914, 10033, 421], [9913, 10033, 421], [9913, 10034, 420], [9912, 10034, 419], [9916, 10039, 418], [9915, 10039, 418], [9914, 10039, 417], [9913, 10039, 417], [9913, 10040, 416], [9915, 10043, 416], [9914, 10043, 415], [9913, 10043, 415], [9912, 10043, 414], [9911, 10043, 413], [9910, 10043, 411], [9909, 10043, 409], [9908, 10043, 408], [9907, 10043, 407], [9906, 10043, 405], [9905, 10043, 404], [9904, 10043, 404], [9903, 10043, 403], [9902, 10043, 403], [9901, 10043, 402], [9900, 10043, 400], [9899, 10043, 400], [9898, 10043, 399], [9897, 10043, 399], [9896, 10043, 398], [9895, 10043, 398], [9879, 10028, 397], [9879, 10029, 397], [9878, 10029, 397], [9888, 10040, 396], [9890, 10043, 396], [9889, 10043, 396], [9888, 10043, 396], [9878, 10034, 395], [9883, 10040, 394], [9885, 10043, 394], [9884, 10043, 394], [9883, 10043, 394], [9878, 10039, 393], [9878, 10040, 393], [9880, 10043, 392], [9879, 10043, 392], [9878, 10043, 392], [9873, 10039, 391], [9873, 10040, 391], [9875, 10043, 390], [9874, 10043, 390], [9873, 10043, 390], [9872, 10043, 390], [9868, 10040, 389], [9867, 10040, 388], [9869, 10043, 388], [9868, 10043, 388], [9867, 10043, 388], [9866, 10043, 387], [9865, 10043, 387], [9864, 10043, 386], [6080, 6260, 385], [6079, 6260, 385], [6078, 6260, 385], [6077, 6260, 385], [6076, 6260, 384], [6069, 6254, 384], [6068, 6254, 384], [6073, 6260, 384], [6072, 6260, 384], [6071, 6260, 384], [6070, 6260, 384], [6069, 6260, 383], [6068, 6260, 383], [6067, 6260, 382], [6066, 6260, 382], [6065, 6260, 383], [6064, 6260, 383], [6063, 6260, 383], [6062, 6260, 382], [6061, 6260, 382], [6055, 6255, 381], [6058, 6259, 381], [6058, 6260, 382], [6057, 6260, 382], [6056, 6260, 382], [6055, 6260, 381], [6054, 6260, 381], [6053, 6260, 380], [6052, 6260, 380], [6051, 6260, 380], [6050, 6260, 380], [6049, 6260, 380], [6048, 6260, 379], [6047, 6260, 379], [6046, 6260, 379], [6045, 6260, 379], [6044, 6260, 379], [6043, 6260, 379], [6042, 6260, 378], [6041, 6260, 378], [6040, 6260, 378], [6039, 6260, 378], [6038, 6260, 378], [6037, 6260, 378], [6036, 6260, 377], [6035, 6260, 377], [6034, 6260, 377], [6033, 6260, 377], [6032, 6260, 377], [6031, 6260, 376], [6030, 6260, 376], [6029, 6260, 375], [6028, 6260, 375], [6027, 6260, 375], [6026, 6260, 375], [6025, 6260, 375], [6024, 6260, 375], [6023, 6260, 375], [6022, 6260, 375], [6021, 6260, 375], [6020, 6260, 374], [6019, 6260, 374], [6018, 6260, 374], [6017, 6260, 374], [6016, 6260, 374], [6015, 6260, 374], [6014, 6260, 374], [6013, 6260, 373], [6012, 6260, 373], [6011, 6260, 373], [6010, 6260, 373], [6009, 6260, 373], [6008, 6260, 373], [6007, 6260, 372], [6000, 6254, 372], [6005, 6260, 372], [6004, 6260, 372], [6003, 6260, 372], [6002, 6260, 372], [6001, 6260, 372], [6000, 6260, 372], [5999, 6260, 372], [5998, 6260, 371], [5997, 6260, 371], [5996, 6260, 371], [5995, 6260, 371], [5994, 6260, 371], [5993, 6260, 371], [5992, 6260, 371], [5991, 6260, 371], [5990, 6260, 371], [5989, 6260, 371], [5988, 6260, 371], [5987, 6260, 370], [5986, 6260, 370], [5985, 6260, 370], [5984, 6260, 370], [5983, 6260, 370], [5982, 6260, 370], [5981, 6260, 370], [5980, 6260, 369], [5979, 6260, 369], [5978, 6260, 369], [5977, 6260, 369], [5976, 6260, 369], [5975, 6260, 369], [5974, 6260, 369], [5973, 6260, 368], [5972, 6260, 368], [5971, 6260, 368], [5970, 6260, 368], [5969, 6260, 368], [5968, 6260, 368], [5967, 6260, 368], [5966, 6260, 368], [5965, 6260, 368], [5964, 6260, 368], [5963, 6260, 368], [5962, 6260, 368], [5961, 6260, 367], [5956, 6260, 367], [5951, 6260, 366], [5946, 6260, 365], [5941, 6260, 365], [5936, 6260, 365], [5931, 6260, 364], [5926, 6260, 364], [5921, 6260, 363], [5911, 6255, 362], [5911, 6260, 363], [5906, 6260, 362], [5902, 6261, 361], [5890, 6254, 362], [5884, 6253, 363], [5880, 6254, 364], [5875, 6254, 365], [5876, 6260, 365], [5871, 6260, 364], [5866, 6260, 364], [5861, 6260, 364], [5856, 6260, 364], [5851, 6260, 363], [5846, 6260, 363], [5841, 6260, 363], [5831, 6255, 363], [5831, 6260, 363], [5826, 6260, 363], [5821, 6260, 362], [5816, 6260, 362], [5811, 6260, 361], [5806, 6260, 361], [5801, 6260, 360], [5796, 6260, 360], [5791, 6260, 359], [5786, 6260, 359], [5781, 6260, 358], [5776, 6260, 358], [5644, 6133, 358], [5640, 6134, 359], [5641, 6140, 360], [5637, 6141, 360], [5636, 6145, 360], [5632, 6146, 360], [5633, 6152, 360], [5621, 6145, 360], [5616, 6145, 359], [5618, 6152, 359], [5613, 6152, 359], [5608, 6152, 358], [5597, 6146, 358], [5598, 6152, 357], [5593, 6152, 357], [5589, 6153, 356], [5583, 6152, 356], [5578, 6152, 355], [5642, 6221, 356], [5638, 6222, 356], [5640, 6229, 357], [5640, 6234, 356], [5640, 6239, 356], [5643, 6247, 357], [5642, 6251, 358], [5640, 6254, 360], [5640, 6259, 360], [5636, 6260, 360], [5631, 6260, 359], [5626, 6260, 359], [5621, 6260, 359], [5616, 6260, 359], [5611, 6260, 358], [5606, 6260, 358], [5601, 6260, 358], [5596, 6260, 357], [5591, 6260, 357], [5586, 6260, 357], [5581, 6260, 356], [5576, 6260, 356], [5571, 6260, 355], [5566, 6260, 355], [5561, 6260, 354], [5557, 6261, 354], [5551, 6260, 354], [5546, 6260, 353], [5541, 6260, 353], [5536, 6260, 353], [5531, 6260, 353], [5526, 6260, 352], [5521, 6260, 352], [5516, 6260, 352], [5505, 6254, 352], [5500, 6254, 352], [5495, 6254, 352], [5496, 6260, 352], [5491, 6260, 352], [5486, 6260, 352], [5355, 6134, 353], [5350, 6134, 353], [5346, 6135, 354], [5347, 6141, 355], [5343, 6142, 355], [5338, 6142, 355], [5332, 6141, 355], [5327, 6141, 355], [5322, 6141, 355], [5322, 6146, 355], [5317, 6146, 355], [5308, 6142, 355], [5303, 6142, 355], [5297, 6141, 355], [5296, 6145, 355], [5287, 6141, 355], [5286, 6145, 355], [5277, 6141, 355], [5276, 6145, 355], [5268, 6142, 355], [5267, 6146, 354], [5262, 6146, 354], [5257, 6146, 354], [5251, 6145, 354], [5247, 6146, 354], [5349, 6253, 355], [5345, 6254, 355], [5346, 6260, 355], [5341, 6260, 355], [5336, 6260, 355], [5331, 6260, 355], [5326, 6260, 355], [5321, 6260, 355], [5310, 6254, 355], [5311, 6260, 355], [5306, 6260, 355], [5301, 6260, 355], [5296, 6260, 355], [5291, 6260, 355], [5286, 6260, 355], [5281, 6260, 355], [5276, 6260, 355], [5271, 6260, 355], [5266, 6260, 355], [5261, 6260, 355], [5256, 6260, 354], [5251, 6260, 354], [5246, 6260, 354], [5241, 6260, 354], [5236, 6260, 354], [5231, 6260, 354], [5226, 6260, 354], [5221, 6260, 354], [5216, 6260, 353], [5211, 6260, 353], [5208, 6262, 353], [5201, 6260, 353], [5196, 6260, 352], [5191, 6260, 352], [5186, 6260, 352], [5181, 6260, 352], [5176, 6260, 352], [5171, 6260, 352], [5166, 6260, 352], [5161, 6260, 352], [5156, 6260, 352], [5151, 6260, 352], [5146, 6260, 352], [5141, 6260, 352], [5136, 6260, 352], [5131, 6260, 352], [5126, 6260, 352], [5121, 6260, 351], [5116, 6260, 351], [5111, 6260, 351], [5106, 6260, 351], [5101, 6260, 351], [5097, 6261, 351], [5091, 6260, 351], [5086, 6260, 351], [5081, 6260, 351], [5076, 6260, 351], [5071, 6260, 350], [5066, 6260, 350], [5023, 6222, 350], [5025, 6229, 350], [5021, 6230, 350], [5038, 6252, 351], [5036, 6255, 351], [5029, 6253, 351], [5025, 6254, 352], [5021, 6255, 352], [5021, 6260, 352], [5021, 6265, 352], [5011, 6260, 351], [5000, 6254, 351], [5001, 6260, 351], [4996, 6260, 351], [4991, 6260, 351], [4986, 6260, 351], [4981, 6260, 351], [4976, 6260, 351], [4971, 6260, 351], [4966, 6260, 351], [4961, 6260, 351], [4956, 6260, 351], [4951, 6260, 350], [4946, 6260, 350], [4941, 6260, 350], [4936, 6260, 350], [4931, 6260, 350], [4926, 6260, 350], [4921, 6260, 350], [4916, 6260, 350], [4911, 6260, 350], [4906, 6260, 350], [4901, 6260, 350], [4896, 6260, 350], [4891, 6260, 350], [4886, 6260, 350], [4881, 6260, 350], [4876, 6260, 350], [4871, 6260, 349], [4866, 6260, 349], [4861, 6260, 349], [4856, 6260, 349], [4851, 6260, 349], [4846, 6260, 349], [4841, 6260, 349], [4836, 6260, 349], [4831, 6260, 349], [4826, 6260, 348], [4821, 6260, 348], [4816, 6260, 348], [4811, 6260, 348], [4806, 6260, 348], [4801, 6260, 348], [4796, 6260, 348], [4791, 6260, 348], [4786, 6260, 348], [4781, 6260, 348], [4776, 6260, 348], [4771, 6260, 347], [4766, 6260, 347], [4761, 6260, 347], [4761, 6265, 347], [4636, 6145, 347], [4628, 6142, 347], [4622, 6141, 347], [4622, 6146, 347], [4616, 6145, 347], [4611, 6145, 347], [4605, 6144, 347], [4598, 6142, 347], [4593, 6142, 347], [4588, 6142, 347], [4587, 6146, 347], [4577, 6141, 347], [4572, 6141, 347], [4572, 6146, 347], [4567, 6146, 347], [4558, 6142, 347], [4664, 6253, 347], [4659, 6253, 347], [4654, 6253, 347], [4650, 6254, 348], [4651, 6260, 348], [4646, 6260, 347], [4641, 6260, 347], [4636, 6260, 347], [4631, 6260, 347], [4621, 6255, 348], [4621, 6260, 348], [4616, 6260, 348], [4611, 6260, 348], [4605, 6259, 348], [4600, 6259, 347], [4596, 6260, 347], [4590, 6259, 347], [4585, 6259, 347], [4581, 6260, 347], [4576, 6260, 347], [4571, 6260, 348], [4566, 6260, 347], [4561, 6260, 347], [4557, 6261, 347], [4551, 6260, 347], [4546, 6260, 347], [4541, 6260, 347], [4536, 6260, 347], [4531, 6260, 347], [4526, 6260, 347], [4521, 6260, 347], [4516, 6260, 347], [4511, 6260, 347], [4506, 6260, 347], [4501, 6260, 347], [4496, 6260, 346], [4491, 6260, 346], [4486, 6260, 346], [4481, 6260, 347], [4476, 6260, 346], [4471, 6260, 346], [4466, 6260, 346], [4461, 6260, 346], [4431, 6260, 346], [4395, 6254, 346], [4371, 6260, 346], [4351, 6270, 346], [4197, 6146, 345], [4173, 6152, 345], [4244, 6253, 345], [4221, 6260, 346], [4191, 6260, 346], [4161, 6260, 345], [4131, 6260, 345], [4101, 6260, 345], [4071, 6260, 345], [4047, 6266, 344], [4011, 6260, 344], [3981, 6260, 344], [3832, 6141, 344], [3813, 6152, 344], [3783, 6152, 343], [3830, 6229, 344], [3831, 6260, 344], [3801, 6260, 344], [3771, 6260, 344], [3741, 6260, 344], [3711, 6260, 343], [3681, 6260, 343], [3651, 6260, 343], [3621, 6260, 343], [3483, 6152, 343], [3442, 6141, 343], [3417, 6146, 343], [3494, 6253, 344], [3471, 6260, 344], [3441, 6260, 343], [3411, 6260, 343], [3381, 6260, 343], [3351, 6260, 343], [3205, 6144, 344], [3203, 6172, 343], [3210, 6209, 343], [3205, 6234, 344], [3205, 6264, 344], [3205, 6294, 343], [3134, 6253, 343], [3205, 6354, 343], [3205, 6384, 343], [3051, 6260, 343], [3204, 6443, 343], [3205, 6474, 342], [2961, 6260, 342], [2931, 6260, 342], [2901, 6260, 342], [2871, 6260, 342], [2840, 6259, 342], [2811, 6260, 342], [2781, 6260, 341], [2837, 6346, 341], [2837, 6376, 341], [2839, 6408, 341], [2836, 6435, 341], [2839, 6468, 341], [3205, 6864, 341], [3205, 6894, 341], [3205, 6924, 341], [3205, 6954, 340], [3204, 6983, 340], [3056, 6865, 340], [3032, 6871, 340], [2992, 6861, 340], [2962, 6861, 340], [2933, 6862, 340], [2906, 6865, 340], [3205, 7194, 340], [3205, 7224, 340], [2839, 6888, 340], [2837, 6916, 339], [3205, 7314, 339], [3205, 7344, 339], [3484, 7653, 340], [3466, 7665, 340], [3431, 7660, 340], [3401, 7660, 339], [3371, 7660, 339], [3340, 7659, 339], [3310, 7659, 339], [3280, 7659, 339], [3256, 7665, 339], [3205, 7644, 340], [3204, 7673, 340], [3205, 7704, 340], [3205, 7734, 340], [3204, 7763, 339], [3070, 7659, 339], [3041, 7660, 339], [3010, 7659, 339], [2981, 7660, 339], [2951, 7660, 339], [2920, 7659, 339], [2891, 7660, 339], [2852, 7651, 339], [2836, 7665, 339], [2835, 7694, 339], [3204, 8093, 339], [3205, 8124, 339], [3205, 8154, 338], [3205, 8184, 338], [3205, 8214, 338], [3205, 8244, 338], [3009, 8078, 338], [3206, 8305, 338], [3205, 8334, 338], [2919, 8078, 338], [2889, 8078, 338], [2859, 8078, 338], [2838, 8087, 338], [2837, 8116, 338], [2836, 8145, 338], [2839, 8178, 338], [2834, 8203, 337], [2839, 8238, 337], [2831, 8260, 337], [2847, 8306, 337], [2838, 8327, 337], [2837, 8356, 337], [2838, 8387, 337], [2838, 8417, 337], [2838, 8447, 337], [2837, 8476, 336], [2839, 8508, 336], [2839, 8538, 336], [2837, 8566, 336], [2839, 8598, 336], [2838, 8627, 336], [2836, 8655, 336], [2836, 8685, 336], [2839, 8718, 336], [2918, 8827, 336], [2889, 8828, 336], [2838, 8807, 336], [2828, 8827, 336], [2838, 8867, 335], [2834, 8893, 335], [2839, 8928, 335], [2890, 9009, 335], [2856, 9005, 335], [2836, 9015, 335], [2834, 9043, 335], [2831, 9070, 335], [2890, 9159, 335], [2838, 9137, 335], [2836, 9165, 335], [2839, 9198, 335], [3205, 9594, 335], [3205, 9624, 335], [3205, 9654, 335], [3204, 9683, 334], [3205, 9714, 334], [3484, 10023, 335], [3474, 10043, 335], [3443, 10042, 335], [3414, 10043, 335], [3370, 10029, 335], [3354, 10043, 335], [3324, 10043, 335], [3280, 10029, 335], [3205, 9984, 335], [3206, 10015, 335], [3204, 10043, 335], [3174, 10043, 335], [3129, 10028, 335], [3105, 10034, 335], [3070, 10029, 335], [3054, 10043, 335], [3024, 10043, 335], [2994, 10043, 335], [2960, 10039, 335], [2934, 10043, 335], [2904, 10043, 335], [2853, 10022, 335], [2839, 10038, 335], [2814, 10043, 335], [2784, 10043, 335], [2754, 10043, 335], [2752, 10071, 333], [2752, 10101, 333], [2751, 10130, 332], [2634, 10043, 331], [2604, 10043, 330], [2620, 10089, 329], [2751, 10250, 329], [2752, 10281, 328], [2751, 10310, 327], [2752, 10341, 327], [2755, 10374, 326], [2755, 10404, 326], [2752, 10431, 325], [2753, 10462, 324], [2755, 10494, 324], [2755, 10524, 324], [2753, 10552, 323], [2755, 10584, 323], [2751, 10610, 322], [2755, 10644, 322], [2753, 10672, 321], [2752, 10701, 321], [2755, 10734, 320], [2757, 10766, 320], [2751, 10790, 319], [2751, 10820, 319], [2756, 10855, 319], [2755, 10884, 318], [2751, 10910, 318], [2753, 10942, 317], [2757, 10976, 317], [2756, 11005, 316], [2754, 11033, 316], [2755, 11064, 316], [2761, 11100, 315], [2751, 11120, 315], [2755, 11154, 314], [2750, 11179, 314], [2751, 11210, 313], [2755, 11244, 312], [2757, 11276, 312], [2751, 11300, 312], [2751, 11330, 311], [2755, 11364, 311], [2755, 11394, 310], [2754, 11423, 310], [2756, 11455, 310], [2755, 11484, 310], [2738, 11497, 309], [2708, 11497, 308], [2644, 11463, 307], [2638, 11487, 307], [2617, 11496, 307], [2588, 11497, 306], [2565, 11497, 305], [2565, 11497, 304], [2565, 11497, 303], [2565, 11497, 302], [2565, 11497, 301], [2565, 11497, 300], [2565, 11497, 299], [2171, 11107, 298], [2025, 10991, 298], [2114, 11110, 297], [2081, 11107, 297], [2047, 11103, 297], [2021, 11107, 296], [1998, 11114, 296], [1961, 11107, 296], [1930, 11106, 295], [1964, 11170, 295], [1937, 11173, 294], [2222, 11488, 294], [2174, 11470, 294], [2136, 11462, 293], [2116, 11472, 293], [2107, 11493, 293], [2044, 11460, 292], [2023, 11469, 292], [2002, 11478, 292], [1991, 11497, 292], [1953, 11489, 291], [1924, 11490, 291], [2755, 12227, 290], [2752, 12254, 290], [2755, 12287, 290], [2751, 12313, 289], [2755, 12347, 289], [2755, 12377, 289], [2755, 12407, 288], [2752, 12434, 288], [2754, 12466, 288], [2754, 12496, 287], [2759, 12531, 287], [2755, 12557, 287], [2757, 12589, 287], [2750, 12612, 287], [2719, 12611, 286], [2752, 12674, 285], [2757, 12709, 285], [2755, 12737, 285], [2756, 12768, 285], [2754, 12796, 285], [2757, 12829, 285], [2755, 12857, 285], [2755, 12887, 285], [2755, 12917, 285], [2751, 12943, 285], [2755, 12977, 284], [2756, 13008, 284], [2754, 13036, 284], [2756, 13068, 284], [2753, 13095, 284], [2757, 13129, 283], [2757, 13159, 284], [2755, 13187, 284], [2755, 13217, 284], [2755, 13517, 283], [2755, 13817, 280], [2752, 14114, 279], [2749, 14411, 278], [2565, 14440, 273], [2359, 14408, 269], [2058, 14407, 268], [1758, 14407, 265], [1462, 14411, 262], [1158, 14407, 259], [858, 14407, 257], [578, 14408, 253], [277, 14407, 250], [5, 14435, 246]], 'time_in_bucket': [559, 5, 9, 10, 9, 17, 25, 26, 25, 10, 11, 11, 13, 7, 10, 19, 10, 14, 6, 13, 13, 9, 11, 14, 11, 9, 12, 9, 12, 6, 19, 8, 19, 8, 7, 6, 6, 10, 10, 5, 13, 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 12, 4, 5, 4, 10, 5, 7, 3, 5, 8, 8, 5, 5, 11, 11, 11, 6, 13, 8, 13, 10, 9, 14, 12, 9, 5, 8, 9, 12, 16, 12, 10, 12, 11, 15, 16, 14, 15, 21, 6, 8, 15, 15, 14, 10, 7, 17, 15, 19, 22, 22, 14, 14, 21, 16, 21, 27, 9, 14, 18, 15, 16, 20, 17, 26, 19, 18, 27, 27, 13, 24, 19, 32, 16, 16, 24, 26, 23, 18, 31, 17, 33, 24, 18, 27, 30, 22, 30, 23, 31, 33, 25, 15, 29, 20, 28, 20, 23, 24, 23, 28, 21, 23, 28, 30, 29, 30, 24, 21, 25, 35, 23, 31, 37, 24, 29, 29, 24, 34, 26, 32, 28, 28, 25, 22, 31, 39, 28, 30, 23, 24, 39, 22, 22, 36, 27, 27, 27, 42, 24, 26, 20, 29, 35, 41, 34, 26, 37, 43, 39, 27, 32, 48, 20, 40, 22, 36, 31, 32, 35, 35, 36, 45, 49, 42, 32, 45, 37, 45, 44, 43, 45, 42, 46, 32, 32, 38, 48, 50, 39, 42, 60, 36, 44, 39, 43, 32, 36, 47, 45, 41, 39, 37, 43, 42, 46, 47, 53, 45, 43, 57, 43, 45, 40, 29, 32, 34, 51, 52, 46, 50, 47, 50, 42, 54, 49, 41, 57, 60, 41, 61, 53, 38, 52, 49, 48, 61, 54, 45, 61, 58, 53, 56, 58, 45, 43, 45, 56, 52, 56, 54, 52, 46, 48, 52, 40, 51, 33, 38, 50, 42, 49, 57, 51, 36, 48, 47, 36, 54, 45, 38, 29, 36, 53, 44, 41, 48, 47, 39, 45, 41, 39, 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{'weighted_power': 232, 'training_load': 137, 'max_watts': 575, 'relative_intensity': 57, 'cp_data': [[5761, 5761, 575], [5761, 5762, 568], [5761, 5763, 543], [5760, 5763, 527], [5759, 5763, 503], [5758, 5763, 482], [5757, 5763, 463], [5756, 5763, 448], [5756, 5764, 435], [5758, 5767, 415], [5757, 5767, 409], [5756, 5767, 403], [12611, 12623, 403], [12611, 12624, 402], [12611, 12625, 397], [12611, 12626, 393], [12611, 12627, 388], [12611, 12628, 384], [12611, 12629, 379], [12611, 12630, 371], [12611, 12631, 358], [12611, 12632, 350], [12561, 12583, 345], [12560, 12583, 343], [12560, 12584, 340], [13006, 13031, 337], [6635, 6661, 335], [6633, 6660, 335], [6633, 6661, 335], [6632, 6661, 334], [6631, 6661, 333], [6631, 6662, 332], [6632, 6664, 331], [6631, 6664, 330], [6633, 6667, 330], [6633, 6668, 330], [6633, 6669, 329], [6633, 6670, 329], [6633, 6671, 329], [6633, 6672, 329], [6633, 6673, 329], [6631, 6672, 328], [6631, 6673, 328], [6633, 6676, 327], [6632, 6676, 327], [6633, 6678, 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[2731, 2882, 309], [2730, 2882, 309], [2730, 2883, 309], [2730, 2884, 309], [2724, 2879, 309], [2724, 2880, 309], [2724, 2881, 309], [2724, 2882, 309], [2724, 2883, 309], [2724, 2884, 309], [2724, 2885, 308], [2714, 2876, 308], [2714, 2877, 308], [2714, 2878, 308], [2714, 2879, 308], [2714, 2880, 308], [2714, 2881, 308], [2714, 2882, 308], [2714, 2883, 308], [2714, 2884, 308], [2714, 2885, 308], [2714, 2886, 308], [2714, 2887, 308], [2711, 2885, 307], [2710, 2885, 307], [2709, 2885, 307], [2709, 2886, 307], [2709, 2887, 307], [2708, 2887, 306], [2739, 2919, 306], [2739, 2920, 306], [2739, 2921, 306], [2738, 2921, 306], [2738, 2922, 306], [2735, 2920, 306], [2734, 2920, 306], [2733, 2920, 306], [2733, 2921, 306], [2733, 2922, 306], [2739, 2929, 306], [2739, 2930, 307], [2739, 2931, 307], [2739, 2932, 307], [2740, 2934, 307], [2739, 2934, 307], [2739, 2935, 307], [2738, 2935, 307], [2738, 2936, 307], [2738, 2937, 307], [2735, 2935, 307], [2734, 2935, 307], [2740, 2942, 307], [2739, 2942, 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13314, 295], [12972, 13321, 295], [12967, 13321, 295], [12967, 13326, 295], [12964, 13328, 294], [12965, 13334, 292], [12964, 13338, 291], [12964, 13343, 289], [12963, 13347, 287], [12932, 13321, 284], [12932, 13326, 284], [12930, 13329, 283], [10189, 10593, 283], [10166, 10575, 283], [10147, 10561, 283], [10143, 10562, 284], [10137, 10561, 284], [10135, 10564, 284], [10129, 10563, 285], [10136, 10575, 285], [10131, 10575, 285], [10131, 10580, 285], [10129, 10583, 285], [10121, 10580, 284], [10129, 10593, 284], [10124, 10593, 284], [10121, 10595, 284], [10128, 10607, 283], [10122, 10606, 283], [10123, 10612, 283], [10129, 10623, 283], [10123, 10622, 283], [10128, 10632, 283], [10123, 10632, 283], [10126, 10640, 282], [10121, 10640, 282], [10122, 10646, 282], [10051, 10580, 281], [10051, 10585, 281], [10054, 10593, 281], [10049, 10593, 281], [10031, 10580, 281], [10031, 10585, 281], [10031, 10590, 280], [10059, 10623, 280], [10054, 10623, 280], [10058, 10632, 280], [10053, 10632, 280], [10048, 10632, 280], [10051, 10640, 280], [10030, 10624, 279], [10032, 10631, 279], [10028, 10632, 279], [10031, 10640, 279], [9961, 10575, 279], [9956, 10575, 279], [9951, 10575, 279], [9946, 10575, 279], [9941, 10575, 279], [9936, 10575, 279], [9931, 10575, 279], [9931, 10580, 279], [9921, 10575, 279], [9916, 10575, 279], [9916, 10580, 279], [9906, 10575, 279], [9906, 10580, 279], [9906, 10585, 279], [9896, 10580, 279], [9896, 10585, 279], [9881, 10575, 279], [9881, 10580, 279], [9881, 10585, 279], [9876, 10585, 279], [9861, 10575, 279], [9861, 10580, 279], [9861, 10585, 279], [9856, 10585, 279], [9859, 10593, 279], [9854, 10593, 279], [9831, 10575, 279], [9826, 10575, 279], [9821, 10575, 279], [9821, 10580, 279], [9821, 10585, 279], [9806, 10575, 279], [9801, 10575, 279], [9796, 10575, 279], [9791, 10575, 279], [9786, 10575, 279], [9786, 10580, 279], [9786, 10585, 279], [9789, 10593, 279], [9784, 10593, 279], [9779, 10593, 279], [9787, 10606, 279], [9789, 10613, 278], [9793, 10622, 278], [9789, 10623, 278], [9785, 10624, 278], [9788, 10632, 278], [9783, 10632, 278], [9786, 10640, 278], [9786, 10645, 278], [9782, 10646, 278], [9784, 10653, 278], [9789, 10663, 278], [9785, 10664, 277], [9779, 10663, 277], [9779, 10668, 277], [9789, 10683, 277], [9784, 10683, 277], [9779, 10683, 276], [9779, 10688, 276], [9791, 10705, 276], [9788, 10707, 276], [9783, 10707, 276], [9787, 10716, 276], [9787, 10721, 276], [9783, 10722, 275], [9787, 10731, 275], [9782, 10731, 275], [9784, 10738, 275], [9779, 10738, 275], [9785, 10749, 275], [9789, 10758, 275], [9789, 10763, 275], [9787, 10766, 275], [9783, 10767, 275], [9778, 10767, 275], [9779, 10773, 274], [9923, 10922, 274], [9918, 10922, 274], [9919, 10928, 274], [9907, 10921, 274], [9908, 10927, 274], [9898, 10922, 274], [9899, 10928, 274], [9894, 10928, 274], [9883, 10922, 274], [9884, 10928, 274], [9879, 10928, 274], [9874, 10928, 274], [9863, 10922, 274], [9858, 10922, 274], [9859, 10928, 274], [9854, 10928, 274], [9789, 10868, 274], [10128, 11212, 274], [10123, 11212, 274], [9792, 10886, 274], [9790, 10889, 274], [9800, 10904, 274], [9789, 10898, 274], [9790, 10904, 274], [9787, 10906, 274], [9797, 10921, 274], [9792, 10921, 274], [9788, 10922, 275], [9789, 10928, 275], [9784, 10928, 274], [9779, 10928, 274], [9778, 10932, 274], [9778, 10937, 274], [9779, 10943, 273], [9779, 10948, 273], [9779, 10953, 273], [10031, 11210, 273], [10029, 11213, 273], [10031, 11220, 273], [10027, 11221, 273], [10012, 11211, 273], [10009, 11213, 272], [10002, 11211, 272], [9999, 11213, 272], [9993, 11212, 272], [9944, 11168, 272], [9956, 11185, 272], [9951, 11185, 272], [9947, 11186, 272], [9964, 11208, 272], [9955, 11204, 273], [9955, 11209, 273], [9948, 11207, 273], [9948, 11212, 273], [9943, 11212, 273], [9933, 11207, 273], [9933, 11212, 273], [9928, 11212, 273], [9923, 11212, 273], [9918, 11212, 273], [9912, 11211, 273], [9907, 11211, 273], [9901, 11210, 273], [9898, 11212, 273], [9893, 11212, 273], [9884, 11208, 273], [9883, 11212, 273], [9878, 11212, 273], [9873, 11212, 273], [9866, 11210, 273], [9863, 11212, 273], [9858, 11212, 273], [9853, 11212, 273], [9848, 11212, 273], [9843, 11212, 273], [9838, 11212, 273], [9830, 11209, 273], [9822, 11206, 273], [9822, 11211, 273], [9791, 11185, 273], [9787, 11186, 273], [9804, 11208, 273], [9799, 11208, 273], [9792, 11206, 273], [9789, 11208, 273], [9788, 11212, 273], [9783, 11212, 273], [9779, 11213, 273], [9782, 11221, 273], [9779, 11223, 273], [9774, 11223, 273], [9769, 11223, 272], [9764, 11223, 272], [9759, 11223, 272], [9754, 11223, 271], [9750, 11224, 271], [9733, 11212, 271], [9728, 11212, 270], [9723, 11212, 270], [9718, 11212, 270], [9712, 11211, 270], [9701, 11205, 270], [9700, 11209, 270], [9699, 11213, 270], [9701, 11220, 270], [9699, 11223, 270], [9697, 11226, 270], [9697, 11231, 269], [9697, 11236, 268], [9697, 11241, 268], [9697, 11246, 267], [9697, 11251, 266], [9650, 11209, 266], [9649, 11213, 266], [9651, 11220, 266], [9647, 11221, 266], [9646, 11225, 266], [9646, 11230, 265], [9646, 11235, 264], [9647, 11241, 264], [9643, 11242, 263], [9646, 11250, 262], [9647, 11256, 262], [9789, 11403, 262], [9788, 11407, 262], [9783, 11407, 262], [9784, 11413, 262], [9787, 11421, 262], [9788, 11427, 262], [9784, 11428, 262], [9789, 11438, 262], [9784, 11438, 262], [9784, 11443, 262], [9779, 11443, 262], [9783, 11452, 261], [9805, 11479, 261], [9801, 11480, 262], [9795, 11479, 262], [9790, 11479, 262], [9787, 11481, 262], [9787, 11486, 262], [9788, 11492, 262], [9787, 11496, 262], [9791, 11505, 262], [9787, 11506, 262], [9789, 11513, 262], [9784, 11513, 262], [9789, 11523, 262], [9785, 11524, 262], [9800, 11544, 262], [9795, 11544, 262], [9790, 11544, 262], [9785, 11544, 262], [9780, 11544, 262], [9777, 11546, 262], [9774, 11548, 262], [9767, 11546, 261], [9762, 11546, 261], [9757, 11546, 261], [9754, 11548, 261], [9746, 11545, 260], [9717, 11546, 260], [9697, 11556, 259], [1055, 2944, 258], [1025, 2944, 259], [1015, 2964, 259], [1015, 2994, 260], [1012, 3021, 260], [1007, 3046, 259], [1003, 3072, 258], [1008, 3107, 257], [1002, 3131, 257], [969, 3128, 256], [940, 3129, 255], [1038, 3257, 254], [1015, 3264, 254], [1015, 3294, 254], [1010, 3319, 255], [1006, 3345, 254], [1013, 3382, 254], [1049, 3448, 253], [1018, 3447, 254], [997, 3456, 253], [1942, 4403, 253], [1930, 4421, 253], [1017, 3566, 254], [1015, 3594, 254], [1833, 4414, 254], [1010, 3649, 254], [1781, 4422, 254], [1833, 4504, 254], [1833, 4534, 254], [1803, 4534, 254], [1749, 4510, 254], [1748, 4539, 254], [1737, 4558, 254], [1722, 4573, 253], [1684, 4565, 252], [1648, 4559, 251], [1463, 4404, 251], [1433, 4404, 251], [1424, 4425, 251], [1409, 4440, 251], [1426, 4487, 251], [1426, 4517, 252], [1408, 4529, 252], [1408, 4559, 252], [1235, 4416, 252], [1210, 4421, 252], [1192, 4433, 252], [1120, 4391, 252], [1065, 4366, 252], [1060, 4391, 253], [1030, 4391, 253], [1013, 4404, 253], [1012, 4433, 253], [1013, 4464, 253], [1013, 4494, 253], [1013, 4524, 253], [1017, 4558, 253], [999, 4570, 253], [966, 4567, 252], [929, 4560, 252], [929, 4590, 251], [917, 4608, 249], [900, 4608, 247], [900, 4608, 245], [900, 4608, 243], [915, 4726, 241], [918, 4759, 240], [925, 4796, 238], [918, 4819, 236], [1013, 4944, 235], [1013, 4974, 236], [1013, 5004, 236], [1014, 5035, 236], [1004, 5055, 236], [970, 5051, 235], [1012, 5123, 235], [1012, 5153, 235], [1012, 5183, 235], [1013, 5214, 235], [1014, 5245, 235], [1013, 5274, 235], [1007, 5298, 235], [1014, 5335, 235], [1013, 5364, 236], [1013, 5394, 236], [1013, 5424, 236], [1013, 5454, 236], [1013, 5484, 236], [1006, 5507, 236], [1012, 5543, 236], [1006, 5567, 236], [1013, 5604, 236], [1013, 5634, 236], [1012, 5663, 236], [1004, 5685, 236], [1006, 5717, 236], [977, 5718, 235], [1006, 5777, 236], [1013, 5814, 236], [1014, 5845, 236], [1013, 5874, 236], [1013, 5904, 236], [1012, 5933, 236], [1006, 5957, 236], [1013, 5994, 236], [1013, 6024, 236], [989, 6030, 236], [955, 6026, 236], [929, 6030, 235], [905, 6036, 234], [900, 6036, 233], [900, 6036, 231], [900, 6036, 230], [900, 6036, 229], [900, 6036, 228], [900, 6036, 226], [900, 6036, 225], [900, 6036, 224], [900, 6036, 222], [920, 6146, 221], [908, 6164, 220], [910, 6196, 219], [902, 6218, 218], [900, 6218, 217], [918, 6294, 216], [900, 6294, 214], [918, 6354, 214], [1461, 6927, 213], [1428, 6924, 214], [1014, 6540, 214], [1013, 6569, 214], [1013, 6599, 214], [1067, 6683, 215], [1036, 6682, 215], [1014, 6690, 215], [1013, 6719, 216], [1014, 6750, 216], [1013, 6779, 216], [1059, 6855, 216], [1029, 6855, 216], [1004, 6860, 217], [1040, 6926, 217], [1012, 6928, 217], [1004, 6950, 217], [1016, 6992, 217], [1013, 7019, 217], [1014, 7050, 218], [991, 7057, 218], [962, 7058, 217], [930, 7056, 217], [1012, 7168, 217], [1007, 7193, 217], [1005, 7221, 217], [940, 7186, 217], [929, 7205, 216], [929, 7235, 216], [929, 7265, 216], [902, 7268, 215], [900, 7268, 214], [900, 7268, 213], [900, 7268, 212], [900, 7268, 211], [900, 7268, 210], [900, 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171], [427, 7268, 171], [356, 7227, 171], [336, 7237, 171], [336, 7267, 170], [305, 7266, 170], [244, 7235, 170], [244, 7265, 170], [217, 7268, 169], [186, 7267, 169], [151, 7262, 169], [123, 7264, 169], [97, 7268, 168], [62, 7263, 168], [37, 7268, 167], [6, 7267, 167], [0, 7284, 166], [0, 7284, 166], [0, 7292, 165], [0, 7299, 165], [0, 7299, 164], [0, 7299, 164], [0, 7299, 163], [0, 7299, 163], [0, 7299, 162], [0, 7299, 162], [0, 7299, 161], [0, 7299, 160], [1722, 8667, 160], [1013, 7988, 161], [1013, 8018, 161], [1006, 8041, 161], [1005, 8070, 161], [1015, 8110, 162], [1013, 8138, 162], [1007, 8162, 162], [1013, 8198, 162], [1013, 8228, 163], [1013, 8258, 163], [1014, 8289, 163], [1013, 8318, 164], [1013, 8348, 164], [1013, 8378, 164], [1013, 8408, 165], [1015, 8440, 165], [1014, 8469, 165], [1014, 8499, 165], [1014, 8529, 166], [1014, 8559, 166], [1013, 8588, 166], [1012, 8617, 167], [1007, 8642, 167], [1004, 8669, 167], [1004, 8699, 167], [1005, 8730, 167], [1004, 8759, 167], [1013, 8798, 167], [1006, 8821, 167], [977, 8822, 167], [942, 8817, 167], [929, 8834, 168], [907, 8842, 167], [929, 8871, 167], [929, 8901, 167], [925, 8927, 166], [919, 8951, 166], [918, 8980, 166], [919, 9011, 165], [913, 9035, 165], [915, 9067, 164], [933, 9115, 164], [906, 9118, 164], [914, 9150, 163], [900, 9150, 163], [900, 9150, 162], [900, 9150, 162], [900, 9150, 161], [924, 9169, 161], [925, 9200, 161], [921, 9226, 160], [929, 9533, 157], [2308, 11212, 160], [2006, 11210, 162], [1719, 11223, 165], [1408, 11212, 166], [1023, 11127, 168], [1013, 11417, 170], [900, 11585, 170], [913, 11917, 166], [914, 12218, 163], [990, 12594, 163], [913, 12778, 163], [1040, 13205, 163], [911, 13376, 164], [900, 13582, 162], [1013, 13962, 164], [989, 14238, 165], [900, 14239, 163], [900, 14239, 160], [900, 14239, 157], [900, 14239, 154], [874, 14238, 152], [563, 14227, 150], [275, 14239, 149]], 'time_in_bucket': [2438, 28, 21, 25, 23, 28, 31, 21, 22, 21, 17, 31, 17, 19, 13, 27, 17, 19, 17, 9, 15, 23, 14, 18, 28, 33, 18, 10, 23, 15, 11, 22, 15, 7, 16, 9, 16, 13, 10, 7, 13, 19, 12, 11, 13, 18, 7, 10, 7, 4, 17, 8, 19, 9, 12, 10, 10, 6, 15, 10, 11, 8, 7, 13, 12, 11, 6, 12, 10, 10, 12, 5, 5, 6, 13, 6, 10, 11, 4, 8, 13, 6, 8, 5, 3, 6, 15, 4, 15, 8, 4, 8, 13, 8, 13, 9, 9, 4, 15, 12, 14, 4, 8, 10, 10, 11, 9, 14, 10, 13, 13, 5, 11, 13, 11, 9, 11, 8, 15, 6, 10, 9, 13, 9, 8, 11, 8, 10, 10, 11, 12, 11, 13, 16, 10, 24, 9, 12, 14, 5, 12, 12, 14, 13, 14, 17, 17, 16, 14, 12, 14, 14, 15, 11, 9, 18, 15, 9, 14, 21, 16, 20, 13, 14, 12, 13, 17, 18, 17, 17, 21, 21, 11, 18, 16, 13, 24, 22, 29, 23, 35, 24, 25, 30, 30, 32, 28, 19, 28, 30, 23, 25, 23, 30, 33, 26, 32, 27, 24, 27, 36, 26, 36, 32, 37, 30, 48, 44, 41, 50, 36, 31, 48, 46, 37, 35, 46, 48, 45, 47, 57, 44, 44, 55, 63, 58, 50, 51, 55, 75, 70, 61, 63, 48, 77, 78, 65, 61, 66, 77, 70, 75, 87, 58, 82, 77, 85, 81, 79, 68, 65, 89, 89, 71, 109, 92, 100, 92, 92, 95, 110, 97, 85, 111, 73, 90, 80, 73, 81, 86, 75, 89, 71, 79, 79, 76, 89, 69, 76, 73, 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9, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '4068311669'}
{'weighted_power': 288, 'training_load': 183, 'max_watts': 674, 'relative_intensity': 71, 'cp_data': [[3599, 3599, 674], [3599, 3600, 668], [3599, 3601, 655], [3598, 3601, 642], [3599, 3603, 634], [3599, 3604, 632], [3598, 3604, 628], [3598, 3605, 622], [3599, 3607, 622], [3599, 3608, 624], [3599, 3609, 622], [3598, 3609, 621], [3598, 3610, 617], [7894, 7907, 615], [7874, 7888, 614], [7874, 7889, 614], [7874, 7890, 613], [7872, 7889, 612], [7872, 7890, 612], [7872, 7891, 611], [7887, 7907, 611], [7886, 7907, 610], [7869, 7891, 609], [7875, 7898, 610], [7875, 7899, 610], [7880, 7905, 611], [7880, 7906, 611], [7880, 7907, 611], [7879, 7907, 611], [7878, 7907, 610], [7876, 7906, 610], [7875, 7906, 611], [7875, 7907, 611], [7874, 7907, 611], [7873, 7907, 610], [7872, 7907, 610], [7871, 7907, 609], [7870, 7907, 609], [7869, 7907, 609], [7868, 7907, 608], [7867, 7907, 607], [7866, 7907, 606], [7866, 7908, 605], [7865, 7908, 604], [7867, 7911, 603], [7866, 7911, 602], [7865, 7911, 601], [7865, 7912, 599], [7864, 7912, 597], [7862, 7911, 597], [7862, 7912, 596], [7861, 7912, 594], [7860, 7912, 591], [7859, 7912, 588], [7859, 7913, 583], [7857, 7912, 581], [7856, 7912, 579], [7855, 7912, 576], [7854, 7912, 573], [7853, 7912, 571], [7852, 7912, 569], [7851, 7912, 567], [7850, 7912, 566], [7850, 7913, 562], [7849, 7913, 559], [7847, 7912, 557], [7851, 7917, 555], [7850, 7917, 553], [7844, 7912, 551], [7843, 7912, 548], [7843, 7913, 546], [7846, 7917, 544], [7845, 7917, 542], [7844, 7917, 540], [7843, 7917, 538], [7842, 7917, 536], [7841, 7917, 533], [7840, 7917, 531], [7839, 7917, 530], [7838, 7917, 528], [7837, 7917, 526], [7831, 7912, 525], [7830, 7912, 524], [7829, 7912, 523], [7829, 7913, 521], [7827, 7912, 519], [7826, 7912, 518], [7825, 7912, 518], [7824, 7912, 517], [7823, 7912, 516], [7823, 7913, 514], [7822, 7913, 513], [7825, 7917, 512], [7824, 7917, 511], [7823, 7917, 510], [7822, 7917, 508], [7821, 7917, 506], [7821, 7918, 504], [7824, 7922, 502], [7824, 7923, 501], [7823, 7923, 500], [7822, 7923, 498], [7821, 7923, 497], [7820, 7923, 494], [7819, 7923, 491], [7823, 7928, 489], [7823, 7929, 488], [7822, 7929, 486], [7821, 7929, 485], [7820, 7929, 482], [7819, 7929, 480], [7806, 7917, 478], [7805, 7917, 478], [7804, 7917, 477], [7803, 7917, 476], [7803, 7918, 474], [7801, 7917, 473], [7800, 7917, 473], [7799, 7917, 473], [7798, 7917, 472], [7798, 7918, 470], [7796, 7917, 469], [7795, 7917, 469], [7794, 7917, 468], [7793, 7917, 467], [7793, 7918, 466], [7792, 7918, 464], [7790, 7917, 464], [7789, 7917, 464], [7788, 7917, 463], [7787, 7917, 462], [7786, 7917, 462], [7786, 7918, 460], [7784, 7917, 459], [7783, 7917, 459], [7782, 7917, 459], [7781, 7917, 458], [7780, 7917, 458], [7779, 7917, 457], [7778, 7917, 456], [7778, 7918, 455], [7772, 7913, 454], [7775, 7917, 454], [7774, 7917, 454], [7773, 7917, 454], [7772, 7917, 453], [7771, 7917, 452], [7771, 7918, 451], [7770, 7918, 450], [7763, 7912, 449], [7773, 7923, 449], [7772, 7923, 449], [7765, 7917, 448], [7764, 7917, 448], [7763, 7917, 448], [7763, 7918, 447], [7762, 7918, 446], [7756, 7913, 445], [7759, 7917, 444], [7758, 7917, 444], [7757, 7917, 444], [7756, 7917, 444], [7755, 7917, 443], [7749, 7912, 443], [7749, 7913, 442], [7752, 7917, 442], [7751, 7917, 442], [7750, 7917, 441], [7749, 7917, 441], [7748, 7917, 440], [7747, 7917, 440], [7746, 7917, 440], [7745, 7917, 439], [7744, 7917, 439], [7743, 7917, 439], [7742, 7917, 438], [7741, 7917, 438], [7740, 7917, 437], [7739, 7917, 437], [7738, 7917, 436], [7737, 7917, 436], [7736, 7917, 436], [7735, 7917, 435], [7734, 7917, 435], [7733, 7917, 434], [7733, 7918, 434], [7737, 7923, 433], [7736, 7923, 433], [7735, 7923, 432], [7734, 7923, 432], [7727, 7917, 432], [7726, 7917, 431], [7725, 7917, 431], [7725, 7918, 430], [7723, 7917, 429], [7728, 7923, 429], [7727, 7923, 429], [7726, 7923, 428], [7725, 7923, 428], [7718, 7917, 427], [7717, 7917, 427], [7717, 7918, 427], [7715, 7917, 426], [7715, 7918, 425], [7719, 7923, 425], [7718, 7923, 425], [7717, 7923, 425], [7710, 7917, 424], [7709, 7917, 424], [7709, 7918, 423], [7713, 7923, 423], [7712, 7923, 423], [7711, 7923, 422], [7710, 7923, 422], [7709, 7923, 421], [7702, 7917, 420], [7707, 7923, 420], [7706, 7923, 420], [7699, 7917, 419], [7698, 7917, 419], [7697, 7917, 419], [7696, 7917, 419], [7695, 7917, 419], [5617, 5840, 418], [5617, 5841, 419], [5617, 5842, 419], [5611, 5837, 419], [5610, 5837, 418], [5617, 5845, 418], [5617, 5846, 419], [5617, 5847, 419], [5617, 5848, 419], [5617, 5849, 419], [5617, 5850, 419], [5617, 5851, 419], [5617, 5852, 420], [5617, 5853, 420], [5616, 5853, 419], [5617, 5855, 419], [5617, 5856, 420], [5617, 5857, 420], [5617, 5858, 420], [5237, 5479, 420], [5237, 5480, 420], [5236, 5480, 420], [5238, 5483, 420], [5237, 5483, 420], [5236, 5483, 420], [5236, 5484, 420], [5235, 5484, 420], [5617, 5867, 420], [5617, 5868, 420], [5616, 5868, 420], [5231, 5484, 420], [5230, 5484, 419], [5612, 5867, 419], [5612, 5868, 420], [5611, 5868, 420], [5610, 5868, 419], [5608, 5867, 419], [5608, 5868, 419], [5606, 5867, 420], [5606, 5868, 420], [5605, 5868, 420], [5219, 5483, 419], [5218, 5483, 419], [5218, 5484, 419], [5217, 5484, 419], [5212, 5480, 419], [5214, 5483, 419], [5213, 5483, 419], [5213, 5484, 419], [5212, 5484, 419], [5211, 5484, 419], [5210, 5484, 418], [5208, 5483, 418], [5207, 5483, 418], [5206, 5483, 418], [5206, 5484, 418], [5205, 5484, 418], [5203, 5483, 418], [5202, 5483, 418], [5202, 5484, 418], [5200, 5483, 418], [5200, 5484, 418], [5199, 5484, 418], [5197, 5483, 418], [5196, 5483, 418], [5195, 5483, 418], [5194, 5483, 418], [5193, 5483, 418], [5192, 5483, 418], [5192, 5484, 418], [5191, 5484, 418], [5186, 5480, 417], [5185, 5480, 417], [5187, 5483, 418], [5186, 5483, 418], [5185, 5483, 418], [5185, 5484, 418], [5179, 5483, 418], [5174, 5483, 417], [5169, 5483, 417], [5164, 5483, 417], [5159, 5483, 417], [5155, 5484, 417], [5150, 5484, 416], [5145, 5484, 416], [5139, 5483, 415], [5218, 5567, 415], [5130, 5484, 415], [5125, 5484, 415], [5115, 5479, 415], [5115, 5484, 415], [5110, 5484, 415], [5104, 5483, 415], [5096, 5480, 415], [5095, 5484, 415], [5086, 5480, 415], [5084, 5483, 415], [5080, 5484, 415], [5075, 5484, 415], [5069, 5483, 415], [5061, 5480, 415], [5059, 5483, 415], [5439, 5868, 415], [5434, 5868, 415], [5428, 5867, 415], [5424, 5868, 415], [5419, 5868, 415], [5414, 5868, 414], [5408, 5867, 414], [5403, 5867, 414], [5398, 5867, 414], [5393, 5867, 414], [5384, 5863, 414], [5384, 5868, 414], [5379, 5868, 414], [5374, 5868, 414], [4971, 5470, 414], [4969, 5473, 414], [4969, 5478, 415], [4969, 5483, 415], [4964, 5483, 415], [4964, 5488, 415], [4963, 5492, 415], [4962, 5496, 414], [4962, 5501, 414], [4962, 5506, 414], [4963, 5512, 414], [4964, 5518, 414], [4964, 5523, 413], [4964, 5528, 413], [4964, 5533, 413], [4968, 5542, 413], [4963, 5542, 414], [4964, 5548, 413], [4962, 5551, 413], [4968, 5562, 413], [4963, 5562, 413], [4963, 5567, 413], [4963, 5572, 413], [5238, 5852, 413], [5237, 5856, 413], [5236, 5860, 413], [5238, 5867, 413], [5234, 5868, 413], [5229, 5868, 413], [5224, 5868, 413], [5219, 5868, 413], [5214, 5868, 413], [5209, 5868, 413], [5204, 5868, 413], [5199, 5868, 413], [5194, 5868, 413], [5189, 5868, 413], [5184, 5868, 413], [5179, 5868, 413], [5173, 5867, 413], [5169, 5868, 413], [5164, 5868, 413], [5159, 5868, 413], [5154, 5868, 413], [5149, 5868, 413], [4969, 5693, 413], [4964, 5693, 413], [4964, 5698, 413], [4964, 5703, 412], [4964, 5708, 412], [4964, 5713, 412], [5114, 5868, 412], [5104, 5863, 412], [5104, 5868, 412], [5098, 5867, 412], [5093, 5867, 412], [5089, 5868, 412], [5084, 5868, 412], [5079, 5868, 412], [5074, 5868, 412], [5069, 5868, 412], [5063, 5867, 412], [5059, 5868, 412], [5054, 5868, 412], [5049, 5868, 412], [5043, 5867, 412], [5039, 5868, 412], [4971, 5805, 412], [4965, 5804, 412], [4965, 5809, 412], [4965, 5814, 412], [4965, 5819, 412], [4968, 5827, 412], [4968, 5832, 412], [4968, 5837, 412], [4963, 5837, 412], [4963, 5842, 412], [4968, 5852, 412], [4964, 5853, 413], [4964, 5858, 413], [4964, 5863, 413], [4964, 5868, 413], [4959, 5868, 412], [4954, 5868, 411], [4949, 5868, 409], [4944, 5868, 408], [4939, 5868, 407], [4934, 5868, 405], [4930, 5869, 404], [4924, 5868, 402], [4919, 5868, 401], [4914, 5868, 400], [4909, 5868, 399], [4904, 5868, 398], [4899, 5868, 397], [4894, 5868, 395], [4889, 5868, 394], [4884, 5868, 393], [4879, 5868, 392], [4874, 5868, 391], [4869, 5868, 390], [4961, 5965, 389], [4961, 5970, 388], [4962, 5976, 388], [4961, 5980, 387], [4961, 5985, 386], [4962, 5991, 386], [4962, 5996, 385], [4961, 6000, 385], [4962, 6006, 384], [4962, 6011, 384], [4963, 6017, 384], [4962, 6021, 383], [4962, 6026, 383], [4962, 6031, 383], [4962, 6036, 383], [4962, 6041, 382], [4960, 6044, 382], [4961, 6050, 381], [4962, 6056, 380], [4961, 6060, 380], [4961, 6065, 379], [4961, 6070, 378], [4960, 6074, 378], [4960, 6079, 377], [4955, 6079, 376], [4950, 6079, 375], [4950, 6084, 374], [4940, 6079, 373], [4940, 6084, 372], [4935, 6084, 371], [4938, 6092, 370], [4940, 6099, 369], [4914, 6078, 368], [4910, 6079, 367], [4898, 6072, 367], [4898, 6077, 366], [4898, 6082, 365], [4881, 6070, 364], [4881, 6075, 363], [4962, 6161, 363], [4963, 6167, 363], [4962, 6171, 363], [4962, 6176, 363], [4962, 6181, 363], [4962, 6186, 362], [4962, 6191, 362], [4962, 6196, 362], [6771, 8010, 362], [6771, 8015, 362], [6773, 8022, 362], [6772, 8026, 362], [6775, 8034, 362], [6771, 8035, 362], [6766, 8035, 361], [6764, 8038, 361], [6766, 8045, 360], [6765, 8049, 359], [6765, 8054, 358], [6765, 8059, 357], [6768, 8067, 356], [6768, 8072, 356], [6765, 8074, 355], [6766, 8080, 354], [6765, 8084, 353], [6766, 8090, 353], [6766, 8095, 352], [6766, 8100, 351], [6765, 8104, 350], [6765, 8109, 350], [6770, 8119, 349], [6768, 8122, 348], [4961, 6320, 348], [4961, 6325, 347], [4961, 6330, 347], [4960, 6334, 346], [4961, 6340, 346], [4957, 6341, 345], [4955, 6344, 345], [4949, 6343, 344], [4942, 6341, 343], [4938, 6342, 343], [4934, 6343, 342], [4931, 6345, 341], [4921, 6340, 341], [4917, 6341, 340], [4912, 6341, 339], [4909, 6343, 339], [4902, 6341, 338], [4898, 6342, 338], [4892, 6341, 337], [4881, 6335, 337], [4881, 6340, 336], [4877, 6341, 336], [4962, 6418, 335], [4962, 6423, 335], [4962, 6428, 335], [4962, 6433, 335], [4962, 6438, 335], [4962, 6443, 335], [4962, 6448, 334], [4962, 6453, 334], [4962, 6458, 334], [4962, 6463, 334], [4962, 6468, 334], [4962, 6473, 334], [4962, 6478, 333], [4962, 6483, 333], [4962, 6488, 333], [4962, 6493, 333], [4961, 6497, 333], [4960, 6501, 332], [4955, 6501, 332], [4960, 6511, 331], [4960, 6516, 331], [4955, 6516, 330], [4960, 6526, 330], [4958, 6529, 330], [4955, 6531, 329], [4949, 6530, 329], [4943, 6529, 328], [4938, 6529, 327], [4941, 6537, 327], [4939, 6540, 326], [4938, 6544, 326], [4932, 6543, 325], [4898, 6514, 325], [4898, 6519, 324], [4903, 6529, 324], [4898, 6529, 323], [4879, 6515, 323], [4855, 6496, 322], [4854, 6500, 322], [4854, 6505, 322], [4854, 6510, 321], [4854, 6515, 321], [4848, 6514, 321], [4844, 6515, 320], [4854, 6530, 320], [4848, 6529, 319], [4844, 6530, 319], [4838, 6529, 319], [4834, 6530, 318], [4814, 6515, 318], [4960, 6666, 317], [4961, 6672, 317], [4957, 6673, 317], [4952, 6673, 316], [4949, 6675, 316], [4942, 6673, 315], [4938, 6674, 315], [4935, 6676, 314], [4939, 6685, 314], [4937, 6688, 313], [4916, 6672, 313], [4912, 6673, 313], [4898, 6664, 312], [4902, 6673, 312], [4898, 6674, 311], [4892, 6673, 311], [4881, 6667, 311], [4854, 6670, 309], [4827, 6673, 307], [4797, 6673, 304], [4970, 6831, 302], [4961, 6852, 302], [4962, 6883, 302], [4963, 6914, 302], [4963, 6944, 302], [4961, 6972, 303], [4962, 7003, 304], [4964, 7035, 303], [4964, 7065, 304], [4964, 7095, 305], [4962, 7123, 306], [4961, 7152, 306], [4962, 7183, 307], [4962, 7213, 307], [5031, 7312, 307], [4975, 7286, 308], [4971, 7312, 310], [4963, 7334, 311], [4964, 7365, 311], [4962, 7393, 311], [4962, 7423, 311], [4971, 7462, 312], [4962, 7483, 313], [4960, 7511, 314], [4964, 7545, 314], [4962, 7573, 314], [4963, 7604, 314], [4962, 7633, 314], [4962, 7663, 315], [5181, 7912, 316], [5151, 7912, 317], [5121, 7912, 318], [5092, 7913, 319], [5061, 7912, 320], [5036, 7917, 320], [5006, 7917, 321], [4971, 7912, 322], [4958, 7929, 323], [4964, 7965, 323], [4962, 7993, 323], [4962, 8023, 323], [4944, 8035, 322], [4914, 8035, 321], [4884, 8035, 319], [4854, 8035, 318], [4825, 8036, 317], [4797, 8038, 315], [4814, 8085, 314], [4825, 8126, 313], [4797, 8128, 311], [4775, 8136, 309], [4814, 8205, 308], [4846, 8267, 307], [4814, 8265, 306], [4797, 8278, 305], [4961, 8472, 303], [4961, 8502, 303], [4960, 8531, 302], [4960, 8561, 301], [4955, 8586, 300], [4961, 8622, 299], [4962, 8653, 299], [4950, 8671, 298], [4960, 8711, 297], [4960, 8741, 297], [4961, 8772, 296], [4951, 8792, 295], [4915, 8786, 294], [4881, 8782, 293], [4955, 8886, 293], [4948, 8909, 292], [4961, 8952, 291], [4944, 8965, 290], [4955, 9006, 290], [4930, 9011, 289], [4896, 9007, 288], [4865, 9006, 287], [4835, 9006, 286], [4805, 9006, 285], [4776, 9007, 284], [4755, 9016, 283], [4797, 9088, 282], [4802, 9123, 281], [4879, 9230, 280], [4854, 9235, 279], [4826, 9237, 278], [4961, 9402, 278], [4959, 9430, 278], [4944, 9445, 277], [4913, 9444, 276], [4881, 9442, 276], [4854, 9445, 275], [4825, 9446, 274], [3046, 7563, 274], [3048, 7595, 274], [3340, 7917, 275], [3305, 7912, 276], [3280, 7917, 276], [3245, 7912, 277], [3220, 7917, 278], [3190, 7917, 279], [3160, 7917, 279], [3130, 7917, 280], [3100, 7917, 280], [3065, 7912, 281], [3046, 7923, 282], [3048, 7955, 282], [3048, 7985, 283], [3048, 8015, 283], [3046, 8043, 283], [3046, 8073, 282], [2866, 7923, 283], [2836, 7923, 283], [2800, 7917, 283], [2771, 7918, 284], [2741, 7918, 284], [2710, 7917, 284], [2708, 7945, 284], [2708, 7975, 285], [2737, 8034, 285], [2708, 8035, 285], [2707, 8064, 285], [2707, 8094, 284], [2618, 8035, 284], [2582, 8029, 284], [2581, 8058, 284], [2581, 8088, 283], [2581, 8118, 282], [2581, 8148, 281], [2448, 8045, 281], [2448, 8075, 280], [2448, 8105, 280], [2440, 8127, 279], [2581, 8298, 278], [2448, 8195, 278], [2581, 8358, 277], [2581, 8388, 277], [2581, 8418, 276], [2581, 8448, 276], [2581, 8478, 275], [2581, 8508, 275], [2581, 8538, 275], [2581, 8568, 274], [2581, 8598, 274], [2581, 8628, 273], [2581, 8658, 274], [2581, 8688, 273], [2581, 8718, 273], [2581, 8748, 272], [2581, 8778, 272], [2581, 8808, 272], [2581, 8838, 271], [2581, 8868, 271], [2581, 8898, 270], [2581, 8928, 270], [2581, 8958, 270], [2581, 8988, 269], [2579, 9016, 269], [2538, 9005, 268], [2448, 8945, 267], [2448, 8975, 267], [2448, 9005, 267], [2420, 9007, 266], [2448, 9065, 265], [2443, 9090, 265], [2581, 9258, 264], [2415, 9122, 264], [2581, 9318, 263], [2581, 9348, 263], [2581, 9378, 263], [2581, 9408, 263], [2581, 9438, 263], [2575, 9462, 262], [2538, 9455, 261], [2461, 9408, 261], [2448, 9425, 261], [2442, 9449, 260], [2413, 9450, 260], [2581, 9648, 259], [2579, 9676, 259], [2706, 9833, 258], [2581, 9738, 258], [2581, 9768, 258], [2581, 9798, 258], [2581, 9828, 258], [2707, 9984, 258], [2707, 10014, 258], [2708, 10045, 258], [2707, 10074, 258], [2707, 10104, 258], [2707, 10134, 258], [2707, 10164, 257], [2707, 10194, 257], [2581, 10098, 257], [2581, 10128, 257], [2581, 10158, 257], [2582, 10189, 257], [2581, 10218, 256], [2581, 10248, 256], [2581, 10278, 256], [2581, 10308, 256], [2581, 10338, 256], [2581, 10368, 256], [2581, 10398, 255], [2581, 10428, 255], [2581, 10458, 255], [2454, 10361, 254], [2581, 10518, 254], [2581, 10548, 254], [2581, 10578, 254], [2570, 10597, 254], [2537, 10594, 253], [2480, 10567, 253], [2449, 10566, 253], [2707, 10854, 253], [2708, 10885, 252], [2707, 10914, 253], [2707, 10944, 252], [2581, 10848, 252], [2707, 11004, 252], [2581, 10908, 252], [2707, 11064, 252], [2707, 11094, 252], [2708, 11125, 252], [2707, 11154, 252], [2708, 11185, 253], [2708, 11215, 253], [2707, 11244, 253], [2707, 11274, 253], [2708, 11305, 253], [2715, 11341, 253], [2707, 11363, 253], [2707, 11393, 254], [2707, 11423, 254], [2705, 11451, 254], [2700, 11476, 253], [2581, 11387, 253], [2581, 11417, 253], [2581, 11447, 253], [2581, 11477, 253], [2581, 11507, 252], [2581, 11537, 252], [2454, 11440, 252], [2448, 11464, 252], [2415, 11461, 251], [2448, 11524, 251], [2707, 11813, 251], [2707, 11843, 251], [2707, 11873, 251], [2707, 11903, 251], [2707, 11933, 251], [2707, 11963, 251], [2707, 11993, 251], [2707, 12023, 251], [2707, 12053, 251], [2707, 12083, 251], [2707, 12113, 251], [2707, 12143, 251], [2707, 12173, 251], [2707, 12203, 251], [2707, 12233, 252], [2707, 12263, 252], [2707, 12293, 252], [2707, 12323, 252], [2708, 12354, 252], [2707, 12383, 252], [2707, 12413, 252], [2707, 12443, 252], [2707, 12473, 252], [2707, 12503, 252], [2708, 12534, 252], [2708, 12564, 252], [2707, 12593, 252], [2683, 12599, 251], [2581, 12527, 251], [2581, 12557, 252], [2581, 12587, 252], [2563, 12599, 251], [2533, 12599, 251], [2501, 12597, 251], [2471, 12597, 250], [2443, 12599, 250], [2413, 12599, 250], [2409, 12599, 249], [2409, 12599, 249], [2409, 12599, 248], [2409, 12599, 247], [2409, 12599, 246], [2409, 12599, 246], [2409, 12599, 245], [2409, 12599, 244], [2377, 12597, 244], [2347, 12597, 244], [2319, 12599, 243], [2287, 12597, 243], [2257, 12597, 243], [2227, 12597, 243], [1912, 12582, 242], [1627, 12597, 241], [1331, 12596, 239], [1032, 12597, 236], [764, 12599, 234], [464, 12599, 229], [164, 12599, 226]], 'time_in_bucket': [819, 12, 18, 14, 17, 29, 13, 34, 20, 24, 22, 23, 17, 13, 20, 17, 6, 12, 18, 20, 20, 17, 13, 18, 9, 12, 16, 9, 15, 8, 10, 7, 19, 12, 6, 8, 10, 18, 8, 19, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 9, 7, 6, 10, 6, 14, 4, 6, 8, 8, 7, 7, 11, 11, 7, 6, 8, 7, 4, 4, 9, 9, 13, 7, 14, 9, 13, 9, 12, 18, 14, 10, 5, 11, 10, 16, 10, 6, 11, 19, 15, 10, 19, 21, 8, 7, 12, 19, 21, 19, 12, 16, 14, 15, 20, 30, 26, 23, 19, 18, 22, 21, 28, 32, 17, 20, 10, 27, 24, 16, 21, 22, 19, 25, 19, 29, 31, 23, 24, 25, 26, 21, 24, 22, 24, 27, 24, 21, 34, 11, 25, 22, 26, 34, 23, 19, 20, 22, 31, 29, 26, 23, 34, 21, 31, 25, 21, 40, 34, 38, 32, 31, 34, 29, 27, 31, 29, 35, 35, 26, 28, 30, 32, 32, 31, 22, 28, 32, 36, 31, 24, 44, 23, 40, 25, 43, 31, 25, 33, 29, 40, 41, 28, 35, 37, 31, 40, 41, 31, 24, 36, 32, 47, 29, 33, 37, 30, 34, 35, 46, 25, 36, 43, 38, 35, 43, 43, 48, 36, 42, 42, 42, 31, 38, 44, 41, 28, 34, 33, 38, 32, 34, 46, 33, 48, 44, 31, 35, 43, 41, 44, 43, 36, 32, 39, 46, 36, 38, 59, 38, 38, 42, 34, 26, 37, 55, 50, 34, 37, 32, 44, 33, 45, 39, 53, 41, 37, 31, 43, 39, 42, 42, 44, 55, 37, 39, 41, 37, 48, 52, 46, 51, 50, 44, 47, 46, 38, 36, 43, 41, 37, 46, 52, 50, 53, 52, 39, 45, 53, 47, 43, 39, 44, 36, 41, 34, 37, 27, 34, 34, 35, 29, 37, 30, 27, 35, 31, 33, 28, 24, 24, 29, 39, 21, 27, 23, 34, 26, 16, 18, 27, 28, 20, 28, 19, 21, 18, 22, 22, 12, 19, 23, 24, 22, 16, 21, 20, 19, 28, 25, 23, 22, 21, 15, 15, 18, 14, 14, 22, 18, 27, 25, 15, 22, 19, 16, 24, 21, 11, 16, 13, 17, 16, 12, 18, 17, 20, 14, 11, 18, 16, 23, 24, 18, 22, 14, 17, 15, 12, 22, 17, 16, 28, 17, 13, 11, 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'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '4062556172'}
{'weighted_power': 249, 'training_load': 159, 'max_watts': 653, 'relative_intensity': 62, 'cp_data': [[14567, 14567, 653], [14566, 14567, 602], [14565, 14567, 587], [14564, 14567, 593], [14563, 14567, 587], [14563, 14568, 562], [14562, 14568, 542], [14560, 14567, 525], [14559, 14567, 517], [14559, 14568, 509], [14563, 14573, 507], [14563, 14574, 507], [14563, 14575, 509], [14563, 14576, 508], [14563, 14577, 503], [14562, 14577, 498], [14560, 14576, 493], [14559, 14576, 491], [14559, 14577, 487], [14558, 14577, 483], [14556, 14576, 482], [14555, 14576, 481], [14554, 14576, 479], [14554, 14577, 476], [14553, 14577, 471], [14552, 14577, 465], [14550, 14576, 462], [14549, 14576, 462], [14548, 14576, 462], [14547, 14576, 461], [14547, 14577, 460], [14546, 14577, 458], [14545, 14577, 456], [14542, 14575, 456], [14542, 14576, 457], [14541, 14576, 458], [14540, 14576, 458], [14540, 14577, 457], [14539, 14577, 456], [14538, 14577, 454], [14537, 14577, 453], [14536, 14577, 450], [14535, 14577, 447], [14533, 14576, 446], [14532, 14576, 446], [14531, 14576, 446], [14531, 14577, 446], [14530, 14577, 445], [14529, 14577, 443], [14528, 14577, 442], [14527, 14577, 441], [14526, 14577, 440], [14525, 14577, 437], [14524, 14577, 436], [14523, 14577, 435], [14522, 14577, 435], [14521, 14577, 434], [14520, 14577, 433], [14518, 14576, 433], [14518, 14577, 433], [14517, 14577, 432], [14516, 14577, 431], [14515, 14577, 430], [14514, 14577, 429], [14513, 14577, 428], [14512, 14577, 428], [14511, 14577, 426], [14510, 14577, 424], [14509, 14577, 422], [14508, 14577, 420], [14511, 14581, 418], [14511, 14582, 416], [14510, 14582, 414], [14509, 14582, 412], [14512, 14586, 411], [14512, 14587, 410], [14511, 14587, 409], [14510, 14587, 407], [14509, 14587, 405], [14508, 14587, 404], [14507, 14587, 402], [14511, 14592, 401], [14510, 14592, 399], [14509, 14592, 397], [14508, 14592, 396], [14507, 14592, 394], [14506, 14592, 393], [14505, 14592, 391], [14512, 14600, 391], [14511, 14600, 390], [14511, 14601, 389], [14511, 14602, 388], [14511, 14603, 387], [14510, 14603, 386], [14508, 14602, 385], [14508, 14603, 383], [14512, 14608, 383], [14511, 14608, 382], [14511, 14609, 381], [14512, 14611, 380], [14511, 14611, 380], [14510, 14611, 378], [14509, 14611, 377], [14508, 14611, 376], [14507, 14611, 375], [14506, 14611, 374], [14505, 14611, 373], [14504, 14611, 372], [14503, 14611, 371], [14502, 14611, 370], [14501, 14611, 369], [14500, 14611, 367], [14499, 14611, 366], [14498, 14611, 365], [14497, 14611, 364], [14496, 14611, 363], [14495, 14611, 363], [14494, 14611, 362], [14493, 14611, 361], [14492, 14611, 360], [14491, 14611, 359], [14490, 14611, 358], [14489, 14611, 357], [14488, 14611, 356], [14487, 14611, 355], [14486, 14611, 355], [14485, 14611, 354], [14484, 14611, 354], [14483, 14611, 353], [14482, 14611, 353], [14481, 14611, 352], [14480, 14611, 351], [14479, 14611, 350], [14478, 14611, 349], [14477, 14611, 348], [14476, 14611, 348], [14475, 14611, 348], [14474, 14611, 347], [14470, 14608, 346], [14472, 14611, 346], [14471, 14611, 346], [14470, 14611, 345], [14469, 14611, 345], [14468, 14611, 344], [14467, 14611, 343], [14466, 14611, 343], [14465, 14611, 342], [14464, 14611, 342], [14463, 14611, 341], [14462, 14611, 340], [14461, 14611, 340], [14460, 14611, 340], [14459, 14611, 339], [14458, 14611, 339], [14454, 14608, 338], [14456, 14611, 338], [14455, 14611, 338], [14454, 14611, 337], [14453, 14611, 337], [14449, 14608, 336], [14451, 14611, 336], [14450, 14611, 336], [14449, 14611, 336], [14448, 14611, 335], [14447, 14611, 335], [14446, 14611, 334], [14445, 14611, 334], [14444, 14611, 334], [14443, 14611, 333], [14442, 14611, 333], [14441, 14611, 332], [14431, 14602, 332], [14436, 14608, 332], [14438, 14611, 331], [895, 1069, 331], [893, 1068, 331], [892, 1068, 331], [891, 1068, 331], [890, 1068, 331], [889, 1068, 331], [888, 1068, 331], [887, 1068, 330], [886, 1068, 330], [886, 1069, 330], [884, 1068, 330], [883, 1068, 330], [882, 1068, 330], [881, 1068, 330], [880, 1068, 330], [879, 1068, 330], [877, 1067, 330], [877, 1068, 329], [876, 1068, 329], [875, 1068, 329], [870, 1064, 329], [869, 1064, 329], [868, 1064, 329], [870, 1067, 329], [870, 1068, 329], [868, 1067, 329], [868, 1068, 329], [867, 1068, 329], [866, 1068, 329], [865, 1068, 329], [864, 1068, 329], [863, 1068, 329], [862, 1068, 329], [862, 1069, 329], [860, 1068, 328], [860, 1069, 328], [860, 1070, 328], [856, 1067, 328], [856, 1068, 328], [855, 1068, 328], [855, 1069, 328], [852, 1067, 328], [852, 1068, 328], [852, 1069, 328], [784, 1002, 328], [784, 1003, 328], [783, 1003, 328], [784, 1005, 328], [783, 1005, 328], [784, 1007, 328], [784, 1008, 328], [784, 1009, 328], [784, 1010, 328], [784, 1011, 328], [784, 1012, 328], [783, 1012, 328], [784, 1014, 328], [784, 1015, 328], [783, 1015, 328], [784, 1017, 328], [784, 1018, 328], [784, 1019, 329], [784, 1020, 329], [784, 1021, 329], [784, 1022, 329], [784, 1023, 329], [784, 1024, 329], [784, 1025, 329], [784, 1026, 329], [784, 1027, 329], [784, 1028, 329], [784, 1029, 329], [784, 1030, 329], [784, 1031, 329], [784, 1032, 329], [783, 1032, 329], [783, 1033, 329], [784, 1035, 329], [784, 1036, 329], [783, 1036, 329], [782, 1036, 329], [784, 1039, 329], [784, 1040, 329], [783, 1040, 329], [782, 1040, 329], [782, 1041, 329], [783, 1043, 329], [782, 1043, 329], [784, 1046, 329], [784, 1047, 329], [784, 1048, 329], [784, 1049, 330], [784, 1050, 330], [784, 1051, 330], [784, 1052, 330], [784, 1053, 330], [784, 1054, 330], [784, 1055, 330], [784, 1056, 330], [784, 1057, 330], [784, 1058, 330], [783, 1058, 330], [782, 1058, 330], [784, 1061, 330], [783, 1061, 330], [782, 1061, 330], [784, 1064, 330], [783, 1064, 330], [782, 1064, 330], [784, 1067, 330], [783, 1067, 330], [782, 1067, 330], [782, 1068, 330], [781, 1068, 330], [780, 1068, 330], [779, 1068, 330], [778, 1068, 330], [777, 1068, 330], [776, 1068, 330], [775, 1068, 330], [775, 1069, 330], [775, 1070, 330], [774, 1070, 329], [774, 1071, 329], [772, 1070, 329], [771, 1070, 329], [767, 1071, 328], [765, 1074, 327], [762, 1076, 325], [757, 1076, 324], [1705, 2029, 322], [1579, 1908, 322], [1575, 1909, 322], [1575, 1914, 322], [1575, 1919, 322], [1576, 1925, 322], [1575, 1929, 322], [1576, 1935, 321], [1577, 1941, 322], [1575, 1944, 322], [1574, 1948, 321], [1574, 1953, 321], [1576, 1960, 321], [1572, 1961, 321], [1580, 1974, 321], [1575, 1974, 321], [1579, 1983, 321], [1578, 1987, 321], [1578, 1992, 321], [1575, 1994, 321], [1575, 1999, 321], [1575, 2004, 321], [1575, 2009, 321], [1575, 2014, 321], [1575, 2019, 321], [1578, 2027, 321], [1575, 2029, 321], [1576, 2035, 321], [1574, 2038, 321], [1566, 2035, 320], [1575, 2049, 320], [1738, 2217, 320], [1734, 2218, 320], [1729, 2218, 320], [1723, 2217, 320], [1730, 2229, 320], [1729, 2233, 320], [1721, 2230, 321], [1721, 2235, 321], [1729, 2248, 321], [1721, 2245, 321], [1721, 2250, 321], [1718, 2252, 321], [1719, 2258, 321], [1718, 2262, 321], [1718, 2267, 321], [1704, 2258, 320], [1708, 2267, 320], [1705, 2269, 320], [1704, 2273, 320], [1695, 2269, 320], [1695, 2274, 320], [1685, 2269, 320], [784, 1373, 320], [783, 1377, 320], [783, 1382, 320], [781, 1385, 320], [781, 1390, 320], [775, 1389, 320], [774, 1393, 320], [775, 1399, 320], [775, 1404, 320], [1583, 2217, 320], [1578, 2217, 320], [1576, 2220, 320], [1580, 2229, 320], [1576, 2230, 320], [1575, 2234, 320], [1575, 2239, 320], [1579, 2248, 320], [1575, 2249, 320], [1576, 2255, 320], [1575, 2259, 320], [1575, 2264, 320], [1575, 2269, 320], [1575, 2274, 320], [1574, 2278, 320], [1566, 2275, 319], [1574, 2288, 319], [1574, 2293, 319], [1573, 2297, 319], [1566, 2295, 319], [1563, 2297, 319], [1564, 2303, 318], [1564, 2308, 318], [1560, 2309, 318], [1554, 2308, 317], [1550, 2309, 317], [1533, 2297, 317], [1540, 2309, 317], [1532, 2306, 316], [1531, 2310, 316], [1512, 2296, 316], [1480, 2269, 316], [1475, 2269, 316], [1470, 2269, 316], [1469, 2273, 316], [1469, 2278, 315], [1469, 2283, 315], [1469, 2288, 315], [1469, 2293, 315], [1468, 2297, 315], [1463, 2297, 315], [1458, 2297, 315], [1462, 2306, 314], [1458, 2307, 314], [1156, 2010, 314], [1158, 2017, 314], [1163, 2027, 314], [1158, 2027, 314], [1156, 2030, 314], [1156, 2035, 314], [1152, 2036, 314], [1157, 2046, 314], [1155, 2049, 314], [1155, 2054, 314], [1156, 2060, 314], [1152, 2061, 314], [1152, 2066, 314], [1157, 2076, 313], [1105, 2029, 313], [1106, 2035, 313], [1255, 2189, 313], [1253, 2192, 314], [1250, 2194, 314], [1250, 2199, 314], [1245, 2199, 314], [1258, 2217, 314], [1253, 2217, 314], [1248, 2217, 314], [1255, 2229, 314], [1251, 2230, 314], [1248, 2232, 314], [1243, 2232, 314], [1254, 2248, 314], [1250, 2249, 314], [1245, 2249, 315], [1243, 2252, 315], [1242, 2256, 315], [1237, 2256, 315], [1243, 2267, 315], [1241, 2270, 315], [1237, 2271, 315], [1237, 2276, 314], [1195, 2239, 314], [1196, 2245, 315], [1195, 2249, 315], [1190, 2249, 315], [1191, 2255, 315], [1161, 2230, 315], [1158, 2232, 315], [1158, 2237, 315], [1161, 2245, 315], [1160, 2249, 315], [1158, 2252, 315], [1157, 2256, 315], [1156, 2260, 315], [1158, 2267, 315], [1156, 2270, 315], [1156, 2275, 315], [1155, 2279, 315], [1152, 2281, 315], [1155, 2289, 315], [1156, 2295, 315], [1152, 2296, 315], [782, 1931, 314], [781, 1935, 314], [782, 1941, 315], [783, 1947, 315], [778, 1947, 315], [774, 1948, 315], [781, 1960, 314], [777, 1961, 314], [784, 1973, 314], [783, 1977, 315], [784, 1983, 315], [783, 1987, 315], [783, 1992, 315], [782, 1996, 315], [781, 2000, 315], [781, 2005, 315], [775, 2004, 315], [782, 2016, 315], [784, 2023, 315], [783, 2027, 315], [782, 2031, 315], [782, 2036, 315], [777, 2036, 315], [774, 2038, 315], [777, 2046, 315], [775, 2049, 315], [775, 2054, 315], [775, 2059, 314], [775, 2064, 314], [774, 2068, 314], [777, 2076, 314], [775, 2079, 314], [958, 2267, 314], [956, 2270, 314], [950, 2269, 314], [949, 2273, 314], [947, 2276, 314], [898, 2232, 314], [898, 2237, 314], [901, 2245, 314], [899, 2248, 314], [898, 2252, 314], [784, 2143, 314], [784, 2148, 314], [782, 2151, 314], [780, 2154, 314], [784, 2163, 314], [784, 2168, 314], [782, 2171, 315], [778, 2172, 315], [784, 2183, 315], [784, 2188, 315], [784, 2193, 315], [782, 2196, 315], [782, 2201, 315], [784, 2208, 315], [782, 2211, 315], [783, 2217, 315], [783, 2222, 315], [784, 2228, 315], [782, 2231, 315], [783, 2237, 315], [781, 2240, 315], [784, 2248, 315], [782, 2251, 315], [782, 2256, 315], [777, 2256, 315], [783, 2267, 315], [780, 2269, 315], [775, 2269, 315], [775, 2274, 315], [775, 2279, 315], [775, 2284, 315], [774, 2288, 315], [775, 2294, 315], [773, 2297, 315], [768, 2297, 315], [770, 2304, 315], [770, 2309, 315], [766, 2310, 314], [770, 2319, 314], [768, 2322, 314], [770, 2329, 314], [768, 2332, 314], [771, 2340, 314], [770, 2344, 314], [768, 2347, 313], [776, 2360, 313], [775, 2364, 313], [770, 2364, 313], [770, 2369, 313], [767, 2371, 313], [766, 2375, 313], [770, 2384, 313], [777, 2396, 312], [775, 2399, 312], [784, 2413, 312], [779, 2413, 312], [774, 2413, 312], [775, 2419, 312], [775, 2424, 312], [777, 2431, 312], [776, 2435, 312], [774, 2438, 312], [775, 2444, 312], [779, 2453, 312], [783, 2462, 312], [781, 2465, 312], [783, 2472, 312], [778, 2472, 312], [527, 2226, 312], [527, 2231, 312], [527, 2236, 312], [527, 2241, 313], [527, 2246, 313], [527, 2251, 313], [527, 2256, 313], [527, 2261, 313], [513, 2252, 313], [512, 2256, 313], [520, 2269, 313], [515, 2269, 313], [510, 2269, 313], [506, 2270, 313], [504, 2273, 313], [503, 2277, 313], [502, 2281, 313], [504, 2288, 312], [503, 2292, 312], [503, 2297, 312], [502, 2301, 312], [423, 2252, 312], [410, 2269, 312], [407, 2296, 312], [378, 2297, 312], [360, 2309, 311], [367, 2346, 311], [520, 2529, 310], [520, 2559, 310], [499, 2568, 310], [460, 2559, 310], [430, 2559, 310], [404, 2563, 310], [373, 2562, 310], [351, 2570, 309], [318, 2567, 308], [280, 2559, 308], [254, 2563, 307], [220, 2559, 307], [196, 2565, 306], [169, 2568, 306], [133, 2562, 305], [100, 2559, 304], [79, 2568, 304], [75, 2594, 303], [74, 2623, 302], [76, 2655, 301], [372, 2981, 301], [376, 3015, 301], [372, 3041, 301], [367, 3066, 300], [372, 3101, 300], [355, 3114, 300], [407, 3196, 300], [379, 3198, 300], [364, 3213, 300], [341, 3220, 299], [313, 3222, 298], [256, 3195, 298], [238, 3207, 298], [214, 3213, 298], [185, 3214, 297], [163, 3222, 297], [124, 3213, 296], [91, 3210, 296], [76, 3225, 296], [67, 3246, 295], [67, 3276, 293], [63, 3302, 290], [33, 3302, 288], [3, 3302, 285], [0, 3306, 282], [0, 3306, 280], [0, 3306, 277], [0, 3306, 275], [0, 3306, 273], [0, 3306, 270], [0, 3306, 268], [0, 3306, 266], [0, 3306, 263], [0, 3306, 261], [0, 3306, 259], [0, 3306, 257], [0, 3306, 255], [0, 3306, 253], [0, 3306, 251], [0, 3306, 249], [0, 3306, 247], [4953, 8792, 245], [4926, 8795, 245], [4893, 8792, 245], [4869, 8798, 245], [4832, 8791, 244], [4806, 8795, 244], [4777, 8796, 244], [4749, 8798, 243], [4718, 8797, 242], [4688, 8797, 241], [4659, 8798, 241], [4641, 8810, 239], [4614, 8813, 238], [4569, 8798, 237], [4539, 8798, 235], [4509, 8798, 234], [4492, 8811, 233], [4464, 8813, 231], [4434, 8813, 230], [4404, 8813, 228], [4374, 8813, 227], [4344, 8813, 226], [4301, 8800, 224], [4284, 8813, 223], [4254, 8813, 222], [4206, 8795, 220], [4194, 8813, 219], [4149, 8798, 218], [4134, 8813, 217], [4090, 8799, 216], [4074, 8813, 215], [4044, 8813, 213], [3999, 8798, 212], [3984, 8813, 211], [3954, 8813, 210], [4087, 8908, 209], [4057, 8908, 208], [4027, 8908, 206], [3997, 8908, 205], [3967, 8908, 204], [3937, 8908, 203], [3907, 8908, 202], [3877, 8908, 201], [3847, 8908, 200], [3638, 8797, 199], [3608, 8797, 198], [3578, 8797, 198], [3547, 8796, 198], [3522, 8801, 197], [3504, 8813, 196], [3474, 8813, 195], [3444, 8813, 194], [3414, 8813, 193], [3514, 8875, 192], [3339, 8798, 192], [3331, 8813, 191], [3324, 8813, 190], [3307, 8813, 189], [3307, 8813, 188], [3338, 8879, 187], [3335, 8906, 186], [3331, 8908, 185], [6240, 11729, 185], [6236, 11755, 186], [6231, 11780, 186], [6235, 11814, 186], [6235, 11844, 187], [6233, 11872, 187], [6239, 11908, 188], [6236, 11935, 188], [6232, 11961, 188], [6238, 11997, 189], [6236, 12025, 189], [6230, 12049, 189], [6235, 12084, 190], [6260, 12139, 190], [6235, 12144, 191], [6221, 12160, 191], [6230, 12199, 191], [6381, 12380, 191], [6235, 12264, 192], [6230, 12289, 192], [6239, 12328, 193], [6240, 12359, 193], [6231, 12380, 193], [6211, 12390, 193], [6230, 12439, 193], [6235, 12474, 194], [6230, 12499, 194], [6236, 12535, 194], [6220, 12549, 194], [6240, 12599, 195], [6221, 12610, 195], [6227, 12646, 195], [6198, 12647, 195], [6167, 12646, 195], [6098, 12607, 195], [6101, 12640, 195], [6035, 12604, 196], [6037, 12636, 196], [6017, 12646, 196], [5938, 12597, 196], [5921, 12610, 196], [5925, 12644, 196], [5895, 12644, 196], [5867, 12646, 196], [5692, 12501, 196], [5702, 12541, 197], [5681, 12550, 197], [5705, 12604, 197], [5682, 12611, 197], [5685, 12644, 197], [5658, 12647, 197], [5628, 12647, 197], [5596, 12645, 197], [5567, 12646, 197], [5535, 12644, 197], [5509, 12648, 197], [5432, 12601, 197], [5402, 12601, 197], [5383, 12612, 198], [5387, 12646, 198], [5358, 12647, 198], [5327, 12646, 197], [5252, 12601, 198], [5252, 12631, 198], [5239, 12648, 198], [5208, 12647, 197], [5141, 12610, 197], [5146, 12645, 198], [5117, 12646, 198], [5085, 12644, 198], [5058, 12647, 197], [4930, 12549, 197], [4953, 12602, 198], [4931, 12610, 198], [4935, 12644, 198], [4873, 12612, 198], [4874, 12643, 198], [4806, 12605, 198], [4810, 12639, 198], [4788, 12647, 198], [4756, 12645, 198], [4728, 12647, 198], [4698, 12647, 197], [4668, 12647, 197], [4640, 12649, 197], [4611, 12650, 196], [4578, 12647, 196], [4550, 12649, 195], [4518, 12647, 195], [4492, 12651, 194], [4459, 12648, 194], [4452, 12671, 193], [4401, 12650, 192], [4383, 12662, 192], [4340, 12649, 191], [4332, 12671, 191], [4301, 12670, 190], [4287, 12686, 190], [4266, 12695, 189], [4192, 12651, 188], [4197, 12686, 188], [4149, 12668, 187], [4099, 12648, 187], [4090, 12669, 186], [4085, 12694, 186], [4085, 12724, 185], [3998, 12667, 185], [3950, 12649, 184], [5937, 14577, 184], [5938, 14608, 185], [5911, 14611, 185], [5881, 14611, 185], [5851, 14611, 185], [5822, 14612, 185], [5757, 14577, 185], [5727, 14577, 185], [5728, 14608, 185], [5701, 14611, 186], [5671, 14611, 186], [5641, 14611, 186], [5611, 14611, 186], [5581, 14611, 186], [5551, 14611, 186], [5521, 14611, 186], [5491, 14611, 186], [5437, 14587, 186], [5431, 14611, 186], [5401, 14611, 186], [5371, 14611, 187], [5342, 14612, 186], [5311, 14611, 186], [5257, 14587, 186], [5251, 14611, 187], [5222, 14612, 187], [5191, 14611, 186], [5152, 14602, 187], [5132, 14612, 187], [5101, 14611, 187], [5071, 14611, 187], [5042, 14612, 186], [5003, 14603, 186], [4972, 14602, 187], [4951, 14611, 187], [4921, 14611, 187], [4891, 14611, 187], [4861, 14611, 187], [4807, 14587, 187], [4801, 14611, 187], [4771, 14611, 187], [4742, 14612, 187], [4711, 14611, 187], [208, 8650, 187], [80, 8552, 187], [80, 8582, 188], [91, 8623, 188], [88, 8650, 188], [67, 8659, 188], [76, 8698, 188], [77, 8729, 188], [83, 8765, 189], [80, 8792, 189], [67, 8809, 189], [41, 8813, 188], [11, 8813, 188], [58, 8822, 187], [67, 8861, 187], [68, 8892, 186], [54, 8908, 186], [24, 8908, 185], [0, 8914, 185], [0, 8944, 184], [64, 9166, 180], [0, 9402, 175], [67, 9769, 171], [67, 10069, 169], [50, 10352, 167], [83, 10685, 168], [352, 11254, 168], [397, 11599, 170], [222, 11724, 173], [351, 12153, 175], [219, 12321, 177], [77, 12479, 178], [22, 12724, 177], [67, 12980, 174], [66, 13279, 171], [221, 13734, 171], [37, 13850, 172], [464, 14577, 172], [198, 14611, 174]], 'time_in_bucket': [2583, 17, 20, 12, 13, 23, 17, 22, 19, 13, 20, 12, 18, 18, 9, 9, 23, 15, 10, 17, 15, 17, 13, 13, 10, 19, 21, 9, 8, 9, 11, 13, 4, 12, 12, 11, 7, 14, 12, 9, 16, 10, 8, 9, 7, 8, 7, 12, 15, 6, 5, 11, 13, 12, 10, 5, 12, 7, 3, 13, 14, 13, 12, 5, 10, 5, 9, 9, 12, 6, 6, 3, 9, 12, 11, 15, 9, 11, 12, 5, 8, 11, 13, 7, 10, 9, 4, 5, 4, 8, 10, 8, 16, 11, 18, 6, 12, 11, 12, 13, 3, 10, 15, 6, 14, 12, 10, 14, 9, 11, 17, 7, 10, 14, 12, 14, 15, 13, 15, 15, 10, 11, 14, 10, 11, 12, 16, 15, 13, 14, 17, 11, 18, 13, 12, 19, 18, 25, 13, 16, 8, 12, 8, 16, 13, 9, 9, 9, 18, 14, 12, 12, 17, 14, 14, 20, 17, 24, 17, 18, 10, 11, 22, 17, 19, 11, 20, 16, 10, 14, 16, 28, 13, 17, 21, 28, 27, 20, 20, 20, 25, 23, 27, 23, 33, 24, 37, 20, 35, 31, 25, 21, 30, 30, 18, 30, 29, 39, 31, 30, 38, 32, 27, 29, 27, 35, 37, 41, 41, 41, 39, 29, 42, 35, 37, 48, 52, 34, 35, 39, 39, 36, 40, 55, 48, 47, 40, 35, 54, 36, 46, 49, 37, 45, 55, 49, 56, 49, 52, 42, 55, 42, 37, 57, 46, 56, 38, 48, 54, 65, 53, 54, 50, 72, 54, 44, 58, 56, 55, 47, 68, 67, 53, 65, 68, 73, 78, 67, 78, 69, 75, 83, 67, 84, 66, 80, 76, 79, 75, 94, 91, 68, 64, 90, 93, 99, 93, 94, 94, 85, 97, 87, 96, 88, 89, 103, 78, 85, 102, 110, 96, 102, 92, 91, 93, 91, 75, 71, 87, 83, 64, 94, 81, 77, 90, 84, 69, 56, 63, 57, 61, 68, 52, 71, 58, 46, 62, 53, 50, 52, 47, 55, 43, 44, 52, 39, 30, 41, 37, 30, 39, 34, 21, 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2], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '4054185481'}
{'weighted_power': 254, 'training_load': 440, 'max_watts': 658, 'relative_intensity': 63, 'cp_data': [[11128, 11128, 658], [11128, 11129, 615], [11128, 11130, 601], [11128, 11131, 594], [11127, 11131, 575], [14021, 14026, 531], [14021, 14027, 515], [14020, 14027, 501], [14019, 14027, 491], [14018, 14027, 483], [14018, 14028, 473], [14018, 14029, 461], [33658, 33670, 458], [33657, 33670, 458], [33656, 33670, 454], [33655, 33670, 450], [33654, 33670, 450], [33653, 33670, 452], [33652, 33670, 452], [33645, 33664, 452], [33645, 33665, 451], [33643, 33664, 448], [33648, 33670, 448], [33647, 33670, 450], [33646, 33670, 451], [33645, 33670, 452], [33644, 33670, 450], [33643, 33670, 449], [33642, 33670, 449], [33641, 33670, 448], [33640, 33670, 449], [33639, 33670, 448], [33638, 33670, 447], [33637, 33670, 446], [33636, 33670, 446], [33635, 33670, 447], [33634, 33670, 447], [33633, 33670, 446], [33632, 33670, 445], [33631, 33670, 445], [33630, 33670, 445], [33629, 33670, 444], [33634, 33676, 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[33503, 33947, 329], [33503, 33952, 328], [33496, 33950, 328], [33479, 33938, 328], [33476, 33940, 328], [33472, 33941, 328], [33469, 33943, 328], [33461, 33940, 328], [33460, 33944, 328], [33438, 33927, 328], [33437, 33931, 328], [33437, 33936, 328], [33436, 33940, 328], [33433, 33942, 328], [33435, 33949, 328], [33431, 33950, 328], [33432, 33956, 327], [33431, 33960, 327], [33422, 33956, 326], [33421, 33960, 325], [33417, 33961, 325], [33431, 33980, 324], [33432, 33986, 324], [33435, 33994, 324], [33436, 34000, 324], [33432, 34001, 324], [33435, 34009, 324], [33434, 34013, 324], [33435, 34019, 324], [33435, 34024, 324], [33433, 34027, 324], [33432, 34031, 323], [33431, 34035, 323], [33431, 34040, 323], [33431, 34045, 322], [33431, 34050, 322], [33430, 34054, 322], [33432, 34061, 321], [33432, 34066, 321], [33431, 34070, 321], [33427, 34071, 320], [33421, 34070, 320], [33417, 34071, 319], [33429, 34088, 319], [33422, 34086, 318], [33417, 34086, 318], [33416, 34090, 317], [33420, 34099, 316], [33429, 34113, 316], [33431, 34120, 316], [33431, 34125, 315], [33429, 34128, 315], [33238, 33942, 315], [33238, 33947, 315], [33237, 33951, 315], [33230, 33949, 315], [33220, 33944, 315], [33210, 33939, 314], [33209, 33943, 314], [33209, 33948, 314], [33199, 33943, 314], [33200, 33949, 314], [33186, 33940, 314], [33172, 33931, 314], [33171, 33935, 315], [33169, 33938, 315], [33169, 33943, 315], [33169, 33948, 315], [33156, 33940, 315], [33154, 33943, 315], [33154, 33948, 315], [33150, 33949, 315], [33144, 33948, 315], [33143, 33952, 314], [33143, 33957, 314], [33142, 33961, 314], [33144, 33968, 313], [33143, 33972, 313], [33107, 33941, 313], [33106, 33945, 313], [33169, 34013, 313], [33169, 34018, 313], [33169, 34023, 313], [33169, 34028, 313], [33169, 34033, 313], [33158, 34027, 313], [33066, 33940, 313], [33064, 33943, 313], [33056, 33940, 313], [33053, 33942, 313], [33055, 33949, 313], [33052, 33951, 313], [33045, 33949, 313], [33045, 33954, 313], [33022, 33936, 313], [33021, 33940, 313], [33016, 33940, 313], [33013, 33942, 313], [33013, 33947, 313], [33012, 33951, 313], [33012, 33956, 313], [33003, 33952, 313], [33002, 33956, 312], [32997, 33956, 312], [32992, 33956, 312], [32991, 33960, 312], [33053, 34027, 311], [33052, 34031, 311], [33046, 34030, 311], [33045, 34034, 311], [33013, 34007, 311], [33014, 34013, 311], [33014, 34018, 311], [33014, 34023, 311], [33013, 34027, 312], [33012, 34031, 311], [33012, 34036, 311], [33011, 34040, 311], [33003, 34037, 311], [32997, 34036, 311], [32996, 34040, 311], [32991, 34040, 311], [32996, 34050, 310], [33003, 34062, 310], [32997, 34061, 310], [32997, 34066, 310], [32996, 34070, 310], [32991, 34070, 310], [32991, 34075, 309], [32997, 34086, 309], [32991, 34085, 309], [32989, 34088, 309], [32966, 34070, 308], [32965, 34074, 308], [32972, 34086, 308], [32966, 34085, 308], [32964, 34088, 307], [32958, 34087, 307], [32902, 34036, 307], [32888, 34027, 307], [32887, 34031, 307], [32886, 34035, 307], [32873, 34027, 307], [32860, 34019, 307], [32862, 34026, 307], [32858, 34027, 307], [32860, 34034, 307], [32859, 34038, 307], [32857, 34041, 307], [32851, 34040, 307], [32846, 34040, 307], [32859, 34058, 307], [32858, 34062, 306], [32858, 34067, 306], [32857, 34071, 306], [32851, 34070, 306], [32846, 34070, 306], [32846, 34075, 306], [32846, 34080, 305], [32846, 34085, 305], [32843, 34087, 305], [3061, 4310, 305], [3055, 4309, 305], [3051, 4310, 305], [3045, 4309, 305], [3040, 4309, 305], [3037, 4311, 305], [3039, 4318, 305], [3025, 4309, 304], [2811, 4100, 304], [3167, 4461, 305], [3170, 4469, 305], [3166, 4470, 305], [2988, 4297, 305], [2983, 4297, 305], [2986, 4305, 305], [2986, 4310, 305], [3551, 4880, 305], [3551, 4885, 304], [3595, 4934, 304], [3591, 4935, 305], [3554, 4903, 305], [3581, 4935, 305], [3582, 4941, 305], [3577, 4941, 305], [3580, 4949, 305], [3581, 4955, 305], [3555, 4934, 305], [3551, 4935, 305], [3552, 4941, 305], [3552, 4946, 305], [3551, 4950, 305], [3551, 4955, 305], [3550, 4959, 305], [3550, 4964, 305], [3551, 4970, 304], [3551, 4975, 304], [3552, 4981, 304], [3551, 4985, 305], [3551, 4990, 305], [3491, 4935, 305], [3492, 4941, 305], [3487, 4941, 305], [3488, 4947, 305], [3491, 4955, 305], [3487, 4956, 305], [3485, 4959, 304], [3462, 4941, 304], [3457, 4941, 304], [3493, 4982, 304], [3492, 4986, 304], [3487, 4986, 304], [3485, 4989, 304], [3446, 4955, 304], [3385, 4899, 304], [3384, 4903, 304], [3384, 4908, 304], [3460, 4989, 304], [3455, 4989, 304], [3447, 4986, 304], [3390, 4934, 304], [3385, 4934, 304], [3385, 4939, 304], [3383, 4942, 304], [3384, 4948, 304], [3385, 4954, 304], [3384, 4958, 304], [3379, 4958, 304], [3379, 4963, 304], [3384, 4973, 304], [3385, 4979, 304], [3385, 4984, 304], [3384, 4988, 304], [3378, 4987, 304], [3376, 4990, 304], [3383, 5002, 304], [3377, 5001, 304], [3377, 5006, 304], [3377, 5011, 303], [3303, 4942, 303], [3384, 5028, 304], [3384, 5033, 303], [3287, 4941, 303], [3290, 4949, 303], [3291, 4955, 303], [3234, 4903, 303], [3229, 4903, 303], [3199, 4878, 304], [3194, 4878, 304], [3190, 4879, 304], [3183, 4877, 304], [3174, 4873, 304], [3173, 4877, 304], [3169, 4878, 304], [3167, 4881, 304], [3166, 4885, 304], [3171, 4895, 304], [3169, 4898, 304], [3169, 4903, 304], [3165, 4904, 304], [3165, 4909, 304], [3160, 4909, 304], [3172, 4926, 304], [3175, 4934, 304], [3170, 4934, 304], [3166, 4935, 304], [3167, 4941, 304], [3169, 4948, 304], [3167, 4951, 304], [3166, 4955, 304], [3165, 4959, 304], [3160, 4959, 304], [3160, 4989, 304], [3169, 5028, 304], [3062, 4951, 304], [3062, 4981, 304], [2986, 4935, 303], [2984, 4963, 303], [2982, 4991, 303], [2989, 5028, 303], [2811, 4880, 303], [2810, 4909, 303], [2811, 4940, 303], [2811, 4970, 303], [2811, 5000, 303], [2810, 5029, 302], [2810, 5059, 302], [2811, 5090, 302], [2810, 5119, 302], [2805, 5144, 300], [2754, 5123, 297], [2745, 5144, 295], [2721, 5150, 292], [7125, 9584, 291], [7099, 9588, 292], [7086, 9605, 292], [7038, 9587, 291], [7097, 9676, 292], [7094, 9703, 291], [7037, 9676, 291], [7033, 9702, 291], [7031, 9730, 291], [7038, 9767, 291], [7037, 9796, 290], [7124, 9913, 290], [7094, 9913, 290], [7059, 9908, 290], [7033, 9912, 290], [7152, 10061, 290], [7124, 10063, 290], [7094, 10063, 290], [7061, 10060, 290], [7037, 10066, 290], [7086, 10145, 290], [7086, 10175, 290], [7094, 10213, 290], [7096, 10245, 290], [7096, 10275, 290], [7124, 10333, 290], [7094, 10333, 290], [7059, 10328, 290], [7033, 10332, 290], [7086, 10415, 290], [7047, 10406, 290], [7041, 10430, 290], [7037, 10456, 289], [7013, 10462, 288], [6980, 10459, 287], [6612, 10121, 287], [6608, 10147, 287], [6611, 10180, 287], [6612, 10211, 287], [6612, 10241, 287], [6614, 10273, 287], [6612, 10301, 287], [6613, 10332, 287], [6606, 10355, 287], [6612, 10391, 287], [6606, 10415, 287], [6612, 10451, 286], [6598, 10467, 286], [6563, 10462, 285], [6532, 10461, 284], [6503, 10462, 283], [6500, 10470, 281], [6475, 10469, 279], [6470, 10470, 277], [6462, 10470, 275], [6462, 10470, 273], [6500, 10550, 271], [997, 5128, 270], [962, 5123, 269], [930, 5121, 269], [899, 5120, 268], [886, 5137, 268], [859, 5140, 267], [832, 5143, 266], [806, 5147, 266], [779, 5150, 264], [736, 5137, 263], [706, 5137, 262], [689, 5150, 261], [659, 5150, 260], [629, 5150, 258], [599, 5150, 256], [568, 5149, 255], [531, 5142, 254], [501, 5142, 253], [479, 5150, 252], [449, 5150, 250], [423, 5150, 249], [420, 5150, 247], [368, 5128, 246], [334, 5124, 245], [305, 5125, 245], [287, 5137, 244], [262, 5142, 244], [232, 5142, 244], [18801, 23689, 243], [18803, 23721, 244], [18799, 23747, 243], [18768, 23746, 243], [18715, 23723, 243], [18708, 23746, 243], [18698, 23766, 242], [18696, 23794, 241], [12562, 17747, 240], [12514, 17729, 240], [12509, 17754, 239], [12481, 17756, 239], [12442, 17747, 239], [12412, 17747, 239], [12350, 17715, 238], [12342, 17737, 239], [12322, 17747, 238], [12302, 17757, 238], [12274, 17759, 237], [12263, 17777, 236], [12263, 17777, 235], [12263, 17777, 234], [12263, 17777, 233], [12263, 17777, 231], [12279, 17811, 230], [12263, 17811, 229], [12263, 17838, 228], [12272, 17894, 227], [12274, 17926, 226], [12275, 17957, 225], [12263, 17957, 223], [12267, 18009, 222], [12263, 18009, 221], [12279, 18081, 220], [12263, 18082, 219], [12274, 18136, 218], [12263, 18153, 217], [12158, 17737, 217], [12138, 17747, 217], [12108, 17747, 217], [12078, 17747, 217], [12075, 17774, 216], [12028, 17757, 216], [11999, 17758, 216], [21549, 27256, 216], [21548, 27285, 216], [21550, 27317, 216], [21552, 27349, 216], [21549, 27376, 217], [21550, 27407, 217], [21541, 27427, 217], [21538, 27454, 217], [21539, 27485, 218], [21577, 27553, 218], [21554, 27560, 218], [21550, 27586, 218], [21552, 27618, 219], [21550, 27646, 219], [21551, 27677, 219], [21548, 27704, 219], [21553, 27739, 220], [21538, 27754, 220], [21553, 27799, 220], [21537, 27813, 220], [21567, 27873, 221], [21552, 27888, 221], [21538, 27904, 221], [21678, 28074, 221], [21676, 28102, 222], [21652, 28108, 222], [21615, 28101, 222], [21575, 28091, 222], [21555, 28101, 223], [21537, 28113, 223], [21500, 28106, 223], [21474, 28108, 223], [21446, 28110, 223], [21413, 28107, 223], [21393, 28117, 223], [21355, 28109, 223], [21341, 28125, 222], [21311, 28125, 221], [21224, 28068, 221], [21223, 28097, 222], [21220, 28124, 221], [21191, 28125, 220], [21177, 28125, 220], [2808, 9779, 220], [2807, 9808, 220], [2810, 9841, 220], [2810, 9871, 220], [2812, 9903, 221], [2811, 9932, 221], [2811, 9962, 221], [2810, 9991, 221], [2833, 10044, 222], [2811, 10052, 222], [2809, 10080, 222], [2811, 10112, 222], [2810, 10141, 223], [2813, 10174, 223], [2813, 10204, 223], [2811, 10232, 223], [2810, 10261, 224], [2811, 10292, 224], [2812, 10323, 224], [2807, 10348, 224], [2810, 10381, 224], [2806, 10407, 225], [2806, 10437, 225], [2805, 10466, 225], [2779, 10470, 224], [2744, 10465, 224], [2719, 10470, 223], [2689, 10470, 222], [2659, 10470, 222], [2629, 10470, 221], [1503, 9336, 221], [1498, 9361, 221], [1509, 9402, 221], [1499, 9422, 221], [1503, 9456, 221], [1549, 9532, 222], [1519, 9532, 222], [1505, 9548, 222], [1514, 9587, 222], [1507, 9610, 223], [1503, 9636, 223], [1513, 9676, 223], [1500, 9693, 223], [1501, 9724, 223], [1502, 9755, 224], [1503, 9786, 224], [1502, 9815, 224], [1503, 9846, 224], [1955, 10328, 224], [1503, 9906, 224], [1500, 9933, 225], [1598, 10061, 225], [1568, 10061, 225], [1522, 10045, 225], [1508, 10061, 226], [1497, 10080, 226], [1526, 10139, 226], [1503, 10146, 226], [1501, 10174, 226], [1507, 10210, 227], [1501, 10234, 227], [1500, 10263, 227], [1502, 10295, 227], [1505, 10328, 227], [1501, 10354, 227], [1523, 10406, 228], [1502, 10415, 228], [1500, 10443, 228], [1487, 10460, 228], [1454, 10457, 228], [1424, 10457, 228], [1352, 10415, 228], [1340, 10433, 228], [1337, 10460, 228], [1309, 10462, 228], [1248, 10431, 228], [1247, 10460, 228], [1227, 10470, 227], [1188, 10461, 227], [1158, 10461, 227], [1128, 10461, 227], [1093, 10456, 227], [1068, 10461, 226], [1038, 10461, 226], [1004, 10457, 226], [973, 10456, 226], [949, 10462, 226], [918, 10461, 226], [885, 10458, 226], [859, 10462, 225], [831, 10464, 225], [805, 10468, 225], [769, 10462, 224], [736, 10459, 224], [706, 10459, 224], [677, 10460, 224], [657, 10470, 223], [627, 10470, 222], [597, 10470, 222], [567, 10470, 221], [529, 10462, 221], [496, 10459, 221], [477, 10470, 220], [447, 10470, 220], [423, 10470, 219], [496, 10497, 218], [378, 10460, 218], [88, 10470, 216], [12940, 23680, 212], [6613, 17638, 213], [12420, 23723, 212], [12336, 23939, 211], [12263, 24117, 208], [12263, 24425, 204], [16167, 28111, 202], [18729, 31195, 201], [15569, 28113, 198], [15264, 28108, 199], [14172, 27316, 200], [14296, 27739, 201], [14358, 28101, 203], [14067, 28110, 203], [12764, 27082, 202], [12779, 27397, 204], [12823, 27740, 205], [12884, 28101, 206], [12629, 28109, 206], [12329, 28109, 206], [1507, 17546, 204], [1390, 17729, 206], [1117, 17756, 205], [6612, 23605, 205], [6501, 23794, 205], [6489, 24057, 204], [6470, 24305, 201], [6470, 24582, 198], [12671, 30862, 197], [12708, 31199, 197], [12404, 31195, 197], [1585, 20413, 198], [1441, 20569, 199], [1143, 20571, 199], [848, 20576, 198], [7038, 27009, 198], [7037, 27308, 199], [7037, 27607, 200], [7033, 27903, 201], [6612, 27782, 201], [6612, 28082, 202], [6462, 28125, 201], [1513, 23520, 201], [1416, 23723, 202], [1117, 23724, 201], [839, 23746, 201], [849, 24056, 200], [531, 24038, 199], [272, 24048, 198], [0, 24076, 196], [6612, 30793, 196], [6612, 31093, 196], [6470, 31201, 196], [2810, 27532, 196], [2810, 27832, 197], [2803, 28125, 198], [1500, 27085, 197], [1508, 27393, 198], [1499, 27683, 199], [1504, 27988, 200], [1326, 28110, 200], [1024, 28108, 200], [729, 28113, 199], [433, 28117, 198], [157, 28110, 197], [0, 28134, 195], [0, 28305, 194], [1507, 30104, 193], [1500, 30395, 194], [1514, 30709, 194], [1362, 30857, 195], [1400, 31195, 195], [1101, 31196, 195], [805, 31200, 195], [503, 31198, 194], [231, 31195, 193], [0, 31229, 192], [0, 31529, 190], [2810, 34140, 190], [2809, 34439, 190], [2050, 33942, 190], [1949, 34141, 190], [1534, 34026, 191], [1501, 34293, 192], [1348, 34440, 192], [1122, 34514, 192], [836, 34528, 192], [627, 34619, 191], [253, 34514, 191], [57, 34618, 190], [1326, 35970, 189], [1500, 36444, 190], [1502, 36746, 191], [1349, 36893, 191], [1361, 37205, 191], [1249, 37393, 191], [882, 37326, 191], [656, 37400, 191], [313, 37326, 190], [87, 37400, 189], [0, 37491, 188], [0, 37791, 187]], 'time_in_bucket': [7110, 31, 44, 35, 33, 66, 55, 46, 36, 34, 41, 32, 33, 37, 25, 36, 40, 29, 36, 27, 30, 28, 18, 40, 36, 20, 37, 21, 31, 25, 28, 18, 24, 18, 17, 28, 24, 29, 33, 28, 22, 14, 21, 23, 23, 32, 23, 14, 19, 23, 20, 22, 28, 13, 14, 17, 16, 20, 21, 14, 19, 28, 13, 21, 20, 18, 20, 15, 8, 18, 19, 26, 35, 21, 14, 17, 9, 21, 26, 38, 29, 27, 21, 21, 16, 17, 21, 23, 23, 15, 23, 15, 17, 27, 26, 27, 31, 29, 18, 34, 21, 25, 31, 23, 26, 23, 20, 28, 22, 27, 29, 22, 31, 24, 28, 30, 32, 45, 32, 42, 24, 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'time_in_zone': [14969, 13591, 8505, 734, 75, 24, 1], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '4050017892'}
{'weighted_power': 226, 'training_load': 185, 'max_watts': 1072, 'relative_intensity': 56, 'cp_data': [[20299, 20299, 1072], [20298, 20299, 1063], [20298, 20300, 1044], [20297, 20300, 1023], [20297, 20301, 1006], [20296, 20301, 936], [20295, 20301, 832], [20294, 20301, 766], [20293, 20301, 708], [20293, 20302, 649], [20292, 20302, 599], [20292, 20303, 549], [20292, 20304, 508], [20292, 20305, 474], [20292, 20306, 445], [20292, 20307, 419], [20285, 20301, 406], [14115, 14132, 401], [14115, 14133, 400], [14112, 14131, 399], [14112, 14132, 399], [14111, 14132, 398], [14111, 14133, 397], [14111, 14134, 395], [14110, 14134, 392], [14111, 14136, 389], [14111, 14137, 388], [14111, 14138, 386], [14256, 14284, 386], [14257, 14286, 386], [14256, 14286, 387], [14256, 14287, 387], [14256, 14288, 387], [14256, 14289, 387], [14256, 14290, 387], [14256, 14291, 387], [14122, 14158, 387], [14122, 14159, 388], [14122, 14160, 388], [14120, 14159, 388], [14120, 14160, 388], [14118, 14159, 388], [14117, 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[14111, 14790, 301], [14110, 14794, 301], [14110, 14799, 301], [14110, 14804, 301], [14109, 14808, 301], [14109, 14813, 301], [14109, 14818, 300], [14109, 14823, 300], [14109, 14828, 299], [14108, 14832, 299], [14108, 14837, 298], [14108, 14842, 297], [14109, 14848, 297], [14109, 14853, 296], [14108, 14857, 295], [14109, 14863, 295], [14111, 14870, 294], [14110, 14874, 295], [14110, 14879, 295], [14110, 14884, 295], [14110, 14889, 295], [14110, 14894, 295], [14110, 14899, 295], [14109, 14903, 295], [14109, 14908, 294], [14110, 14914, 294], [14110, 14919, 294], [14110, 14924, 294], [14110, 14929, 294], [14110, 14934, 294], [14109, 14938, 294], [14109, 14943, 294], [14109, 14948, 293], [14109, 14953, 293], [14110, 14959, 293], [14110, 14964, 293], [14110, 14969, 293], [14109, 14973, 293], [14110, 14979, 293], [14109, 14983, 293], [14109, 14988, 292], [14110, 14994, 292], [14111, 15000, 293], [14110, 15004, 293], [14111, 15010, 293], [14110, 15014, 293], [14111, 15020, 293], [14110, 15024, 293], [14109, 15028, 293], [14110, 15034, 292], [14110, 15039, 292], [14109, 15043, 292], [14108, 15047, 292], [14109, 15053, 291], [14109, 15058, 291], [14109, 15063, 291], [14110, 15069, 291], [14108, 15072, 290], [14109, 15078, 290], [14110, 15084, 290], [14110, 15089, 289], [14109, 15093, 289], [14109, 15098, 289], [14110, 15104, 289], [14108, 15107, 289], [14109, 15113, 289], [14109, 15118, 289], [14110, 15124, 289], [14109, 15128, 289], [14108, 15132, 288], [14110, 15139, 288], [14111, 15145, 288], [14110, 15149, 288], [14109, 15153, 288], [14109, 15158, 288], [14112, 15166, 288], [14110, 15169, 288], [14109, 15173, 288], [14108, 15177, 288], [14108, 15182, 288], [14109, 15188, 287], [14109, 15193, 287], [14110, 15199, 287], [14111, 15205, 287], [14111, 15210, 288], [14111, 15215, 288], [14111, 15220, 288], [14109, 15223, 288], [14108, 15227, 287], [14109, 15233, 287], [14109, 15238, 287], [14110, 15244, 287], [14110, 15249, 287], [14111, 15255, 287], [14121, 15270, 288], [14116, 15270, 288], [14111, 15270, 289], [14111, 15275, 289], [14111, 15280, 289], [14110, 15284, 289], [14109, 15288, 289], [14109, 15293, 289], [14110, 15299, 289], [14109, 15303, 289], [14110, 15309, 289], [14108, 15312, 289], [14109, 15318, 289], [14108, 15322, 288], [14109, 15328, 288], [14110, 15334, 288], [14111, 15340, 288], [14111, 15345, 288], [14110, 15349, 289], [14110, 15354, 289], [14110, 15359, 289], [14109, 15363, 289], [14109, 15368, 289], [14110, 15374, 288], [14108, 15377, 288], [14105, 15379, 287], [14105, 15384, 286], [14104, 15388, 285], [14099, 15388, 284], [14081, 15375, 283], [14076, 15375, 283], [14071, 15375, 283], [14066, 15375, 282], [14061, 15375, 282], [14056, 15375, 282], [14051, 15375, 281], [14046, 15375, 281], [14041, 15375, 280], [14036, 15375, 280], [14031, 15375, 280], [14026, 15375, 279], [14021, 15375, 279], [14017, 15376, 279], [14011, 15375, 279], [14006, 15375, 278], [14001, 15375, 278], [13996, 15375, 278], [13991, 15375, 278], [13986, 15375, 277], [13981, 15375, 277], [13976, 15375, 277], [13971, 15375, 276], [13966, 15375, 276], [13961, 15375, 276], [13956, 15375, 275], [13951, 15375, 275], [13946, 15375, 275], [13941, 15375, 275], [13936, 15375, 274], [13931, 15375, 274], [13926, 15375, 274], [1647, 3101, 273], [1627, 3086, 273], [1630, 3094, 273], [1632, 3101, 273], [1628, 3102, 273], [1622, 3101, 273], [1616, 3100, 273], [1612, 3101, 273], [1608, 3102, 273], [1604, 3103, 273], [1597, 3101, 273], [1592, 3101, 273], [1588, 3102, 273], [1583, 3102, 273], [1577, 3101, 273], [1572, 3101, 273], [1567, 3101, 273], [1563, 3102, 273], [1561, 3105, 273], [1484, 3033, 272], [1479, 3033, 273], [1475, 3034, 273], [1475, 3039, 273], [1470, 3039, 273], [1459, 3033, 273], [1458, 3037, 273], [1454, 3038, 273], [1450, 3039, 273], [1475, 3069, 273], [1471, 3070, 273], [1475, 3079, 273], [1458, 3067, 273], [1455, 3069, 273], [1450, 3069, 273], [1455, 3079, 273], [1457, 3086, 273], [1451, 3085, 273], [1458, 3097, 273], [1458, 3102, 273], [1452, 3101, 273], [1449, 3103, 273], [1444, 3103, 273], [1437, 3101, 273], [1434, 3103, 273], [1427, 3101, 272], [1390, 3069, 272], [1385, 3069, 272], [1390, 3079, 272], [1391, 3085, 272], [1387, 3086, 272], [1390, 3094, 272], [1392, 3101, 273], [1387, 3101, 273], [1382, 3101, 273], [1379, 3103, 272], [1374, 3103, 272], [1369, 3103, 272], [1369, 3108, 272], [1326, 3070, 272], [1326, 3075, 272], [1325, 3079, 272], [1326, 3085, 272], [1322, 3086, 272], [1325, 3094, 272], [1327, 3101, 272], [1323, 3102, 272], [1318, 3102, 272], [1313, 3102, 272], [1282, 3076, 271], [1281, 3080, 272], [1276, 3105, 271], [1277, 3136, 270], [1276, 3165, 269], [1276, 3195, 268], [1276, 3225, 267], [1275, 3254, 266], [1274, 3283, 264], [1276, 3315, 261], [1276, 3345, 260], [1273, 3372, 259], [1276, 3405, 259], [1276, 3435, 258], [1276, 3465, 257], [1276, 3495, 257], [1277, 3526, 257], [1277, 3556, 256], [1276, 3585, 256], [1275, 3614, 255], [1273, 3642, 253], [1276, 3675, 252], [1129, 3558, 250], [1113, 3572, 249], [1100, 3589, 248], [1026, 3545, 248], [1014, 3563, 247], [994, 3573, 247], [1004, 3613, 246], [999, 3638, 245], [8336, 10965, 245], [8333, 10992, 245], [8328, 11017, 245], [8336, 11055, 245], [8332, 11081, 245], [8329, 11108, 245], [8301, 11110, 245], [8268, 11107, 244], [8165, 11034, 244], [8162, 11061, 244], [8152, 11081, 245], [8128, 11087, 245], [8119, 11108, 244], [7961, 10980, 244], [7968, 11017, 245], [7962, 11041, 245], [7964, 11073, 245], [7962, 11101, 245], [7948, 11117, 244], [7909, 11108, 242], [7881, 11110, 241], [7814, 11073, 241], [7792, 11081, 241], [7785, 11104, 241], [7761, 11110, 240], [7738, 11117, 240], [7705, 11114, 239], [7671, 11110, 237], [7634, 11103, 237], [7626, 11117, 236], [7626, 11117, 234], [7457, 10978, 233], [7466, 11017, 234], [7460, 11041, 234], [7462, 11073, 234], [7440, 11081, 234], [7436, 11107, 234], [7407, 11108, 234], [7405, 11117, 232], [7405, 11117, 231], [7405, 11117, 229], [7377, 11117, 227], [7338, 11108, 227], [7305, 11105, 227], [7298, 11117, 225], [7260, 11109, 225], [7234, 11113, 224], [7178, 11087, 224], [7177, 11116, 224], [7147, 11116, 222], [7111, 11110, 222], [7086, 11115, 221], [7050, 11109, 221], [7022, 11111, 220], [6995, 11114, 219], [6965, 11114, 219], [6938, 11117, 217], [6908, 11117, 216], [6878, 11117, 215], [6848, 11117, 213], [6814, 11113, 212], [6788, 11117, 211], [6758, 11117, 210], [6349, 10738, 209], [6348, 10767, 210], [6349, 10798, 210], [6348, 10827, 210], [6348, 10857, 210], [6348, 10887, 211], [6348, 10917, 211], [6348, 10947, 211], [6348, 10977, 212], [6349, 11008, 212], [6348, 11037, 212], [6349, 11068, 212], [6348, 11097, 213], [6338, 11117, 212], [6308, 11117, 211], [6276, 11115, 210], [6248, 11117, 210], [6218, 11117, 209], [6188, 11117, 208], [6158, 11117, 206], [6128, 11117, 205], [6092, 11111, 204], [6068, 11117, 203], [6038, 11117, 202], [6007, 11116, 201], [5978, 11117, 200], [443, 5725, 200], [471, 5783, 200], [462, 5804, 200], [441, 5813, 200], [423, 5825, 200], [372, 5804, 200], [342, 5804, 200], [328, 5820, 201], [164, 5686, 201], [162, 5714, 201], [160, 5742, 201], [160, 5772, 201], [162, 5804, 201], [164, 5836, 201], [144, 5846, 201], [114, 5846, 200], [83, 5845, 199], [54, 5846, 199], [24, 5846, 198], [0, 5852, 198], [5340, 11105, 198], [5314, 11109, 198], [5286, 11111, 198], [5253, 11108, 198], [5224, 11109, 198], [5193, 11108, 198], [5159, 11104, 198], [5142, 11117, 197], [5112, 11117, 197], [5082, 11117, 196], [5052, 11117, 195], [4667, 10762, 195], [4606, 10731, 195], [4607, 10762, 196], [4566, 10751, 196], [4565, 10780, 196], [4570, 10815, 196], [4566, 10841, 197], [4567, 10872, 197], [4566, 10901, 197], [4566, 10931, 198], [4570, 10965, 198], [4566, 10991, 198], [4570, 11025, 198], [4566, 11051, 199], [4566, 11081, 199], [4565, 11110, 199], [4542, 11117, 198], [4512, 11117, 197], [4482, 11117, 197], [4452, 11117, 196], [4416, 11111, 196], [4392, 11117, 195], [4362, 11117, 194], [4331, 11116, 193], [4302, 11117, 193], [4268, 11113, 192], [4242, 11117, 192], [4205, 11110, 191], [8335, 15085, 191], [8505, 15285, 192], [8501, 15311, 192], [8463, 15303, 193], [8497, 15367, 193], [8403, 15303, 193], [8373, 15303, 194], [8336, 15296, 194], [8377, 15367, 194], [8336, 15356, 195], [8325, 15375, 195], [8295, 15375, 195], [8265, 15375, 195], [8235, 15375, 195], [8197, 15367, 195], [8168, 15368, 196], [8138, 15368, 196], [8115, 15375, 196], [8012, 15302, 196], [7972, 15292, 196], [7961, 15311, 197], [7969, 15349, 197], [7961, 15371, 197], [7948, 15388, 197], [7905, 15375, 196], [7880, 15380, 196], [7831, 15361, 196], [7807, 15367, 196], [7785, 15375, 197], [7754, 15374, 197], [7727, 15377, 196], [7698, 15378, 196], [7670, 15380, 196], [7635, 15375, 196], [7626, 15388, 195], [7626, 15425, 195], [7582, 15374, 195], [7552, 15374, 195], [7509, 15361, 195], [7484, 15366, 195], [7457, 15369, 196], [7433, 15375, 196], [7406, 15378, 196], [7405, 15388, 195], [7405, 15425, 194], [7405, 15464, 194], [7364, 15375, 193], [7335, 15376, 193], [7304, 15375, 193], [7298, 15388, 193], [7260, 15380, 192], [7225, 15375, 192], [7181, 15361, 192], [2178, 10646, 192], [2140, 10638, 193], [2121, 10649, 193], [2173, 10731, 193], [2174, 10762, 194], [2143, 10761, 194], [1925, 10573, 194], [1924, 10602, 194], [1924, 10632, 195], [1924, 10662, 195], [1924, 10692, 195], [1924, 10722, 195], [1924, 10752, 196], [1922, 10780, 196], [1920, 10808, 196], [1916, 10834, 196], [1924, 10872, 196], [1918, 10896, 197], [1924, 10932, 197], [1926, 10964, 197], [1923, 10991, 197], [1919, 11017, 197], [1924, 11052, 198], [1923, 11081, 198], [1919, 11107, 198], [1843, 11061, 198], [1841, 11089, 198], [1833, 11111, 198], [1801, 11109, 198], [1719, 11057, 198], [1713, 11081, 198], [1711, 11109, 198], [1381, 10809, 199], [1383, 10841, 199], [1276, 10764, 199], [1282, 10800, 199], [1277, 10825, 199], [1387, 10965, 200], [1390, 10998, 200], [1379, 11017, 200], [1381, 11049, 200], [1383, 11081, 200], [1281, 11009, 200], [1277, 11035, 201], [1282, 11070, 201], [1276, 11094, 201], [1269, 11117, 201], [1235, 11113, 200], [1203, 11111, 200], [1173, 11111, 200], [1143, 11111, 200], [1112, 11110, 200], [1089, 11117, 200], [1026, 11084, 200], [1020, 11108, 200], [992, 11110, 200], [963, 11111, 200], [932, 11110, 200], [903, 11111, 200], [871, 11109, 200], [849, 11117, 199], [812, 11110, 199], [786, 11114, 199], [755, 11113, 199], [729, 11117, 198], [691, 11109, 198], [666, 11114, 198], [626, 11104, 198], [600, 11108, 198], [572, 11110, 198], [540, 11108, 198], [219, 11087, 198], [0, 11168, 196], [0, 11468, 191], [1269, 12786, 188], [956, 12773, 188], [654, 12771, 187], [355, 12772, 187], [57, 12774, 187], [148, 13097, 184], [2122, 15371, 186], [1826, 15375, 187], [1454, 15303, 188], [1228, 15377, 189], [926, 15375, 189], [626, 15375, 188], [326, 15375, 188], [28, 15377, 188], [0, 15589, 184], [158, 16047, 182], [158, 16347, 182], [104, 16593, 181], [168, 16957, 181], [5, 17094, 179], [0, 17220, 177], [0, 17220, 174], [1155, 18392, 173], [864, 18401, 174], [558, 18395, 173], [258, 18395, 174], [2, 18439, 173], [915, 19635, 172], [867, 19887, 172], [315, 19635, 172], [158, 19778, 172], [40, 19960, 171], [130, 20350, 171], [8, 20528, 170]], 'time_in_bucket': [3203, 30, 28, 37, 24, 59, 27, 36, 42, 36, 32, 23, 30, 24, 21, 35, 28, 27, 45, 38, 24, 32, 39, 33, 41, 31, 29, 28, 27, 24, 24, 25, 24, 25, 20, 24, 23, 26, 16, 13, 13, 22, 27, 23, 15, 25, 37, 23, 23, 9, 33, 21, 24, 18, 20, 13, 14, 18, 18, 25, 25, 16, 14, 18, 28, 22, 17, 23, 25, 25, 22, 14, 17, 19, 22, 31, 31, 15, 29, 34, 27, 20, 23, 31, 32, 23, 21, 16, 22, 23, 28, 32, 36, 20, 31, 39, 33, 27, 24, 31, 39, 38, 24, 28, 33, 28, 28, 39, 33, 25, 29, 30, 31, 28, 25, 41, 37, 36, 34, 33, 45, 34, 30, 29, 22, 35, 31, 30, 29, 37, 40, 34, 41, 40, 33, 40, 39, 26, 37, 28, 30, 34, 38, 32, 40, 44, 42, 31, 39, 27, 34, 26, 43, 33, 41, 37, 49, 39, 38, 38, 34, 30, 49, 37, 36, 34, 53, 35, 35, 40, 37, 52, 31, 42, 25, 45, 42, 44, 50, 41, 42, 53, 40, 52, 46, 44, 49, 56, 55, 45, 42, 64, 58, 42, 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{'weighted_power': 297, 'training_load': 253, 'max_watts': 750, 'relative_intensity': 74, 'cp_data': [[13465, 13465, 750], [13464, 13465, 703], [12719, 12721, 681], [12719, 12722, 670], [12718, 12722, 663], [13639, 13644, 653], [12718, 12724, 648], [12718, 12725, 640], [12718, 12726, 639], [12718, 12727, 637], [12718, 12728, 636], [12718, 12729, 632], [12717, 12729, 621], [13452, 13465, 611], [12718, 12732, 607], [12718, 12733, 605], [13449, 13465, 603], [13448, 13465, 603], [13447, 13465, 601], [13446, 13465, 596], [13445, 13465, 587], [13445, 13466, 578], [13444, 13466, 568], [12710, 12733, 565], [12710, 12734, 556], [13445, 13470, 547], [13444, 13470, 540], [12710, 12737, 533], [12710, 12738, 530], [13446, 13475, 526], [13445, 13475, 523], [13445, 13476, 519], [13444, 13476, 514], [13443, 13476, 507], [13446, 13480, 504], [13446, 13481, 502], [13445, 13481, 500], [13444, 13481, 496], [13443, 13481, 490], [13446, 13485, 486], [13446, 13486, 485], [13445, 13486, 483], [13446, 13488, 481], [13446, 13489, 481], [13445, 13489, 479], [13444, 13489, 476], [13444, 13490, 473], [4750, 4797, 470], [4749, 4797, 469], [4748, 4797, 468], [4747, 4797, 468], [4751, 4802, 467], [4750, 4802, 467], [4749, 4802, 466], [4748, 4802, 466], [4747, 4802, 465], [4747, 4803, 464], [4747, 4804, 463], [4746, 4804, 460], [4745, 4804, 457], [4744, 4804, 454], [4743, 4804, 450], [12895, 12957, 448], [12892, 12955, 448], [12892, 12956, 448], [12892, 12957, 448], [12891, 12957, 447], [12890, 12957, 446], [12890, 12958, 444], [12892, 12961, 443], [12892, 12962, 443], [12892, 12963, 443], [12891, 12963, 442], [12890, 12963, 441], [12883, 12957, 440], [12883, 12958, 439], [12886, 12962, 439], [12880, 12957, 438], [12879, 12957, 438], [12878, 12957, 438], [12877, 12957, 437], [12876, 12957, 436], [12880, 12962, 435], [12879, 12962, 435], [12878, 12962, 435], [12878, 12963, 434], [12877, 12963, 434], [12876, 12963, 433], [12875, 12963, 432], [12879, 12968, 431], [12878, 12968, 431], [12877, 12968, 431], [12876, 12968, 430], [12876, 12969, 429], [12875, 12969, 428], [12873, 12968, 427], [12872, 12968, 427], [12871, 12968, 426], [12877, 12975, 426], [12876, 12975, 425], [12710, 12810, 425], [12710, 12811, 425], [12710, 12812, 425], [12710, 12813, 424], [12710, 12814, 424], [13446, 13551, 423], [13445, 13551, 423], [13444, 13551, 423], [12710, 12818, 422], [12710, 12819, 422], [12710, 12820, 422], [12710, 12821, 422], [12710, 12822, 421], [12710, 12823, 421], [12710, 12824, 421], [12710, 12825, 421], [12710, 12826, 421], [12710, 12827, 420], [12710, 12828, 420], [12710, 12829, 420], [12710, 12830, 420], [12710, 12831, 420], [12710, 12832, 420], [12710, 12833, 420], [12710, 12834, 419], [12710, 12835, 419], [12710, 12836, 419], [12710, 12837, 419], [12710, 12838, 419], [12710, 12839, 419], [12710, 12840, 419], [12710, 12841, 419], [12710, 12842, 418], [12710, 12843, 418], [12710, 12844, 418], [12710, 12845, 417], [12710, 12846, 417], [12710, 12847, 417], [12710, 12848, 417], [12710, 12849, 417], [7648, 7788, 416], [9603, 9744, 416], [9602, 9744, 416], [9625, 9768, 416], [9625, 9769, 416], [9624, 9769, 416], [9617, 9763, 415], [9617, 9764, 415], [9617, 9765, 415], [9617, 9766, 416], [9617, 9767, 416], [9617, 9768, 416], [9617, 9769, 416], [9617, 9770, 416], [9612, 9766, 415], [9612, 9767, 415], [9612, 9768, 416], [9612, 9769, 416], [9611, 9769, 416], [9608, 9767, 415], [9608, 9768, 415], [9608, 9769, 415], [9607, 9769, 416], [9606, 9769, 415], [9606, 9770, 415], [9603, 9768, 415], [9602, 9768, 415], [9602, 9769, 415], [9601, 9769, 415], [9600, 9769, 414], [9602, 9772, 414], [9597, 9768, 414], [9597, 9769, 414], [9596, 9769, 414], [9593, 9767, 414], [9593, 9768, 414], [9593, 9769, 415], [9592, 9769, 415], [9591, 9769, 414], [9590, 9769, 414], [9587, 9767, 414], [9587, 9768, 414], [9587, 9769, 414], [9586, 9769, 414], [9585, 9769, 414], [9585, 9770, 414], [9582, 9768, 414], [9581, 9768, 414], [9581, 9769, 414], [13083, 13272, 415], [13082, 13272, 415], [13081, 13272, 416], [13079, 13271, 416], [13078, 13271, 417], [13077, 13271, 418], [13076, 13271, 419], [13076, 13272, 419], [13075, 13272, 420], [13074, 13272, 420], [13073, 13272, 419], [13445, 13645, 418], [13445, 13646, 418], [13075, 13277, 418], [13074, 13277, 418], [13074, 13278, 418], [13445, 13650, 418], [13076, 13282, 417], [13076, 13283, 418], [13075, 13283, 418], [13074, 13283, 418], [13074, 13284, 417], [13445, 13656, 417], [13444, 13656, 417], [13076, 13289, 417], [13075, 13289, 417], [13074, 13289, 417], [13074, 13290, 417], [13073, 13290, 416], [13446, 13664, 416], [13445, 13664, 416], [13075, 13295, 416], [13075, 13296, 416], [13075, 13297, 416], [13074, 13297, 416], [13073, 13297, 416], [13074, 13299, 415], [13074, 13300, 415], [13074, 13301, 415], [13069, 13297, 415], [13074, 13303, 415], [13074, 13304, 415], [13074, 13305, 415], [13074, 13306, 415], [13075, 13308, 415], [13075, 13309, 415], [13074, 13309, 415], [13074, 13310, 414], [13073, 13310, 414], [13075, 13313, 414], [13075, 13314, 414], [13075, 13315, 414], [13074, 13315, 414], [13074, 13316, 414], [13073, 13316, 414], [13075, 13319, 413], [13075, 13320, 413], [13075, 13321, 414], [13074, 13321, 414], [13074, 13322, 413], [13074, 13323, 413], [12710, 12960, 413], [12710, 12961, 413], [12710, 12962, 413], [12710, 12963, 413], [12710, 12964, 412], [12710, 12965, 412], [12710, 12966, 412], [12710, 12967, 412], [12710, 12968, 412], [12710, 12969, 412], [13075, 13335, 412], [13074, 13335, 412], [13074, 13336, 412], [13074, 13337, 411], [13074, 13338, 411], [13075, 13340, 411], [13074, 13340, 411], [13075, 13342, 411], [13075, 13343, 411], [13075, 13344, 411], [13074, 13344, 411], [13074, 13345, 411], [9472, 9744, 411], [9471, 9744, 411], [13075, 13349, 411], [13075, 13350, 411], [13074, 13350, 411], [13074, 13351, 411], [9466, 9744, 411], [9465, 9744, 411], [9472, 9752, 411], [9471, 9752, 411], [9486, 9768, 411], [9486, 9769, 411], [9484, 9768, 411], [9484, 9769, 411], [9483, 9769, 411], [9482, 9769, 411], [9479, 9767, 411], [9479, 9768, 411], [9479, 9769, 411], [9478, 9769, 411], [9477, 9769, 411], [9476, 9769, 411], [9475, 9769, 411], [9473, 9768, 411], [9473, 9769, 411], [9472, 9769, 411], [9471, 9769, 411], [9470, 9769, 411], [9465, 9769, 411], [9460, 9769, 410], [9455, 9769, 410], [9466, 9785, 409], [9461, 9785, 409], [9456, 9785, 408], [9451, 9785, 408], [7448, 7787, 407], [7442, 7786, 407], [7437, 7786, 408], [7437, 7791, 408], [7436, 7795, 407], [12908, 13272, 408], [12902, 13271, 409], [12898, 13272, 411], [12893, 13272, 411], [12892, 13276, 411], [13076, 13465, 412], [13075, 13469, 411], [13076, 13475, 411], [13075, 13479, 410], [13074, 13483, 410], [13075, 13489, 410], [13057, 13476, 410], [13052, 13476, 409], [12892, 13321, 409], [13042, 13476, 409], [12876, 13315, 408], [12877, 13321, 408], [13017, 13466, 408], [12890, 13344, 408], [12891, 13350, 408], [12886, 13350, 407], [12881, 13350, 407], [12876, 13350, 407], [12892, 13371, 407], [12892, 13376, 407], [12892, 13381, 407], [7301, 7795, 407], [7296, 7795, 406], [12877, 13381, 406], [7279, 7788, 406], [7281, 7795, 406], [7272, 7791, 406], [7310, 7834, 406], [7312, 7841, 406], [7307, 7841, 406], [7302, 7841, 406], [7297, 7841, 406], [12718, 13267, 405], [12718, 13272, 407], [12713, 13272, 408], [12709, 13273, 408], [12896, 13465, 409], [12892, 13466, 409], [12886, 13465, 409], [12892, 13476, 408], [12877, 13466, 408], [12876, 13470, 408], [12877, 13476, 408], [12877, 13481, 408], [12880, 13489, 407], [12876, 13490, 407], [12870, 13489, 407], [12878, 13502, 407], [12873, 13502, 406], [12876, 13510, 406], [12877, 13516, 406], [12872, 13516, 406], [12883, 13532, 406], [12878, 13532, 405], [12892, 13551, 405], [12886, 13550, 405], [12882, 13551, 405], [12877, 13551, 405], [12877, 13556, 405], [12883, 13567, 405], [12878, 13567, 405], [12889, 13583, 404], [12883, 13582, 404], [12878, 13582, 404], [12879, 13588, 404], [12891, 13605, 404], [12892, 13611, 404], [12886, 13610, 404], [12883, 13612, 404], [12911, 13645, 404], [12906, 13645, 405], [12901, 13645, 405], [12896, 13645, 406], [12711, 13465, 407], [12710, 13469, 407], [12710, 13474, 407], [12710, 13479, 406], [12710, 13484, 406], [12710, 13489, 406], [12710, 13494, 406], [12875, 13664, 406], [12876, 13670, 405], [12710, 13509, 405], [12710, 13514, 405], [12877, 13686, 405], [12710, 13524, 405], [12710, 13529, 405], [12710, 13534, 405], [12710, 13539, 405], [12710, 13544, 405], [12710, 13549, 404], [12710, 13554, 404], [12710, 13559, 404], [12710, 13564, 404], [12709, 13568, 404], [12710, 13574, 404], [12710, 13579, 404], [12709, 13583, 404], [12709, 13588, 403], [12710, 13594, 403], [12710, 13599, 403], [12710, 13604, 403], [12710, 13609, 403], [12710, 13614, 403], [12709, 13618, 403], [12710, 13624, 403], [12718, 13637, 403], [12720, 13644, 404], [12717, 13646, 405], [12711, 13645, 405], [12710, 13649, 405], [12710, 13654, 405], [12710, 13659, 405], [12710, 13664, 405], [12710, 13669, 405], [12710, 13674, 405], [12710, 13679, 404], [12710, 13684, 404], [12710, 13689, 404], [12710, 13694, 404], [12710, 13699, 404], [12710, 13704, 404], [12712, 13711, 403], [12710, 13714, 404], [12710, 13719, 403], [12709, 13723, 403], [12710, 13729, 403], [12710, 13734, 403], [12709, 13738, 403], [12710, 13744, 403], [12710, 13749, 403], [12710, 13754, 403], [12710, 13759, 402], [12710, 13764, 402], [12710, 13769, 402], [12710, 13774, 402], [12710, 13779, 402], [12710, 13784, 401], [12710, 13789, 401], [12710, 13794, 401], [12710, 13799, 401], [12710, 13804, 401], [12709, 13808, 401], [12710, 13814, 401], [12717, 13826, 401], [12712, 13826, 401], [12709, 13828, 401], [12718, 13842, 401], [12714, 13843, 401], [12710, 13844, 402], [12710, 13849, 402], [12710, 13854, 402], [12710, 13859, 402], [12710, 13864, 401], [12710, 13869, 401], [12710, 13874, 401], [12710, 13879, 401], [12710, 13884, 401], [12709, 13888, 400], [12704, 13888, 399], [12699, 13888, 397], [12693, 13887, 396], [6595, 7794, 395], [6595, 7799, 395], [6626, 7835, 395], [6621, 7835, 395], [6622, 7841, 395], [6617, 7841, 395], [6612, 7841, 395], [6607, 7841, 395], [6602, 7841, 395], [6597, 7841, 395], [6593, 7842, 395], [6588, 7842, 395], [6583, 7842, 395], [6577, 7841, 395], [6572, 7841, 395], [6568, 7842, 395], [6563, 7842, 395], [6557, 7841, 395], [6546, 7835, 395], [6547, 7841, 395], [6536, 7835, 395], [6537, 7841, 395], [6533, 7842, 395], [6527, 7841, 395], [6523, 7842, 395], [6518, 7842, 395], [6512, 7841, 395], [6507, 7841, 394], [9483, 10822, 394], [9478, 10822, 395], [9473, 10822, 395], [9475, 10829, 395], [9472, 10831, 395], [9472, 10836, 395], [9478, 10847, 395], [9477, 10851, 395], [9472, 10851, 395], [9472, 10856, 395], [9467, 10856, 395], [9471, 10865, 395], [9476, 10875, 395], [9471, 10875, 395], [9472, 10881, 395], [9472, 10886, 395], [9477, 10896, 395], [9472, 10896, 395], [9477, 10906, 395], [9472, 10906, 395], [9473, 10912, 395], [9468, 10912, 395], [9468, 10917, 395], [9463, 10917, 395], [9458, 10917, 395], [9477, 10941, 395], [9472, 10941, 395], [9467, 10941, 395], [9462, 10941, 395], [9457, 10941, 395], [9452, 10941, 395], [9446, 10940, 395], [9443, 10942, 395], [9436, 10940, 395], [9431, 10940, 395], [9426, 10940, 394], [9423, 10942, 394], [9417, 10941, 394], [9412, 10941, 394], [9407, 10941, 394], [9402, 10941, 394], [9397, 10941, 394], [9392, 10941, 394], [9386, 10940, 394], [9382, 10941, 394], [9377, 10941, 394], [9372, 10941, 394], [9367, 10941, 394], [9363, 10942, 394], [9356, 10940, 394], [9351, 10940, 394], [9348, 10942, 394], [9341, 10940, 393], [9336, 10940, 393], [9333, 10942, 393], [9327, 10941, 393], [9322, 10941, 393], [9317, 10941, 393], [9313, 10942, 393], [9307, 10941, 393], [9301, 10940, 393], [9298, 10942, 393], [9292, 10941, 393], [9287, 10941, 393], [9258, 10917, 393], [9277, 10941, 393], [9271, 10940, 393], [9267, 10941, 393], [9262, 10941, 393], [9258, 10942, 393], [9251, 10940, 392], [9246, 10940, 392], [9242, 10941, 392], [9237, 10941, 392], [9232, 10941, 392], [9198, 10912, 392], [9193, 10912, 392], [9182, 10906, 392], [9178, 10907, 392], [9178, 10912, 392], [9178, 10917, 392], [9198, 10942, 392], [9192, 10941, 392], [9186, 10940, 392], [9182, 10941, 392], [9178, 10942, 392], [9173, 10942, 392], [9169, 10943, 392], [9163, 10942, 392], [9158, 10942, 391], [9153, 10942, 391], [9148, 10942, 391], [9143, 10942, 390], [9114, 10943, 387], [9084, 10943, 382], [9054, 10943, 378], [9024, 10943, 374], [8994, 10943, 370], [8964, 10943, 365], [8935, 10944, 361], [8904, 10943, 356], [8875, 10944, 351], [8844, 10943, 347], [8815, 10944, 342], [8944, 11103, 338], [8910, 11099, 334], [8885, 11104, 330], [8857, 11106, 326], [5564, 7843, 322], [5533, 7842, 320], [5504, 7843, 318], [5474, 7843, 316], [5444, 7843, 314], [5414, 7843, 312], [5384, 7843, 310], [5354, 7843, 307], [5325, 7844, 305], [5293, 7842, 303], [5263, 7842, 303], [5233, 7842, 302], [5203, 7842, 301], [5173, 7842, 300], [5143, 7842, 299], [5074, 7803, 298], [5075, 7834, 299], [5021, 7810, 298], [5021, 7840, 300], [4994, 7843, 298], [4964, 7843, 298], [4933, 7842, 299], [4904, 7843, 299], [4873, 7842, 299], [4843, 7842, 300], [4749, 7778, 299], [4747, 7806, 300], [4746, 7835, 301], [4723, 7842, 300], [4686, 7835, 301], [4663, 7842, 302], [4634, 7843, 301], [4603, 7842, 300], [4573, 7842, 301], [4544, 7843, 300], [4514, 7843, 299], [4484, 7843, 298], [4453, 7842, 297], [4424, 7843, 296], [4394, 7843, 296], [4364, 7843, 294], [4333, 7842, 293], [4304, 7843, 292], [4266, 7835, 293], [4243, 7842, 293], [4213, 7842, 294], [4183, 7842, 294], [4153, 7842, 294], [4123, 7842, 294], [4086, 7835, 295], [4063, 7842, 294], [4032, 7841, 294], [4003, 7842, 294], [3973, 7842, 294], [3943, 7842, 294], [3912, 7841, 294], [3884, 7843, 294], [3853, 7842, 294], [3824, 7843, 294], [3792, 7841, 294], [3764, 7843, 293], [3732, 7841, 294], [3704, 7843, 293], [3673, 7842, 294], [3644, 7843, 293], [3613, 7842, 293], [3584, 7843, 293], [3554, 7843, 292], [3523, 7842, 292], [3495, 7844, 290], [3463, 7842, 289], [3433, 7842, 289], [3419, 7844, 288], [3422, 7891, 286], [3420, 7919, 286], [3419, 7947, 284], [3413, 7946, 282], [3382, 7945, 281], [3354, 7947, 279], [3220, 7843, 278], [6428, 10906, 278], [6399, 10907, 279], [6400, 10938, 279], [6374, 10942, 279], [6344, 10942, 279], [6315, 10943, 279], [6284, 10942, 278], [6254, 10942, 278], [6224, 10942, 278], [6194, 10942, 277], [6164, 10942, 277], [6135, 10943, 276], [6105, 10943, 275], [6075, 10943, 275], [6045, 10943, 274], [6014, 10942, 274], [5985, 10943, 273], [5954, 10942, 273], [5925, 10943, 273], [5895, 10943, 272], [5864, 10942, 272], [5835, 10943, 271], [5805, 10943, 271], [5775, 10943, 270], [5745, 10943, 269], [5714, 10942, 269], [5685, 10943, 269], [5655, 10943, 268], [5625, 10943, 268], [5594, 10942, 268], [5565, 10943, 267], [5535, 10943, 267], [5505, 10943, 266], [5475, 10943, 266], [5445, 10943, 265], [5415, 10943, 265], [5385, 10943, 264], [2154, 7842, 263], [2124, 7842, 263], [2094, 7842, 263], [2064, 7842, 263], [2034, 7842, 262], [2004, 7842, 262], [1975, 7843, 262], [1945, 7843, 261], [1916, 7844, 261], [5075, 10933, 261], [5021, 10909, 261], [5021, 10939, 262], [4995, 10943, 261], [4965, 10943, 262], [4933, 10941, 262], [4904, 10942, 262], [4873, 10941, 262], [4843, 10941, 263], [4747, 10875, 263], [4748, 10906, 263], [4752, 10940, 264], [4724, 10942, 264], [4664, 10912, 264], [4663, 10941, 265], [4635, 10943, 265], [4603, 10941, 265], [4573, 10941, 265], [4545, 10943, 265], [4514, 10942, 264], [4485, 10943, 264], [4454, 10942, 264], [4425, 10943, 264], [4395, 10943, 263], [4365, 10943, 263], [4334, 10942, 262], [4305, 10943, 262], [4272, 10940, 262], [4244, 10942, 263], [4213, 10941, 263], [4184, 10942, 263], [4153, 10941, 264], [4124, 10942, 264], [4091, 10939, 264], [4065, 10943, 264], [4033, 10941, 264], [4005, 10943, 264], [3973, 10941, 264], [3944, 10942, 264], [3913, 10941, 265], [3885, 10943, 265], [3853, 10941, 265], [3825, 10943, 265], [3793, 10941, 265], [3764, 10942, 265], [3732, 10940, 265], [3705, 10943, 265], [3673, 10941, 265], [3645, 10943, 265], [3613, 10941, 265], [3584, 10942, 265], [3555, 10943, 265], [3524, 10942, 265], [3496, 10944, 264], [3464, 10942, 264], [3434, 10942, 264], [3419, 10944, 263], [3402, 10944, 262], [3372, 10944, 261], [3342, 10944, 260], [3311, 10943, 260], [3419, 11106, 259], [3414, 11106, 258], [3221, 10943, 258], [3192, 10944, 257], [3190, 10944, 256], [3190, 10944, 255], [3176, 10943, 254], [3145, 10942, 254], [3116, 10943, 254], [3085, 10942, 254], [3054, 10941, 254], [3025, 10942, 254], [2995, 10942, 254], [2965, 10942, 254], [2936, 10943, 254], [2905, 10942, 254], [2875, 10942, 254], [2846, 10943, 254], [2817, 10944, 253], [2786, 10943, 252], [2757, 10944, 251], [2725, 10942, 250], [2845, 11092, 250], [2829, 11106, 249], [2636, 10943, 248], [2605, 10942, 248], [2575, 10942, 249], [2545, 10942, 249], [2515, 10942, 249], [2485, 10942, 249], [2455, 10942, 249], [2425, 10942, 249], [2395, 10942, 250], [2365, 10942, 250], [2335, 10942, 250], [2305, 10942, 250], [2275, 10942, 250], [2245, 10942, 251], [2215, 10942, 251], [2185, 10942, 251], [2155, 10942, 251], [2125, 10942, 251], [2095, 10942, 251], [2066, 10943, 251], [2035, 10942, 251], [2005, 10942, 250], [1976, 10943, 250], [1946, 10943, 250], [1916, 10943, 250], [1885, 10942, 249], [1856, 10943, 249], [1825, 10942, 249], [1796, 10943, 249], [1766, 10943, 248], [1735, 10942, 248], [1706, 10943, 248], [1675, 10942, 248], [1646, 10943, 248], [1616, 10943, 247], [1585, 10942, 247], [1556, 10943, 247], [1526, 10943, 247], [1496, 10943, 247], [1465, 10942, 246], [1437, 10944, 246], [1405, 10942, 246], [1376, 10943, 245], [1345, 10942, 245], [1316, 10943, 245], [1287, 10944, 244], [1257, 10944, 244], [1226, 10943, 243], [1195, 10942, 243], [1165, 10942, 243], [1143, 10942, 243], [1113, 10942, 243], [1083, 10942, 243], [1055, 10944, 242], [1024, 10943, 242], [993, 10942, 242], [965, 10944, 242], [933, 10942, 241], [903, 10942, 241], [874, 10943, 241], [843, 10942, 241], [815, 10944, 241], [785, 10944, 241], [754, 10943, 241], [722, 10941, 241], [693, 10942, 241], [662, 10941, 241], [633, 10942, 241], [603, 10942, 241], [574, 10943, 241], [544, 10943, 240], [514, 10943, 240], [483, 10942, 240], [454, 10943, 240], [154, 10943, 237], [3419, 14352, 234], [2964, 14097, 232], [2452, 13885, 230], [2152, 13885, 232], [1854, 13887, 231], [1552, 13885, 230], [1480, 14113, 229], [1164, 14097, 226], [660, 13885, 226], [361, 13886, 225], [295, 14120, 224], [145, 14270, 222], [178, 14603, 220], [47, 14772, 218], [8, 15033, 214], [466, 15791, 211], [177, 15802, 210], [31, 15956, 207], [11, 16236, 204]], 'time_in_bucket': [2624, 21, 25, 44, 18, 38, 36, 37, 24, 23, 25, 37, 33, 22, 24, 17, 34, 23, 24, 32, 37, 40, 20, 36, 21, 31, 21, 31, 24, 20, 24, 25, 17, 15, 28, 19, 17, 12, 16, 24, 11, 13, 29, 22, 11, 13, 16, 17, 12, 17, 16, 28, 11, 14, 27, 22, 20, 20, 26, 14, 19, 16, 18, 17, 27, 20, 15, 24, 20, 28, 19, 26, 19, 23, 31, 29, 18, 22, 18, 17, 29, 30, 22, 21, 21, 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{'weighted_power': 196, 'training_load': 41, 'max_watts': 556, 'relative_intensity': 49, 'cp_data': [[5229, 5229, 556], [5228, 5229, 520], [5229, 5231, 506], [5228, 5231, 501], [5227, 5231, 453], [1344, 1349, 425], [1344, 1350, 420], [1343, 1350, 413], [1342, 1350, 407], [1341, 1350, 402], [1340, 1350, 399], [1340, 1351, 394], [1339, 1351, 390], [1338, 1351, 384], [1338, 1352, 378], [1337, 1352, 372], [1336, 1352, 367], [1334, 1351, 363], [1333, 1351, 360], [1332, 1351, 358], [1331, 1351, 356], [1330, 1351, 354], [1330, 1352, 351], [1329, 1352, 348], [1328, 1352, 344], [1327, 1352, 341], [1326, 1352, 338], [1325, 1352, 335], [3091, 3119, 332], [3091, 3120, 332], [3089, 3119, 332], [3089, 3120, 331], [3090, 3122, 331], [3089, 3122, 331], [3089, 3123, 330], [3085, 3120, 330], [3082, 3118, 330], [3081, 3118, 330], [3081, 3119, 330], [3081, 3120, 330], [3080, 3120, 330], [3081, 3122, 330], [3080, 3122, 329], [3080, 3123, 329], [3075, 3119, 329], [3075, 3120, 329], [3076, 3122, 328], [3075, 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219], [3781, 4930, 219], [3774, 4928, 219], [3771, 4930, 219], [3764, 4928, 219], [3761, 4930, 220], [3756, 4930, 220], [3749, 4928, 220], [3746, 4930, 220], [3739, 4928, 220], [3736, 4930, 220], [3730, 4929, 220], [3726, 4930, 220], [3721, 4930, 220], [3715, 4929, 220], [3711, 4930, 220], [3704, 4928, 220], [3699, 4928, 220], [3695, 4929, 220], [3691, 4930, 220], [3685, 4929, 220], [3681, 4930, 220], [3676, 4930, 220], [3671, 4930, 220], [3666, 4930, 220], [3648, 4917, 220], [3647, 4921, 220], [3648, 4927, 220], [3644, 4928, 221], [3641, 4930, 221], [3636, 4930, 221], [3630, 4929, 221], [3623, 4927, 221], [3619, 4928, 221], [3603, 4917, 221], [3601, 4920, 221], [3601, 4925, 221], [3600, 4929, 221], [3596, 4930, 221], [3591, 4930, 221], [3586, 4930, 221], [3581, 4930, 221], [3576, 4930, 221], [3571, 4930, 221], [3553, 4917, 221], [3553, 4922, 221], [3553, 4927, 221], [3551, 4930, 221], [3546, 4930, 221], [3539, 4928, 221], [3529, 4923, 221], [3529, 4928, 221], [3524, 4928, 221], [3519, 4928, 221], [3514, 4928, 222], [3509, 4928, 222], [3506, 4930, 222], [3500, 4929, 222], [3496, 4930, 222], [3491, 4930, 222], [3486, 4930, 221], [3481, 4930, 221], [3476, 4930, 221], [3471, 4930, 221], [3466, 4930, 221], [3461, 4930, 221], [3456, 4930, 220], [3451, 4930, 220], [3444, 4928, 220], [3441, 4930, 220], [3436, 4930, 220], [3436, 4935, 219], [3436, 4940, 219], [3436, 4945, 218], [3436, 4950, 218], [3436, 4955, 217], [3436, 4960, 217], [3441, 4970, 217], [3436, 4970, 216], [3436, 4975, 216], [3435, 4979, 215], [3436, 4985, 215], [3436, 4990, 214], [3435, 4994, 214], [3433, 4994, 213], [3435, 5004, 213], [3434, 5008, 212], [3375, 4930, 212], [3370, 4930, 212], [3365, 4930, 212], [3360, 4930, 212], [3355, 4930, 212], [3350, 4930, 212], [3345, 4930, 212], [3339, 4929, 212], [3335, 4930, 212], [3330, 4930, 212], [3325, 4930, 212], [3320, 4930, 212], [3315, 4930, 212], [3310, 4930, 211], [3305, 4930, 211], [3300, 4930, 211], [3295, 4930, 211], [3289, 4929, 211], [3285, 4930, 211], [3280, 4930, 211], [3275, 4930, 211], [3270, 4930, 211], [3265, 4930, 211], [3260, 4930, 211], [3255, 4930, 211], [3250, 4930, 211], [3025, 4710, 211], [3025, 4715, 211], [3025, 4720, 211], [3025, 4725, 211], [3025, 4730, 211], [3025, 4735, 211], [3025, 4740, 211], [3019, 4739, 212], [3025, 4750, 212], [3025, 4755, 212], [3025, 4760, 212], [3040, 4780, 212], [3040, 4785, 212], [3040, 4790, 212], [3040, 4795, 212], [3040, 4800, 212], [3040, 4805, 212], [3040, 4810, 213], [3040, 4815, 213], [3025, 4830, 213], [3025, 4860, 214], [3040, 4905, 214], [3025, 4920, 215], [3018, 4943, 214], [2906, 4861, 214], [2906, 4891, 215], [2906, 4921, 215], [2885, 4930, 215], [2830, 4905, 214], [2825, 4930, 215], [2795, 4930, 213], [2765, 4930, 213], [2735, 4930, 213], [2705, 4930, 213], [2675, 4930, 212], [2645, 4930, 211], [2603, 4918, 211], [2583, 4928, 211], [2555, 4930, 211], [2525, 4930, 211], [2495, 4930, 211], [2479, 4944, 210], [2479, 4974, 209], [2469, 4994, 207], [2243, 4798, 206], [2240, 4825, 207], [2240, 4855, 207], [2248, 4893, 208], [2242, 4917, 208], [2222, 4927, 209], [2195, 4930, 209], [2173, 4938, 208], [2174, 4969, 207], [2105, 4930, 207], [2076, 4931, 205], [2057, 4942, 204], [2057, 4972, 203], [2173, 5118, 202], [2167, 5142, 201], [2107, 5112, 201], [2104, 5139, 200], [2077, 5142, 199], [1810, 4905, 199], [1805, 4930, 200], [1771, 4926, 200], [1745, 4930, 200], [1715, 4930, 199], [1685, 4930, 199], [1655, 4930, 198], [1625, 4930, 198], [1596, 4931, 198], [1533, 4898, 198], [1533, 4928, 199], [1505, 4930, 199], [1473, 4928, 199], [1445, 4930, 199], [1416, 4931, 198], [1385, 4930, 198], [1371, 4946, 198], [1370, 4975, 197], [1369, 5004, 195], [1447, 5112, 194], [1441, 5136, 194], [1376, 5101, 194], [1376, 5131, 193], [1371, 5156, 193], [1207, 4928, 192], [1192, 4943, 191], [1193, 4974, 191], [1119, 4930, 190], [1089, 4930, 190], [1059, 4930, 189], [1029, 4930, 189], [1007, 4938, 189], [969, 4930, 189], [939, 4930, 189], [909, 4930, 189], [879, 4930, 189], [877, 4958, 188], [819, 4930, 188], [789, 4930, 188], [788, 4959, 188], [788, 4989, 187], [700, 4931, 187], [701, 4962, 186], [701, 4992, 185], [790, 5111, 185], [788, 5139, 185], [549, 4930, 185], [519, 4930, 185], [489, 4930, 185], [459, 4930, 185], [427, 4928, 185], [399, 4930, 185], [369, 4930, 185], [337, 4928, 185], [309, 4930, 186], [279, 4930, 186], [247, 4928, 186], [219, 4930, 186], [153, 4894, 186], [153, 4924, 187], [110, 4911, 187], [99, 4930, 187], [90, 4951, 187], [48, 4939, 186], [48, 4969, 186], [27, 4978, 185], [7, 4987, 184], [102, 5113, 184], [96, 5137, 184], [48, 5119, 184], [41, 5142, 183], [9, 5139, 183], [6, 5164, 182], [44, 5235, 181], [12, 5232, 180], [0, 5247, 179], [0, 5277, 178], [41, 5352, 177], [45, 5386, 177], [17, 5387, 176], [0, 5397, 175], [28, 5459, 175], [6, 5466, 174], [5, 5492, 173], [28, 5549, 173], [4, 5551, 172], [0, 5577, 171], [6, 5616, 170], [0, 5637, 169], [12, 5682, 169], [6, 5704, 168], [0, 5727, 167], [0, 5757, 166], [48, 5839, 166], [20, 5841, 165], [6, 5856, 165], [0, 5877, 164], [0, 5907, 163], [0, 5937, 162], [0, 5967, 162], [0, 5997, 161], [0, 6000, 160], [0, 6000, 159], [0, 6000, 158], [0, 6000, 158], [0, 6000, 157], [0, 6015, 156], [0, 6045, 155], [0, 6075, 155]], 'time_in_bucket': [892, 4, 11, 10, 4, 10, 20, 12, 11, 8, 8, 12, 8, 10, 3, 9, 13, 7, 15, 4, 8, 3, 6, 6, 3, 8, 6, 8, 5, 12, 7, 6, 1, 12, 11, 8, 8, 6, 4, 2, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 7, 3, 7, 1, 11, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 7, 5, 8, 6, 4, 5, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 4, 6, 7, 3, 6, 5, 1, 11, 3, 8, 6, 8, 6, 9, 10, 6, 4, 1, 4, 9, 18, 9, 8, 6, 14, 11, 8, 12, 12, 8, 14, 5, 13, 8, 6, 10, 6, 3, 12, 5, 12, 17, 14, 14, 10, 22, 12, 9, 17, 11, 13, 15, 19, 15, 11, 10, 13, 24, 12, 10, 16, 18, 15, 23, 7, 16, 21, 9, 22, 12, 22, 8, 12, 19, 17, 15, 10, 16, 11, 14, 15, 21, 18, 27, 18, 26, 15, 18, 21, 28, 18, 20, 14, 8, 15, 14, 23, 20, 25, 25, 16, 14, 23, 25, 18, 18, 22, 27, 21, 24, 30, 28, 28, 24, 26, 27, 21, 26, 29, 22, 22, 20, 27, 26, 21, 28, 36, 29, 31, 29, 27, 21, 31, 26, 27, 26, 28, 26, 30, 34, 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{'weighted_power': 275, 'training_load': 238, 'max_watts': 730, 'relative_intensity': 68, 'cp_data': [[15895, 15895, 730], [15894, 15895, 720], [15894, 15896, 706], [15894, 15897, 703], [15893, 15897, 697], [15892, 15897, 689], [15892, 15898, 665], [15890, 15897, 668], [15889, 15897, 665], [15888, 15897, 664], [15887, 15897, 666], [15886, 15897, 666], [15886, 15898, 655], [15885, 15898, 640], [15885, 15899, 619], [15884, 15899, 598], [15886, 15902, 583], [15886, 15903, 580], [15885, 15903, 573], [4219, 4238, 565], [4218, 4238, 562], [4217, 4238, 562], [4216, 4238, 561], [4215, 4238, 558], [4226, 4250, 558], [4225, 4250, 558], [4224, 4250, 556], [4224, 4251, 553], [4216, 4244, 550], [4215, 4244, 549], [4220, 4250, 550], [4219, 4250, 550], [4218, 4250, 549], [4217, 4250, 549], [4216, 4250, 549], [4215, 4250, 548], [4214, 4250, 547], [4213, 4250, 546], [4212, 4250, 545], [4211, 4250, 544], [4211, 4251, 542], [4209, 4250, 542], [4208, 4250, 542], [4207, 4250, 541], [4207, 4251, 539], [4205, 4250, 538], [4204, 4250, 537], [4203, 4250, 537], [4202, 4250, 536], [4201, 4250, 535], [4201, 4251, 534], [4200, 4251, 531], [4200, 4252, 525], [4197, 4250, 522], [4196, 4250, 524], [4196, 4251, 523], [4195, 4251, 522], [4194, 4251, 520], [4193, 4251, 518], [4192, 4251, 515], [4191, 4251, 512], [4190, 4251, 509], [4189, 4251, 505], [4188, 4251, 501], [4187, 4251, 499], [4186, 4251, 496], [4185, 4251, 493], [4184, 4251, 489], [4183, 4251, 486], [4182, 4251, 484], [4181, 4251, 481], [4180, 4251, 479], [4179, 4251, 476], [4178, 4251, 474], [4177, 4251, 471], [4176, 4251, 469], [4175, 4251, 467], [4174, 4251, 464], [4174, 4252, 462], [4173, 4252, 459], [4172, 4252, 456], [4171, 4252, 453], [4170, 4252, 451], [4169, 4252, 449], [4175, 4259, 446], [4174, 4259, 444], [4173, 4259, 442], [4173, 4260, 440], [4172, 4260, 437], [4170, 4259, 435], [4160, 4250, 433], [4160, 4251, 433], [4159, 4251, 434], [4158, 4251, 434], [4157, 4251, 434], [4156, 4251, 434], [4155, 4251, 433], [4154, 4251, 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4252, 432], [4100, 4251, 431], [4099, 4251, 430], [4099, 4252, 429], [4098, 4252, 428], [4097, 4252, 426], [4096, 4252, 425], [4095, 4252, 424], [15637, 15795, 423], [15636, 15795, 423], [15635, 15795, 423], [15633, 15794, 423], [15633, 15795, 423], [15632, 15795, 423], [15631, 15795, 423], [15629, 15794, 423], [15629, 15795, 424], [15628, 15795, 424], [15627, 15795, 423], [15624, 15793, 422], [15624, 15794, 423], [15624, 15795, 423], [15623, 15795, 423], [15622, 15795, 422], [15621, 15795, 422], [15620, 15795, 422], [15619, 15795, 423], [15618, 15795, 422], [15617, 15795, 422], [15615, 15794, 422], [15615, 15795, 422], [15614, 15795, 422], [15613, 15795, 422], [15612, 15795, 422], [15611, 15795, 422], [15610, 15795, 422], [15609, 15795, 422], [15608, 15795, 422], [15607, 15795, 422], [15606, 15795, 422], [15604, 15794, 421], [15603, 15794, 421], [15603, 15795, 422], [15602, 15795, 422], [15601, 15795, 422], [15600, 15795, 422], [15599, 15795, 421], [15598, 15795, 421], [15596, 15794, 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407], [8700, 9229, 407], [8695, 9229, 407], [8679, 9218, 407], [8571, 9115, 407], [8680, 9229, 407], [8663, 9217, 407], [8670, 9229, 407], [8665, 9229, 407], [8660, 9229, 407], [8655, 9229, 407], [8650, 9229, 407], [8645, 9229, 407], [8640, 9229, 407], [8642, 9236, 407], [8637, 9236, 407], [8632, 9236, 407], [8680, 9289, 407], [8680, 9294, 407], [8676, 9295, 407], [8571, 9195, 407], [8665, 9294, 407], [8571, 9205, 407], [8571, 9210, 407], [8571, 9215, 407], [8570, 9219, 407], [8570, 9224, 407], [8570, 9229, 407], [8571, 9235, 407], [8571, 9240, 407], [8570, 9244, 407], [8570, 9249, 407], [8571, 9255, 407], [8570, 9259, 406], [8576, 9270, 406], [8571, 9270, 407], [8571, 9275, 407], [8571, 9280, 406], [8570, 9284, 407], [8570, 9289, 407], [8570, 9294, 407], [8566, 9295, 406], [8561, 9295, 404], [8569, 9308, 402], [8569, 9313, 401], [15002, 15751, 401], [15041, 15795, 401], [15012, 15771, 401], [15031, 15795, 401], [15026, 15795, 401], [15011, 15785, 402], [15006, 15785, 402], [15011, 15795, 402], [15006, 15795, 402], [15001, 15795, 402], [14996, 15795, 402], [14991, 15795, 402], [14986, 15795, 402], [14981, 15795, 402], [14978, 15797, 402], [14971, 15795, 402], [14966, 15795, 402], [14961, 15795, 402], [14956, 15795, 402], [14954, 15798, 402], [14946, 15795, 402], [14944, 15798, 402], [14936, 15795, 402], [14931, 15795, 402], [14926, 15795, 401], [14921, 15795, 402], [14920, 15799, 401], [14915, 15799, 401], [14889, 15778, 401], [14901, 15795, 401], [14886, 15785, 401], [14890, 15794, 402], [14886, 15795, 402], [14884, 15798, 402], [14876, 15795, 402], [14871, 15795, 401], [14870, 15799, 401], [14861, 15795, 401], [14856, 15795, 401], [14851, 15795, 401], [14846, 15795, 401], [14842, 15796, 401], [14836, 15795, 401], [14831, 15795, 401], [14826, 15795, 401], [14821, 15795, 401], [14816, 15795, 401], [14811, 15795, 401], [14809, 15798, 400], [14801, 15795, 400], [14796, 15795, 400], [14794, 15798, 400], [14786, 15795, 400], [14784, 15798, 400], [14776, 15795, 400], [14771, 15795, 400], [14769, 15798, 400], [14761, 15795, 400], [14756, 15795, 400], [14751, 15795, 400], [14746, 15795, 400], [14741, 15795, 400], [14732, 15791, 400], [14732, 15796, 400], [14732, 15801, 400], [14732, 15806, 400], [14732, 15811, 399], [14732, 15816, 399], [14732, 15821, 399], [14732, 15826, 399], [14728, 15827, 398], [14732, 15836, 398], [14733, 15842, 398], [14728, 15842, 398], [14727, 15846, 397], [14718, 15842, 396], [14713, 15842, 396], [14708, 15842, 395], [14713, 15852, 394], [14698, 15842, 394], [14581, 15730, 393], [14597, 15751, 394], [14593, 15752, 394], [14614, 15778, 394], [14616, 15785, 394], [14621, 15795, 394], [14615, 15794, 394], [14594, 15778, 394], [14606, 15795, 394], [14601, 15795, 395], [14596, 15795, 395], [14591, 15795, 395], [14586, 15795, 395], [14581, 15795, 395], [14576, 15795, 395], [14571, 15795, 395], [14566, 15795, 395], [14561, 15795, 395], [14561, 15800, 395], [14550, 15794, 395], [14546, 15795, 395], [14541, 15795, 395], [14539, 15798, 395], [14531, 15795, 395], [14530, 15799, 395], [14521, 15795, 395], [14516, 15795, 395], [14515, 15799, 395], [14506, 15795, 395], [14501, 15795, 395], [14486, 15785, 395], [14491, 15795, 395], [14486, 15795, 395], [14485, 15799, 395], [14476, 15795, 395], [14471, 15795, 395], [14466, 15795, 395], [14461, 15795, 395], [14456, 15795, 395], [14451, 15795, 395], [14446, 15795, 395], [14441, 15795, 395], [14440, 15799, 395], [14431, 15795, 395], [14426, 15795, 395], [14424, 15798, 395], [14416, 15795, 395], [14411, 15795, 395], [14410, 15799, 395], [14404, 15798, 395], [14396, 15795, 395], [14391, 15795, 395], [14386, 15795, 395], [14381, 15795, 395], [14379, 15798, 395], [14371, 15795, 395], [14366, 15795, 395], [14361, 15795, 395], [14356, 15795, 395], [14351, 15795, 395], [14346, 15795, 395], [14341, 15795, 395], [14336, 15795, 395], [14335, 15799, 395], [14333, 15802, 394], [14334, 15808, 394], [14334, 15813, 394], [14334, 15818, 394], [14333, 15822, 394], [14333, 15827, 394], [14334, 15833, 393], [14332, 15836, 393], [14333, 15842, 393], [14332, 15846, 393], [14333, 15852, 392], [14333, 15857, 392], [14332, 15861, 391], [14332, 15866, 391], [14328, 15867, 390], [14374, 15918, 389], [14369, 15918, 389], [14364, 15918, 389], [14359, 15918, 389], [14355, 15919, 389], [14349, 15918, 389], [14344, 15918, 389], [14339, 15918, 389], [14334, 15918, 389], [14331, 15920, 389], [14330, 15924, 388], [14330, 15929, 388], [14325, 15929, 387], [14320, 15929, 386], [14314, 15928, 385], [14311, 15930, 384], [14311, 15935, 383], [14310, 15937, 381], [14310, 15937, 380], [14311, 15950, 379], [14312, 15956, 378], [14311, 15960, 377], [14311, 15965, 376], [14274, 15921, 375], [14274, 15926, 375], [14264, 15921, 374], [14264, 15926, 373], [14263, 15930, 372], [14263, 15935, 371], [14252, 15929, 370], [14251, 15933, 369], [14250, 15937, 368], [14264, 15956, 367], [14263, 15960, 366], [14263, 15965, 365], [14262, 15969, 364], [14264, 15976, 363], [14263, 15980, 362], [7560, 9294, 362], [7556, 9295, 362], [7551, 9295, 361], [7546, 9295, 361], [7540, 9294, 361], [7535, 9294, 361], [7531, 9295, 361], [7525, 9294, 361], [7521, 9295, 361], [7516, 9295, 361], [7511, 9295, 361], [7506, 9295, 361], [7501, 9295, 361], [7496, 9295, 361], [7467, 9296, 359], [7465, 9324, 356], [7469, 9358, 353], [7448, 9367, 349], [7400, 9349, 346], [7388, 9367, 343], [7358, 9367, 339], [7328, 9367, 336], [7468, 9537, 333], [7437, 9536, 330], [7405, 9534, 327], [7379, 9538, 325], [7350, 9539, 322], [7316, 9535, 319], [7290, 9539, 316], [7285, 9543, 312], [7285, 9543, 308], [7285, 9543, 304], [7285, 9543, 300], [7285, 9543, 296], [7285, 9543, 293], [7285, 9543, 289], [7285, 9543, 285], [7285, 9543, 282], [7285, 9543, 279], [7285, 9543, 275], [7285, 9543, 272], [7285, 9543, 269], [7261, 9543, 267], [7227, 9539, 264], [7197, 9539, 262], [7167, 9539, 260], [7137, 9539, 259], [7114, 9543, 257], [7102, 9543, 255], [7475, 9784, 253], [7473, 9812, 253], [7476, 9845, 252], [7473, 9872, 252], [7480, 9909, 252], [7477, 9936, 252], [7475, 9964, 252], [7469, 9988, 251], [7479, 10028, 251], [7474, 10053, 251], [7471, 10080, 250], [7474, 10113, 250], [7448, 10117, 248], [7414, 10113, 247], [7475, 10204, 247], [7474, 10233, 247], [7479, 10268, 247], [7474, 10293, 247], [7475, 10324, 247], [7473, 10352, 247], [7477, 10386, 247], [7475, 10414, 247], [7465, 10434, 246], [7420, 10419, 245], [7400, 10429, 244], [7370, 10429, 243], [7340, 10429, 242], [7315, 10434, 241], [7288, 10437, 239], [7285, 10438, 238], [7285, 10438, 236], [7285, 10438, 234], [7286, 10555, 232], [7477, 10776, 232], [7477, 10806, 232], [7477, 10836, 232], [7473, 10862, 232], [7471, 10890, 232], [7474, 10923, 232], [7474, 10953, 232], [7474, 10983, 232], [7470, 11009, 231], [7469, 11038, 231], [7462, 11061, 231], [7413, 11042, 230], [7398, 11057, 229], [7469, 11158, 229], [7462, 11181, 228], [7473, 11222, 228], [7471, 11250, 228], [7467, 11276, 227], [7473, 11312, 227], [7471, 11340, 227], [7474, 11373, 227], [7472, 11401, 227], [7473, 11432, 227], [7473, 11462, 227], [7468, 11487, 227], [7474, 11523, 226], [7463, 11542, 226], [7422, 11531, 225], [7393, 11532, 225], [7462, 11631, 224], [7431, 11630, 223], [7401, 11630, 223], [7371, 11630, 222], [7479, 11768, 223], [7481, 11800, 223], [7467, 11816, 223], [7469, 11848, 222], [7418, 11827, 222], [7388, 11827, 221], [7379, 11848, 221], [7360, 11859, 220], [7330, 11859, 219], [7300, 11859, 219], [7288, 11877, 218], [7288, 11907, 217], [7287, 11936, 216], [7288, 11967, 215], [7315, 12024, 214], [7288, 12027, 214], [7285, 12053, 213], [7290, 12089, 212], [7288, 12117, 211], [4201, 9176, 210], [4201, 9206, 211], [4194, 9229, 212], [4201, 9266, 213], [4194, 9289, 214], [4104, 9229, 215], [4107, 9262, 216], [4109, 9294, 217], [4080, 9295, 217], [4023, 9268, 218], [4020, 9295, 219], [3990, 9295, 219], [3960, 9295, 219], [3930, 9295, 219], [3901, 9296, 219], [3899, 9324, 219], [3903, 9358, 218], [3885, 9370, 218], [3820, 9335, 217], [3820, 9365, 217], [3903, 9478, 216], [3742, 9347, 216], [3903, 9538, 216], [3677, 9342, 215], [3675, 9370, 215], [3818, 9543, 214], [3777, 9532, 214], [3746, 9531, 213], [3719, 9534, 213], [3678, 9523, 212], [3660, 9535, 212], [3633, 9538, 211], [3604, 9539, 211], [3574, 9539, 211], [3544, 9539, 210], [3516, 9541, 210], [3484, 9539, 209], [3454, 9539, 209], [3423, 9538, 208], [3398, 9543, 208], [3367, 9542, 207], [3335, 9540, 206], [3312, 9543, 205], [3277, 9538, 205], [3249, 9540, 204], [3217, 9538, 204], [3184, 9535, 203], [3162, 9543, 202], [3132, 9543, 202], [3102, 9543, 201], [3071, 9542, 200], [3042, 9543, 200], [3008, 9539, 199], [2980, 9541, 198], [2941, 9532, 198], [2908, 9529, 198], [2892, 9543, 197], [3957, 10072, 197], [3957, 10102, 197], [3938, 10113, 197], [3906, 10111, 197], [3961, 10196, 197], [3976, 10241, 197], [3973, 10268, 197], [3970, 10295, 197], [3962, 10317, 197], [3961, 10346, 197], [3964, 10379, 198], [3965, 10410, 198], [3943, 10418, 198], [3905, 10410, 198], [3891, 10426, 197], [3869, 10434, 197], [3823, 10418, 197], [2102, 9293, 197], [2074, 9295, 198], [2038, 9289, 198], [2014, 9295, 199], [1982, 9293, 199], [1954, 9295, 200], [1922, 9293, 200], [1894, 9295, 201], [1864, 9295, 202], [1834, 9295, 202], [1804, 9295, 202], [1774, 9295, 203], [1743, 9294, 203], [1714, 9295, 204], [1682, 9293, 204], [1654, 9295, 204], [1624, 9295, 205], [1594, 9295, 205], [1564, 9295, 205], [1534, 9295, 205], [1529, 9320, 205], [1525, 9346, 205], [1516, 9367, 205], [1513, 9394, 204], [1515, 9426, 204], [1527, 9468, 204], [1515, 9486, 203], [1530, 9531, 203], [1509, 9540, 203], [1482, 9543, 202], [1325, 9416, 202], [1333, 9454, 201], [1325, 9476, 201], [1353, 9534, 201], [1325, 9536, 201], [1324, 9543, 200], [1324, 9543, 200], [1324, 9543, 199], [7817, 15807, 199], [7816, 15836, 199], [7745, 15795, 200], [7715, 15795, 200], [7703, 15813, 201], [7659, 15799, 202], [7642, 15812, 202], [7642, 15842, 202], [7577, 15807, 203], [7560, 15820, 203], [7509, 15799, 204], [7507, 15827, 204], [7492, 15842, 205], [7480, 15860, 205], [7509, 15919, 205], [7479, 15919, 206], [7459, 15929, 206], [7421, 15921, 205], [7391, 15921, 205], [7361, 15921, 205], [7334, 15924, 205], [7309, 15929, 204], [7287, 15937, 204], [7288, 15968, 203], [7285, 15980, 203], [7285, 15980, 202], [7301, 16071, 201], [7288, 16088, 201], [7288, 16118, 200], [7285, 16118, 200], [7285, 16118, 199], [7288, 16154, 199], [7288, 16184, 198], [7285, 16206, 197], [7285, 16220, 197], [7288, 16254, 196], [7288, 16284, 196], [7294, 16320, 195], [7288, 16344, 195], [7288, 16374, 194], [7117, 15920, 194], [7115, 15948, 194], [7115, 15978, 193], [7102, 15980, 193], [7082, 15969, 192], [7081, 15980, 192], [7115, 16098, 191], [7464, 16790, 191], [7400, 16756, 191], [7400, 16786, 191], [7374, 16790, 190], [7344, 16790, 190], [7315, 16791, 190], [7418, 16924, 190], [7388, 16924, 190], [7358, 16924, 189], [7339, 16935, 189], [7309, 16935, 189], [1528, 11029, 189], [1525, 11056, 189], [1513, 11074, 188], [1519, 11110, 188], [1525, 11146, 188], [1515, 11166, 188], [1529, 11210, 188], [1530, 11241, 188], [1527, 11268, 188], [1518, 11289, 188], [1517, 11588, 188], [1508, 11879, 187], [1324, 11989, 185], [1325, 12296, 181], [4875, 15921, 182], [4461, 15807, 183], [4190, 15836, 187], [3974, 15920, 190], [3677, 15923, 189], [3378, 15924, 187], [3090, 15932, 185], [2788, 15930, 182], [2477, 15919, 180], [2100, 15842, 182], [1800, 15842, 185], [1577, 15919, 187], [1325, 15967, 186], [1324, 16206, 183], [1325, 16493, 180], [1064, 15920, 180], [770, 15926, 181], [462, 15918, 181], [165, 15921, 180], [10, 16066, 178], [40, 16322, 175], [342, 16924, 173], [46, 16928, 172], [0, 17182, 170], [0, 17304, 167], [43, 17445, 165]], 'time_in_bucket': [2985, 18, 37, 28, 38, 50, 50, 45, 39, 48, 33, 37, 32, 36, 43, 30, 31, 33, 33, 37, 33, 50, 27, 32, 35, 23, 28, 33, 31, 22, 15, 26, 33, 22, 25, 23, 27, 25, 25, 27, 27, 35, 21, 30, 25, 28, 26, 20, 20, 28, 17, 25, 27, 19, 27, 18, 19, 19, 30, 16, 24, 34, 27, 16, 28, 25, 22, 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{'weighted_power': 229, 'training_load': 174, 'max_watts': 1018, 'relative_intensity': 57, 'cp_data': [[15369, 15369, 1018], [15369, 15370, 972], [15368, 15370, 941], [15368, 15371, 864], [15367, 15371, 798], [15366, 15371, 687], [15365, 15371, 608], [15364, 15371, 543], [15363, 15371, 488], [15362, 15371, 464], [15361, 15371, 447], [14277, 14288, 433], [14276, 14288, 423], [8889, 8902, 414], [8888, 8902, 410], [8887, 8902, 406], [8887, 8903, 398], [14096, 14113, 395], [14096, 14114, 393], [14096, 14115, 392], [14096, 14116, 390], [14097, 14118, 390], [14097, 14119, 389], [14096, 14119, 389], [14096, 14120, 388], [14095, 14120, 387], [14095, 14121, 385], [14095, 14122, 384], [14107, 14135, 384], [14107, 14136, 385], [14106, 14136, 385], [14106, 14137, 385], [14103, 14135, 385], [14103, 14136, 386], [14102, 14136, 386], [14102, 14137, 386], [14101, 14137, 386], [14098, 14135, 386], [14098, 14136, 386], [14097, 14136, 386], [14097, 14137, 386], [14096, 14137, 386], [14096, 14138, 386], 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7035, 338], [6895, 7036, 338], [6895, 7037, 338], [6895, 7038, 338], [6895, 7039, 338], [6895, 7040, 338], [6894, 7040, 337], [6877, 7024, 337], [6877, 7025, 337], [6877, 7026, 337], [6877, 7027, 337], [6876, 7027, 337], [6877, 7029, 337], [6878, 7031, 337], [6878, 7032, 337], [6878, 7033, 337], [6877, 7033, 337], [6877, 7034, 337], [6877, 7035, 337], [6877, 7036, 337], [6877, 7037, 337], [6877, 7038, 337], [6877, 7039, 337], [6876, 7039, 337], [6876, 7040, 337], [6875, 7040, 336], [6870, 7036, 336], [6869, 7036, 336], [6868, 7036, 336], [6867, 7036, 336], [6866, 7036, 336], [6868, 7039, 336], [6862, 7034, 336], [6862, 7035, 336], [6861, 7035, 336], [6861, 7036, 336], [6860, 7036, 336], [6860, 7037, 335], [6860, 7038, 335], [6860, 7039, 335], [6856, 7036, 335], [6857, 7038, 335], [6857, 7039, 335], [6856, 7039, 335], [6856, 7040, 335], [6854, 7039, 335], [6854, 7040, 335], [6840, 7027, 335], [6840, 7028, 334], [6840, 7029, 334], [6841, 7031, 334], [6841, 7032, 334], [6841, 7033, 335], [6841, 7034, 335], [6840, 7034, 335], [6840, 7035, 335], [6840, 7036, 335], [6840, 7037, 335], [6840, 7038, 335], [6840, 7039, 334], [6840, 7040, 334], [6839, 7040, 334], [6839, 7041, 334], [6899, 7102, 334], [6898, 7102, 334], [6898, 7103, 334], [6897, 7103, 334], [6895, 7102, 334], [6895, 7103, 334], [6894, 7103, 334], [6893, 7103, 333], [6895, 7106, 333], [6895, 7107, 333], [6894, 7107, 333], [6893, 7107, 333], [6909, 7124, 333], [6909, 7125, 333], [6877, 7094, 333], [6877, 7095, 333], [6877, 7096, 333], [6877, 7097, 333], [6877, 7098, 333], [6878, 7100, 333], [6877, 7100, 333], [6878, 7102, 333], [6877, 7102, 333], [6877, 7103, 333], [6876, 7103, 333], [6875, 7103, 333], [6874, 7103, 333], [6910, 7140, 333], [6909, 7140, 333], [6909, 7141, 333], [6908, 7141, 333], [6909, 7143, 333], [6908, 7143, 333], [6908, 7144, 333], [6903, 7140, 333], [6902, 7140, 333], [6901, 7140, 333], [6900, 7140, 333], [6899, 7140, 333], [6898, 7140, 333], [6898, 7141, 333], [6897, 7141, 333], [6898, 7143, 333], [6897, 7143, 333], [6897, 7144, 333], [6895, 7143, 333], [6895, 7144, 333], [6894, 7144, 333], [6893, 7144, 333], [6892, 7144, 332], [6891, 7144, 332], [6877, 7131, 332], [6877, 7132, 332], [6878, 7134, 332], [6878, 7135, 332], [6877, 7135, 332], [6877, 7136, 333], [6878, 7138, 333], [6877, 7138, 333], [6878, 7140, 333], [6877, 7140, 333], [6877, 7141, 333], [6877, 7142, 333], [6877, 7143, 333], [6877, 7144, 333], [6876, 7144, 333], [6875, 7144, 332], [6873, 7143, 332], [6873, 7144, 332], [6871, 7143, 332], [6871, 7144, 332], [6869, 7143, 332], [6868, 7143, 332], [6868, 7144, 332], [6867, 7144, 332], [6862, 7140, 332], [6861, 7140, 332], [6860, 7140, 332], [6862, 7143, 332], [6861, 7143, 332], [6860, 7143, 332], [6860, 7144, 332], [6859, 7144, 332], [6857, 7143, 332], [6857, 7144, 332], [6877, 7165, 332], [6877, 7166, 332], [6877, 7167, 332], [6876, 7167, 332], [6875, 7167, 332], [6873, 7166, 332], [6873, 7167, 331], [6871, 7166, 331], [6840, 7136, 331], [6841, 7138, 332], [6840, 7138, 332], [6841, 7140, 332], [6840, 7144, 332], [6857, 7166, 331], [6692, 7006, 331], [6689, 7008, 332], [6689, 7013, 332], [6688, 7017, 332], [6688, 7022, 332], [6687, 7026, 333], [6689, 7033, 333], [6687, 7036, 333], [6685, 7039, 332], [6678, 7037, 332], [6682, 7046, 332], [6686, 7055, 332], [6681, 7055, 331], [6678, 7057, 331], [6687, 7071, 331], [6688, 7077, 331], [6686, 7080, 331], [6688, 7087, 331], [6687, 7091, 331], [6688, 7097, 331], [6688, 7102, 331], [6685, 7104, 331], [6686, 7110, 331], [6687, 7116, 331], [6689, 7123, 331], [6687, 7126, 331], [6688, 7132, 331], [6689, 7138, 331], [6687, 7141, 331], [6685, 7144, 331], [6678, 7142, 331], [6678, 7147, 330], [6688, 7162, 331], [6687, 7166, 331], [6682, 7166, 330], [6678, 7167, 330], [6674, 7168, 330], [6673, 7172, 329], [6690, 7194, 329], [6686, 7195, 329], [6681, 7195, 329], [6678, 7197, 329], [6673, 7197, 328], [6666, 7195, 327], [6692, 7226, 327], [6689, 7228, 328], [6688, 7232, 328], [6691, 7240, 328], [6690, 7244, 328], [6689, 7248, 329], [6689, 7253, 329], [6689, 7258, 329], [6688, 7262, 329], [6685, 7264, 329], [6681, 7265, 329], [6678, 7267, 329], [6676, 7270, 328], [6673, 7272, 328], [6682, 7286, 328], [6678, 7287, 328], [6674, 7288, 327], [6678, 7297, 327], [6676, 7300, 326], [6641, 7270, 326], [6631, 7265, 326], [6626, 7265, 325], [6621, 7265, 325], [6615, 7264, 325], [6611, 7265, 325], [6606, 7265, 325], [6601, 7265, 325], [6581, 7250, 325], [6581, 7255, 325], [6582, 7261, 325], [6581, 7265, 325], [6579, 7268, 325], [6577, 7271, 325], [6563, 7262, 324], [6561, 7265, 324], [6556, 7265, 324], [6551, 7265, 324], [6551, 7270, 324], [6546, 7270, 323], [6558, 7287, 323], [6553, 7287, 323], [6551, 7290, 323], [6551, 7295, 323], [6514, 7263, 322], [6511, 7265, 322], [6506, 7265, 322], [6500, 7264, 322], [6500, 7269, 322], [6488, 7262, 322], [6484, 7263, 322], [6482, 7266, 322], [6476, 7265, 322], [6471, 7265, 322], [6466, 7265, 321], [6460, 7264, 321], [6456, 7265, 321], [6450, 7264, 321], [6446, 7265, 321], [6440, 7264, 321], [6440, 7269, 321], [6428, 7262, 321], [6425, 7264, 321], [6421, 7265, 321], [6421, 7270, 321], [6412, 7266, 321], [6411, 7270, 320], [6423, 7287, 320], [6396, 7265, 320], [6391, 7265, 320], [6384, 7263, 320], [6381, 7265, 320], [6381, 7270, 320], [6370, 7264, 320], [6364, 7263, 320], [6361, 7265, 320], [6360, 7269, 320], [6355, 7269, 319], [6350, 7269, 319], [6363, 7287, 319], [6359, 7288, 319], [6361, 7295, 319], [6360, 7299, 318], [6320, 7264, 318], [6320, 7269, 318], [6316, 7270, 318], [6312, 7271, 318], [6323, 7287, 318], [6319, 7288, 318], [6317, 7291, 317], [6320, 7299, 317], [6316, 7300, 317], [6270, 7259, 317], [6269, 7263, 317], [6267, 7266, 317], [6261, 7265, 317], [6260, 7269, 317], [6254, 7268, 316], [6268, 7287, 316], [6264, 7288, 316], [6259, 7288, 316], [6254, 7288, 316], [6261, 7300, 316], [6254, 7298, 316], [6251, 7300, 315], [6248, 7302, 315], [6241, 7300, 315], [6236, 7300, 314], [6231, 7300, 314], [6226, 7300, 314], [6211, 7290, 314], [6180, 7264, 313], [6175, 7264, 313], [6171, 7265, 313], [6170, 7269, 313], [6166, 7270, 313], [6178, 7287, 313], [6173, 7287, 313], [6169, 7288, 313], [6169, 7293, 313], [6170, 7299, 313], [6166, 7300, 312], [6161, 7300, 312], [6157, 7301, 312], [6148, 7297, 312], [6143, 7297, 311], [6141, 7300, 311], [6136, 7300, 311], [6131, 7300, 311], [6126, 7300, 311], [6121, 7300, 310], [6116, 7300, 310], [6113, 7302, 310], [6289, 7483, 310], [6286, 7485, 309], [6276, 7480, 309], [6270, 7479, 309], [6269, 7483, 309], [6265, 7484, 309], [6260, 7484, 309], [6254, 7483, 309], [6251, 7485, 309], [6247, 7486, 309], [6240, 7484, 309], [6171, 7420, 308], [6170, 7424, 308], [6169, 7428, 308], [6164, 7428, 308], [6158, 7427, 308], [6210, 7484, 308], [6205, 7484, 307], [6200, 7484, 307], [6195, 7484, 307], [6190, 7484, 307], [6181, 7480, 307], [6178, 7482, 307], [6173, 7482, 307], [6170, 7484, 307], [6165, 7484, 307], [6161, 7485, 307], [6156, 7485, 306], [6149, 7483, 306], [6144, 7483, 306], [6140, 7484, 306], [6135, 7484, 306], [6131, 7485, 306], [6125, 7484, 306], [6121, 7485, 305], [6115, 7484, 305], [6111, 7485, 305], [6106, 7485, 305], [6103, 7487, 304], [6096, 7485, 304], [6160, 7554, 304], [6166, 7565, 304], [6148, 7552, 303], [6144, 7553, 303], [6140, 7554, 303], [6135, 7554, 303], [6130, 7554, 303], [6125, 7554, 303], [6120, 7554, 303], [6115, 7554, 302], [6115, 7559, 302], [6116, 7565, 302], [6113, 7567, 302], [6109, 7568, 302], [6103, 7567, 301], [6014, 7483, 301], [6009, 7483, 301], [5997, 7476, 301], [5997, 7481, 301], [5994, 7483, 301], [5990, 7484, 301], [5988, 7487, 301], [5983, 7487, 300], [5989, 7498, 300], [5996, 7510, 300], [5991, 7510, 299], [5988, 7512, 299], [5988, 7517, 299], [5996, 7530, 299], [5990, 7529, 299], [6007, 7551, 299], [5997, 7546, 299], [5997, 7551, 299], [5994, 7553, 299], [5990, 7554, 299], [5990, 7559, 298], [5993, 7567, 298], [5989, 7568, 298], [5986, 7570, 298], [5982, 7571, 297], [5976, 7570, 297], [5974, 7573, 296], [5963, 7567, 296], [5958, 7567, 295], [5956, 7570, 295], [5949, 7568, 295], [5943, 7567, 295], [5937, 7566, 295], [5920, 7554, 294], [5915, 7554, 294], [5770, 7414, 294], [5770, 7419, 294], [5770, 7424, 294], [5768, 7427, 294], [5763, 7427, 294], [5757, 7426, 294], [5757, 7431, 294], [5753, 7432, 294], [5751, 7435, 293], [5786, 7475, 293], [5786, 7480, 293], [5781, 7480, 294], [5771, 7475, 294], [5771, 7480, 294], [5770, 7484, 294], [5765, 7484, 294], [5761, 7485, 294], [5756, 7485, 294], [5751, 7485, 293], [5750, 7489, 293], [5743, 7487, 293], [5736, 7485, 292], [5756, 7510, 292], [5753, 7512, 292], [5766, 7530, 292], [5761, 7530, 292], [5771, 7545, 292], [5770, 7549, 292], [5770, 7554, 292], [5765, 7554, 292], [5760, 7554, 292], [5755, 7554, 292], [5742, 7571, 290], [5626, 7485, 289], [5596, 7485, 288], [5635, 7554, 288], [5483, 7432, 287], [5504, 7483, 288], [5477, 7486, 287], [5445, 7484, 286], [5416, 7485, 286], [5384, 7483, 286], [5357, 7486, 286], [5370, 7529, 285], [5365, 7554, 285], [5351, 7570, 284], [5298, 7547, 283], [5288, 7567, 283], [5176, 7485, 282], [5151, 7490, 282], [5181, 7550, 281], [5153, 7552, 281], [5056, 7485, 281], [5025, 7484, 280], [4995, 7484, 280], [4966, 7485, 279], [5005, 7554, 279], [4975, 7554, 279], [4961, 7570, 278], [4928, 7567, 278], [4901, 7570, 277], [4785, 7484, 276], [4825, 7554, 276], [4804, 7563, 276], [4777, 7566, 275], [4748, 7567, 275], [4718, 7567, 275], [4688, 7567, 274], [4661, 7570, 273], [4638, 7577, 272], [4638, 7607, 269], [4637, 7611, 267], [5057, 8086, 267], [5045, 8104, 266], [5003, 8092, 266], [4970, 8089, 266], [4957, 8106, 266], [4920, 8099, 265], [4896, 8105, 265], [4840, 8079, 264], [4820, 8089, 264], [4801, 8100, 264], [4767, 8096, 264], [4741, 8100, 264], [4710, 8099, 264], [4685, 8104, 263], [4653, 8102, 263], [4638, 8117, 261], [4638, 8147, 260], [5364, 8903, 260], [5335, 8904, 259], [5303, 8902, 259], [5275, 8904, 259], [5243, 8902, 258], [5216, 8905, 259], [5183, 8902, 259], [5153, 8902, 259], [5123, 8902, 258], [5093, 8902, 258], [5063, 8902, 258], [5035, 8904, 258], [5004, 8903, 258], [4974, 8903, 258], [4944, 8903, 258], [4915, 8904, 258], [4885, 8904, 257], [4853, 8902, 257], [4824, 8903, 257], [4794, 8903, 257], [4764, 8903, 257], [4735, 8904, 257], [4704, 8903, 257], [4675, 8904, 256], [4649, 8908, 256], [4637, 8918, 254], [4637, 8918, 253], [4637, 8918, 251], [4637, 8918, 249], [4637, 8918, 247], [3850, 8106, 247], [3817, 8103, 246], [3783, 8099, 246], [3754, 8100, 246], [3712, 8088, 246], [3695, 8101, 246], [3652, 8088, 246], [3615, 8081, 246], [3615, 8111, 246], [3568, 8094, 246], [3558, 8114, 246], [3516, 8102, 245], [3480, 8096, 245], [3453, 8099, 244], [4228, 8904, 244], [4197, 8903, 243], [4166, 8902, 244], [4137, 8903, 244], [4108, 8904, 244], [4077, 8903, 243], [4047, 8903, 244], [3943, 8829, 244], [3945, 8861, 244], [3956, 8902, 244], [3927, 8903, 245], [3898, 8904, 244], [3877, 8913, 244], [3838, 8904, 244], [3808, 8904, 244], [3778, 8904, 244], [3747, 8903, 243], [3717, 8903, 243], [3688, 8904, 243], [3656, 8902, 243], [3628, 8904, 244], [3568, 8874, 243], [3568, 8904, 244], [3538, 8904, 243], [3509, 8905, 243], [3479, 8905, 242], [3452, 8908, 242], [3427, 8913, 241], [3395, 8911, 241], [3361, 8907, 240], [3337, 8913, 239], [3301, 8907, 239], [3280, 8916, 237], [3250, 8916, 236], [3214, 8910, 235], [3186, 8912, 235], [3146, 8902, 234], [3117, 8903, 234], [3087, 8903, 234], [2966, 8812, 234], [3026, 8902, 235], [2996, 8902, 235], [2966, 8902, 235], [2937, 8903, 235], [2908, 8904, 235], [2878, 8904, 235], [2848, 8904, 235], [2822, 8908, 235], [2802, 8918, 234], [2768, 8914, 233], [2740, 8916, 233], [2707, 8913, 232], [2667, 8903, 231], [2652, 8918, 230], [2615, 8911, 230], [2613, 8918, 229], [2613, 8918, 227], [2588, 8903, 227], [2558, 8903, 227], [2528, 8903, 227], [2497, 8902, 227], [2468, 8903, 227], [2438, 8903, 228], [2408, 8903, 228], [2378, 8903, 228], [2348, 8903, 228], [2318, 8903, 228], [2288, 8903, 228], [2257, 8902, 228], [2228, 8903, 228], [2199, 8904, 229], [2168, 8903, 229], [2139, 8904, 229], [2108, 8903, 229], [2078, 8903, 229], [2047, 8902, 229], [2018, 8903, 229], [1995, 8910, 229], [1959, 8904, 229], [1929, 8904, 228], [1905, 8910, 228], [1873, 8908, 228], [1841, 8906, 227], [1808, 8903, 227], [1787, 8912, 226], [1747, 8902, 226], [1721, 8906, 225], [1688, 8903, 225], [1660, 8905, 225], [1629, 8904, 224], [1600, 8905, 224], [1571, 8906, 223], [1538, 8903, 223], [1512, 8907, 223], [1482, 8907, 222], [1450, 8905, 222], [1420, 8905, 222], [1403, 8918, 221], [1373, 8918, 220], [1340, 8915, 220], [1313, 8918, 219], [1275, 8910, 218], [1245, 8910, 218], [1210, 8905, 217], [1188, 8913, 216], [1149, 8904, 216], [1119, 8904, 216], [1090, 8905, 216], [1059, 8904, 215], [1030, 8905, 215], [999, 8904, 215], [968, 8903, 215], [939, 8904, 215], [910, 8905, 215], [880, 8905, 215], [849, 8904, 214], [820, 8905, 214], [789, 8904, 214], [761, 8906, 214], [736, 8911, 214], [735, 8918, 213], [735, 8918, 212], [735, 8918, 211], [735, 8918, 211], [735, 8918, 210], [735, 8918, 209], [735, 8918, 208], [735, 8918, 208], [709, 8904, 207], [677, 8902, 207], [649, 8904, 208], [633, 8918, 207], [603, 8918, 207], [559, 8904, 206], [531, 8906, 206], [503, 8908, 205], [478, 8913, 205], [448, 8913, 205], [277, 8772, 205], [274, 8799, 205], [274, 8829, 205], [276, 8861, 206], [287, 8902, 206], [259, 8904, 206], [229, 8904, 206], [200, 8905, 206], [169, 8904, 205], [140, 8905, 205], [112, 8907, 205], [82, 8907, 205], [50, 8905, 204], [23, 8908, 204], [0, 8915, 204], [0, 8931, 203], [0, 8931, 202], [0, 8931, 202], [0, 8931, 201], [0, 8931, 200], [0, 8931, 200], [2117, 11085, 200], [2088, 11086, 200], [2057, 11085, 200], [2028, 11086, 200], [1996, 11084, 200], [1995, 11113, 200], [1995, 11143, 200], [1908, 11086, 200], [1903, 11111, 200], [1873, 11111, 199], [1874, 11142, 199], [1873, 11171, 199], [1873, 11201, 199], [1787, 11145, 198], [1788, 11176, 198], [1706, 11124, 198], [1706, 11154, 198], [1706, 11184, 198], [1616, 11124, 197], [1586, 11124, 197], [1537, 11105, 197], [1537, 11135, 197], [1459, 11087, 197], [1426, 11084, 197], [1420, 11108, 196], [1420, 11138, 196], [1420, 11168, 196], [1420, 11198, 196], [1419, 11227, 195], [1413, 11251, 195], [3923, 13861, 195], [3890, 13858, 195], [3877, 13875, 195], [3829, 13857, 195], [3801, 13859, 195], [3771, 13859, 195], [3740, 13858, 196], [3711, 13859, 196], [3679, 13857, 196], [3650, 13858, 196], [3353, 13861, 195], [3397, 14205, 195], [2768, 13876, 194], [2804, 14212, 194], [2222, 13859, 193], [1936, 13873, 194], [1973, 14210, 194], [1672, 14209, 192], [1418, 14255, 191], [1068, 14205, 188], [773, 14210, 188], [736, 14473, 185], [783, 14820, 184], [122, 14209, 184], [0, 14387, 182], [139, 14826, 181], [0, 14955, 178], [0, 14955, 175], [0, 14955, 172], [1568, 16104, 170], [1274, 16110, 168], [1996, 17109, 168], [1995, 17408, 169], [1874, 17587, 168], [1420, 17433, 167], [1418, 17731, 167], [770, 17383, 166], [736, 17649, 165], [836, 18040, 164], [140, 17403, 164], [139, 17702, 163], [222, 18076, 162], [139, 18293, 162], [0, 18362, 161]], 'time_in_bucket': [2611, 49, 43, 38, 26, 91, 85, 53, 38, 38, 52, 38, 28, 19, 30, 20, 20, 26, 16, 15, 32, 28, 28, 21, 26, 22, 18, 16, 20, 22, 19, 24, 27, 16, 29, 22, 18, 19, 16, 22, 24, 26, 16, 10, 13, 23, 23, 19, 18, 17, 15, 21, 24, 16, 16, 15, 18, 22, 19, 22, 18, 28, 21, 17, 10, 12, 16, 17, 13, 19, 25, 25, 19, 25, 20, 18, 24, 15, 22, 23, 25, 23, 23, 21, 25, 32, 21, 21, 29, 21, 27, 28, 23, 29, 31, 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 17, 30, 25, 30, 36, 25, 33, 29, 27, 33, 31, 20, 28, 23, 31, 28, 29, 40, 29, 40, 45, 31, 34, 40, 32, 29, 33, 42, 36, 30, 42, 34, 46, 38, 36, 33, 58, 33, 50, 41, 51, 53, 29, 41, 34, 36, 34, 45, 36, 40, 53, 38, 35, 45, 30, 38, 38, 47, 54, 38, 30, 43, 39, 37, 42, 37, 36, 43, 45, 37, 41, 40, 44, 46, 42, 35, 49, 36, 35, 37, 33, 41, 41, 31, 47, 45, 43, 48, 34, 50, 46, 38, 43, 53, 39, 34, 48, 62, 31, 49, 41, 42, 38, 34, 44, 32, 42, 51, 48, 45, 34, 48, 45, 49, 56, 47, 50, 44, 41, 50, 53, 52, 46, 42, 54, 62, 51, 50, 53, 52, 52, 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{'weighted_power': 288, 'training_load': 336, 'max_watts': 730, 'relative_intensity': 71, 'cp_data': [[14101, 14101, 730], [14100, 14101, 716], [14099, 14101, 641], [12591, 12594, 603], [12591, 12595, 597], [12591, 12596, 589], [2875, 2881, 573], [12591, 12598, 574], [12591, 12599, 576], [12591, 12600, 576], [12591, 12601, 575], [12591, 12602, 568], [12683, 12695, 553], [12683, 12696, 553], [12683, 12697, 551], [12683, 12698, 551], [12683, 12699, 552], [12683, 12700, 550], [12684, 12702, 549], [12683, 12702, 550], [12683, 12703, 549], [12683, 12704, 548], [12683, 12705, 548], [12682, 12705, 546], [12682, 12706, 544], [12681, 12706, 539], [12591, 12617, 539], [12591, 12618, 538], [12591, 12619, 537], [12591, 12620, 537], [12591, 12621, 537], [12591, 12622, 535], [12591, 12623, 534], [12591, 12624, 534], [5269, 5303, 533], [5268, 5303, 532], [5267, 5303, 532], [5266, 5303, 531], [5265, 5303, 528], [12591, 12630, 526], [12591, 12631, 526], [12591, 12632, 524], [12629, 12671, 524], [12629, 12672, 523], [12628, 12672, 523], [12591, 12636, 521], [12591, 12637, 521], [12591, 12638, 520], [12591, 12639, 519], [12591, 12640, 519], [12591, 12641, 519], [12591, 12642, 521], [12591, 12643, 521], [12591, 12644, 522], [12591, 12645, 523], [12591, 12646, 524], [12591, 12647, 524], [12591, 12648, 524], [12591, 12649, 524], [12591, 12650, 523], [12591, 12651, 523], [12591, 12652, 523], [12591, 12653, 523], [12591, 12654, 523], [12591, 12655, 522], [12591, 12656, 522], [12591, 12657, 522], [12592, 12659, 522], [12591, 12659, 523], [12591, 12660, 524], [12591, 12661, 524], [12591, 12662, 524], [12591, 12663, 524], [12591, 12664, 524], [12591, 12665, 524], [12591, 12666, 523], [12591, 12667, 523], [12591, 12668, 523], [12591, 12669, 524], [12591, 12670, 524], [12591, 12671, 524], [12591, 12672, 524], [12591, 12673, 522], [12591, 12674, 521], [12591, 12675, 521], [12591, 12676, 521], [12591, 12677, 520], [12590, 12677, 518], [12589, 12677, 516], [12588, 12677, 514], [12587, 12677, 512], [12607, 12698, 513], [12607, 12699, 513], [12606, 12699, 513], [12608, 12702, 513], [12607, 12702, 514], [12606, 12702, 514], [12607, 12704, 514], [12607, 12705, 514], [12606, 12705, 514], [12606, 12706, 514], [12591, 12692, 514], [12591, 12693, 514], [12591, 12694, 515], [12591, 12695, 515], [12591, 12696, 515], [12591, 12697, 516], [12591, 12698, 516], [12591, 12699, 516], [12591, 12700, 516], [12591, 12701, 516], [12591, 12702, 517], [12591, 12703, 517], [12591, 12704, 517], [12591, 12705, 517], [12591, 12706, 517], [12591, 12707, 516], [12591, 12708, 515], [12591, 12709, 514], [12591, 12710, 514], [12591, 12711, 513], [12591, 12712, 513], [12591, 12713, 513], [12591, 12714, 512], [12591, 12715, 510], [12591, 12716, 509], [12591, 12717, 508], [12590, 12717, 507], [12589, 12717, 506], [12588, 12717, 504], [12587, 12717, 503], [12591, 12722, 502], [12591, 12723, 501], [12591, 12724, 500], [12591, 12725, 499], [12591, 12726, 498], [12591, 12727, 497], [12590, 12727, 496], [12591, 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[12587, 12868, 440], [12591, 12873, 440], [12591, 12874, 440], [12591, 12875, 440], [12591, 12876, 440], [12590, 12876, 439], [12588, 12875, 439], [12587, 12875, 439], [12587, 12876, 438], [12591, 12881, 438], [12590, 12881, 437], [12583, 12875, 437], [12582, 12875, 437], [12582, 12876, 437], [12581, 12876, 436], [12589, 12885, 436], [12591, 12888, 436], [12582, 12880, 435], [12582, 12881, 435], [12581, 12885, 434], [12581, 12890, 431], [12588, 12902, 429], [12591, 12910, 428], [12588, 12912, 426], [12582, 12911, 425], [12582, 12916, 424], [12581, 12920, 422], [12581, 12925, 422], [12591, 12940, 420], [12591, 12945, 419], [12591, 12950, 418], [12591, 12955, 417], [12591, 12960, 416], [12591, 12965, 416], [12591, 12970, 415], [12591, 12975, 415], [12591, 12980, 414], [12591, 12985, 414], [12591, 12990, 413], [12590, 12994, 413], [12591, 13000, 412], [12591, 13005, 412], [12591, 13010, 412], [12591, 13015, 411], [12591, 13020, 411], [12590, 13024, 410], [12591, 13030, 410], [12590, 13034, 409], [12582, 13031, 408], [12581, 13035, 407], [12591, 13050, 407], [12591, 13055, 406], [14804, 15272, 406], [12591, 13065, 406], [12591, 13070, 406], [14802, 15285, 405], [14804, 15292, 405], [14706, 15199, 405], [14706, 15204, 405], [14725, 15228, 405], [14691, 15199, 405], [14706, 15219, 405], [14710, 15228, 405], [14705, 15228, 405], [14807, 15335, 405], [14802, 15335, 405], [14803, 15341, 404], [14706, 15249, 404], [14681, 15229, 404], [14675, 15228, 404], [14671, 15229, 404], [14809, 15372, 404], [14804, 15372, 404], [14806, 15379, 404], [14806, 15384, 404], [14669, 15252, 404], [14640, 15228, 403], [14636, 15229, 403], [14637, 15235, 403], [14638, 15241, 403], [14633, 15241, 403], [14638, 15251, 403], [14633, 15251, 403], [14633, 15256, 403], [14707, 15335, 403], [14640, 15273, 403], [14635, 15273, 402], [14692, 15335, 402], [14687, 15335, 402], [14682, 15335, 402], [14677, 15335, 402], [14672, 15335, 402], [14705, 15373, 402], [14706, 15379, 402], [14706, 15384, 402], 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15385, 383], [13136, 15384, 383], [12591, 14870, 383], [12591, 14900, 384], [12591, 14930, 384], [12587, 14956, 384], [12591, 14990, 384], [12591, 15020, 385], [12591, 15050, 385], [12591, 15080, 385], [12591, 15110, 385], [12588, 15137, 385], [12591, 15169, 385], [12591, 15199, 386], [12591, 15229, 386], [12589, 15257, 386], [12591, 15289, 386], [12591, 15319, 386], [12591, 15349, 386], [12591, 15379, 386], [12570, 15388, 385], [12538, 15386, 383], [12508, 15386, 381], [12479, 15387, 380], [12449, 15387, 378], [12420, 15388, 376], [12388, 15386, 374], [12358, 15386, 373], [12329, 15387, 371], [12298, 15386, 370], [12269, 15387, 368], [12239, 15387, 367], [12208, 15386, 365], [12180, 15388, 363], [12148, 15386, 361], [12118, 15386, 360], [12089, 15387, 358], [12058, 15386, 356], [12030, 15388, 354], [12000, 15388, 352], [11971, 15389, 349], [11938, 15386, 348], [11908, 15386, 346], [11878, 15386, 345], [11849, 15387, 344], [11819, 15387, 343], [11797, 15395, 341], [11797, 15425, 338], [11796, 15437, 336], [11796, 15437, 333], [11796, 15437, 330], [11796, 15437, 328], [11796, 15437, 325], [11796, 15437, 322], [11796, 15437, 320], [11796, 15437, 317], [11796, 15437, 315], [11796, 15437, 313], [11796, 15437, 310], [11796, 15437, 308], [11796, 15437, 306], [11796, 15437, 303], [11796, 15437, 301], [11755, 15386, 300], [11725, 15386, 300], [11695, 15386, 299], [11665, 15386, 299], [11635, 15386, 298], [11605, 15386, 297], [11576, 15387, 297], [11545, 15386, 296], [11525, 15396, 295], [11483, 15384, 295], [11320, 15251, 296], [11311, 15272, 297], [11216, 15207, 297], [11216, 15237, 298], [11216, 15267, 299], [11303, 15384, 299], [11216, 15327, 300], [11216, 15357, 301], [11215, 15386, 301], [11182, 15383, 302], [11104, 15335, 302], [11110, 15371, 302], [11080, 15371, 303], [11056, 15377, 303], [11022, 15373, 304], [10998, 15379, 304], [10535, 14947, 305], [10535, 14977, 305], [10526, 14998, 306], [10535, 15037, 307], [10530, 15062, 307], [10534, 15096, 308], [10518, 15110, 308], [10447, 15069, 309], [10444, 15096, 309], [10518, 15199, 310], [10518, 15229, 310], [10527, 15268, 311], [10458, 15229, 311], [10435, 15236, 312], [10442, 15273, 312], [10518, 15379, 313], [10444, 15335, 313], [10448, 15369, 313], [10421, 15372, 314], [10403, 15384, 314], [10368, 15379, 315], [10343, 15384, 315], [10301, 15372, 316], [10293, 15394, 315], [10257, 15388, 314], [10227, 15388, 313], [10197, 15388, 312], [10166, 15387, 311], [10137, 15388, 311], [10106, 15387, 310], [10077, 15388, 309], [10047, 15388, 308], [10017, 15388, 307], [9985, 15386, 306], [9957, 15388, 305], [9928, 15389, 304], [9896, 15387, 303], [9865, 15386, 303], [9837, 15388, 302], [9814, 15395, 301], [9814, 15425, 299], [9812, 15437, 298], [9812, 15437, 297], [9812, 15437, 295], [9812, 15437, 294], [9812, 15437, 292], [9812, 15437, 291], [9792, 15388, 290], [9778, 15404, 288], [9739, 15395, 288], [9702, 15388, 287], [9672, 15388, 286], [9642, 15388, 286], [9475, 15251, 286], [9445, 15251, 286], [9505, 15341, 287], [9505, 15371, 287], [9475, 15371, 288], [9453, 15379, 288], [9416, 15372, 289], [9393, 15379, 289], [9310, 15326, 289], [9310, 15356, 290], [9310, 15386, 290], [9279, 15385, 290], [9243, 15379, 290], [9218, 15384, 291], [9189, 15385, 291], [9146, 15372, 291], [9129, 15385, 292], [9099, 15385, 292], [9062, 15378, 292], [9039, 15385, 292], [9008, 15384, 292], [8978, 15384, 293], [8941, 15377, 293], [8913, 15379, 293], [8889, 15385, 293], [8858, 15384, 294], [8816, 15372, 294], [8798, 15384, 294], [8768, 15384, 295], [8738, 15384, 295], [8708, 15384, 295], [8680, 15386, 295], [8652, 15388, 294], [8622, 15388, 294], [8592, 15388, 293], [8562, 15388, 293], [8540, 15396, 292], [8518, 15404, 291], [8518, 15434, 290], [8462, 15408, 289], [8415, 15391, 288], [8400, 15406, 287], [8352, 15388, 286], [8352, 15418, 285], [8293, 15389, 284], [8292, 15418, 283], [8247, 15403, 282], [8234, 15420, 281], [8192, 15408, 280], [8142, 15388, 279], [8119, 15395, 278], [8100, 15406, 277], [8058, 15394, 276], [8030, 15396, 275], [7990, 15386, 274], [8610, 15602, 274], [8591, 15613, 273], [8558, 15610, 273], [8541, 15623, 272], [8516, 15628, 271], [8520, 15662, 270], [8606, 15778, 270], [8576, 15778, 269], [8546, 15778, 269], [8518, 15780, 268], [8518, 15810, 267], [8522, 15844, 266], [7599, 15385, 266], [7570, 15386, 266], [7540, 15386, 266], [7510, 15386, 266], [7479, 15385, 266], [7450, 15386, 266], [7420, 15386, 266], [7389, 15385, 266], [7361, 15387, 266], [7329, 15385, 266], [7300, 15386, 266], [7269, 15385, 266], [7239, 15385, 266], [7210, 15386, 266], [7180, 15386, 266], [7149, 15385, 266], [7120, 15386, 266], [7090, 15386, 266], [7060, 15386, 266], [7030, 15386, 266], [6999, 15385, 265], [6969, 15385, 265], [6941, 15387, 265], [6911, 15387, 264], [6879, 15385, 264], [6868, 15404, 264], [6826, 15392, 263], [6825, 15421, 262], [6811, 15437, 261], [6740, 15396, 261], [6740, 15426, 260], [6708, 15424, 259], [6691, 15437, 258], [6661, 15437, 258], [6589, 15395, 257], [6557, 15393, 256], [6534, 15400, 255], [6489, 15385, 255], [6474, 15400, 254], [6436, 15392, 254], [6418, 15404, 253], [6418, 15434, 252], [6417, 15437, 252], [6417, 15437, 251], [6417, 15437, 250], [6869, 15571, 250], [6869, 15601, 250], [6866, 15628, 249], [6825, 15617, 248], [6825, 15647, 248], [6869, 15721, 247], [6869, 15751, 247], [6868, 15780, 247], [6868, 15810, 246], [6835, 15807, 246], [6822, 15824, 245], [6814, 15846, 244], [6869, 15931, 244], [6869, 15961, 244], [6869, 15991, 244], [6869, 16021, 243], [6869, 16051, 243], [6865, 16077, 243], [6826, 16068, 242], [7022, 16294, 242], [7022, 16324, 241], [6993, 16325, 241], [6870, 16232, 241], [6869, 16261, 241], [6869, 16291, 240], [6868, 16320, 240], [6037, 15385, 240], [6007, 15385, 240], [5978, 15386, 240], [5947, 15385, 240], [5917, 15385, 241], [5887, 15385, 241], [5857, 15385, 241], [5519, 15347, 243], [5251, 15379, 247], [4959, 15387, 248], [4658, 15386, 247], [4369, 15388, 245], [4067, 15386, 244], [3777, 15396, 241], [3478, 15397, 236], [3827, 15612, 232], [2865, 15384, 232], [2560, 15379, 234], [2253, 15372, 236], [1967, 15386, 236], [1914, 15437, 232], [1930, 15515, 228], [1929, 15811, 226], [2101, 16286, 224], [1929, 16409, 222], [1929, 16696, 218], [509, 15385, 218], [212, 15388, 218], [0, 15444, 215], [0, 15444, 212], [4581, 20843, 212], [4453, 21006, 211], [4154, 21007, 211], [3872, 21025, 210], [3747, 21200, 207], [2185, 19938, 208], [2102, 20155, 209], [2097, 20450, 209], [2101, 20754, 209], [2079, 21032, 209], [1931, 21184, 207], [1929, 21482, 205], [1934, 21787, 204], [1891, 21848, 202], [1591, 21848, 199], [291, 20401, 198], [408, 20818, 198], [291, 21001, 198], [39, 21049, 197], [27, 21337, 195], [211, 21821, 194], [0, 21863, 193], [0, 21863, 190], [0, 21863, 188], [205, 22153, 187], [9, 22257, 186], [110, 22658, 184]], 'time_in_bucket': [3638, 86, 102, 73, 53, 199, 155, 116, 84, 64, 52, 44, 31, 44, 38, 45, 18, 36, 17, 36, 23, 32, 26, 26, 27, 19, 28, 22, 27, 14, 19, 27, 17, 17, 24, 16, 10, 26, 20, 20, 21, 13, 24, 13, 13, 26, 22, 14, 16, 18, 17, 28, 13, 11, 22, 17, 24, 10, 23, 25, 10, 31, 24, 17, 23, 29, 32, 9, 22, 14, 24, 15, 22, 20, 19, 19, 21, 19, 28, 25, 13, 23, 21, 23, 22, 23, 16, 19, 22, 25, 16, 21, 27, 19, 24, 25, 21, 26, 29, 19, 29, 28, 22, 25, 28, 24, 21, 23, 27, 21, 29, 21, 28, 32, 29, 26, 24, 27, 25, 26, 30, 28, 36, 21, 27, 27, 27, 26, 31, 37, 42, 29, 23, 28, 32, 34, 29, 39, 38, 31, 34, 38, 37, 34, 29, 36, 35, 31, 42, 41, 45, 39, 42, 34, 46, 36, 39, 41, 34, 37, 26, 48, 37, 45, 48, 46, 35, 40, 42, 36, 33, 48, 45, 42, 34, 39, 44, 61, 40, 45, 46, 55, 44, 38, 45, 45, 46, 47, 44, 53, 46, 47, 53, 48, 47, 54, 47, 44, 46, 42, 50, 62, 35, 45, 51, 50, 54, 52, 48, 43, 59, 48, 51, 49, 59, 55, 53, 43, 51, 42, 54, 46, 43, 41, 51, 45, 48, 38, 58, 55, 63, 45, 51, 53, 58, 60, 41, 44, 53, 51, 49, 45, 51, 41, 48, 49, 54, 46, 49, 62, 56, 58, 53, 51, 42, 47, 65, 50, 44, 57, 57, 55, 52, 61, 53, 58, 58, 66, 54, 52, 72, 69, 59, 57, 65, 68, 75, 69, 73, 69, 55, 54, 72, 60, 51, 64, 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{'weighted_power': 226, 'training_load': 233, 'max_watts': 624, 'relative_intensity': 56, 'cp_data': [[16041, 16041, 624], [16040, 16041, 622], [20448, 20450, 578], [20448, 20451, 569], [20447, 20451, 548], [20290, 20295, 514], [20445, 20451, 463], [20288, 20295, 443], [20287, 20295, 429], [20286, 20295, 422], [20285, 20295, 399], [13118, 13129, 387], [13118, 13130, 386], [13117, 13130, 385], [13116, 13130, 384], [13116, 13131, 383], [13115, 13131, 381], [13113, 13130, 380], [13112, 13130, 379], [13111, 13130, 379], [13111, 13131, 378], [13110, 13131, 377], [13116, 13138, 376], [13116, 13139, 376], [13115, 13139, 375], [13114, 13139, 374], [13113, 13139, 374], [13112, 13139, 374], [13111, 13139, 373], [13110, 13139, 373], [13110, 13140, 372], [13108, 13139, 371], [13108, 13140, 370], [13108, 13141, 370], [13107, 13141, 369], [13106, 13141, 368], [13105, 13141, 367], [13104, 13141, 366], [13104, 13142, 365], [13100, 13139, 365], [13098, 13138, 365], [13098, 13139, 365], [13097, 13139, 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14233, 286], [13080, 14239, 286], [13079, 14243, 286], [13079, 14248, 287], [13079, 14253, 287], [13079, 14258, 287], [13079, 14263, 287], [13078, 14267, 287], [13078, 14272, 287], [13078, 14277, 287], [13079, 14283, 287], [13078, 14287, 287], [13078, 14292, 287], [13078, 14297, 287], [13078, 14302, 286], [13078, 14307, 286], [13080, 14314, 286], [13079, 14318, 286], [13079, 14323, 286], [13079, 14328, 286], [13078, 14332, 287], [13078, 14337, 286], [13079, 14343, 286], [13078, 14347, 286], [13078, 14352, 286], [13078, 14357, 286], [13077, 14361, 286], [13074, 14363, 285], [13071, 14365, 284], [13072, 14371, 283], [13050, 14354, 282], [13045, 14354, 282], [13041, 14355, 282], [13036, 14355, 282], [13030, 14354, 281], [13025, 14354, 281], [13019, 14353, 281], [13017, 14356, 280], [13010, 14354, 280], [13007, 14356, 280], [13003, 14357, 280], [12995, 14354, 279], [12992, 14356, 279], [12986, 14355, 279], [12986, 14360, 278], [12977, 14356, 278], [12972, 14356, 278], [12964, 14353, 277], [12960, 14354, 277], [12955, 14354, 277], [12949, 14353, 277], [12944, 14353, 277], [12941, 14355, 276], [12936, 14355, 276], [12930, 14354, 276], [12926, 14355, 276], [12921, 14355, 275], [12916, 14355, 275], [12916, 14360, 275], [12912, 14361, 274], [12907, 14361, 274], [12902, 14361, 274], [12897, 14361, 273], [12892, 14361, 273], [12887, 14361, 272], [12882, 14361, 272], [12877, 14361, 271], [12872, 14361, 271], [12867, 14361, 271], [21586, 23085, 271], [21576, 23080, 271], [21543, 23052, 271], [21566, 23080, 271], [21565, 23084, 271], [21527, 23051, 271], [21552, 23081, 271], [21546, 23080, 271], [21541, 23080, 271], [21541, 23085, 271], [21531, 23080, 271], [21543, 23097, 271], [21543, 23102, 271], [21521, 23085, 271], [21528, 23097, 271], [21523, 23097, 271], [21523, 23102, 270], [21472, 23056, 270], [21470, 23059, 270], [21456, 23050, 270], [21452, 23051, 271], [21452, 23056, 271], [21442, 23051, 271], [21437, 23051, 271], [21432, 23051, 271], [21428, 23052, 271], [21428, 23057, 271], [21428, 23062, 271], [21429, 23068, 271], [21433, 23077, 271], [21431, 23080, 271], [21430, 23084, 271], [21426, 23085, 271], [21432, 23096, 271], [21428, 23097, 271], [21428, 23102, 271], [21426, 23105, 271], [21425, 23109, 270], [21427, 23116, 270], [21426, 23120, 270], [21426, 23125, 270], [21426, 23130, 270], [21426, 23135, 270], [22151, 23865, 269], [22152, 23871, 269], [22141, 23865, 270], [22141, 23870, 270], [22132, 23866, 270], [22132, 23871, 270], [22132, 23876, 270], [22132, 23881, 269], [22181, 23935, 269], [22105, 23864, 269], [22105, 23869, 269], [22181, 23950, 269], [22075, 23849, 269], [22068, 23847, 270], [22064, 23848, 270], [22063, 23852, 270], [22063, 23857, 270], [22064, 23863, 270], [22041, 23870, 270], [21989, 23848, 270], [21987, 23876, 270], [21952, 23871, 270], [21913, 23862, 270], [21913, 23892, 270], [21863, 23872, 270], [21839, 23878, 270], [21864, 23933, 270], [21772, 23871, 270], [21748, 23877, 270], [21773, 23932, 270], [21753, 23942, 270], [21754, 23973, 269], [21727, 23976, 269], [21682, 23961, 269], [21641, 23950, 269], [21637, 23976, 269], [21589, 23958, 269], [21472, 23871, 269], [21430, 23859, 269], [21429, 23888, 269], [21428, 23917, 269], [21431, 23950, 269], [21426, 23975, 269], [21402, 23981, 268], [21372, 23981, 267], [21342, 23981, 267], [21213, 23882, 267], [21213, 23912, 267], [21213, 23942, 267], [21213, 23972, 267], [21192, 23981, 266], [21053, 23872, 266], [21053, 23902, 266], [21053, 23932, 266], [21052, 23961, 266], [21042, 23981, 265], [20960, 23929, 265], [20957, 23956, 265], [20948, 23977, 265], [20815, 23874, 265], [20868, 23957, 265], [20757, 23876, 265], [20700, 23849, 265], [20698, 23877, 265], [20645, 23854, 265], [20624, 23863, 265], [20647, 23916, 265], [20623, 23922, 265], [20623, 23952, 265], [20622, 23981, 265], [20588, 23977, 264], [20562, 23981, 263], [20532, 23981, 262], [20502, 23981, 261], [20473, 23982, 261], [20443, 23982, 260], [20412, 23981, 258], [20383, 23982, 257], [20352, 23981, 256], [20322, 23981, 255], [20286, 23975, 255], [20258, 23977, 254], [20232, 23981, 253], [20202, 23981, 252], [20173, 23982, 252], [20143, 23982, 250], [20113, 23982, 248], [20083, 23982, 246], [20053, 23982, 244], [20023, 23982, 242], [19993, 23982, 240], [19962, 23981, 239], [19961, 23982, 238], [19961, 23982, 236], [19961, 23982, 234], [19961, 23982, 232], [19961, 23982, 231], [19880, 23931, 231], [19879, 23960, 231], [19870, 23981, 231], [19643, 23784, 231], [19683, 23854, 232], [19644, 23845, 232], [19641, 23872, 232], [19586, 23847, 233], [19558, 23849, 233], [19551, 23872, 233], [19518, 23869, 234], [19484, 23865, 234], [19439, 23850, 234], [19438, 23879, 234], [19440, 23911, 235], [19440, 23941, 235], [19440, 23971, 235], [19421, 23982, 235], [19390, 23981, 234], [19360, 23981, 233], [19330, 23981, 233], [19301, 23982, 231], [19270, 23981, 230], [19241, 23982, 229], [19211, 23982, 229], [19181, 23982, 228], [19150, 23981, 227], [19120, 23981, 227], [19064, 23955, 227], [19041, 23962, 227], [19030, 23981, 227], [18992, 23973, 227], [18854, 23865, 227], [18855, 23896, 227], [18852, 23923, 227], [18854, 23955, 228], [18850, 23981, 228], [18812, 23973, 227], [18790, 23981, 227], [18756, 23977, 226], [18731, 23982, 226], [18700, 23981, 225], [18670, 23981, 225], [18640, 23981, 224], [18610, 23981, 224], [18548, 23949, 224], [18548, 23979, 224], [18520, 23981, 223], [18491, 23982, 223], [18461, 23982, 223], [18430, 23981, 222], [18389, 23970, 222], [18370, 23981, 222], [18340, 23981, 221], [18310, 23981, 221], [18280, 23981, 221], [18250, 23981, 221], [18220, 23981, 221], [18190, 23981, 221], [18160, 23981, 220], [18130, 23981, 220], [18100, 23981, 220], [18070, 23981, 220], [18040, 23981, 220], [18010, 23981, 220], [17980, 23981, 219], [17950, 23981, 219], [17920, 23981, 219], [17890, 23981, 219], [17860, 23981, 218], [17830, 23981, 218], [17800, 23981, 218], [17770, 23981, 217], [17741, 23982, 216], [17710, 23981, 216], [17681, 23982, 215], [17650, 23981, 215], [17620, 23981, 214], [17590, 23981, 214], [17560, 23981, 213], [17531, 23982, 212], [17501, 23982, 211], [17471, 23982, 210], [17441, 23982, 209], [17405, 23976, 208], [17380, 23981, 208], [17351, 23982, 207], [17321, 23982, 206], [17291, 23982, 205], [17261, 23982, 204], [17230, 23981, 204], [17200, 23981, 204], [17170, 23981, 203], [16264, 23105, 203], [16213, 23084, 203], [16201, 23102, 204], [16199, 23130, 204], [16194, 23155, 204], [16856, 23847, 204], [16827, 23848, 204], [16814, 23865, 204], [16626, 23707, 205], [16608, 23719, 205], [16620, 23761, 205], [16618, 23789, 206], [16627, 23828, 206], [16618, 23849, 206], [16604, 23865, 207], [16578, 23869, 207], [16555, 23876, 207], [16518, 23869, 207], [16376, 23757, 208], [16378, 23789, 208], [16378, 23819, 208], [16378, 23849, 208], [16375, 23876, 209], [16375, 23906, 209], [16374, 23935, 209], [16370, 23961, 209], [16360, 23981, 210], [16282, 23933, 210], [16269, 23950, 210], [16264, 23975, 210], [16209, 23950, 210], [16204, 23975, 210], [16180, 23981, 210], [16150, 23981, 210], [16120, 23981, 210], [16090, 23981, 210], [16037, 23958, 210], [16031, 23982, 210], [16001, 23982, 209], [15971, 23982, 208], [15940, 23981, 208], [15877, 23948, 208], [15877, 23978, 208], [15830, 23961, 208], [15814, 23975, 208], [15785, 23976, 209], [15760, 23981, 208], [15711, 23962, 209], [15695, 23976, 209], [15670, 23981, 209], [15640, 23981, 209], [15610, 23981, 209], [15561, 23962, 209], [15446, 23877, 209], [15446, 23907, 209], [15447, 23938, 209], [15436, 23957, 210], [15425, 23976, 210], [15396, 23977, 210], [15346, 23957, 210], [15340, 23981, 210], [15310, 23981, 210], [15280, 23981, 210], [15249, 23980, 210], [15220, 23981, 210], [15184, 23975, 210], [15160, 23981, 210], [15130, 23981, 210], [15100, 23981, 210], [15070, 23981, 210], [15040, 23981, 210], [15005, 23976, 210], [14981, 23982, 209], [14950, 23981, 209], [14920, 23981, 209], [14890, 23981, 208], [14860, 23981, 208], [14830, 23981, 207], [14801, 23982, 207], [14771, 23982, 206], [14741, 23982, 206], [14711, 23982, 205], [14681, 23982, 205], [14651, 23982, 204], [14621, 23982, 203], [14591, 23982, 203], [14561, 23982, 202], [14531, 23982, 202], [14501, 23982, 201], [14471, 23982, 200], [14441, 23982, 200], [14411, 23982, 199], [14381, 23982, 199], [14376, 23982, 198], [14376, 23982, 197], [14376, 23982, 197], [14848, 24390, 197], [14839, 24411, 196], [14838, 24440, 196], [14820, 24452, 195], [15004, 24666, 195], [15004, 24696, 195], [15004, 24726, 195], [14987, 24739, 194], [15004, 24786, 194], [4341, 14344, 194], [4313, 14346, 194], [4283, 14346, 195], [4251, 14344, 195], [4229, 14352, 195], [4199, 14352, 195], [4162, 14345, 195], [4140, 14353, 195], [4099, 14342, 196], [4088, 14361, 195], [13079, 23003, 196], [13079, 23033, 196], [13078, 23062, 196], [13078, 23092, 196], [13078, 23122, 196], [13078, 23152, 196], [13078, 23182, 196], [13079, 23213, 197], [13078, 23242, 197], [13078, 23272, 197], [13078, 23302, 197], [13078, 23332, 197], [13078, 23362, 197], [13078, 23662, 200], [13078, 23962, 202], [12797, 23981, 201], [12497, 23981, 201], [12197, 23981, 200], [11898, 23982, 199], [11598, 23982, 197], [11297, 23981, 195], [10998, 23982, 191], [11682, 24787, 187], [10265, 23849, 187], [10092, 23976, 188], [9665, 23849, 190], [9451, 23935, 191], [9172, 23956, 193], [8876, 23960, 194], [8597, 23981, 195], [8298, 23982, 194], [7998, 23982, 191], [8394, 24499, 188], [7525, 23973, 188], [7229, 23977, 189], [6925, 23973, 190], [6632, 23980, 190], [6333, 23981, 191], [6028, 23976, 192], [5711, 23959, 193], [5400, 23948, 193], [5134, 23982, 193], [4833, 23981, 193], [4530, 23978, 192], [4229, 23977, 193], [3934, 23982, 192], [3634, 23982, 190], [3333, 23981, 189], [3033, 23981, 190], [2702, 23950, 188], [2329, 23877, 189], [2124, 23972, 190], [1811, 23959, 191], [1575, 23982, 189], [1270, 23977, 187], [838, 23845, 188], [615, 23922, 189], [374, 23981, 189], [98, 23981, 188], [0, 23998, 186], [144, 24464, 184], [145, 24773, 183], [0, 24898, 182], [0, 25198, 180], [0, 25498, 179], [5, 25803, 177], [0, 26014, 175]], 'time_in_bucket': [4271, 51, 59, 56, 34, 134, 84, 57, 38, 44, 31, 40, 26, 26, 36, 29, 30, 13, 40, 31, 31, 33, 25, 27, 22, 14, 24, 21, 21, 27, 20, 27, 23, 27, 14, 19, 19, 8, 11, 11, 16, 20, 23, 16, 13, 21, 16, 22, 22, 17, 17, 19, 28, 17, 17, 24, 22, 17, 15, 24, 26, 11, 20, 25, 17, 12, 19, 27, 20, 14, 25, 17, 28, 19, 18, 17, 25, 25, 14, 19, 24, 29, 22, 20, 20, 14, 15, 19, 15, 40, 26, 20, 27, 28, 29, 27, 23, 25, 29, 18, 28, 22, 26, 11, 24, 19, 17, 28, 27, 26, 21, 26, 24, 32, 34, 32, 26, 25, 39, 33, 34, 40, 39, 26, 39, 26, 29, 32, 19, 34, 36, 35, 40, 36, 42, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 43, 45, 45, 41, 43, 38, 39, 43, 49, 38, 59, 50, 53, 54, 48, 45, 35, 44, 56, 49, 49, 38, 49, 47, 68, 54, 54, 50, 54, 58, 58, 51, 67, 51, 53, 63, 60, 56, 80, 53, 58, 61, 49, 64, 65, 67, 61, 59, 67, 57, 75, 74, 57, 54, 60, 78, 62, 82, 72, 70, 73, 77, 62, 75, 61, 84, 71, 78, 85, 79, 78, 70, 98, 94, 71, 88, 80, 89, 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{'weighted_power': 236, 'training_load': 143, 'max_watts': 589, 'relative_intensity': 58, 'cp_data': [[13898, 13898, 589], [13898, 13899, 577], [13897, 13899, 566], [13920, 13923, 538], [13919, 13923, 524], [13918, 13923, 507], [13917, 13923, 499], [13916, 13923, 496], [13915, 13923, 491], [13914, 13923, 486], [13913, 13923, 482], [13912, 13923, 479], [13911, 13923, 476], [13911, 13924, 467], [13910, 13924, 459], [13907, 13922, 458], [13907, 13923, 460], [13906, 13923, 459], [13904, 13922, 456], [13904, 13923, 457], [13903, 13923, 458], [13902, 13923, 456], [13901, 13923, 453], [13898, 13921, 454], [13898, 13922, 458], [13897, 13922, 461], [13897, 13923, 462], [13896, 13923, 461], [13896, 13924, 457], [13895, 13924, 454], [13894, 13924, 450], [13893, 13924, 446], [13894, 13926, 442], [13891, 13924, 438], [13896, 13930, 438], [13895, 13930, 435], [13894, 13930, 433], [13893, 13930, 430], [13892, 13930, 427], [13891, 13930, 424], [13890, 13930, 422], [13889, 13930, 420], [13888, 13930, 418], [13887, 13930, 416], [13886, 13930, 413], [13885, 13930, 411], [13884, 13930, 408], [13883, 13930, 406], [13882, 13930, 404], [13881, 13930, 402], [13880, 13930, 400], [13879, 13930, 398], [13878, 13930, 397], [13877, 13930, 395], [13876, 13930, 395], [13875, 13930, 394], [13874, 13930, 393], [13866, 13923, 392], [13866, 13924, 391], [13865, 13924, 391], [13864, 13924, 390], [13863, 13924, 389], [13862, 13924, 388], [13867, 13930, 387], [13866, 13930, 387], [13865, 13930, 386], [13864, 13930, 385], [13863, 13930, 385], [13862, 13930, 384], [13861, 13930, 383], [13853, 13923, 383], [13853, 13924, 382], [13852, 13924, 382], [13852, 13925, 381], [13852, 13926, 380], [13855, 13930, 380], [13854, 13930, 379], [13853, 13930, 379], [13852, 13930, 379], [13852, 13931, 377], [13852, 13932, 375], [13852, 13933, 374], [13852, 13934, 372], [13851, 13934, 370], [13851, 13935, 368], [13851, 13936, 365], [13851, 13937, 362], [13851, 13938, 360], [13851, 13939, 357], [13851, 13940, 354], [13851, 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[7574, 7716, 330], [7574, 7717, 330], [7574, 7718, 330], [7567, 7712, 330], [7566, 7712, 330], [7565, 7712, 330], [7564, 7712, 330], [7550, 7699, 330], [7550, 7700, 330], [7550, 7701, 330], [7549, 7701, 330], [7548, 7701, 330], [7548, 7702, 330], [7548, 7703, 330], [7548, 7704, 330], [7547, 7704, 330], [7548, 7706, 330], [7548, 7707, 330], [7548, 7708, 330], [7548, 7709, 330], [7547, 7709, 330], [7547, 7710, 330], [7548, 7712, 330], [7547, 7712, 330], [7546, 7712, 330], [7545, 7712, 330], [7544, 7712, 330], [7544, 7713, 330], [7545, 7715, 329], [7544, 7715, 329], [7543, 7715, 329], [7545, 7718, 329], [7544, 7718, 329], [7658, 7833, 329], [7658, 7834, 329], [7658, 7835, 329], [7655, 7833, 328], [7655, 7834, 328], [7658, 7838, 328], [7639, 7820, 328], [7639, 7821, 329], [7638, 7821, 329], [7637, 7821, 329], [7636, 7821, 329], [7635, 7821, 329], [7634, 7821, 329], [7633, 7821, 329], [7632, 7821, 329], [7631, 7821, 329], [7630, 7821, 329], [7629, 7821, 329], [7628, 7821, 329], [7627, 7821, 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[7544, 7848, 327], [7543, 7852, 327], [7542, 7856, 326], [7544, 7863, 326], [7547, 7871, 326], [7548, 7877, 325], [7547, 7881, 325], [7547, 7886, 325], [7544, 7888, 325], [7547, 7896, 324], [7544, 7898, 324], [7545, 7904, 324], [7547, 7911, 324], [7548, 7917, 324], [7547, 7921, 324], [7548, 7927, 324], [7544, 7928, 324], [7540, 7929, 323], [6620, 7014, 323], [6631, 7030, 323], [6626, 7030, 323], [6637, 7046, 323], [6632, 7046, 323], [6648, 7067, 323], [6643, 7067, 323], [6638, 7067, 323], [6633, 7067, 323], [6628, 7067, 323], [6623, 7067, 323], [6620, 7069, 322], [6617, 7071, 322], [6617, 7076, 322], [6614, 7078, 322], [6614, 7083, 321], [6611, 7085, 321], [6606, 7085, 320], [6600, 7084, 320], [6597, 7086, 319], [6592, 7086, 319], [6568, 7067, 318], [6563, 7067, 318], [6559, 7068, 318], [6555, 7069, 318], [6552, 7071, 318], [6552, 7076, 318], [6540, 7069, 318], [6537, 7071, 318], [6539, 7078, 318], [6523, 7067, 318], [6522, 7071, 318], [6522, 7076, 317], [6522, 7081, 317], [6521, 7085, 317], [6515, 7084, 317], [6509, 7083, 316], [6505, 7084, 316], [6493, 7077, 316], [6493, 7082, 316], [6475, 7069, 315], [6471, 7070, 315], [6467, 7071, 315], [6462, 7071, 315], [6462, 7076, 315], [6450, 7069, 315], [6452, 7076, 315], [6440, 7069, 315], [6443, 7077, 315], [6428, 7067, 315], [6425, 7069, 315], [6420, 7069, 315], [6415, 7069, 314], [6412, 7071, 314], [6413, 7077, 314], [6407, 7076, 314], [6403, 7077, 314], [6403, 7082, 314], [6393, 7077, 314], [6389, 7078, 314], [6376, 7070, 313], [6370, 7069, 313], [6365, 7069, 313], [6365, 7074, 313], [6353, 7067, 313], [6348, 7067, 313], [6343, 7067, 313], [6339, 7068, 313], [6339, 7073, 313], [6339, 7078, 313], [6338, 7082, 313], [6337, 7086, 313], [6332, 7086, 312], [6325, 7084, 312], [6319, 7083, 312], [6317, 7086, 312], [6303, 7077, 311], [6298, 7077, 311], [6285, 7069, 311], [6282, 7071, 311], [6282, 7076, 311], [6278, 7077, 311], [6278, 7082, 311], [6275, 7084, 311], [6270, 7084, 311], [6258, 7077, 311], [6253, 7077, 310], [6249, 7078, 310], [6249, 7083, 310], [6246, 7085, 310], [6246, 7090, 310], [6241, 7090, 309], [6236, 7090, 309], [6231, 7090, 308], [6225, 7089, 307], [6221, 7090, 307], [6220, 7094, 306], [6219, 7098, 305], [6219, 7103, 304], [6219, 7108, 303], [6219, 7113, 302], [6220, 7119, 301], [6219, 7123, 300], [6220, 7129, 299], [6224, 7138, 298], [6220, 7139, 298], [6224, 7148, 297], [6224, 7153, 296], [6224, 7158, 295], [3953, 4892, 295], [3948, 4892, 295], [3944, 4893, 295], [3944, 4898, 295], [3944, 4903, 295], [3942, 4906, 295], [3944, 4913, 294], [3998, 4972, 294], [3987, 4966, 294], [3987, 4971, 295], [3958, 4947, 295], [3953, 4947, 295], [3963, 4962, 295], [3958, 4962, 295], [3953, 4962, 295], [3952, 4966, 295], [3951, 4970, 295], [3948, 4972, 295], [3943, 4972, 295], [3941, 4975, 295], [3941, 4980, 295], [3936, 4980, 294], [3931, 4980, 294], [3926, 4980, 294], [3914, 4973, 293], [3910, 4974, 293], [3896, 4965, 293], [3888, 4962, 293], [3887, 4966, 294], [3882, 4966, 294], [3882, 4971, 294], [3880, 4974, 294], [3875, 4974, 293], [3875, 4979, 293], [3871, 4980, 293], [3868, 4982, 293], [3861, 4980, 292], [3959, 5083, 292], [3954, 5083, 292], [3953, 5087, 292], [3953, 5092, 292], [3948, 5092, 292], [3944, 5093, 292], [3942, 5096, 292], [3942, 5101, 292], [3942, 5106, 292], [3941, 5110, 292], [3940, 5114, 292], [3935, 5114, 291], [3910, 5094, 291], [3894, 5083, 291], [3889, 5083, 291], [3885, 5084, 291], [3882, 5086, 291], [3883, 5092, 291], [3880, 5094, 291], [3878, 5097, 291], [3878, 5102, 291], [3877, 5106, 291], [3872, 5106, 291], [3871, 5110, 291], [3870, 5114, 290], [3869, 5118, 290], [6628, 7882, 290], [6623, 7882, 290], [6622, 7886, 290], [6617, 7886, 290], [6622, 7896, 290], [6639, 7918, 290], [6637, 7921, 290], [6638, 7927, 291], [6633, 7927, 291], [6628, 7927, 291], [6623, 7927, 291], [6618, 7927, 291], [6614, 7928, 291], [6617, 7936, 291], [6614, 7938, 291], [6608, 7937, 291], [6605, 7939, 291], [6599, 7938, 291], [6593, 7937, 290], [6588, 7937, 290], [6567, 7921, 290], [6560, 7919, 291], [6561, 7925, 291], [6559, 7928, 291], [6553, 7927, 291], [6548, 7927, 291], [6541, 7925, 291], [6539, 7928, 291], [6534, 7928, 291], [6522, 7921, 291], [6523, 7927, 291], [6519, 7928, 291], [6522, 7936, 291], [6509, 7928, 291], [6504, 7928, 291], [6508, 7937, 291], [6494, 7928, 291], [6493, 7932, 291], [6493, 7937, 291], [6478, 7927, 291], [6473, 7927, 291], [6469, 7928, 291], [6464, 7928, 291], [6459, 7928, 291], [6454, 7928, 291], [6449, 7928, 291], [6443, 7927, 291], [6439, 7928, 291], [6433, 7927, 291], [6428, 7927, 292], [6424, 7928, 292], [6419, 7928, 292], [6413, 7927, 292], [6408, 7927, 292], [6403, 7927, 292], [6399, 7928, 292], [6394, 7928, 292], [6389, 7928, 292], [6384, 7928, 292], [6379, 7928, 292], [6374, 7928, 292], [6369, 7928, 292], [6364, 7928, 292], [6358, 7927, 292], [6353, 7927, 292], [6348, 7927, 292], [6343, 7927, 292], [6339, 7928, 292], [6338, 7932, 292], [6338, 7937, 292], [6334, 7938, 292], [6328, 7937, 292], [6325, 7939, 292], [6319, 7938, 292], [6303, 7927, 292], [6299, 7928, 292], [6293, 7927, 292], [6286, 7925, 292], [6284, 7928, 292], [6279, 7928, 292], [6274, 7928, 292], [6278, 7937, 292], [6264, 7928, 292], [6258, 7927, 292], [6253, 7927, 292], [6249, 7928, 292], [6248, 7932, 292], [6248, 7937, 292], [6245, 7939, 292], [6243, 7942, 292], [6240, 7944, 292], [6239, 7948, 291], [6235, 7949, 291], [6224, 7943, 291], [6224, 7948, 291], [6220, 7949, 290], [6219, 7953, 290], [6215, 7954, 289], [6210, 7954, 288], [6205, 7954, 287], [6200, 7954, 286], [6195, 7954, 286], [6190, 7954, 285], [6185, 7954, 284], [6180, 7954, 283], [6175, 7954, 282], [6141, 7925, 282], [6139, 7928, 282], [6138, 7932, 282], [6138, 7937, 282], [3872, 5701, 282], [6068, 7927, 282], [6048, 7937, 282], [6018, 7937, 282], [5979, 7928, 282], [5907, 7886, 282], [5909, 7918, 283], [5893, 7932, 283], [5876, 7945, 283], [5843, 7942, 282], [5799, 7928, 281], [5784, 7943, 281], [5761, 7950, 279], [5730, 7949, 277], [3869, 6118, 276], [3876, 6155, 276], [5618, 7927, 276], [5598, 7937, 276], [5569, 7938, 276], [4668, 7067, 276], [4656, 7085, 276], [5480, 7939, 276], [5446, 7935, 276], [4565, 7084, 276], [4528, 7077, 276], [4507, 7086, 276], [4477, 7086, 276], [4437, 7076, 276], [4402, 7071, 277], [4387, 7086, 277], [4348, 7077, 277], [4262, 7021, 277], [4266, 7055, 277], [4191, 7010, 278], [4190, 7039, 278], [4188, 7067, 279], [4175, 7084, 279], [4138, 7077, 279], [4091, 7060, 280], [4083, 7082, 280], [4058, 7087, 280], [4005, 7064, 279], [3987, 7076, 280], [3952, 7071, 280], [3941, 7090, 280], [3888, 7067, 280], [3877, 7086, 280], [3845, 7084, 280], [3821, 7090, 279], [3787, 7086, 279], [3755, 7084, 279], [3730, 7089, 278], [3696, 7085, 278], [3666, 7085, 278], [3618, 7067, 278], [3608, 7087, 278], [3573, 7082, 278], [3557, 7096, 277], [3470, 7039, 276], [3470, 7069, 277], [4197, 7826, 277], [4179, 7838, 277], [4189, 7878, 277], [4181, 7900, 277], [4089, 7838, 278], [4087, 7866, 278], [4087, 7896, 278], [4088, 7927, 279], [4073, 7942, 279], [4043, 7942, 278], [3998, 7927, 278], [3968, 7927, 279], [3943, 7932, 279], [3919, 7938, 279], [3880, 7929, 279], [3869, 7948, 278], [3839, 7948, 278], [3805, 7944, 278], [3756, 7925, 278], [3740, 7939, 278], [3713, 7942, 277], [3680, 7939, 277], [3648, 7937, 277], [3617, 7936, 277], [3594, 7943, 277], [3569, 7948, 277], [3544, 7953, 276], [3470, 7909, 276], [3470, 7939, 276], [3469, 7954, 275], [3469, 7954, 273], [3462, 7951, 271], [3432, 7951, 271], [3399, 7948, 270], [3371, 7950, 269], [3345, 7954, 268], [3315, 7954, 266], [3279, 7948, 265], [3251, 7950, 265], [3225, 7954, 264], [3193, 7952, 263], [3165, 7954, 261], [3129, 7948, 260], [3097, 7946, 260], [3072, 7951, 259], [3041, 7950, 258], [3012, 7951, 257], [2984, 7953, 256], [2952, 7951, 255], [2907, 7936, 254], [2879, 7938, 254], [2824, 7913, 254], [2823, 7942, 254], [2805, 7954, 253], [2775, 7954, 252], [2718, 7927, 251], [2710, 7949, 251], [2683, 7952, 250], [2654, 7953, 249], [2606, 7935, 249], [2595, 7954, 248], [2556, 7945, 247], [2535, 7954, 247], [2505, 7954, 245], [2471, 7950, 244], [2444, 7953, 244], [2412, 7951, 243], [2385, 7954, 242], [2355, 7954, 241], [2325, 7954, 240], [2294, 7953, 239], [2264, 7953, 238], [2234, 7953, 237], [2203, 7952, 236], [2175, 7954, 235], [2139, 7948, 234], [2111, 7950, 234], [2085, 7954, 233], [2705, 8491, 232], [2682, 8498, 232], [2648, 8494, 231], [2603, 8479, 231], [2592, 8498, 230], [2556, 8492, 230], [2529, 8495, 229], [2502, 8498, 228], [2466, 8492, 227], [2437, 8493, 227], [2406, 8492, 226], [2382, 8498, 225], [2351, 8497, 224], [2318, 8494, 223], [2288, 8494, 223], [2262, 8498, 222], [1559, 7938, 221], [1544, 7953, 221], [1509, 7948, 220], [1484, 7953, 219], [2105, 8491, 219], [1424, 7953, 218], [1395, 7954, 218], [1361, 7950, 217], [1323, 7942, 217], [1305, 7954, 216], [1274, 7953, 216], [1240, 7949, 215], [1212, 7951, 215], [1175, 7944, 215], [1140, 7939, 214], [1122, 7951, 214], [1092, 7951, 214], [1059, 7948, 213], [1034, 7953, 213], [994, 7943, 212], [975, 7954, 212], [940, 7949, 211], [912, 7951, 211], [885, 7954, 210], [854, 7953, 210], [824, 7953, 209], [794, 7953, 208], [765, 7954, 208], [735, 7954, 207], [705, 7954, 206], [888, 8054, 205], [641, 7950, 205], [609, 7948, 205], [585, 7954, 204], [555, 7954, 203], [1175, 8491, 203], [1140, 8486, 203], [1120, 8496, 203], [1086, 8492, 202], [1057, 8493, 202], [1032, 8498, 202], [994, 8490, 201], [970, 8496, 201], [940, 8496, 200], [912, 8498, 200], [882, 8498, 200], [851, 8497, 199], [822, 8498, 199], [787, 8493, 198], [761, 8497, 197], [732, 8498, 197], [702, 8498, 196], [667, 8493, 195], [631, 8487, 195], [607, 8493, 195], [582, 8498, 194], [552, 8498, 194], [522, 8498, 193], [492, 8498, 192], [456, 8492, 192], [422, 8488, 192], [397, 8493, 192], [367, 8493, 191], [334, 8490, 191], [312, 8498, 191], [279, 8495, 191], [250, 8496, 190], [220, 8496, 189], [192, 8498, 189], [158, 8493, 188], [126, 8491, 188], [97, 8492, 188], [73, 8498, 187], [36, 8491, 187], [13, 8498, 186], [0, 8515, 186], [0, 8517, 185], [0, 8517, 184], [0, 8517, 184], [0, 8517, 183], [0, 8517, 183], [0, 8517, 182], [0, 8517, 181], [0, 8517, 181], [0, 8517, 180], [0, 8517, 179], [0, 8517, 179], [0, 8517, 178], [0, 8517, 178], [0, 8517, 177], [0, 8517, 177], [0, 8517, 176], [0, 8517, 175], [0, 8517, 175], [0, 8517, 174], [0, 8517, 174], [0, 8517, 173], [0, 8517, 173], [0, 8517, 172], [0, 8517, 171], [0, 8517, 171], [0, 8517, 170], [0, 8517, 170], [0, 8517, 169], [0, 8517, 169], [0, 8517, 168], [0, 8517, 168], [0, 8517, 167], [0, 8517, 167], [0, 8517, 166], [0, 8517, 166], [0, 8517, 165], [0, 8517, 165], [0, 8517, 164], [3209, 11185, 164], [3179, 11185, 164], [3470, 11399, 164], [3470, 11429, 164], [3616, 11605, 164], [3596, 11615, 164], [3571, 11620, 165], [3558, 11637, 165], [3470, 11579, 165], [3470, 11609, 165], [3470, 11639, 165], [3602, 11801, 166], [3572, 11801, 166], [3558, 11817, 166], [3470, 11759, 166], [3481, 11800, 166], [3470, 11819, 167], [3470, 11849, 167], [3569, 11978, 167], [3615, 12054, 167], [3617, 12086, 167], [3616, 12115, 167], [3613, 12142, 168], [3583, 12142, 168], [3569, 12158, 168], [3571, 12190, 168], [3470, 12119, 168], [3470, 12149, 168], [3470, 12179, 169], [3470, 12209, 169], [3470, 12239, 169], [3470, 12269, 169], [3616, 12715, 171], [3470, 12869, 173], [4089, 13779, 174], [3941, 13931, 177], [3640, 13930, 179], [3470, 14060, 179], [3875, 14765, 181], [3571, 14761, 182], [3351, 14771, 181], [3051, 14771, 180], [2715, 14735, 179], [2451, 14771, 177], [2151, 14771, 175], [1851, 14771, 173], [1551, 14771, 172], [1250, 14770, 170], [951, 14771, 169], [649, 14769, 167], [351, 14771, 166], [52, 14771, 164]], 'time_in_bucket': [2195, 29, 33, 38, 23, 37, 27, 21, 26, 24, 34, 19, 27, 13, 29, 23, 23, 21, 24, 19, 16, 22, 23, 15, 21, 18, 23, 21, 18, 13, 14, 15, 21, 18, 21, 10, 16, 14, 12, 14, 17, 7, 12, 15, 17, 13, 18, 17, 15, 19, 15, 22, 17, 23, 13, 17, 24, 28, 15, 21, 15, 10, 19, 16, 13, 18, 14, 19, 20, 23, 20, 23, 14, 26, 18, 21, 17, 14, 22, 21, 18, 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{'weighted_power': 293, 'training_load': 262, 'max_watts': 983, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[1057, 1057, 983], [16785, 16786, 953], [16785, 16787, 953], [16785, 16788, 953], [16785, 16789, 952], [16785, 16790, 951], [16785, 16791, 951], [16785, 16792, 951], [16785, 16793, 934], [16785, 16794, 920], [16785, 16795, 909], [16785, 16796, 900], [16785, 16797, 888], [16785, 16798, 878], [16785, 16799, 870], [16785, 16800, 862], [16785, 16801, 856], [16785, 16802, 850], [16785, 16803, 844], [16784, 16803, 835], [16784, 16804, 817], [16784, 16805, 801], [16784, 16806, 786], [16784, 16807, 773], [16784, 16808, 760], [16784, 16809, 749], [16784, 16810, 734], [16784, 16811, 720], [16784, 16812, 707], [16784, 16813, 694], [16784, 16814, 683], [16784, 16815, 672], [16784, 16816, 662], [16784, 16817, 654], [16784, 16818, 647], [16784, 16819, 640], [16784, 16820, 633], [16784, 16821, 625], [15836, 15874, 620], [15836, 15875, 615], [15836, 15876, 613], [15836, 15877, 611], [15836, 15878, 611], [15836, 15879, 610], [15836, 15880, 610], [15836, 15881, 610], [15836, 15882, 610], [15836, 15883, 609], [15836, 15884, 609], [15836, 15885, 608], [15836, 15886, 607], [15836, 15887, 603], [15835, 15887, 599], [15834, 15887, 594], [12045, 12099, 584], [12045, 12100, 584], [12045, 12101, 583], [12045, 12102, 579], [12045, 12103, 574], [12045, 12104, 570], [12045, 12105, 567], [12045, 12106, 564], [12045, 12107, 561], [12045, 12108, 557], [14602, 14666, 554], [14602, 14667, 551], [12045, 12111, 546], [14602, 14669, 544], [14602, 14670, 543], [14602, 14671, 542], [14602, 14672, 541], [14602, 14673, 540], [14602, 14674, 540], [14602, 14675, 538], [14602, 14676, 537], [14602, 14677, 535], [14602, 14678, 534], [14602, 14679, 532], [14602, 14680, 531], [14602, 14681, 530], [14602, 14682, 528], [14602, 14683, 527], [14602, 14684, 525], [14602, 14685, 524], [14602, 14686, 523], [14602, 14687, 522], [14602, 14688, 519], [14602, 14689, 518], [14602, 14690, 516], [14602, 14691, 515], [14602, 14692, 513], [14602, 14693, 512], [14602, 14694, 510], [14602, 14695, 509], [14602, 14696, 509], [14602, 14697, 508], [14602, 14698, 507], [14602, 14699, 506], [14602, 14700, 506], [14602, 14701, 505], [14602, 14702, 504], [14602, 14703, 503], [14602, 14704, 502], [14602, 14705, 502], [14602, 14706, 502], [14602, 14707, 502], [14602, 14708, 502], [14602, 14709, 502], [14602, 14710, 501], [14602, 14711, 501], [14602, 14712, 501], [14602, 14713, 501], [14602, 14714, 500], [14602, 14715, 500], [14602, 14716, 499], [14602, 14717, 499], [14602, 14718, 499], [14602, 14719, 498], [14602, 14720, 499], [14602, 14721, 499], [14602, 14722, 498], [14602, 14723, 499], [14602, 14724, 499], [14602, 14725, 499], [14602, 14726, 498], [14602, 14727, 497], [14602, 14728, 497], [14602, 14729, 496], [14602, 14730, 495], [14602, 14731, 494], [14602, 14732, 492], [14602, 14733, 491], [14602, 14734, 491], [14602, 14735, 490], [14602, 14736, 489], [14602, 14737, 489], [14602, 14738, 489], [14602, 14739, 489], [14602, 14740, 489], [14602, 14741, 489], [14602, 14742, 490], [14602, 14743, 490], [14602, 14744, 490], [14602, 14745, 489], [14602, 14746, 488], [14602, 14747, 488], [14602, 14748, 488], [14602, 14749, 487], [14602, 14750, 485], [14602, 14751, 483], [14602, 14752, 481], [14602, 14753, 479], [14602, 14754, 477], [14602, 14755, 476], [14602, 14756, 474], [14602, 14757, 472], [14602, 14758, 471], [14602, 14759, 469], [14602, 14760, 467], [14602, 14761, 466], [14601, 14761, 463], [14600, 14761, 461], [14602, 14764, 460], [14602, 14765, 459], [14602, 14766, 458], [14602, 14767, 457], [14602, 14768, 456], [14602, 14769, 454], [14602, 14770, 452], [14602, 14771, 450], [14602, 14772, 448], [14602, 14773, 447], [14602, 14774, 445], [14602, 14775, 445], [14602, 14776, 444], [14602, 14777, 445], [14602, 14778, 446], [14602, 14779, 447], [14602, 14780, 448], [14602, 14781, 449], [14602, 14782, 450], [14602, 14783, 450], [14602, 14784, 448], [14602, 14785, 447], [14602, 14786, 446], [14602, 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14761, 408], [14483, 14764, 408], [14483, 14765, 407], [10534, 10817, 407], [10534, 10818, 407], [10533, 10818, 407], [10526, 10812, 407], [10526, 10813, 407], [10529, 10817, 407], [10528, 10817, 407], [10527, 10817, 407], [10526, 10817, 407], [10525, 10817, 407], [10525, 10818, 407], [10524, 10818, 407], [10493, 10788, 406], [10493, 10789, 406], [10493, 10790, 406], [10493, 10791, 406], [10493, 10792, 406], [10493, 10797, 406], [10493, 10802, 406], [10504, 10818, 405], [10493, 10812, 405], [10493, 10817, 405], [10493, 10822, 404], [10475, 10809, 402], [10474, 10813, 403], [10473, 10817, 403], [10474, 10823, 402], [10473, 10827, 400], [10493, 10852, 398], [10493, 10857, 398], [10504, 10873, 398], [10499, 10873, 398], [10493, 10872, 398], [10528, 10912, 397], [10525, 10914, 397], [10524, 10918, 397], [10519, 10918, 397], [10514, 10918, 396], [10505, 10914, 397], [10500, 10914, 397], [10493, 10912, 397], [10493, 10917, 397], [10493, 10922, 396], [10475, 10909, 395], [10474, 10913, 396], [10474, 10918, 396], [10473, 10922, 394], [10473, 10927, 392], [10448, 10907, 390], [10448, 10912, 391], [10448, 10917, 391], [10444, 10918, 390], [10441, 10920, 390], [10437, 10921, 389], [10430, 10919, 388], [10424, 10918, 387], [10422, 10921, 386], [10415, 10919, 386], [10409, 10918, 385], [10404, 10918, 385], [10399, 10918, 384], [10394, 10918, 384], [10389, 10918, 384], [10384, 10918, 383], [10382, 10921, 382], [10374, 10918, 381], [10371, 10920, 381], [10365, 10919, 381], [10359, 10918, 380], [10349, 10913, 380], [10349, 10918, 380], [10348, 10922, 379], [10339, 10918, 378], [10334, 10918, 377], [10330, 10919, 377], [10328, 10922, 376], [10322, 10921, 375], [10322, 10926, 373], [10310, 10919, 371], [10300, 10914, 370], [10293, 10912, 371], [10293, 10917, 371], [10293, 10922, 370], [10279, 10913, 371], [10279, 10918, 371], [10274, 10918, 371], [10272, 10921, 370], [10267, 10921, 369], [10259, 10918, 369], [10257, 10921, 368], [10251, 10920, 368], [10245, 10919, 367], [10242, 10921, 366], [10234, 10918, 365], [10230, 10919, 365], [10224, 10918, 364], [10222, 10921, 364], [10217, 10921, 363], [10212, 10921, 362], [10204, 10918, 362], [10194, 10913, 361], [10194, 10918, 361], [10192, 10921, 361], [10183, 10917, 361], [10182, 10921, 360], [10180, 10924, 359], [10180, 10929, 358], [10171, 10925, 356], [10255, 11014, 355], [10154, 10918, 355], [10149, 10918, 354], [10144, 10918, 354], [10139, 10918, 354], [10134, 10918, 354], [10129, 10918, 354], [10125, 10919, 353], [10122, 10921, 353], [10114, 10918, 352], [10110, 10919, 352], [10104, 10918, 352], [10100, 10919, 352], [10097, 10921, 352], [10078, 10907, 352], [10078, 10912, 353], [10077, 10916, 353], [10076, 10920, 353], [10075, 10924, 352], [10075, 10929, 351], [10073, 10932, 349], [10047, 10911, 348], [10043, 10912, 348], [10038, 10912, 349], [10035, 10914, 349], [10035, 10919, 349], [10034, 10923, 348], [10034, 10928, 347], [10033, 10932, 346], [10077, 10981, 344], [10077, 10986, 345], [10076, 10990, 344], [10079, 10998, 344], [10077, 11001, 344], [10076, 11005, 344], [10076, 11010, 344], [10076, 11015, 344], [10076, 11020, 343], [10076, 11025, 342], [10077, 11031, 342], [10075, 11034, 342], [10035, 10999, 341], [10035, 11004, 341], [10035, 11009, 341], [10035, 11014, 341], [10034, 11018, 340], [10035, 11024, 339], [10034, 11028, 339], [10034, 11033, 339], [10035, 11039, 337], [10032, 11041, 336], [10027, 11041, 334], [10014, 11033, 334], [10009, 11033, 333], [10004, 11033, 332], [10004, 11038, 331], [9994, 11033, 330], [9986, 11030, 329], [9985, 11034, 329], [9975, 11029, 328], [9974, 11033, 328], [9975, 11039, 327], [9964, 11033, 326], [15587, 16661, 326], [15572, 16651, 326], [15572, 16656, 327], [15572, 16661, 328], [15572, 16666, 328], [15572, 16671, 328], [15572, 16676, 328], [15572, 16681, 327], [15572, 16686, 327], [15572, 16691, 326], [15572, 16696, 326], [15569, 16698, 325], [15564, 16698, 324], [15559, 16698, 323], [15554, 16698, 322], [15549, 16698, 321], [15547, 16701, 320], [15543, 16702, 319], [15538, 16702, 318], [15502, 16671, 317], [15489, 16663, 317], [15489, 16668, 317], [15487, 16671, 318], [15468, 16657, 317], [15468, 16662, 318], [15468, 16667, 318], [15467, 16671, 318], [15462, 16671, 318], [15455, 16669, 319], [15453, 16672, 319], [15453, 16677, 318], [15453, 16682, 318], [15453, 16687, 318], [15448, 16687, 317], [15444, 16688, 316], [15444, 16693, 316], [15412, 16666, 315], [15412, 16671, 316], [15409, 16673, 315], [15572, 16841, 316], [15572, 16846, 316], [15572, 16851, 316], [15572, 16856, 316], [15572, 16861, 316], [15567, 16861, 315], [15562, 16861, 315], [15572, 16876, 315], [15572, 16881, 315], [15572, 16886, 315], [15567, 16886, 314], [15562, 16886, 313], [15557, 16886, 313], [15337, 16671, 312], [15332, 16671, 312], [15337, 16681, 312], [15337, 16686, 311], [15333, 16687, 311], [15324, 16683, 310], [15572, 16936, 310], [15572, 16941, 311], [15572, 16946, 311], [15572, 16951, 311], [15572, 16956, 311], [15572, 16961, 311], [15572, 16966, 312], [15572, 16971, 312], [15572, 16976, 312], [15572, 16981, 312], [15572, 16986, 312], [15572, 16991, 312], [15572, 16996, 313], [15572, 17001, 313], [15572, 17006, 313], [15572, 17011, 313], [15572, 17016, 313], [15572, 17021, 313], [15572, 17026, 313], [15572, 17031, 313], [15572, 17036, 313], [15572, 17041, 313], [15572, 17046, 313], [15572, 17051, 313], [15572, 17056, 313], [15572, 17061, 313], [15572, 17066, 313], [15572, 17071, 314], [15572, 17076, 314], [15572, 17081, 314], [15572, 17086, 314], [15572, 17091, 314], [15572, 17096, 315], [15572, 17101, 315], [15572, 17106, 315], [15572, 17111, 315], [15572, 17116, 314], [15572, 17121, 314], [15572, 17126, 313], [15571, 17130, 313], [15572, 17136, 313], [15572, 17141, 313], [15572, 17146, 313], [15572, 17151, 313], [15572, 17156, 313], [15572, 17161, 313], [15572, 17166, 312], [15572, 17171, 312], [15567, 17171, 311], [15562, 17171, 311], [15572, 17186, 310], [15572, 17191, 310], [15572, 17196, 310], [15572, 17201, 309], [15572, 17206, 309], [15462, 17101, 308], [15455, 17099, 309], [15453, 17102, 309], [15453, 17107, 309], [15453, 17112, 308], [15451, 17115, 308], [15446, 17115, 308], [15444, 17118, 307], [15444, 17123, 307], [15453, 17137, 307], [15453, 17142, 307], [15453, 17147, 307], [15456, 17155, 307], [15453, 17157, 307], [15453, 17162, 307], [15451, 17165, 307], [15378, 17097, 306], [15378, 17102, 306], [15378, 17107, 306], [15378, 17112, 306], [15378, 17117, 306], [15378, 17122, 305], [15410, 17159, 305], [15410, 17164, 305], [15378, 17137, 305], [15378, 17142, 305], [15378, 17147, 305], [15378, 17152, 305], [15378, 17157, 305], [15378, 17162, 305], [15378, 17167, 304], [14483, 16277, 304], [14483, 16282, 304], [14483, 16312, 305], [14483, 16342, 305], [14481, 16370, 303], [15193, 17112, 303], [15192, 17141, 302], [14483, 16462, 303], [14483, 16492, 303], [14483, 16522, 303], [14602, 16671, 304], [14568, 16667, 303], [14535, 16664, 302], [14485, 16644, 304], [14483, 16672, 306], [14481, 16700, 304], [14475, 16724, 300], [14602, 16881, 299], [14206, 16515, 298], [14483, 16822, 300], [14483, 16852, 301], [14483, 16882, 301], [14602, 17031, 298], [14205, 16664, 300], [14602, 17091, 300], [14483, 17002, 300], [14483, 17032, 300], [14483, 17062, 301], [14483, 17092, 301], [14483, 17122, 301], [14483, 17152, 301], [14483, 17182, 299], [14483, 17212, 298], [14483, 17242, 297], [14303, 17092, 298], [14303, 17122, 297], [14303, 17152, 297], [14206, 17085, 297], [14205, 17114, 297], [14205, 17144, 296], [14204, 17173, 296], [14171, 17170, 295], [14205, 17234, 294], [14112, 17171, 293], [14112, 17201, 292], [13010, 16129, 292], [12984, 16133, 291], [12984, 16163, 291], [13010, 16219, 290], [13088, 16327, 290], [13010, 16279, 291], [13010, 16309, 292], [13002, 16331, 292], [13001, 16360, 292], [12964, 16353, 291], [13044, 16463, 290], [13010, 16459, 291], [13010, 16489, 292], [13010, 16519, 292], [13001, 16540, 292], [13103, 16672, 292], [13065, 16664, 292], [13042, 16671, 292], [13010, 16669, 294], [12984, 16673, 293], [12964, 16683, 293], [12943, 16692, 292], [12887, 16666, 291], [13010, 16819, 291], [13010, 16849, 291], [12985, 16854, 291], [12985, 16884, 291], [12962, 16891, 290], [13010, 16969, 290], [13010, 16999, 291], [13010, 17029, 291], [13010, 17059, 291], [13010, 17089, 292], [13002, 17111, 292], [13010, 17149, 292], [12985, 17154, 291], [12964, 17163, 291], [12964, 17193, 290], [12887, 17146, 289], [12880, 17169, 289], [12789, 17108, 289], [12791, 17140, 288], [12785, 17164, 288], [12695, 17104, 288], [12668, 17107, 288], [12632, 17101, 289], [12631, 17130, 288], [12632, 17161, 288], [12045, 16604, 288], [12046, 16635, 288], [12045, 16664, 290], [12044, 16693, 289], [12021, 16700, 288], [12043, 16752, 287], [12071, 16810, 286], [12045, 16814, 288], [12045, 16844, 288], [12045, 16874, 288], [12241, 17100, 287], [12045, 16934, 287], [12045, 16964, 287], [12045, 16994, 288], [12045, 17024, 288], [12045, 17054, 288], [12045, 17084, 289], [12045, 17114, 289], [12045, 17144, 289], [12044, 17173, 288], [12044, 17203, 288], [12045, 17234, 287], [12044, 17263, 287], [12044, 17293, 286], [11848, 17127, 286], [11850, 17159, 286], [11848, 17187, 285], [11848, 17217, 284], [11848, 17247, 284], [11850, 17279, 284], [11836, 17295, 283], [11833, 17322, 282], [11682, 17201, 281], [11688, 17237, 281], [11682, 17261, 281], [11682, 17291, 280], [11669, 17308, 279], [11544, 17213, 279], [11544, 17243, 278], [11544, 17273, 278], [11365, 17124, 278], [11365, 17154, 278], [11365, 17184, 277], [11365, 17214, 277], [11365, 17244, 276], [11365, 17274, 276], [10180, 16119, 276], [10077, 16046, 276], [10329, 16328, 276], [10076, 16105, 276], [10268, 16327, 276], [10245, 16334, 276], [10215, 16334, 276], [10181, 16330, 276], [10180, 16359, 276], [10473, 16682, 276], [10432, 16671, 277], [10402, 16671, 277], [10371, 16670, 277], [10340, 16669, 277], [10328, 16687, 277], [10276, 16665, 278], [10252, 16671, 278], [10222, 16671, 278], [10192, 16671, 278], [10180, 16689, 278], [10130, 16669, 278], [10100, 16669, 278], [10075, 16674, 278], [10035, 16664, 278], [10035, 16694, 278], [10004, 16693, 277], [10382, 17101, 277], [10349, 17098, 278], [10329, 17108, 278], [10276, 17085, 278], [10273, 17112, 278], [10243, 17112, 278], [10216, 17115, 278], [10182, 17111, 278], [10182, 17141, 278], [10077, 17066, 278], [10077, 17096, 278], [10075, 17124, 278], [10035, 17114, 278], [10035, 17144, 278], [10034, 17173, 278], [10034, 17203, 278], [10035, 17234, 277], [10034, 17263, 277], [10034, 17293, 277], [10034, 17323, 276], [9975, 17294, 276], [9973, 17322, 275], [9913, 17292, 274], [9885, 17294, 274], [10035, 17474, 273], [10035, 17504, 273], [10035, 17534, 273], [9986, 17515, 272], [10034, 17593, 272], [10035, 17624, 272], [10034, 17653, 272], [10035, 17684, 271], [10035, 17714, 271], [10031, 17740, 271], [9986, 17725, 270], [10035, 17804, 270], [10034, 17833, 270], [10035, 17864, 269], [10014, 17873, 269], [9986, 17875, 269], [9955, 17874, 268], [9926, 17875, 268], [9896, 17875, 267], [9819, 17828, 267], [9831, 17870, 266], [9045, 17113, 266], [9057, 17155, 266], [8964, 17092, 266], [8963, 17121, 266], [8964, 17152, 266], [8963, 17181, 266], [8963, 17211, 265], [8963, 17241, 265], [8963, 17271, 265], [8962, 17300, 265], [8747, 17115, 264], [8759, 17157, 264], [8743, 17171, 264], [8742, 17200, 264], [8747, 17235, 264], [8742, 17260, 264], [8743, 17291, 263], [8523, 17101, 263], [8497, 17105, 263], [8376, 17014, 263], [8376, 17044, 263], [8385, 17083, 264], [8376, 17104, 264], [8368, 17126, 264], [8374, 17162, 264], [8369, 17187, 264], [8368, 17216, 263], [8368, 17246, 263], [8369, 17277, 263], [8358, 17296, 263], [8355, 17323, 262], [8326, 17324, 261], [8363, 17391, 261], [8368, 17426, 261], [8367, 17455, 261], [8369, 17487, 260], [8368, 17516, 260], [8358, 17536, 260], [8371, 17579, 260], [8373, 17611, 260], [8376, 17644, 259], [8355, 17653, 259], [8368, 17696, 259], [8369, 17727, 259], [8352, 17740, 259], [8368, 17786, 258], [8375, 17823, 258], [8356, 17834, 258], [8367, 17875, 258], [8337, 17875, 257], [8307, 17875, 256], [8277, 17875, 256], [8247, 17875, 255], [8217, 17875, 254], [7400, 17088, 254], [7399, 17117, 255], [7400, 17148, 254], [7396, 17174, 254], [7399, 17207, 254], [7399, 17237, 254], [7400, 17268, 254], [7270, 17168, 254], [7270, 17198, 253], [7130, 17088, 254], [7130, 17118, 254], [7130, 17148, 254], [7126, 17174, 254], [7130, 17208, 254], [7130, 17238, 253], [7130, 17268, 253], [7130, 17298, 253], [7126, 17324, 253], [6828, 17056, 252], [6841, 17099, 252], [6817, 17105, 253], [6767, 17085, 253], [6757, 17105, 253], [6714, 17092, 253], [6714, 17122, 253], [6715, 17153, 253], [6714, 17182, 253], [6714, 17212, 253], [6714, 17242, 253], [6714, 17272, 253], [6714, 17302, 253], [6706, 17324, 252], [6673, 17321, 252], [6714, 17392, 251], [5963, 16671, 252], [5955, 16693, 252], [6092, 16860, 251], [5873, 16671, 252], [6060, 17158, 253], [5829, 17227, 253], [5459, 17157, 252], [5434, 17432, 250], [4231, 16529, 250], [4230, 16828, 251], [4230, 17128, 252], [4123, 17321, 251], [4230, 17728, 249], [3481, 17279, 249], [3481, 17579, 248], [3477, 17875, 246], [3177, 17875, 244], [2248, 17246, 242], [1395, 16693, 242], [1492, 17090, 243], [1395, 17293, 243], [661, 16859, 243], [661, 17159, 244], [376, 17174, 242], [629, 17727, 241], [387, 17785, 240], [129, 17827, 238]], 'time_in_bucket': [2565, 46, 46, 56, 39, 61, 42, 42, 49, 43, 39, 34, 28, 27, 39, 24, 19, 28, 24, 29, 25, 35, 34, 33, 26, 15, 20, 26, 35, 14, 28, 18, 18, 19, 25, 20, 24, 23, 26, 29, 14, 34, 24, 26, 18, 14, 24, 17, 42, 23, 20, 32, 20, 20, 34, 17, 10, 24, 19, 21, 45, 20, 14, 24, 14, 12, 16, 25, 25, 23, 16, 12, 22, 11, 23, 21, 21, 19, 20, 17, 23, 15, 15, 18, 18, 12, 21, 17, 27, 15, 13, 20, 15, 8, 13, 23, 17, 16, 20, 17, 25, 17, 17, 14, 27, 22, 22, 14, 24, 18, 31, 26, 19, 27, 23, 19, 24, 14, 25, 24, 19, 18, 16, 24, 17, 35, 21, 30, 31, 34, 15, 43, 28, 19, 17, 21, 31, 22, 18, 22, 32, 27, 32, 20, 22, 22, 21, 28, 25, 23, 33, 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'3931313082'}
{'weighted_power': 165, 'training_load': 15, 'max_watts': 416, 'relative_intensity': 41, 'cp_data': [[354, 354, 416], [353, 354, 408], [353, 355, 395], [353, 356, 390], [353, 357, 386], [352, 357, 378], [569, 575, 377], [567, 574, 377], [567, 575, 376], [566, 575, 375], [566, 576, 372], [566, 577, 370], [566, 578, 368], [566, 579, 366], [565, 579, 364], [564, 579, 361], [564, 580, 358], [612, 629, 356], [612, 630, 356], [611, 630, 355], [610, 630, 355], [610, 631, 354], [609, 631, 353], [608, 631, 351], [608, 632, 349], [607, 632, 346], [606, 632, 344], [473, 500, 343], [472, 500, 343], [472, 501, 342], [472, 502, 342], [471, 502, 341], [471, 503, 340], [470, 503, 340], [468, 502, 339], [468, 503, 338], [467, 503, 337], [466, 503, 336], [465, 503, 335], [464, 503, 334], [463, 503, 333], [462, 503, 333], [461, 503, 332], [460, 503, 332], [459, 503, 331], [459, 504, 330], [397, 443, 330], [396, 443, 329], [456, 504, 327], [455, 504, 327], [454, 504, 326], [454, 505, 324], [453, 505, 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{'weighted_power': 296, 'training_load': 191, 'max_watts': 652, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[9865, 9865, 652], [9865, 9866, 616], [9864, 9866, 597], [9863, 9866, 589], [9862, 9866, 574], [9862, 9867, 551], [9862, 9868, 535], [2183, 2190, 532], [2182, 2190, 533], [2182, 2191, 532], [2181, 2191, 530], [2181, 2192, 526], [2544, 2556, 524], [2544, 2557, 520], [2543, 2557, 515], [2176, 2191, 510], [2175, 2191, 510], [2174, 2191, 509], [2174, 2192, 508], [2173, 2192, 506], [2172, 2192, 503], [2169, 2190, 501], [2169, 2191, 501], [2169, 2192, 501], [2168, 2192, 499], [2167, 2192, 496], [2167, 2193, 492], [2166, 2193, 486], [2528, 2556, 482], [2528, 2557, 481], [2527, 2557, 480], [8279, 8310, 478], [8278, 8310, 477], [2344, 2377, 476], [2343, 2377, 475], [2342, 2377, 473], [8277, 8313, 471], [8276, 8313, 470], [8275, 8313, 467], [8274, 8313, 466], [8273, 8313, 465], [8272, 8313, 464], [8271, 8313, 462], [8270, 8313, 461], [8269, 8313, 460], [8268, 8313, 456], [8267, 8313, 455], [8266, 8313, 454], [7458, 7506, 452], [7458, 7507, 452], [7458, 7508, 452], [7458, 7509, 452], [7458, 7510, 452], [7458, 7511, 451], [7458, 7512, 451], [7458, 7513, 451], [7452, 7508, 450], [7452, 7509, 450], [7452, 7510, 450], [7452, 7511, 449], [7453, 7513, 449], [7452, 7513, 449], [7451, 7513, 449], [7446, 7509, 448], [7446, 7510, 448], [7446, 7511, 448], [7446, 7512, 448], [7446, 7513, 448], [7445, 7513, 447], [7446, 7515, 446], [7446, 7516, 445], [7442, 7513, 445], [7446, 7518, 445], [7446, 7519, 445], [7446, 7520, 444], [7438, 7513, 444], [7437, 7513, 444], [7436, 7513, 443], [7437, 7515, 442], [8231, 8310, 442], [8229, 8309, 443], [8228, 8309, 444], [8228, 8310, 444], [8227, 8310, 444], [8226, 8310, 444], [8227, 8312, 443], [8227, 8313, 443], [8222, 8309, 444], [8222, 8310, 444], [8222, 8311, 443], [8222, 8312, 443], [8222, 8313, 443], [8221, 8313, 442], [7446, 7539, 440], [8218, 8312, 440], [8211, 8306, 440], [8213, 8309, 441], [8212, 8309, 441], [8211, 8309, 442], [8210, 8309, 442], [8210, 8310, 442], [8209, 8310, 442], [8208, 8310, 442], [8209, 8312, 442], [8206, 8310, 442], [8205, 8310, 442], [8203, 8309, 442], [8203, 8310, 442], [8202, 8310, 442], [8201, 8310, 442], [8200, 8310, 442], [8199, 8310, 442], [8198, 8310, 442], [8200, 8313, 442], [8199, 8313, 442], [8198, 8313, 441], [8193, 8309, 441], [8192, 8309, 442], [8192, 8310, 442], [8190, 8309, 442], [8189, 8309, 442], [8189, 8310, 442], [8187, 8309, 442], [8186, 8309, 443], [8186, 8310, 443], [8185, 8310, 443], [8184, 8310, 443], [8185, 8312, 443], [8185, 8313, 443], [8184, 8313, 442], [8183, 8313, 442], [8178, 8309, 442], [8177, 8309, 442], [8176, 8309, 443], [8176, 8310, 443], [8176, 8311, 442], [8176, 8312, 442], [8176, 8313, 442], [8175, 8313, 442], [8175, 8314, 440], [8170, 8310, 440], [8169, 8310, 440], [8169, 8311, 439], [8169, 8312, 440], [8169, 8313, 439], [8168, 8313, 439], [8165, 8311, 438], [8165, 8312, 438], [8165, 8313, 438], [8163, 8312, 437], [8163, 8313, 437], [8162, 8313, 437], [8161, 8313, 437], [8157, 8310, 436], [8158, 8312, 435], [8158, 8313, 435], [8157, 8313, 435], [8156, 8313, 435], [8155, 8313, 434], [8154, 8313, 434], [8150, 8310, 433], [8152, 8313, 433], [8151, 8313, 433], [8150, 8313, 433], [8149, 8313, 433], [8148, 8313, 433], [8147, 8313, 433], [8146, 8313, 432], [8142, 8310, 431], [8141, 8310, 431], [8140, 8310, 431], [8142, 8313, 431], [8141, 8313, 431], [8140, 8313, 431], [8140, 8314, 430], [8135, 8310, 429], [8134, 8310, 429], [8135, 8312, 429], [8135, 8313, 429], [8134, 8313, 429], [8133, 8313, 429], [8132, 8313, 428], [8128, 8310, 428], [8127, 8310, 428], [8126, 8310, 428], [8128, 8313, 428], [8127, 8313, 428], [8126, 8313, 428], [8125, 8313, 428], [8124, 8313, 427], [8123, 8313, 427], [8119, 8310, 427], [8120, 8312, 427], [8120, 8313, 427], [8119, 8313, 427], [8118, 8313, 426], [8117, 8313, 426], [8116, 8313, 426], [8115, 8313, 426], [8114, 8313, 426], [8113, 8313, 426], [8112, 8313, 426], [8111, 8313, 426], [8110, 8313, 425], [8109, 8313, 425], [7436, 7641, 425], [8106, 8312, 425], [8106, 8313, 425], [7433, 7641, 424], [7437, 7646, 425], [7437, 7647, 425], [7436, 7647, 424], [7434, 7646, 424], [7433, 7646, 424], [7433, 7647, 424], [7432, 7647, 424], [7452, 7668, 424], [7452, 7669, 424], [7452, 7670, 424], [7452, 7671, 424], [7453, 7673, 424], [7452, 7673, 424], [7451, 7673, 424], [7446, 7669, 424], [7446, 7670, 424], [7446, 7671, 424], [7446, 7672, 425], [7446, 7673, 425], [7445, 7673, 424], [7445, 7674, 424], [7442, 7672, 424], [7442, 7673, 424], [7446, 7678, 424], [7446, 7679, 424], [7437, 7671, 424], [7438, 7673, 424], [7437, 7673, 424], [7436, 7673, 424], [7446, 7684, 424], [7446, 7685, 424], [7433, 7673, 424], [7437, 7678, 424], [7437, 7679, 424], [7442, 7685, 424], [7441, 7685, 424], [7433, 7678, 424], [7432, 7678, 424], [7437, 7684, 424], [7437, 7685, 424], [7436, 7685, 424], [7434, 7684, 423], [7433, 7684, 424], [7433, 7685, 424], [7432, 7685, 424], [7431, 7685, 423], [7430, 7685, 423], [7429, 7685, 423], [7428, 7685, 423], [7427, 7685, 423], [7426, 7685, 423], [7425, 7685, 422], [7428, 7689, 422], [7427, 7689, 422], [7422, 7685, 422], [7421, 7685, 422], [7446, 7711, 422], [7446, 7712, 422], [7446, 7713, 422], [7446, 7714, 422], [7446, 7715, 422], [7446, 7716, 422], [7446, 7717, 422], [7446, 7718, 422], [7446, 7719, 422], [7446, 7720, 422], [7446, 7721, 422], [7445, 7721, 422], [7437, 7714, 421], [7437, 7715, 422], [7437, 7716, 422], [7441, 7721, 422], [7440, 7721, 422], [7438, 7720, 422], [7437, 7720, 422], [7437, 7721, 422], [7436, 7721, 422], [7434, 7720, 421], [7433, 7720, 421], [7433, 7721, 422], [7432, 7721, 421], [7432, 7722, 421], [7446, 7737, 421], [7446, 7738, 421], [7446, 7739, 421], [7458, 7752, 421], [7438, 7733, 421], [7437, 7733, 421], [7437, 7734, 421], [7453, 7751, 421], [7452, 7751, 421], [7447, 7751, 421], [7442, 7751, 421], [7437, 7751, 421], [7433, 7752, 421], [7433, 7757, 421], [7440, 7769, 420], [7436, 7770, 420], [7432, 7771, 420], [7433, 7777, 420], [7452, 7801, 420], [7446, 7800, 420], [7442, 7801, 420], [7437, 7801, 420], [7432, 7801, 420], [7437, 7811, 420], [7446, 7825, 420], [7442, 7826, 420], [7437, 7826, 420], [7432, 7826, 420], [7427, 7826, 419], [7422, 7826, 418], [7392, 7801, 418], [7397, 7811, 418], [7399, 7818, 418], [7437, 7861, 418], [7397, 7826, 418], [7392, 7826, 418], [7391, 7830, 417], [7382, 7826, 417], [7446, 7895, 417], [7444, 7898, 417], [7439, 7898, 417], [7434, 7898, 417], [7433, 7902, 417], [7433, 7907, 417], [7432, 7911, 417], [7431, 7915, 416], [7437, 7926, 416], [7432, 7926, 416], [7399, 7898, 416], [7394, 7898, 416], [7395, 7904, 416], [7390, 7904, 416], [7395, 7914, 416], [7390, 7914, 415], [7395, 7924, 415], [7391, 7925, 415], [7395, 7934, 415], [7395, 7939, 415], [7390, 7939, 415], [7391, 7945, 415], [7380, 7939, 414], [7432, 7996, 414], [7391, 7960, 414], [7360, 7934, 414], [7360, 7939, 414], [7355, 7939, 414], [7350, 7939, 414], [7345, 7939, 413], [7397, 7996, 413], [7393, 7997, 413], [7394, 8003, 413], [7394, 8008, 413], [7384, 8003, 413], [7379, 8003, 413], [7374, 8003, 412], [7394, 8028, 412], [7394, 8033, 412], [7359, 8003, 412], [7348, 7997, 412], [7348, 8002, 412], [7344, 8003, 412], [7071, 7735, 412], [7070, 7739, 412], [7072, 7746, 412], [7072, 7751, 412], [7072, 7756, 412], [7071, 7760, 412], [7073, 7767, 412], [7071, 7770, 412], [7072, 7776, 412], [7070, 7779, 412], [7071, 7785, 412], [7072, 7791, 412], [7071, 7795, 412], [7072, 7801, 412], [7071, 7805, 412], [7071, 7810, 412], [7071, 7815, 412], [7071, 7820, 412], [7071, 7825, 412], [7071, 7830, 412], [7070, 7834, 412], [7071, 7840, 412], [7070, 7844, 412], [7070, 7849, 412], [7071, 7855, 412], [7071, 7860, 412], [7071, 7865, 411], [7070, 7869, 411], [7070, 7874, 411], [7500, 8309, 411], [7495, 8309, 412], [7491, 8310, 412], [7488, 8312, 412], [7481, 8310, 412], [7476, 8310, 412], [7471, 8310, 413], [7465, 8309, 413], [7460, 8309, 413], [7458, 8312, 413], [7451, 8310, 414], [7446, 8310, 414], [7441, 8310, 414], [7437, 8311, 414], [7433, 8312, 414], [7429, 8313, 414], [7424, 8313, 413], [7419, 8313, 413], [7414, 8313, 413], [7409, 8313, 413], [7401, 8310, 413], [7398, 8312, 413], [7394, 8313, 413], [7389, 8313, 413], [7384, 8313, 413], [7379, 8313, 413], [7374, 8313, 413], [7369, 8313, 413], [7361, 8310, 413], [7359, 8313, 413], [7354, 8313, 412], [7349, 8313, 412], [7344, 8313, 412], [7339, 8313, 412], [7334, 8313, 412], [7328, 8312, 412], [7323, 8312, 412], [7319, 8313, 412], [7314, 8313, 412], [7309, 8313, 412], [7304, 8313, 412], [7299, 8313, 412], [7294, 8313, 411], [7289, 8313, 411], [7284, 8313, 411], [7279, 8313, 411], [7274, 8313, 411], [7269, 8313, 411], [7264, 8313, 411], [7259, 8313, 411], [7254, 8313, 411], [7249, 8313, 411], [7243, 8312, 411], [7236, 8310, 411], [7231, 8310, 411], [7229, 8313, 411], [7221, 8310, 411], [7219, 8313, 411], [7214, 8313, 411], [7209, 8313, 411], [7203, 8312, 411], [7199, 8313, 411], [7194, 8313, 411], [7186, 8310, 411], [7184, 8313, 411], [7179, 8313, 410], [7174, 8313, 410], [7166, 8310, 410], [7164, 8313, 410], [7159, 8313, 410], [7154, 8313, 410], [7149, 8313, 410], [7145, 8314, 410], [7139, 8313, 410], [7134, 8313, 410], [7126, 8310, 410], [7124, 8313, 410], [7119, 8313, 410], [7114, 8313, 410], [7109, 8313, 410], [7101, 8310, 410], [7096, 8310, 410], [7091, 8310, 410], [7086, 8310, 410], [7076, 8305, 411], [7076, 8310, 411], [7071, 8310, 411], [7070, 8314, 411], [7069, 8318, 410], [7070, 8324, 409], [7067, 8326, 408], [7061, 8325, 407], [7056, 8325, 405], [7051, 8325, 405], [7046, 8325, 404], [7041, 8325, 403], [7036, 8325, 402], [7031, 8325, 401], [7027, 8326, 400], [7022, 8326, 398], [7016, 8325, 397], [7012, 8326, 396], [7007, 8326, 394], [7001, 8325, 394], [6997, 8326, 392], [6992, 8326, 391], [6987, 8326, 390], [6982, 8326, 389], [6977, 8326, 387], [6985, 8339, 386], [6980, 8339, 385], [6975, 8339, 383], [6970, 8339, 382], [6988, 8362, 381], [6946, 8325, 379], [6941, 8325, 378], [6937, 8326, 377], [6932, 8326, 376], [6927, 8326, 375], [6935, 8339, 373], [6930, 8339, 372], [6925, 8339, 371], [6906, 8325, 370], [6902, 8326, 369], [3656, 5085, 368], [3651, 5085, 367], [3646, 5085, 366], [3641, 5085, 365], [3636, 5085, 365], [3631, 5085, 364], [3626, 5085, 363], [3622, 5086, 362], [3617, 5086, 361], [3626, 5100, 360], [3622, 5101, 359], [3618, 5102, 358], [3612, 5101, 357], [3606, 5100, 356], [3602, 5101, 355], [3598, 5102, 353], [3576, 5085, 353], [3571, 5085, 352], [3565, 5084, 351], [3561, 5085, 351], [3561, 5090, 350], [3551, 5085, 349], [3561, 5100, 348], [3558, 5102, 347], [3552, 5101, 346], [3548, 5102, 345], [3542, 5101, 344], [3551, 5115, 343], [3561, 5130, 342], [3511, 5085, 341], [3506, 5085, 341], [3502, 5086, 340], [3497, 5086, 339], [3498, 5092, 338], [3502, 5101, 337], [3498, 5102, 336], [3476, 5085, 335], [3471, 5085, 335], [3465, 5084, 334], [3460, 5084, 334], [3455, 5084, 334], [3450, 5084, 334], [3445, 5084, 334], [3441, 5085, 333], [3435, 5084, 333], [3430, 5084, 333], [3426, 5085, 332], [3421, 5085, 332], [3416, 5085, 331], [3411, 5085, 331], [3407, 5086, 330], [3401, 5085, 329], [3396, 5085, 329], [3391, 5085, 328], [3386, 5085, 328], [3382, 5086, 327], [3376, 5085, 326], [3371, 5085, 325], [3366, 5085, 325], [3361, 5085, 324], [3356, 5085, 324], [3351, 5085, 323], [3346, 5085, 323], [3341, 5085, 322], [3336, 5085, 321], [3331, 5085, 321], [3326, 5085, 321], [3321, 5085, 320], [3316, 5085, 320], [3311, 5085, 319], [3305, 5084, 319], [3301, 5085, 319], [3296, 5085, 318], [3291, 5085, 318], [3286, 5085, 317], [3256, 5085, 315], [3240, 5099, 312], [3197, 5086, 308], [3166, 5085, 304], [3136, 5085, 301], [3107, 5086, 298], [3107, 5116, 294], [3096, 5135, 290], [6362, 8313, 286], [6332, 8313, 287], [6299, 8310, 287], [6284, 8325, 288], [6242, 8313, 287], [6213, 8314, 287], [6182, 8313, 287], [6152, 8313, 288], [6122, 8313, 288], [6092, 8313, 288], [6062, 8313, 287], [6033, 8314, 287], [6002, 8313, 285], [5972, 8313, 286], [5954, 8325, 285], [5913, 8314, 283], [5895, 8326, 282], [5876, 8337, 279], [5876, 8367, 276], [5876, 8397, 273], [5851, 8402, 270], [5821, 8402, 267], [5791, 8402, 264], [5761, 8402, 261], [5731, 8402, 258], [5701, 8402, 256], [5671, 8402, 253], [2104, 4982, 253], [2169, 5077, 254], [2146, 5084, 255], [2111, 5079, 257], [2086, 5084, 257], [2051, 5079, 259], [2026, 5084, 260], [1992, 5080, 261], [1966, 5084, 262], [1931, 5079, 263], [1906, 5084, 264], [1871, 5079, 265], [1846, 5084, 265], [1811, 5079, 266], [1786, 5084, 267], [1743, 5071, 268], [1726, 5084, 269], [1691, 5079, 270], [1666, 5084, 270], [1624, 5072, 271], [1606, 5084, 272], [1571, 5079, 273], [1546, 5084, 273], [1517, 5085, 274], [1503, 5101, 272], [1495, 5123, 270], [1493, 5135, 268], [1476, 5135, 266], [1476, 5135, 264], [1476, 5135, 261], [1429, 5091, 260], [1431, 5123, 258], [1363, 5085, 257], [1349, 5101, 256], [1303, 5085, 255], [1273, 5085, 254], [1243, 5085, 253], [1212, 5084, 252], [1183, 5085, 251], [1153, 5085, 250], [1122, 5084, 250], [1093, 5085, 250], [1062, 5084, 249], [1033, 5085, 249], [1003, 5085, 248], [973, 5085, 248], [943, 5085, 247], [914, 5086, 247], [890, 5092, 245], [853, 5085, 244], [823, 5085, 243], [809, 5101, 242], [779, 5101, 241], [782, 5134, 239], [752, 5134, 238], [723, 5135, 236], [693, 5135, 235], [613, 5085, 234], [4156, 8313, 234], [4126, 8313, 235], [4096, 8313, 236], [4066, 8313, 237], [4036, 8313, 238], [4006, 8313, 239], [3976, 8313, 240], [3946, 8313, 241], [3915, 8312, 242], [3886, 8313, 242], [3856, 8313, 243], [3826, 8313, 244], [3793, 8310, 245], [3766, 8313, 246], [3737, 8314, 246], [3719, 8326, 245], [3677, 8314, 244], [3658, 8325, 243], [3628, 8325, 243], [3599, 8326, 242], [3569, 8326, 241], [3552, 8339, 240], [3508, 8325, 239], [3478, 8325, 238], [3437, 8314, 238], [3418, 8325, 238], [3388, 8325, 237], [3358, 8325, 236], [3328, 8325, 236], [3298, 8325, 235], [3257, 8314, 235], [3239, 8326, 235], [3208, 8325, 234], [3192, 8339, 233], [3137, 8314, 232], [3108, 8315, 231], [3102, 8339, 231], [3108, 8375, 229], [3105, 8402, 228], [3075, 8402, 227], [3017, 8374, 226], [3015, 8402, 225], [2983, 8400, 224], [2955, 8402, 223], [2926, 8402, 222], [2889, 8395, 221], [2866, 8402, 220], [2836, 8402, 218], [2806, 8402, 217], [2776, 8402, 216], [2746, 8402, 215], [2716, 8402, 214], [2686, 8402, 213], [2569, 8315, 213], [2533, 8309, 213], [2507, 8313, 214], [2474, 8310, 215], [2447, 8313, 215], [2417, 8313, 216], [2387, 8313, 216], [2350, 8306, 217], [2327, 8313, 218], [2293, 8309, 219], [2267, 8313, 219], [2237, 8313, 220], [2207, 8313, 220], [2173, 8309, 221], [2147, 8313, 222], [2114, 8310, 223], [2087, 8313, 223], [2054, 8310, 224], [2027, 8313, 225], [1997, 8313, 225], [1967, 8313, 226], [1937, 8313, 227], [1907, 8313, 227], [1877, 8313, 228], [1847, 8313, 228], [1817, 8313, 229], [1787, 8313, 229], [1754, 8310, 230], [1727, 8313, 231], [1693, 8309, 231], [1668, 8314, 231], [1634, 8310, 232], [1607, 8313, 233], [1574, 8310, 233], [1547, 8313, 234], [1518, 8314, 234], [1500, 8326, 233], [1493, 8339, 233], [1494, 8380, 232], [1493, 8402, 231], [1477, 8402, 230], [1476, 8402, 229], [1435, 8325, 228], [1419, 8339, 227], [1364, 8314, 227], [1346, 8326, 227], [1316, 8326, 226], [1285, 8325, 226], [1256, 8326, 225], [1226, 8326, 225], [1196, 8326, 225], [1165, 8325, 224], [1124, 8314, 224], [1094, 8314, 224], [1064, 8314, 224], [1045, 8325, 224], [1015, 8325, 224], [974, 8314, 223], [955, 8325, 223], [925, 8325, 223], [895, 8325, 223], [866, 8326, 222], [836, 8326, 222], [806, 8326, 221], [775, 8325, 220], [746, 8326, 220], [774, 8384, 219], [754, 8394, 218], [732, 8402, 217], [626, 8326, 217], [595, 8325, 217], [565, 8325, 216], [549, 8339, 215], [560, 8380, 215], [549, 8399, 214], [522, 8402, 213], [403, 8313, 213], [385, 8325, 213], [344, 8314, 213], [325, 8325, 213], [295, 8325, 212], [279, 8339, 212], [249, 8339, 211], [205, 8325, 211], [176, 8326, 210], [146, 8326, 210], [129, 8339, 209], [85, 8325, 208], [3766, 11783, 208], [3766, 11813, 208], [3766, 11843, 208], [3766, 11873, 209], [3766, 11903, 209], [3766, 11933, 209], [3766, 11963, 209], [3766, 11993, 209], [3766, 12023, 209], [3766, 12053, 210], [3766, 12083, 210], [3766, 12113, 210], [3766, 12143, 210], [3766, 12173, 211], [3766, 12203, 211], [3766, 12233, 211], [3766, 12263, 211], [3766, 12293, 212], [3766, 12323, 212], [3750, 12337, 212], [3721, 12338, 212], [3693, 12340, 211], [3663, 12340, 211], [3632, 12339, 211], [3603, 12340, 210], [3572, 12339, 210], [3543, 12340, 209], [3513, 12340, 209], [3483, 12340, 208], [3450, 12337, 208], [3421, 12338, 208], [3392, 12339, 208], [3362, 12339, 208], [3332, 12339, 208], [3302, 12339, 208], [3271, 12338, 207], [3241, 12338, 207], [3213, 12340, 207], [3183, 12340, 206], [3152, 12339, 206], [3123, 12340, 206], [3093, 12340, 205], [3063, 12340, 205], [3033, 12340, 204], [1519, 10855, 204], [1520, 10886, 204], [1523, 10919, 205], [1554, 10980, 205], [1524, 10980, 205], [1519, 11005, 206], [1519, 11035, 206], [1524, 11070, 206], [1519, 11095, 206], [1519, 11125, 206], [1519, 11155, 206], [1522, 11188, 207], [1523, 11219, 207], [1523, 11249, 207], [1523, 11279, 207], [1523, 11309, 208], [1523, 11339, 208], [1563, 11409, 208], [1523, 11399, 209], [1523, 11429, 209], [1523, 11459, 209], [1523, 11489, 210], [1515, 11781, 208], [1520, 12086, 209], [1493, 12340, 210], [1289, 12339, 206], [989, 12339, 205], [690, 12340, 202], [390, 12340, 199], [90, 12340, 197]], 'time_in_bucket': [2451, 21, 14, 36, 26, 46, 45, 34, 29, 31, 28, 21, 19, 20, 29, 20, 24, 12, 15, 21, 14, 14, 4, 20, 11, 8, 12, 17, 12, 13, 14, 11, 18, 16, 12, 10, 9, 18, 9, 9, 9, 15, 12, 17, 8, 9, 3, 9, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 17, 10, 10, 17, 17, 10, 13, 11, 14, 9, 17, 11, 12, 9, 13, 1, 6, 13, 14, 9, 7, 14, 11, 12, 13, 13, 9, 5, 10, 11, 11, 7, 7, 9, 6, 17, 11, 12, 11, 8, 7, 12, 16, 17, 14, 9, 9, 9, 17, 11, 11, 12, 22, 14, 16, 13, 12, 15, 14, 21, 10, 16, 15, 14, 12, 17, 9, 19, 18, 15, 11, 8, 12, 12, 14, 15, 8, 17, 18, 14, 9, 15, 16, 8, 18, 19, 11, 15, 14, 17, 18, 16, 9, 26, 23, 22, 20, 13, 18, 14, 19, 27, 15, 25, 16, 20, 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{'weighted_power': 218, 'training_load': 165, 'max_watts': 824, 'relative_intensity': 54, 'cp_data': [[9506, 9506, 824], [9505, 9506, 716], [9504, 9506, 600], [9504, 9507, 535], [11158, 11162, 460], [11158, 11163, 449], [11159, 11165, 440], [11159, 11166, 439], [11158, 11166, 438], [11158, 11167, 433], [11157, 11167, 429], [11156, 11167, 425], [11155, 11167, 422], [11154, 11167, 417], [11153, 11167, 414], [11152, 11167, 412], [11151, 11167, 409], [11149, 11166, 407], [11149, 11167, 406], [11148, 11167, 403], [11146, 11166, 401], [11146, 11167, 400], [11145, 11167, 399], [11144, 11167, 397], [11144, 11168, 395], [11143, 11168, 391], [11141, 11167, 389], [11140, 11167, 387], [11139, 11167, 385], [11139, 11168, 384], [11137, 11167, 382], [11137, 11168, 380], [11136, 11168, 379], [11135, 11168, 376], [11134, 11168, 372], [11134, 11169, 368], [11133, 11169, 363], [11132, 11169, 357], [11131, 11169, 350], [12243, 12282, 349], [12243, 12283, 347], [12243, 12284, 345], [12243, 12285, 343], 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[19097, 19235, 289], [19421, 19560, 289], [19420, 19560, 289], [19418, 19559, 289], [19418, 19560, 289], [19417, 19560, 289], [19416, 19560, 289], [19415, 19560, 289], [19413, 19559, 289], [19413, 19560, 289], [19412, 19560, 289], [19411, 19560, 288], [19410, 19560, 288], [19408, 19559, 288], [19407, 19559, 288], [19407, 19560, 289], [19406, 19560, 288], [19405, 19560, 288], [19404, 19560, 288], [19403, 19560, 288], [19403, 19561, 288], [19403, 19562, 287], [19403, 19563, 287], [19403, 19564, 286], [19400, 19562, 286], [19403, 19566, 286], [19396, 19560, 286], [19407, 19572, 285], [19407, 19573, 285], [19407, 19574, 285], [19407, 19575, 285], [19407, 19576, 285], [19406, 19576, 285], [19405, 19576, 285], [19404, 19576, 285], [19403, 19576, 285], [19403, 19577, 284], [19407, 19582, 284], [19407, 19583, 284], [19407, 19584, 284], [19405, 19583, 284], [19407, 19586, 284], [19407, 19587, 284], [19407, 19588, 284], [19406, 19588, 284], [19405, 19588, 284], [19404, 19588, 284], [19403, 19588, 283], [19403, 19589, 283], [19403, 19590, 283], [19403, 19591, 283], [19402, 19591, 283], [19402, 19592, 282], [19400, 19591, 282], [19399, 19591, 282], [19396, 19589, 281], [19396, 19590, 281], [19396, 19591, 281], [19395, 19591, 281], [19395, 19592, 280], [19394, 19592, 280], [19393, 19592, 280], [19391, 19591, 279], [19390, 19591, 279], [19412, 19614, 279], [19413, 19616, 279], [19408, 19612, 279], [19407, 19612, 279], [19407, 19613, 279], [19407, 19614, 279], [19407, 19615, 279], [19407, 19616, 279], [19431, 19641, 279], [19431, 19642, 279], [19431, 19643, 279], [19424, 19637, 279], [19423, 19637, 280], [19422, 19637, 280], [19422, 19638, 280], [19422, 19639, 280], [19422, 19640, 280], [19421, 19640, 280], [19421, 19641, 280], [19421, 19642, 280], [19421, 19643, 281], [19421, 19644, 281], [19421, 19645, 281], [19420, 19645, 281], [19418, 19644, 281], [19418, 19645, 281], [19417, 19645, 281], [19413, 19642, 281], [19418, 19648, 281], [19412, 19643, 281], [19413, 19645, 281], [19412, 19645, 281], [19408, 19642, 281], [19407, 19642, 281], [19407, 19643, 281], [19407, 19644, 281], [19407, 19645, 281], [19406, 19645, 281], [19407, 19647, 281], [19407, 19648, 281], [19407, 19649, 281], [19406, 19649, 281], [19405, 19649, 281], [19404, 19649, 281], [19407, 19653, 280], [19407, 19654, 280], [19413, 19661, 280], [19412, 19661, 280], [19407, 19657, 280], [19407, 19658, 281], [19407, 19659, 281], [19407, 19660, 281], [19407, 19661, 281], [19406, 19661, 281], [19405, 19661, 280], [19404, 19661, 280], [19403, 19661, 280], [19403, 19662, 280], [19403, 19663, 280], [19402, 19663, 280], [19400, 19662, 280], [19400, 19663, 279], [19399, 19663, 279], [19396, 19661, 279], [19396, 19662, 279], [19396, 19663, 279], [19395, 19663, 279], [19395, 19664, 278], [19393, 19663, 278], [19392, 19663, 278], [19390, 19662, 278], [19390, 19663, 277], [19390, 19664, 277], [19388, 19663, 277], [19388, 19664, 276], [19386, 19663, 276], [19385, 19663, 276], [19384, 19663, 276], [19383, 19663, 275], [19382, 19663, 275], [19381, 19663, 275], [19380, 19663, 275], [19379, 19663, 275], [19379, 19664, 274], [19376, 19662, 274], [19375, 19662, 274], [19374, 19662, 274], [19372, 19661, 274], [19371, 19661, 274], [19371, 19662, 274], [19369, 19661, 273], [19368, 19661, 273], [19367, 19661, 273], [19367, 19662, 273], [19366, 19662, 273], [19363, 19660, 273], [19363, 19661, 273], [19362, 19661, 273], [1231, 1535, 272], [1226, 1535, 272], [1221, 1535, 273], [1220, 1539, 273], [1220, 1544, 273], [1217, 1546, 272], [1214, 1548, 272], [1220, 1559, 272], [1223, 1567, 272], [1220, 1569, 272], [1215, 1569, 272], [1220, 1579, 272], [1220, 1584, 272], [1216, 1585, 272], [1211, 1585, 272], [1211, 1590, 271], [1213, 1597, 271], [1222, 1611, 271], [1217, 1611, 271], [1215, 1614, 271], [1226, 1630, 271], [1220, 1629, 271], [1220, 1634, 271], [1220, 1639, 271], [1220, 1644, 271], [1220, 1649, 271], [1217, 1651, 271], [1215, 1654, 271], [1215, 1659, 271], [1210, 1659, 270], [1220, 1674, 270], [1220, 1679, 270], [1220, 1684, 270], [1220, 1689, 270], [1215, 1689, 270], [1217, 1696, 270], [1215, 1699, 270], [1217, 1706, 270], [1215, 1709, 270], [1217, 1716, 270], [1217, 1721, 270], [1212, 1721, 270], [1211, 1725, 269], [1207, 1726, 269], [1217, 1741, 269], [1215, 1744, 269], [1216, 1750, 269], [1211, 1750, 268], [1094, 1638, 268], [1099, 1648, 268], [1098, 1652, 268], [1094, 1653, 268], [1094, 1658, 268], [1090, 1659, 268], [1098, 1672, 268], [1098, 1677, 268], [1098, 1682, 268], [1094, 1683, 268], [1094, 1688, 268], [1091, 1690, 268], [1094, 1698, 268], [1094, 1703, 268], [1093, 1707, 268], [1091, 1710, 268], [1094, 1718, 268], [1092, 1721, 268], [1091, 1725, 268], [1090, 1729, 267], [1094, 1738, 267], [1094, 1743, 267], [1091, 1745, 267], [1091, 1750, 267], [1091, 1755, 267], [1090, 1759, 266], [1091, 1765, 266], [1090, 1769, 266], [1218, 1902, 265], [1214, 1903, 265], [1209, 1903, 265], [1210, 1909, 265], [1215, 1919, 265], [1220, 1929, 265], [1220, 1934, 265], [1215, 1934, 265], [1215, 1939, 265], [1220, 1949, 265], [1220, 1954, 265], [1217, 1956, 265], [1226, 1970, 265], [1221, 1970, 265], [1217, 1971, 265], [1220, 1979, 265], [1217, 1981, 265], [1215, 1984, 265], [1211, 1985, 265], [1098, 1877, 265], [1094, 1878, 265], [1090, 1879, 265], [1094, 1888, 265], [1092, 1891, 265], [1091, 1895, 264], [1093, 1902, 264], [1090, 1904, 264], [1090, 1909, 264], [1094, 1918, 264], [1093, 1922, 264], [1094, 1928, 264], [1093, 1932, 264], [1094, 1938, 264], [1100, 1949, 264], [1098, 1952, 264], [1094, 1953, 264], [1092, 1956, 264], [1101, 1970, 264], [1096, 1970, 264], [1092, 1971, 264], [1094, 1978, 264], [1092, 1981, 264], [1091, 1985, 264], [1090, 1989, 264], [1091, 1995, 264], [1091, 2000, 264], [1091, 2005, 264], [1091, 2010, 264], [1090, 2014, 263], [1094, 2023, 263], [1094, 2028, 263], [1094, 2033, 263], [1094, 2038, 263], [1094, 2043, 263], [1091, 2045, 263], [1090, 2049, 263], [1094, 2058, 263], [1092, 2061, 263], [1094, 2068, 263], [1092, 2071, 263], [1091, 2075, 263], [1094, 2083, 263], [1091, 2085, 263], [1091, 2090, 263], [1220, 2224, 262], [1220, 2229, 263], [1216, 2230, 262], [1216, 2235, 263], [1211, 2235, 262], [1210, 2239, 262], [1215, 2249, 262], [1210, 2249, 262], [1211, 2255, 262], [1094, 2143, 262], [1093, 2147, 262], [1094, 2153, 262], [1091, 2155, 262], [1221, 2290, 262], [1217, 2291, 262], [1220, 2299, 262], [1215, 2299, 262], [1211, 2300, 262], [1210, 2304, 262], [1205, 2304, 262], [1098, 2202, 262], [1095, 2204, 262], [1100, 2214, 262], [1099, 2218, 262], [1098, 2222, 262], [1094, 2223, 262], [1095, 2229, 262], [1094, 2233, 262], [1091, 2235, 262], [1091, 2240, 262], [1094, 2248, 262], [1091, 2250, 262], [1091, 2255, 262], [1096, 2265, 262], [1092, 2266, 262], [1091, 2270, 262], [1092, 2276, 262], [1095, 2284, 262], [1098, 2292, 262], [1094, 2293, 262], [1095, 2299, 262], [1091, 2300, 262], [1091, 2305, 262], [1091, 2310, 262], [1092, 2316, 261], [1217, 2446, 261], [1214, 2448, 261], [1092, 2331, 261], [1211, 2455, 261], [1228, 2477, 261], [1223, 2477, 261], [1220, 2479, 262], [1217, 2481, 262], [1212, 2481, 262], [1207, 2481, 261], [1205, 2484, 261], [1215, 2499, 261], [1215, 2504, 261], [1220, 2514, 261], [1215, 2514, 261], [1221, 2525, 261], [1220, 2529, 261], [1220, 2534, 261], [1217, 2536, 261], [1217, 2541, 261], [1213, 2542, 261], [1095, 2429, 261], [1090, 2429, 261], [1098, 2442, 261], [1098, 2447, 261], [1094, 2448, 261], [1091, 2450, 261], [1091, 2455, 261], [1107, 2476, 261], [1103, 2477, 261], [1099, 2478, 261], [1094, 2478, 261], [1093, 2482, 261], [1090, 2484, 261], [1092, 2491, 261], [1094, 2498, 261], [1094, 2503, 261], [1094, 2508, 261], [1094, 2513, 261], [1094, 2518, 261], [1098, 2527, 261], [1094, 2528, 261], [1094, 2533, 261], [1093, 2537, 261], [1093, 2542, 261], [1091, 2545, 261], [1092, 2551, 261], [1091, 2555, 261], [1091, 2560, 261], [1094, 2568, 261], [1092, 2571, 261], [1092, 2576, 261], [1091, 2580, 261], [1094, 2588, 261], [1094, 2593, 261], [1091, 2595, 261], [1090, 2599, 261], [1091, 2605, 261], [1094, 2613, 260], [1090, 2614, 260], [1091, 2620, 260], [1091, 2625, 260], [1099, 2638, 260], [1094, 2638, 260], [1093, 2642, 260], [1091, 2645, 260], [1091, 2650, 260], [1090, 2654, 260], [1094, 2663, 260], [1094, 2668, 260], [1091, 2670, 260], [1091, 2675, 260], [1091, 2680, 260], [1091, 2685, 260], [1094, 2693, 260], [1094, 2698, 260], [1094, 2703, 260], [1091, 2705, 260], [1091, 2710, 260], [1090, 2714, 260], [1091, 2720, 259], [1220, 2854, 259], [1223, 2862, 259], [1220, 2864, 260], [1217, 2866, 260], [1220, 2874, 260], [1215, 2874, 260], [1212, 2876, 260], [1211, 2880, 259], [1207, 2881, 259], [1215, 2894, 259], [1220, 2904, 259], [1223, 2912, 259], [1220, 2914, 260], [1220, 2919, 260], [1220, 2924, 260], [1220, 2929, 260], [1220, 2934, 260], [1220, 2939, 260], [1217, 2941, 260], [1220, 2949, 260], [1215, 2949, 260], [1214, 2953, 260], [1212, 2956, 260], [1207, 2956, 260], [1207, 2961, 260], [1207, 2966, 260], [1098, 2862, 259], [1094, 2863, 259], [1094, 2868, 260], [1095, 2874, 260], [1092, 2876, 260], [1091, 2880, 259], [1093, 2887, 259], [1094, 2893, 259], [1098, 2927, 260], [1094, 2953, 260], [1090, 2979, 259], [1092, 3011, 259], [1092, 3041, 259], [1094, 3073, 259], [1091, 3100, 259], [1091, 3130, 259], [1091, 3160, 259], [1090, 3189, 258], [820, 2949, 258], [798, 2957, 258], [822, 3011, 258], [820, 3039, 258], [820, 3069, 258], [820, 3099, 258], [818, 3127, 258], [820, 3159, 258], [816, 3185, 257], [676, 3075, 257], [669, 3098, 257], [668, 3127, 257], [668, 3157, 257], [667, 3186, 257], [667, 3216, 256], [612, 3191, 256], [612, 3221, 255], [4873, 7512, 254], [4869, 7538, 255], [4868, 7567, 255], [4840, 7569, 255], [4810, 7569, 254], [4766, 7555, 254], [4749, 7568, 254], [4720, 7569, 254], [4686, 7565, 254], [4662, 7571, 253], [4633, 7572, 252], [4595, 7564, 251], [4569, 7568, 251], [4536, 7565, 251], [4497, 7556, 251], [4476, 7565, 251], [4449, 7568, 251], [4424, 7573, 251], [4382, 7561, 251], [4359, 7568, 251], [4332, 7571, 250], [4300, 7569, 249], [4262, 7561, 249], [4239, 7568, 249], [4194, 7553, 249], [4180, 7569, 249], [4150, 7569, 248], [4125, 7574, 247], [4094, 7573, 246], [4058, 7567, 245], [4042, 7581, 244], [4010, 7579, 242], [3982, 7581, 240], [3952, 7581, 238], [3920, 7579, 236], [3882, 7571, 234], [3857, 7576, 233], [3832, 7581, 231], [3802, 7581, 229], [3772, 7581, 227], [3742, 7581, 226], [3706, 7575, 224], [3674, 7573, 223], [3652, 7581, 222], [3622, 7581, 220], [3592, 7581, 219], [3562, 7581, 217], [3532, 7581, 216], [3486, 7565, 215], [3456, 7565, 215], [3428, 7567, 215], [3400, 7569, 215], [3366, 7565, 215], [3348, 7577, 215], [3347, 7581, 214], [3347, 7581, 212], [3347, 7581, 211], [14138, 18486, 210], [14115, 18493, 210], [14127, 18535, 209], [14129, 18567, 209], [14117, 18585, 208], [14104, 18590, 207], [1091, 5505, 207], [1235, 5679, 207], [1220, 5694, 207], [1219, 5723, 208], [1220, 5754, 208], [1214, 5778, 209], [1220, 5814, 209], [1217, 5841, 209], [1220, 5874, 210], [1215, 5899, 210], [1207, 5921, 210], [1094, 5838, 210], [1094, 5868, 211], [1094, 5898, 211], [1220, 6054, 211], [1094, 5958, 212], [1093, 5987, 212], [1094, 6018, 212], [1098, 6052, 212], [1090, 6074, 213], [1086, 6100, 213], [820, 5864, 213], [819, 5893, 213], [817, 5921, 213], [820, 5954, 213], [820, 5984, 214], [819, 6013, 214], [820, 6044, 214], [803, 6057, 214], [789, 6073, 215], [746, 6060, 215], [704, 6048, 215], [679, 6053, 215], [668, 6072, 215], [1091, 6525, 215], [1099, 6563, 215], [1095, 6589, 216], [820, 6344, 216], [820, 6374, 216], [818, 6402, 216], [820, 6434, 216], [820, 6464, 216], [1093, 6767, 217], [820, 6524, 217], [668, 6402, 217], [1094, 6858, 217], [1220, 7014, 217], [1217, 7041, 218], [1211, 7065, 218], [1217, 7101, 218], [1217, 7131, 218], [1094, 7038, 219], [1220, 7194, 219], [1094, 7098, 219], [1217, 7251, 219], [1094, 7158, 219], [1098, 7192, 220], [1211, 7335, 220], [1094, 7248, 220], [1094, 7278, 220], [1094, 7308, 220], [1091, 7335, 220], [1094, 7368, 221], [1094, 7398, 221], [1220, 7554, 221], [1205, 7569, 221], [1172, 7566, 221], [1096, 7520, 221], [1098, 7552, 222], [1085, 7569, 222], [818, 7332, 222], [818, 7362, 222], [797, 7371, 222], [820, 7424, 222], [820, 7454, 222], [898, 7562, 222], [820, 7514, 222], [820, 7544, 223], [815, 7569, 223], [784, 7568, 223], [750, 7564, 223], [721, 7565, 223], [688, 7562, 223], [666, 7570, 223], [626, 7560, 223], [612, 7576, 223], [585, 7569, 223], [555, 7569, 223], [526, 7570, 223], [492, 7566, 223], [466, 7570, 222], [427, 7561, 222], [405, 7569, 223], [375, 7569, 222], [349, 7573, 222], [315, 7569, 222], [285, 7569, 221], [265, 7579, 221], [237, 7581, 220], [198, 7572, 220], [177, 7581, 219], [147, 7581, 218], [117, 7581, 217], [87, 7581, 217], [48, 7572, 216], [27, 7581, 215], [0, 7583, 214], [0, 7594, 214], [0, 7594, 213], [0, 7594, 212], [0, 7594, 211], [0, 7594, 210], [0, 7594, 209], [0, 7594, 209], [0, 7594, 208], [0, 7594, 207], [0, 7594, 206], [0, 7594, 206], [0, 7594, 205], [0, 7594, 204], [0, 7594, 203], [0, 7594, 203], [0, 7594, 202], [0, 7594, 201], [0, 7594, 200], [0, 7594, 200], [0, 7594, 199], [0, 7594, 198], [0, 7594, 197], [0, 7594, 197], [0, 7603, 196], [0, 7633, 195], [7, 7670, 195], [0, 7693, 194], [13, 7736, 193], [0, 7753, 193], [1, 7784, 192], [0, 7813, 192], [0, 7843, 191], [0, 7873, 190], [0, 7903, 190], [0, 7933, 189], [153, 8117, 188], [149, 8143, 188], [137, 8161, 187], [0, 8053, 187], [0, 8083, 186], [3, 8116, 186], [0, 8143, 185], [0, 8173, 184], [0, 8203, 184], [0, 8233, 183], [0, 8263, 183], [668, 8972, 183], [667, 9001, 183], [798, 9162, 183], [668, 9062, 183], [702, 9126, 184], [674, 9128, 184], [675, 9159, 184], [666, 9180, 184], [612, 9156, 184], [612, 9186, 184], [582, 9176, 184], [552, 9176, 184], [505, 9159, 184], [492, 9176, 185], [465, 9179, 185], [411, 9155, 185], [402, 9176, 185], [372, 9176, 185], [356, 9190, 185], [312, 9176, 184], [284, 9178, 184], [265, 9189, 184], [258, 9212, 184], [264, 9248, 184], [266, 9280, 183], [265, 9309, 183], [259, 9333, 183], [265, 9369, 182], [198, 9332, 182], [264, 9428, 181], [265, 9459, 181], [283, 9507, 181], [273, 9527, 181], [275, 9559, 180], [269, 9583, 180], [261, 9605, 180], [265, 9639, 180], [257, 9661, 179], [267, 9701, 179], [366, 9829, 179], [360, 9853, 179], [308, 9831, 179], [279, 9832, 179], [265, 9848, 179], [334, 9947, 178], [304, 9947, 178], [274, 9947, 178], [265, 9968, 178], [263, 9996, 178], [360, 10123, 178], [359, 10152, 178], [296, 10119, 177], [280, 10133, 177], [265, 10148, 177], [264, 10177, 177], [360, 10303, 177], [360, 10333, 177], [359, 10632, 177], [360, 10933, 176], [296, 11169, 175], [273, 11446, 173], [356, 11829, 173], [667, 12450, 174], [476, 12549, 175], [491, 12864, 175], [494, 13167, 175], [252, 13225, 175], [667, 13950, 175], [370, 13943, 176], [196, 14069, 175], [0, 14098, 171], [0, 14098, 168], [0, 14098, 165], [0, 14098, 162], [4351, 18413, 162], [4128, 18490, 163], [3928, 18590, 161], [667, 15514, 162], [405, 15542, 163], [612, 16059, 163], [626, 16373, 164], [668, 16715, 165], [668, 17015, 166], [612, 17259, 167], [667, 17614, 168], [556, 17793, 168], [583, 18120, 169], [570, 18407, 170], [357, 18494, 170], [153, 18590, 169], [396, 18909, 167], [857, 19661, 169], [675, 19779, 169], [386, 19780, 170], [95, 19789, 169]], 'time_in_bucket': [1914, 16, 20, 23, 34, 27, 32, 31, 26, 26, 31, 17, 13, 17, 30, 17, 22, 22, 20, 12, 11, 22, 12, 15, 24, 6, 15, 9, 14, 15, 18, 6, 8, 12, 15, 9, 9, 17, 13, 17, 21, 11, 11, 12, 11, 13, 15, 9, 20, 14, 12, 13, 16, 3, 25, 11, 11, 12, 13, 12, 10, 16, 14, 7, 13, 14, 10, 11, 20, 16, 19, 11, 20, 17, 12, 14, 11, 21, 15, 22, 15, 21, 14, 15, 20, 12, 17, 20, 16, 19, 14, 17, 17, 13, 15, 21, 24, 14, 16, 26, 22, 38, 29, 26, 24, 29, 22, 27, 24, 32, 26, 30, 29, 23, 36, 40, 32, 26, 31, 19, 27, 26, 30, 20, 32, 23, 30, 40, 25, 27, 29, 27, 36, 34, 30, 35, 39, 34, 28, 39, 33, 36, 35, 35, 51, 46, 41, 42, 38, 46, 42, 42, 35, 48, 43, 39, 53, 41, 50, 39, 53, 60, 40, 46, 61, 48, 53, 64, 60, 61, 57, 64, 59, 66, 57, 51, 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{'weighted_power': 258, 'training_load': 153, 'max_watts': 557, 'relative_intensity': 64, 'cp_data': [[6513, 6513, 557], [6513, 6514, 495], [11580, 11582, 459], [11580, 11583, 451], [11580, 11584, 439], [11552, 11557, 429], [11551, 11557, 426], [11553, 11560, 427], [11553, 11561, 428], [11552, 11561, 429], [11552, 11562, 428], [11552, 11563, 427], [11551, 11563, 426], [11548, 11561, 424], [11548, 11562, 424], [11548, 11563, 424], [11547, 11563, 423], [11546, 11563, 421], [11546, 11564, 418], [11552, 11571, 417], [11551, 11571, 417], [11548, 11569, 417], [11548, 11570, 417], [11548, 11571, 417], [11547, 11571, 416], [11547, 11572, 416], [11547, 11573, 415], [11546, 11573, 414], [11545, 11573, 412], [11544, 11573, 411], [11543, 11573, 410], [11542, 11573, 407], [11541, 11573, 403], [11540, 11573, 400], [11539, 11573, 397], [11548, 11583, 397], [11547, 11583, 397], [11547, 11584, 397], [11546, 11584, 397], [11545, 11584, 396], [11544, 11584, 396], [11543, 11584, 395], [11542, 11584, 393], 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3090, 332], [2246, 3100, 332], [2241, 3100, 332], [2247, 3111, 332], [2245, 3114, 332], [2245, 3119, 332], [2246, 3125, 332], [2242, 3126, 332], [2237, 3126, 332], [2306, 3200, 331], [2303, 3202, 331], [2292, 3196, 331], [2289, 3198, 331], [2250, 3164, 331], [2246, 3165, 332], [2249, 3173, 332], [2245, 3174, 332], [2242, 3176, 332], [2238, 3177, 332], [2247, 3191, 332], [2246, 3195, 332], [2245, 3199, 332], [2241, 3200, 332], [2238, 3202, 331], [2233, 3202, 331], [2228, 3202, 331], [2223, 3202, 331], [2218, 3202, 331], [2211, 3200, 330], [2207, 3201, 330], [2203, 3202, 330], [2198, 3202, 330], [1931, 2940, 330], [1930, 2944, 330], [1930, 2949, 330], [1923, 2947, 330], [1920, 2949, 330], [1915, 2949, 330], [1915, 2954, 330], [1903, 2947, 330], [1900, 2949, 330], [1894, 2948, 330], [1882, 2941, 330], [1877, 2941, 330], [1872, 2941, 330], [1872, 2946, 330], [1868, 2947, 330], [1864, 2948, 330], [1857, 2946, 330], [1849, 2943, 330], [1844, 2943, 330], [1837, 2941, 330], [1837, 2946, 330], [1836, 2950, 330], [1830, 2949, 330], [1830, 2954, 330], [1832, 2961, 330], [1832, 2966, 330], [1828, 2967, 330], [1828, 2972, 329], [1837, 2986, 329], [1832, 2986, 329], [1828, 2987, 329], [1828, 2992, 329], [1837, 3006, 329], [1836, 3010, 329], [1832, 3011, 329], [1830, 3014, 329], [1827, 3016, 329], [1827, 3021, 328], [1915, 3114, 328], [1872, 3076, 328], [1872, 3081, 328], [1868, 3082, 328], [1868, 3087, 329], [1864, 3088, 329], [1847, 3076, 329], [1846, 3080, 329], [1842, 3081, 329], [1837, 3081, 329], [1838, 3087, 329], [1836, 3090, 329], [1837, 3096, 329], [1836, 3100, 329], [1844, 3113, 329], [1839, 3113, 329], [1836, 3115, 329], [1836, 3120, 329], [1837, 3126, 329], [1832, 3126, 329], [1868, 3167, 328], [1869, 3173, 329], [1864, 3173, 329], [1851, 3165, 329], [1846, 3165, 329], [1849, 3173, 329], [1844, 3173, 329], [1839, 3173, 329], [1837, 3176, 329], [1836, 3180, 329], [1845, 3194, 329], [1843, 3197, 329], [1837, 3196, 329], [1836, 3200, 329], [1832, 3201, 329], [1828, 3202, 329], [1823, 3202, 328], [1818, 3202, 328], [1813, 3202, 328], [1808, 3202, 328], [1803, 3202, 328], [1796, 3200, 328], [1787, 3196, 328], [1787, 3201, 328], [1524, 2943, 328], [1523, 2947, 328], [1517, 2946, 328], [1515, 2949, 328], [1460, 2899, 328], [1460, 2904, 328], [1460, 2909, 328], [1460, 2914, 328], [1460, 2919, 328], [1460, 2924, 328], [1460, 2929, 328], [1460, 2934, 328], [1461, 2940, 328], [1460, 2944, 329], [1460, 2949, 329], [1456, 2950, 328], [1455, 2954, 328], [1456, 2960, 328], [1458, 2967, 328], [1457, 2971, 328], [1458, 2977, 328], [1456, 2980, 328], [1457, 2986, 328], [1453, 2987, 328], [1454, 2993, 328], [1460, 3004, 328], [1460, 3009, 328], [1456, 3010, 328], [1455, 3014, 328], [1455, 3019, 327], [1453, 3022, 327], [1455, 3029, 327], [1459, 3038, 327], [1460, 3044, 327], [1460, 3049, 327], [1459, 3053, 327], [1460, 3059, 327], [1459, 3063, 327], [1460, 3069, 327], [1461, 3075, 327], [1460, 3079, 328], [1460, 3084, 328], [1460, 3089, 328], [1456, 3090, 328], [1459, 3098, 328], [1456, 3100, 327], [1460, 3109, 328], [1460, 3114, 328], [1460, 3119, 328], [1460, 3124, 328], [1457, 3126, 328], [1455, 3129, 327], [1460, 3139, 327], [1460, 3144, 327], [1460, 3149, 327], [1460, 3154, 327], [1465, 3164, 327], [1460, 3164, 328], [1458, 3167, 328], [1460, 3174, 328], [1457, 3176, 328], [1457, 3181, 328], [1460, 3189, 328], [1460, 3194, 328], [1460, 3199, 328], [1458, 3202, 328], [1453, 3202, 328], [1448, 3202, 327], [1444, 3203, 327], [1439, 3203, 327], [1449, 3218, 327], [1459, 3233, 327], [1455, 3234, 327], [1449, 3233, 326], [1455, 3244, 326], [1448, 3242, 326], [1448, 3247, 326], [1117, 2946, 325], [1088, 2947, 325], [1201, 3090, 325], [1201, 3120, 325], [1252, 3201, 325], [1202, 3181, 325], [1193, 3202, 325], [1086, 3125, 325], [1098, 3167, 325], [1098, 3197, 325], [1073, 3202, 325], [1043, 3202, 324], [1045, 3234, 324], [1035, 3254, 323], [948, 3197, 323], [923, 3202, 323], [895, 3204, 322], [905, 3244, 322], [895, 3264, 321], [803, 3202, 320], [769, 3198, 320], [1203, 3662, 320], [1203, 3692, 320], [1191, 3710, 320], [1251, 3800, 320], [1202, 3781, 320], [1191, 3800, 320], [1158, 3797, 320], [1101, 3770, 320], [1098, 3797, 320], [1071, 3800, 320], [1043, 3802, 320], [1034, 3823, 319], [1000, 3819, 318], [948, 3797, 318], [921, 3800, 318], [896, 3805, 318], [866, 3805, 318], [851, 3820, 317], [801, 3800, 317], [769, 3798, 317], [765, 3824, 316], [759, 3848, 315], [740, 3859, 312], [710, 3859, 309], [680, 3859, 306], [650, 3859, 303], [620, 3859, 300], [590, 3859, 298], [520, 3819, 295], [507, 3836, 295], [446, 3805, 294], [419, 3808, 294], [383, 3802, 294], [353, 3802, 294], [323, 3802, 293], [316, 3825, 293], [297, 3836, 293], [267, 3836, 292], [236, 3835, 291], [208, 3837, 291], [207, 3859, 289], [184, 3825, 287], [166, 3837, 286], [135, 3836, 285], [77, 3808, 285], [64, 3825, 285], [45, 3836, 284], [14, 3828, 284], [0, 3844, 283], [0, 3864, 281], [0, 3864, 279], [0, 3864, 277], [0, 3864, 275], [0, 3864, 273], [0, 3864, 271], [0, 3864, 269], [0, 3864, 267], [0, 3867, 265], [0, 3878, 263], [0, 3899, 261], [0, 3929, 260], [0, 3959, 258], [0, 3989, 257], [0, 4019, 255], [0, 4049, 253], [0, 4079, 252], [8, 4117, 251], [8, 4147, 250], [20, 4189, 250], [8, 4207, 250], [3, 4232, 249], [0, 4259, 248], [0, 4289, 246], [0, 4319, 245], [0, 4349, 243], [0, 4379, 242], [0, 4409, 240], [0, 4439, 239], [0, 4469, 237], [0, 4499, 236], [0, 4529, 234], [0, 4559, 233], [0, 4589, 231], [0, 4619, 230], [0, 4649, 229], [0, 4679, 227], [0, 4709, 226], [0, 4739, 225], [0, 4769, 224], [0, 4799, 223], [0, 4829, 222], [2, 4861, 221], [0, 4889, 219], [0, 4919, 218], [0, 4949, 217], [0, 4979, 217], [0, 5009, 215], [776, 5801, 215], [759, 5814, 215], [753, 5838, 214], [746, 5861, 213], [322, 5536, 212], [293, 5537, 212], [263, 5537, 212], [232, 5536, 212], [208, 5542, 212], [294, 5658, 211], [268, 5662, 211], [224, 5648, 211], [208, 5662, 211], [207, 5674, 211], [70, 5536, 211], [40, 5536, 211], [17, 5536, 211], [0, 5549, 210], [62, 5648, 210], [36, 5652, 210], [8, 5647, 210], [0, 5669, 210], [0, 5674, 209], [0, 5674, 208], [29, 5719, 208], [78, 5805, 208], [52, 5809, 208], [29, 5809, 208], [0, 5810, 208], [0, 5840, 207], [0, 5870, 206], [0, 5900, 205], [0, 5930, 204], [0, 5960, 203], [17, 6007, 203], [3, 6023, 203], [0, 6050, 202], [0, 6080, 201], [0, 6110, 200], [3, 6143, 200], [0, 6170, 199], [0, 6200, 198], [0, 6230, 197], [0, 6260, 196], [0, 6290, 196], [8, 6328, 195], [0, 6350, 194], [0, 6380, 194], [0, 6387, 193], [0, 6387, 192], [0, 6411, 191], [0, 6411, 190], [0, 6411, 190], [0, 6411, 189], [0, 6411, 188], [0, 6411, 187], [0, 6411, 186], [0, 6411, 185], [0, 6411, 185], [0, 6411, 184], [0, 6411, 183], [0, 6411, 182], [0, 6411, 182], [0, 6411, 181], [0, 6411, 180], [0, 6411, 179], [0, 6411, 179], [1095, 7408, 179], [1084, 7427, 179], [1054, 7427, 180], [1028, 7431, 180], [1061, 7494, 181], [1040, 7503, 181], [923, 7416, 182], [908, 7431, 182], [903, 7456, 182], [908, 7491, 183], [897, 7510, 183], [769, 7412, 184], [767, 7440, 184], [904, 7607, 184], [769, 7502, 185], [921, 7684, 185], [920, 7713, 185], [909, 7732, 186], [908, 7761, 186], [893, 7776, 187], [856, 7769, 187], [769, 7712, 187], [765, 7738, 188], [766, 7769, 188], [757, 7790, 188], [727, 7790, 187], [752, 7845, 187], [758, 7881, 186], [763, 7916, 185], [764, 7947, 186], [764, 7977, 185], [759, 8002, 185], [759, 8032, 185], [907, 8210, 186], [908, 8241, 186], [1083, 8446, 187], [1051, 8444, 187], [1088, 8511, 187], [1065, 8518, 188], [1046, 8529, 188], [1061, 8574, 189], [1045, 8588, 189], [1063, 8636, 189], [1044, 8647, 190], [1046, 8679, 190], [908, 8571, 190], [902, 8595, 191], [920, 8643, 191], [905, 8658, 191], [905, 8688, 192], [902, 8715, 192], [901, 8744, 192], [769, 8642, 193], [767, 8670, 193], [908, 8841, 193], [888, 8851, 193], [857, 8850, 194], [769, 8792, 194], [769, 8822, 194], [765, 8848, 195], [764, 8877, 195], [767, 8910, 195], [769, 8942, 195], [762, 8965, 195], [909, 9142, 196], [902, 9165, 196], [879, 9172, 196], [849, 9172, 196], [769, 9122, 197], [767, 9150, 197], [764, 9177, 197], [901, 9344, 198], [872, 9345, 198], [771, 9274, 198], [766, 9299, 198], [769, 9332, 199], [760, 9353, 199], [759, 9382, 199], [729, 9382, 198], [758, 9412, 198], [759, 9443, 198], [759, 9473, 197], [759, 9503, 197], [759, 9533, 197], [759, 9563, 196], [758, 9592, 196], [760, 9624, 196], [756, 9650, 195], [383, 9336, 195], [353, 9336, 196], [331, 9344, 196], [308, 9351, 196], [278, 9351, 196], [264, 9367, 196], [218, 9351, 196], [208, 9371, 196], [207, 9382, 196], [177, 9352, 195], [146, 9351, 195], [116, 9351, 195], [79, 9344, 196], [56, 9351, 196], [29, 9347, 196], [8, 9356, 196], [0, 9378, 196], [0, 9394, 195], [33, 9443, 195], [4, 9443, 195], [0, 9469, 194], [0, 9499, 194], [0, 9529, 194], [0, 9559, 194], [0, 9589, 193], [0, 9619, 193], [0, 9649, 193], [0, 9948, 191], [0, 10207, 187], [924, 11486, 185], [726, 11588, 187], [424, 11586, 185], [173, 11587, 185], [0, 11588, 184], [0, 11588, 180], [0, 11588, 176], [0, 11588, 172], [0, 11588, 168], [0, 11588, 165], [0, 11588, 161], [0, 11588, 158], [0, 11588, 155], [0, 11588, 152], [0, 11588, 149], [0, 11588, 146], [0, 11588, 144], [0, 11588, 141], [0, 11588, 138], [0, 11588, 136], [0, 11588, 134], [0, 11588, 132], [0, 11588, 129], [0, 11588, 127], [0, 11588, 125], [0, 11588, 123], [764, 12403, 123], [765, 12704, 125], [341, 12580, 124], [208, 12747, 126]], 'time_in_bucket': [2156, 24, 25, 24, 24, 48, 22, 19, 31, 16, 19, 15, 24, 25, 13, 16, 11, 14, 14, 8, 14, 7, 18, 12, 15, 14, 11, 13, 10, 19, 8, 7, 5, 13, 12, 21, 6, 10, 8, 24, 9, 10, 11, 14, 7, 7, 8, 10, 21, 14, 6, 6, 7, 16, 6, 14, 5, 8, 9, 8, 12, 12, 13, 9, 6, 12, 12, 7, 14, 10, 10, 15, 11, 10, 12, 6, 12, 10, 9, 18, 5, 9, 5, 9, 12, 9, 12, 13, 5, 8, 15, 8, 12, 17, 12, 12, 10, 5, 4, 13, 16, 12, 16, 12, 17, 10, 11, 7, 10, 11, 7, 15, 13, 4, 14, 14, 8, 15, 12, 11, 10, 15, 12, 16, 12, 15, 12, 14, 9, 17, 9, 11, 11, 10, 12, 13, 14, 7, 14, 14, 19, 12, 15, 8, 18, 16, 15, 11, 14, 9, 14, 13, 16, 21, 9, 9, 16, 19, 15, 14, 17, 21, 20, 15, 13, 17, 12, 10, 18, 13, 13, 18, 10, 10, 13, 13, 11, 23, 13, 11, 20, 21, 21, 17, 18, 14, 11, 18, 17, 15, 17, 16, 11, 16, 20, 18, 18, 14, 18, 17, 18, 21, 29, 14, 14, 19, 17, 24, 34, 26, 23, 20, 29, 19, 20, 32, 21, 27, 20, 25, 36, 28, 24, 28, 28, 38, 26, 39, 34, 28, 35, 29, 27, 32, 35, 24, 35, 29, 36, 29, 43, 40, 23, 41, 30, 42, 36, 29, 38, 35, 47, 27, 31, 33, 38, 51, 30, 36, 36, 38, 48, 43, 38, 35, 43, 57, 44, 49, 40, 41, 43, 47, 56, 33, 50, 46, 42, 50, 46, 65, 35, 51, 56, 63, 57, 54, 52, 43, 61, 57, 74, 53, 60, 62, 63, 69, 68, 63, 59, 79, 72, 72, 65, 70, 63, 83, 87, 74, 70, 93, 80, 81, 61, 82, 72, 68, 72, 74, 63, 75, 67, 58, 91, 69, 71, 62, 74, 73, 71, 79, 74, 63, 47, 72, 62, 66, 67, 55, 62, 50, 51, 66, 51, 58, 52, 46, 36, 48, 42, 45, 34, 33, 38, 31, 26, 32, 35, 30, 31, 23, 26, 19, 18, 16, 16, 17, 18, 21, 20, 15, 17, 12, 12, 10, 4, 9, 14, 12, 12, 10, 5, 8, 4, 6, 1, 6, 4, 2, 4, 5, 1, 7, 8, 3, 3, 5, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 5, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [5339, 3630, 3418, 337, 31, 1, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3863389652'}
{'weighted_power': 290, 'training_load': 229, 'max_watts': 827, 'relative_intensity': 72, 'cp_data': [[5112, 5112, 827], [4999, 5000, 652], [4998, 5000, 647], [4998, 5001, 635], [4997, 5001, 626], [4997, 5002, 616], [4997, 5003, 604], [4996, 5003, 594], [4995, 5003, 587], [4995, 5004, 579], [4995, 5005, 571], [4995, 5006, 563], [4993, 5005, 556], [6303, 6316, 550], [6302, 6316, 550], [6300, 6315, 549], [6300, 6316, 549], [6300, 6317, 547], [6297, 6315, 547], [6297, 6316, 547], [6297, 6317, 546], [6297, 6318, 546], [6296, 6318, 545], [6295, 6318, 542], [6295, 6319, 538], [6295, 6320, 534], [6296, 6322, 532], [6296, 6323, 530], [6296, 6324, 528], [6297, 6326, 527], [6297, 6327, 527], [6296, 6327, 527], [6295, 6327, 526], [6295, 6328, 524], [6294, 6328, 521], [6296, 6331, 519], [6296, 6332, 518], [6296, 6333, 518], [6296, 6334, 517], [6296, 6335, 516], [6296, 6336, 516], [6296, 6337, 515], [6296, 6338, 515], [6296, 6339, 514], [6295, 6339, 513], [6294, 6339, 511], [6293, 6339, 508], [6292, 6339, 506], [6291, 6339, 504], [6290, 6339, 503], [6289, 6339, 501], [6288, 6339, 500], [6288, 6340, 498], [6287, 6340, 496], [6284, 6338, 495], [6284, 6339, 494], [6283, 6339, 494], [6282, 6339, 493], [6281, 6339, 492], [6280, 6339, 491], [6279, 6339, 491], [6278, 6339, 489], [6277, 6339, 488], [6276, 6339, 487], [6275, 6339, 486], [6274, 6339, 486], [6273, 6339, 486], [6272, 6339, 485], [6271, 6339, 485], [6270, 6339, 484], [6270, 6340, 483], [6270, 6341, 481], [6270, 6342, 480], [6270, 6343, 478], [6265, 6339, 477], [6265, 6340, 476], [6265, 6341, 474], [6265, 6342, 473], [6265, 6343, 472], [6260, 6339, 471], [6259, 6339, 471], [6258, 6339, 470], [6258, 6340, 469], [6258, 6341, 468], [6258, 6342, 467], [6258, 6343, 466], [6253, 6339, 465], [6252, 6339, 464], [6252, 6340, 463], [6251, 6340, 462], [6252, 6342, 461], [6252, 6343, 461], [6247, 6339, 460], [6246, 6339, 460], [6245, 6339, 459], [6244, 6339, 459], [6243, 6339, 459], [6243, 6340, 459], [6242, 6340, 458], [6239, 6338, 458], [6239, 6339, 458], [6238, 6339, 458], [6237, 6339, 457], [6236, 6339, 457], [6235, 6339, 456], [6234, 6339, 456], [6233, 6339, 455], [6232, 6339, 455], [6231, 6339, 455], [6231, 6340, 454], [6231, 6341, 454], [6231, 6342, 453], [6231, 6343, 452], [6231, 6344, 452], [6226, 6340, 451], [6226, 6341, 450], [6227, 6343, 449], [6226, 6343, 449], [6221, 6339, 448], [6220, 6339, 448], [6219, 6339, 448], [6218, 6339, 447], [6217, 6339, 447], [6216, 6339, 447], [6215, 6339, 447], [6214, 6339, 446], [6213, 6339, 446], [6213, 6340, 446], [6212, 6340, 445], [6213, 6342, 445], [6213, 6343, 444], [6212, 6343, 443], [6212, 6344, 443], [6206, 6339, 443], [6205, 6339, 442], [6205, 6340, 442], [6203, 6339, 442], [6202, 6339, 442], [6201, 6339, 441], [6201, 6340, 441], [6201, 6341, 440], [6198, 6339, 440], [6197, 6339, 440], [6196, 6339, 440], [6195, 6339, 440], [6194, 6339, 440], [6194, 6340, 440], [6194, 6341, 439], [6194, 6342, 439], [6194, 6343, 438], [6189, 6339, 438], [6188, 6339, 438], [6187, 6339, 438], [6186, 6339, 437], [6186, 6340, 437], [6185, 6340, 437], [6185, 6341, 436], [6182, 6339, 436], [6181, 6339, 436], [6180, 6339, 436], [6180, 6340, 436], [6180, 6341, 435], [6180, 6342, 435], [6180, 6343, 435], [6179, 6343, 434], [6174, 6339, 434], [6174, 6340, 434], [6173, 6340, 433], [6174, 6342, 433], [6174, 6343, 433], [6169, 6339, 432], [6168, 6339, 432], [6167, 6339, 432], [6166, 6339, 432], [6165, 6339, 433], [6164, 6339, 433], [6163, 6339, 432], [6162, 6339, 432], [6161, 6339, 432], [6160, 6339, 432], [6160, 6340, 432], [6158, 6339, 432], [6158, 6340, 431], [6158, 6341, 431], [6158, 6342, 431], [6158, 6343, 430], [6158, 6344, 430], [6158, 6345, 429], [6152, 6340, 429], [6152, 6341, 429], [6152, 6342, 428], [6148, 6339, 428], [6147, 6339, 428], [6147, 6340, 428], [6146, 6340, 428], [6147, 6342, 427], [6147, 6343, 427], [6146, 6343, 427], [6141, 6339, 427], [6140, 6339, 427], [6140, 6340, 427], [6140, 6341, 426], [6140, 6342, 426], [6140, 6343, 426], [5927, 6131, 426], [6113, 6318, 426], [6113, 6319, 426], [6112, 6319, 426], [6119, 6327, 426], [6118, 6327, 427], [6117, 6327, 427], [6116, 6327, 427], [6115, 6327, 428], [6114, 6327, 428], [6113, 6327, 428], [6113, 6328, 428], [6112, 6328, 429], [6115, 6332, 429], [6114, 6332, 429], [6118, 6337, 429], [6115, 6335, 429], [6114, 6335, 430], [6115, 6337, 430], [6114, 6337, 430], [6114, 6338, 431], [6114, 6339, 431], [6113, 6339, 431], [6112, 6339, 431], [6112, 6340, 431], [6109, 6338, 431], [6108, 6338, 431], [6108, 6339, 431], [6107, 6339, 432], [6106, 6339, 432], [6105, 6339, 432], [6105, 6340, 432], [6105, 6341, 431], [6105, 6342, 431], [6101, 6339, 431], [6100, 6339, 431], [6100, 6340, 431], [6098, 6339, 431], [6097, 6339, 431], [6096, 6339, 431], [6095, 6339, 431], [6094, 6339, 431], [6092, 6338, 431], [6092, 6339, 431], [6091, 6339, 431], [6090, 6339, 432], [6089, 6339, 432], [6088, 6339, 432], [6087, 6339, 432], [6087, 6340, 431], [6086, 6340, 431], [6082, 6337, 431], [6082, 6338, 431], [6082, 6339, 432], [6081, 6339, 432], [6080, 6339, 432], [6079, 6339, 432], [6078, 6339, 432], [6078, 6340, 431], [6077, 6340, 431], [6078, 6342, 431], [6078, 6343, 431], [6077, 6343, 431], [6077, 6344, 430], [6076, 6344, 430], [6070, 6339, 430], [6069, 6339, 430], [6068, 6339, 430], [6067, 6339, 430], [6066, 6339, 430], [6065, 6339, 430], [6065, 6340, 429], [6065, 6341, 429], [6065, 6342, 429], [6065, 6343, 429], [6065, 6344, 429], [6059, 6339, 428], [6059, 6340, 428], [6058, 6340, 428], [6058, 6341, 428], [6058, 6342, 428], [6058, 6343, 427], [6058, 6344, 427], [6058, 6345, 427], [6051, 6339, 427], [6051, 6340, 426], [6050, 6340, 426], [6051, 6342, 426], [6051, 6343, 426], [6050, 6343, 426], [6049, 6343, 425], [6049, 6344, 425], [6049, 6345, 425], [6050, 6347, 424], [6049, 6347, 424], [6049, 6348, 424], [6036, 6340, 423], [6030, 6339, 422], [6030, 6344, 421], [6023, 6342, 420], [5997, 6321, 421], [5998, 6327, 422], [5997, 6331, 423], [5997, 6336, 424], [5996, 6340, 424], [5990, 6339, 424], [5988, 6342, 424], [5982, 6341, 423], [5976, 6340, 422], [5970, 6339, 422], [5965, 6339, 422], [5960, 6339, 422], [5955, 6339, 423], [5938, 6327, 423], [5934, 6328, 423], [5937, 6336, 424], [5935, 6339, 425], [5931, 6340, 425], [5926, 6340, 425], [5921, 6340, 425], [5915, 6339, 424], [5910, 6339, 425], [5905, 6339, 425], [5905, 6344, 425], [5899, 6343, 424], [5893, 6342, 423], [5885, 6339, 422], [5880, 6339, 422], [5879, 6343, 421], [5879, 6348, 420], [5874, 6348, 419], [5875, 6354, 418], [5874, 6358, 417], [5876, 6365, 415], [5910, 6404, 415], [5905, 6404, 415], [5906, 6410, 414], [5903, 6412, 414], [5937, 6451, 414], [5937, 6456, 415], [5934, 6458, 415], [5931, 6460, 415], [5924, 6458, 415], [5919, 6458, 415], [5910, 6454, 416], [5909, 6458, 416], [5905, 6459, 416], [5905, 6464, 416], [5900, 6464, 415], [5895, 6464, 415], [5891, 6465, 414], [5885, 6464, 414], [5880, 6464, 413], [5875, 6464, 413], [5905, 6499, 412], [5906, 6505, 412], [5906, 6510, 412], [5903, 6512, 412], [5905, 6519, 412], [5902, 6521, 411], [5906, 6530, 411], [5909, 6538, 411], [5933, 6567, 411], [5935, 6574, 411], [5931, 6575, 411], [5926, 6575, 411], [5910, 6564, 411], [5909, 6568, 412], [5910, 6574, 412], [5905, 6574, 412], [5905, 6579, 412], [5903, 6582, 411], [5903, 6587, 411], [5903, 6592, 411], [5904, 6598, 411], [5904, 6603, 410], [5905, 6609, 410], [5905, 6614, 410], [5905, 6619, 409], [5909, 6628, 409], [5905, 6629, 409], [5906, 6635, 409], [5909, 6643, 409], [5905, 6644, 409], [5904, 6648, 409], [5905, 6654, 409], [5904, 6658, 409], [5905, 6664, 408], [5894, 6658, 408], [5909, 6678, 408], [5905, 6679, 408], [5903, 6682, 408], [5903, 6687, 408], [5904, 6693, 408], [5893, 6687, 407], [5893, 6692, 407], [5883, 6687, 407], [5878, 6687, 406], [5879, 6693, 406], [5880, 6699, 406], [5906, 6730, 405], [5905, 6734, 405], [5905, 6739, 405], [5905, 6744, 405], [5905, 6749, 405], [5906, 6755, 405], [5906, 6760, 405], [5905, 6764, 405], [5905, 6769, 405], [5906, 6775, 405], [5905, 6779, 404], [5905, 6784, 404], [5904, 6788, 404], [5899, 6788, 404], [5894, 6788, 404], [5906, 6805, 404], [5905, 6809, 404], [5902, 6811, 403], [5903, 6817, 403], [5905, 6824, 403], [5905, 6829, 403], [5904, 6833, 403], [5905, 6839, 403], [5905, 6844, 403], [5905, 6849, 402], [5905, 6854, 402], [5900, 6854, 402], [5905, 6864, 402], [5905, 6869, 402], [5903, 6872, 402], [5905, 6879, 402], [5905, 6884, 401], [5905, 6889, 401], [5909, 6898, 401], [5905, 6899, 401], [5899, 6898, 401], [5905, 6909, 400], [5893, 6902, 400], [5884, 6898, 400], [5879, 6898, 400], [5879, 6903, 400], [5903, 6932, 399], [5904, 6938, 399], [5899, 6938, 399], [5893, 6937, 399], [5905, 6954, 399], [5905, 6959, 399], [5906, 6965, 399], [5905, 6969, 399], [5903, 6972, 399], [5905, 6979, 399], [5905, 6984, 398], [5905, 6989, 398], [5905, 6994, 398], [5905, 6999, 398], [5904, 7003, 398], [5905, 7009, 398], [5905, 7014, 398], [5899, 7013, 397], [5903, 7022, 397], [5904, 7028, 397], [5905, 7034, 397], [5906, 7040, 397], [5906, 7045, 397], [5905, 7049, 397], [5905, 7054, 397], [5904, 7058, 397], [5905, 7064, 396], [5905, 7069, 396], [5903, 7072, 396], [5905, 7079, 396], [5905, 7084, 396], [5903, 7087, 396], [5903, 7092, 396], [5905, 7099, 396], [5904, 7103, 396], [5904, 7108, 396], [5905, 7114, 395], [5905, 7119, 395], [5904, 7123, 395], [5905, 7129, 395], [5905, 7134, 395], [5905, 7139, 395], [5905, 7144, 395], [5904, 7148, 395], [5905, 7154, 395], [5905, 7159, 395], [5906, 7165, 395], [5903, 7167, 394], [5904, 7173, 394], [5905, 7179, 394], [5905, 7184, 394], [5904, 7188, 394], [5904, 7193, 394], [5905, 7199, 394], [5905, 7204, 394], [5901, 7205, 394], [5904, 7213, 394], [5905, 7219, 394], [5905, 7224, 394], [5905, 7229, 394], [5932, 7261, 394], [5937, 7271, 394], [5934, 7273, 394], [5937, 7281, 394], [5933, 7282, 395], [5935, 7289, 395], [5935, 7294, 395], [5931, 7295, 395], [5926, 7295, 395], [5921, 7295, 395], [5910, 7289, 395], [5910, 7294, 396], [5905, 7294, 396], [5905, 7299, 396], [5905, 7304, 395], [5901, 7305, 395], [5896, 7305, 395], [5881, 7295, 395], [5880, 7299, 395], [5881, 7305, 395], [5876, 7305, 395], [5877, 7311, 394], [5877, 7316, 394], [5878, 7322, 394], [5879, 7328, 394], [5879, 7333, 394], [5879, 7338, 394], [5879, 7343, 394], [5879, 7348, 393], [5903, 7377, 393], [5903, 7382, 393], [5905, 7389, 393], [5905, 7394, 393], [5901, 7395, 393], [5896, 7395, 393], [5891, 7395, 393], [5885, 7394, 393], [5880, 7394, 393], [5876, 7395, 393], [5909, 7433, 392], [5905, 7434, 392], [5905, 7439, 392], [5906, 7445, 392], [5905, 7449, 392], [5903, 7452, 392], [5903, 7457, 392], [5898, 7457, 392], [5893, 7457, 392], [5905, 7474, 392], [5905, 7479, 392], [5905, 7484, 392], [5905, 7489, 392], [5905, 7494, 392], [5905, 7499, 392], [5905, 7504, 392], [5906, 7510, 392], [5902, 7511, 392], [5904, 7518, 391], [5892, 7511, 391], [5893, 7517, 391], [5905, 7534, 391], [5905, 7539, 391], [5905, 7544, 391], [5901, 7545, 391], [5905, 7554, 391], [5906, 7560, 391], [5902, 7561, 391], [5880, 7544, 391], [5902, 7571, 391], [5880, 7554, 390], [5892, 7571, 390], [5905, 7589, 390], [5901, 7590, 390], [5905, 7599, 390], [5906, 7605, 390], [5906, 7610, 390], [5906, 7615, 390], [5906, 7620, 390], [5903, 7622, 390], [5904, 7628, 390], [5905, 7634, 390], [5905, 7639, 390], [5903, 7642, 390], [5903, 7647, 390], [5904, 7653, 390], [5905, 7659, 390], [5905, 7664, 390], [5905, 7669, 390], [5905, 7674, 390], [5909, 7683, 390], [5905, 7684, 390], [5905, 7689, 390], [5905, 7694, 390], [5906, 7700, 390], [5909, 7708, 390], [5905, 7734, 390], [5905, 7764, 389], [5877, 7766, 389], [5910, 7829, 389], [5909, 7858, 389], [5895, 7874, 389], [5904, 7913, 389], [5900, 7939, 389], [5894, 7963, 388], [5903, 8002, 388], [5897, 8026, 388], [5905, 8064, 388], [5905, 8094, 387], [5905, 8124, 387], [5905, 8154, 387], [5905, 8184, 386], [5905, 8214, 386], [5897, 8236, 386], [5904, 8273, 386], [5902, 8301, 386], [5909, 8338, 386], [5879, 8338, 385], [5923, 8412, 385], [5903, 8422, 385], [5906, 8455, 385], [5897, 8476, 385], [5899, 8508, 385], [5870, 8509, 385], [5839, 8508, 383], [5810, 8509, 382], [5780, 8509, 381], [5750, 8509, 379], [5720, 8509, 378], [5690, 8509, 376], [5661, 8510, 374], [5630, 8509, 372], [5601, 8510, 371], [5571, 8510, 369], [5541, 8510, 366], [5510, 8509, 364], [5481, 8510, 362], [5451, 8510, 359], [5425, 8514, 356], [5391, 8510, 353], [5364, 8513, 350], [5339, 8518, 347], [5312, 8521, 344], [5282, 8521, 342], [5252, 8521, 338], [5223, 8521, 335], [10293, 13621, 333], [10264, 13622, 330], [10236, 13624, 328], [10206, 13624, 325], [10164, 13612, 324], [10142, 13620, 323], [10113, 13621, 322], [10082, 13620, 320], [10053, 13621, 318], [10022, 13620, 316], [9993, 13621, 314], [9962, 13620, 313], [9932, 13620, 311], [9903, 13621, 309], [9891, 13639, 307], [9843, 13621, 305], [9813, 13621, 304], [9783, 13621, 302], [9754, 13622, 300], [9723, 13621, 299], [9696, 13624, 297], [9697, 13655, 295], [9633, 13621, 293], [9602, 13620, 293], [9572, 13620, 292], [9543, 13621, 291], [9514, 13622, 289], [9482, 13620, 288], [9455, 13623, 286], [9444, 13642, 284], [9393, 13621, 283], [9384, 13642, 281], [9354, 13642, 279], [9324, 13642, 277], [9275, 13623, 276], [9275, 13653, 274], [9247, 13655, 272], [9204, 13642, 270], [9174, 13642, 268], [9122, 13620, 267], [9114, 13642, 265], [9063, 13621, 264], [9036, 13624, 262], [9037, 13655, 260], [9007, 13655, 259], [8946, 13624, 257], [8914, 13622, 256], [8897, 13635, 254], [9479, 14042, 253], [9471, 14064, 252], [9457, 14080, 251], [5880, 10677, 250], [5879, 10706, 250], [5875, 10732, 251], [5875, 10762, 252], [5905, 10822, 252], [5879, 10826, 253], [5877, 10854, 253], [5879, 10886, 254], [5880, 10917, 254], [5877, 10944, 255], [5879, 10976, 256], [5875, 11002, 256], [5875, 11032, 257], [5905, 11092, 257], [5875, 11092, 258], [5877, 11124, 258], [5903, 11180, 259], [5879, 11186, 259], [5876, 11213, 260], [5877, 11244, 260], [5879, 11276, 261], [5875, 11302, 261], [5879, 11336, 262], [5877, 11364, 262], [5905, 11422, 263], [5905, 11452, 263], [5877, 11454, 264], [5881, 11488, 264], [5880, 11517, 265], [5879, 11546, 265], [5905, 11602, 266], [5905, 11632, 266], [5880, 11637, 266], [5876, 11663, 267], [5875, 11692, 267], [5875, 11722, 268], [5905, 11782, 268], [5879, 11786, 268], [5879, 11816, 269], [5896, 11863, 269], [5879, 11876, 270], [5875, 11902, 270], [5875, 11932, 270], [5879, 11966, 271], [5877, 11994, 271], [5875, 12022, 271], [5875, 12052, 272], [5874, 12081, 272], [5878, 12115, 272], [5880, 12147, 272], [5878, 12175, 273], [5877, 12204, 273], [5879, 12236, 273], [5879, 12266, 274], [5877, 12294, 274], [5880, 12327, 274], [5879, 12356, 275], [5877, 12384, 275], [5879, 12416, 275], [5876, 12443, 276], [5876, 12473, 276], [5878, 12505, 276], [5877, 12534, 276], [5880, 12567, 277], [5877, 12594, 277], [5875, 12622, 277], [5875, 12652, 278], [5879, 12686, 278], [5905, 12741, 278], [5877, 12743, 279], [5879, 12775, 279], [5877, 12803, 279], [5874, 12830, 279], [5874, 12860, 280], [5880, 12896, 280], [5879, 12925, 280], [5877, 12953, 280], [5880, 12986, 280], [5879, 13015, 281], [5875, 13041, 281], [5877, 13073, 281], [5875, 13101, 281], [5879, 13135, 281], [5879, 13165, 281], [5876, 13192, 282], [5875, 13221, 282], [5877, 13253, 282], [5879, 13285, 282], [5876, 13312, 282], [5880, 13346, 283], [5879, 13375, 283], [5880, 13406, 283], [5880, 13436, 283], [5878, 13464, 284], [5877, 13493, 284], [5877, 13523, 284], [5898, 13574, 284], [5875, 13581, 285], [5876, 13612, 285], [5854, 13620, 285], [5823, 13619, 285], [5794, 13620, 285], [5764, 13620, 284], [5735, 13621, 284], [5704, 13620, 284], [5675, 13621, 284], [5643, 13619, 283], [5615, 13621, 283], [5584, 13620, 283], [5555, 13621, 282], [5525, 13621, 282], [5494, 13620, 281], [5466, 13622, 281], [5436, 13622, 280], [5404, 13620, 279], [5378, 13624, 278], [5348, 13624, 277], [5318, 13624, 276], [5286, 13622, 276], [5258, 13624, 275], [5228, 13624, 274], [5198, 13623, 273], [5166, 13621, 272], [5157, 13642, 271], [5112, 13621, 270], [5089, 13624, 269], [5089, 13655, 268], [5073, 13655, 267], [5057, 13655, 267], [5055, 13655, 266], [5055, 13655, 265], [5055, 13655, 264], [5481, 14032, 263], [5477, 14058, 262], [5476, 14087, 262], [5436, 14077, 261], [5388, 14059, 260], [5386, 14087, 260], [5352, 14083, 259], [5326, 14087, 258], [5286, 14077, 258], [5264, 14085, 257], [5234, 14085, 256], [5201, 14081, 255], [5177, 14087, 254], [5147, 14087, 254], [5112, 14076, 253], [5091, 14085, 252], [5090, 14114, 251], [5089, 14127, 250], [5089, 14171, 250], [5074, 14171, 249], [5089, 14228, 248], [5417, 14598, 247], [5389, 14600, 247], [5361, 14602, 246], [5330, 14601, 245], [5704, 15005, 245], [5696, 15027, 245], [5694, 15055, 245], [5621, 15012, 245], [5620, 15041, 245], [5606, 15057, 245], [5574, 15055, 245], [5545, 15056, 244], [5516, 15057, 244], [5483, 15054, 244], [5456, 15057, 243], [5426, 15057, 243], [5396, 15057, 242], [5366, 15057, 241], [5336, 15057, 241], [5306, 15057, 240], [5276, 15057, 240], [5246, 15057, 239], [5217, 15057, 238], [5187, 15057, 238], [5157, 15057, 237], [5127, 15057, 236], [5103, 15057, 236], [5089, 15057, 235], [5063, 15057, 234], [5055, 15057, 234], [5055, 15057, 233], [5055, 15057, 232], [5055, 15057, 232], [5055, 15057, 231], [5055, 15057, 230], [5055, 15057, 230], [5055, 15057, 229], [5055, 15057, 228], [5055, 15057, 228], [5055, 15057, 227], [5055, 15057, 226], [5055, 15057, 226], [5055, 15057, 225], [5055, 15057, 224], [5055, 15057, 224], [5055, 15057, 223], [5055, 15057, 217], [5055, 15057, 211], [5055, 15057, 206], [5055, 15057, 201], [5055, 15057, 196], [5055, 15057, 191], [5055, 15057, 187], [4451, 13620, 185], [4151, 13620, 186], [3852, 13621, 186], [3543, 13612, 187], [3251, 13620, 188], [2952, 13621, 189], [2761, 13655, 187], [2734, 13655, 184], [2763, 14127, 181], [2761, 14400, 178], [2306, 13620, 177], [2007, 13621, 177], [1707, 13621, 176], [1410, 13624, 175], [1107, 13621, 174], [810, 13624, 173], [508, 13622, 170], [207, 13621, 169], [0, 13684, 166], [259, 14068, 164], [948, 15057, 164], [648, 15057, 162], [348, 15057, 160], [48, 15057, 158]], 'time_in_bucket': [2470, 29, 28, 39, 27, 65, 32, 27, 30, 25, 21, 20, 22, 34, 36, 19, 8, 14, 25, 29, 17, 11, 13, 19, 16, 17, 16, 7, 26, 13, 12, 7, 12, 11, 7, 15, 16, 15, 11, 12, 8, 22, 13, 15, 18, 15, 13, 19, 18, 22, 18, 12, 16, 16, 21, 25, 14, 11, 18, 16, 5, 13, 21, 22, 17, 14, 9, 18, 17, 13, 30, 18, 34, 25, 18, 29, 28, 10, 19, 13, 16, 24, 17, 25, 18, 25, 14, 13, 26, 24, 15, 17, 27, 20, 24, 18, 14, 15, 25, 29, 26, 21, 19, 25, 32, 21, 21, 15, 16, 23, 23, 16, 22, 23, 27, 19, 18, 18, 23, 34, 23, 19, 26, 28, 23, 20, 17, 39, 26, 22, 17, 25, 37, 19, 21, 33, 21, 18, 23, 38, 24, 27, 25, 31, 24, 32, 29, 28, 26, 24, 15, 26, 23, 31, 18, 39, 33, 22, 26, 29, 21, 39, 25, 38, 26, 19, 21, 27, 31, 28, 36, 31, 29, 23, 25, 29, 20, 28, 28, 23, 25, 32, 31, 22, 29, 25, 20, 27, 36, 28, 34, 21, 15, 27, 26, 29, 29, 21, 23, 28, 25, 17, 23, 17, 33, 27, 31, 29, 29, 27, 28, 42, 33, 22, 27, 18, 32, 31, 27, 25, 28, 39, 32, 31, 33, 25, 33, 34, 39, 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{'weighted_power': 296, 'training_load': 216, 'max_watts': 674, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[4895, 4895, 674], [4895, 4896, 672], [4895, 4897, 663], [4894, 4897, 634], [4893, 4897, 630], [4893, 4898, 616], [4893, 4899, 597], [5155, 5162, 590], [5156, 5164, 590], [5155, 5164, 590], [5154, 5164, 581], [4893, 4904, 564], [4892, 4904, 550], [10468, 10481, 539], [10468, 10482, 532], [10466, 10481, 528], [10465, 10481, 523], [10464, 10481, 519], [10463, 10481, 517], [10462, 10481, 516], [10461, 10481, 514], [10460, 10481, 513], [10460, 10482, 509], [10459, 10482, 505], [10457, 10481, 501], [5156, 5181, 502], [5156, 5182, 505], [5155, 5182, 508], [5155, 5183, 508], [5154, 5183, 508], [5153, 5183, 503], [5153, 5184, 495], [5154, 5186, 492], [5154, 5187, 490], [5154, 5188, 489], [5154, 5189, 487], [5153, 5189, 484], [5154, 5191, 478], [5154, 5192, 477], [5154, 5193, 476], [5153, 5193, 472], [5153, 5194, 468], [8557, 8599, 467], [8557, 8600, 468], [8557, 8601, 469], [8557, 8602, 469], 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8755, 408], [8553, 8756, 408], [8553, 8757, 408], [8554, 8759, 407], [8554, 8760, 408], [8553, 8760, 408], [8553, 8761, 408], [8553, 8762, 407], [8554, 8764, 407], [8553, 8764, 407], [8553, 8765, 407], [8553, 8766, 407], [8553, 8767, 407], [8553, 8768, 407], [8553, 8769, 407], [8553, 8770, 407], [8553, 8771, 407], [8553, 8772, 407], [8553, 8773, 407], [8553, 8774, 406], [8553, 8775, 406], [8554, 8777, 406], [8554, 8778, 406], [8553, 8778, 406], [8553, 8779, 406], [8553, 8780, 406], [8553, 8781, 405], [8553, 8782, 405], [8553, 8783, 405], [8553, 8784, 405], [8553, 8785, 405], [8553, 8786, 405], [8553, 8787, 404], [8554, 8789, 404], [8553, 8789, 405], [8553, 8790, 405], [8553, 8791, 404], [8553, 8792, 404], [8553, 8793, 404], [8553, 8794, 404], [8553, 8795, 404], [8554, 8797, 404], [8554, 8798, 404], [8554, 8799, 404], [8554, 8800, 404], [8554, 8801, 404], [8553, 8801, 404], [8553, 8802, 404], [8553, 8803, 404], [8553, 8804, 404], [8553, 8805, 404], [8553, 8806, 404], [8553, 8807, 404], 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403], [8557, 8901, 404], [8554, 8903, 404], [8557, 8911, 405], [8555, 8914, 405], [8553, 8917, 405], [8553, 8922, 405], [8553, 8927, 404], [8553, 8932, 404], [8553, 8937, 403], [8553, 8942, 403], [8553, 8947, 402], [8553, 8952, 402], [8553, 8957, 402], [8554, 8963, 401], [8554, 8968, 401], [8553, 8972, 401], [8553, 8977, 401], [8554, 8983, 400], [8553, 8987, 400], [8553, 8992, 399], [8553, 8997, 399], [8553, 9002, 399], [8553, 9007, 398], [8553, 9012, 398], [8553, 9017, 398], [8554, 9023, 398], [8554, 9028, 398], [8554, 9033, 398], [8553, 9037, 397], [8554, 9043, 397], [8553, 9047, 397], [8554, 9053, 397], [8553, 9057, 396], [8553, 9062, 396], [8553, 9067, 396], [8553, 9072, 396], [8554, 9078, 395], [8553, 9082, 395], [8553, 9087, 394], [8553, 9092, 394], [8553, 9097, 394], [8554, 9103, 394], [8553, 9107, 393], [8553, 9112, 393], [8553, 9117, 393], [8557, 9126, 392], [8553, 9127, 393], [8553, 9132, 393], [8554, 9138, 393], [8554, 9143, 392], [8553, 9147, 392], [8553, 9152, 392], [8557, 9161, 392], [8557, 9166, 392], [8557, 9171, 393], [8557, 9176, 393], [8557, 9181, 393], [8553, 9182, 393], [8554, 9188, 393], [8557, 9196, 394], [8553, 9197, 394], [8554, 9203, 395], [8554, 9208, 395], [8554, 9213, 395], [8552, 9216, 395], [8553, 9222, 394], [8553, 9227, 394], [8553, 9232, 394], [8553, 9237, 393], [8553, 9242, 393], [8554, 9248, 392], [8554, 9253, 392], [8553, 9257, 392], [8553, 9262, 392], [8553, 9267, 392], [8553, 9272, 391], [8553, 9277, 391], [8554, 9283, 391], [8553, 9287, 391], [8553, 9292, 391], [8553, 9297, 391], [8553, 9302, 391], [8553, 9307, 391], [8553, 9312, 390], [8554, 9318, 390], [8553, 9322, 390], [8553, 9327, 390], [8553, 9332, 390], [8553, 9337, 390], [8553, 9342, 390], [8554, 9348, 390], [8554, 9353, 389], [8554, 9358, 389], [8554, 9363, 389], [8554, 9368, 389], [8554, 9373, 389], [8553, 9377, 389], [8554, 9383, 389], [8554, 9388, 389], [8553, 9392, 388], [8553, 9397, 388], [8553, 9402, 388], [8553, 9407, 388], [8554, 9413, 388], [8553, 9417, 387], [8553, 9422, 387], [8553, 9427, 387], [8553, 9432, 387], [8554, 9438, 387], [8554, 9443, 387], [8553, 9447, 387], [8553, 9452, 387], [8557, 9461, 387], [8553, 9462, 387], [8554, 9468, 387], [8555, 9474, 387], [8555, 9479, 388], [8554, 9483, 388], [8557, 9491, 388], [8557, 9496, 388], [8557, 9501, 388], [8557, 9506, 389], [8557, 9511, 389], [8557, 9516, 389], [8552, 9516, 389], [8553, 9522, 389], [8553, 9527, 388], [8554, 9533, 388], [8552, 9536, 388], [8553, 9542, 388], [8553, 9547, 388], [8553, 9552, 387], [8553, 9557, 387], [8554, 9563, 387], [8553, 9567, 387], [8554, 9573, 387], [8553, 9577, 387], [8553, 9582, 387], [8553, 9587, 386], [8554, 9593, 386], [8553, 9597, 386], [8553, 9602, 386], [8553, 9607, 386], [8553, 9612, 386], [8553, 9617, 386], [8553, 9622, 386], [8553, 9627, 386], [8554, 9633, 386], [8554, 9638, 386], [8554, 9643, 386], [8554, 9648, 385], [8554, 9653, 385], [8553, 9657, 385], [8553, 9662, 385], [8553, 9667, 385], [8554, 9673, 385], [8554, 9678, 385], [8554, 9683, 385], [8553, 9687, 385], [8553, 9692, 385], [8553, 9697, 385], [8553, 9702, 385], [8553, 9707, 385], [8554, 9713, 385], [8554, 9718, 385], [8554, 9723, 384], [8553, 9727, 384], [8553, 9732, 384], [8553, 9737, 384], [8554, 9743, 384], [8554, 9748, 384], [8554, 9753, 384], [8554, 9758, 384], [8554, 9763, 384], [8554, 9768, 384], [8554, 9773, 384], [8554, 9778, 384], [8557, 9786, 384], [8557, 9791, 385], [8557, 9796, 385], [8553, 9797, 385], [8553, 9802, 385], [8554, 9808, 385], [8556, 9815, 385], [8552, 9816, 385], [8552, 9821, 385], [8553, 9827, 385], [8553, 9832, 385], [8553, 9837, 385], [8554, 9843, 385], [8553, 9847, 384], [8554, 9853, 384], [8554, 9858, 384], [8553, 9862, 384], [8554, 9868, 384], [8554, 9873, 384], [8554, 9878, 384], [8553, 9882, 384], [8553, 9887, 384], [8553, 9892, 384], [8554, 9898, 383], [8554, 9903, 383], [8554, 9908, 383], [8553, 9912, 383], [8553, 9917, 383], [8553, 9922, 383], [8553, 9927, 383], [8553, 9932, 383], [8553, 9937, 383], [8554, 9943, 383], [8554, 9948, 382], [8553, 9952, 382], [8554, 9958, 382], [8554, 9963, 382], [8553, 9967, 382], [8554, 9973, 382], [8554, 9978, 382], [8554, 9983, 382], [8554, 9988, 382], [8554, 9993, 382], [8555, 9999, 382], [8554, 10003, 382], [8553, 10007, 382], [8553, 10012, 382], [8554, 10018, 382], [8554, 10023, 382], [8554, 10028, 382], [8553, 10032, 382], [8553, 10037, 382], [8553, 10042, 382], [8553, 10047, 382], [8554, 10053, 382], [8553, 10057, 382], [8553, 10062, 382], [8553, 10067, 382], [8553, 10072, 382], [8557, 10081, 382], [8553, 10082, 382], [8557, 10091, 382], [8553, 10092, 382], [8556, 10100, 382], [8554, 10103, 383], [8554, 10108, 383], [8555, 10114, 383], [8554, 10118, 383], [8553, 10122, 383], [8552, 10126, 383], [8553, 10132, 382], [8552, 10136, 382], [8553, 10142, 382], [8553, 10147, 382], [8553, 10152, 382], [8554, 10158, 382], [8554, 10163, 382], [8554, 10168, 382], [8553, 10172, 382], [8554, 10178, 382], [8553, 10182, 382], [8554, 10188, 382], [8553, 10192, 382], [8553, 10197, 382], [8553, 10202, 382], [8554, 10208, 382], [8554, 10213, 382], [8554, 10218, 382], [8554, 10223, 382], [8553, 10227, 382], [8553, 10232, 382], [8553, 10237, 382], [8553, 10242, 382], [8552, 10246, 382], [8553, 10252, 382], [8553, 10257, 382], [8553, 10262, 382], [8554, 10268, 382], [8554, 10273, 382], [8553, 10277, 382], [8553, 10282, 382], [8553, 10287, 382], [8553, 10292, 382], [8554, 10298, 382], [8554, 10303, 382], [8557, 10311, 382], [8553, 10312, 382], [8553, 10317, 382], [8553, 10322, 382], [8553, 10327, 382], [8553, 10332, 382], [8554, 10338, 382], [8553, 10342, 382], [8553, 10347, 382], [8553, 10352, 382], [8559, 10388, 382], [8557, 10416, 382], [8554, 10443, 382], [8562, 10481, 383], [8552, 10501, 381], [8503, 10482, 377], [8474, 10483, 373], [8443, 10482, 371], [8413, 10482, 367], [8384, 10483, 363], [8353, 10482, 359], [8325, 10484, 355], [8294, 10483, 351], [8283, 10502, 347], [8271, 10520, 343], [8271, 10550, 339], [8270, 10550, 334], [8270, 10605, 330], [8271, 10640, 326], [8270, 10660, 322], [8270, 10698, 318], [8271, 10730, 314], [8270, 10756, 311], [8270, 10773, 307], [8271, 10820, 303], [8270, 10843, 300], [8271, 10880, 297], [8220, 10482, 294], [8190, 10482, 293], [8160, 10482, 292], [8130, 10482, 291], [8100, 10482, 290], [8071, 10483, 288], [8040, 10482, 286], [8010, 10482, 285], [7980, 10482, 284], [7951, 10483, 282], [7921, 10483, 280], [7896, 10488, 278], [7860, 10482, 276], [7834, 10486, 275], [7800, 10482, 274], [7771, 10483, 273], [7740, 10482, 272], [7710, 10482, 271], [7680, 10482, 270], [7651, 10483, 269], [3283, 6435, 269], [3248, 6430, 270], [3223, 6435, 271], [2531, 5773, 272], [2501, 5773, 273], [2471, 5773, 274], [2441, 5773, 275], [2411, 5773, 275], [2381, 5773, 276], [2351, 5773, 277], [2331, 5783, 278], [2291, 5773, 279], [2261, 5773, 280], [2533, 6075, 280], [2544, 6116, 281], [2473, 6075, 282], [2443, 6075, 283], [2413, 6075, 283], [2383, 6075, 284], [2353, 6075, 285], [2364, 6116, 286], [2373, 6155, 286], [2344, 6156, 287], [2386, 6228, 288], [2363, 6235, 288], [2333, 6235, 289], [2374, 6306, 289], [2344, 6306, 290], [2243, 6235, 291], [2329, 6351, 291], [2383, 6435, 292], [2353, 6435, 292], [2323, 6435, 293], [2244, 6386, 293], [2262, 6434, 294], [2234, 6436, 295], [2204, 6436, 293], [2187, 6449, 292], [2187, 6479, 291], [2160, 6481, 289], [2161, 6513, 287], [2160, 6540, 285], [2161, 6573, 283], [2066, 6436, 282], [2050, 6450, 281], [2049, 6479, 280], [1986, 6446, 278], [1986, 6476, 277], [1923, 6443, 275], [1923, 6473, 274], [1857, 6437, 274], [1834, 6444, 273], [1800, 6440, 272], [1802, 6472, 271], [1736, 6436, 270], [1707, 6437, 270], [1676, 6436, 269], [1647, 6437, 268], [1637, 6457, 267], [1597, 6447, 266], [1597, 6477, 265], [1566, 6476, 264], [1541, 6481, 263], [1466, 6436, 262], [1445, 6445, 261], [1445, 6475, 260], [1379, 6439, 259], [1347, 6437, 258], [1330, 6450, 257], [1330, 6480, 257], [1296, 6476, 255], [1226, 6436, 254], [1198, 6438, 254], [1166, 6436, 253], [1144, 6444, 252], [1106, 6436, 252], [1077, 6437, 251], [1046, 6436, 250], [1018, 6438, 250], [1021, 6471, 249], [996, 6476, 248], [971, 6481, 247], [927, 6467, 246], [901, 6471, 245], [880, 6480, 244], [846, 6476, 243], [817, 6477, 242], [785, 6475, 241], [756, 6476, 239], [755, 6505, 238], [5056, 10482, 237], [5026, 10482, 238], [4996, 10482, 239], [4966, 10482, 239], [4544, 10090, 240], [4544, 10120, 241], [4542, 10148, 241], [4840, 10476, 242], [4816, 10482, 243], [4786, 10482, 244], [4756, 10482, 244], [4726, 10482, 245], [4696, 10482, 245], [4666, 10482, 246], [4636, 10482, 247], [4606, 10482, 247], [4576, 10482, 248], [4545, 10481, 249], [4516, 10482, 249], [4510, 10506, 249], [4457, 10483, 248], [4429, 10485, 247], [4397, 10483, 246], [4393, 10509, 245], [4394, 10540, 244], [4349, 10525, 243], [4392, 10598, 242], [4276, 10512, 241], [4276, 10542, 240], [4216, 10512, 239], [4279, 10605, 238], [4238, 10594, 237], [4218, 10604, 236], [4280, 10696, 235], [4238, 10684, 234], [4048, 10524, 233], [4084, 10590, 232], [4281, 10817, 231], [4277, 10843, 230], [4280, 10876, 229], [4237, 10863, 229], [4277, 10933, 228], [4244, 10930, 227], [4217, 10933, 226], [4084, 10830, 225], [4056, 10832, 224], [4056, 10862, 223], [4048, 10884, 222], [4023, 10889, 221], [3673, 10482, 221], [3643, 10482, 222], [3613, 10482, 222], [3583, 10482, 222], [3553, 10482, 222], [3523, 10482, 222], [3493, 10482, 223], [3463, 10482, 223], [3432, 10481, 223], [3403, 10482, 224], [3373, 10482, 224], [3343, 10482, 225], [3312, 10481, 225], [3283, 10482, 226], [3253, 10482, 226], [3223, 10482, 227], [3193, 10482, 228], [3163, 10482, 228], [3133, 10482, 229], [3103, 10482, 229], [3073, 10482, 229], [3043, 10482, 230], [3013, 10482, 231], [2983, 10482, 231], [2953, 10482, 232], [2923, 10482, 232], [2893, 10482, 233], [2863, 10482, 233], [2833, 10482, 234], [2803, 10482, 234], [2773, 10482, 235], [2743, 10482, 235], [2713, 10482, 236], [2683, 10482, 236], [2653, 10482, 237], [2623, 10482, 237], [2593, 10482, 238], [2563, 10482, 238], [2533, 10482, 239], [2503, 10482, 239], [2472, 10481, 240], [2443, 10482, 240], [2413, 10482, 241], [2383, 10482, 241], [2353, 10482, 242], [2323, 10482, 242], [2293, 10482, 243], [2263, 10482, 243], [2234, 10483, 243], [2203, 10482, 243], [2174, 10483, 243], [2163, 10502, 242], [2160, 10525, 241], [2160, 10550, 240], [2161, 10590, 240], [2096, 10483, 239], [2065, 10482, 239], [2050, 10497, 238], [2006, 10483, 237], [1980, 10487, 237], [1975, 10512, 236], [1921, 10488, 236], [1885, 10482, 235], [1855, 10482, 235], [1826, 10483, 235], [1799, 10486, 235], [1765, 10482, 234], [1735, 10482, 234], [1706, 10483, 234], [1675, 10482, 234], [1645, 10482, 233], [1635, 10502, 233], [1591, 10488, 232], [1575, 10502, 232], [1525, 10482, 231], [1520, 10507, 231], [1465, 10482, 231], [1435, 10482, 230], [1428, 10505, 230], [1376, 10483, 229], [1346, 10483, 229], [1332, 10499, 229], [1307, 10504, 228], [1256, 10483, 227], [1226, 10483, 227], [1198, 10485, 227], [1165, 10482, 227], [1136, 10483, 226], [1106, 10483, 226], [1076, 10483, 226], [1045, 10482, 225], [1018, 10485, 225], [986, 10483, 225], [978, 10505, 224], [927, 10484, 224], [898, 10485, 223], [892, 10509, 223], [858, 10505, 222], [819, 10496, 222], [804, 10511, 221], [775, 10512, 221], [753, 10520, 220], [753, 10550, 219], [767, 10594, 219], [626, 10483, 218], [615, 10502, 218], [586, 10503, 217], [565, 10512, 217], [565, 10542, 216], [585, 10592, 216], [2235, 12344, 215], [2236, 12375, 215], [2233, 12402, 215], [2197, 12396, 215], [2234, 12730, 215], [2236, 13032, 215], [2193, 13289, 216], [2235, 13631, 214], [2235, 13931, 215], [2178, 14174, 215], [1950, 14174, 211], [1650, 14174, 210], [1349, 14173, 207], [1050, 14174, 205], [750, 14174, 202], [453, 14174, 198], [153, 14174, 195]], 'time_in_bucket': [2480, 70, 54, 63, 38, 155, 90, 54, 36, 33, 35, 42, 25, 28, 22, 18, 24, 22, 27, 38, 28, 19, 14, 17, 16, 14, 19, 16, 12, 19, 13, 18, 21, 7, 10, 14, 4, 12, 17, 13, 21, 21, 12, 20, 15, 13, 16, 23, 18, 14, 17, 27, 9, 19, 16, 15, 16, 25, 18, 18, 17, 19, 24, 23, 18, 22, 25, 22, 21, 24, 27, 24, 29, 22, 25, 25, 20, 30, 28, 29, 20, 16, 24, 24, 27, 30, 21, 19, 22, 25, 27, 37, 31, 27, 19, 16, 16, 20, 17, 25, 22, 31, 19, 23, 13, 19, 27, 21, 23, 20, 22, 19, 19, 17, 23, 19, 22, 30, 16, 19, 29, 23, 19, 19, 16, 25, 14, 24, 26, 17, 21, 15, 23, 22, 23, 25, 21, 25, 20, 26, 17, 23, 19, 18, 21, 17, 20, 22, 23, 19, 17, 22, 12, 22, 15, 19, 25, 21, 17, 25, 14, 19, 21, 26, 19, 21, 31, 34, 18, 18, 35, 21, 16, 28, 12, 17, 24, 18, 17, 8, 19, 19, 15, 19, 16, 15, 18, 22, 12, 20, 20, 18, 20, 25, 19, 18, 24, 22, 21, 25, 23, 24, 21, 19, 21, 21, 26, 17, 33, 19, 28, 32, 17, 17, 26, 23, 24, 17, 24, 29, 27, 26, 28, 26, 31, 19, 20, 15, 23, 26, 26, 35, 26, 33, 26, 30, 19, 31, 26, 18, 21, 17, 21, 18, 25, 26, 26, 24, 28, 35, 22, 37, 24, 25, 19, 28, 32, 37, 21, 23, 19, 23, 25, 34, 34, 33, 20, 29, 29, 25, 28, 27, 23, 28, 25, 14, 20, 24, 29, 24, 17, 28, 21, 25, 25, 26, 20, 19, 21, 31, 33, 24, 17, 19, 23, 26, 25, 24, 29, 21, 24, 16, 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{'weighted_power': 244, 'training_load': 164, 'max_watts': 596, 'relative_intensity': 60, 'cp_data': [[4965, 4965, 596], [4964, 4965, 581], [4964, 4966, 572], [4964, 4967, 541], [4829, 4833, 500], [4829, 4834, 492], [4828, 4834, 484], [4827, 4834, 464], [9976, 9984, 440], [9976, 9985, 422], [7917, 7927, 410], [7917, 7928, 404], [7916, 7928, 397], [7916, 7929, 392], [9976, 9990, 387], [9976, 9991, 386], [9976, 9992, 386], [9976, 9993, 384], [9976, 9994, 382], [9976, 9995, 381], [9976, 9996, 379], [9976, 9997, 377], [9976, 9998, 375], [9976, 9999, 373], [9976, 10000, 371], [9976, 10001, 369], [10261, 10287, 368], [10266, 10293, 368], [10266, 10294, 369], [10265, 10294, 370], [10264, 10294, 370], [10264, 10295, 370], [10263, 10295, 370], [10262, 10295, 370], [10261, 10295, 370], [10260, 10295, 369], [10260, 10296, 368], [10259, 10296, 367], [10264, 10302, 366], [10263, 10302, 366], [10263, 10303, 366], [10261, 10302, 366], [10261, 10303, 366], [10260, 10303, 365], [10260, 10304, 364], 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8616, 314], [7913, 8622, 314], [7917, 8631, 314], [7914, 8633, 314], [7913, 8637, 314], [7912, 8641, 314], [7912, 8646, 314], [7911, 8650, 314], [7912, 8656, 314], [7910, 8659, 314], [7891, 8645, 314], [7891, 8650, 314], [7919, 8683, 314], [7915, 8684, 314], [7911, 8685, 314], [7911, 8690, 313], [7914, 8698, 313], [7912, 8701, 313], [7910, 8704, 313], [7911, 8710, 313], [7894, 8698, 313], [7892, 8701, 313], [7889, 8703, 313], [7888, 8707, 313], [7888, 8712, 313], [7875, 8704, 312], [7916, 8750, 312], [7917, 8756, 312], [7917, 8761, 313], [7916, 8765, 313], [7917, 8771, 313], [7916, 8775, 313], [7917, 8781, 313], [7917, 8786, 313], [7913, 8787, 313], [7912, 8791, 313], [7916, 8800, 313], [7912, 8801, 313], [7908, 8802, 313], [7902, 8801, 313], [7892, 8796, 313], [7891, 8800, 313], [7888, 8802, 313], [7883, 8802, 312], [7876, 8800, 312], [7872, 8801, 312], [7868, 8802, 312], [7862, 8801, 312], [7857, 8801, 312], [7851, 8800, 312], [7847, 8801, 312], [7828, 8787, 312], [7823, 8787, 312], [7819, 8788, 312], [7825, 8799, 312], [7819, 8798, 312], [7816, 8800, 312], [7812, 8801, 311], [7806, 8800, 311], [7803, 8802, 311], [7797, 8801, 311], [7793, 8802, 311], [7788, 8802, 311], [7783, 8802, 311], [7778, 8802, 311], [7772, 8801, 311], [7767, 8801, 310], [7765, 8804, 310], [7765, 8809, 310], [7779, 8828, 309], [7768, 8822, 309], [7767, 8826, 309], [7765, 8829, 309], [7767, 8836, 309], [7765, 8839, 308], [7765, 8844, 308], [7765, 8849, 307], [7791, 8880, 307], [7767, 8861, 307], [7782, 8881, 307], [7775, 8879, 307], [7768, 8877, 307], [7767, 8881, 307], [7781, 8900, 307], [8129, 9253, 306], [8124, 9253, 306], [8108, 9242, 306], [8106, 9245, 307], [8109, 9253, 307], [8105, 9254, 307], [8100, 9254, 307], [8094, 9253, 307], [8090, 9254, 307], [8090, 9259, 307], [8083, 9257, 306], [8080, 9259, 306], [8076, 9260, 306], [7912, 9101, 306], [7911, 9105, 306], [8043, 9242, 306], [8049, 9253, 306], [8044, 9253, 306], [8040, 9254, 306], [8040, 9259, 306], [8029, 9253, 306], [8025, 9254, 306], [8020, 9254, 306], [8015, 9254, 306], [8010, 9254, 306], [8004, 9253, 306], [7999, 9253, 306], [7994, 9253, 306], [7990, 9254, 306], [7984, 9253, 306], [7979, 9253, 306], [7974, 9253, 306], [7969, 9253, 306], [7964, 9253, 306], [7958, 9252, 306], [7954, 9253, 307], [7917, 9221, 307], [7919, 9228, 307], [7919, 9233, 307], [7919, 9238, 307], [7917, 9241, 308], [7916, 9245, 308], [7917, 9251, 308], [7914, 9253, 308], [7910, 9254, 308], [7910, 9259, 308], [7900, 9254, 307], [7894, 9253, 307], [7890, 9254, 307], [7888, 9257, 307], [7885, 9259, 307], [7875, 9254, 307], [7875, 9259, 307], [7870, 9259, 307], [7860, 9254, 307], [7854, 9253, 307], [7850, 9254, 307], [7848, 9257, 307], [7839, 9253, 307], [7835, 9254, 307], [7829, 9253, 307], [7825, 9254, 307], [7819, 9253, 307], [7815, 9254, 307], [7809, 9253, 307], [7805, 9254, 307], [7800, 9254, 307], [7795, 9254, 307], [7795, 9259, 307], [7790, 9259, 307], [7783, 9257, 307], [7780, 9259, 307], [7775, 9259, 306], [7768, 9257, 306], [7766, 9260, 306], [7765, 9264, 306], [7765, 9269, 306], [7762, 9271, 305], [7756, 9270, 305], [7752, 9271, 304], [7730, 9254, 304], [7730, 9259, 304], [7730, 9264, 304], [7718, 9257, 304], [7719, 9263, 304], [7710, 9259, 303], [7699, 9253, 303], [7695, 9254, 303], [7690, 9254, 303], [7690, 9259, 303], [7690, 9264, 303], [7688, 9267, 303], [7683, 9267, 303], [7682, 9271, 302], [7679, 9273, 302], [7682, 9281, 301], [7682, 9286, 300], [7682, 9291, 300], [7682, 9296, 299], [7681, 9300, 299], [7697, 9321, 298], [7692, 9321, 298], [7690, 9324, 298], [7686, 9325, 298], [7682, 9326, 298], [7681, 9330, 297], [7682, 9336, 297], [7681, 9340, 296], [7677, 9341, 295], [7672, 9341, 294], [7667, 9341, 293], [7680, 9359, 293], [7680, 9364, 292], [7682, 9371, 291], [7682, 9376, 291], [7682, 9381, 290], [7682, 9386, 290], [7681, 9390, 289], [7682, 9396, 289], [7682, 9401, 288], [7682, 9406, 288], [7682, 9411, 287], [7682, 9416, 287], [7682, 9421, 286], [7681, 9425, 286], [7682, 9431, 285], [7682, 9436, 285], [7681, 9440, 285], [7681, 9445, 284], [7680, 9449, 283], [7677, 9451, 283], [7681, 9460, 282], [7676, 9460, 281], [7680, 9469, 280], [7680, 9474, 280], [7682, 9481, 279], [7683, 9512, 278], [7682, 9541, 276], [7683, 9572, 274], [7683, 9602, 272], [7683, 9632, 270], [7682, 9661, 269], [7681, 9690, 267], [7683, 9722, 265], [7681, 9750, 264], [7682, 9781, 261], [7659, 9788, 258], [7629, 9788, 255], [1824, 3942, 254], [1847, 3995, 254], [1717, 3895, 255], [1710, 3918, 255], [1703, 3941, 255], [1703, 3971, 255], [1703, 4001, 255], [1703, 4031, 255], [1702, 4060, 255], [1545, 3933, 255], [1554, 3972, 255], [1546, 3994, 255], [1545, 4023, 255], [1545, 4053, 255], [1545, 4083, 255], [1545, 4113, 255], [1544, 4142, 255], [1542, 4170, 254], [7825, 10471, 253], [7806, 10482, 253], [7776, 10482, 254], [7799, 10535, 254], [7782, 10548, 254], [7765, 10561, 255], [7765, 10591, 254], [7796, 10652, 255], [7767, 10653, 255], [7765, 10681, 255], [7767, 10713, 255], [7765, 10741, 255], [7688, 10694, 255], [7689, 10725, 255], [7766, 10832, 255], [7770, 10866, 255], [7765, 10891, 255], [7765, 10921, 255], [7765, 10951, 255], [7688, 10904, 255], [7767, 11013, 255], [7765, 11041, 255], [7690, 10996, 255], [7688, 11024, 255], [7768, 11134, 254], [7916, 11312, 255], [7911, 11337, 255], [7916, 11372, 256], [7913, 11399, 256], [7909, 11425, 257], [7877, 11423, 257], [7830, 11406, 257], [7806, 11412, 258], [7789, 11425, 258], [7763, 11429, 258], [7729, 11425, 258], [7689, 11415, 258], [7682, 11438, 258], [7667, 11453, 256], [7683, 11499, 255], [7662, 11508, 254], [7632, 11508, 252], [7533, 11439, 251], [7508, 11444, 250], [7533, 11499, 248], [7507, 11503, 248], [7482, 11508, 246], [7448, 11504, 245], [7422, 11508, 243], [7387, 11503, 242], [7358, 11504, 241], [7325, 11501, 239], [7302, 11508, 238], [7272, 11508, 236], [7181, 11447, 236], [7152, 11448, 235], [7127, 11453, 235], [7151, 11507, 233], [7122, 11508, 233], [7092, 11508, 231], [6999, 11445, 230], [6976, 11452, 229], [6939, 11445, 229], [6917, 11453, 227], [6939, 11505, 227], [6912, 11508, 226], [6882, 11508, 224], [6852, 11508, 223], [6822, 11508, 222], [6792, 11508, 220], [6762, 11508, 219], [6732, 11508, 218], [6702, 11508, 216], [6672, 11508, 215], [1747, 6493, 214], [1717, 6493, 215], [1690, 6496, 215], [1645, 6481, 215], [1627, 6493, 215], [1597, 6493, 216], [1567, 6493, 216], [1537, 6493, 216], [1510, 6496, 215], [1477, 6493, 214], [1414, 6460, 214], [1417, 6493, 214], [1407, 6513, 214], [5409, 10665, 214], [6139, 11425, 214], [6096, 11412, 214], [6079, 11425, 215], [6049, 11425, 215], [6022, 11428, 215], [5975, 11411, 215], [5946, 11412, 216], [5933, 11429, 216], [5902, 11428, 216], [5869, 11425, 217], [5839, 11425, 217], [5812, 11428, 217], [5779, 11425, 217], [5750, 11426, 218], [5719, 11425, 218], [5692, 11428, 218], [5662, 11428, 218], [5629, 11425, 218], [5580, 11406, 219], [5569, 11425, 219], [5539, 11425, 219], [5509, 11425, 220], [5482, 11428, 220], [5452, 11428, 220], [5419, 11425, 221], [5389, 11425, 221], [5360, 11426, 221], [5341, 11437, 221], [5302, 11428, 221], [5269, 11425, 221], [5243, 11429, 221], [5212, 11428, 221], [5184, 11430, 221], [5153, 11429, 221], [5122, 11428, 221], [5114, 11450, 221], [5064, 11430, 220], [5042, 11438, 220], [5027, 11453, 219], [5043, 11499, 219], [5022, 11508, 218], [4992, 11508, 217], [4958, 11504, 217], [4932, 11508, 216], [4902, 11508, 215], [4872, 11508, 214], [4827, 11493, 214], [4812, 11508, 213], [4782, 11508, 212], [4752, 11508, 211], [4722, 11508, 210], [4703, 11508, 210], [4703, 11508, 209], [4712, 11519, 208], [4796, 11633, 207], [4646, 11500, 206], [4624, 11508, 205], [4608, 11508, 205], [4578, 11508, 204], [7767, 14274, 204], [7765, 14302, 204], [7689, 14256, 204], [7692, 14289, 204], [7767, 14394, 205], [7780, 14437, 205], [7765, 14452, 205], [7765, 14482, 205], [7690, 14437, 205], [7696, 14473, 206], [7681, 14488, 206], [2000, 9266, 205], [1958, 9254, 206], [1928, 9254, 206], [1897, 9253, 206], [1856, 9242, 207], [1844, 9260, 207], [1818, 9264, 207], [1781, 9257, 208], [1754, 9260, 208], [1717, 9253, 208], [1701, 9267, 208], [1645, 9241, 208], [1634, 9260, 209], [1601, 9257, 209], [1568, 9254, 209], [1544, 9260, 209], [1536, 9282, 209], [1546, 9322, 209], [1535, 9341, 209], [1418, 9254, 208], [1407, 9273, 208], [1425, 9321, 208], [1410, 9336, 208], [1408, 9364, 207], [1409, 9395, 207], [1409, 9425, 207], [1405, 9451, 206], [1536, 9612, 206], [1537, 9643, 206], [1171, 9267, 206], [1144, 9270, 206], [1107, 9263, 206], [1073, 9259, 206], [1054, 9270, 206], [1018, 9264, 206], [984, 9260, 207], [953, 9259, 207], [934, 9270, 207], [898, 9264, 207], [863, 9259, 207], [831, 9257, 207], [804, 9260, 207], [799, 9285, 207], [809, 9325, 207], [795, 9341, 207], [761, 9337, 206], [761, 9367, 206], [761, 9397, 206], [761, 9427, 205], [1842, 10495, 205], [1846, 10529, 206], [1844, 10557, 206], [1825, 10568, 206], [1847, 10620, 206], [1847, 10650, 206], [1847, 10680, 207], [1826, 10689, 207], [1824, 10717, 207], [1729, 10652, 207], [1711, 10664, 207], [1706, 10689, 208], [1711, 10724, 208], [1702, 10745, 208], [1634, 10707, 208], [1622, 10725, 208], [2292, 11425, 208], [2243, 11406, 209], [2218, 11411, 209], [2205, 11428, 209], [2175, 11428, 209], [2116, 11399, 210], [2099, 11412, 210], [2086, 11429, 210], [2055, 11428, 210], [2025, 11428, 210], [1992, 11425, 210], [1943, 11406, 210], [1932, 11425, 211], [1883, 11406, 211], [1847, 11400, 211], [1845, 11428, 212], [1815, 11428, 212], [1782, 11425, 212], [1755, 11428, 212], [1722, 11425, 212], [1700, 11433, 212], [1643, 11406, 212], [1635, 11428, 213], [1602, 11425, 213], [1572, 11425, 213], [1545, 11428, 213], [1535, 11448, 213], [1535, 11478, 212], [1535, 11508, 212], [1414, 11417, 212], [1410, 11443, 212], [1390, 11453, 212], [1409, 11502, 211], [1385, 11508, 211], [1356, 11508, 210], [1356, 11508, 210], [1252, 11425, 210], [1212, 11415, 210], [1180, 11413, 210], [1166, 11429, 210], [1144, 11437, 210], [1105, 11428, 210], [1072, 11425, 210], [1046, 11429, 210], [1015, 11428, 211], [985, 11428, 211], [952, 11425, 211], [735, 11508, 210], [351, 11424, 209], [135, 11508, 207], [61, 11665, 202], [0, 11902, 198], [0, 12202, 193], [1645, 13709, 193], [1545, 13909, 194], [1545, 14209, 195], [1535, 14499, 196], [1180, 14404, 195], [954, 14478, 196], [745, 14569, 195], [279, 14403, 195], [144, 14568, 194], [64, 14788, 190], [1, 15024, 187], [0, 15174, 184], [0, 15174, 180], [0, 15174, 177], [0, 15174, 174], [0, 15174, 171], [0, 15174, 168], [0, 15174, 165], [0, 15174, 162], [0, 15174, 160], [0, 15174, 157], [0, 15174, 155], [0, 15174, 152], [0, 15174, 150], [0, 15174, 148], [0, 15174, 146], [0, 15174, 144], [0, 15174, 141], [0, 15174, 139], [0, 15174, 138], [0, 15174, 136], [0, 15253, 134], [0, 15297, 132], [0, 15416, 130], [0, 15544, 129], [0, 15655, 127]], 'time_in_bucket': [3126, 42, 34, 46, 30, 83, 53, 39, 28, 24, 19, 24, 17, 19, 21, 6, 14, 15, 15, 18, 23, 14, 12, 16, 9, 15, 7, 11, 10, 7, 19, 12, 9, 8, 7, 14, 14, 10, 14, 13, 14, 9, 18, 5, 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'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3833612627'}
{'weighted_power': 274, 'training_load': 268, 'max_watts': 647, 'relative_intensity': 68, 'cp_data': [[3897, 3897, 647], [3896, 3897, 624], [3896, 3898, 581], [3895, 3898, 552], [4687, 4691, 531], [4686, 4691, 515], [4685, 4691, 489], [4685, 4692, 463], [3894, 3902, 438], [3895, 3904, 421], [3895, 3905, 417], [3895, 3906, 416], [3895, 3907, 411], [3895, 3908, 405], [3895, 3909, 399], [3895, 3910, 395], [6618, 6634, 396], [6618, 6635, 397], [6617, 6635, 396], [6616, 6635, 393], [6615, 6635, 388], [6617, 6638, 386], [6617, 6639, 385], [6617, 6640, 383], [6616, 6640, 381], [6617, 6642, 379], [6617, 6643, 378], [6617, 6644, 377], [6617, 6645, 376], [6616, 6645, 374], [6617, 6647, 373], [6616, 6647, 372], [12320, 12352, 370], [12319, 12352, 369], [12318, 12352, 368], [12317, 12352, 368], [12316, 12352, 367], [12315, 12352, 367], [12314, 12352, 366], [12313, 12352, 366], [12209, 12249, 365], [12208, 12249, 365], [12207, 12249, 364], [12206, 12249, 364], [12205, 12249, 364], [12204, 12249, 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[9834, 10548, 342], [9829, 10548, 342], [9852, 10576, 342], [9836, 10565, 342], [9836, 10570, 342], [9836, 10575, 342], [9832, 10576, 342], [9835, 10584, 342], [9829, 10583, 342], [9830, 10589, 342], [9834, 10598, 342], [9878, 10647, 342], [9836, 10610, 342], [9868, 10647, 342], [9863, 10647, 342], [9857, 10646, 342], [9853, 10647, 342], [9848, 10647, 342], [9840, 10644, 342], [9838, 10647, 343], [9834, 10648, 343], [9829, 10648, 343], [9825, 10649, 342], [9820, 10649, 342], [9813, 10647, 342], [9808, 10647, 342], [9803, 10647, 342], [6116, 6965, 342], [6109, 6963, 342], [6109, 6968, 342], [6100, 6964, 342], [6095, 6964, 342], [6095, 6969, 342], [6090, 6969, 342], [6085, 6969, 342], [6080, 6969, 342], [6075, 6969, 341], [6070, 6969, 341], [6065, 6969, 341], [6060, 6969, 341], [6050, 6964, 341], [6050, 6969, 341], [6045, 6969, 341], [6040, 6969, 341], [6035, 6969, 341], [6030, 6969, 341], [5502, 6446, 341], [5502, 6451, 341], [5497, 6451, 341], [5491, 6450, 341], [5487, 6451, 341], [5506, 6475, 341], [5502, 6476, 341], [5497, 6476, 341], [5491, 6475, 341], [5487, 6476, 341], [5641, 6635, 341], [5644, 6643, 341], [5643, 6647, 341], [5626, 6635, 341], [5621, 6635, 341], [5616, 6635, 341], [5611, 6635, 341], [5610, 6639, 341], [5610, 6644, 341], [5608, 6647, 341], [5591, 6635, 341], [5586, 6635, 341], [5585, 6639, 341], [5585, 6644, 341], [5583, 6647, 341], [5895, 6964, 341], [5895, 6969, 341], [5890, 6969, 341], [5551, 6635, 341], [5550, 6639, 341], [5541, 6635, 341], [5536, 6635, 341], [5531, 6635, 341], [5526, 6635, 341], [5521, 6635, 341], [5516, 6635, 341], [5511, 6635, 341], [5506, 6635, 341], [5501, 6635, 341], [5502, 6641, 341], [5502, 6646, 341], [5491, 6640, 341], [5491, 6645, 341], [5487, 6646, 341], [5476, 6640, 341], [5476, 6645, 341], [5473, 6647, 341], [5468, 6647, 341], [5466, 6650, 341], [5474, 6663, 341], [5469, 6663, 341], [5502, 6701, 341], [5589, 6793, 341], [5584, 6793, 341], [5582, 6796, 341], [5519, 6738, 341], [5515, 6739, 341], [5519, 6748, 341], [5504, 6738, 341], [5500, 6739, 341], [5503, 6747, 341], [5502, 6751, 341], [5502, 6756, 341], [5502, 6761, 341], [5502, 6766, 341], [5502, 6771, 341], [5519, 6793, 341], [5490, 6769, 341], [5487, 6771, 341], [5504, 6793, 341], [5502, 6796, 341], [5494, 6793, 341], [5489, 6793, 341], [5487, 6796, 341], [5655, 6969, 341], [5650, 6969, 341], [5645, 6969, 341], [5640, 6969, 341], [5507, 6841, 341], [5502, 6841, 341], [5621, 6965, 341], [5620, 6969, 341], [5610, 6964, 341], [5610, 6969, 341], [5605, 6969, 341], [5502, 6871, 341], [5595, 6969, 341], [5586, 6965, 341], [5585, 6969, 341], [5580, 6969, 341], [5490, 6884, 341], [5487, 6886, 341], [5476, 6880, 341], [5557, 6966, 341], [5501, 6915, 341], [5550, 6969, 341], [5491, 6915, 341], [5540, 6969, 341], [5529, 6963, 341], [5530, 6969, 341], [5521, 6965, 341], [5520, 6969, 341], [5515, 6969, 341], [5506, 6965, 341], [5502, 6966, 341], [5500, 6969, 341], [5491, 6965, 341], [5490, 6969, 341], [5485, 6969, 341], [5476, 6965, 341], [5475, 6969, 341], [5470, 6969, 341], [5465, 6969, 341], [5460, 6969, 341], [5455, 6969, 341], [5450, 6969, 340], [5503, 7027, 340], [5504, 7033, 340], [5499, 7033, 340], [5490, 7029, 340], [5490, 7034, 340], [5484, 7033, 340], [5476, 7030, 340], [5475, 7034, 340], [5469, 7033, 340], [5465, 7034, 340], [5459, 7033, 340], [5387, 6966, 340], [5385, 6969, 340], [5380, 6969, 340], [5375, 6969, 340], [5435, 7034, 340], [5365, 6969, 340], [5360, 6969, 340], [5352, 6966, 340], [5350, 6969, 340], [5343, 6967, 340], [5340, 6969, 340], [5335, 6969, 340], [5324, 6963, 340], [5325, 6969, 340], [5385, 7034, 340], [5312, 6966, 340], [5310, 6969, 340], [5386, 7050, 340], [5296, 6965, 340], [5291, 6965, 340], [5290, 6969, 340], [5282, 6966, 340], [5276, 6965, 340], [5273, 6967, 340], [5270, 6969, 340], [5265, 6969, 340], [5260, 6969, 340], [5255, 6969, 340], [5250, 6969, 340], [5245, 6969, 340], [5240, 6969, 340], [5235, 6969, 340], [5270, 7009, 340], [5273, 7017, 340], [5211, 6960, 340], [5211, 6965, 340], [5210, 6969, 340], [5205, 6969, 340], [5265, 7034, 340], [5191, 6965, 340], [5182, 6961, 340], [5180, 6964, 340], [5180, 6969, 340], [5175, 6969, 340], [5170, 6969, 340], [5140, 6969, 340], [5105, 6964, 340], [5145, 7034, 340], [5046, 6965, 339], [5065, 7014, 339], [5046, 7025, 339], [5041, 7050, 339], [5018, 7057, 339], [4991, 7060, 338], [4960, 7059, 335], [4930, 7059, 334], [4898, 7057, 333], [4868, 7057, 332], [4839, 7058, 331], [4808, 7057, 329], [4782, 7061, 328], [4750, 7059, 325], [4718, 7057, 324], [4686, 7055, 324], [4684, 7083, 320], [4680, 7088, 317], [4680, 7105, 313], [4684, 7149, 309], [4684, 7179, 305], [11462, 14011, 303], [11565, 14144, 302], [11564, 14173, 302], [11564, 14203, 302], [11565, 14234, 301], [11566, 14265, 301], [11564, 14293, 301], [11565, 14324, 301], [11564, 14353, 300], [11610, 14429, 300], [11576, 14425, 300], [11555, 14434, 300], [11610, 14519, 300], [11579, 14518, 300], [11557, 14526, 299], [11553, 14552, 299], [11492, 14521, 298], [11472, 14531, 297], [11472, 14561, 297], [4110, 7054, 296], [4083, 7057, 296], [4052, 7056, 296], [4023, 7057, 296], [3993, 7057, 296], [3962, 7056, 296], [3938, 7062, 295], [3895, 7049, 294], [3874, 7058, 293], [3855, 7069, 291], [3822, 7066, 289], [3814, 7088, 286], [3768, 7072, 284], [3754, 7088, 282], [3724, 7088, 279], [3676, 7070, 277], [3664, 7088, 275], [3632, 7086, 273], [3589, 7073, 271], [3574, 7088, 269], [3544, 7088, 267], [3514, 7088, 265], [3484, 7088, 263], [3454, 7088, 261], [3422, 7086, 259], [3394, 7088, 257], [3349, 7073, 255], [3344, 7088, 253], [3345, 7105, 251], [3275, 7058, 250], [3275, 7088, 248], [3223, 7066, 246], [3187, 7060, 245], [3153, 7056, 244], [3123, 7056, 245], [3094, 7057, 245], [3063, 7056, 245], [3034, 7057, 246], [3003, 7056, 246], [2974, 7057, 246], [2944, 7057, 247], [2891, 7034, 247], [2884, 7057, 248], [2854, 7057, 248], [2824, 7057, 248], [2794, 7057, 248], [2766, 7059, 248], [2734, 7057, 248], [2704, 7057, 248], [2675, 7058, 248], [2644, 7057, 248], [2614, 7057, 248], [2584, 7057, 249], [2553, 7056, 249], [2524, 7057, 249], [2494, 7057, 249], [2465, 7058, 249], [2434, 7057, 249], [2404, 7057, 249], [2374, 7057, 249], [2345, 7058, 249], [2316, 7059, 249], [2285, 7058, 249], [2254, 7057, 249], [2226, 7059, 249], [2196, 7059, 248], [9264, 13759, 248], [9267, 13792, 248], [9271, 13826, 249], [9258, 13843, 249], [9222, 13837, 249], [9191, 13836, 250], [9162, 13837, 250], [9121, 13826, 250], [9102, 13837, 251], [9072, 13837, 251], [9031, 13826, 251], [9018, 13843, 252], [8989, 13844, 252], [8958, 13843, 252], [8952, 13867, 252], [8892, 13837, 252], [8886, 13861, 252], [8886, 13891, 252], [8886, 13921, 251], [8886, 13951, 251], [8788, 13883, 251], [8758, 13883, 251], [8757, 13912, 250], [8788, 13973, 250], [9006, 14221, 250], [9012, 14257, 250], [9018, 14293, 250], [9019, 14324, 250], [9016, 14351, 250], [9015, 14380, 251], [9019, 14414, 251], [9004, 14429, 251], [9015, 14470, 251], [9019, 14504, 251], [9006, 14521, 251], [8981, 14526, 252], [8951, 14526, 252], [8886, 14491, 252], [8886, 14521, 252], [8886, 14551, 252], [8883, 14578, 251], [8821, 14546, 251], [8788, 14543, 251], [8784, 14569, 250], [8750, 14565, 250], [8729, 14574, 249], [8643, 14518, 249], [8621, 14526, 249], [8622, 14557, 249], [8598, 14563, 249], [8572, 14567, 248], [8516, 14541, 248], [8511, 14566, 248], [611, 7056, 248], [584, 7059, 248], [552, 7057, 248], [522, 7057, 248], [494, 7059, 248], [469, 7064, 248], [432, 7057, 248], [404, 7059, 248], [374, 7059, 247], [344, 7059, 247], [314, 7059, 246], [284, 7059, 246], [251, 7056, 245], [4102, 10851, 245], [4072, 10851, 245], [4035, 10844, 246], [4005, 10844, 246], [3987, 10856, 246], [3957, 10856, 246], [3933, 10862, 246], [3894, 10853, 246], [3872, 10861, 245], [3845, 10864, 244], [3815, 10864, 244], [3782, 10861, 243], [3754, 10863, 242], [3724, 10863, 241], [3768, 10897, 240], [3664, 10863, 239], [3632, 10861, 238], [3676, 10895, 237], [3575, 10864, 236], [3545, 10864, 236], [3592, 10901, 235], [3563, 10902, 234], [3531, 10900, 233], [3502, 10901, 232], [3471, 10900, 231], [3443, 10902, 230], [3408, 10897, 230], [3383, 10902, 229], [3351, 10900, 228], [3274, 10862, 227], [3246, 10864, 226], [3216, 10864, 226], [3184, 10862, 225], [3143, 10851, 225], [3111, 10849, 225], [3083, 10851, 226], [3053, 10851, 226], [3023, 10851, 226], [2994, 10852, 226], [2957, 10845, 227], [2888, 10806, 227], [2893, 10841, 227], [2874, 10852, 228], [2844, 10852, 228], [2818, 10856, 228], [2784, 10852, 228], [2758, 10856, 228], [2728, 10856, 228], [2692, 10850, 228], [2664, 10852, 228], [2633, 10851, 228], [2603, 10851, 229], [2574, 10852, 229], [2543, 10851, 229], [2513, 10851, 229], [2483, 10851, 229], [2458, 10856, 229], [2424, 10852, 229], [2394, 10852, 229], [2365, 10853, 230], [2334, 10852, 230], [2310, 10858, 230], [2278, 10856, 230], [5020, 13230, 230], [5023, 13263, 230], [5043, 13313, 230], [5027, 13327, 231], [5029, 13359, 231], [5021, 13381, 231], [5021, 13411, 231], [5032, 13452, 232], [5032, 13482, 232], [5031, 13511, 232], [5023, 13533, 232], [5041, 13581, 233], [5033, 13603, 233], [5029, 13629, 233], [5029, 13659, 234], [5028, 13688, 234], [5026, 13716, 234], [5031, 13751, 234], [5042, 13792, 235], [5046, 13826, 235], [5027, 13837, 235], [5003, 13843, 235], [5003, 13873, 235], [4994, 13894, 235], [4953, 13883, 235], [4883, 13843, 235], [4861, 13851, 235], [4858, 13878, 235], [4793, 13843, 235], [4793, 13873, 235], [4785, 13895, 235], [4786, 13926, 235], [4685, 13855, 235], [4684, 13884, 235], [4684, 13914, 235], [5003, 14263, 235], [5003, 14293, 235], [5003, 14323, 235], [5002, 14352, 236], [5003, 14383, 236], [5019, 14429, 236], [5003, 14443, 236], [5002, 14472, 236], [5020, 14520, 236], [5001, 14531, 236], [4999, 14559, 236], [4973, 14563, 236], [4901, 14521, 236], [4868, 14518, 236], [4849, 14529, 236], [4848, 14558, 236], [4791, 14531, 236], [4792, 14562, 236], [4769, 14569, 236], [4685, 14515, 236], [4684, 14544, 236], [4684, 14574, 236], [4680, 14578, 235], [4680, 14578, 235], [4680, 14578, 234], [4002, 13837, 234], [3986, 13851, 234], [3989, 14154, 233], [3989, 14454, 235], [3813, 14578, 233], [3513, 14578, 228], [2509, 13843, 223], [2249, 13883, 224], [2592, 14526, 225], [2297, 14531, 225], [1341, 13837, 224], [1063, 13859, 225], [780, 13876, 226], [482, 13878, 227], [804, 14500, 227], [525, 14521, 228], [274, 14570, 227], [0, 14591, 223], [187, 14958, 220], [0, 15024, 216], [0, 15024, 212], [0, 15024, 208], [0, 15024, 204], [0, 15024, 201], [0, 15024, 198], [0, 15148, 194], [2533, 17948, 193], [2233, 17948, 193], [1970, 17947, 192], [1670, 17947, 193], [1371, 17948, 195], [1071, 17948, 196], [771, 17948, 197], [472, 17949, 198], [175, 17952, 197], [0, 17962, 195], [0, 18076, 192], [0, 18376, 189], [369, 19050, 189], [667, 19648, 189], [406, 19687, 190], [119, 19700, 189]], 'time_in_bucket': [3485, 43, 48, 66, 32, 120, 72, 42, 49, 36, 26, 29, 21, 20, 21, 12, 23, 14, 16, 8, 20, 15, 13, 23, 10, 11, 23, 13, 17, 10, 6, 13, 16, 10, 13, 6, 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{'weighted_power': 270, 'training_load': 196, 'max_watts': 649, 'relative_intensity': 67, 'cp_data': [[4156, 4156, 649], [4155, 4156, 622], [4155, 4157, 612], [4154, 4157, 599], [4153, 4157, 589], [4152, 4157, 578], [4152, 4158, 561], [4152, 4159, 550], [4152, 4160, 541], [4151, 4160, 531], [4150, 4160, 523], [4150, 4161, 515], [4150, 4162, 507], [4150, 4163, 498], [4149, 4163, 489], [4149, 4164, 477], [3424, 3440, 466], [3424, 3441, 456], [8201, 8219, 449], [8199, 8218, 448], [8198, 8218, 449], [8197, 8218, 448], [8196, 8218, 448], [8195, 8218, 448], [8194, 8218, 447], [8194, 8219, 447], [8193, 8219, 445], [8191, 8218, 443], [8191, 8219, 442], [8189, 8218, 443], [8188, 8218, 444], [8187, 8218, 444], [8186, 8218, 444], [8185, 8218, 444], [8184, 8218, 443], [8184, 8219, 443], [8184, 8220, 441], [8184, 8221, 439], [8185, 8223, 439], [8185, 8224, 439], [8185, 8225, 440], [8184, 8225, 439], [8183, 8225, 437], [8176, 8219, 436], [8175, 8219, 435], [8185, 8230, 434], [8184, 8230, 434], 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382], [7718, 8602, 382], [7718, 8607, 381], [7718, 8612, 381], [7716, 8615, 381], [7717, 8621, 381], [7718, 8627, 381], [7718, 8632, 380], [7717, 8636, 380], [7717, 8641, 380], [7717, 8646, 380], [7717, 8651, 380], [7718, 8657, 380], [7718, 8662, 380], [7718, 8667, 380], [7718, 8672, 380], [7718, 8677, 380], [7718, 8682, 380], [7718, 8687, 380], [7718, 8692, 380], [7718, 8697, 380], [7718, 8702, 379], [7718, 8707, 379], [7717, 8711, 379], [7717, 8716, 379], [7718, 8722, 379], [7716, 8725, 379], [7718, 8732, 379], [7718, 8737, 379], [7718, 8742, 379], [7719, 8748, 379], [7718, 8752, 379], [7718, 8757, 379], [7717, 8761, 379], [7718, 8767, 379], [7717, 8771, 378], [7717, 8776, 378], [7717, 8781, 378], [7718, 8787, 378], [7718, 8792, 378], [7717, 8796, 378], [7717, 8801, 378], [7717, 8806, 378], [7717, 8811, 378], [7717, 8816, 378], [7718, 8822, 378], [7839, 8948, 378], [7813, 8927, 378], [7813, 8932, 378], [7803, 8927, 378], [7798, 8927, 378], [7798, 8932, 378], [7803, 8942, 378], [7804, 8948, 378], [7799, 8948, 378], [7794, 8948, 378], [7789, 8948, 378], [7763, 8927, 378], [7758, 8927, 378], [7753, 8927, 378], [7753, 8932, 378], [7748, 8932, 378], [7753, 8942, 378], [7754, 8948, 378], [7749, 8948, 378], [7744, 8948, 378], [7718, 8927, 378], [7718, 8932, 378], [7718, 8937, 378], [7718, 8942, 378], [7719, 8948, 378], [7715, 8949, 377], [7710, 8949, 377], [7705, 8949, 376], [7700, 8949, 376], [7695, 8949, 375], [7689, 8948, 375], [7685, 8949, 374], [7680, 8949, 374], [7675, 8949, 374], [7670, 8949, 373], [7665, 8949, 372], [7663, 8952, 371], [7663, 8957, 369], [7651, 8950, 368], [7647, 8951, 367], [4479, 5788, 367], [4474, 5788, 366], [4469, 5788, 366], [4464, 5788, 366], [4459, 5788, 365], [4454, 5788, 365], [4449, 5788, 364], [4444, 5788, 364], [4439, 5788, 363], [4434, 5788, 363], [4429, 5788, 363], [4424, 5788, 362], [4419, 5788, 362], [4414, 5788, 361], [4409, 5788, 361], [4404, 5788, 361], [4399, 5788, 361], [4394, 5788, 361], [4389, 5788, 361], [4384, 5788, 360], [4379, 5788, 360], [4374, 5788, 360], [4369, 5788, 360], [4364, 5788, 360], [4359, 5788, 359], [4354, 5788, 359], [4349, 5788, 358], [4344, 5788, 358], [4339, 5788, 358], [4334, 5788, 357], [4329, 5788, 357], [4324, 5788, 357], [4319, 5788, 357], [4314, 5788, 357], [4309, 5788, 357], [4304, 5788, 356], [4299, 5788, 356], [4296, 5790, 355], [4301, 5800, 355], [4300, 5804, 355], [4299, 5808, 354], [4296, 5810, 353], [4292, 5811, 353], [4290, 5814, 352], [4281, 5810, 351], [4254, 5788, 350], [4249, 5788, 350], [4244, 5788, 350], [4239, 5788, 350], [4234, 5788, 349], [4229, 5788, 349], [4224, 5788, 349], [4219, 5788, 349], [4214, 5788, 348], [4204, 5783, 348], [4204, 5788, 349], [4199, 5788, 348], [4200, 5794, 348], [4200, 5799, 347], [4200, 5804, 347], [4199, 5808, 347], [4199, 5813, 346], [4199, 5818, 345], [4198, 5818, 344], [4198, 5818, 343], [4199, 5833, 342], [4199, 5838, 341], [4198, 5838, 340], [4198, 5847, 339], [4199, 5853, 338], [4198, 5855, 337], [4149, 5774, 336], [4152, 5782, 336], [4152, 5787, 337], [4148, 5788, 337], [4149, 5794, 336], [4149, 5799, 336], [4149, 5804, 336], [4148, 5808, 335], [4144, 5809, 334], [4120, 5790, 334], [4121, 5796, 334], [4121, 5801, 333], [4121, 5806, 333], [4120, 5810, 333], [4119, 5814, 332], [4088, 5788, 331], [4083, 5788, 331], [4078, 5788, 331], [4073, 5788, 331], [4068, 5788, 331], [4063, 5788, 331], [4058, 5788, 332], [4052, 5787, 332], [4048, 5788, 332], [4043, 5788, 332], [4038, 5788, 332], [4028, 5783, 332], [4028, 5788, 332], [3998, 5788, 333], [3988, 5808, 331], [3938, 5788, 330], [3908, 5788, 329], [3878, 5788, 329], [3848, 5788, 329], [3834, 5804, 326], [3787, 5787, 327], [3758, 5788, 327], [3729, 5789, 326], [3711, 5801, 325], [3689, 5809, 322], [3629, 5779, 322], [3608, 5788, 322], [3578, 5788, 322], [3548, 5788, 322], [3518, 5788, 321], [3488, 5788, 321], [3474, 5804, 320], [3424, 5784, 319], [3421, 5811, 318], [3391, 5811, 314], [3380, 5830, 311], [3331, 5811, 307], [3305, 5815, 304], [3278, 5818, 300], [3248, 5818, 297], [3238, 5838, 294], [3188, 5818, 291], [3158, 5818, 288], [3163, 5853, 285], [3098, 5818, 282], [3068, 5818, 280], [3067, 5847, 277], [3008, 5818, 274], [2976, 5816, 272], [2948, 5818, 269], [2918, 5818, 266], [2863, 5788, 264], [2854, 5809, 264], [2850, 5835, 262], [2822, 5837, 259], [2765, 5810, 257], [2762, 5837, 255], [2762, 5867, 252], [2759, 5894, 250], [2759, 5912, 248], [2694, 5788, 246], [2664, 5788, 247], [2634, 5788, 247], [2604, 5788, 247], [2574, 5788, 248], [2544, 5788, 248], [2514, 5788, 248], [2484, 5788, 248], [2454, 5788, 248], [2424, 5788, 249], [2394, 5788, 249], [2364, 5788, 249], [2334, 5788, 249], [2304, 5788, 249], [2274, 5788, 249], [2244, 5788, 249], [2214, 5788, 249], [2184, 5788, 249], [2154, 5788, 249], [2124, 5788, 249], [2094, 5788, 249], [2064, 5788, 249], [2056, 5810, 249], [2055, 5838, 247], [2032, 5815, 245], [2032, 5845, 244], [2031, 5873, 242], [2031, 5894, 240], [2031, 5912, 238], [2031, 5912, 236], [1982, 5788, 236], [1968, 5804, 236], [1922, 5788, 236], [1892, 5788, 236], [1879, 5805, 236], [1832, 5788, 236], [1802, 5788, 236], [1772, 5788, 236], [1742, 5788, 236], [1712, 5788, 236], [1682, 5788, 236], [1652, 5788, 237], [1622, 5788, 237], [1592, 5788, 237], [1562, 5788, 237], [1532, 5788, 237], [1502, 5788, 237], [1472, 5788, 237], [1442, 5788, 237], [1412, 5788, 237], [1382, 5788, 237], [1352, 5788, 238], [1322, 5788, 238], [1292, 5788, 238], [1262, 5788, 238], [1232, 5788, 238], [1202, 5788, 238], [1172, 5788, 238], [1142, 5788, 238], [1132, 5808, 238], [1098, 5804, 237], [1052, 5788, 237], [1022, 5788, 237], [992, 5788, 237], [962, 5788, 237], [932, 5788, 238], [902, 5788, 238], [872, 5788, 238], [855, 5801, 238], [836, 5812, 238], [799, 5805, 237], [791, 5818, 236], [744, 5788, 236], [714, 5788, 237], [684, 5788, 237], [674, 5808, 237], [624, 5788, 237], [594, 5788, 237], [564, 5788, 237], [534, 5788, 237], [504, 5788, 237], [491, 5805, 237], [444, 5788, 237], [431, 5805, 236], [405, 5809, 236], [373, 5807, 236], [346, 5810, 235], [314, 5808, 235], [286, 5810, 234], [255, 5809, 233], [253, 5837, 232], [221, 5835, 231], [174, 5818, 230], [3481, 8949, 230], [3452, 8950, 229], [3422, 8950, 230], [3392, 8950, 229], [3386, 8974, 228], [3391, 9009, 227], [3326, 8974, 226], [3331, 9009, 225], [3299, 9007, 224], [3266, 9004, 223], [3189, 8957, 222], [3159, 8957, 221], [3163, 8991, 220], [3153, 9011, 219], [3069, 8957, 218], [3070, 8988, 217], [3009, 8957, 216], [2974, 8952, 216], [3003, 9011, 215], [2919, 8957, 214], [2886, 8949, 213], [2855, 8948, 213], [2851, 8974, 212], [2851, 9004, 212], [2828, 9011, 211], [2761, 8974, 210], [2762, 9005, 209], [2759, 9011, 208], [2759, 9011, 207], [2717, 8949, 207], [2687, 8949, 207], [2656, 8948, 207], [2626, 8948, 207], [2596, 8948, 208], [2566, 8948, 208], [2537, 8949, 208], [2506, 8948, 208], [2476, 8948, 209], [2446, 8948, 209], [2417, 8949, 209], [2386, 8948, 209], [2356, 8948, 210], [2326, 8948, 210], [2297, 8949, 210], [2267, 8949, 210], [2236, 8948, 210], [2207, 8949, 210], [2176, 8948, 210], [2147, 8949, 211], [2116, 8948, 211], [2086, 8948, 211], [2057, 8949, 211], [2055, 8974, 210], [2032, 8953, 210], [2031, 8974, 209], [2031, 9011, 208], [2031, 9011, 207], [2031, 9011, 207], [2031, 9011, 206], [2005, 8949, 206], [1975, 8949, 206], [1944, 8948, 206], [1915, 8949, 206], [1885, 8949, 206], [1855, 8949, 206], [1825, 8949, 206], [1795, 8949, 206], [1765, 8949, 207], [1734, 8948, 207], [1705, 8949, 207], [1674, 8948, 207], [1645, 8949, 207], [1614, 8948, 207], [1584, 8948, 208], [1554, 8948, 208], [1525, 8949, 208], [1495, 8949, 208], [1465, 8949, 208], [1435, 8949, 208], [1405, 8949, 208], [1374, 8948, 209], [1345, 8949, 209], [1314, 8948, 209], [1284, 8948, 209], [1255, 8949, 209], [1225, 8949, 209], [1195, 8949, 209], [1164, 8948, 210], [1135, 8949, 210], [1105, 8949, 210], [1075, 8949, 209], [1045, 8949, 210], [1014, 8948, 210], [985, 8949, 210], [954, 8948, 210], [925, 8949, 210], [894, 8948, 211], [864, 8948, 211], [836, 8950, 211], [805, 8949, 210], [792, 8966, 210], [766, 8948, 210], [736, 8948, 210], [706, 8948, 210], [676, 8948, 211], [646, 8948, 211], [616, 8948, 211], [586, 8948, 211], [557, 8949, 211], [527, 8949, 211], [497, 8949, 211], [467, 8949, 211], [437, 8949, 211], [408, 8950, 211], [378, 8950, 211], [347, 8949, 210], [317, 8949, 210], [288, 8950, 210], [257, 8949, 210], [252, 8974, 209], [253, 9005, 208], [175, 8957, 208], [142, 8954, 207], [111, 8953, 207], [77, 8949, 206], [70, 8972, 206], [25, 8952, 205], [7, 8964, 205], [6, 8993, 204], [0, 9017, 203], [0, 9018, 203], [0, 9018, 202], [0, 9018, 202], [0, 9018, 201], [0, 9018, 200], [0, 9018, 200], [0, 9018, 199], [0, 9018, 199], [0, 9018, 198], [0, 9018, 197], [0, 9018, 197], [28, 9027, 196], [5, 9034, 196], [6, 9065, 195], [2432, 11736, 195], [2396, 11730, 195], [2361, 11725, 195], [2336, 11730, 195], [2311, 11735, 195], [2276, 11730, 196], [2249, 11733, 196], [2222, 11736, 196], [2192, 11736, 196], [2160, 11734, 196], [2125, 11729, 196], [2099, 11733, 196], [2065, 11729, 197], [2056, 11750, 197], [2055, 11768, 196], [2032, 11755, 196], [1870, 11736, 194], [1563, 11729, 195], [1270, 11736, 197], [959, 11725, 197], [685, 11729, 198], [400, 11744, 199], [124, 11768, 196], [281, 11932, 192], [312, 12263, 191], [212, 12463, 189], [0, 12537, 186], [282, 13059, 183], [856, 13955, 183], [618, 13995, 184], [1135, 14834, 185], [838, 14837, 186], [556, 14833, 187], [256, 14833, 186]], 'time_in_bucket': [2323, 78, 77, 91, 46, 190, 166, 98, 57, 38, 45, 42, 37, 15, 27, 16, 11, 22, 19, 16, 12, 11, 13, 13, 16, 9, 14, 12, 13, 13, 10, 15, 7, 10, 11, 18, 12, 9, 7, 7, 5, 16, 15, 12, 10, 12, 14, 9, 10, 3, 7, 8, 11, 16, 10, 8, 17, 14, 6, 7, 11, 7, 12, 20, 15, 8, 11, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 11, 16, 4, 9, 17, 10, 5, 13, 8, 16, 12, 12, 18, 13, 13, 13, 13, 17, 15, 13, 15, 12, 14, 14, 11, 15, 16, 14, 9, 16, 9, 10, 7, 15, 19, 15, 18, 12, 12, 18, 9, 16, 21, 10, 19, 15, 16, 14, 12, 19, 18, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 21, 17, 22, 11, 16, 18, 14, 14, 23, 17, 14, 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{'weighted_power': 288, 'training_load': 238, 'max_watts': 938, 'relative_intensity': 71, 'cp_data': [[606, 606, 938], [605, 606, 934], [605, 607, 926], [605, 608, 904], [604, 608, 884], [603, 608, 794], [602, 608, 731], [601, 608, 688], [600, 608, 645], [6198, 6207, 614], [6197, 6207, 602], [6197, 6208, 589], [6195, 6207, 580], [6194, 6207, 577], [6193, 6207, 571], [6193, 6208, 563], [6192, 6208, 556], [6191, 6208, 547], [9693, 9711, 538], [9693, 9712, 537], [9693, 9713, 535], [9693, 9714, 534], [9693, 9715, 532], [9693, 9716, 529], [9693, 9717, 524], [6198, 6223, 525], [6198, 6224, 523], [6198, 6225, 524], [6198, 6226, 525], [6198, 6227, 527], [6198, 6228, 529], [6197, 6228, 527], [6197, 6229, 525], [6195, 6228, 523], [6194, 6228, 524], [6193, 6228, 522], [6193, 6229, 520], [6192, 6229, 518], [6193, 6231, 516], [6193, 6232, 515], [6192, 6232, 513], [6191, 6232, 510], [6191, 6233, 507], [6191, 6234, 503], [6192, 6236, 499], [6192, 6237, 497], [6192, 6238, 495], [6191, 6238, 493], [6191, 6239, 491], [6190, 6239, 487], [6192, 6242, 485], [6192, 6243, 484], [6192, 6244, 483], [6191, 6244, 481], [9693, 9747, 481], [9693, 9748, 481], [9693, 9749, 482], [9693, 9750, 482], [9693, 9751, 483], [9693, 9752, 482], [9693, 9753, 481], [9693, 9754, 480], [9693, 9755, 480], [9693, 9756, 480], [9692, 9756, 478], [9693, 9758, 476], [9693, 9759, 476], [9693, 9760, 475], [9693, 9761, 474], [9691, 9760, 472], [9690, 9760, 471], [9689, 9760, 470], [9689, 9761, 468], [9688, 9761, 466], [9692, 9766, 464], [9691, 9766, 463], [9693, 9769, 463], [9693, 9770, 462], [9692, 9770, 461], [9691, 9770, 460], [9690, 9770, 459], [9689, 9770, 458], [9688, 9770, 457], [9688, 9771, 455], [9692, 9776, 453], [9691, 9776, 452], [9690, 9776, 451], [9689, 9776, 451], [9688, 9776, 450], [9688, 9777, 448], [9691, 9781, 447], [9690, 9781, 446], [9689, 9781, 445], [9688, 9781, 444], [9693, 9787, 443], [9692, 9787, 442], [9691, 9787, 441], [9690, 9787, 440], [9689, 9787, 440], [9688, 9787, 439], [9693, 9793, 438], [9693, 9794, 438], [9693, 9795, 438], [9692, 9795, 437], [9691, 9795, 436], [9689, 9794, 436], [9689, 9795, 435], [9693, 9800, 435], [9693, 9801, 435], [9693, 9802, 434], [9693, 9803, 434], [9693, 9804, 433], [9693, 9805, 433], [9693, 9806, 433], [9693, 9807, 433], [9693, 9808, 434], [9693, 9809, 433], [9693, 9810, 432], [9690, 9808, 432], [9693, 9812, 431], [9693, 9813, 432], [9693, 9814, 431], [9692, 9814, 431], [9691, 9814, 430], [9690, 9814, 430], [9689, 9814, 429], [9688, 9814, 429], [9693, 9820, 428], [9692, 9820, 428], [9691, 9820, 427], [9690, 9820, 427], [9689, 9820, 427], [9693, 9825, 426], [9693, 9826, 427], [9693, 9827, 427], [9693, 9828, 427], [9692, 9828, 426], [9690, 9827, 426], [9693, 9831, 425], [9693, 9832, 426], [9693, 9833, 426], [9692, 9833, 425], [9691, 9833, 425], [9690, 9833, 425], [9689, 9833, 424], [9688, 9833, 424], [9693, 9839, 424], [9693, 9840, 424], [9693, 9841, 424], [9692, 9841, 423], [9690, 9840, 423], [10594, 10745, 423], [10593, 10745, 423], [10592, 10745, 423], [10591, 10745, 423], [10587, 10742, 422], [10587, 10743, 422], [10587, 10744, 423], [10587, 10745, 423], [10586, 10745, 423], [10586, 10746, 422], [9693, 9854, 421], [9693, 9855, 421], [9693, 9856, 421], [10587, 10751, 421], [10586, 10751, 421], [9693, 9859, 421], [9693, 9860, 420], [9693, 9861, 420], [9693, 9862, 420], [9693, 9863, 420], [9693, 9864, 420], [9692, 9864, 420], [9690, 9863, 419], [9689, 9863, 419], [9689, 9864, 419], [9693, 9869, 419], [9693, 9870, 419], [9692, 9870, 418], [9691, 9870, 418], [9690, 9870, 418], [9689, 9870, 418], [9693, 9875, 417], [9693, 9876, 418], [9692, 9876, 417], [9691, 9876, 417], [9690, 9876, 417], [9689, 9876, 417], [9693, 9881, 416], [9693, 9882, 416], [9693, 9883, 416], [9691, 9882, 416], [9690, 9882, 416], [9689, 9882, 415], [9693, 9887, 415], [9693, 9888, 415], [9693, 9889, 415], [9692, 9889, 415], [9691, 9889, 415], [9693, 9892, 415], [9693, 9893, 415], [9693, 9894, 415], [9693, 9895, 415], [9692, 9895, 414], [10586, 10790, 414], [9693, 9898, 414], [9693, 9899, 414], [9693, 9900, 414], [9693, 9901, 414], [9692, 9901, 414], [9691, 9901, 413], [9690, 9901, 413], [9689, 9901, 413], [9693, 9906, 413], [9693, 9907, 413], [9693, 9908, 413], [9691, 9907, 413], [9690, 9907, 413], [9689, 9907, 412], [9693, 9912, 412], [9692, 9912, 412], [9691, 9912, 412], [9690, 9912, 412], [9689, 9912, 412], [9693, 9917, 412], [9693, 9918, 412], [9693, 9919, 412], [9693, 9920, 412], [9693, 9921, 411], [9693, 9922, 411], [9693, 9923, 411], [9693, 9924, 411], [9693, 9925, 411], [9693, 9926, 411], [9693, 9927, 411], [9692, 9927, 411], [10598, 10834, 411], [10592, 10829, 410], [10592, 10830, 410], [10587, 10826, 410], [10598, 10838, 411], [10592, 10833, 410], [10592, 10834, 411], [10587, 10830, 411], [10587, 10831, 411], [10587, 10832, 411], [10587, 10833, 411], [10587, 10834, 411], [10586, 10834, 411], [10587, 10836, 410], [10587, 10837, 410], [10587, 10838, 411], [10587, 10839, 411], [10591, 10844, 411], [10591, 10845, 410], [10587, 10842, 410], [10587, 10843, 411], [10587, 10844, 411], [10586, 10844, 411], [10586, 10845, 410], [10587, 10847, 410], [10587, 10848, 410], [10587, 10849, 410], [10587, 10850, 410], [10586, 10850, 410], [10586, 10851, 410], [10587, 10853, 409], [10587, 10854, 410], [10587, 10855, 410], [10586, 10855, 410], [10586, 10856, 409], [10587, 10858, 409], [10587, 10859, 409], [10587, 10860, 410], [10586, 10860, 409], [10586, 10861, 409], [10598, 10874, 409], [10598, 10875, 409], [10598, 10876, 409], [10598, 10877, 409], [10598, 10878, 409], [10598, 10879, 410], [10598, 10880, 410], [10598, 10881, 410], [10598, 10882, 410], [10598, 10883, 410], [10598, 10884, 410], [10598, 10885, 410], [10598, 10886, 410], [10598, 10887, 410], [10599, 10889, 410], [10598, 10889, 410], [10598, 10890, 410], [10598, 10891, 410], [10598, 10892, 410], [10606, 10901, 411], [10605, 10901, 411], [10604, 10901, 411], [10603, 10901, 411], [10602, 10901, 411], [10598, 10902, 413], [10598, 10907, 413], [10595, 10909, 413], [10591, 10910, 413], [10586, 10910, 413], [10581, 10910, 412], [10576, 10910, 412], [9693, 10032, 412], [9693, 10037, 413], [9693, 10042, 413], [9693, 10047, 413], [9693, 10052, 414], [9692, 10056, 414], [9693, 10062, 413], [9692, 10066, 413], [9692, 10071, 412], [9692, 10076, 412], [9693, 10082, 412], [9689, 10083, 411], [9690, 10089, 411], [9690, 10094, 410], [9693, 10102, 410], [9693, 10107, 410], [9693, 10112, 410], [9689, 10113, 410], [9687, 10116, 409], [9690, 10124, 409], [9691, 10130, 408], [9691, 10135, 408], [9693, 10142, 408], [9693, 10147, 408], [9693, 10152, 408], [9693, 10157, 408], [9693, 10162, 408], [9693, 10167, 408], [9693, 10172, 408], [9691, 10175, 408], [9691, 10180, 408], [9691, 10185, 407], [9691, 10190, 407], [9691, 10195, 407], [9691, 10200, 407], [9693, 10207, 406], [9692, 10211, 406], [9693, 10217, 406], [9693, 10222, 406], [9693, 10227, 406], [9693, 10232, 406], [9693, 10237, 406], [9689, 10238, 406], [9693, 10247, 405], [9691, 10250, 405], [9693, 10257, 405], [9693, 10262, 405], [9693, 10267, 405], [9688, 10267, 405], [9688, 10272, 404], [9689, 10278, 404], [9693, 10287, 404], [9688, 10287, 403], [9689, 10293, 403], [9693, 10302, 404], [9693, 10307, 404], [9693, 10312, 405], [9693, 10317, 405], [9693, 10322, 405], [9693, 10327, 405], [9693, 10332, 405], [9693, 10337, 405], [9693, 10342, 406], [9693, 10347, 406], [9693, 10352, 406], [9693, 10357, 406], [9688, 10357, 406], [9689, 10363, 406], [9689, 10368, 405], [9690, 10374, 405], [9691, 10380, 405], [9693, 10387, 404], [9693, 10392, 404], [9693, 10397, 404], [9690, 10399, 404], [9692, 10406, 404], [9692, 10411, 403], [9693, 10417, 403], [9688, 10417, 403], [9691, 10425, 403], [9693, 10432, 403], [9693, 10437, 403], [9693, 10442, 403], [9689, 10443, 402], [9689, 10448, 402], [9689, 10453, 402], [9689, 10458, 402], [9690, 10464, 401], [9693, 10472, 401], [9693, 10477, 401], [9693, 10482, 401], [9689, 10483, 401], [9689, 10488, 401], [9689, 10493, 401], [9693, 10502, 400], [9693, 10507, 401], [9689, 10508, 400], [9689, 10513, 400], [9690, 10519, 400], [9693, 10527, 400], [9689, 10528, 400], [9690, 10534, 400], [9691, 10540, 400], [9691, 10545, 400], [9693, 10552, 400], [9980, 10844, 400], [9975, 10844, 400], [9975, 10849, 400], [9971, 10850, 400], [9997, 10881, 400], [9997, 10886, 400], [9997, 10891, 400], [9997, 10896, 400], [9997, 10901, 401], [9997, 10906, 401], [9996, 10910, 401], [9991, 10910, 401], [9986, 10910, 401], [9980, 10909, 401], [9976, 10910, 401], [9693, 10632, 402], [9693, 10637, 402], [9693, 10642, 402], [9693, 10647, 402], [9693, 10652, 402], [9693, 10657, 402], [9692, 10661, 402], [9691, 10665, 402], [9692, 10671, 402], [9693, 10677, 402], [9693, 10682, 402], [9690, 10684, 402], [9691, 10690, 402], [9690, 10694, 402], [9690, 10699, 401], [9691, 10705, 401], [9693, 10712, 401], [9693, 10717, 402], [9693, 10722, 402], [9693, 10727, 402], [9693, 10732, 402], [9693, 10737, 402], [9693, 10742, 402], [9691, 10745, 402], [9692, 10751, 402], [9693, 10757, 402], [9693, 10762, 402], [9692, 10766, 402], [9691, 10770, 402], [9693, 10777, 401], [9690, 10779, 401], [9692, 10786, 401], [9692, 10791, 401], [9692, 10796, 401], [9692, 10801, 401], [9692, 10806, 401], [9691, 10810, 401], [9693, 10817, 401], [9693, 10822, 401], [9693, 10827, 401], [9693, 10832, 401], [9693, 10837, 401], [9693, 10842, 401], [9690, 10844, 401], [9691, 10850, 401], [9691, 10855, 401], [9691, 10860, 401], [9693, 10867, 401], [9693, 10872, 401], [9693, 10877, 401], [9693, 10882, 401], [9693, 10887, 401], [9693, 10892, 402], [9693, 10897, 402], [9693, 10902, 402], [9693, 10907, 402], [9691, 10910, 402], [9686, 10910, 402], [9684, 10913, 401], [9684, 10918, 401], [9684, 10923, 400], [9684, 10928, 399], [9684, 10933, 398], [9684, 10938, 398], [9684, 10943, 397], [9684, 10948, 396], [9684, 10953, 396], [9686, 10960, 395], [9684, 10963, 395], [9684, 10968, 394], [9684, 10973, 394], [9684, 10978, 393], [9688, 10987, 393], [9684, 10988, 392], [9684, 10993, 391], [9686, 11000, 391], [9684, 11003, 390], [9688, 11012, 390], [9684, 11013, 390], [9689, 11023, 390], [9685, 11024, 389], [9688, 11032, 389], [9687, 11036, 389], [9684, 11038, 388], [9687, 11046, 388], [9684, 11048, 387], [9686, 11055, 387], [9688, 11062, 387], [9686, 11065, 386], [9684, 11068, 386], [9688, 11077, 386], [9684, 11078, 385], [9684, 11083, 385], [9688, 11092, 384], [9688, 11097, 384], [9688, 11102, 384], [9684, 11103, 384], [9688, 11112, 383], [9688, 11117, 383], [9688, 11122, 383], [9684, 11123, 383], [9688, 11132, 382], [9689, 11138, 382], [9688, 11142, 382], [9684, 11143, 382], [9684, 11148, 381], [9684, 11153, 381], [9684, 11158, 380], [9684, 11163, 379], [9684, 11168, 379], [9684, 11173, 378], [9693, 11187, 378], [9689, 11188, 378], [9693, 11197, 378], [9692, 11201, 378], [9688, 11202, 378], [9688, 11207, 378], [9688, 11212, 378], [9688, 11217, 378], [9689, 11223, 378], [9687, 11226, 377], [9686, 11230, 377], [9689, 11238, 377], [9684, 11238, 377], [9688, 11247, 377], [9688, 11252, 377], [9684, 11253, 376], [9687, 11261, 376], [9688, 11267, 376], [9684, 11268, 376], [9688, 11277, 375], [9687, 11281, 375], [9688, 11287, 375], [9689, 11293, 375], [9688, 11297, 375], [9684, 11298, 374], [9684, 11303, 374], [9684, 11308, 374], [9688, 11317, 373], [9684, 11318, 373], [9693, 11332, 373], [9693, 11337, 373], [9688, 11337, 373], [9692, 11346, 373], [9687, 11346, 373], [9688, 11352, 373], [9684, 11353, 372], [9684, 11358, 372], [9689, 11368, 372], [9688, 11372, 372], [9688, 11377, 371], [9693, 11387, 372], [9693, 11392, 372], [9688, 11392, 372], [9684, 11393, 371], [9688, 11402, 371], [9688, 11407, 371], [9688, 11412, 371], [9685, 11414, 371], [9688, 11422, 370], [9690, 11429, 370], [9686, 11430, 370], [9684, 11433, 370], [9692, 11446, 370], [9688, 11447, 370], [9689, 11453, 370], [9684, 11453, 369], [9686, 11460, 369], [9687, 11466, 369], [9688, 11472, 369], [9684, 11473, 369], [9688, 11482, 368], [9689, 11488, 368], [9689, 11518, 367], [9689, 11548, 366], [9685, 11574, 366], [9684, 11603, 364], [9686, 11635, 363], [9684, 11663, 362], [9684, 11693, 360], [9684, 11723, 359], [9684, 11753, 358], [9668, 11767, 355], [9402, 11531, 353], [9415, 11574, 353], [9378, 11567, 352], [9355, 11574, 351], [9332, 11581, 351], [9295, 11574, 350], [9265, 11574, 349], [9235, 11574, 348], [9220, 11589, 348], [9181, 11580, 347], [9145, 11574, 347], [9123, 11582, 346], [9080, 11569, 345], [9062, 11581, 345], [9069, 11618, 344], [9043, 11622, 344], [8980, 11589, 343], [9070, 11709, 342], [9042, 11711, 342], [9043, 11742, 341], [8980, 11709, 340], [8979, 11738, 340], [8975, 11764, 339], [8910, 11729, 338], [8904, 11753, 337], [8880, 11759, 336], [8856, 11765, 334], [8827, 11766, 332], [8798, 11767, 330], [8756, 11755, 328], [8733, 11762, 327], [8694, 11753, 326], [8674, 11763, 325], [8631, 11750, 323], [8616, 11765, 322], [8588, 11767, 320], [8526, 11735, 318], [8522, 11761, 317], [8495, 11764, 316], [8448, 11747, 314], [8437, 11766, 313], [8405, 11764, 312], [8362, 11751, 310], [8346, 11765, 309], [8317, 11766, 308], [8284, 11763, 306], [8255, 11764, 306], [8226, 11765, 305], [8201, 11770, 303], [8171, 11770, 300], [8141, 11770, 298], [8111, 11770, 295], [8081, 11770, 293], [8051, 11770, 291], [8021, 11770, 288], [7991, 11770, 286], [7961, 11770, 284], [7930, 11769, 282], [7901, 11770, 280], [7868, 11767, 277], [7841, 11770, 275], [7811, 11770, 273], [7781, 11770, 271], [7748, 11767, 269], [7721, 11770, 267], [7691, 11770, 265], [7661, 11770, 263], [7631, 11770, 261], [7601, 11770, 259], [7567, 11766, 258], [7548, 11770, 256], [7548, 11770, 254], [7548, 11770, 253], [7548, 11770, 251], [7548, 11770, 249], [6863, 10909, 248], [6833, 10909, 249], [6804, 10910, 250], [6774, 10910, 251], [6744, 10910, 251], [6714, 10910, 252], [6677, 10903, 253], [6654, 10910, 254], [6624, 10910, 255], [6594, 10910, 256], [6564, 10910, 257], [6534, 10910, 258], [6504, 10910, 258], [6475, 10911, 259], [6436, 10902, 260], [6414, 10910, 261], [6384, 10910, 262], [6190, 10746, 263], [6192, 10778, 263], [6190, 10806, 264], [6192, 10838, 265], [6191, 10867, 266], [6194, 10900, 267], [6190, 10926, 267], [6190, 10956, 267], [6191, 10987, 267], [6190, 11016, 267], [6190, 11046, 267], [6190, 11076, 267], [6190, 11106, 267], [6191, 11137, 267], [6190, 11166, 267], [6192, 11198, 268], [6190, 11226, 268], [6190, 11256, 268], [6191, 11287, 269], [6191, 11317, 269], [6190, 11346, 269], [6191, 11377, 269], [6190, 11406, 270], [6190, 11436, 270], [6190, 11466, 270], [6190, 11496, 270], [6191, 11527, 270], [6191, 11557, 271], [6190, 11586, 271], [6191, 11617, 271], [6190, 11646, 271], [6191, 11677, 271], [6191, 11707, 271], [6190, 11736, 271], [6190, 11766, 271], [6145, 11751, 270], [6134, 11770, 270], [6101, 11767, 268], [6070, 11766, 267], [6044, 11770, 267], [6014, 11770, 265], [5982, 11768, 265], [5954, 11770, 263], [5921, 11767, 262], [5893, 11769, 262], [5843, 11749, 261], [5831, 11767, 260], [5801, 11767, 259], [5774, 11770, 258], [5740, 11766, 257], [5707, 11763, 256], [5679, 11765, 256], [5649, 11765, 255], [5620, 11766, 255], [5591, 11767, 253], [5560, 11766, 252], [5534, 11770, 252], [5504, 11770, 251], [5474, 11770, 249], [5444, 11770, 248], [5414, 11770, 247], [5384, 11770, 246], [5351, 11767, 245], [5323, 11769, 244], [5294, 11770, 243], [5264, 11770, 242], [5234, 11770, 241], [5204, 11770, 240], [5174, 11770, 239], [5144, 11770, 238], [5114, 11770, 237], [5084, 11770, 236], [5054, 11770, 235], [5024, 11770, 234], [4988, 11764, 233], [4964, 11770, 232], [4931, 11767, 231], [4904, 11770, 231], [4874, 11770, 230], [4844, 11770, 229], [4814, 11770, 228], [4784, 11770, 227], [4754, 11770, 227], [4724, 11770, 226], [4660, 11736, 226], [4649, 11755, 226], [4630, 11766, 226], [4600, 11766, 225], [4570, 11766, 224], [4544, 11770, 223], [4514, 11770, 223], [4452, 11738, 223], [4451, 11767, 223], [4421, 11767, 222], [4394, 11770, 221], [4367, 11770, 220], [4367, 11770, 220], [4367, 11770, 219], [4367, 11770, 218], [4367, 11770, 217], [4367, 11770, 216], [4367, 11770, 215], [4367, 11770, 215], [4367, 11770, 214], [4159, 11580, 214], [4099, 11550, 214], [4094, 11575, 215], [4058, 11569, 215], [4040, 11581, 215], [4003, 11574, 215], [3957, 11558, 216], [3948, 11579, 216], [3957, 11618, 216], [3948, 11639, 216], [3958, 11679, 217], [3777, 11528, 217], [3777, 11558, 217], [3763, 11574, 218], [3777, 11618, 218], [3763, 11634, 218], [3552, 11453, 218], [3600, 11531, 219], [3608, 11569, 219], [3539, 11530, 219], [3548, 11569, 220], [3530, 11581, 220], [3538, 11619, 220], [3530, 11641, 220], [3538, 11679, 221], [3538, 11709, 221], [2709, 10910, 221], [2679, 10910, 222], [2649, 10910, 222], [2619, 10910, 223], [2589, 10910, 223], [2559, 10910, 224], [2529, 10910, 224], [2499, 10910, 225], [2469, 10910, 225], [2439, 10910, 226], [2409, 10910, 226], [2379, 10910, 227], [2349, 10910, 227], [2319, 10910, 228], [2289, 10910, 228], [2259, 10910, 229], [2229, 10910, 229], [2199, 10910, 230], [2169, 10910, 230], [2139, 10910, 231], [2109, 10910, 231], [2079, 10910, 232], [2049, 10910, 232], [2019, 10910, 233], [1989, 10910, 233], [1960, 10911, 234], [1961, 10942, 234], [1961, 10972, 234], [1961, 11002, 234], [1961, 11032, 234], [1961, 11062, 234], [1961, 11092, 234], [1961, 11122, 234], [1961, 11152, 235], [1967, 11188, 235], [1961, 11212, 235], [1961, 11242, 235], [1961, 11272, 236], [1961, 11302, 236], [1966, 11337, 236], [1961, 11362, 236], [1961, 11392, 237], [1961, 11422, 237], [1961, 11452, 237], [1961, 11482, 237], [1961, 11512, 237], [1961, 11542, 238], [1961, 11572, 238], [1961, 11602, 238], [1961, 11632, 238], [1961, 11662, 238], [1961, 11692, 238], [1961, 11722, 239], [1961, 11752, 239], [1943, 11764, 238], [1904, 11755, 238], [1669, 11550, 238], [1664, 11575, 239], [1551, 11492, 239], [1556, 11527, 239], [1556, 11557, 239], [1551, 11582, 239], [1553, 11614, 240], [1552, 11643, 240], [1557, 11678, 240], [1557, 11708, 240], [1553, 11734, 240], [1544, 11755, 240], [1260, 11770, 236], [1260, 11770, 229], [1248, 11770, 223], [952, 11759, 222], [663, 11770, 218], [357, 11764, 215], [55, 11762, 211], [0, 11792, 207], [0, 11792, 202], [0, 11792, 198], [0, 11792, 193], [0, 11792, 189], [1541, 13551, 186], [1552, 13857, 187], [1553, 14158, 188], [1541, 14446, 189], [1400, 14605, 188], [1424, 14913, 185], [1260, 14918, 183], [1540, 15126, 180], [1547, 15433, 180], [1551, 15723, 181], [1544, 16016, 182], [1260, 16018, 180], [1260, 16018, 177], [1248, 16018, 174], [950, 16018, 174], [650, 16018, 173], [349, 16017, 171], [50, 16018, 170]], 'time_in_bucket': [3226, 68, 55, 55, 31, 105, 70, 49, 42, 32, 35, 36, 28, 21, 15, 23, 19, 14, 19, 15, 7, 20, 20, 20, 8, 18, 18, 10, 12, 15, 10, 16, 11, 17, 18, 13, 11, 11, 16, 23, 11, 12, 10, 13, 10, 10, 11, 17, 8, 11, 11, 7, 8, 17, 15, 14, 7, 10, 16, 17, 14, 12, 14, 13, 9, 14, 14, 15, 16, 7, 16, 13, 10, 13, 15, 9, 20, 14, 15, 15, 10, 15, 12, 12, 10, 9, 16, 17, 8, 8, 12, 16, 12, 19, 21, 18, 16, 15, 21, 22, 17, 20, 14, 13, 10, 9, 24, 23, 14, 23, 14, 19, 13, 19, 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{'weighted_power': 343, 'training_load': 102, 'max_watts': 601, 'relative_intensity': 85, 'cp_data': [[929, 929, 601], [928, 929, 584], [928, 930, 566], [927, 930, 552], [925, 929, 549], [924, 929, 552], [924, 930, 549], [923, 930, 546], [922, 930, 543], [921, 930, 533], [919, 929, 525], [919, 930, 526], [917, 929, 526], [916, 929, 527], [916, 930, 527], [914, 929, 527], [914, 930, 527], [913, 930, 526], [912, 930, 525], [911, 930, 522], [910, 930, 518], [909, 930, 516], [908, 930, 513], [907, 930, 511], [906, 930, 509], [905, 930, 506], [904, 930, 502], [903, 930, 496], [1272, 1300, 494], [1272, 1301, 494], [1271, 1301, 494], [1270, 1301, 494], [1272, 1304, 493], [1271, 1304, 493], [1270, 1304, 493], [1274, 1309, 493], [1273, 1309, 492], [1272, 1309, 492], [1271, 1309, 492], [1270, 1309, 492], [1274, 1314, 492], [1274, 1315, 492], [1272, 1314, 492], [1272, 1315, 492], [1271, 1315, 492], [1270, 1315, 491], [1269, 1315, 491], [1268, 1315, 491], [1268, 1316, 490], [1267, 1316, 489], [1270, 1320, 486], [1269, 1320, 486], [1268, 1320, 485], [1268, 1321, 485], [1268, 1322, 484], [1267, 1322, 483], [1268, 1324, 480], [1267, 1324, 479], [1267, 1325, 478], [1270, 1329, 477], [1269, 1329, 477], [1268, 1329, 477], [1270, 1332, 476], [1269, 1332, 476], [1268, 1332, 476], [1268, 1333, 476], [1267, 1333, 475], [1267, 1334, 472], [1269, 1337, 472], [1268, 1337, 472], [1267, 1337, 471], [1267, 1338, 470], [1250, 1322, 469], [1249, 1322, 468], [1248, 1322, 467], [1257, 1332, 467], [1257, 1333, 466], [1255, 1332, 466], [1254, 1332, 465], [1252, 1331, 465], [1252, 1332, 466], [1252, 1333, 465], [1251, 1333, 465], [1250, 1333, 464], [1249, 1333, 463], [1248, 1333, 463], [1251, 1337, 462], [1250, 1337, 462], [1249, 1337, 461], [1248, 1337, 461], [1247, 1337, 460], [1246, 1337, 459], [1246, 1338, 459], [1248, 1341, 458], [1248, 1342, 457], [1246, 1341, 457], [1249, 1345, 456], [1248, 1345, 455], [1248, 1346, 455], [1246, 1345, 454], [1246, 1346, 454], [1245, 1346, 453], [1247, 1349, 452], [1246, 1349, 452], [1245, 1349, 451], [1249, 1354, 450], [1248, 1354, 450], [1247, 1354, 449], [1246, 1354, 449], [1245, 1354, 448], [1245, 1355, 448], [1245, 1356, 447], [1248, 1360, 446], [1248, 1361, 446], [1246, 1360, 445], [1246, 1361, 445], [1245, 1361, 444], [1244, 1361, 444], [1243, 1361, 443], [1243, 1362, 442], [1248, 1368, 442], [1248, 1369, 442], [1248, 1370, 441], [1246, 1369, 441], [1246, 1370, 440], [1246, 1371, 440], [1245, 1371, 439], [1244, 1371, 439], [1243, 1371, 438], [1243, 1372, 438], [1252, 1382, 437], [1252, 1383, 437], [1252, 1384, 437], [1252, 1385, 437], [1252, 1386, 437], [1251, 1386, 437], [1251, 1387, 437], [1250, 1387, 437], [1249, 1387, 437], [1248, 1387, 437], [1248, 1388, 436], [1246, 1387, 436], [1960, 2102, 436], [1959, 2102, 437], [1959, 2103, 437], [1958, 2103, 438], [1958, 2104, 438], [1949, 2096, 438], [1948, 2096, 438], [1948, 2097, 438], [1947, 2097, 438], [1946, 2097, 438], [1949, 2101, 438], [1949, 2102, 439], [1948, 2102, 439], [1948, 2103, 439], [1947, 2103, 439], [1947, 2104, 439], [1946, 2104, 439], [1945, 2104, 439], [1949, 2109, 439], [1948, 2109, 439], [1948, 2110, 440], [1948, 2111, 440], [1947, 2111, 440], [1947, 2112, 440], [1946, 2112, 439], [1945, 2112, 439], [1944, 2112, 439], [1943, 2112, 438], [1941, 2111, 438], [1940, 2111, 438], [1940, 2112, 438], [1939, 2112, 437], [1938, 2112, 437], [1937, 2112, 437], [1935, 2111, 437], [1934, 2111, 437], [1934, 2112, 437], [1933, 2112, 436], [1932, 2112, 436], [1931, 2112, 435], [1929, 2111, 435], [1928, 2111, 435], [1928, 2112, 435], [1927, 2112, 435], [1926, 2112, 434], [1925, 2112, 434], [1929, 2117, 434], [1928, 2117, 433], [1928, 2118, 433], [1926, 2117, 433], [1926, 2118, 433], [1919, 2112, 432], [1927, 2121, 432], [1926, 2121, 432], [1915, 2111, 431], [1914, 2111, 431], [1913, 2111, 431], [1913, 2112, 431], [1912, 2112, 431], [1911, 2112, 431], [1910, 2112, 431], [1909, 2112, 430], [1908, 2112, 430], [1913, 2118, 430], [1911, 2117, 429], [1910, 2117, 429], [1909, 2117, 429], [1909, 2118, 429], [1908, 2118, 429], [1910, 2121, 428], [1909, 2121, 428], [1909, 2122, 428], [1908, 2122, 427], [1909, 2124, 427], [1908, 2124, 427], [1912, 2129, 427], [1911, 2129, 426], [1914, 2133, 426], [1913, 2133, 426], [1913, 2134, 426], [1912, 2134, 426], [1911, 2134, 426], [1910, 2134, 426], [1909, 2134, 426], [1908, 2134, 425], [1908, 2135, 425], [1906, 2134, 425], [1905, 2134, 424], [1904, 2134, 424], [1903, 2134, 424], [1903, 2135, 423], [1901, 2134, 423], [1900, 2134, 423], [1899, 2134, 422], [1898, 2134, 422], [1897, 2134, 422], [1896, 2134, 422], [1895, 2134, 421], [1894, 2134, 421], [1893, 2134, 421], [1892, 2134, 421], [1891, 2134, 421], [1890, 2134, 421], [1889, 2134, 420], [1888, 2134, 420], [1887, 2134, 419], [1886, 2134, 419], [1885, 2134, 419], [1892, 2142, 419], [1891, 2142, 418], [1890, 2142, 418], [1889, 2142, 418], [1909, 2163, 417], [1856, 2111, 418], [1856, 2112, 418], [1854, 2111, 417], [1853, 2111, 417], [1853, 2112, 417], [1852, 2112, 417], [1856, 2117, 417], [1856, 2118, 417], [1854, 2117, 417], [1853, 2117, 417], [1853, 2118, 416], [1249, 1515, 416], [1248, 1515, 416], [1247, 1515, 416], [1246, 1515, 416], [1245, 1515, 416], [1252, 1523, 416], [1251, 1523, 416], [1250, 1523, 416], [1249, 1523, 416], [1252, 1527, 416], [1252, 1528, 416], [1252, 1529, 416], [1251, 1529, 416], [1250, 1529, 416], [1249, 1529, 416], [1248, 1529, 416], [1248, 1530, 416], [1246, 1529, 416], [1246, 1530, 416], [1245, 1530, 416], [1252, 1538, 416], [1251, 1538, 416], [1250, 1538, 416], [1249, 1538, 416], [1248, 1538, 416], [1248, 1539, 416], [1247, 1539, 416], [1246, 1539, 416], [1250, 1544, 416], [1249, 1544, 416], [1248, 1544, 416], [1252, 1549, 416], [1252, 1550, 416], [1252, 1551, 416], [1247, 1551, 416], [1243, 1552, 415], [1245, 1559, 414], [1244, 1563, 414], [1246, 1570, 414], [1250, 1579, 413], [1248, 1582, 413], [1252, 1591, 414], [1249, 1593, 414], [1245, 1594, 414], [1246, 1600, 413], [1246, 1605, 413], [1248, 1612, 412], [1251, 1620, 412], [1246, 1620, 412], [1247, 1626, 412], [1247, 1631, 412], [1243, 1632, 411], [1243, 1637, 411], [1243, 1642, 410], [1243, 1647, 409], [1246, 1655, 409], [1243, 1657, 408], [1244, 1663, 408], [1246, 1670, 407], [1241, 1670, 407], [1243, 1677, 406], [1248, 1687, 406], [1243, 1687, 406], [1244, 1693, 405], [1245, 1699, 405], [1248, 1707, 405], [1243, 1707, 404], [1244, 1713, 404], [1245, 1719, 403], [1246, 1725, 403], [1247, 1731, 403], [1245, 1734, 403], [1248, 1742, 403], [1243, 1742, 402], [1246, 1750, 402], [1247, 1756, 402], [1246, 1760, 401], [1242, 1761, 401], [1243, 1767, 401], [1243, 1772, 400], [1247, 1781, 400], [1243, 1782, 400], [1246, 1790, 400], [1242, 1791, 399], [1245, 1799, 399], [1248, 1807, 399], [1243, 1807, 398], [1245, 1814, 398], [1241, 1815, 398], [1243, 1822, 397], [1246, 1830, 397], [1246, 1835, 397], [1242, 1836, 397], [1246, 1845, 396], [1507, 2111, 396], [1503, 2112, 397], [1498, 2112, 397], [1498, 2117, 397], [1498, 2122, 396], [1482, 2111, 396], [1477, 2111, 396], [1473, 2112, 396], [1468, 2112, 396], [1462, 2111, 397], [1457, 2111, 397], [1452, 2111, 397], [1447, 2111, 397], [1443, 2112, 396], [1444, 2118, 396], [1455, 2134, 396], [1450, 2134, 396], [1445, 2134, 396], [1418, 2112, 396], [1412, 2111, 396], [1267, 1971, 396], [1258, 1967, 396], [1253, 1967, 396], [1252, 1971, 396], [1248, 1972, 396], [1243, 1972, 396], [1247, 1981, 396], [1247, 1986, 396], [1250, 1994, 396], [1245, 1994, 396], [1247, 2001, 396], [1250, 2009, 397], [1267, 2031, 397], [1268, 2037, 397], [1268, 2042, 397], [1267, 2046, 397], [1268, 2052, 398], [1270, 2059, 398], [1274, 2068, 398], [1269, 2068, 399], [1267, 2071, 399], [1269, 2078, 399], [1257, 2071, 399], [1275, 2094, 400], [1272, 2096, 400], [1268, 2097, 401], [1269, 2103, 401], [1271, 2110, 401], [1267, 2111, 402], [1262, 2111, 402], [1257, 2111, 402], [1252, 2111, 402], [1248, 2112, 402], [1243, 2112, 402], [1244, 2118, 402], [1245, 2124, 402], [1250, 2134, 402], [1245, 2134, 402], [1241, 2135, 401], [1243, 2142, 401], [1246, 2150, 401], [1248, 2157, 400], [1243, 2157, 400], [1244, 2163, 400], [1246, 2170, 400], [1241, 2170, 400], [1244, 2178, 399], [1246, 2185, 399], [1241, 2185, 399], [1243, 2192, 399], [1241, 2195, 398], [1248, 2207, 398], [1243, 2207, 398], [1244, 2213, 398], [1243, 2217, 398], [1244, 2223, 397], [1248, 2232, 397], [1243, 2232, 397], [1243, 2237, 397], [1245, 2244, 397], [1250, 2254, 397], [1245, 2254, 397], [1246, 2260, 396], [1248, 2267, 396], [1243, 2267, 396], [1246, 2275, 396], [1246, 2280, 396], [1242, 2281, 396], [1246, 2290, 395], [1243, 2292, 395], [1243, 2297, 395], [1244, 2303, 395], [1248, 2312, 395], [1243, 2312, 395], [1245, 2319, 395], [1245, 2324, 395], [1240, 2324, 394], [1249, 2338, 394], [1244, 2338, 394], [1246, 2345, 394], [1241, 2345, 394], [1245, 2354, 394], [1243, 2357, 394], [1248, 2367, 394], [1243, 2367, 394], [1244, 2373, 394], [1246, 2380, 393], [1243, 2382, 393], [1246, 2390, 393], [1242, 2391, 393], [1243, 2397, 393], [1241, 2400, 392], [1248, 2412, 392], [1244, 2413, 392], [1246, 2420, 392], [1242, 2421, 392], [1245, 2429, 392], [1245, 2434, 392], [1244, 2438, 391], [1243, 2442, 391], [1245, 2449, 391], [1246, 2455, 391], [1242, 2456, 391], [1248, 2467, 391], [1252, 2476, 391], [1252, 2481, 391], [1250, 2484, 391], [1250, 2489, 391], [1267, 2511, 391], [1248, 2497, 391], [1271, 2525, 392], [1267, 2526, 392], [1274, 2538, 392], [1271, 2540, 392], [1267, 2541, 393], [1262, 2541, 392], [1257, 2541, 393], [1252, 2541, 393], [1247, 2541, 393], [1256, 2555, 393], [1251, 2555, 393], [1246, 2555, 393], [1251, 2565, 393], [1246, 2565, 393], [1249, 2573, 393], [1245, 2574, 393], [1242, 2576, 393], [1243, 2582, 393], [1243, 2587, 393], [1244, 2593, 393], [1243, 2597, 393], [1245, 2604, 393], [1271, 2635, 392], [1266, 2635, 393], [1268, 2642, 393], [1256, 2635, 393], [1251, 2635, 393], [1246, 2635, 393], [1248, 2642, 393], [1251, 2650, 393], [1246, 2650, 393], [1248, 2657, 393], [1243, 2657, 393], [1246, 2665, 393], [1247, 2671, 393], [1243, 2672, 393], [1243, 2677, 392], [1242, 2681, 392], [1243, 2687, 392], [1243, 2692, 392], [1244, 2698, 392], [1248, 2707, 392], [1243, 2707, 392], [1246, 2715, 392], [1242, 2716, 391], [1244, 2723, 391], [1247, 2731, 391], [1243, 2732, 391], [1242, 2736, 391], [1243, 2742, 391], [1245, 2749, 391], [1246, 2755, 390], [1242, 2756, 390], [1243, 2762, 390], [1244, 2768, 390], [1243, 2772, 390], [1246, 2780, 390], [1243, 2782, 390], [1243, 2787, 389], [1243, 2792, 389], [1249, 2803, 389], [1244, 2803, 389], [1252, 2816, 389], [1250, 2819, 389], [1245, 2819, 389], [1247, 2826, 389], [1242, 2826, 389], [1243, 2832, 388], [1246, 2840, 388], [1247, 2846, 388], [1246, 2850, 388], [1246, 2855, 388], [1246, 2860, 388], [1245, 2864, 388], [1245, 2869, 388], [1250, 2879, 388], [1246, 2880, 388], [1250, 2889, 388], [1245, 2889, 388], [1249, 2898, 388], [1251, 2905, 388], [1246, 2905, 388], [1248, 2912, 388], [1243, 2912, 388], [1249, 2923, 388], [1244, 2923, 388], [1239, 2923, 388], [1243, 2932, 388], [1268, 2962, 388], [1267, 2966, 388], [1268, 2972, 388], [1268, 2977, 388], [1252, 2966, 388], [1252, 2971, 388], [1248, 2972, 388], [1248, 2977, 388], [1251, 2985, 388], [1246, 2985, 388], [1248, 2992, 388], [1244, 2993, 388], [1267, 3021, 389], [1268, 3027, 389], [1257, 3021, 389], [1252, 3021, 389], [1247, 3021, 389], [1249, 3028, 389], [1244, 3028, 389], [1247, 3036, 389], [1247, 3041, 389], [1249, 3048, 389], [1244, 3073, 389], [1246, 3105, 388], [1240, 3129, 387], [1242, 3161, 386], [1242, 3191, 386], [1244, 3223, 385], [1244, 3253, 385], [1245, 3284, 384], [1244, 3313, 385], [1246, 3345, 384], [1240, 3369, 384], [1250, 3409, 384], [1246, 3435, 384], [1267, 3486, 384], [1268, 3517, 385], [1252, 3531, 385], [1245, 3554, 386], [1242, 3581, 385], [1240, 3609, 384], [1244, 3643, 384], [1249, 3678, 384], [1246, 3705, 384], [1246, 3735, 383], [1243, 3762, 383], [1248, 3797, 383], [1243, 3822, 383], [1245, 3854, 382], [1244, 3883, 382], [1270, 3939, 382], [1270, 3969, 383], [1267, 3996, 384], [1252, 4011, 384], [1242, 4031, 384], [1244, 4063, 383], [1243, 4092, 383], [1243, 4122, 383], [1241, 4150, 383], [1242, 4181, 382], [1243, 4212, 382], [1247, 4246, 382], [1251, 4280, 382], [1249, 4308, 382], [1250, 4339, 383], [1237, 4356, 382], [1208, 4357, 380], [1180, 4359, 378], [1149, 4358, 376], [1121, 4360, 373], [1088, 4357, 371], [1059, 4358, 368], [1029, 4358, 366], [998, 4357, 364], [968, 4357, 362], [903, 4322, 360], [902, 4351, 360], [879, 4358, 359], [846, 4355, 359], [819, 4358, 357], [786, 4355, 357], [759, 4358, 356], [721, 4350, 356], [698, 4357, 355], [666, 4355, 354], [639, 4358, 352], [608, 4357, 350], [578, 4357, 348], [548, 4357, 347], [517, 4356, 345], [488, 4357, 344], [459, 4358, 342], [429, 4358, 340], [398, 4357, 339], [368, 4357, 337], [339, 4358, 336], [308, 4357, 334], [277, 4356, 332], [248, 4357, 331], [219, 4358, 329], [188, 4357, 328], [158, 4357, 327], [128, 4357, 325], [97, 4356, 324], [69, 4358, 322], [39, 4358, 321], [8, 4357, 319], [0, 4379, 317], [0, 4409, 316], [0, 4439, 314], [0, 4469, 312], [0, 4499, 310], [0, 4529, 309], [0, 4559, 307], [0, 4589, 305], [0, 4619, 303], [0, 4649, 302], [0, 4679, 300], [0, 4709, 298], [0, 4739, 297], [0, 4769, 295], [0, 4799, 294], [0, 4829, 292], [0, 4859, 291], [0, 4889, 289], [0, 4919, 288], [0, 4949, 286], [0, 4979, 285], [0, 5009, 283], [0, 5039, 281], [0, 5069, 280], [0, 5099, 278]], 'time_in_bucket': [48, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 9, 11, 11, 14, 19, 17, 19, 13, 19, 12, 13, 20, 15, 12, 13, 19, 16, 15, 14, 18, 19, 22, 30, 19, 15, 21, 18, 10, 12, 18, 12, 15, 20, 18, 8, 12, 16, 11, 14, 12, 7, 10, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3, 3, 7, 9, 9, 12, 11, 12, 13, 18, 14, 13, 13, 14, 9, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 8, 9, 19, 13, 20, 13, 12, 12, 20, 9, 16, 12, 10, 14, 11, 11, 16, 12, 9, 14, 10, 9, 11, 14, 11, 13, 13, 14, 9, 12, 8, 17, 11, 14, 12, 11, 12, 8, 12, 5, 8, 10, 2, 12, 7, 2, 9, 8, 9, 6, 6, 11, 6, 5, 8, 5, 14, 1, 7, 6, 2, 7, 4, 6, 3, 6, 3, 5, 7, 4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 6, 0, 3, 5, 3, 4, 3, 7, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1, 7, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 2, 5, 6, 2, 2, 6, 3, 8, 0, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 1, 4, 6, 10, 2, 2, 11, 1, 6, 4, 1, 6, 5, 1, 4, 10, 5, 11, 5, 4, 8, 5, 5, 5, 6, 13, 11, 9, 3, 4, 12, 6, 13, 8, 6, 8, 5, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 9, 7, 3, 4, 3, 10, 10, 6, 13, 9, 12, 12, 13, 10, 5, 4, 10, 10, 8, 10, 6, 9, 9, 14, 14, 8, 10, 11, 6, 7, 15, 0, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 9, 9, 12, 8, 12, 10, 15, 10, 18, 14, 7, 11, 13, 13, 12, 11, 9, 12, 9, 14, 7, 18, 11, 12, 15, 12, 18, 13, 13, 12, 11, 16, 15, 13, 15, 8, 13, 17, 18, 17, 16, 19, 12, 14, 24, 10, 14, 17, 19, 13, 17, 21, 11, 19, 24, 19, 20, 17, 22, 17, 18, 14, 17, 13, 19, 13, 25, 10, 22, 18, 18, 10, 18, 18, 22, 29, 22, 22, 17, 20, 19, 25, 18, 15, 25, 17, 28, 23, 22, 21, 23, 20, 24, 22, 21, 22, 23, 18, 14, 22, 19, 22, 19, 21, 12, 15, 10, 20, 20, 17, 14, 16, 25, 18, 12, 18, 17, 13, 14, 16, 13, 20, 9, 9, 13, 8, 15, 14, 13, 9, 15, 11, 7, 8, 14, 13, 8, 5, 4, 11, 12, 9, 5, 7, 13, 6, 12, 6, 2, 9, 12, 5, 6, 12, 17, 14, 5, 8, 7, 10, 2, 7, 4, 6, 6, 7, 4, 7, 6, 2, 1, 5, 5, 4, 4, 1, 8, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [1875, 468, 654, 1113, 793, 204, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3786133046'}
{'weighted_power': 302, 'training_load': 115, 'max_watts': 562, 'relative_intensity': 75, 'cp_data': [[2203, 2203, 562], [2462, 2463, 542], [2453, 2455, 535], [2453, 2456, 528], [2461, 2465, 517], [2462, 2467, 514], [2461, 2467, 511], [2462, 2469, 509], [2461, 2469, 508], [2461, 2470, 505], [2143, 2153, 500], [2142, 2153, 499], [2142, 2154, 497], [2142, 2155, 494], [2453, 2467, 490], [1730, 1745, 492], [1730, 1746, 492], [2453, 2470, 490], [1730, 1748, 490], [1730, 1749, 488], [1728, 1748, 485], [1730, 1751, 485], [1730, 1752, 486], [1730, 1753, 486], [1722, 1746, 485], [1721, 1746, 485], [1730, 1756, 484], [1730, 1757, 485], [1730, 1758, 484], [1730, 1759, 483], [1722, 1752, 482], [1721, 1752, 482], [1721, 1753, 482], [1720, 1753, 481], [1723, 1757, 482], [1722, 1757, 482], [1721, 1757, 482], [1721, 1758, 481], [1720, 1758, 481], [1720, 1759, 479], [1721, 1761, 479], [1722, 1763, 479], [1721, 1763, 479], [1720, 1763, 478], [1720, 1764, 476], [1719, 1764, 473], [1718, 1764, 471], [1721, 1768, 470], [1720, 1768, 469], [1720, 1769, 467], [1721, 1771, 467], [1720, 1771, 467], [1720, 1772, 465], [1718, 1771, 463], [1720, 1774, 462], [1720, 1775, 461], [1722, 1778, 461], [1721, 1778, 462], [1721, 1779, 461], [1720, 1779, 461], [1720, 1780, 461], [1721, 1782, 460], [1722, 1784, 460], [1721, 1784, 461], [1721, 1785, 461], [1720, 1785, 461], [1719, 1785, 459], [1718, 1785, 458], [1720, 1788, 456], [1721, 1790, 457], [1721, 1791, 457], [1720, 1791, 457], [1720, 1792, 457], [1720, 1793, 456], [1719, 1793, 455], [1718, 1793, 454], [1717, 1793, 452], [1716, 1793, 450], [1720, 1798, 450], [1720, 1799, 450], [1719, 1799, 449], [1718, 1799, 448], [1717, 1799, 447], [1720, 1803, 446], [1720, 1804, 446], [1720, 1805, 446], [1720, 1806, 446], [1720, 1807, 445], [1719, 1807, 444], [1721, 1810, 443], [1721, 1811, 444], [1720, 1811, 444], [1721, 1813, 444], [1721, 1814, 444], [1721, 1815, 444], [1720, 1815, 444], [1720, 1816, 444], [1720, 1817, 444], [1720, 1818, 443], [1720, 1819, 443], [1720, 1820, 443], [1721, 1822, 443], [1721, 1823, 443], [1721, 1824, 443], [1721, 1825, 443], [1721, 1826, 444], [1721, 1827, 444], [1720, 1827, 444], [1720, 1828, 444], [1720, 1829, 443], [1721, 1831, 443], [1720, 1831, 443], [1720, 1832, 443], [1721, 1834, 443], [1720, 1834, 443], [1719, 1834, 443], [1718, 1834, 442], [1717, 1834, 441], [1717, 1835, 440], [1715, 1834, 439], [1720, 1840, 439], [1720, 1841, 439], [1720, 1842, 439], [1720, 1843, 438], [1721, 1845, 438], [1721, 1846, 438], [1720, 1846, 438], [1720, 1847, 438], [1719, 1847, 437], [1718, 1847, 437], [1721, 1851, 437], [1721, 1852, 437], [1720, 1852, 437], [1719, 1852, 437], [1718, 1852, 436], [1717, 1852, 435], [1723, 1859, 435], [1722, 1859, 436], [1721, 1859, 436], [1720, 1859, 436], [1719, 1859, 436], [1718, 1859, 435], [1717, 1859, 434], [1716, 1859, 433], [1715, 1859, 433], [1714, 1859, 433], [1713, 1859, 432], [1712, 1859, 432], [1711, 1859, 431], [1710, 1859, 431], [1709, 1859, 430], [1708, 1859, 429], [1707, 1859, 429], [1706, 1859, 429], [1705, 1859, 428], [1704, 1859, 428], [1703, 1859, 427], [1702, 1859, 426], [1701, 1859, 426], [1700, 1859, 426], [1699, 1859, 426], [1698, 1859, 425], [1697, 1859, 425], [1696, 1859, 425], [1695, 1859, 425], [1694, 1859, 425], [1693, 1859, 424], [1692, 1859, 424], [1691, 1859, 423], [1690, 1859, 422], [1689, 1859, 422], [1688, 1859, 422], [1687, 1859, 422], [1686, 1859, 421], [1685, 1859, 420], [1689, 1864, 419], [1688, 1864, 419], [1687, 1864, 419], [1694, 1872, 419], [1693, 1872, 418], [1692, 1872, 418], [1691, 1872, 417], [1690, 1872, 417], [1721, 1904, 417], [1720, 1904, 417], [1719, 1904, 417], [1718, 1904, 417], [1718, 1905, 416], [1720, 1908, 416], [1720, 1909, 416], [1720, 1910, 415], [1721, 1912, 416], [1721, 1913, 416], [1720, 1913, 416], [1720, 1914, 416], [1720, 1915, 416], [1720, 1916, 416], [1720, 1917, 416], [1720, 1918, 416], [1721, 1920, 416], [1721, 1921, 416], [1721, 1922, 416], [1721, 1923, 417], [1720, 1923, 417], [1719, 1923, 417], [1718, 1923, 416], [1717, 1923, 416], [1720, 1927, 416], [1720, 1928, 416], [1721, 1930, 416], [1720, 1930, 416], [1720, 1931, 416], [1719, 1931, 416], [1718, 1931, 416], [1721, 1935, 415], [1720, 1935, 416], [1720, 1936, 416], [1721, 1938, 416], [1720, 1938, 416], [1720, 1939, 416], [1720, 1940, 416], [1720, 1941, 416], [1720, 1942, 416], [1720, 1943, 416], [1720, 1944, 416], [1720, 1945, 416], [1720, 1946, 416], [1721, 1948, 416], [1721, 1949, 417], [1721, 1950, 417], [1720, 1950, 417], [1720, 1951, 417], [1720, 1952, 417], [1720, 1953, 417], [1720, 1954, 417], [1720, 1955, 417], [1720, 1956, 417], [1720, 1957, 417], [1720, 1958, 417], [1720, 1959, 417], [1720, 1960, 417], [1720, 1961, 417], [1720, 1962, 417], [1720, 1963, 417], [1720, 1964, 416], [1720, 1965, 416], [1719, 1965, 416], [1718, 1965, 416], [1721, 1969, 416], [1721, 1970, 416], [1720, 1970, 416], [1720, 1971, 416], [1719, 1971, 416], [1718, 1971, 416], [1717, 1971, 415], [1721, 1976, 415], [1720, 1976, 415], [1720, 1977, 415], [1721, 1979, 416], [1720, 1979, 416], [1719, 1979, 415], [1718, 1979, 415], [1717, 1979, 415], [1717, 1980, 415], [1715, 1979, 414], [1714, 1979, 414], [1713, 1979, 414], [1712, 1979, 414], [1711, 1979, 414], [1710, 1979, 413], [1709, 1979, 413], [1709, 1980, 413], [1707, 1979, 413], [1706, 1979, 413], [1705, 1979, 412], [1704, 1979, 412], [1704, 1980, 412], [1720, 1997, 411], [1720, 1998, 412], [1719, 1998, 411], [1718, 1998, 411], [1698, 1979, 411], [1721, 2003, 411], [1720, 2003, 411], [1720, 2004, 411], [1719, 2004, 411], [1718, 2004, 411], [1721, 2008, 411], [1720, 2008, 411], [1720, 2009, 411], [1719, 2009, 411], [1718, 2009, 411], [1717, 2009, 411], [1720, 2013, 411], [1720, 2014, 411], [1720, 2015, 411], [1720, 2016, 411], [1720, 2017, 411], [1718, 2016, 411], [1718, 2017, 410], [1718, 2022, 410], [1720, 2029, 410], [1720, 2034, 409], [1720, 2039, 409], [1719, 2043, 408], [2141, 2470, 409], [2142, 2476, 410], [2139, 2478, 410], [2133, 2477, 410], [2129, 2478, 408], [2122, 2476, 408], [2119, 2478, 408], [2113, 2477, 408], [2107, 2476, 408], [2103, 2477, 407], [2099, 2478, 407], [2093, 2477, 407], [2088, 2477, 406], [2082, 2476, 406], [2079, 2478, 406], [2074, 2478, 406], [2067, 2476, 406], [2062, 2476, 405], [2059, 2478, 405], [2054, 2478, 404], [1724, 2153, 404], [1721, 2155, 405], [1721, 2160, 406], [1720, 2164, 406], [1720, 2169, 407], [1720, 2174, 407], [1720, 2179, 407], [1720, 2184, 408], [1720, 2189, 408], [1720, 2194, 408], [1720, 2199, 408], [1720, 2204, 408], [1715, 2204, 407], [1710, 2204, 407], [1705, 2204, 406], [1700, 2204, 406], [1695, 2204, 406], [1694, 2208, 405], [1685, 2204, 405], [1686, 2210, 404], [1687, 2216, 403], [1718, 2252, 403], [1718, 2257, 403], [1718, 2262, 403], [1720, 2269, 403], [1718, 2272, 403], [1720, 2279, 402], [1720, 2284, 402], [1720, 2289, 402], [1720, 2294, 403], [1720, 2299, 402], [1720, 2304, 403], [1720, 2309, 403], [1720, 2314, 403], [1720, 2319, 403], [1718, 2322, 403], [1717, 2326, 403], [1718, 2332, 403], [1718, 2337, 403], [1713, 2337, 403], [1718, 2347, 402], [1720, 2354, 402], [1719, 2358, 402], [1720, 2364, 402], [1721, 2370, 402], [1717, 2371, 402], [1719, 2378, 402], [1720, 2384, 402], [1716, 2385, 401], [1719, 2393, 401], [1720, 2399, 401], [1719, 2403, 401], [1720, 2409, 401], [1720, 2414, 402], [1720, 2419, 402], [1720, 2424, 402], [1721, 2430, 402], [1721, 2435, 402], [1720, 2439, 402], [1720, 2444, 403], [1720, 2449, 403], [1722, 2456, 404], [1730, 2469, 404], [1723, 2467, 405], [1721, 2470, 405], [1721, 2475, 405], [1719, 2478, 406], [1713, 2477, 405], [1709, 2478, 405], [1704, 2478, 405], [1697, 2476, 404], [1694, 2478, 404], [1688, 2477, 404], [1683, 2477, 403], [1678, 2477, 403], [1674, 2478, 402], [1686, 2495, 401], [1686, 2500, 401], [1658, 2477, 400], [1653, 2477, 400], [1648, 2477, 400], [1643, 2477, 400], [1639, 2478, 400], [1634, 2478, 399], [1709, 2558, 399], [1694, 2548, 398], [1693, 2552, 398], [1688, 2552, 398], [1687, 2556, 398], [1687, 2561, 397], [1687, 2566, 397], [1687, 2571, 397], [1687, 2576, 396], [1694, 2588, 396], [1694, 2593, 396], [1688, 2592, 396], [1643, 2552, 395], [1694, 2608, 395], [1694, 2613, 395], [1688, 2612, 395], [1713, 2642, 394], [1709, 2643, 394], [1693, 2632, 394], [1688, 2632, 394], [1693, 2642, 394], [1688, 2642, 393], [1688, 2647, 393], [1687, 2651, 393], [1687, 2656, 392], [1687, 2661, 392], [1687, 2666, 392], [1687, 2671, 392], [1694, 2683, 391], [1694, 2688, 391], [1718, 2717, 391], [1687, 2691, 391], [1707, 2716, 391], [1703, 2717, 390], [1697, 2716, 390], [1692, 2716, 390], [1687, 2716, 390], [1687, 2721, 390], [1688, 2727, 390], [1687, 2731, 389], [1687, 2736, 389], [1687, 2741, 389], [1694, 2753, 389], [1687, 2751, 389], [1687, 2756, 388], [1688, 2762, 388], [1687, 2766, 388], [1687, 2771, 388], [1695, 2784, 387], [1687, 2781, 387], [1687, 2786, 387], [1686, 2790, 387], [1642, 2751, 387], [1642, 2756, 386], [1643, 2762, 386], [1639, 2763, 386], [1639, 2768, 386], [1639, 2773, 386], [1642, 2781, 385], [1641, 2785, 385], [1640, 2789, 385], [1640, 2794, 385], [1641, 2800, 384], [1642, 2806, 384], [1687, 2856, 384], [1687, 2861, 384], [1638, 2817, 383], [1641, 2825, 383], [1641, 2830, 383], [1642, 2836, 383], [1639, 2838, 383], [1639, 2843, 382], [1639, 2848, 382], [1642, 2856, 382], [1642, 2861, 382], [1638, 2862, 382], [1640, 2869, 382], [1641, 2875, 381], [1642, 2881, 381], [1640, 2884, 381], [1694, 2943, 381], [1687, 2941, 380], [1640, 2899, 380], [1640, 2904, 380], [1641, 2910, 380], [1640, 2914, 380], [1687, 2966, 380], [1687, 2971, 379], [1687, 2976, 379], [1687, 2981, 379], [1643, 2942, 379], [1639, 2943, 379], [1693, 3002, 379], [1687, 3001, 379], [1687, 3006, 379], [1687, 3011, 378], [1687, 3016, 378], [1687, 3021, 378], [1687, 3026, 378], [1694, 3038, 378], [1694, 3043, 378], [1687, 3041, 378], [1687, 3046, 378], [1692, 3056, 377], [1687, 3056, 377], [1687, 3061, 377], [1694, 3073, 377], [1694, 3078, 377], [1687, 3076, 377], [1687, 3081, 377], [1696, 3095, 377], [1692, 3096, 377], [1687, 3096, 377], [1687, 3101, 377], [1687, 3106, 376], [1694, 3118, 376], [1687, 3116, 376], [1720, 3154, 376], [1720, 3159, 376], [1717, 3161, 376], [1712, 3161, 376], [1720, 3174, 376], [1717, 3176, 376], [1712, 3176, 376], [1706, 3175, 376], [1703, 3177, 376], [1697, 3176, 376], [1692, 3176, 376], [1687, 3176, 376], [1687, 3181, 376], [1687, 3186, 376], [1694, 3198, 376], [1694, 3203, 375], [1687, 3201, 375], [1687, 3206, 375], [1685, 3209, 375], [1686, 3215, 375], [1686, 3220, 375], [1687, 3226, 375], [1688, 3232, 375], [1638, 3187, 374], [1644, 3198, 374], [1640, 3199, 374], [1639, 3203, 374], [1640, 3209, 374], [1686, 3260, 374], [1687, 3266, 374], [1642, 3226, 374], [1687, 3276, 374], [1694, 3288, 374], [1689, 3288, 373], [1686, 3290, 373], [1642, 3251, 373], [1686, 3300, 373], [1641, 3260, 373], [1642, 3266, 373], [1687, 3316, 373], [1687, 3321, 373], [1642, 3281, 373], [1643, 3287, 373], [1640, 3289, 372], [1639, 3293, 372], [1641, 3300, 372], [1642, 3306, 372], [1642, 3311, 372], [1642, 3316, 372], [1642, 3321, 372], [1638, 3322, 372], [1693, 3382, 372], [1687, 3381, 372], [1687, 3386, 372], [1685, 3389, 371], [1687, 3396, 371], [1694, 3408, 371], [1687, 3406, 371], [1694, 3418, 371], [1687, 3416, 371], [1687, 3421, 371], [1694, 3433, 371], [1711, 3455, 371], [1692, 3441, 371], [1694, 3448, 371], [1695, 3454, 371], [1691, 3455, 371], [1686, 3455, 371], [1687, 3461, 371], [1692, 3471, 370], [1687, 3471, 370], [1688, 3477, 370], [1720, 3514, 370], [1714, 3513, 370], [1718, 3547, 370], [1710, 3569, 370], [1686, 3575, 370], [1695, 3614, 370], [1694, 3643, 369], [1687, 3666, 369], [1686, 3695, 369], [1639, 3678, 368], [1642, 3711, 368], [1639, 3738, 367], [1639, 3768, 367], [1687, 3846, 367], [1696, 3885, 366], [1695, 3914, 366], [1690, 3939, 366], [1695, 3974, 365], [1691, 4000, 365], [1686, 4025, 365], [1688, 4057, 365], [1642, 4041, 364], [1638, 4067, 364], [1686, 4145, 364], [1641, 4130, 363], [1686, 4205, 363], [1687, 4236, 363], [1692, 4271, 363], [1695, 4304, 362], [1687, 4326, 362], [1643, 4312, 362], [1686, 4385, 362], [1687, 4416, 362], [1687, 4446, 362], [1694, 4483, 361], [1642, 4461, 361], [1639, 4488, 361], [1604, 4483, 360], [1587, 4496, 359], [1557, 4496, 358], [1527, 4496, 358], [1502, 4501, 356], [1482, 4511, 353], [1441, 4500, 349], [1395, 4484, 349], [1381, 4500, 348], [1353, 4502, 345], [1335, 4511, 342], [1326, 4507, 339], [1291, 4502, 337], [1242, 4483, 335], [1175, 4446, 335], [1174, 4475, 335], [1164, 4495, 335], [1136, 4497, 334], [1104, 4495, 334], [1074, 4495, 333], [1046, 4497, 332], [1002, 4483, 332], [972, 4483, 332], [955, 4496, 332], [924, 4495, 331], [870, 4471, 331], [863, 4494, 331], [840, 4501, 330], [803, 4494, 328], [786, 4507, 326], [755, 4506, 324], [801, 4552, 321], [801, 4582, 319], [662, 4503, 317], [612, 4483, 317], [582, 4483, 317], [566, 4497, 317], [486, 4447, 316], [487, 4478, 317], [478, 4499, 316], [432, 4483, 316], [402, 4483, 316], [372, 4483, 316], [365, 4506, 315], [331, 4502, 314], [295, 4496, 312], [273, 4504, 310], [242, 4503, 308], [212, 4503, 306], [181, 4502, 305], [145, 4496, 303], [123, 4504, 301], [93, 4504, 299], [141, 4552, 297], [36, 4507, 296], [116, 4587, 294], [42, 4543, 292], [42, 4573, 290], [26, 4587, 288], [0, 4591, 286], [0, 4621, 285], [0, 4651, 283], [121, 4800, 281], [35, 4744, 279], [41, 4780, 278], [31, 4800, 276], [1, 4800, 274], [33, 4862, 273], [35, 4894, 271], [23, 4912, 270], [36, 4955, 268], [3, 4952, 266], [1, 4980, 265], [0, 5009, 263], [0, 5037, 262], [0, 5037, 260], [23, 5077, 259], [0, 5084, 257], [20, 5134, 256], [0, 5144, 254], [42, 5216, 253], [12, 5216, 252], [0, 5234, 250], [39, 5303, 249], [368, 5555, 248], [331, 5548, 247], [369, 5616, 247], [368, 5645, 247], [342, 5649, 246], [309, 5646, 245], [293, 5660, 244], [334, 5731, 244], [365, 5792, 243], [332, 5789, 242], [1565, 7080, 242], [1535, 7080, 242], [1635, 7210, 242], [1590, 7195, 242], [1574, 7209, 243], [1537, 7202, 243], [1515, 7210, 243], [1493, 7218, 242], [1463, 7218, 241], [1386, 7171, 240], [1386, 7201, 241], [1373, 7218, 240], [1336, 7211, 239], [1335, 7218, 238], [853, 6760, 238], [859, 6796, 238], [859, 6826, 238], [858, 6855, 238], [852, 6879, 238], [858, 6915, 239], [851, 6938, 239], [853, 6970, 239], [852, 6999, 239], [849, 7026, 239], [852, 7059, 239], [849, 7086, 239], [849, 7116, 239], [858, 7155, 240], [859, 7186, 240], [852, 7209, 240], [831, 7218, 240], [801, 7218, 239], [771, 7218, 238], [741, 7218, 237], [711, 7218, 236], [372, 6909, 236], [368, 6935, 236], [372, 6969, 236], [371, 6998, 236], [368, 7025, 236], [371, 7058, 237], [368, 7085, 237], [368, 7115, 237], [372, 7149, 237], [372, 7179, 237], [372, 7209, 237], [344, 7211, 237], [321, 7218, 236], [291, 7218, 236], [261, 7218, 235], [231, 7218, 234], [201, 7218, 233], [171, 7218, 233], [141, 7218, 232], [111, 7218, 231], [81, 7218, 230], [51, 7218, 229], [21, 7218, 228]], 'time_in_bucket': [1348, 11, 5, 5, 9, 18, 8, 10, 10, 6, 4, 11, 13, 7, 6, 4, 12, 3, 8, 5, 7, 12, 8, 6, 8, 8, 10, 6, 7, 7, 8, 11, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 2, 7, 7, 12, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, 8, 5, 6, 7, 2, 2, 6, 5, 2, 3, 6, 9, 6, 5, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 4, 2, 7, 3, 4, 6, 4, 2, 6, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 8, 2, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 5, 1, 8, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 9, 7, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 9, 5, 4, 9, 5, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 7, 3, 5, 3, 4, 7, 3, 4, 8, 5, 5, 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 5, 8, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 4, 5, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 6, 3, 3, 3, 1, 8, 5, 4, 5, 2, 8, 6, 3, 8, 5, 4, 10, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 3, 7, 5, 8, 7, 8, 14, 4, 8, 11, 7, 18, 7, 19, 4, 3, 11, 7, 8, 11, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 9, 12, 10, 8, 13, 14, 10, 16, 13, 15, 8, 13, 20, 15, 15, 16, 22, 12, 17, 17, 18, 18, 16, 26, 13, 12, 12, 17, 20, 20, 15, 11, 16, 15, 17, 16, 14, 16, 22, 11, 21, 22, 24, 22, 16, 18, 25, 19, 22, 17, 20, 19, 21, 18, 30, 29, 34, 37, 40, 29, 29, 22, 30, 30, 25, 41, 26, 26, 23, 28, 27, 29, 24, 20, 19, 25, 25, 15, 16, 27, 23, 15, 23, 18, 27, 26, 19, 21, 18, 17, 27, 26, 16, 11, 26, 11, 17, 17, 18, 24, 23, 17, 19, 23, 17, 12, 19, 25, 17, 20, 24, 19, 28, 17, 11, 14, 20, 19, 11, 27, 24, 22, 22, 24, 26, 18, 20, 21, 20, 24, 25, 22, 26, 20, 24, 17, 29, 20, 23, 24, 11, 16, 26, 24, 25, 30, 23, 24, 21, 21, 22, 20, 20, 30, 20, 25, 12, 21, 20, 27, 16, 22, 23, 28, 20, 24, 21, 26, 29, 22, 27, 21, 30, 32, 27, 26, 27, 19, 21, 27, 24, 24, 16, 15, 11, 22, 22, 17, 15, 18, 20, 16, 17, 18, 20, 9, 14, 18, 14, 20, 12, 9, 18, 16, 10, 11, 13, 15, 10, 10, 14, 15, 14, 5, 9, 14, 14, 7, 11, 4, 6, 10, 9, 18, 7, 10, 4, 7, 6, 4, 2, 9, 8, 6, 4, 6, 7, 6, 8, 4, 6, 4, 4, 3, 4, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 0, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [2619, 1675, 1237, 1225, 374, 89, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3784298992'}
{'weighted_power': 248, 'training_load': 85, 'max_watts': 1032, 'relative_intensity': 61, 'cp_data': [[7815, 7815, 1032], [7815, 7816, 1017], [7815, 7817, 1003], [7814, 7817, 977], [7814, 7818, 885], [7813, 7818, 797], [7812, 7818, 708], [7811, 7818, 638], [7810, 7818, 582], [7809, 7818, 535], [7808, 7818, 494], [7807, 7818, 457], [7806, 7818, 437], [7805, 7818, 431], [7804, 7818, 424], [7803, 7818, 415], [7802, 7818, 407], [7902, 7919, 397], [7902, 7920, 399], [7902, 7921, 397], [7901, 7921, 395], [7900, 7921, 390], [7900, 7922, 385], [7902, 7925, 385], [7901, 7925, 384], [7901, 7926, 381], [7900, 7926, 378], [7900, 7927, 375], [1948, 1976, 375], [1948, 1977, 374], [1948, 1978, 374], [1948, 1979, 373], [1948, 1980, 373], [1948, 1981, 373], [1948, 1982, 372], [1948, 1983, 372], [1948, 1984, 372], [1948, 1985, 372], [1948, 1986, 372], [1948, 1987, 372], [1948, 1988, 372], [1948, 1989, 372], [1948, 1990, 372], [1948, 1991, 372], [1948, 1992, 372], [1948, 1993, 372], [1948, 1994, 372], [1948, 1995, 371], [1948, 1996, 371], [1948, 1997, 371], [1947, 1997, 370], [1947, 1998, 369], [1947, 1999, 369], [1948, 2001, 368], [1948, 2002, 369], [1948, 2003, 369], [1948, 2004, 369], [1948, 2005, 369], [1948, 2006, 369], [1948, 2007, 368], [1948, 2008, 368], [1948, 2009, 368], [1948, 2010, 368], [1948, 2011, 368], [1948, 2012, 368], [1948, 2013, 367], [1947, 2013, 367], [1947, 2014, 367], [1947, 2015, 366], [1947, 2016, 365], [1944, 2014, 364], [1942, 2013, 364], [1939, 2011, 364], [1938, 2011, 364], [1938, 2012, 364], [1938, 2013, 363], [1938, 2014, 363], [1937, 2014, 363], [1936, 2014, 362], [1934, 2013, 362], [1933, 2013, 362], [1933, 2014, 362], [1932, 2014, 361], [1930, 2013, 361], [1930, 2014, 361], [1928, 2013, 361], [1928, 2014, 360], [1927, 2014, 360], [1926, 2014, 360], [1925, 2014, 359], [1924, 2014, 359], [1924, 2015, 359], [1924, 2016, 358], [1924, 2017, 358], [1924, 2018, 357], [1921, 2016, 357], [1918, 2014, 356], [1917, 2014, 356], [1917, 2015, 356], [1916, 2015, 355], [1916, 2016, 355], [1916, 2017, 354], [1937, 2039, 354], [1936, 2039, 354], [1934, 2038, 354], [1933, 2038, 354], [1933, 2039, 353], [1932, 2039, 353], [1930, 2038, 353], [1930, 2039, 353], [1928, 2038, 353], [1928, 2039, 353], [1927, 2039, 352], [1926, 2039, 352], [1925, 2039, 352], [1880, 1995, 352], [1880, 1996, 352], [1880, 1997, 352], [1879, 1997, 352], [1879, 1998, 352], [1879, 1999, 352], [1883, 2004, 352], [1883, 2005, 352], [1882, 2005, 352], [1880, 2004, 352], [1880, 2005, 352], [1880, 2006, 352], [1880, 2007, 352], [1883, 2011, 352], [1882, 2011, 353], [1881, 2011, 353], [1880, 2011, 353], [1880, 2012, 353], [1880, 2013, 353], [1879, 2013, 353], [1879, 2014, 353], [1879, 2015, 352], [1879, 2016, 352], [1876, 2014, 352], [1875, 2014, 352], [1874, 2014, 351], [1874, 2015, 351], [1873, 2015, 351], [1873, 2016, 351], [1873, 2017, 350], [1873, 2018, 350], [1873, 2019, 350], [1873, 2020, 349], [1872, 2020, 349], [1879, 2028, 349], [1874, 2024, 348], [1880, 2031, 348], [1880, 2032, 348], [1880, 2033, 348], [1879, 2033, 348], [1880, 2035, 348], [1880, 2036, 349], [1880, 2037, 349], [1880, 2038, 349], [1879, 2038, 349], [1879, 2039, 348], [1879, 2040, 348], [1879, 2041, 348], [1879, 2042, 348], [1879, 2043, 348], [1874, 2039, 348], [1875, 2041, 347], [1874, 2041, 347], [1874, 2042, 347], [1873, 2042, 347], [1873, 2043, 347], [1873, 2044, 346], [1872, 2044, 346], [1872, 2045, 346], [1872, 2046, 345], [1872, 2047, 345], [1872, 2048, 345], [1872, 2049, 344], [1872, 2050, 344], [1871, 2050, 343], [1870, 2050, 343], [1869, 2050, 342], [1868, 2050, 342], [1867, 2050, 341], [1867, 2051, 340], [1866, 2051, 340], [1856, 2042, 339], [1856, 2043, 339], [1855, 2043, 339], [1855, 2044, 339], [1855, 2045, 339], [1855, 2046, 338], [1855, 2047, 338], [1855, 2048, 338], [1855, 2049, 337], [1854, 2049, 337], [1854, 2050, 336], [1849, 2046, 336], [1849, 2047, 336], [1844, 2043, 336], [1843, 2043, 336], [1843, 2044, 335], [1843, 2045, 335], [1843, 2046, 335], [1839, 2043, 335], 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328], [5343, 5601, 328], [5345, 5604, 328], [5345, 5605, 329], [5344, 5605, 329], [5345, 5607, 329], [5344, 5607, 329], [5343, 5607, 329], [5342, 5607, 329], [5341, 5607, 329], [5340, 5607, 329], [5343, 5611, 329], [5343, 5612, 329], [5342, 5612, 328], [5342, 5613, 328], [5343, 5615, 328], [5343, 5616, 328], [5343, 5617, 328], [5342, 5617, 328], [5340, 5616, 328], [5340, 5617, 328], [5342, 5620, 328], [5342, 5621, 328], [5340, 5620, 328], [5340, 5621, 328], [5340, 5622, 328], [5340, 5623, 328], [5340, 5624, 328], [5340, 5625, 328], [5343, 5629, 328], [5342, 5629, 328], [5341, 5629, 328], [5340, 5629, 328], [5340, 5630, 328], [5339, 5630, 328], [5342, 5634, 328], [5340, 5633, 327], [5340, 5634, 327], [5340, 5635, 327], [5340, 5636, 327], [5340, 5637, 327], [5340, 5638, 327], [5339, 5638, 327], [5335, 5639, 326], [1706, 2015, 325], [1723, 2037, 325], [1719, 2038, 326], [1716, 2040, 326], [1713, 2042, 326], [1708, 2042, 325], [1699, 2038, 325], [1693, 2037, 326], [1692, 2041, 326], [1688, 2042, 326], [1683, 2042, 325], [1680, 2044, 325], [1674, 2043, 324], [1665, 2039, 324], [1663, 2042, 324], [1655, 2039, 324], [1652, 2041, 324], [1650, 2044, 324], [1643, 2042, 324], [1639, 2043, 323], [1632, 2041, 323], [1629, 2043, 323], [1624, 2043, 323], [1619, 2043, 323], [1610, 2039, 322], [1608, 2042, 322], [1600, 2039, 322], [1598, 2042, 322], [1593, 2042, 322], [1589, 2043, 322], [1589, 2048, 322], [1582, 2046, 321], [1580, 2049, 321], [1576, 2050, 320], [1562, 2041, 319], [1560, 2044, 319], [1554, 2043, 319], [1549, 2043, 319], [1547, 2046, 319], [1546, 2050, 318], [1535, 2044, 318], [1531, 2045, 317], [1526, 2045, 317], [1518, 2042, 317], [1511, 2040, 317], [1505, 2039, 317], [1503, 2042, 317], [1498, 2042, 317], [1494, 2043, 317], [1489, 2043, 317], [1479, 2038, 317], [1474, 2038, 317], [1473, 2042, 317], [1471, 2045, 317], [1459, 2038, 316], [1454, 2038, 317], [1452, 2041, 317], [1449, 2043, 317], [1443, 2042, 317], [1438, 2042, 317], [1434, 2043, 317], [1425, 2039, 317], [1423, 2042, 317], [1414, 2038, 317], [1410, 2039, 317], [1409, 2043, 317], [1407, 2046, 317], [1401, 2045, 316], [1394, 2043, 316], [1389, 2043, 316], [1388, 2047, 316], [1387, 2051, 316], [1379, 2048, 315], [1376, 2050, 314], [1369, 2048, 314], [1365, 2049, 314], [1356, 2045, 313], [1354, 2048, 313], [1351, 2050, 313], [1345, 2049, 312], [1330, 2039, 312], [1329, 2043, 312], [1324, 2043, 312], [1315, 2039, 312], [1312, 2041, 312], [1309, 2043, 312], [1302, 2041, 313], [1298, 2042, 313], [1296, 2045, 312], [1295, 2049, 312], [1292, 2051, 312], [1275, 2039, 312], [1272, 2041, 312], [1265, 2039, 312], [1263, 2042, 312], [1259, 2043, 312], [1254, 2043, 312], [1249, 2043, 312], [1244, 2043, 312], [1241, 2045, 311], [1230, 2039, 311], [1228, 2042, 311], [1224, 2043, 311], [1218, 2042, 311], [1214, 2043, 311], [1211, 2045, 311], [1205, 2044, 311], [1202, 2046, 311], [1194, 2043, 311], [1193, 2047, 311], [1191, 2050, 310], [1186, 2050, 310], [1182, 2051, 310], [1176, 2050, 309], [1169, 2048, 309], [1128, 2012, 309], [1124, 2013, 309], [1120, 2014, 309], [1120, 2019, 309], [1120, 2024, 309], [1128, 2037, 310], [1124, 2038, 310], [1120, 2039, 310], [1120, 2044, 310], [1113, 2042, 310], [1108, 2042, 310], [1100, 2039, 310], [1099, 2043, 310], [1098, 2047, 310], [1060, 2014, 310], [1034, 1993, 310], [1033, 1997, 310], [1035, 2004, 310], [1034, 2008, 311], [1034, 2013, 311], [1032, 2016, 311], [1031, 2020, 311], [1033, 2027, 311], [1034, 2033, 311], [1034, 2038, 311], [1032, 2041, 311], [1029, 2043, 311], [1026, 2045, 311], [1025, 2049, 311], [1021, 2050, 311], [1017, 2051, 310], [1012, 2051, 310], [1007, 2051, 309], [1004, 2053, 308], [1001, 2055, 307], [997, 2056, 306], [997, 2061, 304], [994, 2063, 303], [989, 2063, 302], [984, 2063, 300], [969, 2053, 299], [964, 2053, 298], [959, 2053, 297], [958, 2057, 296], [958, 2062, 295], [954, 2063, 294], [938, 2052, 293], [935, 2054, 292], [928, 2052, 291], [924, 2053, 290], [919, 2053, 289], [5080, 6218, 289], [5079, 6222, 289], [5080, 6228, 289], [5080, 6233, 289], [5081, 6239, 289], [5080, 6243, 289], [5079, 6247, 289], [2389, 3563, 289], [2386, 3565, 289], [2381, 3565, 289], [2376, 3565, 289], [2362, 3556, 289], [2365, 3564, 289], [2361, 3565, 289], [2355, 3564, 289], [2351, 3565, 289], [2346, 3565, 289], [2346, 3570, 289], [2344, 3573, 289], [2338, 3572, 289], [2337, 3576, 289], [2321, 3565, 289], [2323, 3572, 289], [2320, 3574, 289], [2320, 3579, 289], [2319, 3583, 288], [2318, 3587, 288], [2320, 3594, 288], [2319, 3598, 287], [2318, 3602, 286], [2318, 3607, 285], [2305, 3599, 285], [2300, 3599, 284], [2295, 3599, 284], [5079, 6387, 283], [2284, 3598, 283], [5078, 6396, 283], [5078, 6401, 282], [5080, 6408, 282], [5080, 6413, 282], [5078, 6416, 282], [5078, 6421, 282], [5081, 6429, 281], [5078, 6431, 281], [5079, 6437, 281], [5081, 6444, 281], [5078, 6446, 281], [5079, 6452, 281], [5078, 6456, 280], [5078, 6461, 280], [5078, 6466, 280], [5078, 6471, 280], [5079, 6477, 279], [5079, 6482, 279], [5166, 6574, 279], [5163, 6576, 279], [5158, 6576, 279], [5155, 6578, 279], [5155, 6583, 279], [5150, 6583, 279], [5150, 6588, 279], [5151, 6594, 278], [5155, 6603, 278], [5080, 6533, 278], [5080, 6538, 278], [5079, 6542, 278], [5081, 6549, 278], [5078, 6551, 278], [5156, 6634, 278], [5155, 6638, 278], [5155, 6643, 278], [5081, 6574, 278], [5079, 6577, 278], [5079, 6582, 278], [5078, 6586, 278], [5151, 6664, 278], [5156, 6674, 278], [5158, 6681, 278], [5156, 6684, 278], [5156, 6689, 278], [5164, 6702, 278], [5159, 6702, 278], [5155, 6703, 278], [5158, 6711, 278], [5153, 6711, 278], [5156, 6719, 278], [5151, 6719, 277], [5155, 6728, 277], [5150, 6728, 277], [5151, 6734, 277], [5079, 6667, 277], [5078, 6671, 277], [5079, 6677, 277], [5080, 6683, 277], [5080, 6688, 277], [5080, 6693, 277], [5083, 6701, 277], [5080, 6703, 277], [5080, 6708, 277], [5079, 6712, 277], [5080, 6718, 277], [5157, 6800, 277], [5156, 6804, 277], [5156, 6809, 276], [5155, 6813, 276], [5150, 6813, 276], [5156, 6824, 276], [5159, 6832, 276], [5166, 6844, 276], [5162, 6845, 276], [5157, 6845, 276], [5152, 6845, 276], [5158, 6856, 276], [5155, 6858, 276], [1033, 2742, 276], [1028, 2742, 276], [1032, 2751, 276], [1031, 2755, 276], [1034, 2763, 277], [1034, 2768, 277], [1033, 2772, 277], [1034, 2778, 277], [1032, 2781, 277], [1027, 2781, 277], [1023, 2782, 277], [1021, 2785, 277], [1020, 2789, 277], [1023, 2797, 277], [1026, 2805, 277], [1022, 2806, 277], [1032, 2821, 277], [1028, 2822, 277], [1028, 2827, 277], [1022, 2851, 277], [1032, 2891, 278], [1025, 2914, 278], [1022, 2941, 278], [1027, 2976, 278], [1023, 3002, 278], [1028, 3037, 278], [1032, 3071, 279], [1020, 3089, 279], [1015, 3114, 279], [1010, 3139, 277], [1021, 3180, 277], [1015, 3204, 276], [1023, 3242, 276], [1033, 3282, 275], [1030, 3309, 276], [1027, 3336, 276], [1026, 3365, 276], [1027, 3396, 277], [1024, 3423, 277], [1032, 3461, 276], [1032, 3491, 277], [1033, 3522, 277], [1033, 3552, 277], [1024, 3573, 278], [1017, 3596, 277], [1015, 3624, 275], [1019, 3658, 274], [1001, 3670, 273], [1005, 3704, 270], [1004, 3733, 268], [1005, 3764, 266], [1002, 3791, 264], [1008, 3827, 262], [1004, 3853, 260], [1003, 3882, 259], [1008, 3917, 257], [1005, 3944, 255], [1004, 3973, 254], [1004, 4003, 253], [1005, 4034, 251], [1011, 4070, 250], [1004, 4093, 249], [1005, 4124, 247], [1002, 4151, 246], [1005, 4184, 244], [1003, 4212, 243], [1012, 4251, 241], [1005, 4274, 240], [995, 4294, 239], [999, 4328, 237], [968, 4327, 235], [905, 4294, 234], [908, 4327, 233], [843, 4292, 231], [843, 4322, 230], [832, 4330, 228], [832, 4364, 226], [797, 4330, 225], [797, 4364, 223], [794, 4364, 221], [794, 4364, 219], [794, 4364, 217], [794, 4364, 216], [794, 4364, 214], [794, 4364, 212], [794, 4364, 210], [832, 4665, 209], [833, 4702, 208], [832, 4717, 206], [799, 4703, 204], [2319, 6270, 205], [2320, 6301, 205], [2320, 6331, 205], [2320, 6361, 205], [2318, 6389, 206], [2319, 6420, 206], [2320, 6451, 206], [2321, 6482, 206], [2321, 6512, 206], [2320, 6541, 207], [2325, 6576, 207], [2321, 6602, 207], [2321, 6632, 208], [2322, 6663, 208], [2337, 6708, 209], [2319, 6720, 209], [2320, 6751, 209], [2338, 6799, 210], [2322, 6813, 210], [2324, 6845, 210], [1034, 5585, 211], [1032, 5613, 212], [1027, 5638, 212], [1024, 5665, 213], [1031, 5702, 213], [1030, 5731, 214], [1025, 5756, 214], [1015, 5776, 214], [1027, 5818, 215], [1025, 5846, 215], [1032, 5883, 216], [1021, 5902, 216], [1016, 5927, 216], [1199, 6140, 216], [1034, 6005, 217], [1033, 6034, 217], [1022, 6053, 218], [1028, 6089, 218], [1032, 6123, 219], [1021, 6142, 219], [1013, 6164, 219], [1025, 6206, 220], [1027, 6238, 220], [1019, 6260, 220], [1014, 6285, 220], [1021, 6322, 220], [1016, 6347, 220], [1025, 6386, 220], [1022, 6413, 221], [1024, 6445, 221], [1020, 6471, 221], [1026, 6507, 221], [1026, 6537, 221], [1033, 6574, 221], [1013, 6584, 221], [1025, 6626, 221], [1026, 6657, 222], [1026, 6687, 222], [1021, 6712, 222], [1013, 6734, 222], [1025, 6776, 222], [1023, 6804, 223], [1033, 6844, 223], [1016, 6857, 223], [1018, 6889, 223], [1002, 6903, 223], [964, 6895, 222], [928, 6889, 221], [906, 6897, 220], [883, 6904, 220], [843, 6894, 219], [832, 6909, 218], [820, 6907, 217], [797, 6909, 216], [801, 6948, 215], [797, 6971, 214], [834, 7065, 213], [832, 7069, 212], [801, 7068, 211], [794, 7069, 210], [794, 7069, 209], [833, 7171, 208], [835, 7203, 207], [832, 7220, 207], [801, 7205, 206], [797, 7220, 205], [794, 7220, 204], [799, 7292, 203], [797, 7319, 202], [797, 7349, 201], [833, 7441, 200], [832, 7447, 200], [1031, 7699, 199], [1025, 7723, 199], [1031, 7759, 200], [1012, 7770, 200], [1030, 7818, 200], [1000, 7818, 200], [970, 7818, 199], [997, 7875, 198], [1027, 7935, 199], [1026, 7964, 199], [1001, 7969, 199], [971, 7969, 198], [941, 7969, 198], [908, 7966, 197], [881, 7969, 197], [849, 7967, 196], [832, 7969, 196], [815, 7969, 195], [797, 7969, 194], [794, 7969, 193], [794, 7969, 193], [794, 7969, 192], [794, 7969, 191], [794, 7969, 190], [794, 7969, 190], 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{'weighted_power': 358, 'training_load': 95, 'max_watts': 536, 'relative_intensity': 89, 'cp_data': [[2087, 2087, 536], [2512, 2513, 526], [2512, 2514, 527], [596, 599, 512], [596, 600, 510], [595, 600, 504], [594, 600, 501], [594, 601, 495], [593, 601, 487], [591, 600, 486], [590, 600, 487], [589, 600, 486], [588, 600, 485], [588, 601, 482], [594, 608, 482], [585, 600, 480], [584, 600, 480], [583, 600, 480], [582, 600, 480], [581, 600, 481], [580, 600, 480], [580, 601, 479], [579, 601, 476], [585, 608, 475], [584, 608, 476], [583, 608, 475], [582, 608, 476], [581, 608, 476], [580, 608, 476], [580, 609, 474], [571, 601, 473], [578, 609, 471], [572, 604, 471], [572, 605, 471], [572, 606, 471], [573, 608, 472], [572, 608, 473], [571, 608, 472], [571, 609, 471], [571, 610, 469], [571, 611, 469], [571, 612, 468], [571, 613, 468], [571, 614, 466], [572, 616, 465], [571, 616, 465], [571, 617, 465], [561, 608, 464], [560, 608, 465], [560, 609, 464], [558, 608, 464], [557, 608, 463], [556, 608, 463], [555, 608, 462], [555, 609, 462], [557, 612, 461], [557, 613, 461], [556, 613, 460], [555, 613, 460], [557, 616, 459], [557, 617, 459], [556, 617, 458], [555, 617, 458], [554, 617, 457], [560, 624, 455], [559, 624, 455], [542, 608, 456], [542, 609, 455], [541, 609, 455], [542, 611, 454], [542, 612, 454], [542, 613, 454], [541, 613, 454], [542, 615, 453], [542, 616, 453], [542, 617, 453], [541, 617, 452], [540, 617, 451], [540, 618, 450], [542, 621, 450], [542, 622, 450], [542, 623, 450], [542, 624, 450], [541, 624, 450], [540, 624, 449], [542, 627, 448], [541, 627, 448], [541, 628, 447], [541, 629, 447], [541, 630, 446], [541, 631, 445], [541, 632, 445], [541, 633, 445], [542, 635, 444], [542, 636, 444], [541, 636, 444], [541, 637, 443], [542, 639, 443], [542, 640, 443], [541, 640, 443], [541, 641, 442], [542, 643, 441], [542, 644, 441], [541, 644, 441], [541, 645, 441], [540, 645, 440], [542, 648, 439], [542, 649, 439], [541, 649, 439], [541, 650, 439], [540, 650, 438], [540, 651, 437], [541, 653, 436], [542, 655, 436], [542, 656, 436], [542, 657, 436], [542, 658, 436], [541, 658, 436], [541, 659, 436], [540, 659, 435], [542, 662, 434], [541, 662, 434], [541, 663, 434], [540, 663, 433], [540, 664, 432], [541, 666, 432], [541, 667, 431], [541, 668, 431], [540, 668, 431], [540, 669, 430], [542, 672, 429], [542, 673, 429], [541, 673, 429], [541, 674, 429], [541, 675, 429], [542, 677, 429], [542, 678, 428], [541, 678, 428], [540, 678, 428], [540, 679, 427], [542, 682, 427], [542, 683, 427], [542, 684, 427], [542, 685, 427], [541, 685, 427], [540, 685, 427], [540, 686, 426], [542, 689, 425], [542, 690, 425], [541, 690, 425], [541, 691, 425], [541, 692, 425], [540, 692, 424], [540, 693, 424], [541, 695, 423], [541, 696, 423], [541, 697, 423], [541, 698, 423], [1946, 2104, 423], [1945, 2104, 423], [1945, 2105, 423], [1944, 2105, 422], [1907, 2069, 422], [1941, 2104, 422], [1940, 2104, 422], [1939, 2104, 422], [1938, 2104, 422], [1937, 2104, 422], [1937, 2105, 422], [1936, 2105, 422], [1936, 2106, 421], [1933, 2104, 421], [1932, 2104, 421], [1932, 2105, 421], [1931, 2105, 421], [1930, 2105, 420], [1904, 2080, 420], [1927, 2104, 420], [1926, 2104, 420], [1925, 2104, 420], [1917, 2097, 420], [1916, 2097, 420], [1887, 2069, 419], [1886, 2069, 420], [1913, 2097, 420], [1912, 2097, 420], [1911, 2097, 420], [1882, 2069, 420], [1881, 2069, 420], [1880, 2069, 420], [1907, 2097, 420], [1906, 2097, 420], [1912, 2104, 420], [1911, 2104, 420], [1911, 2105, 420], [1910, 2105, 419], [1908, 2104, 419], [1907, 2104, 419], [1906, 2104, 419], [1905, 2104, 419], [1904, 2104, 419], [1904, 2105, 419], [1904, 2106, 419], [1901, 2104, 418], [1900, 2104, 418], [1899, 2104, 418], [1898, 2104, 418], [1897, 2104, 418], [1897, 2105, 418], [1895, 2104, 418], [1894, 2104, 418], [1894, 2105, 418], [1885, 2097, 418], [1884, 2097, 418], [1883, 2097, 418], [1882, 2097, 418], [1881, 2097, 418], [1880, 2097, 418], [1879, 2097, 418], [1885, 2104, 418], [1884, 2104, 418], [1883, 2104, 418], [1882, 2104, 418], [1881, 2104, 418], [1880, 2104, 418], [1880, 2105, 418], [1879, 2105, 417], [1879, 2106, 417], [1879, 2107, 416], [1873, 2102, 417], [1873, 2103, 417], [1873, 2104, 417], [1872, 2104, 417], [1872, 2105, 417], [1871, 2105, 417], [1871, 2106, 416], [1868, 2104, 416], [1868, 2105, 416], [1867, 2105, 416], [1865, 2104, 416], [1865, 2105, 416], [1865, 2106, 415], [1864, 2106, 415], [1863, 2106, 414], [1860, 2104, 414], [1882, 2127, 414], [1882, 2128, 415], [1881, 2128, 415], [1880, 2128, 414], [1879, 2128, 414], [1879, 2129, 414], [1853, 2104, 414], [1852, 2104, 414], [1852, 2105, 414], [1873, 2127, 414], [1873, 2128, 414], [1872, 2128, 414], [1871, 2128, 413], [1846, 2104, 414], [1846, 2105, 413], [1845, 2105, 413], [1845, 2106, 413], [1835, 2097, 413], [1841, 2104, 413], [1840, 2104, 413], [1839, 2104, 413], [1839, 2105, 413], [1838, 2105, 413], [1836, 2104, 413], [1835, 2104, 413], [1834, 2104, 413], [1834, 2105, 413], [1833, 2105, 413], [1832, 2105, 412], [1828, 2102, 412], [1828, 2103, 412], [1828, 2104, 413], [1827, 2104, 413], [1827, 2105, 413], [1826, 2105, 413], [1826, 2106, 412], [1816, 2097, 412], [1822, 2104, 412], [1821, 2104, 412], [1820, 2104, 412], [1820, 2105, 412], [1819, 2105, 412], [1818, 2105, 412], [1816, 2104, 412], [1816, 2105, 412], [1815, 2105, 412], [1814, 2105, 412], [1813, 2105, 412], [1813, 2106, 411], [1810, 2104, 411], [1809, 2104, 411], [1809, 2105, 411], [1808, 2105, 411], [1808, 2106, 411], [1805, 2104, 410], [1800, 2104, 410], [1819, 2128, 410], [1814, 2128, 410], [1809, 2128, 409], [1781, 2105, 409], [1777, 2106, 409], [1771, 2105, 408], [1819, 2158, 408], [1814, 2158, 408], [1755, 2104, 407], [1751, 2105, 407], [1746, 2105, 407], [1742, 2106, 406], [1788, 2157, 406], [1753, 2127, 406], [1778, 2157, 406], [1752, 2136, 405], [1747, 2136, 405], [1742, 2136, 404], [1881, 2280, 405], [1753, 2157, 405], [1872, 2281, 404], [1866, 2280, 404], [1872, 2291, 404], [1867, 2291, 403], [1851, 2280, 403], [1846, 2280, 403], [1841, 2280, 403], [1836, 2280, 403], [1832, 2281, 403], [1826, 2280, 403], [1821, 2280, 403], [1816, 2280, 403], [1816, 2285, 402], [1816, 2290, 402], [1813, 2292, 402], [1796, 2280, 402], [1791, 2280, 401], [1787, 2281, 401], [1781, 2280, 402], [1777, 2281, 401], [1782, 2291, 401], [1777, 2291, 401], [1753, 2272, 400], [1756, 2280, 401], [1751, 2280, 401], [1746, 2280, 401], [1752, 2291, 400], [1747, 2291, 400], [1742, 2291, 400], [1737, 2291, 399], [1729, 2288, 399], [1728, 2292, 399], [1719, 2288, 399], [1706, 2280, 399], [1490, 2069, 399], [1484, 2068, 399], [1480, 2069, 399], [1475, 2069, 400], [1470, 2069, 400], [1465, 2069, 400], [1460, 2069, 400], [1454, 2068, 400], [1461, 2080, 400], [1445, 2069, 400], [1468, 2097, 400], [1470, 2104, 400], [1430, 2069, 400], [1425, 2069, 401], [1419, 2068, 401], [1417, 2071, 401], [1410, 2069, 401], [1405, 2069, 401], [1411, 2080, 401], [1378, 2052, 401], [1418, 2097, 401], [1383, 2067, 401], [1379, 2068, 402], [1375, 2069, 402], [1370, 2069, 402], [1365, 2069, 402], [1379, 2088, 402], [1382, 2096, 402], [1378, 2097, 402], [1380, 2104, 402], [1375, 2104, 402], [1371, 2105, 402], [1365, 2104, 402], [1361, 2105, 402], [1379, 2128, 402], [1374, 2128, 401], [1369, 2128, 401], [1364, 2128, 401], [1367, 2136, 401], [1362, 2136, 401], [1378, 2157, 401], [1373, 2157, 401], [1368, 2157, 401], [1364, 2158, 401], [1365, 2164, 401], [1354, 2158, 400], [1348, 2157, 400], [1344, 2158, 400], [1338, 2157, 400], [1334, 2158, 399], [1328, 2157, 399], [1323, 2157, 399], [1318, 2157, 399], [1321, 2165, 398], [1328, 2177, 398], [1373, 2227, 398], [1378, 2237, 398], [1417, 2281, 398], [1411, 2280, 399], [1380, 2254, 399], [1375, 2254, 399], [1379, 2263, 399], [1375, 2264, 399], [1378, 2272, 399], [1381, 2280, 399], [1377, 2281, 399], [1372, 2281, 399], [1366, 2280, 399], [1361, 2280, 399], [1365, 2289, 399], [1363, 2292, 399], [1357, 2291, 399], [1353, 2292, 398], [1348, 2292, 398], [1342, 2291, 398], [1327, 2281, 398], [1328, 2287, 398], [1328, 2292, 398], [1322, 2291, 398], [1318, 2292, 397], [1312, 2291, 397], [1297, 2281, 397], [1298, 2287, 397], [1297, 2291, 397], [1293, 2292, 396], [1283, 2287, 396], [1283, 2292, 396], [1277, 2291, 396], [1272, 2291, 396], [1268, 2292, 396], [1263, 2292, 396], [1258, 2292, 395], [1252, 2291, 395], [1248, 2292, 395], [1231, 2280, 395], [1238, 2292, 395], [1232, 2291, 395], [1228, 2292, 394], [1379, 2448, 394], [1380, 2454, 395], [1383, 2462, 395], [1378, 2462, 395], [1373, 2462, 395], [1368, 2462, 395], [1364, 2463, 395], [1366, 2470, 395], [1379, 2488, 395], [1380, 2494, 395], [1376, 2495, 395], [1378, 2502, 395], [1366, 2495, 395], [1361, 2495, 395], [1364, 2503, 395], [1370, 2514, 395], [1365, 2514, 395], [1360, 2514, 395], [1365, 2524, 395], [1360, 2524, 395], [1364, 2533, 395], [1364, 2538, 395], [1365, 2544, 395], [1360, 2544, 394], [1365, 2554, 394], [1360, 2554, 394], [1355, 2554, 394], [1340, 2544, 394], [1328, 2537, 394], [1329, 2543, 394], [1329, 2548, 394], [1330, 2554, 393], [1322, 2551, 393], [1327, 2561, 393], [1322, 2561, 393], [1299, 2543, 393], [1297, 2546, 393], [1290, 2544, 393], [1284, 2543, 393], [1284, 2548, 393], [1285, 2554, 392], [1269, 2543, 392], [1264, 2543, 392], [1270, 2554, 392], [1265, 2554, 392], [1260, 2554, 392], [1263, 2562, 392], [1239, 2543, 392], [1245, 2554, 391], [1230, 2544, 392], [1229, 2548, 391], [1230, 2554, 391], [1231, 2560, 391], [1228, 2562, 391], [1215, 2554, 391], [1217, 2561, 391], [1229, 2578, 391], [1223, 2577, 390], [1228, 2587, 390], [1214, 2578, 390], [1232, 2601, 390], [1228, 2602, 390], [1228, 2607, 390], [1223, 2607, 389], [1154, 2543, 389], [1149, 2543, 389], [1145, 2544, 389], [1139, 2543, 389], [1135, 2544, 389], [1130, 2544, 389], [1135, 2554, 389], [1130, 2554, 389], [1132, 2561, 389], [1128, 2562, 389], [1122, 2561, 388], [1118, 2562, 388], [1094, 2543, 388], [1090, 2544, 388], [1085, 2544, 388], [1080, 2544, 388], [1085, 2554, 388], [1080, 2554, 388], [1075, 2554, 388], [1070, 2554, 388], [1066, 2555, 388], [1067, 2561, 387], [1062, 2561, 387], [1057, 2561, 387], [1068, 2577, 387], [1064, 2578, 387], [550, 2069, 387], [542, 2066, 387], [540, 2069, 387], [541, 2075, 387], [541, 2080, 387], [553, 2097, 387], [555, 2104, 387], [542, 2096, 387], [542, 2101, 387], [541, 2105, 388], [541, 2110, 387], [540, 2114, 387], [542, 2121, 387], [542, 2126, 387], [540, 2129, 387], [542, 2136, 387], [540, 2139, 387], [541, 2145, 387], [541, 2150, 387], [542, 2156, 387], [539, 2158, 387], [540, 2164, 387], [540, 2169, 387], [542, 2176, 387], [538, 2177, 387], [540, 2184, 387], [542, 2191, 387], [541, 2195, 387], [540, 2199, 387], [541, 2205, 386], [540, 2209, 387], [541, 2215, 387], [541, 2220, 386], [542, 2226, 387], [540, 2229, 387], [542, 2236, 387], [555, 2254, 387], [550, 2254, 387], [555, 2264, 387], [540, 2254, 387], [542, 2261, 387], [540, 2264, 387], [542, 2271, 387], [540, 2274, 387], [541, 2280, 388], [541, 2285, 387], [542, 2291, 387], [541, 2295, 387], [539, 2298, 387], [540, 2304, 387], [542, 2311, 387], [539, 2313, 387], [540, 2319, 386], [539, 2323, 386], [541, 2330, 386], [539, 2333, 386], [540, 2339, 386], [540, 2369, 385], [542, 2401, 385], [542, 2431, 386], [542, 2461, 386], [540, 2489, 386], [541, 2520, 386], [540, 2549, 386], [539, 2578, 386], [540, 2609, 385], [539, 2638, 385], [541, 2670, 384], [540, 2699, 384], [541, 2730, 383], [540, 2759, 382], [538, 2787, 382], [540, 2819, 381], [540, 2849, 380], [541, 2880, 380], [539, 2908, 379], [542, 2941, 379], [541, 2970, 378], [542, 3001, 378], [540, 3029, 377], [541, 3060, 377], [542, 3091, 377], [542, 3121, 377], [541, 3150, 377], [542, 3181, 377], [542, 3211, 377], [540, 3239, 377], [548, 3277, 377], [548, 3307, 377], [542, 3331, 378], [542, 3361, 378], [540, 3389, 378], [541, 3420, 377], [540, 3449, 377], [540, 3479, 377], [540, 3509, 376], [542, 3541, 376], [542, 3571, 376], [542, 3601, 376], [539, 3628, 376], [542, 3661, 376], [541, 3690, 375], [539, 3718, 375], [540, 3749, 375], [539, 3778, 374], [541, 3810, 374], [541, 3840, 374], [541, 3870, 374], [539, 3898, 373], [542, 3931, 373], [541, 3960, 373], [540, 3989, 373], [538, 4017, 373], [542, 4051, 373], [539, 4078, 373], [541, 4110, 373], [518, 4117, 372], [488, 4117, 370], [464, 4123, 367], [464, 4153, 365], [451, 4170, 363], [449, 4198, 360], [449, 4228, 357], [307, 4116, 357], [279, 4118, 356], [247, 4116, 355], [218, 4117, 354], [188, 4117, 352], [156, 4115, 351], [129, 4118, 350], [99, 4118, 348], [69, 4118, 346], [39, 4118, 344], [9, 4118, 342], [31, 4170, 340], [2, 4171, 338], [0, 4199, 336], [3, 4232, 334], [0, 4259, 332], [0, 4289, 330], [0, 4319, 328], [0, 4349, 326]], 'time_in_bucket': [78, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 4, 10, 12, 8, 5, 15, 8, 11, 12, 11, 9, 2, 11, 7, 7, 2, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 5, 5, 4, 6, 2, 8, 7, 3, 5, 7, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 5, 1, 6, 4, 4, 6, 3, 8, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 3, 5, 5, 0, 4, 4, 2, 6, 3, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 5, 1, 3, 3, 3, 8, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 7, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 0, 3, 3, 6, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0, 1, 5, 4, 1, 1, 4, 2, 0, 4, 1, 6, 1, 2, 0, 0, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 7, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 0, 2, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 8, 2, 4, 6, 3, 3, 5, 2, 0, 3, 6, 4, 6, 2, 8, 6, 4, 6, 1, 6, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 6, 5, 5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2, 3, 7, 7, 8, 6, 11, 4, 6, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 7, 5, 8, 7, 10, 2, 3, 6, 3, 8, 5, 6, 8, 3, 7, 10, 11, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 7, 8, 8, 11, 7, 10, 12, 9, 7, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 13, 11, 7, 12, 7, 15, 10, 8, 12, 10, 10, 13, 14, 17, 6, 7, 11, 8, 14, 13, 11, 15, 9, 13, 13, 9, 13, 7, 14, 16, 10, 14, 17, 8, 16, 12, 18, 19, 15, 17, 17, 17, 9, 18, 16, 14, 16, 15, 17, 20, 17, 12, 16, 14, 16, 11, 18, 20, 21, 14, 12, 24, 12, 15, 14, 23, 17, 15, 19, 11, 23, 15, 16, 22, 19, 20, 20, 25, 15, 19, 13, 24, 15, 22, 23, 21, 10, 28, 20, 25, 15, 24, 25, 30, 22, 19, 22, 19, 21, 24, 21, 22, 15, 20, 20, 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{'weighted_power': 298, 'training_load': 242, 'max_watts': 689, 'relative_intensity': 74, 'cp_data': [[7202, 7202, 689], [6061, 6062, 679], [6275, 6277, 647], [6275, 6278, 646], [6274, 6278, 644], [6274, 6279, 640], [6274, 6280, 638], [6274, 6281, 633], [6274, 6282, 624], [6273, 6282, 602], [6273, 6283, 584], [6272, 6283, 567], [12227, 12239, 558], [12227, 12240, 542], [6270, 6284, 526], [12227, 12242, 517], [12227, 12243, 522], [12227, 12244, 523], [12227, 12245, 510], [12227, 12246, 502], [12227, 12247, 503], [12227, 12248, 505], [12227, 12249, 504], [12227, 12250, 496], [12227, 12251, 492], [12227, 12252, 493], [12227, 12253, 494], [12227, 12254, 496], [6274, 6302, 496], [6274, 6303, 496], [6274, 6304, 494], [6273, 6304, 492], [6272, 6304, 488], [6271, 6304, 485], [6274, 6308, 482], [6274, 6309, 480], [6273, 6309, 478], [6273, 6310, 476], [6273, 6311, 474], [6274, 6313, 473], [6273, 6313, 471], [6272, 6313, 469], [6271, 6313, 467], [6271, 6314, 465], [6273, 6317, 463], [6273, 6318, 461], [6273, 6319, 460], [6272, 6319, 458], [6274, 6322, 457], [6274, 6323, 456], [13402, 13452, 456], [13401, 13452, 457], [13400, 13452, 455], [13399, 13452, 453], [12506, 12560, 453], [12505, 12560, 454], [12504, 12560, 454], [12503, 12560, 454], [12502, 12560, 454], [12501, 12560, 454], [12500, 12560, 455], [12499, 12560, 455], [12499, 12561, 454], [12498, 12561, 452], [12497, 12561, 450], [12499, 12564, 448], [12499, 12565, 448], [12494, 12561, 446], [12493, 12561, 446], [12492, 12561, 445], [12491, 12561, 444], [12490, 12561, 444], [12489, 12561, 443], [12187, 12260, 442], [12193, 12267, 441], [12184, 12259, 441], [12184, 12260, 441], [12183, 12260, 441], [12183, 12261, 439], [12183, 12262, 438], [12187, 12267, 438], [12183, 12264, 437], [12184, 12266, 437], [12184, 12267, 437], [12183, 12267, 437], [12183, 12268, 435], [12183, 12269, 433], [12184, 12271, 434], [12183, 12271, 434], [12183, 12272, 434], [12183, 12273, 432], [12183, 12274, 431], [12183, 12275, 430], [12184, 12277, 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[12376, 12565, 406], [12375, 12565, 406], [12374, 12565, 406], [12369, 12561, 406], [12375, 12568, 406], [12374, 12568, 406], [12374, 12569, 405], [12369, 12565, 405], [12368, 12565, 404], [12370, 12568, 404], [12369, 12568, 404], [12375, 12575, 404], [12374, 12575, 404], [12358, 12560, 403], [12358, 12561, 403], [12357, 12561, 404], [12375, 12580, 403], [12374, 12580, 403], [12358, 12565, 403], [12357, 12565, 403], [12351, 12560, 402], [12351, 12561, 402], [12350, 12561, 402], [12349, 12561, 402], [12348, 12561, 402], [12347, 12561, 402], [12350, 12565, 401], [12183, 12399, 402], [12343, 12560, 402], [12343, 12561, 402], [12342, 12561, 402], [12341, 12561, 402], [12340, 12561, 402], [12183, 12405, 401], [12188, 12411, 401], [12187, 12411, 401], [12391, 12616, 401], [12391, 12617, 401], [12184, 12411, 401], [12183, 12411, 401], [12183, 12412, 401], [12391, 12621, 401], [12376, 12607, 400], [12384, 12616, 401], [12378, 12611, 401], [12377, 12611, 401], [12376, 12611, 401], [12375, 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[12187, 12471, 397], [12183, 12468, 397], [12183, 12469, 397], [12183, 12470, 397], [12183, 12471, 397], [12183, 12472, 397], [12183, 12473, 397], [12227, 12518, 397], [12227, 12519, 397], [12227, 12520, 397], [12227, 12521, 397], [12227, 12522, 397], [12227, 12523, 397], [12227, 12524, 398], [12227, 12525, 398], [12227, 12526, 398], [12227, 12531, 399], [6274, 6583, 400], [12227, 12541, 400], [12227, 12546, 401], [12227, 12551, 402], [12227, 12556, 403], [12227, 12561, 404], [12227, 12566, 403], [12227, 12571, 402], [12199, 12548, 402], [12199, 12553, 403], [12198, 12557, 404], [12197, 12561, 404], [12192, 12561, 404], [12187, 12561, 404], [12183, 12562, 404], [12183, 12567, 403], [12183, 12572, 402], [12183, 12577, 402], [12183, 12582, 401], [12183, 12587, 401], [12192, 12601, 401], [12187, 12601, 401], [12192, 12611, 401], [12187, 12611, 401], [12183, 12612, 401], [12183, 12617, 401], [12183, 12622, 401], [12183, 12627, 400], [12184, 12633, 400], [12184, 12638, 399], [12183, 12642, 399], [12183, 12647, 399], [12183, 12652, 398], [12184, 12658, 398], [12184, 12663, 398], [12184, 12668, 398], [12183, 12672, 397], [12183, 12677, 397], [12183, 12682, 397], [12183, 12687, 397], [12183, 12692, 396], [12183, 12697, 396], [12183, 12702, 396], [12183, 12707, 396], [12183, 12712, 395], [12183, 12717, 395], [12183, 12722, 395], [12187, 12731, 395], [12188, 12737, 395], [12183, 12737, 395], [12183, 12742, 395], [12183, 12747, 394], [12183, 12752, 394], [12183, 12757, 394], [12183, 12762, 394], [12183, 12767, 394], [12183, 12772, 394], [12184, 12778, 393], [12183, 12782, 393], [12227, 12831, 394], [6273, 6882, 395], [12227, 12841, 395], [12227, 12846, 395], [12227, 12851, 395], [12227, 12856, 396], [12227, 12861, 396], [12227, 12866, 396], [12227, 12871, 396], [12199, 12848, 396], [12199, 12853, 396], [12198, 12857, 396], [12198, 12862, 397], [12193, 12862, 397], [12188, 12862, 397], [12183, 12862, 397], [12183, 12867, 397], [12183, 12872, 397], [12183, 12877, 396], [12183, 12882, 396], [12183, 12887, 396], [12183, 12892, 396], [12183, 12897, 395], [12183, 12902, 395], [12183, 12907, 395], [12183, 12912, 395], [12183, 12917, 395], [12183, 12922, 395], [12183, 12927, 394], [12183, 12932, 394], [12183, 12937, 394], [12183, 12942, 394], [12183, 12947, 394], [12183, 12952, 394], [12183, 12957, 394], [12183, 12962, 394], [12183, 12967, 393], [12183, 12972, 393], [12183, 12977, 393], [12184, 12983, 392], [12183, 12987, 392], [12183, 12992, 392], [12187, 13001, 392], [12183, 13002, 392], [12183, 13007, 392], [12183, 13012, 391], [12183, 13017, 391], [12183, 13022, 391], [12183, 13027, 391], [12184, 13033, 391], [12184, 13038, 391], [12184, 13043, 391], [12183, 13047, 390], [12184, 13053, 390], [12183, 13057, 390], [12187, 13066, 390], [12182, 13066, 390], [12183, 13072, 390], [12183, 13077, 390], [12227, 13126, 390], [12227, 13131, 390], [12227, 13136, 390], [12227, 13141, 391], [12227, 13146, 391], [12227, 13151, 391], [12227, 13156, 391], [12227, 13161, 392], [12227, 13166, 392], [12227, 13171, 391], [12198, 13147, 391], [12198, 13152, 392], [12199, 13158, 392], [12195, 13159, 392], [12191, 13160, 392], [12184, 13158, 392], [12187, 13166, 392], [12183, 13167, 392], [12183, 13172, 392], [12183, 13177, 392], [12183, 13182, 392], [12183, 13187, 392], [12183, 13192, 392], [12183, 13197, 392], [12183, 13202, 391], [12183, 13207, 391], [12183, 13212, 391], [12183, 13217, 391], [12183, 13222, 391], [12183, 13227, 391], [12183, 13232, 391], [12183, 13237, 391], [12183, 13242, 391], [12183, 13247, 390], [12187, 13256, 390], [12183, 13257, 390], [12183, 13262, 390], [12183, 13267, 390], [12183, 13272, 390], [12183, 13277, 390], [12183, 13282, 390], [12183, 13287, 389], [12183, 13292, 389], [12183, 13297, 389], [12183, 13302, 389], [12183, 13307, 389], [12183, 13312, 389], [12183, 13317, 389], [12183, 13322, 389], [12183, 13327, 389], [12183, 13332, 389], [12183, 13337, 388], [12183, 13342, 388], [12183, 13347, 388], [12183, 13352, 388], [12183, 13357, 388], [12187, 13366, 388], [12183, 13367, 388], [12183, 13372, 388], [12183, 13377, 388], [12227, 13426, 388], [12227, 13431, 388], [12227, 13436, 389], [12227, 13441, 389], [12227, 13446, 389], [12227, 13451, 389], [12227, 13456, 389], [12227, 13461, 389], [12227, 13466, 389], [12198, 13442, 389], [12199, 13448, 389], [12198, 13452, 390], [12199, 13458, 390], [12195, 13459, 390], [12183, 13452, 390], [12184, 13458, 390], [12183, 13462, 390], [12183, 13467, 390], [12183, 13472, 390], [12183, 13477, 390], [12183, 13482, 390], [12183, 13487, 389], [12184, 13493, 389], [12184, 13498, 389], [12184, 13503, 389], [12183, 13507, 389], [12183, 13512, 389], [12183, 13517, 389], [12192, 13531, 389], [12187, 13531, 389], [12183, 13532, 389], [12183, 13537, 389], [12183, 13542, 389], [12183, 13547, 389], [12183, 13552, 389], [12183, 13557, 389], [12183, 13562, 389], [12183, 13567, 389], [12183, 13572, 389], [12183, 13577, 388], [12183, 13582, 388], [12183, 13587, 388], [12183, 13592, 388], [12183, 13597, 388], [12186, 13605, 388], [12183, 13607, 388], [12183, 13612, 388], [12183, 13617, 388], [12187, 13626, 388], [12183, 13627, 388], [12183, 13632, 388], [12184, 13638, 388], [12183, 13642, 387], [12183, 13647, 387], [12183, 13652, 387], [12183, 13657, 387], [12183, 13662, 387], [12187, 13671, 387], [12183, 13672, 387], [12183, 13677, 387], [12183, 13682, 387], [12184, 13688, 387], [12184, 13693, 387], [12187, 13701, 387], [12183, 13702, 387], [12183, 13707, 387], [12183, 13712, 387], [12183, 13717, 386], [12227, 13766, 386], [12227, 13771, 386], [12227, 13776, 387], [12227, 13781, 387], [12227, 13786, 387], [12227, 13791, 387], [12227, 13796, 387], [12227, 13801, 387], [12227, 13805, 388], [12227, 13809, 388], [12198, 13787, 387], [12198, 13792, 388], [12198, 13797, 388], [12199, 13803, 388], [12195, 13804, 388], [12193, 13806, 388], [12184, 13803, 388], [12183, 13806, 388], [12182, 13809, 388], [12183, 13815, 388], [12183, 13820, 388], [12183, 13825, 388], [12184, 13831, 388], [12184, 13836, 388], [12182, 13839, 387], [12182, 13844, 387], [12183, 13850, 387], [12183, 13855, 387], [12183, 13860, 387], [12194, 13876, 387], [12184, 13871, 387], [12184, 13876, 387], [12187, 13884, 387], [12183, 13885, 387], [12180, 13887, 386], [12180, 13892, 385], [12177, 13894, 384], [12180, 13902, 383], [12159, 13886, 383], [6270, 8004, 382], [6271, 8010, 382], [6272, 8016, 382], [6273, 8022, 382], [6274, 8028, 382], [6270, 8029, 382], [6271, 8035, 382], [6272, 8041, 382], [6274, 8048, 382], [6271, 8050, 382], [6271, 8055, 382], [6271, 8060, 382], [6272, 8066, 382], [6272, 8071, 382], [6274, 8103, 382], [6274, 8133, 382], [6272, 8161, 382], [6274, 8193, 382], [6269, 8218, 383], [6239, 8218, 380], [6210, 8219, 377], [6183, 8222, 374], [6266, 8334, 372], [6269, 8367, 371], [6270, 8398, 370], [6267, 8425, 369], [6268, 8456, 367], [6241, 8459, 365], [6212, 8460, 363], [6187, 8465, 360], [6153, 8461, 357], [6266, 8551, 354], [6267, 8582, 353], [6269, 8614, 352], [6266, 8641, 351], [6269, 8674, 351], [6246, 8681, 349], [6224, 8689, 347], [6196, 8691, 345], [6169, 8694, 343], [6267, 8822, 341], [6268, 8853, 339], [6266, 8881, 339], [6268, 8913, 338], [6268, 8943, 337], [6240, 8945, 335], [6216, 8951, 334], [6186, 8951, 332], [6156, 8951, 330], [6126, 8951, 327], [6096, 8951, 325], [6061, 8946, 323], [6060, 8967, 320], [6060, 8967, 317], [6060, 8967, 314], [6060, 8967, 311], [6060, 8967, 308], [6061, 9026, 305], [6060, 9039, 302], [6061, 9086, 299], [6060, 9110, 296], [6060, 9145, 294], [6061, 9176, 291], [6060, 9202, 289], [6060, 9222, 286], [10661, 13886, 285], [10631, 13886, 284], [10601, 13886, 283], [10571, 13886, 283], [10541, 13886, 282], [10532, 13907, 280], [10515, 13912, 278], [10515, 13912, 276], [10494, 13887, 273], [10465, 13888, 272], [10454, 13907, 270], [10448, 13912, 268], [10448, 13912, 266], [10448, 13912, 263], [10454, 13939, 261], [10448, 13939, 259], [10448, 13939, 257], [10448, 13939, 255], [10448, 13939, 253], [10448, 13939, 251], [5668, 8967, 249], [5623, 8951, 248], [5593, 8951, 248], [5563, 8951, 247], [5533, 8951, 246], [5503, 8951, 245], [5473, 8951, 244], [5443, 8951, 244], [5413, 8951, 243], [5383, 8951, 242], [5353, 8951, 241], [5339, 8967, 240], [5313, 8967, 238], [5284, 8967, 237], [10148, 13886, 235], [10118, 13886, 235], [10096, 13894, 234], [10064, 13892, 233], [10054, 13912, 232], [10023, 13911, 230], [9994, 13912, 229], [9964, 13912, 227], [9908, 13886, 226], [9903, 13911, 225], [9874, 13912, 224], [9844, 13912, 222], [9814, 13912, 221], [9784, 13912, 219], [9754, 13912, 218], [9724, 13912, 217], [9694, 13912, 215], [9664, 13912, 214], [9749, 13939, 213], [9719, 13939, 211], [9574, 13912, 210], [9544, 13912, 209], [176, 4909, 208], [146, 4909, 207], [116, 4909, 205], [85, 4908, 204], [73, 4909, 203], [73, 4909, 202], [73, 4909, 201], [73, 4909, 200], [6152, 10770, 199], [6180, 10828, 199], [6152, 10830, 198], [6211, 10919, 198], [6207, 10945, 198], [6185, 10953, 198], [6152, 10950, 197], [6190, 11018, 197], [6156, 11014, 197], [6268, 11156, 197], [6246, 11164, 197], [6218, 11166, 197], [6187, 11165, 197], [6156, 11164, 196], [6130, 11168, 196], [6100, 11168, 195], [6255, 11334, 195], [6270, 11379, 195], [6270, 11409, 196], [6268, 11437, 197], [6269, 11468, 197], [6265, 11494, 198], [6230, 11489, 198], [6205, 11494, 197], [6265, 11584, 198], [6232, 11581, 198], [6264, 11643, 198], [6267, 11676, 198], [6268, 11707, 198], [6268, 11737, 199], [6247, 11746, 199], [6217, 11746, 199], [6187, 11746, 199], [6157, 11746, 198], [6269, 11833, 198], [6271, 11865, 199], [6269, 11893, 199], [6268, 11922, 200], [6268, 11952, 200], [6265, 11979, 200], [6231, 11975, 200], [6205, 11979, 200], [6185, 11989, 200], [6152, 11986, 200], [6151, 12015, 199], [6152, 12046, 199], [6061, 11985, 198], [6061, 12015, 198], [6061, 12045, 197], [7928, 13882, 198], [7853, 13837, 198], [7795, 13809, 199], [7764, 13809, 200], [7763, 13837, 201], [7773, 13877, 201], [7750, 13884, 202], [7644, 13809, 203], [6365, 12561, 204], [6349, 12575, 204], [6274, 12530, 205], [6274, 12560, 206], [6274, 12590, 207], [6271, 12617, 208], [6272, 12648, 208], [6274, 12680, 209], [6272, 12708, 210], [6271, 12737, 210], [6366, 12862, 211], [6355, 12881, 212], [6274, 12830, 213], [6274, 12860, 214], [6270, 12886, 214], [6272, 12918, 215], [6270, 12946, 216], [6272, 12978, 216], [6271, 13007, 217], [6273, 13039, 217], [6363, 13159, 218], [6350, 13176, 219], [6273, 13129, 219], [6273, 13159, 220], [6274, 13190, 221], [6270, 13216, 221], [6270, 13246, 222], [6270, 13276, 223], [6274, 13310, 223], [6272, 13338, 224], [6363, 13459, 224], [6356, 13482, 225], [6274, 13430, 226], [6273, 13459, 226], [6273, 13489, 227], [6271, 13517, 227], [6272, 13548, 228], [6271, 13577, 228], [6269, 13605, 229], [6272, 13638, 230], [6274, 13670, 230], [6274, 13700, 231], [6355, 13809, 231], [6274, 13760, 232], [6274, 13790, 232], [6269, 13813, 233], [6269, 13843, 233], [6273, 13877, 234], [6252, 13886, 234], [6222, 13886, 234], [6192, 13886, 234], [6162, 13886, 233], [6152, 13906, 233], [6102, 13886, 232], [6074, 13888, 232], [6061, 13905, 231], [6060, 13912, 231], [6060, 13912, 230], [6060, 13912, 229], [6061, 13937, 228], [6060, 13939, 228], [6060, 13939, 227], [6060, 13939, 226], [6060, 13939, 225], [6060, 13939, 224], [6060, 13939, 224], [6060, 13939, 223], [6060, 13939, 222], [6060, 14147, 221], [6060, 14162, 221], [6060, 14162, 220], [6060, 14244, 219], [6060, 14244, 219], [6060, 14244, 218], [6060, 14244, 217], [6031, 13892, 217], [5995, 13886, 216], [5986, 13907, 216], [5937, 13888, 215], [5926, 13907, 215], [5876, 13887, 214], [5845, 13886, 214], [5817, 13888, 214], [5785, 13886, 213], [5755, 13886, 213], [5725, 13886, 213], [5696, 13887, 213], [5695, 13912, 212], [5684, 13912, 212], [5631, 13888, 211], [5599, 13886, 211], [5569, 13886, 211], [5539, 13886, 210], [5510, 13887, 210], [5479, 13886, 210], [5450, 13887, 210], [5420, 13887, 210], [5390, 13887, 209], [5359, 13886, 209], [5351, 13908, 209], [5327, 13912, 208], [5299, 13912, 207], [5267, 13909, 207], [5239, 13910, 206], [5212, 13912, 206], [5184, 13912, 205], [5154, 13908, 204], [5129, 13912, 204], [5102, 13912, 203], [5074, 13912, 203], [5049, 13912, 202], [5032, 13906, 202], [5012, 13912, 201], [4980, 13907, 200], [4968, 13912, 200], [4942, 13912, 199], [4924, 13912, 199], [4924, 13912, 198], [4924, 13912, 198], [4924, 13912, 197], [4924, 13939, 197], [4924, 13939, 196], [4924, 13939, 195], [4924, 13939, 195], [4924, 13939, 194], [4924, 13939, 194], [4924, 13939, 193], [4924, 13939, 193], [4929, 14415, 187], [4861, 13886, 183], [4561, 13886, 186], [4283, 13908, 184], [3961, 13886, 180], [3705, 13806, 179], [2560, 12962, 184], [2560, 13262, 188], [2559, 13561, 192], [2538, 13838, 196], [2355, 13912, 197], [2111, 13911, 196], [1811, 13887, 193], [1510, 13886, 192], [1288, 13908, 190], [964, 13883, 192], [693, 13912, 191], [367, 13886, 192], [88, 13907, 190], [0, 13920, 186], [0, 14094, 183], [0, 14394, 180]], 'time_in_bucket': [3088, 47, 30, 42, 29, 48, 68, 31, 31, 23, 36, 15, 19, 21, 23, 20, 15, 10, 19, 14, 21, 7, 20, 7, 16, 20, 15, 16, 7, 8, 14, 15, 8, 11, 7, 16, 12, 10, 12, 21, 11, 17, 11, 7, 8, 14, 12, 16, 10, 11, 12, 9, 15, 9, 9, 8, 14, 15, 13, 13, 9, 11, 15, 12, 20, 13, 14, 19, 20, 14, 14, 9, 13, 17, 23, 15, 14, 18, 7, 25, 12, 12, 17, 23, 10, 21, 17, 14, 6, 16, 20, 15, 17, 14, 15, 10, 10, 13, 15, 8, 13, 16, 20, 20, 8, 16, 21, 7, 15, 13, 20, 17, 14, 17, 18, 20, 16, 11, 13, 14, 17, 13, 19, 13, 17, 15, 16, 15, 17, 19, 16, 11, 20, 13, 10, 16, 18, 13, 8, 17, 10, 16, 14, 14, 11, 16, 14, 15, 12, 18, 22, 18, 14, 15, 13, 11, 14, 16, 13, 11, 16, 16, 12, 12, 17, 17, 27, 18, 12, 22, 12, 21, 18, 15, 14, 19, 6, 24, 25, 16, 24, 17, 18, 19, 15, 12, 25, 14, 23, 19, 17, 16, 14, 20, 16, 15, 12, 19, 12, 24, 12, 19, 18, 20, 19, 18, 13, 13, 25, 34, 18, 23, 23, 23, 14, 17, 27, 20, 19, 20, 22, 23, 19, 26, 21, 12, 22, 25, 22, 19, 27, 26, 32, 26, 26, 27, 26, 20, 28, 28, 27, 26, 28, 20, 37, 23, 34, 24, 25, 28, 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{'weighted_power': 279, 'training_load': 175, 'max_watts': 575, 'relative_intensity': 69, 'cp_data': [[8398, 8398, 575], [8397, 8398, 572], [8401, 8403, 562], [8401, 8404, 550], [8394, 8398, 541], [8393, 8398, 537], [8397, 8403, 534], [8391, 8398, 533], [8390, 8398, 532], [8394, 8403, 530], [8394, 8404, 529], [8393, 8404, 527], [8391, 8403, 528], [8390, 8403, 527], [8390, 8404, 526], [8388, 8403, 525], [8387, 8403, 524], [8386, 8403, 524], [8386, 8404, 524], [8385, 8404, 523], [8384, 8404, 521], [8383, 8404, 521], [8382, 8404, 519], [8380, 8403, 519], [8380, 8404, 519], [8379, 8404, 518], [8378, 8404, 516], [8376, 8403, 516], [8375, 8403, 516], [8374, 8403, 516], [8373, 8403, 516], [8372, 8403, 516], [8372, 8404, 516], [8371, 8404, 516], [8370, 8404, 516], [8369, 8404, 516], [8368, 8404, 515], [8367, 8404, 514], [8366, 8404, 514], [8364, 8403, 513], [8363, 8403, 513], [8362, 8403, 514], [8362, 8404, 514], [8361, 8404, 512], [8360, 8404, 512], [8359, 8404, 511], [8358, 8404, 510], [8357, 8404, 509], [8357, 8405, 508], [8356, 8405, 504], [8358, 8408, 503], [8358, 8409, 503], [8357, 8409, 502], [8357, 8410, 500], [8356, 8410, 497], [8354, 8409, 496], [8354, 8410, 494], [8353, 8410, 492], [8351, 8409, 490], [8351, 8410, 489], [8350, 8410, 487], [8349, 8410, 486], [8348, 8410, 484], [8347, 8410, 480], [8345, 8409, 479], [8344, 8409, 479], [8343, 8409, 479], [8343, 8410, 478], [8342, 8410, 476], [8341, 8410, 474], [8340, 8410, 473], [8339, 8410, 472], [8338, 8410, 470], [8342, 8415, 468], [8342, 8416, 467], [8340, 8415, 465], [8339, 8415, 465], [8333, 8410, 463], [8332, 8410, 463], [8331, 8410, 462], [8330, 8410, 461], [8329, 8410, 459], [8333, 8415, 457], [8332, 8415, 457], [8331, 8415, 456], [8330, 8415, 455], [8330, 8416, 454], [8329, 8416, 453], [8322, 8410, 451], [8321, 8410, 449], [8325, 8415, 448], [8324, 8415, 448], [8323, 8415, 447], [8322, 8415, 446], [8322, 8416, 445], [8321, 8416, 443], [8314, 8410, 442], [8313, 8410, 441], [8311, 8409, 441], [8310, 8409, 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[8292, 8497, 397], [8291, 8497, 396], [8290, 8497, 396], [8289, 8497, 395], [8287, 8496, 394], [8286, 8496, 394], [8286, 8497, 394], [8285, 8497, 394], [8284, 8497, 394], [8282, 8496, 393], [8281, 8496, 393], [8280, 8496, 393], [8280, 8497, 393], [8279, 8497, 393], [8278, 8497, 392], [8277, 8497, 391], [8276, 8497, 391], [8275, 8497, 391], [8274, 8497, 391], [8273, 8497, 391], [5721, 5946, 391], [5720, 5946, 391], [5720, 5947, 391], [5720, 5948, 391], [5722, 5951, 391], [5721, 5951, 391], [5720, 5951, 391], [5715, 5947, 391], [5714, 5947, 390], [5722, 5956, 390], [5716, 5951, 391], [5720, 5956, 391], [5715, 5952, 390], [5713, 5951, 390], [5717, 5956, 390], [5716, 5956, 391], [5715, 5956, 391], [5714, 5956, 390], [5713, 5956, 390], [5712, 5956, 390], [5716, 5961, 390], [5715, 5961, 390], [5720, 5967, 390], [5720, 5968, 390], [5712, 5961, 390], [5711, 5961, 390], [5716, 5967, 390], [5716, 5968, 390], [5715, 5968, 390], [5720, 5974, 390], [5713, 5968, 390], [5712, 5968, 390], [5711, 5968, 390], [5720, 5978, 390], [5715, 5974, 390], [5714, 5974, 389], [5707, 5968, 389], [5716, 5978, 389], [5715, 5978, 389], [5715, 5979, 389], [5703, 5968, 389], [5712, 5978, 389], [5711, 5978, 389], [5711, 5979, 389], [5715, 5984, 389], [5703, 5973, 389], [5707, 5978, 389], [5707, 5979, 389], [5711, 5984, 389], [5704, 5978, 388], [5703, 5978, 389], [5702, 5978, 388], [5707, 5984, 388], [5721, 5999, 388], [5720, 5999, 388], [5725, 6005, 388], [5703, 5984, 388], [5722, 6004, 388], [5721, 6004, 388], [5720, 6004, 388], [5720, 6005, 388], [5722, 6008, 388], [5722, 6009, 388], [5721, 6009, 388], [5720, 6009, 388], [5720, 6010, 388], [5722, 6013, 388], [5721, 6013, 388], [5721, 6014, 388], [5720, 6014, 388], [5720, 6015, 388], [5713, 6009, 388], [5716, 6013, 388], [5716, 6014, 388], [5715, 6014, 388], [5720, 6024, 388], [5720, 6029, 388], [5720, 6034, 388], [5715, 6034, 388], [5732, 6056, 388], [5727, 6056, 388], [5722, 6056, 388], [5717, 6056, 388], [5720, 6064, 388], [5715, 6064, 388], [5713, 6067, 388], [5703, 6062, 387], [5703, 6067, 387], [5703, 6072, 387], [5703, 6077, 387], [5716, 6095, 386], [5718, 6102, 386], [5713, 6102, 386], [5707, 6101, 386], [5703, 6102, 386], [5703, 6107, 386], [5711, 6120, 386], [5706, 6120, 385], [5707, 6126, 385], [5813, 6237, 385], [5719, 6148, 385], [5720, 6154, 385], [5720, 6159, 385], [5752, 6196, 385], [5748, 6197, 385], [5748, 6202, 385], [5744, 6203, 385], [5739, 6203, 385], [5727, 6196, 386], [5722, 6196, 386], [5717, 6196, 386], [5718, 6202, 386], [5713, 6202, 386], [5708, 6202, 385], [5703, 6202, 385], [5707, 6211, 385], [5720, 6229, 385], [5720, 6234, 385], [5715, 6234, 385], [5711, 6235, 385], [5707, 6236, 385], [5703, 6237, 385], [5720, 6259, 385], [5715, 6259, 385], [5707, 6256, 384], [5703, 6257, 384], [5703, 6262, 384], [5703, 6267, 384], [5691, 6260, 384], [5685, 6259, 383], [5680, 6259, 383], [5675, 6259, 383], [5669, 6258, 383], [5664, 6258, 382], [5654, 6253, 382], [5654, 6258, 382], [5654, 6263, 382], [5644, 6258, 382], [5643, 6262, 381], [5638, 6262, 381], [5631, 6260, 381], [5625, 6259, 381], [5619, 6258, 381], [5619, 6263, 380], [5612, 6261, 380], [5716, 6370, 380], [5711, 6370, 380], [5703, 6367, 380], [5703, 6372, 380], [5710, 6384, 380], [5703, 6382, 380], [5703, 6387, 379], [5681, 6370, 379], [5691, 6385, 379], [5685, 6384, 379], [5680, 6384, 379], [5675, 6384, 379], [5675, 6389, 378], [5691, 6410, 378], [5654, 6378, 378], [5654, 6383, 378], [5650, 6384, 378], [5499, 6238, 378], [5499, 6243, 378], [5510, 6259, 378], [5504, 6258, 378], [5499, 6258, 378], [5498, 6262, 378], [5751, 6520, 378], [5744, 6518, 378], [5740, 6519, 378], [5736, 6520, 378], [5720, 6509, 378], [5727, 6521, 378], [5722, 6521, 378], [5716, 6520, 378], [5712, 6521, 378], [5707, 6521, 378], [5702, 6521, 378], [5714, 6538, 378], [5703, 6532, 378], [5703, 6537, 378], [5703, 6542, 378], [5703, 6547, 378], [5715, 6564, 378], [5684, 6538, 377], [5684, 6543, 377], [5679, 6543, 377], [5680, 6549, 377], [5690, 6564, 377], [5685, 6564, 377], [5680, 6564, 377], [5680, 6569, 377], [5680, 6574, 377], [5680, 6579, 376], [5654, 6558, 376], [5716, 6625, 376], [5720, 6634, 376], [5720, 6639, 376], [5716, 6640, 377], [5711, 6640, 376], [5706, 6640, 376], [5707, 6646, 376], [5703, 6647, 376], [5714, 6663, 376], [5727, 6681, 376], [5720, 6679, 376], [5716, 6680, 377], [5712, 6681, 376], [5707, 6681, 377], [5703, 6682, 376], [5697, 6681, 376], [5691, 6680, 376], [5687, 6681, 376], [5681, 6680, 376], [5676, 6680, 376], [5673, 6682, 376], [5668, 6682, 376], [5662, 6681, 376], [5657, 6681, 375], [5653, 6682, 375], [5648, 6682, 375], [5643, 6682, 375], [5638, 6682, 375], [5632, 6681, 375], [5627, 6681, 375], [5620, 6679, 375], [5618, 6682, 375], [5612, 6681, 375], [5605, 6679, 374], [5603, 6682, 374], [5437, 6521, 374], [5436, 6525, 374], [5427, 6521, 374], [5426, 6525, 374], [5434, 6538, 374], [5429, 6538, 374], [5429, 6543, 374], [5429, 6548, 374], [5414, 6538, 374], [5435, 6564, 374], [5430, 6564, 374], [5425, 6564, 374], [5420, 6564, 374], [5425, 6574, 374], [5426, 6580, 374], [5415, 6574, 374], [5517, 6681, 374], [5395, 6564, 373], [5504, 6678, 373], [5503, 6682, 374], [5497, 6681, 374], [5491, 6680, 373], [5485, 6679, 373], [5435, 6634, 373], [5435, 6639, 373], [5473, 6682, 373], [5426, 6640, 373], [5461, 6680, 373], [5456, 6680, 373], [5450, 6679, 373], [5444, 6678, 373], [5443, 6682, 373], [5437, 6681, 374], [5431, 6680, 373], [5427, 6681, 374], [5421, 6680, 373], [5417, 6681, 373], [5413, 6682, 373], [5407, 6681, 373], [5402, 6681, 373], [5397, 6681, 373], [5393, 6682, 373], [5388, 6682, 373], [5381, 6680, 373], [5237, 6541, 373], [5372, 6681, 373], [5367, 6681, 373], [5361, 6680, 373], [5358, 6682, 373], [5352, 6681, 373], [5347, 6681, 372], [5343, 6682, 373], [5338, 6682, 372], [5333, 6682, 372], [5328, 6682, 372], [5323, 6682, 372], [5317, 6681, 372], [5312, 6681, 372], [5308, 6682, 372], [5303, 6682, 372], [5237, 6621, 372], [5236, 6625, 372], [5237, 6631, 372], [5236, 6635, 372], [5236, 6640, 372], [5237, 6646, 372], [5237, 6651, 372], [5237, 6656, 372], [5238, 6662, 372], [5238, 6667, 372], [5238, 6672, 372], [5238, 6677, 372], [5237, 6681, 372], [5234, 6683, 372], [5229, 6683, 371], [5224, 6683, 369], [5219, 6683, 368], [5236, 6705, 368], [5236, 6710, 367], [5236, 6715, 367], [5236, 6720, 366], [5236, 6725, 366], [5236, 6730, 365], [5236, 6735, 365], [5236, 6740, 364], [5236, 6745, 363], [5236, 6750, 363], [5236, 6755, 362], [5236, 6760, 361], [5236, 6765, 361], [5236, 6770, 360], [5236, 6775, 359], [5236, 6780, 358], [5236, 6785, 357], [5236, 6790, 356], [5236, 6795, 356], [5236, 6800, 355], [5236, 6805, 354], [5236, 6810, 354], [5236, 6815, 353], [5236, 6820, 353], [5236, 6825, 352], [5236, 6830, 351], [5236, 6835, 351], [5236, 6840, 350], [5236, 6845, 349], [5236, 6850, 349], [5236, 6855, 348], [5236, 6860, 348], [5236, 6865, 347], [5236, 6870, 347], [5236, 6875, 346], [5236, 6880, 346], [5236, 6885, 345], [5236, 6890, 344], [5235, 6894, 344], [5230, 6894, 343], [5059, 6728, 342], [5059, 6733, 342], [5057, 6736, 341], [5052, 6736, 341], [5051, 6740, 340], [5051, 6745, 340], [5051, 6750, 339], [5051, 6755, 339], [5054, 6763, 338], [5051, 6765, 338], [5051, 6770, 337], [5050, 6774, 336], [5050, 6779, 336], [5050, 6784, 335], [5051, 6790, 334], [5050, 6794, 334], [2847, 4595, 333], [2847, 4600, 333], [2842, 4600, 333], [2843, 4606, 333], [2847, 4615, 333], [2842, 4615, 333], [2838, 4616, 333], [2840, 4623, 333], [2848, 4636, 333], [2845, 4638, 333], [2845, 4643, 333], [2816, 4644, 330], [2786, 4644, 328], [2756, 4644, 327], [2726, 4644, 326], [2701, 4649, 325], [2702, 4680, 322], [2702, 4710, 320], [2701, 4739, 317], [2701, 4769, 314], [2702, 4800, 312], [2709, 4837, 310], [2709, 4867, 308], [2709, 4897, 307], [2708, 4926, 307], [2700, 4948, 304], [2679, 4957, 300], [2630, 4938, 297], [2584, 4922, 296], [2567, 4935, 295], [4386, 6682, 294], [4356, 6682, 295], [4326, 6682, 295], [4296, 6682, 296], [4266, 6682, 296], [4236, 6682, 296], [4044, 6520, 296], [4042, 6548, 297], [4038, 6574, 297], [4014, 6580, 298], [4043, 6639, 299], [4042, 6668, 300], [4026, 6682, 300], [3996, 6682, 301], [3966, 6682, 301], [3935, 6681, 301], [3904, 6680, 301], [3875, 6681, 302], [3846, 6682, 302], [3816, 6682, 302], [3785, 6681, 303], [3756, 6682, 303], [3712, 6668, 304], [3696, 6682, 303], [3666, 6682, 303], [3635, 6681, 304], [3607, 6682, 304], [3576, 6681, 304], [3546, 6681, 304], [3516, 6681, 305], [3486, 6681, 305], [3457, 6682, 305], [3427, 6682, 305], [3397, 6682, 305], [3368, 6683, 305], [3182, 6527, 305], [3183, 6558, 306], [3182, 6587, 306], [3208, 6643, 307], [3208, 6673, 307], [3182, 6677, 308], [3157, 6682, 307], [3127, 6682, 307], [3097, 6682, 307], [3067, 6682, 308], [3037, 6682, 308], [3006, 6681, 308], [2977, 6682, 308], [2947, 6682, 308], [2848, 6613, 308], [2845, 6640, 308], [2847, 6672, 309], [2834, 6689, 309], [2797, 6682, 308], [2767, 6682, 307], [2737, 6682, 307], [2707, 6682, 307], [2708, 6713, 305], [2701, 6736, 305], [2701, 6766, 303], [2702, 6797, 302], [2701, 6826, 301], [2702, 6857, 300], [2702, 6887, 299], [2679, 6894, 297], [2572, 6817, 296], [2570, 6845, 295], [2572, 6877, 294], [2559, 6894, 293], [2529, 6894, 292], [2526, 6894, 290], [2526, 6894, 288], [2526, 6894, 286], [2526, 6894, 284], [2526, 6894, 282], [2526, 6894, 280], [2526, 6894, 279], [2702, 7083, 277], [4008, 8420, 277], [4042, 8484, 278], [4025, 8497, 279], [3995, 8497, 279], [3965, 8497, 279], [3934, 8496, 280], [3904, 8496, 280], [3875, 8497, 280], [3845, 8497, 280], [3815, 8497, 281], [3785, 8497, 281], [3755, 8497, 281], [3712, 8484, 282], [3695, 8497, 282], [3665, 8497, 282], [3635, 8497, 282], [3605, 8496, 282], [3576, 8497, 283], [3545, 8496, 283], [3516, 8497, 283], [3486, 8497, 284], [3456, 8497, 284], [3426, 8497, 284], [3396, 8497, 284], [3366, 8497, 284], [3243, 8404, 284], [3221, 8412, 285], [3189, 8410, 285], [3228, 8479, 286], [3210, 8491, 286], [3185, 8496, 287], [3156, 8497, 286], [3126, 8497, 287], [3096, 8497, 287], [3066, 8497, 287], [3036, 8497, 287], [3006, 8497, 287], [2976, 8497, 287], [2946, 8497, 287], [2840, 8421, 288], [2850, 8461, 288], [2845, 8486, 289], [2827, 8498, 288], [2796, 8497, 288], [2766, 8497, 288], [2736, 8497, 287], [2706, 8497, 287], [2702, 8523, 286], [2702, 8553, 286], [2701, 8582, 285], [2701, 8612, 284], [2709, 8650, 284], [2701, 8672, 283], [2701, 8702, 282], [2701, 8732, 281], [2708, 8769, 281], [2709, 8800, 281], [2701, 8822, 280], [2701, 8852, 280], [2703, 8884, 279], [2704, 8915, 279], [2704, 8945, 278], [2709, 8980, 278], [2704, 9005, 278], [2702, 9033, 277], [2702, 9063, 277], [2701, 9092, 276], [2702, 9123, 276], [2709, 9160, 276], [2701, 9182, 276], [2701, 9212, 275], [2708, 9249, 275], [2708, 9279, 274], [2701, 9302, 274], [2701, 9332, 273], [2709, 9370, 273], [2703, 9394, 273], [2708, 9429, 272], [2702, 9453, 272], [2705, 9486, 272], [2701, 9512, 271], [2701, 9542, 271], [2703, 9574, 270], [2701, 9602, 270], [2836, 9767, 269], [2709, 9670, 269], [2702, 9693, 269], [2836, 9857, 269], [2708, 9759, 268], [2709, 9790, 268], [2708, 9819, 268], [2702, 9843, 268], [2695, 9866, 267], [2702, 9903, 267], [2701, 9932, 266], [2701, 9962, 266], [2701, 9992, 265], [2702, 10023, 265], [2703, 10054, 265], [2702, 10083, 264], [2702, 10113, 263], [2709, 10149, 263], [2701, 10171, 263], [2701, 10201, 263], [2700, 10230, 262], [2701, 10261, 262], [2708, 10298, 261], [2709, 10329, 261], [2708, 10358, 261], [2702, 10382, 261], [2702, 10412, 261], [2710, 10450, 260], [2702, 10472, 260], [2709, 10509, 260], [2701, 10531, 260], [2701, 10561, 259], [2710, 10600, 259], [2701, 10621, 259], [2709, 10659, 258], [2702, 10682, 258], [2701, 10711, 257], [2701, 10741, 257], [2701, 10771, 256], [2701, 10801, 256], [2571, 10701, 255], [2529, 10689, 255], [2529, 10719, 254], [2701, 10921, 254], [2702, 10952, 254], [2702, 10982, 254], [2709, 11019, 254], [2695, 11035, 253], [2701, 11071, 252], [2631, 11031, 252], [2589, 11019, 252], [2564, 11024, 251], [2530, 11020, 251], [2838, 11358, 250], [2840, 11390, 250], [2836, 11416, 250], [2798, 11408, 250], [2717, 11357, 250], [2709, 11379, 250], [2708, 11408, 250], [2701, 11431, 250], [2708, 11468, 249], [2708, 11498, 249], [2840, 11660, 249], [2840, 11690, 250], [2838, 11718, 250], [2839, 11749, 250], [2840, 11780, 250], [2841, 11811, 250], [2840, 11840, 250], [2840, 11870, 250], [2841, 11901, 250], [2838, 11928, 250], [2837, 11957, 250], [2801, 11951, 250], [2771, 11951, 250], [2742, 11952, 250], [2711, 11951, 250], [2701, 11971, 250], [2701, 12001, 249], [2701, 12031, 249], [2700, 12060, 248], [2571, 11961, 248], [2570, 11990, 248], [2529, 11979, 247], [2702, 12182, 247], [2701, 12211, 247], [2704, 12244, 246], [2838, 12408, 246], [2837, 12437, 246], [2708, 12338, 246], [2841, 12501, 246], [2840, 12530, 246], [2841, 12561, 246], [2836, 12586, 246], [2840, 12620, 246], [2840, 12650, 246], [2838, 12678, 246], [2839, 12709, 246], [2841, 12741, 246], [2840, 12770, 247], [2838, 12798, 247], [2829, 12819, 246], [2797, 12817, 246], [2709, 12759, 246], [2709, 12789, 246], [2708, 12818, 246], [2679, 12819, 246], [2649, 12819, 245], [2598, 12798, 245], [2578, 12808, 245], [2559, 12819, 245], [2529, 12819, 244], [2526, 12819, 244], [2526, 12819, 243], [2526, 12819, 242], [2526, 12819, 242], [2526, 12819, 241], [2526, 12819, 240], [2479, 12818, 234], [2170, 12809, 233], [1878, 12817, 232], [1559, 12798, 229], [1277, 12816, 227], [980, 12819, 226], [689, 12819, 222], [389, 12819, 219], [89, 12819, 215]], 'time_in_bucket': [920, 10, 8, 9, 17, 12, 14, 15, 14, 4, 9, 6, 14, 14, 18, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 4, 8, 8, 6, 13, 11, 19, 15, 13, 10, 14, 6, 10, 7, 10, 4, 7, 3, 5, 10, 9, 9, 6, 11, 11, 9, 12, 13, 5, 12, 21, 9, 15, 17, 13, 14, 8, 13, 8, 10, 8, 15, 12, 8, 10, 25, 14, 22, 7, 14, 15, 19, 17, 15, 13, 14, 15, 14, 24, 26, 23, 28, 19, 27, 21, 17, 19, 27, 25, 14, 16, 18, 26, 20, 26, 17, 20, 21, 22, 32, 25, 19, 23, 25, 25, 30, 30, 29, 33, 22, 36, 29, 25, 23, 29, 23, 31, 37, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 27, 25, 33, 24, 31, 35, 32, 32, 31, 29, 43, 21, 34, 35, 30, 25, 36, 33, 27, 35, 51, 34, 37, 29, 25, 31, 30, 33, 33, 23, 27, 34, 37, 32, 33, 41, 37, 32, 36, 15, 35, 23, 23, 36, 24, 36, 30, 25, 19, 40, 33, 40, 31, 23, 32, 27, 21, 27, 34, 28, 31, 25, 22, 29, 29, 32, 23, 29, 30, 25, 33, 33, 36, 26, 45, 28, 36, 31, 19, 27, 26, 46, 33, 35, 32, 31, 32, 21, 27, 48, 30, 29, 37, 37, 32, 38, 43, 38, 27, 36, 50, 36, 38, 37, 40, 45, 42, 44, 30, 45, 35, 38, 46, 40, 48, 42, 48, 47, 40, 34, 39, 39, 47, 38, 41, 39, 41, 28, 46, 43, 41, 44, 32, 36, 36, 42, 34, 35, 43, 36, 27, 49, 46, 32, 51, 37, 35, 25, 36, 19, 36, 36, 27, 36, 25, 36, 38, 29, 34, 24, 28, 30, 40, 33, 42, 33, 37, 25, 28, 42, 43, 33, 28, 27, 34, 20, 30, 25, 29, 20, 28, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, 16, 28, 22, 22, 25, 28, 22, 25, 17, 24, 25, 23, 18, 21, 24, 19, 22, 33, 15, 20, 24, 26, 25, 18, 27, 29, 26, 21, 25, 22, 30, 16, 24, 28, 29, 19, 36, 26, 32, 16, 33, 28, 34, 36, 30, 22, 28, 28, 21, 27, 23, 25, 32, 29, 20, 32, 21, 29, 22, 28, 22, 20, 27, 27, 31, 25, 34, 26, 27, 31, 26, 27, 31, 37, 21, 34, 38, 33, 26, 30, 30, 23, 28, 30, 26, 36, 26, 29, 29, 29, 31, 27, 34, 23, 20, 24, 28, 21, 25, 28, 27, 24, 27, 25, 20, 21, 27, 13, 22, 19, 17, 15, 24, 14, 23, 18, 18, 21, 17, 17, 14, 18, 17, 20, 13, 22, 14, 13, 13, 11, 20, 11, 15, 10, 15, 10, 16, 8, 16, 6, 12, 14, 15, 8, 12, 14, 10, 10, 5, 12, 12, 10, 4, 5, 17, 6, 13, 6, 11, 8, 8, 3, 8, 7, 7, 8, 3, 6, 5, 2, 4, 3, 6, 4, 1, 9, 5, 3, 6, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 4, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 6, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], 'time_in_zone': [6055, 2938, 1501, 1588, 643, 97, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3726172650'}
{'weighted_power': 284, 'training_load': 232, 'max_watts': 600, 'relative_intensity': 70, 'cp_data': [[6925, 6925, 600], [6924, 6925, 587], [6924, 6926, 580], [6923, 6926, 566], [6922, 6926, 549], [6921, 6926, 542], [6920, 6926, 543], [6920, 6927, 529], [6920, 6928, 508], [2935, 2944, 488], [2941, 2951, 491], [2941, 2952, 491], [2940, 2952, 491], [2938, 2951, 491], [2938, 2952, 492], [2937, 2952, 492], [2936, 2952, 489], [2935, 2952, 487], [2934, 2952, 484], [2933, 2952, 482], [2931, 2951, 483], [2930, 2951, 484], [2930, 2952, 484], [2929, 2952, 484], [2929, 2953, 482], [2928, 2953, 479], [2928, 2954, 476], [2928, 2955, 473], [2929, 2957, 472], [2929, 2958, 471], [2929, 2959, 471], [2929, 2960, 470], [2930, 2962, 470], [2929, 2962, 470], [2929, 2963, 470], [2929, 2964, 469], [2930, 2966, 469], [2929, 2966, 470], [2929, 2967, 469], [2929, 2968, 468], [2929, 2969, 468], [2929, 2970, 467], [2929, 2971, 466], [2937, 2980, 466], [2937, 2981, 467], [2929, 2974, 467], [2929, 2975, 466], [2929, 2976, 466], [2929, 2977, 467], [2929, 2978, 467], [2930, 2980, 467], [2929, 2980, 467], [2929, 2981, 467], [2929, 2982, 467], [2928, 2982, 466], [2928, 2983, 464], [2929, 2985, 464], [2929, 2986, 464], [2929, 2987, 463], [2929, 2988, 463], [2929, 2989, 463], [2929, 2990, 463], [2929, 2991, 462], [2929, 2992, 462], [2929, 2993, 462], [2929, 2994, 462], [2929, 2995, 462], [2928, 2995, 461], [2928, 2996, 461], [2927, 2996, 458], [2928, 2998, 456], [2929, 3000, 456], [2929, 3001, 455], [2929, 3002, 455], [2928, 3002, 454], [2928, 3003, 453], [2928, 3004, 451], [2928, 3005, 449], [2928, 3006, 448], [2929, 3008, 448], [2928, 3008, 448], [2928, 3009, 446], [2927, 3009, 445], [2928, 3011, 442], [2928, 3012, 442], [2928, 3013, 441], [2928, 3014, 441], [2928, 3015, 440], [2928, 3016, 439], [2929, 3018, 439], [2929, 3019, 439], [2929, 3020, 439], [2928, 3020, 438], [2929, 3022, 438], [2929, 3023, 438], [2928, 3023, 438], [2928, 3024, 438], [2928, 3025, 437], [2928, 3026, 436], [2929, 3028, 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3282, 386], [2927, 3286, 386], [2929, 3293, 386], [2928, 3297, 386], [2928, 3302, 386], [2929, 3308, 387], [2927, 3311, 387], [2929, 3318, 387], [2925, 3319, 386], [2928, 3327, 386], [2928, 3332, 386], [2928, 3337, 386], [2928, 3342, 386], [2918, 3337, 384], [2919, 3343, 384], [2928, 3357, 383], [2928, 3362, 383], [2928, 3367, 383], [2928, 3372, 383], [2928, 3377, 383], [2928, 3382, 383], [2928, 3387, 383], [2929, 3393, 382], [2925, 3394, 382], [2928, 3402, 382], [2929, 3408, 381], [2928, 3412, 382], [2928, 3417, 382], [2928, 3422, 382], [2928, 3427, 382], [2928, 3432, 382], [2928, 3437, 382], [2928, 3442, 382], [2928, 3447, 382], [2928, 3452, 381], [2928, 3457, 381], [2928, 3462, 381], [2928, 3467, 380], [2928, 3472, 380], [2925, 3474, 380], [2928, 3482, 379], [2928, 3487, 379], [2928, 3492, 379], [2928, 3497, 379], [2928, 3502, 378], [2928, 3507, 378], [2928, 3512, 378], [2927, 3516, 378], [2927, 3521, 377], [2928, 3527, 377], [2928, 3532, 377], [2927, 3536, 376], [2929, 3543, 376], [2928, 3547, 376], [2928, 3552, 376], [2928, 3557, 375], [2918, 3552, 375], [2919, 3558, 374], [2928, 3572, 374], [2929, 3578, 374], [2935, 3589, 375], [2929, 3588, 376], [2929, 3593, 376], [2929, 3598, 377], [2929, 3603, 377], [2929, 3608, 377], [2928, 3612, 378], [2927, 3616, 377], [2919, 3613, 377], [2925, 3624, 376], [2927, 3631, 376], [2927, 3636, 376], [2928, 3642, 376], [2928, 3647, 375], [2919, 3643, 375], [2928, 3657, 375], [2928, 3662, 374], [2918, 3657, 374], [2919, 3663, 374], [2928, 3677, 373], [2925, 3679, 373], [2919, 3678, 373], [2928, 3692, 372], [2928, 3697, 372], [2927, 3701, 372], [2928, 3707, 372], [2928, 3712, 372], [2928, 3717, 371], [2928, 3722, 371], [2928, 3727, 371], [2928, 3732, 371], [2928, 3737, 371], [2928, 3742, 371], [2928, 3747, 371], [2928, 3752, 371], [2928, 3757, 371], [2928, 3762, 370], [2918, 3757, 370], [2919, 3763, 370], [2918, 3767, 369], [2918, 3772, 369], [2919, 3778, 368], [2926, 3790, 367], [2928, 3797, 367], [2924, 3798, 367], [2919, 3798, 367], [2921, 3805, 366], [2917, 3806, 366], [2918, 3812, 366], [2919, 3818, 365], [2919, 3823, 365], [2918, 3827, 364], [2927, 3841, 364], [2921, 3840, 364], [2927, 3851, 364], [2928, 3857, 364], [2927, 3861, 363], [2927, 3866, 363], [2928, 3872, 363], [2928, 3877, 363], [2927, 3881, 363], [2928, 3887, 364], [2928, 3892, 363], [2929, 3898, 363], [2928, 3902, 363], [2928, 3907, 363], [2928, 3912, 363], [2929, 3918, 363], [2928, 3922, 364], [2928, 3927, 364], [2927, 3931, 364], [2927, 3936, 364], [2927, 3941, 364], [2927, 3946, 364], [2928, 3952, 364], [2928, 3957, 364], [2928, 3962, 364], [2918, 3957, 364], [2918, 3962, 363], [2919, 3968, 363], [2919, 3973, 362], [2918, 3977, 362], [2919, 3983, 362], [2928, 3997, 362], [2925, 3999, 361], [2927, 4006, 361], [2928, 4012, 361], [2928, 4017, 361], [2928, 4022, 361], [2937, 4036, 361], [2930, 4034, 362], [2929, 4038, 362], [2929, 4043, 362], [2929, 4048, 363], [2929, 4053, 363], [2929, 4058, 363], [2929, 4063, 363], [2929, 4068, 363], [2929, 4073, 363], [2925, 4074, 363], [2928, 4082, 363], [2928, 4087, 363], [2918, 4082, 363], [2919, 4088, 363], [2928, 4102, 362], [2928, 4107, 362], [2928, 4112, 362], [2928, 4117, 362], [2927, 4121, 362], [2928, 4127, 362], [2928, 4132, 362], [2928, 4137, 362], [2927, 4141, 362], [2928, 4147, 362], [2928, 4152, 362], [2927, 4156, 362], [2928, 4162, 362], [2928, 4167, 361], [2928, 4172, 361], [2928, 4177, 361], [2929, 4183, 362], [2929, 4188, 362], [2929, 4193, 362], [2929, 4198, 363], [2929, 4203, 363], [2929, 4208, 363], [2929, 4213, 364], [2929, 4218, 364], [2928, 4222, 364], [2929, 4228, 364], [2928, 4232, 365], [2929, 4238, 365], [2929, 4243, 365], [2928, 4247, 365], [2919, 4243, 364], [2919, 4248, 364], [2920, 4254, 364], [2918, 4257, 364], [2918, 4262, 364], [2918, 4267, 363], [2919, 4273, 363], [2918, 4277, 363], [2918, 4282, 362], [2919, 4288, 362], [2929, 4303, 362], [2925, 4304, 362], [2928, 4312, 362], [2928, 4317, 361], [2928, 4322, 361], [2928, 4327, 361], [2927, 4331, 361], [2928, 4337, 361], [2928, 4342, 361], [2928, 4347, 361], [2925, 4349, 361], [2927, 4356, 361], [2928, 4362, 361], [2928, 4367, 360], [2919, 4363, 360], [2920, 4369, 360], [2927, 4381, 360], [2928, 4387, 360], [2928, 4392, 360], [2919, 4388, 360], [2928, 4402, 360], [2928, 4407, 359], [2928, 4412, 359], [2928, 4417, 359], [2919, 4413, 359], [2928, 4427, 359], [2924, 4428, 359], [2928, 4437, 359], [2929, 4443, 359], [2925, 4444, 359], [2928, 4452, 359], [2928, 4457, 359], [2919, 4453, 359], [2927, 4466, 358], [2928, 4472, 358], [2918, 4467, 358], [2918, 4472, 358], [2919, 4478, 358], [2928, 4492, 358], [2928, 4497, 358], [2928, 4502, 358], [2928, 4507, 358], [2928, 4512, 358], [2928, 4517, 358], [2928, 4522, 358], [2928, 4527, 358], [2927, 4531, 358], [2927, 4536, 358], [2928, 4542, 358], [2928, 4547, 358], [2927, 4551, 358], [2928, 4557, 357], [2928, 4562, 357], [2927, 4566, 357], [2928, 4572, 357], [2928, 4577, 357], [2925, 4579, 357], [2919, 4578, 357], [2919, 4583, 357], [2918, 4587, 357], [2918, 4592, 357], [2919, 4598, 356], [2919, 4603, 356], [2919, 4608, 356], [2928, 4622, 356], [2927, 4626, 356], [2928, 4632, 356], [2928, 4637, 356], [2928, 4642, 356], [2919, 4638, 356], [2919, 4643, 356], [2927, 4656, 356], [2928, 4662, 355], [2928, 4667, 355], [2918, 4662, 355], [2919, 4668, 355], [2928, 4682, 355], [2922, 4681, 355], [2918, 4682, 355], [2928, 4697, 355], [2928, 4702, 355], [2919, 4698, 355], [2928, 4712, 355], [2928, 4717, 355], [2919, 4713, 355], [2930, 4729, 355], [2929, 4758, 355], [2928, 4787, 356], [2919, 4808, 355], [2919, 4838, 355], [2919, 4868, 354], [2925, 4904, 353], [2927, 4936, 353], [2928, 4967, 352], [2928, 4997, 352], [2919, 5018, 352], [2922, 5051, 351], [2928, 5087, 351], [2929, 5118, 351], [2925, 5144, 351], [2928, 5177, 350], [2927, 5206, 350], [2928, 5237, 351], [2918, 5257, 350], [2928, 5297, 350], [2919, 5318, 349], [2929, 5358, 350], [2927, 5386, 350], [2919, 5408, 350], [2906, 5425, 348], [2928, 5477, 348], [2924, 5503, 348], [2928, 5537, 348], [2919, 5558, 347], [2928, 5597, 347], [2918, 5617, 347], [2925, 5654, 346], [2918, 5677, 346], [2928, 5717, 345], [2918, 5737, 345], [2928, 5777, 345], [2918, 5797, 344], [2926, 5835, 344], [2919, 5858, 344], [2918, 5887, 343], [2919, 5918, 343], [2929, 5958, 344], [2927, 5986, 345], [2919, 6008, 344], [2928, 6047, 344], [2919, 6068, 344], [2919, 6098, 343], [2928, 6137, 343], [2928, 6167, 344], [2920, 6189, 344], [2927, 6226, 343], [2928, 6257, 343], [2919, 6278, 343], [2928, 6317, 342], [2928, 6347, 342], [2918, 6367, 342], [2926, 6405, 342], [2928, 6437, 341], [2919, 6458, 341], [2919, 6488, 341], [2929, 6528, 340], [2929, 6558, 341], [2927, 6586, 341], [2919, 6608, 341], [2928, 6647, 341], [2928, 6677, 341], [2920, 6699, 341], [2929, 6738, 341], [2919, 6758, 340], [2919, 6788, 340], [2928, 6827, 340], [2919, 6848, 340], [2928, 6887, 339], [2919, 6908, 339], [2928, 6947, 339], [2928, 6977, 338], [2918, 6997, 338], [2919, 7028, 338], [2927, 7066, 337], [2918, 7087, 337], [2918, 7117, 337], [2929, 7158, 337], [2927, 7186, 338], [2896, 7185, 337], [2927, 7246, 337], [2927, 7276, 337], [2918, 7297, 336], [2928, 7337, 336], [2919, 7358, 336], [2925, 7394, 336], [2927, 7426, 336], [2928, 7457, 336], [2928, 7487, 336], [2928, 7517, 336], [2927, 7546, 336], [2918, 7567, 336], [2918, 7597, 335], [2927, 7636, 335], [2918, 7657, 335], [2919, 7688, 335], [2919, 7718, 335], [2925, 7754, 335], [2927, 7786, 335], [2919, 7808, 335], [2919, 7838, 335], [2895, 7844, 334], [2928, 7907, 334], [2928, 7937, 334], [2918, 7957, 334], [2918, 7987, 334], [2918, 8017, 334], [2919, 8048, 334], [2927, 8086, 333], [2928, 8117, 333], [2927, 8146, 333], [2928, 8177, 333], [2927, 8206, 333], [2928, 8237, 333], [2928, 8267, 333], [2928, 8297, 333], [2919, 8318, 333], [2929, 8358, 333], [2928, 8387, 333], [2928, 8417, 333], [2922, 8441, 333], [2928, 8477, 333], [2928, 8507, 333], [2928, 8537, 333], [2918, 8557, 333], [2925, 8594, 333], [2918, 8617, 333], [2919, 8648, 333], [2919, 8678, 333], [2928, 8717, 333], [2927, 8746, 333], [2920, 8769, 333], [2928, 8806, 333], [2925, 8833, 333], [2928, 8866, 333], [2921, 8889, 333], [2918, 8916, 332], [2919, 8947, 332], [2929, 8987, 332], [2928, 9016, 333], [2919, 9037, 333], [2919, 9067, 333], [2918, 9096, 332], [2918, 9126, 332], [2928, 9166, 332], [2918, 9186, 332], [2919, 9217, 332], [2918, 9246, 332], [2927, 9285, 332], [2927, 9315, 332], [2922, 9340, 332], [2927, 9375, 332], [2918, 9396, 332], [2919, 9427, 332], [2918, 9456, 332], [2919, 9487, 332], [2927, 9525, 332], [2919, 9547, 332], [2928, 9586, 332], [2929, 9617, 332], [2920, 9638, 332], [2929, 9677, 332], [2928, 9706, 332], [2927, 9735, 332], [2928, 9766, 332], [2928, 9796, 332], [2929, 9827, 332], [2928, 9856, 332], [2928, 9886, 332], [2918, 9906, 332], [2927, 9945, 332], [2919, 9967, 332], [2927, 10005, 332], [2919, 10027, 332], [2918, 10056, 332], [2918, 10086, 332], [2927, 10125, 332], [2925, 10153, 332], [2927, 10185, 332], [2927, 10215, 332], [2928, 10246, 332], [2928, 10276, 332], [2927, 10305, 332], [2904, 10312, 332], [2893, 10331, 331], [2881, 10349, 330], [2813, 10311, 329], [2787, 10315, 328], [2756, 10314, 327], [2724, 10312, 327], [2694, 10312, 326], [2664, 10312, 325], [2656, 10334, 324], [2703, 10411, 323], [2687, 10425, 323], [2657, 10425, 322], [2650, 10448, 321], [2651, 10479, 319], [2649, 10507, 318], [2648, 10523, 317], [2918, 10827, 317], [2918, 10857, 316], [2918, 10887, 316], [2918, 10917, 316], [2918, 10947, 315], [2918, 10977, 315], [2918, 11007, 315], [2918, 11037, 315], [2894, 11043, 314], [2918, 11097, 314], [2918, 11127, 314], [2918, 11157, 314], [2918, 11187, 313], [2918, 11217, 313], [2918, 11247, 313], [2918, 11277, 313], [2918, 11307, 312], [2918, 11337, 312], [2918, 11367, 312], [2918, 11397, 311], [2918, 11427, 311], [2918, 11457, 311], [2918, 11487, 311], [2918, 11517, 310], [2918, 11547, 310], [2918, 11577, 310], [2918, 11607, 310], [2918, 11637, 309], [2918, 11667, 309], [2918, 11697, 309], [2918, 11727, 309], [2918, 11757, 308], [2918, 11787, 308], [2918, 11817, 308], [2918, 11847, 308], [2894, 11853, 307], [2893, 11882, 307], [2894, 11913, 307], [2918, 11967, 306], [2918, 11997, 306], [2918, 12027, 306], [2918, 12057, 306], [2918, 12087, 305], [2918, 12117, 305], [2918, 12147, 305], [2918, 12177, 305], [2918, 12207, 305], [2918, 12237, 305], [2918, 12267, 305], [2918, 12297, 304], [2918, 12327, 304], [2918, 12357, 304], [2918, 12387, 304], [2918, 12417, 304], [2918, 12447, 304], [2918, 12477, 304], [2918, 12507, 303], [2918, 12537, 303], [2894, 12543, 303], [2918, 12597, 303], [2918, 12627, 303], [2918, 12657, 303], [2918, 12687, 303], [2918, 12717, 302], [2918, 12747, 302], [2918, 12777, 302], [2918, 12807, 302], [2918, 12837, 302], [2918, 12867, 302], [2918, 12897, 302], [2918, 12927, 301], [2918, 12957, 301], [2918, 12987, 301], [2917, 13016, 301], [2894, 13023, 301], [2893, 13052, 300], [2863, 13052, 300], [2797, 13016, 299], [2797, 13046, 299], [2768, 13047, 298], [2703, 13012, 298], [2704, 13043, 297], [2682, 13051, 297], [2652, 13051, 296], [2648, 13052, 295], [2648, 13052, 295], [2648, 13052, 294], [2648, 13052, 293], [2648, 13052, 292], [2648, 13052, 291], [2648, 13052, 290], [2648, 13052, 290], [2637, 13052, 289], [2565, 13010, 288], [2565, 13040, 288], [2510, 13015, 288], [2510, 13045, 287], [2212, 13047, 285], [1912, 13047, 281], [1576, 13011, 278], [1312, 13047, 274], [1012, 13047, 271], [717, 13052, 266], [411, 13046, 262], [117, 13052, 257], [0, 13062, 251], [0, 13062, 246], [2918, 16412, 245], [2798, 16592, 245], [2648, 16599, 241], [2458, 16598, 238], [2158, 16598, 237], [1859, 16599, 235], [1552, 16592, 234], [1259, 16599, 232], [959, 16599, 230], [659, 16599, 227], [359, 16599, 225], [59, 16599, 221]], 'time_in_bucket': [1988, 13, 19, 17, 16, 33, 26, 26, 11, 22, 23, 20, 20, 16, 22, 18, 22, 18, 10, 9, 11, 17, 12, 11, 6, 11, 14, 8, 9, 12, 11, 6, 5, 7, 7, 12, 13, 15, 10, 11, 6, 13, 9, 10, 10, 7, 17, 10, 8, 10, 14, 14, 14, 9, 13, 5, 14, 11, 9, 9, 5, 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1], 'time_in_zone': [6606, 4545, 2362, 2381, 619, 89, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3716923663'}
{'weighted_power': 247, 'training_load': 200, 'max_watts': 640, 'relative_intensity': 61, 'cp_data': [[9672, 9672, 640], [9671, 9672, 605], [9671, 9673, 574], [9671, 9674, 559], [9671, 9675, 515], [2345, 2350, 493], [2345, 2351, 490], [2344, 2351, 484], [2343, 2351, 478], [2342, 2351, 472], [2341, 2351, 465], [2340, 2351, 459], [2339, 2351, 455], [2338, 2351, 450], [2337, 2351, 446], [2336, 2351, 443], [2335, 2351, 441], [2334, 2351, 438], [2333, 2351, 434], [2332, 2351, 427], [2331, 2351, 422], [2330, 2351, 420], [2329, 2351, 419], [2328, 2351, 418], [2327, 2351, 417], [2326, 2351, 415], [2325, 2351, 410], [2324, 2351, 406], [2323, 2351, 404], [2322, 2351, 403], [2321, 2351, 403], [2320, 2351, 403], [2319, 2351, 400], [2318, 2351, 398], [2317, 2351, 397], [2316, 2351, 397], [2315, 2351, 397], [2314, 2351, 397], [2313, 2351, 395], [2313, 2352, 392], [2311, 2351, 389], [2310, 2351, 387], [2309, 2351, 385], [11477, 11520, 384], [11476, 11520, 385], [11475, 11520, 385], [11474, 11520, 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8034, 333], [7697, 8041, 332], [7699, 8048, 333], [7699, 8053, 333], [7698, 8057, 333], [7697, 8061, 332], [7699, 8068, 333], [7699, 8073, 333], [7699, 8078, 333], [7697, 8081, 333], [7696, 8085, 332], [7699, 8093, 331], [7697, 8096, 331], [7699, 8103, 331], [7698, 8107, 331], [7698, 8112, 331], [7699, 8118, 330], [7698, 8122, 330], [7697, 8126, 330], [7695, 8129, 329], [7697, 8136, 328], [7697, 8141, 328], [7699, 8148, 328], [7699, 8153, 328], [7699, 8158, 328], [7697, 8161, 328], [7697, 8166, 328], [7695, 8169, 327], [7695, 8174, 326], [7697, 8181, 324], [7699, 8188, 324], [7699, 8193, 324], [7697, 8196, 324], [7697, 8201, 323], [7697, 8206, 323], [7699, 8213, 322], [7699, 8218, 323], [7699, 8223, 323], [7699, 8228, 323], [7697, 8231, 323], [7699, 8238, 323], [7699, 8243, 323], [7698, 8247, 323], [7695, 8249, 323], [7696, 8255, 322], [7696, 8260, 321], [7695, 8264, 320], [7697, 8271, 319], [7696, 8275, 319], [7696, 8280, 318], [7696, 8285, 317], [7695, 8289, 316], [7696, 8295, 315], [7695, 8299, 315], [7696, 8305, 314], [7695, 8309, 313], [7698, 8317, 313], [7697, 8321, 313], [7698, 8327, 312], [7699, 8333, 313], [7699, 8338, 313], [7699, 8343, 313], [7698, 8347, 313], [7699, 8353, 313], [7698, 8357, 313], [7697, 8361, 313], [7697, 8366, 313], [7699, 8373, 313], [7699, 8378, 313], [7698, 8382, 314], [7698, 8387, 314], [7696, 8390, 313], [7698, 8397, 313], [7698, 8402, 313], [7697, 8406, 313], [7695, 8409, 313], [7697, 8416, 312], [7698, 8422, 312], [7696, 8425, 312], [7697, 8431, 312], [7699, 8438, 312], [7699, 8443, 312], [7696, 8445, 312], [7699, 8453, 312], [7696, 8455, 312], [7698, 8462, 312], [7698, 8467, 312], [7699, 8473, 311], [7699, 8478, 312], [7696, 8480, 312], [7699, 8488, 311], [7699, 8493, 312], [7698, 8497, 312], [7696, 8500, 312], [7696, 8505, 311], [7697, 8511, 311], [7697, 8516, 311], [7695, 8519, 310], [7698, 8527, 310], [7698, 8532, 310], [7695, 8534, 309], [7699, 8543, 310], [7697, 8546, 310], [7699, 8553, 310], [7699, 8558, 310], [7699, 8563, 310], [7697, 8566, 311], [7699, 8573, 311], [7696, 8575, 310], [7697, 8581, 311], [7699, 8588, 310], [7695, 8589, 310], [7696, 8595, 310], [7695, 8599, 309], [7697, 8606, 309], [7694, 8608, 309], [7696, 8615, 308], [7697, 8621, 308], [7696, 8625, 308], [7696, 8630, 307], [7696, 8635, 307], [7696, 8640, 306], [7699, 8648, 306], [7697, 8651, 306], [7696, 8655, 306], [7695, 8659, 306], [7696, 8665, 305], [7699, 8673, 305], [7698, 8677, 305], [7697, 8681, 305], [7697, 8686, 304], [7695, 8689, 304], [7505, 8504, 303], [7507, 8511, 303], [7556, 8565, 303], [7559, 8573, 303], [7555, 8574, 303], [7556, 8580, 303], [7552, 8581, 303], [7555, 8589, 303], [7550, 8589, 303], [7521, 8565, 303], [7516, 8565, 303], [7519, 8573, 303], [7515, 8574, 303], [7509, 8573, 303], [7505, 8574, 303], [7508, 8582, 303], [7509, 8588, 303], [7505, 8589, 303], [7505, 8594, 303], [7502, 8596, 302], [7508, 8607, 302], [7503, 8607, 302], [7498, 8607, 302], [7504, 8618, 301], [7504, 8623, 301], [7504, 8628, 301], [7503, 8632, 301], [7433, 8567, 300], [7435, 8574, 300], [7436, 8580, 300], [7433, 8582, 300], [7434, 8588, 300], [7431, 8590, 300], [7425, 8589, 300], [7425, 8594, 300], [7415, 8589, 300], [7415, 8594, 300], [7415, 8599, 299], [7415, 8604, 299], [7414, 8608, 299], [7415, 8614, 298], [7415, 8619, 298], [7415, 8624, 298], [7415, 8629, 298], [7432, 8651, 298], [7428, 8652, 298], [7427, 8656, 297], [7416, 8650, 297], [7415, 8654, 297], [7415, 8659, 297], [7434, 8683, 297], [7432, 8686, 296], [7427, 8686, 296], [7415, 8679, 296], [7415, 8684, 296], [7415, 8689, 296], [7414, 8693, 295], [7434, 8718, 295], [7429, 8718, 295], [7432, 8726, 294], [7415, 8714, 294], [7415, 8719, 294], [7415, 8724, 294], [7415, 8729, 294], [7415, 8734, 294], [7415, 8739, 293], [7415, 8744, 293], [7415, 8749, 293], [7415, 8754, 293], [7415, 8759, 292], [7415, 8764, 292], [7415, 8769, 292], [7415, 8774, 291], [7415, 8779, 291], [7415, 8784, 291], [7415, 8789, 291], [7415, 8794, 291], [7415, 8799, 290], [7415, 8804, 290], [7415, 8809, 290], [7415, 8814, 290], [7415, 8819, 289], [7415, 8824, 289], [7415, 8829, 289], [7415, 8834, 289], [7509, 8933, 289], [7504, 8933, 289], [7504, 8938, 288], [7503, 8942, 288], [7503, 8947, 288], [7433, 8882, 288], [7434, 8888, 288], [7415, 8874, 288], [7415, 8879, 287], [7436, 8905, 287], [7431, 8905, 287], [7426, 8905, 287], [7415, 8899, 287], [7416, 8905, 287], [7435, 8929, 287], [7434, 8933, 287], [7433, 8937, 287], [7428, 8937, 287], [7415, 8929, 287], [7415, 8934, 287], [7415, 8939, 287], [7415, 8944, 286], [7415, 8949, 286], [7415, 8954, 286], [7698, 9242, 286], [7697, 9246, 286], [7696, 9250, 286], [7694, 9253, 286], [7415, 8979, 285], [7505, 9074, 285], [7506, 9080, 285], [7503, 9082, 285], [7504, 9088, 285], [7415, 9004, 285], [7415, 9009, 285], [7415, 9014, 285], [11201, 12805, 285], [11196, 12805, 285], [11191, 12805, 285], [11186, 12805, 285], [11164, 12788, 285], [11165, 12794, 285], [11165, 12799, 285], [11166, 12805, 285], [11161, 12805, 285], [11156, 12805, 285], [11152, 12806, 285], [11146, 12805, 285], [11141, 12805, 285], [11441, 13110, 284], [11436, 13110, 285], [11431, 13110, 285], [11436, 13120, 285], [11431, 13120, 285], [11426, 13120, 285], [11421, 13120, 285], [11417, 13121, 284], [7508, 9217, 284], [7508, 9222, 284], [11426, 13145, 284], [11421, 13145, 284], [7515, 9244, 284], [7508, 9242, 284], [7508, 9247, 284], [7504, 9248, 284], [7502, 9251, 284], [11039, 12793, 284], [11039, 12798, 284], [11041, 12805, 284], [11036, 12805, 284], [11031, 12805, 284], [11026, 12805, 284], [11021, 12805, 284], [11016, 12805, 284], [11011, 12805, 284], [11006, 12805, 284], [10976, 12805, 284], [11251, 13110, 284], [11221, 13110, 284], [11201, 13120, 285], [11161, 13110, 285], [11141, 13120, 285], [11161, 13170, 284], [11082, 13121, 284], [11041, 13110, 284], [11022, 13121, 284], [10991, 13120, 284], [10987, 13146, 284], [10981, 13170, 284], [10952, 13171, 283], [10871, 13120, 283], [10841, 13120, 283], [10836, 13145, 283], [10832, 13171, 283], [10802, 13171, 282], [10834, 13233, 282], [10832, 13261, 281], [10835, 13294, 281], [10822, 13311, 281], [10839, 13358, 280], [10829, 13378, 280], [10821, 13400, 280], [10702, 13311, 280], [10698, 13337, 279], [10696, 13365, 279], [10701, 13400, 279], [10582, 13311, 278], [10552, 13311, 278], [10522, 13311, 278], [10492, 13311, 277], [10462, 13311, 277], [10520, 13399, 277], [10402, 13311, 276], [10459, 13398, 276], [10395, 13364, 276], [10400, 13399, 276], [10371, 13400, 275], [10341, 13400, 275], [10311, 13400, 274], [10281, 13400, 274], [10251, 13400, 273], [10232, 13411, 273], [10233, 13442, 272], [10232, 13471, 271], [10233, 13502, 270], [10170, 13469, 269], [10153, 13482, 268], [10144, 13503, 268], [10750, 14139, 267], [10711, 14130, 268], [10691, 14140, 267], [10660, 14139, 267], [10630, 14139, 267], [10591, 14130, 267], [10570, 14139, 267], [10541, 14140, 267], [10510, 14139, 267], [10480, 14139, 266], [10451, 14140, 266], [10420, 14139, 266], [10390, 14139, 266], [10361, 14140, 266], [10331, 14140, 265], [10301, 14140, 265], [10271, 14140, 265], [10240, 14139, 264], [10232, 14161, 264], [10232, 14191, 263], [10158, 14147, 262], [10156, 14175, 262], [10128, 14177, 261], [10095, 14174, 260], [10095, 14204, 259], [10095, 14234, 258], [9970, 14139, 257], [9970, 14169, 257], [9969, 14198, 256], [9965, 14224, 255], [9947, 14236, 253], [9917, 14236, 251], [9917, 14236, 250], [9868, 14192, 249], [9868, 14222, 248], [9840, 14224, 246], [9822, 14236, 245], [9791, 14235, 243], [9762, 14236, 241], [9720, 14224, 240], [9670, 14204, 239], [9969, 14577, 238], [9969, 14607, 237], [9965, 14633, 235], [9919, 14617, 234], [9869, 14542, 232], [9868, 14571, 232], [9868, 14601, 231], [9868, 14631, 229], [9840, 14633, 228], [9790, 14613, 227], [9788, 14641, 225], [7415, 12216, 225], [7415, 12246, 225], [7698, 12559, 225], [7695, 12586, 225], [7790, 12711, 226], [7763, 12714, 226], [7699, 12680, 227], [7699, 12710, 228], [7697, 12738, 228], [7697, 12768, 229], [7697, 12798, 229], [7696, 12827, 229], [7697, 12858, 229], [7696, 12887, 229], [7697, 12918, 230], [7697, 12948, 230], [7513, 12794, 230], [7508, 12819, 231], [7697, 13038, 231], [7731, 13102, 231], [7701, 13102, 232], [7697, 13128, 232], [7697, 13158, 232], [7695, 13186, 232], [7698, 13219, 233], [7697, 13248, 233], [7522, 13103, 233], [7509, 13120, 233], [7505, 13146, 234], [7500, 13171, 234], [7432, 13133, 234], [7415, 13146, 234], [7415, 13176, 234], [7504, 13295, 234], [7415, 13236, 234], [7434, 13285, 234], [7429, 13310, 235], [7415, 13326, 235], [7415, 13356, 235], [7428, 13399, 235], [7415, 13416, 235], [7341, 13372, 234], [7339, 13400, 235], [7338, 13429, 234], [7338, 13459, 234], [7143, 13294, 234], [7130, 13311, 234], [7132, 13343, 234], [7131, 13372, 234], [7129, 13400, 234], [7106, 13407, 234], [7076, 13407, 234], [7108, 13469, 234], [7009, 13400, 234], [6802, 13223, 233], [6792, 13243, 234], [6813, 13294, 234], [6797, 13308, 234], [6796, 13337, 234], [6793, 13364, 234], [6797, 13398, 234], [6782, 13413, 234], [6790, 13451, 234], [7438, 14129, 234], [7415, 14136, 234], [7415, 14166, 234], [7350, 14131, 234], [7336, 14147, 234], [7336, 14177, 233], [7268, 14139, 233], [7238, 14139, 233], [7209, 14140, 233], [7178, 14139, 233], [7139, 14130, 234], [7119, 14140, 234], [7107, 14158, 233], [7092, 14173, 233], [7028, 14139, 233], [6999, 14140, 233], [7001, 14172, 233], [6938, 14139, 233], [6908, 14139, 233], [6878, 14139, 233], [6848, 14139, 233], [6808, 14129, 233], [6789, 14140, 233], [6784, 14165, 233], [6782, 14193, 233], [6781, 14222, 232], [6765, 14236, 232], [6735, 14236, 231], [6700, 14231, 230], [6675, 14236, 229], [6645, 14236, 228], [6615, 14236, 227], [6584, 14235, 226], [6658, 14328, 225], [6781, 14481, 225], [6781, 14511, 224], [6782, 14542, 224], [6781, 14571, 223], [6781, 14601, 223], [6781, 14631, 222], [6753, 14633, 221], [6700, 14610, 221], [6700, 14640, 220], [6658, 14628, 219], [6648, 14648, 218], [6658, 14688, 217], [6655, 14715, 217], [6111, 14211, 216], [6080, 14210, 216], [6049, 14209, 215], [6020, 14210, 215], [5985, 14205, 214], [5960, 14210, 214], [5905, 14185, 214], [5894, 14204, 213], [4770, 13110, 214], [4750, 13120, 214], [4710, 13110, 214], [4690, 13120, 214], [4650, 13110, 215], [4620, 13110, 215], [4613, 13133, 215], [4620, 13170, 215], [4540, 13120, 215], [4560, 13170, 215], [4538, 13178, 216], [4609, 13279, 216], [4611, 13311, 216], [4564, 13294, 216], [4539, 13299, 216], [4539, 13329, 216], [4539, 13359, 216], [4544, 13394, 216], [4537, 13417, 216], [4539, 13449, 216], [4538, 13478, 216], [4537, 13507, 216], [4537, 13537, 216], [4538, 13568, 216], [4538, 13598, 215], [4539, 13629, 215], [4539, 13659, 215], [4539, 13689, 215], [4539, 13719, 215], [4539, 13749, 215], [4539, 13779, 216], [4539, 13809, 216], [4539, 13839, 216], [4539, 13869, 216], [4539, 13899, 216], [4539, 13929, 216], [4623, 14043, 216], [4680, 14130, 216], [4650, 14130, 217], [4620, 14130, 217], [4600, 14140, 217], [4560, 14130, 217], [4539, 14139, 217], [4539, 14169, 217], [4537, 14197, 217], [4534, 14224, 217], [4516, 14236, 216], [4486, 14236, 215], [4425, 14205, 215], [4369, 14179, 215], [4350, 14190, 214], [4341, 14211, 214], [4336, 14236, 214], [4306, 14236, 213], [4276, 14236, 212], [4195, 14185, 212], [4191, 14211, 212], [4186, 14236, 211], [4156, 14236, 211], [4126, 14236, 210], [4178, 14307, 209], [4148, 14307, 209], [4036, 14236, 208], [4344, 14563, 208], [4341, 14590, 208], [4336, 14615, 207], [4316, 14625, 206], [4195, 14534, 206], [4195, 14564, 206], [4195, 14594, 205], [4195, 14624, 205], [4173, 14632, 204], [4142, 14631, 204], [4177, 14696, 203], [4148, 14697, 203], [4045, 14624, 202], [3520, 14140, 202], [3489, 14139, 202], [2034, 12910, 204], [1994, 13170, 206], [1694, 13170, 207], [1395, 13171, 209], [1034, 13110, 210], [935, 13311, 211], [723, 13399, 212], [527, 13503, 212], [881, 14157, 213], [581, 14157, 213], [368, 14236, 211], [282, 14236, 207], [282, 14525, 203], [87, 14630, 200], [0, 14723, 196], [368, 15622, 193], [238, 15622, 190], [17, 15622, 187], [0, 15638, 183], [0, 15638, 180], [0, 15638, 177], [0, 15638, 174], [0, 15638, 171], [0, 15638, 168], [0, 15638, 165], [0, 15638, 163], [0, 15638, 160], [0, 15638, 158], [0, 15638, 155], [0, 15638, 153], [0, 15638, 150], [0, 15638, 148], [2017, 17388, 148], [2031, 17702, 150], [2012, 17983, 152], [1399, 17670, 153], [1028, 17599, 155], [887, 17758, 156], [883, 18054, 158], [614, 18085, 159], [368, 18139, 158], [258, 18107, 157], [47, 18117, 155], [5, 18329, 153]], 'time_in_bucket': [2633, 99, 79, 93, 58, 260, 137, 99, 65, 53, 27, 20, 22, 33, 23, 19, 32, 17, 21, 14, 12, 11, 13, 13, 10, 5, 11, 9, 18, 10, 11, 22, 9, 10, 6, 8, 7, 12, 14, 10, 6, 13, 20, 12, 10, 8, 16, 11, 7, 5, 8, 11, 6, 12, 8, 9, 9, 12, 13, 9, 19, 11, 9, 14, 12, 16, 18, 12, 12, 12, 8, 7, 17, 18, 9, 14, 10, 9, 11, 11, 13, 14, 12, 12, 12, 17, 16, 11, 12, 13, 14, 6, 16, 12, 13, 12, 13, 18, 9, 15, 18, 17, 17, 18, 18, 6, 24, 17, 10, 23, 12, 18, 13, 15, 16, 15, 10, 12, 8, 13, 19, 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{'weighted_power': 229, 'training_load': 57, 'max_watts': 778, 'relative_intensity': 57, 'cp_data': [[1462, 1462, 778], [1461, 1462, 765], [1460, 1462, 748], [1459, 1462, 711], [1458, 1462, 681], [1457, 1462, 663], [1457, 1463, 644], [5924, 5931, 634], [5924, 5932, 620], [5923, 5932, 604], [5923, 5933, 582], [5923, 5934, 563], [5923, 5935, 544], [1453, 1466, 529], [1453, 1467, 516], [5923, 5938, 503], [5923, 5939, 492], [5922, 5939, 480], [5921, 5939, 468], [5921, 5940, 457], [1613, 1633, 447], [1613, 1634, 445], [1613, 1635, 443], [1613, 1636, 441], [1613, 1637, 438], [1612, 1637, 434], [1702, 1728, 432], [1702, 1729, 433], [1703, 1731, 435], [1702, 1731, 436], [1701, 1731, 436], [1700, 1731, 435], [1700, 1732, 433], [1699, 1732, 429], [1698, 1732, 425], [1697, 1732, 420], [1696, 1732, 416], [1695, 1732, 413], [1694, 1732, 411], [1693, 1732, 407], [1700, 1740, 404], [1699, 1740, 402], [1698, 1740, 399], [1697, 1740, 396], [1696, 1740, 393], [1695, 1740, 391], [1694, 1740, 390], [1694, 1741, 387], [1692, 1740, 384], [1691, 1740, 381], [1690, 1740, 379], [1690, 1741, 376], [1689, 1741, 373], [1689, 1742, 368], [1689, 1743, 362], [5288, 5343, 358], [5287, 5343, 357], [5287, 5344, 353], [5284, 5342, 352], [5283, 5342, 351], [5282, 5342, 350], [5281, 5342, 350], [5281, 5343, 349], [5280, 5343, 347], [5279, 5343, 346], [5279, 5344, 343], [5282, 5348, 342], [5281, 5348, 341], [5281, 5349, 340], [5280, 5349, 339], [5279, 5349, 338], [5278, 5349, 335], [5276, 5348, 334], [5276, 5349, 333], [5275, 5349, 332], [5274, 5349, 331], [5273, 5349, 330], [5272, 5349, 328], [5271, 5349, 326], [5270, 5349, 324], [5269, 5349, 322], [2487, 2568, 321], [2489, 2571, 321], [2490, 2573, 322], [2490, 2574, 323], [2489, 2574, 323], [2488, 2574, 323], [2487, 2574, 322], [2486, 2574, 322], [2485, 2574, 322], [2485, 2575, 321], [2485, 2576, 320], [2489, 2581, 320], [2487, 2580, 319], [2487, 2581, 319], [2489, 2584, 319], [2489, 2585, 319], [2488, 2585, 319], [2487, 2585, 319], [2486, 2585, 319], 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[2286, 2544, 268], [2285, 2544, 268], [2284, 2544, 268], [2287, 2548, 268], [2287, 2549, 268], [2287, 2550, 268], [2294, 2558, 268], [2293, 2558, 269], [2292, 2558, 269], [2292, 2559, 269], [2291, 2559, 268], [2289, 2558, 269], [2288, 2558, 269], [2287, 2558, 269], [2294, 2566, 269], [2294, 2567, 269], [2293, 2567, 269], [2293, 2568, 270], [2293, 2569, 270], [2294, 2571, 270], [2295, 2573, 270], [2295, 2574, 270], [2294, 2574, 271], [2293, 2574, 271], [2292, 2574, 271], [2292, 2575, 271], [2291, 2575, 271], [2289, 2574, 271], [2288, 2574, 271], [2287, 2574, 271], [2287, 2575, 271], [2286, 2575, 271], [2294, 2584, 271], [2294, 2585, 272], [2293, 2585, 272], [2292, 2585, 272], [2293, 2587, 272], [2293, 2588, 272], [2293, 2589, 272], [2293, 2590, 272], [2293, 2591, 272], [2292, 2591, 272], [2287, 2591, 273], [2284, 2593, 272], [2279, 2593, 271], [2272, 2591, 271], [2270, 2594, 270], [2268, 2597, 269], [2269, 2603, 268], [2265, 2604, 266], [2260, 2604, 264], [4994, 5343, 263], [4988, 5342, 263], [4983, 5342, 263], [4979, 5343, 263], [4973, 5342, 264], [4969, 5343, 264], [4963, 5342, 264], [4959, 5343, 264], [4954, 5343, 264], [4948, 5342, 264], [4944, 5343, 264], [4938, 5342, 264], [4934, 5343, 265], [4928, 5342, 265], [4923, 5342, 265], [4918, 5342, 266], [4904, 5333, 266], [4908, 5342, 267], [4903, 5342, 267], [4898, 5342, 268], [4894, 5343, 268], [4889, 5343, 268], [4889, 5348, 267], [4885, 5349, 267], [4887, 5356, 266], [4883, 5357, 265], [4870, 5349, 264], [4865, 5349, 264], [4854, 5343, 264], [4855, 5349, 264], [4850, 5349, 264], [4851, 5355, 263], [4848, 5357, 262], [4828, 5342, 262], [4824, 5343, 262], [4825, 5349, 262], [4819, 5348, 261], [4815, 5349, 261], [4809, 5348, 260], [4805, 5349, 260], [4800, 5349, 260], [4795, 5349, 260], [4795, 5354, 259], [4794, 5358, 258], [4794, 5363, 257], [4785, 5359, 256], [4770, 5349, 256], [4766, 5350, 256], [4760, 5349, 255], [4760, 5354, 254], [4758, 5357, 254], [4728, 5332, 254], [4728, 5337, 255], [4728, 5342, 256], [4726, 5345, 256], [4725, 5349, 256], [4720, 5349, 255], [4708, 5342, 256], [4703, 5342, 256], [4691, 5335, 256], [4691, 5340, 257], [4689, 5343, 257], [4690, 5349, 257], [4685, 5349, 256], [4681, 5350, 256], [4675, 5349, 256], [4674, 5353, 255], [4674, 5358, 255], [4668, 5357, 254], [4669, 5363, 254], [4674, 5373, 253], [4669, 5373, 252], [4634, 5343, 252], [4634, 5348, 252], [4631, 5350, 252], [4625, 5349, 252], [4614, 5343, 251], [4614, 5348, 251], [4610, 5349, 251], [4605, 5349, 251], [4600, 5349, 251], [4595, 5349, 251], [4590, 5349, 250], [4592, 5356, 250], [4588, 5357, 250], [4584, 5358, 249], [4584, 5363, 249], [4589, 5373, 248], [4584, 5373, 247], [4579, 5373, 247], [4574, 5373, 246], [4569, 5373, 245], [4564, 5373, 245], [4543, 5357, 244], [4544, 5363, 244], [4539, 5363, 243], [4544, 5373, 243], [4539, 5373, 242], [1894, 2733, 241], [1894, 2738, 241], [1888, 2737, 241], [1918, 2772, 240], [1865, 2724, 241], [1864, 2728, 241], [1859, 2728, 241], [1857, 2731, 242], [1856, 2735, 242], [1848, 2732, 241], [1844, 2733, 241], [1844, 2738, 241], [1840, 2739, 240], [1865, 2769, 240], [1858, 2767, 241], [1857, 2771, 241], [1856, 2775, 241], [1848, 2772, 241], [1847, 2776, 241], [1842, 2776, 240], [1844, 2783, 240], [1830, 2774, 240], [1823, 2772, 240], [1821, 2775, 240], [1819, 2778, 239], [1820, 2784, 239], [1820, 2789, 238], [1820, 2794, 238], [1821, 2800, 237], [1820, 2804, 237], [1819, 2808, 236], [1815, 2809, 235], [1821, 2820, 235], [1572, 2576, 235], [1572, 2581, 235], [1572, 2586, 235], [1572, 2591, 235], [1568, 2592, 236], [1565, 2594, 236], [1558, 2592, 235], [1693, 2732, 235], [1689, 2733, 235], [1689, 2738, 235], [1520, 2574, 235], [1520, 2579, 235], [1520, 2584, 235], [1520, 2589, 236], [1518, 2592, 236], [1510, 2589, 236], [1507, 2591, 236], [1507, 2596, 236], [1507, 2601, 236], [1507, 2606, 235], [1487, 2591, 235], [1483, 2592, 236], [1453, 2567, 236], [1454, 2573, 236], [1450, 2574, 236], [1452, 2581, 236], [1451, 2585, 237], [1452, 2591, 237], [1449, 2593, 237], [1442, 2591, 237], [1439, 2593, 237], [1438, 2597, 237], [1430, 2594, 237], [1422, 2591, 237], [1420, 2594, 237], [1413, 2592, 237], [1413, 2597, 237], [1404, 2593, 237], [1403, 2597, 236], [1404, 2603, 236], [1394, 2598, 236], [1395, 2604, 236], [1383, 2597, 236], [1384, 2603, 235], [1508, 2732, 235], [1365, 2594, 235], [1364, 2598, 235], [1358, 2597, 235], [1487, 2731, 235], [1483, 2732, 235], [1518, 2772, 235], [1453, 2712, 235], [1453, 2717, 235], [1453, 2722, 236], [1453, 2727, 236], [1452, 2731, 236], [1449, 2733, 236], [1442, 2731, 236], [1438, 2732, 236], [1438, 2737, 236], [1429, 2733, 236], [1422, 2731, 236], [1420, 2734, 236], [1413, 2732, 236], [1449, 2773, 236], [1447, 2776, 236], [1439, 2773, 236], [1437, 2776, 236], [1431, 2775, 236], [1422, 2771, 236], [1421, 2775, 236], [1413, 2772, 236], [1412, 2776, 236], [1404, 2773, 236], [1402, 2776, 235], [1397, 2776, 235], [1394, 2778, 235], [1395, 2784, 235], [1382, 2776, 235], [1384, 2783, 235], [1369, 2773, 235], [1366, 2775, 235], [1361, 2775, 234], [1357, 2776, 234], [1350, 2774, 234], [1347, 2776, 234], [1338, 2772, 234], [1336, 2775, 234], [1333, 2777, 234], [1334, 2783, 234], [1330, 2784, 233], [1325, 2784, 233], [1336, 2800, 233], [1332, 2801, 232], [1334, 2808, 232], [1330, 2809, 232], [1324, 2808, 231], [1320, 2809, 231], [1097, 2591, 231], [1092, 2591, 231], [1088, 2592, 231], [1082, 2591, 231], [1080, 2594, 231], [1073, 2592, 231], [1073, 2597, 231], [1074, 2603, 230], [1070, 2604, 230], [1052, 2591, 230], [1049, 2593, 230], [1042, 2591, 230], [1040, 2594, 230], [1038, 2597, 230], [1039, 2603, 230], [1035, 2604, 230], [1018, 2592, 230], [1015, 2594, 230], [1013, 2597, 230], [1003, 2592, 230], [1003, 2597, 230], [1004, 2603, 230], [980, 2584, 229], [980, 2589, 230], [977, 2591, 230], [1098, 2717, 230], [1098, 2722, 230], [1098, 2727, 230], [1097, 2731, 231], [1093, 2732, 231], [1088, 2732, 231], [1083, 2732, 231], [1079, 2733, 231], [1073, 2732, 231], [1073, 2737, 230], [1098, 2767, 230], [1097, 2771, 231], [1096, 2775, 231], [1089, 2773, 231], [1083, 2772, 231], [1081, 2775, 231], [1073, 2772, 230], [1072, 2776, 230], [1074, 2783, 230], [1018, 2732, 230], [1053, 2772, 230], [1049, 2773, 230], [1042, 2771, 230], [1041, 2775, 230], [1037, 2776, 230], [1039, 2783, 230], [1035, 2784, 230], [1019, 2773, 230], [1016, 2775, 230], [1012, 2776, 230], [1004, 2773, 230], [1002, 2776, 230], [997, 2776, 230], [980, 2764, 229], [980, 2769, 230], [979, 2773, 230], [976, 2775, 230], [937, 2766, 229], [925, 2784, 229], [849, 2738, 228], [856, 2775, 228], [850, 2799, 227], [796, 2775, 226], [768, 2777, 226], [693, 2732, 227], [664, 2733, 226], [677, 2776, 226], [646, 2775, 226], [612, 2771, 226], [601, 2790, 225], [514, 2733, 225], [483, 2732, 225], [493, 2772, 225], [283, 2592, 225], [433, 2772, 225], [363, 2732, 225], [366, 2765, 225], [301, 2730, 225], [279, 2738, 225], [283, 2772, 225], [258, 2777, 225], [227, 2776, 225], [205, 2784, 224], [165, 2774, 223], [133, 2772, 223], [107, 2776, 223], [77, 2776, 223], [11, 2740, 223], [12, 2771, 223], [12, 2801, 222], [11, 2830, 221], [11, 2860, 221], [11, 2890, 219], [12, 2921, 218], [11, 2950, 218], [355, 3324, 218], [356, 3355, 218], [288, 3317, 218], [283, 3342, 218], [283, 3372, 218], [257, 3376, 218], [289, 3438, 218], [289, 3468, 218], [259, 3468, 218], [228, 3467, 217], [220, 3489, 217], [202, 3501, 217], [2020, 5349, 217], [1984, 5343, 217], [1960, 5349, 217], [1954, 5373, 217], [1904, 5353, 217], [1864, 5343, 217], [1847, 5356, 217], [1819, 5358, 217], [1818, 5387, 216], [1774, 5373, 216], [1700, 5329, 216], [1690, 5349, 217], [1689, 5378, 216], [1613, 5332, 217], [1611, 5360, 217], [1570, 5349, 217], [1524, 5333, 217], [1510, 5349, 218], [1481, 5350, 218], [1450, 5349, 218], [1420, 5349, 218], [1396, 5355, 218], [1360, 5349, 218], [1335, 5354, 218], [1324, 5373, 217], [1290, 5369, 216], [1234, 5343, 216], [1204, 5343, 217], [1180, 5349, 217], [1173, 5372, 216], [1113, 5342, 217], [1090, 5349, 218], [1054, 5343, 217], [1037, 5356, 218], [1000, 5349, 217], [976, 5355, 218], [934, 5343, 217], [915, 5354, 217], [874, 5343, 217], [850, 5349, 217], [844, 5373, 217], [790, 5349, 216], [760, 5349, 216], [724, 5343, 216], [694, 5343, 217], [678, 5357, 217], [639, 5348, 217], [611, 5350, 217], [601, 5370, 217], [550, 5349, 216], [519, 5348, 216], [490, 5349, 216], [469, 5358, 216], [431, 5350, 216], [407, 5356, 216], [363, 5342, 217], [354, 5363, 217], [303, 5342, 217], [280, 5349, 217], [259, 5358, 217], [220, 5349, 217], [210, 5369, 217], [160, 5349, 216], [130, 5349, 216], [100, 5349, 216], [78, 5357, 216], [34, 5343, 216], [11, 5350, 216], [11, 5380, 216], [11, 5410, 215], [0, 5429, 214], [11, 5470, 214], [11, 5500, 214], [11, 5530, 214], [11, 5560, 213], [11, 5590, 212], [11, 5620, 212], [298, 5937, 212], [272, 5941, 212], [243, 5942, 212], [211, 5940, 212], [279, 6038, 212], [266, 6055, 212], [209, 6028, 212], [210, 6059, 211], [212, 6091, 211], [30, 5939, 211], [10, 5949, 211], [13, 5982, 211], [12, 6011, 211], [11, 6040, 211], [12, 6071, 211], [10, 6099, 211], [11, 6130, 211], [127, 6276, 210], [97, 6276, 210], [67, 6276, 210], [16, 6255, 210], [11, 6280, 210], [12, 6311, 210], [11, 6340, 210], [11, 6370, 210], [0, 6389, 209]], 'time_in_bucket': [231, 6, 1, 5, 2, 9, 4, 6, 6, 7, 9, 8, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 7, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 9, 10, 6, 4, 6, 10, 4, 11, 3, 5, 8, 7, 3, 4, 6, 3, 7, 6, 2, 8, 5, 2, 3, 9, 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 10, 5, 6, 3, 10, 11, 8, 5, 9, 12, 6, 11, 9, 7, 8, 13, 8, 8, 14, 9, 9, 16, 14, 11, 12, 11, 19, 7, 8, 12, 7, 12, 11, 21, 22, 13, 18, 17, 17, 15, 15, 21, 15, 12, 15, 17, 18, 14, 18, 11, 16, 13, 17, 17, 17, 14, 16, 25, 21, 13, 15, 19, 14, 21, 13, 15, 21, 17, 19, 16, 19, 18, 19, 17, 15, 19, 27, 23, 12, 24, 22, 25, 18, 18, 22, 31, 19, 13, 20, 28, 13, 19, 19, 16, 22, 24, 23, 19, 25, 28, 20, 16, 25, 20, 17, 18, 16, 15, 12, 26, 28, 16, 17, 21, 13, 21, 20, 19, 25, 15, 21, 25, 25, 16, 24, 21, 19, 28, 19, 25, 29, 25, 22, 26, 11, 19, 19, 20, 15, 20, 24, 37, 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'4390495788'}
{'weighted_power': 263, 'training_load': 150, 'max_watts': 876, 'relative_intensity': 65, 'cp_data': [[1335, 1335, 876], [1338, 1339, 832], [1338, 1340, 815], [1335, 1338, 817], [1335, 1339, 814], [1335, 1340, 809], [1335, 1341, 807], [1335, 1342, 806], [1335, 1343, 806], [1334, 1343, 798], [1334, 1344, 791], [1334, 1345, 783], [1335, 1347, 783], [1335, 1348, 783], [1335, 1349, 780], [1335, 1350, 778], [1334, 1350, 775], [1334, 1351, 773], [1334, 1352, 768], [1334, 1353, 763], [1334, 1354, 758], [1334, 1355, 754], [1334, 1356, 747], [1333, 1356, 737], [1334, 1358, 732], [1334, 1359, 729], [1334, 1360, 726], [1334, 1361, 723], [1334, 1362, 719], [1334, 1363, 716], [1334, 1364, 714], [1334, 1365, 712], [1334, 1366, 711], [1334, 1367, 706], [1333, 1367, 700], [1334, 1369, 698], [1334, 1370, 697], [1334, 1371, 696], [1334, 1372, 695], [1334, 1373, 694], [1334, 1374, 692], [1334, 1375, 691], [1334, 1376, 690], [1334, 1377, 688], [1334, 1378, 687], [1334, 1379, 687], [1335, 1381, 688], [1335, 1382, 689], [1334, 1382, 690], [1334, 1383, 690], [1334, 1384, 689], [1334, 1385, 688], [1334, 1386, 686], [1334, 1387, 683], [1333, 1387, 680], [1332, 1387, 676], [1334, 1390, 673], [1334, 1391, 674], [1334, 1392, 674], [1334, 1393, 672], [1333, 1393, 669], [1332, 1393, 666], [1334, 1396, 662], [1334, 1397, 662], [1333, 1397, 660], [1332, 1397, 657], [1331, 1397, 653], [1330, 1397, 649], [1330, 1398, 644], [1329, 1398, 638], [1328, 1398, 631], [1328, 1399, 624], [1328, 1400, 617], [1328, 1401, 609], [1324, 1398, 602], [1324, 1399, 596], [1323, 1399, 590], [1323, 1400, 583], [1330, 1408, 576], [1329, 1408, 572], [1329, 1409, 568], [1329, 1410, 564], [1329, 1411, 560], [1330, 1413, 556], [1330, 1414, 553], [1330, 1415, 550], [1330, 1416, 547], [1330, 1417, 544], [1330, 1418, 541], [1330, 1419, 538], [1330, 1420, 535], [1330, 1421, 533], [1330, 1422, 530], [1329, 1422, 527], [1330, 1424, 525], [1330, 1425, 523], [1330, 1426, 520], [1330, 1427, 518], [1330, 1428, 517], [1330, 1429, 514], [1330, 1430, 511], [1330, 1431, 509], [1330, 1432, 506], [1330, 1433, 504], [1330, 1434, 502], [1330, 1435, 500], [1330, 1436, 498], [1330, 1437, 497], [1330, 1438, 495], [1330, 1439, 493], [1330, 1440, 491], [1330, 1441, 489], [1330, 1442, 487], [1330, 1443, 486], [1330, 1444, 484], [1330, 1445, 482], [1330, 1446, 480], [1330, 1447, 479], [1329, 1447, 477], [1330, 1449, 475], [1329, 1449, 473], [1330, 1451, 471], [1329, 1451, 469], [1329, 1452, 467], [1328, 1452, 464], [1330, 1455, 462], [1330, 1456, 461], [1330, 1457, 459], [1329, 1457, 457], [1328, 1457, 455], [1328, 1458, 453], [1329, 1460, 451], [1329, 1461, 449], [1329, 1462, 447], [1328, 1462, 445], [1328, 1463, 442], [1329, 1465, 440], [1329, 1466, 438], [1328, 1466, 436], [1328, 1467, 434], [1329, 1469, 432], [1328, 1469, 430], [1328, 1470, 427], [1328, 1471, 425], [1330, 1474, 424], [1329, 1474, 423], [1328, 1474, 421], [1328, 1475, 419], [1328, 1476, 417], [1328, 1477, 415], [1329, 1479, 413], [1329, 1480, 412], [1328, 1480, 410], [1329, 1482, 409], [1329, 1483, 407], [1329, 1484, 406], [1329, 1485, 405], [1330, 1487, 403], [1330, 1488, 402], [1330, 1489, 401], [1330, 1490, 401], [1330, 1491, 400], [1329, 1491, 399], [1329, 1492, 397], [1328, 1492, 396], [1329, 1494, 394], [1329, 1495, 393], [1329, 1496, 392], [1330, 1498, 391], [1330, 1499, 391], [1330, 1500, 390], [1329, 1500, 389], [1330, 1502, 388], [1330, 1503, 387], [1330, 1504, 387], [1329, 1504, 386], [1330, 1506, 385], [1330, 1507, 385], [1330, 1508, 384], [1330, 1509, 384], [1330, 1510, 383], [1330, 1511, 383], [1330, 1512, 382], [1330, 1513, 382], [1330, 1514, 381], [1330, 1515, 381], [1330, 1516, 381], [1330, 1517, 380], [1330, 1518, 380], [1329, 1518, 379], [4217, 4407, 378], [4217, 4408, 378], [4217, 4409, 378], [4217, 4410, 378], [4217, 4411, 378], [4219, 4414, 378], [4219, 4415, 378], [4219, 4416, 378], [4218, 4416, 378], [4217, 4416, 378], [4217, 4417, 378], [4217, 4418, 378], [4217, 4419, 378], [4217, 4420, 378], [4217, 4421, 378], [4217, 4422, 377], [4219, 4425, 377], [4219, 4426, 377], [4218, 4426, 377], [4217, 4426, 377], [4217, 4427, 377], [4217, 4428, 377], [4215, 4427, 377], [4215, 4428, 377], [4215, 4429, 377], [4215, 4430, 376], [4215, 4431, 376], [4215, 4432, 376], [4215, 4433, 375], [4215, 4434, 375], [4215, 4435, 375], [4214, 4435, 374], [4214, 4436, 373], [4213, 4436, 373], [4213, 4437, 372], [4213, 4438, 371], [4214, 4440, 370], [4214, 4441, 370], [4207, 4435, 369], [4206, 4435, 369], [4215, 4445, 368], [4215, 4446, 368], [4215, 4447, 368], [4215, 4448, 368], [4215, 4449, 368], [4217, 4452, 368], [4217, 4453, 368], [4215, 4452, 368], [4215, 4453, 368], [4215, 4454, 367], [4215, 4455, 367], [4215, 4456, 367], [4215, 4457, 367], [4215, 4458, 367], [4215, 4459, 366], [4215, 4460, 366], [4215, 4461, 366], [4215, 4462, 366], [4215, 4463, 365], [4215, 4464, 365], [4215, 4465, 365], [4215, 4466, 365], [4215, 4467, 365], [4215, 4468, 365], [4215, 4469, 365], [4215, 4470, 364], [4215, 4471, 364], [4215, 4472, 364], [4215, 4473, 363], [4215, 4474, 363], [4215, 4475, 363], [4215, 4476, 363], [4215, 4477, 363], [4215, 4478, 363], [4215, 4479, 362], [4215, 4480, 362], [4215, 4481, 362], [4215, 4482, 362], [4215, 4483, 362], [4215, 4484, 361], [4278, 4548, 361], [4277, 4548, 361], [4277, 4549, 361], [4276, 4549, 361], [4275, 4549, 361], [4217, 4492, 361], [4216, 4492, 361], [4215, 4492, 361], [4215, 4493, 361], [4270, 4549, 361], [4269, 4549, 360], [4267, 4548, 360], [4266, 4548, 360], [4265, 4548, 360], [4264, 4548, 360], [4264, 4549, 360], [4263, 4549, 360], [4262, 4549, 360], [4260, 4548, 360], [4260, 4549, 360], [4259, 4549, 360], [4258, 4549, 360], [4217, 4509, 360], [4216, 4509, 359], [4215, 4509, 359], [4215, 4510, 359], [4215, 4511, 359], [4216, 4513, 359], [4215, 4513, 359], [4215, 4514, 359], [4215, 4519, 359], [4217, 4526, 359], [4217, 4531, 359], [4220, 4539, 360], [4219, 4543, 360], [4219, 4548, 361], [4215, 4549, 361], [4214, 4553, 359], [4206, 4550, 357], [4204, 4553, 355], [4203, 4557, 353], [4215, 4574, 352], [4219, 4583, 353], [4217, 4586, 353], [4215, 4589, 353], [4215, 4594, 353], [4215, 4599, 352], [4215, 4604, 352], [4215, 4609, 351], [4213, 4612, 349], [4205, 4609, 348], [4203, 4612, 346], [4215, 4629, 346], [4215, 4634, 345], [4215, 4639, 345], [4215, 4644, 344], [4215, 4649, 343], [4215, 4654, 343], [4215, 4659, 343], [4215, 4664, 343], [4215, 4669, 343], [4215, 4674, 343], [4215, 4679, 343], [4215, 4684, 343], [4215, 4689, 343], [4215, 4694, 342], [4214, 4698, 342], [5638, 6127, 341], [5636, 6130, 341], [5634, 6133, 340], [5634, 6138, 340], [5634, 6143, 340], [5638, 6152, 339], [5635, 6154, 339], [5639, 6163, 339], [5639, 6168, 339], [5639, 6173, 339], [5638, 6177, 339], [5634, 6178, 339], [5634, 6183, 339], [5630, 6184, 338], [5629, 6188, 338], [5626, 6190, 337], [5617, 6186, 337], [5615, 6189, 336], [5615, 6194, 335], [5607, 6191, 335], [5606, 6195, 334], [5604, 6198, 333], [5590, 6189, 332], [5590, 6194, 332], [5581, 6190, 331], [5581, 6195, 331], [5569, 6188, 330], [5569, 6193, 329], [5569, 6198, 329], [5564, 6198, 328], [5537, 6176, 328], [5533, 6177, 328], [5533, 6182, 328], [5533, 6187, 327], [5531, 6190, 327], [5531, 6195, 326], [5529, 6198, 326], [5524, 6198, 325], [5519, 6198, 324], [5515, 6199, 323], [5505, 6194, 322], [5501, 6195, 321], [5499, 6198, 321], [5492, 6196, 320], [5488, 6197, 319], [5481, 6195, 319], [5475, 6194, 318], [5473, 6197, 317], [5469, 6198, 316], [5464, 6198, 315], [5438, 6177, 315], [5705, 6449, 315], [5705, 6454, 315], [5688, 6442, 315], [5683, 6442, 316], [5678, 6442, 316], [5677, 6446, 316], [5675, 6449, 317], [5667, 6446, 317], [5667, 6451, 317], [5666, 6455, 317], [5658, 6452, 317], [5656, 6455, 318], [5640, 6444, 318], [5639, 6448, 318], [5639, 6453, 318], [5638, 6457, 318], [5634, 6458, 318], [5639, 6468, 318], [5640, 6474, 319], [5639, 6478, 319], [5636, 6480, 319], [5634, 6483, 319], [5629, 6483, 319], [5626, 6485, 318], [5617, 6481, 318], [5614, 6483, 318], [5608, 6482, 317], [5606, 6485, 317], [5605, 6489, 316], [5594, 6483, 316], [5589, 6483, 316], [5586, 6485, 316], [5581, 6485, 315], [5574, 6483, 315], [5569, 6483, 315], [5567, 6486, 314], [5562, 6486, 314], [5556, 6485, 313], [5539, 6473, 313], [5538, 6477, 313], [5534, 6478, 313], [5533, 6482, 313], [5531, 6485, 313], [5524, 6483, 313], [5521, 6485, 312], [5625, 6594, 312], [5618, 6592, 312], [5615, 6594, 311], [5608, 6592, 311], [5606, 6595, 311], [5605, 6599, 310], [5595, 6594, 310], [5590, 6594, 310], [5585, 6594, 309], [5581, 6595, 309], [5575, 6594, 309], [5569, 6593, 309], [5569, 6598, 308], [5565, 6599, 308], [5524, 6563, 307], [5539, 6583, 307], [5539, 6588, 307], [5534, 6588, 308], [5533, 6592, 308], [5530, 6594, 308], [5530, 6599, 307], [5524, 6598, 307], [5520, 6599, 306], [5516, 6600, 306], [5505, 6594, 305], [5500, 6594, 305], [5381, 6480, 305], [5377, 6481, 305], [5375, 6484, 305], [5371, 6485, 305], [5366, 6485, 304], [5359, 6483, 304], [5357, 6486, 303], [5357, 6491, 303], [5357, 6496, 302], [5371, 6515, 302], [5375, 6524, 302], [5375, 6529, 302], [5375, 6534, 302], [5371, 6535, 301], [5376, 6545, 301], [5376, 6550, 301], [5415, 6594, 301], [5408, 6592, 301], [5404, 6593, 301], [5398, 6592, 301], [5395, 6594, 301], [5388, 6592, 301], [5385, 6594, 301], [5377, 6591, 301], [5375, 6594, 301], [5370, 6594, 301], [5366, 6595, 300], [5365, 6599, 300], [5358, 6597, 300], [5357, 6601, 299], [5358, 6607, 299], [5357, 6611, 298], [5357, 6616, 297], [5357, 6621, 297], [5357, 6626, 296], [5357, 6631, 296], [5357, 6636, 295], [5367, 6651, 295], [5375, 6664, 295], [5375, 6669, 295], [5371, 6670, 294], [5366, 6670, 294], [5359, 6668, 294], [5357, 6671, 294], [5355, 6674, 293], [5357, 6681, 292], [5358, 6687, 291], [5336, 6670, 291], [5332, 6671, 290], [5357, 6701, 290], [5353, 6702, 289], [5336, 6690, 288], [5336, 6695, 287], [5336, 6700, 287], [5332, 6701, 287], [5328, 6702, 286], [5323, 6702, 285], [5317, 6701, 284], [5312, 6701, 283], [5308, 6702, 282], [5294, 6693, 282], [5296, 6700, 281], [5292, 6701, 281], [5288, 6702, 280], [5283, 6702, 279], [5283, 6702, 278], [5283, 6702, 277], [5283, 6702, 276], [5283, 6702, 275], [5501, 6914, 275], [5501, 6919, 275], [5493, 6916, 275], [5491, 6919, 274], [5481, 6914, 274], [5481, 6919, 274], [5473, 6916, 274], [5471, 6919, 274], [5466, 6919, 273], [5457, 6915, 273], [5447, 6910, 273], [5441, 6909, 273], [5436, 6909, 273], [5431, 6909, 273], [5428, 6911, 273], [5423, 6911, 273], [5416, 6909, 274], [5415, 6913, 274], [5407, 6910, 274], [5403, 6911, 274], [5398, 6911, 274], [5396, 6914, 274], [5387, 6910, 274], [5379, 6907, 274], [5377, 6910, 274], [5375, 6913, 274], [5371, 6914, 274], [5368, 6916, 274], [5366, 6919, 274], [5358, 6916, 273], [5357, 6920, 273], [5357, 6925, 273], [5357, 6930, 272], [5354, 6932, 271], [5336, 6919, 271], [5336, 6924, 271], [5332, 6925, 270], [5332, 6930, 270], [5329, 6932, 269], [5323, 6931, 268], [5314, 6927, 268], [5312, 6930, 267], [5296, 6919, 267], [5291, 6919, 266], [5289, 6922, 266], [5021, 6593, 266], [5017, 6594, 266], [5012, 6594, 266], [5012, 6599, 266], [5008, 6600, 265], [5002, 6599, 265], [4997, 6599, 265], [4993, 6600, 265], [4996, 6608, 264], [4991, 6608, 264], [4979, 6601, 264], [4981, 6608, 263], [4214, 5846, 263], [4214, 5851, 263], [4214, 5856, 263], [4214, 5861, 263], [4215, 5867, 263], [4214, 5871, 263], [4214, 5876, 263], [4215, 5882, 263], [4213, 5885, 263], [4208, 5885, 263], [4203, 5885, 263], [4214, 5901, 263], [4215, 5907, 263], [4215, 5912, 263], [4215, 5917, 263], [4278, 6010, 264], [4217, 5979, 266], [4219, 6011, 267], [4277, 6099, 269], [4271, 6123, 270], [4217, 6099, 272], [4215, 6127, 273], [4215, 6157, 273], [4215, 6187, 274], [4200, 6202, 273], [4156, 6188, 271], [4129, 6191, 271], [4103, 6195, 271], [4215, 6337, 271], [4278, 6430, 271], [4272, 6454, 272], [4219, 6431, 274], [4215, 6457, 275], [4214, 6486, 275], [4213, 6515, 274], [4215, 6547, 274], [4215, 6577, 274], [4203, 6595, 274], [4200, 6622, 273], [4215, 6667, 272], [4112, 6594, 272], [4082, 6594, 271], [4056, 6598, 271], [4012, 6584, 270], [3992, 6594, 270], [3960, 6592, 270], [3937, 6599, 269], [3907, 6599, 269], [3886, 6608, 268], [3917, 6669, 267], [3889, 6671, 266], [3889, 6701, 265], [3766, 6608, 264], [3689, 6561, 264], [3691, 6593, 264], [3667, 6599, 264], [3633, 6595, 263], [3602, 6594, 263], [3577, 6599, 263], [3555, 6607, 262], [3516, 6598, 262], [3487, 6599, 261], [3452, 6594, 261], [3422, 6594, 260], [3394, 6596, 260], [3391, 6623, 259], [3327, 6589, 259], [3303, 6595, 259], [3277, 6599, 259], [3240, 6592, 258], [3237, 6619, 257], [3259, 6671, 257], [3230, 6672, 256], [3230, 6702, 255], [3171, 6673, 254], [3067, 6599, 254], [3036, 6598, 253], [3005, 6597, 253], [2972, 6594, 253], [2947, 6599, 253], [2926, 6608, 253], [2882, 6594, 252], [2860, 6602, 252], [2822, 6594, 251], [2862, 6664, 251], [2839, 6671, 251], [2729, 6591, 250], [2728, 6620, 250], [2728, 6650, 249], [2721, 6673, 249], [2720, 6702, 248], [2938, 6919, 247], [2904, 6915, 246], [2878, 6919, 246], [2848, 6919, 246], [2813, 6914, 245], [2788, 6919, 245], [2755, 6916, 244], [2728, 6919, 245], [2721, 6942, 243], [7989, 12303, 243], [7959, 12303, 243], [7929, 12303, 242], [7900, 12304, 242], [7869, 12303, 242], [7839, 12303, 241], [7819, 12313, 241], [7779, 12303, 241], [7760, 12314, 241], [7719, 12303, 240], [7689, 12303, 240], [7659, 12303, 240], [7630, 12304, 240], [7599, 12303, 239], [7536, 12270, 239], [7539, 12303, 239], [7520, 12314, 239], [7479, 12303, 239], [7449, 12303, 238], [7429, 12313, 238], [5526, 10409, 238], [5530, 10443, 238], [5518, 10461, 238], [5416, 10389, 238], [5386, 10389, 238], [5376, 10409, 238], [4221, 9252, 239], [4218, 9279, 240], [4215, 9306, 240], [4215, 9336, 240], [4215, 9366, 241], [4215, 9396, 241], [4214, 9425, 241], [4220, 9461, 242], [4220, 9491, 242], [4215, 9516, 243], [4215, 9546, 243], [4200, 9561, 243], [4169, 9560, 242], [4138, 9559, 242], [4109, 9560, 242], [4078, 9559, 242], [4048, 9559, 242], [4009, 9550, 242], [3991, 9562, 242], [3960, 9561, 242], [3928, 9559, 242], [3900, 9561, 242], [3871, 9562, 241], [3826, 9547, 241], [3810, 9561, 241], [3778, 9559, 241], [3748, 9559, 240], [3696, 9537, 240], [3688, 9559, 241], [3658, 9559, 240], [3628, 9559, 240], [3598, 9559, 240], [3568, 9559, 240], [3538, 9559, 240], [3510, 9561, 240], [3478, 9559, 240], [3448, 9559, 240], [3418, 9559, 240], [3391, 9562, 240], [4215, 10351, 240], [4217, 10383, 240], [4213, 10409, 241], [4215, 10441, 241], [4204, 10460, 241], [4215, 10501, 240], [4126, 10442, 240], [4220, 10566, 240], [4213, 10589, 241], [4207, 10613, 241], [4203, 10639, 240], [4219, 10685, 240], [4200, 10696, 240], [4200, 10726, 240], [4057, 10613, 240], [4009, 10595, 240], [3997, 10613, 240], [3960, 10606, 240], [3937, 10613, 240], [3907, 10613, 240], [3960, 10696, 240], [3956, 10722, 240], [3926, 10722, 240], [3897, 10723, 240], [4211, 11067, 240], [4208, 11094, 240], [4215, 11131, 240], [4204, 11150, 240], [4215, 11191, 240], [4208, 11214, 240], [4217, 11253, 240], [4200, 11266, 240], [4204, 11300, 240], [4200, 11326, 240], [4213, 11369, 240], [4215, 11401, 240], [4200, 11416, 239], [4011, 11257, 239], [3990, 11266, 239], [3960, 11266, 239], [3926, 11262, 239], [3950, 11316, 239], [4006, 11402, 239], [3977, 11403, 239], [3947, 11403, 239], [3917, 11403, 239], [3887, 11403, 239], [4069, 11615, 238], [4002, 11578, 238], [4004, 11610, 239], [3971, 11607, 238], [3940, 11606, 238], [3911, 11607, 238], [3889, 11615, 238], [4215, 11971, 238], [4202, 11988, 238], [4214, 12030, 238], [4216, 12062, 238], [4203, 12079, 238], [4208, 12114, 238], [4213, 12149, 238], [4217, 12183, 238], [4217, 12213, 238], [4206, 12232, 238], [4214, 12270, 238], [4215, 12301, 238], [4200, 12316, 238], [4077, 12223, 238], [4094, 12270, 238], [4008, 12214, 238], [3987, 12223, 238], [4004, 12270, 238], [4007, 12303, 238], [3944, 12270, 238], [3947, 12303, 238], [3917, 12303, 238], [3888, 12304, 238], [3890, 12336, 237], [3826, 12302, 237], [3797, 12303, 237], [3687, 12223, 237], [3676, 12242, 237], [3622, 12218, 237], [3597, 12223, 237], [3558, 12214, 237], [3583, 12269, 237], [3587, 12303, 237], [3557, 12303, 237], [3537, 12313, 237], [3463, 12269, 237], [3468, 12304, 237], [3447, 12313, 236], [3407, 12303, 236], [3297, 12223, 236], [3313, 12269, 236], [3318, 12304, 236], [3287, 12303, 236], [3261, 12307, 236], [3237, 12313, 236], [3208, 12314, 236], [3178, 12314, 235], [3137, 12303, 235], [3107, 12303, 235], [3077, 12303, 235], [2968, 12224, 235], [2937, 12223, 235], [2953, 12269, 235], [2957, 12303, 235], [2927, 12303, 235], [2863, 12269, 235], [2865, 12301, 234], [2848, 12314, 234], [2808, 12304, 234], [2788, 12314, 234], [2728, 12284, 234], [2728, 12314, 234], [2725, 12341, 233], [2667, 12313, 233], [2665, 12341, 233], [2635, 12341, 232], [2581, 12317, 232], [2575, 12341, 231], [887, 10595, 231], [875, 10613, 231], [873, 10641, 231], [895, 10693, 231], [895, 10723, 231], [873, 10731, 231], [879, 10767, 231], [875, 10793, 231], [1330, 11278, 231], [1330, 11308, 231], [882, 10890, 231], [1029, 11067, 231], [999, 11067, 231], [1044, 11142, 231], [1022, 11150, 231], [993, 11151, 231], [945, 11133, 231], [942, 11160, 231], [894, 11142, 231], [881, 11159, 231], [884, 11192, 231], [876, 11214, 231], [893, 11261, 231], [873, 11271, 231], [887, 11315, 231], [945, 11403, 231], [881, 11369, 231], [884, 11402, 231], [931, 11749, 230], [955, 12073, 231], [885, 12303, 231], [690, 12270, 227], [423, 12303, 227], [123, 12303, 227]], 'time_in_bucket': [471, 22, 16, 17, 18, 69, 23, 15, 4, 7, 10, 5, 14, 8, 5, 5, 10, 5, 8, 5, 3, 0, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 8, 6, 5, 7, 2, 13, 6, 7, 4, 7, 9, 7, 4, 1, 3, 12, 10, 5, 5, 9, 5, 3, 5, 9, 8, 6, 6, 10, 6, 7, 12, 11, 14, 6, 6, 8, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 7, 16, 10, 13, 5, 12, 16, 10, 19, 9, 15, 10, 16, 15, 16, 24, 12, 13, 14, 18, 11, 15, 18, 15, 16, 20, 11, 19, 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 14, 19, 16, 20, 22, 16, 18, 16, 19, 23, 19, 26, 19, 21, 16, 19, 21, 25, 18, 17, 32, 36, 19, 19, 24, 19, 24, 21, 18, 19, 21, 26, 20, 17, 32, 27, 23, 19, 25, 31, 25, 26, 35, 21, 18, 24, 33, 29, 35, 25, 22, 22, 24, 31, 22, 32, 45, 38, 18, 45, 26, 23, 36, 27, 38, 41, 29, 33, 32, 36, 31, 34, 32, 42, 37, 37, 38, 34, 39, 29, 47, 27, 31, 35, 40, 32, 32, 42, 44, 31, 36, 43, 37, 26, 40, 38, 47, 43, 37, 50, 41, 38, 41, 35, 46, 39, 39, 48, 29, 35, 48, 31, 36, 38, 38, 38, 45, 39, 42, 43, 35, 43, 37, 41, 39, 40, 46, 41, 53, 32, 50, 53, 44, 53, 42, 56, 48, 32, 44, 45, 53, 50, 38, 52, 50, 40, 54, 42, 46, 60, 53, 42, 58, 51, 47, 46, 56, 73, 52, 61, 55, 58, 50, 66, 68, 52, 61, 53, 42, 55, 52, 56, 52, 49, 57, 53, 39, 51, 46, 63, 58, 49, 51, 65, 49, 50, 52, 38, 47, 52, 47, 54, 49, 50, 39, 40, 49, 34, 49, 41, 37, 50, 45, 34, 52, 38, 46, 36, 38, 40, 36, 38, 51, 38, 41, 56, 29, 48, 35, 38, 53, 51, 45, 32, 40, 35, 44, 39, 33, 45, 38, 29, 30, 41, 27, 32, 38, 33, 36, 41, 28, 33, 39, 33, 29, 43, 36, 42, 30, 23, 26, 36, 38, 16, 37, 20, 25, 30, 28, 30, 25, 27, 17, 31, 19, 25, 25, 27, 23, 18, 26, 24, 21, 18, 25, 12, 19, 21, 20, 20, 7, 11, 16, 11, 21, 14, 13, 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As you can see, with the above function, we loop through each activity number in the list that we built above, we pass it to the activities/activity_id/power_data endpoint and it returns the power data from each of these rides.

If the activity doesn't already exist in our list (we don't want duplicates) and if the length of the power data is greater than 1 character (we don't want to include activities without any power data), we use the json.loads function that I introduced above to convert each of the json responses into a dictionary. We then add another item to that dictionary: We add the 'activity_id':value pair so that we can reference any of these workouts by their id if we need to in the future.

You'll note the method for adding to a dictionary above. Any time you have a new item that you want to add to a dictionary, you just reference it as follows (expanding on our first example of first_name, last_name, age) if we wanted to add weight, it's as easy as...

my_dictionary['weight'] = 174

Now, it would be handy if, in addition to getting the power stats from each ride, we also got the date of the ride so we can see how Cam's fitness is progressing over time. The date doesn't come through in the power_data call above but, as I like to say, when you know how to code, there's always a workaround! :-) In this case, if we pass the activity id in our dictionary to the activities endpoint e.g. activities/123456789, it will return a html response that has the time and date of the session in it, conveniently inside html tags called <time>. We can use our good old friend Beautiful Soup to, again, parse the html and return the time and date of the ride. E.g.

In [15]:
def find_date_of_workout(activity_id):
  response = session.get(f"{activity_id}")
  soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, features="lxml")
  workout_date = soup.find('time').getText()
  return workout_date

'\n12:49 PM on Saturday, November 28, 2020\n'

So, in the above we use beuatiful soup to find the <time> tags and return the text in between with the getText method. Almost perfect, except we have a new line character '\n' messing things up. Let's modify our function to strip that.

In [16]:
def find_date_of_workout(activity_id):
  response = session.get(f"{activity_id}")
  soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, features="lxml")
  workout_date = soup.find('time').getText()
  workout_date = workout_date.strip('\n')
  return workout_date

'12:49 PM on Saturday, November 28, 2020'

Perfect! The strip function removes the characters that we pass (along with any leading or trailing whitespace) from our string of text. And now, to add the day and time for every workout in our list by appending it to our power_data dictionary...

In [17]:
for workout in power_stats:
  date = find_date_of_workout(workout['activity_id'])
  workout['date'] = date
[{'weighted_power': 256, 'training_load': 141, 'max_watts': 969, 'relative_intensity': 63, 'cp_data': [[1238, 1238, 969], [1237, 1238, 937], [1238, 1240, 934], [1237, 1240, 927], [1235, 1239, 911], [1235, 1240, 915], [1235, 1241, 899], [1237, 1244, 890], [1238, 1246, 890], [1237, 1246, 892], [1237, 1247, 892], [1235, 1246, 891], [1235, 1247, 892], [1235, 1248, 887], [1234, 1248, 879], [1235, 1250, 871], [1235, 1251, 869], [1235, 1252, 868], [1235, 1253, 864], [1234, 1253, 859], [1234, 1254, 854], [1234, 1255, 847], [1235, 1257, 842], [1234, 1257, 839], [1235, 1259, 837], [1234, 1259, 834], [1234, 1260, 830], [1234, 1261, 823], [1234, 1262, 818], [1234, 1263, 816], [1235, 1265, 814], [1234, 1265, 813], [1235, 1267, 810], [1234, 1267, 809], [1234, 1268, 807], [1235, 1270, 805], [1235, 1271, 804], [1234, 1271, 803], [1234, 1272, 802], [1234, 1273, 801], [1234, 1274, 797], [1234, 1275, 796], [1235, 1277, 795], [1235, 1278, 795], [1235, 1279, 794], [1234, 1279, 794], [1234, 1280, 792], [1234, 1281, 790], [1234, 1282, 789], [1234, 1283, 786], [1233, 1283, 783], [1234, 1285, 782], [1234, 1286, 782], [1234, 1287, 779], [1234, 1288, 776], [1234, 1289, 776], [1234, 1290, 776], [1234, 1291, 773], [1233, 1291, 771], [1232, 1291, 767], [1231, 1291, 762], [1231, 1292, 758], [1230, 1292, 750], [1230, 1293, 742], [1228, 1292, 734], [1227, 1292, 729], [1226, 1292, 723], [1226, 1293, 716], [1226, 1294, 707], [1223, 1292, 698], [1222, 1292, 692], [1222, 1293, 685], [1221, 1293, 678], [1219, 1292, 671], [1218, 1292, 665], [1217, 1292, 660], [1216, 1292, 656], [1215, 1292, 651], [1214, 1292, 647], [1214, 1293, 642], [1213, 1293, 636], [1212, 1293, 631], [1211, 1293, 625], [1210, 1293, 619], [1209, 1293, 614], [1208, 1293, 608], [1207, 1293, 603], [1206, 1293, 597], [1205, 1293, 591], [1204, 1293, 586], [1203, 1293, 581], [1202, 1293, 576], [1200, 1292, 572], [1199, 1292, 569], [1199, 1293, 565], [1198, 1293, 561], [1197, 1293, 557], [1196, 1293, 553], [1195, 1293, 548], [1194, 1293, 545], [1193, 1293, 541], [1226, 1327, 537], [1226, 1328, 534], [1226, 1329, 531], [1226, 1330, 528], [1226, 1331, 526], [1226, 1332, 523], [1226, 1333, 521], [1226, 1334, 518], [1226, 1335, 516], [1226, 1336, 514], [1226, 1337, 511], [1226, 1338, 509], [1226, 1339, 507], [1226, 1340, 505], [1226, 1341, 503], [1226, 1342, 501], [1226, 1343, 498], [1226, 1344, 496], [1226, 1345, 493], [1226, 1346, 491], [1226, 1347, 489], [1226, 1348, 487], [1226, 1349, 485], [1226, 1350, 483], [1226, 1351, 480], [1214, 1340, 478], [1214, 1341, 477], [1214, 1342, 475], [1213, 1342, 473], [1213, 1343, 471], [1214, 1345, 468], [1213, 1345, 466], [1213, 1346, 465], [1214, 1348, 463], [1214, 1349, 461], [1214, 1350, 459], [1213, 1350, 458], [1213, 1351, 456], [1213, 1352, 454], [1213, 1353, 452], [1213, 1354, 450], [1213, 1355, 448], [1213, 1356, 446], [1213, 1357, 445], [1213, 1358, 443], [1212, 1358, 441], [1211, 1358, 439], [1210, 1358, 437], [1209, 1358, 435], [1208, 1358, 433], [1207, 1358, 431], [1206, 1358, 429], [1206, 1359, 427], [1198, 1352, 425], [1198, 1353, 424], [1198, 1354, 422], [1198, 1355, 421], [1198, 1356, 419], [1198, 1357, 418], [1198, 1358, 416], [1197, 1358, 415], [1196, 1358, 413], [1195, 1358, 411], [1194, 1358, 410], [1193, 1358, 408], [1192, 1358, 406], [1191, 1358, 405], [1190, 1358, 403], [1189, 1358, 402], [1188, 1358, 400], [1188, 1359, 398], [1187, 1359, 397], [1185, 1358, 395], [1185, 1359, 393], [1183, 1358, 392], [1116, 1292, 390], [1115, 1292, 389], [1114, 1292, 389], [1113, 1292, 388], [1113, 1293, 387], [1112, 1293, 386], [1111, 1293, 385], [1110, 1293, 383], [1108, 1292, 382], [1107, 1292, 382], [1106, 1292, 382], [1105, 1292, 381], [1104, 1292, 380], [1104, 1293, 379], [1103, 1293, 378], [1102, 1293, 377], [1101, 1293, 376], [1100, 1293, 374], [1099, 1293, 373], [1097, 1292, 372], [1096, 1292, 372], [1095, 1292, 372], [1094, 1292, 371], [1093, 1292, 370], [1093, 1293, 370], [1092, 1293, 369], [1091, 1293, 368], [1090, 1293, 367], [1089, 1293, 366], [1088, 1293, 365], [1087, 1293, 364], [1086, 1293, 362], [1086, 1294, 361], [1085, 1294, 360], [1084, 1294, 358], [1082, 1293, 357], [1081, 1293, 356], [1128, 1341, 355], [1127, 1341, 355], [1126, 1341, 354], [1125, 1341, 354], [1125, 1342, 353], [1124, 1342, 353], [1123, 1342, 352], [1123, 1343, 351], [1114, 1335, 351], [1114, 1336, 350], [1115, 1338, 350], [1114, 1338, 350], [1114, 1339, 349], [1114, 1340, 349], [1114, 1341, 349], [1114, 1342, 348], [1113, 1342, 348], [1112, 1342, 347], [1112, 1343, 346], [1113, 1345, 346], [1113, 1346, 345], [1106, 1340, 345], [1106, 1341, 344], [1105, 1341, 344], [1105, 1342, 344], [1104, 1342, 343], [1104, 1343, 342], [1104, 1344, 342], [1104, 1345, 341], [1104, 1346, 341], [1105, 1348, 340], [1105, 1349, 340], [1104, 1349, 339], [1104, 1350, 339], [1104, 1351, 338], [1103, 1351, 338], [1104, 1353, 337], [1104, 1354, 336], [1104, 1355, 336], [1104, 1356, 335], [1039, 1292, 335], [1038, 1292, 336], [1037, 1292, 336], [1036, 1292, 336], [1035, 1292, 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[933, 1292, 319], [929, 1293, 317], [5837, 6206, 315], [5832, 6206, 315], [5828, 6207, 315], [5827, 6211, 315], [5827, 6216, 315], [5828, 6222, 315], [5770, 6169, 316], [5765, 6169, 316], [5761, 6170, 316], [5761, 6175, 316], [5761, 6180, 316], [5741, 6165, 316], [5741, 6170, 316], [5741, 6175, 316], [5740, 6179, 316], [5740, 6184, 316], [5738, 6187, 316], [5761, 6215, 315], [5741, 6200, 315], [5742, 6206, 315], [5740, 6209, 315], [5741, 6215, 315], [5741, 6220, 315], [5740, 6224, 315], [5740, 6229, 315], [5740, 6234, 315], [5739, 6238, 314], [5738, 6242, 314], [5738, 6247, 312], [5704, 6206, 311], [5699, 6206, 311], [5699, 6211, 311], [5699, 6216, 311], [5700, 6222, 311], [5699, 6226, 311], [5699, 6231, 311], [5698, 6235, 311], [5698, 6240, 310], [5658, 6205, 310], [5654, 6206, 310], [5650, 6207, 310], [5595, 6157, 311], [5595, 6162, 311], [5594, 6166, 312], [5594, 6171, 312], [5594, 6176, 312], [5594, 6181, 312], [5594, 6186, 312], [5594, 6191, 311], [5594, 6196, 311], [5594, 6201, 311], [5594, 6206, 311], [5594, 6211, 311], [5594, 6216, 311], [5595, 6222, 311], [5594, 6226, 311], [5594, 6231, 311], [5594, 6236, 311], [5594, 6241, 311], [5594, 6246, 309], [5593, 6249, 307], [5594, 6256, 305], [5594, 6261, 303], [5594, 6266, 302], [5594, 6271, 302], [5594, 6276, 301], [5594, 6281, 300], [5594, 6286, 300], [5594, 6291, 299], [5594, 6296, 298], [5594, 6301, 297], [5594, 6306, 296], [5594, 6311, 296], [5594, 6316, 295], [5892, 6631, 294], [5887, 6631, 294], [5886, 6635, 294], [5877, 6631, 293], [5877, 6636, 293], [5828, 6592, 293], [5850, 6619, 293], [5845, 6619, 293], [5838, 6617, 294], [5836, 6620, 294], [5828, 6617, 294], [5830, 6624, 294], [5826, 6625, 294], [5826, 6630, 294], [5758, 6567, 294], [5758, 6572, 294], [5740, 6559, 295], [5742, 6566, 295], [5742, 6571, 295], [5739, 6573, 295], [5740, 6579, 295], [5740, 6584, 295], [5761, 6610, 295], [5765, 6619, 295], [5761, 6620, 296], [5761, 6625, 296], [5761, 6630, 296], [5742, 6616, 296], [5741, 6620, 296], [5740, 6624, 296], [5741, 6630, 296], [5739, 6633, 296], [5738, 6637, 296], [5738, 6642, 295], [5700, 6597, 294], [5702, 6604, 294], [5704, 6611, 295], [5707, 6619, 295], [5702, 6619, 295], [5702, 6624, 295], [5698, 6625, 295], [5698, 6630, 295], [5697, 6634, 295], [5697, 6639, 295], [5594, 6541, 295], [5594, 6546, 295], [5594, 6551, 295], [5595, 6557, 295], [5594, 6561, 295], [5594, 6566, 296], [5595, 6572, 296], [5594, 6576, 296], [5594, 6581, 296], [5594, 6586, 296], [5594, 6591, 296], [5594, 6596, 296], [5594, 6601, 296], [5594, 6606, 296], [5594, 6611, 296], [5595, 6617, 297], [5594, 6621, 297], [5594, 6626, 297], [5594, 6631, 297], [5594, 6636, 297], [5594, 6641, 296], [5594, 6646, 295], [5594, 6651, 294], [5594, 6656, 293], [5826, 6905, 292], [5837, 6921, 292], [5829, 6918, 293], [5828, 6922, 293], [5826, 6925, 293], [5820, 6924, 293], [5819, 6928, 292], [5808, 6922, 292], [5772, 6891, 293], [5770, 6894, 293], [5766, 6895, 293], [5765, 6899, 293], [5761, 6900, 293], [5761, 6905, 294], [5756, 6905, 294], [5768, 6922, 294], [5761, 6920, 294], [5759, 6923, 294], [5754, 6923, 294], [5741, 6915, 294], [5741, 6920, 294], [5740, 6924, 294], [5739, 6928, 294], [5738, 6932, 294], [5738, 6937, 293], [5738, 6942, 293], [5702, 6899, 293], [5702, 6904, 293], [5698, 6905, 293], [5707, 6919, 293], [5705, 6922, 293], [5700, 6922, 294], [5697, 6924, 294], [5697, 6929, 294], [5693, 6930, 293], [5657, 6899, 293], [5657, 6904, 293], [5652, 6904, 293], [5657, 6914, 293], [5658, 6920, 294], [5656, 6923, 294], [5651, 6923, 294], [5646, 6923, 294], [5643, 6925, 294], [5637, 6924, 294], [5595, 6887, 294], [5594, 6891, 294], [5594, 6896, 294], [5594, 6901, 295], [5594, 6906, 295], [5594, 6911, 295], [5594, 6916, 295], [5594, 6921, 295], [5594, 6926, 295], [5594, 6931, 295], [5594, 6936, 294], [5594, 6941, 294], [5594, 6946, 293], [5594, 6951, 293], [5594, 6956, 293], [5594, 6961, 293], [5594, 6966, 293], [5594, 6971, 293], [5594, 6976, 293], [5594, 6981, 293], [5594, 6986, 293], [5594, 6991, 293], [5594, 6996, 293], [5594, 7001, 293], [5594, 7006, 293], [5594, 7011, 292], [5594, 7016, 292], [5594, 7021, 292], [5595, 7027, 293], [5595, 7032, 293], [5594, 7036, 293], [5594, 7041, 293], [5594, 7046, 292], [5594, 7051, 292], [5594, 7056, 291], [5594, 7061, 291], [5594, 7066, 290], [5594, 7071, 290], [5594, 7076, 289], [5594, 7081, 289], [5594, 7086, 289], [5594, 7091, 289], [5594, 7096, 288], [5594, 7101, 288], [5594, 7106, 288], [5594, 7111, 288], [5594, 7116, 288], [5594, 7121, 287], [5594, 7126, 287], [5594, 7131, 286], [5594, 7136, 286], [5594, 7141, 286], [5594, 7146, 286], [5594, 7151, 285], [5407, 6921, 285], [5403, 6922, 285], [5399, 6923, 285], [5395, 6924, 285], [5395, 6929, 285], [5384, 6923, 285], [5384, 6928, 285], [5378, 6927, 285], [5375, 6929, 285], [5373, 6932, 285], [5365, 6929, 284], [5361, 6930, 284], [5354, 6928, 284], [5337, 6916, 284], [5337, 6921, 284], [5334, 6923, 284], [5329, 6923, 284], [5324, 6923, 285], [5319, 6923, 284], [5314, 6923, 285], [5313, 6927, 284], [5305, 6924, 284], [5305, 6929, 284], [5300, 6929, 284], [5403, 7037, 284], [5396, 7035, 284], [5394, 7038, 284], [5386, 7035, 284], [5384, 7038, 284], [5378, 7037, 284], [5374, 7038, 284], [5367, 7036, 284], [5364, 7038, 284], [5360, 7039, 283], [5240, 6924, 283], [5240, 6929, 283], [5339, 7033, 283], [5335, 7034, 283], [5332, 7036, 284], [5326, 7035, 284], [5324, 7038, 284], [5317, 7036, 284], [5313, 7037, 284], [5307, 7036, 284], [5304, 7038, 283], [5299, 7038, 283], [5153, 6922, 283], [5124, 6923, 282], [5095, 6924, 283], [5064, 6923, 282], [5150, 7039, 282], [5117, 7036, 282], [5088, 7037, 282], [5059, 7038, 281], [5029, 7038, 281], [5015, 7054, 280], [5019, 7088, 278], [5015, 7114, 277], [5017, 7146, 276], [4958, 7117, 274], [5151, 7340, 274], [5121, 7340, 273], [5095, 7344, 274], [5064, 7343, 273], [5035, 7344, 273], [5013, 7352, 272], [4975, 7344, 270], [4948, 7347, 270], [4917, 7346, 268], [4893, 7352, 267], [4858, 7347, 266], [4855, 7353, 263], [4534, 7042, 261], [4454, 6992, 260], [4465, 7033, 260], [4440, 7038, 261], [4410, 7038, 260], [4380, 7038, 260], [4348, 7036, 260], [4319, 7037, 260], [4290, 7038, 259], [4259, 7037, 259], [4230, 7038, 259], [4201, 7039, 259], [4170, 7038, 259], [4140, 7038, 259], [4108, 7036, 259], [4080, 7038, 259], [4052, 7040, 258], [4036, 7054, 258], [4045, 7093, 257], [4036, 7114, 257], [4036, 7144, 256], [4204, 7342, 255], [4172, 7340, 255], [4142, 7340, 255], [4112, 7340, 255], [4087, 7345, 255], [4054, 7342, 255], [4035, 7353, 254], [3996, 7344, 253], [3966, 7344, 253], [3937, 7345, 253], [3911, 7349, 252], [3881, 7349, 251], [3846, 7344, 251], [3816, 7344, 250], [3790, 7348, 250], [3760, 7348, 250], [3731, 7349, 248], [5052, 8651, 247], [5022, 8651, 247], [3636, 7344, 246], [4966, 8655, 246], [4944, 8663, 245], [3542, 7340, 245], [3520, 7348, 245], [5405, 9214, 244], [5395, 9234, 245], [5384, 9253, 245], [5324, 9223, 245], [5313, 9242, 245], [5304, 9263, 245], [5248, 9237, 245], [5203, 9222, 246], [5197, 9246, 246], [5143, 9222, 246], [5151, 9260, 246], [5087, 9226, 246], [5087, 9256, 247], [5063, 9262, 247], [5033, 9262, 247], [5013, 9272, 246], [4973, 9262, 246], [4948, 9267, 245], [4917, 9266, 245], [4895, 9274, 244], [4858, 9267, 244], [4857, 9296, 242], [4855, 9296, 241], [4806, 9264, 240], [4734, 9222, 240], [4734, 9252, 241], [4719, 9267, 241], [4690, 9268, 240], [4654, 9262, 240], [4625, 9263, 240], [4594, 9262, 240], [4562, 9260, 240], [4535, 9263, 240], [4463, 9221, 240], [4445, 9233, 240], [4444, 9262, 240], [4413, 9261, 240], [4384, 9262, 240], [4347, 9255, 240], [4319, 9257, 240], [4291, 9259, 240], [4259, 9257, 240], [4237, 9265, 240], [4204, 9262, 240], [4171, 9259, 240], [4141, 9259, 240], [4108, 9256, 240], [4087, 9265, 240], [4054, 9262, 240], [4036, 9274, 240], [3995, 9263, 239], [3966, 9264, 239], [3937, 9265, 239], [3911, 9269, 239], [3884, 9272, 238], [3846, 9264, 238], [3816, 9264, 238], [3790, 9268, 238], [3760, 9268, 237], [3743, 9281, 237], [3720, 9288, 236], [3667, 9265, 236], [3635, 9263, 236], [3622, 9280, 235], [3545, 9233, 235], [3542, 9260, 235], [3521, 9269, 235], [3485, 9263, 234], [3466, 9274, 234], [3427, 9265, 233], [3402, 9270, 233], [3381, 9279, 233], [3345, 9273, 232], [3310, 9268, 232], [3277, 9265, 231], [3255, 9273, 231], [3220, 9268, 231], [3218, 9296, 230], [3154, 9262, 230], [3123, 9261, 230], [3101, 9269, 229], [3069, 9267, 229], [3066, 9294, 228], [3026, 9284, 228], [2985, 9273, 227], [2947, 9265, 227], [2923, 9271, 227], [2893, 9271, 226], [2859, 9267, 226], [2826, 9264, 226], [4095, 10263, 226], [4065, 10263, 226], [4036, 10264, 226], [4032, 10290, 226], [3976, 10264, 225], [3946, 10264, 225], [3916, 10264, 225], [4094, 10472, 225], [4045, 10453, 225], [4036, 10474, 225], [4035, 10503, 225], [4044, 10542, 225], [4074, 10602, 225], [4044, 10602, 225], [4044, 10632, 225], [4036, 10654, 225], [3954, 10602, 224], [3964, 10642, 224], [3935, 10643, 224], [3911, 10649, 224], [3851, 10619, 224], [3845, 10643, 224], [3804, 10632, 224], [3790, 10648, 223], [3756, 10644, 223], [3744, 10662, 223], [3745, 10693, 223], [3744, 10722, 222], [3632, 10640, 222], [3629, 10667, 222], [3542, 10610, 222], [3542, 10640, 222], [3520, 10648, 222], [3483, 10641, 221], [3524, 10712, 221], [3424, 10642, 221], [3394, 10642, 221], [3381, 10659, 220], [3406, 10714, 220], [4036, 11288, 220], [4036, 11318, 220], [4055, 11367, 220], [4099, 11441, 220], [4098, 11470, 220], [4043, 11445, 220], [4038, 11470, 220], [4046, 11508, 220], [4101, 11593, 219], [4127, 11649, 219], [4105, 11657, 219], [4088, 11670, 219], [4045, 11657, 220], [4037, 11679, 220], [4036, 11708, 219], [4074, 11776, 219], [4044, 11776, 219], [4035, 11797, 219], [3984, 11776, 219], [3966, 11788, 219], [3936, 11788, 219], [3914, 11796, 219], [3852, 11764, 219], [3846, 11788, 219], [3804, 11776, 219], [3791, 11793, 218], [3756, 11788, 218], [4036, 12098, 218], [3947, 12039, 218], [3967, 12089, 218], [3937, 12089, 218], [3913, 12095, 218], [3853, 12065, 217], [3847, 12089, 217], [3817, 12089, 217], [3791, 12093, 217], [3760, 12092, 217], [3744, 12106, 217], [3744, 12136, 217], [3668, 12090, 216], [3636, 12088, 216], [3629, 12111, 216], [3540, 12052, 216], [3542, 12084, 216], [3523, 12095, 216], [3509, 12111, 216], [3474, 12106, 215], [3427, 12089, 215], [3406, 12098, 215], [3383, 12105, 215], [3383, 12135, 215], [3310, 12092, 214], [126, 9265, 214], [93, 9262, 214], [67, 9266, 214], [16, 9245, 214], [13, 9272, 214], [7, 9296, 214], [3108, 12100, 213], [3077, 12099, 213], [3068, 12120, 213], [3062, 12144, 212], [3085, 12197, 212], [3068, 12210, 212], [3087, 12259, 212], [3065, 12267, 211], [2799, 12031, 211], [2827, 12089, 211], [2798, 12090, 211], [2775, 12097, 211], [2754, 12106, 211], [2726, 12108, 211], [2699, 12111, 211], [2660, 12102, 210], [2660, 12132, 210], [2721, 12223, 210], [2732, 12264, 210], [2705, 12267, 209], [2666, 12258, 209], [2645, 12267, 209], [2571, 12223, 208], [548, 10264, 208], [544, 10290, 208], [433, 10209, 208], [454, 10260, 208], [428, 10264, 209], [397, 10263, 209], [375, 10271, 209], [333, 10259, 209], [328, 10284, 209], [280, 10259, 209], [252, 10261, 209], [241, 10280, 209], [195, 10264, 209], [165, 10264, 209], [135, 10264, 209], [103, 10262, 209], [74, 10263, 209], [244, 10463, 209], [14, 10263, 209], [90, 10639, 208], [0, 10788, 206], [400, 11470, 206], [331, 11701, 206], [16, 11679, 206], [126, 12089, 206], [4, 12267, 205]], 'time_in_bucket': [655, 25, 33, 27, 10, 43, 26, 19, 14, 11, 12, 8, 11, 14, 15, 10, 9, 10, 18, 4, 16, 10, 11, 8, 12, 9, 7, 11, 13, 13, 8, 11, 11, 12, 13, 15, 10, 11, 9, 10, 5, 7, 11, 8, 10, 6, 8, 5, 8, 16, 14, 10, 8, 22, 14, 14, 11, 16, 14, 7, 12, 14, 11, 7, 18, 14, 13, 15, 22, 14, 10, 5, 17, 24, 24, 20, 22, 18, 22, 19, 17, 21, 15, 31, 16, 16, 20, 26, 12, 24, 23, 27, 28, 30, 32, 22, 28, 18, 18, 29, 21, 23, 29, 23, 32, 18, 28, 19, 24, 34, 22, 20, 29, 27, 17, 23, 26, 31, 31, 39, 30, 25, 30, 35, 16, 34, 30, 23, 33, 20, 18, 24, 21, 21, 33, 26, 31, 23, 24, 37, 34, 33, 30, 39, 24, 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'cp_data': [[620, 620, 648], [620, 621, 628], [619, 621, 611], [619, 622, 590], [618, 622, 546], [5024, 5029, 518], [5024, 5030, 519], [5024, 5031, 518], [5023, 5031, 517], [5023, 5032, 516], [5023, 5033, 511], [5023, 5034, 510], [5023, 5035, 508], [5023, 5036, 508], [5023, 5037, 507], [5023, 5038, 504], [5023, 5039, 504], [5023, 5040, 504], [5023, 5041, 502], [5023, 5042, 499], [5024, 5044, 498], [5023, 5044, 498], [5023, 5045, 498], [5023, 5046, 498], [5023, 5047, 498], [5023, 5048, 496], [5023, 5049, 496], [5023, 5050, 495], [5023, 5051, 495], [5023, 5052, 495], [5023, 5053, 495], [5023, 5054, 494], [5023, 5055, 493], [5023, 5056, 492], [5023, 5057, 491], [5023, 5058, 488], [5023, 5059, 486], [5024, 5061, 486], [5024, 5062, 487], [5023, 5062, 488], [5023, 5063, 486], [5022, 5063, 482], [5023, 5065, 478], [5023, 5066, 477], [5023, 5067, 476], [5024, 5069, 476], [5023, 5069, 477], [5023, 5070, 477], [5023, 5071, 475], [5022, 5071, 473], [5024, 5074, 469], [5024, 5075, 470], [5023, 5075, 471], [5023, 5076, 470], [5023, 5077, 469], [5023, 5078, 467], [5023, 5079, 467], [5024, 5081, 468], [5024, 5082, 470], [5023, 5082, 470], [5023, 5083, 470], [5022, 5083, 468], [5022, 5084, 464], [5023, 5086, 462], [5023, 5087, 463], [5023, 5088, 462], [5022, 5088, 460], [5022, 5089, 457], [5023, 5091, 455], [5023, 5092, 455], [5023, 5093, 454], [5022, 5093, 453], [5022, 5094, 450], [5023, 5096, 448], [5023, 5097, 448], [5023, 5098, 448], [5022, 5098, 447], [5022, 5099, 445], [5022, 5100, 443], [5023, 5102, 442], [5023, 5103, 441], [5023, 5104, 441], [5023, 5105, 441], [5023, 5106, 441], [5022, 5106, 440], [5022, 5107, 438], [5023, 5109, 435], [5023, 5110, 434], [5023, 5111, 434], [5023, 5112, 433], [5023, 5113, 432], [5022, 5113, 432], [5272, 5364, 430], [5271, 5364, 430], [5271, 5365, 430], [5270, 5365, 430], [5269, 5365, 429], [5022, 5119, 427], [5266, 5364, 426], [5265, 5364, 427], [5265, 5365, 427], [5264, 5365, 426], [5263, 5365, 424], [5256, 5359, 423], [5256, 5360, 423], [5259, 5364, 423], [5258, 5364, 423], [5257, 5364, 424], [5257, 5365, 424], [5256, 5365, 424], [5255, 5365, 423], [5253, 5364, 423], [5252, 5364, 423], [5252, 5365, 423], [5251, 5365, 423], [5245, 5360, 422], [5243, 5359, 423], [5242, 5359, 423], [5241, 5359, 423], [5241, 5360, 423], [5240, 5360, 423], [5243, 5364, 423], [5242, 5364, 423], [5241, 5364, 423], [5241, 5365, 423], [5240, 5365, 423], [5239, 5365, 423], [5238, 5365, 422], [5237, 5365, 422], [5235, 5364, 421], [5234, 5364, 421], [5234, 5365, 421], [5233, 5365, 421], [5232, 5365, 420], [5233, 5367, 418], [5229, 5364, 418], [5228, 5364, 419], [5228, 5365, 419], [5227, 5365, 418], [5226, 5365, 418], [5225, 5365, 417], [5224, 5365, 416], [5223, 5365, 416], [5222, 5365, 416], [5221, 5365, 416], [5220, 5365, 416], [5219, 5365, 415], [5217, 5364, 415], [5216, 5364, 415], [5216, 5365, 415], [5215, 5365, 415], [5214, 5365, 414], [4408, 4560, 414], [4408, 4561, 414], [5210, 5364, 414], [5210, 5365, 414], [4408, 4564, 413], [4408, 4565, 413], [4408, 4566, 413], [4408, 4567, 413], [4408, 4568, 414], [4408, 4569, 414], [4408, 4570, 413], [4408, 4571, 413], [4408, 4572, 413], [4408, 4573, 413], [4408, 4574, 413], [4408, 4575, 413], [4408, 4576, 413], [4408, 4577, 413], [4408, 4578, 413], [4408, 4579, 413], [4408, 4580, 413], [4408, 4581, 413], [4407, 4581, 413], [4405, 4580, 412], [4408, 4584, 412], [4408, 4585, 412], [4407, 4585, 412], [4406, 4585, 412], [4405, 4585, 412], [4408, 4589, 412], [4408, 4590, 412], [4408, 4591, 412], [4407, 4591, 411], [4406, 4591, 411], [4405, 4591, 411], [4408, 4595, 410], [4408, 4596, 410], [4408, 4597, 410], [4407, 4597, 410], [4405, 4596, 410], [4405, 4597, 409], [4404, 4597, 409], [4403, 4597, 408], [4407, 4602, 408], [4405, 4601, 408], [4405, 4602, 407], [5167, 5365, 407], [5166, 5365, 407], [5165, 5365, 407], [5164, 5365, 406], [5163, 5365, 406], [5162, 5365, 406], [5161, 5365, 406], [5160, 5365, 406], [5159, 5365, 406], [5157, 5364, 406], [5157, 5365, 406], [5156, 5365, 406], [5155, 5365, 406], [5154, 5365, 405], [5153, 5365, 405], [5152, 5365, 405], [5151, 5365, 405], [5150, 5365, 405], [4408, 4624, 405], [4408, 4625, 405], [4408, 4626, 405], [4408, 4627, 405], [4408, 4628, 405], [4408, 4629, 405], [4408, 4630, 405], [4408, 4631, 405], [4408, 4632, 405], [4408, 4633, 406], [4408, 4634, 406], [4408, 4635, 406], [4408, 4636, 406], [4408, 4637, 406], [4408, 4638, 406], [4408, 4639, 406], [4407, 4639, 405], [4408, 4641, 405], [4405, 4639, 405], [4406, 4641, 405], [4405, 4641, 405], [4407, 4644, 404], [4406, 4644, 404], [4405, 4644, 404], [4405, 4645, 404], [4403, 4644, 403], [4403, 4645, 403], [4409, 4652, 402], [4408, 4652, 403], [4408, 4653, 403], [4408, 4654, 403], [4407, 4654, 403], [4408, 4656, 403], [4408, 4657, 403], [4408, 4658, 403], [4408, 4659, 403], [4408, 4660, 403], [4408, 4661, 403], [4408, 4662, 403], [4408, 4663, 403], [4408, 4664, 403], [4408, 4665, 404], [4408, 4666, 404], [4408, 4667, 404], [4408, 4668, 404], [4408, 4669, 404], [4408, 4670, 404], [4408, 4671, 404], [4408, 4672, 404], [4408, 4673, 404], [4408, 4674, 404], [4408, 4675, 404], [4407, 4675, 404], [4408, 4677, 404], [4408, 4678, 404], [4408, 4679, 404], [4408, 4680, 404], [4408, 4681, 404], [4408, 4682, 404], [4407, 4682, 404], [4405, 4681, 404], [4405, 4682, 404], [4408, 4686, 404], [4408, 4687, 404], [4407, 4687, 404], [4406, 4687, 404], [4405, 4687, 404], [4404, 4687, 403], [4403, 4687, 403], [4408, 4693, 403], [4407, 4693, 402], [4406, 4693, 402], [4405, 4693, 402], [4405, 4694, 402], [4408, 4698, 402], [4408, 4699, 402], [4408, 4700, 401], [4408, 4701, 402], [4407, 4701, 401], [4406, 4701, 401], [4408, 4704, 401], [4408, 4705, 401], [5024, 5322, 401], [5023, 5322, 402], [5024, 5328, 403], [5024, 5333, 404], [5023, 5337, 404], [5023, 5342, 404], [5023, 5347, 405], [5023, 5352, 406], [5024, 5358, 407], [5024, 5363, 408], [5022, 5366, 408], [5022, 5371, 406], [5022, 5376, 405], [5022, 5381, 404], [5022, 5386, 404], [5023, 5392, 403], [5023, 5397, 402], [5023, 5402, 402], [5022, 5406, 401], [5022, 5411, 401], [5022, 5416, 401], [4408, 4807, 401], [4408, 4812, 401], [4409, 4818, 400], [4409, 4823, 401], [4408, 4827, 401], [4405, 4829, 401], [4404, 4833, 400], [4405, 4839, 399], [4405, 4844, 399], [4406, 4850, 399], [4407, 4856, 398], [4408, 4862, 398], [4406, 4865, 398], [4408, 4872, 398], [4403, 4872, 397], [4408, 4882, 397], [4408, 4887, 397], [4408, 4892, 396], [5023, 5512, 396], [5023, 5517, 396], [4408, 4907, 396], [4408, 4912, 397], [4408, 4917, 397], [4407, 4921, 397], [4408, 4927, 397], [4405, 4929, 397], [4406, 4935, 396], [4408, 4942, 396], [4408, 4947, 397], [4408, 4952, 397], [4408, 4957, 397], [4404, 4958, 396], [4405, 4964, 396], [4405, 4969, 395], [4407, 4976, 395], [4408, 4982, 394], [4404, 4983, 394], [4775, 5359, 394], [4770, 5359, 395], [4765, 5359, 396], [4765, 5364, 396], [4761, 5365, 396], [4756, 5365, 396], [4751, 5365, 395], [4746, 5365, 395], [4741, 5365, 395], [5022, 5651, 395], [5022, 5656, 394], [5023, 5662, 395], [5023, 5667, 396], [5023, 5672, 396], [5023, 5677, 395], [5022, 5681, 395], [5023, 5687, 395], [4408, 5077, 395], [4408, 5082, 396], [4408, 5087, 396], [4404, 5088, 395], [4404, 5093, 395], [4405, 5099, 395], [4407, 5106, 395], [4408, 5112, 394], [4404, 5113, 394], [4405, 5119, 394], [4405, 5124, 393], [4405, 5129, 393], [4408, 5137, 393], [4408, 5142, 393], [4620, 5359, 393], [4620, 5364, 393], [4616, 5365, 393], [4611, 5365, 393], [4606, 5365, 393], [4408, 5172, 393], [4408, 5177, 393], [4405, 5179, 393], [4408, 5187, 393], [4405, 5189, 393], [4408, 5197, 392], [4405, 5199, 392], [4408, 5207, 392], [4408, 5212, 392], [4556, 5365, 392], [4551, 5365, 393], [4546, 5365, 393], [4541, 5365, 393], [4536, 5365, 392], [4531, 5365, 392], [4526, 5365, 392], [4521, 5365, 392], [4516, 5365, 392], [4511, 5365, 393], [4506, 5365, 392], [4501, 5365, 392], [4496, 5365, 392], [4491, 5365, 392], [4486, 5365, 392], [4481, 5365, 392], [4476, 5365, 392], [4471, 5365, 392], [4465, 5364, 392], [4460, 5364, 392], [4455, 5364, 392], [4408, 5322, 393], [4409, 5328, 393], [4409, 5333, 394], [4405, 5334, 394], [4425, 5359, 394], [4420, 5359, 394], [4409, 5353, 395], [4410, 5359, 395], [4410, 5364, 395], [4406, 5365, 396], [4405, 5369, 395], [4405, 5374, 395], [4406, 5380, 394], [4407, 5386, 394], [4408, 5392, 394], [4403, 5392, 394], [4408, 5402, 394], [4406, 5405, 394], [4406, 5410, 393], [4407, 5416, 393], [4408, 5422, 393], [4405, 5424, 393], [4405, 5429, 393], [4406, 5435, 393], [4407, 5441, 393], [4408, 5447, 393], [4408, 5452, 393], [4408, 5457, 393], [4405, 5459, 393], [4406, 5465, 392], [4406, 5470, 392], [4406, 5475, 392], [4407, 5481, 392], [4408, 5487, 392], [4406, 5490, 392], [4408, 5497, 392], [4408, 5502, 392], [4408, 5507, 392], [4405, 5509, 392], [4408, 5517, 392], [4408, 5522, 392], [4408, 5527, 392], [4407, 5531, 392], [4403, 5532, 391], [4398, 5532, 391], [4408, 5547, 391], [4406, 5550, 391], [4407, 5556, 391], [4406, 5560, 391], [4406, 5565, 391], [4407, 5571, 391], [4406, 5575, 391], [4408, 5582, 390], [4408, 5587, 390], [4405, 5589, 390], [4407, 5596, 390], [4407, 5601, 390], [4408, 5607, 390], [4408, 5612, 390], [4409, 5618, 390], [4410, 5624, 391], [4406, 5625, 391], [4406, 5630, 391], [4407, 5636, 391], [4407, 5641, 391], [4407, 5646, 392], [4407, 5651, 392], [4407, 5656, 391], [4408, 5662, 392], [4408, 5667, 392], [4405, 5669, 392], [4404, 5673, 392], [4407, 5681, 392], [4408, 5687, 392], [4408, 5692, 392], [4408, 5697, 392], [4403, 5697, 391], [4398, 5697, 391], [4398, 5702, 391], [4408, 5717, 390], [4405, 5719, 391], [4406, 5725, 390], [4406, 5730, 390], [4408, 5737, 390], [4408, 5742, 390], [4405, 5744, 390], [4404, 5748, 390], [4399, 5748, 390], [4399, 5753, 389], [4389, 5748, 389], [4406, 5770, 389], [4405, 5774, 388], [4405, 5779, 388], [4406, 5785, 388], [4406, 5790, 388], [4407, 5796, 388], [4407, 5801, 388], [4407, 5806, 388], [4403, 5807, 388], [4407, 5816, 387], [4408, 5822, 388], [4408, 5827, 387], [4408, 5832, 387], [4408, 5837, 387], [4408, 5842, 387], [4405, 5844, 387], [4406, 5850, 387], [4407, 5856, 387], [4407, 5861, 387], [4407, 5866, 387], [4408, 5872, 387], [4408, 5877, 387], [4408, 5882, 387], [4408, 5887, 387], [4408, 5892, 387], [4407, 5896, 387], [4408, 5902, 387], [4405, 5904, 387], [4405, 5909, 387], [4405, 5914, 387], [4405, 5919, 387], [4404, 5923, 386], [4405, 5929, 386], [4408, 5937, 386], [4407, 5941, 386], [4406, 5945, 386], [4408, 5952, 386], [4408, 5957, 386], [4407, 5961, 386], [4407, 5966, 386], [4407, 5971, 386], [4408, 5977, 386], [4407, 5981, 386], [4407, 5986, 386], [4408, 5992, 386], [4408, 5997, 386], [4403, 5997, 386], [4405, 6004, 386], [4408, 6012, 385], [4408, 6017, 386], [4408, 6022, 385], [4405, 6024, 385], [4405, 6029, 385], [4407, 6036, 385], [4407, 6041, 385], [4408, 6047, 385], [4407, 6051, 385], [4409, 6058, 386], [4408, 6062, 386], [4408, 6067, 386], [4408, 6072, 386], [4410, 6079, 386], [4408, 6082, 386], [4408, 6087, 387], [4408, 6092, 387], [4407, 6096, 387], [4408, 6102, 387], [4405, 6104, 387], [4406, 6110, 386], [4406, 6115, 386], [4407, 6121, 386], [4403, 6122, 386], [4407, 6131, 386], [4406, 6135, 386], [4405, 6139, 386], [4401, 6140, 386], [4407, 6151, 385], [4408, 6157, 385], [4406, 6160, 385], [4408, 6167, 385], [4408, 6172, 385], [4408, 6177, 385], [4404, 6178, 385], [4406, 6185, 385], [4406, 6190, 385], [4406, 6195, 385], [4407, 6201, 385], [4408, 6207, 385], [4407, 6236, 384], [4408, 6267, 384], [4405, 6294, 384], [4376, 6295, 383], [4352, 6301, 379], [4358, 6337, 374], [4334, 6343, 370], [4328, 6367, 364], [4356, 6425, 360], [4352, 6451, 357], [4327, 6456, 352], [4297, 6456, 347], [4266, 6455, 343], [4231, 6450, 338], [4207, 6456, 334], [4174, 6453, 330], [4147, 6456, 326], [4117, 6456, 322], [4087, 6456, 318], [4057, 6456, 314], [4027, 6456, 310], [3997, 6456, 307], [3967, 6456, 303], [3935, 6454, 300], [3907, 6456, 296], [3877, 6456, 293], [3847, 6456, 290], [3817, 6456, 287], [3787, 6456, 284], [3757, 6456, 281], [3724, 6453, 278], [3703, 6456, 275], [3703, 6456, 272], [3703, 6456, 269], [3703, 6456, 266], [3703, 6456, 263], [3703, 6456, 261], [2694, 5365, 260], [2663, 5364, 261], [2634, 5365, 262], [2604, 5365, 263], [2574, 5365, 264], [2544, 5365, 266], [2514, 5365, 267], [2484, 5365, 268], [2454, 5365, 269], [2424, 5365, 270], [2697, 5668, 271], [2672, 5673, 272], [2637, 5668, 273], [2607, 5668, 274], [2577, 5668, 275], [2547, 5668, 276], [2517, 5668, 277], [2506, 5687, 278], [2458, 5669, 278], [2432, 5673, 279], [2402, 5673, 280], [2386, 5687, 281], [2337, 5668, 282], [2307, 5668, 282], [2277, 5668, 283], [2276, 5697, 284], [2278, 5729, 284], [2277, 5758, 285], [2585, 6096, 286], [2555, 6096, 286], [2524, 6095, 287], [2503, 6104, 288], [2460, 6091, 288], [2431, 6092, 289], [2404, 6095, 290], [2375, 6096, 290], [2340, 6091, 291], [2306, 6087, 292], [2280, 6091, 292], [2275, 6116, 293], [2280, 6151, 293], [2277, 6178, 294], [2276, 6207, 294], [2276, 6237, 295], [2289, 6280, 295], [2274, 6295, 296], [2244, 6295, 295], [2230, 6311, 294], [2227, 6338, 292], [2226, 6367, 290], [2219, 6367, 288], [2231, 6432, 287], [2225, 6456, 286], [2219, 6456, 284], [2219, 6456, 282], [2219, 6456, 280], [2219, 6456, 279], [2219, 6456, 277], [2219, 6456, 275], [2219, 6456, 273], [2063, 6302, 273], [2063, 6332, 272], [2006, 6305, 271], [1966, 6295, 270], [1936, 6295, 269], [1906, 6295, 268], [1889, 6308, 267], [1846, 6295, 266], [1816, 6295, 266], [1785, 6294, 265], [1752, 6291, 265], [1751, 6320, 264], [1704, 6303, 263], [1704, 6333, 262], [1643, 6302, 261], [1645, 6334, 260], [1577, 6296, 259], [1546, 6295, 258], [1523, 6302, 257], [1526, 6335, 256], [1457, 6296, 256], [1452, 6321, 255], [1442, 6341, 254], [1410, 6339, 253], [1336, 6295, 252], [1321, 6310, 251], [1276, 6295, 250], [1246, 6295, 249], [1216, 6295, 249], [1228, 6337, 248], [1199, 6338, 247], [1137, 6306, 246], [1138, 6337, 245], [1110, 6339, 244], [1078, 6337, 243], [1017, 6306, 243], [1019, 6338, 242], [947, 6296, 241], [949, 6328, 240], [932, 6341, 240], [931, 6367, 238], [950, 6419, 237], [949, 6448, 237], [931, 6456, 236], [931, 6456, 235], [931, 6456, 234], [931, 6456, 233], [931, 6456, 231], [931, 6456, 230], [931, 6456, 229], [931, 6456, 228], [931, 6456, 227], [931, 6456, 226], [931, 6456, 225], [931, 6456, 224], [931, 6456, 223], [931, 6456, 222], [931, 6456, 221], [931, 6456, 220], [931, 6456, 219], [931, 6456, 218], [931, 6456, 217], [931, 6456, 216], [931, 6490, 215], [931, 6516, 214], [931, 6544, 213], [931, 6580, 212], [931, 6580, 211], [932, 6647, 210], [944, 6689, 209], [944, 6719, 209], [932, 6737, 208], [931, 6758, 208], [948, 6813, 207], [932, 6827, 206], [931, 6847, 205], [947, 6902, 204], [931, 6904, 204], [931, 6934, 203], [931, 6975, 202], [932, 7007, 201], [1163, 7268, 201], [1134, 7269, 201], [1110, 7275, 200], [1073, 7268, 199], [1039, 7264, 199], [1014, 7269, 199], [935, 7220, 198], [950, 7265, 198], [932, 7277, 197], [947, 7322, 197], [932, 7337, 196], [331, 6311, 196], [299, 6309, 196], [255, 6295, 195], [233, 6303, 195], [208, 6308, 195], [208, 6338, 194], [179, 6339, 194], [154, 6344, 193], [233, 6453, 193], [206, 6456, 192], [176, 6456, 192], [146, 6456, 191], [116, 6456, 191], [86, 6456, 190], [56, 6456, 189], [26, 6456, 189], [0, 6458, 188], [0, 6458, 188], [0, 6458, 187], [0, 6458, 186], [0, 6458, 185], [0, 6458, 185], [0, 6458, 184], [2277, 8389, 184], [2276, 8418, 184], [2277, 8449, 185], [2277, 8479, 185], [2277, 8509, 186], [2276, 8538, 186], [2276, 8568, 186], [2273, 8595, 186], [2240, 8592, 186], [2228, 8610, 186], [2219, 8611, 186], [2219, 8611, 185], [2219, 8611, 184], [2219, 8611, 184], [2219, 8611, 183], [2576, 8936, 182], [2586, 8976, 183], [2589, 9009, 184], [2559, 9009, 184], [2530, 9010, 185], [2503, 9013, 186], [2470, 9010, 186], [2440, 9010, 187], [2410, 9010, 188], [2381, 9011, 188], [2276, 8936, 189], [2278, 8968, 190], [2290, 9010, 190], [2272, 9022, 191], [2240, 9020, 191], [2224, 9034, 190], [2219, 9047, 190], [2219, 9063, 189], [2226, 9104, 188], [2219, 9120, 188], [2223, 9161, 187], [2231, 9199, 187], [2225, 9223, 186], [2227, 9255, 186], [2219, 9267, 185], [2219, 9267, 185], [2113, 9021, 184], [2082, 9020, 184], [2060, 9028, 184], [2275, 9483, 184], [2276, 9514, 184], [2255, 9523, 184], [2230, 9528, 184], [2275, 9603, 184], [2276, 9634, 185], [2277, 9665, 185], [2275, 9693, 185], [2276, 9724, 185], [2277, 9755, 185], [2274, 9782, 185], [2275, 9813, 186], [2276, 9844, 186], [2255, 9853, 186], [2231, 9859, 186], [2274, 9932, 186], [2240, 9928, 186], [2257, 9975, 186], [2231, 9979, 186], [2275, 10053, 186], [2275, 10083, 186], [2275, 10113, 186], [2243, 10111, 186], [2231, 10129, 186], [4405, 12493, 186], [4399, 12517, 186], [4376, 12524, 186], [4378, 12556, 187], [4405, 12613, 187], [4378, 12616, 187], [4374, 12642, 188], [4351, 12649, 188], [4378, 12706, 187], [4363, 12721, 187], [4334, 12722, 187], [4337, 12738, 187], [4334, 12765, 186], [4252, 12730, 186], [4222, 12730, 185], [4190, 12728, 185], [2277, 10611, 184], [2252, 10616, 184], [2230, 10624, 184], [2226, 10650, 184], [2275, 10965, 184], [2276, 11266, 187], [2226, 11516, 188], [2276, 11866, 189], [2276, 12166, 191], [2277, 12467, 193], [2231, 12721, 194], [2219, 12879, 190], [1781, 12639, 189], [1563, 12721, 187], [1268, 12726, 185], [951, 12709, 183], [931, 12879, 180], [931, 12879, 176], [931, 12879, 173], [785, 12724, 170], [403, 12642, 168], [187, 12726, 168], [28, 12850, 165]], 'time_in_bucket': [2093, 10, 26, 20, 20, 45, 41, 34, 37, 27, 22, 19, 23, 22, 27, 26, 23, 14, 12, 12, 19, 13, 23, 22, 16, 20, 13, 18, 22, 15, 16, 10, 17, 16, 13, 15, 21, 15, 10, 26, 13, 16, 13, 13, 12, 16, 19, 16, 18, 24, 23, 22, 10, 8, 11, 14, 21, 16, 20, 23, 22, 17, 16, 11, 14, 15, 18, 15, 12, 15, 18, 10, 15, 10, 15, 16, 19, 23, 23, 18, 22, 14, 18, 21, 19, 17, 10, 22, 25, 27, 12, 25, 10, 25, 17, 23, 25, 14, 15, 15, 27, 19, 17, 16, 11, 22, 15, 22, 27, 13, 21, 23, 24, 16, 15, 16, 16, 24, 18, 21, 17, 24, 16, 21, 18, 17, 25, 20, 19, 23, 12, 18, 30, 14, 15, 21, 21, 19, 26, 13, 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Wednesday, October 14, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 253, 'training_load': 193, 'max_watts': 736, 'relative_intensity': 63, 'cp_data': [[6033, 6033, 736], [6033, 6034, 731], [6033, 6035, 715], [6032, 6035, 687], [6032, 6036, 661], [6031, 6036, 626], [6030, 6036, 575], [6031, 6038, 550], [6031, 6039, 531], [6030, 6039, 505], [6030, 6040, 482], [14332, 14343, 475], [14332, 14344, 473], [14334, 14347, 476], [14333, 14347, 479], [14332, 14347, 479], [14332, 14348, 479], [14331, 14348, 475], [14331, 14349, 468], [14330, 14349, 462], [14328, 14348, 460], [14327, 14348, 460], [14326, 14348, 459], [14332, 14355, 456], [14332, 14356, 457], [14331, 14356, 455], [14331, 14357, 452], [14332, 14359, 450], [14332, 14360, 451], [14331, 14360, 449], [14333, 14363, 450], [14332, 14363, 451], [14332, 14364, 450], [14331, 14364, 449], [14330, 14364, 446], [14328, 14363, 443], [14327, 14363, 443], [14326, 14363, 443], [14326, 14364, 442], [14325, 14364, 441], [14324, 14364, 438], [14323, 14364, 435], [14322, 14364, 434], [14321, 14364, 432], [14321, 14365, 428], [14326, 14371, 426], [14325, 14371, 425], [14324, 14371, 423], [14323, 14371, 420], [14322, 14371, 420], [14321, 14371, 418], [14320, 14371, 415], [8998, 9050, 412], [8999, 9052, 411], [8998, 9052, 411], [9003, 9058, 410], [9002, 9058, 410], [9000, 9057, 410], [9000, 9058, 410], [8999, 9058, 410], [8998, 9058, 410], [8997, 9058, 409], [8996, 9058, 407], [8995, 9058, 407], [8994, 9058, 407], [8993, 9058, 407], [8992, 9058, 407], [8992, 9059, 406], [9003, 9071, 404], [9002, 9071, 404], [9000, 9070, 404], [9000, 9071, 404], [8999, 9071, 404], [8998, 9071, 404], [9001, 9075, 404], [9000, 9075, 404], [8999, 9075, 404], [8999, 9076, 404], [8998, 9076, 404], [8998, 9077, 403], [8998, 9078, 403], [8998, 9079, 402], [8994, 9076, 402], [8993, 9076, 402], [8992, 9076, 402], [8992, 9077, 402], [8992, 9078, 401], [9004, 9091, 401], [9000, 9088, 401], [8999, 9088, 401], [8998, 9088, 401], [9000, 9091, 401], [8999, 9091, 401], [8998, 9091, 401], 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383], [8949, 9096, 383], [8943, 9091, 383], [8942, 9091, 383], [8941, 9091, 382], [8940, 9091, 382], [8939, 9091, 382], [8938, 9091, 382], [8937, 9091, 382], [8936, 9091, 382], [8935, 9091, 382], [8934, 9091, 382], [8933, 9091, 382], [8932, 9091, 382], [8931, 9091, 382], [8930, 9091, 382], [8929, 9091, 381], [8928, 9091, 381], [8927, 9091, 381], [8926, 9091, 381], [8930, 9096, 380], [8897, 9064, 380], [8896, 9064, 380], [8896, 9065, 380], [8898, 9068, 380], [8898, 9069, 381], [8898, 9070, 381], [8898, 9071, 381], [8897, 9071, 381], [8896, 9071, 381], [8898, 9074, 381], [8898, 9075, 381], [8897, 9075, 381], [8897, 9076, 382], [8897, 9077, 382], [8896, 9077, 381], [8896, 9078, 381], [8897, 9080, 381], [8896, 9080, 381], [8897, 9082, 381], [8896, 9082, 381], [8896, 9083, 381], [8898, 9086, 381], [8898, 9087, 381], [8898, 9088, 381], [8897, 9088, 382], [8898, 9090, 382], [8898, 9091, 382], [8897, 9091, 382], [8896, 9091, 382], [8895, 9091, 381], [8897, 9094, 381], [8897, 9095, 381], [8897, 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372], [8329, 8658, 372], [8309, 8643, 373], [8318, 8657, 372], [8313, 8657, 373], [8308, 8657, 373], [8294, 8648, 373], [8294, 8653, 373], [8293, 8657, 373], [8289, 8658, 372], [8284, 8658, 372], [8279, 8658, 371], [8374, 8758, 371], [8374, 8763, 371], [8374, 8768, 371], [8372, 8771, 371], [8254, 8658, 371], [8372, 8781, 371], [8373, 8787, 371], [8372, 8791, 370], [8372, 8796, 370], [8293, 8722, 370], [8293, 8727, 369], [8293, 8732, 369], [8293, 8737, 369], [8313, 8762, 369], [8313, 8767, 369], [8309, 8768, 369], [8294, 8758, 369], [8294, 8763, 369], [8293, 8767, 369], [8292, 8771, 369], [8294, 8778, 369], [8293, 8782, 369], [8293, 8787, 369], [8293, 8792, 369], [8293, 8797, 368], [8258, 8767, 368], [8254, 8768, 368], [8249, 8768, 368], [8257, 8781, 368], [8253, 8782, 368], [8248, 8782, 367], [8242, 8781, 367], [8243, 8787, 367], [8243, 8792, 367], [8533, 9087, 367], [8532, 9091, 368], [8527, 9091, 367], [8527, 9096, 367], [8484, 9058, 367], [8479, 9058, 367], [8487, 9071, 367], [8487, 9076, 368], [8483, 9077, 368], [8478, 9077, 368], [8487, 9091, 368], [8482, 9091, 368], [8477, 9091, 368], [8477, 9096, 368], [8467, 9091, 368], [8462, 9091, 368], [8453, 9087, 368], [8452, 9091, 368], [8447, 9091, 368], [8447, 9096, 368], [8434, 9088, 368], [8396, 9055, 368], [8395, 9059, 368], [8396, 9065, 368], [8396, 9070, 369], [8396, 9075, 369], [8396, 9080, 369], [8396, 9085, 369], [8396, 9090, 369], [8396, 9095, 369], [8372, 9076, 369], [8371, 9080, 369], [8374, 9088, 369], [8372, 9091, 369], [8372, 9096, 369], [8372, 9101, 369], [8371, 9105, 368], [8372, 9111, 368], [8371, 9115, 368], [8372, 9121, 367], [8334, 9088, 367], [8331, 9090, 367], [8313, 9077, 368], [8308, 9077, 368], [8313, 9087, 368], [8312, 9091, 368], [8307, 9091, 368], [8293, 9082, 368], [8294, 9088, 368], [8292, 9091, 368], [8292, 9096, 368], [8293, 9102, 368], [8283, 9097, 367], [8283, 9102, 367], [8267, 9091, 367], [8262, 9091, 367], [8257, 9091, 367], [8257, 9096, 367], [8247, 9091, 367], [8242, 9091, 367], [8242, 9096, 367], [8243, 9102, 367], [8241, 9105, 366], [8242, 9111, 366], [8258, 9132, 366], [8255, 9134, 366], [8207, 9091, 366], [8207, 9096, 366], [8202, 9096, 365], [8190, 9089, 366], [8187, 9091, 366], [8182, 9091, 366], [8162, 9076, 366], [8161, 9080, 366], [8167, 9091, 366], [8162, 9091, 366], [8161, 9095, 366], [8157, 9096, 366], [8157, 9101, 366], [8142, 9091, 365], [8117, 9071, 365], [8117, 9076, 366], [8117, 9081, 366], [8117, 9086, 366], [8117, 9091, 366], [8117, 9096, 366], [8117, 9101, 366], [8117, 9106, 365], [8117, 9111, 365], [8117, 9116, 365], [8117, 9121, 365], [8117, 9126, 364], [8117, 9131, 365], [8117, 9136, 364], [8117, 9141, 364], [8117, 9146, 364], [8117, 9151, 364], [8117, 9156, 363], [8117, 9161, 363], [8117, 9166, 363], [8117, 9171, 363], [8117, 9176, 363], [8117, 9181, 362], [8117, 9186, 362], [8117, 9191, 362], [8117, 9196, 362], [8004, 9088, 362], [8002, 9091, 362], [8002, 9096, 362], [7997, 9096, 362], [7987, 9091, 362], [7982, 9091, 362], [7977, 9091, 362], [7972, 9091, 362], [7972, 9096, 362], [7962, 9091, 362], [7957, 9091, 362], [7956, 9095, 362], [7947, 9091, 362], [7947, 9096, 362], [7947, 9101, 362], [7932, 9091, 362], [7932, 9096, 362], [7932, 9101, 362], [7910, 9084, 362], [7912, 9091, 362], [7907, 9091, 362], [7907, 9096, 362], [7908, 9102, 362], [7889, 9088, 362], [7887, 9091, 362], [7882, 9091, 362], [7882, 9096, 362], [7872, 9091, 362], [7867, 9091, 362], [7862, 9091, 362], [7857, 9091, 361], [7857, 9096, 361], [7857, 9101, 361], [7853, 9102, 361], [7857, 9111, 361], [7856, 9115, 361], [7870, 9134, 361], [7863, 9132, 361], [7860, 9134, 361], [7856, 9135, 361], [7850, 9134, 360], [7861, 9150, 360], [7856, 9150, 360], [7851, 9150, 360], [7851, 9155, 360], [7860, 9169, 359], [7859, 9173, 359], [7855, 9174, 359], [7849, 9173, 359], [7858, 9187, 359], [7853, 9187, 359], [7862, 9201, 359], [7860, 9204, 359], [7860, 9209, 359], [7855, 9209, 359], [7850, 9209, 358], [7857, 9221, 358], [7856, 9225, 358], [7883, 9257, 358], [7882, 9261, 358], [7872, 9256, 358], [7869, 9258, 358], [7862, 9256, 358], [7861, 9260, 358], [7856, 9260, 358], [7858, 9267, 358], [7855, 9269, 358], [7854, 9273, 358], [7861, 9285, 358], [7856, 9285, 358], [7856, 9290, 358], [7851, 9290, 357], [7849, 9293, 357], [7869, 9318, 357], [7864, 9318, 357], [7861, 9320, 357], [7860, 9324, 357], [7855, 9324, 357], [7862, 9336, 357], [7857, 9336, 357], [7854, 9338, 357], [7849, 9338, 357], [7850, 9344, 357], [7847, 9346, 356], [7826, 9330, 356], [7826, 9335, 356], [7825, 9339, 356], [7825, 9344, 356], [7822, 9346, 355], [7816, 9345, 355], [7811, 9345, 354], [7806, 9345, 354], [7802, 9346, 353], [7826, 9375, 353], [7826, 9380, 353], [7824, 9383, 353], [7823, 9387, 353], [7814, 9383, 352], [7812, 9386, 352], [7808, 9387, 351], [7803, 9387, 351], [7824, 9413, 350], [7825, 9419, 350], [7824, 9423, 350], [7782, 9386, 349], [7772, 9381, 349], [7772, 9386, 349], [7768, 9387, 348], [7763, 9387, 348], [7758, 9387, 348], [7752, 9386, 347], [7747, 9386, 347], [7739, 9383, 347], [7738, 9387, 347], [7734, 9388, 346], [7763, 9422, 345], [7756, 9420, 345], [7751, 9420, 345], [7739, 9413, 345], [7740, 9419, 344], [7738, 9422, 344], [7734, 9423, 344], [7734, 9428, 343], [7734, 9433, 342], [7733, 9435, 341], [7733, 9435, 340], [7733, 9435, 339], [7733, 9435, 338], [7733, 9435, 337], [7733, 9435, 336], [7734, 9438, 335], [7734, 9443, 335], [7734, 9448, 334], [7733, 9448, 333], [7733, 9448, 332], [7733, 9448, 331], [7733, 9448, 330], [7733, 9448, 329], [7733, 9448, 329], [7733, 9448, 328], [7733, 9448, 327], [7733, 9448, 326], [7733, 9448, 325], [7733, 9448, 324], [7733, 9448, 319], [7733, 9448, 313], [7733, 9448, 308], [7733, 9448, 304], [7728, 9448, 299], [3969, 5948, 295], [3950, 5959, 292], [3888, 5927, 290], [3839, 5908, 289], [3824, 5923, 289], [3796, 5925, 288], [3767, 5926, 287], [3726, 5915, 286], [3702, 5921, 287], [3674, 5923, 287], [3636, 5915, 286], [3620, 5929, 286], [3586, 5925, 284], [3557, 5926, 284], [3526, 5925, 283], [3499, 5928, 282], [3413, 5872, 282], [3414, 5903, 282], [3406, 5925, 282], [3372, 5921, 282], [3349, 5928, 281], [3342, 5951, 280], [3287, 5926, 278], [3246, 5915, 278], [3224, 5923, 277], [3198, 5927, 276], [3168, 5927, 276], [3113, 5902, 275], [3101, 5920, 275], [3077, 5926, 275], [3046, 5925, 274], [3020, 5929, 273], [2988, 5927, 272], [2940, 5909, 272], [2900, 5899, 272], [2897, 5926, 272], [2897, 5956, 271], [2891, 5959, 268], [2886, 5959, 266], [2877, 5959, 263], [2901, 6036, 262], [2891, 6040, 260], [2892, 6087, 258], [2813, 5929, 255], [2781, 5927, 255], [2752, 5928, 254], [2718, 5924, 254], [11348, 14737, 253], [11313, 14732, 253], [11235, 14684, 253], [11235, 14714, 253], [11228, 14737, 253], [11200, 14739, 252], [11164, 14733, 252], [11138, 14737, 252], [11104, 14733, 251], [11078, 14737, 251], [11051, 14740, 250], [11013, 14732, 249], [10973, 14722, 249], [10967, 14746, 249], [10840, 14649, 249], [10844, 14683, 249], [10829, 14698, 249], [10829, 14728, 249], [10808, 14737, 249], [10781, 14740, 249], [10751, 14740, 247], [10720, 14739, 246], [10690, 14739, 246], [10658, 14737, 245], [10811, 14920, 244], [10794, 14933, 244], [10775, 14944, 243], [10745, 14944, 242], [10708, 14937, 241], [10685, 14944, 241], [10656, 14945, 240], [10626, 14945, 239], [10594, 14943, 238], [10566, 14945, 238], [11251, 15660, 238], [11225, 15664, 238], [11208, 15677, 237], [11166, 15665, 237], [11134, 15663, 237], [11106, 15665, 237], [11076, 15665, 237], [11058, 15677, 236], [11058, 15707, 235], [10982, 15661, 235], [10968, 15677, 235], [10829, 15568, 235], [10829, 15598, 235], [10825, 15624, 236], [10833, 15662, 236], [10811, 15670, 236], [10784, 15673, 236], [10784, 15703, 235], [10757, 15706, 234], [10695, 15674, 234], [10696, 15705, 233], [10667, 15706, 232], [10637, 15706, 232], [10566, 15665, 231], [10577, 15706, 231], [10521, 15680, 230], [10519, 15708, 230], [10488, 15707, 229], [4510, 9346, 228], [4521, 9387, 229], [4523, 9419, 228], [4482, 9408, 228], [4479, 9435, 228], [4482, 9438, 227], [4075, 9091, 226], [4045, 9091, 227], [4020, 9096, 228], [4230, 9336, 228], [3999, 9135, 229], [4007, 9173, 229], [4012, 9208, 230], [4041, 9267, 230], [4011, 9267, 231], [4049, 9335, 231], [4008, 9324, 232], [3999, 9345, 232], [3970, 9346, 233], [3981, 9387, 233], [3970, 9406, 233], [3968, 9434, 233], [3939, 9435, 231], [3820, 9346, 231], [3830, 9386, 231], [3800, 9386, 231], [3800, 9416, 231], [3699, 9345, 232], [3669, 9345, 232], [3638, 9344, 232], [3639, 9375, 232], [3621, 9387, 232], [3626, 9422, 232], [3561, 9387, 232], [3526, 9382, 232], [3526, 9412, 232], [3414, 9330, 232], [3399, 9345, 233], [3411, 9387, 233], [3380, 9386, 233], [3351, 9387, 233], [3357, 9423, 233], [3336, 9432, 232], [3257, 9383, 232], [3231, 9387, 232], [3236, 9422, 232], [3205, 9421, 232], [3099, 9345, 232], [3110, 9386, 232], [3081, 9387, 232], [3083, 9419, 232], [3057, 9423, 232], [3029, 9425, 232], [2900, 9326, 232], [2898, 9354, 232], [2900, 9386, 232], [2899, 9415, 232], [2891, 9435, 231], [2897, 9443, 231], [2891, 9448, 230], [2886, 9448, 229], [2879, 9448, 228], [2877, 9448, 227], [2847, 9420, 226], [2823, 9426, 226], [2789, 9422, 225], [2760, 9423, 225], [2719, 9412, 225], [2699, 9422, 225], [2672, 9425, 225], [2652, 9435, 224], [2580, 9393, 224], [2581, 9424, 224], [2557, 9430, 223], [2517, 9420, 223], [2492, 9425, 223], [2467, 9430, 223], [2437, 9430, 222], [2364, 9387, 222], [2369, 9422, 222], [2349, 9432, 221], [2320, 9433, 221], [2276, 9419, 221], [2258, 9431, 221], [2227, 9430, 220], [2193, 9426, 220], [2168, 9431, 220], [2137, 9430, 219], [2107, 9430, 219], [2077, 9430, 218], [2052, 9435, 218], [2019, 9432, 217], [1992, 9435, 217], [1948, 9421, 216], [1924, 9427, 216], [1890, 9423, 216], [1867, 9430, 215], [1840, 9433, 215], [1773, 9396, 214], [1773, 9426, 214], [1742, 9425, 214], [1721, 9434, 214], [1677, 9420, 213], [1657, 9430, 213], [1628, 9431, 213], [1589, 9422, 212], [1566, 9429, 212], [1534, 9427, 212], [1507, 9430, 212], [1481, 9434, 211], [1446, 9429, 211], [1422, 9435, 210], [1391, 9434, 210], [1358, 9431, 210], [1331, 9434, 209], [1298, 9431, 209], [1270, 9433, 208], [1241, 9434, 208], [1210, 9433, 207], [1182, 9435, 207], [1147, 9430, 206], [1134, 9435, 206], [1135, 9448, 205], [1134, 9448, 205], [1134, 9448, 204], [1134, 9448, 203], [1134, 9448, 203], [1134, 9448, 202], [1134, 9448, 201], [1134, 9448, 201], [1203, 9527, 200], [1175, 9529, 200], [1136, 9520, 199], [1134, 9546, 199], [1134, 9576, 198], [1135, 9609, 198], [1135, 9639, 197], [1134, 9667, 197], [1134, 9694, 196], [1000, 9431, 196], [964, 9425, 196], [932, 9423, 196], [902, 9423, 196], [878, 9429, 196], [831, 9412, 196], [824, 9435, 196], [781, 9422, 195], [754, 9425, 195], [729, 9430, 195], [694, 9425, 195], [674, 9435, 194], [685, 9446, 194], [657, 9448, 193], [581, 9432, 193], [545, 9426, 193], [515, 9426, 193], [494, 9435, 192], [507, 9448, 192], [476, 9447, 191], [395, 9426, 191], [364, 9425, 191], [329, 9420, 191], [305, 9426, 191], [262, 9413, 191], [252, 9433, 191], [7824, 16474, 190], [7825, 16505, 190], [7825, 16535, 191], [7824, 16564, 191], [7804, 16574, 191], [7751, 16551, 191], [7738, 16568, 191], [7733, 16576, 191], [7733, 16576, 190], [7733, 16576, 190], [7733, 16576, 189], [7733, 16576, 189], [7733, 16576, 188], [7728, 16576, 188], [7728, 16576, 187], [7728, 16576, 187], [7728, 16576, 186], [7728, 16576, 186], [7728, 16576, 185], [7662, 16513, 185], [7662, 16543, 185], [3969, 13310, 186], [3630, 13271, 187], [3357, 13298, 188], [4483, 14724, 190], [3970, 14511, 192], [3893, 14734, 193], [3592, 14733, 194], [3294, 14735, 195], [2992, 14733, 195], [2897, 14938, 195], [3339, 15680, 194], [3030, 15671, 194], [2897, 15831, 193], [2581, 15669, 192], [3237, 16574, 192], [2900, 16537, 193], [2790, 16574, 191], [2491, 16575, 190], [2190, 16574, 189], [1890, 16574, 188], [1590, 16574, 187], [1289, 16573, 185], [1134, 16576, 183], [1114, 16576, 180], [814, 16576, 179], [514, 16576, 178], [212, 16574, 177]], 'time_in_bucket': [2350, 11, 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2572, 973], [2566, 2572, 953], [2566, 2573, 931], [1813, 1821, 921], [1812, 1821, 910], [1812, 1822, 900], [1812, 1823, 881], [1812, 1824, 864], [1812, 1825, 854], [1812, 1826, 839], [1812, 1827, 825], [1812, 1828, 811], [1812, 1829, 792], [1811, 1829, 773], [1812, 1831, 744], [1811, 1831, 729], [2054, 2075, 706], [2054, 2076, 692], [1812, 1835, 687], [1812, 1836, 679], [1811, 1836, 670], [1811, 1837, 655], [1810, 1837, 635], [1809, 1837, 617], [1808, 1837, 600], [2059, 2089, 595], [2058, 2089, 593], [2057, 2089, 591], [2056, 2089, 587], [2056, 2090, 583], [2055, 2090, 578], [16496, 16532, 576], [16495, 16532, 573], [2059, 2097, 568], [2058, 2097, 568], [2058, 2098, 567], [2057, 2098, 566], [2057, 2099, 564], [2058, 2101, 563], [2057, 2101, 562], [2056, 2101, 560], [2060, 2106, 560], [2059, 2106, 560], [2058, 2106, 560], [2057, 2106, 559], [2057, 2107, 557], [2056, 2107, 555], [2055, 2107, 552], [2057, 2110, 551], [2057, 2111, 549], [2056, 2111, 548], [2055, 2111, 545], [2054, 2111, 543], [2054, 2112, 541], [2053, 2112, 537], [2052, 2112, 533], [2051, 2112, 528], [2050, 2112, 523], [2049, 2112, 519], [2048, 2112, 517], [2047, 2112, 515], [2046, 2112, 513], [12485, 12552, 512], [12484, 12552, 512], [12484, 12553, 511], [12484, 12554, 510], [12484, 12555, 508], [12485, 12557, 509], [12484, 12557, 509], [12484, 12558, 508], [12484, 12559, 507], [12484, 12560, 505], [12484, 12561, 503], [12484, 12562, 502], [12484, 12563, 501], [12484, 12564, 500], [12484, 12565, 500], [12484, 12566, 499], [12484, 12567, 499], [12484, 12568, 498], [12484, 12569, 497], [12484, 12570, 496], [12484, 12571, 495], [12484, 12572, 494], [12484, 12573, 493], [12484, 12574, 492], [12484, 12575, 491], [12484, 12576, 491], [12484, 12577, 491], [12484, 12578, 490], [12484, 12579, 489], [12484, 12580, 488], [12484, 12581, 487], [2060, 2158, 487], [2060, 2159, 489], [2060, 2160, 490], [2060, 2161, 490], [2059, 2161, 491], [2058, 2161, 492], [2057, 2161, 492], [2056, 2161, 491], [2056, 2162, 491], 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12687, 454], [12484, 12688, 454], [12484, 12689, 454], [12484, 12690, 454], [12484, 12691, 454], [12484, 12692, 453], [12484, 12693, 453], [12484, 12694, 453], [12484, 12695, 453], [12484, 12696, 452], [12484, 12697, 452], [12484, 12698, 452], [12484, 12699, 451], [12484, 12700, 451], [12484, 12701, 450], [12484, 12702, 450], [12485, 12704, 451], [12485, 12705, 451], [12484, 12705, 452], [12485, 12707, 452], [12484, 12707, 452], [12484, 12708, 452], [12484, 12709, 451], [12484, 12710, 451], [12484, 12711, 451], [12484, 12712, 451], [12483, 12712, 451], [12483, 12713, 449], [12484, 12715, 449], [12483, 12715, 448], [12483, 12716, 447], [12484, 12718, 446], [12483, 12718, 446], [12483, 12719, 445], [12483, 12720, 444], [12482, 12720, 442], [12482, 12721, 441], [12481, 12721, 439], [12481, 12722, 437], [12481, 12723, 435], [12481, 12724, 433], [12481, 12725, 432], [12481, 12726, 430], [860, 1106, 428], [859, 1106, 429], [858, 1106, 429], [858, 1107, 429], [858, 1108, 429], [858, 1109, 428], [858, 1110, 428], [858, 1111, 428], [858, 1112, 428], [857, 1112, 427], [857, 1113, 426], [857, 1114, 425], [17267, 17525, 424], [851, 1110, 423], [851, 1111, 424], [851, 1112, 423], [850, 1112, 423], [849, 1112, 422], [847, 1111, 422], [847, 1112, 421], [846, 1112, 421], [886, 1153, 421], [886, 1154, 422], [886, 1155, 423], [885, 1155, 423], [884, 1155, 423], [884, 1156, 423], [885, 1158, 423], [885, 1159, 423], [886, 1161, 424], [885, 1161, 424], [884, 1161, 424], [884, 1162, 424], [883, 1162, 424], [884, 1164, 424], [883, 1164, 424], [883, 1165, 423], [883, 1166, 423], [883, 1167, 422], [883, 1168, 422], [883, 1169, 422], [883, 1170, 421], [882, 1170, 421], [872, 1161, 421], [872, 1162, 421], [872, 1163, 420], [872, 1164, 420], [869, 1162, 420], [868, 1162, 420], [869, 1164, 420], [868, 1164, 420], [868, 1165, 419], [864, 1162, 419], [1927, 2226, 420], [1924, 2228, 422], [1920, 2229, 420], [1923, 2237, 418], [1926, 2245, 418], [1922, 2246, 418], [1917, 2246, 417], [16496, 16830, 414], [16493, 16832, 414], [16494, 16838, 414], [16495, 16844, 414], [16492, 16846, 413], [16486, 16845, 412], [858, 1222, 411], [858, 1227, 410], [858, 1232, 410], [859, 1238, 410], [857, 1241, 409], [858, 1247, 408], [987, 1381, 407], [987, 1386, 407], [884, 1288, 409], [886, 1295, 410], [884, 1298, 411], [884, 1303, 410], [883, 1307, 409], [884, 1313, 410], [883, 1317, 410], [884, 1323, 410], [883, 1327, 410], [883, 1332, 409], [883, 1337, 408], [883, 1342, 408], [883, 1347, 408], [858, 1327, 408], [937, 1411, 408], [932, 1411, 408], [888, 1372, 409], [885, 1374, 411], [884, 1378, 411], [884, 1383, 411], [884, 1388, 411], [884, 1393, 411], [883, 1397, 411], [885, 1404, 411], [886, 1410, 412], [883, 1412, 412], [878, 1412, 410], [872, 1411, 410], [868, 1412, 410], [861, 1410, 409], [858, 1412, 410], [852, 1411, 408], [848, 1412, 408], [842, 1411, 406], [836, 1410, 406], [835, 1414, 405], [858, 1442, 404], [858, 1447, 402], [858, 1452, 401], [836, 1435, 401], [836, 1440, 400], [886, 1495, 400], [883, 1497, 401], [883, 1502, 401], [881, 1505, 400], [886, 1515, 401], [885, 1519, 402], [884, 1523, 401], [875, 1519, 401], [870, 1519, 401], [865, 1519, 400], [859, 1518, 401], [859, 1523, 400], [857, 1526, 400], [846, 1520, 399], [846, 1525, 398], [836, 1520, 398], [836, 1525, 397], [884, 1578, 396], [884, 1583, 396], [884, 1588, 396], [883, 1592, 396], [874, 1588, 395], [869, 1588, 395], [858, 1582, 395], [859, 1588, 396], [858, 1592, 395], [883, 1622, 395], [883, 1627, 395], [867, 1616, 394], [861, 1615, 394], [857, 1616, 394], [858, 1622, 394], [858, 1627, 394], [858, 1632, 393], [836, 1615, 392], [858, 1642, 392], [836, 1625, 391], [836, 1630, 391], [836, 1635, 390], [836, 1640, 390], [836, 1645, 389], [835, 1649, 388], [836, 1655, 388], [836, 1660, 387], [835, 1664, 386], [836, 1670, 385], [836, 1675, 385], [917, 1761, 384], [911, 1760, 384], [906, 1760, 385], [900, 1759, 385], [896, 1760, 385], [887, 1756, 386], [886, 1760, 387], [883, 1762, 387], [884, 1768, 387], [885, 1774, 387], [884, 1778, 387], [881, 1780, 387], [858, 1762, 387], [858, 1767, 387], [859, 1773, 387], [858, 1777, 387], [858, 1782, 386], [851, 1780, 386], [894, 1828, 386], [886, 1825, 386], [885, 1829, 387], [886, 1835, 387], [883, 1837, 387], [870, 1829, 387], [872, 1836, 387], [859, 1828, 387], [858, 1832, 387], [858, 1837, 387], [852, 1836, 386], [847, 1836, 386], [842, 1836, 385], [837, 1836, 385], [834, 1838, 384], [827, 1836, 383], [823, 1837, 382], [835, 1854, 382], [830, 1854, 380], [825, 1854, 380], [821, 1855, 379], [815, 1854, 378], [810, 1854, 377], [805, 1854, 376], [801, 1855, 374], [795, 1854, 373], [770, 1834, 373], [886, 1955, 372], [884, 1958, 373], [883, 1962, 373], [874, 1958, 373], [869, 1958, 373], [864, 1958, 373], [859, 1958, 373], [858, 1962, 373], [858, 1967, 373], [857, 1971, 372], [851, 1970, 372], [836, 1960, 372], [836, 1965, 371], [836, 1970, 371], [1088, 2227, 372], [1083, 2227, 373], [1078, 2227, 374], [1074, 2228, 374], [1069, 2228, 374], [1063, 2227, 374], [1059, 2228, 374], [988, 2162, 374], [988, 2167, 375], [984, 2168, 374], [979, 2168, 374], [883, 2077, 374], [987, 2186, 374], [885, 2089, 374], [952, 2161, 374], [952, 2166, 375], [886, 2105, 375], [885, 2109, 376], [883, 2112, 376], [934, 2168, 376], [989, 2228, 376], [985, 2229, 376], [919, 2168, 377], [914, 2168, 376], [909, 2168, 377], [904, 2168, 377], [898, 2167, 377], [886, 2160, 378], [886, 2165, 378], [884, 2168, 379], [879, 2168, 378], [874, 2168, 378], [869, 2168, 378], [864, 2168, 378], [858, 2167, 379], [914, 2228, 378], [909, 2228, 378], [905, 2229, 378], [899, 2228, 379], [894, 2228, 379], [888, 2227, 380], [884, 2228, 380], [881, 2230, 380], [874, 2228, 380], [869, 2228, 380], [882, 2246, 380], [859, 2228, 380], [872, 2246, 380], [858, 2237, 380], [862, 2246, 380], [857, 2246, 380], [852, 2246, 379], [847, 2246, 379], [884, 2288, 379], [837, 2246, 379], [874, 2288, 378], [869, 2288, 378], [864, 2288, 378], [858, 2287, 379], [858, 2292, 378], [849, 2288, 378], [846, 2290, 378], [839, 2288, 377], [835, 2289, 377], [835, 2294, 377], [836, 2300, 377], [835, 2304, 376], [836, 2310, 376], [835, 2314, 375], [835, 2319, 374], [835, 2324, 374], [836, 2330, 374], [834, 2333, 373], [825, 2329, 372], [886, 2395, 372], [884, 2398, 373], [879, 2398, 372], [874, 2398, 372], [869, 2398, 372], [864, 2398, 372], [858, 2397, 373], [854, 2398, 372], [849, 2398, 372], [844, 2398, 372], [836, 2395, 372], [834, 2398, 372], [829, 2398, 371], [824, 2398, 370], [835, 2414, 370], [814, 2398, 369], [824, 2413, 369], [836, 2430, 368], [836, 2435, 368], [836, 2440, 368], [836, 2445, 368], [836, 2450, 367], [835, 2454, 367], [836, 2460, 366], [835, 2464, 366], [835, 2469, 365], [824, 2463, 365], [835, 2479, 364], [823, 2472, 364], [825, 2479, 363], [823, 2482, 363], [815, 2479, 362], [810, 2479, 361], [804, 2478, 361], [770, 2449, 360], [770, 2454, 360], [770, 2459, 360], [770, 2464, 359], [770, 2469, 359], [769, 2473, 358], [770, 2479, 358], [868, 2582, 358], [868, 2587, 358], [858, 2582, 358], [858, 2587, 358], [858, 2592, 358], [857, 2596, 358], [858, 2602, 357], [837, 2586, 357], [836, 2590, 357], [836, 2595, 357], [836, 2600, 357], [834, 2603, 357], [836, 2610, 356], [834, 2613, 356], [869, 2653, 356], [864, 2653, 356], [859, 2653, 356], [858, 2657, 356], [835, 2664, 355], [834, 2693, 354], [815, 2704, 351], [823, 2742, 349], [12948, 14897, 347], [12484, 14463, 346], [12484, 14493, 347], [12484, 14523, 347], [12481, 14550, 346], [12484, 14583, 346], [12484, 14613, 348], [12484, 14643, 348], [12484, 14673, 347], [12484, 14703, 348], [12484, 14733, 348], [12484, 14763, 347], [12483, 14792, 346], [12484, 14823, 346], [12483, 14852, 346], [12483, 14882, 345], [12483, 14912, 344], [13371, 15830, 344], [12999, 15488, 344], [12999, 15518, 344], [13492, 16041, 345], [13471, 16050, 345], [13438, 16047, 345], [13406, 16045, 346], [13378, 16047, 346], [13351, 16050, 347], [13326, 16055, 347], [13289, 16048, 346], [13272, 16061, 345], [13227, 16046, 345], [12981, 15830, 345], [12951, 15830, 344], [13013, 15922, 345], [13010, 15949, 346], [13010, 15979, 346], [13047, 16046, 346], [13012, 16041, 347], [12991, 16050, 347], [12966, 16055, 347], [12943, 16062, 346], [12957, 16106, 345], [12860, 16039, 345], [12857, 16066, 345], [12859, 16098, 344], [12859, 16128, 342], [12484, 15783, 343], [12484, 15813, 343], [12482, 15841, 343], [12485, 15874, 342], [12491, 15910, 342], [12484, 15933, 343], [12484, 15963, 344], [12484, 15993, 344], [12484, 16023, 345], [12484, 16053, 345], [12484, 16083, 344], [12483, 16112, 344], [12395, 16054, 343], [12352, 16041, 342], [12339, 16058, 341], [12353, 16102, 341], [12306, 16085, 340], [12306, 16115, 339], [12264, 16103, 337], [12183, 16052, 336], [12148, 16047, 336], [12127, 16056, 336], [12095, 16054, 335], [12061, 16050, 335], [12039, 16058, 335], [11998, 16047, 335], [11981, 16060, 335], [11951, 16060, 335], [11953, 16092, 334], [11948, 16117, 333], [12484, 16683, 333], [12484, 16713, 333], [12484, 16743, 334], [12484, 16773, 334], [12484, 16803, 334], [12484, 16833, 335], [12483, 16862, 335], [12484, 16893, 334], [12417, 16856, 333], [12417, 16886, 333], [12352, 16851, 333], [12353, 16882, 332], [12340, 16899, 332], [12306, 16895, 331], [12284, 16903, 330], [12860, 17509, 329], [12859, 17538, 329], [12481, 17190, 328], [12109, 16848, 328], [12076, 16845, 328], [13010, 17809, 327], [13011, 17840, 328], [13011, 17870, 328], [12484, 17373, 328], [12484, 17403, 328], [12484, 17433, 329], [12484, 17463, 330], [12484, 17493, 330], [12484, 17523, 330], [12477, 17546, 330], [12435, 17534, 329], [12416, 17545, 329], [12966, 18125, 329], [12978, 18167, 329], [12966, 18185, 329], [12968, 18217, 328], [12989, 18268, 328], [12969, 18278, 328], [12484, 17823, 328], [12484, 17853, 328], [12484, 17883, 328], [12484, 17913, 329], [12483, 17942, 329], [12483, 17972, 329], [12484, 18003, 329], [12484, 18033, 329], [12484, 18063, 329], [12483, 18092, 329], [12484, 18123, 329], [12484, 18153, 329], [12484, 18183, 329], [12484, 18213, 329], [12484, 18243, 328], [12484, 18273, 328], [12483, 18302, 328], [12435, 18284, 327], [12395, 18274, 327], [12353, 18262, 327], [12352, 18291, 327], [12306, 18275, 326], [12306, 18305, 326], [12353, 18382, 325], [12352, 18411, 325], [12306, 18395, 324], [12352, 18471, 324], [12352, 18501, 324], [11951, 18130, 324], [11951, 18160, 324], [11951, 18190, 324], [11951, 18220, 323], [11981, 18280, 323], [11951, 18280, 323], [11951, 18310, 322], [11951, 18340, 322], [11951, 18370, 322], [11951, 18400, 321], [11951, 18430, 321], [11951, 18460, 321], [11951, 18490, 320], [11951, 18520, 320], [11949, 18548, 319], [11943, 18572, 318], [11860, 18519, 318], [11822, 18511, 317], [11464, 18183, 317], [11441, 18190, 317], [11441, 18220, 317], [11464, 18273, 316], [11441, 18280, 316], [11419, 18288, 316], [11368, 18267, 316], [11358, 18287, 316], [11320, 18279, 315], [11085, 18074, 315], [11086, 18105, 315], [11086, 18135, 315], [11084, 18163, 315], [11011, 18120, 315], [10981, 18120, 315], [11011, 18180, 315], [10981, 18180, 315], [10981, 18210, 315], [11011, 18270, 315], [10979, 18268, 315], [10853, 18172, 315], [10852, 18201, 315], [10852, 18231, 315], [10857, 18266, 315], [10847, 18286, 315], [10829, 18298, 314], [10844, 18343, 314], [10854, 18383, 314], [10852, 18411, 313], [10852, 18441, 313], [10852, 18471, 313], [10568, 18217, 313], [10588, 18267, 313], [10569, 18278, 313], [10561, 18300, 312], [10523, 18292, 312], [10567, 18366, 311], [10565, 18394, 311], [10561, 18420, 311], [10579, 18468, 311], [10565, 18484, 311], [10564, 18513, 311], [10524, 18503, 310], [10524, 18533, 309], [10312, 18351, 309], [10315, 18384, 309], [10311, 18410, 309], [10311, 18440, 308], [10312, 18471, 308], [10312, 18501, 308], [9969, 18188, 308], [9969, 18218, 308], [9897, 18176, 308], [9969, 18278, 308], [9897, 18236, 307], [9898, 18267, 307], [9897, 18296, 307], [9784, 18213, 307], [9770, 18229, 307], [9780, 18269, 307], [9769, 18288, 307], [9742, 18291, 306], [9392, 17971, 306], [9362, 17971, 306], [9392, 18031, 306], [9392, 18061, 306], [9391, 18090, 307], [9391, 18120, 307], [9361, 18120, 307], [9392, 18181, 307], [9363, 18182, 307], [9363, 18212, 307], [9340, 18219, 307], [9224, 18133, 307], [9224, 18163, 307], [9224, 18193, 307], [9224, 18223, 307], [9224, 18253, 307], [9224, 18283, 307], [9208, 18297, 306], [9165, 18284, 306], [9004, 18153, 306], [9004, 18183, 306], [9004, 18213, 306], [9004, 18243, 306], [9004, 18273, 306], [9003, 18302, 306], [9004, 18333, 305], [9004, 18363, 305], [9003, 18392, 305], [9003, 18422, 305], [9003, 18452, 304], [9004, 18483, 304], [9003, 18512, 304], [8033, 17534, 304], [8015, 17546, 304], [8559, 18120, 303], [8334, 17925, 303], [8350, 17971, 303], [8333, 17984, 304], [8347, 18028, 304], [8331, 18042, 304], [8332, 18073, 304], [8348, 18119, 304], [8331, 18132, 304], [8288, 18119, 304], [8259, 18120, 304], [8033, 17924, 304], [8033, 17954, 304], [8033, 17984, 305], [8033, 18014, 305], [8033, 18044, 305], [8033, 18074, 305], [8033, 18104, 305], [8033, 18134, 305], [8033, 18164, 305], [8033, 18194, 305], [8033, 18224, 305], [8033, 18254, 305], [8033, 18284, 305], [8033, 18314, 304], [8033, 18344, 304], [8033, 18374, 304], [8033, 18404, 304], [8033, 18434, 304], [8033, 18464, 304], [8033, 18494, 304], [8032, 18523, 303], [8033, 18554, 303], [7919, 18470, 303], [7919, 18500, 302], [7898, 18509, 302], [7872, 18513, 302], [7848, 18519, 301], [8033, 18734, 301], [8027, 18758, 301], [7755, 18516, 300], [8033, 19094, 298], [8033, 19394, 297], [8033, 19694, 296], [7917, 19878, 294], [7719, 19980, 291], [6035, 18572, 289], [6040, 18877, 287], [6064, 19201, 286], [4948, 18385, 285], [6064, 19801, 284], [4743, 18738, 282], [4948, 19285, 281], [4948, 19585, 281], [4948, 19885, 280], [858, 16052, 280], [612, 16106, 278], [884, 16678, 279], [807, 16901, 280], [826, 17220, 279], [836, 17530, 281], [858, 17852, 282], [836, 18130, 283], [836, 18430, 282], [836, 18730, 281], [858, 19052, 279], [836, 19330, 279], [836, 19630, 279], [836, 19930, 278], [556, 19950, 276], [286, 19980, 274], [364, 20358, 272], [858, 21152, 270], [835, 21429, 269], [835, 21729, 269], [769, 21963, 268], [770, 22264, 266], [559, 22353, 265], [338, 22432, 263], [373, 22767, 261], [388, 23082, 259], [230, 23224, 257], [372, 23665, 255], [373, 23966, 254], [559, 24452, 252], [381, 24574, 251], [211, 24704, 249], [4, 24797, 247]], 'time_in_bucket': [1711, 75, 75, 96, 73, 181, 126, 98, 106, 78, 79, 65, 66, 58, 44, 31, 39, 44, 30, 31, 21, 37, 18, 21, 36, 22, 31, 18, 31, 38, 33, 25, 21, 31, 23, 24, 14, 24, 20, 21, 28, 15, 26, 26, 27, 20, 25, 31, 24, 24, 31, 24, 32, 28, 27, 20, 20, 18, 24, 31, 26, 27, 37, 20, 25, 23, 33, 29, 29, 22, 32, 36, 29, 29, 24, 30, 28, 26, 26, 27, 37, 27, 40, 23, 30, 46, 36, 29, 37, 31, 39, 42, 28, 45, 36, 27, 27, 46, 45, 48, 32, 39, 34, 34, 37, 34, 37, 39, 39, 41, 30, 46, 37, 44, 59, 34, 47, 50, 52, 63, 38, 45, 44, 38, 54, 39, 58, 44, 51, 41, 42, 50, 41, 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3597, 197], [2023, 3597, 197], [2018, 3597, 197], [2010, 3594, 197], [2008, 3597, 197], [1999, 3593, 197], [1998, 3597, 197], [1993, 3597, 197], [1988, 3597, 197], [1985, 3599, 197], [1979, 3598, 197], [1973, 3597, 197], [1968, 3597, 197], [1963, 3597, 197], [1958, 3597, 197], [1953, 3597, 197], [1948, 3597, 197], [1943, 3597, 197], [1938, 3597, 197], [1933, 3597, 197], [1928, 3597, 197], [1926, 3600, 197], [1919, 3598, 197], [1913, 3597, 197], [1909, 3598, 197], [1903, 3597, 197], [1898, 3597, 197], [1893, 3597, 197], [1891, 3600, 197], [1885, 3599, 197], [1878, 3597, 197], [1876, 3600, 197], [1868, 3597, 197], [1863, 3597, 197], [1858, 3597, 197], [1856, 3600, 197], [1848, 3597, 197], [1843, 3597, 197], [1839, 3598, 197], [1834, 3598, 197], [1829, 3598, 197], [1824, 3598, 197], [1818, 3597, 197], [1816, 3600, 196], [1805, 3594, 196], [1806, 3600, 196], [1801, 3600, 196], [1771, 3600, 196], [1738, 3597, 196], [1708, 3597, 196], [1678, 3597, 195], [1648, 3597, 195], [1615, 3594, 195], 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'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '4144446577', 'date': '11:11 AM on Saturday, October 3, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 325, 'training_load': 279, 'max_watts': 1125, 'relative_intensity': 80, 'cp_data': [[1408, 1408, 1125], [1408, 1409, 1097], [1408, 1410, 1084], [1407, 1410, 1070], [1407, 1411, 1021], [1407, 1412, 951], [1525, 1531, 915], [1525, 1532, 895], [1525, 1533, 877], [1525, 1534, 858], [1524, 1534, 831], [1525, 1536, 808], [1525, 1537, 805], [1525, 1538, 799], [1524, 1538, 784], [1005, 1020, 768], [1004, 1020, 754], [1684, 1701, 740], [1684, 1702, 735], [1684, 1703, 732], [1684, 1704, 729], [1684, 1705, 724], [1684, 1706, 720], [1684, 1707, 718], [1684, 1708, 714], [1684, 1709, 710], [1684, 1710, 706], [1684, 1711, 704], [1684, 1712, 702], [1684, 1713, 698], [1684, 1714, 695], [1684, 1715, 693], [1684, 1716, 691], [1684, 1717, 687], [1684, 1718, 684], [1684, 1719, 680], [1684, 1720, 676], [1684, 1721, 674], [1684, 1722, 673], [1684, 1723, 671], [1684, 1724, 667], [1684, 1725, 662], [1684, 1726, 659], [1684, 1727, 658], [1684, 1728, 656], [1684, 1729, 653], [1684, 1730, 652], [1684, 1731, 651], [1684, 1732, 651], [1684, 1733, 651], [1684, 1734, 651], [1684, 1735, 651], [1684, 1736, 650], [1684, 1737, 647], [1684, 1738, 645], [1683, 1738, 641], [1682, 1738, 637], [1681, 1738, 633], [1684, 1742, 629], [1683, 1742, 626], [1683, 1743, 623], [1682, 1743, 619], [1684, 1746, 617], [1684, 1747, 616], [1684, 1748, 614], [1684, 1749, 613], [1683, 1749, 611], [1682, 1749, 608], [1684, 1752, 607], [1684, 1753, 606], [1684, 1754, 604], [1684, 1755, 603], [1684, 1756, 601], [1683, 1756, 599], [1682, 1756, 596], [1684, 1759, 594], [1684, 1760, 593], [1683, 1760, 591], [1683, 1761, 589], [1682, 1761, 587], [1681, 1761, 584], [1680, 1761, 581], [1684, 1766, 580], [969, 1052, 579], [969, 1053, 577], [1683, 1768, 575], [1683, 1769, 573], [1682, 1769, 571], [1681, 1769, 569], [1681, 1770, 566], [1680, 1770, 563], [1679, 1770, 559], [1679, 1771, 556], [969, 1062, 554], [969, 1063, 552], [969, 1064, 549], [1669, 1765, 548], [1669, 1766, 548], [1669, 1767, 546], [1669, 1768, 545], [1669, 1769, 544], [1669, 1770, 541], [1669, 1771, 538], [1668, 1771, 534], [1655, 1759, 533], [1655, 1760, 533], [1655, 1761, 532], [1655, 1762, 529], [969, 1077, 529], [969, 1078, 527], [1655, 1765, 526], [1655, 1766, 526], [969, 1081, 527], [969, 1082, 527], [969, 1083, 526], [969, 1084, 524], [968, 1084, 521], [967, 1084, 517], [969, 1087, 514], [969, 1088, 512], [969, 1089, 513], [969, 1090, 512], [969, 1091, 511], [969, 1092, 510], [969, 1093, 510], [969, 1094, 510], [969, 1095, 507], [969, 1096, 506], [1684, 1812, 506], [1684, 1813, 507], [1684, 1814, 508], [1684, 1815, 508], [1683, 1815, 507], [1683, 1816, 507], [1683, 1817, 506], [1682, 1817, 506], [1682, 1818, 505], [1681, 1818, 504], [1681, 1819, 502], [1681, 1820, 501], [1681, 1821, 500], [1683, 1824, 499], [1683, 1825, 498], [1683, 1826, 498], [1682, 1826, 497], [1682, 1827, 497], [1683, 1829, 496], [1682, 1829, 495], [1681, 1829, 495], [1681, 1830, 494], [1680, 1830, 492], [1680, 1831, 491], [1679, 1831, 489], [1669, 1822, 488], [1669, 1823, 487], [1669, 1824, 487], [1669, 1825, 486], [1669, 1826, 486], [1669, 1827, 485], [1669, 1828, 485], [1669, 1829, 484], [1669, 1830, 483], [1655, 1817, 483], [1655, 1818, 482], [1655, 1819, 481], [1655, 1820, 480], [969, 1135, 479], [969, 1136, 479], [969, 1137, 479], [969, 1138, 478], [1655, 1825, 477], [1655, 1826, 477], [1655, 1827, 476], [969, 1142, 476], [969, 1143, 476], [969, 1144, 475], [1655, 1831, 474], [969, 1146, 473], [969, 1147, 471], [969, 1148, 470], [969, 1149, 469], [969, 1150, 467], [969, 1151, 466], [969, 1152, 465], [969, 1153, 464], [969, 1154, 463], [958, 1144, 461], [958, 1145, 460], [958, 1146, 460], [958, 1147, 458], [958, 1148, 457], [958, 1149, 456], [958, 1150, 455], [958, 1151, 453], [969, 1163, 453], [969, 1164, 454], [969, 1165, 454], [969, 1166, 454], [969, 1167, 454], [969, 1168, 453], [969, 1169, 452], [969, 1170, 452], [12253, 12455, 451], [12253, 12456, 450], [12253, 12457, 450], [12253, 12458, 450], [12253, 12459, 449], [12253, 12460, 449], [12253, 12461, 449], [12253, 12462, 449], [974, 1184, 450], [974, 1185, 450], [973, 1185, 449], [969, 1182, 450], [969, 1183, 451], [969, 1184, 453], [969, 1185, 453], [969, 1186, 452], [969, 1187, 452], [969, 1188, 452], [969, 1189, 452], [969, 1190, 451], [969, 1191, 451], [969, 1192, 451], [969, 1193, 450], [969, 1194, 450], [969, 1195, 450], [969, 1196, 449], [968, 1196, 448], [969, 1198, 447], [969, 1199, 446], [969, 1200, 446], [969, 1201, 446], [969, 1202, 446], [969, 1203, 445], [969, 1204, 445], [969, 1205, 444], [969, 1206, 443], [969, 1207, 443], [969, 1208, 442], [969, 1209, 442], [969, 1210, 441], [969, 1211, 441], [982, 1225, 441], [982, 1226, 442], [980, 1225, 442], [980, 1226, 442], [980, 1227, 442], [974, 1222, 442], [974, 1223, 444], [974, 1224, 446], [974, 1225, 447], [974, 1226, 448], [974, 1227, 448], [974, 1228, 447], [970, 1225, 448], [969, 1225, 450], [969, 1226, 450], [969, 1227, 450], [969, 1228, 450], [969, 1229, 450], [969, 1230, 448], [969, 1231, 447], [969, 1232, 446], [968, 1232, 445], [967, 1232, 444], [966, 1232, 443], [959, 1226, 442], [959, 1227, 442], [959, 1228, 442], [958, 1228, 442], [958, 1229, 441], [958, 1230, 440], [958, 1231, 439], [958, 1232, 438], [958, 1233, 437], [969, 1245, 436], [969, 1246, 436], [974, 1252, 436], [974, 1253, 436], [974, 1254, 437], [974, 1255, 436], [969, 1251, 437], [969, 1252, 438], [969, 1253, 439], [969, 1254, 439], [969, 1255, 439], [969, 1256, 439], [969, 1257, 440], [969, 1258, 440], [969, 1259, 440], [969, 1260, 439], [969, 1261, 438], [969, 1262, 437], [969, 1263, 437], [969, 1264, 436], [968, 1264, 435], [967, 1264, 434], [959, 1257, 433], [959, 1258, 433], [958, 1262, 430], [950, 1259, 426], [944, 1258, 427], [943, 1262, 424], [929, 1253, 423], [929, 1258, 424], [925, 1259, 422], [6068, 6407, 421], [6070, 6414, 420], [6069, 6418, 420], [6067, 6421, 420], [6067, 6426, 421], [6068, 6432, 421], [6068, 6437, 420], [6067, 6441, 421], [6069, 6448, 421], [6070, 6454, 421], [6069, 6458, 421], [6067, 6461, 421], [6068, 6467, 421], [6070, 6474, 421], [6067, 6476, 421], [6069, 6483, 422], [6069, 6488, 421], [6069, 6493, 422], [6069, 6498, 421], [6066, 6500, 420], [6066, 6505, 418], [6066, 6510, 417], [6066, 6515, 415], [6066, 6520, 413], [6039, 6498, 411], [6035, 6499, 410], [6030, 6499, 410], [780, 1254, 409], [780, 1259, 410], [744, 1228, 408], [6067, 6556, 407], [6066, 6560, 405], [6067, 6566, 404], [5994, 6498, 403], [744, 1253, 404], [744, 1258, 405], [744, 1263, 403], [705, 1229, 403], [699, 1228, 402], [6068, 6602, 402], [6068, 6607, 402], [6068, 6612, 402], [6067, 6616, 402], [705, 1259, 400], [700, 1259, 400], [699, 1263, 398], [6046, 6615, 396], [6041, 6615, 395], [6036, 6615, 395], [6031, 6615, 395], [6026, 6615, 394], [6021, 6615, 393], [6016, 6615, 393], [6011, 6615, 392], [6006, 6615, 392], [6002, 6616, 391], [5996, 6615, 390], [5991, 6615, 389], [5986, 6615, 388], [5981, 6615, 388], [5977, 6616, 387], [5972, 6616, 387], [5966, 6615, 386], [5961, 6615, 386], [5956, 6615, 385], [5951, 6615, 385], [5947, 6616, 384], [5941, 6615, 384], [5936, 6615, 383], [5931, 6615, 382], [5927, 6616, 382], [5921, 6615, 382], [5916, 6615, 382], [5911, 6615, 381], [5906, 6615, 381], [5902, 6616, 380], [5897, 6616, 380], [5891, 6615, 379], [5887, 6616, 378], [5882, 6616, 378], [5877, 6616, 377], [5872, 6616, 376], [5866, 6615, 376], [5861, 6615, 376], [5857, 6616, 375], [5852, 6616, 374], [5846, 6615, 374], [5842, 6616, 373], [5836, 6615, 373], [969, 1753, 373], [969, 1758, 374], [969, 1763, 374], [969, 1768, 375], [969, 1773, 374], [969, 1778, 373], [969, 1783, 372], [969, 1788, 372], [969, 1793, 374], [969, 1798, 373], [969, 1803, 373], [969, 1808, 374], [969, 1813, 375], [969, 1818, 375], [969, 1823, 375], [969, 1828, 375], [968, 1832, 375], [958, 1827, 374], [958, 1832, 373], [944, 1823, 372], [944, 1828, 372], [929, 1818, 372], [929, 1823, 372], [929, 1828, 372], [928, 1832, 372], [922, 1831, 371], [5584, 6498, 371], [5580, 6499, 370], [5574, 6498, 370], [5569, 6498, 370], [5564, 6498, 370], [5554, 6493, 370], [5554, 6498, 371], [804, 1753, 371], [803, 1757, 371], [803, 1762, 372], [803, 1767, 372], [792, 1761, 372], [792, 1766, 372], [780, 1759, 372], [780, 1764, 372], [780, 1769, 373], [780, 1774, 372], [780, 1779, 371], [813, 1817, 372], [804, 1813, 372], [803, 1817, 373], [803, 1822, 373], [803, 1827, 373], [792, 1821, 373], [780, 1814, 373], [780, 1819, 373], [780, 1824, 373], [780, 1829, 373], [779, 1833, 372], [775, 1834, 371], [744, 1808, 371], [744, 1813, 372], [744, 1818, 372], [744, 1823, 372], [744, 1828, 372], [743, 1832, 372], [740, 1834, 370], [705, 1804, 369], [705, 1809, 370], [705, 1814, 371], [705, 1819, 371], [705, 1824, 371], [705, 1829, 371], [700, 1829, 371], [699, 1833, 370], [694, 1833, 369], [690, 1834, 367], [705, 1854, 367], [699, 1853, 367], [699, 1858, 366], [694, 1858, 365], [699, 1868, 364], [699, 1873, 364], [699, 1878, 363], [699, 1883, 362], [5427, 6616, 361], [5418, 6612, 361], [5413, 6612, 361], [5411, 6615, 361], [5406, 6615, 361], [5401, 6615, 361], [5396, 6615, 361], [5391, 6615, 361], [5387, 6616, 360], [5382, 6616, 360], [5377, 6616, 360], [5372, 6616, 360], [5366, 6615, 360], [5362, 6616, 359], [5357, 6616, 359], [5351, 6615, 359], [5347, 6616, 358], [5341, 6615, 358], [5337, 6616, 357], [5428, 6712, 357], [5423, 6712, 357], [5418, 6712, 357], [5413, 6712, 357], [5408, 6712, 356], [5400, 6709, 356], [5400, 6714, 356], [5393, 6712, 356], [5389, 6713, 356], [5383, 6712, 356], [5378, 6712, 356], [5372, 6711, 356], [5369, 6713, 356], [5365, 6714, 355], [5369, 6723, 355], [5364, 6723, 355], [5360, 6724, 354], [5355, 6724, 354], [5350, 6724, 354], [5344, 6723, 353], [5338, 6722, 353], [5334, 6723, 352], [5330, 6724, 352], [5325, 6724, 352], [5318, 6722, 351], [5315, 6724, 351], [5297, 6711, 350], [5296, 6715, 350], [5297, 6721, 350], [5296, 6725, 350], [5300, 6734, 349], [5296, 6735, 349], [5296, 6740, 349], [5296, 6745, 348], [5296, 6750, 348], [5296, 6755, 347], [5294, 6758, 346], [5254, 6723, 345], [5238, 6712, 345], [5230, 6709, 345], [5225, 6709, 345], [5225, 6714, 345], [5220, 6714, 345], [5224, 6723, 345], [5220, 6724, 345], [5225, 6734, 344], [5220, 6734, 344], [5215, 6734, 343], [5199, 6723, 343], [5194, 6723, 343], [5190, 6724, 342], [5195, 6734, 342], [5190, 6734, 342], [5186, 6735, 341], [5190, 6744, 341], [5190, 6749, 340], [5185, 6749, 340], [5186, 6755, 339], [5181, 6755, 339], [5129, 6708, 339], [5128, 6712, 340], [5126, 6715, 339], [5119, 6713, 339], [5113, 6712, 339], [5119, 6723, 339], [5105, 6714, 339], [5108, 6722, 339], [5105, 6724, 339], [5100, 6724, 338], [5094, 6723, 338], [4865, 6499, 338], [5073, 6712, 338], [5080, 6724, 338], [5074, 6723, 338], [5069, 6723, 337], [5065, 6724, 337], [5049, 6713, 337], [4824, 6493, 337], [4824, 6498, 337], [4822, 6501, 337], [4822, 6506, 337], [4923, 6612, 337], [4922, 6616, 337], [4800, 6499, 337], [4908, 6612, 337], [4906, 6615, 337], [4774, 6488, 337], [4774, 6493, 337], [4774, 6498, 337], [4772, 6501, 337], [4880, 6614, 337], [4868, 6607, 337], [4868, 6612, 338], [4866, 6615, 338], [4862, 6616, 337], [4857, 6616, 337], [4841, 6605, 336], [4843, 6612, 337], [4841, 6615, 337], [4714, 6493, 337], [4714, 6498, 337], [4823, 6612, 337], [4822, 6616, 337], [4817, 6616, 337], [4774, 6603, 336], [4757, 6616, 336], [4714, 6603, 336], [4702, 6621, 335], [4773, 6722, 335], [4714, 6693, 334], [4713, 6722, 335], [4705, 6744, 333], [4672, 6741, 332], [4635, 6734, 331], [4605, 6734, 330], [4317, 6476, 331], [4317, 6506, 331], [4317, 6536, 331], [4317, 6566, 331], [4319, 6598, 331], [4316, 6625, 331], [4315, 6654, 330], [4317, 6686, 330], [4316, 6715, 330], [4315, 6744, 329], [4315, 6774, 326], [4315, 6804, 324], [4317, 6836, 324], [4315, 6864, 322], [4218, 6753, 319], [4184, 6749, 318], [4139, 6734, 317], [7891, 10560, 317], [7898, 10597, 318], [7898, 10627, 320], [7899, 10658, 320], [7870, 10659, 321], [7898, 10717, 321], [7869, 10718, 321], [7839, 10718, 321], [7834, 10743, 321], [7792, 10731, 321], [7774, 10743, 320], [7718, 10717, 320], [7703, 10732, 320], [7746, 10805, 318], [7710, 10799, 318], [7856, 10975, 318], [7827, 10976, 318], [7792, 10971, 318], [7766, 10975, 317], [7737, 10976, 317], [7703, 10972, 317], [7679, 10978, 316], [7650, 10979, 315], [7650, 11009, 313], [7703, 11092, 311], [7684, 11103, 310], [5327, 8776, 309], [7895, 11374, 309], [7118, 10627, 310], [7120, 10659, 311], [7085, 10654, 311], [7118, 10717, 311], [7085, 10714, 312], [7861, 11520, 312], [7898, 11587, 312], [7871, 11590, 313], [7841, 11590, 313], [7812, 11591, 312], [7781, 11590, 312], [7752, 11591, 312], [7718, 11587, 312], [7703, 11602, 311], [7703, 11632, 311], [7703, 11662, 310], [4317, 8306, 309], [5480, 9499, 309], [5442, 9491, 309], [5412, 9491, 309], [5391, 9500, 309], [5361, 9500, 309], [5338, 9507, 309], [5296, 9495, 309], [5296, 9525, 308], [5226, 9485, 307], [5218, 9507, 307], [4317, 8636, 307], [4315, 8664, 308], [4315, 8694, 307], [4316, 8725, 307], [4317, 8756, 307], [4315, 8784, 307], [7086, 11585, 306], [6071, 10600, 307], [6068, 10627, 307], [6069, 10658, 308], [6040, 10659, 308], [6068, 10717, 308], [6065, 10744, 308], [6009, 10718, 308], [5979, 10718, 308], [5950, 10719, 308], [5918, 10717, 308], [5889, 10718, 308], [5859, 10718, 308], [5854, 10743, 308], [5799, 10718, 308], [5769, 10718, 308], [5681, 10660, 308], [5634, 10643, 309], [5619, 10658, 309], [5590, 10659, 309], [5546, 10645, 310], [5530, 10659, 310], [5554, 10713, 310], [5529, 10718, 311], [5499, 10718, 311], [5469, 10718, 311], [5439, 10718, 311], [5408, 10717, 311], [5379, 10718, 311], [5363, 10732, 311], [5344, 10743, 310], [5370, 10799, 310], [5346, 10805, 310], [5316, 10805, 310], [5453, 10972, 309], [5418, 10967, 310], [5389, 10968, 310], [5366, 10975, 310], [5338, 10977, 309], [5296, 10965, 309], [5296, 10995, 308], [5236, 10965, 308], [5218, 10977, 308], [4869, 10658, 308], [4906, 10725, 308], [4868, 10717, 308], [4864, 10743, 308], [4822, 10731, 308], [4774, 10713, 309], [4774, 10743, 309], [4714, 10713, 309], [4714, 10743, 309], [4672, 10731, 308], [4710, 10799, 308], [4686, 10805, 308], [4823, 10972, 307], [4774, 10953, 308], [4763, 10972, 308], [4714, 10953, 308], [4708, 10977, 308], [4319, 10618, 308], [4317, 10646, 308], [4315, 10674, 308], [4317, 10706, 309], [4316, 10735, 309], [4315, 10764, 308], [4317, 10796, 308], [4314, 10807, 307], [4316, 10855, 307], [4386, 10955, 307], [4319, 10918, 307], [4319, 10948, 308], [4316, 10975, 308], [4317, 11006, 307], [4314, 11032, 306], [4823, 11572, 305], [4811, 11590, 305], [4774, 11583, 305], [4748, 11587, 305], [4716, 11585, 306], [4705, 11604, 305], [4673, 11602, 305], [4635, 11594, 305], [4605, 11594, 305], [4571, 11590, 304], [4317, 11366, 304], [4317, 11396, 304], [4316, 11425, 304], [4317, 11456, 305], [4317, 11486, 305], [4318, 11517, 305], [4317, 11546, 305], [4315, 11574, 306], [4315, 11604, 306], [4315, 11634, 305], [4316, 11665, 305], [4315, 11694, 304], [4314, 11720, 303], [4314, 11750, 303], [4314, 11781, 303], [4136, 11591, 302], [5489, 13018, 302], [5456, 13015, 302], [5427, 13016, 302], [5396, 13015, 302], [5369, 13018, 302], [5354, 13033, 302], [5315, 13024, 302], [5296, 13035, 302], [4923, 12692, 301], [4905, 12704, 301], [4868, 12697, 302], [4865, 12724, 302], [4823, 12712, 302], [4773, 12692, 302], [4772, 12721, 302], [4713, 12692, 302], [4712, 12721, 302], [4708, 12747, 302], [4638, 12707, 302], [4622, 12721, 301], [4601, 12730, 301], [4317, 12476, 301], [4317, 12506, 301], [4316, 12535, 301], [4317, 12566, 301], [4316, 12595, 301], [4317, 12626, 302], [4318, 12657, 302], [4317, 12686, 302], [4317, 12716, 302], [4317, 12746, 302], [4315, 12774, 302], [4316, 12805, 301], [4315, 12834, 301], [4317, 12866, 300], [4317, 12896, 301], [4317, 12926, 301], [4317, 12956, 301], [4316, 12985, 301], [4317, 13016, 302], [4315, 13044, 301], [4317, 13076, 301], [4316, 13105, 300], [4315, 13134, 300], [4316, 13165, 299], [4711, 13590, 299], [4702, 13611, 299], [5479, 14418, 299], [4711, 13680, 299], [5419, 14418, 299], [5389, 14418, 299], [5363, 14422, 299], [5365, 14454, 299], [5413, 14532, 299], [5378, 14527, 299], [5356, 14535, 299], [4318, 13527, 299], [4317, 13556, 300], [4318, 13587, 300], [4316, 13615, 300], [4315, 13644, 299], [4321, 13680, 300], [4318, 13707, 299], [4316, 13735, 299], [4388, 13837, 299], [4319, 13798, 299], [4317, 13826, 299], [4316, 13855, 299], [4316, 13885, 299], [4823, 14422, 298], [4774, 14403, 299], [4772, 14431, 299], [4714, 14403, 299], [4711, 14430, 299], [4705, 14454, 299], [4748, 14527, 299], [4714, 14523, 299], [4701, 14540, 299], [4708, 14577, 299], [4674, 14573, 299], [4606, 14535, 298], [4614, 14573, 298], [4317, 14306, 298], [4317, 14336, 298], [4317, 14366, 299], [4317, 14396, 299], [4317, 14426, 299], [4316, 14455, 299], [4316, 14485, 299], [4318, 14517, 299], [4315, 14544, 299], [4317, 14576, 299], [4317, 14606, 299], [4316, 14635, 299], [4314, 14663, 298], [4315, 14694, 298], [4314, 14720, 297], [4314, 14753, 297], [4712, 15181, 297], [4712, 15211, 297], [4713, 15242, 297], [4712, 15271, 297], [4711, 15300, 297], [4672, 15291, 297], [4713, 15362, 297], [4317, 14996, 297], [4317, 15026, 297], [4317, 15056, 297], [4317, 15086, 297], [4317, 15116, 297], [4315, 15414, 296], [4100, 15455, 293], [3664, 15319, 288], [3557, 15512, 285], [3107, 15362, 284], [2745, 15300, 284], [2570, 15378, 281], [743, 13851, 281], [969, 14377, 279], [705, 14413, 281], [693, 14701, 280], [744, 15052, 280], [699, 15307, 281], [453, 15361, 279], [302, 15510, 276], [0, 15508, 273]], 'time_in_bucket': [1536, 39, 48, 38, 26, 48, 42, 30, 24, 27, 34, 24, 25, 22, 29, 18, 21, 12, 22, 14, 18, 14, 16, 10, 25, 18, 27, 21, 17, 21, 22, 17, 14, 11, 13, 17, 22, 19, 15, 18, 19, 16, 18, 17, 18, 16, 18, 23, 17, 12, 16, 13, 16, 15, 30, 16, 12, 17, 27, 12, 18, 13, 14, 15, 7, 14, 9, 9, 15, 21, 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5285, 930], [7485, 7490, 863], [7484, 7490, 795], [7483, 7490, 735], [5277, 5285, 687], [5276, 5285, 642], [5276, 5286, 594], [1399, 1410, 565], [1398, 1410, 561], [1398, 1411, 547], [1397, 1411, 532], [1395, 1410, 525], [1394, 1410, 526], [1393, 1410, 521], [1755, 1773, 520], [1754, 1773, 519], [1753, 1773, 518], [1752, 1773, 517], [1751, 1773, 516], [1750, 1773, 515], [1749, 1773, 512], [1748, 1773, 508], [1746, 1772, 507], [1746, 1773, 507], [1745, 1773, 507], [1744, 1773, 506], [1744, 1774, 502], [1743, 1774, 498], [1743, 1775, 493], [1743, 1776, 488], [1741, 1775, 482], [1740, 1775, 477], [1743, 1779, 473], [1744, 1781, 470], [1744, 1782, 468], [1743, 1782, 466], [1743, 1783, 464], [1743, 1784, 460], [1742, 1784, 456], [1741, 1784, 453], [1740, 1784, 449], [1739, 1784, 446], [1728, 1774, 444], [1728, 1775, 442], [1727, 1775, 439], [1727, 1776, 437], [1726, 1776, 434], [1728, 1779, 431], [1729, 1781, 430], [1729, 1782, 429], [1728, 1782, 428], [1728, 1783, 427], [1728, 1784, 426], 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1775, 340], [1374, 1783, 340], [1370, 1784, 340], [1365, 1784, 340], [1369, 1793, 339], [1369, 1798, 339], [1340, 1774, 339], [1334, 1773, 340], [1329, 1773, 340], [1324, 1773, 341], [1324, 1778, 340], [1324, 1783, 341], [1324, 1788, 340], [1324, 1793, 340], [1324, 1798, 340], [1324, 1803, 340], [1323, 1807, 339], [1323, 1812, 339], [1318, 1812, 338], [1275, 1774, 337], [1270, 1774, 337], [1265, 1774, 337], [1260, 1774, 338], [1257, 1776, 338], [1259, 1783, 338], [1255, 1784, 337], [1259, 1793, 337], [1259, 1798, 337], [1259, 1803, 337], [1223, 1772, 338], [1219, 1773, 339], [1214, 1773, 340], [1209, 1773, 341], [1204, 1773, 342], [1201, 1775, 342], [1204, 1783, 342], [1200, 1784, 342], [1204, 1793, 342], [1200, 1794, 341], [1199, 1798, 341], [1200, 1804, 341], [1203, 1812, 340], [1160, 1774, 341], [1155, 1774, 341], [1150, 1774, 341], [1145, 1774, 342], [1142, 1776, 342], [1144, 1783, 342], [1144, 1788, 342], [1144, 1793, 341], [1144, 1798, 341], [1144, 1803, 341], [1139, 1803, 341], [1143, 1812, 340], [1138, 1812, 340], [1094, 1773, 340], [1090, 1774, 340], [1085, 1774, 340], [1080, 1774, 341], [1076, 1775, 341], [1079, 1783, 341], [1075, 1784, 341], [1079, 1793, 340], [1075, 1794, 340], [1074, 1798, 340], [1075, 1804, 340], [1078, 1812, 339], [1073, 1812, 339], [1068, 1812, 339], [1063, 1812, 338], [1051, 1805, 338], [1053, 1812, 338], [1048, 1812, 337], [1037, 1806, 337], [1038, 1812, 337], [1035, 1814, 336], [1028, 1812, 336], [1023, 1812, 335], [1018, 1812, 335], [1013, 1812, 335], [1008, 1812, 334], [989, 1798, 334], [984, 1798, 334], [984, 1803, 334], [988, 1812, 334], [983, 1812, 333], [950, 1784, 333], [944, 1783, 333], [950, 1794, 333], [949, 1798, 333], [950, 1804, 333], [944, 1803, 333], [939, 1803, 332], [904, 1773, 332], [900, 1774, 332], [896, 1775, 333], [899, 1783, 333], [895, 1784, 333], [894, 1788, 332], [895, 1794, 332], [880, 1784, 332], [874, 1783, 332], [870, 1784, 332], [865, 1784, 332], [874, 1798, 332], [869, 1798, 332], [869, 1803, 332], [864, 1803, 332], [868, 1812, 331], [863, 1812, 331], [858, 1812, 331], [856, 1815, 330], [850, 1814, 329], [845, 1814, 329], [840, 1814, 328], [838, 1817, 327], [828, 1812, 327], [827, 1816, 326], [824, 1818, 325], [817, 1816, 324], [811, 1815, 324], [811, 1820, 323], [805, 1819, 321], [800, 1819, 320], [795, 1819, 319], [769, 1798, 318], [769, 1803, 318], [766, 1805, 318], [768, 1812, 318], [766, 1815, 317], [758, 1812, 317], [757, 1816, 317], [750, 1814, 316], [746, 1815, 315], [745, 1819, 315], [738, 1817, 313], [736, 1820, 312], [728, 1817, 311], [727, 1821, 310], [724, 1823, 309], [714, 1818, 308], [712, 1821, 306], [707, 1821, 305], [702, 1821, 304], [696, 1820, 302], [694, 1823, 301], [689, 1823, 300], [684, 1823, 298], [679, 1823, 297], [674, 1823, 296], [667, 1821, 295], [664, 1823, 293], [659, 1823, 292], [654, 1823, 291], [645, 1819, 290], [633, 1812, 289], [630, 1814, 289], [628, 1817, 288], [626, 1820, 287], [622, 1821, 286], [612, 1816, 285], [590, 1799, 285], [590, 1804, 285], [592, 1811, 285], [590, 1814, 285], [590, 1819, 285], [585, 1819, 284], [575, 1814, 284], [574, 1818, 283], [563, 1812, 283], [561, 1815, 283], [561, 1820, 282], [553, 1817, 281], [551, 1820, 280], [549, 1823, 279], [544, 1823, 278], [2828, 4112, 277], [2896, 4185, 277], [3383, 4677, 277], [3380, 4679, 277], [3380, 4684, 277], [2875, 4184, 277], [2871, 4185, 277], [2828, 4147, 277], [2861, 4185, 277], [2856, 4185, 277], [2829, 4163, 277], [2828, 4167, 278], [2828, 4172, 278], [2828, 4177, 278], [2828, 4182, 278], [2828, 4187, 278], [2828, 4192, 278], [2828, 4197, 278], [2828, 4202, 278], [2828, 4207, 278], [2828, 4212, 278], [2828, 4217, 278], [2828, 4222, 278], [2831, 4230, 278], [2828, 4232, 278], [2828, 4237, 278], [2828, 4242, 278], [2828, 4247, 277], [2828, 4252, 277], [2828, 4257, 277], [2829, 4263, 278], [2828, 4267, 278], [2828, 4272, 278], [2828, 4277, 278], [2828, 4282, 278], [2828, 4287, 278], [2828, 4292, 277], [2828, 4297, 277], [2828, 4302, 278], [2828, 4307, 278], [2828, 4312, 277], [2828, 4317, 277], [2828, 4322, 277], [2828, 4327, 277], [2828, 4332, 277], [2828, 4337, 277], [2828, 4342, 277], [2828, 4347, 277], [2828, 4352, 277], [2828, 4357, 276], [2828, 4362, 276], [2828, 4367, 275], [2828, 4372, 275], [2828, 4377, 275], [2828, 4382, 275], [2828, 4387, 275], [2828, 4392, 275], [2828, 4397, 274], [2829, 4403, 275], [2828, 4407, 274], [2828, 4412, 274], [2828, 4417, 274], [2828, 4422, 274], [2828, 4427, 274], [2828, 4432, 274], [2828, 4437, 274], [2828, 4442, 274], [2828, 4447, 274], [2828, 4452, 274], [2828, 4457, 274], [2828, 4462, 274], [2828, 4467, 273], [2828, 4472, 273], [2862, 4511, 273], [2831, 4485, 273], [2828, 4487, 273], [2828, 4492, 273], [2828, 4497, 273], [2828, 4502, 274], [2828, 4507, 274], [2828, 4512, 274], [2828, 4517, 274], [2828, 4522, 274], [2828, 4527, 273], [2828, 4532, 273], [2830, 4539, 273], [2828, 4542, 273], [2828, 4547, 273], [2828, 4552, 273], [2828, 4557, 273], [2828, 4562, 273], [2829, 4568, 273], [2828, 4572, 273], [2828, 4577, 273], [2862, 4616, 273], [2862, 4621, 273], [2861, 4625, 273], [2847, 4616, 273], [2841, 4615, 273], [2836, 4615, 273], [2831, 4615, 274], [2828, 4617, 274], [2828, 4622, 274], [2828, 4627, 274], [2828, 4657, 274], [2828, 4687, 274], [2828, 4717, 273], [2827, 4728, 269], [2827, 4728, 265], [2827, 4728, 261], [2827, 4728, 257], [2795, 4711, 256], [2764, 4710, 255], [2735, 4711, 256], [2709, 4715, 255], [2675, 4711, 254], [2647, 4713, 254], [2632, 4728, 252], [2591, 4717, 250], [2559, 4715, 247], [2531, 4717, 245], [2510, 4726, 244], [2470, 4716, 241], [2439, 4715, 241], [2410, 4716, 239], [2376, 4712, 238], [2349, 4715, 237], [2320, 4716, 236], [2301, 4727, 234], [2255, 4711, 233], [2242, 4728, 231], [2212, 4728, 229], [2182, 4728, 226], [2142, 4718, 224], [2122, 4728, 222], [2092, 4728, 219], [2062, 4728, 217], [868, 3564, 215], [873, 3599, 216], [867, 3623, 217], [858, 3644, 218], [858, 3674, 219], [861, 3707, 219], [861, 3737, 220], [856, 3762, 220], [864, 3800, 221], [862, 3828, 222], [862, 3858, 222], [860, 3886, 223], [861, 3917, 223], [863, 3949, 224], [874, 3990, 224], [863, 4009, 225], [880, 4056, 226], [866, 4072, 226], [863, 4099, 227], [863, 4129, 227], [868, 4164, 228], [859, 4185, 228], [874, 4230, 229], [857, 4243, 229], [862, 4278, 230], [861, 4307, 230], [864, 4340, 230], [846, 4352, 230], [867, 4403, 230], [857, 4423, 230], [857, 4453, 230], [864, 4490, 230], [860, 4516, 231], [857, 4543, 231], [862, 4578, 231], [869, 4615, 232], [864, 4640, 232], [865, 4671, 232], [867, 4703, 233], [846, 4712, 233], [817, 4713, 233], [767, 4693, 232], [757, 4713, 232], [729, 4715, 231], [712, 4728, 230], [682, 4728, 228], [652, 4728, 226], [590, 4696, 226], [575, 4711, 226], [551, 4717, 225], [532, 4728, 224], [502, 4728, 222], [460, 4716, 221], [429, 4715, 221], [397, 4713, 220], [365, 4711, 220], [341, 4717, 219], [310, 4716, 218], [281, 4717, 218], [235, 4701, 217], [221, 4717, 217], [190, 4716, 216], [161, 4717, 215], [142, 4728, 214], [112, 4728, 212], [80, 4726, 211], [42, 4718, 210], [21, 4727, 209], [0, 4732, 208], [2671, 7294, 208], [2646, 7299, 207], [2629, 7312, 207], [2591, 7304, 206], [2559, 7302, 205], [2539, 7312, 205], [2509, 7312, 204], [2479, 7312, 203], [2434, 7297, 203], [2410, 7303, 203], [2376, 7299, 203], [2349, 7302, 202], [2320, 7303, 202], [2299, 7312, 201], [2255, 7298, 201], [2239, 7312, 200], [2209, 7312, 199], [5485, 10592, 198], [2353, 7490, 198], [2323, 7490, 197], [2296, 7493, 197], [2342, 7569, 196], [2313, 7570, 196], [863, 6176, 197], [863, 6206, 197], [863, 6236, 198], [861, 6264, 198], [838, 6271, 198], [862, 6325, 198], [861, 6354, 199], [864, 6387, 199], [863, 6416, 199], [857, 6440, 200], [860, 6473, 200], [857, 6500, 200], [860, 6533, 200], [862, 6565, 201], [863, 6596, 201], [864, 6627, 201], [865, 6658, 201], [861, 6684, 202], [861, 6714, 202], [862, 6745, 202], [863, 6776, 203], [863, 6806, 203], [863, 6836, 203], [863, 6866, 204], [857, 6890, 204], [860, 6923, 204], [863, 6956, 204], [863, 6986, 205], [860, 7013, 205], [857, 7040, 205], [860, 7073, 205], [864, 7107, 205], [856, 7129, 206], [877, 7180, 206], [864, 7197, 207], [864, 7227, 207], [861, 7254, 207], [864, 7287, 207], [841, 7294, 208], [812, 7295, 207], [766, 7279, 207], [757, 7300, 207], [739, 7312, 207], [709, 7312, 206], [679, 7312, 205], [649, 7312, 204], [590, 7283, 204], [575, 7298, 204], [559, 7312, 204], [529, 7312, 203], [746, 7533, 203], [746, 7563, 202], [727, 7574, 202], [397, 7300, 201], [364, 7297, 201], [341, 7304, 201], [319, 7312, 200], [281, 7304, 200], [234, 7287, 200], [221, 7304, 200], [190, 7303, 199], [161, 7304, 198], [139, 7312, 198], [316, 7493, 197], [351, 7558, 197], [337, 7574, 197], [223, 7490, 196], [277, 7574, 196], [231, 7558, 196], [856, 8162, 196], [828, 8164, 196], [857, 8223, 196], [862, 8258, 196], [856, 8282, 196], [856, 8312, 196], [828, 8314, 196], [810, 8326, 196], [757, 8303, 196], [749, 8325, 196], [721, 8327, 195], [761, 8397, 195], [731, 8397, 195], [2828, 10432, 195], [2828, 10462, 195], [2828, 10492, 196], [2828, 10522, 196], [2835, 10559, 196], [2828, 10582, 196], [2827, 10595, 196], [2828, 10642, 195], [2827, 10668, 195], [2827, 10679, 194], [2809, 10590, 193], [2780, 10591, 193], [2753, 10594, 194], [2723, 10594, 194], [2690, 10591, 194], [2663, 10594, 194], [2634, 10595, 194], [2604, 10595, 193], [2574, 10595, 193], [2544, 10595, 193], [2514, 10595, 192], [2484, 10595, 192], [2453, 10594, 192], [2423, 10594, 192], [2394, 10595, 191], [2364, 10595, 191], [2333, 10594, 191], [2303, 10594, 191], [2273, 10594, 190], [2244, 10595, 190], [2214, 10595, 190], [2184, 10595, 189], [857, 9298, 189], [856, 9327, 189], [856, 9357, 189], [827, 9358, 189], [856, 9417, 189], [856, 9447, 189], [856, 9477, 189], [857, 9508, 189], [856, 9537, 189], [856, 9567, 190], [856, 9597, 190], [856, 9627, 190], [856, 9657, 190], [828, 9659, 190], [861, 9722, 190], [860, 9751, 190], [873, 9794, 190], [860, 9811, 191], [857, 9838, 191], [864, 9875, 191], [861, 9902, 191], [857, 9928, 192], [857, 9958, 192], [863, 9994, 192], [864, 10025, 192], [863, 10054, 192], [864, 10085, 193], [869, 10120, 193], [856, 10137, 193], [858, 10169, 193], [864, 10205, 194], [861, 10232, 194], [864, 10265, 194], [861, 10292, 194], [857, 10318, 195], [860, 10351, 195], [857, 10378, 195], [863, 10414, 195], [864, 10445, 195], [864, 10475, 196], [861, 10502, 196], [832, 10503, 196], [866, 10567, 196], [860, 10591, 196], [832, 10593, 196], [804, 10595, 196], [769, 10590, 196], [744, 10595, 196], [714, 10595, 196], [684, 10595, 195], [654, 10595, 195], [624, 10595, 194], [590, 10591, 194], [562, 10593, 194], [534, 10595, 194], [504, 10595, 193], [547, 10668, 193], [443, 10594, 193], [413, 10594, 193], [383, 10594, 193], [353, 10594, 193], [54, 10595, 189]], 'time_in_bucket': [1652, 24, 21, 19, 22, 23, 24, 19, 12, 19, 17, 10, 17, 18, 19, 14, 18, 16, 13, 10, 11, 15, 9, 15, 10, 13, 15, 13, 9, 13, 12, 10, 15, 6, 4, 7, 13, 16, 12, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 5, 11, 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3701, 747], [3680, 3701, 733], [3679, 3701, 721], [3678, 3701, 707], [3677, 3701, 698], [3676, 3701, 690], [3675, 3701, 681], [3674, 3701, 670], [3673, 3701, 663], [3672, 3701, 655], [3671, 3701, 646], [3789, 3820, 639], [3788, 3820, 637], [3787, 3820, 636], [3788, 3822, 634], [3788, 3823, 633], [3789, 3825, 632], [3789, 3826, 633], [3789, 3827, 632], [3788, 3827, 631], [3787, 3827, 630], [3787, 3828, 628], [3786, 3828, 625], [3788, 3831, 622], [3787, 3831, 621], [3787, 3832, 619], [3789, 3835, 618], [3788, 3835, 618], [3787, 3835, 617], [3787, 3836, 615], [3786, 3836, 613], [3785, 3836, 610], [3784, 3836, 605], [3783, 3836, 601], [3783, 3837, 595], [3782, 3837, 588], [3783, 3839, 582], [3783, 3840, 577], [3785, 3843, 572], [3785, 3844, 569], [3784, 3844, 566], [3783, 3844, 562], [3783, 3845, 557], [3783, 3846, 553], [3785, 3849, 549], [3785, 3850, 547], [3785, 3851, 545], [3784, 3851, 542], [3783, 3851, 539], [3783, 3852, 536], [3783, 3853, 531], [3785, 3856, 529], [3785, 3857, 527], [3785, 3858, 526], [3785, 3859, 524], [3784, 3859, 522], [3783, 3859, 519], [3787, 3864, 518], [3787, 3865, 518], [3786, 3865, 517], [3785, 3865, 516], [3784, 3865, 515], [3783, 3865, 513], [3783, 3866, 510], [3782, 3866, 506], [3782, 3867, 502], [3783, 3869, 499], [3783, 3870, 496], [3782, 3870, 493], [3782, 3871, 489], [3782, 3872, 485], [3782, 3873, 480], [3782, 3874, 476], [3782, 3875, 471], [3782, 3876, 467], [3782, 3877, 462], [3782, 3878, 458], [3782, 3879, 454], [3782, 3880, 450], [3782, 3881, 446], [3782, 3882, 442], [3782, 3883, 438], [3782, 3884, 434], [3782, 3885, 430], [3782, 3886, 426], [3782, 3887, 422], [3782, 3888, 418], [3781, 3888, 414], [3780, 3888, 410], [3779, 3888, 407], [3782, 3892, 403], [3782, 3893, 400], [3782, 3894, 396], [3765, 3878, 393], [3764, 3878, 390], [3765, 3880, 387], [3765, 3881, 384], [3765, 3882, 381], [3764, 3882, 378], [3765, 3884, 375], [3761, 3881, 372], [3761, 3882, 370], [3761, 3883, 367], [3761, 3884, 364], [3761, 3885, 361], [3761, 3886, 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[3635, 3866, 320], [3635, 3867, 320], [3636, 3869, 319], [3636, 3870, 319], [3635, 3870, 318], [3635, 3871, 318], [3635, 3872, 317], [3629, 3867, 316], [3630, 3869, 315], [3629, 3869, 315], [3629, 3870, 315], [3629, 3871, 314], [3628, 3871, 313], [3628, 3872, 312], [3621, 3866, 312], [3620, 3866, 311], [3620, 3867, 311], [3621, 3869, 310], [3620, 3869, 310], [3620, 3870, 310], [3620, 3871, 309], [3619, 3871, 308], [3619, 3872, 308], [3619, 3873, 307], [3615, 3870, 306], [3614, 3870, 306], [3609, 3866, 305], [3608, 3866, 305], [3607, 3866, 305], [3607, 3867, 304], [3608, 3869, 304], [3607, 3869, 303], [3607, 3870, 303], [3602, 3866, 303], [3601, 3866, 302], [3600, 3866, 302], [3602, 3869, 302], [3602, 3870, 301], [3601, 3870, 301], [3600, 3870, 300], [3600, 3871, 300], [3595, 3867, 299], [3596, 3869, 299], [3595, 3869, 299], [3595, 3870, 298], [3595, 3871, 298], [3594, 3871, 297], [3594, 3872, 296], [3594, 3873, 296], [3594, 3874, 295], [3594, 3875, 294], [3594, 3876, 293], [3594, 3877, 292], [3594, 3878, 291], [3594, 3879, 291], [3594, 3880, 290], [3594, 3881, 289], [4378, 4666, 289], [4378, 4667, 288], [4378, 4668, 288], [4378, 4669, 288], [4378, 4670, 288], [4378, 4671, 288], [4378, 4672, 288], [4378, 4673, 288], [4378, 4674, 288], [4378, 4675, 288], [4378, 4676, 288], [4378, 4677, 287], [4378, 4682, 287], [4378, 4687, 287], [4378, 4692, 286], [4378, 4697, 285], [4393, 4717, 286], [4378, 4707, 286], [4378, 4712, 286], [4378, 4717, 286], [4394, 4738, 286], [4392, 4741, 286], [4387, 4741, 286], [4378, 4737, 287], [4378, 4742, 287], [4378, 4747, 287], [4378, 4752, 286], [4378, 4757, 286], [4377, 4761, 285], [4377, 4766, 283], [4377, 4771, 281], [4348, 4747, 280], [4354, 4758, 280], [4348, 4757, 280], [4345, 4759, 279], [4338, 4757, 278], [4338, 4762, 277], [4338, 4767, 276], [4338, 4772, 274], [4337, 4776, 271], [4332, 4776, 268], [4346, 4795, 266], [4348, 4802, 266], [4344, 4803, 265], [4338, 4802, 264], [4338, 4807, 262], [4334, 4808, 260], [4328, 4807, 257], [5215, 5699, 255], [5210, 5699, 255], [5206, 5700, 254], [5200, 5699, 253], [5177, 5681, 253], [5178, 5687, 253], [5177, 5691, 253], [5160, 5679, 253], [5158, 5682, 253], [5158, 5687, 253], [5159, 5693, 253], [5159, 5698, 253], [5155, 5699, 252], [5151, 5700, 251], [5145, 5699, 251], [5139, 5698, 251], [5135, 5699, 250], [5131, 5700, 250], [5125, 5699, 250], [5121, 5700, 249], [5116, 5700, 248], [5111, 5700, 248], [5106, 5700, 247], [5101, 5700, 247], [5096, 5700, 246], [5091, 5700, 245], [2408, 3022, 245], [2402, 3021, 245], [2400, 3024, 245], [2401, 3030, 245], [2400, 3034, 244], [2400, 3039, 244], [2407, 3051, 244], [2400, 3049, 244], [2408, 3062, 244], [2408, 3067, 244], [2401, 3065, 244], [2400, 3069, 244], [2401, 3075, 244], [2400, 3079, 244], [2400, 3084, 244], [2399, 3088, 244], [2394, 3088, 244], [2370, 3069, 243], [2366, 3070, 243], [2370, 3079, 243], [2370, 3084, 243], [2368, 3087, 243], [2364, 3088, 243], [2359, 3088, 242], [2354, 3088, 242], [2331, 3070, 242], [2332, 3076, 242], [2321, 3070, 242], [2323, 3077, 242], [2319, 3078, 241], [2321, 3085, 241], [2319, 3088, 241], [2304, 3078, 241], [2305, 3084, 241], [2293, 3077, 241], [2293, 3082, 241], [2293, 3087, 241], [2289, 3088, 240], [2266, 3070, 240], [2270, 3079, 240], [2270, 3084, 240], [2266, 3085, 240], [2263, 3087, 240], [2257, 3086, 240], [2254, 3088, 239], [2169, 3008, 239], [2169, 3013, 239], [2168, 3017, 240], [2168, 3022, 240], [2163, 3022, 240], [2158, 3022, 240], [2155, 3024, 240], [2158, 3032, 240], [2135, 3014, 240], [2131, 3015, 240], [2132, 3021, 240], [2112, 3006, 240], [2111, 3010, 241], [2111, 3015, 241], [2111, 3020, 241], [2109, 3023, 241], [2111, 3030, 241], [2109, 3033, 241], [2110, 3039, 241], [2111, 3045, 241], [2111, 3050, 241], [2106, 3050, 241], [2111, 3060, 241], [2111, 3065, 241], [2111, 3070, 241], [2106, 3070, 241], [2109, 3078, 241], [2110, 3084, 241], [2106, 3085, 241], [2104, 3088, 240], [2099, 3088, 240], [2094, 3088, 240], [2091, 3090, 239], [2084, 3088, 239], [2078, 3087, 239], [2074, 3088, 239], [2069, 3088, 239], [2065, 3089, 238], [2058, 3087, 238], [2054, 3088, 238], [2047, 3086, 238], [2044, 3088, 238], [2040, 3089, 237], [1949, 3003, 237], [1949, 3008, 237], [1949, 3013, 237], [1946, 3015, 238], [1947, 3021, 238], [1945, 3024, 238], [1946, 3030, 238], [1946, 3035, 238], [1946, 3040, 238], [1946, 3045, 238], [1946, 3050, 238], [1946, 3055, 238], [1947, 3061, 238], [1946, 3065, 238], [1946, 3070, 238], [1946, 3075, 238], [1945, 3079, 238], [1945, 3084, 238], [1944, 3088, 238], [1938, 3087, 237], [1935, 3089, 237], [1929, 3088, 237], [1925, 3089, 237], [1919, 3088, 236], [1904, 3078, 236], [1905, 3084, 236], [1893, 3077, 236], [1895, 3084, 236], [1884, 3078, 236], [1885, 3084, 236], [1884, 3088, 236], [1879, 3088, 236], [1874, 3088, 235], [1850, 3069, 235], [1846, 3070, 235], [1848, 3077, 235], [1846, 3080, 235], [1846, 3085, 235], [1844, 3088, 235], [1839, 3088, 235], [1834, 3088, 235], [1830, 3089, 235], [1824, 3088, 235], [1819, 3088, 234], [1790, 3064, 234], [1786, 3065, 234], [1786, 3070, 234], [1782, 3071, 234], [1783, 3077, 234], [1785, 3084, 234], [1783, 3087, 234], [1770, 3079, 234], [1770, 3084, 234], [1765, 3084, 234], [1763, 3087, 234], [1759, 3088, 234], [1754, 3088, 234], [1747, 3086, 234], [1743, 3087, 234], [1739, 3088, 233], [1733, 3087, 233], [1730, 3089, 233], [1728, 3092, 233], [1728, 3097, 232], [1721, 3095, 232], [1718, 3097, 231], [1637, 3021, 231], [1632, 3021, 231], [1628, 3022, 231], [1622, 3021, 231], [1618, 3022, 231], [1612, 3021, 231], [1611, 3025, 231], [1630, 3049, 231], [1626, 3050, 231], [1635, 3064, 231], [1630, 3064, 232], [1630, 3069, 232], [1626, 3070, 232], [1620, 3069, 232], [1615, 3069, 232], [1611, 3070, 232], [1612, 3076, 232], [1611, 3080, 232], [1611, 3085, 232], [1589, 3068, 232], [1585, 3069, 232], [1580, 3069, 232], [1584, 3078, 232], [1579, 3078, 232], [1580, 3084, 232], [1555, 3064, 232], [1555, 3069, 232], [1543, 3062, 232], [1543, 3067, 232], [1541, 3070, 232], [1536, 3070, 232], [1538, 3077, 232], [1534, 3078, 232], [1535, 3084, 232], [1534, 3088, 232], [1529, 3088, 232], [1522, 3086, 231], [1515, 3084, 231], [1514, 3088, 231], [1512, 3091, 231], [1512, 3096, 231], [1508, 3097, 230], [1503, 3097, 229], [1498, 3097, 229], [1493, 3097, 228], [1488, 3097, 227], [1483, 3097, 227], [1478, 3097, 226], [1473, 3097, 225], [1468, 3097, 225], [1378, 3012, 225], [1375, 3014, 225], [1377, 3021, 225], [1373, 3022, 225], [1375, 3029, 225], [1374, 3033, 225], [1375, 3039, 225], [1377, 3046, 225], [1375, 3049, 225], [1375, 3054, 225], [1378, 3062, 225], [1375, 3064, 225], [1375, 3069, 225], [1373, 3072, 225], [1374, 3078, 225], [1375, 3084, 225], [1373, 3087, 225], [1370, 3089, 225], [1365, 3089, 225], [1365, 3094, 225], [1363, 3097, 224], [1358, 3097, 224], [1353, 3097, 223], [1347, 3096, 223], [1343, 3097, 222], [1338, 3097, 222], [1337, 3097, 221], [1337, 3097, 221], [1337, 3097, 220], [1337, 3097, 219], [1337, 3097, 219], [1337, 3097, 218], [1337, 3097, 217], [1337, 3097, 217], [1365, 3145, 215], [1341, 3151, 212], [782, 2618, 212], [756, 2622, 211], [1126, 3022, 211], [1098, 3024, 212], [1108, 3064, 212], [1098, 3084, 212], [1054, 3070, 213], [1024, 3070, 213], [1012, 3088, 213], [903, 3009, 213], [886, 3022, 214], [856, 3022, 214], [818, 3014, 214], [789, 3015, 215], [779, 3035, 216], [781, 3067, 216], [772, 3088, 216], [751, 3097, 216], [714, 3090, 214], [691, 3097, 212], [661, 3097, 210], [716, 3133, 208], [704, 3151, 206], [483, 3009, 205], [250, 2806, 206], [247, 2833, 206], [472, 3088, 206], [368, 3014, 207], [247, 2923, 207], [250, 2956, 207], [250, 2986, 208], [250, 3016, 209], [250, 3046, 210], [250, 3076, 210], [232, 3088, 209], [211, 3097, 208], [172, 3088, 207], [150, 3096, 206], [121, 3097, 205], [91, 3097, 203], [59, 3095, 202], [128, 3145, 200], [250, 3297, 200], [797, 3865, 200], [772, 3870, 200], [750, 3878, 200], [714, 3872, 199], [694, 3882, 198], [751, 3969, 197], [1528, 4759, 197], [1511, 4772, 197], [1512, 4803, 196], [1486, 4807, 195], [1386, 4737, 195], [1377, 4758, 195], [1365, 4776, 195], [1365, 4806, 195], [377, 3865, 195], [352, 3870, 195], [317, 3865, 196], [287, 3865, 196], [257, 3865, 197], [233, 3871, 197], [217, 3885, 196], [172, 3870, 196], [149, 3877, 195], [124, 3882, 194], [182, 3970, 193], [150, 3968, 192], [980, 4758, 192], [950, 4758, 192], [903, 4741, 193], [889, 4757, 193], [860, 4758, 194], [819, 4747, 194], [789, 4747, 195], [770, 4758, 195], [751, 4769, 195], [755, 4803, 194], [724, 4802, 193], [696, 4804, 193], [670, 4808, 192], [640, 4808, 190], [772, 4970, 189], [769, 4997, 190], [483, 4741, 190], [471, 4759, 190], [441, 4759, 190], [368, 4716, 191], [368, 4746, 191], [250, 4658, 192], [250, 4688, 192], [250, 4718, 193], [249, 4747, 193], [246, 4774, 193], [246, 4804, 193], [217, 4805, 192], [150, 4768, 192], [157, 4805, 191], [125, 4803, 191], [96, 4804, 189], [250, 4988, 189], [234, 5002, 188], [222, 5020, 188], [170, 4998, 187], [150, 5008, 187], [122, 5010, 186], [940, 5687, 186], [893, 5670, 187], [873, 5680, 187], [860, 5697, 188], [787, 5654, 188], [783, 5680, 188], [772, 5699, 189], [745, 5702, 188], [714, 5701, 188], [685, 5702, 187], [655, 5702, 186], [625, 5702, 185], [592, 5699, 184], [533, 5670, 184], [483, 5650, 185], [483, 5680, 185], [473, 5700, 185], [441, 5698, 185], [367, 5654, 186], [363, 5680, 186], [250, 5597, 187], [250, 5627, 187], [250, 5657, 188], [250, 5687, 188], [234, 5701, 188], [205, 5702, 187], [172, 5699, 187], [145, 5702, 186], [115, 5702, 186], [85, 5702, 185], [55, 5702, 185], [25, 5702, 184]], 'time_in_bucket': [711, 13, 12, 15, 7, 12, 16, 12, 10, 9, 9, 11, 8, 6, 12, 8, 7, 7, 14, 13, 6, 8, 6, 5, 7, 8, 4, 6, 7, 4, 6, 9, 4, 6, 4, 8, 5, 12, 6, 5, 7, 7, 7, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 4, 7, 9, 5, 4, 7, 6, 10, 1, 2, 4, 9, 9, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6, 7, 4, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 4, 3, 3, 3, 8, 5, 6, 8, 4, 3, 3, 11, 9, 3, 4, 7, 8, 2, 12, 5, 8, 6, 2, 6, 9, 1, 4, 5, 3, 7, 8, 10, 8, 7, 5, 3, 3, 7, 5, 6, 5, 3, 4, 7, 4, 3, 4, 1, 6, 3, 6, 8, 3, 8, 2, 2, 4, 6, 2, 10, 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[6810, 6826, 725], [6809, 6826, 711], [6808, 6826, 695], [6810, 6829, 686], [6810, 6830, 678], [3726, 3747, 672], [3725, 3747, 672], [3724, 3747, 672], [6812, 6836, 674], [6812, 6837, 677], [6812, 6838, 679], [6812, 6839, 681], [6812, 6840, 682], [6811, 6840, 682], [6810, 6840, 678], [6810, 6841, 672], [3720, 3752, 670], [3720, 3753, 670], [3713, 3747, 670], [3724, 3759, 670], [3724, 3760, 668], [3721, 3758, 669], [3720, 3758, 669], [3713, 3752, 669], [3713, 3753, 669], [3712, 3753, 669], [3720, 3762, 667], [3713, 3756, 667], [3713, 3757, 668], [3713, 3758, 669], [3713, 3759, 669], [3712, 3759, 668], [3712, 3760, 667], [3713, 3762, 667], [3713, 3763, 667], [3713, 3764, 667], [3713, 3765, 667], [3712, 3765, 666], [3713, 3767, 666], [3712, 3767, 666], [3709, 3765, 664], [3710, 3767, 664], [3709, 3767, 663], [3709, 3768, 659], [3708, 3768, 654], [3707, 3768, 648], [3706, 3768, 642], [3705, 3768, 637], [3704, 3768, 631], [3703, 3768, 626], [3702, 3768, 622], [3701, 3768, 618], [3700, 3768, 614], [3699, 3768, 610], [3698, 3768, 606], [3697, 3768, 601], [3696, 3768, 595], [3695, 3768, 589], [3694, 3768, 584], [3693, 3768, 580], [3692, 3768, 576], [3691, 3768, 572], [3690, 3768, 568], [3689, 3768, 564], [3688, 3768, 560], [3687, 3768, 556], [3686, 3768, 552], [3685, 3768, 549], [3684, 3768, 545], [3683, 3768, 542], [3682, 3768, 538], [3681, 3768, 535], [3680, 3768, 532], [3679, 3768, 529], [3678, 3768, 526], [3677, 3768, 523], [3676, 3768, 519], [3675, 3768, 517], [3674, 3768, 514], [3673, 3768, 511], [3672, 3768, 508], [3671, 3768, 506], [3670, 3768, 503], [3669, 3768, 501], [3709, 3809, 499], [3708, 3809, 498], [3708, 3810, 497], [3708, 3811, 495], [3706, 3810, 492], [3708, 3813, 491], [3709, 3815, 490], [3708, 3815, 489], [3708, 3816, 488], [3708, 3817, 486], [3709, 3819, 485], [3709, 3820, 485], [3709, 3821, 484], [3708, 3821, 483], [3708, 3822, 482], [3708, 3823, 481], [3709, 3825, 479], [3709, 3826, 478], [3709, 3827, 478], [3709, 3828, 477], [3709, 3829, 477], [3708, 3829, 476], [3708, 3830, 475], [3706, 3829, 473], [3709, 3833, 472], [3709, 3834, 472], [3709, 3835, 471], [3709, 3836, 471], [3708, 3836, 470], [3708, 3837, 469], [3708, 3838, 468], [3709, 3840, 467], [3708, 3840, 466], [3709, 3842, 466], [3709, 3843, 465], [3708, 3843, 465], [3708, 3844, 464], [3708, 3845, 463], [3709, 3847, 462], [3709, 3848, 462], [3709, 3849, 461], [3709, 3850, 461], [3709, 3851, 460], [3708, 3851, 460], [3708, 3852, 459], [3708, 3853, 457], [3708, 3854, 457], [3709, 3856, 456], [3709, 3857, 456], [3709, 3858, 456], [3708, 3858, 455], [3708, 3859, 454], [3709, 3861, 453], [3709, 3862, 453], [3709, 3863, 452], [3709, 3864, 452], [3708, 3864, 452], [3708, 3865, 451], [3708, 3866, 450], [3708, 3867, 449], [3709, 3869, 448], [3709, 3870, 448], [3708, 3870, 448], [3708, 3871, 447], [3708, 3872, 446], [3708, 3873, 445], [3709, 3875, 445], [3709, 3876, 445], [3709, 3877, 445], [3708, 3877, 445], [3708, 3878, 444], [3708, 3879, 443], [3709, 3881, 443], [3708, 3881, 442], [3708, 3882, 442], [3708, 3883, 441], [3706, 3882, 440], [3709, 3886, 440], [3709, 3887, 439], [3708, 3887, 439], [3708, 3888, 439], [3708, 3889, 438], [3709, 3891, 438], [3708, 3891, 438], [3708, 3892, 437], [3708, 3893, 436], [3709, 3895, 436], [3709, 3896, 436], [3709, 3897, 436], [3708, 3897, 436], [3708, 3898, 435], [3708, 3899, 434], [3709, 3901, 434], [3709, 3902, 434], [11507, 11701, 434], [11507, 11702, 434], [11507, 11703, 434], [11506, 11703, 434], [11507, 11705, 434], [11507, 11706, 434], [11507, 11707, 434], [11507, 11708, 434], [11507, 11709, 434], [11506, 11709, 434], [11507, 11711, 434], [11507, 11712, 434], [11507, 11713, 434], [11507, 11714, 434], [11506, 11714, 434], [11506, 11715, 434], [11505, 11715, 433], [11507, 11718, 433], [11507, 11719, 433], [11507, 11720, 433], [11507, 11721, 433], [11507, 11722, 433], [11507, 11723, 434], [11506, 11723, 433], [11505, 11723, 433], [11507, 11726, 432], [11507, 11727, 433], [11507, 11728, 433], [11507, 11729, 433], [11506, 11729, 432], [11507, 11731, 432], [11507, 11732, 432], [11507, 11733, 432], [11507, 11734, 432], [11506, 11734, 432], [11505, 11734, 432], [11507, 11737, 432], [11507, 11738, 432], [11507, 11739, 432], [11506, 11739, 432], [11505, 11739, 431], [11507, 11742, 431], [11507, 11743, 432], [11507, 11744, 432], [11506, 11744, 432], [11506, 11745, 431], [11506, 11746, 431], [11507, 11748, 431], [11507, 11749, 431], [11507, 11750, 431], [11506, 11750, 431], [11505, 11750, 430], [11505, 11751, 430], [11503, 11750, 430], [11502, 11750, 430], [11507, 11756, 430], [11506, 11756, 430], [11499, 11750, 429], [11499, 11751, 429], [11491, 11744, 429], [11490, 11744, 429], [11489, 11744, 429], [11489, 11745, 428], [11499, 11756, 428], [11486, 11744, 428], [11485, 11744, 428], [11484, 11744, 428], [11483, 11744, 428], [11482, 11744, 428], [11481, 11744, 428], [11480, 11744, 428], [11479, 11744, 428], [11479, 11745, 427], [11483, 11750, 427], [11476, 11744, 427], [11475, 11744, 427], [11480, 11750, 427], [11479, 11750, 427], [11479, 11751, 426], [11477, 11750, 426], [11470, 11744, 426], [11469, 11744, 426], [11468, 11744, 426], [11468, 11745, 426], [11469, 11747, 425], [11470, 11749, 425], [11470, 11750, 426], [11469, 11750, 426], [11462, 11744, 425], [11461, 11744, 425], [11460, 11744, 425], [11459, 11744, 425], [11458, 11744, 425], [11463, 11750, 425], [11462, 11750, 425], [11461, 11750, 424], [11460, 11750, 424], [11459, 11750, 424], [11452, 11744, 424], [11451, 11744, 424], [11450, 11744, 424], [11449, 11744, 424], [11449, 11745, 424], [11449, 11746, 424], [11452, 11750, 424], [11451, 11750, 424], [11452, 11756, 423], [11442, 11751, 422], [11442, 11756, 422], [11450, 11769, 421], [11451, 11775, 420], [11449, 11778, 420], [11449, 11783, 420], [11443, 11782, 419], [11443, 11787, 418], [11438, 11787, 417], [11433, 11787, 417], [11441, 11800, 416], [11380, 11744, 416], [11381, 11750, 415], [11382, 11756, 415], [11372, 11751, 414], [11450, 11834, 414], [11444, 11833, 413], [11393, 11787, 413], [11380, 11779, 413], [11379, 11783, 412], [11263, 11672, 413], [11263, 11677, 413], [11263, 11682, 413], [11263, 11687, 413], [3711, 4140, 414], [3707, 4141, 415], [11263, 11702, 414], [11263, 11707, 414], [11263, 11712, 414], [11263, 11717, 414], [11263, 11722, 414], [11263, 11727, 414], [11263, 11732, 414], [11263, 11737, 414], [11263, 11742, 414], [11263, 11747, 414], [11263, 11752, 414], [11263, 11757, 413], [11263, 11762, 413], [11263, 11767, 413], [11263, 11772, 412], [11263, 11777, 412], [11263, 11782, 412], [11263, 11787, 412], [11263, 11792, 411], [11263, 11797, 411], [11263, 11802, 410], [11263, 11807, 410], [11505, 12054, 410], [11506, 12060, 410], [11506, 12065, 410], [11506, 12070, 410], [11501, 12070, 410], [11490, 12064, 409], [11490, 12069, 409], [11507, 12091, 409], [11507, 12096, 409], [11507, 12101, 410], [11506, 12105, 410], [11507, 12111, 410], [11506, 12115, 410], [11507, 12121, 410], [11520, 12139, 410], [11507, 12131, 411], [11507, 12136, 411], [11507, 12141, 411], [11507, 12146, 411], [11507, 12151, 411], [11506, 12155, 411], [11507, 12161, 411], [11507, 12166, 411], [11503, 12167, 411], [11505, 12174, 411], [11507, 12181, 412], [11507, 12186, 412], [11507, 12191, 412], [11507, 12196, 412], [11506, 12200, 412], [11507, 12206, 413], [11507, 12211, 412], [11507, 12216, 412], [11507, 12221, 412], [11507, 12226, 412], [11507, 12231, 413], [11507, 12236, 412], [11503, 12237, 412], [11498, 12237, 412], [11500, 12244, 412], [11482, 12231, 412], [11483, 12237, 412], [11478, 12237, 412], [11468, 12232, 411], [11468, 12237, 411], [11463, 12237, 411], [11458, 12237, 411], [11453, 12237, 411], [11449, 12238, 411], [11443, 12237, 411], [11449, 12248, 411], [11451, 12255, 410], [11450, 12259, 410], [11442, 12256, 410], [11452, 12271, 410], [11449, 12273, 410], [11443, 12272, 410], [11450, 12284, 409], [11444, 12283, 409], [11449, 12293, 409], [11449, 12298, 409], [11449, 12303, 409], [11449, 12308, 409], [11444, 12308, 408], [11455, 12324, 408], [11450, 12324, 408], [11445, 12324, 408], [11451, 12335, 408], [11452, 12341, 408], [11442, 12336, 408], [11442, 12341, 408], [11263, 12167, 408], [11263, 12172, 408], [11263, 12177, 408], [11263, 12182, 408], [11263, 12187, 408], [11263, 12192, 408], [11263, 12197, 408], [11263, 12202, 408], [11263, 12207, 409], [11263, 12212, 409], [11263, 12217, 409], [11263, 12222, 409], [11263, 12227, 409], [11263, 12232, 409], [11263, 12237, 409], [11263, 12242, 408], [11263, 12247, 408], [11263, 12252, 408], [11263, 12257, 408], [11263, 12262, 408], [11263, 12267, 408], [11263, 12272, 408], [11263, 12277, 407], [11263, 12282, 407], [11263, 12287, 407], [11263, 12292, 407], [11263, 12297, 407], [11263, 12302, 407], [11263, 12307, 407], [11263, 12312, 407], [11263, 12317, 406], [11263, 12322, 407], [11263, 12327, 406], [11263, 12332, 406], [11262, 12336, 406], [11263, 12342, 406], [11263, 12347, 406], [11263, 12352, 406], [11442, 12536, 406], [11437, 12536, 406], [11432, 12536, 406], [11427, 12536, 405], [11263, 12377, 405], [11263, 12382, 405], [11263, 12387, 405], [11263, 12392, 405], [11263, 12397, 405], [11263, 12402, 405], [11263, 12407, 405], [11263, 12412, 405], [11263, 12417, 405], [11263, 12422, 405], [11263, 12427, 405], [11263, 12432, 405], [11263, 12437, 404], [11263, 12442, 404], [11263, 12447, 404], [11264, 12453, 404], [11263, 12457, 404], [11263, 12462, 404], [11262, 12466, 404], [11263, 12472, 404], [11263, 12477, 404], [11263, 12482, 404], [11263, 12487, 403], [11307, 12536, 403], [11302, 12536, 403], [11291, 12530, 403], [11266, 12510, 404], [11263, 12512, 404], [11263, 12517, 404], [11263, 12522, 404], [11263, 12527, 405], [11263, 12532, 405], [11263, 12537, 405], [11262, 12541, 404], [11253, 12537, 403], [11248, 12537, 402], [11243, 12537, 402], [11239, 12538, 401], [11233, 12537, 400], [11228, 12537, 399], [11222, 12536, 399], [11219, 12538, 398], [11214, 12538, 397], [11212, 12541, 396], [11203, 12537, 395], [11199, 12538, 394], [11197, 12541, 393], [11192, 12541, 392], [11198, 12552, 390], [11192, 12551, 389], [11192, 12556, 387], [11192, 12561, 386], [11192, 12566, 385], [11198, 12577, 383], [11154, 12538, 382], [11148, 12537, 381], [11147, 12541, 380], [11142, 12541, 379], [11147, 12551, 378], [11143, 12552, 376], [11143, 12557, 375], [11146, 12565, 374], [11143, 12567, 373], [11146, 12575, 371], [11146, 12580, 370], [11146, 12585, 369], [6561, 8005, 368], [6556, 8005, 368], [6551, 8005, 367], [6546, 8005, 367], [6541, 8005, 367], [6537, 8006, 366], [6532, 8006, 366], [6527, 8006, 365], [6522, 8006, 365], [6517, 8006, 364], [6511, 8005, 364], [6507, 8006, 364], [6502, 8006, 363], [15362, 16871, 363], [15362, 16876, 363], [15362, 16881, 363], [15363, 16887, 363], [15363, 16892, 363], [15363, 16897, 362], [15363, 16902, 362], [15362, 16906, 362], [15362, 16911, 362], [15362, 16916, 362], [15363, 16922, 362], [15362, 16926, 361], [15363, 16932, 361], [15363, 16937, 361], [15362, 16941, 361], [15363, 16947, 361], [15363, 16952, 361], [15363, 16957, 361], [15363, 16962, 361], [15362, 16966, 361], [15363, 16972, 361], [15363, 16977, 361], [15363, 16982, 361], [15362, 16986, 361], [15362, 16991, 361], [15362, 16996, 361], [15362, 17001, 361], [15362, 17006, 360], [15362, 17011, 360], [15362, 17016, 360], [15363, 17022, 360], [15363, 17027, 360], [15363, 17032, 360], [15362, 17036, 360], [15362, 17041, 360], [15363, 17047, 360], [15363, 17052, 360], [15363, 17057, 360], [15363, 17062, 360], [15363, 17067, 360], [15363, 17072, 360], [15363, 17077, 360], [15363, 17082, 360], [15363, 17087, 360], [15363, 17092, 360], [15362, 17096, 360], [15363, 17102, 360], [15362, 17106, 360], [15363, 17112, 360], [15363, 17117, 359], [15363, 17122, 359], [15363, 17127, 360], [15363, 17132, 360], [15363, 17137, 360], [15362, 17141, 359], [15363, 17147, 360], [15363, 17152, 360], [15363, 17157, 360], [15363, 17162, 359], [15398, 17227, 360], [15368, 17227, 362], [15352, 17241, 358], [15310, 17229, 356], [15279, 17228, 355], [15249, 17228, 354], [15219, 17228, 354], [15190, 17229, 353], [15162, 17231, 352], [15130, 17229, 350], [15102, 17231, 349], [15070, 17229, 348], [15040, 17229, 347], [15012, 17231, 346], [14980, 17229, 345], [14952, 17231, 343], [14922, 17231, 341], [14893, 17232, 339], [14862, 17231, 336], [14833, 17232, 334], [14802, 17231, 332], [14772, 17231, 330], [14742, 17231, 328], [14712, 17231, 326], [14683, 17232, 325], [14652, 17231, 323], [14622, 17231, 321], [14592, 17231, 320], [14562, 17231, 319], [14531, 17230, 317], [14502, 17231, 316], [14472, 17231, 315], [14442, 17231, 315], [14412, 17231, 314], [14380, 17229, 312], [14352, 17231, 311], [14321, 17230, 310], [14292, 17231, 309], [14265, 17234, 307], [14264, 17241, 304], [14264, 17241, 301], [14265, 17317, 298], [14264, 17317, 295], [14232, 17231, 293], [14200, 17229, 291], [14172, 17231, 291], [14142, 17231, 290], [14109, 17228, 289], [14082, 17231, 289], [14052, 17231, 287], [14022, 17231, 286], [13992, 17231, 285], [13960, 17229, 284], [13932, 17231, 283], [13902, 17231, 282], [13873, 17232, 281], [13842, 17231, 280], [13832, 17241, 278], [13792, 17231, 277], [13760, 17229, 276], [13732, 17231, 276], [13702, 17231, 275], [13672, 17231, 275], [13642, 17231, 274], [13612, 17231, 273], [13580, 17229, 273], [13552, 17231, 273], [13522, 17231, 272], [13492, 17231, 271], [13462, 17231, 270], [13432, 17231, 269], [13399, 17228, 269], [13372, 17231, 269], [13342, 17231, 268], [13310, 17229, 268], [13282, 17231, 267], [13252, 17231, 266], [13224, 17233, 265], [13202, 17241, 263], [13172, 17241, 261], [13142, 17241, 259], [13195, 17317, 258], [13082, 17241, 256], [13052, 17241, 254], [13105, 17317, 252], [13075, 17317, 251], [13045, 17317, 249], [13084, 17386, 247], [951, 5164, 247], [908, 5151, 247], [835, 5108, 248], [836, 5139, 248], [809, 5142, 248], [748, 5111, 248], [748, 5141, 249], [728, 5151, 249], [716, 5169, 249], [724, 5207, 249], [713, 5226, 248], [682, 5225, 248], [650, 5223, 247], [3642, 8005, 246], [3613, 8006, 245], [3612, 8035, 244], [458, 5151, 243], [261, 4984, 243], [372, 5125, 244], [368, 5151, 244], [261, 5074, 244], [261, 5104, 245], [261, 5134, 245], [260, 5163, 245], [261, 5194, 245], [259, 5222, 245], [233, 5226, 244], [200, 5223, 243], [170, 5223, 243], [11263, 16334, 242], [11263, 16364, 243], [11263, 16394, 243], [11263, 16424, 244], [11267, 16458, 246], [11263, 16484, 246], [11263, 16514, 247], [11263, 16544, 247], [11262, 16573, 248], [11263, 16604, 248], [11263, 16634, 249], [11263, 16664, 249], [11263, 16694, 250], [11263, 16724, 250], [11263, 16754, 251], [11262, 16783, 251], [11263, 16814, 252], [11263, 16844, 253], [11263, 16874, 253], [11263, 16904, 254], [11263, 16934, 254], [11263, 16964, 254], [11263, 16994, 255], [11263, 17024, 255], [11263, 17054, 256], [11263, 17084, 256], [11263, 17114, 257], [11263, 17144, 257], [11263, 17174, 258], [11263, 17204, 258], [11261, 17232, 259], [11230, 17231, 259], [11200, 17231, 258], [11180, 17241, 257], [11143, 17234, 256], [11111, 17232, 255], [11090, 17241, 254], [11050, 17231, 253], [11019, 17230, 253], [10988, 17229, 253], [10957, 17228, 253], [10930, 17231, 253], [10900, 17231, 253], [10870, 17231, 253], [10840, 17231, 253], [10807, 17228, 252], [10778, 17229, 252], [10750, 17231, 252], [10720, 17231, 252], [10700, 17241, 251], [10698, 17241, 250], [10698, 17241, 249], [10698, 17317, 248], [10698, 17317, 247], [10700, 17384, 246], [10698, 17388, 245], [10698, 17441, 244], [10698, 17471, 243], [10698, 17471, 242], [10699, 17533, 241], [10701, 17565, 240], [10698, 17584, 239], [10698, 17600, 238], [10698, 17633, 237], [10698, 17678, 236], [10700, 17714, 235], [10698, 17715, 234], [10698, 17764, 233], [10698, 17798, 232], [10740, 17874, 232], [10707, 17871, 231], [10759, 17953, 230], [10752, 17976, 230], [10742, 17996, 230], [11262, 18546, 230], [11262, 18576, 230], [11263, 18607, 230], [11263, 18637, 230], [11262, 18666, 230], [11263, 18697, 230], [11262, 18726, 231], [11263, 18757, 231], [11262, 18786, 231], [11263, 18817, 231], [11263, 18847, 231], [11262, 18876, 231], [11249, 18893, 231], [11220, 18894, 231], [11197, 18901, 231], [11167, 18901, 230], [11137, 18901, 229], [11107, 18901, 229], [11077, 18901, 228], [10953, 18807, 227], [10944, 18828, 228], [10941, 18855, 228], [10932, 18876, 228], [10925, 18899, 228], [10882, 18886, 228], [10865, 18899, 228], [10835, 18899, 228], [10759, 18853, 228], [10750, 18874, 228], [10744, 18898, 228], [10715, 18899, 227], [10698, 18901, 227], [10698, 18901, 226], [10698, 18901, 225], [10698, 18901, 224], [150, 8007, 223], [121, 8008, 223], [94, 8011, 222], [60, 8007, 222], [58, 8035, 221], [157, 8164, 221], [123, 8160, 220], [97, 8164, 220], [61, 8158, 219], [37, 8164, 218], [4, 8161, 218], [0, 8180, 217], [0, 8180, 216], [0, 8180, 216], [0, 8180, 215], [0, 8180, 214], [0, 8180, 213], [0, 8180, 213], [0, 8180, 212], [0, 8180, 211], [0, 8180, 211], [0, 8180, 210], [0, 8180, 209], [0, 8180, 209], [0, 8180, 208], [0, 8180, 207], [0, 8180, 207], [10416, 18899, 206], [10386, 18899, 206], [10357, 18900, 205], [10328, 18901, 205], [10295, 18898, 204], [10266, 18899, 204], [10237, 18900, 204], [10206, 18899, 203], [10177, 18900, 203], [10148, 18901, 203], [10118, 18901, 202], [10088, 18901, 202], [10058, 18901, 201], [10026, 18899, 201], [9996, 18899, 201], [9968, 18901, 200], [9938, 18901, 200], [9908, 18901, 199], [9870, 18893, 199], [9848, 18901, 199], [9818, 18901, 198], [9788, 18901, 197], [9757, 18900, 197], [9728, 18901, 197], [9696, 18899, 197], [9668, 18901, 196], [9638, 18901, 196], [9606, 18899, 195], [9577, 18900, 195], [9547, 18900, 195], [9518, 18901, 194], [9488, 18901, 194], [9456, 18899, 194], [9426, 18899, 193], [9396, 18899, 193], [9368, 18901, 193], [9338, 18901, 192], [9308, 18901, 192], [9278, 18901, 191], [9180, 18833, 191], [9180, 18863, 191], [9180, 18893, 191], [9158, 18901, 191], [9126, 18899, 190], [9096, 18899, 190], [9065, 18898, 190], [9036, 18899, 190], [8736, 18899, 186], [8438, 18901, 181], [8181, 18901, 177], [8181, 18901, 172], [6808, 16491, 168], [6810, 16793, 172], [6807, 17090, 176], [6648, 17231, 180], [6345, 17228, 181], [6049, 17232, 179], [5749, 17232, 176], [5536, 17312, 173], [6807, 18883, 173], [6509, 18885, 174], [6223, 18899, 175], [5923, 18899, 173], [3709, 16496, 175], [3708, 16795, 178], [3708, 17095, 181], [3611, 17241, 182], [3460, 17231, 181], [3160, 17231, 182], [2953, 17317, 179], [2560, 17231, 177], [2260, 17231, 178], [1959, 17230, 181], [1658, 17229, 183], [1360, 17231, 184], [1098, 17229, 183], [800, 17231, 185], [497, 17228, 184], [200, 17231, 185], [0, 17324, 183], [0, 17624, 181], [722, 18646, 180], [677, 18901, 181], [260, 18784, 181], [77, 18901, 180]], 'time_in_bucket': [3743, 39, 39, 40, 34, 72, 65, 34, 50, 36, 32, 36, 42, 39, 33, 39, 33, 23, 38, 23, 40, 24, 32, 19, 22, 25, 14, 30, 23, 31, 20, 28, 21, 14, 18, 19, 20, 16, 23, 17, 15, 13, 16, 22, 26, 22, 18, 19, 18, 19, 21, 15, 25, 17, 19, 22, 20, 16, 16, 13, 13, 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[399, 400, 523], [12643, 12645, 500], [12651, 12654, 490], [12644, 12648, 490], [12643, 12648, 486], [12648, 12654, 479], [12647, 12654, 477], [12644, 12652, 480], [12644, 12653, 481], [12644, 12654, 480], [12643, 12654, 478], [12643, 12655, 474], [12642, 12655, 464], [12642, 12656, 454], [12643, 12658, 451], [12642, 12658, 444], [12641, 12658, 432], [12640, 12658, 421], [12639, 12658, 410], [12639, 12659, 399], [12638, 12659, 389], [12637, 12659, 381], [3533, 3556, 377], [3533, 3557, 376], [3533, 3558, 375], [3533, 3559, 374], [3522, 3549, 373], [3522, 3550, 372], [3522, 3551, 371], [3519, 3549, 371], [3518, 3549, 371], [3517, 3549, 371], [3516, 3549, 370], [3515, 3549, 370], [3515, 3550, 370], [3518, 3554, 369], [3517, 3554, 369], [3518, 3556, 369], [3517, 3556, 369], [3516, 3556, 368], [3515, 3556, 368], [3515, 3557, 368], [3515, 3558, 367], [3515, 3559, 367], [3509, 3554, 367], [3508, 3554, 366], [3509, 3556, 366], [3508, 3556, 366], [3508, 3557, 366], [3508, 3558, 366], [3507, 3558, 365], [3506, 3558, 365], [3503, 3556, 365], [3502, 3556, 365], [3502, 3557, 364], [3502, 3558, 364], [3502, 3559, 364], [3502, 3560, 363], [3497, 3556, 362], [3502, 3562, 362], [3497, 3558, 362], [3497, 3559, 362], [3496, 3559, 361], [3496, 3560, 361], [3497, 3562, 360], [3496, 3562, 360], [3496, 3563, 359], [3496, 3564, 359], [3497, 3566, 359], [3496, 3566, 359], [3496, 3567, 358], [3495, 3567, 357], [3494, 3567, 357], [3492, 3566, 356], [3492, 3567, 356], [3490, 3566, 355], [3489, 3566, 355], [3489, 3567, 354], [3488, 3567, 354], [3488, 3568, 353], [3488, 3569, 352], [3476, 3558, 352], [3476, 3559, 352], [3475, 3559, 351], [3475, 3560, 351], [3476, 3562, 351], [3476, 3563, 351], [3478, 3566, 350], [3477, 3566, 350], [3476, 3566, 350], [3475, 3566, 350], [3475, 3567, 350], [3474, 3567, 349], [3475, 3569, 348], [3475, 3570, 348], [4116, 4212, 348], [4115, 4212, 347], [4114, 4212, 347], [4116, 4215, 347], [4116, 4216, 348], [4115, 4216, 347], [4114, 4216, 347], [4113, 4216, 347], 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336], [3893, 4272, 336], [3893, 4277, 336], [3839, 4228, 335], [3834, 4228, 335], [3839, 4238, 335], [3834, 4238, 335], [3946, 4355, 335], [3945, 4359, 335], [3940, 4359, 335], [3944, 4368, 335], [3944, 4373, 335], [3940, 4374, 335], [3900, 4339, 335], [3900, 4344, 335], [3895, 4344, 335], [3905, 4359, 335], [3900, 4359, 335], [3894, 4358, 335], [3894, 4363, 335], [3894, 4368, 335], [3894, 4373, 335], [3893, 4377, 335], [3890, 4379, 334], [3893, 4387, 334], [3891, 4390, 334], [3901, 4405, 333], [3897, 4406, 334], [3892, 4406, 334], [3840, 4359, 334], [3840, 4364, 333], [3840, 4369, 334], [3840, 4374, 334], [3834, 4373, 333], [3834, 4378, 333], [3893, 4442, 333], [3893, 4447, 333], [3894, 4453, 333], [3893, 4457, 333], [3893, 4462, 333], [3897, 4471, 333], [3893, 4472, 333], [3898, 4482, 333], [3894, 4483, 333], [3893, 4487, 333], [3892, 4491, 333], [3890, 4494, 333], [3892, 4501, 332], [3840, 4454, 332], [3841, 4460, 332], [3840, 4464, 332], [3840, 4469, 332], [3840, 4474, 332], [3842, 4481, 332], [3840, 4484, 332], [3841, 4490, 332], [3837, 4491, 332], [3833, 4492, 332], [3897, 4561, 332], [3894, 4563, 332], [3893, 4567, 332], [3890, 4569, 332], [3893, 4577, 332], [3893, 4582, 331], [3893, 4587, 331], [3893, 4592, 331], [3893, 4597, 331], [3893, 4602, 331], [3893, 4607, 331], [3893, 4612, 331], [3896, 4620, 331], [3894, 4623, 331], [3902, 4636, 331], [3899, 4638, 331], [3894, 4638, 331], [3893, 4642, 331], [3892, 4646, 331], [4011, 4770, 331], [4010, 4774, 331], [4010, 4779, 331], [4016, 4790, 331], [4012, 4791, 331], [4011, 4795, 332], [4010, 4799, 332], [4006, 4800, 331], [4007, 4806, 331], [4002, 4806, 331], [3990, 4799, 331], [3988, 4802, 331], [3987, 4806, 331], [3905, 4729, 331], [3900, 4729, 331], [3896, 4730, 331], [3897, 4736, 331], [3946, 4790, 331], [3946, 4795, 331], [3941, 4795, 331], [3940, 4799, 331], [3939, 4803, 331], [3926, 4795, 331], [3899, 4773, 331], [3894, 4773, 331], [3907, 4791, 331], [3902, 4791, 331], [3897, 4791, 331], [3896, 4795, 331], [3893, 4797, 331], [3893, 4802, 331], [3892, 4806, 331], [3889, 4808, 331], [3884, 4808, 331], [3842, 4771, 330], [3839, 4773, 331], [3839, 4778, 331], [3847, 4791, 331], [3842, 4791, 331], [3841, 4795, 331], [3839, 4798, 331], [3834, 4798, 331], [3833, 4802, 331], [3832, 4806, 331], [3829, 4808, 330], [3811, 4795, 330], [3811, 4800, 330], [3811, 4805, 330], [3809, 4808, 330], [3791, 4795, 330], [3786, 4795, 330], [3785, 4799, 330], [3776, 4795, 330], [3773, 4797, 330], [3766, 4795, 330], [3761, 4795, 329], [3756, 4795, 329], [3751, 4795, 329], [3746, 4795, 330], [3741, 4795, 330], [3741, 4800, 330], [3742, 4806, 329], [3737, 4806, 329], [3731, 4805, 329], [3729, 4808, 329], [3717, 4801, 329], [3717, 4806, 329], [3475, 4569, 329], [3497, 4596, 329], [3496, 4600, 329], [3496, 4605, 329], [3475, 4589, 329], [3478, 4597, 328], [3496, 4620, 329], [3508, 4637, 328], [3503, 4637, 329], [3502, 4641, 329], [3496, 4640, 329], [3493, 4642, 329], [3488, 4642, 329], [3479, 4638, 329], [3476, 4640, 329], [3476, 4645, 328], [3506, 4680, 328], [3502, 4681, 328], [3503, 4687, 329], [3497, 4686, 329], [3495, 4689, 329], [3490, 4689, 329], [3496, 4700, 328], [3478, 4687, 328], [3475, 4689, 328], [3508, 4727, 328], [3502, 4726, 329], [3502, 4731, 329], [3502, 4736, 329], [3497, 4736, 329], [3495, 4739, 329], [3490, 4739, 329], [3497, 4751, 329], [3506, 4765, 329], [3502, 4766, 329], [3502, 4771, 329], [3497, 4771, 329], [3497, 4776, 329], [3507, 4791, 329], [3502, 4791, 329], [3502, 4796, 329], [3496, 4795, 329], [3495, 4799, 329], [3489, 4798, 329], [3488, 4802, 329], [3476, 4795, 329], [3475, 4799, 329], [3475, 4804, 329], [3474, 4808, 329], [3473, 4812, 328], [3473, 4817, 328], [3489, 4838, 328], [3475, 4829, 328], [3475, 4834, 328], [3475, 4839, 328], [3475, 4844, 328], [3502, 4876, 328], [3509, 4888, 328], [3507, 4891, 328], [3502, 4891, 328], [3497, 4891, 328], [3496, 4895, 328], [3495, 4899, 328], [3495, 4904, 328], [3490, 4904, 328], [3475, 4894, 328], [3475, 4899, 328], [3475, 4904, 328], [3475, 4909, 328], [3475, 4914, 328], [3475, 4919, 328], [3475, 4924, 327], [3473, 4927, 327], [3475, 4934, 327], [3472, 4936, 327], [3474, 4943, 326], [3475, 4949, 326], [3475, 4954, 326], [3475, 4959, 326], [3473, 4962, 326], [3474, 4968, 325], [3473, 4972, 325], [3472, 4976, 325], [3473, 4982, 324], [3472, 4986, 324], [3473, 4992, 323], [3474, 4998, 323], [3474, 5003, 323], [3474, 5008, 322], [3475, 5014, 322], [3474, 5018, 322], [3475, 5024, 322], [3475, 5029, 322], [3475, 5034, 322], [3476, 5040, 322], [3475, 5044, 322], [3475, 5049, 322], [3470, 5049, 321], [3488, 5072, 321], [3479, 5068, 321], [3475, 5069, 321], [3475, 5074, 321], [3475, 5079, 321], [3476, 5085, 321], [3475, 5089, 321], [3475, 5094, 321], [3475, 5099, 321], [3474, 5103, 321], [3496, 5130, 321], [3496, 5135, 321], [3497, 5141, 321], [3493, 5142, 321], [3488, 5142, 321], [3476, 5135, 321], [3475, 5139, 321], [3475, 5144, 321], [3473, 5147, 320], [3471, 5150, 320], [3474, 5158, 320], [3472, 5161, 320], [3472, 5166, 319], [3474, 5173, 319], [3474, 5178, 319], [3473, 5182, 319], [3474, 5188, 319], [3475, 5194, 318], [3472, 5196, 318], [3473, 5202, 318], [3472, 5206, 318], [3473, 5212, 317], [3472, 5216, 317], [3474, 5223, 317], [3473, 5227, 316], [3474, 5233, 316], [3475, 5239, 316], [3476, 5245, 316], [3473, 5247, 316], [3474, 5253, 316], [3472, 5256, 316], [3490, 5279, 316], [3497, 5291, 316], [3496, 5295, 316], [3492, 5321, 316], [3475, 5334, 316], [3475, 5364, 315], [3475, 5394, 315], [3473, 5422, 315], [3475, 5454, 314], [3473, 5482, 314], [3467, 5506, 311], [3472, 5541, 308], [3475, 5574, 307], [3472, 5601, 306], [3472, 5631, 305], [3509, 5698, 304], [3497, 5716, 305], [3475, 5724, 305], [3475, 5754, 305], [3475, 5784, 305], [3502, 5841, 305], [3492, 5861, 305], [3475, 5874, 305], [3479, 5908, 305], [3467, 5920, 303], [3467, 5953, 300], [3492, 6011, 299], [3475, 6024, 299], [3475, 6054, 299], [3496, 6105, 299], [3476, 6115, 299], [3475, 6144, 300], [3475, 6174, 300], [3475, 6204, 300], [3475, 6234, 300], [3475, 6264, 300], [3497, 6316, 300], [3475, 6324, 300], [3503, 6382, 300], [3496, 6405, 301], [3502, 6441, 301], [3496, 6465, 301], [3475, 6474, 301], [3475, 6504, 302], [3475, 6534, 302], [3475, 6564, 302], [3475, 6594, 302], [3475, 6624, 302], [3478, 6657, 302], [3475, 6684, 302], [3475, 6714, 302], [3478, 6747, 302], [3475, 6774, 303], [3475, 6804, 303], [3472, 6831, 302], [3472, 6861, 301], [3472, 6891, 300], [3473, 6922, 299], [3473, 6952, 299], [3473, 6982, 298], [3474, 7013, 298], [3473, 7042, 297], [3475, 7074, 297], [3474, 7103, 297], [3475, 7134, 297], [3474, 7163, 296], [3475, 7194, 296], [3475, 7224, 296], [3489, 7268, 296], [3496, 7305, 297], [3475, 7314, 297], [3496, 7365, 297], [3475, 7374, 297], [3490, 7419, 297], [3475, 7434, 298], [3476, 7465, 298], [3475, 7494, 298], [3475, 7524, 298], [3476, 7555, 298], [3475, 7584, 298], [3475, 7614, 298], [3473, 7642, 298], [3467, 7665, 297], [3467, 7665, 295], [3467, 7665, 293], [3467, 7665, 291], [3467, 7665, 289], [3467, 7665, 287], [3461, 7665, 285], [3461, 7665, 283], [3429, 7659, 282], [3396, 7656, 281], [3373, 7663, 280], [3344, 7664, 278], [3309, 7659, 277], [3279, 7659, 276], [3249, 7659, 275], [3220, 7660, 275], [3189, 7659, 274], [3160, 7660, 273], [3129, 7659, 272], [3099, 7659, 271], [3070, 7660, 270], [3039, 7659, 270], [3009, 7659, 269], [2979, 7659, 268], [2954, 7664, 267], [2898, 7638, 267], [2845, 7615, 267], [2844, 7644, 267], [2835, 7665, 266], [2805, 7665, 265], [2775, 7665, 263], [2739, 7659, 263], [2714, 7664, 262], [2680, 7660, 261], [2651, 7661, 260], [2614, 7654, 260], [2595, 7665, 259], [2559, 7659, 258], [2535, 7665, 257], [2504, 7664, 256], [2469, 7659, 255], [2443, 7663, 254], [2415, 7665, 253], [2380, 7660, 252], [2355, 7665, 251], [2320, 7660, 250], [2294, 7664, 248], [2263, 7663, 248], [2235, 7665, 246], [2199, 7659, 245], [2172, 7662, 245], [2144, 7664, 244], [2109, 7659, 243], [2083, 7663, 243], [2049, 7659, 241], [2020, 7660, 240], [1969, 7639, 239], [1964, 7664, 239], [1930, 7660, 238], [1905, 7665, 238], [1875, 7665, 237], [1845, 7665, 236], [1808, 7658, 235], [1779, 7659, 235], [1754, 7664, 234], [1725, 7665, 233], [1689, 7659, 232], [1660, 7660, 231], [1634, 7664, 231], [1600, 7660, 230], [1575, 7665, 229], [1543, 7663, 228], [1510, 7660, 228], [1485, 7665, 227], [1452, 7662, 226], [1419, 7659, 226], [1393, 7663, 225], [1359, 7659, 224], [1330, 7660, 224], [1303, 7663, 223], [9789, 16388, 223], [9759, 16388, 222], [9729, 16388, 222], [9700, 16389, 221], [9670, 16389, 220], [9640, 16389, 219], [9687, 16435, 218], [9704, 16482, 218], [9674, 16482, 217], [9690, 16528, 216], [9660, 16528, 215], [9630, 16528, 214], [9554, 16482, 213], [9400, 16389, 212], [9370, 16389, 211], [9340, 16389, 210], [9387, 16435, 210], [9280, 16389, 209], [9374, 16482, 208], [9220, 16389, 207], [9189, 16388, 207], [9160, 16389, 206], [9130, 16389, 206], [9099, 16388, 205], [9069, 16388, 204], [9039, 16388, 204], [9010, 16389, 203], [8980, 16389, 203], [8949, 16388, 202], [8920, 16389, 201], [8877, 16376, 201], [8859, 16388, 202], [8829, 16388, 202], [8797, 16386, 201], [8769, 16388, 201], [8740, 16389, 201], [8710, 16389, 200], [8680, 16389, 199], [8649, 16388, 198], [8517, 16286, 199], [8515, 16314, 199], [8526, 16355, 199], [8526, 16385, 199], [8499, 16388, 199], [8470, 16389, 199], [8440, 16389, 198], [8410, 16389, 197], [8380, 16389, 197], [8350, 16389, 196], [8320, 16389, 195], [8290, 16389, 195], [8348, 16446, 194], [8229, 16388, 193], [8199, 16388, 194], [8169, 16388, 194], [8139, 16388, 193], [8109, 16388, 193], [8079, 16388, 193], [8049, 16388, 193], [8019, 16388, 193], [7990, 16389, 193], [7960, 16389, 192], [7929, 16388, 192], [7899, 16388, 191], [7870, 16389, 191], [7839, 16388, 190], [7810, 16389, 190], [7780, 16389, 190], [7750, 16389, 189], [7720, 16389, 189], [7691, 16389, 188], [7684, 16389, 188], [7691, 16419, 187], [7691, 16446, 186], [7694, 16482, 186], [7684, 16482, 185], [7691, 16528, 185], [3479, 10987, 185], [3475, 11013, 185], [3473, 11041, 185], [3473, 11071, 185], [3471, 11099, 185], [3475, 11133, 186], [3472, 11160, 186], [3474, 11192, 186], [3474, 11222, 186], [3473, 11251, 186], [3475, 11283, 186], [3474, 11312, 187], [3473, 11341, 187], [3472, 11370, 187], [3474, 11402, 187], [3474, 11432, 187], [3473, 11461, 187], [3475, 11493, 188], [3474, 11522, 188], [3473, 11551, 188], [3473, 11581, 188], [3472, 11610, 189], [3475, 11643, 189], [3472, 11670, 189], [3472, 11700, 189], [3475, 11733, 189], [3474, 11762, 189], [3472, 11790, 189], [3469, 11817, 189], [3473, 11851, 189], [3473, 11881, 190], [3474, 11912, 190], [3473, 11941, 190], [3478, 11976, 190], [3470, 11998, 190], [3473, 12031, 190], [3472, 12060, 190], [3472, 12090, 190], [3490, 12138, 190], [3472, 12150, 190], [3472, 12180, 190], [3474, 12212, 190], [3472, 12240, 190], [3474, 12272, 190], [3473, 12301, 191], [3469, 12327, 191], [3472, 12360, 191], [3471, 12389, 191], [3472, 12420, 190], [3471, 12449, 190], [3473, 12481, 190], [3475, 12513, 190], [3468, 12536, 190], [3475, 12573, 190], [3473, 12601, 191], [3497, 12655, 191], [3471, 12659, 191], [3473, 12691, 191], [3472, 12720, 191], [3473, 12751, 191], [3473, 12781, 191], [3473, 12811, 191], [3473, 12841, 191], [3476, 12874, 192], [3474, 13172, 193], [3468, 13466, 192], [3471, 13769, 193], [3475, 14073, 194], [3490, 14388, 195], [3475, 14673, 197], [3470, 14968, 195], [3472, 15270, 195], [3475, 15573, 197], [3473, 15871, 199], [3474, 16172, 201], [3468, 16435, 200], [3299, 16388, 197], [2999, 16388, 196], [2699, 16388, 195], [2399, 16388, 193], [2099, 16388, 191], [1799, 16388, 189], [1499, 16388, 187], [1282, 16440, 185], [1280, 16528, 182], [1228, 16388, 179], [929, 16389, 178], [655, 16389, 176], [355, 16389, 174], [55, 16389, 173], [0, 16568, 170]], 'time_in_bucket': [2065, 33, 23, 28, 47, 51, 43, 33, 46, 23, 37, 24, 30, 32, 18, 34, 32, 22, 34, 24, 21, 24, 18, 29, 22, 26, 22, 15, 21, 24, 20, 20, 23, 18, 12, 18, 17, 26, 17, 10, 22, 26, 22, 23, 21, 19, 21, 17, 31, 27, 20, 20, 19, 18, 17, 11, 17, 17, 20, 15, 11, 13, 14, 28, 19, 18, 18, 21, 18, 22, 22, 15, 16, 19, 24, 16, 18, 25, 16, 11, 18, 28, 17, 33, 27, 18, 27, 16, 22, 22, 23, 28, 27, 20, 20, 18, 25, 19, 18, 26, 24, 25, 18, 23, 21, 34, 18, 27, 20, 27, 16, 19, 24, 29, 25, 32, 31, 19, 24, 33, 25, 22, 33, 27, 31, 27, 19, 23, 23, 23, 29, 22, 31, 18, 29, 25, 23, 27, 28, 28, 28, 23, 22, 24, 20, 30, 31, 31, 29, 23, 35, 25, 36, 28, 29, 36, 31, 28, 37, 37, 47, 32, 29, 29, 41, 31, 31, 26, 27, 36, 40, 34, 47, 30, 42, 38, 32, 24, 29, 33, 27, 36, 36, 32, 38, 36, 40, 31, 32, 38, 49, 45, 49, 39, 50, 39, 36, 34, 37, 47, 47, 47, 30, 49, 41, 41, 44, 49, 29, 34, 42, 46, 48, 41, 42, 42, 51, 56, 31, 51, 46, 46, 36, 57, 33, 36, 51, 54, 39, 56, 48, 65, 61, 47, 47, 52, 52, 64, 55, 57, 59, 51, 48, 57, 61, 38, 44, 55, 51, 59, 57, 39, 52, 49, 54, 53, 60, 48, 46, 51, 56, 51, 56, 61, 63, 56, 62, 57, 59, 58, 66, 64, 55, 63, 54, 81, 59, 72, 62, 56, 57, 70, 69, 75, 72, 74, 84, 66, 58, 75, 65, 56, 72, 67, 68, 69, 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September 22, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 293, 'training_load': 217, 'max_watts': 651, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[6207, 6207, 651], [6206, 6207, 601], [6205, 6207, 580], [3217, 3220, 569], [3215, 3219, 567], [3214, 3219, 574], [3214, 3220, 571], [3213, 3220, 566], [3211, 3219, 562], [3211, 3220, 562], [3214, 3224, 560], [3214, 3225, 559], [3213, 3225, 556], [3211, 3224, 556], [3211, 3225, 555], [3214, 3229, 555], [3214, 3230, 556], [3213, 3230, 555], [3212, 3230, 553], [3211, 3230, 554], [3210, 3230, 553], [3210, 3231, 551], [3209, 3231, 549], [3207, 3230, 547], [3206, 3230, 548], [3206, 3231, 546], [3205, 3231, 544], [3205, 3232, 538], [3205, 3233, 529], [3205, 3234, 524], [3205, 3235, 521], [3205, 3236, 516], [3204, 3236, 508], [3204, 3237, 500], [3205, 3239, 497], [7609, 7644, 495], [7608, 7644, 495], [7608, 7645, 494], [6103, 6141, 493], [7611, 7650, 493], [7611, 7651, 493], [7610, 7651, 493], [7609, 7651, 492], [7608, 7651, 492], [7607, 7651, 491], [7605, 7650, 489], [7605, 7651, 489], [7604, 7651, 489], [7603, 7651, 488], [7602, 7651, 487], [7602, 7652, 485], [7601, 7652, 483], [7601, 7653, 480], [7601, 7654, 479], [7601, 7655, 475], [7604, 7659, 473], [7603, 7659, 473], [7602, 7659, 472], [9960, 10018, 471], [9959, 10018, 469], [9957, 10017, 470], [9957, 10018, 470], [9956, 10018, 469], [9955, 10018, 469], [9954, 10018, 468], [9957, 10022, 467], [9952, 10018, 467], [9951, 10018, 467], [9954, 10022, 465], [9952, 10021, 465], [9952, 10022, 465], [9951, 10022, 465], [9950, 10022, 463], [9950, 10023, 462], [9949, 10023, 460], [9948, 10023, 457], [9952, 10028, 458], [9951, 10028, 457], [9951, 10029, 457], [9950, 10029, 455], [9949, 10029, 454], [9948, 10029, 452], [9951, 10033, 451], [9950, 10033, 450], [9950, 10034, 448], [9949, 10034, 447], [9943, 10029, 446], [9935, 10022, 444], [9935, 10023, 443], [9950, 10039, 442], [9932, 10022, 442], [9931, 10022, 441], [9936, 10028, 441], [9936, 10029, 440], [9935, 10029, 439], [9934, 10029, 437], [9932, 10028, 437], [9931, 10028, 437], [9931, 10029, 436], [9930, 10029, 435], [9929, 10029, 433], [9932, 10033, 433], [9931, 10033, 432], [9926, 10029, 432], [9925, 10029, 431], [9924, 10029, 430], [9923, 10029, 429], [9922, 10029, 428], [9914, 10022, 428], [9913, 10022, 427], [9918, 10028, 427], [9918, 10029, 426], [9916, 10028, 426], [9916, 10029, 426], [9915, 10029, 425], [9914, 10029, 424], [9913, 10029, 424], [9912, 10029, 423], [9915, 10033, 422], [9914, 10033, 421], [9913, 10033, 421], [9913, 10034, 420], [9912, 10034, 419], [9916, 10039, 418], [9915, 10039, 418], [9914, 10039, 417], [9913, 10039, 417], [9913, 10040, 416], [9915, 10043, 416], [9914, 10043, 415], [9913, 10043, 415], [9912, 10043, 414], [9911, 10043, 413], [9910, 10043, 411], [9909, 10043, 409], [9908, 10043, 408], [9907, 10043, 407], [9906, 10043, 405], [9905, 10043, 404], [9904, 10043, 404], [9903, 10043, 403], [9902, 10043, 403], [9901, 10043, 402], [9900, 10043, 400], [9899, 10043, 400], [9898, 10043, 399], [9897, 10043, 399], [9896, 10043, 398], [9895, 10043, 398], [9879, 10028, 397], [9879, 10029, 397], [9878, 10029, 397], [9888, 10040, 396], [9890, 10043, 396], [9889, 10043, 396], [9888, 10043, 396], [9878, 10034, 395], [9883, 10040, 394], [9885, 10043, 394], [9884, 10043, 394], [9883, 10043, 394], [9878, 10039, 393], [9878, 10040, 393], [9880, 10043, 392], [9879, 10043, 392], [9878, 10043, 392], [9873, 10039, 391], [9873, 10040, 391], [9875, 10043, 390], [9874, 10043, 390], [9873, 10043, 390], [9872, 10043, 390], [9868, 10040, 389], [9867, 10040, 388], [9869, 10043, 388], [9868, 10043, 388], [9867, 10043, 388], [9866, 10043, 387], [9865, 10043, 387], [9864, 10043, 386], [6080, 6260, 385], [6079, 6260, 385], [6078, 6260, 385], [6077, 6260, 385], [6076, 6260, 384], [6069, 6254, 384], [6068, 6254, 384], [6073, 6260, 384], [6072, 6260, 384], [6071, 6260, 384], [6070, 6260, 384], [6069, 6260, 383], [6068, 6260, 383], [6067, 6260, 382], [6066, 6260, 382], [6065, 6260, 383], [6064, 6260, 383], [6063, 6260, 383], [6062, 6260, 382], [6061, 6260, 382], [6055, 6255, 381], [6058, 6259, 381], [6058, 6260, 382], [6057, 6260, 382], [6056, 6260, 382], [6055, 6260, 381], [6054, 6260, 381], [6053, 6260, 380], [6052, 6260, 380], [6051, 6260, 380], [6050, 6260, 380], [6049, 6260, 380], [6048, 6260, 379], [6047, 6260, 379], [6046, 6260, 379], [6045, 6260, 379], [6044, 6260, 379], [6043, 6260, 379], [6042, 6260, 378], [6041, 6260, 378], [6040, 6260, 378], [6039, 6260, 378], [6038, 6260, 378], [6037, 6260, 378], [6036, 6260, 377], [6035, 6260, 377], [6034, 6260, 377], [6033, 6260, 377], [6032, 6260, 377], [6031, 6260, 376], [6030, 6260, 376], [6029, 6260, 375], [6028, 6260, 375], [6027, 6260, 375], [6026, 6260, 375], [6025, 6260, 375], [6024, 6260, 375], [6023, 6260, 375], [6022, 6260, 375], [6021, 6260, 375], [6020, 6260, 374], [6019, 6260, 374], [6018, 6260, 374], [6017, 6260, 374], [6016, 6260, 374], [6015, 6260, 374], [6014, 6260, 374], [6013, 6260, 373], [6012, 6260, 373], [6011, 6260, 373], [6010, 6260, 373], [6009, 6260, 373], [6008, 6260, 373], [6007, 6260, 372], [6000, 6254, 372], [6005, 6260, 372], [6004, 6260, 372], [6003, 6260, 372], [6002, 6260, 372], [6001, 6260, 372], [6000, 6260, 372], [5999, 6260, 372], [5998, 6260, 371], [5997, 6260, 371], [5996, 6260, 371], [5995, 6260, 371], [5994, 6260, 371], [5993, 6260, 371], [5992, 6260, 371], [5991, 6260, 371], [5990, 6260, 371], [5989, 6260, 371], [5988, 6260, 371], [5987, 6260, 370], [5986, 6260, 370], [5985, 6260, 370], [5984, 6260, 370], [5983, 6260, 370], [5982, 6260, 370], [5981, 6260, 370], [5980, 6260, 369], [5979, 6260, 369], [5978, 6260, 369], [5977, 6260, 369], [5976, 6260, 369], [5975, 6260, 369], [5974, 6260, 369], [5973, 6260, 368], [5972, 6260, 368], [5971, 6260, 368], [5970, 6260, 368], [5969, 6260, 368], [5968, 6260, 368], [5967, 6260, 368], [5966, 6260, 368], [5965, 6260, 368], [5964, 6260, 368], [5963, 6260, 368], [5962, 6260, 368], [5961, 6260, 367], [5956, 6260, 367], [5951, 6260, 366], [5946, 6260, 365], [5941, 6260, 365], [5936, 6260, 365], [5931, 6260, 364], [5926, 6260, 364], [5921, 6260, 363], [5911, 6255, 362], [5911, 6260, 363], [5906, 6260, 362], [5902, 6261, 361], [5890, 6254, 362], [5884, 6253, 363], [5880, 6254, 364], [5875, 6254, 365], [5876, 6260, 365], [5871, 6260, 364], [5866, 6260, 364], [5861, 6260, 364], [5856, 6260, 364], [5851, 6260, 363], [5846, 6260, 363], [5841, 6260, 363], [5831, 6255, 363], [5831, 6260, 363], [5826, 6260, 363], [5821, 6260, 362], [5816, 6260, 362], [5811, 6260, 361], [5806, 6260, 361], [5801, 6260, 360], [5796, 6260, 360], [5791, 6260, 359], [5786, 6260, 359], [5781, 6260, 358], [5776, 6260, 358], [5644, 6133, 358], [5640, 6134, 359], [5641, 6140, 360], [5637, 6141, 360], [5636, 6145, 360], [5632, 6146, 360], [5633, 6152, 360], [5621, 6145, 360], [5616, 6145, 359], [5618, 6152, 359], [5613, 6152, 359], [5608, 6152, 358], [5597, 6146, 358], [5598, 6152, 357], [5593, 6152, 357], [5589, 6153, 356], [5583, 6152, 356], [5578, 6152, 355], [5642, 6221, 356], [5638, 6222, 356], [5640, 6229, 357], [5640, 6234, 356], [5640, 6239, 356], [5643, 6247, 357], [5642, 6251, 358], [5640, 6254, 360], [5640, 6259, 360], [5636, 6260, 360], [5631, 6260, 359], [5626, 6260, 359], [5621, 6260, 359], [5616, 6260, 359], [5611, 6260, 358], [5606, 6260, 358], [5601, 6260, 358], [5596, 6260, 357], [5591, 6260, 357], [5586, 6260, 357], [5581, 6260, 356], [5576, 6260, 356], [5571, 6260, 355], [5566, 6260, 355], [5561, 6260, 354], [5557, 6261, 354], [5551, 6260, 354], [5546, 6260, 353], [5541, 6260, 353], [5536, 6260, 353], [5531, 6260, 353], [5526, 6260, 352], [5521, 6260, 352], [5516, 6260, 352], [5505, 6254, 352], [5500, 6254, 352], [5495, 6254, 352], [5496, 6260, 352], [5491, 6260, 352], [5486, 6260, 352], [5355, 6134, 353], [5350, 6134, 353], [5346, 6135, 354], [5347, 6141, 355], [5343, 6142, 355], [5338, 6142, 355], [5332, 6141, 355], [5327, 6141, 355], [5322, 6141, 355], [5322, 6146, 355], [5317, 6146, 355], [5308, 6142, 355], [5303, 6142, 355], [5297, 6141, 355], [5296, 6145, 355], [5287, 6141, 355], [5286, 6145, 355], [5277, 6141, 355], [5276, 6145, 355], [5268, 6142, 355], [5267, 6146, 354], [5262, 6146, 354], [5257, 6146, 354], [5251, 6145, 354], [5247, 6146, 354], [5349, 6253, 355], [5345, 6254, 355], [5346, 6260, 355], [5341, 6260, 355], [5336, 6260, 355], [5331, 6260, 355], [5326, 6260, 355], [5321, 6260, 355], [5310, 6254, 355], [5311, 6260, 355], [5306, 6260, 355], [5301, 6260, 355], [5296, 6260, 355], [5291, 6260, 355], [5286, 6260, 355], [5281, 6260, 355], [5276, 6260, 355], [5271, 6260, 355], [5266, 6260, 355], [5261, 6260, 355], [5256, 6260, 354], [5251, 6260, 354], [5246, 6260, 354], [5241, 6260, 354], [5236, 6260, 354], [5231, 6260, 354], [5226, 6260, 354], [5221, 6260, 354], [5216, 6260, 353], [5211, 6260, 353], [5208, 6262, 353], [5201, 6260, 353], [5196, 6260, 352], [5191, 6260, 352], [5186, 6260, 352], [5181, 6260, 352], [5176, 6260, 352], [5171, 6260, 352], [5166, 6260, 352], [5161, 6260, 352], [5156, 6260, 352], [5151, 6260, 352], [5146, 6260, 352], [5141, 6260, 352], [5136, 6260, 352], [5131, 6260, 352], [5126, 6260, 352], [5121, 6260, 351], [5116, 6260, 351], [5111, 6260, 351], [5106, 6260, 351], [5101, 6260, 351], [5097, 6261, 351], [5091, 6260, 351], [5086, 6260, 351], [5081, 6260, 351], [5076, 6260, 351], [5071, 6260, 350], [5066, 6260, 350], [5023, 6222, 350], [5025, 6229, 350], [5021, 6230, 350], [5038, 6252, 351], [5036, 6255, 351], [5029, 6253, 351], [5025, 6254, 352], [5021, 6255, 352], [5021, 6260, 352], [5021, 6265, 352], [5011, 6260, 351], [5000, 6254, 351], [5001, 6260, 351], [4996, 6260, 351], [4991, 6260, 351], [4986, 6260, 351], [4981, 6260, 351], [4976, 6260, 351], [4971, 6260, 351], [4966, 6260, 351], [4961, 6260, 351], [4956, 6260, 351], [4951, 6260, 350], [4946, 6260, 350], [4941, 6260, 350], [4936, 6260, 350], [4931, 6260, 350], [4926, 6260, 350], [4921, 6260, 350], [4916, 6260, 350], [4911, 6260, 350], [4906, 6260, 350], [4901, 6260, 350], [4896, 6260, 350], [4891, 6260, 350], [4886, 6260, 350], [4881, 6260, 350], [4876, 6260, 350], [4871, 6260, 349], [4866, 6260, 349], [4861, 6260, 349], [4856, 6260, 349], [4851, 6260, 349], [4846, 6260, 349], [4841, 6260, 349], [4836, 6260, 349], [4831, 6260, 349], [4826, 6260, 348], [4821, 6260, 348], [4816, 6260, 348], [4811, 6260, 348], [4806, 6260, 348], [4801, 6260, 348], [4796, 6260, 348], [4791, 6260, 348], [4786, 6260, 348], [4781, 6260, 348], [4776, 6260, 348], [4771, 6260, 347], [4766, 6260, 347], [4761, 6260, 347], [4761, 6265, 347], [4636, 6145, 347], [4628, 6142, 347], [4622, 6141, 347], [4622, 6146, 347], [4616, 6145, 347], [4611, 6145, 347], [4605, 6144, 347], [4598, 6142, 347], [4593, 6142, 347], [4588, 6142, 347], [4587, 6146, 347], [4577, 6141, 347], [4572, 6141, 347], [4572, 6146, 347], [4567, 6146, 347], [4558, 6142, 347], [4664, 6253, 347], [4659, 6253, 347], [4654, 6253, 347], [4650, 6254, 348], [4651, 6260, 348], [4646, 6260, 347], [4641, 6260, 347], [4636, 6260, 347], [4631, 6260, 347], [4621, 6255, 348], [4621, 6260, 348], [4616, 6260, 348], [4611, 6260, 348], [4605, 6259, 348], [4600, 6259, 347], [4596, 6260, 347], [4590, 6259, 347], [4585, 6259, 347], [4581, 6260, 347], [4576, 6260, 347], [4571, 6260, 348], [4566, 6260, 347], [4561, 6260, 347], [4557, 6261, 347], [4551, 6260, 347], [4546, 6260, 347], [4541, 6260, 347], [4536, 6260, 347], [4531, 6260, 347], [4526, 6260, 347], [4521, 6260, 347], [4516, 6260, 347], [4511, 6260, 347], [4506, 6260, 347], [4501, 6260, 347], [4496, 6260, 346], [4491, 6260, 346], [4486, 6260, 346], [4481, 6260, 347], [4476, 6260, 346], [4471, 6260, 346], [4466, 6260, 346], [4461, 6260, 346], [4431, 6260, 346], [4395, 6254, 346], [4371, 6260, 346], [4351, 6270, 346], [4197, 6146, 345], [4173, 6152, 345], [4244, 6253, 345], [4221, 6260, 346], [4191, 6260, 346], [4161, 6260, 345], [4131, 6260, 345], [4101, 6260, 345], [4071, 6260, 345], [4047, 6266, 344], [4011, 6260, 344], [3981, 6260, 344], [3832, 6141, 344], [3813, 6152, 344], [3783, 6152, 343], [3830, 6229, 344], [3831, 6260, 344], [3801, 6260, 344], [3771, 6260, 344], [3741, 6260, 344], [3711, 6260, 343], [3681, 6260, 343], [3651, 6260, 343], [3621, 6260, 343], [3483, 6152, 343], [3442, 6141, 343], [3417, 6146, 343], [3494, 6253, 344], [3471, 6260, 344], [3441, 6260, 343], [3411, 6260, 343], [3381, 6260, 343], [3351, 6260, 343], [3205, 6144, 344], [3203, 6172, 343], [3210, 6209, 343], [3205, 6234, 344], [3205, 6264, 344], [3205, 6294, 343], [3134, 6253, 343], [3205, 6354, 343], [3205, 6384, 343], [3051, 6260, 343], [3204, 6443, 343], [3205, 6474, 342], [2961, 6260, 342], [2931, 6260, 342], [2901, 6260, 342], [2871, 6260, 342], [2840, 6259, 342], [2811, 6260, 342], [2781, 6260, 341], [2837, 6346, 341], [2837, 6376, 341], [2839, 6408, 341], [2836, 6435, 341], [2839, 6468, 341], [3205, 6864, 341], [3205, 6894, 341], [3205, 6924, 341], [3205, 6954, 340], [3204, 6983, 340], [3056, 6865, 340], [3032, 6871, 340], [2992, 6861, 340], [2962, 6861, 340], [2933, 6862, 340], [2906, 6865, 340], [3205, 7194, 340], [3205, 7224, 340], [2839, 6888, 340], [2837, 6916, 339], [3205, 7314, 339], [3205, 7344, 339], [3484, 7653, 340], [3466, 7665, 340], [3431, 7660, 340], [3401, 7660, 339], [3371, 7660, 339], [3340, 7659, 339], [3310, 7659, 339], [3280, 7659, 339], [3256, 7665, 339], [3205, 7644, 340], [3204, 7673, 340], [3205, 7704, 340], [3205, 7734, 340], [3204, 7763, 339], [3070, 7659, 339], [3041, 7660, 339], [3010, 7659, 339], [2981, 7660, 339], [2951, 7660, 339], [2920, 7659, 339], [2891, 7660, 339], [2852, 7651, 339], [2836, 7665, 339], [2835, 7694, 339], [3204, 8093, 339], [3205, 8124, 339], [3205, 8154, 338], [3205, 8184, 338], [3205, 8214, 338], [3205, 8244, 338], [3009, 8078, 338], [3206, 8305, 338], [3205, 8334, 338], [2919, 8078, 338], [2889, 8078, 338], [2859, 8078, 338], [2838, 8087, 338], [2837, 8116, 338], [2836, 8145, 338], [2839, 8178, 338], [2834, 8203, 337], [2839, 8238, 337], [2831, 8260, 337], [2847, 8306, 337], [2838, 8327, 337], [2837, 8356, 337], [2838, 8387, 337], [2838, 8417, 337], [2838, 8447, 337], [2837, 8476, 336], [2839, 8508, 336], [2839, 8538, 336], [2837, 8566, 336], [2839, 8598, 336], [2838, 8627, 336], [2836, 8655, 336], [2836, 8685, 336], [2839, 8718, 336], [2918, 8827, 336], [2889, 8828, 336], [2838, 8807, 336], [2828, 8827, 336], [2838, 8867, 335], [2834, 8893, 335], [2839, 8928, 335], [2890, 9009, 335], [2856, 9005, 335], [2836, 9015, 335], [2834, 9043, 335], [2831, 9070, 335], [2890, 9159, 335], [2838, 9137, 335], [2836, 9165, 335], [2839, 9198, 335], [3205, 9594, 335], [3205, 9624, 335], [3205, 9654, 335], [3204, 9683, 334], [3205, 9714, 334], [3484, 10023, 335], [3474, 10043, 335], [3443, 10042, 335], [3414, 10043, 335], [3370, 10029, 335], [3354, 10043, 335], [3324, 10043, 335], [3280, 10029, 335], [3205, 9984, 335], [3206, 10015, 335], [3204, 10043, 335], [3174, 10043, 335], [3129, 10028, 335], [3105, 10034, 335], [3070, 10029, 335], [3054, 10043, 335], [3024, 10043, 335], [2994, 10043, 335], [2960, 10039, 335], [2934, 10043, 335], [2904, 10043, 335], [2853, 10022, 335], [2839, 10038, 335], [2814, 10043, 335], [2784, 10043, 335], [2754, 10043, 335], [2752, 10071, 333], [2752, 10101, 333], [2751, 10130, 332], [2634, 10043, 331], [2604, 10043, 330], [2620, 10089, 329], [2751, 10250, 329], [2752, 10281, 328], [2751, 10310, 327], [2752, 10341, 327], [2755, 10374, 326], [2755, 10404, 326], [2752, 10431, 325], [2753, 10462, 324], [2755, 10494, 324], [2755, 10524, 324], [2753, 10552, 323], [2755, 10584, 323], [2751, 10610, 322], [2755, 10644, 322], [2753, 10672, 321], [2752, 10701, 321], [2755, 10734, 320], [2757, 10766, 320], [2751, 10790, 319], [2751, 10820, 319], [2756, 10855, 319], [2755, 10884, 318], [2751, 10910, 318], [2753, 10942, 317], [2757, 10976, 317], [2756, 11005, 316], [2754, 11033, 316], [2755, 11064, 316], [2761, 11100, 315], [2751, 11120, 315], [2755, 11154, 314], [2750, 11179, 314], [2751, 11210, 313], [2755, 11244, 312], [2757, 11276, 312], [2751, 11300, 312], [2751, 11330, 311], [2755, 11364, 311], [2755, 11394, 310], [2754, 11423, 310], [2756, 11455, 310], [2755, 11484, 310], [2738, 11497, 309], [2708, 11497, 308], [2644, 11463, 307], [2638, 11487, 307], [2617, 11496, 307], [2588, 11497, 306], [2565, 11497, 305], [2565, 11497, 304], [2565, 11497, 303], [2565, 11497, 302], [2565, 11497, 301], [2565, 11497, 300], [2565, 11497, 299], [2171, 11107, 298], [2025, 10991, 298], [2114, 11110, 297], [2081, 11107, 297], [2047, 11103, 297], [2021, 11107, 296], [1998, 11114, 296], [1961, 11107, 296], [1930, 11106, 295], [1964, 11170, 295], [1937, 11173, 294], [2222, 11488, 294], [2174, 11470, 294], [2136, 11462, 293], [2116, 11472, 293], [2107, 11493, 293], [2044, 11460, 292], [2023, 11469, 292], [2002, 11478, 292], [1991, 11497, 292], [1953, 11489, 291], [1924, 11490, 291], [2755, 12227, 290], [2752, 12254, 290], [2755, 12287, 290], [2751, 12313, 289], [2755, 12347, 289], [2755, 12377, 289], [2755, 12407, 288], [2752, 12434, 288], [2754, 12466, 288], [2754, 12496, 287], [2759, 12531, 287], [2755, 12557, 287], [2757, 12589, 287], [2750, 12612, 287], [2719, 12611, 286], [2752, 12674, 285], [2757, 12709, 285], [2755, 12737, 285], [2756, 12768, 285], [2754, 12796, 285], [2757, 12829, 285], [2755, 12857, 285], [2755, 12887, 285], [2755, 12917, 285], [2751, 12943, 285], [2755, 12977, 284], [2756, 13008, 284], [2754, 13036, 284], [2756, 13068, 284], [2753, 13095, 284], [2757, 13129, 283], [2757, 13159, 284], [2755, 13187, 284], [2755, 13217, 284], [2755, 13517, 283], [2755, 13817, 280], [2752, 14114, 279], [2749, 14411, 278], [2565, 14440, 273], [2359, 14408, 269], [2058, 14407, 268], [1758, 14407, 265], [1462, 14411, 262], [1158, 14407, 259], [858, 14407, 257], [578, 14408, 253], [277, 14407, 250], [5, 14435, 246]], 'time_in_bucket': [559, 5, 9, 10, 9, 17, 25, 26, 25, 10, 11, 11, 13, 7, 10, 19, 10, 14, 6, 13, 13, 9, 11, 14, 11, 9, 12, 9, 12, 6, 19, 8, 19, 8, 7, 6, 6, 10, 10, 5, 13, 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 12, 4, 5, 4, 10, 5, 7, 3, 5, 8, 8, 5, 5, 11, 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335], [6632, 6661, 334], [6631, 6661, 333], [6631, 6662, 332], [6632, 6664, 331], [6631, 6664, 330], [6633, 6667, 330], [6633, 6668, 330], [6633, 6669, 329], [6633, 6670, 329], [6633, 6671, 329], [6633, 6672, 329], [6633, 6673, 329], [6631, 6672, 328], [6631, 6673, 328], [6633, 6676, 327], [6632, 6676, 327], [6633, 6678, 327], [6632, 6678, 326], [6631, 6678, 326], [6631, 6679, 325], [6631, 6680, 325], [6631, 6681, 325], [3934, 3985, 324], [3933, 3985, 324], [3933, 3986, 324], [3934, 3988, 323], [3934, 3989, 323], [3934, 3990, 323], [3933, 3990, 323], [3933, 3991, 322], [3933, 3992, 321], [3933, 3993, 320], [3932, 3993, 319], [3928, 3990, 318], [3928, 3991, 318], [3927, 3991, 317], [4261, 4326, 317], [4260, 4326, 317], [4260, 4327, 317], [4259, 4327, 317], [4259, 4328, 316], [4259, 4329, 316], [4260, 4331, 316], [4260, 4332, 316], [4260, 4333, 316], [4260, 4334, 316], [4260, 4335, 316], [4260, 4336, 316], [4260, 4337, 316], [4260, 4338, 316], [4260, 4339, 316], [4284, 4364, 315], [4283, 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[4257, 4391, 312], [4256, 4391, 312], [4255, 4391, 311], [4253, 4390, 311], [4253, 4391, 311], [4252, 4391, 311], [4251, 4391, 311], [4249, 4390, 311], [4249, 4391, 311], [4248, 4391, 311], [4247, 4391, 310], [4259, 4404, 310], [4249, 4395, 310], [2731, 2878, 310], [2731, 2879, 309], [2731, 2880, 309], [2731, 2881, 309], [2731, 2882, 309], [2730, 2882, 309], [2730, 2883, 309], [2730, 2884, 309], [2724, 2879, 309], [2724, 2880, 309], [2724, 2881, 309], [2724, 2882, 309], [2724, 2883, 309], [2724, 2884, 309], [2724, 2885, 308], [2714, 2876, 308], [2714, 2877, 308], [2714, 2878, 308], [2714, 2879, 308], [2714, 2880, 308], [2714, 2881, 308], [2714, 2882, 308], [2714, 2883, 308], [2714, 2884, 308], [2714, 2885, 308], [2714, 2886, 308], [2714, 2887, 308], [2711, 2885, 307], [2710, 2885, 307], [2709, 2885, 307], [2709, 2886, 307], [2709, 2887, 307], [2708, 2887, 306], [2739, 2919, 306], [2739, 2920, 306], [2739, 2921, 306], [2738, 2921, 306], [2738, 2922, 306], [2735, 2920, 306], [2734, 2920, 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[2705, 2997, 301], [2706, 2999, 301], [2709, 3003, 301], [2709, 3004, 301], [2714, 3010, 301], [2714, 3011, 301], [2714, 3012, 301], [2713, 3012, 301], [2708, 3012, 300], [2706, 3015, 299], [13007, 13321, 299], [13003, 13322, 298], [12997, 13321, 298], [12998, 13327, 297], [12995, 13329, 296], [12974, 13313, 295], [12970, 13314, 295], [12972, 13321, 295], [12967, 13321, 295], [12967, 13326, 295], [12964, 13328, 294], [12965, 13334, 292], [12964, 13338, 291], [12964, 13343, 289], [12963, 13347, 287], [12932, 13321, 284], [12932, 13326, 284], [12930, 13329, 283], [10189, 10593, 283], [10166, 10575, 283], [10147, 10561, 283], [10143, 10562, 284], [10137, 10561, 284], [10135, 10564, 284], [10129, 10563, 285], [10136, 10575, 285], [10131, 10575, 285], [10131, 10580, 285], [10129, 10583, 285], [10121, 10580, 284], [10129, 10593, 284], [10124, 10593, 284], [10121, 10595, 284], [10128, 10607, 283], [10122, 10606, 283], [10123, 10612, 283], [10129, 10623, 283], [10123, 10622, 283], [10128, 10632, 283], [10123, 10632, 283], [10126, 10640, 282], [10121, 10640, 282], [10122, 10646, 282], [10051, 10580, 281], [10051, 10585, 281], [10054, 10593, 281], [10049, 10593, 281], [10031, 10580, 281], [10031, 10585, 281], [10031, 10590, 280], [10059, 10623, 280], [10054, 10623, 280], [10058, 10632, 280], [10053, 10632, 280], [10048, 10632, 280], [10051, 10640, 280], [10030, 10624, 279], [10032, 10631, 279], [10028, 10632, 279], [10031, 10640, 279], [9961, 10575, 279], [9956, 10575, 279], [9951, 10575, 279], [9946, 10575, 279], [9941, 10575, 279], [9936, 10575, 279], [9931, 10575, 279], [9931, 10580, 279], [9921, 10575, 279], [9916, 10575, 279], [9916, 10580, 279], [9906, 10575, 279], [9906, 10580, 279], [9906, 10585, 279], [9896, 10580, 279], [9896, 10585, 279], [9881, 10575, 279], [9881, 10580, 279], [9881, 10585, 279], [9876, 10585, 279], [9861, 10575, 279], [9861, 10580, 279], [9861, 10585, 279], [9856, 10585, 279], [9859, 10593, 279], [9854, 10593, 279], [9831, 10575, 279], [9826, 10575, 279], [9821, 10575, 279], [9821, 10580, 279], [9821, 10585, 279], [9806, 10575, 279], [9801, 10575, 279], [9796, 10575, 279], [9791, 10575, 279], [9786, 10575, 279], [9786, 10580, 279], [9786, 10585, 279], [9789, 10593, 279], [9784, 10593, 279], [9779, 10593, 279], [9787, 10606, 279], [9789, 10613, 278], [9793, 10622, 278], [9789, 10623, 278], [9785, 10624, 278], [9788, 10632, 278], [9783, 10632, 278], [9786, 10640, 278], [9786, 10645, 278], [9782, 10646, 278], [9784, 10653, 278], [9789, 10663, 278], [9785, 10664, 277], [9779, 10663, 277], [9779, 10668, 277], [9789, 10683, 277], [9784, 10683, 277], [9779, 10683, 276], [9779, 10688, 276], [9791, 10705, 276], [9788, 10707, 276], [9783, 10707, 276], [9787, 10716, 276], [9787, 10721, 276], [9783, 10722, 275], [9787, 10731, 275], [9782, 10731, 275], [9784, 10738, 275], [9779, 10738, 275], [9785, 10749, 275], [9789, 10758, 275], [9789, 10763, 275], [9787, 10766, 275], [9783, 10767, 275], [9778, 10767, 275], [9779, 10773, 274], [9923, 10922, 274], [9918, 10922, 274], [9919, 10928, 274], [9907, 10921, 274], [9908, 10927, 274], [9898, 10922, 274], [9899, 10928, 274], [9894, 10928, 274], [9883, 10922, 274], [9884, 10928, 274], [9879, 10928, 274], [9874, 10928, 274], [9863, 10922, 274], [9858, 10922, 274], [9859, 10928, 274], [9854, 10928, 274], [9789, 10868, 274], [10128, 11212, 274], [10123, 11212, 274], [9792, 10886, 274], [9790, 10889, 274], [9800, 10904, 274], [9789, 10898, 274], [9790, 10904, 274], [9787, 10906, 274], [9797, 10921, 274], [9792, 10921, 274], [9788, 10922, 275], [9789, 10928, 275], [9784, 10928, 274], [9779, 10928, 274], [9778, 10932, 274], [9778, 10937, 274], [9779, 10943, 273], [9779, 10948, 273], [9779, 10953, 273], [10031, 11210, 273], [10029, 11213, 273], [10031, 11220, 273], [10027, 11221, 273], [10012, 11211, 273], [10009, 11213, 272], [10002, 11211, 272], [9999, 11213, 272], [9993, 11212, 272], [9944, 11168, 272], [9956, 11185, 272], [9951, 11185, 272], [9947, 11186, 272], [9964, 11208, 272], [9955, 11204, 273], [9955, 11209, 273], [9948, 11207, 273], [9948, 11212, 273], [9943, 11212, 273], [9933, 11207, 273], [9933, 11212, 273], [9928, 11212, 273], [9923, 11212, 273], [9918, 11212, 273], [9912, 11211, 273], [9907, 11211, 273], [9901, 11210, 273], [9898, 11212, 273], [9893, 11212, 273], [9884, 11208, 273], [9883, 11212, 273], [9878, 11212, 273], [9873, 11212, 273], [9866, 11210, 273], [9863, 11212, 273], [9858, 11212, 273], [9853, 11212, 273], [9848, 11212, 273], [9843, 11212, 273], [9838, 11212, 273], [9830, 11209, 273], [9822, 11206, 273], [9822, 11211, 273], [9791, 11185, 273], [9787, 11186, 273], [9804, 11208, 273], [9799, 11208, 273], [9792, 11206, 273], [9789, 11208, 273], [9788, 11212, 273], [9783, 11212, 273], [9779, 11213, 273], [9782, 11221, 273], [9779, 11223, 273], [9774, 11223, 273], [9769, 11223, 272], [9764, 11223, 272], [9759, 11223, 272], [9754, 11223, 271], [9750, 11224, 271], [9733, 11212, 271], [9728, 11212, 270], [9723, 11212, 270], [9718, 11212, 270], [9712, 11211, 270], [9701, 11205, 270], [9700, 11209, 270], [9699, 11213, 270], [9701, 11220, 270], [9699, 11223, 270], [9697, 11226, 270], [9697, 11231, 269], [9697, 11236, 268], [9697, 11241, 268], [9697, 11246, 267], [9697, 11251, 266], [9650, 11209, 266], [9649, 11213, 266], [9651, 11220, 266], [9647, 11221, 266], [9646, 11225, 266], [9646, 11230, 265], [9646, 11235, 264], [9647, 11241, 264], [9643, 11242, 263], [9646, 11250, 262], [9647, 11256, 262], [9789, 11403, 262], [9788, 11407, 262], [9783, 11407, 262], [9784, 11413, 262], [9787, 11421, 262], [9788, 11427, 262], [9784, 11428, 262], [9789, 11438, 262], [9784, 11438, 262], [9784, 11443, 262], [9779, 11443, 262], [9783, 11452, 261], [9805, 11479, 261], [9801, 11480, 262], [9795, 11479, 262], [9790, 11479, 262], [9787, 11481, 262], [9787, 11486, 262], [9788, 11492, 262], [9787, 11496, 262], [9791, 11505, 262], [9787, 11506, 262], [9789, 11513, 262], [9784, 11513, 262], [9789, 11523, 262], [9785, 11524, 262], [9800, 11544, 262], [9795, 11544, 262], [9790, 11544, 262], [9785, 11544, 262], [9780, 11544, 262], [9777, 11546, 262], [9774, 11548, 262], [9767, 11546, 261], [9762, 11546, 261], [9757, 11546, 261], [9754, 11548, 261], [9746, 11545, 260], [9717, 11546, 260], [9697, 11556, 259], [1055, 2944, 258], [1025, 2944, 259], [1015, 2964, 259], [1015, 2994, 260], [1012, 3021, 260], [1007, 3046, 259], [1003, 3072, 258], [1008, 3107, 257], [1002, 3131, 257], [969, 3128, 256], [940, 3129, 255], [1038, 3257, 254], [1015, 3264, 254], [1015, 3294, 254], [1010, 3319, 255], [1006, 3345, 254], [1013, 3382, 254], [1049, 3448, 253], [1018, 3447, 254], [997, 3456, 253], [1942, 4403, 253], [1930, 4421, 253], [1017, 3566, 254], [1015, 3594, 254], [1833, 4414, 254], [1010, 3649, 254], [1781, 4422, 254], [1833, 4504, 254], [1833, 4534, 254], [1803, 4534, 254], [1749, 4510, 254], [1748, 4539, 254], [1737, 4558, 254], [1722, 4573, 253], [1684, 4565, 252], [1648, 4559, 251], [1463, 4404, 251], [1433, 4404, 251], [1424, 4425, 251], [1409, 4440, 251], [1426, 4487, 251], [1426, 4517, 252], [1408, 4529, 252], [1408, 4559, 252], [1235, 4416, 252], [1210, 4421, 252], [1192, 4433, 252], [1120, 4391, 252], [1065, 4366, 252], [1060, 4391, 253], [1030, 4391, 253], [1013, 4404, 253], [1012, 4433, 253], [1013, 4464, 253], [1013, 4494, 253], [1013, 4524, 253], [1017, 4558, 253], [999, 4570, 253], [966, 4567, 252], [929, 4560, 252], [929, 4590, 251], [917, 4608, 249], [900, 4608, 247], [900, 4608, 245], [900, 4608, 243], [915, 4726, 241], [918, 4759, 240], [925, 4796, 238], [918, 4819, 236], [1013, 4944, 235], [1013, 4974, 236], [1013, 5004, 236], [1014, 5035, 236], [1004, 5055, 236], [970, 5051, 235], [1012, 5123, 235], [1012, 5153, 235], [1012, 5183, 235], [1013, 5214, 235], [1014, 5245, 235], [1013, 5274, 235], [1007, 5298, 235], [1014, 5335, 235], [1013, 5364, 236], [1013, 5394, 236], [1013, 5424, 236], [1013, 5454, 236], [1013, 5484, 236], [1006, 5507, 236], [1012, 5543, 236], [1006, 5567, 236], [1013, 5604, 236], [1013, 5634, 236], [1012, 5663, 236], [1004, 5685, 236], [1006, 5717, 236], [977, 5718, 235], [1006, 5777, 236], [1013, 5814, 236], [1014, 5845, 236], [1013, 5874, 236], [1013, 5904, 236], [1012, 5933, 236], [1006, 5957, 236], [1013, 5994, 236], [1013, 6024, 236], [989, 6030, 236], [955, 6026, 236], [929, 6030, 235], [905, 6036, 234], [900, 6036, 233], [900, 6036, 231], [900, 6036, 230], [900, 6036, 229], [900, 6036, 228], [900, 6036, 226], [900, 6036, 225], [900, 6036, 224], [900, 6036, 222], [920, 6146, 221], [908, 6164, 220], [910, 6196, 219], [902, 6218, 218], [900, 6218, 217], [918, 6294, 216], [900, 6294, 214], [918, 6354, 214], [1461, 6927, 213], [1428, 6924, 214], [1014, 6540, 214], [1013, 6569, 214], [1013, 6599, 214], [1067, 6683, 215], [1036, 6682, 215], [1014, 6690, 215], [1013, 6719, 216], [1014, 6750, 216], [1013, 6779, 216], [1059, 6855, 216], [1029, 6855, 216], [1004, 6860, 217], [1040, 6926, 217], [1012, 6928, 217], [1004, 6950, 217], [1016, 6992, 217], [1013, 7019, 217], [1014, 7050, 218], [991, 7057, 218], [962, 7058, 217], [930, 7056, 217], [1012, 7168, 217], [1007, 7193, 217], [1005, 7221, 217], [940, 7186, 217], [929, 7205, 216], [929, 7235, 216], [929, 7265, 216], [902, 7268, 215], [900, 7268, 214], [900, 7268, 213], [900, 7268, 212], [900, 7268, 211], [900, 7268, 210], [900, 7268, 209], [900, 7268, 208], [900, 7268, 208], [900, 7268, 207], [900, 7268, 206], [900, 7268, 205], [900, 7268, 204], [900, 7268, 203], [900, 7268, 202], [900, 7268, 201], [900, 7268, 200], [900, 7268, 200], [900, 7268, 199], [900, 7268, 198], [900, 7268, 197], [900, 7268, 196], [900, 7268, 195], [900, 7268, 195], [900, 7268, 194], [900, 7268, 193], [900, 7268, 192], [900, 7268, 192], [900, 7268, 191], [900, 7268, 190], [900, 7268, 189], [900, 7268, 188], [900, 7268, 188], [900, 7268, 187], [900, 7268, 186], [900, 7268, 185], [900, 7268, 185], [900, 7268, 184], [900, 7268, 183], [900, 7268, 183], [900, 7268, 182], [900, 7268, 181], [900, 7268, 181], [900, 7268, 180], [900, 7268, 179], [900, 7268, 178], [900, 7268, 178], [876, 7267, 177], [847, 7268, 177], [808, 7259, 176], [787, 7268, 176], [757, 7268, 176], [727, 7268, 175], [696, 7267, 175], [667, 7268, 174], [637, 7268, 174], [563, 7224, 173], [563, 7254, 173], [544, 7265, 173], [517, 7268, 172], [487, 7268, 172], [457, 7268, 171], [427, 7268, 171], [356, 7227, 171], [336, 7237, 171], [336, 7267, 170], [305, 7266, 170], [244, 7235, 170], [244, 7265, 170], [217, 7268, 169], [186, 7267, 169], [151, 7262, 169], [123, 7264, 169], [97, 7268, 168], [62, 7263, 168], [37, 7268, 167], [6, 7267, 167], [0, 7284, 166], [0, 7284, 166], [0, 7292, 165], [0, 7299, 165], [0, 7299, 164], [0, 7299, 164], [0, 7299, 163], [0, 7299, 163], [0, 7299, 162], [0, 7299, 162], [0, 7299, 161], [0, 7299, 160], [1722, 8667, 160], [1013, 7988, 161], [1013, 8018, 161], [1006, 8041, 161], [1005, 8070, 161], [1015, 8110, 162], [1013, 8138, 162], [1007, 8162, 162], [1013, 8198, 162], [1013, 8228, 163], [1013, 8258, 163], [1014, 8289, 163], [1013, 8318, 164], [1013, 8348, 164], [1013, 8378, 164], [1013, 8408, 165], [1015, 8440, 165], [1014, 8469, 165], [1014, 8499, 165], [1014, 8529, 166], [1014, 8559, 166], [1013, 8588, 166], [1012, 8617, 167], [1007, 8642, 167], [1004, 8669, 167], [1004, 8699, 167], [1005, 8730, 167], [1004, 8759, 167], [1013, 8798, 167], [1006, 8821, 167], [977, 8822, 167], [942, 8817, 167], [929, 8834, 168], [907, 8842, 167], [929, 8871, 167], [929, 8901, 167], [925, 8927, 166], [919, 8951, 166], [918, 8980, 166], [919, 9011, 165], [913, 9035, 165], [915, 9067, 164], [933, 9115, 164], [906, 9118, 164], [914, 9150, 163], [900, 9150, 163], [900, 9150, 162], [900, 9150, 162], [900, 9150, 161], [924, 9169, 161], [925, 9200, 161], [921, 9226, 160], [929, 9533, 157], [2308, 11212, 160], [2006, 11210, 162], [1719, 11223, 165], [1408, 11212, 166], [1023, 11127, 168], [1013, 11417, 170], [900, 11585, 170], [913, 11917, 166], [914, 12218, 163], [990, 12594, 163], [913, 12778, 163], [1040, 13205, 163], [911, 13376, 164], [900, 13582, 162], [1013, 13962, 164], [989, 14238, 165], [900, 14239, 163], [900, 14239, 160], [900, 14239, 157], [900, 14239, 154], [874, 14238, 152], [563, 14227, 150], [275, 14239, 149]], 'time_in_bucket': [2438, 28, 21, 25, 23, 28, 31, 21, 22, 21, 17, 31, 17, 19, 13, 27, 17, 19, 17, 9, 15, 23, 14, 18, 28, 33, 18, 10, 23, 15, 11, 22, 15, 7, 16, 9, 16, 13, 10, 7, 13, 19, 12, 11, 13, 18, 7, 10, 7, 4, 17, 8, 19, 9, 12, 10, 10, 6, 15, 10, 11, 8, 7, 13, 12, 11, 6, 12, 10, 10, 12, 5, 5, 6, 13, 6, 10, 11, 4, 8, 13, 6, 8, 5, 3, 6, 15, 4, 15, 8, 4, 8, 13, 8, 13, 9, 9, 4, 15, 12, 14, 4, 8, 10, 10, 11, 9, 14, 10, 13, 13, 5, 11, 13, 11, 9, 11, 8, 15, 6, 10, 9, 13, 9, 8, 11, 8, 10, 10, 11, 12, 11, 13, 16, 10, 24, 9, 12, 14, 5, 12, 12, 14, 13, 14, 17, 17, 16, 14, 12, 14, 14, 15, 11, 9, 18, 15, 9, 14, 21, 16, 20, 13, 14, 12, 13, 17, 18, 17, 17, 21, 21, 11, 18, 16, 13, 24, 22, 29, 23, 35, 24, 25, 30, 30, 32, 28, 19, 28, 30, 23, 25, 23, 30, 33, 26, 32, 27, 24, 27, 36, 26, 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610], [7875, 7899, 610], [7880, 7905, 611], [7880, 7906, 611], [7880, 7907, 611], [7879, 7907, 611], [7878, 7907, 610], [7876, 7906, 610], [7875, 7906, 611], [7875, 7907, 611], [7874, 7907, 611], [7873, 7907, 610], [7872, 7907, 610], [7871, 7907, 609], [7870, 7907, 609], [7869, 7907, 609], [7868, 7907, 608], [7867, 7907, 607], [7866, 7907, 606], [7866, 7908, 605], [7865, 7908, 604], [7867, 7911, 603], [7866, 7911, 602], [7865, 7911, 601], [7865, 7912, 599], [7864, 7912, 597], [7862, 7911, 597], [7862, 7912, 596], [7861, 7912, 594], [7860, 7912, 591], [7859, 7912, 588], [7859, 7913, 583], [7857, 7912, 581], [7856, 7912, 579], [7855, 7912, 576], [7854, 7912, 573], [7853, 7912, 571], [7852, 7912, 569], [7851, 7912, 567], [7850, 7912, 566], [7850, 7913, 562], [7849, 7913, 559], [7847, 7912, 557], [7851, 7917, 555], [7850, 7917, 553], [7844, 7912, 551], [7843, 7912, 548], [7843, 7913, 546], [7846, 7917, 544], [7845, 7917, 542], [7844, 7917, 540], [7843, 7917, 538], [7842, 7917, 536], [7841, 7917, 533], [7840, 7917, 531], [7839, 7917, 530], [7838, 7917, 528], [7837, 7917, 526], [7831, 7912, 525], [7830, 7912, 524], [7829, 7912, 523], [7829, 7913, 521], [7827, 7912, 519], [7826, 7912, 518], [7825, 7912, 518], [7824, 7912, 517], [7823, 7912, 516], [7823, 7913, 514], [7822, 7913, 513], [7825, 7917, 512], [7824, 7917, 511], [7823, 7917, 510], [7822, 7917, 508], [7821, 7917, 506], [7821, 7918, 504], [7824, 7922, 502], [7824, 7923, 501], [7823, 7923, 500], [7822, 7923, 498], [7821, 7923, 497], [7820, 7923, 494], [7819, 7923, 491], [7823, 7928, 489], [7823, 7929, 488], [7822, 7929, 486], [7821, 7929, 485], [7820, 7929, 482], [7819, 7929, 480], [7806, 7917, 478], [7805, 7917, 478], [7804, 7917, 477], [7803, 7917, 476], [7803, 7918, 474], [7801, 7917, 473], [7800, 7917, 473], [7799, 7917, 473], [7798, 7917, 472], [7798, 7918, 470], [7796, 7917, 469], [7795, 7917, 469], [7794, 7917, 468], [7793, 7917, 467], [7793, 7918, 466], [7792, 7918, 464], [7790, 7917, 464], [7789, 7917, 464], [7788, 7917, 463], [7787, 7917, 462], [7786, 7917, 462], [7786, 7918, 460], [7784, 7917, 459], [7783, 7917, 459], [7782, 7917, 459], [7781, 7917, 458], [7780, 7917, 458], [7779, 7917, 457], [7778, 7917, 456], [7778, 7918, 455], [7772, 7913, 454], [7775, 7917, 454], [7774, 7917, 454], [7773, 7917, 454], [7772, 7917, 453], [7771, 7917, 452], [7771, 7918, 451], [7770, 7918, 450], [7763, 7912, 449], [7773, 7923, 449], [7772, 7923, 449], [7765, 7917, 448], [7764, 7917, 448], [7763, 7917, 448], [7763, 7918, 447], [7762, 7918, 446], [7756, 7913, 445], [7759, 7917, 444], [7758, 7917, 444], [7757, 7917, 444], [7756, 7917, 444], [7755, 7917, 443], [7749, 7912, 443], [7749, 7913, 442], [7752, 7917, 442], [7751, 7917, 442], [7750, 7917, 441], [7749, 7917, 441], [7748, 7917, 440], [7747, 7917, 440], [7746, 7917, 440], [7745, 7917, 439], [7744, 7917, 439], [7743, 7917, 439], [7742, 7917, 438], [7741, 7917, 438], [7740, 7917, 437], [7739, 7917, 437], [7738, 7917, 436], [7737, 7917, 436], [7736, 7917, 436], [7735, 7917, 435], [7734, 7917, 435], [7733, 7917, 434], [7733, 7918, 434], [7737, 7923, 433], [7736, 7923, 433], [7735, 7923, 432], [7734, 7923, 432], [7727, 7917, 432], [7726, 7917, 431], [7725, 7917, 431], [7725, 7918, 430], [7723, 7917, 429], [7728, 7923, 429], [7727, 7923, 429], [7726, 7923, 428], [7725, 7923, 428], [7718, 7917, 427], [7717, 7917, 427], [7717, 7918, 427], [7715, 7917, 426], [7715, 7918, 425], [7719, 7923, 425], [7718, 7923, 425], [7717, 7923, 425], [7710, 7917, 424], [7709, 7917, 424], [7709, 7918, 423], [7713, 7923, 423], [7712, 7923, 423], [7711, 7923, 422], [7710, 7923, 422], [7709, 7923, 421], [7702, 7917, 420], [7707, 7923, 420], [7706, 7923, 420], [7699, 7917, 419], [7698, 7917, 419], [7697, 7917, 419], [7696, 7917, 419], [7695, 7917, 419], [5617, 5840, 418], [5617, 5841, 419], [5617, 5842, 419], [5611, 5837, 419], [5610, 5837, 418], [5617, 5845, 418], [5617, 5846, 419], [5617, 5847, 419], [5617, 5848, 419], [5617, 5849, 419], [5617, 5850, 419], [5617, 5851, 419], [5617, 5852, 420], [5617, 5853, 420], [5616, 5853, 419], [5617, 5855, 419], [5617, 5856, 420], [5617, 5857, 420], [5617, 5858, 420], [5237, 5479, 420], [5237, 5480, 420], [5236, 5480, 420], [5238, 5483, 420], [5237, 5483, 420], [5236, 5483, 420], [5236, 5484, 420], [5235, 5484, 420], [5617, 5867, 420], [5617, 5868, 420], [5616, 5868, 420], [5231, 5484, 420], [5230, 5484, 419], [5612, 5867, 419], [5612, 5868, 420], [5611, 5868, 420], [5610, 5868, 419], [5608, 5867, 419], [5608, 5868, 419], [5606, 5867, 420], [5606, 5868, 420], [5605, 5868, 420], [5219, 5483, 419], [5218, 5483, 419], [5218, 5484, 419], [5217, 5484, 419], [5212, 5480, 419], [5214, 5483, 419], [5213, 5483, 419], [5213, 5484, 419], [5212, 5484, 419], [5211, 5484, 419], [5210, 5484, 418], [5208, 5483, 418], [5207, 5483, 418], [5206, 5483, 418], [5206, 5484, 418], [5205, 5484, 418], [5203, 5483, 418], [5202, 5483, 418], [5202, 5484, 418], [5200, 5483, 418], [5200, 5484, 418], [5199, 5484, 418], [5197, 5483, 418], [5196, 5483, 418], [5195, 5483, 418], [5194, 5483, 418], [5193, 5483, 418], [5192, 5483, 418], [5192, 5484, 418], [5191, 5484, 418], [5186, 5480, 417], [5185, 5480, 417], [5187, 5483, 418], [5186, 5483, 418], [5185, 5483, 418], [5185, 5484, 418], [5179, 5483, 418], [5174, 5483, 417], [5169, 5483, 417], [5164, 5483, 417], [5159, 5483, 417], [5155, 5484, 417], [5150, 5484, 416], [5145, 5484, 416], [5139, 5483, 415], [5218, 5567, 415], [5130, 5484, 415], [5125, 5484, 415], [5115, 5479, 415], [5115, 5484, 415], [5110, 5484, 415], [5104, 5483, 415], [5096, 5480, 415], [5095, 5484, 415], [5086, 5480, 415], [5084, 5483, 415], [5080, 5484, 415], [5075, 5484, 415], [5069, 5483, 415], [5061, 5480, 415], [5059, 5483, 415], [5439, 5868, 415], [5434, 5868, 415], [5428, 5867, 415], [5424, 5868, 415], [5419, 5868, 415], [5414, 5868, 414], [5408, 5867, 414], [5403, 5867, 414], [5398, 5867, 414], [5393, 5867, 414], [5384, 5863, 414], [5384, 5868, 414], [5379, 5868, 414], [5374, 5868, 414], [4971, 5470, 414], [4969, 5473, 414], [4969, 5478, 415], [4969, 5483, 415], [4964, 5483, 415], [4964, 5488, 415], [4963, 5492, 415], [4962, 5496, 414], [4962, 5501, 414], [4962, 5506, 414], [4963, 5512, 414], [4964, 5518, 414], [4964, 5523, 413], [4964, 5528, 413], [4964, 5533, 413], [4968, 5542, 413], [4963, 5542, 414], [4964, 5548, 413], [4962, 5551, 413], [4968, 5562, 413], [4963, 5562, 413], [4963, 5567, 413], [4963, 5572, 413], [5238, 5852, 413], [5237, 5856, 413], [5236, 5860, 413], [5238, 5867, 413], [5234, 5868, 413], [5229, 5868, 413], [5224, 5868, 413], [5219, 5868, 413], [5214, 5868, 413], [5209, 5868, 413], [5204, 5868, 413], [5199, 5868, 413], [5194, 5868, 413], [5189, 5868, 413], [5184, 5868, 413], [5179, 5868, 413], [5173, 5867, 413], [5169, 5868, 413], [5164, 5868, 413], [5159, 5868, 413], [5154, 5868, 413], [5149, 5868, 413], [4969, 5693, 413], [4964, 5693, 413], [4964, 5698, 413], [4964, 5703, 412], [4964, 5708, 412], [4964, 5713, 412], [5114, 5868, 412], [5104, 5863, 412], [5104, 5868, 412], [5098, 5867, 412], [5093, 5867, 412], [5089, 5868, 412], [5084, 5868, 412], [5079, 5868, 412], [5074, 5868, 412], [5069, 5868, 412], [5063, 5867, 412], [5059, 5868, 412], [5054, 5868, 412], [5049, 5868, 412], [5043, 5867, 412], [5039, 5868, 412], [4971, 5805, 412], [4965, 5804, 412], [4965, 5809, 412], [4965, 5814, 412], [4965, 5819, 412], [4968, 5827, 412], [4968, 5832, 412], [4968, 5837, 412], [4963, 5837, 412], [4963, 5842, 412], [4968, 5852, 412], [4964, 5853, 413], [4964, 5858, 413], [4964, 5863, 413], [4964, 5868, 413], [4959, 5868, 412], [4954, 5868, 411], [4949, 5868, 409], [4944, 5868, 408], [4939, 5868, 407], [4934, 5868, 405], [4930, 5869, 404], [4924, 5868, 402], [4919, 5868, 401], [4914, 5868, 400], [4909, 5868, 399], [4904, 5868, 398], [4899, 5868, 397], [4894, 5868, 395], [4889, 5868, 394], [4884, 5868, 393], [4879, 5868, 392], [4874, 5868, 391], [4869, 5868, 390], [4961, 5965, 389], [4961, 5970, 388], [4962, 5976, 388], [4961, 5980, 387], [4961, 5985, 386], [4962, 5991, 386], [4962, 5996, 385], [4961, 6000, 385], [4962, 6006, 384], [4962, 6011, 384], [4963, 6017, 384], [4962, 6021, 383], [4962, 6026, 383], [4962, 6031, 383], [4962, 6036, 383], [4962, 6041, 382], [4960, 6044, 382], [4961, 6050, 381], [4962, 6056, 380], [4961, 6060, 380], [4961, 6065, 379], [4961, 6070, 378], [4960, 6074, 378], [4960, 6079, 377], [4955, 6079, 376], [4950, 6079, 375], [4950, 6084, 374], [4940, 6079, 373], [4940, 6084, 372], [4935, 6084, 371], [4938, 6092, 370], [4940, 6099, 369], [4914, 6078, 368], [4910, 6079, 367], [4898, 6072, 367], [4898, 6077, 366], [4898, 6082, 365], [4881, 6070, 364], [4881, 6075, 363], [4962, 6161, 363], [4963, 6167, 363], [4962, 6171, 363], [4962, 6176, 363], [4962, 6181, 363], [4962, 6186, 362], [4962, 6191, 362], [4962, 6196, 362], [6771, 8010, 362], [6771, 8015, 362], [6773, 8022, 362], [6772, 8026, 362], [6775, 8034, 362], [6771, 8035, 362], [6766, 8035, 361], [6764, 8038, 361], [6766, 8045, 360], [6765, 8049, 359], [6765, 8054, 358], [6765, 8059, 357], [6768, 8067, 356], [6768, 8072, 356], [6765, 8074, 355], [6766, 8080, 354], [6765, 8084, 353], [6766, 8090, 353], [6766, 8095, 352], [6766, 8100, 351], [6765, 8104, 350], [6765, 8109, 350], [6770, 8119, 349], [6768, 8122, 348], [4961, 6320, 348], [4961, 6325, 347], [4961, 6330, 347], [4960, 6334, 346], [4961, 6340, 346], [4957, 6341, 345], [4955, 6344, 345], [4949, 6343, 344], [4942, 6341, 343], [4938, 6342, 343], [4934, 6343, 342], [4931, 6345, 341], [4921, 6340, 341], [4917, 6341, 340], [4912, 6341, 339], [4909, 6343, 339], [4902, 6341, 338], [4898, 6342, 338], [4892, 6341, 337], [4881, 6335, 337], [4881, 6340, 336], [4877, 6341, 336], [4962, 6418, 335], [4962, 6423, 335], [4962, 6428, 335], [4962, 6433, 335], [4962, 6438, 335], [4962, 6443, 335], [4962, 6448, 334], [4962, 6453, 334], [4962, 6458, 334], [4962, 6463, 334], [4962, 6468, 334], [4962, 6473, 334], [4962, 6478, 333], [4962, 6483, 333], [4962, 6488, 333], [4962, 6493, 333], [4961, 6497, 333], [4960, 6501, 332], [4955, 6501, 332], [4960, 6511, 331], [4960, 6516, 331], [4955, 6516, 330], [4960, 6526, 330], [4958, 6529, 330], [4955, 6531, 329], [4949, 6530, 329], [4943, 6529, 328], [4938, 6529, 327], [4941, 6537, 327], [4939, 6540, 326], [4938, 6544, 326], [4932, 6543, 325], [4898, 6514, 325], [4898, 6519, 324], [4903, 6529, 324], [4898, 6529, 323], [4879, 6515, 323], [4855, 6496, 322], [4854, 6500, 322], [4854, 6505, 322], [4854, 6510, 321], [4854, 6515, 321], [4848, 6514, 321], [4844, 6515, 320], [4854, 6530, 320], [4848, 6529, 319], [4844, 6530, 319], [4838, 6529, 319], [4834, 6530, 318], [4814, 6515, 318], [4960, 6666, 317], [4961, 6672, 317], [4957, 6673, 317], [4952, 6673, 316], [4949, 6675, 316], [4942, 6673, 315], [4938, 6674, 315], [4935, 6676, 314], [4939, 6685, 314], [4937, 6688, 313], [4916, 6672, 313], [4912, 6673, 313], [4898, 6664, 312], [4902, 6673, 312], [4898, 6674, 311], [4892, 6673, 311], [4881, 6667, 311], [4854, 6670, 309], [4827, 6673, 307], [4797, 6673, 304], [4970, 6831, 302], [4961, 6852, 302], [4962, 6883, 302], [4963, 6914, 302], [4963, 6944, 302], [4961, 6972, 303], [4962, 7003, 304], [4964, 7035, 303], [4964, 7065, 304], [4964, 7095, 305], [4962, 7123, 306], [4961, 7152, 306], [4962, 7183, 307], [4962, 7213, 307], [5031, 7312, 307], [4975, 7286, 308], [4971, 7312, 310], [4963, 7334, 311], [4964, 7365, 311], [4962, 7393, 311], [4962, 7423, 311], [4971, 7462, 312], [4962, 7483, 313], [4960, 7511, 314], [4964, 7545, 314], [4962, 7573, 314], [4963, 7604, 314], [4962, 7633, 314], [4962, 7663, 315], [5181, 7912, 316], [5151, 7912, 317], [5121, 7912, 318], [5092, 7913, 319], [5061, 7912, 320], [5036, 7917, 320], [5006, 7917, 321], [4971, 7912, 322], [4958, 7929, 323], [4964, 7965, 323], [4962, 7993, 323], [4962, 8023, 323], [4944, 8035, 322], [4914, 8035, 321], [4884, 8035, 319], [4854, 8035, 318], [4825, 8036, 317], [4797, 8038, 315], [4814, 8085, 314], [4825, 8126, 313], [4797, 8128, 311], [4775, 8136, 309], [4814, 8205, 308], [4846, 8267, 307], [4814, 8265, 306], [4797, 8278, 305], [4961, 8472, 303], [4961, 8502, 303], [4960, 8531, 302], [4960, 8561, 301], [4955, 8586, 300], [4961, 8622, 299], [4962, 8653, 299], [4950, 8671, 298], [4960, 8711, 297], [4960, 8741, 297], [4961, 8772, 296], [4951, 8792, 295], [4915, 8786, 294], [4881, 8782, 293], [4955, 8886, 293], [4948, 8909, 292], [4961, 8952, 291], [4944, 8965, 290], [4955, 9006, 290], [4930, 9011, 289], [4896, 9007, 288], [4865, 9006, 287], [4835, 9006, 286], [4805, 9006, 285], [4776, 9007, 284], [4755, 9016, 283], [4797, 9088, 282], [4802, 9123, 281], [4879, 9230, 280], [4854, 9235, 279], [4826, 9237, 278], [4961, 9402, 278], [4959, 9430, 278], [4944, 9445, 277], [4913, 9444, 276], [4881, 9442, 276], [4854, 9445, 275], [4825, 9446, 274], [3046, 7563, 274], [3048, 7595, 274], [3340, 7917, 275], [3305, 7912, 276], [3280, 7917, 276], [3245, 7912, 277], [3220, 7917, 278], [3190, 7917, 279], [3160, 7917, 279], [3130, 7917, 280], [3100, 7917, 280], [3065, 7912, 281], [3046, 7923, 282], [3048, 7955, 282], [3048, 7985, 283], [3048, 8015, 283], [3046, 8043, 283], [3046, 8073, 282], [2866, 7923, 283], [2836, 7923, 283], [2800, 7917, 283], [2771, 7918, 284], [2741, 7918, 284], [2710, 7917, 284], [2708, 7945, 284], [2708, 7975, 285], [2737, 8034, 285], [2708, 8035, 285], [2707, 8064, 285], [2707, 8094, 284], [2618, 8035, 284], [2582, 8029, 284], [2581, 8058, 284], [2581, 8088, 283], [2581, 8118, 282], [2581, 8148, 281], [2448, 8045, 281], [2448, 8075, 280], [2448, 8105, 280], [2440, 8127, 279], [2581, 8298, 278], [2448, 8195, 278], [2581, 8358, 277], [2581, 8388, 277], [2581, 8418, 276], [2581, 8448, 276], [2581, 8478, 275], [2581, 8508, 275], [2581, 8538, 275], [2581, 8568, 274], [2581, 8598, 274], [2581, 8628, 273], [2581, 8658, 274], [2581, 8688, 273], [2581, 8718, 273], [2581, 8748, 272], [2581, 8778, 272], [2581, 8808, 272], [2581, 8838, 271], [2581, 8868, 271], [2581, 8898, 270], [2581, 8928, 270], [2581, 8958, 270], [2581, 8988, 269], [2579, 9016, 269], [2538, 9005, 268], [2448, 8945, 267], [2448, 8975, 267], [2448, 9005, 267], [2420, 9007, 266], [2448, 9065, 265], [2443, 9090, 265], [2581, 9258, 264], [2415, 9122, 264], [2581, 9318, 263], [2581, 9348, 263], [2581, 9378, 263], [2581, 9408, 263], [2581, 9438, 263], [2575, 9462, 262], [2538, 9455, 261], [2461, 9408, 261], [2448, 9425, 261], [2442, 9449, 260], [2413, 9450, 260], [2581, 9648, 259], [2579, 9676, 259], [2706, 9833, 258], [2581, 9738, 258], [2581, 9768, 258], [2581, 9798, 258], [2581, 9828, 258], [2707, 9984, 258], [2707, 10014, 258], [2708, 10045, 258], [2707, 10074, 258], [2707, 10104, 258], [2707, 10134, 258], [2707, 10164, 257], [2707, 10194, 257], [2581, 10098, 257], [2581, 10128, 257], [2581, 10158, 257], [2582, 10189, 257], [2581, 10218, 256], [2581, 10248, 256], [2581, 10278, 256], [2581, 10308, 256], [2581, 10338, 256], [2581, 10368, 256], [2581, 10398, 255], [2581, 10428, 255], [2581, 10458, 255], [2454, 10361, 254], [2581, 10518, 254], [2581, 10548, 254], [2581, 10578, 254], [2570, 10597, 254], [2537, 10594, 253], [2480, 10567, 253], [2449, 10566, 253], [2707, 10854, 253], [2708, 10885, 252], [2707, 10914, 253], [2707, 10944, 252], [2581, 10848, 252], [2707, 11004, 252], [2581, 10908, 252], [2707, 11064, 252], [2707, 11094, 252], [2708, 11125, 252], [2707, 11154, 252], [2708, 11185, 253], [2708, 11215, 253], [2707, 11244, 253], [2707, 11274, 253], [2708, 11305, 253], [2715, 11341, 253], [2707, 11363, 253], [2707, 11393, 254], [2707, 11423, 254], [2705, 11451, 254], [2700, 11476, 253], [2581, 11387, 253], [2581, 11417, 253], [2581, 11447, 253], [2581, 11477, 253], [2581, 11507, 252], [2581, 11537, 252], [2454, 11440, 252], [2448, 11464, 252], [2415, 11461, 251], [2448, 11524, 251], [2707, 11813, 251], [2707, 11843, 251], [2707, 11873, 251], [2707, 11903, 251], [2707, 11933, 251], [2707, 11963, 251], [2707, 11993, 251], [2707, 12023, 251], [2707, 12053, 251], [2707, 12083, 251], [2707, 12113, 251], [2707, 12143, 251], [2707, 12173, 251], [2707, 12203, 251], [2707, 12233, 252], [2707, 12263, 252], [2707, 12293, 252], [2707, 12323, 252], [2708, 12354, 252], [2707, 12383, 252], [2707, 12413, 252], [2707, 12443, 252], [2707, 12473, 252], [2707, 12503, 252], [2708, 12534, 252], [2708, 12564, 252], [2707, 12593, 252], [2683, 12599, 251], [2581, 12527, 251], [2581, 12557, 252], [2581, 12587, 252], [2563, 12599, 251], [2533, 12599, 251], [2501, 12597, 251], [2471, 12597, 250], [2443, 12599, 250], [2413, 12599, 250], [2409, 12599, 249], [2409, 12599, 249], [2409, 12599, 248], [2409, 12599, 247], [2409, 12599, 246], [2409, 12599, 246], [2409, 12599, 245], [2409, 12599, 244], [2377, 12597, 244], [2347, 12597, 244], [2319, 12599, 243], [2287, 12597, 243], [2257, 12597, 243], [2227, 12597, 243], [1912, 12582, 242], [1627, 12597, 241], [1331, 12596, 239], [1032, 12597, 236], [764, 12599, 234], [464, 12599, 229], [164, 12599, 226]], 'time_in_bucket': [819, 12, 18, 14, 17, 29, 13, 34, 20, 24, 22, 23, 17, 13, 20, 17, 6, 12, 18, 20, 20, 17, 13, 18, 9, 12, 16, 9, 15, 8, 10, 7, 19, 12, 6, 8, 10, 18, 8, 19, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 9, 7, 6, 10, 6, 14, 4, 6, 8, 8, 7, 7, 11, 11, 7, 6, 8, 7, 4, 4, 9, 9, 13, 7, 14, 9, 13, 9, 12, 18, 14, 10, 5, 11, 10, 16, 10, 6, 11, 19, 15, 10, 19, 21, 8, 7, 12, 19, 21, 19, 12, 16, 14, 15, 20, 30, 26, 23, 19, 18, 22, 21, 28, 32, 17, 20, 10, 27, 24, 16, 21, 22, 19, 25, 19, 29, 31, 23, 24, 25, 26, 21, 24, 22, 24, 27, 24, 21, 34, 11, 25, 22, 26, 34, 23, 19, 20, 22, 31, 29, 26, 23, 34, 21, 31, 25, 21, 40, 34, 38, 32, 31, 34, 29, 27, 31, 29, 35, 35, 26, 28, 30, 32, 32, 31, 22, 28, 32, 36, 31, 24, 44, 23, 40, 25, 43, 31, 25, 33, 29, 40, 41, 28, 35, 37, 31, 40, 41, 31, 24, 36, 32, 47, 29, 33, 37, 30, 34, 35, 46, 25, 36, 43, 38, 35, 43, 43, 48, 36, 42, 42, 42, 31, 38, 44, 41, 28, 34, 33, 38, 32, 34, 46, 33, 48, 44, 31, 35, 43, 41, 44, 43, 36, 32, 39, 46, 36, 38, 59, 38, 38, 42, 34, 26, 37, 55, 50, 34, 37, 32, 44, 33, 45, 39, 53, 41, 37, 31, 43, 39, 42, 42, 44, 55, 37, 39, 41, 37, 48, 52, 46, 51, 50, 44, 47, 46, 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493], [14559, 14576, 491], [14559, 14577, 487], [14558, 14577, 483], [14556, 14576, 482], [14555, 14576, 481], [14554, 14576, 479], [14554, 14577, 476], [14553, 14577, 471], [14552, 14577, 465], [14550, 14576, 462], [14549, 14576, 462], [14548, 14576, 462], [14547, 14576, 461], [14547, 14577, 460], [14546, 14577, 458], [14545, 14577, 456], [14542, 14575, 456], [14542, 14576, 457], [14541, 14576, 458], [14540, 14576, 458], [14540, 14577, 457], [14539, 14577, 456], [14538, 14577, 454], [14537, 14577, 453], [14536, 14577, 450], [14535, 14577, 447], [14533, 14576, 446], [14532, 14576, 446], [14531, 14576, 446], [14531, 14577, 446], [14530, 14577, 445], [14529, 14577, 443], [14528, 14577, 442], [14527, 14577, 441], [14526, 14577, 440], [14525, 14577, 437], [14524, 14577, 436], [14523, 14577, 435], [14522, 14577, 435], [14521, 14577, 434], [14520, 14577, 433], [14518, 14576, 433], [14518, 14577, 433], [14517, 14577, 432], [14516, 14577, 431], [14515, 14577, 430], [14514, 14577, 429], [14513, 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[14499, 14611, 366], [14498, 14611, 365], [14497, 14611, 364], [14496, 14611, 363], [14495, 14611, 363], [14494, 14611, 362], [14493, 14611, 361], [14492, 14611, 360], [14491, 14611, 359], [14490, 14611, 358], [14489, 14611, 357], [14488, 14611, 356], [14487, 14611, 355], [14486, 14611, 355], [14485, 14611, 354], [14484, 14611, 354], [14483, 14611, 353], [14482, 14611, 353], [14481, 14611, 352], [14480, 14611, 351], [14479, 14611, 350], [14478, 14611, 349], [14477, 14611, 348], [14476, 14611, 348], [14475, 14611, 348], [14474, 14611, 347], [14470, 14608, 346], [14472, 14611, 346], [14471, 14611, 346], [14470, 14611, 345], [14469, 14611, 345], [14468, 14611, 344], [14467, 14611, 343], [14466, 14611, 343], [14465, 14611, 342], [14464, 14611, 342], [14463, 14611, 341], [14462, 14611, 340], [14461, 14611, 340], [14460, 14611, 340], [14459, 14611, 339], [14458, 14611, 339], [14454, 14608, 338], [14456, 14611, 338], [14455, 14611, 338], [14454, 14611, 337], [14453, 14611, 337], [14449, 14608, 336], [14451, 14611, 336], [14450, 14611, 336], [14449, 14611, 336], [14448, 14611, 335], [14447, 14611, 335], [14446, 14611, 334], [14445, 14611, 334], [14444, 14611, 334], [14443, 14611, 333], [14442, 14611, 333], [14441, 14611, 332], [14431, 14602, 332], [14436, 14608, 332], [14438, 14611, 331], [895, 1069, 331], [893, 1068, 331], [892, 1068, 331], [891, 1068, 331], [890, 1068, 331], [889, 1068, 331], [888, 1068, 331], [887, 1068, 330], [886, 1068, 330], [886, 1069, 330], [884, 1068, 330], [883, 1068, 330], [882, 1068, 330], [881, 1068, 330], [880, 1068, 330], [879, 1068, 330], [877, 1067, 330], [877, 1068, 329], [876, 1068, 329], [875, 1068, 329], [870, 1064, 329], [869, 1064, 329], [868, 1064, 329], [870, 1067, 329], [870, 1068, 329], [868, 1067, 329], [868, 1068, 329], [867, 1068, 329], [866, 1068, 329], [865, 1068, 329], [864, 1068, 329], [863, 1068, 329], [862, 1068, 329], [862, 1069, 329], [860, 1068, 328], [860, 1069, 328], [860, 1070, 328], [856, 1067, 328], [856, 1068, 328], [855, 1068, 328], [855, 1069, 328], [852, 1067, 328], [852, 1068, 328], [852, 1069, 328], [784, 1002, 328], [784, 1003, 328], [783, 1003, 328], [784, 1005, 328], [783, 1005, 328], [784, 1007, 328], [784, 1008, 328], [784, 1009, 328], [784, 1010, 328], [784, 1011, 328], [784, 1012, 328], [783, 1012, 328], [784, 1014, 328], [784, 1015, 328], [783, 1015, 328], [784, 1017, 328], [784, 1018, 328], [784, 1019, 329], [784, 1020, 329], [784, 1021, 329], [784, 1022, 329], [784, 1023, 329], [784, 1024, 329], [784, 1025, 329], [784, 1026, 329], [784, 1027, 329], [784, 1028, 329], [784, 1029, 329], [784, 1030, 329], [784, 1031, 329], [784, 1032, 329], [783, 1032, 329], [783, 1033, 329], [784, 1035, 329], [784, 1036, 329], [783, 1036, 329], [782, 1036, 329], [784, 1039, 329], [784, 1040, 329], [783, 1040, 329], [782, 1040, 329], [782, 1041, 329], [783, 1043, 329], [782, 1043, 329], [784, 1046, 329], [784, 1047, 329], [784, 1048, 329], [784, 1049, 330], [784, 1050, 330], [784, 1051, 330], [784, 1052, 330], [784, 1053, 330], [784, 1054, 330], [784, 1055, 330], [784, 1056, 330], [784, 1057, 330], [784, 1058, 330], [783, 1058, 330], [782, 1058, 330], [784, 1061, 330], [783, 1061, 330], [782, 1061, 330], [784, 1064, 330], [783, 1064, 330], [782, 1064, 330], [784, 1067, 330], [783, 1067, 330], [782, 1067, 330], [782, 1068, 330], [781, 1068, 330], [780, 1068, 330], [779, 1068, 330], [778, 1068, 330], [777, 1068, 330], [776, 1068, 330], [775, 1068, 330], [775, 1069, 330], [775, 1070, 330], [774, 1070, 329], [774, 1071, 329], [772, 1070, 329], [771, 1070, 329], [767, 1071, 328], [765, 1074, 327], [762, 1076, 325], [757, 1076, 324], [1705, 2029, 322], [1579, 1908, 322], [1575, 1909, 322], [1575, 1914, 322], [1575, 1919, 322], [1576, 1925, 322], [1575, 1929, 322], [1576, 1935, 321], [1577, 1941, 322], [1575, 1944, 322], [1574, 1948, 321], [1574, 1953, 321], [1576, 1960, 321], [1572, 1961, 321], [1580, 1974, 321], [1575, 1974, 321], [1579, 1983, 321], [1578, 1987, 321], [1578, 1992, 321], [1575, 1994, 321], [1575, 1999, 321], [1575, 2004, 321], [1575, 2009, 321], [1575, 2014, 321], [1575, 2019, 321], [1578, 2027, 321], [1575, 2029, 321], [1576, 2035, 321], [1574, 2038, 321], [1566, 2035, 320], [1575, 2049, 320], [1738, 2217, 320], [1734, 2218, 320], [1729, 2218, 320], [1723, 2217, 320], [1730, 2229, 320], [1729, 2233, 320], [1721, 2230, 321], [1721, 2235, 321], [1729, 2248, 321], [1721, 2245, 321], [1721, 2250, 321], [1718, 2252, 321], [1719, 2258, 321], [1718, 2262, 321], [1718, 2267, 321], [1704, 2258, 320], [1708, 2267, 320], [1705, 2269, 320], [1704, 2273, 320], [1695, 2269, 320], [1695, 2274, 320], [1685, 2269, 320], [784, 1373, 320], [783, 1377, 320], [783, 1382, 320], [781, 1385, 320], [781, 1390, 320], [775, 1389, 320], [774, 1393, 320], [775, 1399, 320], [775, 1404, 320], [1583, 2217, 320], [1578, 2217, 320], [1576, 2220, 320], [1580, 2229, 320], [1576, 2230, 320], [1575, 2234, 320], [1575, 2239, 320], [1579, 2248, 320], [1575, 2249, 320], [1576, 2255, 320], [1575, 2259, 320], [1575, 2264, 320], [1575, 2269, 320], [1575, 2274, 320], [1574, 2278, 320], [1566, 2275, 319], [1574, 2288, 319], [1574, 2293, 319], [1573, 2297, 319], [1566, 2295, 319], [1563, 2297, 319], [1564, 2303, 318], [1564, 2308, 318], [1560, 2309, 318], [1554, 2308, 317], [1550, 2309, 317], [1533, 2297, 317], [1540, 2309, 317], [1532, 2306, 316], [1531, 2310, 316], [1512, 2296, 316], [1480, 2269, 316], [1475, 2269, 316], [1470, 2269, 316], [1469, 2273, 316], [1469, 2278, 315], [1469, 2283, 315], [1469, 2288, 315], [1469, 2293, 315], [1468, 2297, 315], [1463, 2297, 315], [1458, 2297, 315], [1462, 2306, 314], [1458, 2307, 314], [1156, 2010, 314], [1158, 2017, 314], [1163, 2027, 314], [1158, 2027, 314], [1156, 2030, 314], [1156, 2035, 314], [1152, 2036, 314], [1157, 2046, 314], [1155, 2049, 314], [1155, 2054, 314], [1156, 2060, 314], [1152, 2061, 314], [1152, 2066, 314], [1157, 2076, 313], [1105, 2029, 313], [1106, 2035, 313], [1255, 2189, 313], [1253, 2192, 314], [1250, 2194, 314], [1250, 2199, 314], [1245, 2199, 314], [1258, 2217, 314], [1253, 2217, 314], [1248, 2217, 314], [1255, 2229, 314], [1251, 2230, 314], [1248, 2232, 314], [1243, 2232, 314], [1254, 2248, 314], [1250, 2249, 314], [1245, 2249, 315], [1243, 2252, 315], [1242, 2256, 315], [1237, 2256, 315], [1243, 2267, 315], [1241, 2270, 315], [1237, 2271, 315], [1237, 2276, 314], [1195, 2239, 314], [1196, 2245, 315], [1195, 2249, 315], [1190, 2249, 315], [1191, 2255, 315], [1161, 2230, 315], [1158, 2232, 315], [1158, 2237, 315], [1161, 2245, 315], [1160, 2249, 315], [1158, 2252, 315], [1157, 2256, 315], [1156, 2260, 315], [1158, 2267, 315], [1156, 2270, 315], [1156, 2275, 315], [1155, 2279, 315], [1152, 2281, 315], [1155, 2289, 315], [1156, 2295, 315], [1152, 2296, 315], [782, 1931, 314], [781, 1935, 314], [782, 1941, 315], [783, 1947, 315], [778, 1947, 315], [774, 1948, 315], [781, 1960, 314], [777, 1961, 314], [784, 1973, 314], [783, 1977, 315], [784, 1983, 315], [783, 1987, 315], [783, 1992, 315], [782, 1996, 315], [781, 2000, 315], [781, 2005, 315], [775, 2004, 315], [782, 2016, 315], [784, 2023, 315], [783, 2027, 315], [782, 2031, 315], [782, 2036, 315], [777, 2036, 315], [774, 2038, 315], [777, 2046, 315], [775, 2049, 315], [775, 2054, 315], [775, 2059, 314], [775, 2064, 314], [774, 2068, 314], [777, 2076, 314], [775, 2079, 314], [958, 2267, 314], [956, 2270, 314], [950, 2269, 314], [949, 2273, 314], [947, 2276, 314], [898, 2232, 314], [898, 2237, 314], [901, 2245, 314], [899, 2248, 314], [898, 2252, 314], [784, 2143, 314], [784, 2148, 314], [782, 2151, 314], [780, 2154, 314], [784, 2163, 314], [784, 2168, 314], [782, 2171, 315], [778, 2172, 315], [784, 2183, 315], [784, 2188, 315], [784, 2193, 315], [782, 2196, 315], [782, 2201, 315], [784, 2208, 315], [782, 2211, 315], [783, 2217, 315], [783, 2222, 315], [784, 2228, 315], [782, 2231, 315], [783, 2237, 315], [781, 2240, 315], [784, 2248, 315], [782, 2251, 315], [782, 2256, 315], [777, 2256, 315], [783, 2267, 315], [780, 2269, 315], [775, 2269, 315], [775, 2274, 315], [775, 2279, 315], [775, 2284, 315], [774, 2288, 315], [775, 2294, 315], [773, 2297, 315], [768, 2297, 315], [770, 2304, 315], [770, 2309, 315], [766, 2310, 314], [770, 2319, 314], [768, 2322, 314], [770, 2329, 314], [768, 2332, 314], [771, 2340, 314], [770, 2344, 314], [768, 2347, 313], [776, 2360, 313], [775, 2364, 313], [770, 2364, 313], [770, 2369, 313], [767, 2371, 313], [766, 2375, 313], [770, 2384, 313], [777, 2396, 312], [775, 2399, 312], [784, 2413, 312], [779, 2413, 312], [774, 2413, 312], [775, 2419, 312], [775, 2424, 312], [777, 2431, 312], [776, 2435, 312], [774, 2438, 312], [775, 2444, 312], [779, 2453, 312], [783, 2462, 312], [781, 2465, 312], [783, 2472, 312], [778, 2472, 312], [527, 2226, 312], [527, 2231, 312], [527, 2236, 312], [527, 2241, 313], [527, 2246, 313], [527, 2251, 313], [527, 2256, 313], [527, 2261, 313], [513, 2252, 313], [512, 2256, 313], [520, 2269, 313], [515, 2269, 313], [510, 2269, 313], [506, 2270, 313], [504, 2273, 313], [503, 2277, 313], [502, 2281, 313], [504, 2288, 312], [503, 2292, 312], [503, 2297, 312], [502, 2301, 312], [423, 2252, 312], [410, 2269, 312], [407, 2296, 312], [378, 2297, 312], [360, 2309, 311], [367, 2346, 311], [520, 2529, 310], [520, 2559, 310], [499, 2568, 310], [460, 2559, 310], [430, 2559, 310], [404, 2563, 310], [373, 2562, 310], [351, 2570, 309], [318, 2567, 308], [280, 2559, 308], [254, 2563, 307], [220, 2559, 307], [196, 2565, 306], [169, 2568, 306], [133, 2562, 305], [100, 2559, 304], [79, 2568, 304], [75, 2594, 303], [74, 2623, 302], [76, 2655, 301], [372, 2981, 301], [376, 3015, 301], [372, 3041, 301], [367, 3066, 300], [372, 3101, 300], [355, 3114, 300], [407, 3196, 300], [379, 3198, 300], [364, 3213, 300], [341, 3220, 299], [313, 3222, 298], [256, 3195, 298], [238, 3207, 298], [214, 3213, 298], [185, 3214, 297], [163, 3222, 297], [124, 3213, 296], [91, 3210, 296], [76, 3225, 296], [67, 3246, 295], [67, 3276, 293], [63, 3302, 290], [33, 3302, 288], [3, 3302, 285], [0, 3306, 282], [0, 3306, 280], [0, 3306, 277], [0, 3306, 275], [0, 3306, 273], [0, 3306, 270], [0, 3306, 268], [0, 3306, 266], [0, 3306, 263], [0, 3306, 261], [0, 3306, 259], [0, 3306, 257], [0, 3306, 255], [0, 3306, 253], [0, 3306, 251], [0, 3306, 249], [0, 3306, 247], [4953, 8792, 245], [4926, 8795, 245], [4893, 8792, 245], [4869, 8798, 245], [4832, 8791, 244], [4806, 8795, 244], [4777, 8796, 244], [4749, 8798, 243], [4718, 8797, 242], [4688, 8797, 241], [4659, 8798, 241], [4641, 8810, 239], [4614, 8813, 238], [4569, 8798, 237], [4539, 8798, 235], [4509, 8798, 234], [4492, 8811, 233], [4464, 8813, 231], [4434, 8813, 230], [4404, 8813, 228], [4374, 8813, 227], [4344, 8813, 226], [4301, 8800, 224], [4284, 8813, 223], [4254, 8813, 222], [4206, 8795, 220], [4194, 8813, 219], [4149, 8798, 218], [4134, 8813, 217], [4090, 8799, 216], [4074, 8813, 215], [4044, 8813, 213], [3999, 8798, 212], [3984, 8813, 211], [3954, 8813, 210], [4087, 8908, 209], [4057, 8908, 208], [4027, 8908, 206], [3997, 8908, 205], [3967, 8908, 204], [3937, 8908, 203], [3907, 8908, 202], [3877, 8908, 201], [3847, 8908, 200], [3638, 8797, 199], [3608, 8797, 198], [3578, 8797, 198], [3547, 8796, 198], [3522, 8801, 197], [3504, 8813, 196], [3474, 8813, 195], [3444, 8813, 194], [3414, 8813, 193], [3514, 8875, 192], [3339, 8798, 192], [3331, 8813, 191], [3324, 8813, 190], [3307, 8813, 189], [3307, 8813, 188], [3338, 8879, 187], [3335, 8906, 186], [3331, 8908, 185], [6240, 11729, 185], [6236, 11755, 186], [6231, 11780, 186], [6235, 11814, 186], [6235, 11844, 187], [6233, 11872, 187], [6239, 11908, 188], [6236, 11935, 188], [6232, 11961, 188], [6238, 11997, 189], [6236, 12025, 189], [6230, 12049, 189], [6235, 12084, 190], [6260, 12139, 190], [6235, 12144, 191], [6221, 12160, 191], [6230, 12199, 191], [6381, 12380, 191], [6235, 12264, 192], [6230, 12289, 192], [6239, 12328, 193], [6240, 12359, 193], [6231, 12380, 193], [6211, 12390, 193], [6230, 12439, 193], [6235, 12474, 194], [6230, 12499, 194], [6236, 12535, 194], [6220, 12549, 194], [6240, 12599, 195], [6221, 12610, 195], [6227, 12646, 195], [6198, 12647, 195], [6167, 12646, 195], [6098, 12607, 195], [6101, 12640, 195], [6035, 12604, 196], [6037, 12636, 196], [6017, 12646, 196], [5938, 12597, 196], [5921, 12610, 196], [5925, 12644, 196], [5895, 12644, 196], [5867, 12646, 196], [5692, 12501, 196], [5702, 12541, 197], [5681, 12550, 197], [5705, 12604, 197], [5682, 12611, 197], [5685, 12644, 197], [5658, 12647, 197], [5628, 12647, 197], [5596, 12645, 197], [5567, 12646, 197], [5535, 12644, 197], [5509, 12648, 197], [5432, 12601, 197], [5402, 12601, 197], [5383, 12612, 198], [5387, 12646, 198], [5358, 12647, 198], [5327, 12646, 197], [5252, 12601, 198], [5252, 12631, 198], [5239, 12648, 198], [5208, 12647, 197], [5141, 12610, 197], [5146, 12645, 198], [5117, 12646, 198], [5085, 12644, 198], [5058, 12647, 197], [4930, 12549, 197], [4953, 12602, 198], [4931, 12610, 198], [4935, 12644, 198], [4873, 12612, 198], [4874, 12643, 198], [4806, 12605, 198], [4810, 12639, 198], [4788, 12647, 198], [4756, 12645, 198], [4728, 12647, 198], [4698, 12647, 197], [4668, 12647, 197], [4640, 12649, 197], [4611, 12650, 196], [4578, 12647, 196], [4550, 12649, 195], [4518, 12647, 195], [4492, 12651, 194], [4459, 12648, 194], [4452, 12671, 193], [4401, 12650, 192], [4383, 12662, 192], [4340, 12649, 191], [4332, 12671, 191], [4301, 12670, 190], [4287, 12686, 190], [4266, 12695, 189], [4192, 12651, 188], [4197, 12686, 188], [4149, 12668, 187], [4099, 12648, 187], [4090, 12669, 186], [4085, 12694, 186], [4085, 12724, 185], [3998, 12667, 185], [3950, 12649, 184], [5937, 14577, 184], [5938, 14608, 185], [5911, 14611, 185], [5881, 14611, 185], [5851, 14611, 185], [5822, 14612, 185], [5757, 14577, 185], [5727, 14577, 185], [5728, 14608, 185], [5701, 14611, 186], [5671, 14611, 186], [5641, 14611, 186], [5611, 14611, 186], [5581, 14611, 186], [5551, 14611, 186], [5521, 14611, 186], [5491, 14611, 186], [5437, 14587, 186], [5431, 14611, 186], [5401, 14611, 186], [5371, 14611, 187], [5342, 14612, 186], [5311, 14611, 186], [5257, 14587, 186], [5251, 14611, 187], [5222, 14612, 187], [5191, 14611, 186], [5152, 14602, 187], [5132, 14612, 187], [5101, 14611, 187], [5071, 14611, 187], [5042, 14612, 186], [5003, 14603, 186], [4972, 14602, 187], [4951, 14611, 187], [4921, 14611, 187], [4891, 14611, 187], [4861, 14611, 187], [4807, 14587, 187], [4801, 14611, 187], [4771, 14611, 187], [4742, 14612, 187], [4711, 14611, 187], [208, 8650, 187], [80, 8552, 187], [80, 8582, 188], [91, 8623, 188], [88, 8650, 188], [67, 8659, 188], [76, 8698, 188], [77, 8729, 188], [83, 8765, 189], [80, 8792, 189], [67, 8809, 189], [41, 8813, 188], [11, 8813, 188], [58, 8822, 187], [67, 8861, 187], [68, 8892, 186], [54, 8908, 186], [24, 8908, 185], [0, 8914, 185], [0, 8944, 184], [64, 9166, 180], [0, 9402, 175], [67, 9769, 171], [67, 10069, 169], [50, 10352, 167], [83, 10685, 168], [352, 11254, 168], [397, 11599, 170], [222, 11724, 173], [351, 12153, 175], [219, 12321, 177], [77, 12479, 178], [22, 12724, 177], [67, 12980, 174], [66, 13279, 171], [221, 13734, 171], [37, 13850, 172], [464, 14577, 172], [198, 14611, 174]], 'time_in_bucket': [2583, 17, 20, 12, 13, 23, 17, 22, 19, 13, 20, 12, 18, 18, 9, 9, 23, 15, 10, 17, 15, 17, 13, 13, 10, 19, 21, 9, 8, 9, 11, 13, 4, 12, 12, 11, 7, 14, 12, 9, 16, 10, 8, 9, 7, 8, 7, 12, 15, 6, 5, 11, 13, 12, 10, 5, 12, 7, 3, 13, 14, 13, 12, 5, 10, 5, 9, 9, 12, 6, 6, 3, 9, 12, 11, 15, 9, 11, 12, 5, 8, 11, 13, 7, 10, 9, 4, 5, 4, 8, 10, 8, 16, 11, 18, 6, 12, 11, 12, 13, 3, 10, 15, 6, 14, 12, 10, 14, 9, 11, 17, 7, 10, 14, 12, 14, 15, 13, 15, 15, 10, 11, 14, 10, 11, 12, 16, 15, 13, 14, 17, 11, 18, 13, 12, 19, 18, 25, 13, 16, 8, 12, 8, 16, 13, 9, 9, 9, 18, 14, 12, 12, 17, 14, 14, 20, 17, 24, 17, 18, 10, 11, 22, 17, 19, 11, 20, 16, 10, 14, 16, 28, 13, 17, 21, 28, 27, 20, 20, 20, 25, 23, 27, 23, 33, 24, 37, 20, 35, 31, 25, 21, 30, 30, 18, 30, 29, 39, 31, 30, 38, 32, 27, 29, 27, 35, 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14028, 473], [14018, 14029, 461], [33658, 33670, 458], [33657, 33670, 458], [33656, 33670, 454], [33655, 33670, 450], [33654, 33670, 450], [33653, 33670, 452], [33652, 33670, 452], [33645, 33664, 452], [33645, 33665, 451], [33643, 33664, 448], [33648, 33670, 448], [33647, 33670, 450], [33646, 33670, 451], [33645, 33670, 452], [33644, 33670, 450], [33643, 33670, 449], [33642, 33670, 449], [33641, 33670, 448], [33640, 33670, 449], [33639, 33670, 448], [33638, 33670, 447], [33637, 33670, 446], [33636, 33670, 446], [33635, 33670, 447], [33634, 33670, 447], [33633, 33670, 446], [33632, 33670, 445], [33631, 33670, 445], [33630, 33670, 445], [33629, 33670, 444], [33634, 33676, 444], [33633, 33676, 443], [33633, 33677, 443], [33631, 33676, 442], [33630, 33676, 442], [33629, 33676, 442], [33629, 33677, 441], [33628, 33677, 440], [33627, 33677, 439], [33634, 33685, 439], [33634, 33686, 439], [33633, 33686, 438], [33631, 33685, 438], [33630, 33685, 438], [33630, 33686, 438], [33629, 33686, 437], [33628, 33686, 437], [33627, 33686, 436], [33626, 33686, 435], [33625, 33686, 434], [33630, 33692, 433], [33629, 33692, 433], [33629, 33693, 432], [33628, 33693, 432], [33627, 33693, 431], [33633, 33700, 430], [33631, 33699, 430], [33630, 33699, 430], [33629, 33699, 430], [33629, 33700, 430], [33628, 33700, 430], [33627, 33700, 429], [33632, 33706, 428], [33631, 33706, 428], [33630, 33706, 429], [33629, 33706, 428], [33628, 33706, 428], [33627, 33706, 427], [33626, 33706, 427], [33630, 33711, 426], [33629, 33711, 426], [33628, 33711, 426], [33628, 33712, 425], [33627, 33712, 425], [33626, 33712, 424], [33625, 33712, 424], [33624, 33712, 423], [33623, 33712, 422], [33626, 33716, 421], [33625, 33716, 421], [33624, 33716, 420], [33624, 33717, 419], [33623, 33717, 418], [33622, 33717, 417], [33621, 33717, 416], [33620, 33717, 415], [33619, 33717, 414], [33618, 33717, 412], [33617, 33717, 411], [33615, 33716, 410], [33615, 33717, 410], [33614, 33717, 409], [33613, 33717, 408], [33612, 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[33564, 33717, 370], [33608, 33762, 369], [33608, 33763, 369], [33607, 33763, 368], [33560, 33717, 368], [33559, 33717, 367], [33558, 33717, 367], [33557, 33717, 367], [33556, 33717, 366], [33555, 33717, 366], [33554, 33717, 365], [33553, 33717, 365], [33608, 33773, 364], [33550, 33716, 364], [33550, 33717, 364], [33549, 33717, 363], [33548, 33717, 363], [33555, 33725, 362], [33554, 33725, 362], [33553, 33725, 361], [33544, 33717, 361], [33550, 33724, 361], [33549, 33724, 360], [33549, 33725, 360], [33548, 33725, 359], [33539, 33717, 359], [33538, 33717, 359], [33537, 33717, 358], [33536, 33717, 358], [33535, 33717, 358], [33534, 33717, 357], [33532, 33716, 357], [33531, 33716, 357], [33531, 33717, 357], [33530, 33717, 357], [33529, 33717, 357], [33528, 33717, 356], [33527, 33717, 356], [33526, 33717, 356], [33525, 33717, 355], [33524, 33717, 355], [33523, 33717, 355], [33522, 33717, 354], [33529, 33725, 354], [33520, 33717, 354], [33519, 33717, 353], [33526, 33725, 353], [33525, 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[33431, 33950, 328], [33432, 33956, 327], [33431, 33960, 327], [33422, 33956, 326], [33421, 33960, 325], [33417, 33961, 325], [33431, 33980, 324], [33432, 33986, 324], [33435, 33994, 324], [33436, 34000, 324], [33432, 34001, 324], [33435, 34009, 324], [33434, 34013, 324], [33435, 34019, 324], [33435, 34024, 324], [33433, 34027, 324], [33432, 34031, 323], [33431, 34035, 323], [33431, 34040, 323], [33431, 34045, 322], [33431, 34050, 322], [33430, 34054, 322], [33432, 34061, 321], [33432, 34066, 321], [33431, 34070, 321], [33427, 34071, 320], [33421, 34070, 320], [33417, 34071, 319], [33429, 34088, 319], [33422, 34086, 318], [33417, 34086, 318], [33416, 34090, 317], [33420, 34099, 316], [33429, 34113, 316], [33431, 34120, 316], [33431, 34125, 315], [33429, 34128, 315], [33238, 33942, 315], [33238, 33947, 315], [33237, 33951, 315], [33230, 33949, 315], [33220, 33944, 315], [33210, 33939, 314], [33209, 33943, 314], [33209, 33948, 314], [33199, 33943, 314], [33200, 33949, 314], [33186, 33940, 314], [33172, 33931, 314], [33171, 33935, 315], [33169, 33938, 315], [33169, 33943, 315], [33169, 33948, 315], [33156, 33940, 315], [33154, 33943, 315], [33154, 33948, 315], [33150, 33949, 315], [33144, 33948, 315], [33143, 33952, 314], [33143, 33957, 314], [33142, 33961, 314], [33144, 33968, 313], [33143, 33972, 313], [33107, 33941, 313], [33106, 33945, 313], [33169, 34013, 313], [33169, 34018, 313], [33169, 34023, 313], [33169, 34028, 313], [33169, 34033, 313], [33158, 34027, 313], [33066, 33940, 313], [33064, 33943, 313], [33056, 33940, 313], [33053, 33942, 313], [33055, 33949, 313], [33052, 33951, 313], [33045, 33949, 313], [33045, 33954, 313], [33022, 33936, 313], [33021, 33940, 313], [33016, 33940, 313], [33013, 33942, 313], [33013, 33947, 313], [33012, 33951, 313], [33012, 33956, 313], [33003, 33952, 313], [33002, 33956, 312], [32997, 33956, 312], [32992, 33956, 312], [32991, 33960, 312], [33053, 34027, 311], [33052, 34031, 311], [33046, 34030, 311], [33045, 34034, 311], [33013, 34007, 311], [33014, 34013, 311], [33014, 34018, 311], [33014, 34023, 311], [33013, 34027, 312], [33012, 34031, 311], [33012, 34036, 311], [33011, 34040, 311], [33003, 34037, 311], [32997, 34036, 311], [32996, 34040, 311], [32991, 34040, 311], [32996, 34050, 310], [33003, 34062, 310], [32997, 34061, 310], [32997, 34066, 310], [32996, 34070, 310], [32991, 34070, 310], [32991, 34075, 309], [32997, 34086, 309], [32991, 34085, 309], [32989, 34088, 309], [32966, 34070, 308], [32965, 34074, 308], [32972, 34086, 308], [32966, 34085, 308], [32964, 34088, 307], [32958, 34087, 307], [32902, 34036, 307], [32888, 34027, 307], [32887, 34031, 307], [32886, 34035, 307], [32873, 34027, 307], [32860, 34019, 307], [32862, 34026, 307], [32858, 34027, 307], [32860, 34034, 307], [32859, 34038, 307], [32857, 34041, 307], [32851, 34040, 307], [32846, 34040, 307], [32859, 34058, 307], [32858, 34062, 306], [32858, 34067, 306], [32857, 34071, 306], [32851, 34070, 306], [32846, 34070, 306], [32846, 34075, 306], [32846, 34080, 305], [32846, 34085, 305], [32843, 34087, 305], [3061, 4310, 305], [3055, 4309, 305], [3051, 4310, 305], [3045, 4309, 305], [3040, 4309, 305], [3037, 4311, 305], [3039, 4318, 305], [3025, 4309, 304], [2811, 4100, 304], [3167, 4461, 305], [3170, 4469, 305], [3166, 4470, 305], [2988, 4297, 305], [2983, 4297, 305], [2986, 4305, 305], [2986, 4310, 305], [3551, 4880, 305], [3551, 4885, 304], [3595, 4934, 304], [3591, 4935, 305], [3554, 4903, 305], [3581, 4935, 305], [3582, 4941, 305], [3577, 4941, 305], [3580, 4949, 305], [3581, 4955, 305], [3555, 4934, 305], [3551, 4935, 305], [3552, 4941, 305], [3552, 4946, 305], [3551, 4950, 305], [3551, 4955, 305], [3550, 4959, 305], [3550, 4964, 305], [3551, 4970, 304], [3551, 4975, 304], [3552, 4981, 304], [3551, 4985, 305], [3551, 4990, 305], [3491, 4935, 305], [3492, 4941, 305], [3487, 4941, 305], [3488, 4947, 305], [3491, 4955, 305], [3487, 4956, 305], [3485, 4959, 304], [3462, 4941, 304], [3457, 4941, 304], [3493, 4982, 304], [3492, 4986, 304], [3487, 4986, 304], [3485, 4989, 304], [3446, 4955, 304], [3385, 4899, 304], [3384, 4903, 304], [3384, 4908, 304], [3460, 4989, 304], [3455, 4989, 304], [3447, 4986, 304], [3390, 4934, 304], [3385, 4934, 304], [3385, 4939, 304], [3383, 4942, 304], [3384, 4948, 304], [3385, 4954, 304], [3384, 4958, 304], [3379, 4958, 304], [3379, 4963, 304], [3384, 4973, 304], [3385, 4979, 304], [3385, 4984, 304], [3384, 4988, 304], [3378, 4987, 304], [3376, 4990, 304], [3383, 5002, 304], [3377, 5001, 304], [3377, 5006, 304], [3377, 5011, 303], [3303, 4942, 303], [3384, 5028, 304], [3384, 5033, 303], [3287, 4941, 303], [3290, 4949, 303], [3291, 4955, 303], [3234, 4903, 303], [3229, 4903, 303], [3199, 4878, 304], [3194, 4878, 304], [3190, 4879, 304], [3183, 4877, 304], [3174, 4873, 304], [3173, 4877, 304], [3169, 4878, 304], [3167, 4881, 304], [3166, 4885, 304], [3171, 4895, 304], [3169, 4898, 304], [3169, 4903, 304], [3165, 4904, 304], [3165, 4909, 304], [3160, 4909, 304], [3172, 4926, 304], [3175, 4934, 304], [3170, 4934, 304], [3166, 4935, 304], [3167, 4941, 304], [3169, 4948, 304], [3167, 4951, 304], [3166, 4955, 304], [3165, 4959, 304], [3160, 4959, 304], [3160, 4989, 304], [3169, 5028, 304], [3062, 4951, 304], [3062, 4981, 304], [2986, 4935, 303], [2984, 4963, 303], [2982, 4991, 303], [2989, 5028, 303], [2811, 4880, 303], [2810, 4909, 303], [2811, 4940, 303], [2811, 4970, 303], [2811, 5000, 303], [2810, 5029, 302], [2810, 5059, 302], [2811, 5090, 302], [2810, 5119, 302], [2805, 5144, 300], [2754, 5123, 297], [2745, 5144, 295], [2721, 5150, 292], [7125, 9584, 291], [7099, 9588, 292], [7086, 9605, 292], [7038, 9587, 291], [7097, 9676, 292], [7094, 9703, 291], [7037, 9676, 291], [7033, 9702, 291], [7031, 9730, 291], [7038, 9767, 291], [7037, 9796, 290], [7124, 9913, 290], [7094, 9913, 290], [7059, 9908, 290], [7033, 9912, 290], [7152, 10061, 290], [7124, 10063, 290], [7094, 10063, 290], [7061, 10060, 290], [7037, 10066, 290], [7086, 10145, 290], [7086, 10175, 290], [7094, 10213, 290], [7096, 10245, 290], [7096, 10275, 290], [7124, 10333, 290], [7094, 10333, 290], [7059, 10328, 290], [7033, 10332, 290], [7086, 10415, 290], [7047, 10406, 290], [7041, 10430, 290], [7037, 10456, 289], [7013, 10462, 288], [6980, 10459, 287], [6612, 10121, 287], [6608, 10147, 287], [6611, 10180, 287], [6612, 10211, 287], [6612, 10241, 287], [6614, 10273, 287], [6612, 10301, 287], [6613, 10332, 287], [6606, 10355, 287], [6612, 10391, 287], [6606, 10415, 287], [6612, 10451, 286], [6598, 10467, 286], [6563, 10462, 285], [6532, 10461, 284], [6503, 10462, 283], [6500, 10470, 281], [6475, 10469, 279], [6470, 10470, 277], [6462, 10470, 275], [6462, 10470, 273], [6500, 10550, 271], [997, 5128, 270], [962, 5123, 269], [930, 5121, 269], [899, 5120, 268], [886, 5137, 268], [859, 5140, 267], [832, 5143, 266], [806, 5147, 266], [779, 5150, 264], [736, 5137, 263], [706, 5137, 262], [689, 5150, 261], [659, 5150, 260], [629, 5150, 258], [599, 5150, 256], [568, 5149, 255], [531, 5142, 254], [501, 5142, 253], [479, 5150, 252], [449, 5150, 250], [423, 5150, 249], [420, 5150, 247], [368, 5128, 246], [334, 5124, 245], [305, 5125, 245], [287, 5137, 244], [262, 5142, 244], [232, 5142, 244], [18801, 23689, 243], [18803, 23721, 244], [18799, 23747, 243], [18768, 23746, 243], [18715, 23723, 243], [18708, 23746, 243], [18698, 23766, 242], [18696, 23794, 241], [12562, 17747, 240], [12514, 17729, 240], [12509, 17754, 239], [12481, 17756, 239], [12442, 17747, 239], [12412, 17747, 239], [12350, 17715, 238], [12342, 17737, 239], [12322, 17747, 238], [12302, 17757, 238], [12274, 17759, 237], [12263, 17777, 236], [12263, 17777, 235], [12263, 17777, 234], [12263, 17777, 233], [12263, 17777, 231], [12279, 17811, 230], [12263, 17811, 229], [12263, 17838, 228], [12272, 17894, 227], [12274, 17926, 226], [12275, 17957, 225], [12263, 17957, 223], [12267, 18009, 222], [12263, 18009, 221], [12279, 18081, 220], [12263, 18082, 219], [12274, 18136, 218], [12263, 18153, 217], [12158, 17737, 217], [12138, 17747, 217], [12108, 17747, 217], [12078, 17747, 217], [12075, 17774, 216], [12028, 17757, 216], [11999, 17758, 216], [21549, 27256, 216], [21548, 27285, 216], [21550, 27317, 216], [21552, 27349, 216], [21549, 27376, 217], [21550, 27407, 217], [21541, 27427, 217], [21538, 27454, 217], [21539, 27485, 218], [21577, 27553, 218], [21554, 27560, 218], [21550, 27586, 218], [21552, 27618, 219], [21550, 27646, 219], [21551, 27677, 219], [21548, 27704, 219], [21553, 27739, 220], [21538, 27754, 220], [21553, 27799, 220], [21537, 27813, 220], [21567, 27873, 221], [21552, 27888, 221], [21538, 27904, 221], [21678, 28074, 221], [21676, 28102, 222], [21652, 28108, 222], [21615, 28101, 222], [21575, 28091, 222], [21555, 28101, 223], [21537, 28113, 223], [21500, 28106, 223], [21474, 28108, 223], [21446, 28110, 223], [21413, 28107, 223], [21393, 28117, 223], [21355, 28109, 223], [21341, 28125, 222], [21311, 28125, 221], [21224, 28068, 221], [21223, 28097, 222], [21220, 28124, 221], [21191, 28125, 220], [21177, 28125, 220], [2808, 9779, 220], [2807, 9808, 220], [2810, 9841, 220], [2810, 9871, 220], [2812, 9903, 221], [2811, 9932, 221], [2811, 9962, 221], [2810, 9991, 221], [2833, 10044, 222], [2811, 10052, 222], [2809, 10080, 222], [2811, 10112, 222], [2810, 10141, 223], [2813, 10174, 223], [2813, 10204, 223], [2811, 10232, 223], [2810, 10261, 224], [2811, 10292, 224], [2812, 10323, 224], [2807, 10348, 224], [2810, 10381, 224], [2806, 10407, 225], [2806, 10437, 225], [2805, 10466, 225], [2779, 10470, 224], [2744, 10465, 224], [2719, 10470, 223], [2689, 10470, 222], [2659, 10470, 222], [2629, 10470, 221], [1503, 9336, 221], [1498, 9361, 221], [1509, 9402, 221], [1499, 9422, 221], [1503, 9456, 221], [1549, 9532, 222], [1519, 9532, 222], [1505, 9548, 222], [1514, 9587, 222], [1507, 9610, 223], [1503, 9636, 223], [1513, 9676, 223], [1500, 9693, 223], [1501, 9724, 223], [1502, 9755, 224], [1503, 9786, 224], [1502, 9815, 224], [1503, 9846, 224], [1955, 10328, 224], [1503, 9906, 224], [1500, 9933, 225], [1598, 10061, 225], [1568, 10061, 225], [1522, 10045, 225], [1508, 10061, 226], [1497, 10080, 226], [1526, 10139, 226], [1503, 10146, 226], [1501, 10174, 226], [1507, 10210, 227], [1501, 10234, 227], [1500, 10263, 227], [1502, 10295, 227], [1505, 10328, 227], [1501, 10354, 227], [1523, 10406, 228], [1502, 10415, 228], [1500, 10443, 228], [1487, 10460, 228], [1454, 10457, 228], [1424, 10457, 228], [1352, 10415, 228], [1340, 10433, 228], [1337, 10460, 228], [1309, 10462, 228], [1248, 10431, 228], [1247, 10460, 228], [1227, 10470, 227], [1188, 10461, 227], [1158, 10461, 227], [1128, 10461, 227], [1093, 10456, 227], [1068, 10461, 226], [1038, 10461, 226], [1004, 10457, 226], [973, 10456, 226], [949, 10462, 226], [918, 10461, 226], [885, 10458, 226], [859, 10462, 225], [831, 10464, 225], [805, 10468, 225], [769, 10462, 224], [736, 10459, 224], [706, 10459, 224], [677, 10460, 224], [657, 10470, 223], [627, 10470, 222], [597, 10470, 222], [567, 10470, 221], [529, 10462, 221], [496, 10459, 221], [477, 10470, 220], [447, 10470, 220], [423, 10470, 219], [496, 10497, 218], [378, 10460, 218], [88, 10470, 216], [12940, 23680, 212], [6613, 17638, 213], [12420, 23723, 212], [12336, 23939, 211], [12263, 24117, 208], [12263, 24425, 204], [16167, 28111, 202], [18729, 31195, 201], [15569, 28113, 198], [15264, 28108, 199], [14172, 27316, 200], [14296, 27739, 201], [14358, 28101, 203], [14067, 28110, 203], [12764, 27082, 202], [12779, 27397, 204], [12823, 27740, 205], [12884, 28101, 206], [12629, 28109, 206], [12329, 28109, 206], [1507, 17546, 204], [1390, 17729, 206], [1117, 17756, 205], [6612, 23605, 205], [6501, 23794, 205], [6489, 24057, 204], [6470, 24305, 201], [6470, 24582, 198], [12671, 30862, 197], [12708, 31199, 197], [12404, 31195, 197], [1585, 20413, 198], [1441, 20569, 199], [1143, 20571, 199], [848, 20576, 198], [7038, 27009, 198], [7037, 27308, 199], [7037, 27607, 200], [7033, 27903, 201], [6612, 27782, 201], [6612, 28082, 202], [6462, 28125, 201], [1513, 23520, 201], [1416, 23723, 202], [1117, 23724, 201], [839, 23746, 201], [849, 24056, 200], [531, 24038, 199], [272, 24048, 198], [0, 24076, 196], [6612, 30793, 196], [6612, 31093, 196], [6470, 31201, 196], [2810, 27532, 196], [2810, 27832, 197], [2803, 28125, 198], [1500, 27085, 197], [1508, 27393, 198], [1499, 27683, 199], [1504, 27988, 200], [1326, 28110, 200], [1024, 28108, 200], [729, 28113, 199], [433, 28117, 198], [157, 28110, 197], [0, 28134, 195], [0, 28305, 194], [1507, 30104, 193], [1500, 30395, 194], [1514, 30709, 194], [1362, 30857, 195], [1400, 31195, 195], [1101, 31196, 195], [805, 31200, 195], [503, 31198, 194], [231, 31195, 193], [0, 31229, 192], [0, 31529, 190], [2810, 34140, 190], [2809, 34439, 190], [2050, 33942, 190], [1949, 34141, 190], [1534, 34026, 191], [1501, 34293, 192], [1348, 34440, 192], [1122, 34514, 192], [836, 34528, 192], [627, 34619, 191], [253, 34514, 191], [57, 34618, 190], [1326, 35970, 189], [1500, 36444, 190], [1502, 36746, 191], [1349, 36893, 191], [1361, 37205, 191], [1249, 37393, 191], [882, 37326, 191], [656, 37400, 191], [313, 37326, 190], [87, 37400, 189], [0, 37491, 188], [0, 37791, 187]], 'time_in_bucket': [7110, 31, 44, 35, 33, 66, 55, 46, 36, 34, 41, 32, 33, 37, 25, 36, 40, 29, 36, 27, 30, 28, 18, 40, 36, 20, 37, 21, 31, 25, 28, 18, 24, 18, 17, 28, 24, 29, 33, 28, 22, 14, 21, 23, 23, 32, 23, 14, 19, 23, 20, 22, 28, 13, 14, 17, 16, 20, 21, 14, 19, 28, 13, 21, 20, 18, 20, 15, 8, 18, 19, 26, 35, 21, 14, 17, 9, 21, 26, 38, 29, 27, 21, 21, 16, 17, 21, 23, 23, 15, 23, 15, 17, 27, 26, 27, 31, 29, 18, 34, 21, 25, 31, 23, 26, 23, 20, 28, 22, 27, 29, 22, 31, 24, 28, 30, 32, 45, 32, 42, 24, 33, 21, 22, 26, 35, 42, 39, 28, 33, 25, 30, 27, 29, 33, 37, 21, 27, 31, 29, 37, 34, 43, 45, 30, 32, 41, 35, 36, 27, 35, 32, 32, 39, 38, 32, 39, 28, 26, 40, 31, 31, 32, 42, 20, 47, 42, 34, 29, 43, 41, 40, 28, 33, 37, 41, 40, 51, 23, 45, 66, 38, 41, 46, 52, 36, 51, 61, 50, 50, 56, 57, 56, 55, 55, 70, 62, 56, 50, 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[14110, 15299, 289], [14109, 15303, 289], [14110, 15309, 289], [14108, 15312, 289], [14109, 15318, 289], [14108, 15322, 288], [14109, 15328, 288], [14110, 15334, 288], [14111, 15340, 288], [14111, 15345, 288], [14110, 15349, 289], [14110, 15354, 289], [14110, 15359, 289], [14109, 15363, 289], [14109, 15368, 289], [14110, 15374, 288], [14108, 15377, 288], [14105, 15379, 287], [14105, 15384, 286], [14104, 15388, 285], [14099, 15388, 284], [14081, 15375, 283], [14076, 15375, 283], [14071, 15375, 283], [14066, 15375, 282], [14061, 15375, 282], [14056, 15375, 282], [14051, 15375, 281], [14046, 15375, 281], [14041, 15375, 280], [14036, 15375, 280], [14031, 15375, 280], [14026, 15375, 279], [14021, 15375, 279], [14017, 15376, 279], [14011, 15375, 279], [14006, 15375, 278], [14001, 15375, 278], [13996, 15375, 278], [13991, 15375, 278], [13986, 15375, 277], [13981, 15375, 277], [13976, 15375, 277], [13971, 15375, 276], [13966, 15375, 276], [13961, 15375, 276], [13956, 15375, 275], [13951, 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[8333, 10992, 245], [8328, 11017, 245], [8336, 11055, 245], [8332, 11081, 245], [8329, 11108, 245], [8301, 11110, 245], [8268, 11107, 244], [8165, 11034, 244], [8162, 11061, 244], [8152, 11081, 245], [8128, 11087, 245], [8119, 11108, 244], [7961, 10980, 244], [7968, 11017, 245], [7962, 11041, 245], [7964, 11073, 245], [7962, 11101, 245], [7948, 11117, 244], [7909, 11108, 242], [7881, 11110, 241], [7814, 11073, 241], [7792, 11081, 241], [7785, 11104, 241], [7761, 11110, 240], [7738, 11117, 240], [7705, 11114, 239], [7671, 11110, 237], [7634, 11103, 237], [7626, 11117, 236], [7626, 11117, 234], [7457, 10978, 233], [7466, 11017, 234], [7460, 11041, 234], [7462, 11073, 234], [7440, 11081, 234], [7436, 11107, 234], [7407, 11108, 234], [7405, 11117, 232], [7405, 11117, 231], [7405, 11117, 229], [7377, 11117, 227], [7338, 11108, 227], [7305, 11105, 227], [7298, 11117, 225], [7260, 11109, 225], [7234, 11113, 224], [7178, 11087, 224], [7177, 11116, 224], [7147, 11116, 222], [7111, 11110, 222], [7086, 11115, 221], [7050, 11109, 221], [7022, 11111, 220], [6995, 11114, 219], [6965, 11114, 219], [6938, 11117, 217], [6908, 11117, 216], [6878, 11117, 215], [6848, 11117, 213], [6814, 11113, 212], [6788, 11117, 211], [6758, 11117, 210], [6349, 10738, 209], [6348, 10767, 210], [6349, 10798, 210], [6348, 10827, 210], [6348, 10857, 210], [6348, 10887, 211], [6348, 10917, 211], [6348, 10947, 211], [6348, 10977, 212], [6349, 11008, 212], [6348, 11037, 212], [6349, 11068, 212], [6348, 11097, 213], [6338, 11117, 212], [6308, 11117, 211], [6276, 11115, 210], [6248, 11117, 210], [6218, 11117, 209], [6188, 11117, 208], [6158, 11117, 206], [6128, 11117, 205], [6092, 11111, 204], [6068, 11117, 203], [6038, 11117, 202], [6007, 11116, 201], [5978, 11117, 200], [443, 5725, 200], [471, 5783, 200], [462, 5804, 200], [441, 5813, 200], [423, 5825, 200], [372, 5804, 200], [342, 5804, 200], [328, 5820, 201], [164, 5686, 201], [162, 5714, 201], [160, 5742, 201], [160, 5772, 201], [162, 5804, 201], [164, 5836, 201], [144, 5846, 201], [114, 5846, 200], [83, 5845, 199], [54, 5846, 199], [24, 5846, 198], [0, 5852, 198], [5340, 11105, 198], [5314, 11109, 198], [5286, 11111, 198], [5253, 11108, 198], [5224, 11109, 198], [5193, 11108, 198], [5159, 11104, 198], [5142, 11117, 197], [5112, 11117, 197], [5082, 11117, 196], [5052, 11117, 195], [4667, 10762, 195], [4606, 10731, 195], [4607, 10762, 196], [4566, 10751, 196], [4565, 10780, 196], [4570, 10815, 196], [4566, 10841, 197], [4567, 10872, 197], [4566, 10901, 197], [4566, 10931, 198], [4570, 10965, 198], [4566, 10991, 198], [4570, 11025, 198], [4566, 11051, 199], [4566, 11081, 199], [4565, 11110, 199], [4542, 11117, 198], [4512, 11117, 197], [4482, 11117, 197], [4452, 11117, 196], [4416, 11111, 196], [4392, 11117, 195], [4362, 11117, 194], [4331, 11116, 193], [4302, 11117, 193], [4268, 11113, 192], [4242, 11117, 192], [4205, 11110, 191], [8335, 15085, 191], [8505, 15285, 192], [8501, 15311, 192], [8463, 15303, 193], [8497, 15367, 193], [8403, 15303, 193], [8373, 15303, 194], [8336, 15296, 194], [8377, 15367, 194], [8336, 15356, 195], [8325, 15375, 195], [8295, 15375, 195], [8265, 15375, 195], [8235, 15375, 195], [8197, 15367, 195], [8168, 15368, 196], [8138, 15368, 196], [8115, 15375, 196], [8012, 15302, 196], [7972, 15292, 196], [7961, 15311, 197], [7969, 15349, 197], [7961, 15371, 197], [7948, 15388, 197], [7905, 15375, 196], [7880, 15380, 196], [7831, 15361, 196], [7807, 15367, 196], [7785, 15375, 197], [7754, 15374, 197], [7727, 15377, 196], [7698, 15378, 196], [7670, 15380, 196], [7635, 15375, 196], [7626, 15388, 195], [7626, 15425, 195], [7582, 15374, 195], [7552, 15374, 195], [7509, 15361, 195], [7484, 15366, 195], [7457, 15369, 196], [7433, 15375, 196], [7406, 15378, 196], [7405, 15388, 195], [7405, 15425, 194], [7405, 15464, 194], [7364, 15375, 193], [7335, 15376, 193], [7304, 15375, 193], [7298, 15388, 193], [7260, 15380, 192], [7225, 15375, 192], [7181, 15361, 192], [2178, 10646, 192], [2140, 10638, 193], [2121, 10649, 193], [2173, 10731, 193], [2174, 10762, 194], [2143, 10761, 194], [1925, 10573, 194], [1924, 10602, 194], [1924, 10632, 195], [1924, 10662, 195], [1924, 10692, 195], [1924, 10722, 195], [1924, 10752, 196], [1922, 10780, 196], [1920, 10808, 196], [1916, 10834, 196], [1924, 10872, 196], [1918, 10896, 197], [1924, 10932, 197], [1926, 10964, 197], [1923, 10991, 197], [1919, 11017, 197], [1924, 11052, 198], [1923, 11081, 198], [1919, 11107, 198], [1843, 11061, 198], [1841, 11089, 198], [1833, 11111, 198], [1801, 11109, 198], [1719, 11057, 198], [1713, 11081, 198], [1711, 11109, 198], [1381, 10809, 199], [1383, 10841, 199], [1276, 10764, 199], [1282, 10800, 199], [1277, 10825, 199], [1387, 10965, 200], [1390, 10998, 200], [1379, 11017, 200], [1381, 11049, 200], [1383, 11081, 200], [1281, 11009, 200], [1277, 11035, 201], [1282, 11070, 201], [1276, 11094, 201], [1269, 11117, 201], [1235, 11113, 200], [1203, 11111, 200], [1173, 11111, 200], [1143, 11111, 200], [1112, 11110, 200], [1089, 11117, 200], [1026, 11084, 200], [1020, 11108, 200], [992, 11110, 200], [963, 11111, 200], [932, 11110, 200], [903, 11111, 200], [871, 11109, 200], [849, 11117, 199], [812, 11110, 199], [786, 11114, 199], [755, 11113, 199], [729, 11117, 198], [691, 11109, 198], [666, 11114, 198], [626, 11104, 198], [600, 11108, 198], [572, 11110, 198], [540, 11108, 198], [219, 11087, 198], [0, 11168, 196], [0, 11468, 191], [1269, 12786, 188], [956, 12773, 188], [654, 12771, 187], [355, 12772, 187], [57, 12774, 187], [148, 13097, 184], [2122, 15371, 186], [1826, 15375, 187], [1454, 15303, 188], [1228, 15377, 189], [926, 15375, 189], [626, 15375, 188], [326, 15375, 188], [28, 15377, 188], [0, 15589, 184], [158, 16047, 182], [158, 16347, 182], [104, 16593, 181], [168, 16957, 181], [5, 17094, 179], [0, 17220, 177], [0, 17220, 174], [1155, 18392, 173], [864, 18401, 174], [558, 18395, 173], [258, 18395, 174], [2, 18439, 173], [915, 19635, 172], [867, 19887, 172], [315, 19635, 172], [158, 19778, 172], [40, 19960, 171], [130, 20350, 171], [8, 20528, 170]], 'time_in_bucket': [3203, 30, 28, 37, 24, 59, 27, 36, 42, 36, 32, 23, 30, 24, 21, 35, 28, 27, 45, 38, 24, 32, 39, 33, 41, 31, 29, 28, 27, 24, 24, 25, 24, 25, 20, 24, 23, 26, 16, 13, 13, 22, 27, 23, 15, 25, 37, 23, 23, 9, 33, 21, 24, 18, 20, 13, 14, 18, 18, 25, 25, 16, 14, 18, 28, 22, 17, 23, 25, 25, 22, 14, 17, 19, 22, 31, 31, 15, 29, 34, 27, 20, 23, 31, 32, 23, 21, 16, 22, 23, 28, 32, 36, 20, 31, 39, 33, 27, 24, 31, 39, 38, 24, 28, 33, 28, 28, 39, 33, 25, 29, 30, 31, 28, 25, 41, 37, 36, 34, 33, 45, 34, 30, 29, 22, 35, 31, 30, 29, 37, 40, 34, 41, 40, 33, 40, 39, 26, 37, 28, 30, 34, 38, 32, 40, 44, 42, 31, 39, 27, 34, 26, 43, 33, 41, 37, 49, 39, 38, 38, 34, 30, 49, 37, 36, 34, 53, 35, 35, 40, 37, 52, 31, 42, 25, 45, 42, 44, 50, 41, 42, 53, 40, 52, 46, 44, 49, 56, 55, 45, 42, 64, 58, 42, 48, 64, 38, 52, 61, 52, 49, 67, 64, 41, 60, 56, 58, 61, 61, 55, 53, 68, 70, 72, 58, 50, 73, 68, 55, 54, 84, 77, 64, 83, 70, 82, 73, 65, 71, 65, 76, 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[12719, 12721, 681], [12719, 12722, 670], [12718, 12722, 663], [13639, 13644, 653], [12718, 12724, 648], [12718, 12725, 640], [12718, 12726, 639], [12718, 12727, 637], [12718, 12728, 636], [12718, 12729, 632], [12717, 12729, 621], [13452, 13465, 611], [12718, 12732, 607], [12718, 12733, 605], [13449, 13465, 603], [13448, 13465, 603], [13447, 13465, 601], [13446, 13465, 596], [13445, 13465, 587], [13445, 13466, 578], [13444, 13466, 568], [12710, 12733, 565], [12710, 12734, 556], [13445, 13470, 547], [13444, 13470, 540], [12710, 12737, 533], [12710, 12738, 530], [13446, 13475, 526], [13445, 13475, 523], [13445, 13476, 519], [13444, 13476, 514], [13443, 13476, 507], [13446, 13480, 504], [13446, 13481, 502], [13445, 13481, 500], [13444, 13481, 496], [13443, 13481, 490], [13446, 13485, 486], [13446, 13486, 485], [13445, 13486, 483], [13446, 13488, 481], [13446, 13489, 481], [13445, 13489, 479], [13444, 13489, 476], [13444, 13490, 473], [4750, 4797, 470], [4749, 4797, 469], [4748, 4797, 468], [4747, 4797, 468], [4751, 4802, 467], [4750, 4802, 467], [4749, 4802, 466], [4748, 4802, 466], [4747, 4802, 465], [4747, 4803, 464], [4747, 4804, 463], [4746, 4804, 460], [4745, 4804, 457], [4744, 4804, 454], [4743, 4804, 450], [12895, 12957, 448], [12892, 12955, 448], [12892, 12956, 448], [12892, 12957, 448], [12891, 12957, 447], [12890, 12957, 446], [12890, 12958, 444], [12892, 12961, 443], [12892, 12962, 443], [12892, 12963, 443], [12891, 12963, 442], [12890, 12963, 441], [12883, 12957, 440], [12883, 12958, 439], [12886, 12962, 439], [12880, 12957, 438], [12879, 12957, 438], [12878, 12957, 438], [12877, 12957, 437], [12876, 12957, 436], [12880, 12962, 435], [12879, 12962, 435], [12878, 12962, 435], [12878, 12963, 434], [12877, 12963, 434], [12876, 12963, 433], [12875, 12963, 432], [12879, 12968, 431], [12878, 12968, 431], [12877, 12968, 431], [12876, 12968, 430], [12876, 12969, 429], [12875, 12969, 428], [12873, 12968, 427], [12872, 12968, 427], [12871, 12968, 426], [12877, 12975, 426], [12876, 12975, 425], [12710, 12810, 425], [12710, 12811, 425], [12710, 12812, 425], [12710, 12813, 424], [12710, 12814, 424], [13446, 13551, 423], [13445, 13551, 423], [13444, 13551, 423], [12710, 12818, 422], [12710, 12819, 422], [12710, 12820, 422], [12710, 12821, 422], [12710, 12822, 421], [12710, 12823, 421], [12710, 12824, 421], [12710, 12825, 421], [12710, 12826, 421], [12710, 12827, 420], [12710, 12828, 420], [12710, 12829, 420], [12710, 12830, 420], [12710, 12831, 420], [12710, 12832, 420], [12710, 12833, 420], [12710, 12834, 419], [12710, 12835, 419], [12710, 12836, 419], [12710, 12837, 419], [12710, 12838, 419], [12710, 12839, 419], [12710, 12840, 419], [12710, 12841, 419], [12710, 12842, 418], [12710, 12843, 418], [12710, 12844, 418], [12710, 12845, 417], [12710, 12846, 417], [12710, 12847, 417], [12710, 12848, 417], [12710, 12849, 417], [7648, 7788, 416], [9603, 9744, 416], [9602, 9744, 416], [9625, 9768, 416], [9625, 9769, 416], [9624, 9769, 416], [9617, 9763, 415], [9617, 9764, 415], [9617, 9765, 415], [9617, 9766, 416], [9617, 9767, 416], [9617, 9768, 416], [9617, 9769, 416], [9617, 9770, 416], [9612, 9766, 415], [9612, 9767, 415], [9612, 9768, 416], [9612, 9769, 416], [9611, 9769, 416], [9608, 9767, 415], [9608, 9768, 415], [9608, 9769, 415], [9607, 9769, 416], [9606, 9769, 415], [9606, 9770, 415], [9603, 9768, 415], [9602, 9768, 415], [9602, 9769, 415], [9601, 9769, 415], [9600, 9769, 414], [9602, 9772, 414], [9597, 9768, 414], [9597, 9769, 414], [9596, 9769, 414], [9593, 9767, 414], [9593, 9768, 414], [9593, 9769, 415], [9592, 9769, 415], [9591, 9769, 414], [9590, 9769, 414], [9587, 9767, 414], [9587, 9768, 414], [9587, 9769, 414], [9586, 9769, 414], [9585, 9769, 414], [9585, 9770, 414], [9582, 9768, 414], [9581, 9768, 414], [9581, 9769, 414], [13083, 13272, 415], [13082, 13272, 415], [13081, 13272, 416], [13079, 13271, 416], [13078, 13271, 417], [13077, 13271, 418], [13076, 13271, 419], [13076, 13272, 419], [13075, 13272, 420], [13074, 13272, 420], [13073, 13272, 419], [13445, 13645, 418], [13445, 13646, 418], [13075, 13277, 418], [13074, 13277, 418], [13074, 13278, 418], [13445, 13650, 418], [13076, 13282, 417], [13076, 13283, 418], [13075, 13283, 418], [13074, 13283, 418], [13074, 13284, 417], [13445, 13656, 417], [13444, 13656, 417], [13076, 13289, 417], [13075, 13289, 417], [13074, 13289, 417], [13074, 13290, 417], [13073, 13290, 416], [13446, 13664, 416], [13445, 13664, 416], [13075, 13295, 416], [13075, 13296, 416], [13075, 13297, 416], [13074, 13297, 416], [13073, 13297, 416], [13074, 13299, 415], [13074, 13300, 415], [13074, 13301, 415], [13069, 13297, 415], [13074, 13303, 415], [13074, 13304, 415], [13074, 13305, 415], [13074, 13306, 415], [13075, 13308, 415], [13075, 13309, 415], [13074, 13309, 415], [13074, 13310, 414], [13073, 13310, 414], [13075, 13313, 414], [13075, 13314, 414], [13075, 13315, 414], [13074, 13315, 414], [13074, 13316, 414], [13073, 13316, 414], [13075, 13319, 413], [13075, 13320, 413], [13075, 13321, 414], [13074, 13321, 414], [13074, 13322, 413], [13074, 13323, 413], [12710, 12960, 413], [12710, 12961, 413], [12710, 12962, 413], [12710, 12963, 413], [12710, 12964, 412], [12710, 12965, 412], [12710, 12966, 412], [12710, 12967, 412], [12710, 12968, 412], [12710, 12969, 412], [13075, 13335, 412], [13074, 13335, 412], [13074, 13336, 412], [13074, 13337, 411], [13074, 13338, 411], [13075, 13340, 411], [13074, 13340, 411], [13075, 13342, 411], [13075, 13343, 411], [13075, 13344, 411], [13074, 13344, 411], [13074, 13345, 411], [9472, 9744, 411], [9471, 9744, 411], [13075, 13349, 411], [13075, 13350, 411], [13074, 13350, 411], [13074, 13351, 411], [9466, 9744, 411], [9465, 9744, 411], [9472, 9752, 411], [9471, 9752, 411], [9486, 9768, 411], [9486, 9769, 411], [9484, 9768, 411], [9484, 9769, 411], [9483, 9769, 411], [9482, 9769, 411], [9479, 9767, 411], [9479, 9768, 411], [9479, 9769, 411], [9478, 9769, 411], [9477, 9769, 411], [9476, 9769, 411], [9475, 9769, 411], [9473, 9768, 411], [9473, 9769, 411], [9472, 9769, 411], [9471, 9769, 411], [9470, 9769, 411], [9465, 9769, 411], [9460, 9769, 410], [9455, 9769, 410], [9466, 9785, 409], [9461, 9785, 409], [9456, 9785, 408], [9451, 9785, 408], [7448, 7787, 407], [7442, 7786, 407], [7437, 7786, 408], [7437, 7791, 408], [7436, 7795, 407], [12908, 13272, 408], [12902, 13271, 409], [12898, 13272, 411], [12893, 13272, 411], [12892, 13276, 411], [13076, 13465, 412], [13075, 13469, 411], [13076, 13475, 411], [13075, 13479, 410], [13074, 13483, 410], [13075, 13489, 410], [13057, 13476, 410], [13052, 13476, 409], [12892, 13321, 409], [13042, 13476, 409], [12876, 13315, 408], [12877, 13321, 408], [13017, 13466, 408], [12890, 13344, 408], [12891, 13350, 408], [12886, 13350, 407], [12881, 13350, 407], [12876, 13350, 407], [12892, 13371, 407], [12892, 13376, 407], [12892, 13381, 407], [7301, 7795, 407], [7296, 7795, 406], [12877, 13381, 406], [7279, 7788, 406], [7281, 7795, 406], [7272, 7791, 406], [7310, 7834, 406], [7312, 7841, 406], [7307, 7841, 406], [7302, 7841, 406], [7297, 7841, 406], [12718, 13267, 405], [12718, 13272, 407], [12713, 13272, 408], [12709, 13273, 408], [12896, 13465, 409], [12892, 13466, 409], [12886, 13465, 409], [12892, 13476, 408], [12877, 13466, 408], [12876, 13470, 408], [12877, 13476, 408], [12877, 13481, 408], [12880, 13489, 407], [12876, 13490, 407], [12870, 13489, 407], [12878, 13502, 407], [12873, 13502, 406], [12876, 13510, 406], [12877, 13516, 406], [12872, 13516, 406], [12883, 13532, 406], [12878, 13532, 405], [12892, 13551, 405], [12886, 13550, 405], [12882, 13551, 405], [12877, 13551, 405], [12877, 13556, 405], [12883, 13567, 405], [12878, 13567, 405], [12889, 13583, 404], [12883, 13582, 404], [12878, 13582, 404], [12879, 13588, 404], [12891, 13605, 404], [12892, 13611, 404], [12886, 13610, 404], [12883, 13612, 404], [12911, 13645, 404], [12906, 13645, 405], [12901, 13645, 405], [12896, 13645, 406], [12711, 13465, 407], [12710, 13469, 407], [12710, 13474, 407], [12710, 13479, 406], [12710, 13484, 406], [12710, 13489, 406], [12710, 13494, 406], [12875, 13664, 406], [12876, 13670, 405], [12710, 13509, 405], [12710, 13514, 405], [12877, 13686, 405], [12710, 13524, 405], [12710, 13529, 405], [12710, 13534, 405], [12710, 13539, 405], [12710, 13544, 405], [12710, 13549, 404], [12710, 13554, 404], [12710, 13559, 404], [12710, 13564, 404], [12709, 13568, 404], [12710, 13574, 404], [12710, 13579, 404], [12709, 13583, 404], [12709, 13588, 403], [12710, 13594, 403], [12710, 13599, 403], [12710, 13604, 403], [12710, 13609, 403], [12710, 13614, 403], [12709, 13618, 403], [12710, 13624, 403], [12718, 13637, 403], [12720, 13644, 404], [12717, 13646, 405], [12711, 13645, 405], [12710, 13649, 405], [12710, 13654, 405], [12710, 13659, 405], [12710, 13664, 405], [12710, 13669, 405], [12710, 13674, 405], [12710, 13679, 404], [12710, 13684, 404], [12710, 13689, 404], [12710, 13694, 404], [12710, 13699, 404], [12710, 13704, 404], [12712, 13711, 403], [12710, 13714, 404], [12710, 13719, 403], [12709, 13723, 403], [12710, 13729, 403], [12710, 13734, 403], [12709, 13738, 403], [12710, 13744, 403], [12710, 13749, 403], [12710, 13754, 403], [12710, 13759, 402], [12710, 13764, 402], [12710, 13769, 402], [12710, 13774, 402], [12710, 13779, 402], [12710, 13784, 401], [12710, 13789, 401], [12710, 13794, 401], [12710, 13799, 401], [12710, 13804, 401], [12709, 13808, 401], [12710, 13814, 401], [12717, 13826, 401], [12712, 13826, 401], [12709, 13828, 401], [12718, 13842, 401], [12714, 13843, 401], [12710, 13844, 402], [12710, 13849, 402], [12710, 13854, 402], [12710, 13859, 402], [12710, 13864, 401], [12710, 13869, 401], [12710, 13874, 401], [12710, 13879, 401], [12710, 13884, 401], [12709, 13888, 400], [12704, 13888, 399], [12699, 13888, 397], [12693, 13887, 396], [6595, 7794, 395], [6595, 7799, 395], [6626, 7835, 395], [6621, 7835, 395], [6622, 7841, 395], [6617, 7841, 395], [6612, 7841, 395], [6607, 7841, 395], [6602, 7841, 395], [6597, 7841, 395], [6593, 7842, 395], [6588, 7842, 395], [6583, 7842, 395], [6577, 7841, 395], [6572, 7841, 395], [6568, 7842, 395], [6563, 7842, 395], [6557, 7841, 395], [6546, 7835, 395], [6547, 7841, 395], [6536, 7835, 395], [6537, 7841, 395], [6533, 7842, 395], [6527, 7841, 395], [6523, 7842, 395], [6518, 7842, 395], [6512, 7841, 395], [6507, 7841, 394], [9483, 10822, 394], [9478, 10822, 395], [9473, 10822, 395], [9475, 10829, 395], [9472, 10831, 395], [9472, 10836, 395], [9478, 10847, 395], [9477, 10851, 395], [9472, 10851, 395], [9472, 10856, 395], [9467, 10856, 395], [9471, 10865, 395], [9476, 10875, 395], [9471, 10875, 395], [9472, 10881, 395], [9472, 10886, 395], [9477, 10896, 395], [9472, 10896, 395], [9477, 10906, 395], [9472, 10906, 395], [9473, 10912, 395], [9468, 10912, 395], [9468, 10917, 395], [9463, 10917, 395], [9458, 10917, 395], [9477, 10941, 395], [9472, 10941, 395], [9467, 10941, 395], [9462, 10941, 395], [9457, 10941, 395], [9452, 10941, 395], [9446, 10940, 395], [9443, 10942, 395], [9436, 10940, 395], [9431, 10940, 395], [9426, 10940, 394], [9423, 10942, 394], [9417, 10941, 394], [9412, 10941, 394], [9407, 10941, 394], [9402, 10941, 394], [9397, 10941, 394], [9392, 10941, 394], [9386, 10940, 394], [9382, 10941, 394], [9377, 10941, 394], [9372, 10941, 394], [9367, 10941, 394], [9363, 10942, 394], [9356, 10940, 394], [9351, 10940, 394], [9348, 10942, 394], [9341, 10940, 393], [9336, 10940, 393], [9333, 10942, 393], [9327, 10941, 393], [9322, 10941, 393], [9317, 10941, 393], [9313, 10942, 393], [9307, 10941, 393], [9301, 10940, 393], [9298, 10942, 393], [9292, 10941, 393], [9287, 10941, 393], [9258, 10917, 393], [9277, 10941, 393], [9271, 10940, 393], [9267, 10941, 393], [9262, 10941, 393], [9258, 10942, 393], [9251, 10940, 392], [9246, 10940, 392], [9242, 10941, 392], [9237, 10941, 392], [9232, 10941, 392], [9198, 10912, 392], [9193, 10912, 392], [9182, 10906, 392], [9178, 10907, 392], [9178, 10912, 392], [9178, 10917, 392], [9198, 10942, 392], [9192, 10941, 392], [9186, 10940, 392], [9182, 10941, 392], [9178, 10942, 392], [9173, 10942, 392], [9169, 10943, 392], [9163, 10942, 392], [9158, 10942, 391], [9153, 10942, 391], [9148, 10942, 391], [9143, 10942, 390], [9114, 10943, 387], [9084, 10943, 382], [9054, 10943, 378], [9024, 10943, 374], [8994, 10943, 370], [8964, 10943, 365], [8935, 10944, 361], [8904, 10943, 356], [8875, 10944, 351], [8844, 10943, 347], [8815, 10944, 342], [8944, 11103, 338], [8910, 11099, 334], [8885, 11104, 330], [8857, 11106, 326], [5564, 7843, 322], [5533, 7842, 320], [5504, 7843, 318], [5474, 7843, 316], [5444, 7843, 314], [5414, 7843, 312], [5384, 7843, 310], [5354, 7843, 307], [5325, 7844, 305], [5293, 7842, 303], [5263, 7842, 303], [5233, 7842, 302], [5203, 7842, 301], [5173, 7842, 300], [5143, 7842, 299], [5074, 7803, 298], [5075, 7834, 299], [5021, 7810, 298], [5021, 7840, 300], [4994, 7843, 298], [4964, 7843, 298], [4933, 7842, 299], [4904, 7843, 299], [4873, 7842, 299], [4843, 7842, 300], [4749, 7778, 299], [4747, 7806, 300], [4746, 7835, 301], [4723, 7842, 300], [4686, 7835, 301], [4663, 7842, 302], [4634, 7843, 301], [4603, 7842, 300], [4573, 7842, 301], [4544, 7843, 300], [4514, 7843, 299], [4484, 7843, 298], [4453, 7842, 297], [4424, 7843, 296], [4394, 7843, 296], [4364, 7843, 294], [4333, 7842, 293], [4304, 7843, 292], [4266, 7835, 293], [4243, 7842, 293], [4213, 7842, 294], [4183, 7842, 294], [4153, 7842, 294], [4123, 7842, 294], [4086, 7835, 295], [4063, 7842, 294], [4032, 7841, 294], [4003, 7842, 294], [3973, 7842, 294], [3943, 7842, 294], [3912, 7841, 294], [3884, 7843, 294], [3853, 7842, 294], [3824, 7843, 294], [3792, 7841, 294], [3764, 7843, 293], [3732, 7841, 294], [3704, 7843, 293], [3673, 7842, 294], [3644, 7843, 293], [3613, 7842, 293], [3584, 7843, 293], [3554, 7843, 292], [3523, 7842, 292], [3495, 7844, 290], [3463, 7842, 289], [3433, 7842, 289], [3419, 7844, 288], [3422, 7891, 286], [3420, 7919, 286], [3419, 7947, 284], [3413, 7946, 282], [3382, 7945, 281], [3354, 7947, 279], [3220, 7843, 278], [6428, 10906, 278], [6399, 10907, 279], [6400, 10938, 279], [6374, 10942, 279], [6344, 10942, 279], [6315, 10943, 279], [6284, 10942, 278], [6254, 10942, 278], [6224, 10942, 278], [6194, 10942, 277], [6164, 10942, 277], [6135, 10943, 276], [6105, 10943, 275], [6075, 10943, 275], [6045, 10943, 274], [6014, 10942, 274], [5985, 10943, 273], [5954, 10942, 273], [5925, 10943, 273], [5895, 10943, 272], [5864, 10942, 272], [5835, 10943, 271], [5805, 10943, 271], [5775, 10943, 270], [5745, 10943, 269], [5714, 10942, 269], [5685, 10943, 269], [5655, 10943, 268], [5625, 10943, 268], [5594, 10942, 268], [5565, 10943, 267], [5535, 10943, 267], [5505, 10943, 266], [5475, 10943, 266], [5445, 10943, 265], [5415, 10943, 265], [5385, 10943, 264], [2154, 7842, 263], [2124, 7842, 263], [2094, 7842, 263], [2064, 7842, 263], [2034, 7842, 262], [2004, 7842, 262], [1975, 7843, 262], [1945, 7843, 261], [1916, 7844, 261], [5075, 10933, 261], [5021, 10909, 261], [5021, 10939, 262], [4995, 10943, 261], [4965, 10943, 262], [4933, 10941, 262], [4904, 10942, 262], [4873, 10941, 262], [4843, 10941, 263], [4747, 10875, 263], [4748, 10906, 263], [4752, 10940, 264], [4724, 10942, 264], [4664, 10912, 264], [4663, 10941, 265], [4635, 10943, 265], [4603, 10941, 265], [4573, 10941, 265], [4545, 10943, 265], [4514, 10942, 264], [4485, 10943, 264], [4454, 10942, 264], [4425, 10943, 264], [4395, 10943, 263], [4365, 10943, 263], [4334, 10942, 262], [4305, 10943, 262], [4272, 10940, 262], [4244, 10942, 263], [4213, 10941, 263], [4184, 10942, 263], [4153, 10941, 264], [4124, 10942, 264], [4091, 10939, 264], [4065, 10943, 264], [4033, 10941, 264], [4005, 10943, 264], [3973, 10941, 264], [3944, 10942, 264], [3913, 10941, 265], [3885, 10943, 265], [3853, 10941, 265], [3825, 10943, 265], [3793, 10941, 265], [3764, 10942, 265], [3732, 10940, 265], [3705, 10943, 265], [3673, 10941, 265], [3645, 10943, 265], [3613, 10941, 265], [3584, 10942, 265], [3555, 10943, 265], [3524, 10942, 265], [3496, 10944, 264], [3464, 10942, 264], [3434, 10942, 264], [3419, 10944, 263], [3402, 10944, 262], [3372, 10944, 261], [3342, 10944, 260], [3311, 10943, 260], [3419, 11106, 259], [3414, 11106, 258], [3221, 10943, 258], [3192, 10944, 257], [3190, 10944, 256], [3190, 10944, 255], [3176, 10943, 254], [3145, 10942, 254], [3116, 10943, 254], [3085, 10942, 254], [3054, 10941, 254], [3025, 10942, 254], [2995, 10942, 254], [2965, 10942, 254], [2936, 10943, 254], [2905, 10942, 254], [2875, 10942, 254], [2846, 10943, 254], [2817, 10944, 253], [2786, 10943, 252], [2757, 10944, 251], [2725, 10942, 250], [2845, 11092, 250], [2829, 11106, 249], [2636, 10943, 248], [2605, 10942, 248], [2575, 10942, 249], [2545, 10942, 249], [2515, 10942, 249], [2485, 10942, 249], [2455, 10942, 249], [2425, 10942, 249], [2395, 10942, 250], [2365, 10942, 250], [2335, 10942, 250], [2305, 10942, 250], [2275, 10942, 250], [2245, 10942, 251], [2215, 10942, 251], [2185, 10942, 251], [2155, 10942, 251], [2125, 10942, 251], [2095, 10942, 251], [2066, 10943, 251], [2035, 10942, 251], [2005, 10942, 250], [1976, 10943, 250], [1946, 10943, 250], [1916, 10943, 250], [1885, 10942, 249], [1856, 10943, 249], [1825, 10942, 249], [1796, 10943, 249], [1766, 10943, 248], [1735, 10942, 248], [1706, 10943, 248], [1675, 10942, 248], [1646, 10943, 248], [1616, 10943, 247], [1585, 10942, 247], [1556, 10943, 247], [1526, 10943, 247], [1496, 10943, 247], [1465, 10942, 246], [1437, 10944, 246], [1405, 10942, 246], [1376, 10943, 245], [1345, 10942, 245], [1316, 10943, 245], [1287, 10944, 244], [1257, 10944, 244], [1226, 10943, 243], [1195, 10942, 243], [1165, 10942, 243], [1143, 10942, 243], [1113, 10942, 243], [1083, 10942, 243], [1055, 10944, 242], [1024, 10943, 242], [993, 10942, 242], [965, 10944, 242], [933, 10942, 241], [903, 10942, 241], [874, 10943, 241], [843, 10942, 241], [815, 10944, 241], [785, 10944, 241], [754, 10943, 241], [722, 10941, 241], [693, 10942, 241], [662, 10941, 241], [633, 10942, 241], [603, 10942, 241], [574, 10943, 241], [544, 10943, 240], [514, 10943, 240], [483, 10942, 240], [454, 10943, 240], [154, 10943, 237], [3419, 14352, 234], [2964, 14097, 232], [2452, 13885, 230], [2152, 13885, 232], [1854, 13887, 231], [1552, 13885, 230], [1480, 14113, 229], [1164, 14097, 226], [660, 13885, 226], [361, 13886, 225], [295, 14120, 224], [145, 14270, 222], [178, 14603, 220], [47, 14772, 218], [8, 15033, 214], [466, 15791, 211], [177, 15802, 210], [31, 15956, 207], [11, 16236, 204]], 'time_in_bucket': [2624, 21, 25, 44, 18, 38, 36, 37, 24, 23, 25, 37, 33, 22, 24, 17, 34, 23, 24, 32, 37, 40, 20, 36, 21, 31, 21, 31, 24, 20, 24, 25, 17, 15, 28, 19, 17, 12, 16, 24, 11, 13, 29, 22, 11, 13, 16, 17, 12, 17, 16, 28, 11, 14, 27, 22, 20, 20, 26, 14, 19, 16, 18, 17, 27, 20, 15, 24, 20, 28, 19, 26, 19, 23, 31, 29, 18, 22, 18, 17, 29, 30, 22, 21, 21, 25, 30, 37, 29, 25, 26, 32, 29, 29, 32, 32, 32, 15, 26, 26, 18, 33, 22, 31, 24, 26, 34, 31, 21, 35, 36, 29, 21, 34, 26, 26, 26, 16, 27, 29, 37, 23, 28, 22, 28, 28, 37, 31, 29, 19, 39, 24, 26, 30, 24, 26, 29, 32, 25, 27, 23, 18, 28, 24, 38, 29, 34, 29, 23, 30, 20, 31, 31, 32, 28, 25, 26, 22, 29, 33, 28, 29, 31, 24, 30, 27, 24, 27, 33, 26, 25, 31, 27, 39, 27, 31, 37, 28, 28, 34, 43, 33, 22, 45, 27, 30, 32, 25, 35, 43, 39, 38, 30, 24, 36, 31, 48, 39, 39, 29, 42, 42, 49, 35, 39, 40, 30, 37, 32, 43, 30, 42, 36, 34, 42, 29, 37, 26, 44, 41, 34, 41, 29, 29, 27, 34, 38, 35, 48, 38, 30, 38, 34, 31, 27, 31, 34, 36, 39, 40, 33, 24, 29, 37, 32, 30, 32, 43, 29, 36, 39, 37, 29, 43, 35, 20, 25, 25, 27, 30, 34, 50, 35, 26, 34, 25, 30, 29, 25, 29, 28, 31, 30, 25, 22, 21, 25, 33, 33, 31, 24, 32, 21, 34, 29, 18, 21, 22, 27, 35, 28, 20, 26, 26, 24, 29, 18, 24, 18, 28, 26, 30, 30, 34, 18, 18, 26, 34, 28, 31, 34, 24, 25, 22, 30, 23, 26, 22, 25, 25, 22, 21, 15, 25, 25, 21, 32, 22, 17, 19, 22, 20, 24, 15, 20, 25, 22, 14, 17, 19, 19, 15, 20, 24, 11, 17, 22, 18, 13, 15, 18, 17, 15, 15, 11, 17, 14, 20, 19, 18, 21, 20, 15, 25, 18, 23, 13, 14, 12, 21, 21, 22, 32, 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4929, 221], [3623, 4927, 221], [3619, 4928, 221], [3603, 4917, 221], [3601, 4920, 221], [3601, 4925, 221], [3600, 4929, 221], [3596, 4930, 221], [3591, 4930, 221], [3586, 4930, 221], [3581, 4930, 221], [3576, 4930, 221], [3571, 4930, 221], [3553, 4917, 221], [3553, 4922, 221], [3553, 4927, 221], [3551, 4930, 221], [3546, 4930, 221], [3539, 4928, 221], [3529, 4923, 221], [3529, 4928, 221], [3524, 4928, 221], [3519, 4928, 221], [3514, 4928, 222], [3509, 4928, 222], [3506, 4930, 222], [3500, 4929, 222], [3496, 4930, 222], [3491, 4930, 222], [3486, 4930, 221], [3481, 4930, 221], [3476, 4930, 221], [3471, 4930, 221], [3466, 4930, 221], [3461, 4930, 221], [3456, 4930, 220], [3451, 4930, 220], [3444, 4928, 220], [3441, 4930, 220], [3436, 4930, 220], [3436, 4935, 219], [3436, 4940, 219], [3436, 4945, 218], [3436, 4950, 218], [3436, 4955, 217], [3436, 4960, 217], [3441, 4970, 217], [3436, 4970, 216], [3436, 4975, 216], [3435, 4979, 215], [3436, 4985, 215], [3436, 4990, 214], [3435, 4994, 214], 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4931, 198], [1385, 4930, 198], [1371, 4946, 198], [1370, 4975, 197], [1369, 5004, 195], [1447, 5112, 194], [1441, 5136, 194], [1376, 5101, 194], [1376, 5131, 193], [1371, 5156, 193], [1207, 4928, 192], [1192, 4943, 191], [1193, 4974, 191], [1119, 4930, 190], [1089, 4930, 190], [1059, 4930, 189], [1029, 4930, 189], [1007, 4938, 189], [969, 4930, 189], [939, 4930, 189], [909, 4930, 189], [879, 4930, 189], [877, 4958, 188], [819, 4930, 188], [789, 4930, 188], [788, 4959, 188], [788, 4989, 187], [700, 4931, 187], [701, 4962, 186], [701, 4992, 185], [790, 5111, 185], [788, 5139, 185], [549, 4930, 185], [519, 4930, 185], [489, 4930, 185], [459, 4930, 185], [427, 4928, 185], [399, 4930, 185], [369, 4930, 185], [337, 4928, 185], [309, 4930, 186], [279, 4930, 186], [247, 4928, 186], [219, 4930, 186], [153, 4894, 186], [153, 4924, 187], [110, 4911, 187], [99, 4930, 187], [90, 4951, 187], [48, 4939, 186], [48, 4969, 186], [27, 4978, 185], [7, 4987, 184], [102, 5113, 184], [96, 5137, 184], [48, 5119, 184], [41, 5142, 183], [9, 5139, 183], [6, 5164, 182], [44, 5235, 181], [12, 5232, 180], [0, 5247, 179], [0, 5277, 178], [41, 5352, 177], [45, 5386, 177], [17, 5387, 176], [0, 5397, 175], [28, 5459, 175], [6, 5466, 174], [5, 5492, 173], [28, 5549, 173], [4, 5551, 172], [0, 5577, 171], [6, 5616, 170], [0, 5637, 169], [12, 5682, 169], [6, 5704, 168], [0, 5727, 167], [0, 5757, 166], [48, 5839, 166], [20, 5841, 165], [6, 5856, 165], [0, 5877, 164], [0, 5907, 163], [0, 5937, 162], [0, 5967, 162], [0, 5997, 161], [0, 6000, 160], [0, 6000, 159], [0, 6000, 158], [0, 6000, 158], [0, 6000, 157], [0, 6015, 156], [0, 6045, 155], [0, 6075, 155]], 'time_in_bucket': [892, 4, 11, 10, 4, 10, 20, 12, 11, 8, 8, 12, 8, 10, 3, 9, 13, 7, 15, 4, 8, 3, 6, 6, 3, 8, 6, 8, 5, 12, 7, 6, 1, 12, 11, 8, 8, 6, 4, 2, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 7, 3, 7, 1, 11, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 7, 5, 8, 6, 4, 5, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 4, 6, 7, 3, 6, 5, 1, 11, 3, 8, 6, 8, 6, 9, 10, 6, 4, 1, 4, 9, 18, 9, 8, 6, 14, 11, 8, 12, 12, 8, 14, 5, 13, 8, 6, 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665], [15888, 15897, 664], [15887, 15897, 666], [15886, 15897, 666], [15886, 15898, 655], [15885, 15898, 640], [15885, 15899, 619], [15884, 15899, 598], [15886, 15902, 583], [15886, 15903, 580], [15885, 15903, 573], [4219, 4238, 565], [4218, 4238, 562], [4217, 4238, 562], [4216, 4238, 561], [4215, 4238, 558], [4226, 4250, 558], [4225, 4250, 558], [4224, 4250, 556], [4224, 4251, 553], [4216, 4244, 550], [4215, 4244, 549], [4220, 4250, 550], [4219, 4250, 550], [4218, 4250, 549], [4217, 4250, 549], [4216, 4250, 549], [4215, 4250, 548], [4214, 4250, 547], [4213, 4250, 546], [4212, 4250, 545], [4211, 4250, 544], [4211, 4251, 542], [4209, 4250, 542], [4208, 4250, 542], [4207, 4250, 541], [4207, 4251, 539], [4205, 4250, 538], [4204, 4250, 537], [4203, 4250, 537], [4202, 4250, 536], [4201, 4250, 535], [4201, 4251, 534], [4200, 4251, 531], [4200, 4252, 525], [4197, 4250, 522], [4196, 4250, 524], [4196, 4251, 523], [4195, 4251, 522], [4194, 4251, 520], [4193, 4251, 518], [4192, 4251, 515], 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[15458, 15797, 413], [15451, 15795, 412], [15446, 15795, 412], [15441, 15795, 412], [15441, 15800, 411], [15435, 15799, 410], [8570, 8939, 410], [8571, 8945, 409], [8570, 8949, 409], [8570, 8954, 409], [8570, 8959, 409], [8571, 8965, 408], [8571, 8970, 408], [8649, 9053, 408], [8645, 9054, 408], [8640, 9054, 408], [8570, 8989, 408], [8570, 8994, 408], [8571, 9000, 408], [8571, 9005, 408], [8571, 9010, 407], [8570, 9014, 407], [8663, 9112, 407], [8570, 9024, 407], [8571, 9030, 407], [8570, 9034, 408], [8570, 9039, 408], [8571, 9045, 408], [8571, 9050, 408], [8570, 9054, 408], [8570, 9059, 408], [8571, 9065, 407], [8571, 9070, 407], [8571, 9075, 407], [8703, 9212, 407], [8703, 9217, 407], [8697, 9216, 407], [8705, 9229, 407], [8700, 9229, 407], [8695, 9229, 407], [8679, 9218, 407], [8571, 9115, 407], [8680, 9229, 407], [8663, 9217, 407], [8670, 9229, 407], [8665, 9229, 407], [8660, 9229, 407], [8655, 9229, 407], [8650, 9229, 407], [8645, 9229, 407], [8640, 9229, 407], [8642, 9236, 407], [8637, 9236, 407], [8632, 9236, 407], [8680, 9289, 407], [8680, 9294, 407], [8676, 9295, 407], [8571, 9195, 407], [8665, 9294, 407], [8571, 9205, 407], [8571, 9210, 407], [8571, 9215, 407], [8570, 9219, 407], [8570, 9224, 407], [8570, 9229, 407], [8571, 9235, 407], [8571, 9240, 407], [8570, 9244, 407], [8570, 9249, 407], [8571, 9255, 407], [8570, 9259, 406], [8576, 9270, 406], [8571, 9270, 407], [8571, 9275, 407], [8571, 9280, 406], [8570, 9284, 407], [8570, 9289, 407], [8570, 9294, 407], [8566, 9295, 406], [8561, 9295, 404], [8569, 9308, 402], [8569, 9313, 401], [15002, 15751, 401], [15041, 15795, 401], [15012, 15771, 401], [15031, 15795, 401], [15026, 15795, 401], [15011, 15785, 402], [15006, 15785, 402], [15011, 15795, 402], [15006, 15795, 402], [15001, 15795, 402], [14996, 15795, 402], [14991, 15795, 402], [14986, 15795, 402], [14981, 15795, 402], [14978, 15797, 402], [14971, 15795, 402], [14966, 15795, 402], [14961, 15795, 402], [14956, 15795, 402], [14954, 15798, 402], [14946, 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[14355, 15919, 389], [14349, 15918, 389], [14344, 15918, 389], [14339, 15918, 389], [14334, 15918, 389], [14331, 15920, 389], [14330, 15924, 388], [14330, 15929, 388], [14325, 15929, 387], [14320, 15929, 386], [14314, 15928, 385], [14311, 15930, 384], [14311, 15935, 383], [14310, 15937, 381], [14310, 15937, 380], [14311, 15950, 379], [14312, 15956, 378], [14311, 15960, 377], [14311, 15965, 376], [14274, 15921, 375], [14274, 15926, 375], [14264, 15921, 374], [14264, 15926, 373], [14263, 15930, 372], [14263, 15935, 371], [14252, 15929, 370], [14251, 15933, 369], [14250, 15937, 368], [14264, 15956, 367], [14263, 15960, 366], [14263, 15965, 365], [14262, 15969, 364], [14264, 15976, 363], [14263, 15980, 362], [7560, 9294, 362], [7556, 9295, 362], [7551, 9295, 361], [7546, 9295, 361], [7540, 9294, 361], [7535, 9294, 361], [7531, 9295, 361], [7525, 9294, 361], [7521, 9295, 361], [7516, 9295, 361], [7511, 9295, 361], [7506, 9295, 361], [7501, 9295, 361], [7496, 9295, 361], [7467, 9296, 359], [7465, 9324, 356], [7469, 9358, 353], [7448, 9367, 349], [7400, 9349, 346], [7388, 9367, 343], [7358, 9367, 339], [7328, 9367, 336], [7468, 9537, 333], [7437, 9536, 330], [7405, 9534, 327], [7379, 9538, 325], [7350, 9539, 322], [7316, 9535, 319], [7290, 9539, 316], [7285, 9543, 312], [7285, 9543, 308], [7285, 9543, 304], [7285, 9543, 300], [7285, 9543, 296], [7285, 9543, 293], [7285, 9543, 289], [7285, 9543, 285], [7285, 9543, 282], [7285, 9543, 279], [7285, 9543, 275], [7285, 9543, 272], [7285, 9543, 269], [7261, 9543, 267], [7227, 9539, 264], [7197, 9539, 262], [7167, 9539, 260], [7137, 9539, 259], [7114, 9543, 257], [7102, 9543, 255], [7475, 9784, 253], [7473, 9812, 253], [7476, 9845, 252], [7473, 9872, 252], [7480, 9909, 252], [7477, 9936, 252], [7475, 9964, 252], [7469, 9988, 251], [7479, 10028, 251], [7474, 10053, 251], [7471, 10080, 250], [7474, 10113, 250], [7448, 10117, 248], [7414, 10113, 247], [7475, 10204, 247], [7474, 10233, 247], [7479, 10268, 247], [7474, 10293, 247], [7475, 10324, 247], [7473, 10352, 247], [7477, 10386, 247], [7475, 10414, 247], [7465, 10434, 246], [7420, 10419, 245], [7400, 10429, 244], [7370, 10429, 243], [7340, 10429, 242], [7315, 10434, 241], [7288, 10437, 239], [7285, 10438, 238], [7285, 10438, 236], [7285, 10438, 234], [7286, 10555, 232], [7477, 10776, 232], [7477, 10806, 232], [7477, 10836, 232], [7473, 10862, 232], [7471, 10890, 232], [7474, 10923, 232], [7474, 10953, 232], [7474, 10983, 232], [7470, 11009, 231], [7469, 11038, 231], [7462, 11061, 231], [7413, 11042, 230], [7398, 11057, 229], [7469, 11158, 229], [7462, 11181, 228], [7473, 11222, 228], [7471, 11250, 228], [7467, 11276, 227], [7473, 11312, 227], [7471, 11340, 227], [7474, 11373, 227], [7472, 11401, 227], [7473, 11432, 227], [7473, 11462, 227], [7468, 11487, 227], [7474, 11523, 226], [7463, 11542, 226], [7422, 11531, 225], [7393, 11532, 225], [7462, 11631, 224], [7431, 11630, 223], [7401, 11630, 223], [7371, 11630, 222], [7479, 11768, 223], [7481, 11800, 223], [7467, 11816, 223], [7469, 11848, 222], [7418, 11827, 222], [7388, 11827, 221], [7379, 11848, 221], [7360, 11859, 220], [7330, 11859, 219], [7300, 11859, 219], [7288, 11877, 218], [7288, 11907, 217], [7287, 11936, 216], [7288, 11967, 215], [7315, 12024, 214], [7288, 12027, 214], [7285, 12053, 213], [7290, 12089, 212], [7288, 12117, 211], [4201, 9176, 210], [4201, 9206, 211], [4194, 9229, 212], [4201, 9266, 213], [4194, 9289, 214], [4104, 9229, 215], [4107, 9262, 216], [4109, 9294, 217], [4080, 9295, 217], [4023, 9268, 218], [4020, 9295, 219], [3990, 9295, 219], [3960, 9295, 219], [3930, 9295, 219], [3901, 9296, 219], [3899, 9324, 219], [3903, 9358, 218], [3885, 9370, 218], [3820, 9335, 217], [3820, 9365, 217], [3903, 9478, 216], [3742, 9347, 216], [3903, 9538, 216], [3677, 9342, 215], [3675, 9370, 215], [3818, 9543, 214], [3777, 9532, 214], [3746, 9531, 213], [3719, 9534, 213], [3678, 9523, 212], [3660, 9535, 212], [3633, 9538, 211], [3604, 9539, 211], [3574, 9539, 211], [3544, 9539, 210], [3516, 9541, 210], [3484, 9539, 209], [3454, 9539, 209], [3423, 9538, 208], [3398, 9543, 208], [3367, 9542, 207], [3335, 9540, 206], [3312, 9543, 205], [3277, 9538, 205], [3249, 9540, 204], [3217, 9538, 204], [3184, 9535, 203], [3162, 9543, 202], [3132, 9543, 202], [3102, 9543, 201], [3071, 9542, 200], [3042, 9543, 200], [3008, 9539, 199], [2980, 9541, 198], [2941, 9532, 198], [2908, 9529, 198], [2892, 9543, 197], [3957, 10072, 197], [3957, 10102, 197], [3938, 10113, 197], [3906, 10111, 197], [3961, 10196, 197], [3976, 10241, 197], [3973, 10268, 197], [3970, 10295, 197], [3962, 10317, 197], [3961, 10346, 197], [3964, 10379, 198], [3965, 10410, 198], [3943, 10418, 198], [3905, 10410, 198], [3891, 10426, 197], [3869, 10434, 197], [3823, 10418, 197], [2102, 9293, 197], [2074, 9295, 198], [2038, 9289, 198], [2014, 9295, 199], [1982, 9293, 199], [1954, 9295, 200], [1922, 9293, 200], [1894, 9295, 201], [1864, 9295, 202], [1834, 9295, 202], [1804, 9295, 202], [1774, 9295, 203], [1743, 9294, 203], [1714, 9295, 204], [1682, 9293, 204], [1654, 9295, 204], [1624, 9295, 205], [1594, 9295, 205], [1564, 9295, 205], [1534, 9295, 205], [1529, 9320, 205], [1525, 9346, 205], [1516, 9367, 205], [1513, 9394, 204], [1515, 9426, 204], [1527, 9468, 204], [1515, 9486, 203], [1530, 9531, 203], [1509, 9540, 203], [1482, 9543, 202], [1325, 9416, 202], [1333, 9454, 201], [1325, 9476, 201], [1353, 9534, 201], [1325, 9536, 201], [1324, 9543, 200], [1324, 9543, 200], [1324, 9543, 199], [7817, 15807, 199], [7816, 15836, 199], [7745, 15795, 200], [7715, 15795, 200], [7703, 15813, 201], [7659, 15799, 202], [7642, 15812, 202], [7642, 15842, 202], [7577, 15807, 203], [7560, 15820, 203], [7509, 15799, 204], [7507, 15827, 204], [7492, 15842, 205], [7480, 15860, 205], [7509, 15919, 205], [7479, 15919, 206], [7459, 15929, 206], [7421, 15921, 205], [7391, 15921, 205], [7361, 15921, 205], [7334, 15924, 205], [7309, 15929, 204], [7287, 15937, 204], [7288, 15968, 203], [7285, 15980, 203], [7285, 15980, 202], [7301, 16071, 201], [7288, 16088, 201], [7288, 16118, 200], [7285, 16118, 200], [7285, 16118, 199], [7288, 16154, 199], [7288, 16184, 198], [7285, 16206, 197], [7285, 16220, 197], [7288, 16254, 196], [7288, 16284, 196], [7294, 16320, 195], [7288, 16344, 195], [7288, 16374, 194], [7117, 15920, 194], [7115, 15948, 194], [7115, 15978, 193], [7102, 15980, 193], [7082, 15969, 192], [7081, 15980, 192], [7115, 16098, 191], [7464, 16790, 191], [7400, 16756, 191], [7400, 16786, 191], [7374, 16790, 190], [7344, 16790, 190], [7315, 16791, 190], [7418, 16924, 190], [7388, 16924, 190], [7358, 16924, 189], [7339, 16935, 189], [7309, 16935, 189], [1528, 11029, 189], [1525, 11056, 189], [1513, 11074, 188], [1519, 11110, 188], [1525, 11146, 188], [1515, 11166, 188], [1529, 11210, 188], [1530, 11241, 188], [1527, 11268, 188], [1518, 11289, 188], [1517, 11588, 188], [1508, 11879, 187], [1324, 11989, 185], [1325, 12296, 181], [4875, 15921, 182], [4461, 15807, 183], [4190, 15836, 187], [3974, 15920, 190], [3677, 15923, 189], [3378, 15924, 187], [3090, 15932, 185], [2788, 15930, 182], [2477, 15919, 180], [2100, 15842, 182], [1800, 15842, 185], [1577, 15919, 187], [1325, 15967, 186], [1324, 16206, 183], [1325, 16493, 180], [1064, 15920, 180], [770, 15926, 181], [462, 15918, 181], [165, 15921, 180], [10, 16066, 178], [40, 16322, 175], [342, 16924, 173], [46, 16928, 172], [0, 17182, 170], [0, 17304, 167], [43, 17445, 165]], 'time_in_bucket': [2985, 18, 37, 28, 38, 50, 50, 45, 39, 48, 33, 37, 32, 36, 43, 30, 31, 33, 33, 37, 33, 50, 27, 32, 35, 23, 28, 33, 31, 22, 15, 26, 33, 22, 25, 23, 27, 25, 25, 27, 27, 35, 21, 30, 25, 28, 26, 20, 20, 28, 17, 25, 27, 19, 27, 18, 19, 19, 30, 16, 24, 34, 27, 16, 28, 25, 22, 26, 27, 23, 24, 20, 27, 41, 39, 30, 11, 37, 26, 31, 25, 27, 30, 30, 28, 25, 18, 30, 27, 34, 34, 35, 26, 35, 30, 28, 39, 27, 23, 40, 36, 28, 37, 36, 34, 28, 31, 40, 35, 26, 33, 36, 39, 18, 38, 21, 32, 34, 30, 36, 28, 26, 33, 31, 35, 32, 31, 35, 39, 34, 29, 37, 43, 32, 32, 40, 35, 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[6910, 7140, 333], [6909, 7140, 333], [6909, 7141, 333], [6908, 7141, 333], [6909, 7143, 333], [6908, 7143, 333], [6908, 7144, 333], [6903, 7140, 333], [6902, 7140, 333], [6901, 7140, 333], [6900, 7140, 333], [6899, 7140, 333], [6898, 7140, 333], [6898, 7141, 333], [6897, 7141, 333], [6898, 7143, 333], [6897, 7143, 333], [6897, 7144, 333], [6895, 7143, 333], [6895, 7144, 333], [6894, 7144, 333], [6893, 7144, 333], [6892, 7144, 332], [6891, 7144, 332], [6877, 7131, 332], [6877, 7132, 332], [6878, 7134, 332], [6878, 7135, 332], [6877, 7135, 332], [6877, 7136, 333], [6878, 7138, 333], [6877, 7138, 333], [6878, 7140, 333], [6877, 7140, 333], [6877, 7141, 333], [6877, 7142, 333], [6877, 7143, 333], [6877, 7144, 333], [6876, 7144, 333], [6875, 7144, 332], [6873, 7143, 332], [6873, 7144, 332], [6871, 7143, 332], [6871, 7144, 332], [6869, 7143, 332], [6868, 7143, 332], [6868, 7144, 332], [6867, 7144, 332], [6862, 7140, 332], [6861, 7140, 332], [6860, 7140, 332], [6862, 7143, 332], [6861, 7143, 332], [6860, 7143, 332], [6860, 7144, 332], [6859, 7144, 332], [6857, 7143, 332], [6857, 7144, 332], [6877, 7165, 332], [6877, 7166, 332], [6877, 7167, 332], [6876, 7167, 332], [6875, 7167, 332], [6873, 7166, 332], [6873, 7167, 331], [6871, 7166, 331], [6840, 7136, 331], [6841, 7138, 332], [6840, 7138, 332], [6841, 7140, 332], [6840, 7144, 332], [6857, 7166, 331], [6692, 7006, 331], [6689, 7008, 332], [6689, 7013, 332], [6688, 7017, 332], [6688, 7022, 332], [6687, 7026, 333], [6689, 7033, 333], [6687, 7036, 333], [6685, 7039, 332], [6678, 7037, 332], [6682, 7046, 332], [6686, 7055, 332], [6681, 7055, 331], [6678, 7057, 331], [6687, 7071, 331], [6688, 7077, 331], [6686, 7080, 331], [6688, 7087, 331], [6687, 7091, 331], [6688, 7097, 331], [6688, 7102, 331], [6685, 7104, 331], [6686, 7110, 331], [6687, 7116, 331], [6689, 7123, 331], [6687, 7126, 331], [6688, 7132, 331], [6689, 7138, 331], [6687, 7141, 331], [6685, 7144, 331], [6678, 7142, 331], [6678, 7147, 330], [6688, 7162, 331], [6687, 7166, 331], [6682, 7166, 330], [6678, 7167, 330], [6674, 7168, 330], [6673, 7172, 329], [6690, 7194, 329], [6686, 7195, 329], [6681, 7195, 329], [6678, 7197, 329], [6673, 7197, 328], [6666, 7195, 327], [6692, 7226, 327], [6689, 7228, 328], [6688, 7232, 328], [6691, 7240, 328], [6690, 7244, 328], [6689, 7248, 329], [6689, 7253, 329], [6689, 7258, 329], [6688, 7262, 329], [6685, 7264, 329], [6681, 7265, 329], [6678, 7267, 329], [6676, 7270, 328], [6673, 7272, 328], [6682, 7286, 328], [6678, 7287, 328], [6674, 7288, 327], [6678, 7297, 327], [6676, 7300, 326], [6641, 7270, 326], [6631, 7265, 326], [6626, 7265, 325], [6621, 7265, 325], [6615, 7264, 325], [6611, 7265, 325], [6606, 7265, 325], [6601, 7265, 325], [6581, 7250, 325], [6581, 7255, 325], [6582, 7261, 325], [6581, 7265, 325], [6579, 7268, 325], [6577, 7271, 325], [6563, 7262, 324], [6561, 7265, 324], [6556, 7265, 324], [6551, 7265, 324], [6551, 7270, 324], [6546, 7270, 323], [6558, 7287, 323], [6553, 7287, 323], [6551, 7290, 323], [6551, 7295, 323], [6514, 7263, 322], [6511, 7265, 322], [6506, 7265, 322], [6500, 7264, 322], [6500, 7269, 322], [6488, 7262, 322], [6484, 7263, 322], [6482, 7266, 322], [6476, 7265, 322], [6471, 7265, 322], [6466, 7265, 321], [6460, 7264, 321], [6456, 7265, 321], [6450, 7264, 321], [6446, 7265, 321], [6440, 7264, 321], [6440, 7269, 321], [6428, 7262, 321], [6425, 7264, 321], [6421, 7265, 321], [6421, 7270, 321], [6412, 7266, 321], [6411, 7270, 320], [6423, 7287, 320], [6396, 7265, 320], [6391, 7265, 320], [6384, 7263, 320], [6381, 7265, 320], [6381, 7270, 320], [6370, 7264, 320], [6364, 7263, 320], [6361, 7265, 320], [6360, 7269, 320], [6355, 7269, 319], [6350, 7269, 319], [6363, 7287, 319], [6359, 7288, 319], [6361, 7295, 319], [6360, 7299, 318], [6320, 7264, 318], [6320, 7269, 318], [6316, 7270, 318], [6312, 7271, 318], [6323, 7287, 318], [6319, 7288, 318], [6317, 7291, 317], [6320, 7299, 317], [6316, 7300, 317], [6270, 7259, 317], [6269, 7263, 317], [6267, 7266, 317], [6261, 7265, 317], [6260, 7269, 317], [6254, 7268, 316], [6268, 7287, 316], [6264, 7288, 316], [6259, 7288, 316], [6254, 7288, 316], [6261, 7300, 316], [6254, 7298, 316], [6251, 7300, 315], [6248, 7302, 315], [6241, 7300, 315], [6236, 7300, 314], [6231, 7300, 314], [6226, 7300, 314], [6211, 7290, 314], [6180, 7264, 313], [6175, 7264, 313], [6171, 7265, 313], [6170, 7269, 313], [6166, 7270, 313], [6178, 7287, 313], [6173, 7287, 313], [6169, 7288, 313], [6169, 7293, 313], [6170, 7299, 313], [6166, 7300, 312], [6161, 7300, 312], [6157, 7301, 312], [6148, 7297, 312], [6143, 7297, 311], [6141, 7300, 311], [6136, 7300, 311], [6131, 7300, 311], [6126, 7300, 311], [6121, 7300, 310], [6116, 7300, 310], [6113, 7302, 310], [6289, 7483, 310], [6286, 7485, 309], [6276, 7480, 309], [6270, 7479, 309], [6269, 7483, 309], [6265, 7484, 309], [6260, 7484, 309], [6254, 7483, 309], [6251, 7485, 309], [6247, 7486, 309], [6240, 7484, 309], [6171, 7420, 308], [6170, 7424, 308], [6169, 7428, 308], [6164, 7428, 308], [6158, 7427, 308], [6210, 7484, 308], [6205, 7484, 307], [6200, 7484, 307], [6195, 7484, 307], [6190, 7484, 307], [6181, 7480, 307], [6178, 7482, 307], [6173, 7482, 307], [6170, 7484, 307], [6165, 7484, 307], [6161, 7485, 307], [6156, 7485, 306], [6149, 7483, 306], [6144, 7483, 306], [6140, 7484, 306], [6135, 7484, 306], [6131, 7485, 306], [6125, 7484, 306], [6121, 7485, 305], [6115, 7484, 305], [6111, 7485, 305], [6106, 7485, 305], [6103, 7487, 304], [6096, 7485, 304], [6160, 7554, 304], [6166, 7565, 304], [6148, 7552, 303], [6144, 7553, 303], [6140, 7554, 303], [6135, 7554, 303], [6130, 7554, 303], [6125, 7554, 303], [6120, 7554, 303], [6115, 7554, 302], [6115, 7559, 302], [6116, 7565, 302], [6113, 7567, 302], [6109, 7568, 302], [6103, 7567, 301], [6014, 7483, 301], [6009, 7483, 301], [5997, 7476, 301], [5997, 7481, 301], [5994, 7483, 301], [5990, 7484, 301], [5988, 7487, 301], [5983, 7487, 300], [5989, 7498, 300], [5996, 7510, 300], [5991, 7510, 299], [5988, 7512, 299], [5988, 7517, 299], [5996, 7530, 299], [5990, 7529, 299], [6007, 7551, 299], [5997, 7546, 299], [5997, 7551, 299], [5994, 7553, 299], [5990, 7554, 299], [5990, 7559, 298], [5993, 7567, 298], [5989, 7568, 298], [5986, 7570, 298], [5982, 7571, 297], [5976, 7570, 297], [5974, 7573, 296], [5963, 7567, 296], [5958, 7567, 295], [5956, 7570, 295], [5949, 7568, 295], [5943, 7567, 295], [5937, 7566, 295], [5920, 7554, 294], [5915, 7554, 294], [5770, 7414, 294], [5770, 7419, 294], [5770, 7424, 294], [5768, 7427, 294], [5763, 7427, 294], [5757, 7426, 294], [5757, 7431, 294], [5753, 7432, 294], [5751, 7435, 293], [5786, 7475, 293], [5786, 7480, 293], [5781, 7480, 294], [5771, 7475, 294], [5771, 7480, 294], [5770, 7484, 294], [5765, 7484, 294], [5761, 7485, 294], [5756, 7485, 294], [5751, 7485, 293], [5750, 7489, 293], [5743, 7487, 293], [5736, 7485, 292], [5756, 7510, 292], [5753, 7512, 292], [5766, 7530, 292], [5761, 7530, 292], [5771, 7545, 292], [5770, 7549, 292], [5770, 7554, 292], [5765, 7554, 292], [5760, 7554, 292], [5755, 7554, 292], [5742, 7571, 290], [5626, 7485, 289], [5596, 7485, 288], [5635, 7554, 288], [5483, 7432, 287], [5504, 7483, 288], [5477, 7486, 287], [5445, 7484, 286], [5416, 7485, 286], [5384, 7483, 286], [5357, 7486, 286], [5370, 7529, 285], [5365, 7554, 285], [5351, 7570, 284], [5298, 7547, 283], [5288, 7567, 283], [5176, 7485, 282], [5151, 7490, 282], [5181, 7550, 281], [5153, 7552, 281], [5056, 7485, 281], [5025, 7484, 280], [4995, 7484, 280], [4966, 7485, 279], [5005, 7554, 279], [4975, 7554, 279], [4961, 7570, 278], [4928, 7567, 278], [4901, 7570, 277], [4785, 7484, 276], [4825, 7554, 276], [4804, 7563, 276], [4777, 7566, 275], [4748, 7567, 275], [4718, 7567, 275], [4688, 7567, 274], [4661, 7570, 273], [4638, 7577, 272], [4638, 7607, 269], [4637, 7611, 267], [5057, 8086, 267], [5045, 8104, 266], [5003, 8092, 266], [4970, 8089, 266], [4957, 8106, 266], [4920, 8099, 265], [4896, 8105, 265], [4840, 8079, 264], [4820, 8089, 264], [4801, 8100, 264], [4767, 8096, 264], [4741, 8100, 264], [4710, 8099, 264], [4685, 8104, 263], [4653, 8102, 263], [4638, 8117, 261], [4638, 8147, 260], [5364, 8903, 260], [5335, 8904, 259], [5303, 8902, 259], [5275, 8904, 259], [5243, 8902, 258], [5216, 8905, 259], [5183, 8902, 259], [5153, 8902, 259], [5123, 8902, 258], [5093, 8902, 258], [5063, 8902, 258], [5035, 8904, 258], [5004, 8903, 258], [4974, 8903, 258], [4944, 8903, 258], [4915, 8904, 258], [4885, 8904, 257], [4853, 8902, 257], [4824, 8903, 257], [4794, 8903, 257], [4764, 8903, 257], [4735, 8904, 257], [4704, 8903, 257], [4675, 8904, 256], [4649, 8908, 256], [4637, 8918, 254], [4637, 8918, 253], [4637, 8918, 251], [4637, 8918, 249], [4637, 8918, 247], [3850, 8106, 247], [3817, 8103, 246], [3783, 8099, 246], [3754, 8100, 246], [3712, 8088, 246], [3695, 8101, 246], [3652, 8088, 246], [3615, 8081, 246], [3615, 8111, 246], [3568, 8094, 246], [3558, 8114, 246], [3516, 8102, 245], [3480, 8096, 245], [3453, 8099, 244], [4228, 8904, 244], [4197, 8903, 243], [4166, 8902, 244], [4137, 8903, 244], [4108, 8904, 244], [4077, 8903, 243], [4047, 8903, 244], [3943, 8829, 244], [3945, 8861, 244], [3956, 8902, 244], [3927, 8903, 245], [3898, 8904, 244], [3877, 8913, 244], [3838, 8904, 244], [3808, 8904, 244], [3778, 8904, 244], [3747, 8903, 243], [3717, 8903, 243], [3688, 8904, 243], [3656, 8902, 243], [3628, 8904, 244], [3568, 8874, 243], [3568, 8904, 244], [3538, 8904, 243], [3509, 8905, 243], [3479, 8905, 242], [3452, 8908, 242], [3427, 8913, 241], [3395, 8911, 241], [3361, 8907, 240], [3337, 8913, 239], [3301, 8907, 239], [3280, 8916, 237], [3250, 8916, 236], [3214, 8910, 235], [3186, 8912, 235], [3146, 8902, 234], [3117, 8903, 234], [3087, 8903, 234], [2966, 8812, 234], [3026, 8902, 235], [2996, 8902, 235], [2966, 8902, 235], [2937, 8903, 235], [2908, 8904, 235], [2878, 8904, 235], [2848, 8904, 235], [2822, 8908, 235], [2802, 8918, 234], [2768, 8914, 233], [2740, 8916, 233], [2707, 8913, 232], [2667, 8903, 231], [2652, 8918, 230], [2615, 8911, 230], [2613, 8918, 229], [2613, 8918, 227], [2588, 8903, 227], [2558, 8903, 227], [2528, 8903, 227], [2497, 8902, 227], [2468, 8903, 227], [2438, 8903, 228], [2408, 8903, 228], [2378, 8903, 228], [2348, 8903, 228], [2318, 8903, 228], [2288, 8903, 228], [2257, 8902, 228], [2228, 8903, 228], [2199, 8904, 229], [2168, 8903, 229], [2139, 8904, 229], [2108, 8903, 229], [2078, 8903, 229], [2047, 8902, 229], [2018, 8903, 229], [1995, 8910, 229], [1959, 8904, 229], [1929, 8904, 228], [1905, 8910, 228], [1873, 8908, 228], [1841, 8906, 227], [1808, 8903, 227], [1787, 8912, 226], [1747, 8902, 226], [1721, 8906, 225], [1688, 8903, 225], [1660, 8905, 225], [1629, 8904, 224], [1600, 8905, 224], [1571, 8906, 223], [1538, 8903, 223], [1512, 8907, 223], [1482, 8907, 222], [1450, 8905, 222], [1420, 8905, 222], [1403, 8918, 221], [1373, 8918, 220], [1340, 8915, 220], [1313, 8918, 219], [1275, 8910, 218], [1245, 8910, 218], [1210, 8905, 217], [1188, 8913, 216], [1149, 8904, 216], [1119, 8904, 216], [1090, 8905, 216], [1059, 8904, 215], [1030, 8905, 215], [999, 8904, 215], [968, 8903, 215], [939, 8904, 215], [910, 8905, 215], [880, 8905, 215], [849, 8904, 214], [820, 8905, 214], [789, 8904, 214], [761, 8906, 214], [736, 8911, 214], [735, 8918, 213], [735, 8918, 212], [735, 8918, 211], [735, 8918, 211], [735, 8918, 210], [735, 8918, 209], [735, 8918, 208], [735, 8918, 208], [709, 8904, 207], [677, 8902, 207], [649, 8904, 208], [633, 8918, 207], [603, 8918, 207], [559, 8904, 206], [531, 8906, 206], [503, 8908, 205], [478, 8913, 205], [448, 8913, 205], [277, 8772, 205], [274, 8799, 205], [274, 8829, 205], [276, 8861, 206], [287, 8902, 206], [259, 8904, 206], [229, 8904, 206], [200, 8905, 206], [169, 8904, 205], [140, 8905, 205], [112, 8907, 205], [82, 8907, 205], [50, 8905, 204], [23, 8908, 204], [0, 8915, 204], [0, 8931, 203], [0, 8931, 202], [0, 8931, 202], [0, 8931, 201], [0, 8931, 200], [0, 8931, 200], [2117, 11085, 200], [2088, 11086, 200], [2057, 11085, 200], [2028, 11086, 200], [1996, 11084, 200], [1995, 11113, 200], [1995, 11143, 200], [1908, 11086, 200], [1903, 11111, 200], [1873, 11111, 199], [1874, 11142, 199], [1873, 11171, 199], [1873, 11201, 199], [1787, 11145, 198], [1788, 11176, 198], [1706, 11124, 198], [1706, 11154, 198], [1706, 11184, 198], [1616, 11124, 197], [1586, 11124, 197], [1537, 11105, 197], [1537, 11135, 197], [1459, 11087, 197], [1426, 11084, 197], [1420, 11108, 196], [1420, 11138, 196], [1420, 11168, 196], [1420, 11198, 196], [1419, 11227, 195], [1413, 11251, 195], [3923, 13861, 195], [3890, 13858, 195], [3877, 13875, 195], [3829, 13857, 195], [3801, 13859, 195], [3771, 13859, 195], [3740, 13858, 196], [3711, 13859, 196], [3679, 13857, 196], [3650, 13858, 196], [3353, 13861, 195], [3397, 14205, 195], [2768, 13876, 194], [2804, 14212, 194], [2222, 13859, 193], [1936, 13873, 194], [1973, 14210, 194], [1672, 14209, 192], [1418, 14255, 191], [1068, 14205, 188], [773, 14210, 188], [736, 14473, 185], [783, 14820, 184], [122, 14209, 184], [0, 14387, 182], [139, 14826, 181], [0, 14955, 178], [0, 14955, 175], [0, 14955, 172], [1568, 16104, 170], [1274, 16110, 168], [1996, 17109, 168], [1995, 17408, 169], [1874, 17587, 168], [1420, 17433, 167], [1418, 17731, 167], [770, 17383, 166], [736, 17649, 165], [836, 18040, 164], [140, 17403, 164], [139, 17702, 163], [222, 18076, 162], [139, 18293, 162], [0, 18362, 161]], 'time_in_bucket': [2611, 49, 43, 38, 26, 91, 85, 53, 38, 38, 52, 38, 28, 19, 30, 20, 20, 26, 16, 15, 32, 28, 28, 21, 26, 22, 18, 16, 20, 22, 19, 24, 27, 16, 29, 22, 18, 19, 16, 22, 24, 26, 16, 10, 13, 23, 23, 19, 18, 17, 15, 21, 24, 16, 16, 15, 18, 22, 19, 22, 18, 28, 21, 17, 10, 12, 16, 17, 13, 19, 25, 25, 19, 25, 20, 18, 24, 15, 22, 23, 25, 23, 23, 21, 25, 32, 21, 21, 29, 21, 27, 28, 23, 29, 31, 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 17, 30, 25, 30, 36, 25, 33, 29, 27, 33, 31, 20, 28, 23, 31, 28, 29, 40, 29, 40, 45, 31, 34, 40, 32, 29, 33, 42, 36, 30, 42, 34, 46, 38, 36, 33, 58, 33, 50, 41, 51, 53, 29, 41, 34, 36, 34, 45, 36, 40, 53, 38, 35, 45, 30, 38, 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{'weighted_power': 288, 'training_load': 336, 'max_watts': 730, 'relative_intensity': 71, 'cp_data': [[14101, 14101, 730], [14100, 14101, 716], [14099, 14101, 641], [12591, 12594, 603], [12591, 12595, 597], [12591, 12596, 589], [2875, 2881, 573], [12591, 12598, 574], [12591, 12599, 576], [12591, 12600, 576], [12591, 12601, 575], [12591, 12602, 568], [12683, 12695, 553], [12683, 12696, 553], [12683, 12697, 551], [12683, 12698, 551], [12683, 12699, 552], [12683, 12700, 550], [12684, 12702, 549], [12683, 12702, 550], [12683, 12703, 549], [12683, 12704, 548], [12683, 12705, 548], [12682, 12705, 546], [12682, 12706, 544], [12681, 12706, 539], [12591, 12617, 539], [12591, 12618, 538], [12591, 12619, 537], [12591, 12620, 537], [12591, 12621, 537], [12591, 12622, 535], [12591, 12623, 534], [12591, 12624, 534], [5269, 5303, 533], [5268, 5303, 532], [5267, 5303, 532], [5266, 5303, 531], [5265, 5303, 528], [12591, 12630, 526], [12591, 12631, 526], [12591, 12632, 524], [12629, 12671, 524], [12629, 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[13751, 15384, 387], [13746, 15384, 387], [13742, 15385, 387], [13724, 15372, 387], [13726, 15379, 387], [13678, 15336, 387], [13678, 15341, 387], [13673, 15341, 387], [13706, 15379, 387], [13707, 15385, 387], [13673, 15356, 387], [13680, 15368, 387], [13679, 15372, 387], [13680, 15378, 387], [13681, 15384, 387], [13676, 15384, 387], [13672, 15385, 387], [13667, 15385, 387], [13661, 15384, 387], [13656, 15384, 387], [13651, 15384, 387], [13647, 15385, 386], [13641, 15384, 386], [13619, 15367, 386], [13618, 15371, 386], [13614, 15372, 386], [13616, 15379, 386], [13616, 15384, 386], [13611, 15384, 386], [13607, 15385, 386], [13601, 15384, 386], [13597, 15385, 386], [13592, 15385, 386], [13587, 15385, 386], [13556, 15384, 386], [13526, 15384, 385], [13496, 15384, 385], [13466, 15384, 385], [13437, 15385, 385], [13378, 15356, 385], [13377, 15385, 385], [13346, 15384, 385], [13316, 15384, 384], [13286, 15384, 384], [13256, 15384, 384], [13221, 15379, 384], [13196, 15384, 384], [13167, 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[11796, 15437, 336], [11796, 15437, 333], [11796, 15437, 330], [11796, 15437, 328], [11796, 15437, 325], [11796, 15437, 322], [11796, 15437, 320], [11796, 15437, 317], [11796, 15437, 315], [11796, 15437, 313], [11796, 15437, 310], [11796, 15437, 308], [11796, 15437, 306], [11796, 15437, 303], [11796, 15437, 301], [11755, 15386, 300], [11725, 15386, 300], [11695, 15386, 299], [11665, 15386, 299], [11635, 15386, 298], [11605, 15386, 297], [11576, 15387, 297], [11545, 15386, 296], [11525, 15396, 295], [11483, 15384, 295], [11320, 15251, 296], [11311, 15272, 297], [11216, 15207, 297], [11216, 15237, 298], [11216, 15267, 299], [11303, 15384, 299], [11216, 15327, 300], [11216, 15357, 301], [11215, 15386, 301], [11182, 15383, 302], [11104, 15335, 302], [11110, 15371, 302], [11080, 15371, 303], [11056, 15377, 303], [11022, 15373, 304], [10998, 15379, 304], [10535, 14947, 305], [10535, 14977, 305], [10526, 14998, 306], [10535, 15037, 307], [10530, 15062, 307], [10534, 15096, 308], [10518, 15110, 308], [10447, 15069, 309], [10444, 15096, 309], [10518, 15199, 310], [10518, 15229, 310], [10527, 15268, 311], [10458, 15229, 311], [10435, 15236, 312], [10442, 15273, 312], [10518, 15379, 313], [10444, 15335, 313], [10448, 15369, 313], [10421, 15372, 314], [10403, 15384, 314], [10368, 15379, 315], [10343, 15384, 315], [10301, 15372, 316], [10293, 15394, 315], [10257, 15388, 314], [10227, 15388, 313], [10197, 15388, 312], [10166, 15387, 311], [10137, 15388, 311], [10106, 15387, 310], [10077, 15388, 309], [10047, 15388, 308], [10017, 15388, 307], [9985, 15386, 306], [9957, 15388, 305], [9928, 15389, 304], [9896, 15387, 303], [9865, 15386, 303], [9837, 15388, 302], [9814, 15395, 301], [9814, 15425, 299], [9812, 15437, 298], [9812, 15437, 297], [9812, 15437, 295], [9812, 15437, 294], [9812, 15437, 292], [9812, 15437, 291], [9792, 15388, 290], [9778, 15404, 288], [9739, 15395, 288], [9702, 15388, 287], [9672, 15388, 286], [9642, 15388, 286], [9475, 15251, 286], [9445, 15251, 286], [9505, 15341, 287], [9505, 15371, 287], [9475, 15371, 288], [9453, 15379, 288], [9416, 15372, 289], [9393, 15379, 289], [9310, 15326, 289], [9310, 15356, 290], [9310, 15386, 290], [9279, 15385, 290], [9243, 15379, 290], [9218, 15384, 291], [9189, 15385, 291], [9146, 15372, 291], [9129, 15385, 292], [9099, 15385, 292], [9062, 15378, 292], [9039, 15385, 292], [9008, 15384, 292], [8978, 15384, 293], [8941, 15377, 293], [8913, 15379, 293], [8889, 15385, 293], [8858, 15384, 294], [8816, 15372, 294], [8798, 15384, 294], [8768, 15384, 295], [8738, 15384, 295], [8708, 15384, 295], [8680, 15386, 295], [8652, 15388, 294], [8622, 15388, 294], [8592, 15388, 293], [8562, 15388, 293], [8540, 15396, 292], [8518, 15404, 291], [8518, 15434, 290], [8462, 15408, 289], [8415, 15391, 288], [8400, 15406, 287], [8352, 15388, 286], [8352, 15418, 285], [8293, 15389, 284], [8292, 15418, 283], [8247, 15403, 282], [8234, 15420, 281], [8192, 15408, 280], [8142, 15388, 279], [8119, 15395, 278], [8100, 15406, 277], [8058, 15394, 276], [8030, 15396, 275], [7990, 15386, 274], [8610, 15602, 274], [8591, 15613, 273], [8558, 15610, 273], [8541, 15623, 272], [8516, 15628, 271], [8520, 15662, 270], [8606, 15778, 270], [8576, 15778, 269], [8546, 15778, 269], [8518, 15780, 268], [8518, 15810, 267], [8522, 15844, 266], [7599, 15385, 266], [7570, 15386, 266], [7540, 15386, 266], [7510, 15386, 266], [7479, 15385, 266], [7450, 15386, 266], [7420, 15386, 266], [7389, 15385, 266], [7361, 15387, 266], [7329, 15385, 266], [7300, 15386, 266], [7269, 15385, 266], [7239, 15385, 266], [7210, 15386, 266], [7180, 15386, 266], [7149, 15385, 266], [7120, 15386, 266], [7090, 15386, 266], [7060, 15386, 266], [7030, 15386, 266], [6999, 15385, 265], [6969, 15385, 265], [6941, 15387, 265], [6911, 15387, 264], [6879, 15385, 264], [6868, 15404, 264], [6826, 15392, 263], [6825, 15421, 262], [6811, 15437, 261], [6740, 15396, 261], [6740, 15426, 260], [6708, 15424, 259], [6691, 15437, 258], [6661, 15437, 258], [6589, 15395, 257], [6557, 15393, 256], [6534, 15400, 255], [6489, 15385, 255], [6474, 15400, 254], [6436, 15392, 254], [6418, 15404, 253], [6418, 15434, 252], [6417, 15437, 252], [6417, 15437, 251], [6417, 15437, 250], [6869, 15571, 250], [6869, 15601, 250], [6866, 15628, 249], [6825, 15617, 248], [6825, 15647, 248], [6869, 15721, 247], [6869, 15751, 247], [6868, 15780, 247], [6868, 15810, 246], [6835, 15807, 246], [6822, 15824, 245], [6814, 15846, 244], [6869, 15931, 244], [6869, 15961, 244], [6869, 15991, 244], [6869, 16021, 243], [6869, 16051, 243], [6865, 16077, 243], [6826, 16068, 242], [7022, 16294, 242], [7022, 16324, 241], [6993, 16325, 241], [6870, 16232, 241], [6869, 16261, 241], [6869, 16291, 240], [6868, 16320, 240], [6037, 15385, 240], [6007, 15385, 240], [5978, 15386, 240], [5947, 15385, 240], [5917, 15385, 241], [5887, 15385, 241], [5857, 15385, 241], [5519, 15347, 243], [5251, 15379, 247], [4959, 15387, 248], [4658, 15386, 247], [4369, 15388, 245], [4067, 15386, 244], [3777, 15396, 241], [3478, 15397, 236], [3827, 15612, 232], [2865, 15384, 232], [2560, 15379, 234], [2253, 15372, 236], [1967, 15386, 236], [1914, 15437, 232], [1930, 15515, 228], [1929, 15811, 226], [2101, 16286, 224], [1929, 16409, 222], [1929, 16696, 218], [509, 15385, 218], [212, 15388, 218], [0, 15444, 215], [0, 15444, 212], [4581, 20843, 212], [4453, 21006, 211], [4154, 21007, 211], [3872, 21025, 210], [3747, 21200, 207], [2185, 19938, 208], [2102, 20155, 209], [2097, 20450, 209], [2101, 20754, 209], [2079, 21032, 209], [1931, 21184, 207], [1929, 21482, 205], [1934, 21787, 204], [1891, 21848, 202], [1591, 21848, 199], [291, 20401, 198], [408, 20818, 198], [291, 21001, 198], [39, 21049, 197], [27, 21337, 195], [211, 21821, 194], [0, 21863, 193], [0, 21863, 190], [0, 21863, 188], [205, 22153, 187], [9, 22257, 186], [110, 22658, 184]], 'time_in_bucket': [3638, 86, 102, 73, 53, 199, 155, 116, 84, 64, 52, 44, 31, 44, 38, 45, 18, 36, 17, 36, 23, 32, 26, 26, 27, 19, 28, 22, 27, 14, 19, 27, 17, 17, 24, 16, 10, 26, 20, 20, 21, 13, 24, 13, 13, 26, 22, 14, 16, 18, 17, 28, 13, 11, 22, 17, 24, 10, 23, 25, 10, 31, 24, 17, 23, 29, 32, 9, 22, 14, 24, 15, 22, 20, 19, 19, 21, 19, 28, 25, 13, 23, 21, 23, 22, 23, 16, 19, 22, 25, 16, 21, 27, 19, 24, 25, 21, 26, 29, 19, 29, 28, 22, 25, 28, 24, 21, 23, 27, 21, 29, 21, 28, 32, 29, 26, 24, 27, 25, 26, 30, 28, 36, 21, 27, 27, 27, 26, 31, 37, 42, 29, 23, 28, 32, 34, 29, 39, 38, 31, 34, 38, 37, 34, 29, 36, 35, 31, 42, 41, 45, 39, 42, 34, 46, 36, 39, 41, 34, 37, 26, 48, 37, 45, 48, 46, 35, 40, 42, 36, 33, 48, 45, 42, 34, 39, 44, 61, 40, 45, 46, 55, 44, 38, 45, 45, 46, 47, 44, 53, 46, 47, 53, 48, 47, 54, 47, 44, 46, 42, 50, 62, 35, 45, 51, 50, 54, 52, 48, 43, 59, 48, 51, 49, 59, 55, 53, 43, 51, 42, 54, 46, 43, 41, 51, 45, 48, 38, 58, 55, 63, 45, 51, 53, 58, 60, 41, 44, 53, 51, 49, 45, 51, 41, 48, 49, 54, 46, 49, 62, 56, 58, 53, 51, 42, 47, 65, 50, 44, 57, 57, 55, 52, 61, 53, 58, 58, 66, 54, 52, 72, 69, 59, 57, 65, 68, 75, 69, 73, 69, 55, 54, 72, 60, 51, 64, 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13530, 297], [13016, 13530, 296], [13011, 13530, 295], [13006, 13530, 294], [13001, 13530, 293], [12995, 13529, 292], [12991, 13530, 291], [12986, 13530, 290], [13079, 13628, 290], [13078, 13632, 290], [13078, 13637, 290], [13078, 13642, 290], [13078, 13647, 289], [13079, 13653, 289], [13078, 13657, 289], [13078, 13662, 289], [13079, 13668, 289], [13079, 13673, 289], [13079, 13678, 289], [13078, 13682, 289], [13079, 13688, 289], [13097, 13711, 290], [13092, 13711, 290], [13087, 13711, 290], [13080, 13709, 291], [13079, 13713, 292], [13079, 13718, 292], [13079, 13723, 292], [13079, 13728, 292], [13079, 13733, 293], [13079, 13738, 293], [13080, 13744, 293], [13079, 13748, 294], [13079, 13753, 294], [13079, 13758, 294], [13079, 13763, 295], [13079, 13768, 295], [13079, 13773, 296], [13079, 13778, 296], [13079, 13783, 296], [13079, 13788, 296], [13079, 13793, 296], [13079, 13798, 295], [13078, 13802, 295], [13078, 13807, 295], [13078, 13812, 294], [13078, 13817, 294], [13078, 13822, 294], [13078, 13827, 293], [13078, 13832, 293], [13078, 13837, 292], [13078, 13842, 291], [13079, 13848, 291], [13079, 13853, 292], [13079, 13858, 292], [13079, 13863, 292], [13079, 13868, 293], [13079, 13873, 293], [13078, 13877, 292], [13078, 13882, 292], [13078, 13887, 292], [13079, 13893, 292], [13079, 13898, 292], [13078, 13902, 292], [13079, 13908, 292], [13078, 13912, 292], [13078, 13917, 292], [13079, 13923, 291], [13078, 13927, 291], [13078, 13932, 291], [13079, 13938, 291], [13080, 13944, 291], [13079, 13948, 292], [13078, 13952, 291], [13078, 13957, 291], [13078, 13962, 291], [13079, 13968, 291], [13079, 13973, 291], [13079, 13978, 291], [13079, 13983, 292], [13079, 13988, 292], [13079, 13993, 292], [13078, 13997, 292], [13078, 14002, 292], [13078, 14007, 291], [13078, 14012, 291], [13078, 14017, 291], [13079, 14023, 290], [13078, 14027, 290], [13078, 14032, 290], [13078, 14037, 289], [13078, 14042, 289], [13078, 14047, 289], [13078, 14052, 288], [13078, 14057, 288], [13078, 14062, 288], [13078, 14067, 288], [13078, 14072, 288], [13078, 14077, 288], [13079, 14083, 288], [13078, 14087, 288], [13079, 14093, 287], [13079, 14098, 288], [13078, 14102, 287], [13078, 14107, 287], [13078, 14112, 287], [13079, 14118, 287], [13079, 14123, 287], [13078, 14127, 287], [13078, 14132, 287], [13079, 14138, 287], [13079, 14143, 287], [13078, 14147, 287], [13078, 14152, 287], [13078, 14157, 287], [13078, 14162, 286], [13077, 14166, 286], [13078, 14172, 286], [13078, 14177, 286], [13080, 14184, 286], [13079, 14188, 286], [13080, 14194, 286], [13078, 14197, 287], [13078, 14202, 286], [13078, 14207, 286], [13078, 14212, 286], [13078, 14217, 285], [13078, 14222, 285], [13079, 14228, 286], [13079, 14233, 286], [13080, 14239, 286], [13079, 14243, 286], [13079, 14248, 287], [13079, 14253, 287], [13079, 14258, 287], [13079, 14263, 287], [13078, 14267, 287], [13078, 14272, 287], [13078, 14277, 287], [13079, 14283, 287], [13078, 14287, 287], [13078, 14292, 287], [13078, 14297, 287], [13078, 14302, 286], [13078, 14307, 286], [13080, 14314, 286], [13079, 14318, 286], [13079, 14323, 286], [13079, 14328, 286], [13078, 14332, 287], [13078, 14337, 286], [13079, 14343, 286], [13078, 14347, 286], [13078, 14352, 286], [13078, 14357, 286], [13077, 14361, 286], [13074, 14363, 285], [13071, 14365, 284], [13072, 14371, 283], [13050, 14354, 282], [13045, 14354, 282], [13041, 14355, 282], [13036, 14355, 282], [13030, 14354, 281], [13025, 14354, 281], [13019, 14353, 281], [13017, 14356, 280], [13010, 14354, 280], [13007, 14356, 280], [13003, 14357, 280], [12995, 14354, 279], [12992, 14356, 279], [12986, 14355, 279], [12986, 14360, 278], [12977, 14356, 278], [12972, 14356, 278], [12964, 14353, 277], [12960, 14354, 277], [12955, 14354, 277], [12949, 14353, 277], [12944, 14353, 277], [12941, 14355, 276], [12936, 14355, 276], [12930, 14354, 276], [12926, 14355, 276], [12921, 14355, 275], [12916, 14355, 275], [12916, 14360, 275], [12912, 14361, 274], [12907, 14361, 274], [12902, 14361, 274], [12897, 14361, 273], [12892, 14361, 273], [12887, 14361, 272], [12882, 14361, 272], [12877, 14361, 271], [12872, 14361, 271], [12867, 14361, 271], [21586, 23085, 271], [21576, 23080, 271], [21543, 23052, 271], [21566, 23080, 271], [21565, 23084, 271], [21527, 23051, 271], [21552, 23081, 271], [21546, 23080, 271], [21541, 23080, 271], [21541, 23085, 271], [21531, 23080, 271], [21543, 23097, 271], [21543, 23102, 271], [21521, 23085, 271], [21528, 23097, 271], [21523, 23097, 271], [21523, 23102, 270], [21472, 23056, 270], [21470, 23059, 270], [21456, 23050, 270], [21452, 23051, 271], [21452, 23056, 271], [21442, 23051, 271], [21437, 23051, 271], [21432, 23051, 271], [21428, 23052, 271], [21428, 23057, 271], [21428, 23062, 271], [21429, 23068, 271], [21433, 23077, 271], [21431, 23080, 271], [21430, 23084, 271], [21426, 23085, 271], [21432, 23096, 271], [21428, 23097, 271], [21428, 23102, 271], [21426, 23105, 271], [21425, 23109, 270], [21427, 23116, 270], [21426, 23120, 270], [21426, 23125, 270], [21426, 23130, 270], [21426, 23135, 270], [22151, 23865, 269], [22152, 23871, 269], [22141, 23865, 270], [22141, 23870, 270], [22132, 23866, 270], [22132, 23871, 270], [22132, 23876, 270], [22132, 23881, 269], [22181, 23935, 269], [22105, 23864, 269], [22105, 23869, 269], [22181, 23950, 269], [22075, 23849, 269], [22068, 23847, 270], [22064, 23848, 270], [22063, 23852, 270], [22063, 23857, 270], [22064, 23863, 270], [22041, 23870, 270], [21989, 23848, 270], [21987, 23876, 270], [21952, 23871, 270], [21913, 23862, 270], [21913, 23892, 270], [21863, 23872, 270], [21839, 23878, 270], [21864, 23933, 270], [21772, 23871, 270], [21748, 23877, 270], [21773, 23932, 270], [21753, 23942, 270], [21754, 23973, 269], [21727, 23976, 269], [21682, 23961, 269], [21641, 23950, 269], [21637, 23976, 269], [21589, 23958, 269], [21472, 23871, 269], [21430, 23859, 269], [21429, 23888, 269], [21428, 23917, 269], [21431, 23950, 269], [21426, 23975, 269], [21402, 23981, 268], [21372, 23981, 267], [21342, 23981, 267], [21213, 23882, 267], [21213, 23912, 267], [21213, 23942, 267], [21213, 23972, 267], [21192, 23981, 266], [21053, 23872, 266], [21053, 23902, 266], [21053, 23932, 266], [21052, 23961, 266], [21042, 23981, 265], [20960, 23929, 265], [20957, 23956, 265], [20948, 23977, 265], [20815, 23874, 265], [20868, 23957, 265], [20757, 23876, 265], [20700, 23849, 265], [20698, 23877, 265], [20645, 23854, 265], [20624, 23863, 265], [20647, 23916, 265], [20623, 23922, 265], [20623, 23952, 265], [20622, 23981, 265], [20588, 23977, 264], [20562, 23981, 263], [20532, 23981, 262], [20502, 23981, 261], [20473, 23982, 261], [20443, 23982, 260], [20412, 23981, 258], [20383, 23982, 257], [20352, 23981, 256], [20322, 23981, 255], [20286, 23975, 255], [20258, 23977, 254], [20232, 23981, 253], [20202, 23981, 252], [20173, 23982, 252], [20143, 23982, 250], [20113, 23982, 248], [20083, 23982, 246], [20053, 23982, 244], [20023, 23982, 242], [19993, 23982, 240], [19962, 23981, 239], [19961, 23982, 238], [19961, 23982, 236], [19961, 23982, 234], [19961, 23982, 232], [19961, 23982, 231], [19880, 23931, 231], [19879, 23960, 231], [19870, 23981, 231], [19643, 23784, 231], [19683, 23854, 232], [19644, 23845, 232], [19641, 23872, 232], [19586, 23847, 233], [19558, 23849, 233], [19551, 23872, 233], [19518, 23869, 234], [19484, 23865, 234], [19439, 23850, 234], [19438, 23879, 234], [19440, 23911, 235], [19440, 23941, 235], [19440, 23971, 235], [19421, 23982, 235], [19390, 23981, 234], [19360, 23981, 233], [19330, 23981, 233], [19301, 23982, 231], [19270, 23981, 230], [19241, 23982, 229], [19211, 23982, 229], [19181, 23982, 228], [19150, 23981, 227], [19120, 23981, 227], [19064, 23955, 227], [19041, 23962, 227], [19030, 23981, 227], [18992, 23973, 227], [18854, 23865, 227], [18855, 23896, 227], [18852, 23923, 227], [18854, 23955, 228], [18850, 23981, 228], [18812, 23973, 227], [18790, 23981, 227], [18756, 23977, 226], [18731, 23982, 226], [18700, 23981, 225], [18670, 23981, 225], [18640, 23981, 224], [18610, 23981, 224], [18548, 23949, 224], [18548, 23979, 224], [18520, 23981, 223], [18491, 23982, 223], [18461, 23982, 223], [18430, 23981, 222], [18389, 23970, 222], [18370, 23981, 222], [18340, 23981, 221], [18310, 23981, 221], [18280, 23981, 221], [18250, 23981, 221], [18220, 23981, 221], [18190, 23981, 221], [18160, 23981, 220], [18130, 23981, 220], [18100, 23981, 220], [18070, 23981, 220], [18040, 23981, 220], [18010, 23981, 220], [17980, 23981, 219], [17950, 23981, 219], [17920, 23981, 219], [17890, 23981, 219], [17860, 23981, 218], [17830, 23981, 218], [17800, 23981, 218], [17770, 23981, 217], [17741, 23982, 216], [17710, 23981, 216], [17681, 23982, 215], [17650, 23981, 215], [17620, 23981, 214], [17590, 23981, 214], [17560, 23981, 213], [17531, 23982, 212], [17501, 23982, 211], [17471, 23982, 210], [17441, 23982, 209], [17405, 23976, 208], [17380, 23981, 208], [17351, 23982, 207], [17321, 23982, 206], [17291, 23982, 205], [17261, 23982, 204], [17230, 23981, 204], [17200, 23981, 204], [17170, 23981, 203], [16264, 23105, 203], [16213, 23084, 203], [16201, 23102, 204], [16199, 23130, 204], [16194, 23155, 204], [16856, 23847, 204], [16827, 23848, 204], [16814, 23865, 204], [16626, 23707, 205], [16608, 23719, 205], [16620, 23761, 205], [16618, 23789, 206], [16627, 23828, 206], [16618, 23849, 206], [16604, 23865, 207], [16578, 23869, 207], [16555, 23876, 207], [16518, 23869, 207], [16376, 23757, 208], [16378, 23789, 208], [16378, 23819, 208], [16378, 23849, 208], [16375, 23876, 209], [16375, 23906, 209], [16374, 23935, 209], [16370, 23961, 209], [16360, 23981, 210], [16282, 23933, 210], [16269, 23950, 210], [16264, 23975, 210], [16209, 23950, 210], [16204, 23975, 210], [16180, 23981, 210], [16150, 23981, 210], [16120, 23981, 210], [16090, 23981, 210], [16037, 23958, 210], [16031, 23982, 210], [16001, 23982, 209], [15971, 23982, 208], [15940, 23981, 208], [15877, 23948, 208], [15877, 23978, 208], [15830, 23961, 208], [15814, 23975, 208], [15785, 23976, 209], [15760, 23981, 208], [15711, 23962, 209], [15695, 23976, 209], [15670, 23981, 209], [15640, 23981, 209], [15610, 23981, 209], [15561, 23962, 209], [15446, 23877, 209], [15446, 23907, 209], [15447, 23938, 209], [15436, 23957, 210], [15425, 23976, 210], [15396, 23977, 210], [15346, 23957, 210], [15340, 23981, 210], [15310, 23981, 210], [15280, 23981, 210], [15249, 23980, 210], [15220, 23981, 210], [15184, 23975, 210], [15160, 23981, 210], [15130, 23981, 210], [15100, 23981, 210], [15070, 23981, 210], [15040, 23981, 210], [15005, 23976, 210], [14981, 23982, 209], [14950, 23981, 209], [14920, 23981, 209], [14890, 23981, 208], [14860, 23981, 208], [14830, 23981, 207], [14801, 23982, 207], [14771, 23982, 206], [14741, 23982, 206], [14711, 23982, 205], [14681, 23982, 205], [14651, 23982, 204], [14621, 23982, 203], [14591, 23982, 203], [14561, 23982, 202], [14531, 23982, 202], [14501, 23982, 201], [14471, 23982, 200], [14441, 23982, 200], [14411, 23982, 199], [14381, 23982, 199], [14376, 23982, 198], [14376, 23982, 197], [14376, 23982, 197], [14848, 24390, 197], [14839, 24411, 196], [14838, 24440, 196], [14820, 24452, 195], [15004, 24666, 195], [15004, 24696, 195], [15004, 24726, 195], [14987, 24739, 194], [15004, 24786, 194], [4341, 14344, 194], [4313, 14346, 194], [4283, 14346, 195], [4251, 14344, 195], [4229, 14352, 195], [4199, 14352, 195], [4162, 14345, 195], [4140, 14353, 195], [4099, 14342, 196], [4088, 14361, 195], [13079, 23003, 196], [13079, 23033, 196], [13078, 23062, 196], [13078, 23092, 196], [13078, 23122, 196], [13078, 23152, 196], [13078, 23182, 196], [13079, 23213, 197], [13078, 23242, 197], [13078, 23272, 197], [13078, 23302, 197], [13078, 23332, 197], [13078, 23362, 197], [13078, 23662, 200], [13078, 23962, 202], [12797, 23981, 201], [12497, 23981, 201], [12197, 23981, 200], [11898, 23982, 199], [11598, 23982, 197], [11297, 23981, 195], [10998, 23982, 191], [11682, 24787, 187], [10265, 23849, 187], [10092, 23976, 188], [9665, 23849, 190], [9451, 23935, 191], [9172, 23956, 193], [8876, 23960, 194], [8597, 23981, 195], [8298, 23982, 194], [7998, 23982, 191], [8394, 24499, 188], [7525, 23973, 188], [7229, 23977, 189], [6925, 23973, 190], [6632, 23980, 190], [6333, 23981, 191], [6028, 23976, 192], [5711, 23959, 193], [5400, 23948, 193], [5134, 23982, 193], [4833, 23981, 193], [4530, 23978, 192], [4229, 23977, 193], [3934, 23982, 192], [3634, 23982, 190], [3333, 23981, 189], [3033, 23981, 190], [2702, 23950, 188], [2329, 23877, 189], [2124, 23972, 190], [1811, 23959, 191], [1575, 23982, 189], [1270, 23977, 187], [838, 23845, 188], [615, 23922, 189], [374, 23981, 189], [98, 23981, 188], [0, 23998, 186], [144, 24464, 184], [145, 24773, 183], [0, 24898, 182], [0, 25198, 180], [0, 25498, 179], [5, 25803, 177], [0, 26014, 175]], 'time_in_bucket': [4271, 51, 59, 56, 34, 134, 84, 57, 38, 44, 31, 40, 26, 26, 36, 29, 30, 13, 40, 31, 31, 33, 25, 27, 22, 14, 24, 21, 21, 27, 20, 27, 23, 27, 14, 19, 19, 8, 11, 11, 16, 20, 23, 16, 13, 21, 16, 22, 22, 17, 17, 19, 28, 17, 17, 24, 22, 17, 15, 24, 26, 11, 20, 25, 17, 12, 19, 27, 20, 14, 25, 17, 28, 19, 18, 17, 25, 25, 14, 19, 24, 29, 22, 20, 20, 14, 15, 19, 15, 40, 26, 20, 27, 28, 29, 27, 23, 25, 29, 18, 28, 22, 26, 11, 24, 19, 17, 28, 27, 26, 21, 26, 24, 32, 34, 32, 26, 25, 39, 33, 34, 40, 39, 26, 39, 26, 29, 32, 19, 34, 36, 35, 40, 36, 42, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 43, 45, 45, 41, 43, 38, 39, 43, 49, 38, 59, 50, 53, 54, 48, 45, 35, 44, 56, 49, 49, 38, 49, 47, 68, 54, 54, 50, 54, 58, 58, 51, 67, 51, 53, 63, 60, 56, 80, 53, 58, 61, 49, 64, 65, 67, 61, 59, 67, 57, 75, 74, 57, 54, 60, 78, 62, 82, 72, 70, 73, 77, 62, 75, 61, 84, 71, 78, 85, 79, 78, 70, 98, 94, 71, 88, 80, 89, 86, 96, 96, 84, 96, 93, 96, 100, 88, 112, 114, 114, 113, 117, 121, 118, 130, 133, 135, 140, 152, 134, 137, 132, 160, 143, 183, 151, 132, 157, 170, 159, 156, 155, 170, 155, 175, 185, 152, 162, 170, 182, 171, 174, 177, 155, 162, 191, 212, 184, 190, 165, 176, 159, 161, 179, 160, 160, 168, 171, 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[7603, 7834, 329], [7596, 7828, 329], [7593, 7826, 329], [7594, 7828, 329], [7593, 7828, 329], [7585, 7821, 329], [7583, 7820, 329], [7583, 7821, 329], [7582, 7821, 329], [7581, 7821, 329], [7580, 7821, 329], [7579, 7821, 329], [7578, 7821, 329], [7582, 7826, 329], [7581, 7826, 329], [7580, 7826, 329], [7579, 7826, 329], [7578, 7826, 329], [7579, 7828, 329], [7578, 7828, 329], [7578, 7829, 329], [7578, 7830, 329], [7579, 7832, 329], [7578, 7832, 329], [7578, 7833, 329], [7578, 7834, 329], [7576, 7833, 329], [7576, 7834, 329], [7574, 7833, 329], [7578, 7838, 329], [7577, 7838, 329], [7576, 7838, 329], [7574, 7837, 329], [7574, 7838, 329], [7573, 7838, 329], [7574, 7840, 329], [7574, 7841, 328], [7570, 7838, 328], [7565, 7834, 328], [7568, 7838, 328], [7567, 7838, 328], [7549, 7821, 328], [7548, 7821, 328], [7547, 7821, 328], [7548, 7823, 328], [7548, 7824, 328], [7548, 7825, 328], [7548, 7826, 329], [7548, 7827, 329], [7548, 7828, 329], [7548, 7829, 329], [7548, 7830, 329], [7547, 7830, 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7084, 320], [6597, 7086, 319], [6592, 7086, 319], [6568, 7067, 318], [6563, 7067, 318], [6559, 7068, 318], [6555, 7069, 318], [6552, 7071, 318], [6552, 7076, 318], [6540, 7069, 318], [6537, 7071, 318], [6539, 7078, 318], [6523, 7067, 318], [6522, 7071, 318], [6522, 7076, 317], [6522, 7081, 317], [6521, 7085, 317], [6515, 7084, 317], [6509, 7083, 316], [6505, 7084, 316], [6493, 7077, 316], [6493, 7082, 316], [6475, 7069, 315], [6471, 7070, 315], [6467, 7071, 315], [6462, 7071, 315], [6462, 7076, 315], [6450, 7069, 315], [6452, 7076, 315], [6440, 7069, 315], [6443, 7077, 315], [6428, 7067, 315], [6425, 7069, 315], [6420, 7069, 315], [6415, 7069, 314], [6412, 7071, 314], [6413, 7077, 314], [6407, 7076, 314], [6403, 7077, 314], [6403, 7082, 314], [6393, 7077, 314], [6389, 7078, 314], [6376, 7070, 313], [6370, 7069, 313], [6365, 7069, 313], [6365, 7074, 313], [6353, 7067, 313], [6348, 7067, 313], [6343, 7067, 313], [6339, 7068, 313], [6339, 7073, 313], [6339, 7078, 313], [6338, 7082, 313], [6337, 7086, 313], [6332, 7086, 312], [6325, 7084, 312], [6319, 7083, 312], [6317, 7086, 312], [6303, 7077, 311], [6298, 7077, 311], [6285, 7069, 311], [6282, 7071, 311], [6282, 7076, 311], [6278, 7077, 311], [6278, 7082, 311], [6275, 7084, 311], [6270, 7084, 311], [6258, 7077, 311], [6253, 7077, 310], [6249, 7078, 310], [6249, 7083, 310], [6246, 7085, 310], [6246, 7090, 310], [6241, 7090, 309], [6236, 7090, 309], [6231, 7090, 308], [6225, 7089, 307], [6221, 7090, 307], [6220, 7094, 306], [6219, 7098, 305], [6219, 7103, 304], [6219, 7108, 303], [6219, 7113, 302], [6220, 7119, 301], [6219, 7123, 300], [6220, 7129, 299], [6224, 7138, 298], [6220, 7139, 298], [6224, 7148, 297], [6224, 7153, 296], [6224, 7158, 295], [3953, 4892, 295], [3948, 4892, 295], [3944, 4893, 295], [3944, 4898, 295], [3944, 4903, 295], [3942, 4906, 295], [3944, 4913, 294], [3998, 4972, 294], [3987, 4966, 294], [3987, 4971, 295], [3958, 4947, 295], [3953, 4947, 295], [3963, 4962, 295], [3958, 4962, 295], [3953, 4962, 295], [3952, 4966, 295], [3951, 4970, 295], [3948, 4972, 295], [3943, 4972, 295], [3941, 4975, 295], [3941, 4980, 295], [3936, 4980, 294], [3931, 4980, 294], [3926, 4980, 294], [3914, 4973, 293], [3910, 4974, 293], [3896, 4965, 293], [3888, 4962, 293], [3887, 4966, 294], [3882, 4966, 294], [3882, 4971, 294], [3880, 4974, 294], [3875, 4974, 293], [3875, 4979, 293], [3871, 4980, 293], [3868, 4982, 293], [3861, 4980, 292], [3959, 5083, 292], [3954, 5083, 292], [3953, 5087, 292], [3953, 5092, 292], [3948, 5092, 292], [3944, 5093, 292], [3942, 5096, 292], [3942, 5101, 292], [3942, 5106, 292], [3941, 5110, 292], [3940, 5114, 292], [3935, 5114, 291], [3910, 5094, 291], [3894, 5083, 291], [3889, 5083, 291], [3885, 5084, 291], [3882, 5086, 291], [3883, 5092, 291], [3880, 5094, 291], [3878, 5097, 291], [3878, 5102, 291], [3877, 5106, 291], [3872, 5106, 291], [3871, 5110, 291], [3870, 5114, 290], [3869, 5118, 290], [6628, 7882, 290], [6623, 7882, 290], [6622, 7886, 290], [6617, 7886, 290], [6622, 7896, 290], [6639, 7918, 290], [6637, 7921, 290], [6638, 7927, 291], [6633, 7927, 291], [6628, 7927, 291], [6623, 7927, 291], [6618, 7927, 291], [6614, 7928, 291], [6617, 7936, 291], [6614, 7938, 291], [6608, 7937, 291], [6605, 7939, 291], [6599, 7938, 291], [6593, 7937, 290], [6588, 7937, 290], [6567, 7921, 290], [6560, 7919, 291], [6561, 7925, 291], [6559, 7928, 291], [6553, 7927, 291], [6548, 7927, 291], [6541, 7925, 291], [6539, 7928, 291], [6534, 7928, 291], [6522, 7921, 291], [6523, 7927, 291], [6519, 7928, 291], [6522, 7936, 291], [6509, 7928, 291], [6504, 7928, 291], [6508, 7937, 291], [6494, 7928, 291], [6493, 7932, 291], [6493, 7937, 291], [6478, 7927, 291], [6473, 7927, 291], [6469, 7928, 291], [6464, 7928, 291], [6459, 7928, 291], [6454, 7928, 291], [6449, 7928, 291], [6443, 7927, 291], [6439, 7928, 291], [6433, 7927, 291], [6428, 7927, 292], [6424, 7928, 292], [6419, 7928, 292], [6413, 7927, 292], [6408, 7927, 292], [6403, 7927, 292], [6399, 7928, 292], [6394, 7928, 292], [6389, 7928, 292], [6384, 7928, 292], [6379, 7928, 292], [6374, 7928, 292], [6369, 7928, 292], [6364, 7928, 292], [6358, 7927, 292], [6353, 7927, 292], [6348, 7927, 292], [6343, 7927, 292], [6339, 7928, 292], [6338, 7932, 292], [6338, 7937, 292], [6334, 7938, 292], [6328, 7937, 292], [6325, 7939, 292], [6319, 7938, 292], [6303, 7927, 292], [6299, 7928, 292], [6293, 7927, 292], [6286, 7925, 292], [6284, 7928, 292], [6279, 7928, 292], [6274, 7928, 292], [6278, 7937, 292], [6264, 7928, 292], [6258, 7927, 292], [6253, 7927, 292], [6249, 7928, 292], [6248, 7932, 292], [6248, 7937, 292], [6245, 7939, 292], [6243, 7942, 292], [6240, 7944, 292], [6239, 7948, 291], [6235, 7949, 291], [6224, 7943, 291], [6224, 7948, 291], [6220, 7949, 290], [6219, 7953, 290], [6215, 7954, 289], [6210, 7954, 288], [6205, 7954, 287], [6200, 7954, 286], [6195, 7954, 286], [6190, 7954, 285], [6185, 7954, 284], [6180, 7954, 283], [6175, 7954, 282], [6141, 7925, 282], [6139, 7928, 282], [6138, 7932, 282], [6138, 7937, 282], [3872, 5701, 282], [6068, 7927, 282], [6048, 7937, 282], [6018, 7937, 282], [5979, 7928, 282], [5907, 7886, 282], [5909, 7918, 283], [5893, 7932, 283], [5876, 7945, 283], [5843, 7942, 282], [5799, 7928, 281], [5784, 7943, 281], [5761, 7950, 279], [5730, 7949, 277], [3869, 6118, 276], [3876, 6155, 276], [5618, 7927, 276], [5598, 7937, 276], [5569, 7938, 276], [4668, 7067, 276], [4656, 7085, 276], [5480, 7939, 276], [5446, 7935, 276], [4565, 7084, 276], [4528, 7077, 276], [4507, 7086, 276], [4477, 7086, 276], [4437, 7076, 276], [4402, 7071, 277], [4387, 7086, 277], [4348, 7077, 277], [4262, 7021, 277], [4266, 7055, 277], [4191, 7010, 278], [4190, 7039, 278], [4188, 7067, 279], [4175, 7084, 279], [4138, 7077, 279], [4091, 7060, 280], [4083, 7082, 280], [4058, 7087, 280], [4005, 7064, 279], [3987, 7076, 280], [3952, 7071, 280], [3941, 7090, 280], [3888, 7067, 280], [3877, 7086, 280], [3845, 7084, 280], [3821, 7090, 279], [3787, 7086, 279], [3755, 7084, 279], [3730, 7089, 278], [3696, 7085, 278], [3666, 7085, 278], [3618, 7067, 278], [3608, 7087, 278], [3573, 7082, 278], [3557, 7096, 277], [3470, 7039, 276], [3470, 7069, 277], [4197, 7826, 277], [4179, 7838, 277], [4189, 7878, 277], [4181, 7900, 277], [4089, 7838, 278], [4087, 7866, 278], [4087, 7896, 278], [4088, 7927, 279], [4073, 7942, 279], [4043, 7942, 278], [3998, 7927, 278], [3968, 7927, 279], [3943, 7932, 279], [3919, 7938, 279], [3880, 7929, 279], [3869, 7948, 278], [3839, 7948, 278], [3805, 7944, 278], [3756, 7925, 278], [3740, 7939, 278], [3713, 7942, 277], [3680, 7939, 277], [3648, 7937, 277], [3617, 7936, 277], [3594, 7943, 277], [3569, 7948, 277], [3544, 7953, 276], [3470, 7909, 276], [3470, 7939, 276], [3469, 7954, 275], [3469, 7954, 273], [3462, 7951, 271], [3432, 7951, 271], [3399, 7948, 270], [3371, 7950, 269], [3345, 7954, 268], [3315, 7954, 266], [3279, 7948, 265], [3251, 7950, 265], [3225, 7954, 264], [3193, 7952, 263], [3165, 7954, 261], [3129, 7948, 260], [3097, 7946, 260], [3072, 7951, 259], [3041, 7950, 258], [3012, 7951, 257], [2984, 7953, 256], [2952, 7951, 255], [2907, 7936, 254], [2879, 7938, 254], [2824, 7913, 254], [2823, 7942, 254], [2805, 7954, 253], [2775, 7954, 252], [2718, 7927, 251], [2710, 7949, 251], [2683, 7952, 250], [2654, 7953, 249], [2606, 7935, 249], [2595, 7954, 248], [2556, 7945, 247], [2535, 7954, 247], [2505, 7954, 245], [2471, 7950, 244], [2444, 7953, 244], [2412, 7951, 243], [2385, 7954, 242], [2355, 7954, 241], [2325, 7954, 240], [2294, 7953, 239], [2264, 7953, 238], [2234, 7953, 237], [2203, 7952, 236], [2175, 7954, 235], [2139, 7948, 234], [2111, 7950, 234], [2085, 7954, 233], [2705, 8491, 232], [2682, 8498, 232], [2648, 8494, 231], [2603, 8479, 231], [2592, 8498, 230], [2556, 8492, 230], [2529, 8495, 229], [2502, 8498, 228], [2466, 8492, 227], [2437, 8493, 227], [2406, 8492, 226], [2382, 8498, 225], [2351, 8497, 224], [2318, 8494, 223], [2288, 8494, 223], [2262, 8498, 222], [1559, 7938, 221], [1544, 7953, 221], [1509, 7948, 220], [1484, 7953, 219], [2105, 8491, 219], [1424, 7953, 218], [1395, 7954, 218], [1361, 7950, 217], [1323, 7942, 217], [1305, 7954, 216], [1274, 7953, 216], [1240, 7949, 215], [1212, 7951, 215], [1175, 7944, 215], [1140, 7939, 214], [1122, 7951, 214], [1092, 7951, 214], [1059, 7948, 213], [1034, 7953, 213], [994, 7943, 212], [975, 7954, 212], [940, 7949, 211], [912, 7951, 211], [885, 7954, 210], [854, 7953, 210], [824, 7953, 209], [794, 7953, 208], [765, 7954, 208], [735, 7954, 207], [705, 7954, 206], [888, 8054, 205], [641, 7950, 205], [609, 7948, 205], [585, 7954, 204], [555, 7954, 203], [1175, 8491, 203], [1140, 8486, 203], [1120, 8496, 203], [1086, 8492, 202], [1057, 8493, 202], [1032, 8498, 202], [994, 8490, 201], [970, 8496, 201], [940, 8496, 200], [912, 8498, 200], [882, 8498, 200], [851, 8497, 199], [822, 8498, 199], [787, 8493, 198], [761, 8497, 197], [732, 8498, 197], [702, 8498, 196], [667, 8493, 195], [631, 8487, 195], [607, 8493, 195], [582, 8498, 194], [552, 8498, 194], [522, 8498, 193], [492, 8498, 192], [456, 8492, 192], [422, 8488, 192], [397, 8493, 192], [367, 8493, 191], [334, 8490, 191], [312, 8498, 191], [279, 8495, 191], [250, 8496, 190], [220, 8496, 189], [192, 8498, 189], [158, 8493, 188], [126, 8491, 188], [97, 8492, 188], [73, 8498, 187], [36, 8491, 187], [13, 8498, 186], [0, 8515, 186], [0, 8517, 185], [0, 8517, 184], [0, 8517, 184], [0, 8517, 183], [0, 8517, 183], [0, 8517, 182], [0, 8517, 181], [0, 8517, 181], [0, 8517, 180], [0, 8517, 179], [0, 8517, 179], [0, 8517, 178], [0, 8517, 178], [0, 8517, 177], [0, 8517, 177], [0, 8517, 176], [0, 8517, 175], [0, 8517, 175], [0, 8517, 174], [0, 8517, 174], [0, 8517, 173], [0, 8517, 173], [0, 8517, 172], [0, 8517, 171], [0, 8517, 171], [0, 8517, 170], [0, 8517, 170], [0, 8517, 169], [0, 8517, 169], [0, 8517, 168], [0, 8517, 168], [0, 8517, 167], [0, 8517, 167], [0, 8517, 166], [0, 8517, 166], [0, 8517, 165], [0, 8517, 165], [0, 8517, 164], [3209, 11185, 164], [3179, 11185, 164], [3470, 11399, 164], [3470, 11429, 164], [3616, 11605, 164], [3596, 11615, 164], [3571, 11620, 165], [3558, 11637, 165], [3470, 11579, 165], [3470, 11609, 165], [3470, 11639, 165], [3602, 11801, 166], [3572, 11801, 166], [3558, 11817, 166], [3470, 11759, 166], [3481, 11800, 166], [3470, 11819, 167], [3470, 11849, 167], [3569, 11978, 167], [3615, 12054, 167], [3617, 12086, 167], [3616, 12115, 167], [3613, 12142, 168], [3583, 12142, 168], [3569, 12158, 168], [3571, 12190, 168], [3470, 12119, 168], [3470, 12149, 168], [3470, 12179, 169], [3470, 12209, 169], [3470, 12239, 169], [3470, 12269, 169], [3616, 12715, 171], [3470, 12869, 173], [4089, 13779, 174], [3941, 13931, 177], [3640, 13930, 179], [3470, 14060, 179], [3875, 14765, 181], [3571, 14761, 182], [3351, 14771, 181], [3051, 14771, 180], [2715, 14735, 179], [2451, 14771, 177], [2151, 14771, 175], [1851, 14771, 173], [1551, 14771, 172], [1250, 14770, 170], [951, 14771, 169], [649, 14769, 167], [351, 14771, 166], [52, 14771, 164]], 'time_in_bucket': [2195, 29, 33, 38, 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[16784, 16813, 694], [16784, 16814, 683], [16784, 16815, 672], [16784, 16816, 662], [16784, 16817, 654], [16784, 16818, 647], [16784, 16819, 640], [16784, 16820, 633], [16784, 16821, 625], [15836, 15874, 620], [15836, 15875, 615], [15836, 15876, 613], [15836, 15877, 611], [15836, 15878, 611], [15836, 15879, 610], [15836, 15880, 610], [15836, 15881, 610], [15836, 15882, 610], [15836, 15883, 609], [15836, 15884, 609], [15836, 15885, 608], [15836, 15886, 607], [15836, 15887, 603], [15835, 15887, 599], [15834, 15887, 594], [12045, 12099, 584], [12045, 12100, 584], [12045, 12101, 583], [12045, 12102, 579], [12045, 12103, 574], [12045, 12104, 570], [12045, 12105, 567], [12045, 12106, 564], [12045, 12107, 561], [12045, 12108, 557], [14602, 14666, 554], [14602, 14667, 551], [12045, 12111, 546], [14602, 14669, 544], [14602, 14670, 543], [14602, 14671, 542], [14602, 14672, 541], [14602, 14673, 540], [14602, 14674, 540], [14602, 14675, 538], [14602, 14676, 537], [14602, 14677, 535], [14602, 14678, 534], [14602, 14679, 532], [14602, 14680, 531], [14602, 14681, 530], [14602, 14682, 528], [14602, 14683, 527], [14602, 14684, 525], [14602, 14685, 524], [14602, 14686, 523], [14602, 14687, 522], [14602, 14688, 519], [14602, 14689, 518], [14602, 14690, 516], [14602, 14691, 515], [14602, 14692, 513], [14602, 14693, 512], [14602, 14694, 510], [14602, 14695, 509], [14602, 14696, 509], [14602, 14697, 508], [14602, 14698, 507], [14602, 14699, 506], [14602, 14700, 506], [14602, 14701, 505], [14602, 14702, 504], [14602, 14703, 503], [14602, 14704, 502], [14602, 14705, 502], [14602, 14706, 502], [14602, 14707, 502], [14602, 14708, 502], [14602, 14709, 502], [14602, 14710, 501], [14602, 14711, 501], [14602, 14712, 501], [14602, 14713, 501], [14602, 14714, 500], [14602, 14715, 500], [14602, 14716, 499], [14602, 14717, 499], [14602, 14718, 499], [14602, 14719, 498], [14602, 14720, 499], [14602, 14721, 499], [14602, 14722, 498], [14602, 14723, 499], [14602, 14724, 499], [14602, 14725, 499], 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14773, 447], [14602, 14774, 445], [14602, 14775, 445], [14602, 14776, 444], [14602, 14777, 445], [14602, 14778, 446], [14602, 14779, 447], [14602, 14780, 448], [14602, 14781, 449], [14602, 14782, 450], [14602, 14783, 450], [14602, 14784, 448], [14602, 14785, 447], [14602, 14786, 446], [14602, 14787, 445], [14602, 14788, 445], [14602, 14789, 445], [14602, 14790, 445], [14602, 14791, 445], [14602, 14792, 445], [14602, 14793, 444], [14602, 14794, 444], [14602, 14795, 444], [14602, 14796, 443], [14602, 14797, 442], [14602, 14798, 441], [14602, 14799, 440], [14601, 14799, 438], [14600, 14799, 436], [14600, 14800, 434], [14600, 14801, 432], [14600, 14802, 431], [14602, 14805, 429], [14602, 14806, 428], [14602, 14807, 427], [14601, 14807, 426], [14600, 14807, 424], [14600, 14808, 422], [14600, 14809, 421], [14600, 14810, 419], [14587, 14798, 417], [14587, 14799, 416], [14584, 14797, 415], [14602, 14816, 416], [14602, 14817, 417], [14602, 14818, 417], [14602, 14819, 417], [14602, 14820, 416], 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[10499, 10873, 398], [10493, 10872, 398], [10528, 10912, 397], [10525, 10914, 397], [10524, 10918, 397], [10519, 10918, 397], [10514, 10918, 396], [10505, 10914, 397], [10500, 10914, 397], [10493, 10912, 397], [10493, 10917, 397], [10493, 10922, 396], [10475, 10909, 395], [10474, 10913, 396], [10474, 10918, 396], [10473, 10922, 394], [10473, 10927, 392], [10448, 10907, 390], [10448, 10912, 391], [10448, 10917, 391], [10444, 10918, 390], [10441, 10920, 390], [10437, 10921, 389], [10430, 10919, 388], [10424, 10918, 387], [10422, 10921, 386], [10415, 10919, 386], [10409, 10918, 385], [10404, 10918, 385], [10399, 10918, 384], [10394, 10918, 384], [10389, 10918, 384], [10384, 10918, 383], [10382, 10921, 382], [10374, 10918, 381], [10371, 10920, 381], [10365, 10919, 381], [10359, 10918, 380], [10349, 10913, 380], [10349, 10918, 380], [10348, 10922, 379], [10339, 10918, 378], [10334, 10918, 377], [10330, 10919, 377], [10328, 10922, 376], [10322, 10921, 375], [10322, 10926, 373], [10310, 10919, 371], [10300, 10914, 370], [10293, 10912, 371], [10293, 10917, 371], [10293, 10922, 370], [10279, 10913, 371], [10279, 10918, 371], [10274, 10918, 371], [10272, 10921, 370], [10267, 10921, 369], [10259, 10918, 369], [10257, 10921, 368], [10251, 10920, 368], [10245, 10919, 367], [10242, 10921, 366], [10234, 10918, 365], [10230, 10919, 365], [10224, 10918, 364], [10222, 10921, 364], [10217, 10921, 363], [10212, 10921, 362], [10204, 10918, 362], [10194, 10913, 361], [10194, 10918, 361], [10192, 10921, 361], [10183, 10917, 361], [10182, 10921, 360], [10180, 10924, 359], [10180, 10929, 358], [10171, 10925, 356], [10255, 11014, 355], [10154, 10918, 355], [10149, 10918, 354], [10144, 10918, 354], [10139, 10918, 354], [10134, 10918, 354], [10129, 10918, 354], [10125, 10919, 353], [10122, 10921, 353], [10114, 10918, 352], [10110, 10919, 352], [10104, 10918, 352], [10100, 10919, 352], [10097, 10921, 352], [10078, 10907, 352], [10078, 10912, 353], [10077, 10916, 353], [10076, 10920, 353], [10075, 10924, 352], [10075, 10929, 351], [10073, 10932, 349], [10047, 10911, 348], [10043, 10912, 348], [10038, 10912, 349], [10035, 10914, 349], [10035, 10919, 349], [10034, 10923, 348], [10034, 10928, 347], [10033, 10932, 346], [10077, 10981, 344], [10077, 10986, 345], [10076, 10990, 344], [10079, 10998, 344], [10077, 11001, 344], [10076, 11005, 344], [10076, 11010, 344], [10076, 11015, 344], [10076, 11020, 343], [10076, 11025, 342], [10077, 11031, 342], [10075, 11034, 342], [10035, 10999, 341], [10035, 11004, 341], [10035, 11009, 341], [10035, 11014, 341], [10034, 11018, 340], [10035, 11024, 339], [10034, 11028, 339], [10034, 11033, 339], [10035, 11039, 337], [10032, 11041, 336], [10027, 11041, 334], [10014, 11033, 334], [10009, 11033, 333], [10004, 11033, 332], [10004, 11038, 331], [9994, 11033, 330], [9986, 11030, 329], [9985, 11034, 329], [9975, 11029, 328], [9974, 11033, 328], [9975, 11039, 327], [9964, 11033, 326], [15587, 16661, 326], [15572, 16651, 326], [15572, 16656, 327], [15572, 16661, 328], [15572, 16666, 328], [15572, 16671, 328], [15572, 16676, 328], [15572, 16681, 327], [15572, 16686, 327], [15572, 16691, 326], [15572, 16696, 326], [15569, 16698, 325], [15564, 16698, 324], [15559, 16698, 323], [15554, 16698, 322], [15549, 16698, 321], [15547, 16701, 320], [15543, 16702, 319], [15538, 16702, 318], [15502, 16671, 317], [15489, 16663, 317], [15489, 16668, 317], [15487, 16671, 318], [15468, 16657, 317], [15468, 16662, 318], [15468, 16667, 318], [15467, 16671, 318], [15462, 16671, 318], [15455, 16669, 319], [15453, 16672, 319], [15453, 16677, 318], [15453, 16682, 318], [15453, 16687, 318], [15448, 16687, 317], [15444, 16688, 316], [15444, 16693, 316], [15412, 16666, 315], [15412, 16671, 316], [15409, 16673, 315], [15572, 16841, 316], [15572, 16846, 316], [15572, 16851, 316], [15572, 16856, 316], [15572, 16861, 316], [15567, 16861, 315], [15562, 16861, 315], [15572, 16876, 315], [15572, 16881, 315], [15572, 16886, 315], [15567, 16886, 314], [15562, 16886, 313], [15557, 16886, 313], [15337, 16671, 312], [15332, 16671, 312], [15337, 16681, 312], [15337, 16686, 311], [15333, 16687, 311], [15324, 16683, 310], [15572, 16936, 310], [15572, 16941, 311], [15572, 16946, 311], [15572, 16951, 311], [15572, 16956, 311], [15572, 16961, 311], [15572, 16966, 312], [15572, 16971, 312], [15572, 16976, 312], [15572, 16981, 312], [15572, 16986, 312], [15572, 16991, 312], [15572, 16996, 313], [15572, 17001, 313], [15572, 17006, 313], [15572, 17011, 313], [15572, 17016, 313], [15572, 17021, 313], [15572, 17026, 313], [15572, 17031, 313], [15572, 17036, 313], [15572, 17041, 313], [15572, 17046, 313], [15572, 17051, 313], [15572, 17056, 313], [15572, 17061, 313], [15572, 17066, 313], [15572, 17071, 314], [15572, 17076, 314], [15572, 17081, 314], [15572, 17086, 314], [15572, 17091, 314], [15572, 17096, 315], [15572, 17101, 315], [15572, 17106, 315], [15572, 17111, 315], [15572, 17116, 314], [15572, 17121, 314], [15572, 17126, 313], [15571, 17130, 313], [15572, 17136, 313], [15572, 17141, 313], [15572, 17146, 313], [15572, 17151, 313], [15572, 17156, 313], [15572, 17161, 313], [15572, 17166, 312], [15572, 17171, 312], [15567, 17171, 311], [15562, 17171, 311], [15572, 17186, 310], [15572, 17191, 310], [15572, 17196, 310], [15572, 17201, 309], [15572, 17206, 309], [15462, 17101, 308], [15455, 17099, 309], [15453, 17102, 309], [15453, 17107, 309], [15453, 17112, 308], [15451, 17115, 308], [15446, 17115, 308], [15444, 17118, 307], [15444, 17123, 307], [15453, 17137, 307], [15453, 17142, 307], [15453, 17147, 307], [15456, 17155, 307], [15453, 17157, 307], [15453, 17162, 307], [15451, 17165, 307], [15378, 17097, 306], [15378, 17102, 306], [15378, 17107, 306], [15378, 17112, 306], [15378, 17117, 306], [15378, 17122, 305], [15410, 17159, 305], [15410, 17164, 305], [15378, 17137, 305], [15378, 17142, 305], [15378, 17147, 305], [15378, 17152, 305], [15378, 17157, 305], [15378, 17162, 305], [15378, 17167, 304], [14483, 16277, 304], [14483, 16282, 304], [14483, 16312, 305], [14483, 16342, 305], [14481, 16370, 303], [15193, 17112, 303], [15192, 17141, 302], [14483, 16462, 303], [14483, 16492, 303], [14483, 16522, 303], [14602, 16671, 304], [14568, 16667, 303], [14535, 16664, 302], [14485, 16644, 304], [14483, 16672, 306], [14481, 16700, 304], [14475, 16724, 300], [14602, 16881, 299], [14206, 16515, 298], [14483, 16822, 300], [14483, 16852, 301], [14483, 16882, 301], [14602, 17031, 298], [14205, 16664, 300], [14602, 17091, 300], [14483, 17002, 300], [14483, 17032, 300], [14483, 17062, 301], [14483, 17092, 301], [14483, 17122, 301], [14483, 17152, 301], [14483, 17182, 299], [14483, 17212, 298], [14483, 17242, 297], [14303, 17092, 298], [14303, 17122, 297], [14303, 17152, 297], [14206, 17085, 297], [14205, 17114, 297], [14205, 17144, 296], [14204, 17173, 296], [14171, 17170, 295], [14205, 17234, 294], [14112, 17171, 293], [14112, 17201, 292], [13010, 16129, 292], [12984, 16133, 291], [12984, 16163, 291], [13010, 16219, 290], [13088, 16327, 290], [13010, 16279, 291], [13010, 16309, 292], [13002, 16331, 292], [13001, 16360, 292], [12964, 16353, 291], [13044, 16463, 290], [13010, 16459, 291], [13010, 16489, 292], [13010, 16519, 292], [13001, 16540, 292], [13103, 16672, 292], [13065, 16664, 292], [13042, 16671, 292], [13010, 16669, 294], [12984, 16673, 293], [12964, 16683, 293], [12943, 16692, 292], [12887, 16666, 291], [13010, 16819, 291], [13010, 16849, 291], [12985, 16854, 291], [12985, 16884, 291], [12962, 16891, 290], [13010, 16969, 290], [13010, 16999, 291], [13010, 17029, 291], [13010, 17059, 291], [13010, 17089, 292], [13002, 17111, 292], [13010, 17149, 292], [12985, 17154, 291], [12964, 17163, 291], [12964, 17193, 290], [12887, 17146, 289], [12880, 17169, 289], [12789, 17108, 289], [12791, 17140, 288], [12785, 17164, 288], [12695, 17104, 288], [12668, 17107, 288], [12632, 17101, 289], [12631, 17130, 288], [12632, 17161, 288], [12045, 16604, 288], [12046, 16635, 288], [12045, 16664, 290], [12044, 16693, 289], [12021, 16700, 288], [12043, 16752, 287], [12071, 16810, 286], [12045, 16814, 288], [12045, 16844, 288], [12045, 16874, 288], [12241, 17100, 287], [12045, 16934, 287], [12045, 16964, 287], [12045, 16994, 288], [12045, 17024, 288], [12045, 17054, 288], [12045, 17084, 289], [12045, 17114, 289], [12045, 17144, 289], [12044, 17173, 288], [12044, 17203, 288], [12045, 17234, 287], [12044, 17263, 287], [12044, 17293, 286], [11848, 17127, 286], [11850, 17159, 286], [11848, 17187, 285], [11848, 17217, 284], [11848, 17247, 284], [11850, 17279, 284], [11836, 17295, 283], [11833, 17322, 282], [11682, 17201, 281], [11688, 17237, 281], [11682, 17261, 281], [11682, 17291, 280], [11669, 17308, 279], [11544, 17213, 279], [11544, 17243, 278], [11544, 17273, 278], [11365, 17124, 278], [11365, 17154, 278], [11365, 17184, 277], [11365, 17214, 277], [11365, 17244, 276], [11365, 17274, 276], [10180, 16119, 276], [10077, 16046, 276], [10329, 16328, 276], [10076, 16105, 276], [10268, 16327, 276], [10245, 16334, 276], [10215, 16334, 276], [10181, 16330, 276], [10180, 16359, 276], [10473, 16682, 276], [10432, 16671, 277], [10402, 16671, 277], [10371, 16670, 277], [10340, 16669, 277], [10328, 16687, 277], [10276, 16665, 278], [10252, 16671, 278], [10222, 16671, 278], [10192, 16671, 278], [10180, 16689, 278], [10130, 16669, 278], [10100, 16669, 278], [10075, 16674, 278], [10035, 16664, 278], [10035, 16694, 278], [10004, 16693, 277], [10382, 17101, 277], [10349, 17098, 278], [10329, 17108, 278], [10276, 17085, 278], [10273, 17112, 278], [10243, 17112, 278], [10216, 17115, 278], [10182, 17111, 278], [10182, 17141, 278], [10077, 17066, 278], [10077, 17096, 278], [10075, 17124, 278], [10035, 17114, 278], [10035, 17144, 278], [10034, 17173, 278], [10034, 17203, 278], [10035, 17234, 277], [10034, 17263, 277], [10034, 17293, 277], [10034, 17323, 276], [9975, 17294, 276], [9973, 17322, 275], [9913, 17292, 274], [9885, 17294, 274], [10035, 17474, 273], [10035, 17504, 273], [10035, 17534, 273], [9986, 17515, 272], [10034, 17593, 272], [10035, 17624, 272], [10034, 17653, 272], [10035, 17684, 271], [10035, 17714, 271], [10031, 17740, 271], [9986, 17725, 270], [10035, 17804, 270], [10034, 17833, 270], [10035, 17864, 269], [10014, 17873, 269], [9986, 17875, 269], [9955, 17874, 268], [9926, 17875, 268], [9896, 17875, 267], [9819, 17828, 267], [9831, 17870, 266], [9045, 17113, 266], [9057, 17155, 266], [8964, 17092, 266], [8963, 17121, 266], [8964, 17152, 266], [8963, 17181, 266], [8963, 17211, 265], [8963, 17241, 265], [8963, 17271, 265], [8962, 17300, 265], [8747, 17115, 264], [8759, 17157, 264], [8743, 17171, 264], [8742, 17200, 264], [8747, 17235, 264], [8742, 17260, 264], [8743, 17291, 263], [8523, 17101, 263], [8497, 17105, 263], [8376, 17014, 263], [8376, 17044, 263], [8385, 17083, 264], [8376, 17104, 264], [8368, 17126, 264], [8374, 17162, 264], [8369, 17187, 264], [8368, 17216, 263], [8368, 17246, 263], [8369, 17277, 263], [8358, 17296, 263], [8355, 17323, 262], [8326, 17324, 261], [8363, 17391, 261], [8368, 17426, 261], [8367, 17455, 261], [8369, 17487, 260], [8368, 17516, 260], [8358, 17536, 260], [8371, 17579, 260], [8373, 17611, 260], [8376, 17644, 259], [8355, 17653, 259], [8368, 17696, 259], [8369, 17727, 259], [8352, 17740, 259], [8368, 17786, 258], [8375, 17823, 258], [8356, 17834, 258], [8367, 17875, 258], [8337, 17875, 257], [8307, 17875, 256], [8277, 17875, 256], [8247, 17875, 255], [8217, 17875, 254], [7400, 17088, 254], [7399, 17117, 255], [7400, 17148, 254], [7396, 17174, 254], [7399, 17207, 254], [7399, 17237, 254], [7400, 17268, 254], [7270, 17168, 254], [7270, 17198, 253], [7130, 17088, 254], [7130, 17118, 254], [7130, 17148, 254], [7126, 17174, 254], [7130, 17208, 254], [7130, 17238, 253], [7130, 17268, 253], [7130, 17298, 253], [7126, 17324, 253], [6828, 17056, 252], [6841, 17099, 252], [6817, 17105, 253], [6767, 17085, 253], [6757, 17105, 253], [6714, 17092, 253], [6714, 17122, 253], [6715, 17153, 253], [6714, 17182, 253], [6714, 17212, 253], [6714, 17242, 253], [6714, 17272, 253], [6714, 17302, 253], [6706, 17324, 252], [6673, 17321, 252], [6714, 17392, 251], [5963, 16671, 252], [5955, 16693, 252], [6092, 16860, 251], [5873, 16671, 252], [6060, 17158, 253], [5829, 17227, 253], [5459, 17157, 252], [5434, 17432, 250], [4231, 16529, 250], [4230, 16828, 251], [4230, 17128, 252], [4123, 17321, 251], [4230, 17728, 249], [3481, 17279, 249], [3481, 17579, 248], [3477, 17875, 246], [3177, 17875, 244], [2248, 17246, 242], [1395, 16693, 242], [1492, 17090, 243], [1395, 17293, 243], [661, 16859, 243], [661, 17159, 244], [376, 17174, 242], [629, 17727, 241], [387, 17785, 240], [129, 17827, 238]], 'time_in_bucket': [2565, 46, 46, 56, 39, 61, 42, 42, 49, 43, 39, 34, 28, 27, 39, 24, 19, 28, 24, 29, 25, 35, 34, 33, 26, 15, 20, 26, 35, 14, 28, 18, 18, 19, 25, 20, 24, 23, 26, 29, 14, 34, 24, 26, 18, 14, 24, 17, 42, 23, 20, 32, 20, 20, 34, 17, 10, 24, 19, 21, 45, 20, 14, 24, 14, 12, 16, 25, 25, 23, 16, 12, 22, 11, 23, 21, 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'activity_id': '3911661750', 'date': '11:48 AM on Friday, August 14, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 296, 'training_load': 191, 'max_watts': 652, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[9865, 9865, 652], [9865, 9866, 616], [9864, 9866, 597], [9863, 9866, 589], [9862, 9866, 574], [9862, 9867, 551], [9862, 9868, 535], [2183, 2190, 532], [2182, 2190, 533], [2182, 2191, 532], [2181, 2191, 530], [2181, 2192, 526], [2544, 2556, 524], [2544, 2557, 520], [2543, 2557, 515], [2176, 2191, 510], [2175, 2191, 510], [2174, 2191, 509], [2174, 2192, 508], [2173, 2192, 506], [2172, 2192, 503], [2169, 2190, 501], [2169, 2191, 501], [2169, 2192, 501], [2168, 2192, 499], [2167, 2192, 496], [2167, 2193, 492], [2166, 2193, 486], [2528, 2556, 482], [2528, 2557, 481], [2527, 2557, 480], [8279, 8310, 478], [8278, 8310, 477], [2344, 2377, 476], [2343, 2377, 475], [2342, 2377, 473], [8277, 8313, 471], [8276, 8313, 470], [8275, 8313, 467], [8274, 8313, 466], [8273, 8313, 465], [8272, 8313, 464], [8271, 8313, 462], [8270, 8313, 461], [8269, 8313, 460], [8268, 8313, 456], [8267, 8313, 455], [8266, 8313, 454], [7458, 7506, 452], [7458, 7507, 452], [7458, 7508, 452], [7458, 7509, 452], [7458, 7510, 452], [7458, 7511, 451], [7458, 7512, 451], [7458, 7513, 451], [7452, 7508, 450], [7452, 7509, 450], [7452, 7510, 450], [7452, 7511, 449], [7453, 7513, 449], [7452, 7513, 449], [7451, 7513, 449], [7446, 7509, 448], [7446, 7510, 448], [7446, 7511, 448], [7446, 7512, 448], [7446, 7513, 448], [7445, 7513, 447], [7446, 7515, 446], [7446, 7516, 445], [7442, 7513, 445], [7446, 7518, 445], [7446, 7519, 445], [7446, 7520, 444], [7438, 7513, 444], [7437, 7513, 444], [7436, 7513, 443], [7437, 7515, 442], [8231, 8310, 442], [8229, 8309, 443], [8228, 8309, 444], [8228, 8310, 444], [8227, 8310, 444], [8226, 8310, 444], [8227, 8312, 443], [8227, 8313, 443], [8222, 8309, 444], [8222, 8310, 444], [8222, 8311, 443], [8222, 8312, 443], [8222, 8313, 443], [8221, 8313, 442], [7446, 7539, 440], [8218, 8312, 440], [8211, 8306, 440], [8213, 8309, 441], [8212, 8309, 441], [8211, 8309, 442], [8210, 8309, 442], [8210, 8310, 442], [8209, 8310, 442], [8208, 8310, 442], [8209, 8312, 442], [8206, 8310, 442], [8205, 8310, 442], [8203, 8309, 442], [8203, 8310, 442], [8202, 8310, 442], [8201, 8310, 442], [8200, 8310, 442], [8199, 8310, 442], [8198, 8310, 442], [8200, 8313, 442], [8199, 8313, 442], [8198, 8313, 441], [8193, 8309, 441], [8192, 8309, 442], [8192, 8310, 442], [8190, 8309, 442], [8189, 8309, 442], [8189, 8310, 442], [8187, 8309, 442], [8186, 8309, 443], [8186, 8310, 443], [8185, 8310, 443], [8184, 8310, 443], [8185, 8312, 443], [8185, 8313, 443], [8184, 8313, 442], [8183, 8313, 442], [8178, 8309, 442], [8177, 8309, 442], [8176, 8309, 443], [8176, 8310, 443], [8176, 8311, 442], [8176, 8312, 442], [8176, 8313, 442], [8175, 8313, 442], [8175, 8314, 440], [8170, 8310, 440], [8169, 8310, 440], [8169, 8311, 439], [8169, 8312, 440], [8169, 8313, 439], [8168, 8313, 439], [8165, 8311, 438], [8165, 8312, 438], [8165, 8313, 438], [8163, 8312, 437], [8163, 8313, 437], [8162, 8313, 437], [8161, 8313, 437], [8157, 8310, 436], [8158, 8312, 435], [8158, 8313, 435], [8157, 8313, 435], [8156, 8313, 435], [8155, 8313, 434], [8154, 8313, 434], [8150, 8310, 433], [8152, 8313, 433], [8151, 8313, 433], [8150, 8313, 433], [8149, 8313, 433], [8148, 8313, 433], [8147, 8313, 433], [8146, 8313, 432], [8142, 8310, 431], [8141, 8310, 431], [8140, 8310, 431], [8142, 8313, 431], [8141, 8313, 431], [8140, 8313, 431], [8140, 8314, 430], [8135, 8310, 429], [8134, 8310, 429], [8135, 8312, 429], [8135, 8313, 429], [8134, 8313, 429], [8133, 8313, 429], [8132, 8313, 428], [8128, 8310, 428], [8127, 8310, 428], [8126, 8310, 428], [8128, 8313, 428], [8127, 8313, 428], [8126, 8313, 428], [8125, 8313, 428], [8124, 8313, 427], [8123, 8313, 427], [8119, 8310, 427], [8120, 8312, 427], [8120, 8313, 427], [8119, 8313, 427], [8118, 8313, 426], [8117, 8313, 426], [8116, 8313, 426], [8115, 8313, 426], [8114, 8313, 426], [8113, 8313, 426], [8112, 8313, 426], [8111, 8313, 426], [8110, 8313, 425], [8109, 8313, 425], [7436, 7641, 425], [8106, 8312, 425], [8106, 8313, 425], [7433, 7641, 424], [7437, 7646, 425], [7437, 7647, 425], [7436, 7647, 424], [7434, 7646, 424], [7433, 7646, 424], [7433, 7647, 424], [7432, 7647, 424], [7452, 7668, 424], [7452, 7669, 424], [7452, 7670, 424], [7452, 7671, 424], [7453, 7673, 424], [7452, 7673, 424], [7451, 7673, 424], [7446, 7669, 424], [7446, 7670, 424], [7446, 7671, 424], [7446, 7672, 425], [7446, 7673, 425], [7445, 7673, 424], [7445, 7674, 424], [7442, 7672, 424], [7442, 7673, 424], [7446, 7678, 424], [7446, 7679, 424], [7437, 7671, 424], [7438, 7673, 424], [7437, 7673, 424], [7436, 7673, 424], [7446, 7684, 424], [7446, 7685, 424], [7433, 7673, 424], [7437, 7678, 424], [7437, 7679, 424], [7442, 7685, 424], [7441, 7685, 424], [7433, 7678, 424], [7432, 7678, 424], [7437, 7684, 424], [7437, 7685, 424], [7436, 7685, 424], [7434, 7684, 423], [7433, 7684, 424], [7433, 7685, 424], [7432, 7685, 424], [7431, 7685, 423], [7430, 7685, 423], [7429, 7685, 423], [7428, 7685, 423], [7427, 7685, 423], [7426, 7685, 423], [7425, 7685, 422], [7428, 7689, 422], [7427, 7689, 422], [7422, 7685, 422], [7421, 7685, 422], [7446, 7711, 422], [7446, 7712, 422], [7446, 7713, 422], [7446, 7714, 422], [7446, 7715, 422], [7446, 7716, 422], [7446, 7717, 422], [7446, 7718, 422], [7446, 7719, 422], [7446, 7720, 422], [7446, 7721, 422], [7445, 7721, 422], [7437, 7714, 421], [7437, 7715, 422], [7437, 7716, 422], [7441, 7721, 422], [7440, 7721, 422], [7438, 7720, 422], [7437, 7720, 422], [7437, 7721, 422], [7436, 7721, 422], [7434, 7720, 421], [7433, 7720, 421], [7433, 7721, 422], [7432, 7721, 421], [7432, 7722, 421], [7446, 7737, 421], [7446, 7738, 421], [7446, 7739, 421], [7458, 7752, 421], [7438, 7733, 421], [7437, 7733, 421], [7437, 7734, 421], [7453, 7751, 421], [7452, 7751, 421], [7447, 7751, 421], [7442, 7751, 421], [7437, 7751, 421], [7433, 7752, 421], [7433, 7757, 421], [7440, 7769, 420], [7436, 7770, 420], [7432, 7771, 420], [7433, 7777, 420], [7452, 7801, 420], [7446, 7800, 420], [7442, 7801, 420], [7437, 7801, 420], [7432, 7801, 420], [7437, 7811, 420], [7446, 7825, 420], [7442, 7826, 420], [7437, 7826, 420], [7432, 7826, 420], [7427, 7826, 419], [7422, 7826, 418], [7392, 7801, 418], [7397, 7811, 418], [7399, 7818, 418], [7437, 7861, 418], [7397, 7826, 418], [7392, 7826, 418], [7391, 7830, 417], [7382, 7826, 417], [7446, 7895, 417], [7444, 7898, 417], [7439, 7898, 417], [7434, 7898, 417], [7433, 7902, 417], [7433, 7907, 417], [7432, 7911, 417], [7431, 7915, 416], [7437, 7926, 416], [7432, 7926, 416], [7399, 7898, 416], [7394, 7898, 416], [7395, 7904, 416], [7390, 7904, 416], [7395, 7914, 416], [7390, 7914, 415], [7395, 7924, 415], [7391, 7925, 415], [7395, 7934, 415], [7395, 7939, 415], [7390, 7939, 415], [7391, 7945, 415], [7380, 7939, 414], [7432, 7996, 414], [7391, 7960, 414], [7360, 7934, 414], [7360, 7939, 414], [7355, 7939, 414], [7350, 7939, 414], [7345, 7939, 413], [7397, 7996, 413], [7393, 7997, 413], [7394, 8003, 413], [7394, 8008, 413], [7384, 8003, 413], [7379, 8003, 413], [7374, 8003, 412], [7394, 8028, 412], [7394, 8033, 412], [7359, 8003, 412], [7348, 7997, 412], [7348, 8002, 412], [7344, 8003, 412], [7071, 7735, 412], [7070, 7739, 412], [7072, 7746, 412], [7072, 7751, 412], [7072, 7756, 412], [7071, 7760, 412], [7073, 7767, 412], [7071, 7770, 412], [7072, 7776, 412], [7070, 7779, 412], [7071, 7785, 412], [7072, 7791, 412], [7071, 7795, 412], [7072, 7801, 412], [7071, 7805, 412], [7071, 7810, 412], [7071, 7815, 412], [7071, 7820, 412], [7071, 7825, 412], [7071, 7830, 412], [7070, 7834, 412], [7071, 7840, 412], [7070, 7844, 412], [7070, 7849, 412], [7071, 7855, 412], [7071, 7860, 412], [7071, 7865, 411], [7070, 7869, 411], [7070, 7874, 411], [7500, 8309, 411], [7495, 8309, 412], [7491, 8310, 412], [7488, 8312, 412], [7481, 8310, 412], [7476, 8310, 412], [7471, 8310, 413], [7465, 8309, 413], [7460, 8309, 413], [7458, 8312, 413], [7451, 8310, 414], [7446, 8310, 414], [7441, 8310, 414], [7437, 8311, 414], [7433, 8312, 414], [7429, 8313, 414], [7424, 8313, 413], [7419, 8313, 413], [7414, 8313, 413], [7409, 8313, 413], [7401, 8310, 413], [7398, 8312, 413], [7394, 8313, 413], [7389, 8313, 413], [7384, 8313, 413], [7379, 8313, 413], [7374, 8313, 413], [7369, 8313, 413], [7361, 8310, 413], [7359, 8313, 413], [7354, 8313, 412], [7349, 8313, 412], [7344, 8313, 412], [7339, 8313, 412], [7334, 8313, 412], [7328, 8312, 412], [7323, 8312, 412], [7319, 8313, 412], [7314, 8313, 412], [7309, 8313, 412], [7304, 8313, 412], [7299, 8313, 412], [7294, 8313, 411], [7289, 8313, 411], [7284, 8313, 411], [7279, 8313, 411], [7274, 8313, 411], [7269, 8313, 411], [7264, 8313, 411], [7259, 8313, 411], [7254, 8313, 411], [7249, 8313, 411], [7243, 8312, 411], [7236, 8310, 411], [7231, 8310, 411], [7229, 8313, 411], [7221, 8310, 411], [7219, 8313, 411], [7214, 8313, 411], [7209, 8313, 411], [7203, 8312, 411], [7199, 8313, 411], [7194, 8313, 411], [7186, 8310, 411], [7184, 8313, 411], [7179, 8313, 410], [7174, 8313, 410], [7166, 8310, 410], [7164, 8313, 410], [7159, 8313, 410], [7154, 8313, 410], [7149, 8313, 410], [7145, 8314, 410], [7139, 8313, 410], [7134, 8313, 410], [7126, 8310, 410], [7124, 8313, 410], [7119, 8313, 410], [7114, 8313, 410], [7109, 8313, 410], [7101, 8310, 410], [7096, 8310, 410], [7091, 8310, 410], [7086, 8310, 410], [7076, 8305, 411], [7076, 8310, 411], [7071, 8310, 411], [7070, 8314, 411], [7069, 8318, 410], [7070, 8324, 409], [7067, 8326, 408], [7061, 8325, 407], [7056, 8325, 405], [7051, 8325, 405], [7046, 8325, 404], [7041, 8325, 403], [7036, 8325, 402], [7031, 8325, 401], [7027, 8326, 400], [7022, 8326, 398], [7016, 8325, 397], [7012, 8326, 396], [7007, 8326, 394], [7001, 8325, 394], [6997, 8326, 392], [6992, 8326, 391], [6987, 8326, 390], [6982, 8326, 389], [6977, 8326, 387], [6985, 8339, 386], [6980, 8339, 385], [6975, 8339, 383], [6970, 8339, 382], [6988, 8362, 381], [6946, 8325, 379], [6941, 8325, 378], [6937, 8326, 377], [6932, 8326, 376], [6927, 8326, 375], [6935, 8339, 373], [6930, 8339, 372], [6925, 8339, 371], [6906, 8325, 370], [6902, 8326, 369], [3656, 5085, 368], [3651, 5085, 367], [3646, 5085, 366], [3641, 5085, 365], [3636, 5085, 365], [3631, 5085, 364], [3626, 5085, 363], [3622, 5086, 362], [3617, 5086, 361], [3626, 5100, 360], [3622, 5101, 359], [3618, 5102, 358], [3612, 5101, 357], [3606, 5100, 356], [3602, 5101, 355], [3598, 5102, 353], [3576, 5085, 353], [3571, 5085, 352], [3565, 5084, 351], [3561, 5085, 351], [3561, 5090, 350], [3551, 5085, 349], [3561, 5100, 348], [3558, 5102, 347], [3552, 5101, 346], [3548, 5102, 345], [3542, 5101, 344], [3551, 5115, 343], [3561, 5130, 342], [3511, 5085, 341], [3506, 5085, 341], [3502, 5086, 340], [3497, 5086, 339], [3498, 5092, 338], [3502, 5101, 337], [3498, 5102, 336], [3476, 5085, 335], [3471, 5085, 335], [3465, 5084, 334], [3460, 5084, 334], [3455, 5084, 334], [3450, 5084, 334], [3445, 5084, 334], [3441, 5085, 333], [3435, 5084, 333], [3430, 5084, 333], [3426, 5085, 332], [3421, 5085, 332], [3416, 5085, 331], [3411, 5085, 331], [3407, 5086, 330], [3401, 5085, 329], [3396, 5085, 329], [3391, 5085, 328], [3386, 5085, 328], [3382, 5086, 327], [3376, 5085, 326], [3371, 5085, 325], [3366, 5085, 325], [3361, 5085, 324], [3356, 5085, 324], [3351, 5085, 323], [3346, 5085, 323], [3341, 5085, 322], [3336, 5085, 321], [3331, 5085, 321], [3326, 5085, 321], [3321, 5085, 320], [3316, 5085, 320], [3311, 5085, 319], [3305, 5084, 319], [3301, 5085, 319], [3296, 5085, 318], [3291, 5085, 318], [3286, 5085, 317], [3256, 5085, 315], [3240, 5099, 312], [3197, 5086, 308], [3166, 5085, 304], [3136, 5085, 301], [3107, 5086, 298], [3107, 5116, 294], [3096, 5135, 290], [6362, 8313, 286], [6332, 8313, 287], [6299, 8310, 287], [6284, 8325, 288], [6242, 8313, 287], [6213, 8314, 287], [6182, 8313, 287], [6152, 8313, 288], [6122, 8313, 288], [6092, 8313, 288], [6062, 8313, 287], [6033, 8314, 287], [6002, 8313, 285], [5972, 8313, 286], [5954, 8325, 285], [5913, 8314, 283], [5895, 8326, 282], [5876, 8337, 279], [5876, 8367, 276], [5876, 8397, 273], [5851, 8402, 270], [5821, 8402, 267], [5791, 8402, 264], [5761, 8402, 261], [5731, 8402, 258], [5701, 8402, 256], [5671, 8402, 253], [2104, 4982, 253], [2169, 5077, 254], [2146, 5084, 255], [2111, 5079, 257], [2086, 5084, 257], [2051, 5079, 259], [2026, 5084, 260], [1992, 5080, 261], [1966, 5084, 262], [1931, 5079, 263], [1906, 5084, 264], [1871, 5079, 265], [1846, 5084, 265], [1811, 5079, 266], [1786, 5084, 267], [1743, 5071, 268], [1726, 5084, 269], [1691, 5079, 270], [1666, 5084, 270], [1624, 5072, 271], [1606, 5084, 272], [1571, 5079, 273], [1546, 5084, 273], [1517, 5085, 274], [1503, 5101, 272], [1495, 5123, 270], [1493, 5135, 268], [1476, 5135, 266], [1476, 5135, 264], [1476, 5135, 261], [1429, 5091, 260], [1431, 5123, 258], [1363, 5085, 257], [1349, 5101, 256], [1303, 5085, 255], [1273, 5085, 254], [1243, 5085, 253], [1212, 5084, 252], [1183, 5085, 251], [1153, 5085, 250], [1122, 5084, 250], [1093, 5085, 250], [1062, 5084, 249], [1033, 5085, 249], [1003, 5085, 248], [973, 5085, 248], [943, 5085, 247], [914, 5086, 247], [890, 5092, 245], [853, 5085, 244], [823, 5085, 243], [809, 5101, 242], [779, 5101, 241], [782, 5134, 239], [752, 5134, 238], [723, 5135, 236], [693, 5135, 235], [613, 5085, 234], [4156, 8313, 234], [4126, 8313, 235], [4096, 8313, 236], [4066, 8313, 237], [4036, 8313, 238], [4006, 8313, 239], [3976, 8313, 240], [3946, 8313, 241], [3915, 8312, 242], [3886, 8313, 242], [3856, 8313, 243], [3826, 8313, 244], [3793, 8310, 245], [3766, 8313, 246], [3737, 8314, 246], [3719, 8326, 245], [3677, 8314, 244], [3658, 8325, 243], [3628, 8325, 243], [3599, 8326, 242], [3569, 8326, 241], [3552, 8339, 240], [3508, 8325, 239], [3478, 8325, 238], [3437, 8314, 238], [3418, 8325, 238], [3388, 8325, 237], [3358, 8325, 236], [3328, 8325, 236], [3298, 8325, 235], [3257, 8314, 235], [3239, 8326, 235], [3208, 8325, 234], [3192, 8339, 233], [3137, 8314, 232], [3108, 8315, 231], [3102, 8339, 231], [3108, 8375, 229], [3105, 8402, 228], [3075, 8402, 227], [3017, 8374, 226], [3015, 8402, 225], [2983, 8400, 224], [2955, 8402, 223], [2926, 8402, 222], [2889, 8395, 221], [2866, 8402, 220], [2836, 8402, 218], [2806, 8402, 217], [2776, 8402, 216], [2746, 8402, 215], [2716, 8402, 214], [2686, 8402, 213], [2569, 8315, 213], [2533, 8309, 213], [2507, 8313, 214], [2474, 8310, 215], [2447, 8313, 215], [2417, 8313, 216], [2387, 8313, 216], [2350, 8306, 217], [2327, 8313, 218], [2293, 8309, 219], [2267, 8313, 219], [2237, 8313, 220], [2207, 8313, 220], [2173, 8309, 221], [2147, 8313, 222], [2114, 8310, 223], [2087, 8313, 223], [2054, 8310, 224], [2027, 8313, 225], [1997, 8313, 225], [1967, 8313, 226], [1937, 8313, 227], [1907, 8313, 227], [1877, 8313, 228], [1847, 8313, 228], [1817, 8313, 229], [1787, 8313, 229], [1754, 8310, 230], [1727, 8313, 231], [1693, 8309, 231], [1668, 8314, 231], [1634, 8310, 232], [1607, 8313, 233], [1574, 8310, 233], [1547, 8313, 234], [1518, 8314, 234], [1500, 8326, 233], [1493, 8339, 233], [1494, 8380, 232], [1493, 8402, 231], [1477, 8402, 230], [1476, 8402, 229], [1435, 8325, 228], [1419, 8339, 227], [1364, 8314, 227], [1346, 8326, 227], [1316, 8326, 226], [1285, 8325, 226], [1256, 8326, 225], [1226, 8326, 225], [1196, 8326, 225], [1165, 8325, 224], [1124, 8314, 224], [1094, 8314, 224], [1064, 8314, 224], [1045, 8325, 224], [1015, 8325, 224], [974, 8314, 223], [955, 8325, 223], [925, 8325, 223], [895, 8325, 223], [866, 8326, 222], [836, 8326, 222], [806, 8326, 221], [775, 8325, 220], [746, 8326, 220], [774, 8384, 219], [754, 8394, 218], [732, 8402, 217], [626, 8326, 217], [595, 8325, 217], [565, 8325, 216], [549, 8339, 215], [560, 8380, 215], [549, 8399, 214], [522, 8402, 213], [403, 8313, 213], [385, 8325, 213], [344, 8314, 213], [325, 8325, 213], [295, 8325, 212], [279, 8339, 212], [249, 8339, 211], [205, 8325, 211], [176, 8326, 210], [146, 8326, 210], [129, 8339, 209], [85, 8325, 208], [3766, 11783, 208], [3766, 11813, 208], [3766, 11843, 208], [3766, 11873, 209], [3766, 11903, 209], [3766, 11933, 209], [3766, 11963, 209], [3766, 11993, 209], [3766, 12023, 209], [3766, 12053, 210], [3766, 12083, 210], [3766, 12113, 210], [3766, 12143, 210], [3766, 12173, 211], [3766, 12203, 211], [3766, 12233, 211], [3766, 12263, 211], [3766, 12293, 212], [3766, 12323, 212], [3750, 12337, 212], [3721, 12338, 212], [3693, 12340, 211], [3663, 12340, 211], [3632, 12339, 211], [3603, 12340, 210], [3572, 12339, 210], [3543, 12340, 209], [3513, 12340, 209], [3483, 12340, 208], [3450, 12337, 208], [3421, 12338, 208], [3392, 12339, 208], [3362, 12339, 208], [3332, 12339, 208], [3302, 12339, 208], [3271, 12338, 207], [3241, 12338, 207], [3213, 12340, 207], [3183, 12340, 206], [3152, 12339, 206], [3123, 12340, 206], [3093, 12340, 205], [3063, 12340, 205], [3033, 12340, 204], [1519, 10855, 204], [1520, 10886, 204], [1523, 10919, 205], [1554, 10980, 205], [1524, 10980, 205], [1519, 11005, 206], [1519, 11035, 206], [1524, 11070, 206], [1519, 11095, 206], [1519, 11125, 206], [1519, 11155, 206], [1522, 11188, 207], [1523, 11219, 207], [1523, 11249, 207], [1523, 11279, 207], [1523, 11309, 208], [1523, 11339, 208], [1563, 11409, 208], [1523, 11399, 209], [1523, 11429, 209], [1523, 11459, 209], [1523, 11489, 210], [1515, 11781, 208], [1520, 12086, 209], [1493, 12340, 210], [1289, 12339, 206], [989, 12339, 205], [690, 12340, 202], [390, 12340, 199], [90, 12340, 197]], 'time_in_bucket': [2451, 21, 14, 36, 26, 46, 45, 34, 29, 31, 28, 21, 19, 20, 29, 20, 24, 12, 15, 21, 14, 14, 4, 20, 11, 8, 12, 17, 12, 13, 14, 11, 18, 16, 12, 10, 9, 18, 9, 9, 9, 15, 12, 17, 8, 9, 3, 9, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 17, 10, 10, 17, 17, 10, 13, 11, 14, 9, 17, 11, 12, 9, 13, 1, 6, 13, 14, 9, 7, 14, 11, 12, 13, 13, 9, 5, 10, 11, 11, 7, 7, 9, 6, 17, 11, 12, 11, 8, 7, 12, 16, 17, 14, 9, 9, 9, 17, 11, 11, 12, 22, 14, 16, 13, 12, 15, 14, 21, 10, 16, 15, 14, 12, 17, 9, 19, 18, 15, 11, 8, 12, 12, 14, 15, 8, 17, 18, 14, 9, 15, 16, 8, 18, 19, 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'date': '9:32 AM on Sunday, August 9, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 218, 'training_load': 165, 'max_watts': 824, 'relative_intensity': 54, 'cp_data': [[9506, 9506, 824], [9505, 9506, 716], [9504, 9506, 600], [9504, 9507, 535], [11158, 11162, 460], [11158, 11163, 449], [11159, 11165, 440], [11159, 11166, 439], [11158, 11166, 438], [11158, 11167, 433], [11157, 11167, 429], [11156, 11167, 425], [11155, 11167, 422], [11154, 11167, 417], [11153, 11167, 414], [11152, 11167, 412], [11151, 11167, 409], [11149, 11166, 407], [11149, 11167, 406], [11148, 11167, 403], [11146, 11166, 401], [11146, 11167, 400], [11145, 11167, 399], [11144, 11167, 397], [11144, 11168, 395], [11143, 11168, 391], [11141, 11167, 389], [11140, 11167, 387], [11139, 11167, 385], [11139, 11168, 384], [11137, 11167, 382], [11137, 11168, 380], [11136, 11168, 379], [11135, 11168, 376], [11134, 11168, 372], [11134, 11169, 368], [11133, 11169, 363], [11132, 11169, 357], [11131, 11169, 350], [12243, 12282, 349], [12243, 12283, 347], 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[19412, 19643, 281], [19413, 19645, 281], [19412, 19645, 281], [19408, 19642, 281], [19407, 19642, 281], [19407, 19643, 281], [19407, 19644, 281], [19407, 19645, 281], [19406, 19645, 281], [19407, 19647, 281], [19407, 19648, 281], [19407, 19649, 281], [19406, 19649, 281], [19405, 19649, 281], [19404, 19649, 281], [19407, 19653, 280], [19407, 19654, 280], [19413, 19661, 280], [19412, 19661, 280], [19407, 19657, 280], [19407, 19658, 281], [19407, 19659, 281], [19407, 19660, 281], [19407, 19661, 281], [19406, 19661, 281], [19405, 19661, 280], [19404, 19661, 280], [19403, 19661, 280], [19403, 19662, 280], [19403, 19663, 280], [19402, 19663, 280], [19400, 19662, 280], [19400, 19663, 279], [19399, 19663, 279], [19396, 19661, 279], [19396, 19662, 279], [19396, 19663, 279], [19395, 19663, 279], [19395, 19664, 278], [19393, 19663, 278], [19392, 19663, 278], [19390, 19662, 278], [19390, 19663, 277], [19390, 19664, 277], [19388, 19663, 277], [19388, 19664, 276], [19386, 19663, 276], [19385, 19663, 276], [19384, 19663, 276], [19383, 19663, 275], [19382, 19663, 275], [19381, 19663, 275], [19380, 19663, 275], [19379, 19663, 275], [19379, 19664, 274], [19376, 19662, 274], [19375, 19662, 274], [19374, 19662, 274], [19372, 19661, 274], [19371, 19661, 274], [19371, 19662, 274], [19369, 19661, 273], [19368, 19661, 273], [19367, 19661, 273], [19367, 19662, 273], [19366, 19662, 273], [19363, 19660, 273], [19363, 19661, 273], [19362, 19661, 273], [1231, 1535, 272], [1226, 1535, 272], [1221, 1535, 273], [1220, 1539, 273], [1220, 1544, 273], [1217, 1546, 272], [1214, 1548, 272], [1220, 1559, 272], [1223, 1567, 272], [1220, 1569, 272], [1215, 1569, 272], [1220, 1579, 272], [1220, 1584, 272], [1216, 1585, 272], [1211, 1585, 272], [1211, 1590, 271], [1213, 1597, 271], [1222, 1611, 271], [1217, 1611, 271], [1215, 1614, 271], [1226, 1630, 271], [1220, 1629, 271], [1220, 1634, 271], [1220, 1639, 271], [1220, 1644, 271], [1220, 1649, 271], [1217, 1651, 271], [1215, 1654, 271], [1215, 1659, 271], [1210, 1659, 270], [1220, 1674, 270], [1220, 1679, 270], [1220, 1684, 270], [1220, 1689, 270], [1215, 1689, 270], [1217, 1696, 270], [1215, 1699, 270], [1217, 1706, 270], [1215, 1709, 270], [1217, 1716, 270], [1217, 1721, 270], [1212, 1721, 270], [1211, 1725, 269], [1207, 1726, 269], [1217, 1741, 269], [1215, 1744, 269], [1216, 1750, 269], [1211, 1750, 268], [1094, 1638, 268], [1099, 1648, 268], [1098, 1652, 268], [1094, 1653, 268], [1094, 1658, 268], [1090, 1659, 268], [1098, 1672, 268], [1098, 1677, 268], [1098, 1682, 268], [1094, 1683, 268], [1094, 1688, 268], [1091, 1690, 268], [1094, 1698, 268], [1094, 1703, 268], [1093, 1707, 268], [1091, 1710, 268], [1094, 1718, 268], [1092, 1721, 268], [1091, 1725, 268], [1090, 1729, 267], [1094, 1738, 267], [1094, 1743, 267], [1091, 1745, 267], [1091, 1750, 267], [1091, 1755, 267], [1090, 1759, 266], [1091, 1765, 266], [1090, 1769, 266], [1218, 1902, 265], [1214, 1903, 265], [1209, 1903, 265], [1210, 1909, 265], [1215, 1919, 265], [1220, 1929, 265], [1220, 1934, 265], [1215, 1934, 265], [1215, 1939, 265], [1220, 1949, 265], [1220, 1954, 265], [1217, 1956, 265], [1226, 1970, 265], [1221, 1970, 265], [1217, 1971, 265], [1220, 1979, 265], [1217, 1981, 265], [1215, 1984, 265], [1211, 1985, 265], [1098, 1877, 265], [1094, 1878, 265], [1090, 1879, 265], [1094, 1888, 265], [1092, 1891, 265], [1091, 1895, 264], [1093, 1902, 264], [1090, 1904, 264], [1090, 1909, 264], [1094, 1918, 264], [1093, 1922, 264], [1094, 1928, 264], [1093, 1932, 264], [1094, 1938, 264], [1100, 1949, 264], [1098, 1952, 264], [1094, 1953, 264], [1092, 1956, 264], [1101, 1970, 264], [1096, 1970, 264], [1092, 1971, 264], [1094, 1978, 264], [1092, 1981, 264], [1091, 1985, 264], [1090, 1989, 264], [1091, 1995, 264], [1091, 2000, 264], [1091, 2005, 264], [1091, 2010, 264], [1090, 2014, 263], [1094, 2023, 263], [1094, 2028, 263], [1094, 2033, 263], [1094, 2038, 263], [1094, 2043, 263], [1091, 2045, 263], [1090, 2049, 263], [1094, 2058, 263], [1092, 2061, 263], [1094, 2068, 263], [1092, 2071, 263], [1091, 2075, 263], [1094, 2083, 263], [1091, 2085, 263], [1091, 2090, 263], [1220, 2224, 262], [1220, 2229, 263], [1216, 2230, 262], [1216, 2235, 263], [1211, 2235, 262], [1210, 2239, 262], [1215, 2249, 262], [1210, 2249, 262], [1211, 2255, 262], [1094, 2143, 262], [1093, 2147, 262], [1094, 2153, 262], [1091, 2155, 262], [1221, 2290, 262], [1217, 2291, 262], [1220, 2299, 262], [1215, 2299, 262], [1211, 2300, 262], [1210, 2304, 262], [1205, 2304, 262], [1098, 2202, 262], [1095, 2204, 262], [1100, 2214, 262], [1099, 2218, 262], [1098, 2222, 262], [1094, 2223, 262], [1095, 2229, 262], [1094, 2233, 262], [1091, 2235, 262], [1091, 2240, 262], [1094, 2248, 262], [1091, 2250, 262], [1091, 2255, 262], [1096, 2265, 262], [1092, 2266, 262], [1091, 2270, 262], [1092, 2276, 262], [1095, 2284, 262], [1098, 2292, 262], [1094, 2293, 262], [1095, 2299, 262], [1091, 2300, 262], [1091, 2305, 262], [1091, 2310, 262], [1092, 2316, 261], [1217, 2446, 261], [1214, 2448, 261], [1092, 2331, 261], [1211, 2455, 261], [1228, 2477, 261], [1223, 2477, 261], [1220, 2479, 262], [1217, 2481, 262], [1212, 2481, 262], [1207, 2481, 261], [1205, 2484, 261], [1215, 2499, 261], [1215, 2504, 261], [1220, 2514, 261], [1215, 2514, 261], [1221, 2525, 261], [1220, 2529, 261], [1220, 2534, 261], [1217, 2536, 261], [1217, 2541, 261], [1213, 2542, 261], [1095, 2429, 261], [1090, 2429, 261], [1098, 2442, 261], [1098, 2447, 261], [1094, 2448, 261], [1091, 2450, 261], [1091, 2455, 261], [1107, 2476, 261], [1103, 2477, 261], [1099, 2478, 261], [1094, 2478, 261], [1093, 2482, 261], [1090, 2484, 261], [1092, 2491, 261], [1094, 2498, 261], [1094, 2503, 261], [1094, 2508, 261], [1094, 2513, 261], [1094, 2518, 261], [1098, 2527, 261], [1094, 2528, 261], [1094, 2533, 261], [1093, 2537, 261], [1093, 2542, 261], [1091, 2545, 261], [1092, 2551, 261], [1091, 2555, 261], [1091, 2560, 261], [1094, 2568, 261], [1092, 2571, 261], [1092, 2576, 261], [1091, 2580, 261], [1094, 2588, 261], [1094, 2593, 261], [1091, 2595, 261], [1090, 2599, 261], [1091, 2605, 261], [1094, 2613, 260], [1090, 2614, 260], [1091, 2620, 260], [1091, 2625, 260], [1099, 2638, 260], [1094, 2638, 260], [1093, 2642, 260], [1091, 2645, 260], [1091, 2650, 260], [1090, 2654, 260], [1094, 2663, 260], [1094, 2668, 260], [1091, 2670, 260], [1091, 2675, 260], [1091, 2680, 260], [1091, 2685, 260], [1094, 2693, 260], [1094, 2698, 260], [1094, 2703, 260], [1091, 2705, 260], [1091, 2710, 260], [1090, 2714, 260], [1091, 2720, 259], [1220, 2854, 259], [1223, 2862, 259], [1220, 2864, 260], [1217, 2866, 260], [1220, 2874, 260], [1215, 2874, 260], [1212, 2876, 260], [1211, 2880, 259], [1207, 2881, 259], [1215, 2894, 259], [1220, 2904, 259], [1223, 2912, 259], [1220, 2914, 260], [1220, 2919, 260], [1220, 2924, 260], [1220, 2929, 260], [1220, 2934, 260], [1220, 2939, 260], [1217, 2941, 260], [1220, 2949, 260], [1215, 2949, 260], [1214, 2953, 260], [1212, 2956, 260], [1207, 2956, 260], [1207, 2961, 260], [1207, 2966, 260], [1098, 2862, 259], [1094, 2863, 259], [1094, 2868, 260], [1095, 2874, 260], [1092, 2876, 260], [1091, 2880, 259], [1093, 2887, 259], [1094, 2893, 259], [1098, 2927, 260], [1094, 2953, 260], [1090, 2979, 259], [1092, 3011, 259], [1092, 3041, 259], [1094, 3073, 259], [1091, 3100, 259], [1091, 3130, 259], [1091, 3160, 259], [1090, 3189, 258], [820, 2949, 258], [798, 2957, 258], [822, 3011, 258], [820, 3039, 258], [820, 3069, 258], [820, 3099, 258], [818, 3127, 258], [820, 3159, 258], [816, 3185, 257], [676, 3075, 257], [669, 3098, 257], [668, 3127, 257], [668, 3157, 257], [667, 3186, 257], [667, 3216, 256], [612, 3191, 256], [612, 3221, 255], [4873, 7512, 254], [4869, 7538, 255], [4868, 7567, 255], [4840, 7569, 255], [4810, 7569, 254], [4766, 7555, 254], [4749, 7568, 254], [4720, 7569, 254], [4686, 7565, 254], [4662, 7571, 253], [4633, 7572, 252], [4595, 7564, 251], [4569, 7568, 251], [4536, 7565, 251], [4497, 7556, 251], [4476, 7565, 251], [4449, 7568, 251], [4424, 7573, 251], [4382, 7561, 251], [4359, 7568, 251], [4332, 7571, 250], [4300, 7569, 249], [4262, 7561, 249], [4239, 7568, 249], [4194, 7553, 249], [4180, 7569, 249], [4150, 7569, 248], [4125, 7574, 247], [4094, 7573, 246], [4058, 7567, 245], [4042, 7581, 244], [4010, 7579, 242], [3982, 7581, 240], [3952, 7581, 238], [3920, 7579, 236], [3882, 7571, 234], [3857, 7576, 233], [3832, 7581, 231], [3802, 7581, 229], [3772, 7581, 227], [3742, 7581, 226], [3706, 7575, 224], [3674, 7573, 223], [3652, 7581, 222], [3622, 7581, 220], [3592, 7581, 219], [3562, 7581, 217], [3532, 7581, 216], [3486, 7565, 215], [3456, 7565, 215], [3428, 7567, 215], [3400, 7569, 215], [3366, 7565, 215], [3348, 7577, 215], [3347, 7581, 214], [3347, 7581, 212], [3347, 7581, 211], [14138, 18486, 210], [14115, 18493, 210], [14127, 18535, 209], [14129, 18567, 209], [14117, 18585, 208], [14104, 18590, 207], [1091, 5505, 207], [1235, 5679, 207], [1220, 5694, 207], [1219, 5723, 208], [1220, 5754, 208], [1214, 5778, 209], [1220, 5814, 209], [1217, 5841, 209], [1220, 5874, 210], [1215, 5899, 210], [1207, 5921, 210], [1094, 5838, 210], [1094, 5868, 211], [1094, 5898, 211], [1220, 6054, 211], [1094, 5958, 212], [1093, 5987, 212], [1094, 6018, 212], [1098, 6052, 212], [1090, 6074, 213], [1086, 6100, 213], [820, 5864, 213], [819, 5893, 213], [817, 5921, 213], [820, 5954, 213], [820, 5984, 214], [819, 6013, 214], [820, 6044, 214], [803, 6057, 214], [789, 6073, 215], [746, 6060, 215], [704, 6048, 215], [679, 6053, 215], [668, 6072, 215], [1091, 6525, 215], [1099, 6563, 215], [1095, 6589, 216], [820, 6344, 216], [820, 6374, 216], [818, 6402, 216], [820, 6434, 216], [820, 6464, 216], [1093, 6767, 217], [820, 6524, 217], [668, 6402, 217], [1094, 6858, 217], [1220, 7014, 217], [1217, 7041, 218], [1211, 7065, 218], [1217, 7101, 218], [1217, 7131, 218], [1094, 7038, 219], [1220, 7194, 219], [1094, 7098, 219], [1217, 7251, 219], [1094, 7158, 219], [1098, 7192, 220], [1211, 7335, 220], [1094, 7248, 220], [1094, 7278, 220], [1094, 7308, 220], [1091, 7335, 220], [1094, 7368, 221], [1094, 7398, 221], [1220, 7554, 221], [1205, 7569, 221], [1172, 7566, 221], [1096, 7520, 221], [1098, 7552, 222], [1085, 7569, 222], [818, 7332, 222], [818, 7362, 222], [797, 7371, 222], [820, 7424, 222], [820, 7454, 222], [898, 7562, 222], [820, 7514, 222], [820, 7544, 223], [815, 7569, 223], [784, 7568, 223], [750, 7564, 223], [721, 7565, 223], [688, 7562, 223], [666, 7570, 223], [626, 7560, 223], [612, 7576, 223], [585, 7569, 223], [555, 7569, 223], [526, 7570, 223], [492, 7566, 223], [466, 7570, 222], [427, 7561, 222], [405, 7569, 223], [375, 7569, 222], [349, 7573, 222], [315, 7569, 222], [285, 7569, 221], [265, 7579, 221], [237, 7581, 220], [198, 7572, 220], [177, 7581, 219], [147, 7581, 218], [117, 7581, 217], [87, 7581, 217], [48, 7572, 216], [27, 7581, 215], [0, 7583, 214], [0, 7594, 214], [0, 7594, 213], [0, 7594, 212], [0, 7594, 211], [0, 7594, 210], [0, 7594, 209], [0, 7594, 209], [0, 7594, 208], [0, 7594, 207], [0, 7594, 206], [0, 7594, 206], [0, 7594, 205], [0, 7594, 204], [0, 7594, 203], [0, 7594, 203], [0, 7594, 202], [0, 7594, 201], [0, 7594, 200], [0, 7594, 200], [0, 7594, 199], [0, 7594, 198], [0, 7594, 197], [0, 7594, 197], [0, 7603, 196], [0, 7633, 195], [7, 7670, 195], [0, 7693, 194], [13, 7736, 193], [0, 7753, 193], [1, 7784, 192], [0, 7813, 192], [0, 7843, 191], [0, 7873, 190], [0, 7903, 190], [0, 7933, 189], [153, 8117, 188], [149, 8143, 188], [137, 8161, 187], [0, 8053, 187], [0, 8083, 186], [3, 8116, 186], [0, 8143, 185], [0, 8173, 184], [0, 8203, 184], [0, 8233, 183], [0, 8263, 183], [668, 8972, 183], [667, 9001, 183], [798, 9162, 183], [668, 9062, 183], [702, 9126, 184], [674, 9128, 184], [675, 9159, 184], [666, 9180, 184], [612, 9156, 184], [612, 9186, 184], [582, 9176, 184], [552, 9176, 184], [505, 9159, 184], [492, 9176, 185], [465, 9179, 185], [411, 9155, 185], [402, 9176, 185], [372, 9176, 185], [356, 9190, 185], [312, 9176, 184], [284, 9178, 184], [265, 9189, 184], [258, 9212, 184], [264, 9248, 184], [266, 9280, 183], [265, 9309, 183], [259, 9333, 183], [265, 9369, 182], [198, 9332, 182], [264, 9428, 181], [265, 9459, 181], [283, 9507, 181], [273, 9527, 181], [275, 9559, 180], [269, 9583, 180], [261, 9605, 180], [265, 9639, 180], [257, 9661, 179], [267, 9701, 179], [366, 9829, 179], [360, 9853, 179], [308, 9831, 179], [279, 9832, 179], [265, 9848, 179], [334, 9947, 178], [304, 9947, 178], [274, 9947, 178], [265, 9968, 178], [263, 9996, 178], [360, 10123, 178], [359, 10152, 178], [296, 10119, 177], [280, 10133, 177], [265, 10148, 177], [264, 10177, 177], [360, 10303, 177], [360, 10333, 177], [359, 10632, 177], [360, 10933, 176], [296, 11169, 175], [273, 11446, 173], [356, 11829, 173], [667, 12450, 174], [476, 12549, 175], [491, 12864, 175], [494, 13167, 175], [252, 13225, 175], [667, 13950, 175], [370, 13943, 176], [196, 14069, 175], [0, 14098, 171], [0, 14098, 168], [0, 14098, 165], [0, 14098, 162], [4351, 18413, 162], [4128, 18490, 163], [3928, 18590, 161], [667, 15514, 162], [405, 15542, 163], [612, 16059, 163], [626, 16373, 164], [668, 16715, 165], [668, 17015, 166], [612, 17259, 167], [667, 17614, 168], [556, 17793, 168], [583, 18120, 169], [570, 18407, 170], [357, 18494, 170], [153, 18590, 169], [396, 18909, 167], [857, 19661, 169], [675, 19779, 169], [386, 19780, 170], [95, 19789, 169]], 'time_in_bucket': [1914, 16, 20, 23, 34, 27, 32, 31, 26, 26, 31, 17, 13, 17, 30, 17, 22, 22, 20, 12, 11, 22, 12, 15, 24, 6, 15, 9, 14, 15, 18, 6, 8, 12, 15, 9, 9, 17, 13, 17, 21, 11, 11, 12, 11, 13, 15, 9, 20, 14, 12, 13, 16, 3, 25, 11, 11, 12, 13, 12, 10, 16, 14, 7, 13, 14, 10, 11, 20, 16, 19, 11, 20, 17, 12, 14, 11, 21, 15, 22, 15, 21, 14, 15, 20, 12, 17, 20, 16, 19, 14, 17, 17, 13, 15, 21, 24, 14, 16, 26, 22, 38, 29, 26, 24, 29, 22, 27, 24, 32, 26, 30, 29, 23, 36, 40, 32, 26, 31, 19, 27, 26, 30, 20, 32, 23, 30, 40, 25, 27, 29, 27, 36, 34, 30, 35, 39, 34, 28, 39, 33, 36, 35, 35, 51, 46, 41, 42, 38, 46, 42, 42, 35, 48, 43, 39, 53, 41, 50, 39, 53, 60, 40, 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333], [2238, 2987, 333], [2238, 2992, 333], [2233, 2992, 333], [2245, 3009, 333], [2241, 3010, 333], [2237, 3011, 332], [2232, 3011, 332], [2389, 3173, 332], [2385, 3174, 332], [2382, 3176, 332], [2375, 3174, 332], [2369, 3173, 332], [2387, 3196, 332], [2383, 3197, 332], [2382, 3201, 332], [2372, 3196, 332], [2368, 3197, 332], [2361, 3195, 332], [2361, 3200, 332], [2245, 3089, 332], [2241, 3090, 332], [2246, 3100, 332], [2241, 3100, 332], [2247, 3111, 332], [2245, 3114, 332], [2245, 3119, 332], [2246, 3125, 332], [2242, 3126, 332], [2237, 3126, 332], [2306, 3200, 331], [2303, 3202, 331], [2292, 3196, 331], [2289, 3198, 331], [2250, 3164, 331], [2246, 3165, 332], [2249, 3173, 332], [2245, 3174, 332], [2242, 3176, 332], [2238, 3177, 332], [2247, 3191, 332], [2246, 3195, 332], [2245, 3199, 332], [2241, 3200, 332], [2238, 3202, 331], [2233, 3202, 331], [2228, 3202, 331], [2223, 3202, 331], [2218, 3202, 331], [2211, 3200, 330], [2207, 3201, 330], [2203, 3202, 330], [2198, 3202, 330], [1931, 2940, 330], [1930, 2944, 330], [1930, 2949, 330], [1923, 2947, 330], [1920, 2949, 330], [1915, 2949, 330], [1915, 2954, 330], [1903, 2947, 330], [1900, 2949, 330], [1894, 2948, 330], [1882, 2941, 330], [1877, 2941, 330], [1872, 2941, 330], [1872, 2946, 330], [1868, 2947, 330], [1864, 2948, 330], [1857, 2946, 330], [1849, 2943, 330], [1844, 2943, 330], [1837, 2941, 330], [1837, 2946, 330], [1836, 2950, 330], [1830, 2949, 330], [1830, 2954, 330], [1832, 2961, 330], [1832, 2966, 330], [1828, 2967, 330], [1828, 2972, 329], [1837, 2986, 329], [1832, 2986, 329], [1828, 2987, 329], [1828, 2992, 329], [1837, 3006, 329], [1836, 3010, 329], [1832, 3011, 329], [1830, 3014, 329], [1827, 3016, 329], [1827, 3021, 328], [1915, 3114, 328], [1872, 3076, 328], [1872, 3081, 328], [1868, 3082, 328], [1868, 3087, 329], [1864, 3088, 329], [1847, 3076, 329], [1846, 3080, 329], [1842, 3081, 329], [1837, 3081, 329], [1838, 3087, 329], [1836, 3090, 329], [1837, 3096, 329], [1836, 3100, 329], [1844, 3113, 329], [1839, 3113, 329], [1836, 3115, 329], [1836, 3120, 329], [1837, 3126, 329], [1832, 3126, 329], [1868, 3167, 328], [1869, 3173, 329], [1864, 3173, 329], [1851, 3165, 329], [1846, 3165, 329], [1849, 3173, 329], [1844, 3173, 329], [1839, 3173, 329], [1837, 3176, 329], [1836, 3180, 329], [1845, 3194, 329], [1843, 3197, 329], [1837, 3196, 329], [1836, 3200, 329], [1832, 3201, 329], [1828, 3202, 329], [1823, 3202, 328], [1818, 3202, 328], [1813, 3202, 328], [1808, 3202, 328], [1803, 3202, 328], [1796, 3200, 328], [1787, 3196, 328], [1787, 3201, 328], [1524, 2943, 328], [1523, 2947, 328], [1517, 2946, 328], [1515, 2949, 328], [1460, 2899, 328], [1460, 2904, 328], [1460, 2909, 328], [1460, 2914, 328], [1460, 2919, 328], [1460, 2924, 328], [1460, 2929, 328], [1460, 2934, 328], [1461, 2940, 328], [1460, 2944, 329], [1460, 2949, 329], [1456, 2950, 328], [1455, 2954, 328], [1456, 2960, 328], [1458, 2967, 328], [1457, 2971, 328], [1458, 2977, 328], [1456, 2980, 328], [1457, 2986, 328], [1453, 2987, 328], [1454, 2993, 328], [1460, 3004, 328], [1460, 3009, 328], [1456, 3010, 328], [1455, 3014, 328], [1455, 3019, 327], [1453, 3022, 327], [1455, 3029, 327], [1459, 3038, 327], [1460, 3044, 327], [1460, 3049, 327], [1459, 3053, 327], [1460, 3059, 327], [1459, 3063, 327], [1460, 3069, 327], [1461, 3075, 327], [1460, 3079, 328], [1460, 3084, 328], [1460, 3089, 328], [1456, 3090, 328], [1459, 3098, 328], [1456, 3100, 327], [1460, 3109, 328], [1460, 3114, 328], [1460, 3119, 328], [1460, 3124, 328], [1457, 3126, 328], [1455, 3129, 327], [1460, 3139, 327], [1460, 3144, 327], [1460, 3149, 327], [1460, 3154, 327], [1465, 3164, 327], [1460, 3164, 328], [1458, 3167, 328], [1460, 3174, 328], [1457, 3176, 328], [1457, 3181, 328], [1460, 3189, 328], [1460, 3194, 328], [1460, 3199, 328], [1458, 3202, 328], [1453, 3202, 328], [1448, 3202, 327], [1444, 3203, 327], [1439, 3203, 327], [1449, 3218, 327], [1459, 3233, 327], [1455, 3234, 327], [1449, 3233, 326], [1455, 3244, 326], [1448, 3242, 326], [1448, 3247, 326], [1117, 2946, 325], [1088, 2947, 325], [1201, 3090, 325], [1201, 3120, 325], [1252, 3201, 325], [1202, 3181, 325], [1193, 3202, 325], [1086, 3125, 325], [1098, 3167, 325], [1098, 3197, 325], [1073, 3202, 325], [1043, 3202, 324], [1045, 3234, 324], [1035, 3254, 323], [948, 3197, 323], [923, 3202, 323], [895, 3204, 322], [905, 3244, 322], [895, 3264, 321], [803, 3202, 320], [769, 3198, 320], [1203, 3662, 320], [1203, 3692, 320], [1191, 3710, 320], [1251, 3800, 320], [1202, 3781, 320], [1191, 3800, 320], [1158, 3797, 320], [1101, 3770, 320], [1098, 3797, 320], [1071, 3800, 320], [1043, 3802, 320], [1034, 3823, 319], [1000, 3819, 318], [948, 3797, 318], [921, 3800, 318], [896, 3805, 318], [866, 3805, 318], [851, 3820, 317], [801, 3800, 317], [769, 3798, 317], [765, 3824, 316], [759, 3848, 315], [740, 3859, 312], [710, 3859, 309], [680, 3859, 306], [650, 3859, 303], [620, 3859, 300], [590, 3859, 298], [520, 3819, 295], [507, 3836, 295], [446, 3805, 294], [419, 3808, 294], [383, 3802, 294], [353, 3802, 294], [323, 3802, 293], [316, 3825, 293], [297, 3836, 293], [267, 3836, 292], [236, 3835, 291], [208, 3837, 291], [207, 3859, 289], [184, 3825, 287], [166, 3837, 286], [135, 3836, 285], [77, 3808, 285], [64, 3825, 285], [45, 3836, 284], [14, 3828, 284], [0, 3844, 283], [0, 3864, 281], [0, 3864, 279], [0, 3864, 277], [0, 3864, 275], [0, 3864, 273], [0, 3864, 271], [0, 3864, 269], [0, 3864, 267], [0, 3867, 265], [0, 3878, 263], [0, 3899, 261], [0, 3929, 260], [0, 3959, 258], [0, 3989, 257], [0, 4019, 255], [0, 4049, 253], [0, 4079, 252], [8, 4117, 251], [8, 4147, 250], [20, 4189, 250], [8, 4207, 250], [3, 4232, 249], [0, 4259, 248], [0, 4289, 246], [0, 4319, 245], [0, 4349, 243], [0, 4379, 242], [0, 4409, 240], [0, 4439, 239], [0, 4469, 237], [0, 4499, 236], [0, 4529, 234], [0, 4559, 233], [0, 4589, 231], [0, 4619, 230], [0, 4649, 229], [0, 4679, 227], [0, 4709, 226], [0, 4739, 225], [0, 4769, 224], [0, 4799, 223], [0, 4829, 222], [2, 4861, 221], [0, 4889, 219], [0, 4919, 218], [0, 4949, 217], [0, 4979, 217], [0, 5009, 215], [776, 5801, 215], [759, 5814, 215], [753, 5838, 214], [746, 5861, 213], [322, 5536, 212], [293, 5537, 212], [263, 5537, 212], [232, 5536, 212], [208, 5542, 212], [294, 5658, 211], [268, 5662, 211], [224, 5648, 211], [208, 5662, 211], [207, 5674, 211], [70, 5536, 211], [40, 5536, 211], [17, 5536, 211], [0, 5549, 210], [62, 5648, 210], [36, 5652, 210], [8, 5647, 210], [0, 5669, 210], [0, 5674, 209], [0, 5674, 208], [29, 5719, 208], [78, 5805, 208], [52, 5809, 208], [29, 5809, 208], [0, 5810, 208], [0, 5840, 207], [0, 5870, 206], [0, 5900, 205], [0, 5930, 204], [0, 5960, 203], [17, 6007, 203], [3, 6023, 203], [0, 6050, 202], [0, 6080, 201], [0, 6110, 200], [3, 6143, 200], [0, 6170, 199], [0, 6200, 198], [0, 6230, 197], [0, 6260, 196], [0, 6290, 196], [8, 6328, 195], [0, 6350, 194], [0, 6380, 194], [0, 6387, 193], [0, 6387, 192], [0, 6411, 191], [0, 6411, 190], [0, 6411, 190], [0, 6411, 189], [0, 6411, 188], [0, 6411, 187], 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190], [908, 8571, 190], [902, 8595, 191], [920, 8643, 191], [905, 8658, 191], [905, 8688, 192], [902, 8715, 192], [901, 8744, 192], [769, 8642, 193], [767, 8670, 193], [908, 8841, 193], [888, 8851, 193], [857, 8850, 194], [769, 8792, 194], [769, 8822, 194], [765, 8848, 195], [764, 8877, 195], [767, 8910, 195], [769, 8942, 195], [762, 8965, 195], [909, 9142, 196], [902, 9165, 196], [879, 9172, 196], [849, 9172, 196], [769, 9122, 197], [767, 9150, 197], [764, 9177, 197], [901, 9344, 198], [872, 9345, 198], [771, 9274, 198], [766, 9299, 198], [769, 9332, 199], [760, 9353, 199], [759, 9382, 199], [729, 9382, 198], [758, 9412, 198], [759, 9443, 198], [759, 9473, 197], [759, 9503, 197], [759, 9533, 197], [759, 9563, 196], [758, 9592, 196], [760, 9624, 196], [756, 9650, 195], [383, 9336, 195], [353, 9336, 196], [331, 9344, 196], [308, 9351, 196], [278, 9351, 196], [264, 9367, 196], [218, 9351, 196], [208, 9371, 196], [207, 9382, 196], [177, 9352, 195], [146, 9351, 195], [116, 9351, 195], [79, 9344, 196], [56, 9351, 196], [29, 9347, 196], [8, 9356, 196], [0, 9378, 196], [0, 9394, 195], [33, 9443, 195], [4, 9443, 195], [0, 9469, 194], [0, 9499, 194], [0, 9529, 194], [0, 9559, 194], [0, 9589, 193], [0, 9619, 193], [0, 9649, 193], [0, 9948, 191], [0, 10207, 187], [924, 11486, 185], [726, 11588, 187], [424, 11586, 185], [173, 11587, 185], [0, 11588, 184], [0, 11588, 180], [0, 11588, 176], [0, 11588, 172], [0, 11588, 168], [0, 11588, 165], [0, 11588, 161], [0, 11588, 158], [0, 11588, 155], [0, 11588, 152], [0, 11588, 149], [0, 11588, 146], [0, 11588, 144], [0, 11588, 141], [0, 11588, 138], [0, 11588, 136], [0, 11588, 134], [0, 11588, 132], [0, 11588, 129], [0, 11588, 127], [0, 11588, 125], [0, 11588, 123], [764, 12403, 123], [765, 12704, 125], [341, 12580, 124], [208, 12747, 126]], 'time_in_bucket': [2156, 24, 25, 24, 24, 48, 22, 19, 31, 16, 19, 15, 24, 25, 13, 16, 11, 14, 14, 8, 14, 7, 18, 12, 15, 14, 11, 13, 10, 19, 8, 7, 5, 13, 12, 21, 6, 10, 8, 24, 9, 10, 11, 14, 7, 7, 8, 10, 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87, 74, 70, 93, 80, 81, 61, 82, 72, 68, 72, 74, 63, 75, 67, 58, 91, 69, 71, 62, 74, 73, 71, 79, 74, 63, 47, 72, 62, 66, 67, 55, 62, 50, 51, 66, 51, 58, 52, 46, 36, 48, 42, 45, 34, 33, 38, 31, 26, 32, 35, 30, 31, 23, 26, 19, 18, 16, 16, 17, 18, 21, 20, 15, 17, 12, 12, 10, 4, 9, 14, 12, 12, 10, 5, 8, 4, 6, 1, 6, 4, 2, 4, 5, 1, 7, 8, 3, 3, 5, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 5, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [5339, 3630, 3418, 337, 31, 1, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3863389652', 'date': '11:31 AM on Tuesday, August 4, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 290, 'training_load': 229, 'max_watts': 827, 'relative_intensity': 72, 'cp_data': [[5112, 5112, 827], [4999, 5000, 652], [4998, 5000, 647], [4998, 5001, 635], [4997, 5001, 626], [4997, 5002, 616], [4997, 5003, 604], [4996, 5003, 594], [4995, 5003, 587], [4995, 5004, 579], [4995, 5005, 571], [4995, 5006, 563], [4993, 5005, 556], [6303, 6316, 550], [6302, 6316, 550], [6300, 6315, 549], [6300, 6316, 549], [6300, 6317, 547], [6297, 6315, 547], [6297, 6316, 547], [6297, 6317, 546], [6297, 6318, 546], [6296, 6318, 545], [6295, 6318, 542], [6295, 6319, 538], [6295, 6320, 534], [6296, 6322, 532], [6296, 6323, 530], [6296, 6324, 528], [6297, 6326, 527], [6297, 6327, 527], [6296, 6327, 527], [6295, 6327, 526], [6295, 6328, 524], [6294, 6328, 521], [6296, 6331, 519], [6296, 6332, 518], [6296, 6333, 518], [6296, 6334, 517], [6296, 6335, 516], [6296, 6336, 516], [6296, 6337, 515], [6296, 6338, 515], [6296, 6339, 514], [6295, 6339, 513], [6294, 6339, 511], [6293, 6339, 508], [6292, 6339, 506], [6291, 6339, 504], [6290, 6339, 503], [6289, 6339, 501], [6288, 6339, 500], [6288, 6340, 498], [6287, 6340, 496], [6284, 6338, 495], [6284, 6339, 494], [6283, 6339, 494], [6282, 6339, 493], [6281, 6339, 492], [6280, 6339, 491], [6279, 6339, 491], [6278, 6339, 489], [6277, 6339, 488], [6276, 6339, 487], [6275, 6339, 486], [6274, 6339, 486], [6273, 6339, 486], [6272, 6339, 485], [6271, 6339, 485], [6270, 6339, 484], [6270, 6340, 483], [6270, 6341, 481], [6270, 6342, 480], [6270, 6343, 478], [6265, 6339, 477], [6265, 6340, 476], [6265, 6341, 474], [6265, 6342, 473], [6265, 6343, 472], [6260, 6339, 471], [6259, 6339, 471], [6258, 6339, 470], [6258, 6340, 469], [6258, 6341, 468], [6258, 6342, 467], [6258, 6343, 466], [6253, 6339, 465], [6252, 6339, 464], [6252, 6340, 463], [6251, 6340, 462], [6252, 6342, 461], [6252, 6343, 461], [6247, 6339, 460], [6246, 6339, 460], [6245, 6339, 459], [6244, 6339, 459], [6243, 6339, 459], [6243, 6340, 459], [6242, 6340, 458], [6239, 6338, 458], [6239, 6339, 458], [6238, 6339, 458], [6237, 6339, 457], [6236, 6339, 457], [6235, 6339, 456], [6234, 6339, 456], [6233, 6339, 455], [6232, 6339, 455], [6231, 6339, 455], [6231, 6340, 454], [6231, 6341, 454], [6231, 6342, 453], [6231, 6343, 452], [6231, 6344, 452], [6226, 6340, 451], [6226, 6341, 450], [6227, 6343, 449], [6226, 6343, 449], [6221, 6339, 448], [6220, 6339, 448], [6219, 6339, 448], [6218, 6339, 447], [6217, 6339, 447], [6216, 6339, 447], [6215, 6339, 447], [6214, 6339, 446], [6213, 6339, 446], [6213, 6340, 446], [6212, 6340, 445], [6213, 6342, 445], [6213, 6343, 444], [6212, 6343, 443], [6212, 6344, 443], [6206, 6339, 443], [6205, 6339, 442], [6205, 6340, 442], [6203, 6339, 442], [6202, 6339, 442], [6201, 6339, 441], [6201, 6340, 441], [6201, 6341, 440], [6198, 6339, 440], [6197, 6339, 440], [6196, 6339, 440], [6195, 6339, 440], [6194, 6339, 440], [6194, 6340, 440], [6194, 6341, 439], [6194, 6342, 439], [6194, 6343, 438], [6189, 6339, 438], [6188, 6339, 438], [6187, 6339, 438], [6186, 6339, 437], [6186, 6340, 437], [6185, 6340, 437], [6185, 6341, 436], [6182, 6339, 436], [6181, 6339, 436], [6180, 6339, 436], [6180, 6340, 436], [6180, 6341, 435], [6180, 6342, 435], [6180, 6343, 435], [6179, 6343, 434], [6174, 6339, 434], [6174, 6340, 434], [6173, 6340, 433], [6174, 6342, 433], [6174, 6343, 433], [6169, 6339, 432], [6168, 6339, 432], [6167, 6339, 432], [6166, 6339, 432], [6165, 6339, 433], [6164, 6339, 433], [6163, 6339, 432], [6162, 6339, 432], [6161, 6339, 432], [6160, 6339, 432], [6160, 6340, 432], [6158, 6339, 432], [6158, 6340, 431], [6158, 6341, 431], [6158, 6342, 431], [6158, 6343, 430], [6158, 6344, 430], [6158, 6345, 429], [6152, 6340, 429], [6152, 6341, 429], [6152, 6342, 428], [6148, 6339, 428], [6147, 6339, 428], [6147, 6340, 428], [6146, 6340, 428], [6147, 6342, 427], [6147, 6343, 427], [6146, 6343, 427], [6141, 6339, 427], [6140, 6339, 427], [6140, 6340, 427], [6140, 6341, 426], [6140, 6342, 426], [6140, 6343, 426], [5927, 6131, 426], [6113, 6318, 426], [6113, 6319, 426], [6112, 6319, 426], [6119, 6327, 426], [6118, 6327, 427], [6117, 6327, 427], [6116, 6327, 427], [6115, 6327, 428], [6114, 6327, 428], [6113, 6327, 428], [6113, 6328, 428], [6112, 6328, 429], [6115, 6332, 429], [6114, 6332, 429], [6118, 6337, 429], [6115, 6335, 429], [6114, 6335, 430], [6115, 6337, 430], [6114, 6337, 430], [6114, 6338, 431], [6114, 6339, 431], [6113, 6339, 431], [6112, 6339, 431], [6112, 6340, 431], [6109, 6338, 431], [6108, 6338, 431], [6108, 6339, 431], [6107, 6339, 432], [6106, 6339, 432], [6105, 6339, 432], [6105, 6340, 432], [6105, 6341, 431], [6105, 6342, 431], [6101, 6339, 431], [6100, 6339, 431], [6100, 6340, 431], [6098, 6339, 431], [6097, 6339, 431], [6096, 6339, 431], [6095, 6339, 431], [6094, 6339, 431], [6092, 6338, 431], [6092, 6339, 431], [6091, 6339, 431], [6090, 6339, 432], [6089, 6339, 432], [6088, 6339, 432], [6087, 6339, 432], [6087, 6340, 431], [6086, 6340, 431], [6082, 6337, 431], [6082, 6338, 431], [6082, 6339, 432], [6081, 6339, 432], [6080, 6339, 432], [6079, 6339, 432], [6078, 6339, 432], [6078, 6340, 431], [6077, 6340, 431], [6078, 6342, 431], [6078, 6343, 431], [6077, 6343, 431], [6077, 6344, 430], [6076, 6344, 430], [6070, 6339, 430], [6069, 6339, 430], [6068, 6339, 430], [6067, 6339, 430], [6066, 6339, 430], [6065, 6339, 430], [6065, 6340, 429], [6065, 6341, 429], [6065, 6342, 429], [6065, 6343, 429], [6065, 6344, 429], [6059, 6339, 428], [6059, 6340, 428], [6058, 6340, 428], [6058, 6341, 428], [6058, 6342, 428], [6058, 6343, 427], [6058, 6344, 427], [6058, 6345, 427], [6051, 6339, 427], [6051, 6340, 426], [6050, 6340, 426], [6051, 6342, 426], [6051, 6343, 426], [6050, 6343, 426], [6049, 6343, 425], [6049, 6344, 425], [6049, 6345, 425], [6050, 6347, 424], [6049, 6347, 424], [6049, 6348, 424], [6036, 6340, 423], [6030, 6339, 422], [6030, 6344, 421], [6023, 6342, 420], [5997, 6321, 421], [5998, 6327, 422], [5997, 6331, 423], [5997, 6336, 424], [5996, 6340, 424], [5990, 6339, 424], [5988, 6342, 424], [5982, 6341, 423], [5976, 6340, 422], [5970, 6339, 422], [5965, 6339, 422], [5960, 6339, 422], [5955, 6339, 423], [5938, 6327, 423], [5934, 6328, 423], [5937, 6336, 424], [5935, 6339, 425], [5931, 6340, 425], [5926, 6340, 425], [5921, 6340, 425], [5915, 6339, 424], [5910, 6339, 425], [5905, 6339, 425], [5905, 6344, 425], [5899, 6343, 424], [5893, 6342, 423], [5885, 6339, 422], [5880, 6339, 422], [5879, 6343, 421], [5879, 6348, 420], [5874, 6348, 419], [5875, 6354, 418], [5874, 6358, 417], [5876, 6365, 415], [5910, 6404, 415], [5905, 6404, 415], [5906, 6410, 414], [5903, 6412, 414], [5937, 6451, 414], [5937, 6456, 415], [5934, 6458, 415], [5931, 6460, 415], [5924, 6458, 415], [5919, 6458, 415], [5910, 6454, 416], [5909, 6458, 416], [5905, 6459, 416], [5905, 6464, 416], [5900, 6464, 415], [5895, 6464, 415], [5891, 6465, 414], [5885, 6464, 414], [5880, 6464, 413], [5875, 6464, 413], [5905, 6499, 412], [5906, 6505, 412], [5906, 6510, 412], [5903, 6512, 412], [5905, 6519, 412], [5902, 6521, 411], [5906, 6530, 411], [5909, 6538, 411], [5933, 6567, 411], [5935, 6574, 411], [5931, 6575, 411], [5926, 6575, 411], [5910, 6564, 411], [5909, 6568, 412], [5910, 6574, 412], [5905, 6574, 412], [5905, 6579, 412], [5903, 6582, 411], [5903, 6587, 411], [5903, 6592, 411], [5904, 6598, 411], [5904, 6603, 410], [5905, 6609, 410], [5905, 6614, 410], [5905, 6619, 409], [5909, 6628, 409], [5905, 6629, 409], [5906, 6635, 409], [5909, 6643, 409], [5905, 6644, 409], [5904, 6648, 409], [5905, 6654, 409], [5904, 6658, 409], [5905, 6664, 408], [5894, 6658, 408], [5909, 6678, 408], [5905, 6679, 408], [5903, 6682, 408], [5903, 6687, 408], [5904, 6693, 408], [5893, 6687, 407], [5893, 6692, 407], [5883, 6687, 407], [5878, 6687, 406], [5879, 6693, 406], [5880, 6699, 406], [5906, 6730, 405], [5905, 6734, 405], [5905, 6739, 405], [5905, 6744, 405], [5905, 6749, 405], [5906, 6755, 405], [5906, 6760, 405], [5905, 6764, 405], [5905, 6769, 405], [5906, 6775, 405], [5905, 6779, 404], [5905, 6784, 404], [5904, 6788, 404], [5899, 6788, 404], [5894, 6788, 404], [5906, 6805, 404], [5905, 6809, 404], [5902, 6811, 403], [5903, 6817, 403], [5905, 6824, 403], [5905, 6829, 403], [5904, 6833, 403], [5905, 6839, 403], [5905, 6844, 403], [5905, 6849, 402], [5905, 6854, 402], [5900, 6854, 402], [5905, 6864, 402], [5905, 6869, 402], [5903, 6872, 402], [5905, 6879, 402], [5905, 6884, 401], [5905, 6889, 401], [5909, 6898, 401], [5905, 6899, 401], [5899, 6898, 401], [5905, 6909, 400], [5893, 6902, 400], [5884, 6898, 400], [5879, 6898, 400], [5879, 6903, 400], [5903, 6932, 399], [5904, 6938, 399], [5899, 6938, 399], [5893, 6937, 399], [5905, 6954, 399], [5905, 6959, 399], [5906, 6965, 399], [5905, 6969, 399], [5903, 6972, 399], [5905, 6979, 399], [5905, 6984, 398], [5905, 6989, 398], [5905, 6994, 398], [5905, 6999, 398], [5904, 7003, 398], [5905, 7009, 398], [5905, 7014, 398], [5899, 7013, 397], [5903, 7022, 397], [5904, 7028, 397], [5905, 7034, 397], [5906, 7040, 397], [5906, 7045, 397], [5905, 7049, 397], [5905, 7054, 397], [5904, 7058, 397], [5905, 7064, 396], [5905, 7069, 396], [5903, 7072, 396], [5905, 7079, 396], [5905, 7084, 396], [5903, 7087, 396], [5903, 7092, 396], [5905, 7099, 396], [5904, 7103, 396], [5904, 7108, 396], [5905, 7114, 395], [5905, 7119, 395], [5904, 7123, 395], [5905, 7129, 395], [5905, 7134, 395], [5905, 7139, 395], [5905, 7144, 395], [5904, 7148, 395], [5905, 7154, 395], [5905, 7159, 395], [5906, 7165, 395], [5903, 7167, 394], [5904, 7173, 394], [5905, 7179, 394], [5905, 7184, 394], [5904, 7188, 394], [5904, 7193, 394], [5905, 7199, 394], [5905, 7204, 394], [5901, 7205, 394], [5904, 7213, 394], [5905, 7219, 394], [5905, 7224, 394], [5905, 7229, 394], [5932, 7261, 394], [5937, 7271, 394], [5934, 7273, 394], [5937, 7281, 394], [5933, 7282, 395], [5935, 7289, 395], [5935, 7294, 395], [5931, 7295, 395], [5926, 7295, 395], [5921, 7295, 395], [5910, 7289, 395], [5910, 7294, 396], [5905, 7294, 396], [5905, 7299, 396], [5905, 7304, 395], [5901, 7305, 395], [5896, 7305, 395], [5881, 7295, 395], [5880, 7299, 395], [5881, 7305, 395], [5876, 7305, 395], [5877, 7311, 394], [5877, 7316, 394], [5878, 7322, 394], [5879, 7328, 394], [5879, 7333, 394], [5879, 7338, 394], [5879, 7343, 394], [5879, 7348, 393], [5903, 7377, 393], [5903, 7382, 393], [5905, 7389, 393], [5905, 7394, 393], [5901, 7395, 393], [5896, 7395, 393], [5891, 7395, 393], [5885, 7394, 393], [5880, 7394, 393], [5876, 7395, 393], [5909, 7433, 392], [5905, 7434, 392], [5905, 7439, 392], [5906, 7445, 392], [5905, 7449, 392], [5903, 7452, 392], [5903, 7457, 392], [5898, 7457, 392], [5893, 7457, 392], [5905, 7474, 392], [5905, 7479, 392], [5905, 7484, 392], [5905, 7489, 392], [5905, 7494, 392], [5905, 7499, 392], [5905, 7504, 392], [5906, 7510, 392], [5902, 7511, 392], [5904, 7518, 391], [5892, 7511, 391], [5893, 7517, 391], [5905, 7534, 391], [5905, 7539, 391], [5905, 7544, 391], [5901, 7545, 391], [5905, 7554, 391], [5906, 7560, 391], [5902, 7561, 391], [5880, 7544, 391], [5902, 7571, 391], [5880, 7554, 390], [5892, 7571, 390], [5905, 7589, 390], [5901, 7590, 390], [5905, 7599, 390], [5906, 7605, 390], [5906, 7610, 390], [5906, 7615, 390], [5906, 7620, 390], [5903, 7622, 390], [5904, 7628, 390], [5905, 7634, 390], [5905, 7639, 390], [5903, 7642, 390], [5903, 7647, 390], [5904, 7653, 390], [5905, 7659, 390], [5905, 7664, 390], [5905, 7669, 390], [5905, 7674, 390], [5909, 7683, 390], [5905, 7684, 390], [5905, 7689, 390], [5905, 7694, 390], [5906, 7700, 390], [5909, 7708, 390], [5905, 7734, 390], [5905, 7764, 389], [5877, 7766, 389], [5910, 7829, 389], [5909, 7858, 389], [5895, 7874, 389], [5904, 7913, 389], [5900, 7939, 389], [5894, 7963, 388], [5903, 8002, 388], [5897, 8026, 388], [5905, 8064, 388], [5905, 8094, 387], [5905, 8124, 387], [5905, 8154, 387], [5905, 8184, 386], [5905, 8214, 386], [5897, 8236, 386], [5904, 8273, 386], [5902, 8301, 386], [5909, 8338, 386], [5879, 8338, 385], [5923, 8412, 385], [5903, 8422, 385], [5906, 8455, 385], [5897, 8476, 385], [5899, 8508, 385], [5870, 8509, 385], [5839, 8508, 383], [5810, 8509, 382], [5780, 8509, 381], [5750, 8509, 379], [5720, 8509, 378], [5690, 8509, 376], [5661, 8510, 374], [5630, 8509, 372], [5601, 8510, 371], [5571, 8510, 369], [5541, 8510, 366], [5510, 8509, 364], [5481, 8510, 362], [5451, 8510, 359], [5425, 8514, 356], [5391, 8510, 353], [5364, 8513, 350], [5339, 8518, 347], [5312, 8521, 344], [5282, 8521, 342], [5252, 8521, 338], [5223, 8521, 335], [10293, 13621, 333], [10264, 13622, 330], [10236, 13624, 328], [10206, 13624, 325], [10164, 13612, 324], [10142, 13620, 323], [10113, 13621, 322], [10082, 13620, 320], [10053, 13621, 318], [10022, 13620, 316], [9993, 13621, 314], [9962, 13620, 313], [9932, 13620, 311], [9903, 13621, 309], [9891, 13639, 307], [9843, 13621, 305], [9813, 13621, 304], [9783, 13621, 302], [9754, 13622, 300], [9723, 13621, 299], [9696, 13624, 297], [9697, 13655, 295], [9633, 13621, 293], [9602, 13620, 293], [9572, 13620, 292], [9543, 13621, 291], [9514, 13622, 289], [9482, 13620, 288], [9455, 13623, 286], [9444, 13642, 284], [9393, 13621, 283], [9384, 13642, 281], [9354, 13642, 279], [9324, 13642, 277], [9275, 13623, 276], [9275, 13653, 274], [9247, 13655, 272], [9204, 13642, 270], [9174, 13642, 268], [9122, 13620, 267], [9114, 13642, 265], [9063, 13621, 264], [9036, 13624, 262], [9037, 13655, 260], [9007, 13655, 259], [8946, 13624, 257], [8914, 13622, 256], [8897, 13635, 254], [9479, 14042, 253], [9471, 14064, 252], [9457, 14080, 251], [5880, 10677, 250], [5879, 10706, 250], [5875, 10732, 251], [5875, 10762, 252], [5905, 10822, 252], [5879, 10826, 253], [5877, 10854, 253], [5879, 10886, 254], [5880, 10917, 254], [5877, 10944, 255], [5879, 10976, 256], [5875, 11002, 256], [5875, 11032, 257], [5905, 11092, 257], [5875, 11092, 258], [5877, 11124, 258], [5903, 11180, 259], [5879, 11186, 259], [5876, 11213, 260], [5877, 11244, 260], [5879, 11276, 261], [5875, 11302, 261], [5879, 11336, 262], [5877, 11364, 262], [5905, 11422, 263], [5905, 11452, 263], [5877, 11454, 264], [5881, 11488, 264], [5880, 11517, 265], [5879, 11546, 265], [5905, 11602, 266], [5905, 11632, 266], [5880, 11637, 266], [5876, 11663, 267], [5875, 11692, 267], [5875, 11722, 268], [5905, 11782, 268], [5879, 11786, 268], [5879, 11816, 269], [5896, 11863, 269], [5879, 11876, 270], [5875, 11902, 270], [5875, 11932, 270], [5879, 11966, 271], [5877, 11994, 271], [5875, 12022, 271], [5875, 12052, 272], [5874, 12081, 272], [5878, 12115, 272], [5880, 12147, 272], [5878, 12175, 273], [5877, 12204, 273], [5879, 12236, 273], [5879, 12266, 274], [5877, 12294, 274], [5880, 12327, 274], [5879, 12356, 275], [5877, 12384, 275], [5879, 12416, 275], [5876, 12443, 276], [5876, 12473, 276], [5878, 12505, 276], [5877, 12534, 276], [5880, 12567, 277], [5877, 12594, 277], [5875, 12622, 277], [5875, 12652, 278], [5879, 12686, 278], [5905, 12741, 278], [5877, 12743, 279], [5879, 12775, 279], [5877, 12803, 279], [5874, 12830, 279], [5874, 12860, 280], [5880, 12896, 280], [5879, 12925, 280], [5877, 12953, 280], [5880, 12986, 280], [5879, 13015, 281], [5875, 13041, 281], [5877, 13073, 281], [5875, 13101, 281], [5879, 13135, 281], [5879, 13165, 281], [5876, 13192, 282], [5875, 13221, 282], [5877, 13253, 282], [5879, 13285, 282], [5876, 13312, 282], [5880, 13346, 283], [5879, 13375, 283], [5880, 13406, 283], [5880, 13436, 283], [5878, 13464, 284], [5877, 13493, 284], [5877, 13523, 284], [5898, 13574, 284], [5875, 13581, 285], [5876, 13612, 285], [5854, 13620, 285], [5823, 13619, 285], [5794, 13620, 285], [5764, 13620, 284], [5735, 13621, 284], [5704, 13620, 284], [5675, 13621, 284], [5643, 13619, 283], [5615, 13621, 283], [5584, 13620, 283], [5555, 13621, 282], [5525, 13621, 282], [5494, 13620, 281], [5466, 13622, 281], [5436, 13622, 280], [5404, 13620, 279], [5378, 13624, 278], [5348, 13624, 277], [5318, 13624, 276], [5286, 13622, 276], [5258, 13624, 275], [5228, 13624, 274], [5198, 13623, 273], [5166, 13621, 272], [5157, 13642, 271], [5112, 13621, 270], [5089, 13624, 269], [5089, 13655, 268], [5073, 13655, 267], [5057, 13655, 267], [5055, 13655, 266], [5055, 13655, 265], [5055, 13655, 264], [5481, 14032, 263], [5477, 14058, 262], [5476, 14087, 262], [5436, 14077, 261], [5388, 14059, 260], [5386, 14087, 260], [5352, 14083, 259], [5326, 14087, 258], [5286, 14077, 258], [5264, 14085, 257], [5234, 14085, 256], [5201, 14081, 255], [5177, 14087, 254], [5147, 14087, 254], [5112, 14076, 253], [5091, 14085, 252], [5090, 14114, 251], [5089, 14127, 250], [5089, 14171, 250], [5074, 14171, 249], [5089, 14228, 248], [5417, 14598, 247], [5389, 14600, 247], [5361, 14602, 246], [5330, 14601, 245], [5704, 15005, 245], [5696, 15027, 245], [5694, 15055, 245], [5621, 15012, 245], [5620, 15041, 245], [5606, 15057, 245], [5574, 15055, 245], [5545, 15056, 244], [5516, 15057, 244], [5483, 15054, 244], [5456, 15057, 243], [5426, 15057, 243], [5396, 15057, 242], [5366, 15057, 241], [5336, 15057, 241], [5306, 15057, 240], [5276, 15057, 240], [5246, 15057, 239], [5217, 15057, 238], [5187, 15057, 238], [5157, 15057, 237], [5127, 15057, 236], [5103, 15057, 236], [5089, 15057, 235], [5063, 15057, 234], [5055, 15057, 234], [5055, 15057, 233], [5055, 15057, 232], [5055, 15057, 232], [5055, 15057, 231], [5055, 15057, 230], [5055, 15057, 230], [5055, 15057, 229], [5055, 15057, 228], [5055, 15057, 228], [5055, 15057, 227], [5055, 15057, 226], [5055, 15057, 226], [5055, 15057, 225], [5055, 15057, 224], [5055, 15057, 224], [5055, 15057, 223], [5055, 15057, 217], [5055, 15057, 211], [5055, 15057, 206], [5055, 15057, 201], [5055, 15057, 196], [5055, 15057, 191], [5055, 15057, 187], [4451, 13620, 185], [4151, 13620, 186], [3852, 13621, 186], [3543, 13612, 187], [3251, 13620, 188], [2952, 13621, 189], [2761, 13655, 187], [2734, 13655, 184], [2763, 14127, 181], [2761, 14400, 178], [2306, 13620, 177], [2007, 13621, 177], [1707, 13621, 176], [1410, 13624, 175], [1107, 13621, 174], [810, 13624, 173], [508, 13622, 170], [207, 13621, 169], [0, 13684, 166], [259, 14068, 164], [948, 15057, 164], [648, 15057, 162], [348, 15057, 160], [48, 15057, 158]], 'time_in_bucket': [2470, 29, 28, 39, 27, 65, 32, 27, 30, 25, 21, 20, 22, 34, 36, 19, 8, 14, 25, 29, 17, 11, 13, 19, 16, 17, 16, 7, 26, 13, 12, 7, 12, 11, 7, 15, 16, 15, 11, 12, 8, 22, 13, 15, 18, 15, 13, 19, 18, 22, 18, 12, 16, 16, 21, 25, 14, 11, 18, 16, 5, 13, 21, 22, 17, 14, 9, 18, 17, 13, 30, 18, 34, 25, 18, 29, 28, 10, 19, 13, 16, 24, 17, 25, 18, 25, 14, 13, 26, 24, 15, 17, 27, 20, 24, 18, 14, 15, 25, 29, 26, 21, 19, 25, 32, 21, 21, 15, 16, 23, 23, 16, 22, 23, 27, 19, 18, 18, 23, 34, 23, 19, 26, 28, 23, 20, 17, 39, 26, 22, 17, 25, 37, 19, 21, 33, 21, 18, 23, 38, 24, 27, 25, 31, 24, 32, 29, 28, 26, 24, 15, 26, 23, 31, 18, 39, 33, 22, 26, 29, 21, 39, 25, 38, 26, 19, 21, 27, 31, 28, 36, 31, 29, 23, 25, 29, 20, 28, 28, 23, 25, 32, 31, 22, 29, 25, 20, 27, 36, 28, 34, 21, 15, 27, 26, 29, 29, 21, 23, 28, 25, 17, 23, 17, 33, 27, 31, 29, 29, 27, 28, 42, 33, 22, 27, 18, 32, 31, 27, 25, 28, 39, 32, 31, 33, 25, 33, 34, 39, 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0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [7568, 2427, 1700, 2417, 816, 128, 4], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3853436776', 'date': '9:50 AM on Sunday, August 2, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 296, 'training_load': 216, 'max_watts': 674, 'relative_intensity': 73, 'cp_data': [[4895, 4895, 674], [4895, 4896, 672], [4895, 4897, 663], [4894, 4897, 634], [4893, 4897, 630], [4893, 4898, 616], [4893, 4899, 597], [5155, 5162, 590], [5156, 5164, 590], [5155, 5164, 590], [5154, 5164, 581], [4893, 4904, 564], [4892, 4904, 550], [10468, 10481, 539], [10468, 10482, 532], [10466, 10481, 528], [10465, 10481, 523], [10464, 10481, 519], [10463, 10481, 517], [10462, 10481, 516], [10461, 10481, 514], [10460, 10481, 513], [10460, 10482, 509], [10459, 10482, 505], [10457, 10481, 501], [5156, 5181, 502], [5156, 5182, 505], [5155, 5182, 508], [5155, 5183, 508], [5154, 5183, 508], [5153, 5183, 503], [5153, 5184, 495], [5154, 5186, 492], [5154, 5187, 490], [5154, 5188, 489], [5154, 5189, 487], [5153, 5189, 484], [5154, 5191, 478], [5154, 5192, 477], [5154, 5193, 476], [5153, 5193, 472], [5153, 5194, 468], [8557, 8599, 467], [8557, 8600, 468], [8557, 8601, 469], [8557, 8602, 469], [8557, 8603, 468], [8557, 8604, 468], [8557, 8605, 468], [8557, 8606, 468], [8557, 8607, 469], [8557, 8608, 469], [8557, 8609, 469], [8557, 8610, 468], [8554, 8608, 467], [8554, 8609, 467], [8557, 8613, 467], [8557, 8614, 467], [8557, 8615, 468], [8557, 8616, 467], [8555, 8615, 466], [8554, 8615, 466], [8553, 8615, 466], [8553, 8616, 464], [8553, 8617, 461], [8554, 8619, 460], [8553, 8619, 459], [8553, 8620, 458], [8553, 8621, 458], [8553, 8622, 455], [8553, 8623, 452], [8553, 8624, 451], [8553, 8625, 451], [8553, 8626, 450], [8553, 8627, 448], [8553, 8628, 446], [8553, 8629, 444], [8553, 8630, 442], [8553, 8631, 442], [8553, 8632, 441], [8553, 8633, 440], [8553, 8634, 438], [8553, 8635, 436], [8553, 8636, 436], [8553, 8637, 435], [8553, 8638, 435], [8553, 8639, 435], [8553, 8640, 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399], [8554, 8851, 399], [8554, 8852, 399], [8553, 8852, 399], [8557, 8861, 399], [8557, 8866, 400], [8557, 8871, 401], [8557, 8876, 402], [8557, 8881, 402], [8553, 8882, 403], [8554, 8888, 403], [8557, 8896, 403], [8557, 8901, 404], [8554, 8903, 404], [8557, 8911, 405], [8555, 8914, 405], [8553, 8917, 405], [8553, 8922, 405], [8553, 8927, 404], [8553, 8932, 404], [8553, 8937, 403], [8553, 8942, 403], [8553, 8947, 402], [8553, 8952, 402], [8553, 8957, 402], [8554, 8963, 401], [8554, 8968, 401], [8553, 8972, 401], [8553, 8977, 401], [8554, 8983, 400], [8553, 8987, 400], [8553, 8992, 399], [8553, 8997, 399], [8553, 9002, 399], [8553, 9007, 398], [8553, 9012, 398], [8553, 9017, 398], [8554, 9023, 398], [8554, 9028, 398], [8554, 9033, 398], [8553, 9037, 397], [8554, 9043, 397], [8553, 9047, 397], [8554, 9053, 397], [8553, 9057, 396], [8553, 9062, 396], [8553, 9067, 396], [8553, 9072, 396], [8554, 9078, 395], [8553, 9082, 395], [8553, 9087, 394], [8553, 9092, 394], [8553, 9097, 394], [8554, 9103, 394], [8553, 9107, 393], [8553, 9112, 393], [8553, 9117, 393], [8557, 9126, 392], [8553, 9127, 393], [8553, 9132, 393], [8554, 9138, 393], [8554, 9143, 392], [8553, 9147, 392], [8553, 9152, 392], [8557, 9161, 392], [8557, 9166, 392], [8557, 9171, 393], [8557, 9176, 393], [8557, 9181, 393], [8553, 9182, 393], [8554, 9188, 393], [8557, 9196, 394], [8553, 9197, 394], [8554, 9203, 395], [8554, 9208, 395], [8554, 9213, 395], [8552, 9216, 395], [8553, 9222, 394], [8553, 9227, 394], [8553, 9232, 394], [8553, 9237, 393], [8553, 9242, 393], [8554, 9248, 392], [8554, 9253, 392], [8553, 9257, 392], [8553, 9262, 392], [8553, 9267, 392], [8553, 9272, 391], [8553, 9277, 391], [8554, 9283, 391], [8553, 9287, 391], [8553, 9292, 391], [8553, 9297, 391], [8553, 9302, 391], [8553, 9307, 391], [8553, 9312, 390], [8554, 9318, 390], [8553, 9322, 390], [8553, 9327, 390], [8553, 9332, 390], [8553, 9337, 390], [8553, 9342, 390], [8554, 9348, 390], [8554, 9353, 389], [8554, 9358, 389], [8554, 9363, 389], [8554, 9368, 389], [8554, 9373, 389], [8553, 9377, 389], [8554, 9383, 389], [8554, 9388, 389], [8553, 9392, 388], [8553, 9397, 388], [8553, 9402, 388], [8553, 9407, 388], [8554, 9413, 388], [8553, 9417, 387], [8553, 9422, 387], [8553, 9427, 387], [8553, 9432, 387], [8554, 9438, 387], [8554, 9443, 387], [8553, 9447, 387], [8553, 9452, 387], [8557, 9461, 387], [8553, 9462, 387], [8554, 9468, 387], [8555, 9474, 387], [8555, 9479, 388], [8554, 9483, 388], [8557, 9491, 388], [8557, 9496, 388], [8557, 9501, 388], [8557, 9506, 389], [8557, 9511, 389], [8557, 9516, 389], [8552, 9516, 389], [8553, 9522, 389], [8553, 9527, 388], [8554, 9533, 388], [8552, 9536, 388], [8553, 9542, 388], [8553, 9547, 388], [8553, 9552, 387], [8553, 9557, 387], [8554, 9563, 387], [8553, 9567, 387], [8554, 9573, 387], [8553, 9577, 387], [8553, 9582, 387], [8553, 9587, 386], [8554, 9593, 386], [8553, 9597, 386], [8553, 9602, 386], [8553, 9607, 386], [8553, 9612, 386], [8553, 9617, 386], [8553, 9622, 386], [8553, 9627, 386], [8554, 9633, 386], [8554, 9638, 386], [8554, 9643, 386], [8554, 9648, 385], [8554, 9653, 385], [8553, 9657, 385], [8553, 9662, 385], [8553, 9667, 385], [8554, 9673, 385], [8554, 9678, 385], [8554, 9683, 385], [8553, 9687, 385], [8553, 9692, 385], [8553, 9697, 385], [8553, 9702, 385], [8553, 9707, 385], [8554, 9713, 385], [8554, 9718, 385], [8554, 9723, 384], [8553, 9727, 384], [8553, 9732, 384], [8553, 9737, 384], [8554, 9743, 384], [8554, 9748, 384], [8554, 9753, 384], [8554, 9758, 384], [8554, 9763, 384], [8554, 9768, 384], [8554, 9773, 384], [8554, 9778, 384], [8557, 9786, 384], [8557, 9791, 385], [8557, 9796, 385], [8553, 9797, 385], [8553, 9802, 385], [8554, 9808, 385], [8556, 9815, 385], [8552, 9816, 385], [8552, 9821, 385], [8553, 9827, 385], [8553, 9832, 385], [8553, 9837, 385], [8554, 9843, 385], [8553, 9847, 384], [8554, 9853, 384], [8554, 9858, 384], [8553, 9862, 384], [8554, 9868, 384], [8554, 9873, 384], [8554, 9878, 384], [8553, 9882, 384], [8553, 9887, 384], [8553, 9892, 384], [8554, 9898, 383], [8554, 9903, 383], [8554, 9908, 383], [8553, 9912, 383], [8553, 9917, 383], [8553, 9922, 383], [8553, 9927, 383], [8553, 9932, 383], [8553, 9937, 383], [8554, 9943, 383], [8554, 9948, 382], [8553, 9952, 382], [8554, 9958, 382], [8554, 9963, 382], [8553, 9967, 382], [8554, 9973, 382], [8554, 9978, 382], [8554, 9983, 382], [8554, 9988, 382], [8554, 9993, 382], [8555, 9999, 382], [8554, 10003, 382], [8553, 10007, 382], [8553, 10012, 382], [8554, 10018, 382], [8554, 10023, 382], [8554, 10028, 382], [8553, 10032, 382], [8553, 10037, 382], [8553, 10042, 382], [8553, 10047, 382], [8554, 10053, 382], [8553, 10057, 382], [8553, 10062, 382], [8553, 10067, 382], [8553, 10072, 382], [8557, 10081, 382], [8553, 10082, 382], [8557, 10091, 382], [8553, 10092, 382], [8556, 10100, 382], [8554, 10103, 383], [8554, 10108, 383], [8555, 10114, 383], [8554, 10118, 383], [8553, 10122, 383], [8552, 10126, 383], [8553, 10132, 382], [8552, 10136, 382], [8553, 10142, 382], [8553, 10147, 382], [8553, 10152, 382], [8554, 10158, 382], [8554, 10163, 382], [8554, 10168, 382], [8553, 10172, 382], [8554, 10178, 382], [8553, 10182, 382], [8554, 10188, 382], [8553, 10192, 382], [8553, 10197, 382], [8553, 10202, 382], [8554, 10208, 382], [8554, 10213, 382], [8554, 10218, 382], [8554, 10223, 382], [8553, 10227, 382], [8553, 10232, 382], [8553, 10237, 382], [8553, 10242, 382], [8552, 10246, 382], [8553, 10252, 382], [8553, 10257, 382], [8553, 10262, 382], [8554, 10268, 382], [8554, 10273, 382], [8553, 10277, 382], [8553, 10282, 382], [8553, 10287, 382], [8553, 10292, 382], [8554, 10298, 382], [8554, 10303, 382], [8557, 10311, 382], [8553, 10312, 382], [8553, 10317, 382], [8553, 10322, 382], [8553, 10327, 382], [8553, 10332, 382], [8554, 10338, 382], [8553, 10342, 382], [8553, 10347, 382], [8553, 10352, 382], [8559, 10388, 382], [8557, 10416, 382], [8554, 10443, 382], [8562, 10481, 383], [8552, 10501, 381], [8503, 10482, 377], [8474, 10483, 373], [8443, 10482, 371], [8413, 10482, 367], [8384, 10483, 363], [8353, 10482, 359], [8325, 10484, 355], [8294, 10483, 351], [8283, 10502, 347], [8271, 10520, 343], [8271, 10550, 339], [8270, 10550, 334], [8270, 10605, 330], [8271, 10640, 326], [8270, 10660, 322], [8270, 10698, 318], [8271, 10730, 314], [8270, 10756, 311], [8270, 10773, 307], [8271, 10820, 303], [8270, 10843, 300], [8271, 10880, 297], [8220, 10482, 294], [8190, 10482, 293], [8160, 10482, 292], [8130, 10482, 291], [8100, 10482, 290], [8071, 10483, 288], [8040, 10482, 286], [8010, 10482, 285], [7980, 10482, 284], [7951, 10483, 282], [7921, 10483, 280], [7896, 10488, 278], [7860, 10482, 276], [7834, 10486, 275], [7800, 10482, 274], [7771, 10483, 273], [7740, 10482, 272], [7710, 10482, 271], [7680, 10482, 270], [7651, 10483, 269], [3283, 6435, 269], [3248, 6430, 270], [3223, 6435, 271], [2531, 5773, 272], [2501, 5773, 273], [2471, 5773, 274], [2441, 5773, 275], [2411, 5773, 275], [2381, 5773, 276], [2351, 5773, 277], [2331, 5783, 278], [2291, 5773, 279], [2261, 5773, 280], [2533, 6075, 280], [2544, 6116, 281], [2473, 6075, 282], [2443, 6075, 283], [2413, 6075, 283], [2383, 6075, 284], [2353, 6075, 285], [2364, 6116, 286], [2373, 6155, 286], [2344, 6156, 287], [2386, 6228, 288], [2363, 6235, 288], [2333, 6235, 289], [2374, 6306, 289], [2344, 6306, 290], [2243, 6235, 291], [2329, 6351, 291], [2383, 6435, 292], [2353, 6435, 292], [2323, 6435, 293], [2244, 6386, 293], [2262, 6434, 294], [2234, 6436, 295], [2204, 6436, 293], [2187, 6449, 292], [2187, 6479, 291], [2160, 6481, 289], [2161, 6513, 287], [2160, 6540, 285], [2161, 6573, 283], [2066, 6436, 282], [2050, 6450, 281], [2049, 6479, 280], [1986, 6446, 278], [1986, 6476, 277], [1923, 6443, 275], [1923, 6473, 274], [1857, 6437, 274], [1834, 6444, 273], [1800, 6440, 272], [1802, 6472, 271], [1736, 6436, 270], [1707, 6437, 270], [1676, 6436, 269], [1647, 6437, 268], [1637, 6457, 267], [1597, 6447, 266], [1597, 6477, 265], [1566, 6476, 264], [1541, 6481, 263], [1466, 6436, 262], [1445, 6445, 261], [1445, 6475, 260], [1379, 6439, 259], [1347, 6437, 258], [1330, 6450, 257], [1330, 6480, 257], [1296, 6476, 255], [1226, 6436, 254], [1198, 6438, 254], [1166, 6436, 253], [1144, 6444, 252], [1106, 6436, 252], [1077, 6437, 251], [1046, 6436, 250], [1018, 6438, 250], [1021, 6471, 249], [996, 6476, 248], [971, 6481, 247], [927, 6467, 246], [901, 6471, 245], [880, 6480, 244], [846, 6476, 243], [817, 6477, 242], [785, 6475, 241], [756, 6476, 239], [755, 6505, 238], [5056, 10482, 237], [5026, 10482, 238], [4996, 10482, 239], [4966, 10482, 239], [4544, 10090, 240], [4544, 10120, 241], [4542, 10148, 241], [4840, 10476, 242], [4816, 10482, 243], [4786, 10482, 244], [4756, 10482, 244], [4726, 10482, 245], [4696, 10482, 245], [4666, 10482, 246], [4636, 10482, 247], [4606, 10482, 247], [4576, 10482, 248], [4545, 10481, 249], [4516, 10482, 249], [4510, 10506, 249], [4457, 10483, 248], [4429, 10485, 247], [4397, 10483, 246], [4393, 10509, 245], [4394, 10540, 244], [4349, 10525, 243], [4392, 10598, 242], [4276, 10512, 241], [4276, 10542, 240], [4216, 10512, 239], [4279, 10605, 238], [4238, 10594, 237], [4218, 10604, 236], [4280, 10696, 235], [4238, 10684, 234], [4048, 10524, 233], [4084, 10590, 232], [4281, 10817, 231], [4277, 10843, 230], [4280, 10876, 229], [4237, 10863, 229], [4277, 10933, 228], [4244, 10930, 227], [4217, 10933, 226], [4084, 10830, 225], [4056, 10832, 224], [4056, 10862, 223], [4048, 10884, 222], [4023, 10889, 221], [3673, 10482, 221], [3643, 10482, 222], [3613, 10482, 222], [3583, 10482, 222], [3553, 10482, 222], [3523, 10482, 222], [3493, 10482, 223], [3463, 10482, 223], [3432, 10481, 223], [3403, 10482, 224], [3373, 10482, 224], [3343, 10482, 225], [3312, 10481, 225], [3283, 10482, 226], [3253, 10482, 226], [3223, 10482, 227], [3193, 10482, 228], [3163, 10482, 228], [3133, 10482, 229], [3103, 10482, 229], [3073, 10482, 229], [3043, 10482, 230], [3013, 10482, 231], [2983, 10482, 231], [2953, 10482, 232], [2923, 10482, 232], [2893, 10482, 233], [2863, 10482, 233], [2833, 10482, 234], [2803, 10482, 234], [2773, 10482, 235], [2743, 10482, 235], [2713, 10482, 236], [2683, 10482, 236], [2653, 10482, 237], [2623, 10482, 237], [2593, 10482, 238], [2563, 10482, 238], [2533, 10482, 239], [2503, 10482, 239], [2472, 10481, 240], [2443, 10482, 240], [2413, 10482, 241], [2383, 10482, 241], [2353, 10482, 242], [2323, 10482, 242], [2293, 10482, 243], [2263, 10482, 243], [2234, 10483, 243], [2203, 10482, 243], [2174, 10483, 243], [2163, 10502, 242], [2160, 10525, 241], [2160, 10550, 240], [2161, 10590, 240], [2096, 10483, 239], [2065, 10482, 239], [2050, 10497, 238], [2006, 10483, 237], [1980, 10487, 237], [1975, 10512, 236], [1921, 10488, 236], [1885, 10482, 235], [1855, 10482, 235], [1826, 10483, 235], [1799, 10486, 235], [1765, 10482, 234], [1735, 10482, 234], [1706, 10483, 234], [1675, 10482, 234], [1645, 10482, 233], [1635, 10502, 233], [1591, 10488, 232], [1575, 10502, 232], [1525, 10482, 231], [1520, 10507, 231], [1465, 10482, 231], [1435, 10482, 230], [1428, 10505, 230], [1376, 10483, 229], [1346, 10483, 229], [1332, 10499, 229], [1307, 10504, 228], [1256, 10483, 227], [1226, 10483, 227], [1198, 10485, 227], [1165, 10482, 227], [1136, 10483, 226], [1106, 10483, 226], [1076, 10483, 226], [1045, 10482, 225], [1018, 10485, 225], [986, 10483, 225], [978, 10505, 224], [927, 10484, 224], [898, 10485, 223], [892, 10509, 223], [858, 10505, 222], [819, 10496, 222], [804, 10511, 221], [775, 10512, 221], [753, 10520, 220], [753, 10550, 219], [767, 10594, 219], [626, 10483, 218], [615, 10502, 218], [586, 10503, 217], [565, 10512, 217], [565, 10542, 216], [585, 10592, 216], [2235, 12344, 215], [2236, 12375, 215], [2233, 12402, 215], [2197, 12396, 215], [2234, 12730, 215], [2236, 13032, 215], [2193, 13289, 216], [2235, 13631, 214], [2235, 13931, 215], [2178, 14174, 215], [1950, 14174, 211], [1650, 14174, 210], [1349, 14173, 207], [1050, 14174, 205], [750, 14174, 202], [453, 14174, 198], [153, 14174, 195]], 'time_in_bucket': [2480, 70, 54, 63, 38, 155, 90, 54, 36, 33, 35, 42, 25, 28, 22, 18, 24, 22, 27, 38, 28, 19, 14, 17, 16, 14, 19, 16, 12, 19, 13, 18, 21, 7, 10, 14, 4, 12, 17, 13, 21, 21, 12, 20, 15, 13, 16, 23, 18, 14, 17, 27, 9, 19, 16, 15, 16, 25, 18, 18, 17, 19, 24, 23, 18, 22, 25, 22, 21, 24, 27, 24, 29, 22, 25, 25, 20, 30, 28, 29, 20, 16, 24, 24, 27, 30, 21, 19, 22, 25, 27, 37, 31, 27, 19, 16, 16, 20, 17, 25, 22, 31, 19, 23, 13, 19, 27, 21, 23, 20, 22, 19, 19, 17, 23, 19, 22, 30, 16, 19, 29, 23, 19, 19, 16, 25, 14, 24, 26, 17, 21, 15, 23, 22, 23, 25, 21, 25, 20, 26, 17, 23, 19, 18, 21, 17, 20, 22, 23, 19, 17, 22, 12, 22, 15, 19, 25, 21, 17, 25, 14, 19, 21, 26, 19, 21, 31, 34, 18, 18, 35, 21, 16, 28, 12, 17, 24, 18, 17, 8, 19, 19, 15, 19, 16, 15, 18, 22, 12, 20, 20, 18, 20, 25, 19, 18, 24, 22, 21, 25, 23, 24, 21, 19, 21, 21, 26, 17, 33, 19, 28, 32, 17, 17, 26, 23, 24, 17, 24, 29, 27, 26, 28, 26, 31, 19, 20, 15, 23, 26, 26, 35, 26, 33, 26, 30, 19, 31, 26, 18, 21, 17, 21, 18, 25, 26, 26, 24, 28, 35, 22, 37, 24, 25, 19, 28, 32, 37, 21, 23, 19, 23, 25, 34, 34, 33, 20, 29, 29, 25, 28, 27, 23, 28, 25, 14, 20, 24, 29, 24, 17, 28, 21, 25, 25, 26, 20, 19, 21, 31, 33, 24, 17, 19, 23, 26, 25, 24, 29, 21, 24, 16, 13, 16, 21, 19, 24, 16, 26, 18, 28, 12, 24, 24, 17, 22, 19, 13, 23, 19, 17, 21, 18, 20, 24, 19, 20, 17, 13, 26, 19, 20, 25, 17, 15, 19, 12, 12, 18, 15, 21, 15, 23, 15, 14, 26, 14, 19, 16, 16, 20, 15, 15, 16, 8, 21, 23, 21, 27, 33, 26, 22, 37, 21, 29, 20, 22, 29, 32, 26, 36, 39, 27, 33, 30, 35, 30, 34, 35, 46, 40, 33, 40, 48, 42, 51, 36, 43, 45, 43, 49, 58, 59, 35, 36, 43, 38, 49, 30, 44, 50, 45, 35, 47, 49, 40, 39, 38, 45, 30, 38, 49, 37, 34, 46, 28, 35, 33, 37, 36, 35, 39, 29, 32, 30, 43, 40, 33, 27, 38, 18, 30, 25, 26, 28, 18, 34, 19, 20, 32, 22, 25, 22, 11, 24, 16, 29, 9, 8, 20, 10, 14, 17, 13, 18, 9, 23, 16, 16, 16, 8, 8, 9, 17, 9, 5, 9, 4, 11, 5, 8, 11, 7, 4, 7, 7, 9, 5, 9, 9, 9, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 6, 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 0, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 6, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [7544, 1995, 1176, 2321, 949, 175, 16], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3838021893', 'date': '10:19 AM on Thursday, July 30, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 244, 'training_load': 164, 'max_watts': 596, 'relative_intensity': 60, 'cp_data': [[4965, 4965, 596], [4964, 4965, 581], [4964, 4966, 572], [4964, 4967, 541], [4829, 4833, 500], [4829, 4834, 492], [4828, 4834, 484], [4827, 4834, 464], [9976, 9984, 440], [9976, 9985, 422], [7917, 7927, 410], [7917, 7928, 404], [7916, 7928, 397], [7916, 7929, 392], [9976, 9990, 387], [9976, 9991, 386], [9976, 9992, 386], [9976, 9993, 384], [9976, 9994, 382], [9976, 9995, 381], [9976, 9996, 379], [9976, 9997, 377], [9976, 9998, 375], [9976, 9999, 373], [9976, 10000, 371], [9976, 10001, 369], [10261, 10287, 368], [10266, 10293, 368], [10266, 10294, 369], [10265, 10294, 370], [10264, 10294, 370], [10264, 10295, 370], [10263, 10295, 370], [10262, 10295, 370], [10261, 10295, 370], [10260, 10295, 369], [10260, 10296, 368], [10259, 10296, 367], [10264, 10302, 366], [10263, 10302, 366], [10263, 10303, 366], [10261, 10302, 366], [10261, 10303, 366], [10260, 10303, 365], [10260, 10304, 364], [10260, 10305, 363], [10264, 10310, 363], [10263, 10310, 364], [10263, 10311, 363], [10264, 10313, 364], [10264, 10314, 364], [10263, 10314, 364], [10263, 10315, 364], [10263, 10316, 364], [10261, 10315, 364], [10261, 10316, 364], [10261, 10317, 364], [10260, 10317, 363], [10260, 10318, 363], [10260, 10319, 363], [10260, 10320, 362], [10260, 10321, 362], [10261, 10323, 362], [10260, 10323, 362], [10261, 10325, 362], [10261, 10326, 362], [10260, 10326, 361], [10261, 10328, 361], [10261, 10329, 361], [10264, 10333, 361], [10263, 10333, 361], [10262, 10333, 361], [10261, 10333, 361], [10264, 10337, 361], [10264, 10338, 361], [10264, 10339, 362], [10263, 10339, 362], [10262, 10339, 362], [10261, 10339, 362], [10260, 10339, 362], [10260, 10340, 361], [10261, 10342, 361], [10260, 10342, 361], [10277, 10360, 361], [10279, 10363, 361], [10278, 10363, 361], [10278, 10364, 362], [10277, 10364, 362], [10276, 10364, 362], [10276, 10365, 361], [10275, 10365, 361], [10279, 10370, 361], [10278, 10370, 361], [10277, 10370, 361], [10264, 10358, 361], [10263, 10358, 361], [10263, 10359, 361], [10263, 10360, 362], [10264, 10362, 362], [10264, 10363, 362], [10264, 10364, 362], [10263, 10364, 362], [10262, 10364, 362], [10261, 10364, 362], [10260, 10364, 362], [10260, 10365, 362], [10264, 10370, 362], [10263, 10370, 362], [10263, 10371, 362], 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313], [7911, 8710, 313], [7894, 8698, 313], [7892, 8701, 313], [7889, 8703, 313], [7888, 8707, 313], [7888, 8712, 313], [7875, 8704, 312], [7916, 8750, 312], [7917, 8756, 312], [7917, 8761, 313], [7916, 8765, 313], [7917, 8771, 313], [7916, 8775, 313], [7917, 8781, 313], [7917, 8786, 313], [7913, 8787, 313], [7912, 8791, 313], [7916, 8800, 313], [7912, 8801, 313], [7908, 8802, 313], [7902, 8801, 313], [7892, 8796, 313], [7891, 8800, 313], [7888, 8802, 313], [7883, 8802, 312], [7876, 8800, 312], [7872, 8801, 312], [7868, 8802, 312], [7862, 8801, 312], [7857, 8801, 312], [7851, 8800, 312], [7847, 8801, 312], [7828, 8787, 312], [7823, 8787, 312], [7819, 8788, 312], [7825, 8799, 312], [7819, 8798, 312], [7816, 8800, 312], [7812, 8801, 311], [7806, 8800, 311], [7803, 8802, 311], [7797, 8801, 311], [7793, 8802, 311], [7788, 8802, 311], [7783, 8802, 311], [7778, 8802, 311], [7772, 8801, 311], [7767, 8801, 310], [7765, 8804, 310], [7765, 8809, 310], [7779, 8828, 309], [7768, 8822, 309], [7767, 8826, 309], [7765, 8829, 309], [7767, 8836, 309], [7765, 8839, 308], [7765, 8844, 308], [7765, 8849, 307], [7791, 8880, 307], [7767, 8861, 307], [7782, 8881, 307], [7775, 8879, 307], [7768, 8877, 307], [7767, 8881, 307], [7781, 8900, 307], [8129, 9253, 306], [8124, 9253, 306], [8108, 9242, 306], [8106, 9245, 307], [8109, 9253, 307], [8105, 9254, 307], [8100, 9254, 307], [8094, 9253, 307], [8090, 9254, 307], [8090, 9259, 307], [8083, 9257, 306], [8080, 9259, 306], [8076, 9260, 306], [7912, 9101, 306], [7911, 9105, 306], [8043, 9242, 306], [8049, 9253, 306], [8044, 9253, 306], [8040, 9254, 306], [8040, 9259, 306], [8029, 9253, 306], [8025, 9254, 306], [8020, 9254, 306], [8015, 9254, 306], [8010, 9254, 306], [8004, 9253, 306], [7999, 9253, 306], [7994, 9253, 306], [7990, 9254, 306], [7984, 9253, 306], [7979, 9253, 306], [7974, 9253, 306], [7969, 9253, 306], [7964, 9253, 306], [7958, 9252, 306], [7954, 9253, 307], [7917, 9221, 307], [7919, 9228, 307], [7919, 9233, 307], [7919, 9238, 307], [7917, 9241, 308], [7916, 9245, 308], [7917, 9251, 308], [7914, 9253, 308], [7910, 9254, 308], [7910, 9259, 308], [7900, 9254, 307], [7894, 9253, 307], [7890, 9254, 307], [7888, 9257, 307], [7885, 9259, 307], [7875, 9254, 307], [7875, 9259, 307], [7870, 9259, 307], [7860, 9254, 307], [7854, 9253, 307], [7850, 9254, 307], [7848, 9257, 307], [7839, 9253, 307], [7835, 9254, 307], [7829, 9253, 307], [7825, 9254, 307], [7819, 9253, 307], [7815, 9254, 307], [7809, 9253, 307], [7805, 9254, 307], [7800, 9254, 307], [7795, 9254, 307], [7795, 9259, 307], [7790, 9259, 307], [7783, 9257, 307], [7780, 9259, 307], [7775, 9259, 306], [7768, 9257, 306], [7766, 9260, 306], [7765, 9264, 306], [7765, 9269, 306], [7762, 9271, 305], [7756, 9270, 305], [7752, 9271, 304], [7730, 9254, 304], [7730, 9259, 304], [7730, 9264, 304], [7718, 9257, 304], [7719, 9263, 304], [7710, 9259, 303], [7699, 9253, 303], [7695, 9254, 303], [7690, 9254, 303], [7690, 9259, 303], [7690, 9264, 303], [7688, 9267, 303], [7683, 9267, 303], [7682, 9271, 302], [7679, 9273, 302], [7682, 9281, 301], [7682, 9286, 300], [7682, 9291, 300], [7682, 9296, 299], [7681, 9300, 299], [7697, 9321, 298], [7692, 9321, 298], [7690, 9324, 298], [7686, 9325, 298], [7682, 9326, 298], [7681, 9330, 297], [7682, 9336, 297], [7681, 9340, 296], [7677, 9341, 295], [7672, 9341, 294], [7667, 9341, 293], [7680, 9359, 293], [7680, 9364, 292], [7682, 9371, 291], [7682, 9376, 291], [7682, 9381, 290], [7682, 9386, 290], [7681, 9390, 289], [7682, 9396, 289], [7682, 9401, 288], [7682, 9406, 288], [7682, 9411, 287], [7682, 9416, 287], [7682, 9421, 286], [7681, 9425, 286], [7682, 9431, 285], [7682, 9436, 285], [7681, 9440, 285], [7681, 9445, 284], [7680, 9449, 283], [7677, 9451, 283], [7681, 9460, 282], [7676, 9460, 281], [7680, 9469, 280], [7680, 9474, 280], [7682, 9481, 279], [7683, 9512, 278], [7682, 9541, 276], [7683, 9572, 274], [7683, 9602, 272], [7683, 9632, 270], [7682, 9661, 269], [7681, 9690, 267], [7683, 9722, 265], [7681, 9750, 264], [7682, 9781, 261], [7659, 9788, 258], [7629, 9788, 255], [1824, 3942, 254], [1847, 3995, 254], [1717, 3895, 255], [1710, 3918, 255], [1703, 3941, 255], [1703, 3971, 255], [1703, 4001, 255], [1703, 4031, 255], [1702, 4060, 255], [1545, 3933, 255], [1554, 3972, 255], [1546, 3994, 255], [1545, 4023, 255], [1545, 4053, 255], [1545, 4083, 255], [1545, 4113, 255], [1544, 4142, 255], [1542, 4170, 254], [7825, 10471, 253], [7806, 10482, 253], [7776, 10482, 254], [7799, 10535, 254], [7782, 10548, 254], [7765, 10561, 255], [7765, 10591, 254], [7796, 10652, 255], [7767, 10653, 255], [7765, 10681, 255], [7767, 10713, 255], [7765, 10741, 255], [7688, 10694, 255], [7689, 10725, 255], [7766, 10832, 255], [7770, 10866, 255], [7765, 10891, 255], [7765, 10921, 255], [7765, 10951, 255], [7688, 10904, 255], [7767, 11013, 255], [7765, 11041, 255], [7690, 10996, 255], [7688, 11024, 255], [7768, 11134, 254], [7916, 11312, 255], [7911, 11337, 255], [7916, 11372, 256], [7913, 11399, 256], [7909, 11425, 257], [7877, 11423, 257], [7830, 11406, 257], [7806, 11412, 258], [7789, 11425, 258], [7763, 11429, 258], [7729, 11425, 258], [7689, 11415, 258], [7682, 11438, 258], [7667, 11453, 256], [7683, 11499, 255], [7662, 11508, 254], [7632, 11508, 252], [7533, 11439, 251], [7508, 11444, 250], [7533, 11499, 248], [7507, 11503, 248], [7482, 11508, 246], [7448, 11504, 245], [7422, 11508, 243], [7387, 11503, 242], [7358, 11504, 241], [7325, 11501, 239], [7302, 11508, 238], [7272, 11508, 236], [7181, 11447, 236], [7152, 11448, 235], [7127, 11453, 235], [7151, 11507, 233], [7122, 11508, 233], [7092, 11508, 231], [6999, 11445, 230], [6976, 11452, 229], [6939, 11445, 229], [6917, 11453, 227], [6939, 11505, 227], [6912, 11508, 226], [6882, 11508, 224], [6852, 11508, 223], [6822, 11508, 222], [6792, 11508, 220], [6762, 11508, 219], [6732, 11508, 218], [6702, 11508, 216], [6672, 11508, 215], [1747, 6493, 214], [1717, 6493, 215], [1690, 6496, 215], [1645, 6481, 215], [1627, 6493, 215], [1597, 6493, 216], [1567, 6493, 216], [1537, 6493, 216], [1510, 6496, 215], [1477, 6493, 214], [1414, 6460, 214], [1417, 6493, 214], [1407, 6513, 214], [5409, 10665, 214], [6139, 11425, 214], [6096, 11412, 214], [6079, 11425, 215], [6049, 11425, 215], [6022, 11428, 215], [5975, 11411, 215], [5946, 11412, 216], [5933, 11429, 216], [5902, 11428, 216], [5869, 11425, 217], [5839, 11425, 217], [5812, 11428, 217], [5779, 11425, 217], [5750, 11426, 218], [5719, 11425, 218], [5692, 11428, 218], [5662, 11428, 218], [5629, 11425, 218], [5580, 11406, 219], [5569, 11425, 219], [5539, 11425, 219], [5509, 11425, 220], [5482, 11428, 220], [5452, 11428, 220], [5419, 11425, 221], [5389, 11425, 221], [5360, 11426, 221], [5341, 11437, 221], [5302, 11428, 221], [5269, 11425, 221], [5243, 11429, 221], [5212, 11428, 221], [5184, 11430, 221], [5153, 11429, 221], [5122, 11428, 221], [5114, 11450, 221], [5064, 11430, 220], [5042, 11438, 220], [5027, 11453, 219], [5043, 11499, 219], [5022, 11508, 218], [4992, 11508, 217], [4958, 11504, 217], [4932, 11508, 216], [4902, 11508, 215], [4872, 11508, 214], [4827, 11493, 214], [4812, 11508, 213], [4782, 11508, 212], [4752, 11508, 211], [4722, 11508, 210], [4703, 11508, 210], [4703, 11508, 209], [4712, 11519, 208], [4796, 11633, 207], [4646, 11500, 206], [4624, 11508, 205], [4608, 11508, 205], [4578, 11508, 204], [7767, 14274, 204], [7765, 14302, 204], [7689, 14256, 204], [7692, 14289, 204], [7767, 14394, 205], [7780, 14437, 205], [7765, 14452, 205], [7765, 14482, 205], [7690, 14437, 205], [7696, 14473, 206], [7681, 14488, 206], [2000, 9266, 205], [1958, 9254, 206], [1928, 9254, 206], [1897, 9253, 206], [1856, 9242, 207], [1844, 9260, 207], [1818, 9264, 207], [1781, 9257, 208], [1754, 9260, 208], [1717, 9253, 208], [1701, 9267, 208], [1645, 9241, 208], [1634, 9260, 209], [1601, 9257, 209], [1568, 9254, 209], [1544, 9260, 209], [1536, 9282, 209], [1546, 9322, 209], [1535, 9341, 209], [1418, 9254, 208], [1407, 9273, 208], [1425, 9321, 208], [1410, 9336, 208], [1408, 9364, 207], [1409, 9395, 207], [1409, 9425, 207], [1405, 9451, 206], [1536, 9612, 206], [1537, 9643, 206], [1171, 9267, 206], [1144, 9270, 206], [1107, 9263, 206], [1073, 9259, 206], [1054, 9270, 206], [1018, 9264, 206], [984, 9260, 207], [953, 9259, 207], [934, 9270, 207], [898, 9264, 207], [863, 9259, 207], [831, 9257, 207], [804, 9260, 207], [799, 9285, 207], [809, 9325, 207], [795, 9341, 207], [761, 9337, 206], [761, 9367, 206], [761, 9397, 206], [761, 9427, 205], [1842, 10495, 205], [1846, 10529, 206], [1844, 10557, 206], [1825, 10568, 206], [1847, 10620, 206], [1847, 10650, 206], [1847, 10680, 207], [1826, 10689, 207], [1824, 10717, 207], [1729, 10652, 207], [1711, 10664, 207], [1706, 10689, 208], [1711, 10724, 208], [1702, 10745, 208], [1634, 10707, 208], [1622, 10725, 208], [2292, 11425, 208], [2243, 11406, 209], [2218, 11411, 209], [2205, 11428, 209], [2175, 11428, 209], [2116, 11399, 210], [2099, 11412, 210], [2086, 11429, 210], [2055, 11428, 210], [2025, 11428, 210], [1992, 11425, 210], [1943, 11406, 210], [1932, 11425, 211], [1883, 11406, 211], [1847, 11400, 211], [1845, 11428, 212], [1815, 11428, 212], [1782, 11425, 212], [1755, 11428, 212], [1722, 11425, 212], [1700, 11433, 212], [1643, 11406, 212], [1635, 11428, 213], [1602, 11425, 213], [1572, 11425, 213], [1545, 11428, 213], [1535, 11448, 213], [1535, 11478, 212], [1535, 11508, 212], [1414, 11417, 212], [1410, 11443, 212], [1390, 11453, 212], [1409, 11502, 211], [1385, 11508, 211], [1356, 11508, 210], [1356, 11508, 210], [1252, 11425, 210], [1212, 11415, 210], [1180, 11413, 210], [1166, 11429, 210], [1144, 11437, 210], [1105, 11428, 210], [1072, 11425, 210], [1046, 11429, 210], [1015, 11428, 211], [985, 11428, 211], [952, 11425, 211], [735, 11508, 210], [351, 11424, 209], [135, 11508, 207], [61, 11665, 202], [0, 11902, 198], [0, 12202, 193], [1645, 13709, 193], [1545, 13909, 194], [1545, 14209, 195], [1535, 14499, 196], [1180, 14404, 195], [954, 14478, 196], [745, 14569, 195], [279, 14403, 195], [144, 14568, 194], [64, 14788, 190], [1, 15024, 187], [0, 15174, 184], [0, 15174, 180], [0, 15174, 177], [0, 15174, 174], [0, 15174, 171], [0, 15174, 168], [0, 15174, 165], [0, 15174, 162], [0, 15174, 160], [0, 15174, 157], [0, 15174, 155], [0, 15174, 152], [0, 15174, 150], [0, 15174, 148], [0, 15174, 146], [0, 15174, 144], [0, 15174, 141], [0, 15174, 139], [0, 15174, 138], [0, 15174, 136], [0, 15253, 134], [0, 15297, 132], [0, 15416, 130], [0, 15544, 129], [0, 15655, 127]], 'time_in_bucket': [3126, 42, 34, 46, 30, 83, 53, 39, 28, 24, 19, 24, 17, 19, 21, 6, 14, 15, 15, 18, 23, 14, 12, 16, 9, 15, 7, 11, 10, 7, 19, 12, 9, 8, 7, 14, 14, 10, 14, 13, 14, 9, 18, 5, 10, 18, 11, 11, 7, 7, 10, 9, 6, 4, 9, 13, 7, 10, 13, 10, 8, 11, 7, 11, 7, 8, 8, 17, 13, 10, 12, 7, 17, 9, 8, 11, 12, 9, 11, 11, 12, 17, 10, 9, 12, 9, 14, 12, 13, 9, 13, 11, 6, 17, 7, 19, 7, 9, 16, 16, 15, 8, 10, 19, 10, 10, 13, 10, 14, 12, 12, 9, 19, 15, 6, 22, 8, 10, 12, 9, 12, 21, 8, 14, 10, 13, 10, 9, 20, 13, 12, 13, 10, 14, 14, 13, 15, 12, 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4691, 489], [4685, 4692, 463], [3894, 3902, 438], [3895, 3904, 421], [3895, 3905, 417], [3895, 3906, 416], [3895, 3907, 411], [3895, 3908, 405], [3895, 3909, 399], [3895, 3910, 395], [6618, 6634, 396], [6618, 6635, 397], [6617, 6635, 396], [6616, 6635, 393], [6615, 6635, 388], [6617, 6638, 386], [6617, 6639, 385], [6617, 6640, 383], [6616, 6640, 381], [6617, 6642, 379], [6617, 6643, 378], [6617, 6644, 377], [6617, 6645, 376], [6616, 6645, 374], [6617, 6647, 373], [6616, 6647, 372], [12320, 12352, 370], [12319, 12352, 369], [12318, 12352, 368], [12317, 12352, 368], [12316, 12352, 367], [12315, 12352, 367], [12314, 12352, 366], [12313, 12352, 366], [12209, 12249, 365], [12208, 12249, 365], [12207, 12249, 364], [12206, 12249, 364], [12205, 12249, 364], [12204, 12249, 364], [12203, 12249, 364], [12202, 12249, 364], [12201, 12249, 364], [12200, 12249, 364], [12199, 12249, 363], [12198, 12249, 363], [12197, 12249, 362], [12200, 12253, 363], [12199, 12253, 362], [12198, 12253, 362], [12197, 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[9878, 10647, 342], [9836, 10610, 342], [9868, 10647, 342], [9863, 10647, 342], [9857, 10646, 342], [9853, 10647, 342], [9848, 10647, 342], [9840, 10644, 342], [9838, 10647, 343], [9834, 10648, 343], [9829, 10648, 343], [9825, 10649, 342], [9820, 10649, 342], [9813, 10647, 342], [9808, 10647, 342], [9803, 10647, 342], [6116, 6965, 342], [6109, 6963, 342], [6109, 6968, 342], [6100, 6964, 342], [6095, 6964, 342], [6095, 6969, 342], [6090, 6969, 342], [6085, 6969, 342], [6080, 6969, 342], [6075, 6969, 341], [6070, 6969, 341], [6065, 6969, 341], [6060, 6969, 341], [6050, 6964, 341], [6050, 6969, 341], [6045, 6969, 341], [6040, 6969, 341], [6035, 6969, 341], [6030, 6969, 341], [5502, 6446, 341], [5502, 6451, 341], [5497, 6451, 341], [5491, 6450, 341], [5487, 6451, 341], [5506, 6475, 341], [5502, 6476, 341], [5497, 6476, 341], [5491, 6475, 341], [5487, 6476, 341], [5641, 6635, 341], [5644, 6643, 341], [5643, 6647, 341], [5626, 6635, 341], [5621, 6635, 341], [5616, 6635, 341], [5611, 6635, 341], [5610, 6639, 341], [5610, 6644, 341], [5608, 6647, 341], [5591, 6635, 341], [5586, 6635, 341], [5585, 6639, 341], [5585, 6644, 341], [5583, 6647, 341], [5895, 6964, 341], [5895, 6969, 341], [5890, 6969, 341], [5551, 6635, 341], [5550, 6639, 341], [5541, 6635, 341], [5536, 6635, 341], [5531, 6635, 341], [5526, 6635, 341], [5521, 6635, 341], [5516, 6635, 341], [5511, 6635, 341], [5506, 6635, 341], [5501, 6635, 341], [5502, 6641, 341], [5502, 6646, 341], [5491, 6640, 341], [5491, 6645, 341], [5487, 6646, 341], [5476, 6640, 341], [5476, 6645, 341], [5473, 6647, 341], [5468, 6647, 341], [5466, 6650, 341], [5474, 6663, 341], [5469, 6663, 341], [5502, 6701, 341], [5589, 6793, 341], [5584, 6793, 341], [5582, 6796, 341], [5519, 6738, 341], [5515, 6739, 341], [5519, 6748, 341], [5504, 6738, 341], [5500, 6739, 341], [5503, 6747, 341], [5502, 6751, 341], [5502, 6756, 341], [5502, 6761, 341], [5502, 6766, 341], [5502, 6771, 341], [5519, 6793, 341], [5490, 6769, 341], [5487, 6771, 341], [5504, 6793, 341], [5502, 6796, 341], [5494, 6793, 341], [5489, 6793, 341], [5487, 6796, 341], [5655, 6969, 341], [5650, 6969, 341], [5645, 6969, 341], [5640, 6969, 341], [5507, 6841, 341], [5502, 6841, 341], [5621, 6965, 341], [5620, 6969, 341], [5610, 6964, 341], [5610, 6969, 341], [5605, 6969, 341], [5502, 6871, 341], [5595, 6969, 341], [5586, 6965, 341], [5585, 6969, 341], [5580, 6969, 341], [5490, 6884, 341], [5487, 6886, 341], [5476, 6880, 341], [5557, 6966, 341], [5501, 6915, 341], [5550, 6969, 341], [5491, 6915, 341], [5540, 6969, 341], [5529, 6963, 341], [5530, 6969, 341], [5521, 6965, 341], [5520, 6969, 341], [5515, 6969, 341], [5506, 6965, 341], [5502, 6966, 341], [5500, 6969, 341], [5491, 6965, 341], [5490, 6969, 341], [5485, 6969, 341], [5476, 6965, 341], [5475, 6969, 341], [5470, 6969, 341], [5465, 6969, 341], [5460, 6969, 341], [5455, 6969, 341], [5450, 6969, 340], [5503, 7027, 340], [5504, 7033, 340], [5499, 7033, 340], [5490, 7029, 340], [5490, 7034, 340], [5484, 7033, 340], [5476, 7030, 340], [5475, 7034, 340], [5469, 7033, 340], [5465, 7034, 340], [5459, 7033, 340], [5387, 6966, 340], [5385, 6969, 340], [5380, 6969, 340], [5375, 6969, 340], [5435, 7034, 340], [5365, 6969, 340], [5360, 6969, 340], [5352, 6966, 340], [5350, 6969, 340], [5343, 6967, 340], [5340, 6969, 340], [5335, 6969, 340], [5324, 6963, 340], [5325, 6969, 340], [5385, 7034, 340], [5312, 6966, 340], [5310, 6969, 340], [5386, 7050, 340], [5296, 6965, 340], [5291, 6965, 340], [5290, 6969, 340], [5282, 6966, 340], [5276, 6965, 340], [5273, 6967, 340], [5270, 6969, 340], [5265, 6969, 340], [5260, 6969, 340], [5255, 6969, 340], [5250, 6969, 340], [5245, 6969, 340], [5240, 6969, 340], [5235, 6969, 340], [5270, 7009, 340], [5273, 7017, 340], [5211, 6960, 340], [5211, 6965, 340], [5210, 6969, 340], [5205, 6969, 340], [5265, 7034, 340], [5191, 6965, 340], [5182, 6961, 340], [5180, 6964, 340], [5180, 6969, 340], [5175, 6969, 340], [5170, 6969, 340], [5140, 6969, 340], [5105, 6964, 340], [5145, 7034, 340], [5046, 6965, 339], [5065, 7014, 339], [5046, 7025, 339], [5041, 7050, 339], [5018, 7057, 339], [4991, 7060, 338], [4960, 7059, 335], [4930, 7059, 334], [4898, 7057, 333], [4868, 7057, 332], [4839, 7058, 331], [4808, 7057, 329], [4782, 7061, 328], [4750, 7059, 325], [4718, 7057, 324], [4686, 7055, 324], [4684, 7083, 320], [4680, 7088, 317], [4680, 7105, 313], [4684, 7149, 309], [4684, 7179, 305], [11462, 14011, 303], [11565, 14144, 302], [11564, 14173, 302], [11564, 14203, 302], [11565, 14234, 301], [11566, 14265, 301], [11564, 14293, 301], [11565, 14324, 301], [11564, 14353, 300], [11610, 14429, 300], [11576, 14425, 300], [11555, 14434, 300], [11610, 14519, 300], [11579, 14518, 300], [11557, 14526, 299], [11553, 14552, 299], [11492, 14521, 298], [11472, 14531, 297], [11472, 14561, 297], [4110, 7054, 296], [4083, 7057, 296], [4052, 7056, 296], [4023, 7057, 296], [3993, 7057, 296], [3962, 7056, 296], [3938, 7062, 295], [3895, 7049, 294], [3874, 7058, 293], [3855, 7069, 291], [3822, 7066, 289], [3814, 7088, 286], [3768, 7072, 284], [3754, 7088, 282], [3724, 7088, 279], [3676, 7070, 277], [3664, 7088, 275], [3632, 7086, 273], [3589, 7073, 271], [3574, 7088, 269], [3544, 7088, 267], [3514, 7088, 265], [3484, 7088, 263], [3454, 7088, 261], [3422, 7086, 259], [3394, 7088, 257], [3349, 7073, 255], [3344, 7088, 253], [3345, 7105, 251], [3275, 7058, 250], [3275, 7088, 248], [3223, 7066, 246], [3187, 7060, 245], [3153, 7056, 244], [3123, 7056, 245], [3094, 7057, 245], [3063, 7056, 245], [3034, 7057, 246], [3003, 7056, 246], [2974, 7057, 246], [2944, 7057, 247], [2891, 7034, 247], [2884, 7057, 248], [2854, 7057, 248], [2824, 7057, 248], [2794, 7057, 248], [2766, 7059, 248], [2734, 7057, 248], [2704, 7057, 248], [2675, 7058, 248], [2644, 7057, 248], [2614, 7057, 248], [2584, 7057, 249], [2553, 7056, 249], [2524, 7057, 249], [2494, 7057, 249], [2465, 7058, 249], [2434, 7057, 249], [2404, 7057, 249], [2374, 7057, 249], [2345, 7058, 249], [2316, 7059, 249], [2285, 7058, 249], [2254, 7057, 249], [2226, 7059, 249], [2196, 7059, 248], [9264, 13759, 248], [9267, 13792, 248], [9271, 13826, 249], [9258, 13843, 249], [9222, 13837, 249], [9191, 13836, 250], [9162, 13837, 250], [9121, 13826, 250], [9102, 13837, 251], [9072, 13837, 251], [9031, 13826, 251], [9018, 13843, 252], [8989, 13844, 252], [8958, 13843, 252], [8952, 13867, 252], [8892, 13837, 252], [8886, 13861, 252], [8886, 13891, 252], [8886, 13921, 251], [8886, 13951, 251], [8788, 13883, 251], [8758, 13883, 251], [8757, 13912, 250], [8788, 13973, 250], [9006, 14221, 250], [9012, 14257, 250], [9018, 14293, 250], [9019, 14324, 250], [9016, 14351, 250], [9015, 14380, 251], [9019, 14414, 251], [9004, 14429, 251], [9015, 14470, 251], [9019, 14504, 251], [9006, 14521, 251], [8981, 14526, 252], [8951, 14526, 252], [8886, 14491, 252], [8886, 14521, 252], [8886, 14551, 252], [8883, 14578, 251], [8821, 14546, 251], [8788, 14543, 251], [8784, 14569, 250], [8750, 14565, 250], [8729, 14574, 249], [8643, 14518, 249], [8621, 14526, 249], [8622, 14557, 249], [8598, 14563, 249], [8572, 14567, 248], [8516, 14541, 248], [8511, 14566, 248], [611, 7056, 248], [584, 7059, 248], [552, 7057, 248], [522, 7057, 248], [494, 7059, 248], [469, 7064, 248], [432, 7057, 248], [404, 7059, 248], [374, 7059, 247], [344, 7059, 247], [314, 7059, 246], [284, 7059, 246], [251, 7056, 245], [4102, 10851, 245], [4072, 10851, 245], [4035, 10844, 246], [4005, 10844, 246], [3987, 10856, 246], [3957, 10856, 246], [3933, 10862, 246], [3894, 10853, 246], [3872, 10861, 245], [3845, 10864, 244], [3815, 10864, 244], [3782, 10861, 243], [3754, 10863, 242], [3724, 10863, 241], [3768, 10897, 240], [3664, 10863, 239], [3632, 10861, 238], [3676, 10895, 237], [3575, 10864, 236], [3545, 10864, 236], [3592, 10901, 235], [3563, 10902, 234], [3531, 10900, 233], [3502, 10901, 232], [3471, 10900, 231], [3443, 10902, 230], [3408, 10897, 230], [3383, 10902, 229], [3351, 10900, 228], [3274, 10862, 227], [3246, 10864, 226], [3216, 10864, 226], [3184, 10862, 225], [3143, 10851, 225], [3111, 10849, 225], [3083, 10851, 226], [3053, 10851, 226], [3023, 10851, 226], [2994, 10852, 226], [2957, 10845, 227], [2888, 10806, 227], [2893, 10841, 227], [2874, 10852, 228], [2844, 10852, 228], [2818, 10856, 228], [2784, 10852, 228], [2758, 10856, 228], [2728, 10856, 228], [2692, 10850, 228], [2664, 10852, 228], [2633, 10851, 228], [2603, 10851, 229], [2574, 10852, 229], [2543, 10851, 229], [2513, 10851, 229], [2483, 10851, 229], [2458, 10856, 229], [2424, 10852, 229], [2394, 10852, 229], [2365, 10853, 230], [2334, 10852, 230], [2310, 10858, 230], [2278, 10856, 230], [5020, 13230, 230], [5023, 13263, 230], [5043, 13313, 230], [5027, 13327, 231], [5029, 13359, 231], [5021, 13381, 231], [5021, 13411, 231], [5032, 13452, 232], [5032, 13482, 232], [5031, 13511, 232], [5023, 13533, 232], [5041, 13581, 233], [5033, 13603, 233], [5029, 13629, 233], [5029, 13659, 234], [5028, 13688, 234], [5026, 13716, 234], [5031, 13751, 234], [5042, 13792, 235], [5046, 13826, 235], [5027, 13837, 235], [5003, 13843, 235], [5003, 13873, 235], [4994, 13894, 235], [4953, 13883, 235], [4883, 13843, 235], [4861, 13851, 235], [4858, 13878, 235], [4793, 13843, 235], [4793, 13873, 235], [4785, 13895, 235], [4786, 13926, 235], [4685, 13855, 235], [4684, 13884, 235], [4684, 13914, 235], [5003, 14263, 235], [5003, 14293, 235], [5003, 14323, 235], [5002, 14352, 236], [5003, 14383, 236], [5019, 14429, 236], [5003, 14443, 236], [5002, 14472, 236], [5020, 14520, 236], [5001, 14531, 236], [4999, 14559, 236], [4973, 14563, 236], [4901, 14521, 236], [4868, 14518, 236], [4849, 14529, 236], [4848, 14558, 236], [4791, 14531, 236], [4792, 14562, 236], [4769, 14569, 236], [4685, 14515, 236], [4684, 14544, 236], [4684, 14574, 236], [4680, 14578, 235], [4680, 14578, 235], [4680, 14578, 234], [4002, 13837, 234], [3986, 13851, 234], [3989, 14154, 233], [3989, 14454, 235], [3813, 14578, 233], [3513, 14578, 228], [2509, 13843, 223], [2249, 13883, 224], [2592, 14526, 225], [2297, 14531, 225], [1341, 13837, 224], [1063, 13859, 225], [780, 13876, 226], [482, 13878, 227], [804, 14500, 227], [525, 14521, 228], [274, 14570, 227], [0, 14591, 223], [187, 14958, 220], [0, 15024, 216], [0, 15024, 212], [0, 15024, 208], [0, 15024, 204], [0, 15024, 201], [0, 15024, 198], [0, 15148, 194], [2533, 17948, 193], [2233, 17948, 193], [1970, 17947, 192], [1670, 17947, 193], [1371, 17948, 195], [1071, 17948, 196], [771, 17948, 197], [472, 17949, 198], [175, 17952, 197], [0, 17962, 195], [0, 18076, 192], [0, 18376, 189], [369, 19050, 189], [667, 19648, 189], [406, 19687, 190], [119, 19700, 189]], 'time_in_bucket': [3485, 43, 48, 66, 32, 120, 72, 42, 49, 36, 26, 29, 21, 20, 21, 12, 23, 14, 16, 8, 20, 15, 13, 23, 10, 11, 23, 13, 17, 10, 6, 13, 16, 10, 13, 6, 11, 9, 7, 11, 6, 13, 5, 10, 6, 13, 8, 14, 16, 7, 13, 13, 7, 12, 8, 7, 7, 11, 14, 15, 14, 12, 7, 7, 11, 14, 6, 10, 10, 8, 6, 11, 15, 12, 11, 5, 13, 5, 6, 11, 10, 17, 10, 9, 12, 8, 6, 7, 9, 11, 2, 13, 15, 11, 13, 16, 10, 10, 13, 8, 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1114, 44, 13, 1], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3815358277', 'date': '10:36 AM on Sunday, July 26, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 270, 'training_load': 196, 'max_watts': 649, 'relative_intensity': 67, 'cp_data': [[4156, 4156, 649], [4155, 4156, 622], [4155, 4157, 612], [4154, 4157, 599], [4153, 4157, 589], [4152, 4157, 578], [4152, 4158, 561], [4152, 4159, 550], [4152, 4160, 541], [4151, 4160, 531], [4150, 4160, 523], [4150, 4161, 515], [4150, 4162, 507], [4150, 4163, 498], [4149, 4163, 489], [4149, 4164, 477], [3424, 3440, 466], [3424, 3441, 456], [8201, 8219, 449], [8199, 8218, 448], [8198, 8218, 449], [8197, 8218, 448], [8196, 8218, 448], [8195, 8218, 448], [8194, 8218, 447], [8194, 8219, 447], [8193, 8219, 445], [8191, 8218, 443], [8191, 8219, 442], [8189, 8218, 443], [8188, 8218, 444], [8187, 8218, 444], [8186, 8218, 444], [8185, 8218, 444], [8184, 8218, 443], [8184, 8219, 443], [8184, 8220, 441], [8184, 8221, 439], [8185, 8223, 439], [8185, 8224, 439], 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8451, 398], [8102, 8426, 398], [8128, 8457, 398], [8102, 8436, 397], [8127, 8466, 397], [8103, 8447, 397], [8102, 8451, 397], [8103, 8457, 397], [8102, 8461, 396], [8102, 8466, 396], [8102, 8471, 396], [8103, 8477, 396], [8104, 8483, 395], [8099, 8483, 395], [8101, 8490, 394], [8101, 8495, 394], [8101, 8500, 394], [8105, 8509, 394], [8101, 8510, 394], [8135, 8549, 394], [8130, 8549, 394], [8134, 8558, 393], [8134, 8563, 393], [8129, 8563, 393], [8128, 8567, 393], [8105, 8549, 393], [8101, 8550, 393], [8104, 8558, 393], [8104, 8563, 393], [8103, 8567, 392], [8102, 8571, 392], [8097, 8571, 392], [8089, 8568, 391], [8079, 8563, 391], [8078, 8567, 391], [8073, 8567, 390], [8072, 8571, 390], [8059, 8563, 390], [8058, 8567, 390], [8053, 8567, 389], [8048, 8567, 389], [8047, 8571, 389], [8041, 8570, 388], [8015, 8549, 388], [8016, 8555, 388], [8019, 8563, 388], [8014, 8563, 388], [8009, 8563, 388], [8004, 8563, 388], [7999, 8563, 388], [7998, 8567, 388], [7997, 8571, 387], [7984, 8563, 387], [7983, 8567, 387], [7974, 8563, 387], [7969, 8563, 387], [7968, 8567, 387], [7954, 8558, 387], [7954, 8563, 387], [7869, 8483, 387], [7944, 8563, 386], [7943, 8567, 386], [7920, 8549, 386], [7915, 8549, 386], [7924, 8563, 386], [7905, 8549, 386], [7914, 8563, 386], [7909, 8563, 386], [7904, 8563, 386], [7899, 8563, 386], [7898, 8567, 386], [7889, 8563, 386], [7871, 8550, 386], [7871, 8555, 386], [7869, 8558, 386], [7869, 8563, 386], [7868, 8567, 386], [7859, 8563, 385], [7752, 8461, 385], [7752, 8466, 385], [7844, 8563, 385], [7839, 8563, 385], [7754, 8483, 385], [7749, 8483, 385], [7717, 8456, 385], [7717, 8461, 385], [7717, 8466, 385], [7804, 8558, 385], [7804, 8563, 385], [7799, 8563, 385], [7798, 8567, 385], [7797, 8571, 385], [7792, 8571, 384], [7765, 8549, 384], [7760, 8549, 384], [7754, 8548, 384], [7751, 8550, 385], [7751, 8555, 385], [7754, 8563, 385], [7749, 8563, 385], [7749, 8568, 384], [7739, 8563, 384], [7719, 8548, 384], [7717, 8551, 384], [7718, 8557, 384], [7719, 8563, 384], [7718, 8567, 384], [7717, 8571, 384], [7717, 8576, 384], [7718, 8582, 383], [7717, 8586, 383], [7717, 8591, 383], [7717, 8596, 382], [7718, 8602, 382], [7718, 8607, 381], [7718, 8612, 381], [7716, 8615, 381], [7717, 8621, 381], [7718, 8627, 381], [7718, 8632, 380], [7717, 8636, 380], [7717, 8641, 380], [7717, 8646, 380], [7717, 8651, 380], [7718, 8657, 380], [7718, 8662, 380], [7718, 8667, 380], [7718, 8672, 380], [7718, 8677, 380], [7718, 8682, 380], [7718, 8687, 380], [7718, 8692, 380], [7718, 8697, 380], [7718, 8702, 379], [7718, 8707, 379], [7717, 8711, 379], [7717, 8716, 379], [7718, 8722, 379], [7716, 8725, 379], [7718, 8732, 379], [7718, 8737, 379], [7718, 8742, 379], [7719, 8748, 379], [7718, 8752, 379], [7718, 8757, 379], [7717, 8761, 379], [7718, 8767, 379], [7717, 8771, 378], [7717, 8776, 378], [7717, 8781, 378], [7718, 8787, 378], [7718, 8792, 378], [7717, 8796, 378], [7717, 8801, 378], [7717, 8806, 378], [7717, 8811, 378], [7717, 8816, 378], [7718, 8822, 378], [7839, 8948, 378], [7813, 8927, 378], [7813, 8932, 378], [7803, 8927, 378], [7798, 8927, 378], [7798, 8932, 378], [7803, 8942, 378], [7804, 8948, 378], [7799, 8948, 378], [7794, 8948, 378], [7789, 8948, 378], [7763, 8927, 378], [7758, 8927, 378], [7753, 8927, 378], [7753, 8932, 378], [7748, 8932, 378], [7753, 8942, 378], [7754, 8948, 378], [7749, 8948, 378], [7744, 8948, 378], [7718, 8927, 378], [7718, 8932, 378], [7718, 8937, 378], [7718, 8942, 378], [7719, 8948, 378], [7715, 8949, 377], [7710, 8949, 377], [7705, 8949, 376], [7700, 8949, 376], [7695, 8949, 375], [7689, 8948, 375], [7685, 8949, 374], [7680, 8949, 374], [7675, 8949, 374], [7670, 8949, 373], [7665, 8949, 372], [7663, 8952, 371], [7663, 8957, 369], [7651, 8950, 368], [7647, 8951, 367], [4479, 5788, 367], [4474, 5788, 366], [4469, 5788, 366], [4464, 5788, 366], [4459, 5788, 365], [4454, 5788, 365], [4449, 5788, 364], [4444, 5788, 364], [4439, 5788, 363], [4434, 5788, 363], [4429, 5788, 363], [4424, 5788, 362], [4419, 5788, 362], [4414, 5788, 361], [4409, 5788, 361], [4404, 5788, 361], [4399, 5788, 361], [4394, 5788, 361], [4389, 5788, 361], [4384, 5788, 360], [4379, 5788, 360], [4374, 5788, 360], [4369, 5788, 360], [4364, 5788, 360], [4359, 5788, 359], [4354, 5788, 359], [4349, 5788, 358], [4344, 5788, 358], [4339, 5788, 358], [4334, 5788, 357], [4329, 5788, 357], [4324, 5788, 357], [4319, 5788, 357], [4314, 5788, 357], [4309, 5788, 357], [4304, 5788, 356], [4299, 5788, 356], [4296, 5790, 355], [4301, 5800, 355], [4300, 5804, 355], [4299, 5808, 354], [4296, 5810, 353], [4292, 5811, 353], [4290, 5814, 352], [4281, 5810, 351], [4254, 5788, 350], [4249, 5788, 350], [4244, 5788, 350], [4239, 5788, 350], [4234, 5788, 349], [4229, 5788, 349], [4224, 5788, 349], [4219, 5788, 349], [4214, 5788, 348], [4204, 5783, 348], [4204, 5788, 349], [4199, 5788, 348], [4200, 5794, 348], [4200, 5799, 347], [4200, 5804, 347], [4199, 5808, 347], [4199, 5813, 346], [4199, 5818, 345], [4198, 5818, 344], [4198, 5818, 343], [4199, 5833, 342], [4199, 5838, 341], [4198, 5838, 340], [4198, 5847, 339], [4199, 5853, 338], [4198, 5855, 337], [4149, 5774, 336], [4152, 5782, 336], [4152, 5787, 337], [4148, 5788, 337], [4149, 5794, 336], [4149, 5799, 336], [4149, 5804, 336], [4148, 5808, 335], [4144, 5809, 334], [4120, 5790, 334], [4121, 5796, 334], [4121, 5801, 333], [4121, 5806, 333], [4120, 5810, 333], [4119, 5814, 332], [4088, 5788, 331], [4083, 5788, 331], [4078, 5788, 331], [4073, 5788, 331], [4068, 5788, 331], [4063, 5788, 331], [4058, 5788, 332], [4052, 5787, 332], [4048, 5788, 332], [4043, 5788, 332], [4038, 5788, 332], [4028, 5783, 332], [4028, 5788, 332], [3998, 5788, 333], [3988, 5808, 331], [3938, 5788, 330], [3908, 5788, 329], [3878, 5788, 329], [3848, 5788, 329], [3834, 5804, 326], [3787, 5787, 327], [3758, 5788, 327], [3729, 5789, 326], [3711, 5801, 325], [3689, 5809, 322], [3629, 5779, 322], [3608, 5788, 322], [3578, 5788, 322], [3548, 5788, 322], [3518, 5788, 321], [3488, 5788, 321], [3474, 5804, 320], [3424, 5784, 319], [3421, 5811, 318], [3391, 5811, 314], [3380, 5830, 311], [3331, 5811, 307], [3305, 5815, 304], [3278, 5818, 300], [3248, 5818, 297], [3238, 5838, 294], [3188, 5818, 291], [3158, 5818, 288], [3163, 5853, 285], [3098, 5818, 282], [3068, 5818, 280], [3067, 5847, 277], [3008, 5818, 274], [2976, 5816, 272], [2948, 5818, 269], [2918, 5818, 266], [2863, 5788, 264], [2854, 5809, 264], [2850, 5835, 262], [2822, 5837, 259], [2765, 5810, 257], [2762, 5837, 255], [2762, 5867, 252], [2759, 5894, 250], [2759, 5912, 248], [2694, 5788, 246], [2664, 5788, 247], [2634, 5788, 247], [2604, 5788, 247], [2574, 5788, 248], [2544, 5788, 248], [2514, 5788, 248], [2484, 5788, 248], [2454, 5788, 248], [2424, 5788, 249], [2394, 5788, 249], [2364, 5788, 249], [2334, 5788, 249], [2304, 5788, 249], [2274, 5788, 249], [2244, 5788, 249], [2214, 5788, 249], [2184, 5788, 249], [2154, 5788, 249], [2124, 5788, 249], [2094, 5788, 249], [2064, 5788, 249], [2056, 5810, 249], [2055, 5838, 247], [2032, 5815, 245], [2032, 5845, 244], [2031, 5873, 242], [2031, 5894, 240], [2031, 5912, 238], [2031, 5912, 236], [1982, 5788, 236], [1968, 5804, 236], [1922, 5788, 236], [1892, 5788, 236], [1879, 5805, 236], [1832, 5788, 236], [1802, 5788, 236], [1772, 5788, 236], [1742, 5788, 236], [1712, 5788, 236], [1682, 5788, 236], [1652, 5788, 237], [1622, 5788, 237], [1592, 5788, 237], [1562, 5788, 237], [1532, 5788, 237], [1502, 5788, 237], [1472, 5788, 237], [1442, 5788, 237], [1412, 5788, 237], [1382, 5788, 237], [1352, 5788, 238], [1322, 5788, 238], [1292, 5788, 238], [1262, 5788, 238], [1232, 5788, 238], [1202, 5788, 238], [1172, 5788, 238], [1142, 5788, 238], [1132, 5808, 238], [1098, 5804, 237], [1052, 5788, 237], [1022, 5788, 237], [992, 5788, 237], [962, 5788, 237], [932, 5788, 238], [902, 5788, 238], [872, 5788, 238], [855, 5801, 238], [836, 5812, 238], [799, 5805, 237], [791, 5818, 236], [744, 5788, 236], [714, 5788, 237], [684, 5788, 237], [674, 5808, 237], [624, 5788, 237], [594, 5788, 237], [564, 5788, 237], [534, 5788, 237], [504, 5788, 237], [491, 5805, 237], [444, 5788, 237], [431, 5805, 236], [405, 5809, 236], [373, 5807, 236], [346, 5810, 235], [314, 5808, 235], [286, 5810, 234], [255, 5809, 233], [253, 5837, 232], [221, 5835, 231], [174, 5818, 230], [3481, 8949, 230], [3452, 8950, 229], [3422, 8950, 230], [3392, 8950, 229], [3386, 8974, 228], [3391, 9009, 227], [3326, 8974, 226], [3331, 9009, 225], [3299, 9007, 224], [3266, 9004, 223], [3189, 8957, 222], [3159, 8957, 221], [3163, 8991, 220], [3153, 9011, 219], [3069, 8957, 218], [3070, 8988, 217], [3009, 8957, 216], [2974, 8952, 216], [3003, 9011, 215], [2919, 8957, 214], [2886, 8949, 213], [2855, 8948, 213], [2851, 8974, 212], [2851, 9004, 212], [2828, 9011, 211], [2761, 8974, 210], [2762, 9005, 209], [2759, 9011, 208], [2759, 9011, 207], [2717, 8949, 207], [2687, 8949, 207], [2656, 8948, 207], [2626, 8948, 207], [2596, 8948, 208], [2566, 8948, 208], [2537, 8949, 208], [2506, 8948, 208], [2476, 8948, 209], [2446, 8948, 209], [2417, 8949, 209], [2386, 8948, 209], [2356, 8948, 210], [2326, 8948, 210], [2297, 8949, 210], [2267, 8949, 210], [2236, 8948, 210], [2207, 8949, 210], [2176, 8948, 210], [2147, 8949, 211], [2116, 8948, 211], [2086, 8948, 211], [2057, 8949, 211], [2055, 8974, 210], [2032, 8953, 210], [2031, 8974, 209], [2031, 9011, 208], [2031, 9011, 207], [2031, 9011, 207], [2031, 9011, 206], [2005, 8949, 206], [1975, 8949, 206], [1944, 8948, 206], [1915, 8949, 206], [1885, 8949, 206], [1855, 8949, 206], [1825, 8949, 206], [1795, 8949, 206], [1765, 8949, 207], [1734, 8948, 207], [1705, 8949, 207], [1674, 8948, 207], [1645, 8949, 207], [1614, 8948, 207], [1584, 8948, 208], [1554, 8948, 208], [1525, 8949, 208], [1495, 8949, 208], [1465, 8949, 208], [1435, 8949, 208], [1405, 8949, 208], [1374, 8948, 209], [1345, 8949, 209], [1314, 8948, 209], [1284, 8948, 209], [1255, 8949, 209], [1225, 8949, 209], [1195, 8949, 209], [1164, 8948, 210], [1135, 8949, 210], [1105, 8949, 210], [1075, 8949, 209], [1045, 8949, 210], [1014, 8948, 210], [985, 8949, 210], [954, 8948, 210], [925, 8949, 210], [894, 8948, 211], [864, 8948, 211], [836, 8950, 211], [805, 8949, 210], [792, 8966, 210], [766, 8948, 210], [736, 8948, 210], [706, 8948, 210], [676, 8948, 211], [646, 8948, 211], [616, 8948, 211], [586, 8948, 211], [557, 8949, 211], [527, 8949, 211], [497, 8949, 211], [467, 8949, 211], [437, 8949, 211], [408, 8950, 211], [378, 8950, 211], [347, 8949, 210], [317, 8949, 210], [288, 8950, 210], [257, 8949, 210], [252, 8974, 209], [253, 9005, 208], [175, 8957, 208], [142, 8954, 207], [111, 8953, 207], [77, 8949, 206], [70, 8972, 206], [25, 8952, 205], [7, 8964, 205], [6, 8993, 204], [0, 9017, 203], [0, 9018, 203], [0, 9018, 202], [0, 9018, 202], [0, 9018, 201], [0, 9018, 200], [0, 9018, 200], [0, 9018, 199], [0, 9018, 199], [0, 9018, 198], [0, 9018, 197], [0, 9018, 197], [28, 9027, 196], [5, 9034, 196], [6, 9065, 195], [2432, 11736, 195], [2396, 11730, 195], [2361, 11725, 195], [2336, 11730, 195], [2311, 11735, 195], [2276, 11730, 196], [2249, 11733, 196], [2222, 11736, 196], [2192, 11736, 196], [2160, 11734, 196], [2125, 11729, 196], [2099, 11733, 196], [2065, 11729, 197], [2056, 11750, 197], [2055, 11768, 196], [2032, 11755, 196], [1870, 11736, 194], [1563, 11729, 195], [1270, 11736, 197], [959, 11725, 197], [685, 11729, 198], [400, 11744, 199], [124, 11768, 196], [281, 11932, 192], [312, 12263, 191], [212, 12463, 189], [0, 12537, 186], [282, 13059, 183], [856, 13955, 183], [618, 13995, 184], [1135, 14834, 185], [838, 14837, 186], [556, 14833, 187], [256, 14833, 186]], 'time_in_bucket': [2323, 78, 77, 91, 46, 190, 166, 98, 57, 38, 45, 42, 37, 15, 27, 16, 11, 22, 19, 16, 12, 11, 13, 13, 16, 9, 14, 12, 13, 13, 10, 15, 7, 10, 11, 18, 12, 9, 7, 7, 5, 16, 15, 12, 10, 12, 14, 9, 10, 3, 7, 8, 11, 16, 10, 8, 17, 14, 6, 7, 11, 7, 12, 20, 15, 8, 11, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 11, 16, 4, 9, 17, 10, 5, 13, 8, 16, 12, 12, 18, 13, 13, 13, 13, 17, 15, 13, 15, 12, 14, 14, 11, 15, 16, 14, 9, 16, 9, 10, 7, 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[6707, 4229, 2047, 1176, 623, 60, 1], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3811095415', 'date': '10:39 AM on Saturday, July 25, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 288, 'training_load': 238, 'max_watts': 938, 'relative_intensity': 71, 'cp_data': [[606, 606, 938], [605, 606, 934], [605, 607, 926], [605, 608, 904], [604, 608, 884], [603, 608, 794], [602, 608, 731], [601, 608, 688], [600, 608, 645], [6198, 6207, 614], [6197, 6207, 602], [6197, 6208, 589], [6195, 6207, 580], [6194, 6207, 577], [6193, 6207, 571], [6193, 6208, 563], [6192, 6208, 556], [6191, 6208, 547], [9693, 9711, 538], [9693, 9712, 537], [9693, 9713, 535], [9693, 9714, 534], [9693, 9715, 532], [9693, 9716, 529], [9693, 9717, 524], [6198, 6223, 525], [6198, 6224, 523], [6198, 6225, 524], [6198, 6226, 525], [6198, 6227, 527], [6198, 6228, 529], [6197, 6228, 527], [6197, 6229, 525], [6195, 6228, 523], [6194, 6228, 524], [6193, 6228, 522], [6193, 6229, 520], [6192, 6229, 518], [6193, 6231, 516], [6193, 6232, 515], [6192, 6232, 513], [6191, 6232, 510], [6191, 6233, 507], [6191, 6234, 503], [6192, 6236, 499], [6192, 6237, 497], [6192, 6238, 495], [6191, 6238, 493], [6191, 6239, 491], [6190, 6239, 487], [6192, 6242, 485], [6192, 6243, 484], [6192, 6244, 483], [6191, 6244, 481], [9693, 9747, 481], [9693, 9748, 481], [9693, 9749, 482], [9693, 9750, 482], [9693, 9751, 483], [9693, 9752, 482], [9693, 9753, 481], [9693, 9754, 480], [9693, 9755, 480], [9693, 9756, 480], [9692, 9756, 478], [9693, 9758, 476], [9693, 9759, 476], [9693, 9760, 475], [9693, 9761, 474], [9691, 9760, 472], [9690, 9760, 471], [9689, 9760, 470], [9689, 9761, 468], [9688, 9761, 466], [9692, 9766, 464], [9691, 9766, 463], [9693, 9769, 463], [9693, 9770, 462], [9692, 9770, 461], [9691, 9770, 460], [9690, 9770, 459], [9689, 9770, 458], [9688, 9770, 457], [9688, 9771, 455], [9692, 9776, 453], [9691, 9776, 452], [9690, 9776, 451], [9689, 9776, 451], [9688, 9776, 450], [9688, 9777, 448], [9691, 9781, 447], [9690, 9781, 446], [9689, 9781, 445], [9688, 9781, 444], [9693, 9787, 443], [9692, 9787, 442], [9691, 9787, 441], [9690, 9787, 440], [9689, 9787, 440], [9688, 9787, 439], [9693, 9793, 438], [9693, 9794, 438], [9693, 9795, 438], [9692, 9795, 437], [9691, 9795, 436], [9689, 9794, 436], [9689, 9795, 435], [9693, 9800, 435], [9693, 9801, 435], [9693, 9802, 434], [9693, 9803, 434], [9693, 9804, 433], [9693, 9805, 433], [9693, 9806, 433], [9693, 9807, 433], [9693, 9808, 434], [9693, 9809, 433], [9693, 9810, 432], [9690, 9808, 432], [9693, 9812, 431], [9693, 9813, 432], [9693, 9814, 431], [9692, 9814, 431], [9691, 9814, 430], [9690, 9814, 430], [9689, 9814, 429], [9688, 9814, 429], [9693, 9820, 428], [9692, 9820, 428], [9691, 9820, 427], [9690, 9820, 427], [9689, 9820, 427], [9693, 9825, 426], [9693, 9826, 427], [9693, 9827, 427], [9693, 9828, 427], [9692, 9828, 426], [9690, 9827, 426], [9693, 9831, 425], [9693, 9832, 426], [9693, 9833, 426], [9692, 9833, 425], [9691, 9833, 425], [9690, 9833, 425], [9689, 9833, 424], [9688, 9833, 424], [9693, 9839, 424], [9693, 9840, 424], [9693, 9841, 424], [9692, 9841, 423], [9690, 9840, 423], [10594, 10745, 423], [10593, 10745, 423], [10592, 10745, 423], [10591, 10745, 423], [10587, 10742, 422], [10587, 10743, 422], [10587, 10744, 423], [10587, 10745, 423], [10586, 10745, 423], [10586, 10746, 422], [9693, 9854, 421], [9693, 9855, 421], [9693, 9856, 421], [10587, 10751, 421], [10586, 10751, 421], [9693, 9859, 421], [9693, 9860, 420], [9693, 9861, 420], [9693, 9862, 420], [9693, 9863, 420], [9693, 9864, 420], [9692, 9864, 420], [9690, 9863, 419], [9689, 9863, 419], [9689, 9864, 419], [9693, 9869, 419], [9693, 9870, 419], [9692, 9870, 418], [9691, 9870, 418], [9690, 9870, 418], [9689, 9870, 418], [9693, 9875, 417], [9693, 9876, 418], [9692, 9876, 417], [9691, 9876, 417], [9690, 9876, 417], [9689, 9876, 417], [9693, 9881, 416], [9693, 9882, 416], [9693, 9883, 416], [9691, 9882, 416], [9690, 9882, 416], [9689, 9882, 415], [9693, 9887, 415], [9693, 9888, 415], [9693, 9889, 415], [9692, 9889, 415], [9691, 9889, 415], [9693, 9892, 415], [9693, 9893, 415], [9693, 9894, 415], [9693, 9895, 415], [9692, 9895, 414], [10586, 10790, 414], [9693, 9898, 414], [9693, 9899, 414], [9693, 9900, 414], [9693, 9901, 414], [9692, 9901, 414], [9691, 9901, 413], [9690, 9901, 413], [9689, 9901, 413], [9693, 9906, 413], [9693, 9907, 413], [9693, 9908, 413], [9691, 9907, 413], [9690, 9907, 413], [9689, 9907, 412], [9693, 9912, 412], [9692, 9912, 412], [9691, 9912, 412], [9690, 9912, 412], [9689, 9912, 412], [9693, 9917, 412], [9693, 9918, 412], [9693, 9919, 412], [9693, 9920, 412], [9693, 9921, 411], [9693, 9922, 411], [9693, 9923, 411], [9693, 9924, 411], [9693, 9925, 411], [9693, 9926, 411], [9693, 9927, 411], [9692, 9927, 411], [10598, 10834, 411], [10592, 10829, 410], [10592, 10830, 410], [10587, 10826, 410], [10598, 10838, 411], [10592, 10833, 410], [10592, 10834, 411], [10587, 10830, 411], [10587, 10831, 411], [10587, 10832, 411], [10587, 10833, 411], [10587, 10834, 411], [10586, 10834, 411], [10587, 10836, 410], [10587, 10837, 410], [10587, 10838, 411], [10587, 10839, 411], [10591, 10844, 411], [10591, 10845, 410], [10587, 10842, 410], [10587, 10843, 411], [10587, 10844, 411], [10586, 10844, 411], [10586, 10845, 410], [10587, 10847, 410], [10587, 10848, 410], [10587, 10849, 410], [10587, 10850, 410], [10586, 10850, 410], [10586, 10851, 410], [10587, 10853, 409], [10587, 10854, 410], [10587, 10855, 410], [10586, 10855, 410], [10586, 10856, 409], [10587, 10858, 409], [10587, 10859, 409], [10587, 10860, 410], [10586, 10860, 409], [10586, 10861, 409], [10598, 10874, 409], [10598, 10875, 409], [10598, 10876, 409], [10598, 10877, 409], [10598, 10878, 409], [10598, 10879, 410], [10598, 10880, 410], [10598, 10881, 410], [10598, 10882, 410], [10598, 10883, 410], [10598, 10884, 410], [10598, 10885, 410], [10598, 10886, 410], [10598, 10887, 410], [10599, 10889, 410], [10598, 10889, 410], [10598, 10890, 410], [10598, 10891, 410], [10598, 10892, 410], [10606, 10901, 411], [10605, 10901, 411], [10604, 10901, 411], [10603, 10901, 411], [10602, 10901, 411], [10598, 10902, 413], [10598, 10907, 413], [10595, 10909, 413], [10591, 10910, 413], [10586, 10910, 413], [10581, 10910, 412], [10576, 10910, 412], [9693, 10032, 412], [9693, 10037, 413], [9693, 10042, 413], [9693, 10047, 413], [9693, 10052, 414], [9692, 10056, 414], [9693, 10062, 413], [9692, 10066, 413], [9692, 10071, 412], [9692, 10076, 412], [9693, 10082, 412], [9689, 10083, 411], [9690, 10089, 411], [9690, 10094, 410], [9693, 10102, 410], [9693, 10107, 410], [9693, 10112, 410], [9689, 10113, 410], [9687, 10116, 409], [9690, 10124, 409], [9691, 10130, 408], [9691, 10135, 408], [9693, 10142, 408], [9693, 10147, 408], [9693, 10152, 408], [9693, 10157, 408], [9693, 10162, 408], [9693, 10167, 408], [9693, 10172, 408], [9691, 10175, 408], [9691, 10180, 408], [9691, 10185, 407], [9691, 10190, 407], [9691, 10195, 407], [9691, 10200, 407], [9693, 10207, 406], [9692, 10211, 406], [9693, 10217, 406], [9693, 10222, 406], [9693, 10227, 406], [9693, 10232, 406], [9693, 10237, 406], [9689, 10238, 406], [9693, 10247, 405], [9691, 10250, 405], [9693, 10257, 405], [9693, 10262, 405], [9693, 10267, 405], [9688, 10267, 405], [9688, 10272, 404], [9689, 10278, 404], [9693, 10287, 404], [9688, 10287, 403], [9689, 10293, 403], [9693, 10302, 404], [9693, 10307, 404], [9693, 10312, 405], [9693, 10317, 405], [9693, 10322, 405], [9693, 10327, 405], [9693, 10332, 405], [9693, 10337, 405], [9693, 10342, 406], [9693, 10347, 406], [9693, 10352, 406], [9693, 10357, 406], [9688, 10357, 406], [9689, 10363, 406], [9689, 10368, 405], [9690, 10374, 405], [9691, 10380, 405], [9693, 10387, 404], [9693, 10392, 404], [9693, 10397, 404], [9690, 10399, 404], [9692, 10406, 404], [9692, 10411, 403], [9693, 10417, 403], [9688, 10417, 403], [9691, 10425, 403], [9693, 10432, 403], [9693, 10437, 403], [9693, 10442, 403], [9689, 10443, 402], [9689, 10448, 402], [9689, 10453, 402], [9689, 10458, 402], [9690, 10464, 401], [9693, 10472, 401], [9693, 10477, 401], [9693, 10482, 401], [9689, 10483, 401], [9689, 10488, 401], [9689, 10493, 401], [9693, 10502, 400], [9693, 10507, 401], [9689, 10508, 400], [9689, 10513, 400], [9690, 10519, 400], [9693, 10527, 400], [9689, 10528, 400], [9690, 10534, 400], [9691, 10540, 400], [9691, 10545, 400], [9693, 10552, 400], [9980, 10844, 400], [9975, 10844, 400], [9975, 10849, 400], [9971, 10850, 400], [9997, 10881, 400], [9997, 10886, 400], [9997, 10891, 400], [9997, 10896, 400], [9997, 10901, 401], [9997, 10906, 401], [9996, 10910, 401], [9991, 10910, 401], [9986, 10910, 401], [9980, 10909, 401], [9976, 10910, 401], [9693, 10632, 402], [9693, 10637, 402], [9693, 10642, 402], [9693, 10647, 402], [9693, 10652, 402], [9693, 10657, 402], [9692, 10661, 402], [9691, 10665, 402], [9692, 10671, 402], [9693, 10677, 402], [9693, 10682, 402], [9690, 10684, 402], [9691, 10690, 402], [9690, 10694, 402], [9690, 10699, 401], [9691, 10705, 401], [9693, 10712, 401], [9693, 10717, 402], [9693, 10722, 402], [9693, 10727, 402], [9693, 10732, 402], [9693, 10737, 402], [9693, 10742, 402], [9691, 10745, 402], [9692, 10751, 402], [9693, 10757, 402], [9693, 10762, 402], [9692, 10766, 402], [9691, 10770, 402], [9693, 10777, 401], [9690, 10779, 401], [9692, 10786, 401], [9692, 10791, 401], [9692, 10796, 401], [9692, 10801, 401], [9692, 10806, 401], [9691, 10810, 401], [9693, 10817, 401], [9693, 10822, 401], [9693, 10827, 401], [9693, 10832, 401], [9693, 10837, 401], [9693, 10842, 401], [9690, 10844, 401], [9691, 10850, 401], [9691, 10855, 401], [9691, 10860, 401], [9693, 10867, 401], [9693, 10872, 401], [9693, 10877, 401], [9693, 10882, 401], [9693, 10887, 401], [9693, 10892, 402], [9693, 10897, 402], [9693, 10902, 402], [9693, 10907, 402], [9691, 10910, 402], [9686, 10910, 402], [9684, 10913, 401], [9684, 10918, 401], [9684, 10923, 400], [9684, 10928, 399], [9684, 10933, 398], [9684, 10938, 398], [9684, 10943, 397], [9684, 10948, 396], [9684, 10953, 396], [9686, 10960, 395], [9684, 10963, 395], [9684, 10968, 394], [9684, 10973, 394], [9684, 10978, 393], [9688, 10987, 393], [9684, 10988, 392], [9684, 10993, 391], [9686, 11000, 391], [9684, 11003, 390], [9688, 11012, 390], [9684, 11013, 390], [9689, 11023, 390], [9685, 11024, 389], [9688, 11032, 389], [9687, 11036, 389], [9684, 11038, 388], [9687, 11046, 388], [9684, 11048, 387], [9686, 11055, 387], [9688, 11062, 387], [9686, 11065, 386], [9684, 11068, 386], [9688, 11077, 386], [9684, 11078, 385], [9684, 11083, 385], [9688, 11092, 384], [9688, 11097, 384], [9688, 11102, 384], [9684, 11103, 384], [9688, 11112, 383], [9688, 11117, 383], [9688, 11122, 383], [9684, 11123, 383], [9688, 11132, 382], [9689, 11138, 382], [9688, 11142, 382], [9684, 11143, 382], [9684, 11148, 381], [9684, 11153, 381], [9684, 11158, 380], [9684, 11163, 379], [9684, 11168, 379], [9684, 11173, 378], [9693, 11187, 378], [9689, 11188, 378], [9693, 11197, 378], [9692, 11201, 378], [9688, 11202, 378], [9688, 11207, 378], [9688, 11212, 378], [9688, 11217, 378], [9689, 11223, 378], [9687, 11226, 377], [9686, 11230, 377], [9689, 11238, 377], [9684, 11238, 377], [9688, 11247, 377], [9688, 11252, 377], [9684, 11253, 376], [9687, 11261, 376], [9688, 11267, 376], [9684, 11268, 376], [9688, 11277, 375], [9687, 11281, 375], [9688, 11287, 375], [9689, 11293, 375], [9688, 11297, 375], [9684, 11298, 374], [9684, 11303, 374], [9684, 11308, 374], [9688, 11317, 373], [9684, 11318, 373], [9693, 11332, 373], [9693, 11337, 373], [9688, 11337, 373], [9692, 11346, 373], [9687, 11346, 373], [9688, 11352, 373], [9684, 11353, 372], [9684, 11358, 372], [9689, 11368, 372], [9688, 11372, 372], [9688, 11377, 371], [9693, 11387, 372], [9693, 11392, 372], [9688, 11392, 372], [9684, 11393, 371], [9688, 11402, 371], [9688, 11407, 371], [9688, 11412, 371], [9685, 11414, 371], [9688, 11422, 370], [9690, 11429, 370], [9686, 11430, 370], [9684, 11433, 370], [9692, 11446, 370], [9688, 11447, 370], [9689, 11453, 370], [9684, 11453, 369], [9686, 11460, 369], [9687, 11466, 369], [9688, 11472, 369], [9684, 11473, 369], [9688, 11482, 368], [9689, 11488, 368], [9689, 11518, 367], [9689, 11548, 366], [9685, 11574, 366], [9684, 11603, 364], [9686, 11635, 363], [9684, 11663, 362], [9684, 11693, 360], [9684, 11723, 359], [9684, 11753, 358], [9668, 11767, 355], [9402, 11531, 353], [9415, 11574, 353], [9378, 11567, 352], [9355, 11574, 351], [9332, 11581, 351], [9295, 11574, 350], [9265, 11574, 349], [9235, 11574, 348], [9220, 11589, 348], [9181, 11580, 347], [9145, 11574, 347], [9123, 11582, 346], [9080, 11569, 345], [9062, 11581, 345], [9069, 11618, 344], [9043, 11622, 344], [8980, 11589, 343], [9070, 11709, 342], [9042, 11711, 342], [9043, 11742, 341], [8980, 11709, 340], [8979, 11738, 340], [8975, 11764, 339], [8910, 11729, 338], [8904, 11753, 337], [8880, 11759, 336], [8856, 11765, 334], [8827, 11766, 332], [8798, 11767, 330], [8756, 11755, 328], [8733, 11762, 327], [8694, 11753, 326], [8674, 11763, 325], [8631, 11750, 323], [8616, 11765, 322], [8588, 11767, 320], [8526, 11735, 318], [8522, 11761, 317], [8495, 11764, 316], [8448, 11747, 314], [8437, 11766, 313], [8405, 11764, 312], [8362, 11751, 310], [8346, 11765, 309], [8317, 11766, 308], [8284, 11763, 306], [8255, 11764, 306], [8226, 11765, 305], [8201, 11770, 303], [8171, 11770, 300], [8141, 11770, 298], [8111, 11770, 295], [8081, 11770, 293], [8051, 11770, 291], [8021, 11770, 288], [7991, 11770, 286], [7961, 11770, 284], [7930, 11769, 282], [7901, 11770, 280], [7868, 11767, 277], [7841, 11770, 275], [7811, 11770, 273], [7781, 11770, 271], [7748, 11767, 269], [7721, 11770, 267], [7691, 11770, 265], [7661, 11770, 263], [7631, 11770, 261], [7601, 11770, 259], [7567, 11766, 258], [7548, 11770, 256], [7548, 11770, 254], [7548, 11770, 253], [7548, 11770, 251], [7548, 11770, 249], [6863, 10909, 248], [6833, 10909, 249], [6804, 10910, 250], [6774, 10910, 251], [6744, 10910, 251], [6714, 10910, 252], [6677, 10903, 253], [6654, 10910, 254], [6624, 10910, 255], [6594, 10910, 256], [6564, 10910, 257], [6534, 10910, 258], [6504, 10910, 258], [6475, 10911, 259], [6436, 10902, 260], [6414, 10910, 261], [6384, 10910, 262], [6190, 10746, 263], [6192, 10778, 263], [6190, 10806, 264], [6192, 10838, 265], [6191, 10867, 266], [6194, 10900, 267], [6190, 10926, 267], [6190, 10956, 267], [6191, 10987, 267], [6190, 11016, 267], [6190, 11046, 267], [6190, 11076, 267], [6190, 11106, 267], [6191, 11137, 267], [6190, 11166, 267], [6192, 11198, 268], [6190, 11226, 268], [6190, 11256, 268], [6191, 11287, 269], [6191, 11317, 269], [6190, 11346, 269], [6191, 11377, 269], [6190, 11406, 270], [6190, 11436, 270], [6190, 11466, 270], [6190, 11496, 270], [6191, 11527, 270], [6191, 11557, 271], [6190, 11586, 271], [6191, 11617, 271], [6190, 11646, 271], [6191, 11677, 271], [6191, 11707, 271], [6190, 11736, 271], [6190, 11766, 271], [6145, 11751, 270], [6134, 11770, 270], [6101, 11767, 268], [6070, 11766, 267], [6044, 11770, 267], [6014, 11770, 265], [5982, 11768, 265], [5954, 11770, 263], [5921, 11767, 262], [5893, 11769, 262], [5843, 11749, 261], [5831, 11767, 260], [5801, 11767, 259], [5774, 11770, 258], [5740, 11766, 257], [5707, 11763, 256], [5679, 11765, 256], [5649, 11765, 255], [5620, 11766, 255], [5591, 11767, 253], [5560, 11766, 252], [5534, 11770, 252], [5504, 11770, 251], [5474, 11770, 249], [5444, 11770, 248], [5414, 11770, 247], [5384, 11770, 246], [5351, 11767, 245], [5323, 11769, 244], [5294, 11770, 243], [5264, 11770, 242], [5234, 11770, 241], [5204, 11770, 240], [5174, 11770, 239], [5144, 11770, 238], [5114, 11770, 237], [5084, 11770, 236], [5054, 11770, 235], [5024, 11770, 234], [4988, 11764, 233], [4964, 11770, 232], [4931, 11767, 231], [4904, 11770, 231], [4874, 11770, 230], [4844, 11770, 229], [4814, 11770, 228], [4784, 11770, 227], [4754, 11770, 227], [4724, 11770, 226], [4660, 11736, 226], [4649, 11755, 226], [4630, 11766, 226], [4600, 11766, 225], [4570, 11766, 224], [4544, 11770, 223], [4514, 11770, 223], [4452, 11738, 223], [4451, 11767, 223], [4421, 11767, 222], [4394, 11770, 221], [4367, 11770, 220], [4367, 11770, 220], [4367, 11770, 219], [4367, 11770, 218], [4367, 11770, 217], [4367, 11770, 216], [4367, 11770, 215], [4367, 11770, 215], [4367, 11770, 214], [4159, 11580, 214], [4099, 11550, 214], [4094, 11575, 215], [4058, 11569, 215], [4040, 11581, 215], [4003, 11574, 215], [3957, 11558, 216], [3948, 11579, 216], [3957, 11618, 216], [3948, 11639, 216], [3958, 11679, 217], [3777, 11528, 217], [3777, 11558, 217], [3763, 11574, 218], [3777, 11618, 218], [3763, 11634, 218], [3552, 11453, 218], [3600, 11531, 219], [3608, 11569, 219], [3539, 11530, 219], [3548, 11569, 220], [3530, 11581, 220], [3538, 11619, 220], [3530, 11641, 220], [3538, 11679, 221], [3538, 11709, 221], [2709, 10910, 221], [2679, 10910, 222], [2649, 10910, 222], [2619, 10910, 223], [2589, 10910, 223], [2559, 10910, 224], [2529, 10910, 224], [2499, 10910, 225], [2469, 10910, 225], [2439, 10910, 226], [2409, 10910, 226], [2379, 10910, 227], [2349, 10910, 227], [2319, 10910, 228], [2289, 10910, 228], [2259, 10910, 229], [2229, 10910, 229], [2199, 10910, 230], [2169, 10910, 230], [2139, 10910, 231], [2109, 10910, 231], [2079, 10910, 232], [2049, 10910, 232], [2019, 10910, 233], [1989, 10910, 233], [1960, 10911, 234], [1961, 10942, 234], [1961, 10972, 234], [1961, 11002, 234], [1961, 11032, 234], [1961, 11062, 234], [1961, 11092, 234], [1961, 11122, 234], [1961, 11152, 235], [1967, 11188, 235], [1961, 11212, 235], [1961, 11242, 235], [1961, 11272, 236], [1961, 11302, 236], [1966, 11337, 236], [1961, 11362, 236], [1961, 11392, 237], [1961, 11422, 237], [1961, 11452, 237], [1961, 11482, 237], [1961, 11512, 237], [1961, 11542, 238], [1961, 11572, 238], [1961, 11602, 238], [1961, 11632, 238], [1961, 11662, 238], [1961, 11692, 238], [1961, 11722, 239], [1961, 11752, 239], [1943, 11764, 238], [1904, 11755, 238], [1669, 11550, 238], [1664, 11575, 239], [1551, 11492, 239], [1556, 11527, 239], [1556, 11557, 239], [1551, 11582, 239], [1553, 11614, 240], [1552, 11643, 240], [1557, 11678, 240], [1557, 11708, 240], [1553, 11734, 240], [1544, 11755, 240], [1260, 11770, 236], [1260, 11770, 229], [1248, 11770, 223], [952, 11759, 222], [663, 11770, 218], [357, 11764, 215], [55, 11762, 211], [0, 11792, 207], [0, 11792, 202], [0, 11792, 198], [0, 11792, 193], [0, 11792, 189], [1541, 13551, 186], [1552, 13857, 187], [1553, 14158, 188], [1541, 14446, 189], [1400, 14605, 188], [1424, 14913, 185], [1260, 14918, 183], [1540, 15126, 180], [1547, 15433, 180], [1551, 15723, 181], [1544, 16016, 182], [1260, 16018, 180], [1260, 16018, 177], [1248, 16018, 174], [950, 16018, 174], [650, 16018, 173], [349, 16017, 171], [50, 16018, 170]], 'time_in_bucket': [3226, 68, 55, 55, 31, 105, 70, 49, 42, 32, 35, 36, 28, 21, 15, 23, 19, 14, 19, 15, 7, 20, 20, 20, 8, 18, 18, 10, 12, 15, 10, 16, 11, 17, 18, 13, 11, 11, 16, 23, 11, 12, 10, 13, 10, 10, 11, 17, 8, 11, 11, 7, 8, 17, 15, 14, 7, 10, 16, 17, 14, 12, 14, 13, 9, 14, 14, 15, 16, 7, 16, 13, 10, 13, 15, 9, 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2266, 1944, 844, 192, 35], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3808498026', 'date': '10:45 AM on Friday, July 24, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 343, 'training_load': 102, 'max_watts': 601, 'relative_intensity': 85, 'cp_data': [[929, 929, 601], [928, 929, 584], [928, 930, 566], [927, 930, 552], [925, 929, 549], [924, 929, 552], [924, 930, 549], [923, 930, 546], [922, 930, 543], [921, 930, 533], [919, 929, 525], [919, 930, 526], [917, 929, 526], [916, 929, 527], [916, 930, 527], [914, 929, 527], [914, 930, 527], [913, 930, 526], [912, 930, 525], [911, 930, 522], [910, 930, 518], [909, 930, 516], [908, 930, 513], [907, 930, 511], [906, 930, 509], [905, 930, 506], [904, 930, 502], [903, 930, 496], [1272, 1300, 494], [1272, 1301, 494], [1271, 1301, 494], [1270, 1301, 494], [1272, 1304, 493], [1271, 1304, 493], [1270, 1304, 493], [1274, 1309, 493], [1273, 1309, 492], [1272, 1309, 492], [1271, 1309, 492], [1270, 1309, 492], [1274, 1314, 492], [1274, 1315, 492], [1272, 1314, 492], [1272, 1315, 492], [1271, 1315, 492], [1270, 1315, 491], [1269, 1315, 491], [1268, 1315, 491], [1268, 1316, 490], [1267, 1316, 489], [1270, 1320, 486], [1269, 1320, 486], [1268, 1320, 485], [1268, 1321, 485], [1268, 1322, 484], [1267, 1322, 483], [1268, 1324, 480], [1267, 1324, 479], [1267, 1325, 478], [1270, 1329, 477], [1269, 1329, 477], [1268, 1329, 477], [1270, 1332, 476], [1269, 1332, 476], [1268, 1332, 476], [1268, 1333, 476], [1267, 1333, 475], [1267, 1334, 472], [1269, 1337, 472], [1268, 1337, 472], [1267, 1337, 471], [1267, 1338, 470], [1250, 1322, 469], [1249, 1322, 468], [1248, 1322, 467], [1257, 1332, 467], [1257, 1333, 466], [1255, 1332, 466], [1254, 1332, 465], [1252, 1331, 465], [1252, 1332, 466], [1252, 1333, 465], [1251, 1333, 465], [1250, 1333, 464], [1249, 1333, 463], [1248, 1333, 463], [1251, 1337, 462], [1250, 1337, 462], [1249, 1337, 461], [1248, 1337, 461], [1247, 1337, 460], [1246, 1337, 459], [1246, 1338, 459], [1248, 1341, 458], [1248, 1342, 457], [1246, 1341, 457], [1249, 1345, 456], [1248, 1345, 455], [1248, 1346, 455], [1246, 1345, 454], [1246, 1346, 454], [1245, 1346, 453], [1247, 1349, 452], [1246, 1349, 452], [1245, 1349, 451], [1249, 1354, 450], [1248, 1354, 450], [1247, 1354, 449], [1246, 1354, 449], [1245, 1354, 448], [1245, 1355, 448], [1245, 1356, 447], [1248, 1360, 446], [1248, 1361, 446], [1246, 1360, 445], [1246, 1361, 445], [1245, 1361, 444], [1244, 1361, 444], [1243, 1361, 443], [1243, 1362, 442], [1248, 1368, 442], [1248, 1369, 442], [1248, 1370, 441], [1246, 1369, 441], [1246, 1370, 440], [1246, 1371, 440], [1245, 1371, 439], [1244, 1371, 439], [1243, 1371, 438], [1243, 1372, 438], [1252, 1382, 437], [1252, 1383, 437], [1252, 1384, 437], [1252, 1385, 437], [1252, 1386, 437], [1251, 1386, 437], [1251, 1387, 437], [1250, 1387, 437], [1249, 1387, 437], [1248, 1387, 437], [1248, 1388, 436], [1246, 1387, 436], [1960, 2102, 436], [1959, 2102, 437], [1959, 2103, 437], [1958, 2103, 438], [1958, 2104, 438], [1949, 2096, 438], [1948, 2096, 438], [1948, 2097, 438], [1947, 2097, 438], [1946, 2097, 438], [1949, 2101, 438], [1949, 2102, 439], [1948, 2102, 439], [1948, 2103, 439], [1947, 2103, 439], [1947, 2104, 439], [1946, 2104, 439], [1945, 2104, 439], [1949, 2109, 439], [1948, 2109, 439], [1948, 2110, 440], [1948, 2111, 440], [1947, 2111, 440], [1947, 2112, 440], [1946, 2112, 439], [1945, 2112, 439], [1944, 2112, 439], [1943, 2112, 438], [1941, 2111, 438], [1940, 2111, 438], [1940, 2112, 438], [1939, 2112, 437], [1938, 2112, 437], [1937, 2112, 437], [1935, 2111, 437], [1934, 2111, 437], [1934, 2112, 437], [1933, 2112, 436], [1932, 2112, 436], [1931, 2112, 435], [1929, 2111, 435], [1928, 2111, 435], [1928, 2112, 435], [1927, 2112, 435], [1926, 2112, 434], [1925, 2112, 434], [1929, 2117, 434], [1928, 2117, 433], [1928, 2118, 433], [1926, 2117, 433], [1926, 2118, 433], [1919, 2112, 432], [1927, 2121, 432], [1926, 2121, 432], [1915, 2111, 431], [1914, 2111, 431], [1913, 2111, 431], [1913, 2112, 431], [1912, 2112, 431], [1911, 2112, 431], [1910, 2112, 431], [1909, 2112, 430], [1908, 2112, 430], [1913, 2118, 430], [1911, 2117, 429], [1910, 2117, 429], [1909, 2117, 429], [1909, 2118, 429], [1908, 2118, 429], [1910, 2121, 428], [1909, 2121, 428], [1909, 2122, 428], [1908, 2122, 427], [1909, 2124, 427], [1908, 2124, 427], [1912, 2129, 427], [1911, 2129, 426], [1914, 2133, 426], [1913, 2133, 426], [1913, 2134, 426], [1912, 2134, 426], [1911, 2134, 426], [1910, 2134, 426], [1909, 2134, 426], [1908, 2134, 425], [1908, 2135, 425], [1906, 2134, 425], [1905, 2134, 424], [1904, 2134, 424], [1903, 2134, 424], [1903, 2135, 423], [1901, 2134, 423], [1900, 2134, 423], [1899, 2134, 422], [1898, 2134, 422], [1897, 2134, 422], [1896, 2134, 422], [1895, 2134, 421], [1894, 2134, 421], [1893, 2134, 421], [1892, 2134, 421], [1891, 2134, 421], [1890, 2134, 421], [1889, 2134, 420], [1888, 2134, 420], [1887, 2134, 419], [1886, 2134, 419], [1885, 2134, 419], [1892, 2142, 419], [1891, 2142, 418], [1890, 2142, 418], [1889, 2142, 418], [1909, 2163, 417], [1856, 2111, 418], [1856, 2112, 418], [1854, 2111, 417], [1853, 2111, 417], [1853, 2112, 417], [1852, 2112, 417], [1856, 2117, 417], [1856, 2118, 417], [1854, 2117, 417], [1853, 2117, 417], [1853, 2118, 416], [1249, 1515, 416], [1248, 1515, 416], [1247, 1515, 416], [1246, 1515, 416], [1245, 1515, 416], [1252, 1523, 416], [1251, 1523, 416], [1250, 1523, 416], [1249, 1523, 416], [1252, 1527, 416], [1252, 1528, 416], [1252, 1529, 416], [1251, 1529, 416], [1250, 1529, 416], [1249, 1529, 416], [1248, 1529, 416], [1248, 1530, 416], [1246, 1529, 416], [1246, 1530, 416], [1245, 1530, 416], [1252, 1538, 416], [1251, 1538, 416], [1250, 1538, 416], [1249, 1538, 416], [1248, 1538, 416], [1248, 1539, 416], [1247, 1539, 416], [1246, 1539, 416], [1250, 1544, 416], [1249, 1544, 416], [1248, 1544, 416], [1252, 1549, 416], [1252, 1550, 416], [1252, 1551, 416], [1247, 1551, 416], [1243, 1552, 415], [1245, 1559, 414], [1244, 1563, 414], [1246, 1570, 414], [1250, 1579, 413], [1248, 1582, 413], [1252, 1591, 414], [1249, 1593, 414], [1245, 1594, 414], [1246, 1600, 413], [1246, 1605, 413], [1248, 1612, 412], [1251, 1620, 412], [1246, 1620, 412], [1247, 1626, 412], [1247, 1631, 412], [1243, 1632, 411], [1243, 1637, 411], [1243, 1642, 410], [1243, 1647, 409], [1246, 1655, 409], [1243, 1657, 408], [1244, 1663, 408], [1246, 1670, 407], [1241, 1670, 407], [1243, 1677, 406], [1248, 1687, 406], [1243, 1687, 406], [1244, 1693, 405], [1245, 1699, 405], [1248, 1707, 405], [1243, 1707, 404], [1244, 1713, 404], [1245, 1719, 403], [1246, 1725, 403], [1247, 1731, 403], [1245, 1734, 403], [1248, 1742, 403], [1243, 1742, 402], [1246, 1750, 402], [1247, 1756, 402], [1246, 1760, 401], [1242, 1761, 401], [1243, 1767, 401], [1243, 1772, 400], [1247, 1781, 400], [1243, 1782, 400], [1246, 1790, 400], [1242, 1791, 399], [1245, 1799, 399], [1248, 1807, 399], [1243, 1807, 398], [1245, 1814, 398], [1241, 1815, 398], [1243, 1822, 397], [1246, 1830, 397], [1246, 1835, 397], [1242, 1836, 397], [1246, 1845, 396], [1507, 2111, 396], [1503, 2112, 397], [1498, 2112, 397], [1498, 2117, 397], [1498, 2122, 396], [1482, 2111, 396], [1477, 2111, 396], [1473, 2112, 396], [1468, 2112, 396], [1462, 2111, 397], [1457, 2111, 397], [1452, 2111, 397], [1447, 2111, 397], [1443, 2112, 396], [1444, 2118, 396], [1455, 2134, 396], [1450, 2134, 396], [1445, 2134, 396], [1418, 2112, 396], [1412, 2111, 396], [1267, 1971, 396], [1258, 1967, 396], [1253, 1967, 396], [1252, 1971, 396], [1248, 1972, 396], [1243, 1972, 396], [1247, 1981, 396], [1247, 1986, 396], [1250, 1994, 396], [1245, 1994, 396], [1247, 2001, 396], [1250, 2009, 397], [1267, 2031, 397], [1268, 2037, 397], [1268, 2042, 397], [1267, 2046, 397], [1268, 2052, 398], [1270, 2059, 398], [1274, 2068, 398], [1269, 2068, 399], [1267, 2071, 399], [1269, 2078, 399], [1257, 2071, 399], [1275, 2094, 400], [1272, 2096, 400], [1268, 2097, 401], [1269, 2103, 401], [1271, 2110, 401], [1267, 2111, 402], [1262, 2111, 402], [1257, 2111, 402], [1252, 2111, 402], [1248, 2112, 402], [1243, 2112, 402], [1244, 2118, 402], [1245, 2124, 402], [1250, 2134, 402], [1245, 2134, 402], [1241, 2135, 401], [1243, 2142, 401], [1246, 2150, 401], [1248, 2157, 400], [1243, 2157, 400], [1244, 2163, 400], [1246, 2170, 400], [1241, 2170, 400], [1244, 2178, 399], [1246, 2185, 399], [1241, 2185, 399], [1243, 2192, 399], [1241, 2195, 398], [1248, 2207, 398], [1243, 2207, 398], [1244, 2213, 398], [1243, 2217, 398], [1244, 2223, 397], [1248, 2232, 397], [1243, 2232, 397], [1243, 2237, 397], [1245, 2244, 397], [1250, 2254, 397], [1245, 2254, 397], [1246, 2260, 396], [1248, 2267, 396], [1243, 2267, 396], [1246, 2275, 396], [1246, 2280, 396], [1242, 2281, 396], [1246, 2290, 395], [1243, 2292, 395], [1243, 2297, 395], [1244, 2303, 395], [1248, 2312, 395], [1243, 2312, 395], [1245, 2319, 395], [1245, 2324, 395], [1240, 2324, 394], [1249, 2338, 394], [1244, 2338, 394], [1246, 2345, 394], [1241, 2345, 394], [1245, 2354, 394], [1243, 2357, 394], [1248, 2367, 394], [1243, 2367, 394], [1244, 2373, 394], [1246, 2380, 393], [1243, 2382, 393], [1246, 2390, 393], [1242, 2391, 393], [1243, 2397, 393], [1241, 2400, 392], [1248, 2412, 392], [1244, 2413, 392], [1246, 2420, 392], [1242, 2421, 392], [1245, 2429, 392], [1245, 2434, 392], [1244, 2438, 391], [1243, 2442, 391], [1245, 2449, 391], [1246, 2455, 391], [1242, 2456, 391], [1248, 2467, 391], [1252, 2476, 391], [1252, 2481, 391], [1250, 2484, 391], [1250, 2489, 391], [1267, 2511, 391], [1248, 2497, 391], [1271, 2525, 392], [1267, 2526, 392], [1274, 2538, 392], [1271, 2540, 392], [1267, 2541, 393], [1262, 2541, 392], [1257, 2541, 393], [1252, 2541, 393], [1247, 2541, 393], [1256, 2555, 393], [1251, 2555, 393], [1246, 2555, 393], [1251, 2565, 393], [1246, 2565, 393], [1249, 2573, 393], [1245, 2574, 393], [1242, 2576, 393], [1243, 2582, 393], [1243, 2587, 393], [1244, 2593, 393], [1243, 2597, 393], [1245, 2604, 393], [1271, 2635, 392], [1266, 2635, 393], [1268, 2642, 393], [1256, 2635, 393], [1251, 2635, 393], [1246, 2635, 393], [1248, 2642, 393], [1251, 2650, 393], [1246, 2650, 393], [1248, 2657, 393], [1243, 2657, 393], [1246, 2665, 393], [1247, 2671, 393], [1243, 2672, 393], [1243, 2677, 392], [1242, 2681, 392], [1243, 2687, 392], [1243, 2692, 392], [1244, 2698, 392], [1248, 2707, 392], [1243, 2707, 392], [1246, 2715, 392], [1242, 2716, 391], [1244, 2723, 391], [1247, 2731, 391], [1243, 2732, 391], [1242, 2736, 391], [1243, 2742, 391], [1245, 2749, 391], [1246, 2755, 390], [1242, 2756, 390], [1243, 2762, 390], [1244, 2768, 390], [1243, 2772, 390], [1246, 2780, 390], [1243, 2782, 390], [1243, 2787, 389], [1243, 2792, 389], [1249, 2803, 389], [1244, 2803, 389], [1252, 2816, 389], [1250, 2819, 389], [1245, 2819, 389], [1247, 2826, 389], [1242, 2826, 389], [1243, 2832, 388], [1246, 2840, 388], [1247, 2846, 388], [1246, 2850, 388], [1246, 2855, 388], [1246, 2860, 388], [1245, 2864, 388], [1245, 2869, 388], [1250, 2879, 388], [1246, 2880, 388], [1250, 2889, 388], [1245, 2889, 388], [1249, 2898, 388], [1251, 2905, 388], [1246, 2905, 388], [1248, 2912, 388], [1243, 2912, 388], [1249, 2923, 388], [1244, 2923, 388], [1239, 2923, 388], [1243, 2932, 388], [1268, 2962, 388], [1267, 2966, 388], [1268, 2972, 388], [1268, 2977, 388], [1252, 2966, 388], [1252, 2971, 388], [1248, 2972, 388], [1248, 2977, 388], [1251, 2985, 388], [1246, 2985, 388], [1248, 2992, 388], [1244, 2993, 388], [1267, 3021, 389], [1268, 3027, 389], [1257, 3021, 389], [1252, 3021, 389], [1247, 3021, 389], [1249, 3028, 389], [1244, 3028, 389], [1247, 3036, 389], [1247, 3041, 389], [1249, 3048, 389], [1244, 3073, 389], [1246, 3105, 388], [1240, 3129, 387], [1242, 3161, 386], [1242, 3191, 386], [1244, 3223, 385], [1244, 3253, 385], [1245, 3284, 384], [1244, 3313, 385], [1246, 3345, 384], [1240, 3369, 384], [1250, 3409, 384], [1246, 3435, 384], [1267, 3486, 384], [1268, 3517, 385], [1252, 3531, 385], [1245, 3554, 386], [1242, 3581, 385], [1240, 3609, 384], [1244, 3643, 384], [1249, 3678, 384], [1246, 3705, 384], [1246, 3735, 383], [1243, 3762, 383], [1248, 3797, 383], [1243, 3822, 383], [1245, 3854, 382], [1244, 3883, 382], [1270, 3939, 382], [1270, 3969, 383], [1267, 3996, 384], [1252, 4011, 384], [1242, 4031, 384], [1244, 4063, 383], [1243, 4092, 383], [1243, 4122, 383], [1241, 4150, 383], [1242, 4181, 382], [1243, 4212, 382], [1247, 4246, 382], [1251, 4280, 382], [1249, 4308, 382], [1250, 4339, 383], [1237, 4356, 382], [1208, 4357, 380], [1180, 4359, 378], [1149, 4358, 376], [1121, 4360, 373], [1088, 4357, 371], [1059, 4358, 368], [1029, 4358, 366], [998, 4357, 364], [968, 4357, 362], [903, 4322, 360], [902, 4351, 360], [879, 4358, 359], [846, 4355, 359], [819, 4358, 357], [786, 4355, 357], [759, 4358, 356], [721, 4350, 356], [698, 4357, 355], [666, 4355, 354], [639, 4358, 352], [608, 4357, 350], [578, 4357, 348], [548, 4357, 347], [517, 4356, 345], [488, 4357, 344], [459, 4358, 342], [429, 4358, 340], [398, 4357, 339], [368, 4357, 337], [339, 4358, 336], [308, 4357, 334], [277, 4356, 332], [248, 4357, 331], [219, 4358, 329], [188, 4357, 328], [158, 4357, 327], [128, 4357, 325], [97, 4356, 324], [69, 4358, 322], [39, 4358, 321], [8, 4357, 319], [0, 4379, 317], [0, 4409, 316], [0, 4439, 314], [0, 4469, 312], [0, 4499, 310], [0, 4529, 309], [0, 4559, 307], [0, 4589, 305], [0, 4619, 303], [0, 4649, 302], [0, 4679, 300], [0, 4709, 298], [0, 4739, 297], [0, 4769, 295], [0, 4799, 294], [0, 4829, 292], [0, 4859, 291], [0, 4889, 289], [0, 4919, 288], [0, 4949, 286], [0, 4979, 285], [0, 5009, 283], [0, 5039, 281], [0, 5069, 280], [0, 5099, 278]], 'time_in_bucket': [48, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 9, 11, 11, 14, 19, 17, 19, 13, 19, 12, 13, 20, 15, 12, 13, 19, 16, 15, 14, 18, 19, 22, 30, 19, 15, 21, 18, 10, 12, 18, 12, 15, 20, 18, 8, 12, 16, 11, 14, 12, 7, 10, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3, 3, 7, 9, 9, 12, 11, 12, 13, 18, 14, 13, 13, 14, 9, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 8, 9, 19, 13, 20, 13, 12, 12, 20, 9, 16, 12, 10, 14, 11, 11, 16, 12, 9, 14, 10, 9, 11, 14, 11, 13, 13, 14, 9, 12, 8, 17, 11, 14, 12, 11, 12, 8, 12, 5, 8, 10, 2, 12, 7, 2, 9, 8, 9, 6, 6, 11, 6, 5, 8, 5, 14, 1, 7, 6, 2, 7, 4, 6, 3, 6, 3, 5, 7, 4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 6, 0, 3, 5, 3, 4, 3, 7, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1, 7, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 2, 5, 6, 2, 2, 6, 3, 8, 0, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 1, 4, 6, 10, 2, 2, 11, 1, 6, 4, 1, 6, 5, 1, 4, 10, 5, 11, 5, 4, 8, 5, 5, 5, 6, 13, 11, 9, 3, 4, 12, 6, 13, 8, 6, 8, 5, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 9, 7, 3, 4, 3, 10, 10, 6, 13, 9, 12, 12, 13, 10, 5, 4, 10, 10, 8, 10, 6, 9, 9, 14, 14, 8, 10, 11, 6, 7, 15, 0, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 9, 9, 12, 8, 12, 10, 15, 10, 18, 14, 7, 11, 13, 13, 12, 11, 9, 12, 9, 14, 7, 18, 11, 12, 15, 12, 18, 13, 13, 12, 11, 16, 15, 13, 15, 8, 13, 17, 18, 17, 16, 19, 12, 14, 24, 10, 14, 17, 19, 13, 17, 21, 11, 19, 24, 19, 20, 17, 22, 17, 18, 14, 17, 13, 19, 13, 25, 10, 22, 18, 18, 10, 18, 18, 22, 29, 22, 22, 17, 20, 19, 25, 18, 15, 25, 17, 28, 23, 22, 21, 23, 20, 24, 22, 21, 22, 23, 18, 14, 22, 19, 22, 19, 21, 12, 15, 10, 20, 20, 17, 14, 16, 25, 18, 12, 18, 17, 13, 14, 16, 13, 20, 9, 9, 13, 8, 15, 14, 13, 9, 15, 11, 7, 8, 14, 13, 8, 5, 4, 11, 12, 9, 5, 7, 13, 6, 12, 6, 2, 9, 12, 5, 6, 12, 17, 14, 5, 8, 7, 10, 2, 7, 4, 6, 6, 7, 4, 7, 6, 2, 1, 5, 5, 4, 4, 1, 8, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [1875, 468, 654, 1113, 793, 204, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3786133046', 'date': '3:34 PM on Sunday, July 19, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 302, 'training_load': 115, 'max_watts': 562, 'relative_intensity': 75, 'cp_data': [[2203, 2203, 562], [2462, 2463, 542], [2453, 2455, 535], [2453, 2456, 528], [2461, 2465, 517], [2462, 2467, 514], [2461, 2467, 511], [2462, 2469, 509], [2461, 2469, 508], [2461, 2470, 505], [2143, 2153, 500], [2142, 2153, 499], [2142, 2154, 497], [2142, 2155, 494], [2453, 2467, 490], [1730, 1745, 492], [1730, 1746, 492], [2453, 2470, 490], [1730, 1748, 490], [1730, 1749, 488], [1728, 1748, 485], [1730, 1751, 485], [1730, 1752, 486], [1730, 1753, 486], [1722, 1746, 485], [1721, 1746, 485], [1730, 1756, 484], [1730, 1757, 485], [1730, 1758, 484], [1730, 1759, 483], [1722, 1752, 482], [1721, 1752, 482], [1721, 1753, 482], [1720, 1753, 481], [1723, 1757, 482], [1722, 1757, 482], [1721, 1757, 482], [1721, 1758, 481], [1720, 1758, 481], [1720, 1759, 479], [1721, 1761, 479], [1722, 1763, 479], [1721, 1763, 479], [1720, 1763, 478], [1720, 1764, 476], [1719, 1764, 473], [1718, 1764, 471], [1721, 1768, 470], [1720, 1768, 469], [1720, 1769, 467], [1721, 1771, 467], [1720, 1771, 467], [1720, 1772, 465], [1718, 1771, 463], [1720, 1774, 462], [1720, 1775, 461], [1722, 1778, 461], [1721, 1778, 462], [1721, 1779, 461], [1720, 1779, 461], [1720, 1780, 461], [1721, 1782, 460], [1722, 1784, 460], [1721, 1784, 461], [1721, 1785, 461], [1720, 1785, 461], [1719, 1785, 459], [1718, 1785, 458], [1720, 1788, 456], [1721, 1790, 457], [1721, 1791, 457], [1720, 1791, 457], [1720, 1792, 457], [1720, 1793, 456], [1719, 1793, 455], [1718, 1793, 454], [1717, 1793, 452], [1716, 1793, 450], [1720, 1798, 450], [1720, 1799, 450], [1719, 1799, 449], [1718, 1799, 448], [1717, 1799, 447], [1720, 1803, 446], [1720, 1804, 446], [1720, 1805, 446], [1720, 1806, 446], [1720, 1807, 445], [1719, 1807, 444], [1721, 1810, 443], [1721, 1811, 444], [1720, 1811, 444], [1721, 1813, 444], [1721, 1814, 444], [1721, 1815, 444], [1720, 1815, 444], [1720, 1816, 444], [1720, 1817, 444], [1720, 1818, 443], [1720, 1819, 443], [1720, 1820, 443], [1721, 1822, 443], [1721, 1823, 443], [1721, 1824, 443], [1721, 1825, 443], [1721, 1826, 444], [1721, 1827, 444], [1720, 1827, 444], [1720, 1828, 444], [1720, 1829, 443], [1721, 1831, 443], [1720, 1831, 443], [1720, 1832, 443], [1721, 1834, 443], [1720, 1834, 443], [1719, 1834, 443], [1718, 1834, 442], [1717, 1834, 441], [1717, 1835, 440], [1715, 1834, 439], [1720, 1840, 439], [1720, 1841, 439], [1720, 1842, 439], [1720, 1843, 438], [1721, 1845, 438], [1721, 1846, 438], [1720, 1846, 438], [1720, 1847, 438], [1719, 1847, 437], [1718, 1847, 437], [1721, 1851, 437], [1721, 1852, 437], [1720, 1852, 437], [1719, 1852, 437], [1718, 1852, 436], [1717, 1852, 435], [1723, 1859, 435], [1722, 1859, 436], [1721, 1859, 436], [1720, 1859, 436], [1719, 1859, 436], [1718, 1859, 435], [1717, 1859, 434], [1716, 1859, 433], [1715, 1859, 433], [1714, 1859, 433], [1713, 1859, 432], [1712, 1859, 432], [1711, 1859, 431], [1710, 1859, 431], [1709, 1859, 430], [1708, 1859, 429], [1707, 1859, 429], [1706, 1859, 429], [1705, 1859, 428], [1704, 1859, 428], [1703, 1859, 427], [1702, 1859, 426], [1701, 1859, 426], [1700, 1859, 426], [1699, 1859, 426], [1698, 1859, 425], [1697, 1859, 425], [1696, 1859, 425], [1695, 1859, 425], [1694, 1859, 425], [1693, 1859, 424], [1692, 1859, 424], [1691, 1859, 423], [1690, 1859, 422], [1689, 1859, 422], [1688, 1859, 422], [1687, 1859, 422], [1686, 1859, 421], [1685, 1859, 420], [1689, 1864, 419], [1688, 1864, 419], [1687, 1864, 419], [1694, 1872, 419], [1693, 1872, 418], [1692, 1872, 418], [1691, 1872, 417], [1690, 1872, 417], [1721, 1904, 417], [1720, 1904, 417], [1719, 1904, 417], [1718, 1904, 417], [1718, 1905, 416], [1720, 1908, 416], [1720, 1909, 416], [1720, 1910, 415], [1721, 1912, 416], [1721, 1913, 416], [1720, 1913, 416], [1720, 1914, 416], [1720, 1915, 416], [1720, 1916, 416], [1720, 1917, 416], [1720, 1918, 416], [1721, 1920, 416], [1721, 1921, 416], [1721, 1922, 416], [1721, 1923, 417], [1720, 1923, 417], [1719, 1923, 417], [1718, 1923, 416], [1717, 1923, 416], [1720, 1927, 416], [1720, 1928, 416], [1721, 1930, 416], [1720, 1930, 416], [1720, 1931, 416], [1719, 1931, 416], [1718, 1931, 416], [1721, 1935, 415], [1720, 1935, 416], [1720, 1936, 416], [1721, 1938, 416], [1720, 1938, 416], [1720, 1939, 416], [1720, 1940, 416], [1720, 1941, 416], [1720, 1942, 416], [1720, 1943, 416], [1720, 1944, 416], [1720, 1945, 416], [1720, 1946, 416], [1721, 1948, 416], [1721, 1949, 417], [1721, 1950, 417], [1720, 1950, 417], [1720, 1951, 417], [1720, 1952, 417], [1720, 1953, 417], [1720, 1954, 417], [1720, 1955, 417], [1720, 1956, 417], [1720, 1957, 417], [1720, 1958, 417], [1720, 1959, 417], [1720, 1960, 417], [1720, 1961, 417], [1720, 1962, 417], [1720, 1963, 417], [1720, 1964, 416], [1720, 1965, 416], [1719, 1965, 416], [1718, 1965, 416], [1721, 1969, 416], [1721, 1970, 416], [1720, 1970, 416], [1720, 1971, 416], [1719, 1971, 416], [1718, 1971, 416], [1717, 1971, 415], [1721, 1976, 415], [1720, 1976, 415], [1720, 1977, 415], [1721, 1979, 416], [1720, 1979, 416], [1719, 1979, 415], [1718, 1979, 415], [1717, 1979, 415], [1717, 1980, 415], [1715, 1979, 414], [1714, 1979, 414], [1713, 1979, 414], [1712, 1979, 414], [1711, 1979, 414], [1710, 1979, 413], [1709, 1979, 413], [1709, 1980, 413], [1707, 1979, 413], [1706, 1979, 413], [1705, 1979, 412], [1704, 1979, 412], [1704, 1980, 412], [1720, 1997, 411], [1720, 1998, 412], [1719, 1998, 411], [1718, 1998, 411], [1698, 1979, 411], [1721, 2003, 411], [1720, 2003, 411], [1720, 2004, 411], [1719, 2004, 411], [1718, 2004, 411], [1721, 2008, 411], [1720, 2008, 411], [1720, 2009, 411], [1719, 2009, 411], [1718, 2009, 411], [1717, 2009, 411], [1720, 2013, 411], [1720, 2014, 411], [1720, 2015, 411], [1720, 2016, 411], [1720, 2017, 411], [1718, 2016, 411], [1718, 2017, 410], [1718, 2022, 410], [1720, 2029, 410], [1720, 2034, 409], [1720, 2039, 409], [1719, 2043, 408], [2141, 2470, 409], [2142, 2476, 410], [2139, 2478, 410], [2133, 2477, 410], [2129, 2478, 408], [2122, 2476, 408], [2119, 2478, 408], [2113, 2477, 408], [2107, 2476, 408], [2103, 2477, 407], [2099, 2478, 407], [2093, 2477, 407], [2088, 2477, 406], [2082, 2476, 406], [2079, 2478, 406], [2074, 2478, 406], [2067, 2476, 406], [2062, 2476, 405], [2059, 2478, 405], [2054, 2478, 404], [1724, 2153, 404], [1721, 2155, 405], [1721, 2160, 406], [1720, 2164, 406], [1720, 2169, 407], [1720, 2174, 407], [1720, 2179, 407], [1720, 2184, 408], [1720, 2189, 408], [1720, 2194, 408], [1720, 2199, 408], [1720, 2204, 408], [1715, 2204, 407], [1710, 2204, 407], [1705, 2204, 406], [1700, 2204, 406], [1695, 2204, 406], [1694, 2208, 405], [1685, 2204, 405], [1686, 2210, 404], [1687, 2216, 403], [1718, 2252, 403], [1718, 2257, 403], [1718, 2262, 403], [1720, 2269, 403], [1718, 2272, 403], [1720, 2279, 402], [1720, 2284, 402], [1720, 2289, 402], [1720, 2294, 403], [1720, 2299, 402], [1720, 2304, 403], [1720, 2309, 403], [1720, 2314, 403], [1720, 2319, 403], [1718, 2322, 403], [1717, 2326, 403], [1718, 2332, 403], [1718, 2337, 403], [1713, 2337, 403], [1718, 2347, 402], [1720, 2354, 402], [1719, 2358, 402], [1720, 2364, 402], [1721, 2370, 402], [1717, 2371, 402], [1719, 2378, 402], [1720, 2384, 402], [1716, 2385, 401], [1719, 2393, 401], [1720, 2399, 401], [1719, 2403, 401], [1720, 2409, 401], [1720, 2414, 402], [1720, 2419, 402], [1720, 2424, 402], [1721, 2430, 402], [1721, 2435, 402], [1720, 2439, 402], [1720, 2444, 403], [1720, 2449, 403], [1722, 2456, 404], [1730, 2469, 404], [1723, 2467, 405], [1721, 2470, 405], [1721, 2475, 405], [1719, 2478, 406], [1713, 2477, 405], [1709, 2478, 405], [1704, 2478, 405], [1697, 2476, 404], [1694, 2478, 404], [1688, 2477, 404], [1683, 2477, 403], [1678, 2477, 403], [1674, 2478, 402], [1686, 2495, 401], [1686, 2500, 401], [1658, 2477, 400], [1653, 2477, 400], [1648, 2477, 400], [1643, 2477, 400], [1639, 2478, 400], [1634, 2478, 399], [1709, 2558, 399], [1694, 2548, 398], [1693, 2552, 398], [1688, 2552, 398], [1687, 2556, 398], [1687, 2561, 397], [1687, 2566, 397], [1687, 2571, 397], [1687, 2576, 396], [1694, 2588, 396], [1694, 2593, 396], [1688, 2592, 396], [1643, 2552, 395], [1694, 2608, 395], [1694, 2613, 395], [1688, 2612, 395], [1713, 2642, 394], [1709, 2643, 394], [1693, 2632, 394], [1688, 2632, 394], [1693, 2642, 394], [1688, 2642, 393], [1688, 2647, 393], [1687, 2651, 393], [1687, 2656, 392], [1687, 2661, 392], [1687, 2666, 392], [1687, 2671, 392], [1694, 2683, 391], [1694, 2688, 391], [1718, 2717, 391], [1687, 2691, 391], [1707, 2716, 391], [1703, 2717, 390], [1697, 2716, 390], [1692, 2716, 390], [1687, 2716, 390], [1687, 2721, 390], [1688, 2727, 390], [1687, 2731, 389], [1687, 2736, 389], [1687, 2741, 389], [1694, 2753, 389], [1687, 2751, 389], [1687, 2756, 388], [1688, 2762, 388], [1687, 2766, 388], [1687, 2771, 388], [1695, 2784, 387], [1687, 2781, 387], [1687, 2786, 387], [1686, 2790, 387], [1642, 2751, 387], [1642, 2756, 386], [1643, 2762, 386], [1639, 2763, 386], [1639, 2768, 386], [1639, 2773, 386], [1642, 2781, 385], [1641, 2785, 385], [1640, 2789, 385], [1640, 2794, 385], [1641, 2800, 384], [1642, 2806, 384], [1687, 2856, 384], [1687, 2861, 384], [1638, 2817, 383], [1641, 2825, 383], [1641, 2830, 383], [1642, 2836, 383], [1639, 2838, 383], [1639, 2843, 382], [1639, 2848, 382], [1642, 2856, 382], [1642, 2861, 382], [1638, 2862, 382], [1640, 2869, 382], [1641, 2875, 381], [1642, 2881, 381], [1640, 2884, 381], [1694, 2943, 381], [1687, 2941, 380], [1640, 2899, 380], [1640, 2904, 380], [1641, 2910, 380], [1640, 2914, 380], [1687, 2966, 380], [1687, 2971, 379], [1687, 2976, 379], [1687, 2981, 379], [1643, 2942, 379], [1639, 2943, 379], [1693, 3002, 379], [1687, 3001, 379], [1687, 3006, 379], [1687, 3011, 378], [1687, 3016, 378], [1687, 3021, 378], [1687, 3026, 378], [1694, 3038, 378], [1694, 3043, 378], [1687, 3041, 378], [1687, 3046, 378], [1692, 3056, 377], [1687, 3056, 377], [1687, 3061, 377], [1694, 3073, 377], [1694, 3078, 377], [1687, 3076, 377], [1687, 3081, 377], [1696, 3095, 377], [1692, 3096, 377], [1687, 3096, 377], [1687, 3101, 377], [1687, 3106, 376], [1694, 3118, 376], [1687, 3116, 376], [1720, 3154, 376], [1720, 3159, 376], [1717, 3161, 376], [1712, 3161, 376], [1720, 3174, 376], [1717, 3176, 376], [1712, 3176, 376], [1706, 3175, 376], [1703, 3177, 376], [1697, 3176, 376], [1692, 3176, 376], [1687, 3176, 376], [1687, 3181, 376], [1687, 3186, 376], [1694, 3198, 376], [1694, 3203, 375], [1687, 3201, 375], [1687, 3206, 375], [1685, 3209, 375], [1686, 3215, 375], [1686, 3220, 375], [1687, 3226, 375], [1688, 3232, 375], [1638, 3187, 374], [1644, 3198, 374], [1640, 3199, 374], [1639, 3203, 374], [1640, 3209, 374], [1686, 3260, 374], [1687, 3266, 374], [1642, 3226, 374], [1687, 3276, 374], [1694, 3288, 374], [1689, 3288, 373], [1686, 3290, 373], [1642, 3251, 373], [1686, 3300, 373], [1641, 3260, 373], [1642, 3266, 373], [1687, 3316, 373], [1687, 3321, 373], [1642, 3281, 373], [1643, 3287, 373], [1640, 3289, 372], [1639, 3293, 372], [1641, 3300, 372], [1642, 3306, 372], [1642, 3311, 372], [1642, 3316, 372], [1642, 3321, 372], [1638, 3322, 372], [1693, 3382, 372], [1687, 3381, 372], [1687, 3386, 372], [1685, 3389, 371], [1687, 3396, 371], [1694, 3408, 371], [1687, 3406, 371], [1694, 3418, 371], [1687, 3416, 371], [1687, 3421, 371], [1694, 3433, 371], [1711, 3455, 371], [1692, 3441, 371], [1694, 3448, 371], [1695, 3454, 371], [1691, 3455, 371], [1686, 3455, 371], [1687, 3461, 371], [1692, 3471, 370], [1687, 3471, 370], [1688, 3477, 370], [1720, 3514, 370], [1714, 3513, 370], [1718, 3547, 370], [1710, 3569, 370], [1686, 3575, 370], [1695, 3614, 370], [1694, 3643, 369], [1687, 3666, 369], [1686, 3695, 369], [1639, 3678, 368], [1642, 3711, 368], [1639, 3738, 367], [1639, 3768, 367], [1687, 3846, 367], [1696, 3885, 366], [1695, 3914, 366], [1690, 3939, 366], [1695, 3974, 365], [1691, 4000, 365], [1686, 4025, 365], [1688, 4057, 365], [1642, 4041, 364], [1638, 4067, 364], [1686, 4145, 364], [1641, 4130, 363], [1686, 4205, 363], [1687, 4236, 363], [1692, 4271, 363], [1695, 4304, 362], [1687, 4326, 362], [1643, 4312, 362], [1686, 4385, 362], [1687, 4416, 362], [1687, 4446, 362], [1694, 4483, 361], [1642, 4461, 361], [1639, 4488, 361], [1604, 4483, 360], [1587, 4496, 359], [1557, 4496, 358], [1527, 4496, 358], [1502, 4501, 356], [1482, 4511, 353], [1441, 4500, 349], [1395, 4484, 349], [1381, 4500, 348], [1353, 4502, 345], [1335, 4511, 342], [1326, 4507, 339], [1291, 4502, 337], [1242, 4483, 335], [1175, 4446, 335], [1174, 4475, 335], [1164, 4495, 335], [1136, 4497, 334], [1104, 4495, 334], [1074, 4495, 333], [1046, 4497, 332], [1002, 4483, 332], [972, 4483, 332], [955, 4496, 332], [924, 4495, 331], [870, 4471, 331], [863, 4494, 331], [840, 4501, 330], [803, 4494, 328], [786, 4507, 326], [755, 4506, 324], [801, 4552, 321], [801, 4582, 319], [662, 4503, 317], [612, 4483, 317], [582, 4483, 317], [566, 4497, 317], [486, 4447, 316], [487, 4478, 317], [478, 4499, 316], [432, 4483, 316], [402, 4483, 316], [372, 4483, 316], [365, 4506, 315], [331, 4502, 314], [295, 4496, 312], [273, 4504, 310], [242, 4503, 308], [212, 4503, 306], [181, 4502, 305], [145, 4496, 303], [123, 4504, 301], [93, 4504, 299], [141, 4552, 297], [36, 4507, 296], [116, 4587, 294], [42, 4543, 292], [42, 4573, 290], [26, 4587, 288], [0, 4591, 286], [0, 4621, 285], [0, 4651, 283], [121, 4800, 281], [35, 4744, 279], [41, 4780, 278], [31, 4800, 276], [1, 4800, 274], [33, 4862, 273], [35, 4894, 271], [23, 4912, 270], [36, 4955, 268], [3, 4952, 266], [1, 4980, 265], [0, 5009, 263], [0, 5037, 262], [0, 5037, 260], [23, 5077, 259], [0, 5084, 257], [20, 5134, 256], [0, 5144, 254], [42, 5216, 253], [12, 5216, 252], [0, 5234, 250], [39, 5303, 249], [368, 5555, 248], [331, 5548, 247], [369, 5616, 247], [368, 5645, 247], [342, 5649, 246], [309, 5646, 245], [293, 5660, 244], [334, 5731, 244], [365, 5792, 243], [332, 5789, 242], [1565, 7080, 242], [1535, 7080, 242], [1635, 7210, 242], [1590, 7195, 242], [1574, 7209, 243], [1537, 7202, 243], [1515, 7210, 243], [1493, 7218, 242], [1463, 7218, 241], [1386, 7171, 240], [1386, 7201, 241], [1373, 7218, 240], [1336, 7211, 239], [1335, 7218, 238], [853, 6760, 238], [859, 6796, 238], [859, 6826, 238], [858, 6855, 238], [852, 6879, 238], [858, 6915, 239], [851, 6938, 239], [853, 6970, 239], [852, 6999, 239], [849, 7026, 239], [852, 7059, 239], [849, 7086, 239], [849, 7116, 239], [858, 7155, 240], [859, 7186, 240], [852, 7209, 240], [831, 7218, 240], [801, 7218, 239], [771, 7218, 238], [741, 7218, 237], [711, 7218, 236], [372, 6909, 236], [368, 6935, 236], [372, 6969, 236], [371, 6998, 236], [368, 7025, 236], [371, 7058, 237], [368, 7085, 237], [368, 7115, 237], [372, 7149, 237], [372, 7179, 237], [372, 7209, 237], [344, 7211, 237], [321, 7218, 236], [291, 7218, 236], [261, 7218, 235], [231, 7218, 234], [201, 7218, 233], [171, 7218, 233], [141, 7218, 232], [111, 7218, 231], [81, 7218, 230], [51, 7218, 229], [21, 7218, 228]], 'time_in_bucket': [1348, 11, 5, 5, 9, 18, 8, 10, 10, 6, 4, 11, 13, 7, 6, 4, 12, 3, 8, 5, 7, 12, 8, 6, 8, 8, 10, 6, 7, 7, 8, 11, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 2, 7, 7, 12, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, 8, 5, 6, 7, 2, 2, 6, 5, 2, 3, 6, 9, 6, 5, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 4, 2, 7, 3, 4, 6, 4, 2, 6, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 8, 2, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 5, 1, 8, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 9, 7, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 9, 5, 4, 9, 5, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 7, 3, 5, 3, 4, 7, 3, 4, 8, 5, 5, 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 5, 8, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 4, 5, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 6, 3, 3, 3, 1, 8, 5, 4, 5, 2, 8, 6, 3, 8, 5, 4, 10, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 3, 7, 5, 8, 7, 8, 14, 4, 8, 11, 7, 18, 7, 19, 4, 3, 11, 7, 8, 11, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 9, 12, 10, 8, 13, 14, 10, 16, 13, 15, 8, 13, 20, 15, 15, 16, 22, 12, 17, 17, 18, 18, 16, 26, 13, 12, 12, 17, 20, 20, 15, 11, 16, 15, 17, 16, 14, 16, 22, 11, 21, 22, 24, 22, 16, 18, 25, 19, 22, 17, 20, 19, 21, 18, 30, 29, 34, 37, 40, 29, 29, 22, 30, 30, 25, 41, 26, 26, 23, 28, 27, 29, 24, 20, 19, 25, 25, 15, 16, 27, 23, 15, 23, 18, 27, 26, 19, 21, 18, 17, 27, 26, 16, 11, 26, 11, 17, 17, 18, 24, 23, 17, 19, 23, 17, 12, 19, 25, 17, 20, 24, 19, 28, 17, 11, 14, 20, 19, 11, 27, 24, 22, 22, 24, 26, 18, 20, 21, 20, 24, 25, 22, 26, 20, 24, 17, 29, 20, 23, 24, 11, 16, 26, 24, 25, 30, 23, 24, 21, 21, 22, 20, 20, 30, 20, 25, 12, 21, 20, 27, 16, 22, 23, 28, 20, 24, 21, 26, 29, 22, 27, 21, 30, 32, 27, 26, 27, 19, 21, 27, 24, 24, 16, 15, 11, 22, 22, 17, 15, 18, 20, 16, 17, 18, 20, 9, 14, 18, 14, 20, 12, 9, 18, 16, 10, 11, 13, 15, 10, 10, 14, 15, 14, 5, 9, 14, 14, 7, 11, 4, 6, 10, 9, 18, 7, 10, 4, 7, 6, 4, 2, 9, 8, 6, 4, 6, 7, 6, 8, 4, 6, 4, 4, 3, 4, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 0, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [2619, 1675, 1237, 1225, 374, 89, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3784298992', 'date': '9:50 AM on Sunday, July 19, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 248, 'training_load': 85, 'max_watts': 1032, 'relative_intensity': 61, 'cp_data': [[7815, 7815, 1032], [7815, 7816, 1017], [7815, 7817, 1003], [7814, 7817, 977], [7814, 7818, 885], [7813, 7818, 797], [7812, 7818, 708], [7811, 7818, 638], [7810, 7818, 582], [7809, 7818, 535], [7808, 7818, 494], [7807, 7818, 457], [7806, 7818, 437], [7805, 7818, 431], [7804, 7818, 424], [7803, 7818, 415], [7802, 7818, 407], [7902, 7919, 397], [7902, 7920, 399], [7902, 7921, 397], [7901, 7921, 395], [7900, 7921, 390], [7900, 7922, 385], [7902, 7925, 385], [7901, 7925, 384], [7901, 7926, 381], [7900, 7926, 378], [7900, 7927, 375], [1948, 1976, 375], [1948, 1977, 374], [1948, 1978, 374], [1948, 1979, 373], [1948, 1980, 373], [1948, 1981, 373], [1948, 1982, 372], [1948, 1983, 372], [1948, 1984, 372], [1948, 1985, 372], [1948, 1986, 372], [1948, 1987, 372], [1948, 1988, 372], [1948, 1989, 372], [1948, 1990, 372], [1948, 1991, 372], [1948, 1992, 372], [1948, 1993, 372], [1948, 1994, 372], [1948, 1995, 371], [1948, 1996, 371], [1948, 1997, 371], [1947, 1997, 370], [1947, 1998, 369], [1947, 1999, 369], [1948, 2001, 368], [1948, 2002, 369], [1948, 2003, 369], [1948, 2004, 369], [1948, 2005, 369], [1948, 2006, 369], [1948, 2007, 368], [1948, 2008, 368], [1948, 2009, 368], [1948, 2010, 368], [1948, 2011, 368], [1948, 2012, 368], [1948, 2013, 367], [1947, 2013, 367], [1947, 2014, 367], [1947, 2015, 366], [1947, 2016, 365], [1944, 2014, 364], [1942, 2013, 364], [1939, 2011, 364], [1938, 2011, 364], [1938, 2012, 364], [1938, 2013, 363], [1938, 2014, 363], [1937, 2014, 363], [1936, 2014, 362], [1934, 2013, 362], [1933, 2013, 362], [1933, 2014, 362], [1932, 2014, 361], [1930, 2013, 361], [1930, 2014, 361], [1928, 2013, 361], [1928, 2014, 360], [1927, 2014, 360], [1926, 2014, 360], [1925, 2014, 359], [1924, 2014, 359], [1924, 2015, 359], [1924, 2016, 358], [1924, 2017, 358], [1924, 2018, 357], [1921, 2016, 357], [1918, 2014, 356], [1917, 2014, 356], [1917, 2015, 356], [1916, 2015, 355], [1916, 2016, 355], [1916, 2017, 354], [1937, 2039, 354], [1936, 2039, 354], [1934, 2038, 354], [1933, 2038, 354], [1933, 2039, 353], [1932, 2039, 353], [1930, 2038, 353], [1930, 2039, 353], [1928, 2038, 353], [1928, 2039, 353], [1927, 2039, 352], [1926, 2039, 352], [1925, 2039, 352], [1880, 1995, 352], [1880, 1996, 352], [1880, 1997, 352], [1879, 1997, 352], [1879, 1998, 352], [1879, 1999, 352], [1883, 2004, 352], [1883, 2005, 352], [1882, 2005, 352], [1880, 2004, 352], [1880, 2005, 352], [1880, 2006, 352], [1880, 2007, 352], [1883, 2011, 352], [1882, 2011, 353], [1881, 2011, 353], [1880, 2011, 353], [1880, 2012, 353], [1880, 2013, 353], [1879, 2013, 353], [1879, 2014, 353], [1879, 2015, 352], [1879, 2016, 352], [1876, 2014, 352], [1875, 2014, 352], [1874, 2014, 351], [1874, 2015, 351], [1873, 2015, 351], [1873, 2016, 351], [1873, 2017, 350], [1873, 2018, 350], [1873, 2019, 350], [1873, 2020, 349], [1872, 2020, 349], [1879, 2028, 349], [1874, 2024, 348], [1880, 2031, 348], [1880, 2032, 348], [1880, 2033, 348], [1879, 2033, 348], [1880, 2035, 348], [1880, 2036, 349], [1880, 2037, 349], [1880, 2038, 349], [1879, 2038, 349], [1879, 2039, 348], [1879, 2040, 348], [1879, 2041, 348], [1879, 2042, 348], [1879, 2043, 348], [1874, 2039, 348], [1875, 2041, 347], [1874, 2041, 347], [1874, 2042, 347], [1873, 2042, 347], [1873, 2043, 347], [1873, 2044, 346], [1872, 2044, 346], [1872, 2045, 346], [1872, 2046, 345], [1872, 2047, 345], [1872, 2048, 345], [1872, 2049, 344], [1872, 2050, 344], [1871, 2050, 343], [1870, 2050, 343], [1869, 2050, 342], [1868, 2050, 342], [1867, 2050, 341], [1867, 2051, 340], [1866, 2051, 340], [1856, 2042, 339], [1856, 2043, 339], [1855, 2043, 339], [1855, 2044, 339], [1855, 2045, 339], [1855, 2046, 338], [1855, 2047, 338], [1855, 2048, 338], [1855, 2049, 337], [1854, 2049, 337], [1854, 2050, 336], [1849, 2046, 336], [1849, 2047, 336], [1844, 2043, 336], [1843, 2043, 336], [1843, 2044, 335], [1843, 2045, 335], [1843, 2046, 335], [1839, 2043, 335], [1839, 2044, 334], [1839, 2045, 334], [1839, 2046, 334], [1831, 2039, 334], [1830, 2039, 334], [1830, 2040, 334], [1830, 2041, 334], [1830, 2042, 334], [1830, 2043, 334], [1830, 2044, 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316], [1379, 2048, 315], [1376, 2050, 314], [1369, 2048, 314], [1365, 2049, 314], [1356, 2045, 313], [1354, 2048, 313], [1351, 2050, 313], [1345, 2049, 312], [1330, 2039, 312], [1329, 2043, 312], [1324, 2043, 312], [1315, 2039, 312], [1312, 2041, 312], [1309, 2043, 312], [1302, 2041, 313], [1298, 2042, 313], [1296, 2045, 312], [1295, 2049, 312], [1292, 2051, 312], [1275, 2039, 312], [1272, 2041, 312], [1265, 2039, 312], [1263, 2042, 312], [1259, 2043, 312], [1254, 2043, 312], [1249, 2043, 312], [1244, 2043, 312], [1241, 2045, 311], [1230, 2039, 311], [1228, 2042, 311], [1224, 2043, 311], [1218, 2042, 311], [1214, 2043, 311], [1211, 2045, 311], [1205, 2044, 311], [1202, 2046, 311], [1194, 2043, 311], [1193, 2047, 311], [1191, 2050, 310], [1186, 2050, 310], [1182, 2051, 310], [1176, 2050, 309], [1169, 2048, 309], [1128, 2012, 309], [1124, 2013, 309], [1120, 2014, 309], [1120, 2019, 309], [1120, 2024, 309], [1128, 2037, 310], [1124, 2038, 310], [1120, 2039, 310], [1120, 2044, 310], [1113, 2042, 310], [1108, 2042, 310], [1100, 2039, 310], [1099, 2043, 310], [1098, 2047, 310], [1060, 2014, 310], [1034, 1993, 310], [1033, 1997, 310], [1035, 2004, 310], [1034, 2008, 311], [1034, 2013, 311], [1032, 2016, 311], [1031, 2020, 311], [1033, 2027, 311], [1034, 2033, 311], [1034, 2038, 311], [1032, 2041, 311], [1029, 2043, 311], [1026, 2045, 311], [1025, 2049, 311], [1021, 2050, 311], [1017, 2051, 310], [1012, 2051, 310], [1007, 2051, 309], [1004, 2053, 308], [1001, 2055, 307], [997, 2056, 306], [997, 2061, 304], [994, 2063, 303], [989, 2063, 302], [984, 2063, 300], [969, 2053, 299], [964, 2053, 298], [959, 2053, 297], [958, 2057, 296], [958, 2062, 295], [954, 2063, 294], [938, 2052, 293], [935, 2054, 292], [928, 2052, 291], [924, 2053, 290], [919, 2053, 289], [5080, 6218, 289], [5079, 6222, 289], [5080, 6228, 289], [5080, 6233, 289], [5081, 6239, 289], [5080, 6243, 289], [5079, 6247, 289], [2389, 3563, 289], [2386, 3565, 289], [2381, 3565, 289], [2376, 3565, 289], [2362, 3556, 289], [2365, 3564, 289], [2361, 3565, 289], [2355, 3564, 289], [2351, 3565, 289], [2346, 3565, 289], [2346, 3570, 289], [2344, 3573, 289], [2338, 3572, 289], [2337, 3576, 289], [2321, 3565, 289], [2323, 3572, 289], [2320, 3574, 289], [2320, 3579, 289], [2319, 3583, 288], [2318, 3587, 288], [2320, 3594, 288], [2319, 3598, 287], [2318, 3602, 286], [2318, 3607, 285], [2305, 3599, 285], [2300, 3599, 284], [2295, 3599, 284], [5079, 6387, 283], [2284, 3598, 283], [5078, 6396, 283], [5078, 6401, 282], [5080, 6408, 282], [5080, 6413, 282], [5078, 6416, 282], [5078, 6421, 282], [5081, 6429, 281], [5078, 6431, 281], [5079, 6437, 281], [5081, 6444, 281], [5078, 6446, 281], [5079, 6452, 281], [5078, 6456, 280], [5078, 6461, 280], [5078, 6466, 280], [5078, 6471, 280], [5079, 6477, 279], [5079, 6482, 279], [5166, 6574, 279], [5163, 6576, 279], [5158, 6576, 279], [5155, 6578, 279], [5155, 6583, 279], [5150, 6583, 279], [5150, 6588, 279], [5151, 6594, 278], [5155, 6603, 278], [5080, 6533, 278], [5080, 6538, 278], [5079, 6542, 278], [5081, 6549, 278], [5078, 6551, 278], [5156, 6634, 278], [5155, 6638, 278], [5155, 6643, 278], [5081, 6574, 278], [5079, 6577, 278], [5079, 6582, 278], [5078, 6586, 278], [5151, 6664, 278], [5156, 6674, 278], [5158, 6681, 278], [5156, 6684, 278], [5156, 6689, 278], [5164, 6702, 278], [5159, 6702, 278], [5155, 6703, 278], [5158, 6711, 278], [5153, 6711, 278], [5156, 6719, 278], [5151, 6719, 277], [5155, 6728, 277], [5150, 6728, 277], [5151, 6734, 277], [5079, 6667, 277], [5078, 6671, 277], [5079, 6677, 277], [5080, 6683, 277], [5080, 6688, 277], [5080, 6693, 277], [5083, 6701, 277], [5080, 6703, 277], [5080, 6708, 277], [5079, 6712, 277], [5080, 6718, 277], [5157, 6800, 277], [5156, 6804, 277], [5156, 6809, 276], [5155, 6813, 276], [5150, 6813, 276], [5156, 6824, 276], [5159, 6832, 276], [5166, 6844, 276], [5162, 6845, 276], [5157, 6845, 276], [5152, 6845, 276], [5158, 6856, 276], [5155, 6858, 276], [1033, 2742, 276], [1028, 2742, 276], [1032, 2751, 276], [1031, 2755, 276], [1034, 2763, 277], [1034, 2768, 277], [1033, 2772, 277], [1034, 2778, 277], [1032, 2781, 277], [1027, 2781, 277], [1023, 2782, 277], [1021, 2785, 277], [1020, 2789, 277], [1023, 2797, 277], [1026, 2805, 277], [1022, 2806, 277], [1032, 2821, 277], [1028, 2822, 277], [1028, 2827, 277], [1022, 2851, 277], [1032, 2891, 278], [1025, 2914, 278], [1022, 2941, 278], [1027, 2976, 278], [1023, 3002, 278], [1028, 3037, 278], [1032, 3071, 279], [1020, 3089, 279], [1015, 3114, 279], [1010, 3139, 277], [1021, 3180, 277], [1015, 3204, 276], [1023, 3242, 276], [1033, 3282, 275], [1030, 3309, 276], [1027, 3336, 276], [1026, 3365, 276], [1027, 3396, 277], [1024, 3423, 277], [1032, 3461, 276], [1032, 3491, 277], [1033, 3522, 277], [1033, 3552, 277], [1024, 3573, 278], [1017, 3596, 277], [1015, 3624, 275], [1019, 3658, 274], [1001, 3670, 273], [1005, 3704, 270], [1004, 3733, 268], [1005, 3764, 266], [1002, 3791, 264], [1008, 3827, 262], [1004, 3853, 260], [1003, 3882, 259], [1008, 3917, 257], [1005, 3944, 255], [1004, 3973, 254], [1004, 4003, 253], [1005, 4034, 251], [1011, 4070, 250], [1004, 4093, 249], [1005, 4124, 247], [1002, 4151, 246], [1005, 4184, 244], [1003, 4212, 243], [1012, 4251, 241], [1005, 4274, 240], [995, 4294, 239], [999, 4328, 237], [968, 4327, 235], [905, 4294, 234], [908, 4327, 233], [843, 4292, 231], [843, 4322, 230], [832, 4330, 228], [832, 4364, 226], [797, 4330, 225], [797, 4364, 223], [794, 4364, 221], [794, 4364, 219], [794, 4364, 217], [794, 4364, 216], [794, 4364, 214], [794, 4364, 212], [794, 4364, 210], [832, 4665, 209], [833, 4702, 208], [832, 4717, 206], [799, 4703, 204], [2319, 6270, 205], [2320, 6301, 205], [2320, 6331, 205], [2320, 6361, 205], [2318, 6389, 206], [2319, 6420, 206], [2320, 6451, 206], [2321, 6482, 206], [2321, 6512, 206], [2320, 6541, 207], [2325, 6576, 207], [2321, 6602, 207], [2321, 6632, 208], [2322, 6663, 208], [2337, 6708, 209], [2319, 6720, 209], [2320, 6751, 209], [2338, 6799, 210], [2322, 6813, 210], [2324, 6845, 210], [1034, 5585, 211], [1032, 5613, 212], [1027, 5638, 212], [1024, 5665, 213], [1031, 5702, 213], [1030, 5731, 214], [1025, 5756, 214], [1015, 5776, 214], [1027, 5818, 215], [1025, 5846, 215], [1032, 5883, 216], [1021, 5902, 216], [1016, 5927, 216], [1199, 6140, 216], [1034, 6005, 217], [1033, 6034, 217], [1022, 6053, 218], [1028, 6089, 218], [1032, 6123, 219], [1021, 6142, 219], [1013, 6164, 219], [1025, 6206, 220], [1027, 6238, 220], [1019, 6260, 220], [1014, 6285, 220], [1021, 6322, 220], [1016, 6347, 220], [1025, 6386, 220], [1022, 6413, 221], [1024, 6445, 221], [1020, 6471, 221], [1026, 6507, 221], [1026, 6537, 221], [1033, 6574, 221], [1013, 6584, 221], [1025, 6626, 221], [1026, 6657, 222], [1026, 6687, 222], [1021, 6712, 222], [1013, 6734, 222], [1025, 6776, 222], [1023, 6804, 223], [1033, 6844, 223], [1016, 6857, 223], [1018, 6889, 223], [1002, 6903, 223], [964, 6895, 222], [928, 6889, 221], [906, 6897, 220], [883, 6904, 220], [843, 6894, 219], [832, 6909, 218], [820, 6907, 217], [797, 6909, 216], [801, 6948, 215], [797, 6971, 214], [834, 7065, 213], [832, 7069, 212], [801, 7068, 211], [794, 7069, 210], [794, 7069, 209], [833, 7171, 208], [835, 7203, 207], [832, 7220, 207], [801, 7205, 206], [797, 7220, 205], [794, 7220, 204], [799, 7292, 203], [797, 7319, 202], [797, 7349, 201], [833, 7441, 200], [832, 7447, 200], [1031, 7699, 199], [1025, 7723, 199], [1031, 7759, 200], [1012, 7770, 200], [1030, 7818, 200], [1000, 7818, 200], [970, 7818, 199], [997, 7875, 198], [1027, 7935, 199], [1026, 7964, 199], [1001, 7969, 199], [971, 7969, 198], [941, 7969, 198], [908, 7966, 197], [881, 7969, 197], [849, 7967, 196], [832, 7969, 196], [815, 7969, 195], [797, 7969, 194], [794, 7969, 193], [794, 7969, 193], [794, 7969, 192], [794, 7969, 191], [794, 7969, 190], [794, 7969, 190], [794, 7969, 189], [794, 7969, 188], [794, 7969, 187], [794, 7969, 187], [794, 7969, 186], [794, 7969, 185], [794, 7969, 184], [794, 7969, 184], [794, 7969, 183], [794, 7969, 182], [794, 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673, 429], [541, 673, 429], [541, 674, 429], [541, 675, 429], [542, 677, 429], [542, 678, 428], [541, 678, 428], [540, 678, 428], [540, 679, 427], [542, 682, 427], [542, 683, 427], [542, 684, 427], [542, 685, 427], [541, 685, 427], [540, 685, 427], [540, 686, 426], [542, 689, 425], [542, 690, 425], [541, 690, 425], [541, 691, 425], [541, 692, 425], [540, 692, 424], [540, 693, 424], [541, 695, 423], [541, 696, 423], [541, 697, 423], [541, 698, 423], [1946, 2104, 423], [1945, 2104, 423], [1945, 2105, 423], [1944, 2105, 422], [1907, 2069, 422], [1941, 2104, 422], [1940, 2104, 422], [1939, 2104, 422], [1938, 2104, 422], [1937, 2104, 422], [1937, 2105, 422], [1936, 2105, 422], [1936, 2106, 421], [1933, 2104, 421], [1932, 2104, 421], [1932, 2105, 421], [1931, 2105, 421], [1930, 2105, 420], [1904, 2080, 420], [1927, 2104, 420], [1926, 2104, 420], [1925, 2104, 420], [1917, 2097, 420], [1916, 2097, 420], [1887, 2069, 419], [1886, 2069, 420], [1913, 2097, 420], [1912, 2097, 420], [1911, 2097, 420], [1882, 2069, 420], [1881, 2069, 420], [1880, 2069, 420], [1907, 2097, 420], [1906, 2097, 420], [1912, 2104, 420], [1911, 2104, 420], [1911, 2105, 420], [1910, 2105, 419], [1908, 2104, 419], [1907, 2104, 419], [1906, 2104, 419], [1905, 2104, 419], [1904, 2104, 419], [1904, 2105, 419], [1904, 2106, 419], [1901, 2104, 418], [1900, 2104, 418], [1899, 2104, 418], [1898, 2104, 418], [1897, 2104, 418], [1897, 2105, 418], [1895, 2104, 418], [1894, 2104, 418], [1894, 2105, 418], [1885, 2097, 418], [1884, 2097, 418], [1883, 2097, 418], [1882, 2097, 418], [1881, 2097, 418], [1880, 2097, 418], [1879, 2097, 418], [1885, 2104, 418], [1884, 2104, 418], [1883, 2104, 418], [1882, 2104, 418], [1881, 2104, 418], [1880, 2104, 418], [1880, 2105, 418], [1879, 2105, 417], [1879, 2106, 417], [1879, 2107, 416], [1873, 2102, 417], [1873, 2103, 417], [1873, 2104, 417], [1872, 2104, 417], [1872, 2105, 417], [1871, 2105, 417], [1871, 2106, 416], [1868, 2104, 416], [1868, 2105, 416], [1867, 2105, 416], [1865, 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401], [1751, 2280, 401], [1746, 2280, 401], [1752, 2291, 400], [1747, 2291, 400], [1742, 2291, 400], [1737, 2291, 399], [1729, 2288, 399], [1728, 2292, 399], [1719, 2288, 399], [1706, 2280, 399], [1490, 2069, 399], [1484, 2068, 399], [1480, 2069, 399], [1475, 2069, 400], [1470, 2069, 400], [1465, 2069, 400], [1460, 2069, 400], [1454, 2068, 400], [1461, 2080, 400], [1445, 2069, 400], [1468, 2097, 400], [1470, 2104, 400], [1430, 2069, 400], [1425, 2069, 401], [1419, 2068, 401], [1417, 2071, 401], [1410, 2069, 401], [1405, 2069, 401], [1411, 2080, 401], [1378, 2052, 401], [1418, 2097, 401], [1383, 2067, 401], [1379, 2068, 402], [1375, 2069, 402], [1370, 2069, 402], [1365, 2069, 402], [1379, 2088, 402], [1382, 2096, 402], [1378, 2097, 402], [1380, 2104, 402], [1375, 2104, 402], [1371, 2105, 402], [1365, 2104, 402], [1361, 2105, 402], [1379, 2128, 402], [1374, 2128, 401], [1369, 2128, 401], [1364, 2128, 401], [1367, 2136, 401], [1362, 2136, 401], [1378, 2157, 401], [1373, 2157, 401], [1368, 2157, 401], [1364, 2158, 401], [1365, 2164, 401], [1354, 2158, 400], [1348, 2157, 400], [1344, 2158, 400], [1338, 2157, 400], [1334, 2158, 399], [1328, 2157, 399], [1323, 2157, 399], [1318, 2157, 399], [1321, 2165, 398], [1328, 2177, 398], [1373, 2227, 398], [1378, 2237, 398], [1417, 2281, 398], [1411, 2280, 399], [1380, 2254, 399], [1375, 2254, 399], [1379, 2263, 399], [1375, 2264, 399], [1378, 2272, 399], [1381, 2280, 399], [1377, 2281, 399], [1372, 2281, 399], [1366, 2280, 399], [1361, 2280, 399], [1365, 2289, 399], [1363, 2292, 399], [1357, 2291, 399], [1353, 2292, 398], [1348, 2292, 398], [1342, 2291, 398], [1327, 2281, 398], [1328, 2287, 398], [1328, 2292, 398], [1322, 2291, 398], [1318, 2292, 397], [1312, 2291, 397], [1297, 2281, 397], [1298, 2287, 397], [1297, 2291, 397], [1293, 2292, 396], [1283, 2287, 396], [1283, 2292, 396], [1277, 2291, 396], [1272, 2291, 396], [1268, 2292, 396], [1263, 2292, 396], [1258, 2292, 395], [1252, 2291, 395], [1248, 2292, 395], [1231, 2280, 395], [1238, 2292, 395], [1232, 2291, 395], [1228, 2292, 394], [1379, 2448, 394], [1380, 2454, 395], [1383, 2462, 395], [1378, 2462, 395], [1373, 2462, 395], [1368, 2462, 395], [1364, 2463, 395], [1366, 2470, 395], [1379, 2488, 395], [1380, 2494, 395], [1376, 2495, 395], [1378, 2502, 395], [1366, 2495, 395], [1361, 2495, 395], [1364, 2503, 395], [1370, 2514, 395], [1365, 2514, 395], [1360, 2514, 395], [1365, 2524, 395], [1360, 2524, 395], [1364, 2533, 395], [1364, 2538, 395], [1365, 2544, 395], [1360, 2544, 394], [1365, 2554, 394], [1360, 2554, 394], [1355, 2554, 394], [1340, 2544, 394], [1328, 2537, 394], [1329, 2543, 394], [1329, 2548, 394], [1330, 2554, 393], [1322, 2551, 393], [1327, 2561, 393], [1322, 2561, 393], [1299, 2543, 393], [1297, 2546, 393], [1290, 2544, 393], [1284, 2543, 393], [1284, 2548, 393], [1285, 2554, 392], [1269, 2543, 392], [1264, 2543, 392], [1270, 2554, 392], [1265, 2554, 392], [1260, 2554, 392], [1263, 2562, 392], [1239, 2543, 392], [1245, 2554, 391], [1230, 2544, 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2699, 384], [541, 2730, 383], [540, 2759, 382], [538, 2787, 382], [540, 2819, 381], [540, 2849, 380], [541, 2880, 380], [539, 2908, 379], [542, 2941, 379], [541, 2970, 378], [542, 3001, 378], [540, 3029, 377], [541, 3060, 377], [542, 3091, 377], [542, 3121, 377], [541, 3150, 377], [542, 3181, 377], [542, 3211, 377], [540, 3239, 377], [548, 3277, 377], [548, 3307, 377], [542, 3331, 378], [542, 3361, 378], [540, 3389, 378], [541, 3420, 377], [540, 3449, 377], [540, 3479, 377], [540, 3509, 376], [542, 3541, 376], [542, 3571, 376], [542, 3601, 376], [539, 3628, 376], [542, 3661, 376], [541, 3690, 375], [539, 3718, 375], [540, 3749, 375], [539, 3778, 374], [541, 3810, 374], [541, 3840, 374], [541, 3870, 374], [539, 3898, 373], [542, 3931, 373], [541, 3960, 373], [540, 3989, 373], [538, 4017, 373], [542, 4051, 373], [539, 4078, 373], [541, 4110, 373], [518, 4117, 372], [488, 4117, 370], [464, 4123, 367], [464, 4153, 365], [451, 4170, 363], [449, 4198, 360], [449, 4228, 357], [307, 4116, 357], [279, 4118, 356], [247, 4116, 355], [218, 4117, 354], [188, 4117, 352], [156, 4115, 351], [129, 4118, 350], [99, 4118, 348], [69, 4118, 346], [39, 4118, 344], [9, 4118, 342], [31, 4170, 340], [2, 4171, 338], [0, 4199, 336], [3, 4232, 334], [0, 4259, 332], [0, 4289, 330], [0, 4319, 328], [0, 4349, 326]], 'time_in_bucket': [78, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 4, 10, 12, 8, 5, 15, 8, 11, 12, 11, 9, 2, 11, 7, 7, 2, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 5, 5, 4, 6, 2, 8, 7, 3, 5, 7, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 5, 1, 6, 4, 4, 6, 3, 8, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 3, 5, 5, 0, 4, 4, 2, 6, 3, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 5, 1, 3, 3, 3, 8, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 7, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 0, 3, 3, 6, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0, 1, 5, 4, 1, 1, 4, 2, 0, 4, 1, 6, 1, 2, 0, 0, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 7, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 0, 2, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 8, 2, 4, 6, 3, 3, 5, 2, 0, 3, 6, 4, 6, 2, 8, 6, 4, 6, 1, 6, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 6, 5, 5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2, 3, 7, 7, 8, 6, 11, 4, 6, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 7, 5, 8, 7, 10, 2, 3, 6, 3, 8, 5, 6, 8, 3, 7, 10, 11, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 7, 8, 8, 11, 7, 10, 12, 9, 7, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 13, 11, 7, 12, 7, 15, 10, 8, 12, 10, 10, 13, 14, 17, 6, 7, 11, 8, 14, 13, 11, 15, 9, 13, 13, 9, 13, 7, 14, 16, 10, 14, 17, 8, 16, 12, 18, 19, 15, 17, 17, 17, 9, 18, 16, 14, 16, 15, 17, 20, 17, 12, 16, 14, 16, 11, 18, 20, 21, 14, 12, 24, 12, 15, 14, 23, 17, 15, 19, 11, 23, 15, 16, 22, 19, 20, 20, 25, 15, 19, 13, 24, 15, 22, 23, 21, 10, 28, 20, 25, 15, 24, 25, 30, 22, 19, 22, 19, 21, 24, 21, 22, 15, 20, 20, 21, 21, 17, 17, 21, 31, 14, 18, 16, 12, 21, 15, 28, 15, 14, 19, 17, 13, 21, 19, 20, 18, 24, 16, 23, 11, 21, 25, 16, 24, 16, 20, 16, 13, 16, 26, 22, 16, 16, 14, 16, 18, 18, 20, 10, 17, 21, 17, 16, 13, 14, 16, 15, 14, 13, 13, 5, 13, 14, 15, 10, 9, 12, 16, 11, 12, 9, 14, 8, 6, 12, 15, 8, 9, 9, 12, 10, 5, 10, 5, 5, 7, 10, 9, 3, 7, 11, 3, 7, 6, 5, 2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 0, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 4, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'time_in_zone': [831, 540, 829, 1189, 858, 129, 0], 'athlete_ftp': 404, 'athlete_weight': 72.5, 'activity_id': '3751703615', 'date': '3:43 PM on Sunday, July 12, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 298, 'training_load': 242, 'max_watts': 689, 'relative_intensity': 74, 'cp_data': [[7202, 7202, 689], [6061, 6062, 679], [6275, 6277, 647], [6275, 6278, 646], [6274, 6278, 644], [6274, 6279, 640], [6274, 6280, 638], [6274, 6281, 633], [6274, 6282, 624], [6273, 6282, 602], [6273, 6283, 584], [6272, 6283, 567], [12227, 12239, 558], [12227, 12240, 542], [6270, 6284, 526], [12227, 12242, 517], [12227, 12243, 522], [12227, 12244, 523], [12227, 12245, 510], [12227, 12246, 502], [12227, 12247, 503], [12227, 12248, 505], [12227, 12249, 504], [12227, 12250, 496], [12227, 12251, 492], [12227, 12252, 493], [12227, 12253, 494], [12227, 12254, 496], [6274, 6302, 496], [6274, 6303, 496], 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[12183, 12572, 402], [12183, 12577, 402], [12183, 12582, 401], [12183, 12587, 401], [12192, 12601, 401], [12187, 12601, 401], [12192, 12611, 401], [12187, 12611, 401], [12183, 12612, 401], [12183, 12617, 401], [12183, 12622, 401], [12183, 12627, 400], [12184, 12633, 400], [12184, 12638, 399], [12183, 12642, 399], [12183, 12647, 399], [12183, 12652, 398], [12184, 12658, 398], [12184, 12663, 398], [12184, 12668, 398], [12183, 12672, 397], [12183, 12677, 397], [12183, 12682, 397], [12183, 12687, 397], [12183, 12692, 396], [12183, 12697, 396], [12183, 12702, 396], [12183, 12707, 396], [12183, 12712, 395], [12183, 12717, 395], [12183, 12722, 395], [12187, 12731, 395], [12188, 12737, 395], [12183, 12737, 395], [12183, 12742, 395], [12183, 12747, 394], [12183, 12752, 394], [12183, 12757, 394], [12183, 12762, 394], [12183, 12767, 394], [12183, 12772, 394], [12184, 12778, 393], [12183, 12782, 393], [12227, 12831, 394], [6273, 6882, 395], [12227, 12841, 395], [12227, 12846, 395], [12227, 12851, 395], [12227, 12856, 396], [12227, 12861, 396], [12227, 12866, 396], [12227, 12871, 396], [12199, 12848, 396], [12199, 12853, 396], [12198, 12857, 396], [12198, 12862, 397], [12193, 12862, 397], [12188, 12862, 397], [12183, 12862, 397], [12183, 12867, 397], [12183, 12872, 397], [12183, 12877, 396], [12183, 12882, 396], [12183, 12887, 396], [12183, 12892, 396], [12183, 12897, 395], [12183, 12902, 395], [12183, 12907, 395], [12183, 12912, 395], [12183, 12917, 395], [12183, 12922, 395], [12183, 12927, 394], [12183, 12932, 394], [12183, 12937, 394], [12183, 12942, 394], [12183, 12947, 394], [12183, 12952, 394], [12183, 12957, 394], [12183, 12962, 394], [12183, 12967, 393], [12183, 12972, 393], [12183, 12977, 393], [12184, 12983, 392], [12183, 12987, 392], [12183, 12992, 392], [12187, 13001, 392], [12183, 13002, 392], [12183, 13007, 392], [12183, 13012, 391], [12183, 13017, 391], [12183, 13022, 391], [12183, 13027, 391], [12184, 13033, 391], [12184, 13038, 391], [12184, 13043, 391], [12183, 13047, 390], [12184, 13053, 390], [12183, 13057, 390], [12187, 13066, 390], [12182, 13066, 390], [12183, 13072, 390], [12183, 13077, 390], [12227, 13126, 390], [12227, 13131, 390], [12227, 13136, 390], [12227, 13141, 391], [12227, 13146, 391], [12227, 13151, 391], [12227, 13156, 391], [12227, 13161, 392], [12227, 13166, 392], [12227, 13171, 391], [12198, 13147, 391], [12198, 13152, 392], [12199, 13158, 392], [12195, 13159, 392], [12191, 13160, 392], [12184, 13158, 392], [12187, 13166, 392], [12183, 13167, 392], [12183, 13172, 392], [12183, 13177, 392], [12183, 13182, 392], [12183, 13187, 392], [12183, 13192, 392], [12183, 13197, 392], [12183, 13202, 391], [12183, 13207, 391], [12183, 13212, 391], [12183, 13217, 391], [12183, 13222, 391], [12183, 13227, 391], [12183, 13232, 391], [12183, 13237, 391], [12183, 13242, 391], [12183, 13247, 390], [12187, 13256, 390], [12183, 13257, 390], [12183, 13262, 390], [12183, 13267, 390], [12183, 13272, 390], [12183, 13277, 390], [12183, 13282, 390], [12183, 13287, 389], [12183, 13292, 389], [12183, 13297, 389], [12183, 13302, 389], [12183, 13307, 389], [12183, 13312, 389], [12183, 13317, 389], [12183, 13322, 389], [12183, 13327, 389], [12183, 13332, 389], [12183, 13337, 388], [12183, 13342, 388], [12183, 13347, 388], [12183, 13352, 388], [12183, 13357, 388], [12187, 13366, 388], [12183, 13367, 388], [12183, 13372, 388], [12183, 13377, 388], [12227, 13426, 388], [12227, 13431, 388], [12227, 13436, 389], [12227, 13441, 389], [12227, 13446, 389], [12227, 13451, 389], [12227, 13456, 389], [12227, 13461, 389], [12227, 13466, 389], [12198, 13442, 389], [12199, 13448, 389], [12198, 13452, 390], [12199, 13458, 390], [12195, 13459, 390], [12183, 13452, 390], [12184, 13458, 390], [12183, 13462, 390], [12183, 13467, 390], [12183, 13472, 390], [12183, 13477, 390], [12183, 13482, 390], [12183, 13487, 389], [12184, 13493, 389], [12184, 13498, 389], [12184, 13503, 389], [12183, 13507, 389], [12183, 13512, 389], [12183, 13517, 389], [12192, 13531, 389], [12187, 13531, 389], [12183, 13532, 389], [12183, 13537, 389], [12183, 13542, 389], [12183, 13547, 389], [12183, 13552, 389], [12183, 13557, 389], [12183, 13562, 389], [12183, 13567, 389], [12183, 13572, 389], [12183, 13577, 388], [12183, 13582, 388], [12183, 13587, 388], [12183, 13592, 388], [12183, 13597, 388], [12186, 13605, 388], [12183, 13607, 388], [12183, 13612, 388], [12183, 13617, 388], [12187, 13626, 388], [12183, 13627, 388], [12183, 13632, 388], [12184, 13638, 388], [12183, 13642, 387], [12183, 13647, 387], [12183, 13652, 387], [12183, 13657, 387], [12183, 13662, 387], [12187, 13671, 387], [12183, 13672, 387], [12183, 13677, 387], [12183, 13682, 387], [12184, 13688, 387], [12184, 13693, 387], [12187, 13701, 387], [12183, 13702, 387], [12183, 13707, 387], [12183, 13712, 387], [12183, 13717, 386], [12227, 13766, 386], [12227, 13771, 386], [12227, 13776, 387], [12227, 13781, 387], [12227, 13786, 387], [12227, 13791, 387], [12227, 13796, 387], [12227, 13801, 387], [12227, 13805, 388], [12227, 13809, 388], [12198, 13787, 387], [12198, 13792, 388], [12198, 13797, 388], [12199, 13803, 388], [12195, 13804, 388], [12193, 13806, 388], [12184, 13803, 388], [12183, 13806, 388], [12182, 13809, 388], [12183, 13815, 388], [12183, 13820, 388], [12183, 13825, 388], [12184, 13831, 388], [12184, 13836, 388], [12182, 13839, 387], [12182, 13844, 387], [12183, 13850, 387], [12183, 13855, 387], [12183, 13860, 387], [12194, 13876, 387], [12184, 13871, 387], [12184, 13876, 387], [12187, 13884, 387], [12183, 13885, 387], [12180, 13887, 386], [12180, 13892, 385], [12177, 13894, 384], [12180, 13902, 383], [12159, 13886, 383], [6270, 8004, 382], [6271, 8010, 382], [6272, 8016, 382], [6273, 8022, 382], [6274, 8028, 382], [6270, 8029, 382], [6271, 8035, 382], [6272, 8041, 382], [6274, 8048, 382], [6271, 8050, 382], [6271, 8055, 382], [6271, 8060, 382], [6272, 8066, 382], [6272, 8071, 382], [6274, 8103, 382], [6274, 8133, 382], [6272, 8161, 382], [6274, 8193, 382], [6269, 8218, 383], [6239, 8218, 380], [6210, 8219, 377], [6183, 8222, 374], [6266, 8334, 372], [6269, 8367, 371], [6270, 8398, 370], [6267, 8425, 369], [6268, 8456, 367], [6241, 8459, 365], [6212, 8460, 363], [6187, 8465, 360], [6153, 8461, 357], [6266, 8551, 354], [6267, 8582, 353], [6269, 8614, 352], [6266, 8641, 351], [6269, 8674, 351], [6246, 8681, 349], [6224, 8689, 347], [6196, 8691, 345], [6169, 8694, 343], [6267, 8822, 341], [6268, 8853, 339], [6266, 8881, 339], [6268, 8913, 338], [6268, 8943, 337], [6240, 8945, 335], [6216, 8951, 334], [6186, 8951, 332], [6156, 8951, 330], [6126, 8951, 327], [6096, 8951, 325], [6061, 8946, 323], [6060, 8967, 320], [6060, 8967, 317], [6060, 8967, 314], [6060, 8967, 311], [6060, 8967, 308], [6061, 9026, 305], [6060, 9039, 302], [6061, 9086, 299], [6060, 9110, 296], [6060, 9145, 294], [6061, 9176, 291], [6060, 9202, 289], [6060, 9222, 286], [10661, 13886, 285], [10631, 13886, 284], [10601, 13886, 283], [10571, 13886, 283], [10541, 13886, 282], [10532, 13907, 280], [10515, 13912, 278], [10515, 13912, 276], [10494, 13887, 273], [10465, 13888, 272], [10454, 13907, 270], [10448, 13912, 268], [10448, 13912, 266], [10448, 13912, 263], [10454, 13939, 261], [10448, 13939, 259], [10448, 13939, 257], [10448, 13939, 255], [10448, 13939, 253], [10448, 13939, 251], [5668, 8967, 249], [5623, 8951, 248], [5593, 8951, 248], [5563, 8951, 247], [5533, 8951, 246], [5503, 8951, 245], [5473, 8951, 244], [5443, 8951, 244], [5413, 8951, 243], [5383, 8951, 242], [5353, 8951, 241], [5339, 8967, 240], [5313, 8967, 238], [5284, 8967, 237], [10148, 13886, 235], [10118, 13886, 235], [10096, 13894, 234], [10064, 13892, 233], [10054, 13912, 232], [10023, 13911, 230], [9994, 13912, 229], [9964, 13912, 227], [9908, 13886, 226], [9903, 13911, 225], [9874, 13912, 224], [9844, 13912, 222], [9814, 13912, 221], [9784, 13912, 219], [9754, 13912, 218], [9724, 13912, 217], [9694, 13912, 215], [9664, 13912, 214], [9749, 13939, 213], [9719, 13939, 211], [9574, 13912, 210], [9544, 13912, 209], [176, 4909, 208], [146, 4909, 207], [116, 4909, 205], [85, 4908, 204], [73, 4909, 203], [73, 4909, 202], [73, 4909, 201], [73, 4909, 200], [6152, 10770, 199], [6180, 10828, 199], [6152, 10830, 198], [6211, 10919, 198], [6207, 10945, 198], [6185, 10953, 198], [6152, 10950, 197], [6190, 11018, 197], [6156, 11014, 197], [6268, 11156, 197], [6246, 11164, 197], [6218, 11166, 197], [6187, 11165, 197], [6156, 11164, 196], [6130, 11168, 196], [6100, 11168, 195], [6255, 11334, 195], [6270, 11379, 195], [6270, 11409, 196], [6268, 11437, 197], [6269, 11468, 197], [6265, 11494, 198], [6230, 11489, 198], [6205, 11494, 197], [6265, 11584, 198], [6232, 11581, 198], [6264, 11643, 198], [6267, 11676, 198], [6268, 11707, 198], [6268, 11737, 199], [6247, 11746, 199], [6217, 11746, 199], [6187, 11746, 199], [6157, 11746, 198], [6269, 11833, 198], [6271, 11865, 199], [6269, 11893, 199], [6268, 11922, 200], [6268, 11952, 200], [6265, 11979, 200], [6231, 11975, 200], [6205, 11979, 200], [6185, 11989, 200], [6152, 11986, 200], [6151, 12015, 199], [6152, 12046, 199], [6061, 11985, 198], [6061, 12015, 198], [6061, 12045, 197], [7928, 13882, 198], [7853, 13837, 198], [7795, 13809, 199], [7764, 13809, 200], [7763, 13837, 201], [7773, 13877, 201], [7750, 13884, 202], [7644, 13809, 203], [6365, 12561, 204], [6349, 12575, 204], [6274, 12530, 205], [6274, 12560, 206], [6274, 12590, 207], [6271, 12617, 208], [6272, 12648, 208], [6274, 12680, 209], [6272, 12708, 210], [6271, 12737, 210], [6366, 12862, 211], [6355, 12881, 212], [6274, 12830, 213], [6274, 12860, 214], [6270, 12886, 214], [6272, 12918, 215], [6270, 12946, 216], [6272, 12978, 216], [6271, 13007, 217], [6273, 13039, 217], [6363, 13159, 218], [6350, 13176, 219], [6273, 13129, 219], [6273, 13159, 220], [6274, 13190, 221], [6270, 13216, 221], [6270, 13246, 222], [6270, 13276, 223], [6274, 13310, 223], [6272, 13338, 224], [6363, 13459, 224], [6356, 13482, 225], [6274, 13430, 226], [6273, 13459, 226], [6273, 13489, 227], [6271, 13517, 227], [6272, 13548, 228], [6271, 13577, 228], [6269, 13605, 229], [6272, 13638, 230], [6274, 13670, 230], [6274, 13700, 231], [6355, 13809, 231], [6274, 13760, 232], [6274, 13790, 232], [6269, 13813, 233], [6269, 13843, 233], [6273, 13877, 234], [6252, 13886, 234], [6222, 13886, 234], [6192, 13886, 234], [6162, 13886, 233], [6152, 13906, 233], [6102, 13886, 232], [6074, 13888, 232], [6061, 13905, 231], [6060, 13912, 231], [6060, 13912, 230], [6060, 13912, 229], [6061, 13937, 228], [6060, 13939, 228], [6060, 13939, 227], [6060, 13939, 226], [6060, 13939, 225], [6060, 13939, 224], [6060, 13939, 224], [6060, 13939, 223], [6060, 13939, 222], [6060, 14147, 221], [6060, 14162, 221], [6060, 14162, 220], [6060, 14244, 219], [6060, 14244, 219], [6060, 14244, 218], [6060, 14244, 217], [6031, 13892, 217], [5995, 13886, 216], [5986, 13907, 216], [5937, 13888, 215], [5926, 13907, 215], [5876, 13887, 214], [5845, 13886, 214], [5817, 13888, 214], [5785, 13886, 213], [5755, 13886, 213], [5725, 13886, 213], [5696, 13887, 213], [5695, 13912, 212], [5684, 13912, 212], [5631, 13888, 211], [5599, 13886, 211], [5569, 13886, 211], [5539, 13886, 210], [5510, 13887, 210], [5479, 13886, 210], [5450, 13887, 210], [5420, 13887, 210], [5390, 13887, 209], [5359, 13886, 209], [5351, 13908, 209], [5327, 13912, 208], [5299, 13912, 207], [5267, 13909, 207], [5239, 13910, 206], [5212, 13912, 206], [5184, 13912, 205], [5154, 13908, 204], [5129, 13912, 204], [5102, 13912, 203], [5074, 13912, 203], [5049, 13912, 202], [5032, 13906, 202], [5012, 13912, 201], [4980, 13907, 200], [4968, 13912, 200], [4942, 13912, 199], [4924, 13912, 199], [4924, 13912, 198], [4924, 13912, 198], [4924, 13912, 197], [4924, 13939, 197], [4924, 13939, 196], [4924, 13939, 195], [4924, 13939, 195], [4924, 13939, 194], [4924, 13939, 194], [4924, 13939, 193], [4924, 13939, 193], [4929, 14415, 187], [4861, 13886, 183], [4561, 13886, 186], [4283, 13908, 184], [3961, 13886, 180], [3705, 13806, 179], [2560, 12962, 184], [2560, 13262, 188], [2559, 13561, 192], [2538, 13838, 196], [2355, 13912, 197], [2111, 13911, 196], [1811, 13887, 193], [1510, 13886, 192], [1288, 13908, 190], [964, 13883, 192], [693, 13912, 191], [367, 13886, 192], [88, 13907, 190], [0, 13920, 186], [0, 14094, 183], [0, 14394, 180]], 'time_in_bucket': [3088, 47, 30, 42, 29, 48, 68, 31, 31, 23, 36, 15, 19, 21, 23, 20, 15, 10, 19, 14, 21, 7, 20, 7, 16, 20, 15, 16, 7, 8, 14, 15, 8, 11, 7, 16, 12, 10, 12, 21, 11, 17, 11, 7, 8, 14, 12, 16, 10, 11, 12, 9, 15, 9, 9, 8, 14, 15, 13, 13, 9, 11, 15, 12, 20, 13, 14, 19, 20, 14, 14, 9, 13, 17, 23, 15, 14, 18, 7, 25, 12, 12, 17, 23, 10, 21, 17, 14, 6, 16, 20, 15, 17, 14, 15, 10, 10, 13, 15, 8, 13, 16, 20, 20, 8, 16, 21, 7, 15, 13, 20, 17, 14, 17, 18, 20, 16, 11, 13, 14, 17, 13, 19, 13, 17, 15, 16, 15, 17, 19, 16, 11, 20, 13, 10, 16, 18, 13, 8, 17, 10, 16, 14, 14, 11, 16, 14, 15, 12, 18, 22, 18, 14, 15, 13, 11, 14, 16, 13, 11, 16, 16, 12, 12, 17, 17, 27, 18, 12, 22, 12, 21, 18, 15, 14, 19, 6, 24, 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2020'}, {'weighted_power': 279, 'training_load': 175, 'max_watts': 575, 'relative_intensity': 69, 'cp_data': [[8398, 8398, 575], [8397, 8398, 572], [8401, 8403, 562], [8401, 8404, 550], [8394, 8398, 541], [8393, 8398, 537], [8397, 8403, 534], [8391, 8398, 533], [8390, 8398, 532], [8394, 8403, 530], [8394, 8404, 529], [8393, 8404, 527], [8391, 8403, 528], [8390, 8403, 527], [8390, 8404, 526], [8388, 8403, 525], [8387, 8403, 524], [8386, 8403, 524], [8386, 8404, 524], [8385, 8404, 523], [8384, 8404, 521], [8383, 8404, 521], [8382, 8404, 519], [8380, 8403, 519], [8380, 8404, 519], [8379, 8404, 518], [8378, 8404, 516], [8376, 8403, 516], [8375, 8403, 516], [8374, 8403, 516], [8373, 8403, 516], [8372, 8403, 516], [8372, 8404, 516], [8371, 8404, 516], [8370, 8404, 516], [8369, 8404, 516], [8368, 8404, 515], [8367, 8404, 514], [8366, 8404, 514], [8364, 8403, 513], [8363, 8403, 513], [8362, 8403, 514], [8362, 8404, 514], [8361, 8404, 512], [8360, 8404, 512], [8359, 8404, 511], [8358, 8404, 510], [8357, 8404, 509], [8357, 8405, 508], [8356, 8405, 504], [8358, 8408, 503], [8358, 8409, 503], [8357, 8409, 502], [8357, 8410, 500], [8356, 8410, 497], [8354, 8409, 496], [8354, 8410, 494], [8353, 8410, 492], [8351, 8409, 490], [8351, 8410, 489], [8350, 8410, 487], [8349, 8410, 486], [8348, 8410, 484], [8347, 8410, 480], [8345, 8409, 479], [8344, 8409, 479], [8343, 8409, 479], [8343, 8410, 478], [8342, 8410, 476], [8341, 8410, 474], [8340, 8410, 473], [8339, 8410, 472], [8338, 8410, 470], [8342, 8415, 468], [8342, 8416, 467], [8340, 8415, 465], [8339, 8415, 465], [8333, 8410, 463], [8332, 8410, 463], [8331, 8410, 462], [8330, 8410, 461], [8329, 8410, 459], [8333, 8415, 457], [8332, 8415, 457], [8331, 8415, 456], [8330, 8415, 455], [8330, 8416, 454], [8329, 8416, 453], [8322, 8410, 451], [8321, 8410, 449], [8325, 8415, 448], [8324, 8415, 448], [8323, 8415, 447], [8322, 8415, 446], [8322, 8416, 445], [8321, 8416, 443], [8314, 8410, 442], [8313, 8410, 441], [8311, 8409, 441], [8310, 8409, 441], [8309, 8409, 441], [8309, 8410, 441], [8308, 8410, 440], [8308, 8411, 438], [8309, 8413, 437], [8309, 8414, 437], [8309, 8415, 437], [8308, 8415, 436], [8308, 8416, 435], [8308, 8417, 433], [8308, 8418, 432], [8309, 8420, 431], [8309, 8421, 431], [8308, 8421, 430], [8308, 8422, 429], [8307, 8422, 427], [8306, 8422, 425], [8357, 8474, 425], [8356, 8474, 424], [8355, 8474, 424], [8354, 8474, 424], [8358, 8479, 424], [8357, 8479, 424], [8357, 8480, 423], [8355, 8479, 423], [8354, 8479, 423], [8353, 8479, 423], [8352, 8479, 422], [8351, 8479, 422], [8350, 8479, 422], [8349, 8479, 422], [8348, 8479, 421], [8342, 8474, 421], [8351, 8484, 420], [8345, 8479, 420], [8344, 8479, 420], [8343, 8479, 421], [8342, 8479, 420], [8342, 8480, 420], [8340, 8479, 419], [8339, 8479, 419], [8343, 8484, 419], [8343, 8485, 419], [8342, 8485, 418], [8341, 8485, 418], [8339, 8484, 417], [8339, 8485, 417], [8349, 8496, 417], [8331, 8479, 417], [8330, 8479, 417], [8330, 8480, 416], [8343, 8494, 416], [8343, 8495, 416], [8343, 8496, 416], [8343, 8497, 416], [8342, 8497, 416], [8340, 8496, 415], [8339, 8496, 415], [8339, 8497, 415], [8338, 8497, 414], [8331, 8491, 413], [8330, 8491, 413], [8334, 8496, 413], [8333, 8496, 413], [8332, 8496, 413], [8331, 8496, 413], [8330, 8496, 413], [8330, 8497, 413], [8329, 8497, 412], [8328, 8497, 411], [8326, 8496, 410], [8325, 8496, 410], [8324, 8496, 410], [8324, 8497, 410], [8323, 8497, 410], [8322, 8497, 410], [8321, 8497, 409], [8308, 8485, 408], [8308, 8486, 408], [8317, 8496, 408], [8317, 8497, 407], [8316, 8497, 407], [8309, 8491, 407], [8308, 8491, 407], [8308, 8492, 407], [8310, 8495, 407], [8309, 8495, 407], [8309, 8496, 407], [8309, 8497, 407], [8308, 8497, 407], [8307, 8497, 405], [8306, 8497, 404], [8305, 8497, 403], [8304, 8497, 402], [8303, 8497, 401], [8302, 8497, 400], [8301, 8497, 399], [8299, 8496, 399], [8298, 8496, 399], [8298, 8497, 398], [8297, 8497, 398], [8296, 8497, 397], [8293, 8495, 396], [8293, 8496, 397], [8292, 8496, 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5968, 390], [5720, 5978, 390], [5715, 5974, 390], [5714, 5974, 389], [5707, 5968, 389], [5716, 5978, 389], [5715, 5978, 389], [5715, 5979, 389], [5703, 5968, 389], [5712, 5978, 389], [5711, 5978, 389], [5711, 5979, 389], [5715, 5984, 389], [5703, 5973, 389], [5707, 5978, 389], [5707, 5979, 389], [5711, 5984, 389], [5704, 5978, 388], [5703, 5978, 389], [5702, 5978, 388], [5707, 5984, 388], [5721, 5999, 388], [5720, 5999, 388], [5725, 6005, 388], [5703, 5984, 388], [5722, 6004, 388], [5721, 6004, 388], [5720, 6004, 388], [5720, 6005, 388], [5722, 6008, 388], [5722, 6009, 388], [5721, 6009, 388], [5720, 6009, 388], [5720, 6010, 388], [5722, 6013, 388], [5721, 6013, 388], [5721, 6014, 388], [5720, 6014, 388], [5720, 6015, 388], [5713, 6009, 388], [5716, 6013, 388], [5716, 6014, 388], [5715, 6014, 388], [5720, 6024, 388], [5720, 6029, 388], [5720, 6034, 388], [5715, 6034, 388], [5732, 6056, 388], [5727, 6056, 388], [5722, 6056, 388], [5717, 6056, 388], [5720, 6064, 388], [5715, 6064, 388], [5713, 6067, 388], [5703, 6062, 387], [5703, 6067, 387], [5703, 6072, 387], [5703, 6077, 387], [5716, 6095, 386], [5718, 6102, 386], [5713, 6102, 386], [5707, 6101, 386], [5703, 6102, 386], [5703, 6107, 386], [5711, 6120, 386], [5706, 6120, 385], [5707, 6126, 385], [5813, 6237, 385], [5719, 6148, 385], [5720, 6154, 385], [5720, 6159, 385], [5752, 6196, 385], [5748, 6197, 385], [5748, 6202, 385], [5744, 6203, 385], [5739, 6203, 385], [5727, 6196, 386], [5722, 6196, 386], [5717, 6196, 386], [5718, 6202, 386], [5713, 6202, 386], [5708, 6202, 385], [5703, 6202, 385], [5707, 6211, 385], [5720, 6229, 385], [5720, 6234, 385], [5715, 6234, 385], [5711, 6235, 385], [5707, 6236, 385], [5703, 6237, 385], [5720, 6259, 385], [5715, 6259, 385], [5707, 6256, 384], [5703, 6257, 384], [5703, 6262, 384], [5703, 6267, 384], [5691, 6260, 384], [5685, 6259, 383], [5680, 6259, 383], [5675, 6259, 383], [5669, 6258, 383], [5664, 6258, 382], [5654, 6253, 382], [5654, 6258, 382], [5654, 6263, 382], [5644, 6258, 382], [5643, 6262, 381], [5638, 6262, 381], [5631, 6260, 381], [5625, 6259, 381], [5619, 6258, 381], [5619, 6263, 380], [5612, 6261, 380], [5716, 6370, 380], [5711, 6370, 380], [5703, 6367, 380], [5703, 6372, 380], [5710, 6384, 380], [5703, 6382, 380], [5703, 6387, 379], [5681, 6370, 379], [5691, 6385, 379], [5685, 6384, 379], [5680, 6384, 379], [5675, 6384, 379], [5675, 6389, 378], [5691, 6410, 378], [5654, 6378, 378], [5654, 6383, 378], [5650, 6384, 378], [5499, 6238, 378], [5499, 6243, 378], [5510, 6259, 378], [5504, 6258, 378], [5499, 6258, 378], [5498, 6262, 378], [5751, 6520, 378], [5744, 6518, 378], [5740, 6519, 378], [5736, 6520, 378], [5720, 6509, 378], [5727, 6521, 378], [5722, 6521, 378], [5716, 6520, 378], [5712, 6521, 378], [5707, 6521, 378], [5702, 6521, 378], [5714, 6538, 378], [5703, 6532, 378], [5703, 6537, 378], [5703, 6542, 378], [5703, 6547, 378], [5715, 6564, 378], [5684, 6538, 377], [5684, 6543, 377], [5679, 6543, 377], [5680, 6549, 377], [5690, 6564, 377], [5685, 6564, 377], [5680, 6564, 377], [5680, 6569, 377], [5680, 6574, 377], [5680, 6579, 376], [5654, 6558, 376], [5716, 6625, 376], [5720, 6634, 376], [5720, 6639, 376], [5716, 6640, 377], [5711, 6640, 376], [5706, 6640, 376], [5707, 6646, 376], [5703, 6647, 376], [5714, 6663, 376], [5727, 6681, 376], [5720, 6679, 376], [5716, 6680, 377], [5712, 6681, 376], [5707, 6681, 377], [5703, 6682, 376], [5697, 6681, 376], [5691, 6680, 376], [5687, 6681, 376], [5681, 6680, 376], [5676, 6680, 376], [5673, 6682, 376], [5668, 6682, 376], [5662, 6681, 376], [5657, 6681, 375], [5653, 6682, 375], [5648, 6682, 375], [5643, 6682, 375], [5638, 6682, 375], [5632, 6681, 375], [5627, 6681, 375], [5620, 6679, 375], [5618, 6682, 375], [5612, 6681, 375], [5605, 6679, 374], [5603, 6682, 374], [5437, 6521, 374], [5436, 6525, 374], [5427, 6521, 374], [5426, 6525, 374], [5434, 6538, 374], [5429, 6538, 374], [5429, 6543, 374], [5429, 6548, 374], [5414, 6538, 374], [5435, 6564, 374], [5430, 6564, 374], [5425, 6564, 374], [5420, 6564, 374], [5425, 6574, 374], [5426, 6580, 374], [5415, 6574, 374], [5517, 6681, 374], [5395, 6564, 373], [5504, 6678, 373], [5503, 6682, 374], [5497, 6681, 374], [5491, 6680, 373], [5485, 6679, 373], [5435, 6634, 373], [5435, 6639, 373], [5473, 6682, 373], [5426, 6640, 373], [5461, 6680, 373], [5456, 6680, 373], [5450, 6679, 373], [5444, 6678, 373], [5443, 6682, 373], [5437, 6681, 374], [5431, 6680, 373], [5427, 6681, 374], [5421, 6680, 373], [5417, 6681, 373], [5413, 6682, 373], [5407, 6681, 373], [5402, 6681, 373], [5397, 6681, 373], [5393, 6682, 373], [5388, 6682, 373], [5381, 6680, 373], [5237, 6541, 373], [5372, 6681, 373], [5367, 6681, 373], [5361, 6680, 373], [5358, 6682, 373], [5352, 6681, 373], [5347, 6681, 372], [5343, 6682, 373], [5338, 6682, 372], [5333, 6682, 372], [5328, 6682, 372], [5323, 6682, 372], [5317, 6681, 372], [5312, 6681, 372], [5308, 6682, 372], [5303, 6682, 372], [5237, 6621, 372], [5236, 6625, 372], [5237, 6631, 372], [5236, 6635, 372], [5236, 6640, 372], [5237, 6646, 372], [5237, 6651, 372], [5237, 6656, 372], [5238, 6662, 372], [5238, 6667, 372], [5238, 6672, 372], [5238, 6677, 372], [5237, 6681, 372], [5234, 6683, 372], [5229, 6683, 371], [5224, 6683, 369], [5219, 6683, 368], [5236, 6705, 368], [5236, 6710, 367], [5236, 6715, 367], [5236, 6720, 366], [5236, 6725, 366], [5236, 6730, 365], [5236, 6735, 365], [5236, 6740, 364], [5236, 6745, 363], [5236, 6750, 363], [5236, 6755, 362], [5236, 6760, 361], [5236, 6765, 361], [5236, 6770, 360], [5236, 6775, 359], [5236, 6780, 358], [5236, 6785, 357], [5236, 6790, 356], [5236, 6795, 356], [5236, 6800, 355], [5236, 6805, 354], [5236, 6810, 354], [5236, 6815, 353], [5236, 6820, 353], [5236, 6825, 352], [5236, 6830, 351], [5236, 6835, 351], [5236, 6840, 350], [5236, 6845, 349], [5236, 6850, 349], [5236, 6855, 348], [5236, 6860, 348], [5236, 6865, 347], [5236, 6870, 347], [5236, 6875, 346], [5236, 6880, 346], [5236, 6885, 345], [5236, 6890, 344], [5235, 6894, 344], [5230, 6894, 343], [5059, 6728, 342], [5059, 6733, 342], [5057, 6736, 341], [5052, 6736, 341], [5051, 6740, 340], [5051, 6745, 340], [5051, 6750, 339], [5051, 6755, 339], [5054, 6763, 338], [5051, 6765, 338], [5051, 6770, 337], [5050, 6774, 336], [5050, 6779, 336], [5050, 6784, 335], [5051, 6790, 334], [5050, 6794, 334], [2847, 4595, 333], [2847, 4600, 333], [2842, 4600, 333], [2843, 4606, 333], [2847, 4615, 333], [2842, 4615, 333], [2838, 4616, 333], [2840, 4623, 333], [2848, 4636, 333], [2845, 4638, 333], [2845, 4643, 333], [2816, 4644, 330], [2786, 4644, 328], [2756, 4644, 327], [2726, 4644, 326], [2701, 4649, 325], [2702, 4680, 322], [2702, 4710, 320], [2701, 4739, 317], [2701, 4769, 314], [2702, 4800, 312], [2709, 4837, 310], [2709, 4867, 308], [2709, 4897, 307], [2708, 4926, 307], [2700, 4948, 304], [2679, 4957, 300], [2630, 4938, 297], [2584, 4922, 296], [2567, 4935, 295], [4386, 6682, 294], [4356, 6682, 295], [4326, 6682, 295], [4296, 6682, 296], [4266, 6682, 296], [4236, 6682, 296], [4044, 6520, 296], [4042, 6548, 297], [4038, 6574, 297], [4014, 6580, 298], [4043, 6639, 299], [4042, 6668, 300], [4026, 6682, 300], [3996, 6682, 301], [3966, 6682, 301], [3935, 6681, 301], [3904, 6680, 301], [3875, 6681, 302], [3846, 6682, 302], [3816, 6682, 302], [3785, 6681, 303], [3756, 6682, 303], [3712, 6668, 304], [3696, 6682, 303], [3666, 6682, 303], [3635, 6681, 304], [3607, 6682, 304], [3576, 6681, 304], [3546, 6681, 304], [3516, 6681, 305], [3486, 6681, 305], [3457, 6682, 305], [3427, 6682, 305], [3397, 6682, 305], [3368, 6683, 305], [3182, 6527, 305], [3183, 6558, 306], [3182, 6587, 306], [3208, 6643, 307], [3208, 6673, 307], [3182, 6677, 308], [3157, 6682, 307], [3127, 6682, 307], [3097, 6682, 307], [3067, 6682, 308], [3037, 6682, 308], [3006, 6681, 308], [2977, 6682, 308], [2947, 6682, 308], [2848, 6613, 308], [2845, 6640, 308], [2847, 6672, 309], [2834, 6689, 309], [2797, 6682, 308], [2767, 6682, 307], [2737, 6682, 307], [2707, 6682, 307], [2708, 6713, 305], [2701, 6736, 305], [2701, 6766, 303], [2702, 6797, 302], [2701, 6826, 301], [2702, 6857, 300], [2702, 6887, 299], [2679, 6894, 297], [2572, 6817, 296], [2570, 6845, 295], [2572, 6877, 294], [2559, 6894, 293], [2529, 6894, 292], [2526, 6894, 290], [2526, 6894, 288], [2526, 6894, 286], [2526, 6894, 284], [2526, 6894, 282], [2526, 6894, 280], [2526, 6894, 279], [2702, 7083, 277], [4008, 8420, 277], [4042, 8484, 278], [4025, 8497, 279], [3995, 8497, 279], [3965, 8497, 279], [3934, 8496, 280], [3904, 8496, 280], [3875, 8497, 280], [3845, 8497, 280], [3815, 8497, 281], [3785, 8497, 281], [3755, 8497, 281], [3712, 8484, 282], [3695, 8497, 282], [3665, 8497, 282], [3635, 8497, 282], [3605, 8496, 282], [3576, 8497, 283], [3545, 8496, 283], [3516, 8497, 283], [3486, 8497, 284], [3456, 8497, 284], [3426, 8497, 284], [3396, 8497, 284], [3366, 8497, 284], [3243, 8404, 284], [3221, 8412, 285], [3189, 8410, 285], [3228, 8479, 286], [3210, 8491, 286], [3185, 8496, 287], [3156, 8497, 286], [3126, 8497, 287], [3096, 8497, 287], [3066, 8497, 287], [3036, 8497, 287], [3006, 8497, 287], [2976, 8497, 287], [2946, 8497, 287], [2840, 8421, 288], [2850, 8461, 288], [2845, 8486, 289], [2827, 8498, 288], [2796, 8497, 288], [2766, 8497, 288], [2736, 8497, 287], [2706, 8497, 287], [2702, 8523, 286], [2702, 8553, 286], [2701, 8582, 285], [2701, 8612, 284], [2709, 8650, 284], [2701, 8672, 283], [2701, 8702, 282], [2701, 8732, 281], [2708, 8769, 281], [2709, 8800, 281], [2701, 8822, 280], [2701, 8852, 280], [2703, 8884, 279], [2704, 8915, 279], [2704, 8945, 278], [2709, 8980, 278], [2704, 9005, 278], [2702, 9033, 277], [2702, 9063, 277], [2701, 9092, 276], [2702, 9123, 276], [2709, 9160, 276], [2701, 9182, 276], [2701, 9212, 275], [2708, 9249, 275], [2708, 9279, 274], [2701, 9302, 274], [2701, 9332, 273], [2709, 9370, 273], [2703, 9394, 273], [2708, 9429, 272], [2702, 9453, 272], [2705, 9486, 272], [2701, 9512, 271], [2701, 9542, 271], [2703, 9574, 270], [2701, 9602, 270], [2836, 9767, 269], [2709, 9670, 269], [2702, 9693, 269], [2836, 9857, 269], [2708, 9759, 268], [2709, 9790, 268], [2708, 9819, 268], [2702, 9843, 268], [2695, 9866, 267], [2702, 9903, 267], [2701, 9932, 266], [2701, 9962, 266], [2701, 9992, 265], [2702, 10023, 265], [2703, 10054, 265], [2702, 10083, 264], [2702, 10113, 263], [2709, 10149, 263], [2701, 10171, 263], [2701, 10201, 263], [2700, 10230, 262], [2701, 10261, 262], [2708, 10298, 261], [2709, 10329, 261], [2708, 10358, 261], [2702, 10382, 261], [2702, 10412, 261], [2710, 10450, 260], [2702, 10472, 260], [2709, 10509, 260], [2701, 10531, 260], [2701, 10561, 259], [2710, 10600, 259], [2701, 10621, 259], [2709, 10659, 258], [2702, 10682, 258], [2701, 10711, 257], [2701, 10741, 257], [2701, 10771, 256], [2701, 10801, 256], [2571, 10701, 255], [2529, 10689, 255], [2529, 10719, 254], [2701, 10921, 254], [2702, 10952, 254], [2702, 10982, 254], [2709, 11019, 254], [2695, 11035, 253], [2701, 11071, 252], [2631, 11031, 252], [2589, 11019, 252], [2564, 11024, 251], [2530, 11020, 251], [2838, 11358, 250], [2840, 11390, 250], [2836, 11416, 250], [2798, 11408, 250], [2717, 11357, 250], [2709, 11379, 250], [2708, 11408, 250], [2701, 11431, 250], [2708, 11468, 249], [2708, 11498, 249], [2840, 11660, 249], [2840, 11690, 250], [2838, 11718, 250], [2839, 11749, 250], [2840, 11780, 250], [2841, 11811, 250], [2840, 11840, 250], [2840, 11870, 250], [2841, 11901, 250], [2838, 11928, 250], [2837, 11957, 250], [2801, 11951, 250], [2771, 11951, 250], [2742, 11952, 250], [2711, 11951, 250], [2701, 11971, 250], [2701, 12001, 249], [2701, 12031, 249], [2700, 12060, 248], [2571, 11961, 248], [2570, 11990, 248], [2529, 11979, 247], [2702, 12182, 247], [2701, 12211, 247], [2704, 12244, 246], [2838, 12408, 246], [2837, 12437, 246], [2708, 12338, 246], [2841, 12501, 246], [2840, 12530, 246], [2841, 12561, 246], [2836, 12586, 246], [2840, 12620, 246], [2840, 12650, 246], [2838, 12678, 246], [2839, 12709, 246], [2841, 12741, 246], [2840, 12770, 247], [2838, 12798, 247], [2829, 12819, 246], [2797, 12817, 246], [2709, 12759, 246], [2709, 12789, 246], [2708, 12818, 246], [2679, 12819, 246], [2649, 12819, 245], [2598, 12798, 245], [2578, 12808, 245], [2559, 12819, 245], [2529, 12819, 244], [2526, 12819, 244], [2526, 12819, 243], [2526, 12819, 242], [2526, 12819, 242], [2526, 12819, 241], [2526, 12819, 240], [2479, 12818, 234], [2170, 12809, 233], [1878, 12817, 232], [1559, 12798, 229], [1277, 12816, 227], [980, 12819, 226], [689, 12819, 222], [389, 12819, 219], [89, 12819, 215]], 'time_in_bucket': [920, 10, 8, 9, 17, 12, 14, 15, 14, 4, 9, 6, 14, 14, 18, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 4, 8, 8, 6, 13, 11, 19, 15, 13, 10, 14, 6, 10, 7, 10, 4, 7, 3, 5, 10, 9, 9, 6, 11, 11, 9, 12, 13, 5, 12, 21, 9, 15, 17, 13, 14, 8, 13, 8, 10, 8, 15, 12, 8, 10, 25, 14, 22, 7, 14, 15, 19, 17, 15, 13, 14, 15, 14, 24, 26, 23, 28, 19, 27, 21, 17, 19, 27, 25, 14, 16, 18, 26, 20, 26, 17, 20, 21, 22, 32, 25, 19, 23, 25, 25, 30, 30, 29, 33, 22, 36, 29, 25, 23, 29, 23, 31, 37, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 27, 25, 33, 24, 31, 35, 32, 32, 31, 29, 43, 21, 34, 35, 30, 25, 36, 33, 27, 35, 51, 34, 37, 29, 25, 31, 30, 33, 33, 23, 27, 34, 37, 32, 33, 41, 37, 32, 36, 15, 35, 23, 23, 36, 24, 36, 30, 25, 19, 40, 33, 40, 31, 23, 32, 27, 21, 27, 34, 28, 31, 25, 22, 29, 29, 32, 23, 29, 30, 25, 33, 33, 36, 26, 45, 28, 36, 31, 19, 27, 26, 46, 33, 35, 32, 31, 32, 21, 27, 48, 30, 29, 37, 37, 32, 38, 43, 38, 27, 36, 50, 36, 38, 37, 40, 45, 42, 44, 30, 45, 35, 38, 46, 40, 48, 42, 48, 47, 40, 34, 39, 39, 47, 38, 41, 39, 41, 28, 46, 43, 41, 44, 32, 36, 36, 42, 34, 35, 43, 36, 27, 49, 46, 32, 51, 37, 35, 25, 36, 19, 36, 36, 27, 36, 25, 36, 38, 29, 34, 24, 28, 30, 40, 33, 42, 33, 37, 25, 28, 42, 43, 33, 28, 27, 34, 20, 30, 25, 29, 20, 28, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, 16, 28, 22, 22, 25, 28, 22, 25, 17, 24, 25, 23, 18, 21, 24, 19, 22, 33, 15, 20, 24, 26, 25, 18, 27, 29, 26, 21, 25, 22, 30, 16, 24, 28, 29, 19, 36, 26, 32, 16, 33, 28, 34, 36, 30, 22, 28, 28, 21, 27, 23, 25, 32, 29, 20, 32, 21, 29, 22, 28, 22, 20, 27, 27, 31, 25, 34, 26, 27, 31, 26, 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[6923, 6926, 566], [6922, 6926, 549], [6921, 6926, 542], [6920, 6926, 543], [6920, 6927, 529], [6920, 6928, 508], [2935, 2944, 488], [2941, 2951, 491], [2941, 2952, 491], [2940, 2952, 491], [2938, 2951, 491], [2938, 2952, 492], [2937, 2952, 492], [2936, 2952, 489], [2935, 2952, 487], [2934, 2952, 484], [2933, 2952, 482], [2931, 2951, 483], [2930, 2951, 484], [2930, 2952, 484], [2929, 2952, 484], [2929, 2953, 482], [2928, 2953, 479], [2928, 2954, 476], [2928, 2955, 473], [2929, 2957, 472], [2929, 2958, 471], [2929, 2959, 471], [2929, 2960, 470], [2930, 2962, 470], [2929, 2962, 470], [2929, 2963, 470], [2929, 2964, 469], [2930, 2966, 469], [2929, 2966, 470], [2929, 2967, 469], [2929, 2968, 468], [2929, 2969, 468], [2929, 2970, 467], [2929, 2971, 466], [2937, 2980, 466], [2937, 2981, 467], [2929, 2974, 467], [2929, 2975, 466], [2929, 2976, 466], [2929, 2977, 467], [2929, 2978, 467], [2930, 2980, 467], [2929, 2980, 467], [2929, 2981, 467], [2929, 2982, 467], [2928, 2982, 466], [2928, 2983, 464], [2929, 2985, 464], [2929, 2986, 464], [2929, 2987, 463], [2929, 2988, 463], [2929, 2989, 463], [2929, 2990, 463], [2929, 2991, 462], [2929, 2992, 462], [2929, 2993, 462], [2929, 2994, 462], [2929, 2995, 462], [2928, 2995, 461], [2928, 2996, 461], [2927, 2996, 458], [2928, 2998, 456], [2929, 3000, 456], [2929, 3001, 455], [2929, 3002, 455], [2928, 3002, 454], [2928, 3003, 453], [2928, 3004, 451], [2928, 3005, 449], [2928, 3006, 448], [2929, 3008, 448], [2928, 3008, 448], [2928, 3009, 446], [2927, 3009, 445], [2928, 3011, 442], [2928, 3012, 442], [2928, 3013, 441], [2928, 3014, 441], [2928, 3015, 440], [2928, 3016, 439], [2929, 3018, 439], [2929, 3019, 439], [2929, 3020, 439], [2928, 3020, 438], [2929, 3022, 438], [2929, 3023, 438], [2928, 3023, 438], [2928, 3024, 438], [2928, 3025, 437], [2928, 3026, 436], [2929, 3028, 436], [2929, 3029, 436], [2929, 3030, 436], [2928, 3030, 435], [2928, 3031, 435], [2928, 3032, 434], [2927, 3032, 433], [2929, 3035, 432], [2929, 3036, 432], [2929, 3037, 432], [2929, 3038, 432], [2928, 3038, 432], [2929, 3040, 431], [2929, 3041, 431], [2928, 3041, 431], [2927, 3041, 430], [2928, 3043, 429], [2928, 3044, 429], [2928, 3045, 429], [2928, 3046, 429], [2929, 3048, 428], [2928, 3048, 428], [2928, 3049, 428], [2927, 3049, 427], [2927, 3050, 426], [2928, 3052, 425], [2928, 3053, 425], [2928, 3054, 424], [2929, 3056, 424], [2928, 3056, 424], [2928, 3057, 424], [2929, 3059, 424], [2929, 3060, 424], [2929, 3061, 424], [2929, 3062, 424], [2928, 3062, 424], [2928, 3063, 424], [2928, 3064, 423], [2928, 3065, 423], [2929, 3067, 423], [2929, 3068, 423], [2929, 3069, 423], [2928, 3069, 423], [2928, 3070, 423], [2929, 3072, 423], [2929, 3073, 423], [2929, 3074, 423], [2928, 3074, 422], [2928, 3075, 422], [2928, 3076, 422], [2929, 3078, 422], [2928, 3078, 422], [2928, 3079, 422], [2928, 3080, 422], [2928, 3081, 422], [2928, 3082, 421], [2928, 3083, 421], [2928, 3084, 421], [2927, 3084, 420], [2927, 3085, 420], [2928, 3087, 419], [2928, 3088, 419], 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3851, 364], [2928, 3857, 364], [2927, 3861, 363], [2927, 3866, 363], [2928, 3872, 363], [2928, 3877, 363], [2927, 3881, 363], [2928, 3887, 364], [2928, 3892, 363], [2929, 3898, 363], [2928, 3902, 363], [2928, 3907, 363], [2928, 3912, 363], [2929, 3918, 363], [2928, 3922, 364], [2928, 3927, 364], [2927, 3931, 364], [2927, 3936, 364], [2927, 3941, 364], [2927, 3946, 364], [2928, 3952, 364], [2928, 3957, 364], [2928, 3962, 364], [2918, 3957, 364], [2918, 3962, 363], [2919, 3968, 363], [2919, 3973, 362], [2918, 3977, 362], [2919, 3983, 362], [2928, 3997, 362], [2925, 3999, 361], [2927, 4006, 361], [2928, 4012, 361], [2928, 4017, 361], [2928, 4022, 361], [2937, 4036, 361], [2930, 4034, 362], [2929, 4038, 362], [2929, 4043, 362], [2929, 4048, 363], [2929, 4053, 363], [2929, 4058, 363], [2929, 4063, 363], [2929, 4068, 363], [2929, 4073, 363], [2925, 4074, 363], [2928, 4082, 363], [2928, 4087, 363], [2918, 4082, 363], [2919, 4088, 363], [2928, 4102, 362], [2928, 4107, 362], [2928, 4112, 362], [2928, 4117, 362], [2927, 4121, 362], [2928, 4127, 362], [2928, 4132, 362], [2928, 4137, 362], [2927, 4141, 362], [2928, 4147, 362], [2928, 4152, 362], [2927, 4156, 362], [2928, 4162, 362], [2928, 4167, 361], [2928, 4172, 361], [2928, 4177, 361], [2929, 4183, 362], [2929, 4188, 362], [2929, 4193, 362], [2929, 4198, 363], [2929, 4203, 363], [2929, 4208, 363], [2929, 4213, 364], [2929, 4218, 364], [2928, 4222, 364], [2929, 4228, 364], [2928, 4232, 365], [2929, 4238, 365], [2929, 4243, 365], [2928, 4247, 365], [2919, 4243, 364], [2919, 4248, 364], [2920, 4254, 364], [2918, 4257, 364], [2918, 4262, 364], [2918, 4267, 363], [2919, 4273, 363], [2918, 4277, 363], [2918, 4282, 362], [2919, 4288, 362], [2929, 4303, 362], [2925, 4304, 362], [2928, 4312, 362], [2928, 4317, 361], [2928, 4322, 361], [2928, 4327, 361], [2927, 4331, 361], [2928, 4337, 361], [2928, 4342, 361], [2928, 4347, 361], [2925, 4349, 361], [2927, 4356, 361], [2928, 4362, 361], [2928, 4367, 360], [2919, 4363, 360], [2920, 4369, 360], [2927, 4381, 360], [2928, 4387, 360], [2928, 4392, 360], [2919, 4388, 360], [2928, 4402, 360], [2928, 4407, 359], [2928, 4412, 359], [2928, 4417, 359], [2919, 4413, 359], [2928, 4427, 359], [2924, 4428, 359], [2928, 4437, 359], [2929, 4443, 359], [2925, 4444, 359], [2928, 4452, 359], [2928, 4457, 359], [2919, 4453, 359], [2927, 4466, 358], [2928, 4472, 358], [2918, 4467, 358], [2918, 4472, 358], [2919, 4478, 358], [2928, 4492, 358], [2928, 4497, 358], [2928, 4502, 358], [2928, 4507, 358], [2928, 4512, 358], [2928, 4517, 358], [2928, 4522, 358], [2928, 4527, 358], [2927, 4531, 358], [2927, 4536, 358], [2928, 4542, 358], [2928, 4547, 358], [2927, 4551, 358], [2928, 4557, 357], [2928, 4562, 357], [2927, 4566, 357], [2928, 4572, 357], [2928, 4577, 357], [2925, 4579, 357], [2919, 4578, 357], [2919, 4583, 357], [2918, 4587, 357], [2918, 4592, 357], [2919, 4598, 356], [2919, 4603, 356], [2919, 4608, 356], [2928, 4622, 356], [2927, 4626, 356], [2928, 4632, 356], [2928, 4637, 356], [2928, 4642, 356], [2919, 4638, 356], [2919, 4643, 356], [2927, 4656, 356], [2928, 4662, 355], [2928, 4667, 355], [2918, 4662, 355], [2919, 4668, 355], [2928, 4682, 355], [2922, 4681, 355], [2918, 4682, 355], [2928, 4697, 355], [2928, 4702, 355], [2919, 4698, 355], [2928, 4712, 355], [2928, 4717, 355], [2919, 4713, 355], [2930, 4729, 355], [2929, 4758, 355], [2928, 4787, 356], [2919, 4808, 355], [2919, 4838, 355], [2919, 4868, 354], [2925, 4904, 353], [2927, 4936, 353], [2928, 4967, 352], [2928, 4997, 352], [2919, 5018, 352], [2922, 5051, 351], [2928, 5087, 351], [2929, 5118, 351], [2925, 5144, 351], [2928, 5177, 350], [2927, 5206, 350], [2928, 5237, 351], [2918, 5257, 350], [2928, 5297, 350], [2919, 5318, 349], [2929, 5358, 350], [2927, 5386, 350], [2919, 5408, 350], [2906, 5425, 348], [2928, 5477, 348], [2924, 5503, 348], [2928, 5537, 348], [2919, 5558, 347], [2928, 5597, 347], [2918, 5617, 347], [2925, 5654, 346], [2918, 5677, 346], [2928, 5717, 345], [2918, 5737, 345], [2928, 5777, 345], [2918, 5797, 344], [2926, 5835, 344], [2919, 5858, 344], [2918, 5887, 343], [2919, 5918, 343], [2929, 5958, 344], [2927, 5986, 345], [2919, 6008, 344], [2928, 6047, 344], [2919, 6068, 344], [2919, 6098, 343], [2928, 6137, 343], [2928, 6167, 344], [2920, 6189, 344], [2927, 6226, 343], [2928, 6257, 343], [2919, 6278, 343], [2928, 6317, 342], [2928, 6347, 342], [2918, 6367, 342], [2926, 6405, 342], [2928, 6437, 341], [2919, 6458, 341], [2919, 6488, 341], [2929, 6528, 340], [2929, 6558, 341], [2927, 6586, 341], [2919, 6608, 341], [2928, 6647, 341], [2928, 6677, 341], [2920, 6699, 341], [2929, 6738, 341], [2919, 6758, 340], [2919, 6788, 340], [2928, 6827, 340], [2919, 6848, 340], [2928, 6887, 339], [2919, 6908, 339], [2928, 6947, 339], [2928, 6977, 338], [2918, 6997, 338], [2919, 7028, 338], [2927, 7066, 337], [2918, 7087, 337], [2918, 7117, 337], [2929, 7158, 337], [2927, 7186, 338], [2896, 7185, 337], [2927, 7246, 337], [2927, 7276, 337], [2918, 7297, 336], [2928, 7337, 336], [2919, 7358, 336], [2925, 7394, 336], [2927, 7426, 336], [2928, 7457, 336], [2928, 7487, 336], [2928, 7517, 336], [2927, 7546, 336], [2918, 7567, 336], [2918, 7597, 335], [2927, 7636, 335], [2918, 7657, 335], [2919, 7688, 335], [2919, 7718, 335], [2925, 7754, 335], [2927, 7786, 335], [2919, 7808, 335], [2919, 7838, 335], [2895, 7844, 334], [2928, 7907, 334], [2928, 7937, 334], [2918, 7957, 334], [2918, 7987, 334], [2918, 8017, 334], [2919, 8048, 334], [2927, 8086, 333], [2928, 8117, 333], [2927, 8146, 333], [2928, 8177, 333], [2927, 8206, 333], [2928, 8237, 333], [2928, 8267, 333], [2928, 8297, 333], [2919, 8318, 333], [2929, 8358, 333], [2928, 8387, 333], [2928, 8417, 333], [2922, 8441, 333], [2928, 8477, 333], [2928, 8507, 333], [2928, 8537, 333], [2918, 8557, 333], [2925, 8594, 333], [2918, 8617, 333], [2919, 8648, 333], [2919, 8678, 333], [2928, 8717, 333], [2927, 8746, 333], [2920, 8769, 333], [2928, 8806, 333], [2925, 8833, 333], [2928, 8866, 333], [2921, 8889, 333], [2918, 8916, 332], [2919, 8947, 332], [2929, 8987, 332], [2928, 9016, 333], [2919, 9037, 333], [2919, 9067, 333], [2918, 9096, 332], [2918, 9126, 332], [2928, 9166, 332], [2918, 9186, 332], [2919, 9217, 332], [2918, 9246, 332], [2927, 9285, 332], [2927, 9315, 332], [2922, 9340, 332], [2927, 9375, 332], [2918, 9396, 332], [2919, 9427, 332], [2918, 9456, 332], [2919, 9487, 332], [2927, 9525, 332], [2919, 9547, 332], [2928, 9586, 332], [2929, 9617, 332], [2920, 9638, 332], [2929, 9677, 332], [2928, 9706, 332], [2927, 9735, 332], [2928, 9766, 332], [2928, 9796, 332], [2929, 9827, 332], [2928, 9856, 332], [2928, 9886, 332], [2918, 9906, 332], [2927, 9945, 332], [2919, 9967, 332], [2927, 10005, 332], [2919, 10027, 332], [2918, 10056, 332], [2918, 10086, 332], [2927, 10125, 332], [2925, 10153, 332], [2927, 10185, 332], [2927, 10215, 332], [2928, 10246, 332], [2928, 10276, 332], [2927, 10305, 332], [2904, 10312, 332], [2893, 10331, 331], [2881, 10349, 330], [2813, 10311, 329], [2787, 10315, 328], [2756, 10314, 327], [2724, 10312, 327], [2694, 10312, 326], [2664, 10312, 325], [2656, 10334, 324], [2703, 10411, 323], [2687, 10425, 323], [2657, 10425, 322], [2650, 10448, 321], [2651, 10479, 319], [2649, 10507, 318], [2648, 10523, 317], [2918, 10827, 317], [2918, 10857, 316], [2918, 10887, 316], [2918, 10917, 316], [2918, 10947, 315], [2918, 10977, 315], [2918, 11007, 315], [2918, 11037, 315], [2894, 11043, 314], [2918, 11097, 314], [2918, 11127, 314], [2918, 11157, 314], [2918, 11187, 313], [2918, 11217, 313], [2918, 11247, 313], [2918, 11277, 313], [2918, 11307, 312], [2918, 11337, 312], [2918, 11367, 312], [2918, 11397, 311], [2918, 11427, 311], [2918, 11457, 311], [2918, 11487, 311], [2918, 11517, 310], [2918, 11547, 310], [2918, 11577, 310], [2918, 11607, 310], [2918, 11637, 309], [2918, 11667, 309], [2918, 11697, 309], [2918, 11727, 309], [2918, 11757, 308], [2918, 11787, 308], [2918, 11817, 308], [2918, 11847, 308], [2894, 11853, 307], [2893, 11882, 307], [2894, 11913, 307], [2918, 11967, 306], [2918, 11997, 306], [2918, 12027, 306], [2918, 12057, 306], [2918, 12087, 305], [2918, 12117, 305], [2918, 12147, 305], [2918, 12177, 305], [2918, 12207, 305], [2918, 12237, 305], [2918, 12267, 305], [2918, 12297, 304], [2918, 12327, 304], [2918, 12357, 304], [2918, 12387, 304], [2918, 12417, 304], [2918, 12447, 304], [2918, 12477, 304], [2918, 12507, 303], [2918, 12537, 303], [2894, 12543, 303], [2918, 12597, 303], [2918, 12627, 303], [2918, 12657, 303], [2918, 12687, 303], [2918, 12717, 302], [2918, 12747, 302], [2918, 12777, 302], [2918, 12807, 302], [2918, 12837, 302], [2918, 12867, 302], [2918, 12897, 302], [2918, 12927, 301], [2918, 12957, 301], [2918, 12987, 301], [2917, 13016, 301], [2894, 13023, 301], [2893, 13052, 300], [2863, 13052, 300], [2797, 13016, 299], [2797, 13046, 299], [2768, 13047, 298], [2703, 13012, 298], [2704, 13043, 297], [2682, 13051, 297], [2652, 13051, 296], [2648, 13052, 295], [2648, 13052, 295], [2648, 13052, 294], [2648, 13052, 293], [2648, 13052, 292], 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5, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 247, 'training_load': 200, 'max_watts': 640, 'relative_intensity': 61, 'cp_data': [[9672, 9672, 640], [9671, 9672, 605], [9671, 9673, 574], [9671, 9674, 559], [9671, 9675, 515], [2345, 2350, 493], [2345, 2351, 490], [2344, 2351, 484], [2343, 2351, 478], [2342, 2351, 472], [2341, 2351, 465], [2340, 2351, 459], [2339, 2351, 455], [2338, 2351, 450], [2337, 2351, 446], [2336, 2351, 443], [2335, 2351, 441], [2334, 2351, 438], [2333, 2351, 434], [2332, 2351, 427], [2331, 2351, 422], [2330, 2351, 420], [2329, 2351, 419], [2328, 2351, 418], [2327, 2351, 417], [2326, 2351, 415], [2325, 2351, 410], [2324, 2351, 406], [2323, 2351, 404], [2322, 2351, 403], [2321, 2351, 403], [2320, 2351, 403], [2319, 2351, 400], [2318, 2351, 398], [2317, 2351, 397], [2316, 2351, 397], [2315, 2351, 397], [2314, 2351, 397], [2313, 2351, 395], [2313, 2352, 392], [2311, 2351, 389], [2310, 2351, 387], [2309, 2351, 385], [11477, 11520, 384], [11476, 11520, 385], [11475, 11520, 385], [11474, 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[7695, 8034, 333], [7697, 8041, 332], [7699, 8048, 333], [7699, 8053, 333], [7698, 8057, 333], [7697, 8061, 332], [7699, 8068, 333], [7699, 8073, 333], [7699, 8078, 333], [7697, 8081, 333], [7696, 8085, 332], [7699, 8093, 331], [7697, 8096, 331], [7699, 8103, 331], [7698, 8107, 331], [7698, 8112, 331], [7699, 8118, 330], [7698, 8122, 330], [7697, 8126, 330], [7695, 8129, 329], [7697, 8136, 328], [7697, 8141, 328], [7699, 8148, 328], [7699, 8153, 328], [7699, 8158, 328], [7697, 8161, 328], [7697, 8166, 328], [7695, 8169, 327], [7695, 8174, 326], [7697, 8181, 324], [7699, 8188, 324], [7699, 8193, 324], [7697, 8196, 324], [7697, 8201, 323], [7697, 8206, 323], [7699, 8213, 322], [7699, 8218, 323], [7699, 8223, 323], [7699, 8228, 323], [7697, 8231, 323], [7699, 8238, 323], [7699, 8243, 323], [7698, 8247, 323], [7695, 8249, 323], [7696, 8255, 322], [7696, 8260, 321], [7695, 8264, 320], [7697, 8271, 319], [7696, 8275, 319], [7696, 8280, 318], [7696, 8285, 317], [7695, 8289, 316], [7696, 8295, 315], [7695, 8299, 315], [7696, 8305, 314], [7695, 8309, 313], [7698, 8317, 313], [7697, 8321, 313], [7698, 8327, 312], [7699, 8333, 313], [7699, 8338, 313], [7699, 8343, 313], [7698, 8347, 313], [7699, 8353, 313], [7698, 8357, 313], [7697, 8361, 313], [7697, 8366, 313], [7699, 8373, 313], [7699, 8378, 313], [7698, 8382, 314], [7698, 8387, 314], [7696, 8390, 313], [7698, 8397, 313], [7698, 8402, 313], [7697, 8406, 313], [7695, 8409, 313], [7697, 8416, 312], [7698, 8422, 312], [7696, 8425, 312], [7697, 8431, 312], [7699, 8438, 312], [7699, 8443, 312], [7696, 8445, 312], [7699, 8453, 312], [7696, 8455, 312], [7698, 8462, 312], [7698, 8467, 312], [7699, 8473, 311], [7699, 8478, 312], [7696, 8480, 312], [7699, 8488, 311], [7699, 8493, 312], [7698, 8497, 312], [7696, 8500, 312], [7696, 8505, 311], [7697, 8511, 311], [7697, 8516, 311], [7695, 8519, 310], [7698, 8527, 310], [7698, 8532, 310], [7695, 8534, 309], [7699, 8543, 310], [7697, 8546, 310], [7699, 8553, 310], [7699, 8558, 310], [7699, 8563, 310], [7697, 8566, 311], [7699, 8573, 311], [7696, 8575, 310], [7697, 8581, 311], [7699, 8588, 310], [7695, 8589, 310], [7696, 8595, 310], [7695, 8599, 309], [7697, 8606, 309], [7694, 8608, 309], [7696, 8615, 308], [7697, 8621, 308], [7696, 8625, 308], [7696, 8630, 307], [7696, 8635, 307], [7696, 8640, 306], [7699, 8648, 306], [7697, 8651, 306], [7696, 8655, 306], [7695, 8659, 306], [7696, 8665, 305], [7699, 8673, 305], [7698, 8677, 305], [7697, 8681, 305], [7697, 8686, 304], [7695, 8689, 304], [7505, 8504, 303], [7507, 8511, 303], [7556, 8565, 303], [7559, 8573, 303], [7555, 8574, 303], [7556, 8580, 303], [7552, 8581, 303], [7555, 8589, 303], [7550, 8589, 303], [7521, 8565, 303], [7516, 8565, 303], [7519, 8573, 303], [7515, 8574, 303], [7509, 8573, 303], [7505, 8574, 303], [7508, 8582, 303], [7509, 8588, 303], [7505, 8589, 303], [7505, 8594, 303], [7502, 8596, 302], [7508, 8607, 302], [7503, 8607, 302], [7498, 8607, 302], [7504, 8618, 301], [7504, 8623, 301], [7504, 8628, 301], [7503, 8632, 301], [7433, 8567, 300], [7435, 8574, 300], [7436, 8580, 300], [7433, 8582, 300], [7434, 8588, 300], [7431, 8590, 300], [7425, 8589, 300], [7425, 8594, 300], [7415, 8589, 300], [7415, 8594, 300], [7415, 8599, 299], [7415, 8604, 299], [7414, 8608, 299], [7415, 8614, 298], [7415, 8619, 298], [7415, 8624, 298], [7415, 8629, 298], [7432, 8651, 298], [7428, 8652, 298], [7427, 8656, 297], [7416, 8650, 297], [7415, 8654, 297], [7415, 8659, 297], [7434, 8683, 297], [7432, 8686, 296], [7427, 8686, 296], [7415, 8679, 296], [7415, 8684, 296], [7415, 8689, 296], [7414, 8693, 295], [7434, 8718, 295], [7429, 8718, 295], [7432, 8726, 294], [7415, 8714, 294], [7415, 8719, 294], [7415, 8724, 294], [7415, 8729, 294], [7415, 8734, 294], [7415, 8739, 293], [7415, 8744, 293], [7415, 8749, 293], [7415, 8754, 293], [7415, 8759, 292], [7415, 8764, 292], [7415, 8769, 292], [7415, 8774, 291], [7415, 8779, 291], [7415, 8784, 291], [7415, 8789, 291], [7415, 8794, 291], [7415, 8799, 290], [7415, 8804, 290], [7415, 8809, 290], [7415, 8814, 290], [7415, 8819, 289], [7415, 8824, 289], [7415, 8829, 289], [7415, 8834, 289], [7509, 8933, 289], [7504, 8933, 289], [7504, 8938, 288], [7503, 8942, 288], [7503, 8947, 288], [7433, 8882, 288], [7434, 8888, 288], [7415, 8874, 288], [7415, 8879, 287], [7436, 8905, 287], [7431, 8905, 287], [7426, 8905, 287], [7415, 8899, 287], [7416, 8905, 287], [7435, 8929, 287], [7434, 8933, 287], [7433, 8937, 287], [7428, 8937, 287], [7415, 8929, 287], [7415, 8934, 287], [7415, 8939, 287], [7415, 8944, 286], [7415, 8949, 286], [7415, 8954, 286], [7698, 9242, 286], [7697, 9246, 286], [7696, 9250, 286], [7694, 9253, 286], [7415, 8979, 285], [7505, 9074, 285], [7506, 9080, 285], [7503, 9082, 285], [7504, 9088, 285], [7415, 9004, 285], [7415, 9009, 285], [7415, 9014, 285], [11201, 12805, 285], [11196, 12805, 285], [11191, 12805, 285], [11186, 12805, 285], [11164, 12788, 285], [11165, 12794, 285], [11165, 12799, 285], [11166, 12805, 285], [11161, 12805, 285], [11156, 12805, 285], [11152, 12806, 285], [11146, 12805, 285], [11141, 12805, 285], [11441, 13110, 284], [11436, 13110, 285], [11431, 13110, 285], [11436, 13120, 285], [11431, 13120, 285], [11426, 13120, 285], [11421, 13120, 285], [11417, 13121, 284], [7508, 9217, 284], [7508, 9222, 284], [11426, 13145, 284], [11421, 13145, 284], [7515, 9244, 284], [7508, 9242, 284], [7508, 9247, 284], [7504, 9248, 284], [7502, 9251, 284], [11039, 12793, 284], [11039, 12798, 284], [11041, 12805, 284], [11036, 12805, 284], [11031, 12805, 284], [11026, 12805, 284], [11021, 12805, 284], [11016, 12805, 284], [11011, 12805, 284], [11006, 12805, 284], [10976, 12805, 284], [11251, 13110, 284], [11221, 13110, 284], [11201, 13120, 285], [11161, 13110, 285], [11141, 13120, 285], [11161, 13170, 284], [11082, 13121, 284], [11041, 13110, 284], [11022, 13121, 284], [10991, 13120, 284], [10987, 13146, 284], [10981, 13170, 284], [10952, 13171, 283], [10871, 13120, 283], [10841, 13120, 283], [10836, 13145, 283], [10832, 13171, 283], [10802, 13171, 282], [10834, 13233, 282], [10832, 13261, 281], [10835, 13294, 281], [10822, 13311, 281], [10839, 13358, 280], [10829, 13378, 280], [10821, 13400, 280], [10702, 13311, 280], [10698, 13337, 279], [10696, 13365, 279], [10701, 13400, 279], [10582, 13311, 278], [10552, 13311, 278], [10522, 13311, 278], [10492, 13311, 277], [10462, 13311, 277], [10520, 13399, 277], [10402, 13311, 276], [10459, 13398, 276], [10395, 13364, 276], [10400, 13399, 276], [10371, 13400, 275], [10341, 13400, 275], [10311, 13400, 274], [10281, 13400, 274], [10251, 13400, 273], [10232, 13411, 273], [10233, 13442, 272], [10232, 13471, 271], [10233, 13502, 270], [10170, 13469, 269], [10153, 13482, 268], [10144, 13503, 268], [10750, 14139, 267], [10711, 14130, 268], [10691, 14140, 267], [10660, 14139, 267], [10630, 14139, 267], [10591, 14130, 267], [10570, 14139, 267], [10541, 14140, 267], [10510, 14139, 267], [10480, 14139, 266], [10451, 14140, 266], [10420, 14139, 266], [10390, 14139, 266], [10361, 14140, 266], [10331, 14140, 265], [10301, 14140, 265], [10271, 14140, 265], [10240, 14139, 264], [10232, 14161, 264], [10232, 14191, 263], [10158, 14147, 262], [10156, 14175, 262], [10128, 14177, 261], [10095, 14174, 260], [10095, 14204, 259], [10095, 14234, 258], [9970, 14139, 257], [9970, 14169, 257], [9969, 14198, 256], [9965, 14224, 255], [9947, 14236, 253], [9917, 14236, 251], [9917, 14236, 250], [9868, 14192, 249], [9868, 14222, 248], [9840, 14224, 246], [9822, 14236, 245], [9791, 14235, 243], [9762, 14236, 241], [9720, 14224, 240], [9670, 14204, 239], [9969, 14577, 238], [9969, 14607, 237], [9965, 14633, 235], [9919, 14617, 234], [9869, 14542, 232], [9868, 14571, 232], [9868, 14601, 231], [9868, 14631, 229], [9840, 14633, 228], [9790, 14613, 227], [9788, 14641, 225], [7415, 12216, 225], [7415, 12246, 225], [7698, 12559, 225], [7695, 12586, 225], [7790, 12711, 226], [7763, 12714, 226], [7699, 12680, 227], [7699, 12710, 228], [7697, 12738, 228], [7697, 12768, 229], [7697, 12798, 229], [7696, 12827, 229], [7697, 12858, 229], [7696, 12887, 229], [7697, 12918, 230], [7697, 12948, 230], [7513, 12794, 230], [7508, 12819, 231], [7697, 13038, 231], [7731, 13102, 231], [7701, 13102, 232], [7697, 13128, 232], [7697, 13158, 232], [7695, 13186, 232], [7698, 13219, 233], [7697, 13248, 233], [7522, 13103, 233], [7509, 13120, 233], [7505, 13146, 234], [7500, 13171, 234], [7432, 13133, 234], [7415, 13146, 234], [7415, 13176, 234], [7504, 13295, 234], [7415, 13236, 234], [7434, 13285, 234], [7429, 13310, 235], [7415, 13326, 235], [7415, 13356, 235], [7428, 13399, 235], [7415, 13416, 235], [7341, 13372, 234], [7339, 13400, 235], [7338, 13429, 234], [7338, 13459, 234], [7143, 13294, 234], [7130, 13311, 234], [7132, 13343, 234], [7131, 13372, 234], [7129, 13400, 234], [7106, 13407, 234], [7076, 13407, 234], [7108, 13469, 234], [7009, 13400, 234], [6802, 13223, 233], [6792, 13243, 234], [6813, 13294, 234], [6797, 13308, 234], [6796, 13337, 234], [6793, 13364, 234], [6797, 13398, 234], [6782, 13413, 234], [6790, 13451, 234], [7438, 14129, 234], [7415, 14136, 234], [7415, 14166, 234], [7350, 14131, 234], [7336, 14147, 234], [7336, 14177, 233], [7268, 14139, 233], [7238, 14139, 233], [7209, 14140, 233], [7178, 14139, 233], [7139, 14130, 234], [7119, 14140, 234], [7107, 14158, 233], [7092, 14173, 233], [7028, 14139, 233], [6999, 14140, 233], [7001, 14172, 233], [6938, 14139, 233], [6908, 14139, 233], [6878, 14139, 233], [6848, 14139, 233], [6808, 14129, 233], [6789, 14140, 233], [6784, 14165, 233], [6782, 14193, 233], [6781, 14222, 232], [6765, 14236, 232], [6735, 14236, 231], [6700, 14231, 230], [6675, 14236, 229], [6645, 14236, 228], [6615, 14236, 227], [6584, 14235, 226], [6658, 14328, 225], [6781, 14481, 225], [6781, 14511, 224], [6782, 14542, 224], [6781, 14571, 223], [6781, 14601, 223], [6781, 14631, 222], [6753, 14633, 221], [6700, 14610, 221], [6700, 14640, 220], [6658, 14628, 219], [6648, 14648, 218], [6658, 14688, 217], [6655, 14715, 217], [6111, 14211, 216], [6080, 14210, 216], [6049, 14209, 215], [6020, 14210, 215], [5985, 14205, 214], [5960, 14210, 214], [5905, 14185, 214], [5894, 14204, 213], [4770, 13110, 214], [4750, 13120, 214], [4710, 13110, 214], [4690, 13120, 214], [4650, 13110, 215], [4620, 13110, 215], [4613, 13133, 215], [4620, 13170, 215], [4540, 13120, 215], [4560, 13170, 215], [4538, 13178, 216], [4609, 13279, 216], [4611, 13311, 216], [4564, 13294, 216], [4539, 13299, 216], [4539, 13329, 216], [4539, 13359, 216], [4544, 13394, 216], [4537, 13417, 216], [4539, 13449, 216], [4538, 13478, 216], [4537, 13507, 216], [4537, 13537, 216], [4538, 13568, 216], [4538, 13598, 215], [4539, 13629, 215], [4539, 13659, 215], [4539, 13689, 215], [4539, 13719, 215], [4539, 13749, 215], [4539, 13779, 216], [4539, 13809, 216], [4539, 13839, 216], [4539, 13869, 216], [4539, 13899, 216], [4539, 13929, 216], [4623, 14043, 216], [4680, 14130, 216], [4650, 14130, 217], [4620, 14130, 217], [4600, 14140, 217], [4560, 14130, 217], [4539, 14139, 217], [4539, 14169, 217], [4537, 14197, 217], [4534, 14224, 217], [4516, 14236, 216], [4486, 14236, 215], [4425, 14205, 215], [4369, 14179, 215], [4350, 14190, 214], [4341, 14211, 214], [4336, 14236, 214], [4306, 14236, 213], [4276, 14236, 212], [4195, 14185, 212], [4191, 14211, 212], [4186, 14236, 211], [4156, 14236, 211], [4126, 14236, 210], [4178, 14307, 209], [4148, 14307, 209], [4036, 14236, 208], [4344, 14563, 208], [4341, 14590, 208], [4336, 14615, 207], [4316, 14625, 206], [4195, 14534, 206], [4195, 14564, 206], [4195, 14594, 205], [4195, 14624, 205], [4173, 14632, 204], [4142, 14631, 204], [4177, 14696, 203], [4148, 14697, 203], [4045, 14624, 202], [3520, 14140, 202], [3489, 14139, 202], [2034, 12910, 204], [1994, 13170, 206], [1694, 13170, 207], [1395, 13171, 209], [1034, 13110, 210], [935, 13311, 211], [723, 13399, 212], [527, 13503, 212], [881, 14157, 213], [581, 14157, 213], [368, 14236, 211], [282, 14236, 207], [282, 14525, 203], [87, 14630, 200], [0, 14723, 196], [368, 15622, 193], [238, 15622, 190], [17, 15622, 187], [0, 15638, 183], [0, 15638, 180], [0, 15638, 177], [0, 15638, 174], [0, 15638, 171], [0, 15638, 168], [0, 15638, 165], [0, 15638, 163], [0, 15638, 160], [0, 15638, 158], [0, 15638, 155], [0, 15638, 153], [0, 15638, 150], [0, 15638, 148], [2017, 17388, 148], [2031, 17702, 150], [2012, 17983, 152], [1399, 17670, 153], [1028, 17599, 155], [887, 17758, 156], [883, 18054, 158], [614, 18085, 159], [368, 18139, 158], [258, 18107, 157], [47, 18117, 155], [5, 18329, 153]], 'time_in_bucket': [2633, 99, 79, 93, 58, 260, 137, 99, 65, 53, 27, 20, 22, 33, 23, 19, 32, 17, 21, 14, 12, 11, 13, 13, 10, 5, 11, 9, 18, 10, 11, 22, 9, 10, 6, 8, 7, 12, 14, 10, 6, 13, 20, 12, 10, 8, 16, 11, 7, 5, 8, 11, 6, 12, 8, 9, 9, 12, 13, 9, 19, 11, 9, 14, 12, 16, 18, 12, 12, 12, 8, 7, 17, 18, 9, 14, 10, 9, 11, 11, 13, 14, 12, 12, 12, 17, 16, 11, 12, 13, 14, 6, 16, 12, 13, 12, 13, 18, 9, 15, 18, 17, 17, 18, 18, 6, 24, 17, 10, 23, 12, 18, 13, 15, 16, 15, 10, 12, 8, 13, 19, 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Saturday, July 4, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 229, 'training_load': 57, 'max_watts': 778, 'relative_intensity': 57, 'cp_data': [[1462, 1462, 778], [1461, 1462, 765], [1460, 1462, 748], [1459, 1462, 711], [1458, 1462, 681], [1457, 1462, 663], [1457, 1463, 644], [5924, 5931, 634], [5924, 5932, 620], [5923, 5932, 604], [5923, 5933, 582], [5923, 5934, 563], [5923, 5935, 544], [1453, 1466, 529], [1453, 1467, 516], [5923, 5938, 503], [5923, 5939, 492], [5922, 5939, 480], [5921, 5939, 468], [5921, 5940, 457], [1613, 1633, 447], [1613, 1634, 445], [1613, 1635, 443], [1613, 1636, 441], [1613, 1637, 438], [1612, 1637, 434], [1702, 1728, 432], [1702, 1729, 433], [1703, 1731, 435], [1702, 1731, 436], [1701, 1731, 436], [1700, 1731, 435], [1700, 1732, 433], [1699, 1732, 429], [1698, 1732, 425], [1697, 1732, 420], [1696, 1732, 416], [1695, 1732, 413], [1694, 1732, 411], [1693, 1732, 407], [1700, 1740, 404], [1699, 1740, 402], [1698, 1740, 399], [1697, 1740, 396], [1696, 1740, 393], [1695, 1740, 391], [1694, 1740, 390], [1694, 1741, 387], [1692, 1740, 384], [1691, 1740, 381], [1690, 1740, 379], [1690, 1741, 376], [1689, 1741, 373], [1689, 1742, 368], [1689, 1743, 362], [5288, 5343, 358], [5287, 5343, 357], [5287, 5344, 353], [5284, 5342, 352], [5283, 5342, 351], [5282, 5342, 350], [5281, 5342, 350], [5281, 5343, 349], [5280, 5343, 347], [5279, 5343, 346], [5279, 5344, 343], [5282, 5348, 342], [5281, 5348, 341], [5281, 5349, 340], [5280, 5349, 339], [5279, 5349, 338], [5278, 5349, 335], [5276, 5348, 334], [5276, 5349, 333], [5275, 5349, 332], [5274, 5349, 331], [5273, 5349, 330], [5272, 5349, 328], [5271, 5349, 326], [5270, 5349, 324], [5269, 5349, 322], [2487, 2568, 321], [2489, 2571, 321], [2490, 2573, 322], [2490, 2574, 323], [2489, 2574, 323], [2488, 2574, 323], [2487, 2574, 322], [2486, 2574, 322], [2485, 2574, 322], [2485, 2575, 321], [2485, 2576, 320], [2489, 2581, 320], [2487, 2580, 319], [2487, 2581, 319], [2489, 2584, 319], [2489, 2585, 319], [2488, 2585, 319], [2487, 2585, 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268], [2287, 2544, 268], [2286, 2544, 268], [2285, 2544, 268], [2284, 2544, 268], [2287, 2548, 268], [2287, 2549, 268], [2287, 2550, 268], [2294, 2558, 268], [2293, 2558, 269], [2292, 2558, 269], [2292, 2559, 269], [2291, 2559, 268], [2289, 2558, 269], [2288, 2558, 269], [2287, 2558, 269], [2294, 2566, 269], [2294, 2567, 269], [2293, 2567, 269], [2293, 2568, 270], [2293, 2569, 270], [2294, 2571, 270], [2295, 2573, 270], [2295, 2574, 270], [2294, 2574, 271], [2293, 2574, 271], [2292, 2574, 271], [2292, 2575, 271], [2291, 2575, 271], [2289, 2574, 271], [2288, 2574, 271], [2287, 2574, 271], [2287, 2575, 271], [2286, 2575, 271], [2294, 2584, 271], [2294, 2585, 272], [2293, 2585, 272], [2292, 2585, 272], [2293, 2587, 272], [2293, 2588, 272], [2293, 2589, 272], [2293, 2590, 272], [2293, 2591, 272], [2292, 2591, 272], [2287, 2591, 273], [2284, 2593, 272], [2279, 2593, 271], [2272, 2591, 271], [2270, 2594, 270], [2268, 2597, 269], [2269, 2603, 268], [2265, 2604, 266], [2260, 2604, 264], [4994, 5343, 263], [4988, 5342, 263], [4983, 5342, 263], [4979, 5343, 263], [4973, 5342, 264], [4969, 5343, 264], [4963, 5342, 264], [4959, 5343, 264], [4954, 5343, 264], [4948, 5342, 264], [4944, 5343, 264], [4938, 5342, 264], [4934, 5343, 265], [4928, 5342, 265], [4923, 5342, 265], [4918, 5342, 266], [4904, 5333, 266], [4908, 5342, 267], [4903, 5342, 267], [4898, 5342, 268], [4894, 5343, 268], [4889, 5343, 268], [4889, 5348, 267], [4885, 5349, 267], [4887, 5356, 266], [4883, 5357, 265], [4870, 5349, 264], [4865, 5349, 264], [4854, 5343, 264], [4855, 5349, 264], [4850, 5349, 264], [4851, 5355, 263], [4848, 5357, 262], [4828, 5342, 262], [4824, 5343, 262], [4825, 5349, 262], [4819, 5348, 261], [4815, 5349, 261], [4809, 5348, 260], [4805, 5349, 260], [4800, 5349, 260], [4795, 5349, 260], [4795, 5354, 259], [4794, 5358, 258], [4794, 5363, 257], [4785, 5359, 256], [4770, 5349, 256], [4766, 5350, 256], [4760, 5349, 255], [4760, 5354, 254], [4758, 5357, 254], [4728, 5332, 254], [4728, 5337, 255], [4728, 5342, 256], [4726, 5345, 256], [4725, 5349, 256], [4720, 5349, 255], [4708, 5342, 256], [4703, 5342, 256], [4691, 5335, 256], [4691, 5340, 257], [4689, 5343, 257], [4690, 5349, 257], [4685, 5349, 256], [4681, 5350, 256], [4675, 5349, 256], [4674, 5353, 255], [4674, 5358, 255], [4668, 5357, 254], [4669, 5363, 254], [4674, 5373, 253], [4669, 5373, 252], [4634, 5343, 252], [4634, 5348, 252], [4631, 5350, 252], [4625, 5349, 252], [4614, 5343, 251], [4614, 5348, 251], [4610, 5349, 251], [4605, 5349, 251], [4600, 5349, 251], [4595, 5349, 251], [4590, 5349, 250], [4592, 5356, 250], [4588, 5357, 250], [4584, 5358, 249], [4584, 5363, 249], [4589, 5373, 248], [4584, 5373, 247], [4579, 5373, 247], [4574, 5373, 246], [4569, 5373, 245], [4564, 5373, 245], [4543, 5357, 244], [4544, 5363, 244], [4539, 5363, 243], [4544, 5373, 243], [4539, 5373, 242], [1894, 2733, 241], [1894, 2738, 241], [1888, 2737, 241], [1918, 2772, 240], [1865, 2724, 241], [1864, 2728, 241], [1859, 2728, 241], [1857, 2731, 242], [1856, 2735, 242], [1848, 2732, 241], [1844, 2733, 241], [1844, 2738, 241], [1840, 2739, 240], [1865, 2769, 240], [1858, 2767, 241], [1857, 2771, 241], [1856, 2775, 241], [1848, 2772, 241], [1847, 2776, 241], [1842, 2776, 240], [1844, 2783, 240], [1830, 2774, 240], [1823, 2772, 240], [1821, 2775, 240], [1819, 2778, 239], [1820, 2784, 239], [1820, 2789, 238], [1820, 2794, 238], [1821, 2800, 237], [1820, 2804, 237], [1819, 2808, 236], [1815, 2809, 235], [1821, 2820, 235], [1572, 2576, 235], [1572, 2581, 235], [1572, 2586, 235], [1572, 2591, 235], [1568, 2592, 236], [1565, 2594, 236], [1558, 2592, 235], [1693, 2732, 235], [1689, 2733, 235], [1689, 2738, 235], [1520, 2574, 235], [1520, 2579, 235], [1520, 2584, 235], [1520, 2589, 236], [1518, 2592, 236], [1510, 2589, 236], [1507, 2591, 236], [1507, 2596, 236], [1507, 2601, 236], [1507, 2606, 235], [1487, 2591, 235], [1483, 2592, 236], [1453, 2567, 236], [1454, 2573, 236], [1450, 2574, 236], [1452, 2581, 236], [1451, 2585, 237], [1452, 2591, 237], [1449, 2593, 237], [1442, 2591, 237], [1439, 2593, 237], [1438, 2597, 237], [1430, 2594, 237], [1422, 2591, 237], [1420, 2594, 237], [1413, 2592, 237], [1413, 2597, 237], [1404, 2593, 237], [1403, 2597, 236], [1404, 2603, 236], [1394, 2598, 236], [1395, 2604, 236], [1383, 2597, 236], [1384, 2603, 235], [1508, 2732, 235], [1365, 2594, 235], [1364, 2598, 235], [1358, 2597, 235], [1487, 2731, 235], [1483, 2732, 235], [1518, 2772, 235], [1453, 2712, 235], [1453, 2717, 235], [1453, 2722, 236], [1453, 2727, 236], [1452, 2731, 236], [1449, 2733, 236], [1442, 2731, 236], [1438, 2732, 236], [1438, 2737, 236], [1429, 2733, 236], [1422, 2731, 236], [1420, 2734, 236], [1413, 2732, 236], [1449, 2773, 236], [1447, 2776, 236], [1439, 2773, 236], [1437, 2776, 236], [1431, 2775, 236], [1422, 2771, 236], [1421, 2775, 236], [1413, 2772, 236], [1412, 2776, 236], [1404, 2773, 236], [1402, 2776, 235], [1397, 2776, 235], [1394, 2778, 235], [1395, 2784, 235], [1382, 2776, 235], [1384, 2783, 235], [1369, 2773, 235], [1366, 2775, 235], [1361, 2775, 234], [1357, 2776, 234], [1350, 2774, 234], [1347, 2776, 234], [1338, 2772, 234], [1336, 2775, 234], [1333, 2777, 234], [1334, 2783, 234], [1330, 2784, 233], [1325, 2784, 233], [1336, 2800, 233], [1332, 2801, 232], [1334, 2808, 232], [1330, 2809, 232], [1324, 2808, 231], [1320, 2809, 231], [1097, 2591, 231], [1092, 2591, 231], [1088, 2592, 231], [1082, 2591, 231], [1080, 2594, 231], [1073, 2592, 231], [1073, 2597, 231], [1074, 2603, 230], [1070, 2604, 230], [1052, 2591, 230], [1049, 2593, 230], [1042, 2591, 230], [1040, 2594, 230], [1038, 2597, 230], [1039, 2603, 230], [1035, 2604, 230], [1018, 2592, 230], [1015, 2594, 230], [1013, 2597, 230], [1003, 2592, 230], [1003, 2597, 230], [1004, 2603, 230], [980, 2584, 229], [980, 2589, 230], [977, 2591, 230], [1098, 2717, 230], [1098, 2722, 230], [1098, 2727, 230], [1097, 2731, 231], [1093, 2732, 231], [1088, 2732, 231], [1083, 2732, 231], [1079, 2733, 231], [1073, 2732, 231], [1073, 2737, 230], [1098, 2767, 230], [1097, 2771, 231], [1096, 2775, 231], [1089, 2773, 231], [1083, 2772, 231], [1081, 2775, 231], [1073, 2772, 230], [1072, 2776, 230], [1074, 2783, 230], [1018, 2732, 230], [1053, 2772, 230], [1049, 2773, 230], [1042, 2771, 230], [1041, 2775, 230], [1037, 2776, 230], [1039, 2783, 230], [1035, 2784, 230], [1019, 2773, 230], [1016, 2775, 230], [1012, 2776, 230], [1004, 2773, 230], [1002, 2776, 230], [997, 2776, 230], [980, 2764, 229], [980, 2769, 230], [979, 2773, 230], [976, 2775, 230], [937, 2766, 229], [925, 2784, 229], [849, 2738, 228], [856, 2775, 228], [850, 2799, 227], [796, 2775, 226], [768, 2777, 226], [693, 2732, 227], [664, 2733, 226], [677, 2776, 226], [646, 2775, 226], [612, 2771, 226], [601, 2790, 225], [514, 2733, 225], [483, 2732, 225], [493, 2772, 225], [283, 2592, 225], [433, 2772, 225], [363, 2732, 225], [366, 2765, 225], [301, 2730, 225], [279, 2738, 225], [283, 2772, 225], [258, 2777, 225], [227, 2776, 225], [205, 2784, 224], [165, 2774, 223], [133, 2772, 223], [107, 2776, 223], [77, 2776, 223], [11, 2740, 223], [12, 2771, 223], [12, 2801, 222], [11, 2830, 221], [11, 2860, 221], [11, 2890, 219], [12, 2921, 218], [11, 2950, 218], [355, 3324, 218], [356, 3355, 218], [288, 3317, 218], [283, 3342, 218], [283, 3372, 218], [257, 3376, 218], [289, 3438, 218], [289, 3468, 218], [259, 3468, 218], [228, 3467, 217], [220, 3489, 217], [202, 3501, 217], [2020, 5349, 217], [1984, 5343, 217], [1960, 5349, 217], [1954, 5373, 217], [1904, 5353, 217], [1864, 5343, 217], [1847, 5356, 217], [1819, 5358, 217], [1818, 5387, 216], [1774, 5373, 216], [1700, 5329, 216], [1690, 5349, 217], [1689, 5378, 216], [1613, 5332, 217], [1611, 5360, 217], [1570, 5349, 217], [1524, 5333, 217], [1510, 5349, 218], [1481, 5350, 218], [1450, 5349, 218], [1420, 5349, 218], [1396, 5355, 218], [1360, 5349, 218], [1335, 5354, 218], [1324, 5373, 217], [1290, 5369, 216], [1234, 5343, 216], [1204, 5343, 217], [1180, 5349, 217], [1173, 5372, 216], [1113, 5342, 217], [1090, 5349, 218], [1054, 5343, 217], [1037, 5356, 218], [1000, 5349, 217], [976, 5355, 218], [934, 5343, 217], [915, 5354, 217], [874, 5343, 217], [850, 5349, 217], [844, 5373, 217], [790, 5349, 216], [760, 5349, 216], [724, 5343, 216], [694, 5343, 217], [678, 5357, 217], [639, 5348, 217], [611, 5350, 217], [601, 5370, 217], [550, 5349, 216], [519, 5348, 216], [490, 5349, 216], [469, 5358, 216], [431, 5350, 216], [407, 5356, 216], [363, 5342, 217], [354, 5363, 217], [303, 5342, 217], [280, 5349, 217], [259, 5358, 217], [220, 5349, 217], [210, 5369, 217], [160, 5349, 216], [130, 5349, 216], [100, 5349, 216], [78, 5357, 216], [34, 5343, 216], [11, 5350, 216], [11, 5380, 216], [11, 5410, 215], [0, 5429, 214], [11, 5470, 214], [11, 5500, 214], [11, 5530, 214], [11, 5560, 213], [11, 5590, 212], [11, 5620, 212], [298, 5937, 212], [272, 5941, 212], [243, 5942, 212], [211, 5940, 212], [279, 6038, 212], [266, 6055, 212], [209, 6028, 212], [210, 6059, 211], [212, 6091, 211], [30, 5939, 211], [10, 5949, 211], [13, 5982, 211], [12, 6011, 211], [11, 6040, 211], [12, 6071, 211], [10, 6099, 211], [11, 6130, 211], [127, 6276, 210], [97, 6276, 210], [67, 6276, 210], [16, 6255, 210], [11, 6280, 210], [12, 6311, 210], [11, 6340, 210], [11, 6370, 210], [0, 6389, 209]], 'time_in_bucket': [231, 6, 1, 5, 2, 9, 4, 6, 6, 7, 9, 8, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 7, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 9, 10, 6, 4, 6, 10, 4, 11, 3, 5, 8, 7, 3, 4, 6, 3, 7, 6, 2, 8, 5, 2, 3, 9, 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 10, 5, 6, 3, 10, 11, 8, 5, 9, 12, 6, 11, 9, 7, 8, 13, 8, 8, 14, 9, 9, 16, 14, 11, 12, 11, 19, 7, 8, 12, 7, 12, 11, 21, 22, 13, 18, 17, 17, 15, 15, 21, 15, 12, 15, 17, 18, 14, 18, 11, 16, 13, 17, 17, 17, 14, 16, 25, 21, 13, 15, 19, 14, 21, 13, 15, 21, 17, 19, 16, 19, 18, 19, 17, 15, 19, 27, 23, 12, 24, 22, 25, 18, 18, 22, 31, 19, 13, 20, 28, 13, 19, 19, 16, 22, 24, 23, 19, 25, 28, 20, 16, 25, 20, 17, 18, 16, 15, 12, 26, 28, 16, 17, 21, 13, 21, 20, 19, 25, 15, 21, 25, 25, 16, 24, 21, 19, 28, 19, 25, 29, 25, 22, 26, 11, 19, 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'activity_id': '4390495788', 'date': '1:50 PM on Wednesday, November 25, 2020'}, {'weighted_power': 263, 'training_load': 150, 'max_watts': 876, 'relative_intensity': 65, 'cp_data': [[1335, 1335, 876], [1338, 1339, 832], [1338, 1340, 815], [1335, 1338, 817], [1335, 1339, 814], [1335, 1340, 809], [1335, 1341, 807], [1335, 1342, 806], [1335, 1343, 806], [1334, 1343, 798], [1334, 1344, 791], [1334, 1345, 783], [1335, 1347, 783], [1335, 1348, 783], [1335, 1349, 780], [1335, 1350, 778], [1334, 1350, 775], [1334, 1351, 773], [1334, 1352, 768], [1334, 1353, 763], [1334, 1354, 758], [1334, 1355, 754], [1334, 1356, 747], [1333, 1356, 737], [1334, 1358, 732], [1334, 1359, 729], [1334, 1360, 726], [1334, 1361, 723], [1334, 1362, 719], [1334, 1363, 716], [1334, 1364, 714], [1334, 1365, 712], [1334, 1366, 711], [1334, 1367, 706], [1333, 1367, 700], [1334, 1369, 698], [1334, 1370, 697], [1334, 1371, 696], [1334, 1372, 695], [1334, 1373, 694], [1334, 1374, 692], [1334, 1375, 691], [1334, 1376, 690], [1334, 1377, 688], [1334, 1378, 687], [1334, 1379, 687], [1335, 1381, 688], [1335, 1382, 689], [1334, 1382, 690], [1334, 1383, 690], [1334, 1384, 689], [1334, 1385, 688], [1334, 1386, 686], [1334, 1387, 683], [1333, 1387, 680], [1332, 1387, 676], [1334, 1390, 673], [1334, 1391, 674], [1334, 1392, 674], [1334, 1393, 672], [1333, 1393, 669], [1332, 1393, 666], [1334, 1396, 662], [1334, 1397, 662], [1333, 1397, 660], [1332, 1397, 657], [1331, 1397, 653], [1330, 1397, 649], [1330, 1398, 644], [1329, 1398, 638], [1328, 1398, 631], [1328, 1399, 624], [1328, 1400, 617], [1328, 1401, 609], [1324, 1398, 602], [1324, 1399, 596], [1323, 1399, 590], [1323, 1400, 583], [1330, 1408, 576], [1329, 1408, 572], [1329, 1409, 568], [1329, 1410, 564], [1329, 1411, 560], [1330, 1413, 556], [1330, 1414, 553], [1330, 1415, 550], [1330, 1416, 547], [1330, 1417, 544], [1330, 1418, 541], [1330, 1419, 538], [1330, 1420, 535], [1330, 1421, 533], [1330, 1422, 530], [1329, 1422, 527], [1330, 1424, 525], [1330, 1425, 523], [1330, 1426, 520], [1330, 1427, 518], [1330, 1428, 517], [1330, 1429, 514], [1330, 1430, 511], [1330, 1431, 509], [1330, 1432, 506], [1330, 1433, 504], [1330, 1434, 502], [1330, 1435, 500], [1330, 1436, 498], [1330, 1437, 497], [1330, 1438, 495], [1330, 1439, 493], [1330, 1440, 491], [1330, 1441, 489], [1330, 1442, 487], [1330, 1443, 486], [1330, 1444, 484], [1330, 1445, 482], [1330, 1446, 480], [1330, 1447, 479], [1329, 1447, 477], [1330, 1449, 475], [1329, 1449, 473], [1330, 1451, 471], [1329, 1451, 469], [1329, 1452, 467], [1328, 1452, 464], [1330, 1455, 462], [1330, 1456, 461], [1330, 1457, 459], [1329, 1457, 457], [1328, 1457, 455], [1328, 1458, 453], [1329, 1460, 451], [1329, 1461, 449], [1329, 1462, 447], [1328, 1462, 445], [1328, 1463, 442], [1329, 1465, 440], [1329, 1466, 438], [1328, 1466, 436], [1328, 1467, 434], [1329, 1469, 432], [1328, 1469, 430], [1328, 1470, 427], [1328, 1471, 425], [1330, 1474, 424], [1329, 1474, 423], [1328, 1474, 421], [1328, 1475, 419], [1328, 1476, 417], [1328, 1477, 415], [1329, 1479, 413], [1329, 1480, 412], [1328, 1480, 410], [1329, 1482, 409], [1329, 1483, 407], [1329, 1484, 406], [1329, 1485, 405], [1330, 1487, 403], [1330, 1488, 402], [1330, 1489, 401], [1330, 1490, 401], [1330, 1491, 400], [1329, 1491, 399], [1329, 1492, 397], [1328, 1492, 396], [1329, 1494, 394], [1329, 1495, 393], [1329, 1496, 392], [1330, 1498, 391], [1330, 1499, 391], [1330, 1500, 390], [1329, 1500, 389], [1330, 1502, 388], [1330, 1503, 387], [1330, 1504, 387], [1329, 1504, 386], [1330, 1506, 385], [1330, 1507, 385], [1330, 1508, 384], [1330, 1509, 384], [1330, 1510, 383], [1330, 1511, 383], [1330, 1512, 382], [1330, 1513, 382], [1330, 1514, 381], [1330, 1515, 381], [1330, 1516, 381], [1330, 1517, 380], [1330, 1518, 380], [1329, 1518, 379], [4217, 4407, 378], [4217, 4408, 378], [4217, 4409, 378], [4217, 4410, 378], [4217, 4411, 378], [4219, 4414, 378], [4219, 4415, 378], [4219, 4416, 378], [4218, 4416, 378], [4217, 4416, 378], [4217, 4417, 378], 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4549, 361], [4214, 4553, 359], [4206, 4550, 357], [4204, 4553, 355], [4203, 4557, 353], [4215, 4574, 352], [4219, 4583, 353], [4217, 4586, 353], [4215, 4589, 353], [4215, 4594, 353], [4215, 4599, 352], [4215, 4604, 352], [4215, 4609, 351], [4213, 4612, 349], [4205, 4609, 348], [4203, 4612, 346], [4215, 4629, 346], [4215, 4634, 345], [4215, 4639, 345], [4215, 4644, 344], [4215, 4649, 343], [4215, 4654, 343], [4215, 4659, 343], [4215, 4664, 343], [4215, 4669, 343], [4215, 4674, 343], [4215, 4679, 343], [4215, 4684, 343], [4215, 4689, 343], [4215, 4694, 342], [4214, 4698, 342], [5638, 6127, 341], [5636, 6130, 341], [5634, 6133, 340], [5634, 6138, 340], [5634, 6143, 340], [5638, 6152, 339], [5635, 6154, 339], [5639, 6163, 339], [5639, 6168, 339], [5639, 6173, 339], [5638, 6177, 339], [5634, 6178, 339], [5634, 6183, 339], [5630, 6184, 338], [5629, 6188, 338], [5626, 6190, 337], [5617, 6186, 337], [5615, 6189, 336], [5615, 6194, 335], [5607, 6191, 335], [5606, 6195, 334], [5604, 6198, 333], [5590, 6189, 332], [5590, 6194, 332], [5581, 6190, 331], [5581, 6195, 331], [5569, 6188, 330], [5569, 6193, 329], [5569, 6198, 329], [5564, 6198, 328], [5537, 6176, 328], [5533, 6177, 328], [5533, 6182, 328], [5533, 6187, 327], [5531, 6190, 327], [5531, 6195, 326], [5529, 6198, 326], [5524, 6198, 325], [5519, 6198, 324], [5515, 6199, 323], [5505, 6194, 322], [5501, 6195, 321], [5499, 6198, 321], [5492, 6196, 320], [5488, 6197, 319], [5481, 6195, 319], [5475, 6194, 318], [5473, 6197, 317], [5469, 6198, 316], [5464, 6198, 315], [5438, 6177, 315], [5705, 6449, 315], [5705, 6454, 315], [5688, 6442, 315], [5683, 6442, 316], [5678, 6442, 316], [5677, 6446, 316], [5675, 6449, 317], [5667, 6446, 317], [5667, 6451, 317], [5666, 6455, 317], [5658, 6452, 317], [5656, 6455, 318], [5640, 6444, 318], [5639, 6448, 318], [5639, 6453, 318], [5638, 6457, 318], [5634, 6458, 318], [5639, 6468, 318], [5640, 6474, 319], [5639, 6478, 319], [5636, 6480, 319], [5634, 6483, 319], [5629, 6483, 319], [5626, 6485, 318], [5617, 6481, 318], [5614, 6483, 318], [5608, 6482, 317], [5606, 6485, 317], [5605, 6489, 316], [5594, 6483, 316], [5589, 6483, 316], [5586, 6485, 316], [5581, 6485, 315], [5574, 6483, 315], [5569, 6483, 315], [5567, 6486, 314], [5562, 6486, 314], [5556, 6485, 313], [5539, 6473, 313], [5538, 6477, 313], [5534, 6478, 313], [5533, 6482, 313], [5531, 6485, 313], [5524, 6483, 313], [5521, 6485, 312], [5625, 6594, 312], [5618, 6592, 312], [5615, 6594, 311], [5608, 6592, 311], [5606, 6595, 311], [5605, 6599, 310], [5595, 6594, 310], [5590, 6594, 310], [5585, 6594, 309], [5581, 6595, 309], [5575, 6594, 309], [5569, 6593, 309], [5569, 6598, 308], [5565, 6599, 308], [5524, 6563, 307], [5539, 6583, 307], [5539, 6588, 307], [5534, 6588, 308], [5533, 6592, 308], [5530, 6594, 308], [5530, 6599, 307], [5524, 6598, 307], [5520, 6599, 306], [5516, 6600, 306], [5505, 6594, 305], [5500, 6594, 305], [5381, 6480, 305], [5377, 6481, 305], [5375, 6484, 305], [5371, 6485, 305], [5366, 6485, 304], [5359, 6483, 304], [5357, 6486, 303], [5357, 6491, 303], [5357, 6496, 302], [5371, 6515, 302], [5375, 6524, 302], [5375, 6529, 302], [5375, 6534, 302], [5371, 6535, 301], [5376, 6545, 301], [5376, 6550, 301], [5415, 6594, 301], [5408, 6592, 301], [5404, 6593, 301], [5398, 6592, 301], [5395, 6594, 301], [5388, 6592, 301], [5385, 6594, 301], [5377, 6591, 301], [5375, 6594, 301], [5370, 6594, 301], [5366, 6595, 300], [5365, 6599, 300], [5358, 6597, 300], [5357, 6601, 299], [5358, 6607, 299], [5357, 6611, 298], [5357, 6616, 297], [5357, 6621, 297], [5357, 6626, 296], [5357, 6631, 296], [5357, 6636, 295], [5367, 6651, 295], [5375, 6664, 295], [5375, 6669, 295], [5371, 6670, 294], [5366, 6670, 294], [5359, 6668, 294], [5357, 6671, 294], [5355, 6674, 293], [5357, 6681, 292], [5358, 6687, 291], [5336, 6670, 291], [5332, 6671, 290], [5357, 6701, 290], [5353, 6702, 289], [5336, 6690, 288], [5336, 6695, 287], [5336, 6700, 287], [5332, 6701, 287], [5328, 6702, 286], [5323, 6702, 285], [5317, 6701, 284], [5312, 6701, 283], [5308, 6702, 282], [5294, 6693, 282], [5296, 6700, 281], [5292, 6701, 281], [5288, 6702, 280], [5283, 6702, 279], [5283, 6702, 278], [5283, 6702, 277], [5283, 6702, 276], [5283, 6702, 275], [5501, 6914, 275], [5501, 6919, 275], [5493, 6916, 275], [5491, 6919, 274], [5481, 6914, 274], [5481, 6919, 274], [5473, 6916, 274], [5471, 6919, 274], [5466, 6919, 273], [5457, 6915, 273], [5447, 6910, 273], [5441, 6909, 273], [5436, 6909, 273], [5431, 6909, 273], [5428, 6911, 273], [5423, 6911, 273], [5416, 6909, 274], [5415, 6913, 274], [5407, 6910, 274], [5403, 6911, 274], [5398, 6911, 274], [5396, 6914, 274], [5387, 6910, 274], [5379, 6907, 274], [5377, 6910, 274], [5375, 6913, 274], [5371, 6914, 274], [5368, 6916, 274], [5366, 6919, 274], [5358, 6916, 273], [5357, 6920, 273], [5357, 6925, 273], [5357, 6930, 272], [5354, 6932, 271], [5336, 6919, 271], [5336, 6924, 271], [5332, 6925, 270], [5332, 6930, 270], [5329, 6932, 269], [5323, 6931, 268], [5314, 6927, 268], [5312, 6930, 267], [5296, 6919, 267], [5291, 6919, 266], [5289, 6922, 266], [5021, 6593, 266], [5017, 6594, 266], [5012, 6594, 266], [5012, 6599, 266], [5008, 6600, 265], [5002, 6599, 265], [4997, 6599, 265], [4993, 6600, 265], [4996, 6608, 264], [4991, 6608, 264], [4979, 6601, 264], [4981, 6608, 263], [4214, 5846, 263], [4214, 5851, 263], [4214, 5856, 263], [4214, 5861, 263], [4215, 5867, 263], [4214, 5871, 263], [4214, 5876, 263], [4215, 5882, 263], [4213, 5885, 263], [4208, 5885, 263], [4203, 5885, 263], [4214, 5901, 263], [4215, 5907, 263], [4215, 5912, 263], [4215, 5917, 263], [4278, 6010, 264], [4217, 5979, 266], [4219, 6011, 267], [4277, 6099, 269], [4271, 6123, 270], [4217, 6099, 272], [4215, 6127, 273], [4215, 6157, 273], [4215, 6187, 274], [4200, 6202, 273], [4156, 6188, 271], [4129, 6191, 271], [4103, 6195, 271], [4215, 6337, 271], [4278, 6430, 271], [4272, 6454, 272], [4219, 6431, 274], [4215, 6457, 275], [4214, 6486, 275], [4213, 6515, 274], [4215, 6547, 274], [4215, 6577, 274], [4203, 6595, 274], [4200, 6622, 273], [4215, 6667, 272], [4112, 6594, 272], [4082, 6594, 271], [4056, 6598, 271], [4012, 6584, 270], [3992, 6594, 270], [3960, 6592, 270], [3937, 6599, 269], [3907, 6599, 269], [3886, 6608, 268], [3917, 6669, 267], [3889, 6671, 266], [3889, 6701, 265], [3766, 6608, 264], [3689, 6561, 264], [3691, 6593, 264], [3667, 6599, 264], [3633, 6595, 263], [3602, 6594, 263], [3577, 6599, 263], [3555, 6607, 262], [3516, 6598, 262], [3487, 6599, 261], [3452, 6594, 261], [3422, 6594, 260], [3394, 6596, 260], [3391, 6623, 259], [3327, 6589, 259], [3303, 6595, 259], [3277, 6599, 259], [3240, 6592, 258], [3237, 6619, 257], [3259, 6671, 257], [3230, 6672, 256], [3230, 6702, 255], [3171, 6673, 254], [3067, 6599, 254], [3036, 6598, 253], [3005, 6597, 253], [2972, 6594, 253], [2947, 6599, 253], [2926, 6608, 253], [2882, 6594, 252], [2860, 6602, 252], [2822, 6594, 251], [2862, 6664, 251], [2839, 6671, 251], [2729, 6591, 250], [2728, 6620, 250], [2728, 6650, 249], [2721, 6673, 249], [2720, 6702, 248], [2938, 6919, 247], [2904, 6915, 246], [2878, 6919, 246], [2848, 6919, 246], [2813, 6914, 245], [2788, 6919, 245], [2755, 6916, 244], [2728, 6919, 245], [2721, 6942, 243], [7989, 12303, 243], [7959, 12303, 243], [7929, 12303, 242], [7900, 12304, 242], [7869, 12303, 242], [7839, 12303, 241], [7819, 12313, 241], [7779, 12303, 241], [7760, 12314, 241], [7719, 12303, 240], [7689, 12303, 240], [7659, 12303, 240], [7630, 12304, 240], [7599, 12303, 239], [7536, 12270, 239], [7539, 12303, 239], [7520, 12314, 239], [7479, 12303, 239], [7449, 12303, 238], [7429, 12313, 238], [5526, 10409, 238], [5530, 10443, 238], [5518, 10461, 238], [5416, 10389, 238], [5386, 10389, 238], [5376, 10409, 238], [4221, 9252, 239], [4218, 9279, 240], [4215, 9306, 240], [4215, 9336, 240], [4215, 9366, 241], [4215, 9396, 241], [4214, 9425, 241], [4220, 9461, 242], [4220, 9491, 242], [4215, 9516, 243], [4215, 9546, 243], [4200, 9561, 243], [4169, 9560, 242], [4138, 9559, 242], [4109, 9560, 242], [4078, 9559, 242], [4048, 9559, 242], [4009, 9550, 242], [3991, 9562, 242], [3960, 9561, 242], [3928, 9559, 242], [3900, 9561, 242], [3871, 9562, 241], [3826, 9547, 241], [3810, 9561, 241], [3778, 9559, 241], [3748, 9559, 240], [3696, 9537, 240], [3688, 9559, 241], [3658, 9559, 240], [3628, 9559, 240], [3598, 9559, 240], [3568, 9559, 240], [3538, 9559, 240], [3510, 9561, 240], [3478, 9559, 240], [3448, 9559, 240], [3418, 9559, 240], [3391, 9562, 240], [4215, 10351, 240], [4217, 10383, 240], [4213, 10409, 241], [4215, 10441, 241], [4204, 10460, 241], [4215, 10501, 240], [4126, 10442, 240], [4220, 10566, 240], [4213, 10589, 241], [4207, 10613, 241], [4203, 10639, 240], [4219, 10685, 240], [4200, 10696, 240], [4200, 10726, 240], [4057, 10613, 240], [4009, 10595, 240], [3997, 10613, 240], [3960, 10606, 240], [3937, 10613, 240], [3907, 10613, 240], [3960, 10696, 240], [3956, 10722, 240], [3926, 10722, 240], [3897, 10723, 240], [4211, 11067, 240], [4208, 11094, 240], [4215, 11131, 240], [4204, 11150, 240], [4215, 11191, 240], [4208, 11214, 240], [4217, 11253, 240], [4200, 11266, 240], [4204, 11300, 240], [4200, 11326, 240], [4213, 11369, 240], [4215, 11401, 240], [4200, 11416, 239], [4011, 11257, 239], [3990, 11266, 239], [3960, 11266, 239], [3926, 11262, 239], [3950, 11316, 239], [4006, 11402, 239], [3977, 11403, 239], [3947, 11403, 239], [3917, 11403, 239], [3887, 11403, 239], [4069, 11615, 238], [4002, 11578, 238], [4004, 11610, 239], [3971, 11607, 238], [3940, 11606, 238], [3911, 11607, 238], [3889, 11615, 238], [4215, 11971, 238], [4202, 11988, 238], [4214, 12030, 238], [4216, 12062, 238], [4203, 12079, 238], [4208, 12114, 238], [4213, 12149, 238], [4217, 12183, 238], [4217, 12213, 238], [4206, 12232, 238], [4214, 12270, 238], [4215, 12301, 238], [4200, 12316, 238], [4077, 12223, 238], [4094, 12270, 238], [4008, 12214, 238], [3987, 12223, 238], [4004, 12270, 238], [4007, 12303, 238], [3944, 12270, 238], [3947, 12303, 238], [3917, 12303, 238], [3888, 12304, 238], [3890, 12336, 237], [3826, 12302, 237], [3797, 12303, 237], [3687, 12223, 237], [3676, 12242, 237], [3622, 12218, 237], [3597, 12223, 237], [3558, 12214, 237], [3583, 12269, 237], [3587, 12303, 237], [3557, 12303, 237], [3537, 12313, 237], [3463, 12269, 237], [3468, 12304, 237], [3447, 12313, 236], [3407, 12303, 236], [3297, 12223, 236], [3313, 12269, 236], [3318, 12304, 236], [3287, 12303, 236], [3261, 12307, 236], [3237, 12313, 236], [3208, 12314, 236], [3178, 12314, 235], [3137, 12303, 235], [3107, 12303, 235], [3077, 12303, 235], [2968, 12224, 235], [2937, 12223, 235], [2953, 12269, 235], [2957, 12303, 235], [2927, 12303, 235], [2863, 12269, 235], [2865, 12301, 234], [2848, 12314, 234], [2808, 12304, 234], [2788, 12314, 234], [2728, 12284, 234], [2728, 12314, 234], [2725, 12341, 233], [2667, 12313, 233], [2665, 12341, 233], [2635, 12341, 232], [2581, 12317, 232], [2575, 12341, 231], [887, 10595, 231], [875, 10613, 231], [873, 10641, 231], [895, 10693, 231], [895, 10723, 231], [873, 10731, 231], [879, 10767, 231], [875, 10793, 231], [1330, 11278, 231], [1330, 11308, 231], [882, 10890, 231], [1029, 11067, 231], [999, 11067, 231], [1044, 11142, 231], [1022, 11150, 231], [993, 11151, 231], [945, 11133, 231], [942, 11160, 231], [894, 11142, 231], [881, 11159, 231], [884, 11192, 231], [876, 11214, 231], [893, 11261, 231], [873, 11271, 231], [887, 11315, 231], [945, 11403, 231], [881, 11369, 231], [884, 11402, 231], [931, 11749, 230], [955, 12073, 231], [885, 12303, 231], [690, 12270, 227], [423, 12303, 227], [123, 12303, 227]], 'time_in_bucket': [471, 22, 16, 17, 18, 69, 23, 15, 4, 7, 10, 5, 14, 8, 5, 5, 10, 5, 8, 5, 3, 0, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 8, 6, 5, 7, 2, 13, 6, 7, 4, 7, 9, 7, 4, 1, 3, 12, 10, 5, 5, 9, 5, 3, 5, 9, 8, 6, 6, 10, 6, 7, 12, 11, 14, 6, 6, 8, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 7, 16, 10, 13, 5, 12, 16, 10, 19, 9, 15, 10, 16, 15, 16, 24, 12, 13, 14, 18, 11, 15, 18, 15, 16, 20, 11, 19, 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 14, 19, 16, 20, 22, 16, 18, 16, 19, 23, 19, 26, 19, 21, 16, 19, 21, 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Excellent! So, our little script above did a lot of heavy lifting when it ran. It opened every single individual activity web page from Strava, it then scanned the html for that time tag, it pulled the data from inside that time tag and then it added it to our ever-growing dictionary of individual workout data. If you look at the list of workouts it returned, you'll see that each dictionary within the last, now has a date item giving the date and time that the workout occurred.

Final step...

Now that we have pulled all of this yummy data from Cam's Strava account, we don't want to lose it! So, let's put it into a file that we can reference later. Spreadsheets are always good for this type of thing so let's do that...

Of course, Python has a library that deals specifically with transforming data into spreadsheets/csv files called, apprpriately enough - csv...

In [19]:
import csv

our_spreadsheet = open('our_spreadsheet.csv', 'w', newline='')
output_writer = csv.writer(our_spreadsheet)
headers = power_stats[0].keys()
for workout in power_stats:

Bingo bango! In the above block of code, we opened a new csv file and called it 'our_spreadsheet', we then used the csv library's 'writer' function to write to our spreadsheet. First we wrote in all of the headers from our data by simply referencing the first workout dictionary in our big list of workouts and pulling the name of each key from that dictionary. Then we looped through each workout and pulled each of the values from the workout and wrote it to a row on our spreadsheet. That's it! If you're viewing this in Colab and you look to the files pane on your left, you'll now see that we have a nice collated spreadsheet of all of Cam's rides with power from the last year with all of the data that we pulled above - his weighted power, training load, max watts, relative intensity, cp data, time in each power bucket, time in zone, athlete ftp, athlete weight, activity id & the date and time of the activity. All is a nice spreadsheet (that you can download, open with Excel etc.) ready for further analysis and modeling! (as shown below)

And, more importantly, since we built everything in functions above, we could now use the exact same pattern above to loop through multiple years of training by simply replacing the offset of 0 in the url above with a loop of 0-10.

If you have more time to kill, you could potentially make an even bigger loop that increments through all of the available athlete ids (at least up to your API limit for that day) and pull all of the public data into one humungous dataset! The sky is the limit with Python & the web!

I will leave it to you to play with that until, in our next edition of Python for Coaches I'll go into how we can use Python's Pandas library to analyze the spreadsheet that you've built (and other exported spreadsheets, e.g. from Training Peaks) to extract key insights from the data that you've mined!

Until then...

Train smart,